The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, January 19, 1870, Image 2

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    LICENSE OR NO 14f_
• EDITOR d AGITATOR : '47 1 1: 1 ;3 - ! term - of
Court approaches at wliie 141'0h : tants
file tbelePetitions for license. Many
have been so flied. 7 These applications
are, as unfailing,, as ;the terms of the
Court that sots niitnAliem. Under the
present law, these petitions, if uncip !
poised, must be granted. But they may,
ilia bpi:Posed by remonstrance; in Which
leaSelhe Court, regarding !the number
and character of the petitioners and re-
Monstrants, may exercise its-discretion
in the nukttei . ,V. The license question has
been frequently agitated in this coin
.munity, and the real friends of tempe
rance are divided in opinion upon it—
some for, some against - . What is. right
the premises—license, or no license?
•We have tried .bOth. Under license,
drunken men werescarcely absent from
our streets ; their orgies and carousals
made day and night hideous; women
could not pass our streets at H ight with
a feeling of, safety, nor in the day time
,without insult; the eye was constantly
ofibided by some pitiful object of hu
manity in a 'beastly stale of intoxica
tion,such was license, for_Which men
aSk a 'return. ..Since-tikm, tinder
license, we have had a' '414(3- of pubtlic
sobriety immeasurably - betecr than ti Iy
thing nnder the, previous regime. It is
now admitted that good order is the nile
in our town, and not the exception, as
before. Publieorder and sobriety, then,
are against license.
Ah; but says..tht advocate of license,'
" !Aqua is now sold—agahist the law;
you cannot prevent HS sale—therefore
you had better lice Ase it." -Let us see.
Every in tell igen t ano candid in i ud holds
the liquor traffic to be a veQ•ii - inelstrOm
of vice; destroying body,' conscience
and intellect; reducing affluence to beg
gary ;- mortgaging the public' for the
support ot' drunkards ; and aS fruitful
of crime as all other - causes combined
As such, it is a crime, much as thievil
log, which despoils me of my property;
'as much as arson, which burns my
house and turns my family homeless
upon Mg street ; or as much as
. forgery,
which 'reduces me to beggary. And
with these, and the whole calendar of
crimes, it ought to be prohibited by law!
Grant that we cannot totally prevent
its illegal sale. Shall we 'therefore le
galize it? Men voninit theft, perjury,
arson, assault, murder; —but because
we cannot - prevent their doing so, are
we to be asked to 'repeal all the laws r ;
against these crimes? Heaven forbid.
And yet that is the logic applied to -li
cense. They who sell- intoxicating ll
cluers without license, do so in the face
Of the law—despite of, and in defiance
of law.; and the moral sentiment of the .
enmnaunity ;—and the nature of the
crime, and the justice of the law, re
main unchanged. But license men so
to sell, and, as far as the law can do it,
the traffic is made respectable to the
young and unthinking. It. has the
countenance, sanction and protection of
.the law ; but the nature of the traffic is
s4orti of none of its frightful enormity,
—the same moral necessity remains,
that ever existed, for its prohibition.
See the effect of 'the liceroe law when
fully enforced : permitted to sell as a
beverage, except on Sunday, to ull rave
minors and confirmed drunkards.. Mi
nors may drink through middtermen,
and on attaining their majority'; sober
men and moderato drinkeN may drink
until they. become drunkards ;-- so this
system is a trial privilege
to make drunkards of sober men I
The poor inebriate's brain is fired by
drink. He commits a crime unifier its
influence. He is arraigned and brought
to the bar of justice, to be punished for
that crime. He is not guiltless, if he
had consciousness. No man has a right
to deliberately put that in his mouth
which he knows maysmake hint a crim
inal. • But he who plac'et; a knife in a
murdecrer's hand, sharing the intent, is
an accomplice, rind equally gui
the principal. Then what becomes of
him whp puts tlie altilil7lB of crime in
this inebriate's heart ? Is he pursued?
i )l - s he arraigned'? Is he tried? Does
justice draw her sword against him ?
Oh, no 1 he is not Molested ! •he is not
disturbed ! He is armed with a license,
bearing the seal of the Court, to Make
criminals of other men, anti prosecute
his infamous calling! 4nd he may sit
'as a juror, to judge ha vi 4 .tim, who
never would have been n crkininal, ex
cept for him! Think of it. I And such
is the la* of license.
t ,
bile reeen improvements
in all branches of rail vay equipment
have gone far toward divesting a long
jolirney of the multifari!ous annoyances
which characterized the early stages of
of. this mode of travel, there still remain
inconveniances to be remedied and evils
to be corrected before the great mans of
the traveling public can find on the cars
the absolute 'comfort and privacy oh
their homes. The evils, hand evcn the
actual _dangers attendant upon the too
thorough seclusion of passengerS have
been unmitakeably indicated by the
nurfieronspurders recently committed
on ' foreigh'railway trains, while the
disAoinforts and aggravations resulting
.from the use of the long over-crowded
passenger coaches-run on the American
rail Ways, with their poor ventilation
and ` the indiscriminate huddling •to
gether of all sorts of people, cannot be
overlooked. •A great many who set out
to travel can afford and are willing to
pay for superior comforts and greater
privady, but at. the same time' do not
desire to do so at the expense q their
own safety, or their means of commu
nication (if neetts be) with the conduc
tor of the train. • ,
To r4et this, demand the Erie Rail
way Company now have "attached to
their Express Trains *Aegiint carriages,
styled Drawing Room Coaches, divided
into compartments, each corn munj ca.
rting with the other by an openi ng un
der the raised roof, yet to the occupant
, as completely private-as his own mu m
in a hotel., These, are lit at night by .
gas, are warmed by steam, are elegantly`
furnished With cosy arm-chairs and
lounges, and accommodate four persons
each. Here, seated comfortably, the
traveler looks out upon the most majes
tic scenery on the Continent, rendered
additionally attractive by the dimen
'sions of the vista,, let in npou him by
the broad panes of plate glass compos
ing the window. In the; centre of the
car is a luxuriously furnished parlor,
adorned with cnandedie, book-cases,
and the richest carpetinOmd drapery,
while at either end are::;: toilet rooms
Idled with every comfort for the tray
The eeestjoetion of such coaches as
these is a move in the right direction.
