• M A E SIIFFRAIE: k - • Oeb, hats a baste who opposes the right!' Of a fayrne. VS vote Whenever she plates: Tor myself, 1 look forth fo the day with dolight, When the polls will appe4r like a meadow of • 41716 1 60. : l': - ? I said-to my 'Kathleen, when frow the eouvintion She came wid a beautiful smile Ull liar face, "Yell 'loon bp a lady and ivory attintion Be shownYees by those who have power and playa. 4 "Mn. Gunnybligs thin on yourself nill bo And axle yees up In her house, niver fear, I And thin in her carriage, when fliyrn ales are votin,' Yell sit by , her side, Bah i Kathleen, my dear." &Opt Olt I e, aftLeali; ie alxi"Obt . t47l But not so to me, a three son of the sod— For the years have been joyons and free from all trouble, SS , tho mortar and cumin' me till. , Audl otu not,jealoue; , ob r ito, riot • , t tt.t4t vreporeo ' rlri' oyeti itit*g: ; triln ) r t i• To climb u — ptl;Oiad' d"a'r'n vfnlk on itla sva I, And share all the joys of the brick and tho mortar. • I, MILK KOH.. Rim WkrzyertH !maids ¢ orilc t iAnif i ruher. that in or der; to ,brow tip cream, must have a certain temperature. Where A thermometer Is the index, about seventh!' degrees will be foUnd the, most desire _ ,use tenagei:ature for cream to rise to cold ..frtivYlll-:ot de, to put.ool4:id t cellar at: th Is season of 'the row, bi 3 Oau ia - ft niOsi fi se tat' v#'s3 l , tables and fruit. No good butter can be made whenitnitk is exposed to the efflu via arisinwl.frctia. :l vegetables. When new ; beep strained, place the pans or, if you please, the tin pull, on the stove and warm the milk. .The cream will soon rise; and the cream Wilkiteisppweeh i; 1 fri t , oedei t to,s'out dream suffitlently for churning, it often becomesnecessary to add a little of the buttermilk from the e former churning. Remember that the temperature e i fiergam tit tiAe time of the slAidid 4 lse abouttitixtjr-two de grees. , Thermometers are so cheap in these days, that every dairy maid should have one. A dairy thermometer, sum ciently accurate for thpurpose, may be /obtained for about seventy-ilVd `cents: , If your churning will "not comer readily, it often helps the cream to add a little common salt—about, one-half the qua n tity reqUired - for the - amount of butter produced from the cream in the churn.--Rura/ World. KEEPING FOWI,S IN WINTER.-Breed f-- t..eli should'underStand tbal nothing Is gained by letting fowls shift for them selVes in the winter. They need the best of care, and will pay tenfold : in the ' 2 " . .end for the trouble. Let -regularity be obierved iu feeding, and above" all A - • - things; o not:fall to supply them . , reg ularly with good pure water. - D pot ' trust to their getting their supilly of water from the show—you night' as well debar cattle the use . of water,, be cause there is plenty of sn t tow upon' the ground as fowls. Keep ,lien aeries warm and dry, and supply them .with sand, burnt oyster, and clam bells, and 'coal ashes. Peed fowls with . good whole gome foot ---corn, oats, wheat screen ings and buckwheat. Give' them meat ones a week, and they will "shell -out" early in mid-winter and pay the trouble. Recollect, nothing is made by a "make shift" care of fowls in cold weather— it's poor econorny.—PurallVew Yorker. , A FAIMER who wished to Invest the accumulation of his indtistry in the United States securities, went to a bro ker's.- _office %to obtain treasury notes, The clerk inquired "What denomi nation .will you have them in sir?" Having never heard that 'word used excepting to distinguish religious seas, the farmer, after a little hesitation, re plied : "Well, you may give me part in the Old-School Presbyterian, to please the old lady, hut give me the heft. on't in Free-Will Baptigta." To PREVENT FEATHERS WORKING THROUGH T/CKS.