19 .7,:,:r.,-......:Q:-::-., -...:,x-,!-:,:,,2.-it.:-.-•:-.',-..,•<:...:,_•.0...-:,:!::;::::,1 i ctrio :pgigirt . )ll:cs!:( I*-„ 0,0;0 liE Stages rrinnlng over "V. ' • tho different routes from 'lO Aisboro: will TtQpartiami • "q-='.—\jori.i.4, arrivo follows from the Wullsboro Post. OM oo: • ELLSBORO & TPA &.—Departlo l / 2 ', a. m arrivolli" Ist.t.susao ;E:Mkt.9l , 4p.-I:tepart 1)". w. ? arrive 0 i 4 m. MILLSBORO & PiNE CREEK.—Depart Trios, & Pd. 2 p. in., arrive Tuesday a' Pit 12 m: • IVELUMORO &J mart Snoini..-Depart Mon. k eirive Tuesday it Fri. 5 p.m. TIOGA COUNTY AGITATOR. Local Items. W.VDNESDAY,•JApL 19, 1870. New. Advertisements. AdministratorN Notice—Bather R. Rico. Plaster—C. R.,Owense List of Lettersi—G. W. Merriok. Billiard Table for Sale.--R. C. Simpson, L'. Beche. DONATION.—The friends of Rev. J. 8: Palmer will eve him a donation; at his resi dence in Mansfield ? on the evening of January 25, inst. tl ACCIDENI`.. - s H. Hotchkiss, of Charleston, in jrl7)ing from aloft in his barn,,l struck his hand opq a buggy wheel and broke lils left arm just liVol;!, the wrist, on the 84 inst. HERMAIQ .taCIETY.— A lecture will bo delivered befit° this Society at the Coutt House, Friday evening, 21st, inst, at 8 o'clock, by J. Emery, Egq. Subject: "Lord L'y6n." : NEW COUNTY MOVEMENT.--itemori strances against this attempt to disintegrate the county will be sent into each township. We most earnestly urge all persona who are opposed to this movement to 'sign at once.. Let the people speak in tones not to be-misunderstood. TRIBUNE. Remember that Hugh Young is getting up a club for this paper. .Iforrice Greeley's treatise on farming Will appear in its columns this year. No farmer should do without it. FROM THE WEsT.—We'have a"letter from Thomas Joseph, of. Marble sock; Iowa; for merly of Brookfield, in this county, in which :he speaks very highly 0,1% that growing State. Se gays that lowa, last - year, from about five million acres, produced eighty-five' million bushels, of grain.. Yet lowa has thirty million 'acres . of un cultivated soil, of rich black mould ; and of this, twenty-Aye million acres ire tillable. Thirty five bushels of wheat, fronr!forty to seventy,4sh els of oats, or from forty to sixty buebeWof corn, can be raised from arty single acre. • MITCHELL's fACTUßE.—lerldfty evening °float week, as was aitnounced it i TIIE itaITATO.II, Dr. J. D. Mitchell deliTgred a leCtilfo before the Hero:fail Society, at the -Court House, con the subjeot4"Exceisior." 1 The house. wits crowded, tho lecture ITII9 a pit of thought, delivered throughout !in ti admirable style„ , ;: We have never heard D. Fpcalt Ware./ ,wo must say we never heft; :ft . v 'Ns ; wiled to any -itadress, presented ao eloquently, and with such,pprfection of elocution. WC hfive no space to give it further notice. AGRICULTURAL.—The Executive Committee uiet ,on Saturday, Jnnuaty 8, 1870, and awarded Alit following premiuma. on told crops for 1860: Hiram Brooks, best half acre potatoes, 166 bushels, premium $3. They were _planted May 20, 31 feet nPart i one way, 24. ho other, on pew ioti ground, ;militated and ho once: Variety of Chili. Hirai Brooks, best ere of oats, 172 i bushels, by measure, weighing 3.; bs. per bushel ; by weight, nlaking 841 bushels. Solved-about 1113 first of 11 gpi 21 bushels seed to the ROTC. ;Va riety of blackrbats. No proofs of other crops entered were made; \but the committee think the premiums well do. • served. It is hoped that there will be more gen• oral competition next year. By order of Com . mince. JOUR I. MITCHELL, Seey. PJcb RAILROAD.—At a railroad meet ing, called at-the Court House, Tuesday evening, January I I, 1870, Hon. S. F. Wilson was eliosen Chairman, and F. K. Wright Secretary. Henry Sherwood, Esq., stated the object of the meeting to be e the necessity of taking steps to secure the me3tris to pay expenses for proenring the right of way and other inoidbnlnl eXpROPer. Wm. H. Smith, Esq., made a few remarks, in quiring what guaranties the lipople had from Magee, if the right of way was secured, that he would build the road. Letters Were road by Hon. S. F. Wilson, Flom Mr. Magea, stating that ho was, randy to ,pro need at once with the road, if ha cbuld have mitii,- ' cleat guaranty that the right of way would be given by the people, and that they were itt•icar. nest in this matter and "meant business." henry Sherwood, Esq., made an eloqu4t. 4nd eliding speech, assuring the people that Mr.,kia gee meant what he said. —Hon. S. F. Wilson warmly advocated the building of the road, ;an d ha no hesitation in saying- that ho beli ( i. ~ s ved, fr m private correiliondence, that the coinpany in end to urge the Illad to early completion. , Speeches were made 1 . 6 r Hon. R. G. White, lied. H. W. Williams, F. D: Bunnell, and others, setting forth the benefits to the people of this county that this'road would confer. A resolution was adopted to take up a sub scription that evening, to pay expenses already accrued. $5OO was needed, and within five pin atas over $lOOO was raised. Adjourned to meet at the Court Rouse Staur day night following. F. K. Wnronr, Seory. CITATITAM.—EIder Omans l protracted effort at the Daniels' school house, resulted it the conversion of a goodly number of person's. • The mooting t are closed. I Mr. T omas Lou thought it not pleas.aut to pass thr ugh life tdono; accordingly ; Mies Ame liatil Con ay gave ‘him her heart and band on Christenll day. A long life and aluippy one. '-' Eider Livingston gave the right 'band of fel. loirship to taro individuals on ttio oth inst. . I might write of petty lawsuits, neighborlmoc gosnip and evil surmising, but I forbear. • . LIBERTY:—For the pa i .qt two months I have not had anything to coMmunicate to 'our paper that would have been of any general in terest. That will account for the non-appear ance ofpny local items from 'Liberty. At this date 1 have a feW items. In the first place, then, January 1, 1870, the village of Liberty, situated• in the township of Liberty and in tho,„oonnty of Tinge, is numbered among the things called. liv ing. Within her small, nod also in her stotely buildings, you hear the sound. 