- - Arrival and - Departnra, •of Stages: - lIVIE Stages imaging over , . -9_ '_,.thaftliarent ratites frm depitri and• arrive as Pillows from the "t3 g sr.4/.sa 'Attie „ tveosporo Poet truiCel. • k-Tipoftc-Depar;lo l 4,ft, arriveT4p.m. Witissoso A Pdassisa;:--bapart SU. m., arifie 6 4 p. m. itrzussoso A Pitts Csixit,.-DetutitTuati.* Fri. 2 e arrive Tuesday,A Wr1.129/. WIMLIIIIO3 I O & .7saSilSHOßS..—Tatrt MO& & Thur. 9 a.m arrire Tamils:y.lo .6 P.m . I • . TIOGA COUNTY A,OTATQI3; Tlepass' W.F.DNESDAY, JAN. 26, 1870. , . - New :Advertisements. • ' Exeoutore Notice—Hannah Seeley , J John - Howland. • To 'boos. CouNTr &moon Ihnzerona. ,-- We are requested to state, that Mr. B. Horton, C( ant, Superintendent, will be In Welleboro, during the first week of Court to dlstributednnuhl ItePorts for 1569, and'Teseher's ruonthily repoite, dm., to School Directors, . - ' - We call attention of our re. dare to the notice in another cOlumn; of the TiimPerance Lecture, of Mr. M Brodie, which is to take place in the . evening of Feb. 4 1870. PUBLIC bALE.—W. B. Bowen offers at pudic sale at his residence; Jan. 23; inst., at 10 A. u., horeei,dilws, yearlings, shoats, wagons, sleighs, hay, faruting utensil., household' furni ture, &c. . - NOTICE.—Our Agent inforix!ks las_ s thal 4eirenlation is afloat in ?Addlehnty Knit Farm ington to the effect, that THE AGITATOR is fur nished to some in those localities at less than the regular sabscription : price. Such a rumor is without the least ahaddow of truth, and muet therefore have been started by,,some ill-disposed person. - , . . _ RELlO.lOl7B. — Rev, J. S. Johnson, has been preaohing with good success nt the linm 7 wend School Ilona°, on the plank road. llb bapilifed twenty porione by iainainidOn',"on Sun day 16th init. —Rev. N. Ilait,bas also been conducting aeries of meetings in the ..iirOwn Township Church. Some twenty persons havo received the ordinanoe of baptism, and oibors' arc anx ious to go forward. TIOOA BAPTIST ASSOCIATION. - The second Quarterly Meeting of the Tiopßaptist! Associ ation, will be held with Ihe'l3loesburg- Church on Wednesday, Feb. 9tb, at 10 o'clock; A. M. Openirig sermon, by Rev. 0. A. Stone. Contri 7 butione for the General Association, E. T. lin& TLgY, Clerk:v • • PUBLIC LEDGER ALMA-NAC.-13e0. W. Childs of the Philadelphia Ledger . presents ad his subscribers - with a copy of his very valuable Almanac, in place of the Carrier's address, New Years. This involves, an expense of several thousand dollars, iiind:displays i ja liberality,•not often indulged. It is the first copy. issued, -'and ho proposes to keepititip fropo year to year,: It is a valuable book of referinecc and contains many items of interest not often found in 'Al manacs. lie has our thanks 'or a copy. TRIBUNE ALmAriee.--This Ind ißpensi ibis little annual is on our table. It is a collec ,tion of facts, figures, current history, and infor mation in regard to our own, and foreign gov ernreents; which makts it i invaluablo ns a book . of reference.' This year in; addtiion to the us ual matters found in dour best alrifanacs, it give's the Constitution of tho United States with the auieuduients, an abstract of the laws of Congress for the , year, a digest of the Homestead Lair, statement of the public debt, Fronch and Atn erieon weights and measures, deftts of various nations, with a summary of votes for several years past. HOTEL CHANGE;—Bateman Monroe Esq., has leased and taken possession of the hotel recently mwtipied by Messrs. .Erastns Fellowv said E. J. Putplo, who have moved into their new brick house neai- thn,,Old stand. This hotel" bee lon been conducted on the cold-water prin ciple, aid under the now administration, we'can assure the public. that the iamo beverage will be freely used both internally and externally if de tired. personti attending court, or visiting Wells born, will find this house a quiet place to stop, with good beds, a well supplied table, ldts of stable roam fur horses,tatan attentive landlerit. SHOWS.—At the ,Wllustrels last Wed ne.:daf and Thursday evenings, so say they who were there. Wo beard a boy say ho saw "the elephant." Wo thought we beard, him roar, but have been informed that he roared pot, and that it was only tho singing of a hymn that fell upon our ears. Some fellow must have played " the lion's part." The music was good—particularly the ,mouth-organ exercise, and the trombone solo. All that was needed to perfect the harmo ny, was RA:torso-fiddle, and the fine tooth-comb performer.]"- Burletqulis it 7 Why, " The.l{ansns Emigra tiou Society" of our Eulyaul du ts: it* null -tit% compaicii to it. PERSONAL.—,Gen. R. C. Cox has en ('red upou his duUes as County 'Treasurer, and has been stopping at the Wellsbon. l e Hotel. —II. C. Bailey, County Tree Surer for the post too year•+, has laid aside his ofliklial keys, and two takes his place as a privat!) oitizen, respce hd fur his faithful .na efficient discharge of his' Ntildah duties. Mr. Bailey was a good officer uhb WIA never tzuorved hour his duty by fear or iathr. --Mr. AL 11. Cobb took hix Oleo on The Day ~ n the 10th inst. --Leroy Taboo!" and tinnily havo moved into Oio house on Win Strcot, in this viilago„lately Rcopied by B. Monroe. Their many friends uitl km glad to welcome them bank. STATE TEMPERANCE ORGANIZATION: 7 --We have received a circular from the :Mate c. , ntral Committee, fixing Tuesday, the Bth day Sf Fobuary,lB7o, for holdinga State Temperance Contention in the Court Bourn in Harrisburg, at 10 o'clock, It, M. The State Temperance organ izations to be represented by delegates not ex ceeding five its number each ; Temperance Organ izations by not wore than three delegates (lAA ; T omperAneo:Secieties, Divisions of S. of T., • and Lodges of (loot! lemplare,, Churches, Boroughs, Townehips, hy :only one delegate. Credentials aili bo requested from those desiring to take a part in the priasecilings. Each delegate is isx scisied to give 9 .s2 toward, paying the expenses on that occasion. Delegates will be furnished With half fare Gaols on the railroad by furnitih sag their credentials. IMPROVEMENTS.—Under the super (.l' Mr. Broaktnan, the new brick hotel of MT. N. l'• eVile;Orl Coiner of Main and Walit Sts., in this •village is making good progrris. The mills aro up three stories, and a French roof nit Soon bheltera from the tteather. The end et this hotel. when eAtnpleted, will net be 1.;F9 than $25,000,.and it will take' rank' among ih(t Meet hotels in Northern Pennsylynnia. 