Arrival int- - Departtiktiof :Stages.: - Stages running over the ditterent route, from 0? r. Weilaboro; will depart and, 4. 1 . 71-- 1 .11. .,z 1a , 47 3 ..mi i"% ar ' t '.*:',7-, • arrive' as follow," trunk the , . - Wellaboro Pod °Mee: WELLSBORO do TrooA. 7 -Departlo34,s.m., arrivB I 3 Wiasnono & tianeraln. 7 -Depart Ba. m.; arrive .° p. Wataaono & PucE Carm.—Depart Tues. & Fri. 2 p. arrive Tuesday & Pri,l2lo. • ' • Wateaoso & JERSEY &mane—Depart Mon. a Till:m.9 a.m • a rrivo Tueaday Nri. 6 p.m , , . E TIOGA COUNTY AGITATOR. Local Items. WEDNESDAY, FEE. 2, 1870 • Now A4vertleortionto. Den stns—A. B. Xat!tman. Grea Bargain—C. B. Whitehall. Notice—M. M. Leo. l'ublio Verolue—Joseph Notice—Robert Campbell. Noraway Oate—ll. 8. Archer. Note Lost—W. 13- Bowen. Penn'a State Normal •-chool—C. It. Vertil New Adva—P. R. Williams. Book Report. • ST. PAUL'S CHURCH.—There will be Divine Service and Preaching in this Church at o'clok P. M. of Wednesday, Feb. 2nd, being the anniversary of the "anntinciation of the Virgitf Mary." NOTICE.—The person sending• us $4, G 5 in currency from Lawrenceville tin a" letter will please forward hie name that wo tinily place that amount to his credit. DONATION.—The friends of, Rev. S. M. Broakman, will give blue a donation at the Bsptist Hall, Tuesday everting, Feb. 8. 1870.' A oordial invitation is extended to all. NOTICE.—Ast I propose to leave Wella boro, on the 9th of February, all persons owing mo are requested to call and settle before that time, and all having claims, are requested fo present the same, or thereafter forever hold their peace. W. B. Bowaic. REl.Tomus•—Rev. W. P. Omans is holding a protracted meeting at East Troopsburg Stenben Co., N. Y. which 4 awakening a great lo interest. There have be:: 1 75 ; converted, 6 hab tired Sunday a week an 4 on . the Tuesday erening following. A num er more were to be iaptined last Sabbath. RAU . ROAD.— ! Fhe Committees in form us that all the names of the subscribers to the fund, and the amounts they give will bo pub plished, in both county papers, that .the - poople nay know how liberal they have been in this important enterpfip; EWSPAPOR4L.—F. A. Root, for merly of this place, commenced the publication of The Waterville Telegraph, a we e kly paper, pub. lislaed at waterville, Marshal Co., Kansas, on the first day of January. He gets up a spicy little paper, and we wish him a full measure Of success. Tle has tried the beauties of office-hold ing, but now comes back to the freedom (7) of the press. \ lle has, no one to blame but himself; for he fs aril old transgressor in the business. Last week one of Sheriff Potter's prisoners, weary of life, or wanting a plea to excuse Lim from criminal responsibility, undertook to beat out his brains with a stick of maple wood. He didn't hurt theiwood materially, though it was a little soiled with blood. , ADV I ERTItING.—Some people say they don't believe in advertising for "nobody reads it."- But lot them get into a "muss" nd you will won find them in the printing o ce begging that the fact may not be mcntid ed, as they don't want their names published "a . ll over the county„' SOU Tl.—The larger portion of the boys will no doubt agree with Josh Billings in his explimetion of the word sound. le rays: , "The Isound of n dinner horn, for instance, travels half a mile in a second, while an invita- Atm to git up in the morning I, have known to be 2 quarters uv an hour going up 2 pair of stairs, and thin not have strength to he heard." G 013E1 ° 8- LADY'S BooK.—Godey is ulways ahe'ad! The illustrations presented in the February number aro splendid as usual, and the fashion plate is the delight of the ladies. This magazine has just entered upon its fourteenth' year with unusual attractions. Its literary mat ter is of a higher order than is usually found in other magazines. It should he on the table Of erery family in the land. Terms $3. Addrtss L. t Godeg, Phitiadelphia, P.e. - No LEGISLATIVE REcoiuY—We have a letter (tom 11on t .T. B. Biles in which ho says, Jan. 2.5 : "We:havejust postponed indefinat j ely the I. , ddintion of tho Record, voted down all pot:tago, ant refu4ed to print any public documenis." as Chairman of the committee on Printing , la! do t e all that he thought proper\ to get tho: la, , ccedings before the people, at the that:ll t^ , lcing to protect the State against frauds. Ittl ore properly says that the people have a right to uzh mformation ns will afford them an on , lcritatling of what. their representatives .ire doing. This action will account for the non receipt of the usual documents by their conblituents; and HQ call attention to it to that none of our nadsrb ohell th i nk they have been forgotten. EDUCATIONAL GAZETTE.-1.1.1is is a monthly paper published in Philadelphia, which ~11 that its name purports, and more' ; fur it is 1, , ,t itintiited to such special matters as ' most _of our educational publications um Thu fitat num_ ber of the year is before us. It is ono of the Lest printecispapers tie have ever seen, and the nutter is all excellent. J It offers the following prizes for IS7O : For the Eleven best EssiLys $l5OO will be awarded, and $lOOO additional will be paid for the Twen (3' hest Compositions of scholars at school. These ..z.k .h to be submitted prior to April 20, 1870, and she ision will be announced in the July num. beros the Educational Gazette. For the Ten, largest lists of Subecriptions $5OO will be given the first receiving $125; while unequalled offers are made to 'pupils to become 'active canvassers. The January number gives full details of these awards, and then the terms will be exactly ful. filled. Address; C. 11. Turner 1 Co. 607 Chest nut St., Philadelphia. CAUGHT AT LAST.