4 of cheerful ; t vol ees, engaged in the various pursuits of life, scein ingly a's eager to make a livelihood as thong), the firet day of the new year was the very &inn of their existence. The merchant, li t echun icoujisan and tradesman, in our village, are trying to stutdo_ each other in meeting the daily demands of their customers, and by so doing are building up a very lucrative trade for thcmselves. Money matters, it is said, are becoming somewhat tight in POMO sections of OM country ; but. the nre:ltap py to slate, that in our village tend township the effects of the scarcity of -money have not:been cell generally felt. Our close proximity toi Ar not, Fall Brook and Morris Run, is the .?nain reason of our prosperity ; for our farmers can find a ready market for all the products of :their farms, at the foregoing mining districts. • : ' About the Ist of December, 186 P, J. 11. Lover good, lately of the city of Williamsport, Parma., 'darted a saloon and confectionery in our village. Ile is, it is said, an experienced hand nt the busi ness, having at different times carried on similar e stablishments—at Keepeyrille, in this county, at Corning, N, V., q.,tul at 'Williamsport. The young men and boys of our village will now - Move a fine place to spend their extra pennies, in: pur chasing-bottle ale, pop, oysters, cakes, candy, and all other kinds of sweetmeats that will suit their tastes. I\ . r.or the past ten days, the tvell disposed eiti -1(1)3 of our place and vicinity havebeen shOwing t their liberality in making donations or the cler )' gymen of the different denominationslion, in our see tion. Rev. It. If:Colbert', pastor o the M. E Church, received; in cash and provisions, the amount of $110; Rev. Thoirts Morris, pastor of the Evangelical Church, $ll ; Rev. I. Neff, pas tor.of the Lutheran' Chnrah, it2so; and Illisr. J. Bt ewari• W. The last named - gentlemtin is , pas tor of the Christian Churoh,.' Som. ~F'=`S.~*;._ i''u~i'l?rt ~_: ?L~,-._.'u,F d: t_'r;:.. ~', ~.. -`1~??iA.+:,p~~"-+~~e Monnts BUN.—Mr. Editor, I mend:, l you the proeoedings of a meeting ofilitillbrris Ratt',litteraii 1401flre gationitt ChuTel :41:AttWila:cgOt44 . 9 144 1 - *' ; hoping thereby; it may encourage other localities to mania° and =lsiah) ,such societies, l that y 4 there ma a ore gllicrot, 'dill:Mit et, knhcfr ledge—that the comMupity pt. large may arrive, at a higher standard ofliterattire. It:geVAikrse; entertainments, commencing M., and 0 o'clock, , evening., , .Ibn 'house ,was 'crowded thioughout the day. ,• The exerciseeCort-, aitited of competitory IsclareSl, - deolathatiori? , re citations, reading, spelling-end- singing;.:Prizes were awarded to',the best li'poapeAt6ro. 'Ttio:tepr: les were commendable, and reflected groat credit on the committee for ; their eboiee seleettoui.—i The President, Mr. Wiihd that be was as competent to /have charge ,of 'public exhibition as he le in"the , management z of coal ,mines. :The judges gave:' - their, deetsiong ithout bias, and were the following persona t!--; rev. P. T. Evans and Mr. Thorctis Thomas, 'of Morris Run, and Mr. Wm. ft. Jones, of aeries. ton. Two excellent competitory ,addresses •were delivered by Mossrs,T. Edwards • and J.Darris subject, "Influence oi — Exipepie." was unan r imously resolved that they should be translated, and - forwarded to . the county' paper for pubilea.. tion. Short and appropriate addresses for the occasion were delivered during the day by Rev. F. T. Evans, Rev. Wm. R. ,Tones, and Mr. Wm,. C. Jenkins, of Morris Run, and Messrs. D. Q. Edwards and Wm .'D.'Jones. of Charleston. Th'e speaking and singing were very good,' and de serve more than a passing notice; but it would make this article too lengthy to enter ' into full details. At the close of the evening exereiseti, subjects wore given for extemporaneous speak ing—many taking part—rendering it entertain ing, and comical in theeitieme.., The crowd diS parsed at artparly hour, fully, Satisfied 'With 'tile expectancy of having the privilege of 'attending another exhibition of this society Ore long: THE STATE" 'NORMAL SCHOOL at Mansfield celebrated, yesterday; January 7, the thirteenth anniversary of the opening of the th ati tit Lion, first known as the'" Mansfleld•,Classieal Sominaryl' • The stockholders, - trustees, patroas and pupils of the,schpel;tneet on these annual; ocelailone, ito take counsel together, to survey the ground .gobs over, aid to 'congratulate themselves and ealh other on the success which, thuti'far,lias drown their efforts. •• • The addressiavhieli 'Lai:rays . 11 feature of the festival, was this year delivered by Professor A. Bolcom, of Corning. .Thelstihjet was, "The Home, the School, and the Chureb-L-the three' great' supporta and conservators of the nationp It was a masterly . production; full - of 'tip) thoughts, and'beautiful in style ; a poem, of it, Self, though ostensibly prose. The gathering was steelier than last yette; ba d . roads and.a dark night Iteet)iag -many at houso;' who intended beiog present. But we were.happy to greet our old friend, Rev s . Mr. Taylor, who was Principal of the school one year; and Professor F. A. Allen, the wise master-builder, whose skill, reputation, dndemitable energy and perseverance, the five years pest, have, made the school what it now is, from the state of Chaos" aosl 'shillapse . in= which ho found it. Professor J. T. Streit / his right-hand pan, has early passed from works to rewardz,—and the memory of the just is blessed. Professor Verrill now occupies the ehair of Principal. And although it was with regret and apprehension the Trustees accepted the resigna tion of Professor Allen, whose bard _labors were telling 'seriously upon his health,-they-'ire. grati fied to find that the school bus fallen' off in no respect; but in numbers, in ebaraCier,/nmi in die-, - eiplinc, maintains its high position. , And this brings mo to anothee'fitinit : This school having become a §i!ato institution; no longer sectional in character, rly sectarian in teaching; but is a school of the people, by the people, and for the perle." Truly it is, and well may it bo, tbo pride and glory of Manstitll . , which, with very few pediro;:linii_rfa brio: gloated and compassed stAli an achievement,;— • and e for ILL. I ..nintt—TlFtga county should no proit•of Mansfield—prouder than she is: Itot now, the pgesent bui ding is altogothovino smaki. An additional hall •ust be put up ; and tlie qnestiefl is : Shall Man Tioga county do this, unait older and richer counties trit ? i Bradford, Susquel send Weir children hero, In hers as does T ioga; and w would he, if all or many w. tion of this enlargement School law requires, and thorities of tho State now withdrawn I of the recogn State, and a consequent 10. Are there not a hundred men, iu each county of the district, who aro re dy and willing to give ono or two hundred dolhleach, to put upthese additional building 4 whi • the State Stperin tundent says we must havtgand which are ceded to accommodate the pupilstwho are now reltdy to enter, but for whom there is not room? • Id truth, those who lodge in tho upper stories are even now uneomfortal4 and unsuitably necommoda• tell; and the-chapel is too small to accommodate visitors on any public occasion. What the Trustees would like to do,. is to put on a new roof, with dormer windows, which would bo all the present building now nett& then, to put up a 'wing, fora new chapel, recita tion and studcots'. rooms, and dormitories, on the grounds north of the school. This would answer for 'twenty years to come; and farther than that we need not forecast. Mansfield will load pit - Who will follow ? ,S. E. M • MANSFIELD.