4- 11.11. Holliday expects to put up ,is large' brlek hotel hero next summer. No town kinviting to ztrangers, unless . its hotels afford ie. like se mom:iodations, and nothing,. pettinps, has' so euch'retsred the growth of WellSb i hro, R 4 the want of such entertainment. Mr. Wingate has removed 1,140 house, bought of Wai. 11. Smith Esq., from the lot on Main St. • . Preparatory to commencing the foundation for a block of brich stoies to he put up next summer, by Mews. Smith and BOwen• R. B. Van Fiero has a very . testy cottage on the corner of'-Walnut, and Waln streets, near i I F. K. Right's,Nihich we 'saw for the first time . the other day.', Mr. D. D. Holliday's on the op-' polite corner, approatibes completion, while -the house Mr. Wingate isrmoving, is to be placed on a lot near by. Such improvements make the village attractive, and .to a stroller about town, • speak of bow much others might do, to niu4erfor themselves happy homes, while yet they hare, tho means within their power. On'every street, indeed, we find new buildings going up, or built within tho year, and there • 'ems to,be no suspension for Abe winter. Tho !neon has been so 'open' and mild, that the weather has been no serious bitidrauee, • g.P. , !1 "' have reopfiliaritillitlillftaielgieiatiVisLComtt; mitten of the' Young Aferes Christian Assitciationi .wireport of the Convention held,at it esyifaWas grand ; tuipeea44 ; oo 'dettelidee.hitieirtee tindatice';' repreiferilinkAsverY'assostiaticid in the; Slate oleept two t thins in : Whitish there; were no-tumeolatione,sent.delegatee preparatory ' ; to organising:: It:speaks - in Ithe'highest terms; of the cordial weleome giten' the delegates . by; I the people' Many Atiestlene general: interest in association work. - were, dia.3 angled, and much PriCtlial Jtdbiguillen Thet:kneatinii lore flittil highly spiritual , . elsarai t ' . . a -wasitivert ta- association work.' '1%60 ; ffirt'ebitAfOttleil,' there ? were but 275 ; assiteistionsin 4.6 Since then 20 new odes bare loon fultroVganlsed, rind new foiled into all the .old ones.. Fo u -s; other, twins have begun to organise, and 26 others•ther-Com: mitres are'working in and hcipe to organize 'Mations ;during the winter. Copies of the report willbernailed gratuitously, and information With regard to the work given by addressing any member of the Executive Committee, which eon ;sista of ilhornas K. Cree, Chairman, Pittsburg ; Pater B. Simone, Philadelphia; Gen, Jas. A. Beaver, Bellefonte; Thounie - 11: Rabo.Pittsburg ; ,C. C. Shirk, Brie; U. A. Myers, York ; Francis one, Harriabdrg. A RESPECTED 691‘TE.—A correspondent of the Bradford. Reporter . writing coisoerningtb.ofteatb of on of the citizons'of Mar ao)anty says r "'Yon will confer a 'favor.' upon .thp niimorotis friends" and acquaintances of the isle Joseph Ingham by giving tie--following Owe in your columns. Deceased was a ,riativo of! came to this "•cennti 'nearly' SAY' years ago. • In I.97.lieccame to Bradford county where for many years ho was engaged 'in busi. ness as a woolen =nut's:dr:Ter, and by his in .ddstr3r had placed. himself In good circumstances, won ho Met With wheavy loss. His large fee toky wasrenderedruielci ti;y: the destruction of waterpower by the, Barclay, Railroad; so 014 the breaking out of the rebellion found him :c4r)paratively poor. Ho took - a debided stand upon the Union side by encouraging enlistments and combatting the opposition with Millis ener gy, ho being strongly censured for urging men to enlist. The old hero indignantly replied, "Sir, liberty Is sweet : I came to this country to enjoy it. Two of my boys are already in , the army, and if it becomes necessary, I gill shoutdor my gun• and follow them;" end added (in his otiinest and forcible Manner.) "Liberty is worth ;fighting for and dying for." Ins son Capt. J. B. Inglnunovit l h,his blood sealed 'his devotion to tin) Olirking. He fell at Antietam, in tho spring 0f883.' - The old gontleman, and his sons, again CORn niencod,b siness near Knoxvilld Tioga County Nona. Joseph Ingham possessed a mind of.more than milinaricapecitylle retained his mental facul to the last. lie suffered intensely, at times, for nearly three years, and during my last visit to:tho family, ho made , use of the following mag i • gestive langnage : Death has marked me for a victim ; it has no terrors for ine. I have tried to ; live an honest life. I am waiting and pray-. fng for the time to come when my sufferings will be,over. Death is nothing. TjM Real Man—the Soul—has only to shako off this old, worn-out house of clay and pass to a higher, and I trust, .ha l ppier state of existence." ale alwags maintained a - spotless charmiter, WO an affectionate husband, an indulgent par . enk, self-imoraficingyariot, and during his long reoidence in Bradford and Tioga counties ho ox. hibited all those higher traits of character worthy of imitation. Ho died on Christmas—tho day of an the year hold by him most-sacred—at his residence near Knexvillo, Tioga Co., Pa. 1 1. A. It. GOSSI.P.- I —yee indeed ! The old denle still tittrvires, and since the spring has smiled upon us in winter-time, her spirits have revived and an irrpresselblo inclination, she says, bids her splak out. It is true, the dame remarks, she has nothing particular to say, except it be to die colitlio upon the vreatlicr--a subject always on hand in rain or shine, by night or any, in sum mer-time or winter—or concerning the neighbors (who are near aaough by, in all settled couirtrys, to , furnish a convenient, and abiding theme,) but then, sho says, why of the weather ? The weather lives in the same' filthily with _us all, therefore all mustbp . acqtinietcd with it (in - that •hoyrever,' the old -lady' is at fauit, for I have known persons to live in the same family, and not know each other,) and as for tho neighbors, they are too good to be talked about, and she would not mention thorn, because, she, said, if she should, there was Mr. Bangs, that insinuating, good-for-nothing, miserable, wretched doctor, wilt) was always negleCting his own business, (which she said wasn't very creditable either, us she had often heard said,) and meddling with others', concerns; for that whereas ho never did anything and yet ho lived, and niust gtit his living in some way, and the , Lord only i ltnew how for he did't, and if the truth was knolvn, she'd stake her eyes that ho did'nt got his lifing hon estly. for be had a sort of sneaking. /heep-thief look abOut him, ns she had often noticed and hetird others Montion—but to come back to what she was going to say, sho wouldn't mention the ~.4 . neighbors, for if she did, that good for nothing Bangs would hear of it, in some way and go about saying ,that sho had been tattling' but if ho did , Elio would jus let him understand how his cake was buttered, that's all. ' that is, tha.G'a all the old lady said fer a min uto'Or two; for she was all outof breath and went. off into a fit of coughing and wheezing at once, and it made a poor man's heartache to See her.