—"Murder will out.', 10 a former issue, we noticed the arrest and detention in our county Jail o a certain peddler , stbe was suppsoed to .be the murderer of Dr. Ileado. We have been not a littlo amused, to tee how many unfortunate sons of Adam have teen arrested as the identical men who did the deed, but who, on production .of the evidence Of i dentification, have been released as' innocent but persecuted mon. To have al peculiar mat* upon the face, or hand; tcl.bear the, appearance qbarink lately been shorn of whiskers ; or to rvsembl: in any particular, the real et:sat:sin, was enougthe bring down upon any strolling chap, the vengeance of the reward hunters. At last, however, the real criminal has been Caught; and it is to bo hoped that no More in nocents will hoped° to suffer. A young man named Thoodo6 Nichols was suspected, traced to Buffalo, there arrested, and has now confessed ths Prime. Ills statement is as follows : " I en's sorry ram in this position but it is too 'ste now. If they had not found, the watch \I :t:ould have been safe; hnt the evidence is too, • :tad I suppose I shall be hung. When I left Wears I had no intention of doing anything t he Lind. As Ipassed Dr. Meade's office I saw :;,e, doctor, and made up my mind to get 'his I went in and eat down, asked the doe tor to loan me two dollars t&get to Dunkink ; he dcel:ned to lo'an tne.any money, and I waited ear opportunity and grabbed him with the intention of takin g it from him. The dootor was too strong f' , r rue and got me down. We had a rover° !`''file, and the doctor gut too up and went and locked the door and locked me in. -thought ho , Ta? going to get a gun to guard roe, for the do n_ t keips a gun, and he is an awful tempered tr:Ra when be gets mad. I seized a small chordlY:the eto‘e and hit him over the bead two or three titnee, and the store key fell from his hand ,iO.l I dois't know but I struck him once or twice after that. I then took his watch and money unlocked the store door, eventent out, locked the door after me, and started for Olean." fast 4udionco gathered at the,Court Mouse Friday evening, to liaterrieLthe 'leoturb of ' Pro." C. ' - 11. Verrill of State Normal School Mansfield, on "Amusements" Ile held the audience in close attention throughout. lbelecture,was Sprightly', easy and natural ; the delivery was gracefulv end, altogether It whiled avra3l the shear in ,a. happy mood, kindred to the subject. Most of all, it was modest and unpretending—qualities ythieh, make simple words however wise,„ fell upon the car her moniouily, and touch the better nature happily when without them, an audience goes away dis turbed by ugly forms starting uiti,on every aide- The lecture was full of beauty, fqr it.was true to nature. REBIOVAL.—Messrs. S I Ith ~Merr ick have removed from the offle lay.elyoeeußie4 l l by them, to one over Relley'a no • blook. They have a very pleneant room there. JERSEY SHORE AND PINE CREEK RAILTtOAD.—A meeting ;as held 'at the Ilcrdio Heusi, in Williamsport; recently, and an address . tras issued to the peoplitalong the lino of the pro posed road, signed by ninny gentlemen of means, owning property alo,hg the route, calling another meeting at the same plhee, to be held on the Bth inst. , The object of the meeting is to devise proposed. road in course of means to place the construction at once. The road passes through porticin of Lycoming, Tioga and Potter coun ties, to the Stop line, and• there connects with a contemplated toad down ' the Genesee valley to Rochester. This road has le'ng been talked of, and lately au to.dout feeling has been manifested in the entcrpriso. It will undoubtedly,be built at no distant day, as it will make a better and mere direct route from tha West, and Western New York, southward, than at present exists. It will open'a large tract of country, now comparatively a wilderness, and make an outlet for an immense quantity of timber and coal. The peoplo along the whole route seem to be sanguine, and in real I earnest about it. f the road is built, it will at once become a great thoroughfare from the north to the south, and nothing more fortunate could happen for the development of the southern and western part of Tioga county. • RAILROAD MEETING. Pursuant to notice, an adjourned railroad meet ing was held in the Court' House, Saturday eve ning last. There was a largo attendance; and after reports by committees on subscriptions, and speeches by gentlemen present, reeolutions wore offered to add to the committee in Delmar tho names of V. 11. Baldwin and Devillo Stowell, • and appoint a Committee fur liforris.—William Babb, Samuel Donne, William Stutiker,Tuoch Blackwell. r Committee for Lawrenceville.—S. I. Pourer, Dr. Granger, Charles S. Matter, Judge Wheeler, Aus tin Lathrop. • Additional Corn, for Dliddirbury.—Merrill Sta ples, George Potter. A ommittee was.appointed to arrange with Mr. Magee, or, officers of the company, in regard to indemntifying the company for "right of way," and to reako•some agreement with them for the completion of the road within a stated time.— Adjourned to meet at the Court House on Satur day evening, 12th_inst. ..111m3ais RUN.—The temier of our citizens was considerably ruffled, on bearing that some of those County speculators in• search' of a now 'ounty, were intending to take a slice of our coin y. Now to such proposals we say emphat ically : No gentlemen. We would advise those ambitions gentlemen to go to Montana or some other Territory where their ambitious desires would be gratified to their full extent, by having a whole county to themselves. We do not •wish you to try your surgical knife on our county. Our citizens are a unit on that point. The arrival on the 22d of January of a special train in town with a large delegation of Odd Fellows, announced to the citizens that the Odd Fellows were abcint to organize a new Lodge hero. This was done by the District Deputy Grand Masker, J. M. Butler, a gentleman every way qualified to fill the important position to which ho has been called. After the Ledge was duly organized, and the officers installed, the members and inoikor4 f betook thetIIEOIVCS to the Muniltou House, where the Coirine deportment had been in operation, superintended by the. proprietor, Mr. Stephen Bowen, who spared no pains to make his guests comfortable. Dishes of those delicious bivalves and tither delicacies of the season were found on his tables, to which the guests did ample justice. Thanks are tine to Mr. Bowen for the generous and 'courteous manner in which ho entertained his guests: After supper and the usual courlosies among the members, the company broke up, highlyideased with the tfitertainment. Business has 'darted up here. Mining opera tions have emnmenced ; the company are puttin g out a large stock of coal this winter. Cobsiderable disappointment is felt herd, at not having the usual amennt of :110{V to got in the lumber, as the lumber is indispensable in carry ing on the work in the summer season. nut Dame Niturc will barn her freaks some times ouid we must abide by her laws. 