--A lady in western New York writes : "Empty the feathers fron your tick, turn it wrong side out, and lay it on a table: Then, with a piece of beeswax, slightly warmed, rub the tick thorough ly, giving the entire surface a light coat .f the waxes I do not think you will be = troubled after that." "Doctor, what do you think is the matter with my little boy ?" - "Why, it's only a eorrustilled exege sis,,antispasmodieally emanating Cs om the' germ' of the animal refrigerator, producing a prolific source of irrita6ill ty 'in the perierauial epidermis of the mental profandity." . " A r h i that's _ what I told Betsy, but she 'lowed it was witrrums." It Is in their perorations that they aline in Ireland :. "May the blessings of Heaven fol low your honor all the days of your life," whined an old hag, as she trotted after a gentleman; and then seeing that her entreaty had not moved him, she added, "-and never overtake you." TRE FLY.--I believe we nowhere find a better type of a perfectly free creature than the common houiegly. Not free only but brave and irreverent to a de gree whieh_l think no republican could by any philosophy exalt himself to.— There is fro courtesy in him; he i doeS not care whether it is king or clown whom he teases; and in every step of his swift„imechanical rnarchl -and In every pauesi of his resolute aberration, there is one and the sme expression of perfect - independence and self -confi dence and conviction of the world's having been made lifer flies. Strike at liimi with Yiaur hand ; and to .him the ln, mediate!fset and external aspect of e matteeis what to you 36 would be i any acre of• red clay ten feet thick, twisted Melt , . up from the ground . in • one massive 'field, •hoverea over you for a second, and came diast\thz down with . an aim. '1 4 419 is the external as pect of it ; the inner aspect ‘ l to. hi mind is of a quite natural and uni por taut occurrence—one of the momentary conditions of bis active life. He steps out of the way of your hand and alights on the back of it . You can not terrify him, nor govetrt him, noeperstuule him nor convince him. He has his own pea , Itive opinion on all matters ; not an an wise one, usually, for hie own ends, and will ask no advice of yours. Be has no work to do, na • tyrannical instinct to obey .' The earth-woren has his dig gings, the bee her gathering and build ing, the spider her cunning network, and the ant ber treasury am) accounts ; all these are _eamparatively, slower, or People of only business. But you By, ' free - in the air, free in the chamber, a .black incarnation of caprice, wander ing, c) Investigating, flitting, teasing at 1‘ hi e Ty IH, 'with r ich variety of thoicey iJ feast, 'from the heaped-up sweets in'tlio grocer's window to those ofthe butcher , , back yard, and from the galled place on your cab-horse's back..to the brown spot In the road, from which as the hoof disturbs him he rises with a repub liean buzz--ohat freedom like this?— 'From Euekires Queen of the Air. • ...... 3EPAcomiLow, 11114.8 removed his gootts to Um New Store in Wright ~t liaileyta -Block, 1180011 a door eact , of Seers Saloon. -Lots of:ew Goods u!st ~1140vo/„. 04glittig ei,ev 'ihhig •afitip.Oy if < , kept iu DU 'GOODS STOIIEI MEM ". ' ft. 'BolthroVer - the stray, The people say - Ridley has gone ,with his goods; • Consisting of everything, • Including old ‘Tomen a hoods'. I• •••,-, •• , • , OE • Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Bciots and Shoes,, and an endleee vailety of I SO-FORTHS, hat is usually found In a first-class country store.. northing '14 , -Po:irons for their 1 very liberal patronage 'heretofore, propose io•attend strictly to /mettles/in futtare hind sell all the goods I pos. stbly can. -' So call In and eedl Jan. 5, KELLEY.'" ,KEYSTIENE, STORE! • WELLSBORO, PA. Spring is Long -Coming! AND some' people 'begin to' lose faith in the promise of seedttgf) and harvest. In view of this fact • i Bullard Cos, have concluded to hurry up. the season by stook ing their shelves and countorsmith a triqely re tected and euperior lot of SUMMER\ DRESS GOODS, oomprleing d , variety of Silks, Linens, Hosiery, Gloves, Em broideries, Poplins, Lawns, Percales, Piquas, &c., &0., together with a fine lot of Domeiptioa, Sheetings, Shirtings ' Sum mer Clothing, Ladiek Shoes, &0. We shall sell as low as anybodyi and give you good Goode. Jan. 1, 1870. DULLARD & CO SELLING OFP AT COST FOR CASH 1 11 9 e WM I / 4 114\1g& tb CO Will sell from this date their entire stook of = DRUGS, MEDICINRS, Perfumery, Notions, Dye- StuMl, Paints, Oils, Virnishes, Glass, Putty, Alcohol, Turpentine, Kerosene 011 Tobacco, ague, ) } Wan -Paper, Curtains, Filtures, &0., &e., :AT COST FOR CASH. Positively no Humbug'. P. R. WILLIAMS & CO. WeH6o7o,3'oo'. 