— So than it's not about tho weather—that's nor of the neighbors, for that's not gossip, biit4 ',mailing worse. Oh ! it's about the moon—sweet, placid, pale, Modest moon, that bbinct out so bright, and hangs so queen like in the sky to-night, as it 800111F1 to say to me that it is nil alone, and yet it is happy, and objoys the light it lends.' Mono? yes; but with God and the angels, and them who know it better than vie. - And as I took, is it strange that ono should with to be there, or more strange, that all should not? Though we see her every night, yet she is unknown to utl; and it does not seem unnatural or strange to me, that some one who likes her, should long t 4, make her acquaintance, to ho introduced to her, and learn to talk with her in tho hidden tongue of the fu ture world. Why, certainly; she . is tho hostess of t first ' !Way-side Inn," and when ono gets them will she not point the way to tho eternal Sp ng, and tell us whither the others who have tlret,pnssed that way, havoigone upon the endless journey? Tell us whether any word was loft for us, rind by what way WO first can overtake them all,"and it any ormamong theta lingered for our coming? Yes; . I like the moon; she has always seemed near to me; for has she not spoken high • hopes into my ear, and shed a light of halcyon dayS upon the pictured memories? Wo nro ac quainted already ; for we have talked together, on nnightl . now recall, end then she said that I should come btistk, and see them all, whom I had left again, and I have seen them. This is only parting under another hire, but yet a /ow, else nething is, but efirinco ! _,And chance never made the meow, or if it did, then her I wish to see, for she was made, or was, and she must know the: Good !light Moen, for the roan from Nova Ei.o:la awaits my coming, or, his book read thro ant light gone mil, ie sleeping, and f kunst go', or, may , hap, come before the inOrn to you. Li-x:l'mq: ON , BNlLON.—Friday. eve ning 4.f last week, J. Emery, Esq., delivered his lemnre . ko nerd Byron, at the Court, Ilouse,"to large audtence; It wns,an' able authlimpassionato review of his life and character, with apt quota tions- from his portils to illustrate his nature and genius. Thitsolvialfstenetfattentivelktiere well repaid fer the hour it consumed. Ills strictures ,upon the impropriety of Mrs. Stowe's revelation tverejust, and will he -endorsed by most 'of Lie hearers. We are not of those who believe her utotive bad, however, , and think there is enough twat:, facts and surroundings of hereaseagainst Byron. as we Jtow understand them, to substan tiate its truth.- Ile does net rand:front the man ner in which his allegations were received, we conclude that his aullieneolvas with - hiiii;on our side of the house at , east. But then, it must bo remembered that we do not always "seekturselves , as others see us ;" and it may be that the Justin Cationof Bryon:has its root in a sympathy that atl men, because tnen,need themselves. - It was an in-I-match ; and it is enough that two human lives were made wretched by it without this cruel infliction of that wretchedness upon others, after the grave had-long closed over their life sufferings. Charity is the loveliest of all the graces; and that, It nothing oleo, should have )11fro,.,13t9,e4:qrpro ununfolding o usa4Yl.l•'.S#4lh ~ et! faecti 4 tii4; • , The Colonel thinks that if the lines written to. 3fri. Leigh by *lron, after he lefkiZnOan d• can be tortured into evidenee'of s guilfy indulgeime between them, then no poet it'safe aoribbling wines of love, ever No ppro, to , hie :own grand mother. POVINGTON LOOAL.—It Is • is not too late to join the 'Tribune Club at the Post Mee. Mr. Boßtt will forward - additions to his of - thtiWookly for one dollar. L. , Paokard and wtfo have returned to ,Miniabsota, *hero ho intends locating for the fuluro. o.4toinkien has made an ongagOment with Mr. B. Kinney and,will retain management of th 9 qtas's,Pactory for another year., IX'he deiceruiants of Tilley Marvin dOceased held tiniir annual Now Years dinner at Richard Mar vin's on the let of January, forty•sevon sitting down to the tables. These re•UniOns wore insti tuted before his 'death, and aro continued in ac cordance with his wishes. On Tuesday Fob. 22d, 1870, Il the "Odd Fel lows" will dedicate their now hall,—coremonies to commene9 at 11i o'clock. A dinner will bo served in the lower hall at sl.oo—the proceeds to bo used in fnmishing their lIMI. They invite an members of the Order, 'and - those friendly to it, to participate With them. Rev.. Mr. Greenlaw,- assisted by. -Rov. Mr. Reynolds .of the Christian Denomination, are engaged in Biding a revival on Elk Run,' with great success.. They,have baptized nearly 40 at present writing, and tho end is no yet. , - - K i ATC Fu ns. - Your .1.,0ca1 ,.. with other. Tioga eoun y people, instigated by sundry 'articles in the press of the country, visited El mira to listen to her adventures "out in the WOods" and confesses to a sore disappointment. Sho appeared upon the stage of the Opera House, attended by two elderly members of the Y. M. C. A. , One of•them announced the ooneluding loo turo of the.conrse, soon to follow, Ind who would insist upon reciting from memory, on ly to correct hiMeolf, from the scrip in his hand, and would persist i lin calling Captain Hall "Sir," and Sir'Jolm . Franklin, "Captain." Ho then in troduced 'Aliso Fields to the audience. Sho throw of wrappings and stopped forward, re vealing a medium sized, rounded form, hazol eyed littlo woman, dressud in a stripped silk of the latest cut. She hold in her hand a neatly bound copy of her lecture, to whioh sho refor rod (mite too,often for effect. Her lecture was a ramblrug account of a late visit. to' :the Adiron decks,' of hunting, and tithing ; stories by the camp fire, confabs with gaides,lirits to expec tant tourists as to outfits and necessaries, includ ing the ustud "fish" story of a trout weighing \ thirty pound, who engaged in the fur business ; (dosing with a peroration on the John Brown family. • The Tatter of her lecture, fair, to good —delivery poo —result, disappointment. KNOXVILLEI.