It enables a party of gentlemen setting
out upon an excursion t o enjoy each
others society without the intrusion of
strangers;-it enables families to travel
as comfortably as if seated about their
Own fireside; it ensures ladies and
children traveling without escort the
especial attention and care of employes
and a freedom from insult or the inquis
itive observation of others; and to the
invalid, It gives such ease, rest and se
clusion as will make the journey pro
.duotiVe_rather of•benelit thun of fatigue.,
Thti;additinnat fare charged by the
forZseat4in then, coaches
comparatively small, being only a dol
lar- and-a-half- between New
Butlido, and in proportion between
other poitii: This, while leaving the
fesOdious traveler no eatise for coin
plaint, at the sane time, places within
the reach of . all who. are willing to pay
a'-bioderate ACcommodations 'of
tli: 1 0 very best. So popular, la'fact, have
these coaches become along the line of
the tile Railway, that the better class
of residents make use of no, others,
prefering to pay thelrilling addition. to
their ordinary fare and thereby secure
ali t the comforts of modern travel. ,
Vht• afitatoi.
,t 3
1.--We.give elsewhere the most material
parts of the Governor's
,message, and
only regret that space does not permit
the rinblication of all. , It is an elabo
rate document, full of interest to all the
people, and contains some very impor
tant tuggestions. le recommends that
all t e surplus fat
, ds of the State be
used to purchase the outstanding obli
bearing interest. At times,
large sums of money are left idle in the
State Treasury, (or are supposed to be
ttnire,) and it, would seem that the Leg
iatature would at once adopt the sugges
tion of the. Governor. There is no rea
son why the interest for the use of this
surplus should not accrue to the State;
and . the method now suggested,. seems
to be as practicable as any. In this
connection; the i povernor recommends
that the salary of the State Treasurer
should be increased, (it is now only
$1,700,) and fixed at,,a sum which will
command the services of fit and respon
sibleinen. It is well known that our
State Treasurers make large fortunes in
some manner, while holding this im
portant trust. Perhaps no canvass for
any office•within the gift of the Legis
lature, has ever been more bitter and
disgraceful, than that before the present
Legislature for this office. Of course
all this would not be undergone for the
salary allowed by law; and we must
look elsewhere for the inducement
which makes this place so much sought.
The profits of the office accrue from the
custody of. the funds'of the State, in the
hands and control of the,Treasurer. It
. ,
is better that the people should pay a
reasonable compensation, as a salary,
than to pe mit one without fixed limit
in 4he m nner hitherto practiced.—
Wlnitever . an be realized for the use of
the State uds, should go into the State
Treasury, Ind not into the pocket of the
Treasurer. The, method proposed . will
accomplish this end. Of course, the
law establishing such a Sinking Fund,
should provide the proper' cheeks and
balances to secure the object sought.
By reference to the Message, it will
be seen that our State debt has been re
duced $4,889,86,9 82 since Gov. Geary
came into ntiloa. in ,i.,,,,...... z ,-, -xacil, --a
that there has been a.reduction of, $472,-
400 18 the past year, not including the
cash on hand, whlchle' $387,937 -12 more
than it was last year: This is certainly'
a very satisfactory 'result, and speaks
volumes for thelntegrity of his admin
istration. All this, too, while real es
tate pays no'ftate tax.
There aro 1 4 \ '971 schoot districts, 13,036
schools. 17,1 , 12, teachers, 815,753 pupils,
within the State. The cost, of tuition
, l•
for the year, was $3,500704 26; total cost,
of school system, $6,986,148 92. The .
value of school„, property i5:514,045,632.
The average cost of each pupil, per
month, WAS 72 inely-scven cents.
In 1860 the number of school districts
was 1,778 ; schools, 11,577 ; pupils, 585,-
669; teachers, 13,003 ; cost of tuition for
each pupil, per month, fifty-six cent" .
cost of tuition, $1,652,128; total cost of
the system, $2,619,377.
'These figures exhibit the progress of
nine years ; and while they show a
large increase in the cost of sustaining
the system, they present a record of
which we have reason to be proud, as a
State. It is a large sum of money . to
give yearly,. for a single object—more
than the annual cost of administering
the laWs of .the State—yet the fruits are
ample . ; and in this progress toward the
day when education shall be universal
alining our citizens, lies the great hope
of a freer, better, safer government for
us all.
The people of Pennsylvania are in
deed most fortunaed in having an hon
est, upright and earnest man in the gu
bernatorial chair. His recetA inaugu
ration for aliecond term, while it is an
honor to him not often accorded to any
man, is at the same time a credit to
us all ; for few men, indeed, • have done
and are doing so much for the country,
and for humanity, as John W. Geary.
He stands by the people, and against
corruption in every form; be remem
bers the soldiers with whom he fought;
and he does not forget the Widows and,
orphanS of the slain in battle. Let us
hope that his successors may emulate
his example.
It is expected that a bill will be in
troduced into the House, at Harrisburg
next week, to form a new county, by
taking Union and Ward from this coun
ty, and a part of Bradford and Sullivan
counties, with Canton as the county
heat,. Against this)procceding we most
earnestly protest; and we call 'upon our
Senator and Representatives to oppose
t from•ti r beginning, believing that a
very large narLiorit.4 of the people of this
county are against,
We are yet !lewdly in debt on our
war obligations ; Unio n and Ward (and
Fall Brook will probably be takeis also,
if the movement succeeds) have been
the recipients of their full Ortta- o f-f Ten ..,
efit from the objects for wjich this debt
was incurred; and,we are unwilling for
this, if. for no other reason, to consent
to such it division. What • we are as a
county, is made up of all jts parts; and ,
our progress has been such, that we
have reason to be proud of our growing
infhtence and position. We cannot
maintain our standing by this policy of
disintegration. If this Ist encroachment
is antlered to pass without objection or
rebuke, no one 'can tell how long we
shall have any position or standing as a
county at all. A Legislature has been
found servile and corrupt enough to
disregard and defeat the fair nomina
tion of the party in pow ) er in the choice
of an impe - kfaut l oflicerotthe State, and
we do not,lnow that nsimilar triumph
may not blot us out entirely, or annex I
what,Ahall_remain_ this..eon".
