,find, ,-,Dewo,l.uyp TlVlllStag.esVpuning over rrA' the different routes from 'Wellsboro.. will fo r and arrive as followsm the :tit! Wellsboro Pest Office: IVSLLsBOaO & Troa 1034,a. qr. Arrive Werisnono & boat t V 6a. in. Arrive MS NVELtsttoßo t ih PINY CREME. Depart Then, k Fri. 2 p. m. I Arr. Tuesday & Fr 1.12 m Wwwmonot Jsrtssr &Long. Depart Mon. e Thur. 9a. it. Arr. Tuesday a Pd. 6 p. ni Wotal a\,ffaitto. WEDNESDAY, SAN. 12,-1870. New Adveitletemtinta Stiph - Faetory-!—lrelan Bro. 'Mbdical ClardL—Dr. Clark. Marble Works—Frank Adams. Notice—J F Donaldson. .11 House Lot for Sale—Charles iVilkirlcos Wolleboro Hotel —ll 0 Monday. ' Jovreiry—Silsbnry 8r0..4. Co. Sheriff's Soles—J B Potter. Letters oradminietrati.n—Moses Leo. GIRL WANTED.—One •who _ under et in& general housework. Apply at this office. Tinny o our subscribers. do not receive Tae AtIITATOR„,WO 110p0 1111 such will inform us at once . In copying the list, some may hero bean Aterlooked. TUB A aIIIC ULTUR -.Mr. W. B. Prince is now sending subscriptirinsto; this val ,,abid paper. The subscriptions may be ,ieftat A. F o ley's JCITC irY store. jlortmAre SOCIETY.—VIO next lea ere of this coarse will be delivered at the Court. ou Friday evening,l4o. inst., by Rev, Mitchell D. D. Subject: "Excelsior." The time is eight o'clock. • (2911RECTION.—Wo ar© not responsi -I.le fair the exagerated woight of a Charleston, chster pig in Tnn Aorrkron feet reek, fur we grvoit just as our informant gave it to us. Ho perhaps went on the principle of "whole hog or none:' Tlio weight - was 322 instead of 822 lbs. MASONIC.—The following are the officers of Oz6ea Lodge No. 317. A. Y. 111. for the current year: John I. Mitchell; W. P. „ • Wm. A. Stone, S. W. A. M. Ingham,' J. W." Hugh Young,, 'S. A. Polo , T. SCALDED TO DEATH.—A little child of Deunis Cole in Chatham, aged about three years, vis badly scalded on Friday, and died on Sat urday Deo 31st. It appears 64 a tub of hot water was placed on the back of a chair, the little child pulled it over, dashing the contents over its body. should this not be\a wjorning to parents ? DOWN WITH IT.—AII who wish to pe tition Congress for the abolition of the frank ing privilege, will find opportunity a l t the Post dice. We understand;that petitions t have been sent to erery Post office ; and we earnestly re quest all who favor this change, to call at their respective offices and sign at once. The Post muter General desires to have them ready. for presentation at the present Session of•Conress. NOTICE—We are requested to state that there Will be t. gathering of the people at the M. E. Church, neao:oaggett's Mills, on the even ing of the 18th, inst., for the purpose of raising means to liquidafe the debt on the new M. E. Parsonage at that place. Addresses will be de livered by Rev. 0. L. Gibson, T. Towsy, and W. ochran. The ladies will provide asupper in the arsonage, to which all are cordially invited. PERSONAL.—D. L. Deane Esq., and 'rife have returned from a trip West. We wish hem a long and happy wedded life. —I. M. Bodine Esq., of this place, is one of the franseribing Clerks of the Penna. Senate. He is a first class clerk, and wo congratulate him upon his FU C 0,153. —We haven hurried note from !tit. Cobb, in which he e.s.ya they arrived safely, all well. —J. B. Young Esq., was received into the resbYterian Church of this place last Sabbath. PRETTY . GOOD.—A chap living not ar from We'labor°, sends the following. It is pile evident that these linos emanate from a •lo'ding heart. "My wife has left my bed and board, a few days, for.ei few da3 n ; She left of her own neeord. When I was out from home ; I caution all to thie amount, now -n.•du,yEl; her on my fter.rmnt, never coming home." 1 RA11.110.1 DI ( •;:G.—The appraisers ap ,..::1 ,rated by the court to view and as.zess damages ~ r right 6f way of the Welisboro and Law. c.iut ille 11. It., have been engaged in the per t kunance of their duties a part of the past week., 7 4 o,lu, audergtand will continuo their inquiry Vrtt auk. The gentlemen appointed Fire all :4 I a minded men, %veil known among us, and we Title ao doubt they will do justice to rill parties. Them have been many instances of self saeri: • , etol paLle spirited liberality i on the part of -in,r, of I.tuds along the route, while some are [mo,' I, be grasping and illiberal. This is r,f rtizito itt - fTFR-MAlittia. —Mr. 0. S. Bon- StlolS u 3 a statement of butter made, this " 4,1 1, fr.an which it appears that 1017 lbs irem mule from 4 cows, (onc of which was but yran 011, anal ono gave no milk till Juno 5,) it little more than S months, from the 22nd, April last. Besides this, he says cream and: ",ilk acre used by the family, without stint. If nor friend iri Bradford will beat this, Mr. B. Ely! be will try again. Wo aro always glad to 1 1,1 4i‘h High matters. • , I,lTEamor.—llmi, IL \V, Williams ..iirere,l a lecture, in do Ilertnaio ours°, to a ergs and appreciaticT, audienco a tlio Court 1.,a f 0, oa Friday eve . brag of last . eek. Sub ed t) - Restraint." inliiii bands, it was a fruit "l theme, and from 'tflo attention it attracted, ~,, al., certain , its 3nepircd thought chalner .... .thorn, as it did 119, to M. {V images during; its , de ihery The comporis .Ifp were apposite, the lan- Jiage liquid, yet foicide and expiessive. We e) , hall not of course, tcyr.pt- - n. synopsis. Ito in.,lte of the restraint i t f law, of public opin- i I on, of religion : of p rerty, of love, and of•the- r , noscienee. llow many of guilty intent, aroi . restrained by law, through fear of its penalties', And lot from the enormity of the net contempla• 4,1 i l guilty in the lieutt, Lut riot in the, act. The 14w punishes Onlyi' the overt not: Religion 'psyches the heart, an3' places 119 under a ,higher t 0,,, Which adds a pen eltyevton to nil wrung in tentions. Postirty pu Wes us; love ennobles and lap' us upright by it happy spell: while eon.' 'tunesdeter' us wh n other impeding or 'at- Itactieg forces fe11...,. ithout them all, we should bs left in a Witderni.ss of conflicting,. nod ab lorLiog impulses, i There seemed to bo a ~,u i'sunderlet..sadiug as to tone, and many came in -so late, that they lost e.t,ch of the discourse. We hope to ' , so •tho - • ~rre kept up thrbugh ell the Winter months. We ehould be glad to see other villages in the ,"ray, sustaining similar enterprises. l'tt I: INDEPENDENT.