—The thirteenth anni versary of tho Mansfield Seminary, now State Normal School, was- celebrated by the friends of the school, Friday I:tft'ernoott and I:vcuirtg, Jan• 7. Professor Baloom, of COrniag, delivered nn address, which was very suitablo for the eeda: sion. It was humorous and sentimental. L. F. Allen, the Steward, had prepared-an, oys ter supper, which seemed to be appreciated by the visitors, judging from the manner in which the oysters were treated. They were very nice look ing beings, tuad from their appearance might have been expected to please the company, by their presence; but instead of that, they welt+ very badly "taken in," and soon disappeared, leaving only a few to tell. the sad tale. The seventh day of January is a memorable day for our potpie; for it was anion Unit fiday of the year-Out our school antlimilding. wore dedi• sated to the cause of tolvaneing." the priUctiplei of edtteatiou. Thirteen years have. passed away, and tho seed which was than sown has armina fed ; and to-day the institution stands a bright and shining light', which reflects much credit up on its founders andl guardians. - Som• of those who were ihe 'J -Some. ost zealous in planting, this seed, have passed-away, end aro numbered with the dead. Others have taken up their abode in (Its tint lands. But they :hare left, clothed 'in the garb of on institution of learning; a monument erected to their memory ; and it' influences arc so imprest•edupen the hearts of _this people, that it IA a most potent lesson' to INo rising genera tion—teaching them never to cease their labors for the advancement of education. °Omit', who were •tinuong the first, and ..egnally interested in erecting. this structure, were permitted with us to eujoy, t fruits of theiE labor lust night. When these, too, shall litiVi; 'passed away,'lltope the principles of progress which have been wrought out through their labors, will not die, mt ho ta• ken up by those that are left behind; and be ltdr aided throughout the world, until the -floodgates of titan shalt close in eternaprest and: all label' be crowned in another world. The Trustees elected our worthy friend, O. If Verrill, Principal of the School, "at - their meet ing ycstord.iy• "Tinnur,Aß.•' KNoxviELE. - -1 - am very sorry that I injured the very sensitive feelings of our worthy "Citizen," by making; statements that were not true, in my last. But I have become satisfied that such is the fact, and will try. to " rectify all mistakes." • If I did not think " Citizen" knoWs much bet ter than I do where those young wen referied to got their whiskey to get " drunk as brutes" on, I would tell him again. lint as " Citizen" and 1, and the w hole community, know that those "young men" got their ",wherewith" to got drunk on at the hotel, and porhaps a portion 'of it at a drug store dote by, I wilt nut 'ea.) , a word about it now. .. • I said in_taY last that but one 'of-the four yoUng Inca was twenty-ono years of ego. And I ' will correct myself, by say i ng that 'two of .tho falt g 11 7 -plift ~114111f tn a; yo g n wor ' ihan - t " ont 'Y 8 ago; And Lthink this will bo Teri gratifying to; " Oitisson, ; " to lave qs all Icnow that only " two min Ors" ivoro instead` 6f I" threo." ' Tioga, - -'[ - v , ," 26. Blossburg, r i , r r - " 27. Mainsburg, " 28. Farmington Hill, M. E. Church, - ." 29. Mitcholls W Crock ? School House, " 30. : oltabbro. '" --t , Teb.l, °TO AMERICAN BANNER.! afield elone, or oven led by the othr five., of this Normal die- nnna and Lyconiing almost as largo-num at a light burden it [oil unite in the cree -1 which the Normal Ihich the school no entand, on peril of a ition and aid of i s of prestige and po- .r~ , sk:'s 2l ~'~`~: ; i~2~Zy.~.i~:~Z~~'is~'Gi~kt~_-~r_~r'.~'ts...,i~SiA:~ ° r.`s l i~`:r~A^ a`ec~k~ _i7lr; ::? ~{L~"`~v` µ '~; f~i~k _= a*'.''t M, As to those "young men" exposing the un-' written work of the I. 0. of G. T;' I was credibly' informed that they did mako auoh exposition in the; bar-room of said hotei; - eicthe night in qeestion., And I will say that those "gentlemanly young: men" " two of whom are eons of ono of our moat' .respeekxl oitifoup); ,tp49 ~ it ; ',lty! alan?fit itightly; p rac tice to hold "Lodges," as, ..they , tern . the saloon here, where they go through with the whole ceremonies. Beautiful young men. Gockpi f t A r TiT4,7-T1 . 144 ,caoptillyjs, as its 'tiffs page sets In' truth a' journal of physical. and MU spine° not hitherto so well suppligd., , The articles are well written; without any mere show of learning, and 'in a popular style. Our people need more infor. upon tho lays pc,their,ounl?tg. ,This periodical has undertaken to supply. keit 'know - . ledge; iii al foia at - naisit:interestent,•aiid instruc tive to thf i rprfosiilyitq l riader r ay ti lt. F. price within the Miens who wish to in. ! form themselves' ni:mn• the latrh 'of life, and of good health, we recommend this pnblication.--, $2 per year. Address Alexander Moore, No. 21 1 Franklin stniet, toston, Mugs.* ' t.l ' e TEMPERANCE NO"PICE.—Mr. U. Bros ins, Esq., State Leettirei,i of,Pa:, continuo to lecture upon to subject of, Temperance in Tiogn County, at the folfolvit3gitaces : Hammond's School houso, Middlebury, Jan. 24 Mansfield, M, E. Church - - " 25. -• • - Wu. M. ILtsikELLv District DCputy. MARRIAGES. tho M. E. parson age, in IVellttbroreugh, Jtkii. 1, py Rev. 0. L. Gib-, son, Mr. Charles 0. Catlin - anti -- Miss — Sitsan E. Bori4on, both of Chili:kill:in.