The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, January 12, 1870, Image 1

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lY runmeciai.lxtior .WEIniFADAY uciat+ l ro
- t Z•-•
P. C. Vitti'adder l " 1 1 t allichelL
tattbEctip lion, (Our year).,
TEN faxes or 3ltnlorc on LESS, MAIEtt ONE SQuknr
No. 54'ia....1 1 In: B lnB J 434 I 3,Mbi'l (Nos I 14Yr
Is l , oo $l-00 8 . .00 I 0,0 Is 7 ;0 0 I $12.09.
2 Squarpg,.._ 1 2.001 3,00 1 4,001013,0 N 1g;00 1- 18,00
11..1f Col 1 10,00 1 15.00 1 17,00 1 22,00 130,001 50,051
One Col 115.00 1'35,001 80,00 1 4 5/33 1.00:4-X11100,04
03- Special Notices 15 cents per llne;lltprial or
Local 20 cents per lipe.„
TrAnsieut advestisleg wst be pal!' !or )4,advauco.
Air -Justice Blatato i leniatstablo Btatllktg, Deeds, Jintg
went Notes, filartiege fertitictites, lc., on,hattd,
Van Gelder & i hlitehoil, ,
Book, Plain and Fancy Job Printers. All work
promptly and neatly executed.—Jan. 1, IBTO.
W. H. Smith, - • • '
Attprney and Counselor at Law, Insurance.
'Bounty and Pension Agency, Main Street,
Wellsboro, Pa., Jan. 1, 1870.
Geo. W. Merrick;
Attorney and Counselor at Law. Office . with V.
H. Smith, Esq., Main Street, oppoWe ,Union
Block, Wellsboro, Pa, 1870. ,
• . - • .'.
_ . A d ams
Jno. IV . s
. ? .
Attorney and Counselor at Law t biatistleld, 'Flogs
county, Pa. Colleotions prortiptly atteided
to. Jen. 1, 1870. -; ._
Jno. I. Mitchell,
Attorney and Counselor' at Law, Claim, and In
surance,Agent. Office over Knee! Drug Store,
adjoiniag Agitator Office, Wellston:, Pa.
• Jan. 1, 1870.
Wilson. & Niles,
Attorneys and Counselors nt La:w. -Will attend
promptly entrusted to their eare in
the counties of Tioga and Pottor. Ofre on
the Avenue. Jan. 1,. ”370.
S. F. WatsON.] ji .11.‘nr.r..s.
30h'i W. Guernsey,
Attorney and Counselor at Law. All business
entrusted to him will be promptly attended to.
Office 2,1 door south of Ha zlett'a llotri, Tiogn,
Tiot,ra County, Pa.—Jan. 1, 1670.
Win. B. Smithy
Pcnidon, Bounty and Insurance Agent. 'Com
munications sent to the atTove address will re
ccivo prompt attention. Terms moderate,
Knoxville, Pa.—Jan,l, 1 1 370. -
John C. Horton,
Attorney and Counrolor at Law, Ti." Pa.-
0 (fine with C. 11. Seymour, Erg. Business at
tended to with protaptnesii.—.lan. 1. inn.
W. D.. Terbell &
Wholesale Druggiets, and dealers hi Wall Paper,
Kerosene Lampe, Window Glass, Perfumery,
['dints, Hs, &e.—Co'rning, N. Y. Jan. ] '7ll.
Dr. C. ThTlipsotl,
weikboro, Pet., will attend to Professional calls
in the village of Wellsboro, and elsewhere.—
office and Reeidence - on State St., 2d door to
right going cast.—Jan. t, 1370.
D. Bacon, if.
nuirilurgeon. Will ettentl promptly
to all call,t.',• Office en Crofton Street, in rear of
the Meat Market, Wollsb+ ro.—Jan. 1, 1.870.
E. S. Perkins, M. I).,
Iteeviectiaily ClllPOttileett to the citizens of Eact
Charie-h.“ and cu laity, that lie would be .gtate
fel for iiwir pairnniige: Office at Coops,' A.
IColtler's :-.tore.—.lon. I, 1870.
A. M. Iligham,
liumocup.filift, ()nice Ut
VerlUe. —Jan I, IS7.}.
George llitgxter,
Tailor. Shop first door north of Roberts &
3's Storo. Cutting, Fitting and Re
pairing done prom idly and troll.—.Taii.l, 1870,
John Ether,
Taller and Cutler. Shop uppradte Dartes Car
nase Shop, ‘lain St., where be I. piupured to
do work promptly and nest...—Jan. 1. 1870. 0,
Thomas B. Brytien,
Stirve 3 oi and Draitetuan. ()Mite lcit at hi-
room, 'rown:end linut•e, We11,,b0r.., %sin meet
with prompt attention.—.)an. I, IS7O.
R. E. 01Ilith
Detler in Clink? and Jeliolry, and Plated
Ware, Bpeetaelos, Violin hitinge, Se. lVatell
eg and Jewelry tient!). ropaired Engraving
done in plain Engliidi wid llerinit --Man:4l.dd,
Pd., .fait. I, 1870.