—KnoxviIIe, has made more improvements within the last year, than for many years previous, and the prospect for the year to come looks quite flattering. The Frtfp &larch has in4n lately much im proved, by an outside dressing of white lead. Truman Gltheft has almost finished his tasty drug store, on the corner of Main and Mill streets. Rev. J. Cairns, Congregational minister Into of Greenea Chenango Co. N. Y., cominernied bin labors hero on the 2nd inst. A Couplo of Westfield' "Gents," (ono quite young) fell into the hands of spoilers, and got badly fleeced hero S. faw nights since. Miss placed confidence, and marked cards aro said to have done the business. Thorn has'bc'en,and continues to be, n largo number of eases of severe fevers, in this vicinity, and will, deubtletss, es long as we halo such changeable weather. B. NsPtur.D. Our friend E. W. Phelps, who resides upon the banks of the Canoe Cutup, had fiinished his residence, except idling. I ng the veranda. ;Some of his friends, thinking he was MOW bikt slack, part:based some shingles, nails, Jte., wont up to his place, and not.saying ono word to him, went to woik and atiii , bivYi parts that Phelps had loft without shingling.— And thei . l wont to Lis barn—caught a very largo titrkey,:the had been keeping for Holidays— , nught it to tile village and had a " Turkish" supper, to which Mr. Phelps was invited. The hou,-e of Wm. Hollands caught afro on Friary last, in the absence of the family, and was laterally deinolished, although the fire was extinguished by the ,Cigilanco of the people, leaving the frame standing, but hardly any por tion that was not burned over. The citizens have contributed already, about sloo—toward erecting a new house, and have begtin the work. There was no insurance, and his loss is quite beavy. The building on the corner of Main and Sul livan Streets, has boon repaired, and looks altneet like a new building : REGULAR. TIOGA.—T. have expected, for some time past, to see a communication in your col umns from this part of the county, but the con tributors ,seem all to have left the country or given up literary pursuits. Our little village is still located at, or near the mouth of Crooked Creek. In our vicinity, lies the ground, over which the proposed Lawrence ville and ‘Vollsboro railroad will probably pass. I commence with our Geographical situation, so that. the People of the counts' may know where to•attend court, in case the Court }lousobo spirit ed away, sometime, while the people of Wellsboro, lenbt expect it. if the townships of Warm and Union, can ho bodily. transferred from this county, to ono existing only in contemplation of a vary fertile imagination, it would seem a small job to transport that. Wostminister of Tioga Co., to some, point on the Tioga River. In this age of legislativ(f legerdemain, you may well ho ap prehensive. r think a railroad would ho the most. unsafe thing you could have, so mar the covorted prize, and ilrticularly a railroad to Ti oga. I presume, however, you hope for the best. The present system of making tho county pa per an index of the improvements of tho differ ent parts of the county, Inuit strike all as being a - good thing. It makes it in reality, what it pur ports to be—a county newspaper, giving to all parts of the county an idea of what; tho neigh boring districts aro doing. In our village, at present, the proposed rail road seems to Ito the topic uppermost. All wish earnestly for its construction, and' successful oration. Wo regard it as a . powerful 'agent for the develnpment,of our county, in every depart ment of industry; and particularly to the Im petus it will 'give to coal operations in the southern part of the county. Ily consulting youi columns, I see many of the ihrmers and lumber:- me» along the route, have already signed off the right of way. Those who have not done so, aro, I presurno,,ready to do so, on receipt of a fair compensation. Such a work is looked upon by all, sensible Toon as a great blessing; yet the damages in particular cases, may perhaps ho fair subject for. consultation. We all say, good speed to the work, and think it a praiseworthy object. Our people have commenced the New Year with appropriate religious exercises: series of meetings bi in progress in the Mothtst and ur Baptist chches, bringing forth fruits meet for such - efforts. Tinny of our young mgrtbers of society t claim to have found a knowledge of the truth. ,T. Brady, who has heretoforo carried on the news business in thin place, is now Polling off his stock at auction. non Roy. MARRIAGES 1111111 U ItT• -CLOSE Westfield, at the resideiice of the bride's father, on the 19th inst., by Itev. 0. It. Weaver. Mr. W. N. Ilulburt. to Miss Helen Close, both of Westfield. Pa No cards. I [May the happy-conplo airraYis experience happiness, sunshine nod prosperity, through life. ,}lo.] , DEATHS. [Announcements of deaths published free, and all obituary notices wilt be charged ut the rate of 10 cents for ten words.] . • MEEK.—In -Delmar, Jan. 12th, 1870, Mrs. Mary Illsek, in her sixtieth year. • / • MITCRELL.—In Delmar, Oct. 20tb,1869, Mies Mar garet , 31itphell, in her 77th year. E --- XECUTOIIS' NOoll—The undersigned, Tl. Executors of the estate of Meltzer S. See. ly, deceased, late of:Deerfield, request all those indebted to said estate to make immediate pay ment, and all Hume having claims against it to present them for settlement to HANNAH SEELEY, Mex. JOHN HOWLAND, Ex'r. • Deoraeltl, Jan.2s, 1870.-601 TPsAs4:lll.iqCOCti:77 - -*,.