—We can bu IW. many thbusands, of iainilies m.ho re 11%. great and good paper, tle elevating and okrpuen't its perusal must yield, from he.kdßervok, throughout the year.. Large, en aril exhaustive as it is, nothing trivial, L thlng hirurious, not without weight of 6040, ';prays its colutunsi It editorials sre, Inas ,ts news abundant, its stories (.'haste, its ondenee of the Bret claw lie _onitnereial 7.rticle.! able, and itYi n tlitenee always.oll' the side iI progrn.e. - • 'Among its contribuAirs nre many of tho fore_ Host authors of our*. 'ln its first number for Pin% appears tho first instneement of "Tho Rine , ad Pall of tho Slave Power in America," from the pto of the Honorable Henry Wilson of Massa, ihusetts7a work which, in itself, will bo worth twits a year. Terms: $2,50 a year, (host inducements for parsons to raise clubs Aildrels Lilenry C. Bo . ,n, Box 4787 N. Y. nionany,, looking 3V0.1. WO Oink his trip "Down East" has thine-him good.` CORRIMPOIMENTS.-:-WO are corn-, pelted to defer seecral local letters, for want of space and time: ' - fle'verat •only came to hand llonday. Our locals Will -please' bear 'in • mind That they must send their Heins in time to reach us as bad l y as Thursday, or at the latest, Friday. .Those not appearing ibis week, will bo published 'next. 114 p. m 6 p. m NoripE.-:--Persons. desiring . to sub soribo for TUE AGITATOR, or remitting the money to apply on subscriptions, are requested' te ho particular to state the name 4'414 Post office where, they desire the paper sent, or that to which it is sent, as the ease may be. Our imaginationotin, not penetrate the secret wishes of our artbseribere at a distance. . • - • TEMPER/kr:MD.—A full house resem bled at the M. E. Church, in this place: Sunda , ' evening last, to listen to tie lecture of Marriott Brosive Req., on Temperance. The leetnrer has his heart in the cause, and certainly his effort is so successful, that wo hope 411 the friends of the cause will bear in mind his other appointments in this county; and -secure him good audiences. Re has a good voice, his elocution is better than we ellen bear, while•his manner of treating tko subject is well calculated to interest our people. If there ere any ministers of the Gospel in the county, who fear to speak out for Temperance, we advise them fo attend; for ho pays his com pliments to'all snob, as ho does to all other public teaoh&s. See appointments in' anothoX oolainn. A itrtitimm suaricroN.—On Friday of last weelqa peddler was arrested near Cherry Flats, and lddged in our jail, on susPieion 'that ho was concerned in the murder of Dr. Meade, who was brutally assassinated at Allegbany,ZqY., last month. ` A largo reward had been offered, and this pov peter dicrr_ (who, on the conking bithOr of partied film the scene of the murder, was de clared noi. to bo the man) was thought fora time to be worth to his captors about $2OOO. I . Their disappointment must have' been great, when all their hopes WereAuddenly dashed to the ground, on finding that Tio was not the ,nan—but simply a peddler with a small pack, who had trudged many a mile wilt/out selling anything, and paid his bills in cash—circumstances Which with some others, cast suspicion upon.him. For rk day or two, this'incidont - was tho subject uppermost .nt the hotels. ELMIRA 'WEEKLY ADVERTISER.— The name L Of this paper is as familiar to us as the name pf a member orscur own household-zlav:' ing worked upon it years age, when it was Strug gling for existance as an independent paper.— The old Elmira Re)Drllicatt roon.theicafter went over to the 'lCl39wNothing party, and the Ad verti tier steps into the harness as , the Republican county organ. From that time to the present, it has been a straight-forward, outspoken politiPal paper—continually growing in size and in the favor of the people. We were greatly Burked the other .day in finding a copy on ouitable, equaling iFsize the N. N.Y. Yributho r an# in art In tire now dvss. We examined it through and through, advertisements tMifilt I—and to do jus tice to our own taste, we must admit,; --- that it is decidedly; neat, tastily arranged, and is a credit to the proud-teity of-Elmira. It contains a vast amount of reading matter, gives the late tele"- graphic reports, foreign ) home, religious and mis cellaneous news, and it .must certainly find its way to tie households of the masses. • Such en terprise as is exhibited by Messrs. Fairwan Thurston, the energetic proprietors of the estab lishment,' must meet with abundant success.— Terms only $2 per year. A copy can bo seen at this office. Let the people give it aiearty re sponse, that it may "go on its way !ejoiceing." NVISKY TRIUMPHANT.—THE LAST DODOE.—An old toper, whose name wo will leave, out of the quo:pion, was-one day, t'out of torts,' out of work, and out of cash. lie was dry, and" yet unable to buy a single glass of grog. After a night's debauch, ho sallied forth into the street, determined in some way or other to get a glass of rum. Ho first sought his_old places, and tried in vAin to.procare a drink whore ho had spontall his money. To get trusted, ho could not, for his credit was good for nothing, dud he was therefore turned away as dry as when ho entered. 'iltippy would it have been for him, had he been turned away years before! But no, he was most welcome, so long as ho could bring even three cents at a time. But now with him his palmy days aro passed, and ho finds himself clear down at the foot of the hill. But still a drink ho must have. So after meeting with many rebuffs among his onde old friends, Ile goes forth into the street, trudges along with his head down, considering more resolutely what to do. -A thought struck him. lie calls at a holi , se, knocks, and, is ad nutted. After squatting down into a chair, he says: "(toed lady could you give me something for the tooth-ache, as I am almost crazy ?" The good woman was ,much affected by his apparent suffering, and asked him what, ho would have?