quest is submitted to,to theSiate of New
York, or, 'to Potter ; County: - - We Tirol
prepared lioVieve r, 'for al most anything,
and we thi4 it is time we should be,.,
- How the people of those townshipti
'look upen - the Matter; we Cannot•say;
but we %Vain them in time, that if they
wish to' be ;tailed, 'and taxed without'
limit, to beild , upt:
local interest; the
benefit of (Mc man, or of 'a few men, at
their own eiPense, then it, is their poll-,
-cy to favor this invasion. We know
that the communication of these town
ships is not as easy or direct as It should
be, but it is improving and will im
prove heneeferthi and we firmly be
lievethat their interests will not suffer
by remaining in this county, so much
as they will be likely to under such an
administration as deems to lie before
them. • • •-
Under the Constitution; no new coun
ty can be formed, unless it embraces
400 square miles ; and not more than
one-tenth of any county Can be taken
without the consent of the people. , Did
* we know that this encroachment w 'd
stop with the present demand, the b
jections would not be so serious, ifs me
equitable arrangement could be ado
to adjust our domestic indebted ess,
providing always, that the people of
the townships taken, desire the separa
tion. But there is no guarantee which
can make us sure, against this grasp
•ing and domineering policy, which
threatens to make conquest of our terri
tory, with or without our consent. • Ti
oga cannot consent t 9 it : if it is done,
it must be done 'forcibly and againit her
will," . and to the rapacious captors,
must belong the guilt. 1
There is a general "strike" among
the telegraph operators throughout the
country, which prOmises seriously to
impede the transmission of - news. Up
to this time, however, there has been no
interruption to speak c:o1 except in the
South, where, as we learn from The
Day, all the operators of the Western
Union line have refused to act. They
complain that the wages offered are not
sufficient, and rather thaw submit to a
reduction they refuse to work. The
tendency to " strikes" is a growing evil ;
yet we fear that in this, as in many
other cases of like action on the part of
employees, there is some excuse to be
drawn from the oppression of the em
ployers. •
Thal Atlantic Monthly for 1870.
THE. ATLANTIC MONTHLY will be conducted on
the same general plan whiO Lae hitherto proved
so acceptable to intelligent American readers.—
It will continue to be the medium through which
the most original thinkers and the most popu
lar writers of the country,reach tho public. It
will aim to treat in a broad and catholio spirit,
all irmiortant questions that interest the Ameri
can people, bringing to the discussion of them
the fullest attainable knowledge and an im
partial judgment. It will be the organ of no
clique, sect or party, but will be conducted in
the interests of the bqat Literature, for the de
velopment of Art (mild Science, and to secure a
higher standard of intelligence and morality in
,In view of their relations with the most illus
trious writers in the United States, the publish
ers of the Atlantic Monthly feel warranted in
assuring their patrons that tile future volumes
of the Magazine will be at teat equal to those
alreadv published --- ;- -
reautsun -permanent value in the ! '
allowing de
partments •
1. Serial and Short Stories.
2. Poetry.
3. Essays on Literary,,tiographieal, Histo
rical, Scientific, and Social Subjects.
• 4. Papers on Political, Sanitary, Philo
sophical, Religious, and Economical Topics.
5. Sketches of Travel, Discovery and Ad
Bayard Taylor will contribute to the Atlantic
Monthly for 1870, a new novel entitled "Joseph
and his friend." It is a Pennsylvania story and
deals with the most striking aspects of Penn
sylvania country life and character. It will
represent certain phases of life there, as Mrs.
Stowe has represented early New England traits
in her " Ohlto am Folks," or Dr. Deimos in ",The
Guardian Angel."
Dr. I. I. Hayes will furnish a series of Sketch
es, '' Under the Midnight Sun," embodying
some of the noteworthy experiences of his Aro
tio adventures.
Gen. F. A. Walker, of tho Treasury Depart
ment, will treat of Finances, Tariffs and related
Sidney Andrews (" Dixon," of the Boston
Advertiser,) will give his impressions of " John
Chinaman," derived from a earefnl and unprej
udiced study of the character and habits of the
Chinese in California. Mr. -Andrews has no
theory to maintain, but states such facts as came
under his observation.
The Atlantic for 1870 will contain a series of
very' valuable articles from authors. specially
qualified to discuss our Commercial Relations,
and the need of our Mechanical and Manufao
turing Industries.
There are thirty-nine regular and occasional
contributors to the Atlantic Monthly.
TERMS.—Single or Specimen number, 35 cts;
Yearly subscriptions, $4.00 in advance • Two
copies, $7 1 .00; Ten copies, $30.00, and $3.00 for
each additional ,copy ; Twenty copies, $60,00,
and treopy gratis to. the person sending the
Club, or Twenty-one copies .or $60.00.
CLUB RATES.—Atlantic Monthly and Our
Young Folks, $5.00 a year; Atlantic Monthly
and „Every Saturday, $8.00; Atlantic Monthly,
Our Young Folks, and Every Saturday, $9.00;-
Our Young Folks and Every Saturday, $6.00 ;
Every Saturday and North American Review,
$10.00; Atlantic Monthly, Our Young Folks and.
American Review, $lO.OO ; all four Periodicals,
FIELDS, OSGOOD do Co., Publishers,
124, Tremont St., Boston
IST of letters remaining in Welleboro Post
Offioo Jan, 1. 1870.
Adams .35 Vincent, J P 0 Bryan, Jeff Butler,
S P Borden, G Blanchard, Poletus Royce, C L
Boanvier, Henry Batton, Clarsa Briggs 2, Alvin
Borden, It B Fleming, II A Gurnsey, Mary E
Gibbs, E R Gamble, Cornelia Gross,John einem,
Rev S Huber, Elvira J Henry, M B Kelsey,
George D Eeet, John Lockithy, Mrs Mary Lewis,
Warren Lewis, Mrs Anna Lewis, Jonas Songfeld,
D MeAllester, Andrew Martin, Alfred B Martin,
Chas Martin , B !thither, Martin Coslholo. Mrs
Agnes Robertson, Miss Lucy Packard, F M Rebsb,
Lewis L Bares, Catherine Shuor 2, Ephrata
Thomas, Owen Tuney, George Watson, Francis
West 3, Mary Webster, Sarah M Willson, David
Wenton, Henry Smith.
In calling for any of the above, please say ad
vertised: GEO. W. MERRICK, P. M.
A first rate, four pocket table, tondo by Pilelon
Colien tler,,for Halo cheap, and on easy terms.
Enquire of L.I3ACRE, or R. C. SIMPSON.
January 17, 1870.-31541
Administration having been granted to
the undersigned upon The estate of John 11,
Rice, late of Wellaboro, deo'd, all persons in
debted to said deoedents or claiming against the
same, must settle with ESTHER R. RICE,
.Tan. 19, 1870-fm. Admex.
Wellsboio Hotel.
811. HOLLIDAY, Proprietor. A large and
. commodious House, located in the imme
diate vicinity of all tho County buildings, with
large and commodious barns attached.
1j `James Hazlett nets as hostler, and wil
always be found on hand, attentive to business.
Jan. 5,1870.—1 y
81. BEELES, Principal.
Ii T. MARKS - Assistant.
Od Term will open Dee. 20, and continue 14
.4.1 weeks. Tuition strictly in advance. No
bills made for less than half a term: No deduc.
Mons made except in CARS of protracted sickness.
Rooms to rent to those who desire to I;oard them
Common English, Elementary Algebra, Pri
mary Philosophy and Primary Physology l freo to
all pupils 6f school age residing in Tioga lord.