5, 1870. r Having farmed a partnership in the Tin, Stove itnd Hardware trade, Alter undersigned have the pitiainte'to tinteuteethut: they lhave, at • ri f;reat 'outlay gadded Inibe;nenal stank:of •tbe old 'stand ____ NAM STREET, WELLSBORO, a complete morn:sent of Shelf Hardware, of which we enumerate the following articles NAILS, SPIKES, CROWBARS, X CUT, MILL, RAND AND' BUCK SAWS, BUTTS, STRAP lIINQES, ; CARPENTER'S TOOLS, . PUMPS, AXES, AUGERS, BITPS, BITT-STOOKS,.UATCHETS, OHISELS, SHOVELS, SPADES, FORKS, RENOH-SOREWS, n' • t WOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE BOLTS,' BURRS, SKEINS, WASHERS, ,PIPE BOXES, AXLE TREES, ELLIP TIC SPRINGS; HORSE SHOES, iii.ooP, EAR, & BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE I . HANGINGS, CORN ' ----- - POPPERS, SAUSAGE CUTTERS AND STUFFERS COMBINED. Also, PISTOLS, PISTOL CARTRIDGES, POWDER AND , CAPS. ' PATENT BARNDOOR HANGINGS a new thing, and made for use. These are but a few of the many articles ,00mposing our stook of Hardware. We Invite the publie to call and examine for themselves. We aim to keep the hest quality of goods in outline; and all work to order done promptly and well. AGENTS ROE THE Buckeye Mower & Reaper. SASH; DOORS. BLINDS. ' Always on band or furnisbod 'to order, at , _ROBERTS & BAILEY'S Hardware subscribers will iny (lash, Full-Cloth . ,T Ossalmeres, Flanneliasc., &tr., for Wool.— Theyalso manufaoture as usual— I / and give more for Wool in exchange than any other establishment. Try them and satisfy your selves. ! ) INGHAM wholesale and retail at the Cow anesque Mills, 2 miles below Rnoaville. Our Cloths are warranted, and sold by the following persons: • 100,000 Pounds of Wool Stoves:'.. Stoves: NND'Ig AIRDWAnint , ' AT FACTORY PRICES. Store, Wellsboro. ROBERTS & BAILEY. Wu. ROBWITO. R. C. BAILEY. Wellaboro,Jan. 1,1870-tf. Ingham's Woolen Mills ! DEERFIELD, PA. s::s TO ORBS% iOR ON SHARES, to Nun customers. .411 work warranted ne rep resented. They invite particular attention to their Water Proof CASSIMERES g which are Warranted in every respect. Portion tar attention given to ROLL - CARDING AND CLOTH 11RESSING. INGHAM'S large stook of Cassimeres, Ao., 26 per cent less than any competitors, and warrant. ed as represented. • rNGTIAIifB manufacture to order, an do all kinds of Roll&Ctirding and Cloth Droning, and day competition. ' 1 • INGHAM bare as ic t iod an assortment of Full Cloths, Oassimeres, Scoal DELANO A CO.. We!labor°, Pa. T. L. BALDWIN It CO., Tioga, Pa J. C. BENNETT, Covington, Pa. Wanted. • , jOSEIPH INGHAM & 80N8. Daerftold, Jan. 1, 1870.4?. • Whole ale and Retail DRUG STORE! By, W. C. Kla cE rrilE'sabsoriber „ will keep on bind et all dam a. full stock of DINGS AND MEDIC INB S Fitfiritt kedicines, Flavoring Extracts,, Perfumery, Serosene t Lamps, Wicks , D ye Caors, White Wash Lime and Brushes • Varnish - and Sash Brulhes, Brushes, .ohais all sues, Varnish kinds, Fancy Soaps, . - ,Hair . Hair and • Tooth Brushes; afull stock of rankee .AsrotionsT alio 'a complete as sorhhent of Illomaimpathic Medicines, TiVero are requested to call .and examine pri tieS belose . parehasimgelsewhere. . • ini1:0870; • I • . , IF YOU WANT A., ,-, Coat , 'Or Suit of Clothes , . • Call and see our stock of Cloths or Citssimeres, and leave your measure, and you can be supplied on abort notice, at SMITH & WAITE% Oat. 27, 1869. Oorning,S. T. Large Stock of FOREIGN St DOMESTIC GOODS, Salta* for tho Fall and Winter trade, at SMITH & WAITE'S, 00t. VT, 1869. Corning, N. Y. J New Stock! New Goods NAVE taken tbo now store one door above Wright & Bailey, whore they aro on hand with a new stock of BOOTS, BALMORALS, GAITERS, BOOTEES, BROGANS AND GALLIGASKINS- warranted to St any foot from No. 0, to 13 in clusive. The stook has been selected by