— Be replied if ho had a littlo ruin to put in his mouth, it would certainly stop the pain. The rum bottle which 'contained a little for medical purposes was produced. His mouth was filled, the head Thrown a.little back to carry it to.the exact place. But strange to say, the first mouth fill almost immediately slipped down his throat. Ile expressed considerable regret, but felt the ab solute necessity of trying another. And yet that soon shared the same fate. And,,so another, and another, until he declared lie would try a hun dred times but that he w Id succeed in holding it in his mouth. —Thus you have the story of the old toper, who, years ago was perhaps aman of mind, and influence ,loved by his family, and highly respect ed by his neighbors. But whore is ho to-day?— We answer: .Tust where thousands upon thous- Mid, of others are, who have - traveled that same ;road. We say then, beware young men, that you "may shun the "guide.board" that points in the wrong direction. FAREWELL.—On the evening of the 91st. of December 1869, a speoial meeting of Ossel Lome, No. 317, A. Y. was called en a mark of respect to Bro. M. 11. Cobb, wbo was than soon to leave us. lion. 11. W. Williams was chosen to _preside, and ;filo. 1. Mitchell, secretary - In duo time, the myth which was largo for the notice given, assembled in the dining hall of Bro. D. D. Holliday, c .l'y whom an inviting table was spread for the cotAArion. Refreshments over, cud the at.femblage called to order, District Deputy, Bro, Roht. et Simpson of this place, with great feeling, arose and offered the following preamble and resolutions, which were in silence and unanimously adopted by a rising vote. Tho scene then was impressive, and elo?juent of kin dred emotions in all hearts. Brief but touching addresses were made by the chairman, It. C. Simpson, Hugh Young, Rev. Mr. Bowman, and others. It was resolved that the resolutions be en groseed and attested by the proper offtcors of all the different 'orders of masonry to •which the guest-of the evening belongs. The tetuarks of Mr. Cobb betokened no little emotion and could but roach every heart. llis wont, sparkled with thought, as usual, and were freighted with the wisdom learned from little things. The resolutions were as follows,: , "Upon an occasion like the present, when one of our members, who has occupied a prominent position among us, and taken an active part in our common duties, is about to leave us, it is fitting that we should bear testimony to the pleas.tiit relations which t have hitherto existed between us, and give expression to the feeling of deep regret, Filared.by all, that suelt separation should be necessary, tlw•refore, Rrso/ved—That we, ]'roe Masons of this ity, take great pleasure in bearing testimony, unitedly, and unanimously, to the eminent fidel ity, with which our brother M. 11. Cobb has ',dis charged all the duties of Masonry, as well to inch individual, as to the craft at large. During hie continuance antoOLus, he kiwi, 'in all respects, realized the ideal eTa wet thy Mason. Could, we say more ! ihsolred—forlhcr, That while sve de( . .ply regret the necessity mach takes inn] from among us, iSe tender to him; on his departure, our Ntarmtkt regards; and we earnestly hope that in hie new residence, he may find the sphere of his usefulneos greatly extended, his exertions in the Cause of human progress fully appreciated, and ibis success, in all respects, to tho lull measure of his higbcst expectatiyns. We bid him a "heatt-warm 'Fond adieu." May his future, as a madand as a Freemason, ho as joyous steals heart c The evening scone, the whole were glad Wellabaro, Jan, 12 MEI din deeiro." )d delightful to all, in that I to do him honor. JNo. I. MITCHELL soo'y. 11870. eI.,` , 'PPY. - 414111110fart/PriPPlA.eislitale..Piliki CEO ea; lifer:Ming 01 ii - b? ••= Sub o ribers `shetild'hin d in :OW rn onVy nea op st, Weekly, sl,;'ao i nitNieeklyVfB O. A. Spring has opened a neat, tasty " Oys ter Saloon," whore be serves the . bivalves in all H - styles, with dispatch. - ; ; 1 -Thomas A. Robinson and family have left to take charge of the " County Rouse." Success to them in their arduous duties. Under the new "Ticket Arrangement," on the Tioga railroad, Mr. Doane will sell tickets at the depot. • Miss Hattie Rubbard,bas been obliged,' to give . , up her school,On - aoCovnt 'of poor health. Miss' Lauia West succeeds her. { I The ordinance of baptism was administered to I two. individuals. by Rev. G. P. Watrons, on Son day, December 20. I • - The first of a series, of home temperance ice .tutee t was;delivaradLin. thir Baptist Chnioh: not long since. Star L. Barbi:l4! Mi.' Campbell and Rev.-O. P. Watrons addressed ,the audience ac ceptably. OF Christmas festivities consisted of a oonciert and e ntertainment by the teachers and scholars of the Union Bellamy School 'winding up by the appearance of the veritable ," Santa Claus," him self, loaded with presents for young and old. The entertainment - was - well conceived, and energeti cally carried out, by Miss Lizzie Rolman, the as eistant superintendent, assisted by her teachers. A dance, at Graves's, was well attended, and quietly concluded., , 1116.unis RuN.—For 'the hist : monith • has somewhat resembled (.lolclemith's deserted village. .The hum of labor and business . has ceased. Men May he scon'in groups taking ate ( trospective view of the past year, and -I oking for ward to brighter. prospects in the fut ro. Sonic, with heavy ~ hearts. • A great many hero have lest a. little jewel, atid - some too out of the family' casket. The mortality among the c Wren du ring the Fall months has been great, from that fatal disome which we, outside of the Fac ulty, know nothing .abount, , and concerning • which the M , . D's. themselves, have a spicy timo a s to, what it is. Some gio it a fearful East India Mime-Lot hers call it the malignant Scarlet 'f oyer.l Others stoutly maintain that it is putrid _. sore throat. Now if I understand anything, it 'requlres. a. specific remedy fora 'specific disease, and as the faeulty.herc do not seem to -under the diagnosis of this disease, or do not agree upon it, of course the Ablile must. bo 'ileffereriy, when the doctors disagree. The conipiiiiy have almost 'completed a neat Cemetery—" Mountain Cemetery"—crhielkhas heen very maps needed, for some time pant.; ',They have - also ndarly. Corn pletod a large and eommodiousl Union Bohnol houseoritb all the modern imprOvements, such as the ~ with desk Jo. It is well ventilated— ozir; Of the most