'the mortality among the children Was fallen off here, so that parents breath more freely, and the doctors vit4 ‘erea. W. L. R. I/IBM:W.—Since my .last' couamutli eation, I have gathered the following items for your paper. The citizens of our - community, have raised a sufficient amount of money to send to New York, for a Set of brass instruments, for thetse of a brass baud organization in our vil lage. The instruments arrived at our place the Vith inst., and the members .of. the hand found them to' ho first class. Mr. A. Fieldhouse, au old experienced band teacher, has been employed as their instructor, the members of the hand have' met several times for l instruction, and their teacher is well pleased with their eagerness to learn' He says if they continue to manifest such a strong desire to learn, it will ho but a short time until they will be masters of their. instruments, and will be able to discourse music for any occasion. Miss Ada Bush, of I'Vellsboro, is now in our village fur the purpoot•instructing a class to play the Cabinet Organ. I have been told she has met with good success in getting up a class, I hope she may succeed in improving the musical tdlont of the young people for good Music cheers up the drooping spirits, through tires uneven journey. On the evening of tho 20th inst., , nocording to previous notice given byt the committee, there was a grand festival bold in the basement of the E. Church, for the purpose of raising 'funds to pay off a balance remaining unpaid, ore the Church Bell that was bought early in the fall.— It was well attended ;*and to the gratification of the committee, the proceeds of the effort, amoun ted to over fifty dollars in cash, which enabled the committee to liquidate the debt of the boll and pay all the expenses. John F. Hart, Esq., aged 83 years, 0 months and 17 tlays, died on tho 20th, ofJiin: 1870. The subject of this notice, was born in Harrisburg, Pa. fn an early' day with his father, he wended his way through the wilderness, to the valley of the -Tiega river, near Law renceville. Subsequently Mr. Hart, in the year 1820 removed from the .Tioga valley to Liberty Township, at which place ho has been a worthy citizen up until the Limo of his death. SCRIBE. MAINsBUBG.—Dear Agitator: Once aweek you are our welcome visitor, and among the many fl ood things you bring us, not the least is your col inn of local. New Year' eve, Elder Rhinevault held watch meeting. The ti - iectingwas very interesting, and profitable. All remained-until the close. Elder It. has just closed a - prqracted meeting of ,about ire weeks, which ho hns'been holding with the ,•_•tate Road Church. Sumo have been hopefully converted, and the church revived. The schools are moving along finely. Sume F ahool houses in Sullivan aro in bad repair. We need better school houses. 'Why an; they rot made conifortabl*and pleasant? I might rpeak of a dancing school which bus been started at the hotel, but I will not, for fear I should say something that would seem to en dorse it. Young man, if you'would be respected, keep out of hadi company. If you would be use ful in riper age, lind exercise in useful employ ment now. Remember that if you sow wild oats in the spring -time of life, you will certainly hati•e wild oats to reap in later years. 1 i' The friends of Elder Bhinevault made him a onation at thielliace: Jan. 12th, amounting to 190, and another at the house of E. Dewey Jan. 9th, amountkg to $5O. The temperance lecture at this place alit well attended, and was a con vincing and attentive argument. F. K. WEIGH; CIE tho serviceg or Mr. J. Adams Sail% U. B. for 'Rriasii eltb. Mr. t2,l,m)th" Mature im•thesitattle nearairer witht the Alabturia. this lecture is out of the home course, and it bas cast the , society considerable trouble and, ex pense to preemie ft. - Tioketd will therefore - be sold at Bookstore for 35 cents each. No compli mentary tickets will be issued. Leoture will be at the M. E. Church, and will commence at &clock. . 'This lecture has been delivered In Boston and ZIOX York With groat sactess.-T-sp.) Vlairr AND iairikatEirriiv Mr. M. D. Prince of this place, is taking orders for fruit and ornamental trees, shrubbery &0., for . the "Catherine Highland Nurseries," Schuyler Co., N. Y L ., These Nurseries halm a, high,:roputa r , thin, and we linve no hesitation in commending Mr: Prince to all Who ife'sire anytbin'g in -this • lino. •He will take orders; ,during the, 'winter, and see them filled by delivery in proper season. These trees are much better adapted 'to the cli mate, than those reared under a warmer sun, as they wi,ll not be so , likely to suffer from, ex posure during Our winters,-4t. ' ARTHUR'S HOME MAGAZINE ron Fp:Ban /me is, if anything, better and handsomer than the itdmirilblo January issue, which, took its readers by surprise, with its charming new dross and improved air. The continued series of Arti cles oh " The Marvels of the Insect World" will deeply intereSt every, young and old, and none who road the opening chapters of Miss Tovins end's new story, "'Jacqueline'," „will noed••to be Invited tci a perusal of more chapters in the serial. The excellent stories, and many entertaining, in structive, and useful articles in the "Donn," give it en interest ntill value peculiar to itself.— As a Lady's Magazine, it combines all the best features of such periodicals, and it is ideasant to know that it has become a general favorite.— Published by T. S. ,Arthur do Sons, Philadelphia, at $2,00 a year, with a liberal reduction for clubs.' Sold by News Dealers, at 20 cents a number. Yount; FOLKS' News.