Petroleum !louse,
kreFtfield, Pa., 0t:?. CLIME, 'Proprietor. A new
Hotel coadueted on the priiiiiiii. of live and
let live, for the accommodation of the-public.
Jon. I, 18;t1. ,
linzlett's llotel,
Tiogn,Tiogn County, P. Good ..tablinenttaeli
el, and nu attentive liqetler always , in attend
ance. Geo. W. Ilazlett, Prop'r,—.lan.,l 7 , 1870.
HI Hotel )
~ V,,ta.:1,1 Borough, Tiega Co,Pit. E.
Pr"prietor. A new and commodiollfl
1,11 tho modern improvements. Within
1-y drive of Itin best hunting and fishing
irounds in Northern Pttnn'n. Conveyance
funtimite4l. Terms moderate I, 1870.
Smith's Hotel,
Tiug.t, Pn., F. fit. Smith, Proprietor. Hoare in
good condition to accommodate thu traveling
public in it suporior manner --inn. I, IS7 0.
Keystone Hold,
Ticii.ta Co , Pn., J. Lt. Bonn, Pron'r.
ithiertnitimenikr man and beast Con
venient to the he,t groaio.l.o. Part imp
aryetinnerlato.l with vonveyancoi=.—Jan. I, '7l).
lulus 14eIntosli,
Deni m to Vermmr.t rind Trail:in limbic, mantz-
ItetUTlTttt I i,,nit .eor
now:thirket :4(111 C. 11.3 r Cot N V. All
”r der. promptly and neatly exemitt.4l.\
tir,hv Van Dwom, Agent.—. Tan. 1, 1A70.‘
M.her Prnprich.r. •11,e travuling p 41)•
%%ill hod (PiiIIIPIt.;I le and cortvonieW
1.-1:•e 1., 14..1. at. 111111.1/ . .t.thiung. :mil an at
!. 10 11 . 1.! innith.r. Jan. I, Is_•in.
M. M. .S.11:41 1(S, PROPItIETQI{
-a--. :-
Vint deti.•i,,q 4 e. ley Cr.:;11:4.
tteti....nars, itll Little fittitA I.a th,r
:lieu th-lt ai l'eo. Ctaive. .ti t'lp)colatt•
( . I )taci - .5 in shear 1:--5.:511 be 1):14
-sr%eit in azt: best ,t3l‘. Ntxt.
1 1 ,, bettA C Bathry'A 11:1/41W:C:ti z;tl,r.l,
inkto,ll., ,711.
800T -010 SHOE MAKERS,
u,„ ti 7 lh ,
ocrupicd by Broj y.
AND Slloll.ti of i wig meth. to
nr,kr awl in the Vail wenn cr.
topll3 and.
liive el ( I
W.ll. RELbEI. -
vb" , ll,ll , ::r e J in. I, 1.870.--1).
• E. I. K 13113,11.1.),
Una door :shove the MeditMitrket s .
E SPECTFULLI_,' announces to the trading
public that he Rs a desirable stock of tiro
compri:ing, Teas, Coffees,. Spices, Sogars,
*-da "" , S.Yrups, anti all that constitutes a first.
dasa stuck. Oysters in every style nt all sea
sonable hours.
I tsllshore,Jan. 1, 1870-tf.
- - . • , ~... - =.i ..,' 1 . .;/. '' C: , , -
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FIIi,ST • Pit -
_ - , 1
ELASTIC, sT.lrrefi-
594 Bitoiplya-y!.Ngw
• ~
Poibis of ,Excellen.c.p...
Ifoauiy and Elaatifff,y of Stitch. .., i .
Perfection4ifidifiimpiicity of gachinefy.
Uaftig both' thrtadt directly from the 'spoals.
• N.,6. ravening of roan* by band and no waqto
of thread.
With) range of application without change of
adjustment. ,
. The 8011113 retains its beauty and IliMuesli'
ter washing and ironing.
'Besides doing all•kinds of work done by other
Sewing Machines,- thous Machinetfexecutb the
most beautiful and permanent- Embroidery arid
ornamental work. • .
!`The 4,ighost : premiums of al l the fairs
and exhibitions of tho United States and
Europe, have heel miarded the Grover dc Baker
Sewing Machines, a* d the work done by them,
wherever exhibited i'
.cdmpetitiom , - .. : .
lizift'The very hi hest. prize,- TILE PROS.
1! ,
OF THE LEGICrN,Op HONOR, was conferred
on the representatii,e. of the
,GroVer*,b, Bakes
Sewing Machines , at Fthe Expoiltion Univcrselle,
Paris, 1867, thusatteiting - their great raperier.
iti over all other Bea ing"Machines ,
8 Baldwin S:troco
(SIGN OF THE 810 ,p(101T,., 2D FLOOR,)
.0f every description, in all stylos of Binding,
and as low, forluality.of Stock, lis,any, .13itlery
in the State. ' , 'of ieve r ti:deicriOtien
Bound in the belstinannot'apd in, tin." Atyle
&tee Lied in the best manner. Old Ilook sre
bound and mode good as new.
ilUa..kaglilM YZA.D. 6A._ig
I am prepared to furnish back numbers of all
Reviown or Magazinem published in the United
States or Great Britain, at u low price,
Of allsizes,and.qunlities,on hand, ruled or plain.