essential things in all our - school, -houses. Take it altogether, it is as well arranged as .any school room in the county. ~ • 'Above the school room, the Odd Fellows of this place, under the superintendence of that' incitifatiinble supporter of Odd Fellowship, Major T. B. Anderson, aro just...finishing a Ball,, which for its perfect adaptation, neatness aid' finish, will equal, if not excel any ball- in the county. Thorn major has just returned from Philadelphia, with a full sot of regalia, Emblems; lewols of tho firstiquality. rile Lodge ranks "A, No. 1". To the energy and perseverance of 'Major Anderscia, the Odd Pisflows in section owe raticli. • They intend to Organize and dedicate their hag, this month. The members of tliO • county Lodges aro respectfully invited to attend. Duo notice .will be given. Tho Good Temp Jars have a Lodge here, and aro increasing rapidly. They now number -over 100 members, a rapid increase since .their report at tho Convention in Blossburg. • They have con siderable opposition, but they are oa bravo and determined little band, and will succeed in doimY a great deal of good. The opposition ootnesj froth a source they litto expected. You know a a Mr. Editor . k it is disagreeable to say hard ,things of your i '_ t: . , iiipleil - ut sometimes a word of rofroof wi • iiiimie good. Among some of the hard things, the Good Tempters think it very hard to be opposed by professing Christians, persons above all others, that should, extend the right hand of fellowship to any cause that tends to nmeliorate the condition or ala'am lein a, Anil bring about -the great object to which they have devoted their 'lives : The. redemption of matt from "all sin." ' It is pitiful to see mon wearing the livery of their Heavenly Master, endeavoring to prove that, the 11£30 of ardent spirits, as a beverage, is siinet.. toned by Di - Fine Revelation. But enough. I hope they will see the errors of their ways, and that it will not be long before they will join hands with Omni Tempters, and all who wish to tarnish great an evil from our land. But Pince, cloy, with an appeal to all who wish to iteoia good county paper supported, to soo that 'a govtllyoiumbor of subscribers is added to eounnendiitho Nov Year.. . W. 7,. R. :DoNArroii.- 1 ,--The friends of Rev. E. B. Benedict aro respectfully invited ro attend a do nation party at his house in ElIcland•Boro, on Thursd4 evening, Jan. 20, 1870. MARRIAGES SHAW—ANDRUS—In Philadelphia, Oct. 28, 18119, by Rev. Win. Smith of Himrods, N. Y., to Miss Abbie Andrus of Philadelphia, Pa. ROBB—SHEIVE— In Jackson, Jan. 1870, by Rec. Charles Weeks, Mr. Jaincii L. Robb of Farmington, to Miss Mellen S. Sheivo of Jrrtkson. CANFIELD. THOMPSON. I,p Mansfield, Dec. 250 12 MO, by Ilev. Whiting Bench, Mr. Jay Canfield to Mine Hattie Thompson, also by the same, BPENCER. ANDRUS. In Mansfield, Dee. 2Cztli, 18i.0, Ml. Anthnity Spencer 4' Union, to Miss All,ll toi of All./ IN. 11 .11:TON. In Richmond, Dec.3o, 'O, by 1 Vv. W Iti•ach, Ur.Ulrvor N floodlit to 3lhis Rut Hine Mton, both of Rutland, also by ti t ° came, lAIWIS. In Richmond, Ike. .30, 18G9, fdr.'rtionnts J Horton to hiias Jane t; Lewis, both of Rutland, also lIIIY tit)l,tlS. FAU LIC.N ER. In , Dec,, 18(4), J/r, 31ert it 1) Reynolds of Rutland : to MINH Jett uie Faulkner of Ttog.i. I'Orr ER. SANDERS. Iu iVellsboro, at llollitlay'd Hotel, Jan. 8, ISiJ, by Rev .1 p Calking, Mr ii B Put ter of Middlebury, tv ra 01 St Glair, El:!0/Ati—JAME:i-10 Jackson, Jon. lat, 1870, L? Rey. M. Rpc.ltivell, N. Main 4hornutu to Alba Elizabeth Jautiia of Malawi. 110DSON—JOUNSON—la Com'ng; , Jan. IVO, at tlw -reNitlonco of /Awl Bogortlint, Will J. Hodson •of Wavorly N. Y., to Miss Lin= Q. Johnsou of Wdllaboro', Volum. . BOWEN—BAITY—To Coilugton ' Jou. let, - 1870, by I:ev.o. I. , „Witt row. , Mr .T bosons -It boweu or- Clufrles- Lou, to Miso tuartila Batty of Su'livon.' A PPLICATIONS FOR LICENSE.—.—Notice A hereby gives that die following named persons have made applications for Tavern Li censes and eating }maim Licenses, and that the same will ne presented to the Court of Quarter Sessions-the :31st day of Jan. inst., at two o'clock P. M., when all interested may attend if they think proper Tloich! Abraham Pieldhouto, Liberty. Ca 11 Sheffer. 1 " Wm. Foote, Delmar. John A Moretti], olOss.*• Michael Kelley, " James J Martin, Oscoola. , " C II Goldsmith, Dlop.s. 11 C Vennilyea, Gaintou'. , W Conklin, Union." J W Howard, ." Gulden Fetter, Liberty. J 0 Pine, Covingtou.v E L Boynton, Jackson. ,* .1 W Odel, Deerfield. Seth Watkins, Wellaboro. 9 I) D Holiday, " li 11, Holiday, EATIIOI 3lous Jainos Trahey, Noss. 3 Bergin a Mayes, " Letlon I,ouusbury, Blois. n Wellsboro Rotel. 11 11, IioLLIDAY, Proprictor. A largo and p i , commodious Romp, lyeated in the, imme• (Win icinity of all the county buildings, with large and commodious. barns attached. I -AT - James Hazlett acts as hostler, and wi ale , ays tin tuun.l on band, attentive to business. Jan. 5,1870.-1 y TN D MTh CE.—To A7 , l3cairt Etteii: Take notice, that your linsintad, Dan O. Von Etten has applied to the Court of - Common Piens of Tioge County for a divorce from the bonds of Matrimony, and that the said Court has ap pointed Monday, January 31st, 1870, at the Court House, ‘Vellsboro, as the time and place of hearing the said applicant in the premises, on which occasion you can attend if you think prop- J. D. POTTER, .theriff. Jnn. 5, 1870, Tcr °TICE is hotel)) , given that aid annu'rti IN meeting of tho Stockholders of the First National Nook of Wellshorough, Pn., for tile election of Directors. will he held at their Bank ing hou.te, on the second Tuesday of January, between the hours of 10 a. tn..und 4 p. in. Leo. 6, 1809. J. L. ROBINSON, Cash'r. ifIVIJOH, 'COL* Olt Et Ott TifROAT, O , 1640Aros ioimedldtO aiteiitlo6, tietieg loci often results In an ineurabla Unlit 8R °NCH( B t, In row seas i • 'is .;Broiwi al ...troches 0 A VIII boat Invariably give Instant relief Fon linozicitists, A6IfYA, OATAEItE6 . CO*llittilya and; TUROAT Disamizs, they have a soothing 'effect. SINOBAB.,aiwI, PUBLIC AtE4CERII tiro Ahem to clear and streigtheu,thO voice,, . Owing to the good reputation and popularity pr the Trofixes i many worthless and cheap Imitations titer, of. fered; which' aro' good tor fiothing. ,Be ware to'oiiiidn• thotruo • • - •, • - , The Confessiouslotanlievaltd,; • P , lIDLISIIED for tho benefit of young gnats and othbre who suffered from NervoueDebliitheet., l oPNYinif the means of eelf•cure. Written by, one who cued himself; and limit free on recelrft p ostlatirdireeted envelope. Address, ..N4VFIIANIEI. MAYFAIR, • - Brooklyn; Y =tins. :TUST- OUT. el "MERRY PECTORAL TROCHE'S . ," For Colds; Coughs, Eloro Throats, and Bronchitis. 