—While speaking of per iodicals and Journals for the young folks, we can not too earnestly commend to their patronage this excellent- weekly paper, published ittlhe cheap rate of one dollar per year. New subscrib ers receive the paper fifteen months for one dol lar. ,Being illustrated With handsome cuts, and tilled with entertaining and instructive matter, it is just the thing to•please the young folks.. The children need just such a japer'-to tone their morale, to excite their imagination, and to sharp 'en their wits. Remember that this paper is a Weekly. ERD MARTIN, /:',ablishor, 1214 , PhiladolOhia,` - Send to AL, Chestnut Stree, MARRIAGES 110WE-LWILLARD. --- January 26ib, 1870; by Rev. J. P. Calkins, Mr. Morris D. Howe to Miss Isabella L. Willard, both of Delmar. CHAMBERLIN—CAMPBELL.— rn Delmar, at to residtrnee of, the bride's father, Jan. 2611, 1870, by Rev, A. Dodge, Mr. Lyman P. Cham berlin, of Ridgebury, Bradford county, Pa., to Miss l lCato Campbell. FRALIC—SIIERWOOD.—At the Dickinson House, Corning, Jan. 12th, by Rev. C. P. Hard, Mr. D. L. Franc of Lamb's Creek, Pa., to Miss Anna M, Sherwood, of Mansfield, Pa. • MORAN—STRAIT.---At tho residence of the bride's parents, in Canton township, Jun. 4th, 1870, by Rev. J: L. Watson,r. D. J. Moran to Didie C. Strait, both f Canton, Pa. NOTICE.: • , • Ali pertains indebted to the subscriber in AC counts or Notes, aro requested to. pall immedi ately an settle with A: LEE, Knoxville, Pa. Fob. '2, 1870. 2 M. M. LRE, PUBLIC VF;NDUE. ILL be sold at public vonduo, on tho old VV . farm of tho subscriber, in Middlebury, on Tuesday, tho 15th instant, the following prop erty : Ono pair five year old horses, ono double har ness, two three year old colts, seven cows, eight calves, one two year old bull, four hogs, ono side hill plough, one dog churn, ono hand churn, one drag? one cheese press, sixty-five milk pans, and ottier things too numerous to. mention. Also 25 tons of hay. All stuns under fivo dollars, oash. All over fivo dollars, six months' credit given, for good paper. Sale to' coonnonce nt ton o'clock, A. M. Feb. 2, 1' 70. 1v " JOSEPH GUILE. A. R. EASTMAN- DENTIST , NA: • IVELLSI3OIf.O, PA Special Netice.. AB. EASTMAN has the largest stock of tooth over kept in Tioga county. Also a NVAV IN PROVEIMINT, nay or before offered to the public, with which he cah give more perfect sets of teeth than can possibly be made nu any other plan yet known. [Sob testimonial at the office.] Nitrous oxide gas administered with remarka ble effect; rendering 1119 extraction of teeth pain less, and even pleasant. Two new and complete gasometers in operation, furnishing a full sup ply of fresh gas at all times. Special attention paid to filling and preserva tion of the naturaj teeth. Prices to suit all. Feb 2 '7O tf GREAT BARGAIN. PIANO FOR SALE. New. Celebrated ma hers. Made of rosewood; carved legs, iron frame ; over-strung bass; 7 octaves. To be sold for one third less than cost. Guarantied for tie years. For casbror on tiwo, with good security. Can be seen at C. B. NVhitohead's, Nelson, TiOga county, Pw. fob 2 '7O `2.w* . ` - NroncE—L, hereby given to the citizens of 11 Delmar school district, that the'School Di rectors silt meist nt the school house near the Delmar cheese - factory, on the 12th day of Feb., instant, tor the purpohe of letting the wood fur the winter schools of 1870-71. 1:C13 RT CAMPBELL, Seo'y Bohnar, Fab 2, 1871. 2w Norway Oats. IHAVE for sale forty bushels of the genuine Ramsdell Norway Oats; being part of 77i bushels raised from 28 quarts sown on I of an acre. The seed from which the above oats wore raised, was bought in New York oily, from the sole agents for the sale of the genuine Ramsdell Norway Oats. _ 11. S. ARCHER. Wellsboro, Feb 2, 1870. 3m ni 1--3 Mti P:1 ft tm-.1 lz t--1 ~- 1,111-4q,p0v1 0 .-•it,l ' 8 v ;-..• v , B' -, o, m et ti - 0 ' to m 11 (' • g Q o 14 - 1.3 :: ; :', : - XI - \. '' - A 1- I l i D'" '• ' ' ' ' Gw• 4 II ••4 A 0 . ._ig)o? l tW - 051:11 4 ° ?' i t 4 ?' UP 0 t e l 4. 1. - - .A- .4 - .: • - . I _4, NI 41 01 s I 0 . 10 Ii I s , -? 1 g i l I 1 1i 0 Ns I. "'i . r P. , I I r ' I , , I I - I, , - d,ii • I VI.I 40 ,s C..” 1 Cr; W.D 14. CO ..I It.. Q 1 c_ li ~2 , p -- 1 Is:: c.. 0 . 5.* :.-- - i app c. , crx CoCo - c.o co c* z z., oo c o c ., c) rP-- 1 cn 1.. D ••-1 C,4 orD c .. 0 S H OC t vp7-... C , ...b4D 1.4) : p.... 11 ---, of) 1. 1 ~- 5 c , .kt:. , , ` c:',o cz c, to e 4 ,P.-1.. EXECUTORS' NOTICE.—The undersigned, Executors of the estate of Eleuer S. See ly, deceased, late of Deerfield, request all those indebted to said estate to make immediate pay ment, aild all those having claims against it to present them fur settlement, to HANNAH SEELEY, Rex. JOHN UOWLAND, Ex.'r. Deerfield, Jan.2s, 1870.--.Bte No. 18, MA IN &MEET, 2 o 0 0 1 , , 0 ill A.:Of _Folks -Tor, • gho' follow trig 18 IMQns 140, pr4OneB, fea lures of Onn'YOuict7otactiloi 1870 • T. Whitney, enthor ;of u , ,et;Bton.- mer {n Leslie Ooidateaits's VA"' will contribute the lending aerial etmy, entitled 'f We a Story of Home Life. - Dr. 11. Hayes, the distinguishe'd' ArCtio: ex, plorer, will give some graphic,' sketches of Life and Adventure in the Polar iteglonif. Col. T. W. Higginson will' furnish a , series of valuable artioles describing the habitis and charac teristics of the Thayer, Elephant amt other . animals. ' • • • Oarretcin,",nathor`of " Winning His Way s ' and "bar New' Way Round the World," wil' Contribute several papers of - great interest, rel rating to what he saw in China during his recent tour of t.he globe. Mra.