°ratty quality or sizo;orf hand avid , airt up ready
for printing. Also, BILL PAPER:, and CARD
BOARD of all colors and quality, in hoards or
cut hinny size.
Cap, Letter,
Note Paper, Eovetepee,
Pens, yeneijs,
nm sulengonaor
PENS, or vAntous SIZES, Ru1t..1.4.D1U5 .0411
.0411 fiENTLEAIEN,
%Vlach I sy'll-warrant,oqual to (oh.l P6n's. 'The
bet in lieu and I,t, tdlidaku
Tho above stock I will sell a t the Lowest Hates
at all times, at n small advance, on New York
prices, and in quantities to suit,parobasors. All
work 'and stock warranted :is represented.
I respectfully solicit it shire of public patron.:
age. Orders by wail promptly attended to.—
Address, LOUIS KIES,
Jan. 1, 1870.—1 Elmira, N.'Y.
or.A.Lit IN
S'TOVES', 1711', Ilr_A KE,
Carriage and Harness Trimmings,
o.lrnitig. N. V., Jan.?, 1870-Iy.
New obacco Store !
rip II E sobseriher has- tted up the Store ilr.9t
door ea-4 Thomas nartleir goodi store
for the matiuracture awl raleof
CIGARS, (all grades), Fancy and Comm;
SMOKING'TOBA CC o,Michigan Fine Cu,
CHEWING, and all kindf of
PLUG TOBACCO, PIPES, an? - 1 the choi
test Brand of CIGARS
: ILI"- call and PCO for yoursolver. •
Wdlibaro, Jan. 1, 1870-If.
New Tannery
'FHB undersigned hos fitted up the old Fowl.
dry building, near the Brewery, WeUsher°,
and is now prepared• to turn out One calf, kip,
cowhide. and barnsss Nattier in ihrsi best man
ner. * Wiles tanned on shares. Cash paid for
hides. M.. A. DURT . P.
Ivdh , boro, Joni.. I; I
Great Improvement in Densistry,
II AIN i; purchased the exelu
iA V
sive, ri g ht of Dr. Fol4olll'B
eirma proved pn'tent AI tu ' , Therm Dontal
flutes, , ‘ tnr Tiogst County . I now take pleasure
iu otletiur it to I piihti , as the gre tei.t rits•
cur Ili) •et wade in
Mechanical bentit.4l;:it'.
tho uk of ‘k wu cuu OVOMULUe any any
pod all difficulties nhich hale herototwe baffled
thu skill 61 tho nicht prantii , at Dentist in the.
world. -.Plate- constructed , upon thin plan rt.
wain petlectb thin under all circumstances or
condition of the 111.1 at j •ai. - 1111 ut . :pdrlicleslof
f o od eau 'possibly gt nuclei - the:of. 'Acme, having
~ 1 •1 14 .0es': Gold or It abhor Plates, can, at half
the o 1, Ilavu Il i a Improvement applied to them
Nis eriug in
.. every rteptf , et.the f•tillIO purpose es
.1 - : et. Perfect . Fati - sine . thon guaranteed
in es l"/ : a so. C N. 1) ' A
It'll Dentist,
wciisncr,., Jan I. I.`rdl,
• Thi, to to rert 11% Il u tt iv.. Ai now it , ing the Imp' ov
,l tivibt,4l Plat,s gilh prtitcl Baring
he ohl,ivit-urpi,it,,lnryeutnu-itha;lAlketruotloa
and i !won, nil. to , f I
• I In lilt , lISIJ . OIIIIIO/ plates,OH" rid IS tllO Plat6P all far
surrpr to anything hnott n. KT:1118A
I =2l .lSaaal..Clto '"" 3F 11 4001 l iteSg
volt sale by I. G. HOYT. Haines. Ilrethcro
r Pianos, Chiekeri Si eitiway,rthd Stock's.
liinterrnistor's Organs rol..clelorttions, and 'MA
eon 11111111ill'S t)rgarr are all
Instrumento. Having the eNpetiener miny
years in Mutien I Inkrutnettls, mid toning the
same, I can nifer greater luilneetnenti• custo•
tners of Tinga Ceuta than a ti‘ other dealer in
Northern Pa. livery instrument i• warranto4
for five years. b . ..r full particulars tee
ed Catalogue. I. itovr.
stau,qoa, Po., Jan 1, 1870---ly
Ph..iiiing: it 'Matching.
ING, 7'OIVGUI , .1.) it:. 0 1700VED, .
with rapidity and el tness, with our now Ma
chines. Try it and se. 11 R
Wellsborp, Jan. 1, 870.