— ,Delmar, on tho 9th Instani,ty k.J3:43iisysiiter; Dig. Mr. Charles G. "Widmer, of Wellsboro, and Mrs. Margaret Fishier, of Delmar. ttio 4 lit 'in etani, , `Solid 151: Mr. Charles L. Steinmann, of Wellsbono, and Miss Louisa Salcmpla of Germanic'. • SIIAW—ANDRUS.—In Philadelphia, on the o October; ISBD-, - ;locv,„ ;.ktcy. Wiu.•Pnlith, Dr. Shaw, of Ilimroils, N.Y., and Miss Abliie Andrus, of Philadelphia. THE REVOLUTION FOR 1870. Tug 11.EveLynes in a weekly journal acivoda tiligtUrruvrfoi. . . The detnauds for woman 'everywhere to-day. are for a wider rango of employment, higher wages; 'thorough physical arid ialtintal education, and an equal right before the law in all those re lations which groluntt of the Marriage state.— While wo yield to none in thtiOarnestness of our advocacy_of all those claims, we make a broader defientl,filr . he En frabc,hlsimitiW .of nilian, as ttlo6 - 131j, WUST'lTY4liith ' lrlrfuT•jitie . Akttietan Int, l permanently secured. By discussing, as we` shall, incidenfully, all leailine questions of polit ical and social importance, we hope to eductito women for an intelligent judgment upon public affairs, and for a faithful expression of that judgment at the polls, . While we cduld not refuse men an occasional word in -:our columns,-, yet? has ;masculine , Ideas Loco I;tled the race fdr"t3tx thtnisand years, r e especially desire that TaKEZ.VerXTIO.I4 Shah ))e the mouth -piece of women, that they may give the world the, feminine thought in, politics gion and Social life ; Mitt, ultilnately, in Hie un ion of both, we may find the truth in all " . things. On tho ide's taught by the creeds, codes and customs of the world, that woman was Made for man—his toy, drutigo,i , subject, or oven mire companion—we declare war to the doath, and proclaim the higher truth, that", like man, she was created !SY OMl'forindividenl;rtionil iresPon "end prdgress hertkind -fdrever, and that the physliail'elmdftiotur of ber"-%eartlily 4111eire ntirto' he tekeu:tis aJintitdtion of the 'oVidenec of the Divine Intonnon tocpo mortal being. lit announcing a,brillinut array of contribu tors for the coining year, (numbering thirty' or mom) we wish to say to our readerS, that as Tnt:' IIEVC,I.I:TrON' is an independent journal, bound to Tin party or sect,. those: who 'write ;for our columns sto responsible only for , what ttp pears under their own nautes..• Hence if old Ab olitionists and Slaveliolders, Republicans end Demenrate,'Preabyterians• ;'and • Unpfersalists, Catholics and Protestants, find theniselves side by aide in wtiling, up the question ef Woman Auffrage, they must pardon each other's differ ences on all other points,-trusting, that by giv ing their own views strongly and grandly, they will overshadow the errors by their side. Entering on our third year, it gives us pleas ure to 2;0 that Tunlf.k„vuz.oTMV started with a good list of subsiribers, whieb,i was fuer° than doubled the second year. -Equal increase of pa tronage in tbo future, with soon place us on a per-- manent basis, and make a woman's paper in this country a financial'suecess. ELIZABETH CADY STANTON. Editor. ,PAUDINA W. DAVIS, Coeg Editor. SUSAN B. ANTHONY,Proprietor. TERMS :—One year, 4.3. Six months, S 2. Those sending us front gf, •to 50 subscribers, may retain 75 cents per , rpy; from 50 to 10041 a copy. All communications should be directed to Su . .san B. Anthony, 49 Eastl23d street, New York. Grand Jurors for January Torni o 1870 Chi hnol—Lucian Beach, ROtiben Morse ". Middlebury—lsaac Bush Clymer—Silas Davis - Encland—George Dorrance , Jacicson—S R Friends, 0 Ilnmiltpp, L B Shieves Deltear—John Ileise,,E Matiser),,R Moore Orrin Williams Ward—Tracy 0 Hollis Covington—Jacob JOhnson LiVerty—Wm Landon, sr,.Alph Sheffer Farmington—Horiry,Mowry, J R Weelv!,' Nelson—Joseph Parks ~, 'Rutland—:Chterle4 Paheel.- ' . • Gaines—David Rexford' '• •Lawrence Boro—Samuol Ryon •;„ • • -.• : Sullivan—Thomas Smith , Westfield—Dyer Weeks • TnAviane* Jufione, Finer Wr.EK. Charleston-r-Win Blis i s :I Reese' ) 1 1 E IlrewFitr. A Rreltiler,''J'Amee Play \Nfoot, Eri altsltnan' • • • Farinin'gtonA J Co olgrove„:ReCirselicer,' B.! JI Close;J ohnHammond •. - • Westfield beio'Noliah Close' •- • •J: Chat) - mni-Charles OWlett, Chas Vandiilsen, Geo Nollis - 04Ccoln:-P Catalan • . Larirencoliero - =Chaslllnthers,'A Crip - Fey' W6llshoro-Ilirum 'Dartti Wm Riley - WeStfielcl-Jantil Dodge relyiner , --Asa. Giles, Orrin Stebbins.. • Rutianil-Nelgon Gould, Myron Mills ' Syl Plank - Mid 4 dl b r m.05.,1 A-D iaufl-,Aypv, ; l/*Levvis, .1,- , 110T3 Dorlieht- • ; lllos.;-James Kelley, John 'Wilcox • Shiptien-41oritei, ; 11.prrin gto Wirris-4 - ohn Tioga bo . ro-11 P 11 McAllister Jackson-Jacob Miller M Pruisirinn •• '• Mansfield-A .1 Ross • Coy Snorer, A ; I,i si.thluci• • • • , Libiirty- 7 .Martin ic3lieflor, J W It-Stowait - Lawrence -Rupert Stewart, Tolins TrCineine Sullivan-Lunt Seeley • • '• •_l -- 0 • p. 40110114, NP.CONI) . F.F.H. Sullivan-IVm Bryant, Lester Palmer - t Charleston-Marlin Jicnnott,,C IV.Darlow, W S Miller '•• • Richmond-Asa A Bullock, Win V Powers, M M Spoor, Jefferson Welch ? SaltWhi,t,takor 'Crihin - Cady, Ihzlett. - A West:- ' Deerfield : —Arch Vx,rpenter,F;, Itorland Fall Delmar—Wm Coolidge, John iPierson Elk4trl—E Cady .4 , Dly!fier-L-Tolip Davi., 3 1 7" Larri.on, Iteose Roy .noldejr:, • - -t• • Union--Johr,i, Dougherty MOrrii ; —Edwar(lEngljsli • , • JacYaoll,:-,Attex , 11003 - , • , Lawrence—Robert LOughl , ridge"'" -,/ Brooltfiidd—Adam Loper Farmington—Wm McCollum " Chatham—Chas If Tubbs Bloss—John Yon Oder, Richard Williams Mansfield—J W Wilhelm Litierty—Wm Sheffer.' ' Trial lAA for January Term ! , 1870. Lawrence Creggs ,• , vs. M Grierson A C Bush VR. D A'StoWell al S II Lanai's - vs..B S Sayer's L'xrs 'Beard t Cumailngs vs, II M Goroulds, Adms Morris KelSey vs. Alrm al A: J Tubbs iS;'1111-...im Inecbn Timothy Coates vs. I D (lill9tt Charity Iltilib vs. (]co. Chi-166k. al T L lialdir in vs. L Sherman v. F 11 )30.1111(.1 Vil.'Curoline Smith It S Recney.vs. 130 Byrnes_ , F 'Graves vs."o Itathliono 'R Taylor is: Nancy Marie Coates h Pratt vv. Aitetausltutnitey, Jacob Yandes'Nl."Jobn'Engliklt •' Otis I. Atherton 'vs. fiioah Ratan:lond • Thiel Baldwin vii.lVla K Mitebell D Danziger vB. E Routed k 'al ,Yogn ,- YoUrs; For, -1870. The following in among the prominent fea tures of Oun Yourm Vor.,ne tar 1870 - ;= •-' Mrs. A. D. T. Whitt-oi l , aitthor:sif,l‘f,!:X.,o3ust mer iu Leatie Goiciehtotrils'a Zi:fe,'!