ono who has the advantage of THIRTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE In the buoinere, and Whet beet and fullest la the country, Our stook of FRENCH CALF, FRENCH RIP, UP PER, SOLE, COMMON CALF, LININGS,—BINDING, MO ROCCO, &C., On Findings we shall be found at home al ways, and we shall endeavor to soli at prim; satisfaotory to the trade. We won't be under sold. cAsii PAID FOR HIDES, SKINS, FURS & PELTS There's comfort in a well made custom boot, That fits the corns without too much compressing For everybddy knows a shabby foot Cannot be Compromised by overdressing. And one may wear clean linen with a suit Of finest cloth, but there is no finessing . Will make a man with shabbily dressed tact, Look like a gentleman upon the street.- MOBAL : Bay your boots of • BEARE & DERBY, Or any other man. [Printer's Devil.] Wellsboro, Jan. 1,1869—tf. T AM AGENT for Kinney .Lt Co., celebrated platform spring Wagons, all styles, also for their light Carriages and Buggy Wagons, all made in good style, and from Jersey timber, and warranted in every respect, equal to any made. Can furnish any of tho above at the loWast Manufacturers price's. L. C. BBNXILT. Welleboro, Jan. 1,1870-4 f. House and Lot for Salo. - - HOl7Bll and Lot, and vacant lot for Sale oheap. Location Wellsboro, and desirable. Inquire at the Agitator Office. Jan.l, 11170—tf. • TO TUE FARMERS OF TIOGA • COUNTY. T Alkf ow bandit/ gat my mainifectory a in Lawronso. •iille. a superior FANNING MILL • which possesses the following adva n tage sorer a 1 lo ther mills: I. it separates rye, oate t rat litter.and foul seads,and chess and cockle, from wheat. 2. it cleans flax seed, takes ont yellow seed, and all other seeds, y. 3, it cleans perfectl timothy seed. 4. It does all other separating reqnired of a mill . This mill' is built of the beat and most durable tim ber, in good style. and is Sold cheap for cash, or pro. , duce. I will fit a patent sieve, for separating oats froth wheat,to other mills, on reasonable terms. J. if MATHER. Lawrenceville, Jan.], 1870-t MISS R. A. KEENEY bogs leave to inform the citizens of T foga and vicinity that she has taken rooms over Borden's Drug Store, op. posit° the Post.Officep where she will be happy to wait on all who will give ber a call. Particular attention paid to bleaching. Jan-.1,11370-tf. RAINTS, SPECTACLES, awl. a. full stook of Pure'Winee and Liquors. REMOVAL. SEARS & DERBY will be kept up as heretofore Also the top of the Market for WOOL. But our best hold will be on CUSTOM WORK I As lavas!. For Sale. New Milliner* A.4cAitkit uNoxvillit,;"11:00A: COUNTY, PENN'A. O. Principal: hfra..loa 150229.8, PreelD l 4 4, l 4 . • 'Ma Attu ./loaTolt, 4MMint. 11141 inn!A Baataras, Tilieher of }Lsalo. . The tailTer et la 111 0031101fi11e.43 /moat 21,7 The Vilutay Term November O. The Bprie4 Term hlatah 8. Each ; Term to dontinte 12 weeks: • - - ' • - EXPENB 'PER TERI!. • Tett.l4, Inelndint inint, and Wood, 701 Term 111,80. : • te -Winter Tem.. -18,60. • , '-"f' • -• ' 'Sprit% Tesao.; , . Aso. Day - Btu . diaial ;; ;.. r • 1,00. lattrunietitalldualc, (Plan o,Orgen er 10,00. Vocal Moak- - Uce dl Inatralaenta." • •:* 2,00. - Drawing an Paneling • " '3,00. • 81.1ard per Week ; 3,00, 4au, 1,18704 t. • .' :...':.•ctalvi-! - rf , .:-:. '.•,,, Ihrsil:iliit.:Catili:Ptltilorg` This preparation, long and favarebl ' 'motto' • will ,tttoreughly re-invltiom 4 ..) ' , Ins4ltendowikand low. plritcd Monies, by atringthening 'and' cleanting the - A - stomach and Intestbits. • • - - ' • ' Ttir a;rtire_ preVentlve of all dbleases incident to thlireglutatenah tRALPTG. ,S*WWVItAIiTDRWIILLOW / WALT AYES : tlll9 - DIS; - o• ' 4 ' • TEM P i .VEVEIti; 'VIC SOO?'" t , '" LOSS ow 11.PPETITVAMY VITAIO 4 ; ENERGY, &c. I.tio•.lmproirea - • , r the wind; , lnoreasee the ; a titer_ gives atwooth and glossy akia—ana".' ;if . tnutsforty. l ,the .taltenible skeleton' ' - ' • Salentine:T . o'6ldb; aintephitia horse: , , . 171 .1 : , To:keepors 'hi Cows 141 s prepr.. -•, . ' _, , ttou is tuvalxmble. : It ti a sure pro , •94 , ,•vtkati!, e ilff , ,R o a m tlyl t vtart h gludirpe",,go"oW .