The Papoi of the People.
tis chpnp because its circulation is larger then
A . • • thift of any other noisFstutper.•-!.A- ,,
contains nll the important Editorials published
in the DAILY TRIBUNE., except those of mere
ly local interest; also literary and Scientific: In
telligence; Reviews of the most interesting and
important Now Books; letters from our large
corps of Correspondents ; latest news received
by Telegraph from all parts of the world; a sum
teary of all important fritellEteite.e ;Jo', thlp city,
and elsevibere; a Synopsis of the proceeding of
Congreettand State Legislature ishelkin session,:
by : every atearner:
'du:dye:Repute of the proceedings he.tFar.,
Merit' ChM of the Ainerlima' Institute: 'Talks
about•-. Fruit; Stock, F,inanctals 4! 1 7,
deeds Wild General Markel. Reports.
The Full Reports of the American Institute
Farmers' ; Club, and.thesarious.AgrlculturaLliet
ports, in each number, are richly worth a year's
subscription. •
'To keep pace with the growing interest in
practice' Elortioultine, `lted te• eentrily.with:fre-,
,giant apirals - from all parts of- the country, for
information of a practical character on the sub
jeCt; we have engaged the. services of. a potion,
,who is experienced in rural affairs to' write in sa
lucid style a series of articles on the management
of Small Farms. Fruit and Vegetable Culture,
and bow to"nialte them pay, giving' general and
specific directions from planting to the ultimate
disposal of of tho crops.
Of late years titere has been a lucrative busi
ness carried on .by unprincipled men,,.
worthless and old plants under new names to tiv:
inexperir,nced. The Tribune will be 'always
ready to guard the farinoritgeinst any, stielt,im:
volition that comes'vrithle-our knowledge.
• To make' The tribune' itill tridke, valuable; to
its agrienitural readers, we have 'engaged Prof.
James Law, Veterinary,Bargoon in Corpell Dni
verititY; to arillwer qtiestieneeotteerning'•distieses
of Cattle;;llorses,'Sheisti, and other domestic aril
and to prescribe remedies. Ansv?ers-and
presekiptions will be' given only' through' the eOl
a:Una oli,The Tribune. We are sure that this
new feattire in Th 6 Tribune - will addlirgely 'to
its renders, as all miner's ofanimals hie liable
need the information proffered. Inquiries, sbo'
bo made as brief as possible, that " the questions
answers, and prescriptions may ho published td- I ,
gather. In short, we intend that The Tribun r e'
shall keep in the advance in all that concerns
Agricultural, Manufacturing, Mining, and other
interestcrof the country; and' thlirfek varietylind
completeness, it shall remain altogether the most
valuable, interesting, and instructive Newspaper
published iri the world. ,
It has-been well observed that ct,eareful read
ing and atedy of the FrirMert?':„ClUb!",,lteOrte iti
The Tritlano'alone will save-a faimor -inuidrida
of dollars in his crop. In addition to these re
ports, xrfi shall continuo to print the best things
writte'reon the subject o Akricelturn by Ameri
can mind foreign writers and shell
,ipereese these
features from year to year. As it is, no prudent
farmer can do without it. As a lesson to his
workmen alone, every farmer should place 'the
Weekly Tribune upon his table every Saturday
evening. -
-The Tribune is this host and cheapest paper RI
the country. This is not said in a spirit of
boastfulness. It has fallen to Now-York to cre
ate the greateit newspapers of the country.—
Here concentrate the eothmerce, the manufac
tures, the mineral recitirces, tho agricultural
wealth of fh o Republic. Hero all the news gath
ers., and the patronage Ts pp
.largo that journal=
isis can afford to print it. - This is the strength
of The Trillion°. We pried the cheapest, and best
edited weekly newspaper in the country. Wo
have all ..tho advantages around • us. , Wo hair:
great Daily and-Semi-Weekly editions. All the.
-etancrrate end intricate inecninbry -,r.
Jishment—perhaps the most complete in, Amer
:lea—is duvbtod to the ptirpose.of_makii3g- Thar
Weekly Tribune the best and cheapest newspa
per in the world. The result is that we have so
systematitod-and.-expruided our _resources that
every copy of The Weekly Tribune contains as
much matter as a dnodecime volume. Think of
:t ! For two dollars, thp Fubseribor to The Tri
bunt , for one 3 ear buys' as much rending matter
AS though he tilled a shelf of his libraty with fifty.
,volumes, containing- the greatest %Yorks in"the
limping°. The foree - olchenpness.ran no further
go. . -
The Weekly Tribune is the paper of the...peo
ple. •-hero the eager student may 'barn the :list
je,so9lis of scicnce. Pere the scholar miry read
,reviews of the best books.• bore may be found
'correspondence from al) pant of the- world, the
observations of sincere iind gifted men, Who serve
The Tribune in' aimed : every country. -
The Tribune is strong by reason of itirenor
.mous circulation and. great cheapness. .It has
long been conceded that The Aeekly• Tribune
has the:largest. circulation 'of nn' newspaper in
the country. For years we have printed twice'as
many papers, perhaps, as all of the other week
ly editions or the city dailies oombined. This
is why wear° 'enabled' tti . do Our work so thor
oughly and cheaply: ' The larger our circulation:
the bettor paper we eae ‘ ,inake. No '.newspaper
so largo and eompletens TAB W,EFKLYTRI/3-:
UNE was ever, before offered at so low a price.