'None as good r none so pleasant, none onro as quick. I= Prz:v!Arlr - r). &r. Brown% ; Bronchial Trochee, - , SOLD avaIIrWEIERE. [deo. L'6B-Bm. MEM RUSHTON & 00., • ; 10 door Houeo; - Neui York. Uso no more of' those horrible tasted nauseating '.llrolvt! Cubob things," , ' - • " • _ • October 20, 1809-3n2 • ERRORS OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN who suffered for years fro Nor. vont, Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful Indiscretion, w 111; for the sake of suffering hn• mantty, Bend trod to all who .need it, the reclaffit and directions tor milking the shuffle remedy by Which he was cured. Sufforors wishing to 'front by th,pi adver tiser'aoxperionce, can do so by addressing in perfect confidence, JOHN B. OODEN. - May 20,'Cdf-ly.. No. 42 Cedar Street, Now iyork. TO CONSUMPTIVES. TILE Advertiser, having been restored to health is a 'four weeks, by 'a very simple remedy, after having'suf fared several yearrrwith a severe' lung afTeetion, and that dread disease, Consumption—is anxious to make known to his fellow•sufferers the means °retire. TO nil who desire it, ho will send a copy, ofthe pro sc - riptioMused (free of charge,) with the - directions for preparing and using the same,. which they will find a BORE CURE Pen CONEUMP.T/ON, AETTURA,IIIRONCLUTIB, etc. Who object of the advertiser in seta - ding the Preserlp. tion is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which - he conceives to be invaluable; and he-hopes every sufferer wilitry his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing: - • • Parties wishing the prescription,:willplease address -Br:or:EDWARD A. WILSON; • Williamsburg, Kings County, N.Y. May 20, 1800-Iy. ....:. TIOGA SIGH SCHOOL, 11. M. BEELES, ~.......Prinolpal. R. T. MAnite, Assistant. .7,ktisalliTtta D. Czosa k ....w. 'PrianAbap't. C)d Term will open Deo. 20, •and continue 14 weeks. Tuition strictly in advance. No bills made for - less than half A term.- No deduc tions made except in eases of protracted sickness. Rooms to rent to those who desire to board them- RATES OF TUITION. Common English, Elementary Algebra, ~Prim ary Philosophy end Primary Pbysologyitree;to all pupils of school ago residing in Tioga: Dem Common English" ' • ...... Higher " `7,00 Commercial course, timo unlimited 15,00 German—extra )3,50 Englieli Branches and German - 8,.50 _ _ __ _ ." gornmercialeottr,s6,.. 8.1)0 For information with'iogried to rooms or beard call on, or address M. I3EELES, Principal, Deo. 15, 1869-tf. Tioga, Pa. A FEET WOOD, Ac FARM PRODUCE RE ceived in payment for Tuition: CORNING JEWELRY STORE 1 A. D. DUDLEY, Watchmaker and Jeweler. A Largo assortment of WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER PLATED WARE, CLOCKS AND FANCY GOODS. Engraving dona in any style. Corning, Dec. 15, 1869. A. D. DUDLEY, ly. No. 10, Market St. EMOREST'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE universally nk Roy ed f32lo2ell.arlor:innoz.ln o of Household Matters, Galls of Thought, Pei•eonal and Literary Gossip• (including special departments on Piiiiblons),liistimetiods on health, Music, Amusements, etc., by the best authors, and profuselylllustrated with costly Engravings. useful and reliable Patterns, Ent. broideries, and a constant succession of artistic novel. ties, with other Ugettli and entertaining literature. No person or refinement, economical liousewits, or lady of taste can afford to do without the Model Month. ly. Specimen copies 15 cents, mailed free, Yearly, $3, with a valuable premium; two copies, $5,50; three copies, $7,50; five copies $l2, and splendid premiums for clubs a.. 53 each, with the first premiums to each subscriber. hgyA new liartnim A Fenton Sewing Ma chino for 20 eubscribers at $3 each. • Publication Oahe, 838 Broaeway, New York. Demorest's Monthly and Young America togetbers4, with the premiums for • SELECT SCUOOL. IvilSS. JENNY GIBSON will open a Select School in tho Academy building on the loth of January inst., 1870. Thorough instruction will bo afforded in any of the branches usually taught in tho Academy. Tereus..—i3atumon English $5,00 per quarter. Higher littgli•tt,Froich and Gorman $7 " Jan. 5, 1870-30,' • ♦YM. V. ARMSTRONG Armstrong a. Linn, ATTORNEYS - AT-LAW, WILLIAMSPORT, PFSN'A Aug. 4, 1860-ly 173 r. 4Cietirals.., PROFESSOR of ANATOMICAL PATIIOLOGY, And Physician for )lie Exclusive Treatment of Chronic Diseases. da Consultations and Exam. • iiratione if Patio+ Made _Free of Charge Dr. Clark examines rind explains your disease with out asking any questions. If ho understands your case you kuo'w it, and cannot be decsived. If he can not tell your disease and how you feel without asking questions he does not consider Monied; competent to trent .your case. This is the criterion to go by and patients should not be satisfied with any other. This is the only direct and positivo evidence of my ability as a Scientific Physician, and by this standard I am willing to be judged. Dr. Clark, treats no case unless conscientiously of the opinion that it can bo.cnred orpermaneutlybonetitted. Dr. Clark treats no case unless 'he can describe the disease and its symptoms withoirt ,interrogating his • patient. Dr. Clark toill treat no Chronic Disease unless he can explain its character to the complete and perfect sat isfaction of the patient examined. And the Dr. would hero most positively state, that he desires no patients to'take treatment fromunless they are fully and completely satisfied wittelds consultations and exam-. inations.which are made free from charge., Dr. CLARK bases his practice upon the incontrover tible law of Nature. •First—That every canoe hint an effect. Second—Tbat diseases are causes producing of or symptoms, and that every disease has Its own peculiar effects or symptoms, which If properly and thoroughly understood by the examining Physician. can be clearly pointed out to the complete satisfaction of the patient examined. Dr. Clark's method of diagnosing or explaining die. eases Mid their symptoms Is only the process of reas oning from Guise to effort, and has been acquired by thorough literary and medical culture, and also by an almost unlimited practice in every form of disease to which the human system is liable. By this process of reasoning the Dr.lum acquired a reputation and success in treating -diseases seldom at tained. Dr. Clark is making quite a number of convenient appointments for the benefit of invalids who cannot go a long distance to consult film. Patients will finif this an opportunity rarely afforded,and one they should not fail to take advantage of. The Dr. furnishes all the medicines, instruments find apparatus necessary for the successful• treatment of every Catle. Dr. Clark will be at " Wellsboro Mouse" Weill/bora Pa.. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, November 22, 23,2.4, 25, 26 and 27,1869. Mansfield, Monday, November 29, 1309. Tioga Born. Tuenday, If 30, " LIM renceville, Wednesday, December, 1, •'' Blossburg. ' Thursday. 2, " • Nall Brook, Friday . 3, • Wollsboro, Saturday ' 4, 4 Middlebury Cent re Monday • 0, 4 Shortoville, Tuesday 4 7, Sabinsvillo, Wednesday ' 8, • ' Westfield.. n • imbly 9, , Knoxville, Friday ' 10, 4 Little Marsh, Saturday ' • 11, • Stony Folk, Monday 13, • ' Morris P. 0., Tuesday ' 14, 4 Nattvoo, , Wednesday ' 15, ' Ilenslerto am 4 , Thursday 16. • Ogdens Corners, Friday 17. ' ' , Illossburgh. Saturday 4 -, 18, ' Cherry Flans, Monthly' 4 . \-20 , C Covington, - „Tuesday 21, 4 Mainsburg,h, Wednesday ' 22, I Roseville' ' 'Mansfield, . Thursday 23. -' Friday24,_ ' - IVellsboro, Saturday _ lfollidaystow u, 51enday Tinga Rory, Tuesday Millortown, Wednesday, Lawrenceville, Thursday Nelson, Friday Eikland, Saturday I Osceola, Monday lieeney rifle, Tuesday Wellsboro, Wednesday t Thursday 4 Nov. 17. 1869-2 m SEELEY, COATES & CO., BANKERS, Knoxville, Tiogp, County, Pa. Itereivo money on 4opo,sit s discount notes and dell drqfts an N'evi 'York City. Collect ions vrovavtly teB4o,—Dee, I 1869-I,* ' : OVINATRMIIICTORT ~, .D. S. ,t IL et. IRELAN, Proprietors. I. •i inbeeribe ilrould any to the public that .'they hro prep rod to make or furnish ‘ SASH AXD BLINDS 2 DOORS, PALING, - SOROLL SAW ING,. &,0., , Also, dealers,in._ -. f ~: , ',"- 1 -i , ':' ;1' . :1 -;` ',l-, `.: i • q) ' ;': 41.' .E --Limber and' • Shingles. _.. ~...• . • , .... __ . • ~• prli k o,list for inch Prirnedtnit,cod per light i ..t t _8 by 10-121 cents. 9 by 13. 8 by 14, 10 by 12, 15 cents. .10 by 14, 17.hy 14, 18 cents. , • . 10 by 18, 20 cents.. 'bur work is made of the boat seasoned lumber ii and in the best manner. Call d see us, 4 - an. 5, 1870-Iy. ' i , CLARK, attar visiting tho „ prinoipal jJcitiee of Western Pa.,for tho aeoontmodation of his numerous Patients throughout tho • Wes. tern oounties of the State, wilt visit again, WELLSBORO, BLOSSBURG, MANS FIELD, & TOGA BORO, ,4. Appointments for Jan. & Feb.lB7o. Brio, Pa., Rood Muse, Jail. 10; 11, 12 it 13. Pittsburg, Merchant's hotel, Jan. 14, 15, 10 A; 17 Soehery Bill, Pa., "Office," Jan. 18, 10, 20, 21, 22. Altoona, Pa., P. It. R. Ilonso, Jan. 23, 24, 25,26 Ilarrieburg, U. S. hotel, JaU. 27, 28, 29, & 30, TIOGA COUNTY. Wollaboro, (Wellaboro Hotel) Tuesday, Wedneaday, Thursday d: Friday, Feb. 1,2, 3, 4. Bloasburg, Pa., (Exchange Hotel,)'Tueaday, ,February 8. Mansfield, Pa., (Alansfield Hotel) Wednesday Feb. 9. Tioga, Boro Pa., (Haztett'a Hotel,) Thiireday .Feb. 10, Elmira, N. Y., (Rathbone House,) Friday Fob. 11. Dr. Clark examined More than 1,000 invalids in Tioga County, and sues Was the eatiafictiOn given in examining and treating Chronic, dims es, that ho placed nearly one-half of this number under regular treatment, and with scarcely an exception they are rapidly improving, and many of Ms cures aro. truly remarkable. Dr. Clark would like to give th e names of re markable cures perforratid in Vega 'County, but di:heady in publishing patient's names at home forbids. Please notify your' afflicted neighbors of my appointments Jan: 10, 1870 rplIE undersigned is now prepared to axe .cute orders for Tomb Stones and Menu men,tif 4 either ITA.LI4N OR RUTLAND MARBLE, -" • • of the latest style and approied-workmansbip and with dispatch. s He keeps constantly on hand both kinds of Marble and will be able to suit all who may fa vor him - with their orders, on as reasonable terms as can be obtained in the country. Tioga,Jan. 1,1870- tf. NOTICE is hereby given that D. G. Stevens and Jot3oph Aiken, Trustees of Martin Ste vens, have filed their accounts in the Prothono tary's office of Tioga County, and that said ac count will be presented to the Court of Cummon Pleas, on Monday the 7th day of February next, for confirmation and allowance. J. F. DONALDSON; Proth'y Jan. 12,1870. NOTICE is hereby given that Isaac Sutton, J. Dearman, Delos Angel( and others, have applied to the Court of Common Pleas of Tioga selves, their associates and successors, for relig ions purposes, under the name and style of "The Pirst_Daptist Chnreh of Knoxville," and that said clieiler willbe granted at the next term of said Court, commencing-on the last Monday of Januaiy inst., unless sulKeientraason be shown to the contrary. J. F. DONAT:DSON,.... Jan. 12, 1870. Prothonotary. MR. CHARLES WILLIAMS offers for solo his houso and lot, situate on the north west side of Main street, Wellsboro' Pa. A good house, butbuildings,fruit trees, an excellent gar den spot, with all things to make a comfortable home. ~ For particulars, call on Jen. 12,1870 . SALISBUR t BROS., & CO., Extensive Manufacturers and Importers of Gold, Plated kOreide Jewelry, SOLID AND NICKEL • gaZTVWX WimEED AMERICAN, ENGLISH & SWISS Watches, • CASED BY OURSELVES, And : every description of FANCY GOODS AND YANKEE NOTIONS, Especially ndapted and designed for Southern and Western TrAdo. Circulars and full descriptive Prise Lists sent free. Agents wanted everywhere. Address, SALISBURY, 8R0.,4 CO., 51 Derrell() e Street. Jan. 12, 1870-3 m, Previdedoo, R. I. SA 11111 T. 1.1N1; ' TE MUM RANC E MARRIOTT DROSINS -Esq., State Lect urer, under the direction of tho Grand Lodge of Penn., (I. 0. of G. T.) will visit Tioga county and lecture on the subject