-Profesior Agaisis will 'continue her in. struotivo and fascinating account of " The World .on which we Live," describing lb - it -early Ives of the 'earth; aid liiiikarorthe im that then iii labited it. Mr. T. R. Aldrich, author of universally popular " Story of a Bad' Boy," will contribute regularly. - • , Mrs. Ai M. Bier, author, of tho inimitable "Williatii floury Letters,". will continuo Ler charming Stories-apd Skotolios., Mr. James Parton, whose oracles on Voyages and Iliscoveries have been received with so great favor, will furnish additional articles of the seine general character, communicating in ani attrac tive manner ninny interesting . and important facts of Geography and history.., Mr. J. T. Trowbridge will continuo his re markable series of papers on curious branches of Industry, Building Stearn Engines, etc. go will also . describe, from careful observation, the Departments at Washington', showing how busi ness of our Government is carried on. • Itev,. E. E. Hale Will furnish articles irchis pe culiar vein, communicating the best practical information with a 'wealth of illustration and a vigor of style altogether fascinating. Major Traverse, a very entertaining writer, Will tarnish articles containing a kreat dial 'of curious and valuableknowledge on a wide variety of subjects. • Pompeian Papers.' A series of remarkably! interesting papers on Pompeii will be given, telling how it was buried by an eruption of Ve suvius and bow, after handrods of yetirs, it is now being restored, and what curious things are found among the rains. Regular- of Occasional Articles will be con tributed by John 0. Whittier, Harriet Beeeher Stowe, J. H. A. Bono, Lucy Laroom, Nora Perry, Mrs. Theater, Roso Torrp, George Cooper, the Author of "Seven Little Eiaters,":Mre. Jane G. Austin, Aunt Fanny, and other writers` whose names are p passport to the affection of all in telligent youthful readers. . . The Evening Lamp and Letter Box Depart ments will be carefully attended to, and will contain a rich variety of Charades, Enigmas, Puzzles, Rebuses,— and familiar talk by the Ed itor on the thousand matters ,of every-day in-_ West, to young people. Full-Page and Smaller Illustrations, from the best artists, will add to the value add 'attrac tiveness of the Magazine No effort or expense will be spared to make OUR YOUNG Fouts a worthy and welcome visi tor in every schoolroom and %family circle in America. • 'Special attention is invited to the splendid Prizes offored to Contributors and Subscribers. TERMS.—The price of Our Young Folks is $2.00 per year. No club terms. An extra copy gratis for every five subscriptions. Our Young Folks and Atlantic Monthly, $5.00 per year. FIELDS, OSGOOD do CO., Pdblishers, 124 Tremont St., Boston. SPECIAL NOTICES. A COUGH, COLD ,OR SORE THROAT Requires immediate attention, ns neg lect ofteturesulis !nun incurable Lung 44:4 Disease.. 6RON u -.Brown?, Bronchial Troches gocr&• will most invariably give instant relief FOR BRONCHITIS, ASTIIIIA, CATARRH, CONSVMPTITE and Trutovr Thsztens, they have a soothing effect. SINGERS and PUBLIC SPEAKERS use them to clear and strengthen the voice. Owing to the good reputation and popidrity of the Troches, many worthless and cheap imitations aro of fered, which are good for nothing. Bo sure to obtain theyrie • • Brown's Bronchial ,Troehes. • SOLD EvEnYwnEric. Nee, 1.119-6 m The Confessions',of an Invalid, PIIBLISITEDIor the benefit of young min and others who suffered from Nervous Debillty,ect., supplying the means of self•eure. Written by one who cured himself; and sent free on receiving apost•paid directed envelope. Address, NATIIANIRL MAYFAIR, Brooklyn, N. Y —6m. word and delusion. The microscope shows, that somck diseases exist like parasitic growths upon the globules of tho blood, and it is further known that some subtle substances destroy or expel thorn. , Those substances have been combined to ,mako Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which does effectually expel the disorders that breed and rankle in the blood to rot out as it were the machinery of life. [Mercer (Pa,) Whig. ERRORS OF YOUTHS A GENTLEMAN µho suffered for years from - Ner vous Lability, Premature Decay, nod all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering hu manity, send free to all who need it, the receipt and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was Mired. Sufferers wishing to profit by the adver tiser's experience, can do so by addi'ewiltig in perfect confidence, JOHN 13. OGDEN. May 20,'69-Iy. - No. 42 Cedar Street, New York. TO OONSUBIPTIVES„ Tun Advertiser, having been restored-to health in a few weeks, by a vary simple remedy, after 'having suf fered several years with - 11. severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption—is anxious to make known to his fel lowqmfferets the means of curd. To all who desire it, ho will send a copy of the pro soription'stsed (free of charge,) with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find CURT. Tea CONSUMPTION , AStHMA, Baormintis, etc. The object of the advertiser in sending the Proscrip tion is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable; and he hopes every sufferer wintry his remedy, as it will cost thorn nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription, will please address Rev .I:MAIM A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings County, N.Y. May 26, 18G0-Iy. • . E. FL ,Harirls 9 CELEBRATED BAKING POWDERS n— for, sle by• • Fob. 2, 1870. P. 11, WILLIAMS (4 00. Kerosene Lamps, CHEAP AS DIRT, AT Feb. 2, 1870. P. R. WILtIAMS dc CO THE PLACE TO BUY KEROSENE OIL THE CHEAPEST AT Feb. 2, 1870. P. P.. WILLIAMS & CO. For Anything • You want In thee DRUCJAINE, Go to P. R. Willierai (4 Co, They kee p the boat gook and c!11 the Chenpeet. ' Fob. 22:1870. 500 TONS of the finest ground Cayuga Plaster, in Tioga County, to be had at the Mansfield Plaster Mill. No chafge for de livering at the Mansfield Depot. Jan. 10, 1870-3 m. 0, 11. OWENS. House j Lot for Sale. AourtGOOD House and barn, on a lot of two aoroa, within ten minutes walk of the House, Wellaboro, is offered for sale. In quiro of John I. Mitchell, Esq., Wellsboro. Jan. 25, 1870-tf. NOTE LOST.—AII persons are hereby forbid purchasing a note of twenty.fivo dollars, against Joseph J. Shumway, drawn in favor of Uriah Danlcs, and now tho property of , Fob 2, 1870. 