Terme of The Weekly @ibed
bora : _
One copy. ono year, 52 issues..:.; - $2 00
5 copies $9; 10 copies to ono address, SLS and
one extra;topy ; JO copies to manes of subscri
bers at core postoflice, $1 00 each and an extra
copy; 20 copies to one address $1.25 each and
an extra ..opy; 20 copies to mines of subscri:
hers at one place, $l. 35 each and one' extra;
50 copies to one address $1 each, and ono ex
tra; 50 copies to names of subscribers at ono
place; $1 10 each and ono extra copy.
is published every Tuesday and Friday, and be
ing printed twice a week, we can, of course, put
in, it all that appears in our weekly edition, in
cludittg everything on the subject of Agriculture
The 'Semi-Weekly Tribune also - gives in the
course of the your three or four of the
by living authors. The cost of, these nloAe, if
bought in hook form, would he from six to eight
dollars. TERMS : _ '
1 copy. one year-104 numbers
2 copip's one year-:--104 'numbers '
5 copies or over, each copy
Persons . remitting . for 10 copies $0 will re
ceive an extraOopy dna 3;enr. - • ;
For $lOO we will scud 34 copies and tho Dgily
The Doily TRIBUNE Is published every' mor
ning (F.undny!!xxceptefl)nt slo'per year; $5 for
six months.
1 1110 Tribuno :Almanac. 1870. ,20 eent.
''.ll'ribune Almanac rtepribt. 7 •lB3B to 1.8.68--2
volumes, Mill I.und, $lO.
Recollections of a Buy Life. By Horace
Oreeley. Cloth $2 50, Library $3 50.
.1 , rgaret Fuller's Work 6. 0 vols. cloth $lO.
Pear Culture for Profit, $.1..,• ,- ~ . :
—Elemet.t 4 of Agricyltwo, cliith.-$l..
Earth Cle.s•ettr---Jlelito make thpm, 25cts. .
sent free on receipt ef..prfee.". ~•.
In Makipg rreinittitnetiti ter subseaptions: or
hooks, olvrn3te procure n'clratt oil New York; or a
Post ;ofbee 1%/oney'ilrder., if possible. Where
neither,OT these can bepreeiired rend the money
in a Registered letter. - •• , .•- •
Terms, Cash in advance.
' Address Tun TRMITNE New York.
Haan Tot for Sale.
GOOD house and barn,• on a lot of twt,
acres, Ivithin ten niinntes walk of the
Court House, IVellsbore, is offered for sale": - Itr'
quire of John I. Mitchell, Esq., Wellsboro.
Jan. 25, 1870-tf,,,,,
... -- • BORDEN hoops constantly on
t Tip hand: Pnro,D.rngs and Medicines,
~";-., Clicinioals, Pa11:11.3 1111(1 Oils , Lamps,
4. :.111 11- " Stationery, Yankee Notions &c.
° Tiogn, ;ran. 1, 18'/O.Lly
NOTICII --Mr. .11Sinith, of Lainb's•Creeic
has purchased ih right to put_ down . the
chit ing nett in the tew i ns Tio g ai' , Rielimotil
and Chariest/in. All persona era therefore for
bid pui,ting down wenn on the abote territory;
Thoso desiring wolfs of this kind will please ed
dress L. SMITH,
Jut). 6, 1870.. • • Lamb'N'Creek."
Tioga Baptist ASsociatichni.
THERE will he a speoial taceting of tho Tio•
gn flaptixt Atolociation with the West
soil Church on Weilpie.lilay Jun. 111, IS7O, at 1O
o'cloce a. ILI. Ro , . A. IL Cluise will preach the
openiti sermon. E. T. BENTIN, Clerk.`.
1 . • ..
- • •• • 1:1 - : >'-, ,
WELLSBORO, MOB 'JANUARY .12, 1870:.,.;
Tho NourpYork Weekly Tribune
• " •
• • H. IT, 11011REN.
f;j:141: - ,4:' ,- ' '.:gi:i.tittk.;:,
That must lie eonnted:eie':r pdp th !ago.?
How shall I eb irw,llio tn tariol, fli tit
Between this time and that!aufeetAlmotofgriteer
Shall I in aluinbei , steep eaah weary setisa, '
Weary withiongitig? Shall ,7
Into past days, and iOth somafoO . pretehto
Cheat OY,self t9'for'get t r he preiont.dail
Shall love for themlay on my soul tho sin
Of casting frani i irinthd'i gift of ristO 7: '•
• :
Shall I, these misesof inemory•looked•within (
Leave and toriiei:li fMri,esei inblicke,7 ,
t • " • - • T;•
9t3,,!,b0w or byruitfat mottt!s; may - leontrive: •
To bring; the",l,dnr that brings
. ttiee 4aele,More
•• ; • •
Irpti'mayl I teach m,Y tlyciopirigllopp to live '
"'Untifthat blessed time, and then art •heie 7...
I'll tell th'ee; 'birth), sake will - • .
Of all goodtdrus and thee, ,‘
In worthy deeds, each - moment thatis,told,
"'Nftille thouy,bplored orie 1 ark afai fall/ am.; ,
For theo t willaronso my , to try.