of Temperance as follows in the evening: Mansfield Tuesday, January 4th, Covington, sth, Blosshurg 6, Morris Run 7, Cherry Platte 8, Wellsboro 9, Stony Fork 10, Charleston 11, East Charleston 12, Middle bury 13, Niles \Tansy 14, Westfield 15, Knox ville 10, Elkland 17, Nelson 18, Lawrenceville 19, Mainsburg 20, Roseville 21, Job's Corners 22, Tioga 23. - ' . a Jan. 5, 1870,-3w. '„ Register's Notice. I\TOTICE is hereby'given, that the Executdis 11 and Administrators named below, have tiled their accounts in tho Register's Office in and for Tioga Co. Pa., and that the said accounts will ho presented to the Orphan's Court of and for said county, at a session of said Court to be held in Wellabor°, on Monday the 31st, day of January 1670, at 2 o'clock P. M. for confirmation and allowance. Account of Harriet M. Stevens, and Daniel G. Stevens, Administrators of the Estate of Ezra I, Stevcrie,:late of Middlebury Township, de ceased. -I Account of , Patrii i wli llallinan Executor of the last will and Testanient of Cornelius Until*, ato of Union Township, deceased. Account of J. Emery,Administrator of the Es tate of David H. Smith, late of Wellaboro deo'd. D. L. DEANE, WelMoro, January, 5, 1570. Register, IMPORTANT TO FARMERS ! ITUVE about 200 bushels of genuine Norway Oats, and will dispose of a part - of them at a reasonable price. Those wishing the pure seed please call and examine. L.O. - BENNETT Wellsboto January 3d, 1870—tf, ANOTHER TUMBLE I Cash 1870 Our Pries To-Day. BestlVldlo Wheat Flour $7 pr bb1.1,75 pr. sack " Red witnter.'.. $6.50 " 1,62 " "XX Spring Wheat, 6,00 " 1.50 " Buckwheat Flour, 3,00 per 100 lbs. Best Foed, ' • 2 , 00 ,‘ Bran and Shorts - 1,50 " " Meal- 2,25 " " These prim( only_ FOR CASIL . WRIGINT it, BAILEY. 27 2s: , All persons not having settled with us, an not blame us now if they find their accounts and notes left with an attorney for collodion. We give due nctioo. W. &. B. g 31, • January 1, 1970 0 a 5 6. 6 IIAOS.—SVe want all persons having any bags with our mark on them, to, return the,samo at once, as .wo shall take steps to secure thorn.— We have 500 bags scattered among the people. WRIORT 4% BAILEY, Medical_ Card op the following Jaye Dr. D. CLARK, Boenory Rill, Pa, Tioga Marble Worki. FRANK ADAMS House And Lot for Sale. JOSEPH WILLIAMS SEE WHAT SELLING FOR CASH! : Pie` saEo jtf toOrle: ok - Mathers, $ AVING taken' the Store formerly peoupled by John IL Bowen for dry goode, and con ' verted it into a - - ' - GROCERY', 86, P.ROVISION EpTABLISIIPtipNT, avarything,frOali *m 4 tood an fo u nd bore, and at prices to Onto. 1 : • , ' • TEAS, COFFEES, sucrAiis, 'LASSES, FISH, &C., - &P., to suit all. Call and seo us, that we Stay 1011/MO you of tho fact that our motto Is, "Cheap, Quick Sales, nnnd Small Profits." TRUMAN it MATHER& Wollsboro, Jan. 5, 1870—tf. The remaining Dry Goods, of J. R. Bowen, will be sold at this establishment at very low figures. - TRU u AN k. MATURES. The way to Get Rich " Is to buy yOur GrOODIS where you °nil buy them CHEAPEST! You onn do that-nt Wilson &, Van Valkenburg's A SPLENDID LINE •QF CHOICE WINTER GOODS, 4robased at the Bottom Market Pticbe, just received READY MADE CLOTHING of every deeOription, and clothing:made to order in the very beat otylo, and warranted. WILSON & VAN VALKENBURG. Wellaboro. 10 . CHOICE POULTRY,—I have a ors fowls of the Bramah and Black Spanish breeds for salo. Puro bred and very fine. lam also receiving orders for eggs for setting, to be filled 111 rotation as received as early next spring ae tho weather will permit. No orders noticed unless accompanied by the cash. Price $1 per tiozen. - M. B. 'PRINCE. Wolisboro, Pa., Dee. 20, 1809. /, STRAY.—Came to my enclosure, in Niles 5‘4 Valley, Deo. 19, 180, 'thin white sheep.— The owner can have the same, by proving prop erty, paying charges, and taking thorn away. Jan. 5, 18d9-3w. IMASTUS NILES. • MIARM FOR SALE.—TIim undersigned offers . for sale the following property situatod -in the Tminship of Liberty, Pa. —Bounded on the North by (leo. McGee, East by Negro Lott, South and West by John' Messner; containing 422 acres and some porches. About 40 acres cleared, and under good cultivation ; also, con taining some of the choicest Timber in the County—to wit: Pino, Hemlock, Cherry, Ash, Oak, 'Red and White Bass, Ate. ~Also, another farm situated on the Williamson Road, Bounded on the North by G. Krause, South by John Bland, East by Benjamin Hughes, West hY Daniel Broom); containing fib/ acres; about 25 acres cleared. House and Barn thereon. For particulars apply to JOSEPH lIIIGHRS, Jan. 5,1870-3 w. " Liberty, %logo Co., Pa. Elk Ralf - Plaster. Tins PLASTER having boon thoroughly testtl by thin farmers, and pronounced by all, to bo,lsuperior article, we take pleasure in saying that wo can supply the masses, as wo have any quantity on band, Price per ton, 5 dollars- ' I. CHAMPNEY. Jan. 5,1870-sm.* FROM TI1E: ALL.NY EVENINCt JOURNAL Of Dec. 7, 1869.—lleary Datnages..—ln the groat snit of John S. Porry against • Jagger tt Littlefield, which has been before the United States Court fur the past seven or eight years, and for three years or more before the Hon.•A. A. Boyce, of Utica, appointed as Master to nscetairi and re= port the gains and profits made by the •defend onts in violating the assignments and infring ing the patents under which the celebrated Oriental Stoves are manufactured and sold, we learn that a report has been made awarding to Mr. Perry as a damage, the sum of $52,747.82. Some thousands of Stoves that were B old by the Littlefield Stove Manufacturing Company are understood not to bo included in this award, but aro to he the subject of further proceedings. —Albany Evening Journal. ORPHA lI'S COURT SALE.—Pursuant to an order and decree of the Orphan's Court of Tioga County at November Term, 1869, the un dersigned Guardian of the person and estate of Daniel Reitz, a minor child of Betsy t ßeltz de ceased, will expose to public sale at the premi ses below tfted, all that lot of land 'situate in Union Township, Tioga County, Pa., bounded on the north by lands of Mariah Landon, on the east by the highway leading from the Block House road to Lyndus Spencer, on the south by lands of R. T. Thomas,_ and on the west by lands of said' Marah Landon, containing three acres of ground, and a s mall board house there on. Terms of sale, one half cash, and one-halt in one year. SAM to take place on Monday, January 3d, 1870, at 2 •o'clock P. M. J. E. CLEVELAND, Guardian. Union, Pa., Dee. 3d, 1869-4 w. NOTICE.