Common English.. $5,00
Higher " - ......... ...... 7,00
Commercial course, time unlimited 5,00
German—extra ....... i.... 3,50
English i ßranehes and German ' ' 8,50
" Commercial course... 8.50
.For information with regard to rooms or board
call on, or address •
H. 31. 13EE.1rES, Principal,
'Deo. 1.5,1869—tf. i Tioga, Pa:
9d (mired in paymont for Tuition. .- -
Sheriff's; Sales.
BI Ttrg 01' sundry Writs of Fieri Fa
pins, Levari Fuck's and Vendilioni Exponas, is
tood - ^;(iiifrif tiM - Courrof CommOn Plods of TI
fga county, and to too directed, I will expose to
qublie'salo, to the , highestv and 'best - bidder.; at
phe Cipurt !Louse in Welleboral Monday, the
list day of Jan. 1870, zt 1 o'crodr, P. M.
the following described property & vie
A lot of land in Blomberg, being lot No 1,
the soUthlalf of lot No 19, in 'Book No 4, lying
on the east aide of Williamson street, , about 10
feet front and about 180 feet deep, frame house,
and a few fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the
property of V. 0. Putnam do Jerome Putnam,
suit of Abner Doty.
ALSO—A lot of land in Elkiand, bounded
north by Joel Parkhurst, eastby F Loveland,
south by Main street and lest by Buffalo street,
containing j acre more or loss, with a largo three
story frame hotel and frame barn and other out.-
buildings.thereon. To be sold as the property
of Peter Duvall, suit of John E Westlake. •
. ALSO—A, lot of land in Union, bounded on
the north by Nelson Batty, east and south by
Willlomsport / Elmira Railroad, west by Stung
MeNetti, coutaining 50 acres More or loss, about
40 acres improved, frame--bonne, and - an apple
orchard thereon. - tro be sold as the property of
E W Rutty, sult of Walter Leavett.
ALSO—A lottofland in Liberty, bounded 04
tho north by Adam Coppell, east by Charles
Moore, south by highway, and west by Samuel
Hartman, containing acre more or less, two
story frame house and store combined. frame
barn, and a few fruit trees thereon. To be sold
as the property of Moses Newman. suit of W N
Wilson Sc Co.
ALSO—A lot of land in Liberty; bounded on
the north by J . WI Stewart, east by the William
son road, south by George Sheffer and Jacob
Batters, and west by J.. Banisher, containing 50
acres more ar less, about, 90 acres improVed, with
a two story bloeh house, a frame barn, stone
basement, and apple orchard and other fruit trees
thereon : 1
Atso—Anothei lot of land in Liberty, bounded
north by ,T Ilanoher, east by Jacob Batters,
south by widow Lutz and west by J Keefe, con
60 scree more or less, about 55 acres im
proved, stone - house, frame woodhouse, frame
barn, atone basement, sheds, and an apple orchard
and other fruit treesthercon. To bo sold as the
property of C H Crowl7 snit of M Coles A Co.
ALSO—A lot of land in Chatham, bounded on
the north, by Israel Simmons, , east .by Moses
Lee and James Deane, south by George Curran
and Moses Lee, and we `by Daniel Lee, contain
ing 93 acres more or I s, all improved, a a frame
and log house, frame arn and ' apple orchard
thereon. •To be 'sold Ili the property of Theo
dore Seott,:suit of-David Wass. ,
ALSO—A lot of land in Middlebury, bounded
north by Daniel HOliday, east by highway, south
by Elijah Keeney and west by lands in posses
sion of J B Roe, containing 4 acres more or less,
all improved, with 2 framo houses, a frame barn
and a few fruit trees tbereon :
Arse--another lot' in Middlebury, bounded
north by Daniel Holiday and 0 W Hypes, east
by J B Roe, south by Elijah •Keeney, Thomas
Keeney, Jesse Keeney and Samuel Haze, and
west by G W Byrnes ' containing 40 acres more
or less, with about 10 acres improved. To be
sold as the property of J B Roo, Bait of George
W Byrnes.
ALSO—A lot of land in Middlebury and Far
mington, bounded on the' north by Henry Saw
yer, on the east by A .1 - Fisk and Benjamin
_Oath by Jerome Prutzman, and
west by A J Cologrove and Henry Sawyer, con
taining 85 acres more or less, about 40 acres im
proved, frame house, log barn, board stable and
apple - orchard thereon. • To be sold as the prop
erty of A J McKinney A A Humphrey, suit of
D G Stevens.
ALSO—A lot of land in Rutland, bounded
north by Myron Mills, east by Charles Sherman,
south by Highwayovest by Mrs Ezra Stephens,
containing one-quarter of an acre more or less,
frame houseand frame barn thereon. To be sold
as the property of Esdras Rich k Alvina
suit of Horace Kelsey, for use of M A Burt.
ALSO--A lot of land in Covington. bounded
east, south and westly lands of N A Elliott, and
north by highway, containing of an acre more
or less, with a . frame house and frame blacksmith
shop thereon. To be sold as tho property of J
H Smith, suit of H J Elliott, for the use H E
ALSO—A lot of land in Middlebury, bounded
north by Amos Rowley, east by Lucy Brown and
Bliss Bailey, south by Eleaser Bockus, and west
by highway, containing 50 acres, about 25 acres
improved, log house, frame barn and log barn,
and a few fruit trees thereon. To be sold as tho
property of II Losey and Abraham Palmer," with
notice to Zelotus Allen do Nanoy Ann Allen, T T,
suit of Mary Ann Mosier, for use of E W Niles.
ALSO—A lot of land in Lawrenceville, boun
ded north by Stateline street, east by Franklin
street, south by center street and West by Aced-
Wain CoTricaTiMiiiiiratinilaiakirttin trite
appurtenances thereon. Tabs sold as the prop
erty of Andrew_Turner, snit of C 8 Mather b Co.
ALSO—A .lot of land in Clymer, bounded
north by B.*Beott and A Trowbridge, oast by D
Beach and Nancy Barber, sontk by James Smith
and west by 0 Trowbridge and Niver, containing
170 acres more or less, 160 acres Improved, frame
house. frame barn, 2 frame horse barns, 3 apple
orchards and other fruit trees thereon. To be
sold Lib the property of Patrick Ganley, suit of
H H Dont.
ALSO—A lot of land in Liberty, bounded
on the north by Zimmerinan's Creek, east bybigh
way, south and west by D W Canfield, contain
ing of an acre more or less, with a two story
frame store house thereon : _
ALSO—Another lot of !mid in Liberty, bounded
north by Zimmerman's Crook, east and south by
Hannah Ifusenbury, and west by highway, Con
tainingi acre more or less, with a framo wagon
house thereon. To be sold as the proyerty of
Michael McMahon, suit of Jonas B Stout.