3w W. D. BOWEN. PENNSYLVANIA STATE NORMAL - SCIIOOL. half-yeTEre"n' - Itonoonma .January3lfsio. The 3( term (14 weeks) will commence March .21st, 1870. Send l'Or a circular. CHARLES H. VERRILL, Feb 2, 1870. H' • Principal. Planing Matching. FLOORING, CEILING, WAINSCOT ING, TONGUED cE GROOVED, with rapidity and exactness, with our now Ma ohines. Try it and sac. , B. IR. VANHORN. • Wolliboro, Jan. 1, 1870. tiiltilltitalligttli 1111 - : . " 0 ';, . D. S. & R. G. ingLAN Proprietor/. T r i t! y en a b ri le p ri r h e tr a a r : i td m e a si o t o o r tb fu o r lit i t i Tio that SASH AND BldNpS, DOORS, PALING, SCRO L L SAW ING, c, ! - TNG, &0., ' ; • • ; '; Also, dealers in, - ' ;1 • •f r ; Lumber and ~ Shlndes. , iiice list for Sash primed and glazed per light : 8 by 10-121 conts. 0 by 13, 8 by 14, 10 by 12, 15 conte 10 by 14, 9 by 14, 10 cents. 10 by 10, 20 conto. 4 Our work is made of the best boneoned lumber and in the best manner. Call and see us. Son. 5, 187C-Iy, Medical Card ir\ R. CLARK., after visiting , the, principal Yoities of Western Pa.,for the aCcommodation of his numerous Patients throughbut the . Wes tern Counties of the State, will visit again, WELLSBORO, BLOSSBURG, MAINS ' FIELD,- & TIOGA -BOBO,' "•'- on the following days:. Appointments for Jan. & Feb, 1870. Erie, Pc:., Reed House,'Jan. 10, 11, 12 .74. 13. Pittsburg, Merchant's Hotel, Jan. 14, 15, 16 .t 17 'Scenery Hill, Pa., "Office," Jan. 18,19,20, 21, 22. Altoona, Pa., P. R. lt.'House, Jan. 23, 24, 25,26 Harrisburg, U. S. Hotel, Jan. 27, 28, 29, & 30. TIOGA COUNTY. Wellabor°, Pa., (WoHaber° Hotel) Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday et Friday, Feb. 1,2, 3, 4. - Blonsburg, Pa., (Exchange Hotel,) Tuesday, February 8. . Mansfield, Pa., (Mansfield Hotel) Wednesday Fob. 9. Tioga, Dor° -Pa., (Hazlett's Hotel,) Thursday Fob. 10, • Elmira, N. 'Y., (Rathbono House,) Friday Fob. 11. 1 ' Dr. Clark examined more than IAOO, invalids in Tioga County, and such was the satisfacition given in examining and treating Chronic diseas es, that he placed nearly one-halj of this number under regular treatment, and with scarcely an exception they aro rapidly improving, and many of his cures are truly remarkable. Dr. Clark would like to give the names of re markable cures performed in Tioga County, but delicacy In publishing patient's names at home forbids. Please notify your afflicted neighbors of my appointments. Jan: 10, 1870. Dr. B. CLARK, . Scenery Hill, Pa, Tioga Marble Works. TIIE undersigned is now prepared to ore cute alrorders for ToMb Stones 'and Monu ments of either • ITALIAN OR RUTLAND MARBLE, of the latest stylo and approved workmanship and with dispatch.. 1 , Ho keeps constantly on hand both kinds of Marble and will bo 'able to snit all who may fa vor him with their orders, on as reasonable terms as can be obtained in tho country. FRANK ADAMS. Tidga,Jap. 1,1870-tr. NOTICE is horoby given that D. G. Stevens and Joseph Aiken, Trustees of Martin Ste vens, have filed their accounts in tho Prothono tary's office of Tioga County, and that- said no. count will be presented to the Coureof Common Pleas, on Monday the .7th day of February next, for confirmation and allowance. J. F. DONALDSON, Proth'y ann. 112,,1870. NOTICE is hereby given that Isaac Batten . , J. Dearman, Dolos Angel, and others, have applied to the Court of Common Pleas of Tioga County for a Charter of incorporation to them ions puKposes, under the namo, and style. of "The First Baptist Church of Knoxville," and that said charter will be granted at the next term of said Court, commencing on the last Monday of January inst., unless sufficient raason be shown to the.contrary. J. F.'DONALDSON, Jan. 12, 1870. _ Prothonotary. SALISBURY, BROS., & CO., Extensive — Manufacturers 'and Importers of Gold, Plated fr. Oreide Jewelry, SOLID AND NICKEL ,SIF.AMM V7-LMli c i • ADIERICAN, ENGLISH & SWISS Watches, CASED BY . OURSELVES, ' All every description oC • FANCY • GOIADS AND YANKEE NOTIONS, Especially adapted and designed for Southern and Western Trade, Circulars and full descriptive Price Lista sent free. Agents wanted everywhere. Address, SALISBURY, BRO., ‘4 CO., 51 I)orranoe Stieet, Jan. 12, 1870-3 m, Providedce, R. I. Register's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given, that the Executors' and Administrators named below; have tiled their accounts in the Itegitster's Office in and for Tioga Co. Pa., and that the said accounts will be presented to the Orphan's Clinirt of and - I for said county, at a session of said Court to be hold in Wellsboro, on Monday the 31st, day of January 1870, at 2 o'clock P. M.for confirmation and allowance.' Account of Harriet M. Stevens, and Daniel G. Stevens, Administrators of the Estate of Ezra I. Stevens, late of Middlebury Township, de ceased. • Account of Patrick Hallinan Executor of tho last will and Testament of Cornelius Ha!linen, late of Union Township, deceased. Account of J. Emery, Administrator of the Es tate of David 11. Smith, late of Wellsboro deed. D. L. DEANE, Wellsboro, January, 5, 1810. ' Register. IMPORTANT TO. FARMERS ! 1 HAVE about 200 bushels of genuine Norway I Oats, and will dispose of a part of them at a reasonable price. Those wishing the pure seed please call and examine. L. C. BENNETT Wollsboro January 3d, 1870—tf. ANOTHER TUMBLE I. Cash! 1870 SEE WHAT BELLING FOR CASH! Our Pries To• Day. BestWhito Wheat Flour $7 pr bb1.1,75 pr. sack. co Red witnter $0.50 " 1,62 , (I "XX Spring Wheat, 6,00 " 1,50 " Buckwheat Flour, 3,00 per 100 lbs. Besr."Feed - poo " " Bran and Shorts 1,50 " " ' Meal 2,25 " " ' These prices only FOR CASH. . . WRIGHT it BAILEY. All persons not having settled with us, can not blame us liow if they find their•accounts and notes left with an' attorney for. collection. We give due notice. W. it: B. BAG S.—Wo want all persons having any bags with our mark on them, to ,roturn, the same at once, as we shall'iake 'steps to secure them-- We have 500 hags scattered among the people. WRIGHT A BAILEY SELECT SCHOOL. VrISS. JENNY GIBSON will open a Select in, School in the AcademY building on the 10th of January inet„ 1870. Thorough instruction will bo afforded in any of the branches usually taught in the Academy, Tenns.