%. s teatnier„:',:,4 , wpi: , einiinie to lecture upon the i outdexit of Teniporanoo in Tioga County, at,tho folloivlng places Htunmisnd'a Sahool boine; 11111114niry 4an. 24 Manstield, M, E. Churoix, • 28. Tiovi,. •- - - - •• 20. Blosebarg t - - " 2 7. Mainsburg, - - 28. Farmington Hill; M. E. Church, - 'ft 29. Mitobbils Orecif,l3olloOl House, 1- " 80. Fermi!yeas, - - Jan.3l. Wellaboto, Feb. 1, 41 /0. - Wm. M. at'sszit, District Deputy. • Our Tfitu4 Folki 4 ,For IWO The following is ramong the prominent' fea tures of OUR Yound Posse for 1870 o-- Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney, author' ,of Rum mer in Zedie Goldthwaiter Life," *ill contribute the leading aerial story, entitled "We Girls," Story of How Life. Dr. I. L Ilayes, the distinguish ed Arctic ex plorer, will give some graphic sketches of Life and Adventure in the Polar Eogions. Col. T. W. Bigginson will furnish a series of valuable articles describing the habits and charac toristios Of the Deaver, Elephant, and other " Carleton," author of •" Whining ilia Way,', and " Our New Way Round the World ," wil contribute several papers of great interest, rel biting to what be saw in China during hiaresent tour of the globe. • Mrs. Professor Agassis will continue her in. stractive and fascinating account of " The World on which we Live," describing the early ages of the earth, and some of the animals that then in habited it. Mr.. T. B. Aldrich, author of the universally" popular " Story of a Bad Boy," will contribute regularly. Mrs: A. M. Diaz, author of the inimitable "William Henry Letters," will continue, her charming Stories and Sketohes. Mr. James Parton, whose articles on Voyagei and Discovedee have been received with so great favor, will (Walsh additional articles of the same general character; communicating in sm attract, tive manner many interesting and important facts of Geography and History. • Mr. J. T. !Irowbridge 'will continue bis re markable series of papers on curious branchifs of Industry, Building Steam 'Engines, do. lie will also -describe, from careful observation, the Departments , at Washington, showing how busi ness of our Government is carried on. Rev. E. E. Halo will furnish articles in his pe culiar vein, communicating the beet practical information with a wealth of illustration and a vigor of style altogether fascinating. Major Traverse, a very entertaining writer, will furnish articles containing a groat deal of curious and valuable knowledge on a wide variety of subjects. Pompeian Papers. A series of remarkably interesting papers on Pompeii will bo given, tolling bow it was buried by an eruption of Ire-, suvius and ,bow, after hundreds of years, it is now being restored, and what curious things are found among the ruins. Regular or Occasional Articles will bo con tributod by John G. Whittier, Harriet Beecher S towe,. J. M. A. Bono, Buoy Larcom, Nora Perry, Mrs..ThaT.tcr, nOBO Torrp, George Cooper, the Author of " goven Little;Sisters,' Mrs. Jane G. Austin, Aunt Fanny, and otber writers whose names are a passport to tho affection of all in telligent youthful readers. The Evening Lamp and Letter Box Depart ments will be carefully attended to, and will contain 'a rich variety of Charades, Enigmas, Puzzles, Rebuses,— and familiar talk by the Ed itor on the thousand matters of every-day in terest to young people. Full-Page and Smaller Illustrations, from the best artists, will add to the value and attrac tiveness of the Magazine No effort or expense will be spared to. make Oott Youxo Fouts a worthy and 'welcome visi tor in every schoolroom and family circle in America. Special attention is invited to the splendid Prizes offered to Contributors and Subscribers. TERIKS.—The price of Our Young Folks is $2.00 per year. No club terms. An extra copy gratis for every five subscriptions. Our Young Folks and Atlantio Monthly, $5.00 per year. ' FIELDS, OSGOOD CO., Publishers, 124 Tremont St., Boston. SPECIAL NOTICES. A COUGH, COLD OR SORE THROAT Requires immediate attention, as neg W Ai . •T. n lect ol'on remits in an incurablo Lung EIRoNGH I Al m""° . Breton's Bronchial Troches, • 000/ will most Invariably give instant relief Ttittokr DtsgAvEs, they haven soothing effect. SINGERS and PUBLIC SPEAKERS use them to clear and strengthen the voico. Owing to the good reputation and popularity of the Troches, many worthless and cheap imitations aro of fered, which are good for nothing. Bo sure to obtain the true Brown's Bronchial Troches. SOLD EvEntsvnEnc. [dec..1.'6976m. The Confessions' of an Invalid, .01JBLISTIED for the benefit of young man and others L who buffered frotu Nervous Debility, LTA., supplying the means of self•cure. Written by ono who cured himself; and sent free on receiving a post-paid directed envelope. Address, NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Brooklyn, N. X--6m. " CLEANSING THE BLOOD," upon which charl atans have harped so much, is not a mere catch word and delusion. Tho microscope shows that some diseases exist like parasitic growths upon the globules of the blood; and it is further known that. some subtle substances destroy or expel them. Thom, substances have been combined to make Ayer's Sart-aparilla, which does effectually expel tbo disorders that breed and rankle in thd blood to rot out as it wore the machinery of life. [Mercer (Pa.) Wbig. - ERRORS OF YOUTH, A GENTLEMAN who suffered far years from Ner vous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthfnl indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering hu manity, send free to all who need it, the receipt and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the adver tiser's experience, can do so by addressing in perfect confidenco, JOHN B. OGDEN. May 26,'69-Iy. No. 42 Cedar :3trect, Now York TO CONSUMPTIVES. TIII Advcrtiser,having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after Laving suf fered several years with n severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption—is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of mire: To ell who desire it, he will send a copy of tho pre scription used (free of charge,) with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a SURE Cella Pon CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA, BUONCHITIs, OIC. The object of the advertiser in sending the Prescrip tion is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which ho conceives to be invaluable; and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription, will please address .Rev . EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings County, N. Y. May VI, 1869-Iy. 5 ot) TONS of the finest ground Cayuga Plaster, in Tioga County, to be had at the Mansfield Plaster Mill. No charge for de livering at the Mansfield Depot. Jan. 19, 1870-3 m. C. 11. OMENS. CORNING JEWELRY STORE! A. D. DUDLEY, 111 . 