•---4, , , , - ex proven by ~~. gr ',51..:1 quantity of milk and cream twenty i -- '' . :.,-,-.-, .‘'_ Pat cent. and make the bytterAm ~• . - r -,,,,,,, - .tw:l „sweet: /4 ,fattenlng caltle, It eta ttigiitfill t(Ppettte ) ;lposent Indy hide, bait m aces them: lIIII,ra Much tatter : •' , • • • I • • • • f: - o; , , In all diseases of Swine, such as Coughs, Lacers in the Lungs, LiyerAc., this tirticleao# as a apts.. By.. putting from pas: WM it Piper to a paper in a barrel of • mat Oki sbdi'alseases *III be ei*M.'' a alum* entirely. Ortega:l. rflavew , a • in tittle, a orWin preventive, ani4 . • cure for the 'Bog Cholera. • 1; NV. O. RAUB. DAVID. 10; FOIiTZ, Proprietor, , • -, • DALT In on:Et: .31r. d For rale by Dnitests end fitcmekeepars throughout tho United MM,*. Cockatoo god South gurerka. gut. 5, 1 - 570»lits . • - Grocery . and. ,Provision Store, G. 13. ESIX.iXay 'WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER VV in all kindo of GROCERES, PROVAIONS, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, " FOREIGN & DOMESTIC, GREEN & CANNED FRUITS AND, WOOD & WILLOW WARE, GLASS & ettILDREN'S' ?JABS & PERAMBULATORS,. TOYS, ka., tto: A fait and oompleto assortment of tbo above mentioned goods of the boat quality always on hand. Particular attention paid to Fino Groceries Doahire and Consumers Still dad it to their in tercet to examine his Stook before buying. Corning, N. T., 11.1 1, 1870. WALTHAM WITCHES ! For a few months past we have advertised the above Watches at tiiremsfy lets prices, and the result has-been most satisfactory. Our plan has been to sell the genuine WALTHAM. WATCH, in Solid Gold or Silver Cases only, and at a very small profit; giving the purchaser every opportunity of examination and comparison, and with the understanding that if the Watch does not prove satisfactory, it can be exchanged or money refunded. These Watches are, without exception, the moat perfect specimens of fine mechanism ever produced in any country. Each and every part is made by machinery of the most delicate and elabosato construotion. Compared with foreign watches, they possess many advantages, excelling not only in princi ple and finish, but still more In their reliability as time-keepers. As an indication of the prices, we submit the following: Sliver Hunting Viiiitohea. $lB.OO. (loin Warcase, 18 karat case, 80,00. S. " ladies' mime, 70,00 Wo often receive orders direct from our adver tisement; but prefer that every ono should send first for our descriptive price list, which etplains all the different kinds, tells the weight and qual ity of the cases, and gives prices of each. This we will forwar d any one on application; and it will be found very useful in making a selection. Every Watch is warranted by specie/ certificate from Os American Watch Co. Weisend them by express to any address.— Allow the purchaser, to open the package and examine the Watch efore paying, and if after wards it does not prove satisfactory, it can be exchanged or the money will be cherfuW rerun. ded. Please state that you saw this in the Tioga County AGITATOR. Address, in full, • HOWAItD et 00., No. 619 Broadway, N. Y. Our establishment is well known to the resi dents of New York and vicinity, bat that those ,at a distance may address us with confident* we invite attention to the following editorial notices : From the N. Y. Evangelist, May 28,1888. . .We had =aeon some time since to refer to these oelebrated Am:dealt Watches which are well known as reliable timo•keeppra. We cannot do better now than to call this attention of our readers to the card of How ard dt . Co.. by which, it will be aeon that aersoas from a distance can order any grad* of these Watches by ex press, at greatly reduced prices. prom the N,T.lndependent, June 10,1808. We invite special 'Mention to the advestieement of Mears. //oward & 00., who offer the celebrated Walt ham Watches not only at the Retreat pities, but will send there teeny part of the country by'express, and 'PO the porchsees the privilege to examine the Watch ham paying for it. We have known Deward & personally for years, and cheerfully