_ will contribute 4b.p,leadiug eerJal phry,,ohiltled. " W j e pirls;' a •Story o 11 00 2 .0Wa• Dr. I. I. Hayes, the distingnishiCAratio ex plorer, will give porno : graphic eitetahas of Life And Adveature,in the Polar Ragiolle. 001.-T. We Illgginnon will furnish a series of •Ivalanble articles describing the habits and °barna-. ;terldics, of Deaver, other Carleton." .authcir of " and " Our Now Way. Round the •Marld ," pfl contribute several papers' of great interest, rel lating to what hosaw in China daring Mrs. Professor Agent& will continue her in• struotive andlliselnatlng'neoadut:of " The World on which we'LiVci,", desdriblitg the early ages of the earth, anAeothe•pr the animals that then_in pliite4 t, V 11. st Aldrich, n'titl)or ;Of. the 'unifptilsily popu'ar Story...of _a; Bdd_Doy," 4 0111 'Contribute 'regularly. , . .• Mrs, A. Al. Diaz, • author: of the-biloaltahle .14 Willleqn 11,enry„Lelters,".'will .ceuilnite‘ " !her charming Sterkeis apci pkiitokes.. , z,f• James•Parton, whose itixtfolep;o*AYol4fies 'and bin coverlet! have.been-received .vilthifii great favor, will furnish ; addltlenalltitieles 60h - onsma general, °ha-at:gar, conimunicAti h g in an attrac. Ave *inner Mitsui interestinc and - Important facts elryttegraptysyd History. , "NEionßon." _ Mr.T.:Trwbridge' will contlnde hie re markable :aeries of papers on curious branches of Industry, Building Steam. Engines, eta._ He twill also describe, from careful observation, the 'Departments at Washington, showing how busi ness of our' Government is cairled,on..-,, Reit. D. B. Hale will farnisliartioles.in his pe culiar vein, communicating ;the,:best,,,praetic al - .information ~with a wealthi.offilltattration and liiVigor of style altogethet l aselnaling.. • ' • Major ' Traverie, Very Otitertartiiiig . ,tvriter, will furnieh artieles containing, a greirA deal of curious and .valnabloknorilidge on a wideiniiety . o f, eu bj oo t s . - - ; , 1, - A.". Pompeian Paperi; A J lieries _rentirkilbly interesting . paP r ors on ,Patipell`,,will Vireo, tilting - bola it was buried by an,eoPilaa"of littvlos and how,nftet hundreds of years, it is neirbeing..iestored, •and what,curions .thiogs aro found•amongthe ruins. • • • Rogglar orDiiitigiintaTAlViilep...will be con tribilteirj by john G'..W,hlttier,' Harriet Beecher Stowe, Bone, LuoyLarcom, Nora Perry, Mrs. Thaatcr, Rose Term,: floors° • Cooper, the Author of." Seven Little Sisters:"-111m Jane G. ustin, Aunt • Fanny, and otlior writers whose ,dames aro a passport to the affection of all in tellisen tyouthful readers. The Evening /Amp and. Letter , Box Depart merits arefully ij attended 'to`;'and will contain a rich vailety of Charades, Enigmas, Puzzles, Rebuses,— and fainiliar talk by the Ed itor,on the thousand Matters of every-day in terest to young people. Full.Pago and Smaller Illustrations, from the best artists, will add to the value and attrao tiverms of „tho 4agazino ,No. effort, tir,gxper(tic v/111,1ip sptkresl:,to make Oun Yount} Fouts a worthy and welcomee vial tor •in every schoolroom and family circle in ,Americas, Special 'attention is inilted.to the splendid Prizes offered to ClontribUtOrefind Subscribers. TERMS.—The price of Our Young Folks is $2.00 per year. No club terms. An extra copy gratis for every five subscriptions. Our Young Folks and Atlantic Monthly, $5.00 per year. 3 F 4 E 9 80 1)61:4°°4 d PQ.,,Ablitliers, -• 124aletrant I Bostond , „ SPECIAL NOTICES. ccarizaft; qp.l4),:oxt y, T ER 9 AT, Itcquiree !!:aimr.dtato attention, tus nes SO4 l :p' rici t 'oftOn 'iosilltiin nu incurablo Lung ta,•4-4'RO NUVV A u At Dleeneo. 013" c..> Bro)on'S Bronchial Troches 4 - ocp vilimost.lnvorlably givofilatnntiel ler Fon Isno:,curns, AsTuiNtA, CATARRII , CONSUMPTIVE and Tnno ST .11iarit , sol they; havo nooething effect. SEWERS and PUBLIC SPEAKERS avo them to clear and strengthen the v oice. diving:to - the good 'repatatiott rind, popidutty df the Trochee, many wortbleee and cheap Imitattorm are et fared, which-are good for nothing. Be mire to obtain the trim "- • `.. Brown's • Bronchial Troches. sot.t) r.VERYWIIERE. [deo, 1.'69-6w et • • • Tke ,ponfessions! of any Invalid, . - DunusnEip for, the benefit'aioimg men and others JE who suffered from Nervous Debility, ect., supplyin g Mit Weill - tin eaViir (Aron - VeTeivileittiat-InnirtlitlM,d envelOpe. AddrePs, " NATHANIEL bfAYFAIIti , Brooklyn, N. —Oro. JUST OUT. • "CHERRY PECTORAL TROCHES," Vor Colds, Coughs, Sore Throats, and lq.onohtdis• None as goolj ? node so Woo : sant, none curet ns qukk. 10 Aator House, New York. Umo no uwro•of those horrit4o to?tod nansonting "Brow (uil b things." October 20, 1860-3 m A GEN'rL,E.SIAN who suffered- for years from Ner .vvwfDebility,Tremature Ddcay, and all the effects of 'Yonthrul indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering hu manity, send free to all who need it, the receipt and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the adver tiser's experience, can do so by addressing in perfect confidence, ' JOAN B. OGDEN. _ _ ?arty 26,'69-11y. No. 42 Cedar Street, Now York, TIM Advertiser. haring been rosiored to health in a fore weeks, by a yrry simple remedy, after haring suf fered several years whit a severe lung affection, and that dread tlisettao,Cortaumptioo—is anxious to make known Mills fellow•eufferers the means of cure. To all who desire It, he will eend a copy of the pro eeription need (free of charge,) with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they win find BORE CURS FOR CONSUMPTION, ASTIIMA, BxoxcIIITI9 , etc: The object of the advertiser in sending the Prescrip tion Is to benefit the afflicted, and spread Information which he conceives tb ho invaluable;Cand ho hopes; every sufferer wllltry,hie remoily, as it will cost them nothing, and may prow a blessing.. , Partien wishing the prescrlption,'will please nddress Rev EDWA RD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings County, N. Y. , May 26, 1860-Iy. 500 TONS of the finest ground 'Cayuga Plaster, in Tioga'County, to bo bad at the Mans4old Plaster Mill. No charge fot. de- Ilvotitsg at tbo Mansfield Top° Tan. 19, 1870-3 m. • - C. 11. OWENS. CORNING JEWELRY STORE 1 J o- A. DUDLEY, " • •,- , Gik'• Watchmaker and Jeweler. • , A largo assortment of MATCHES, , JEWELRY, SAVER PLATED CLOCKS AND FANCY GOODS. %1• Engraving done in any Ftylo. • . Corning, MT. 15, 1869. A. D. DUDLEY, Iy. No. 10, Market St. - • .