4 i ,wk Watchmaker and Jeiveler. A largo aHsortmontof WATCHES, JEWELRY,' SILVER PLATED WARE, CLOCKS AND,PANCY GOODS. 2 70 • Engraving done in any style. Corning, Dee. 15, 1869. A. D. DUDLEY, ly. No. 10, Market St. J)EMOREST'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE universally acknowledged the Model Parlor Magazine of America, devoted to Original Stories, Poems, Sketches, Household Matters, Gems of Thought, Personal and Literary Gossip (inbituling special departments on Fashions), Instrnctiods on health, Music, Amusements, etc., by the best authors, and profusely Illustrated with costly Engravings, useful and reliable Patterns, Em. broideries, and a constant succession of artistic novel ties, with other useful and entertaining literature. No person of refinement, economical housewife, or lady of taste can afford to do without the Model Month ly. specimen copies 10 cents, mailed free. Yearly, $3, with n valuable premium; two copies, $5,50; three copies, $7,50; five copies $l2, and splendid premiums for clubs a.'s3 each, with the first premiums to each subscriber. ull„.A new Bertram dt Fenton Sewing Ma. chino for 20 subscribers at $3 each. Publicatiox Office, 838 Ilroaeway, New York. Demorest's Monthly and Young America together $4, with the premiums for each, SELECT SCHOOL. MS. JENNY GIBSON will open a Select Ili School in the Academy building on the lUth of January inst., 1870. Thorough instruction will be afforded in any of the branches usually taught in the Academy. TERUB.—Common English $5,00 per-quarter. Higher English, French and German $7 " Jan. b, 1870-3w* SEELEY, COATES & CO., BANIiiII.I3, Knoxville, Tiogn,. County; Pa.— Reeeive money on deposit, discount notes, and sell drafts on New York City. Collect ions promptly made.—Dec. 15, 11389-lyf` House 5 Lot for Sale. A GOOD House and barn, on alot of two acros, within ten minutes walk of tho Court House, Wollsboro, is offered for sale. In quire of John I. Mitchell, 'Esq.,Wellsboro.. Jan. 25, 1810—tf. COVINGTON Sid FACTORY P. ik.k.11.-,G: MILAN, Ppprlepr!.).,_ THE telbeariberk would any to the publle, that they are prepared tifi#talce-or-hrnbdt;" SASH. AND BLINDS, DOORS • PALINO SOROLTA:, BAw;: ING, &0., .. ~ ~-. i.: +.; c • .: -‘ '- 'Alsoidoler,s iii ::. ,i: i' . Lumber and Shingles. Prico list for Saeh primed . and glare 4 per light 8 by 10-12 i onto. 9 by 13. 8 by 14, 10 by 12, 15 cents 10 by 14, 9 by 14, .15 bents. 10 by, 10, 20 mtg. • • Our work is made of the best seasoned lumber and in the best manner. Calland seo us. Jnn. 6, 1870-Iy. Medical Card Doilies CLARK, after vitilting the principal ! JlJoities of Western Pa.,fo the accommodation of Ms numerous Patients t roughout the Wes tern Counties of the Stat. , will visit again, WELLSBORO, LOS BURG, MANS- FIELD, &! TIOGA BORO, on the following dap Appointments for Jan 8t Feb: 1870. Brio, Pa., Reed House, Jan. 10, 11, 12 It 13. Pittsilurg, Merchant's Hotel, Jan. 14, 16, 16 & 17 Scenery Bill, Pa., "Oftleo,"Jan:lB, P 3,20, 21, 22. Altoona, Pa., P. it. It. House, Jan. 23, 24, 25,26 Barrisburg, U. S. Hotel, Jan. 27, 28, 20, & 30. • TIOGA COUNTY. Weßebore, Pa., (Wellsbero Hotel) Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday k Frid y, Feb. 1,2, 3, 4. 'Roseburg, Pa., (Ezebange Hotel,) Tuesday, February 8. Menet:told, Pa., (Mansfield II 'tel) Wednesday Feb. U. Tioga, Bqro Pa., (Ilazhat's Hotel,) Thursday Feb. 10, N, Elmira, N. Y., (Ratbbono House,) Friday Feb. 11. Dir4lark examined more than 1,000 invalids in Tioga County, and such was the satisfaction given in examining and treating Chronic diseas es, that ho placed nearly ono-half of this number under regular treatment, and with scarcely an exception they aro rapidly improving, and many of his °urea aro truly remarkable. Dr. Clark would like to give the names of re markable cures performed in Tioga County, but delicacy in publishing patient's names at home forbids. Please notify your afflicted neighbors of my appointments . Jan: Byfiro:- Tina Marble Works. wHE undersigned is now preparpd to exe j. cute all orders for Tomb Stones and Monu ments or either ITALIAN OR RUTLAND MARBLE, of thelatest style and approved wor‘inship and with dispatch. Be keeps constantly on band both kinds of Marble and will bo able to suit all who may fa vor him with their orders, on as reasonable Orme as can be obtained in the country. FRANK ADAMS. Tioga,Jan. ,1870-tf. NOTICE is hereby given that D. G. Stevens and Joseph Aiken, Trustees of Martin Ste vens, have filed their accounts in the Prothono tary's office of Tioga County, and that said*. count will bo presented to the Court of ,Cummon Pleas, on Monday the 7th day of February next, for confirmation and allowanco, J.F. DONALDSON, Prirth'y. Jan. 12, 1370. ' NOTICE is horoby given that Isaac Sutton, J. Doarman, Doles Angel, and others, have *-1.44 - re—ovar.. -- .'ertatarawao ss• MIA.* oonty for a Charter of incorporation to them selves, their associates and sueeessors, for relig ious . purposed, under the name and style of "The First Baptist Church . of Knoxville,' and that charter wilt be granted at the next term of said Court, commencing on the last Monday of January inst., unless sufficient reason pe shown to the contrary. J. F. DONALDSON,' Jan. 12, 1870. • ' Prothonotary: House and Lot for Sale. MR. CHARLES 'WILLIAMS offers for sale his house and lot, eituatq on the north west tide of Main street, Wellsbero' Pa. ,A good. house, outbuildlngs,fruit trees, an excellent gar den spot, with all things to snake a comfortable home. For particulars, call on CM 2, 1870 SALISBURY, BROS., & CO., Extensive Manufacturers and Importer's of Gold, Plated- & Oreille Jewelry, SOLID AND NICKEL 1 1 7,ML13 VertEh AMERICAN, ENGLISH & SWI: Watches, CASED BY OURSELVES, And every description of FANCY (1001)3 AND YANKEE NOTIONS, Especially adapted and designed fur Southern and Western Trade, Circulars and full descriptive Prioo Lists sent free. A gentranted everywhere. Addresn, S`&11 - TS13T1RY, co., 51 Dorranco Street. Jan 12,1870-3 m, Previdodce, R. I. TEMPERANCE. MARRIOTT D ROSINS Esq.,State Lect urer, under the direction of the Grand Lodge of Bonn., (1. 