—Common English $5,00 per quarter. Higher English, French and German $7 ‘! Jan. 5, 1870--3wP CORNING JEWELRY STORE 1 A, D. DUDLEY, P I A Watchmaker and Jeweler. A largo atoortmont of WATCHES, .JEWELRY, SILVER PLATED WARE, CLOCKS AND 'FANCY GOOpS. Engraving done in any style. Corning, Deo. 15, 1889. A. D. DUDLEY, ly. No. 10, Markel St. The f'laoe""to' Say'tooeiee;' Truman & Mothers, HAVING taken,tbe Store formerly occupied by John R. Bowen for dry gopde, and con verted it into a •. - , . GROCYIRY: PROVISION wrA.BLISHMENTp ovirything fresh - and good forint' here, and at panes topless& ;. 4 .: TEAS COFFEES, SUGARS, MO- LASSES, FISH, &C., &a, to salt all Call and see us, that we may convince you tho fact that our motto is, " Cheap, Quick Solos, mind Small Profits." • TRUMAN- et MATHER& Wellsboro, Jan. 5,1870—V. The remaining Dry Goods, of J. R. Bowen, will be gold at this establishment at very low figures. TRIIMAN..Ic MATHERB.. The way to Get Rich Is to buy your GOODS where you can buy, them CHEAPEST ! You can Ao that at Wilson ec Van Valkenburg's A SPLENDID LINE OF CHOKE WINTER GOODS, Purchased at the Bottom Market Prices, just received BM NM CLOTHE% of every description, and clothing made to ()Idler in-tho very best etyle, and warranted..{, WILSON VAN VALRENBURG Wellsboro,, 1869 CHOICE POULTRY,—I have a fow more fowls of the Bramah and Black Spanish breeds for sale. Pure bred and very fine. lam also receiving orders for eggs for. setting, to be filled in rotation as received as early next spring as the weather will permit. No orders noticed unless accompanied by the cash. Price 31 per dozen. M.. B. PRINCE. Wolleboro, Pa., Dec. 20, 1809. 7 UISTRAY.—Carne to my enclosure, in Niles Dee.l9,lBGO, nine white sheep.— . .II:no owner can have the same, by proving prop erty, paying charges, and taking them away. Jan. 5,1869-3 w. ERASTUS NILES. FARM FOR SALE.—The undersigned offers _l2 for sale the following property situated in the Township of Liberty, Pa..—Bounded on the North by (100. McGee, East. by Negro Lott, South and West_by John Messner; containing 422 acres and some perches. About 40 acres bleared, and under good cultivation ; also, con 'mining some of . the choicest Timber in the County—to wit: Pine, Hemlock, Cherry, Ash, Oak, Red and White Bass, Jte. Also, another farm situated on the Williamson Road, Bounded on the North by G. Krause, South by John Bland, East by Benjamin Hughes, West by Daniel Breean ; containing acres; about 25 acres cleared. lions° and Barn thereon. For partictilara apply to JOSEPH h UGH ICS, Jan. 5,1870—jw. L berty, Tioga Co.; Pa. Elk Run Plaster. THIS PLASTER ha •inebeen thoroughly torted,by the farmed, abd pronounced by all, to be a superior article, 0 , we take pleasure in saying that we can supply the masses, as we have any quantity on hand, Price per ton, 5 dollars. I. CIIAMPNBY. Jan. 5,1870-sm.* FROM THE ALBANY EVE ING JOURNAL of Dec. 7, 1869.—Ifeary Damages In the groat snit of John S. Perry against Jagger tic Littlefield, which has been before the United States Court for the past seven "or eight years, and for three years or more before the ion. A. A. Boyce, of Utica, appointed as Master to ascotain and re port the gains and profits mado by the defend outs in violating the assignments and, infring ing thei patents under which the celebrated Oriental Stoves are manufactured and sold, we learn that a report has been made awarding to Mt. Perry as a damage, the sum of $52,747.82. Some thousands of Sivas that were sold by the Littlefield Stove Maattfacturing Company are understood not to bd iOluded in this award, but are to be the subject of further proceedings. —Albany Evening Journal. " ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—Puieuant to an order and decree of the Orphan's Court of Tioga County at NovemberiTerm, 1869, the un dersigned Guardian of the, person and estate of Daniel Keltz, a minor child of Betsy Keltz de ceased, will expose to public sale at the premi ses beloW named, all that lot of land situate in Union Township, Tioga County, Pa., bounded on the north by lands of Mariah Landon, on the east by the highway leading from the Block House road to Lyndos Spencer,. on the south by lands of R. T. Thomas, and on the west by lands of said Marah Landon, containing three acres of ground, and a small board house there on. ' Terms of salo, on • half cash, and one-halt in ono year. Sale to ako -place on Monday, January 3d, 1870, at 2 'clock P. M. J. E. CL WELAND, Guardian. Union, Pa., Dec. 3d,1809-Iw. NOTICE.—We pay Gash for ASH, CHERRY, and CHESTNUT 'LOGS, delivered at our Mill. Ash Logs cut 12, and 14 feet. Cherry and Chestnut 12, 14 and 16 feet long snw nothing chart of 12 feet in length., TRUMAN & BOWEN. Dec. 8, 1869.—tf. , tRESH GROUND -PLASTER AT TIOGA, :13Y T. L: BALDWIN, & CO, $7,50 per ton. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE.--Lettors Teotamen tarj, hnving been granted upon the last will and Testament of Joseph T. Streit, late of Mansfield, doe'd, all persons indebted 10, or claiming against said testator, are requested to settle with, WIL LIAM J. 33,00T1J, Ear. or 0. v ELLIOTT, agent, Mansfield, Pa. Doo. 22. 18894w:a IR2o : N . : ,w,o**; : t FOUNDRI; .-.7' & MACIIINE SHOP I. WELLSBoO, PA. SEARS S; AVERY, :PROPRIETORS. PLOWS, HORSE. HOSES, CULTIVA TORS, FIELD ROLLERS, KET TLES, ALL SIZES, SAP PANS, FARMING UTENSILS, ALL, KINDS, WOOD MACHINES FOR SAWING WOOD ; , Brick Machilies, CHURN POWER ; THE TOMPKINS COUNTY,'HORSE POWER- EIGHT AND TEN HORSE, CONSTANTLY ON HAND, • ; And also, everything usually found in a first class Shop. We call particular attention to our MA CHINE SHOP, which has been re-built with new, and first-class MACIIINkRY, L 1111 H Iron PLANER, DRILL, 4.c. We employ none but first-class workmen, and are, therefore, pre pared to do our work in the .best style, and at short notice. We have recently added now MACHINERY, for Planing and' Matching boards. Call and see us. - Jan. 5, 1870-Iy. l ' 'SEARS 14 AVERY. BEE - HIVE EXCHANGE. I Surrender, BUT AT DISCRETION Y OU see t at half a column of apnea with half an inch of reading matter don't help me' after all. ii at d'ye do that for 1" asked less than a million of thy customers, when I appeared in blank. And, being tuckered out with trying to explain why I did it, lam forced to do it in print! Therefore, Know yo, all good peoplo p that I am doing a Land Office Business, WHOLESALE 86 RETAIL