—We pay Cash fo ASH, CHEARY, and CHESTNUT LOOS, delivered at our Mill. Ash Logs cat 12 and 14' yet. Cherry and Chestnut 12, 14 and 113 feet lo g. Wo eaw nothing shot of 2 feot in length., TRUMAN ,Sc BOWEN. Dee. 8, 1869.—tf FRESH GROU/IND PLASTER AT TIOGA, BY T. L. BALDWIN, & CO. per ton. EX ECUTOR'SNOTVE.—Letters Testamen tary boring been gratite - d uponAtte lastmill and Testament of Joseph T. Streit, late - of Mansfield, deed, all iierssns indebted to, or claiming ogainit said testator, aro requested to sottlo with, 'WIL LIAM J. BOOTH, Exr. or 0. V ELLIOTT, agent, Mansfield, Pa. Deo. 22. 1869-614.0 QM Int Ivoßum • --0--- A New Store 8c New Gooqs. , 'Ono door below Wobb & Heeting's Drug Store.) STATE to those whoM it msy %m -oat I have just returned from the ;Id carefully and ales', a full assort- IES, PROVISIONS, 'LOUa AND FEED .:EC 40: . pow, and prlco my TEAS, SirGARS'AND 'SYRUPS, 4 Before you Purchase. Wellsboro, Jon, 4, 1870-tf. IRON WORKS! I OUNDRY ct MACHINE SHOP WELLSB ORO, PA. SEARS & AVERY, 1 P - "" / "" S. . PLOWS, HORSE HOSES, CULTIVA TORS, FIELD ROLLERS, KET— TLES, ALL sum SAP PANS, FARMING UTENSILS, ALL KINDS, WOOD MACHINES Fait - SAWING WOOD ; Brick Machines, CHURN PONhR ; THE TOMBINS .COUNTY, HORSE POWER- 'EIGHT AND TEN ,HORSE, CONSTANTLY ON I HA.ND i , - • . . And Oa°, ovorything a((ually found in a first class Shop. - We call particular attention- to our MA. CHINE SHOP, which has boon re-built with new; and first-class , MAORI - NE 14 1 T 11; Iron PLANER, DRILL, Ac. We employ none but first-class workmen, and are, therefore, pre pared to do our work in the best style, and at short notice. Wo have recently added new MACHINERY, for Planing and Matching boards. Call and see us,. • Jan. 5, 1870-Iy. SEARS ;AVERY. BEE - HIVE EXCHANGE. I nrrender, BUT AT DISCRETION! Inu aaa.that half &column of apace with half I: an inch of reading matter don't Help me atter all. What d'ye do that for t" asked !eels than a million of my euetomere, when I appeared in blank. And, being tuckered Out with trying to explain why I did it, I am forced to do it in print: El Therefore, Know yo, all good people, that I am doing a Land Mile° Busincsa, WHOLESALE k, RETAIL SUGARO, ALI. GRADES, syßui , s, MO • LASSES, PORK, ITAMS, • SHOULDERS, MACKEREL, WHITE FISH, CISCOES, COD, HALT BUT, AND BO FORTH, And I am Felling cheap as I always do,. and can save country dealers their exponFes to the little city of Elmirn, or the I.lg city of New York.— But then, THE TEA TRADE is one of . any biggest, brightest, and best things You eannbt get better OOLGNGIOR GREEN Ti:AS, or cheaper, than I can sell you. You may pa tronize the Great American Tea Company, and ihen I can do you good, I have enough to net Tioga County a ' \ ' TE -, HE - ING for the next 25 }ma i m IBesideg no man has n big ger er hotter lot of 11001 NA gl:Mpo • them.' halm, nml Din Foiling. thorn at a bargain Everythia!g 1 in the Giocery CANNED FRUITS, AND VEGETABLES WOODEN WARE, CONFEC ' TIONERY, . not mixed as X mix thorn hero, lxut in good order I boll all th 4, BUTTER AND CHEESE, that I can, autl tautest everything oleo but teasel Sign of %ha BU c; 1V0:11sburo, Dee. 15, WO HAVE YOU SEEN THE Immense Stock of Carpets, • AND OIL CLO'ITIS, ' in the Carpet Stier° of ICE =EI Oct. 27, 18t19. SNVITIifErS, Corning, N. Y RGULATOR Sere We Are Aged W. .P. B/GONY. filliAltKPUL for the favors we have thus far received from the people of THE TIOGA, VALLEY, we wish to mall their attention to Vie fact that we aro just receiving a - adapted to the early Fall Trade, comprising ev erything desirable, both in style and quality, and shall bo pleased to see our old customers and all who may come from that 'felinity to OQIWIIie to buy, GROCERIE ? Si PROVISIONS, A LARGE DISCOUNT ON PRICES, r• we thus make it for their interest to come to us to make their purchases, as many peop:e in that region mill testify. We do not believe . in•long advertisements, displaying king lists of prim, ,to , but will convince all who come that we can, and do sell . Call and take a look through our imagines stook and satisfy yourselves. It4AZEEZ =MO (000/W styles, colors and p,attorns- ALPACAS; POPLINS, CAMBRICKS, FRENCH JACONETS, ORGANDIES, PEQUAS, VERSAILES, BLACK • AND COLORED SILKS, &c. BEAUTIFUL Winter SHAWLS, N.K CLOAKS READY-MADE, AND CLOTH TO MAKE MORE, ALL KINDS OF - LININGS, FRINGES, TASSELS • &-c.• 9 TO TRIM DRESSES , OR SACQUES. too numerous to mention; but will say that you will seldom find so large nu assortment to select from in a country store, and clear i down to the W. T. INIATIMRS CORNING. N. Y. New Stock of Goods' DRY GOODS, • , BUOTS AND ,CROCKIERY, Carpeti, &c., &e., • 9 wo always gitp customers from &distance- GOODS CHEAP, that ilia Store is, in reality THE REGULATOR for this section of country. , NEWELL ,4 OWEN Cdtning, Sept 8, 1809 -E. COME TO T, L, BALDWIN& 00'S_ TIOGA, PA •- and see a nice stock of Goods for FALL WINTER. such as and a largo assortment to teloot from! —Our stock of— YANKEE N0T1401,48 can't be beat. It keeps up with everything Il~tite# Yankees have thought of so far. AOOP SKIRTS,. BALMORAL SKI4S, consrrs, &O, R-0-M----ll,{-N 2142Ziga1160 BOTTOM FIGURE Wo also keep n large assortment of READY.(MADE CLOTHING, in suits, and parts of suits. Should we fall to suit you wit!? ready-mado, we flare Cassitnere and AiTAILOR 'CO CUT AND FIT Boots anti Shoes, all styles and sizes HATS AND CAPS, STRAW GOODS, 'AND GENTS' FURNISHING , GOODS, A COMPLETE LINE OF CROCKERY, WOODEN WARE, HARD WARE, SMELT'_ HARD WARE, ,NAILS,' IRON, Lo . ekti, Laielk% Carrollton,' Tools. A GENERAL STOCK OF j GROCERIES, Fresh. TEAS are lower than at anyitinto ainco tho war. Lid not, go to Cuba to buy sugar, and ro have some' chon p. We are agents ter the E. HOWE SEWING MACHINE. ~L_-1_..--`V____..Y Farmers, if you want tools to work with drop in SALT, LIME, PLASTER, PORK, FLOUR Lime, Cayuga Plaster, 4.c. . i Batter tubs, Pails. Firkins., and Ashton Salt to ftuyer with. All hinds of Fnrm Prwpme Want ed. Prices can't he bent- 1 T---117--A-N-K-----S T. L. BALDWIN k CO. oga, Pa., Jan. 1, 1870.