-T) k IEMOREST'S MONTHLY -• MAGAZINE universally acknowledged • the Model Parlor Magazine of Anierfea; devoted 10 Original Stories, Poems; Sketches, Household Matters; ;Goma of Thonght, Personal and Liternty -Gossip (inelnding special departments on Fashiens), I nstru otieds on health; Dinslo;Atnutietnentii, etc., by the beat authors, and profusely Illustrated with costly Engravings,- mein' and reliable Patterns, Em broldories, and a constant .succession of artistle novel ties, with'other useful and entertaining literature. •' No person of refinement, economical housewife, or lady of taste can'afford , to - do without the Model Month ly., =Fpochrten copies 15' contei, twined =free. Yearly, $3, With a valuable premium; tWo 'depths, $5,50; three eophiti, 760 ; , 11,ve copies $l2, anti splendid premiums 'for Clubs a::s3 each, with the first premiums to euch subscriber. Ve.„.A!new Bartram & - -Fantep Sowing Ma chine for 20 subscribers at $.3 each. PubliCaticia Office, 831 Broneway, New York. Demettaes /deathly and Young Ameacetogetherti, with the Prentintini for cia, ,sciaoold. , MISS. JENNY GIBSON will open n Select , 111, School in'tbe Academy building on the 'loth of January inst., 1870. - ••. ' - "Therough instruction will be afforded in any of the branches usually taught in the Academy. "' Tratffs.--Oommon English $5,00 per quarter. If igher.Englisb, French and ,German $7 " Jan. 5, 1870-3ss4' WM. H. ARMSTRONG. • SA.MiIEL LINN .• , , • Armstrong'Sc ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, WILLTAMSPORT,,PENN'A. Aug. 4, 1869-Iy. AI7OOD House and barn, pn a lot of two - acme, within ton minutes walk of the Court Honse, Welisboro, Is offered for sale. In ryttiro of John I. Mitchell, Esq., Wellshoro. • • Jan. 25, 1870—tf.. • TIUEA DRUG STORE • ' •' • 11011.15i7il • kciaps constantly on Land: .Pure Drugs and Medicines, ; . Chemicals, Paines and Oils; Lamps, Stationery, Yankeo ISlotione liEl PERSCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY ' COMPOUNDED • IL U. BORDEN Tioga, Jan. 1,1870.—1 y. RU 4 WITON d• CO., = ERRORS OF YOUTH. TO OONSIIIaPTIVES. House d. 'Lot for Sale ~::, ~ayyitii.~Ea : du~;; ~6s '::i;: ~';~>>~ 's.:~c+c~: , e ;' ~~`+.~sa ' ~:: g.. COITIN'UTODI 'FfeToRY y r D. S. .11 11. 13. IR4LAN. Proprietors. THE fiubseribere iiottld say to the public that they are prepared to make or furnish „SASH .4 . .N . p., 41-it:p§,., DOORS, PALING, SCROLL SAW ;; • 114 G., 800,, • Also, dealers in .:p,iiop.,. i plo -Shingles, d'rice list to itsb primed and glazed por light : by 10,421 cents. ‘, • •• • ' by„l3. 8 by 14, 10 by 12, 15 ciente. • 10 by' 14; 9 by 14,"10 cents,.• 10 by' 16; 20' 'canto.: '• • • 01 , Our work le mad of thei best seasoned lumber and in tho best manner. - Call and ace us. 1 • iB7O-1y! 4 - Medical• Card R. • CLARK, after visiting the principal cities of Western Pa.,for the accommodation of his numerous Patients throughout the Wes tern, lr/ otintleb 'Of the State, ; witilVihit agora, WELLSBORO, BLOSSBURG, MANS FIELD, & 'TIOGA BORO, on the follow/mg - days: .1 • fi " - Appointments for Jan. & Feb. 1870. ~3 Hilo, P a., Reed,Houe;qati. 10, 11,, 12;& 13: Pittsburg, Merchant's Mite), Jan. 1415, 16 & 17 Scenery 11111,-Pa., "Office," Jan.l6, 19, 20, 212.2. Altoona, Pa., P. H. R. House, Jan. 23, 24, 25,26 Harrisburg, U. S. Hotel, Jan. 27, 28, 29,,t; 30. TIOGA COUNTY. Wollsboro, Pa., (Wollaboro Hotel) Tuesday; Wednesday, Thursday & Friday, Feb. 1,2, 3, 4. Plossburg, (Exchange „Wield Tuesddy, , February 8. ' Mansfield, Pa., (Mansfield Hotel) Wednesday Feb. O. Tioga, Boro Pa., (Hazlett's Hotel,) Thursday Fob.lo, . • •-, 1 - „ -1 111mirai N. (ItUthbone rlioula,), Friday Feb. 11. Dr. Clark examined more than 1,000 'in+alids in Tioga County, and such was the satisfaction given in examining and treating Chronic diseas es, that ho placed nearly one-half of this number under regular treatment, and with scarcely an exception they aro rapidly improving, and many of his cures aro truly remarkable. Dr. Clark would like to give the names of re markable cures performed in Tioga County, but "d.olioacy in publishing patient's names at home lorbido. p P,loaao;potify your aftlitte4.imjghbors -of my appointments. 1 Jnn: 10, 1870 Vega. Marble Worlts. IllE understgned is now prepared to exe cute all eiders for Tomb Stones and Mona giants of either - ' ITALIAN OR RUTLAND' MARBLE, of the latest style and approved woitmanship and with dispatch. _ constapity.on hantfr both kinds of Marble and will be able to suit all who may fa vor him with their orders, on as reasonable terms RP can be obtained in the country. Tioga,Jan.l,lB7o—tf NT mot ie hereby' giitin Via'? D. Q. Stollens 111 and Joseph Aiken, Trustees of Martin Ste vens, have filed their accounts in the Prothoino tary's office of Tioga County, and that said ac count will ho presented to the Court of Cummon Plea s ,rn Ilionday , tho , 7th day of,Rcbrpary next, tor confirmation aid' bnowanbe.''' J. F. DONALDSON, Proth'y. Jan._ 12. 1870. . NOTICE is 'hereby given that Isane Sutton, J. Dearman, Delos Angel, and others, have applied to the Court of Common .Pleas-. of Tioga County for a Ctartor of incorporation to thetp selves, their ass' dates and successors, for relig ious purposes, under the name and style of "The first 13ap ist church of Knoxville," and ihnt said charter will ho granted at the next term of said Court, commencing on, the last Monday of January inst., unless sufficient reason be shown to the contrary. J. P. DONALDSON, Jan. 12, 1820. " Prothonotaty. Tionse and Lot for Sale. MR. CHARLES WILLIAMS offers for sale his house and lot, situate on the o north west' sido of Main street, Wellsboro' Pa. A good house, ontbuildings,fruit trees, an excellent gar den Spot, with all things' to, make _a• comfortable home. For particulars, call on Jun. 12, 1870 SALISBURY, BROS., & CO., - Extensive ManufacturerS and ImpOrters of Gold, Plated & Oreide Jewelry, SOLID AND NICKEL .RHIVIIBI Vtirtigae AMERICAN, ENGIIISH A. SWISS Watches, CASED BY OURSELVES, • ' And every ,desoription of„ FANCY .GOODS, AND YANKEE NOTIONS: Especially adapted and' designed for Southern and Western Trade. Circulars and full descriptive Price Lists ,sent free. Agents wanted everywhere. Address, SALISBURY, BRO., A CO., • 51. Dorranao Street, Jan. 12, 1870-3 m, Previdedee, R. I. TEMPERANCE. M . ARRIOTT bROSINS , Esq.,' Sto;te Lect urer, undei; the direction of the Grand Lodge of Penn., (I. 0. Of G. T.) will visit Tioga county and lecture o,ttthe•eubject