ALSO—A lot of land in Weßebore, beginning
in lino of Crafton street, 125 feet south, easterly
from south-east corner of Crafton and main ste.,
thence north easterly parallel with Crafton, and
along line of C L Wilcox 65 feet to the lino of
lot now occupied by George Nevi°, thence by
said Navel south-westerly 60 feet to Craton at.,
and thence by Crofton street north-westerly 85
feet to place of beginning, containing fifteen
square rodsi more or less, with two frame build
ings thereon. To be sold as the property of
Henry Petrie, suit of 11 W Williams, executor of
Levi I Nichols, deed.
• ALSO—A lot of land in Gaines, bounded
north by the State Road, east by II Croft and A
Brinier, south by Pine Creek and west by W W
Tate, containing 14 acres, more or less, all im
proved, with two frame dwelling houses, two
frame barns, out builaings, and a few fruit trees
thereon. To be sold as the property of John L
Phenix, suit of H S Cook for use of A P Cone.
ALSO—A lot of land in Chatham, bounded
north byJohn Hill, Daniel Heath and Sally Bug,
east!by 0 °only, south by Allen Strewn and
Clark Spencer, and west by Highway, contain
ing ,104 9-10 acres, more or less, all improved,
wit 'two frame beanies, two frame harns, one log
barn, an appte orchard and otherfruit trees there
on. To be sold as the property of Fitch Whit
ney and Charlotte Spencer, suit of John Bens,sn.
ALSO—A lot of land in Chatham, bounded
north by John:Hill, oast and south by the estate
of B I F Spencer, dec'd, and west by the highway,
containing 15 acres, more or less, all improved.
TO be sold as the property of C A Spencer, suit
of John Hill, , for use of John Benson,
ALSO—A lot of land in Clymer, bounded
north and west by highway, east by Sam'l Good
ell, and south by Orrin Stebbins; containing
one-fourth of an acre, more or less, with a two
story frame tavern house and a frame barn there
on. To be sold as the property of D. A Tooker
and Wesley Burnside ; suit of S. Hutchinson A
ALSO—A lot of land in Charleston : begin
ning at a hemlock tree, on the Lamb's Creek
road; and from thence south, 45 degrees west,
80 rods, to a post; and from ihence north, 45
degrees west, 100 rods, to a post;- thence north,
45 degrees east, 80.. rods, to a beech tree; thence
south, 45 degrees tint, 100 rods, to the place of
beginning ; 'containing 50 acres and the usual al
lowance of six For cent., tto., with about forty
aoresiimproved, h frame house, log barn, and an
apple orchard thereon. 'to be said as the prop
erty of Josiah C. Reese and Robert Richardson,
suit of John Lent.
ALSO—A lot of land in Clymer; bounded on
the north by lot No. 247 of the allotment of tho
Bingham lands in Clymer, contracted to Joha M.
Harper, lot 248, Contracted to William Sykes, and
lot 129, conveyed to Dixon Sonthworth ; east by
lot No. 130, contracted io Abner-D. Humphrey;
south by lot No. 132, conveyed to Isaao Burn
side, and lot No. 252, contracted to Chas.. Bur
nside ; and west by lot No. 252 aforesaid, and lots
No. 225 and 91, convoyed to Isaac Soars. It be
ing lot No. 128 of the allotment of Bingham
lands in Clymer, and part of warrant No. 1326;
containing 98,3 acres and usual allowance for
roads, &c., with about 80 acres improved, frame
house, frame barn, log house, frame- corn hoes°
and wagon house thereon. To be sold as the
property of S. M. Vosburg, suit of Bingham!
ALSO—A lot of land in Brookfield; bounded
on the north and east by land convoyed to Pem
berton P. Morris, administrator of the eatate of
John Adlnm, deceased; on the south by lot No.
143 of the allotment of the Bingham lands in
Brookfield, contracted to be sold to Enos S. Cul
ver and Samuel Tubbs, and now owned by Part
gle ; and on the west by land conveyed to P P
Morris, administrator as aforesaid, and lot No
158, now or lately in possession of James Loper;
containing 99.6 acres, with the usual allowance
of six per cent for roads, bo the same more or
less; it being fot No 148 of the 'allotment of the
Bingham lands in Brookfield township aforesaid,
and part of warrant No 1856:
ALSO—Another lot of land lying in the town
ship of Brookfield; bounded on the north by
lands of Alanson Burdick and 0 Hamlin, east by
Bingham lands, south b y r i ohn Lewis, and west
by Noble Pride; containing 200 acres; • more or
about 100 improved, with one frame house,
two frame barns, and other outbuildings and fruit
trees thereon. To be lid as the property of No
ble Pride, suit of Bing t. am Trustees.
ALPO—a lot of land in Itichniond, beteg part of
James Wilson's warrant, No. MO—containing 439
ALso—tho whole or James Wilson warrant N 0.4188
—containing 090 acres more or less, in Tioga and Rich
ALoo—James Wiloon warrant 4485, containing 999
acree'more or, lees (excepting and reserving from the
foregoing Warrant 50 acres sold to Jos. Brown, 60 sores
'sold to Hawley and 100 acres sold to John Johnson,)
about 20 acres impreved, frame house frame barn and,
fruit trees thereon, lu Richmond—
ALeo—a ltt of .(cad In Jackson, bounded - by
estate of Chailes and - Thomas - Holton, case by hinder
the estate of John iShelve and Wm Lane, south by land
or- DBvid Prutub-aP4Hlraca Ccok, west 4D,av id Crumb
'uhll.Thonias floltOW.Contalniug 60 acres more or less.
Also=-ielornf land in Tlbge, beginning - at the - first
green hemlock tree on west side of Crooked Creek,
about 30 rode below Alm Hie old upper sitionlll stood
on said premiss, thence up along said creek by its
several pnruses, including said mill and its • privileges;
to the place 'where laid creek'bendi its- Cones* 'toward
the site o 1 the old Mansfield farm house, thence semis
%itid ores to a small elm on thaopposite bank, thence
south 78 0 tweet 7 rods to a large elm on the *oath bank
of the coyp, thence across said cove south 80 0 west 83
rods to ,a 'Stake in line of land belonging to estate of
GeorgeDagget, dec'd. thence northerly along said line
- to the place it Intersects said Crooked Creek, thence
down said crook by its course to a large buttonwood,
opposite the first rollway above said Mansfield farm
house, thence north 87 1 ° east to place of beginning
--containing 80 acres more or less, about TO acres ins
proved, one we
i r ' water-po gang sawmill and shingle
machine, 4 frame u 8 frame barns, several out
hulldings, eon:lberia., blacksmith shopi and young apple
orchard thereon. Sold as the property of Wm B
1 'Keyes and Benjamin Wells, sun 0.1 11 Meer, surviving
partner of John B Meer and James B Leech, deed., for
the use of Harrison E Cooper, now for the- use of
LOulia It Leech,' Adnorx. of the Estate ef James B.