commend them to the confidence of our friends throughout the country. ■ J. STICKLIN, wt Ohairmaker, Turner, and • . f Furniture Dealer. Q.ILLE Roobi and FACTORY opposite Dartt'a ij.Wagon Shop Main Street, where he is pre pared to furnish Cabinet Ware of any kind to those in want. Orders promptly filled and eatlefactlon guaran. teed. Fancy Turning done to order. Wolleboro, Jan. 1,1870. J. STICIILIN. A farm of three hundred acres, with two hua.. .44111., drdd and twenty-Ave acres improved. Sit. noted two miles north of Tioga Village, on e the Tioga River and Railroad. Well watttered, un. der a good state of cultivation, and good build ings, Also four houses and lots for sale in Tioga T. L„ BALDWIN. Tioga, Jan. 1,1870-tf. NONCE. ---Mr. J.. Smith, of Lamb's Creek has purchased the right to put down the driving well in the towns of Tioga, Richmond and Charleston. All persons are therefore for bid putting down wells on the above territory. Those desiring wells of this kind will please ad dres a L. SMUT, Jau. 50.870. Lamb's Creek. Tioga Baptist Association. THERE wUI be a special meeting of the Tie ga Baptist Association with the West Jack son Church on Wednesday Jan. 19, 1870, at o'olooe, a. m. Rev. A. B. Chase will preach the opening sermon. E. T. FIRMLY, Clerk. Jan. 5, IV:O.—St. =IS cortNlNct, N. Y. DRIED FRUITS, VEGETABLES, CROCKERY WARE, Valuable Farm. for Sale. ViIitISHIRIG nollll. `OORNIN6, N. Y. TVIUGS AND MEDICINES. PAINTS . 1 -) AND OILS, THADDEUS DAVIDS'INKS, KEITH'S CONCENTRA.TED•otiimr4, IREDELL'S, FLUID, • EX- TRACTS, BURNETT'S CCCOAINE, FLAVORINg , EXTRACT'S, KEROSENE LAMPS, PATENT MEDICINES, ROCII- ESTER PERFUMED:it' AND FLAVORING, ,EX*RACTS, WALL ;PAPER, WINDOW GLASS, WHITEWASH LIME & AND DYE COLORS, AGENTS FOR MARVIN & CO'S RE FINED OIL Bold at Wholesale Prices. Buyers sire requested ,to eall and get, quotations before going further East. W. D. TERBELL,& CO entnlrg, N.Y., Jan. 1,1870-1 y NATIONAL LIEN MORINO COMPANY OF TEM UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, WASBRIGTOIt, D. C. Oharteredbq SpeoVl Act ofOongreas AppRoFED .41.1 , 25, 1868. Cash Capital. $1,000,000, PAID IN FULL. BRANCH OFFICE: First National Bank Building, PHILADELPHIA, Where all Correspondence should be Addressed. OFFICERS: VlLA.mixon U. OIL.ARE, President. JAY Coosa, Chairman FiDAUM & EXOOl.ltiVOOOl22. JIMMY D. Count, Vice-President. Eunnaon W. Parr, Seoretaryand Actuary. la .114C•a«.• see • • Ciroulars. pamphlets, and full ptirtioulars giv en on application to tbn Branch Office of the Oompaay, or to R. C. SIMPSON, WELLSHORO, Ps., by whom appllcatiOns will bo received and Poli cies procured for Toga County. Jan. 1, 1870-1y:I .GENTS WANTED For Chamberlin's ,2,, - I 4 :p i ip \ , • ~,." '';', \ * 4,. 0 , ."1 ..7.Z ..... :L ....,... ...............t,4 , PO:ll BESINESI NEIN, INVASLITABLE TO Every Morohant, Every Mocha - hie. Every Manufacturer, Every Farmer. Every Business Man, and Every Young Man. Worth ten times Its prio'. Agents are having groat success. For oireul re and fall informa tion apply to 0. D. CAE & Co. Publishers, Hartford, Conn. [nov If 1860-3m9 WANTED, AT THE NILES VALLEY• STEAM _FLOURING MILLS. • 10,000 Hue. Corn, 10,000 " Oats, and arly amOunt of good wheat. i J. B. DIMON & Co. Niles Valley, Jan. 1, 1870—tr. To tho Owners of Vnpatented Lands. SURVEYOR GENERAL'S OFFICE,' liannumuna, PA., May 25, 1869. j TN obedience to an Act 'of Assembly, approved the eighth day. of April, one thousand eight hundred and sixty nine,you are hereby notified that the " County Land Lien Docket," contain ing the list of unpatented lands for Tioga Co., prepared under the Act of Assembly of tho twentieth of May, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, and the supplement thereto, has this day been forwarded to the Prothonotary of the county, at whose office it may be examined. Tho Bens can only be liquidated by the payment of the purchase money, interest and foes, and receiving patents through this Department.