SUGARS, ALL. MIADES, SYRUPS, MO LASSES, PORK, HAMS, SHOULDERS, MACKEREL, WHITE FISH, CISCOES, COD, HALT,- BUT, AND so rowin, And I am selling cheap as I always do, and can save country dealers their expenses to the little city of Elmira, or the big city of New York,— But then, THE ; TEA TRADE is ono of my biggest, brightest, and best thing You cannot get bettor OOLONG OR GREEN 'PEAS, or cheaper, than I can eell you. You may pa. tronizo the Great American Tea . Company and ihen I can do you good. I have enough 'to vet Tioga County a TE -' HE - ING for the next 25 years'i B,esicios no man has a big ger or better lot of ' , MODUR cit grengo then I have, and nm selling them at I bargain - Everythitf g in tho Grocery Line, CANNED FRUITS, AND VEGETABLES • WOODEN WARB, CONFEC TIONERY, ' , not mixed as I Mix them hero, but in good order I buy all tho "BUTTER : AND CHEESE, that I can, and almost ovOrythingolso but teasels Sign of the DULL Sz BEE-HIVE Wellgbore, Deo. 15, 1869 HAVE YOU SEEN THE Ititniense Stock of Carpets, AND OIL CLOTHS, • in the Carpet Store of Oot, 27, 1889 "1 SMITH & WAITE'S, " 9 Corning, N. Y For Sala. T•EXTRACT FACTORY'at Cotralectiue Valley, Tioga Co., Pa. This factory's 400.0 feet, two stories, ample steam power, and capaci ty of HMO Olinda of tanning extract per day. It is in a Ines lima favorable for either its present business.or as a tannery, and may be fit ed for the latter at a small expense. About 1 or 18 runes of land go with the property. Will , e sold low anti on easy terms. , Apply to I. Ma EDG comp, Couranesquo Valley, Tiogn Co., Pa., for terms, .te. Sept. 8,18894 m. F. Sr, 04 Moore, TWERT AND EXOItANGE STABLES Wellsbozo, Pa. Office awl Stables on Wats Street, in rear of Court House. They will tar fish hones, single or double, With Babies, o Carriages; at short notice. Long experience in the business enables the proprietors to announce with confidence they can meet any reasonable de.. mends in their line. Drivers furnished, if desired and passengers carried to any part nf the count* y. Thankful for past favors, they invite continual:oo of custdro. Terms reasonable. N0v.,724, GW. NAVLE, would say to his Moods . that hi Harness Shop new in fuliblatit, and that'll° is s prepared to tarnish heavy or light I-Xakrieli? - 1-Eleas, • on short notice, in a good aid substantial•nian. nor, and atpriees that can't 101 l to suit., • • alio best woritmen araemi,loyeci,Andlnone but the best material need: Call and eVo. Deo. 9,18158-Iy. ' G. W. N. 11. Ai r . Et , 3a. X3B MR. 'A. L. MONROE, is tho - authorized Agent for Tioga and Potter Coanttea, to effect insurance in tho • Wyoming Insurance Company. Royal, Capitol $5,000,000 London, Liverpool .t (hobo, Capitol, $10,000,000 Ile will canvass the county during tho week ex cept Saturdays, when he will be found at the office of John. I. Mitchell, to attend to all who may give him a call. .A. L. MONROE Sept. 22, 1809-3m. 0 Furnitu Mar AVING completed his new Cabinet Ware houseJUL on Main street, Wellsboro, has stock ed it with a large and superior assorted stook of Chamber Suits, Walnut, Ash, maple, ,t 6., &c., &0., from $l5O down, and as cheap ms the same goods can be bo't in the cities, freight added. IEI W. T. IVIATHERS HARNESS SHOP Y. Ie r Furniture! B. T. VAN HORN, FURNITURE. Parlor Suits, Walnut, Cherry, and Mahogany, Reps or Hair Cloth, from $125 down. Alio, SOFAS, LOUNGES, COETCHES,':TETE r A-TF,TES, _ with Upholstery to suit. Center Tables, Walnut or Marble Tops, Looking Glasses, Brackets, Pa per Racks, Rocking Chairs, all kinds, - Wholesalle and Retail. I am manufacturing as usual, and Intend to keep a fall stock of ware, home and city made at all times. My Ware Rooms are spacious and neat, and now contain the largest, costliest and best stook of Furniture ever brought into the county. It Planing and atching, &SPROLL SAWING MOULDING, done to order at th Factory- 4 " B. . VAN HORN Jan. 1, 1869-tf. C-C-B-&-F-L-E. COME TO- T, L, BALDWIN & CO'S TIOGA, PA end see a nice stock of Goods for the FALL 6.; WINTER. such ad matmgg aaamat :—all 6tylos, colors and patterns— ALPACAS, POPLLNS, CAMBRICKS, FRENCH JACONETS, ORGANDIES, PEQUAS, VERSAILES, BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, • • (Pc., d'e, BEAUTIFUL Winter SHAWLS, and a largo osi , ortmont to s:olect from 1 ) CLOAKS REA Y-MADE,'AND CLOTH TO MAKE 3 , ORE, ALL KINDS OF LININGS, FRINGES, TASSELS Ad.., TO TRIM DRESSES ' OR SACQUES. —Our stock of— YANKEE NOTIONS can't be beat. • It keeps up with everything the Yankees hurt) thought of so far. HOOP SKIRTS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, ' CORSETS, &C, R-0-M-----11-N mazmnizet too numerous to mention; but wilt say that you will seldom find so large an assortment to select from in a country store, and clear down to tho BOTTOM FIGURE We also keep a large assoitoient of REAbt 7 MAI)E CLOTHING, in suits, and' ; parts of suite. Should we fall to suit you with ready-made, we have Cassimero and A TAILOR TO CUT AND FIT Boots and Shoes, all Bty les and sizes HATS AND CAPS, STRAW . GOODS, AND GENTS'• FURNISHING GOODS,• A COMPLETE LINE OF CROCKERY, WOODEN WARE, HARD WARE, SHELF HARD WARE, NAILS, IRON, LolrE4 t Latches, Carpenters' Toole. A ;CiENERAL STOOK OF I • GROCERIES, Fresh. TEAS aro lower than at any time since the war. ' Did not go to Cuba to buy sugar, and so have some cheap. Wo are agents for the E. HOWE SEWING MACHINE. F,T-W-X Farmors, if you want tools to work with drop in SALT, LIME, PLASTER, PORK, FLOUR Lime, Cayuga Plaster, do. Butter tubs, Pails. Firkins, And Ashton Salt to flavor with, AU kinds of Farm Produce want ed. Prices ean't be beat. T---~--11-~.-rA N-~-g----S • T. L. BALDWIN & CO. Tioga, Pa., Jan. 1,1870. 1 IN DIVORCE.—To Armenia Van Etten: Take notice, that your husband, Dan 0. Van Etten has applied to the Court of Common Pleas of Tioga County for a divorce from the bonds of . Matrimony, and that the said Court has ap pointed Monday, January 31st, 1870, at the Court House, Wellaboro,attthe time and place of hearing th said applicant irk the premises, on which occasion you can attend if you thinkprop er. J. B. pOTTER, Jan-. 5, 1870, I Sheriff. I ,LE.