Leech, dec'd. and John W Guernsey. .
ALSO—a lot of land in Richmond, now the Dego of
Mauelleld,bouhded as follows : beginning at the Wit
liam eon road at a stake and stones, the $W corner of
Chester Ames, now Joseph Major's lot. thence east by
south line of s aidi lot to a post and stones at the 811
corner of said Major's lot, thence. south by eastern
boundary of the O'Brien tract 21 perches and 2-10 to 1
the NE corner of the Daniel Holden lot, thence West
by the boundary line of said lot to the BE corner of i
Mamie Kelly's lot, thence around the east and north
boundaries of paid Relly's lot to the Tioga railroad,
thence northerly along said railroad and Williamson
road to place of beginning--containing about 25 Berea,
all improved, with a frame barn thereon. •
Auto—another lot of land situate as aforesaid, be
ginning sea stake and ' atones on the east side of the
road on Dexter Parkburst's land, thence south 88 0
east, SO perches to a white ash stump, nort 16 1 4 0-
west 23 . and seven-tenths perches, south 78 0 est 21
and seven-tenths perches, thencesouth.l6 l /,, 0 I eight
perches, thence south 6° west six perches a n Ithree
and one-half tenths totheplace of beginning co Mining
five acres and two and one-half tenths of an re be
the same more or less, all improved, con tafnin a a brick
- house, 2 frame houses, two frame barns and s e fruit
trees thereon.
4140---another lot of land situate as aforesaid, he
ginning at the aforesaid ash stump on the line of Dex
ter Parkhurst's land, thence north 16 0 and 80 minutes
west by the eastern boundary of the aforesaid lot 23 and
seven-tenths perches to a post at the north-east, corner
thereof; and corner of a lut formerly belonging - to Jas.
Whitehead, then** east by . the southern boundary
thereo4 81 and five-tenths perches to a post, thence
.south by the western boundary line of Lydia White's
tot two perches to a post, the south-west conier theteof,
thenceeast by the southern boundary line of that lot
21 and flvatenthe perches to a dead hemlock tree the
south-emit corner thereof, thence, south 20 and eight
tenths perch& to a poet and stone, the north-east cor
ner of Dexter- Parkhurst'* lot, and thence west by the
northern bonndary of said lot, 97 perches to the place
of baginltinA, containing 14 acres, be the slime more or
loss, all improved. To be sold as the property of Joe.
8 Hoard angordelle Smyth, suit of Major, use of
Ross A WM s
- i
J. B. PCOTTEff, Sheriff.
TEE BEH-HREFERS' Journal and Agricul
twist for December,, contains many inter
esting and valuable articles illustrated with ap
propriate engravings, in its five departments of
' ee-Keeping," ~ Agriculture," " Home and
Fireside."' ' latdies' and Youth's Departments."
On the front page is a beautiful picture of Mr.
Qtllllllr, at home. Be is a regular contributor,
and one of the most successful bee-keepers in.
America. Tho accompanying . biographical
sketch states that he has sold 20,000 pounds of
honey in one season. The portrait of Mrs. Tap
per, America's most distinguished lady writer
on bee.culture, and one of the editors of this
Journal, is to appear in the January number,
to be followed by the liortait of Huber, Dsierson,
and all the leading apiarist's of Europe and
America. This is a nets featu re following other
improvements made since the removal and con-
Illidation, in September, and yet the publishers
f rnish the Journal. at $1 a year. One sample
cyy BRIM Fuss. Address H. A. ICING ACo
37 Park Row, New York.
. .
ONEY LOST.—Loot, in WelleborO, on the
18th inet,, an envelope containing 08_
1 $2O note, two $lO, and the balance in small de
nominations. I will pay a reward of $lO to the
finder who will deliver the same to me. My
name was on the package.
Nov. 24, 1869. • GEO. E. ORYSLER.
been granted on the estate of James Scott,
deceased, late of Chatham, all those indebted to
said estate are requeetrd to make immediate pay
ment, and those having claims against it, to pro
tent them for settlement. MOSES LEE,
Chatham, Jan 12,1870. Adm'r.
0 *VA NM tit 4a..11 hill !A Dti
z A
- ,
who bus long been estab
lished to the Jewelry busi
ness in Welleboro, has al-
ways on sal°,
kinds and prioos of
With most other articles venally kept in such
establishment, which is sold low for
C A S H.
Repairing done neatly, and promptly, and on
short NOTICE. ' A. FOLEY,
January 5, 181 -Iy.
Tioqa, *tira.
All those wishing
can save n good percentage, as we must make'
room for other
Jan. 5, 1869-tf.
'-i\Cif.4o4,R,f*Gri.s.T . SALE '
WINTER;DRY-, - ,Goobs
In order to reduce our etook 49 low ae possible by the let of February, we have made large re
d-actions in prices of a large portion of our Stack. . ,
Conoy Far Seta,' Collar and Muff. only $S 60
Musk Rat _Beta, Collar and Muff, only ... 6 00
Musk Rat Sets,Collar k 8 stripe Muff, only 6 Ou
All other Fars equally cheap
Our Best Double Shawls, (sold at $8 and
$9), now ~„ . 7 $7 00
Oar Second Grade Double Shawls,
(sold at $7), now , - : 6.00
Our Third Grade Double Shawls, (sold at
$6, now ' - -' 500
The cheapest lot of Shawls we have sold for S
Dress proods.
We are selling Dross Goods cheaper • than • ever;
Our entire stook 250. Dress Goods, now ..... 220
Our entire stook 21,1,0. 41211 37c, Dress Goode,
Oar entire stook 440. and 500. Dress Goode,
now Vfo
And a large lot of Plain Alpacas.
Alpacas Poplins, and Paramattas, (sold at
50 Ind 554n0w 46c
Pine, Dress Goods equally cheap.
: .
lug the past three months. We cannot replace a v goods in stook at any lower prices.
We make tho above reductions so as to correspoud with the
Goods are very cheap in Now York, and as wo are buying goods almost daily, and are willing
to sell any goods we have on hand at the new prices. We think wo can furbish our customers
Goode at better advantage than most any house in the trade.
CORNING, Jan. 5, 1870. - J. A. PARSONS, &
A Cherry . Pectoral.
.., _____ •
_ ___
we ~..______ S a soothing expectorant, pre
7-1C ._. _ I
pared to meet the urgent need
.." ..--..- itr, of a safe and reliable cure for
-- - -1•2.7 w. - diseases of the throat and lunge.