„„, . ,
All' heaven'-itar . 4” flights,
,all' high and holy.
..,.. , .,
striking ;.-, .- • , + '
Forj.tiii l dear'stilcsk I will walk pittintly
' Through . thdo lOng . hOurs, nor call their min
'• ' utes pains. ' `
.„ ' , ”' „'
I will this dreary blank of , absoico
nob,ld tneki-timo ; and wilt tbtireinatriv'e
To tollow
Moro pod thanl have won', aincoyot hiive.
„ •
So may this doomod timo build up in mo
Ilitu:". 1 0.1490a11. 4 1 0 : 11 tl4hno
So may my loia - itiarlonifin'eliiilliiiied Vit;'
And thy dOar-thonght
piorstimiions )
[ref the Agitator.]: •
' Ej4tOns—.-The telegrams
I received through a ; source which' aM, not per
'inittod to metition, and is they relate somewhat
' to Matter* in',',,Which your readers in this part of
the •County ire in tereifed,, I senti.thein to you
for, publication.' . J,
The ola britvir.YEira •the 11111,
I was paining' ti fewldayS':ago, the
old grave yard on the hill, 'and tho' it
Wair;O:Old and chilly,_EiomethiUg within
f l*ried pressing me to turn• - ,in
among the jeadesS trees, tangled briars
and brushwood, and read the -inserip
tions, on 'the . neglected marbles that
ineinorised_the birth and death of
I once knew, but who were noveguiet
ly sleeping- 46 their 'neglected graves;
perhaps untonadions or the forbidding
ldolcs of this their last home-unconscious
too, perhaps of the forgetfulness of the
dead liy,the living. Perhaps their
sleep! the .quiet sleep of forgetfulness
forever !
, But yet 11, could not' belt) thinking
that•the departed were not sleeping;
that, clothed with that spiritual body
which the soultakeson;-4hen in night
ilreatns, it wanders away from its bu j.-
I ea , s • tr . s - v.
be still , hovering around old Emetics;
hi'enihing into the soul of old friends,
and, perhaps leading me by their in
visible presence an'd' — proinbtings, to
wander amid the desolation . of their
neglected•hotnes.: •
, I turned into the grave' yaEd,
stiAnge influence came over me, afid it
seemed that I, too, was one of the,dead.
The old Academy failed away;' the
'glorsus landscapes around, grew !aim;
the viillage helow,•seemed, but the lurt
subStxtritial. fabrics of a dream; and at
lastiall went out, and to me, alb things
were notlflpg, and I was not. ,
• How long, I know not, for there is no
:tithe in eternity; - but at last, creeping
over me with a strange-influence, there
came a dim, liaiy memory of myielf—
dim as the firit ray of -light, creeping
along the raiders of Infinite - darkness;
and then an old home that looked, out
'upon me in the dimness, and old elms
towering in front, and tall chestnut
.trees In the distance—and walking
in the ,shade, a middle aged - man and
a beautiful Vornan, and upon the trees
anti under them, innumerable children,
seen only to fade away—and then the
grand panorama of a whole life, and
leas again in the old grave yard—l,
and all its dead; each one there —I
knew most of them, crowding around,
me, and greeting me with a ghostly
smile, as a new comer to the spirit land—
a new inhabitant of the old Grave Yard
on the Rill.
There were there, the old and the
young, beautiful girls, athletic young
,gray-headed old men and women,
and sweet children, all hovering around
me, and seeming, at times, to become a
part of me, and I, of them; all inter
mingling in one,and yet each preserVing
his identity. They had no voice: no
sound was heard in all that desolate
cemetery-of the dead; and yet It was as
though they talked with each other,
and with me ; sometimes like the sweet
melody of music, then like the earnest
conversation of those) who would seek
convince; and then like the loud
shoufof hapyy souls;
There were prattling children; the
'noiseless' mirth of merry girlhood; the
sober l yeice of manhood; the trembling
voice of old age, and yet there was no
sound—ii was as it were, the language
•o't thonght. I asked no questions, for
As soon us a ,qnestioning thought ttioiie
its ivy mind, thennswer came, I know
nahow,,but it seemed to come from
all around me—not orally, not written,
not, in, characters ; but as the soft in-
IlttiinOe of gentle magnetism ;'like the
uribreathed answer of love to love.
-WhO; old grave yard was there ; the
'broken-down fence, the unshapely trees,
the dwarfed thorns, the .unsightly bri
ars, the broken tombstones, the deep
ideals from which,the buried dead had
been raised to be transported to the new
cemetery----all just as I saw them in life;
and yet ; we passed among them and
throtigh. them without, hindrance, for
they were: alll.its , *e_were—tlie imma
terial spirits of t 4. Material.