— Proceeding's by the Attorney General have been stayed for one year from this date, in order that parties, may obtain their patents without addi tional cost. • JACOB M. CAMPBELL, Suryeyor General. THE LARGEST STOCK OF SPTCO7'3OI!E# JO , DTiogn County, and the . Cheat plitOe to ay is the world. Agent for L. .110L4 'S & CO'S HOSE, Binghamton, and ELMIRA SA W FACTORY, Elmira, N. Y. sroms SOLD ON PIMA Mansfield, Jan. 1, 1870-Iy. Patent Roofing. T HAVE bought tho right to use .the Paten. I Elastic Rooting in 'Tioga County, and am now prepared to put on roofs cheap and in-gobd workmanlike manner. Tide roolug is fineiktir water proof. „I refer to Messrs. Wright'Ar. Bai ley, Toles dr, Barker, and C. L. - Willoox**bero samples can be peen end roofs in nee. MOSES WINGATE. Wollsboro, Jan. I, 1870-tf. To Fanners. IWILL sell a fall-blood Dovon Ball, 2 years old, for cash, good paper, or exchango for stock. I have a mammoth Chester CouUty White Boar, procured of Hugh Henry, of Philadelphia; and this boar I shall keep for service. ' To the general public I would say that I am prepared to sell goods at auction, being, as believe qualified by experience to make my ser vipos profitable to employers. Terms reasonable. P. D. BUNNEL. Wellston°, Nov. 11,1869.-3w9 Administrator's Notice. ETTERS of AdministrtCtion having been j j granted upon the estate of Hiram B. ICil bourn deceased, ail persons indebted to, or claiming against said estate, will settle with S&LLY ANN KILSOI(.3 ENE, ' Delmar, Nov. fly nso-66.a' _ ,AdmVx• IIiIMWAY TIME"TABI;80. O'. and fella's MONDAY, Nov. 1011.1'M, Trains wilt have Corning, at the following boom viz Goma Wail. • . - 22,35 a EXPR E SS VAIL; Sundays excepted, for Buffalo, Dunkirk and Cleveland, connecting with trains Air thO Weat. A slaepiug Coath Is attached to thte tratu rtiitutug through to Buffalo. 6,45 EXklllo3l3, daily for- Rock - ..„4:l4ar llud'als • Dunkirk, Cleveland and Cincin uilli; making' direct 6irstauctior 4 54 trains of rho Grind Trunk and Lake Shure Ittstlwri,y4 at liutlato. ,Punkirk and, Cleveland for all points Wrot, and at Olnelutudtl with the Ohio and Ifilsolsaippi and Zunis= villa Short LIMA Hallways tor ' SoiSth and kuuth- Welt. . , . 10,204.. ftiAtt. TRAIN, Buttdays excepted, for Dotal° and Dunkirk; 22,06 p. In : , WAY VIMWILT, Eln whys excepted. . 1,45 p. m 'ISALTILMOILit ed, fur Itochotttor nog iluffnlit, ego Aron. 6,009. 14, initattA NT '1114.1N, daily; fur titu Wtltt, 738 rn•• - DAY 'EXPRESS, tiundliye oxcepted, for tiochestor, Duidittk , , Clecetavli,Ciuci , lomt, 'and tba booth Elope at driucipal bilitio2l9 Dec i 8 91)1111.1 ott mato Nevi New and froprOved Drawing Root Conches acOotoptcny this'll - Mu from Now Itork to Buffalo, ondDleepin g °Wiener. attoettbd at Flornoltsville, rannlngi thlydet, toctovoltintt and tlatlon'wltbout chnuitr. ' 4,45 h. in., CINCINNATI i:XPRESS, Mondays ix. • copted, connecting at liludra . fur lYitilawsport, Itarrlsburg and the South;, aide at Elmira for Counts dulge4; at liViirerly with train of rehhili valley Rail ' why t - -at Owego for Ithaca; as ilingharatert for Coo- Pertitawa and AillairiY; and at Now York with I etisil era and attern4m Exprei,,a trains for 'Now England cities. Bleeping conchal; accompany thin train tv New York, - • • 11,45 a. us., AY : exeREBS., Sundays excepted;i: connecting aL ersey ,City with tuidulght exprean trait' of Now Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia. Also stops at principal stittsous and connecting points ou' Mainline. - ' ' Nan' and ttnprOfetlitratring Knout Cuadvas accompany this train to Now York.' - 1,10 p. m, WAY PEEL: OUT, Sunda,se excepted. 12,20 P. at., ELMIRA MAII, .ituilitys excepted. 4,4 g p. m., NEW YORK' AND imurimone, Euudays excepted, connecting at Elmira for the 7,58 p.m„ LIOWPNING EXPRESS, Daily, connect ing at Jersey City with morning Express train of New Jersey liattrvad fop Ealtimoro and Washington; and at Now York with - morning Express train lot Itostou and Now England stops at all prin. otpal stations and connecting pointer on mail. line. Sleeping Coaches accompany thiatraTi through to New Nock. • SAGO/LON CUECKED T lIKOUOII. 