A trial of many years has established the fact, that it
is more efficacious in pulmonary affections, than any
other remedy. Its efficacy has now become so gen
erally known, that it is juttly regarded in many coun
tries' as a medicine of indispen sable neceseity. In Great
Britain. Prance, and Germany, where medical science
h reached its lit hest perfection, it is prescribed in
domestic practice, p ad constantly need in the armies in
hospitals and othe public institutions, where it is re
garded by the atte ding physicians as the most speedy
and agreeable re edy that can be employed. Scarcely
any neighborhood can be found where well known
cases of diseased lungs, which had baffled the offorte of
the most skillful and experienced doctors have been
completely cured by it. These results are the most
convincing proofs of the superior curative proverties of
this preparation; and to them the authors point with
peculiar satisfaction. While it is most powerful against
confirmed diseases, it Is extremely gentle as a medicine
in infancy and youth, being quitcharmleee to even the
youngest, when administered judiciously.
This health-restorer accomplishes even more by Pre
vention than cure. If taken in season, it heals all int
tatter's of the throat and lungs, whether arising from
()olds or Coughs, or from other causes, and thus pre
vent that long train of painful and incurable diseases,
which would arise from the neglect of them. [lance
'no family should be without it. Influenza, Croup,
Hoarseness, Whooping Cough, Pleurisy, Incipient Con
sumption. and other affections of the breathing organs,
give way before the preeminent Combination of medi
cal virtues.
Prepared by Dr. J. O. ATER A CO., Lowell, Mass.,
and sold by all Druggists and dealers in medicines
every Where. N0v.17,11369---2m.
1870. FOR SALE. 1870.
BY •
(formerly B. C. Wickham's Nursery)
60,900 Apple Trees,
10,000 Pear Trees.
A good supply of PLUM, PEACH, CHERRY
The Fruit trees aro composed of the choked
varieties, good, healthy, some of them large and
la bearing. Any one wishing to get a supply
will do well to call and see my stook before pur
chasing elsewhere. yver- Delivered at the depot,
Wellaboro, Mansfield, Lawrenceville and Blocs
burg, free of charge. All orders promptly filled.
Address, T. B. STONE,
Tioga, Pa,
Tioga, Dec. 8, 1869-Iy*
raised 847 pounds of Norway oats; from 8
pounds of seed; and I offer them for sedd at the
rate of $0 per bushel. Samples may be, soon at
T. L. Baldwin & Co's Tioga, C. S. Mathei's Law
renooville, John Redington Bliddleburyi and at
the Agitator Offlee. Sowed on 40 rods of ground.
I got the seed, from D. W. Ramsdell A Co., New
York. Address, Jos. Guiles, Lawroneeiille, Pa.
Dee. 1,18841-3 w.
A ND don't neglect to secure
11V./m[si; AL a first, ohm
11. W. DARTT, has on hand the latest stylos
and will make to order and warrant to snit. All
kinds of REPAIRING done at the shortest no
tice. Also,
lon Wo k and florae=
Please call and examine and be convinced
that better workmanship or material is not fur
nished elsewhere at more reasonable priori.
Main Street, Wellaboro, Pa.
Nov. 24, 1889.—ff. If. W. DARTT.
Mrs. A. J. SOFIELD, is agent tor that au
varier SEWING MACHINE, the-,
which everybody likes who tries it. It is a beau
tiful Machint4 never gets out of order, with fair
usage, sews rapidly and. strong stitch, and is
perfectly noiseless:
pfl-Maeldnes rented by the week.
N0v.17, 1869-tf. Mrs. A. J. 1301/lELD.
or 9 years.
Get the Best!
Heavy Black Beavari, a11w001,...53.75. '
Cheap at $4.50
Heavy Black Beavers, extra tine. - 4.60.
Cheap at " ' 8.00
White Black Chinchilla Beavers . ... 8.00.
Cheap at. 4.00
We have reduced our entire stock of
Striped and Gold mixed Waterproofs to Si 60
Our Plain Waterproofs, to ... I 25
Tho Cheapest floods in Market
A Heavy Grey Twilled Flannel at 311 c.,
Worth 37e;
A Extra Heavy Grey Twilled Flannel, at 37c.,
• -Worth 500.
Scarlet and Plaid 'Flanneli equally cheap.l ,
• KENTUCKY JEANS equally cheap.
kw Dit4 AWO: 0 DEIJi
. 1
A Bargiiin : .
o THE man who Wants a good grazing farm
1 within two miles 4.. f Arnot, in Blilss tw'p.,
lean offer &Bargain. lty farm contains 100 acres,
50 imp
30x40, and ~• outbuildin r , with a plank .house, frame barns
thereon. 'For
terms and partici e,,, apply ss the premises, or
address at Cherry Fl. A - y J. E. HENRY.
Nov. 17, 1869-3 w. \ ,
HATIEEIVB MAGAZINE, Ono Yeer../...54 00
HATIPER'S WEEKLY, One Year 400 , 1
HARPER'S BAZAR, One / e arr 4 00
HARPER'S BAZAR, to one address, for one. year,
$lO 00; or any two for $7 00.
, •
An extra - Copy of either the Magazine,
Weekly, or Batar, will be - supplied gratis for
every Club, of Five Subscribers at $4 00 eacJi, in
one remittance ; or, Six Copies for $2O 00, With
out extra copy.
HAnPsit's ISTAGAZINE contains nearly Double
the Amount of Matter furnished in the Galaxy,
The Atlantic, Putnam, or Lippincot. It exceeds
in about the same ratio any English Magazine
of the same general class.
A New Story, splendidly Illustrated, by Willie
Collins (Author of "The Woman in White," "No
Name." "Aria - Male," and "The Moonstone),
will be commenced in Harper's
. Weekly in No
vember, 1869.
Persons desiring to renew their Subscriptions
to Harper's Periodicals will much oblige the
Publishers by-sending in their Names as early as
convenient before the Expiration of their present
Subscriptions. This will obviate the delay at
tendant upon re-entering names and matting
back Numbers.
New Subscribers will be supplied with either
of the above Periodicals from the present time to
the end of the pear 1870 for Four Dollars.
Address HARPER A, BROTHERS, New York.
New York, Oct. 15, 1869.
Life, as a Merchant , Manager, Banker, Lecturer and
Showman, and gives accounts of his Imprisonment,
his Failure, his Successful European Tours, and im
portant Historical and Personal Reminiscences. re
plete with Humor Anecdotes and Entertaining Nurra-
Ulm, No book pnbllshed so acceptable to all classes.
Every ono wants it. Agent karo selling from 30 to 100
a week, We offer extra terms. 041 r illustrated Caw
logue and Terms to Agents sent 11. 0.