of Temperance as follows initlie Mansfield Tuesday, January 4th, Covington, sth, Blossburg 6, Morris Run 7, Cherry netts 8, Wellsboro 9, Stony Fork 10 , Charleston 11, East Charleston 12, Middle bury 13; Niles Valls3i. 14, Woitfield- 15, Knox ville 16, Elkland 17, Nelson 18, Lawrenceville 19, Mainsburg 20, Roseville 21, Job's Corners 22, Tioga 23.. • ,Jan., 5,1870,-3w. Register's , Notice. OTICE is Jterehy given;that the txacators 11 and Administratere , nitmed boleti . , hare filed theft' account's in the Register's Office in and for CO'. Pa., andi.hafth'e said accounts will bo presented to tiiii'Oiphian's Court of and for said county, at a soesion of said Court to 'be held in Wellsboro, on Monday the 31st, day of January 1870, at 2 o'clock P. M. for confirmation and allowance.' . Account of rfairlet M. Stevens, and' Daniel G. Stevens, Administrators of the Estate of Ezra Stevens, Into of Middlebury Township, de ceased. I • Account of Patrick ilallinan Executorof the last will and Tostamont of Cornelius Ilallinan, late of Union Township, dabeased. Account of J. Emery, Administrator of the Es tate of David AL Smith, late of WellsboroAee'd. D. L. DEANE, • Welisboro, January, 5, 100. Register. -IMPORTANT TO FARMERS!! I HAVE abbut 200 bushels of gehuino Norway Oats, and will dispose of apart, of them at a ioasouabla price: Those wishing the pie seed plense'eall and examine.. L. C. BENNETT Wellsboro Tannary 3d,,1870-tf. ' ANOTIIER: TUMBLE Ca'sh, 1810': StE WHAT §ELLII4G FOR CASH! Our Pries To-Day. Best White Wheat Flour V pr bb1.1,75 pr. sack. " Red witnter 56.50 " 1,02 " " XX Spring Wheat, 6,00 1 ' 1.50 " Buckwheat Flour, 3,00 per 100 111 s. Best Fond ' 2,00 " " Brat and Shorts 1,50 " " Meal 2,25 • " " Those prices only FOR CASH. .._.---)WRIGHT kBAILEY.. . MI persons not hating settled with 'us, 'can not blatife us uiSw if they find their accounts and notes left with an attorney for collection. We give duo notice. ' W; .L. B. BACIS.—We want all persons having any,age with our mark'on them, to , return the same at once, as we shall take steps to secure them.— We have 500 bags scattered among the people. WRIGHT .t BAILEY. •1. EU Dr. B. CBARK, Soenery pilt i Pa, FRANK ADAMS JOSEPH WILLIAMS Prace to Buy TrWita & . llJatthers, • • RAVlNGlainnitbo Store tOonoily occupied by John R. Bowen for dry gopds, and con verted it into a • ,-.. ••• • GROCERY 4 PROVISION givAßiiptlmEM' ,•. • • everything. trtish and tin,c4'enti ~ be: zonna :hare, and at prices tatibiane.- _ - • • TEAS, COFFEES; SODARS, MO LASSES, FISH', &O.; &0., - to suit all • Call and 'see , ne r that we may aockviima yoxt of the fact that our motto ia, "dheap, Quick Salon, nand Small Profits." TRUMAN 4t, MATIIERS. Wellsboro;Jan. 5,1870—tf. • ,The remaining Dry,kloods o , of 3. R. Bowen; will be sold at this establiehment :at very low figures. TRUMANdo MATIIERS. The way to G to.buy your GOODS *born y?tt eria boy them CHEAPEST! you can do that At • ;. Wilson Van Va&enburg's A SPLENDID LINE OF CHOICE. WINTER GOODS, =I Purchased at the Bottom Market Prices, just received iii in MN CLOTHING °revery description, and clothing niade to order in the vary host itylo, and warranted iL SO N & VAN VA TirkE ' N . , ll . tJ WOllnboro,Dec. 15, 1860 . C HOME POULTRY;—I have a few mors ~ k.„," fowls of the Bramalt and Black Spanish breeds for sa e. Pure bred and Ivry fine. lam also receivirj orders for eggs for setting, to be tilled in rota ;ton as received as early next spring as the weather will permit. No orders noticed unless ace(' panied by the cash. Price $l ,per dozen. M. B. PRINCE. Wellsboro, Pa., Dec. 20, 1869. FSTRAY.—Came to my enclosure, in Niles TlTalley, Dec. 190959, nine white _skcep.— The owner can have tho same, by proving prop erly, paying charges, and taking them away. Jan. 5,1889-3 w. ERASTUS NILES. FARM FOR SALE.iI-The undersigned offers for sale the lollosting property situate s) in ti;e:ToWnship Of Liberty, Pa.-;—.Hounded on' the Milli' by Goo. MOG6e, East by Negro Lott, South and West by 4hn Messner; containing 422 acres and some Perches. About 40 acres cleared, and under good cultivation ; also con taining some of - the choicest Timber in the County—to wit: Pine, Hemlock, Cherry, Ash, Oak, Red and White Bass, /ie. Also, another farm 6tuatod on the Williathson Road, Bounded on , the North by G. Krause, South by John Bland, East by Benjamin Hughes, West by Driel )3reean ; containing 654 acres; abOut:2s acres cleared. House and Barn thereon. Foi- particulars apply to JOSEPH HUGHES, Jan'. 5,1870-3 w. Liberty, Tioga Co., Pa. Run Plaster. THIS PLASTER' baying been thotonghly tested by the farmers, and pronounced by all, to be a superior article, 'we Mite pleasure in,-:sayl.ng that we can supply the masses, as we have, any quantity on hand, Prico por'ton, 5 dollars• . I. CHAMPNET. Jan. 5, IS7O-51n.'4 FROM THE ALTIANY EVENING JounNAL of Dec. 7, I.B69.—lleavy Dautages.—ln the great, suit of John S. Perry against Jagger, Littlefield, Whieh has been before the , United States Court for the past' seven or eight years, and for three years or more before the Hon. A: A. Boyce, of Utica, appointed as Master to ascotain and re port the gains and profits mado by Mop defend oats in violating the assignments and infring ing the patents under which ,the celebrated Oriental Stoves are manufactured and sold, we learn that n report has been made awarding to Mr. Perry as a damage, the sum of $52,747.32. Some thousands of Stoves that were sold by tko Littlefield Stove Manufacturing Company aro understood not to be included in this award, but are to be the subject of further proceedings. --Albany Fa•etting Journal. CIRP'IAN',B COURT SALE .—Pursuant to an kf or er and decree of the Orphan's point of Tioga County at November Term, 1869, the un dersigned Guardian of the person and estate of Daniel Keltz, a minor child of Betsy Keltz do ceased, will expose to public sale at the premi ses below named, all that lot .0 land situate in Union Township, Tioga County, Pa., bounded on the north by lands of Marinh Landon, on the oast by the highway loading froin the Block flousp road to Lyndes•Bpeneer, on the south by binds, of R. T. Thomas, and tho west by lands of said Idarah Landon, containing throe :gems of ground, and a small board house there on Terms of Bale, ono half cash, and one-halt in ono year. Sale to take place on Mondny, January 3d, 1870, nt 2 o'clock P. M. J. E. CLEVELAND, Guardian. Union, Pa., Dec. 3d, 1860-4 w. NCTICE.