43r A revised and complete "Pocket Time Table" 01 Paolangur, Trains on tile Erie Hallway and connecting Lines, has reeently•been publiabed, and can be procurb ad on apptication to,the Ticket Agent of the Company, It. BAUR, L. D. ItvCSEH, Omel Yeas, Agent . ' Gen'l ‘Aup't.! Sloastnirg & Corning, & Tioga R. It Tnins will run ac follows until further notice: ' Accommodation—Leaves Blossburg at 7,16 a. in., Mans field at 8,66 Tioga 'at 8,42,; Lawrenceville at 9..32 'welsh's at Corning at 10,40a.ra • Mail—Leaves Blossburg at 2,00 p. m „Mansfield at 2,4 G, Tloga at 5.,18, Gavencevitio at 6,oo—arriving at Ootning at 6 0. m . , , Mall—LeavesCotnitig at 8,001 a.m., Lawrenceville at 9,03,130ga at 1946, , Mansfield at 10,22—,arriving at Itioaa.burs at 11,00 Accommodation.--Learcia Corning at 2,40 p. rouserlllo at .9,62 Tfoga at 4.40, 6fanifield at 5,80 atrtain gat Blosslairg at 0,16 p.m. • 1..11. B /IATTUCK ,8 ap't • TRAINS 'FOR TOE NORTH. Tr:dilator Canandagnialeave Elmira as follows: ActOmodation at 7 06 p ra Express [fastest train on road] 12 20 a m in 10 00 p Way Freight, [passenger coach attached].....,...5:1 a in On and after Nov. 15, 1809, trains' will arrive an¢ depart from Troy, as follows; LEAVE. NORTHWARD. tis - a. ta.—Dally (except Sunday ii) toc Elmira , Buffa lo, Canandaigua, Rochester, St!sp, Bridge and the Canadae. 968 a. m.—Bally (( except Sundays )) for Elmira and Baffaloota Brie Railway from klmirs. LEAVE SOUTHWARD. 723 A. m.—Dally (except Sundays) for Baltimore, Washington, Philadelphia, &c. 9 65 P. m.—Daily (except Sundays) for Baltimore, Waliblugtorl and Philadelphia. ALFRED R. FISKE ED. S. FODNO Cou'l Sup t.liarrieburg, en'l Ag't Baltimore, Aid. Philadelphia & trio IL R. On and. attar sopt. 0, 1860 Trains on this Road w ❑ Tian an follOWW: 191 1 / 5 2 . 11 7 .4 gal/Trail] loavos " . " Williamsport " " arr. at Erie ErloExproas loaves Philadelphia— " Williamsport—. " •' arr. at Erie Nlmlra leavot " 1 ' rr. at reok Haven Alan Train leaves Erie " `• " " arr. nt Philadelphia.. Erie Expreaa loaves Erie 6, . 6 arr. at Philadelphia. Elmira. Mail, leavra Lock Ilavon ~ 4, , Williamsport, 9.45 P. n 3 .. . 4 nrr. at Philadelphia 7.15 p In Baialo Express, Waves Williamsport 12.20 a In " " arr. at Philadelphia 9.25 ain II .1 llarritherg 5.20 a.m. Hail and 'Express connect with 011 Creek and An& ghony River 111%8. Road. Baggage Chgcßetl'M rough. '(' ALFRED L. TYLER, C.en'l Sup't. Atlantic and Gro ....., WETTWAMD BOND . EATIVARD BOUND, Mall 5.30 Express . 5.10 Accommodation 0,35 Nail 5.61 Express 12.19 Accommodation, 11.45 Express 11.00 Express 0.10 At Cori there is a junction with the Philadelphia A Erie, and CR Creek. Rail Roads. At Meadville with the Franklin and Oil City and Pithole Branch. At Leavlttabnrgo the Mahoniny Branch wakes a di rect route to Cleveland. At Envenna connects with Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad, Tho Road passes through Akron, Ashland, Dalton, Marlon, Urbana and Dayton, !War:tenting- various rail• roads, and terminates at Cincinnati. L. R. RUCKER, Oen -Supt., Meadvllls,Pa. THE CELEBRATED Mason & Hamlin Cabinet PORTABLE ORGANS Together pith the ESTEY COTTAGE ORGAN and MELODEONS, can Ho advantageouply pur chased of Ug ,kg VIICESTE4E6 TIOGA, PA. HAVING obtained the agency from the man ufacturers of the above named instruments we have the facilities for furnishing them at pri ces to compare favorably with those of deniorS in either the same or other reed instrumenta. Their reputation is such that scarcely anything need be said regarding their being desirable, having been awarded premiums and medals at' the principal Fairs and Institutes, both in this and foreign countries. Many fine modern im provements, which are so desirable In all good reed instruments, are owned and retained for their exclusive use by the. manufacturers of these instruments. Hence it is, while they claim strength and durability, together with volume, and quality of tone equal to any, they excel all other reed instruments, in the variety and com bination of tones which can be produced. INDIVIDUALS, SCHOOLS, .CIIURCU ES, SOCIETIES, and other organizationd t wishing to obtain a reed instrameut,'cau bl 3 suited as regards site styles, prices, &C.,