0. or G. T.) will visit Tioga county and lecture on tho subjeot of Tomporanco as follows in the evening: Mansfield Tuesday, January 4th, Covington, sth, Blossburg 6, Morris Run 7, Cherry Flails 8, Wellsboro 9, Stony Fork 10, Charleston 11, East Charleston 12, Middle bury 13, Niles Valley 14, -Westfield 15, Knox ville 16, Elkland 17, Nelson 18, Lawrenceville 19, Matnsbnrg 20, Rosevillo 21, Job's Corners 22, Tioga 23. • - Jan. 5,1870,-3w. Register's Notice. NoTreE l is hereby given, that the Executors and Administrators named below, have tiled their accounts in the Register's Office in and for Tioga Co. Pa., and that the said accounts will be presented to the Orphan's Court of and for bald county, at a session of said Court to be held in.Wellshoro. on Monday the 31st, day of January 1870, at 2 o'clock P. M. for confirmation and allowance. Account of Harriet M. Stevens, and Daniel 9. Stevens, Administrators of the Estate of Ezra - T. Stevens, late of Middlebury Township, de ceased, Account of Patrick llallinan Executor of tho last will and Tostament of Cornelius llallinan, late of Union Township, deceased. 'Account of J. Emery, Administrator of the Es• tato of David 11. Smith, late of Wellsboro D. L. DEANE,' Wellshoro, January, 5, 1870. Register. IMPORTANT TO FARRIERS I! I HAVE about 200 bushels of g enuine Norway Oats, andlivill dispose of a part of then's' a reasauable price. Those wishing the pure seed please call and exa m ine. L. C. BENNETT Wellsboro January 3d, 1.870-tf. ANOTHER TUMBLE T I.Bt# SEE WHAT SELLING FOR CASH! Our Pries To• Day. . Best White Wheat Plour $7 pr bb11,75 pr. saok. 0 Rod witnter ' $6.50 0 1,62 ' - 0 . "XX Spring Wheat, 6,00 " X. 50: ' o '. Buckwheat Flour, 3,00 Per'loo lbs. Bost Feed, 1 . 2,00 ,ft cf.. - Bran and Shorts 1;50 0 -- • a , '• : . • Meal 2,25 di 44 1 , Those prices only TOR CASII. i WRIGIIT .E DAII.IIY. All persons not haring settled with its, can not biome us now if they find their accounts and notes loft with nn attorney for collection. We g ive duo notice. W. &. B. 13M3V---WeWant nR persons having any bags with our mark on them, to return the same at once, as we shall take stops to soonre'them.— We have 500 bags scattered among the people. . Dr. B. OLARK, Scenery Bill, Pa, JOSEPH 'WILLIAMS WRIGHT A BAILEY. The way to:Get Rich i. Ie = to buy' your Gr-OODS wbesa ypn pan buy titoni CHEAPEST I Youlah do that at ME Wilson ec, Van Valkenburg's El A SPLENDID LINE OP ;CHOICE WINTER GOO S, Purchased at tho Bottom Market Prices, just rooehred. NUR MN CLOTHING E:MI lII= of every'deseription, and clothing made to order in the very best sty o. and warranted. WILBON do VAN VALICENBURG. Wellsboro, bee. 15„:1869 CMICE POULTRY.—I lave a re* more fowls of the Braiiinh and Black Spanish breeds for sale. Pure bred and very film. lam also receiving orders for eggs for setting, to be filled in rotation as received as early next spring au the weather will permit. No orders noticed nolees accompanied by the cash. Price $1 per dozen. M. B. PRINCE. Wellaboro, Pa., Dec. 20, 1800. U - 9STRAY.—Camo to my enclosure, in Niles Valley, Dec. 19, 1869, nine white sheop.— , The owner can have the same.' by proving prop. erty, paying oh • rges, and taking them away. • , Jan. ii, 1869 fiy. _ , EItASTUS NILES. MIA Rlll FOR SALE.—The undersigned offers for sate th following property situated in the Toviliship o Liberty, Pa:.- 7 =-Bounded the North luy Goo `;l4toliee,• East' by Negro -Lott, t South and We., by John Messner; containing 422 acres and porno porches. About 40 acres 'cleared, and under good cultivation ; also, con taining some of the choicest Timber in th'o County—to wit: Pine, Ifernlohlt, Cherry; Ash, Oak, Red and White Bass,-&c, Also, another farm situated t n the Williamson Road, Bounded on the Norts by G. Krause, South by Jahn Bland, East by Benjamin Hughes, West by Daniel Brooan ; containing 65 acres ; about 25 acres cleared. House and Barn thereon. For particulars apply to 'JOSEPH HUGHES, Jan. 5 i 1870 -3w. Liberty, Tioga CO, Pa. Elk Run Plaster. TTH'S PLASTER . having boon thoroughly tooted by the farmers, and 'pronounced bye all, to bo a Truporior article, wo take I pleasure in saying that we can supply the masses, as wo have any quantity on hand, Pried per ton, 5 dollars- 1. CHAMPNEY. Jan. 5, 1870-sm.* FROM TIIE ALBANY EVENING JOURNAL of Dec. 7, 180i).—heavy Darnages.--In the great snit of John S. Perry against Jagger .t Littlefield, which has been before the United States Court for the past seven or eight years, And for three years or more before the Iron. A. A. Boyce, of Utioa, appointed as Master to ascotain and re port the gains and profits made by the defend ants In violating the assignments and infring ing the patents under which the celebrated Oriental Stoves are manufactured and sold, we learn that a report has been made awarding to Mr. Perry as a damage, the sum of $52,747.82. Some thousands of Stoves that were sold by the Littlefield Steve. Manufacturing Company are understood not to be included in this award, but are to ho the subject of further proceedings. —Alban/ Evening Journal. . • ORPHAN'S'COURT SALE.—Puranant to an order and &ere° of the Orphan's Court of Tioga County at November Term, 1869, the un dersigned Guardian of the person and estate of ,Danief,lCelts, a minor child of Beta) , lteltz de ceased, will expose to public sale at' the promi 'se, below named, all that lot of land situate in ,Union Township, Tioga County,. Pa., bounded on the north by lands of MarlaWLandon, on the east by the highway leading. from the Block norm road to Lyndes Spencer, on the tiouth by lands of R. T. Thomas, and on the west 'by lands'of tail Month Landon, containing 'three acres of ground, and a small board house thorn. on. Terms of sale, one half cash, and one:halt 'in one year. Sale to take place on 'Monday, Jaheary 3d - , 18 , iO, at 2 o'clock P. M. . E. CLEVELAND, Guardian. ',ion,M Pa., cc. 3d, 1889-4. w. XTOTICE.