—We pay Cash for ASH, CHERRY, and CHESTNUT LOOS, delivered at our Mill. Ash Logs cut 12 and 14 feet. Cherry and Chestnut 12, 14 and 16 feet long. We saw nothing pliGrt of 12 feet in length., TRUMAN .l BOWEN. Dec. 8, 1869.-tf. FRESH GROITIND PLASTER AT TIOGA, . BY T. L. BALDWIN, & CO. $7 9 50 per ton. P,XECITTORI3 NOTICE,--Letters Testamen tary hcv ing boon granted upon tho last will and Testament of Joseph T. Streit, late of Mansfield, deo'd, all perssna indebted to, or claiming against Enid testator, aro requEstod to settle with, WM -I,IAM J. DOOTDi Exr. ,or 0. v ELLIOTT, agent, Mansfield, - Pa. Doe. 22. 1889—f3cE.* '.l' i, -3... ..: ‘,:',...,.;:-!;-",,,,-;:' ~,.,7.: : . ~:. ,:v et Rich. =1 O=MIIM9 TITE - TRUUNIum. * . ritelr Store & New G ods: (12rie dooi befoivi Webb Ilc ilastlag'slituifitore.) —O -- 4 t. q tra i rr e t t e k l o rt ui e it may j l om c W ce ° rU ll ,t l ia S t I ray? the City—bought carefully and close, a full assort ment of • / 1 19 Y 11 1.5 1 Y 8 1 FL9Pkt AND FEED, &C.., • &C. Come and Brice my • TEAS; SUGARS AND SYRUPS, Beforeyou • ‘4. •W. P. BIGOIn.. Wollsbare,,Jon:4;lB7o-tf. ' ' IRON_ WORKS! FOUNDRY & MACHINE ►SHO' 1 ViTELLSBORO, PA. SEARS & AVERY, PRornizTo a PLOWS, HORSE HOSES, ULTIVA TORS, FIELD ROLLEI `, KET— TLES, ALL SIZES, SAP PANS, FARMING UTENSILS, ALL . KINDS, WOOD MACHINES row SAWING WOOD; • ' Brick r Machines, CHURN POWER; THE- TOMPKINS COUNTY, HORSE POWER- EIGHT AND TEN HORSE, CONSTANTLY 1 ON HAND, And also, everything usually found in a first class_Shop. We eall.warticular attention to our MA CHINE SHOP, which has been re-built with new, anil,firat-elasa MACH.INERY,LATR~ Iron PLANER, DRILL, .tc. We employ nono but first-class workmen, and aro, therefore, pre. pared to • do our work . * ,the best style, and at short notice. We have recently' added now MACHINERY, for Planing and Matching boards. Call and see us • Jan. 5, 1870-Iy. BEE - HINE -EXCHANGE. ~;^ . ~:- -` Surrender, MI BUT AT DISRETION ATOU see that half a animal:l of space with half ,an inch of ,reading matter don't help Inc atter all. What d'ye do that f01.; , ' asked less than a million of my customers, when I appeared in blank. And, being tuckered olit with trying to explain why I did it, I I am forced to do it in print: Therefore, Know ye, all good people, that I ntu doing a Land Office Business, WHOLESALE & RETAIL SUGARS, Al.l. GRADF.S, SYRUPS, MO LASSES, PORK, lIAMS, SHOULDERS, MACKEREL, WHITE FISH, OISCOES, COD, HALI BU T, AND BO FORTH, ' And I am Belling cheap as I always do, and can save country dealers - their expenses to the little city of Elmira, or the big city of New York BLit then, THE - TEA ^ TRADE is one of my biggest, brightest, l fnci best things You cnnnot get,better \ _ • OOLONG OR . GREEN TEAS, or choapdr, than I can sell Yon. You may pa tronize thel Great American Ten Company, and ihon I can do you good. I have enough to aot Tioga County, TE - HE - iiNG- for the next 25 years. Besides nv man has n big pr or hetter,lot of , 839091 n ,om_arn, then I have, and am aelli4. them at a bargain. Evetsything in tho Grocery Lino, 0 CANNED FRUITS, AND VEGETABLES, WOODEN WARE, CONFEC TIONERY, ;;;;: 4 not mixed ns I mix them horo r but \ in good order I buy nll tho ' I 'BUTTER AND CIIEESE, that I calf, arid ahubst evary . thitig else t))t teasels Sign of the BULLS BEE-HIVE Wellgbora, Deo. 15, 1869, HAVE YOU SEEN THE .1 . Immense Stock of Carpets, . 1 . AND OIL OWE'S, in the Carpet Store of Oct. 27, 1889. SMITH dr. WAITE'S, Corning, N. Y. R E 0, V T . : A T 0 4 ..,I, I W. T. MATHERS CORNING. N. Y. Here We Are Again • lIIIIANKPOL for the favors we have thus far reoeivelfrom the people of TEE TIOUA VALLEY, we wish to caU their attention to the fact that we are just receiving a" ' NOW Stock of Goods adapted to the eaily Pall Trade, el:impelling ev erything desirable, both in style and quality, la! shall be pleased to see our old east*, mera and all who may come from that v,leinity,P> CORNING to buy DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND NOEL CROCKERY, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Carpets, &c., as we alwar give customers from a distance A LARGE' DISCOUNT ON PRICES, we thus make it for their interest to come to us to make their purchases, as many people in that region will testify: We do not believe in long advertisements, displaying long lists of prices, Sco ' but will convince all who come that we can, and do sell GOODS CHEAP, that•thie Store'is, in reality THE RE(3I-Iji4A.TOR for this section of cobntty Call and take a look through our immense stook and satisfy yonrselree.„, Corning,-Sept 8, 1869 C-C-B-&-F-L-E. COIVIE TO T. L. BiILDWIN Sc CO'S TIOGA , TA and see a"niee stock of Goods for the FALL k WINTER. euch as ZIAZZII2 , ZDIBIIZZ 0001IDC. —all stylos, colors and patterns— ALPACAS, POPLINS, CAMBRICKS, FRENCH JACONETS, ORGANDIES, PEQUAS, VERSAILES, BLACK , AND COLORED SILKS, &C., &o. i BEMITIFIA, Winter ' S WLS, and a large assortment to select om. CLOAKS READY-MADE, AN CLOTH; TO MAKE MORE, ALL KINDS OF LININGS, FRINGES; TASSELS &c., TO TRIM DRESSES OR ISA.CQUES. —Our stock of— YANKEE NOTIONS o'an't be beat. It keeps up with everything the Yankees have thought of so far. HOOP SKIRTS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, CORSETS, &C, 'R -O -TI-=II-N MONLEIMEM too numerous to mention; but will say that you will seldom find so largo an assortment to soloot from in a country store, and clear down to the BOTTOM Wo also keep a largo assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, in suits, and parts of snits. Should we fail to suit you with ready-made, we' have Cassimere and •, TAILOR TO CUT AND FIT. oots and ShoeS, all styles and aizes. HATS AND *CAPS, STRAW GOODS, AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS; A COMPLETE LINE.. OF CROCKERY, WOODEN WARE, HARD WARE, SHELF HARD , WARE, NAILVIRON„ . Looks, lintel:ion, Carpenters' Tools. A GENERA Li!, TCCIK.. OF GROCERIES, Fresh. TEAS ate lower than at on, time since tho war. Did not go to Cuba to bity Bogor, and so have some °ben)). We aro agents for the - E. HOWE SEWING 'MACHINE F,1,--W--X Farmers, if you want tools to work with drop in SALT, LIME, PL A STER,IPO . RE, FLOUR Lime, Cayuga Plaster, Butior tube, Palle. Firkins, and Ashton Salt to flavor with'. All kinds of Farm Produce want ed. Prices can't be beat. T-H--A--=N---R-=-S " 7 r. L. itALDWIN4k, CO Tioga, Pa., Jan. 1, 1870. Mil NEWELL' do OWEN IGURE