J. E.BURR & CO., Publishers Hartford, Conn.
Livery Stiible:
SETH WATKINS rotpectrully informs the
public) that ho has ootablistiod a •
1 Livery for Hire,
at tho barn on the premises lately owned by R,
C. Simpson, Esq., located on Pearl and Crafton
Streets, Wellabor°. Ile aims to keep good hor
ses and wagons, and intends to please. Prioea
reasonablo.—Nov. 24,1868-Iy.
Double and single teams furnished.
A CIRCULAR SAW MILL, 35 Korea-power
11_ Engine, Shingle Mill, and appurtenances.
Known to the Poster Mill, Middlobury. Inquire
of J. B. Potter, or of S. S. Rockwell, Wellaboro,
N0v.17, 1869.-tf.
IN 4 DIVORCE.—To Isaac Marvin : Take noti&e,
thatDolllali E. Marvin, by her next friend,
Noah Corwin, has applied to the Court of Com
mon Pleas of Tioga County for a divorce
from the bonds of Matrimony, and that
the said Court has appointed Monday, Jan.
31st, 1870, at the Court louse, Wellaboro, as
the time and piacb of hearing the said appli
cant in tho premises, on which occasion you can
attend if you think proper. J. B. POTTER,
Jan. 5,1860. Sheriff.
IN DIVORCEL—To Emeline Campbell: Tako
notice, that your husband, Robert W. Cadap.
bell has applied to the Court of Common Pleas
of Tioga County for a divorce from the bonds of
Matrimony, and that the said Court has appoint
ed Monday, January 31st, 1870, at the Court
Rouse, Wellaboro, as the time and place of hear
ing tho said applicant in the promises, on which
occasion you can attend if you think proper.
Jan. 5
For Sale.
Furniture! Furniture! • '
la AVM() completed hie now Cabinet Wnte.
11 hottee, ; an Main Mreet, Welletforuchne eintk
atl it with - a rargo andleuperior anetwitd Bina Gf
Chamber Suits,' Walnut, Ash, Maple, 1
£O., £O.,
from MO dean, and RI cheap
ae the came, : goods can he 1 , 01
in the oitien, Freight added
Parlor Suits, Walnut, l Cherry, and
Mahogany, Reps or Hair Cloth,
from $12.5 down. , Also,
with Upholstery to wait
Center Tables, Walnut or Marble Tops,
Looking Glasses, Brackets, Pa
per Racks. Rocking Chairs,
all kinds, ,
Wholesal43 and Retail.
I am manufaoturing as usual, and intend to
keep a full stook of ware, home and city made
at all times. My Ware Rooms are spaoious and
neat, and now contain the largest, costliest and
boat stook of Furniture ever brought Into tbei
Planing and 11latah14,
donoto order at the Factory..
Jan. 1, 1869—tf. B. T. VAN HORN
For Sale.
Valley, Tioga Co., Pa. This factory 10,410x60
feet, two stories, ample steam power, and capaci
ty of 100 -pounds of —tanning_ almct per dry.
It is in s'-location favorable for either its present
business or as a tannery, and may be fitted for
the latter at a small expense. About 18 or 18
aeres of /and go with the property. -Will be sold
low and on easy terms. Apply to I. M. EDG
COMB, Cowanesque Valley, Tioga Co., Pa., for
terms, Ise.
Sept. 8,1889-3 m.
TA Hpi 1- 1:i Pt Z itt It, ti
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W. NAVLE, would-say to hit friend!
that his Harness Shop is now in full Wait,
and that ho is prepared tofirnish heavy or light
MillarrlADE3tatetS 7
on short notice, in a good and substantiaVman.
ner, and at prices that can't fail to suit.
The beseworkmen are employed, and none but
the best material used. Call and too.
Dec. 9, 1868—ly. G. W. NAVI.E.
I la a; la. i• sm, xi o e !
R. A. L. MONROE, is the antbcdited
.I.U. Agent for Tioga and Potter Countio3, to
effect insurance iu the
Wyoming Insurance -Company,
Royal, - Capitol $5,000,1100
L0i:1413, Liverpool & (Hobe, Capitol, $16,000,000
He will canvass the county during the week clc
cept Saturdays, when ho will be found at t,bc
office of John. I. Mallen, to attend t. all who
may give him a call. A. L. ma noEJ
Sept. 22, 1869--3 m.
C. F. .S? 0. Moore, i
WeHeboro, Pa. Office and Stabiee on Wate
street, in rear of Court House. They will fur
nigh hors $, single or double, with Buggies,
Carriages at abort notice. Long experienel in
the business enables the prhprietors to announce
with confidence they can meet any reasonable de
mands in their lino. Drivers furnished, if &sited
and pa'ssenlgers tarried to any part; of the coeutr).
Thankful for past favors, they invite conti nun me
of custom. Terms reasonable.
Nov. 24, 1869,-Iy.
Administration haring been grunted 0 ,
the undersigned upon th 9 o estate of Truman and
Wealthy Harrington, Into of Union, dee'd, all
persons indebted to said decedents or claiming
against the'satue, must settle with
Nov. 24, 1889-6 w
I N DIVORCE.—To Armenia Vnn F:tton: Take
notice, that your husband, Dan C. Van Etten
has Applied to the Court of Common Pleas of
'nog& County for a divorce from the bonds of
Matritnony, and that the said Court has ap
pointed Monday, January 31st, 1870, at the
Court House, Wellstioro, as the time and p)nee
of hearing the Said applicant in the premises,
which occasion you can attend if you think prep-
Jan. 5, 1870,
poiti LlCElslSh.—Notice
Ais hereby giveu that oho following named
persons have made appli lions for Tavern Li
censee and eating hot4e iienses, and that the
same will be presenter a l the Court of Onertor
Sessions the 31st day of Jan. init., at two:o'clock
P. M., when all interested may attend if they
think proper. I .
_Abrabam Fieldhoule, Liberty. 0
H H Sheffer. t.-
Wm. Foote, Delmar.'
John A Martin, Bloss.i"
Michael Kelley, " 1
James J Martin, OseeoT.*
e i
C 11. Goldsmith, 810 .
II C Venoilyea, Galt es." •
W Conklin, Union.
.1 W Howard, " *
Gunton Felter, Lib ty.
J 0 Pine, Covingto ~••
3 LDoynton, Jacks n.'•
J W Ode', Deerfield. t
Seth Watkins, iVelisboro. '
D D Holiday, " a
B B Holiday, " "
Thomas Gravos, Covington, :,,
EATING 110t7S1:8,
James Trahey, Bloss. •
.Bergin A Hayes, " - :r-
William Sage. 1,, ,- -
Letson Lounsbury, Bless. ;'
BANKERS, K noxville,x Tioga, County:To- -
Receive money on deposit, di count aotes,
and sell drafts on New"-York City. Collect
ions promptly made.—Doo. 15, 1869-Iy*