I noticed that over nearly all the
graves, there was a kind of phosphoric
glimmer ; 'over soling just' perceptible;
others,yet brighter over some, a bright
halo - of glory ; and this pliosphores 7
cence seemed also a part of the dead
themselves; sometimes assuming the
outlines of the human form, yet, as the
representative spirit receded froin the
-grave, the form faded out, but the light
Over a few, graves there was no light,
and yet I observed that the bodies lay
there . us in othersi over which the light
shone, for everything was transparent
there, and when I thought of the dead
in any grave, in some mysterious mann
it was before me, and seemed, as it
were, in me and over, and around, and
~, ,
. t gO l ,:ovei,l,Aiqui, ittii)t spot near
, the 'middle of the 'ave yard, a mellow
likht,-,snft alttlia:l',ll ;1
at Venus, as the
, eyo first AookOiffoit &e n r, through the re
,Ceding liglit.of day i and ardelleate lit
tle sylph-like' I fol ,; _beautiful - beyond
.what (earthly:4i M
&niktion over , con
valved, came Al sting towards me i
clasping its 4;1010,a e arms'around' my
7) ,k - kiss!ilg u/S 7 kee4 . ,.e.YeP, 11 0 MO
:forehead, and elln lug to me, and be•
ceMing as it . wee, a part of me,; a
sweet magnetic' i Mdeace, creating a
sensatjan . of .. Joy.
,linutterable. And:
then I know the face and form of the
beantifylichildkfor"oWs before, I' liad
kisSed its Palelipa c s ect its,,eYee - , and
sorrowing laid ge tly away in that
little Unmarked gray .'" ' - '
Isav, over teW i g 'Ve3, drk, murky
cionds' which no ligh ould "penetrate;
an approachp ~whia , seemed "to :OH
filsea chill'oVer'the" i lrit, and a damp
dread as the "eye:look d upon it., And
then, all at -once,. th spirit of inquiry
aroad ,1 '
wltbin and' a the thought,
"Where am I?" ca uppermost ; . the,
answer came from 11 the spirits, or
rather 'I saw'it in all "This is Hades,
the.resting place ef;t 'e. dead." : And I
saw too, as the anitWer came, a restless
. turning away, as if,t.d look at some dis
tant object in tile' Orection of the new
cemetery, and a. cleati cry of anguish
came slowly up, Unutterably sad, seem
ins to say,," HOw,lo*oh bow lung!"
. .
—...:•:.:.--. , .! L etter.
W . Ithig6 li
•' • . wAgniNoros; D. , Deo. 28th, 1809. -
`bear Agitator—LThe Wing of Con
gress • .
r brought hither crowd of . expeol
Ui nta and prospectors many of whom
bavO: departed with lively sense of
the 'f ingra4tudeof . reljublics." A new
instalment-is expected after the holi
days. This is an old story;. and it will
have occasion to be repeated, at• short
intervals, so long as we have a govern-
ment,—ln spite of Mr. Jenekes' Pena
cea,7-Isa spite all panaceas whatsoever.
The root Of it is in oni nature—in all
human nature ; a little more developed
in America than elsewhere, as one con
sequence of popular government.
not the people ( all fiee and equal ; and,
does not each Individual of the, gneat
majority, believe himself fit : rop
dent?l mean,; no itipro t aCh. ,only
sneak - of what I suppcise to a . .fact„,
and what I think will always be true
Of any people, who fun a government
themselves.' It is no argument again§t
free government.' The, average
dem of a Civilized people is far more
tinstworthy than the..average ability, of
a line of kings, beginning with the
noblest pedigree. '• •-• •
be,:a,pleasnre to belieVe in,
Andj:extect, as system ,of Adruinistra
tion which, doing its work well, shall
exclude faVoritiisin in .appointments
and promotion's. Probably not many
people of experience'' believe such a
thing possible. I feel no contempt!or
those who do believe.; for, I doubt not,
kind. I would like, to see their theories
tested by .experiment, not too costly ;
for, even a. failure, t ini:ght; lip greA
g.frootion. Bot„/ do not suppose that
Mr. Jeuckes', ;and the friends of his
plan, are !Reaming of any thing so pel
feet. They are only dreaming of a
great improvement, that will make the
creaking of our Bureau Machinery tol
erable to sensitive ears. They tell us
that.their plan, or one substantially the
same, has been on trial for some years,
in Great Britain ; and, that there, *it
has proved a great success. This argu
meat has met with no contradiction,
so far as I know. : The terms iu which
it has been stated may be suspected of
rose-coloring ;" but, I think there is
no reason to doubt, that the English
people generally speak well of the sys
tem ; as, indeed, they may be 'expected
to .do, of, any British institutionf not
disparaged by imitation on this sl i de of
the Atlantic.
More about this 'next time: I hate
long letters ; and, so do your readers.