—We pay Cash for ASH, CHERRY, and CHESTNUT LOGS, delivered at our Milt Ash Logs out 12 and 14 feet. Cherry and Chestnut 12, 14 and 16 feet long. We saw nothing pht.rt of 13 feet in length., TRUMAN A., BOWEN. Peo.'B, 1889.—t( FRESH GROUND PLASTER AT TIOGI-A; BY T. L. BALDWIN, & CO. $7,50 ppi- ton, EkI;;CUTOR'S NOTlCE.—.lketters Testamen tary 'buy ing been granted uponitbe Tait will and Testament, of Joseph T. Streit, late of Mansfield, deed, all perssns indebted to, or claiming against said testator, are requested to settle with, WIL LIAM J. 000TH, Exr..or 0. v- ELLIOTT, . ~ agent, Manqfield, Pa. Duo. 22.1868-6 w.. • ' • ; 3 1 , 1ir 114#6111)Tht-.. - -- A ' , yew store & New 6 0ods. (One d?or.b r elityiVfei;b .}..#141144prai : 13410 T ji wvalaT t to those os e whom It tray eon corn, at-us jut , returded-from , the City--bought ea 'fully and close, a full assort teat of \ GROOPP.43 I P.ROV/SIO,PIEI . FLOUR .... 4 .--\;••: AND FEED,.. &A, - & O . Come and price my TEAS, SUGARS AND , SYRUPS, Before you Parana! ? , - W. P., NGONY, , Woileboro, Jan. 4; 18704 f. •, . . - . ' IRON WORKS! FOUNDRY` - WELL§BORO, PA. • • SEAR & ` : AVERY,` iqiSoI;II7ETORS. PLOWS, HORSE HOSES, OULTIVA TORS, FIELD ROLLERS, KET TLES, ALL SIZES, SAP . PANS, FARMING • „ OTENSILS," ALL, . , KINDS, WOOD MACHINES ro j i SAWING WOOD; • =1 Brick Machines, CHURN POWER; THE TOMPKINS. COUNTY, * HORSE POWER:-' EIGHT AND TEN HORSE, CONSTANTLY ON HAND, And also, everything usually found in a first class shop. Wo call particular attention to our MA CHINE SHOP, which has been re-built with now, and first-class MICIIINERY,LITHE ,'lron PLANER, 3RILL, Am. We employ none 'ut first-class workmen, and are, therefore, pre pared to do our.work_in. the best style, and at short notice.- Wo have ;recently: added new MACHINERY, for Planing and Matching boards. Call and see us. Jan. 5, 1870-ly. SEARS .k AVERY. 'BEE - HIVE EXCHANGE. BUT AT 'DISCRETION y ou see that half a column or bpaegb with brat 1. an inch of reading matter don't help me atter all. What d'ye do Mae for t" asked less than a million of my customers, when I appeared in blank. - And, being tuckered out 'with trying to explain why I did-it, I am forced to do it in print: Know ye, all good people, that I am doing Lend Office Business; WHOLESALE & RETAIL SUGARS, ALL GRADES, SYRUPS, MO LASSES, PORK, lIA.MS, SHOULDERS, MACKEREL, WHITE MCOES, COD, HALT BUT, AND 80 FORTH, Aud 11113 selling cheap as 1 always do, and can save country dealers their expenses to the, little city of _Elmira. or the big City of Now York.— But then, • is one of my biggest, brightest, and best things YOu ennnot get better or cheaper, than I•oan sell you. You may pa tronise the Great Ameriecual Tea Company, and ikon I can do you good. I hero enough to Bet Tioga County a' for the next 25 yertrE4 Doside9 no men base big ger or better lot of . , • I ' 2001. M V111011;30' theft I have, and am selling them nt a bargain II C N NED FRUITS, AND VEGETABLES, not mixed as I mix them here, but in good order I buy nll the that I can, and nhnost ovory,thing else 41t tee4els Sign of the BULL . BEE•IIIVE. Wellsboro, Deo. 15; 1869. Oct. 27, 1 ESE MAatiirE' Suff . ! I Surrender, Therefore, TilE,' TEA - -TRAtir: OOLONG OR GREEN TEAS, TE S '- HE - ING! Everything in the Gro : uory Line, WOODEN WARE, 'CONFEC TIONERY, BUTTER AND CHEESE, W.:T. MATITERS HAVE YOU SEEN THE ,l'inttne,n4e Stock of Carpets, AND OIL CLOTHS, . - lin the' Carpet Storo of I SMITH. I . WAITET. 'Camilla.; N. T. 969. ME „ u A' con here We Are Again 1 rirtHANEBVL for the favors we h e that far received froze the peoe of T X TIOGA VALLEY, we wish to call their att oA to the fact that we are just receiving a - New Stock'of Goods , . . adapted - to the•eatly Fall' Trade, eomPrisiag er orythipg desirable, both in style and quality, will shell be pleased to see our old , oustonters and ill who may eottiefrona that vicinity to CORNING to bay =!AI BOOTS AND SHOES, CROCKERY, GROCERIES PROVISIONS, Carpets, &c., &e., as we always give customers from a distance A LAROE-;DISCOUNT ON PRICES, we thrill make it for their interest td come to us_ to make their purchases, as many people in that region will testify. We do not believe in long advertisements, displaying long lista of prices, go , but will convince all who come that we sew, and do sell that this Store is, in reality THE REGLTLAR 1 or this section of eountty. Call and take a look through our immense stook and BMW' , yourselves. Corning,Bept 8, 1889. C-C-B-&-F-L-E y OT. L. BALDWIN gr. .0 'S and see a nice stock of Goods for the FALL & WINTER. 141.12 E E 0 3EOOO 07414124 —all etylos, colors and patterns—, ALPACAS, POPLINS, CAMBRICKS, FRENCH iTACONETS, ORGANDIES, PEQUAS, VERSAILES, BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, ~ ' • I - irPC. BEAUTIFUL Winter SHAWLS, and a large neEortwent teeloet. from CLOAKS READY , -MADE, AND CLOTH TO MAKE MGRE, ALL KINDS OF LININGS, FRINGES, TASSELS Sce,, TO TRIM 'DRESSES . . - OR ISACQUES. —bur stock of— YAN EE NOTIONS can't be beat It keeps up with everything the ' • ran ses hove thought of so lhr. HOOP SKIRTS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, CORSETS, &C, • 7, - .lt - -0-M---H--N mountsunta too numerous to mention; but will say that you will seldOui find so largo-an assortment to select from in a country store, and clear down to the We also keep a largo assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, in suits, and parts of suite. Should we fail to snit you with ready-wade, we have Caaahnere and A TAILOR TO' OUT- AND FIT Boots and Shoes, HATS ANiti CAPS, STRAW • GOODS, .AND GENTS' FURNISHING - GOODS, A COMPLETE LINE OF - 'CROCKERY, WOODEN-WARE, HARD WARE, SHELF HARD . WARE, NAILS, IRON, - - Look* Latches; Carpenters' Toole. AIIENERAL STOCK OF GROCERIES, Fresh. TEAS are lowor,, than at any time since the war. Did not go to Cuba to buy sugar, and so have some cheap. Wo are agents for the E. HOWE:SEWING MACHINE. Fa? ors; if you want tools to wtirk with drop in. SA T, LIME, PLASTER, PORK, FLOUR Lime, Cayuga Plaster, coo. Putter tubs, Pails. Firkins. and Ashton Salt to flavor with. All kinds of , Farm Prodnie 'rant ed. Prices can't be 'be4- T.~....g..._._A.:._N~---rK-S T. L. BALDWIN & 00. Tiogii, Par:, Jan. 1,1870. =1 WEIS DRY GOODS, GOODS CHEAP, NEWELL -. & OWEN. COME TO TIOGA, PA. such as BOTTOM FIGURE, all styles and airms. +. F.~--.1-W-X DI El MEESE