Paris Press says: "An 'experiment of
a most interesting character, and hav
ing the highest interest for the iron in
dustry, has taken place at We - Marquise
Stock workg, in presence of two qtni
nent persons of the Ecole Clentrafe.—
The object of this experiment .wa to
make.steel by one operation, a prob em - ,
which has engaged all metallurg sts,
and, if solved, would cause an Indus
, trial revolution. , 111. A-ristide' Berard,
an engineer whose name is familiar to
all who have occupied themselves with
this question, prOposed to 'change , sec
ond-class metal in ,course of reflnining
into steel of at least ordinary quality,
by means of a process alternately oxid
izini and reductive. His efforts have
be6n crowned with success. The pro
duct obtained by his process, in pres
ence of two competent judges, proyed
,to be steel of good quality,_suitable for
all purposes, and made with the facility
necessary to its application tolpractial
industry. The operation was effected
in a reverberatory furnace, lasted about
an hour and' a half, and was accom
plished with as much . facility as pud
dling. In this process, instead of ac
ting on 480 pounds of metal to obtatn
,iron of numb,ef one
,qUality, from 6,600
M 11,000 pounds of, metal is made by
only one operation into - steel ingots
ready for, the workshop, and with - an
unexpected econoniy. We will be much
deceived if this invention has not in it
the germ of a complete revolution in
metallurgy."—Phi/q. Prev. ,
THE LOAFER.—There is tin accurate
description of a class of men who in
fest every community. The most mis
erable, hopeless • scrap of humanity is
an idle man—a ,man whose chief aim
of live is . to loaf—to waste in -iistlese
lounging, and mental and phySical in
action the-years of his short life. , There
ar t e scores of such beings in every town
and city—miserable loafers, whose sole
occupation is to void employment of
any kind—whoSe lives can hardly be
called live S—who die one after another
and leave behind them—what?*A va
cancy to he mourns 'l No, for they
are in themselves vacancies; not men.
To these atoms society owes nothipg.—
The history of the world's progress ig
nores their names and existence; and
being demi, the grave contains no more
inert, worthless earth than it did be
fore. They beqamo chronic nuisances
as regards their worth or value, and
from day to day in the haunts of busy
. men, they pass as uneurrent funds Wit.
so much a•discount thethey cannot.
even buy tnemselves. 44 ich are loafers
—in iserable, worthless b ings,?who die
only when they get too azy and indo
lent to use their organs.
tof ririe—and of
", 4 About thirtY yens age;''Said Sudgo
P—,',l ritepped into book Bp)fd in
Cineln flan; In Acitro,ofsoinoboiiks that
I' Wanted. 'While there,' 11 tact ragged:
boy, net over twelve years of age; came
In and Inquired fora geography. :
Plenty of them,'-said the salesman,.
How much do they cost ?'"
One dollar my lad.'
'I didn't know they.were so much.'
lie turned to g 6 out, and even opened
the door, but closed it again and came
back. haire only got sixty-mm cents,'
said be; 'you could not let me bave
geography,*and* wait a little for the rest
of the Money?" •
2 - Hai? , eagerly , -'his little bright -eyes
looked up for the answer; and-how he
geemed to shrink. within his ragged
clothes when the "nun not very kindly
told,blm.he could not.
The diSapPoitlted little fellow looked
nplto me with a very poor attempt at a
Snalle, and left the store. I followed
him and overtook him.'
And what now ?' I asked, kindly.
•` Try another place, sir.'
•' Shall I go, too, and Eee how you suc
need I asked:
Oh, yes, if' you like,' said he, in sur
Four different stores I entered. with
him, and each time he was refused.
• Will you try again?' I asked him.
• Yes, e1r,.1 shall try them all, or I
shouldn't know whether I could get
one.' .
We entered the' fifth store, and the
little fellow walked up manfully, and
told the gentleman just what he wan=
ted, and bow much money he had,
Yon want the book very; very much?"
said the proprietor., ! -
Yes; sir, very muoli.' • 1 !,
Why do you want it, st - i very, very
much ?' ,
.' To study, sir. I eau' t o to school,
ut I study when I am at home. All
he boys have got one, and they will
~ e t ahead of me. Besides, my father
vas a sailor, aidl wanted to learn the
places where he used to go.' *; .
' Does he go to those places ; now ?'
'He is dead,' said the lry, softly.
Then he added, after awhile; I am go
ing,to be a sailor, too:'
! Are you, though?' asked the gentle
:man, raising his eye-bows, Curiously.
Yes, sir, if I live.'
Well, my lack, I will, tell on what I
will do; I will let you havea new geog
raphy, and you may pay the remainder
of the money when yob can, or I hill
let you have ono , that is, not new for
fifty , cents.' -
• Are the leaves all in it, and just like
the others, only not new ?' •
`Yes, just like the new ones.'
It will do just as well, then, and
I'll have eleven cents left toward buy
ing some other book. Pin glad they
didn'l let me have any at the other
places.' • -
The hookseller looked up inquiringly,
and I told him what I had seen of the
little_ fellow. He Was rough pleased,
and when he Orouguu aton s ,
saw a nice new pencil and some clean
white paper in it.
kA present, my lad, for your perse
verance, Always have courage like
that, and you will make your mark.'
Thank you, sir. You ore very good.'
What is - your name?'
Harverly, sir.'
Do you . want any more books?' I
now asked him.
More than I ever can get." he re
plied, glancing at the books that filled
the shelves.
I gave him a bank note. 'lt will
buy some for you my boy,' said I.
Tears Of joy came into his eyes.
Can I buy what I want with it?'
' Yes, niy lad, anything.'
Then buy one book for pother,'
said he "I thank yop very much,' and
some day I hope 1 can pay you back.'
He. wanted my name and I gave it to
him. Then - I left him standing by the
counter, so happy that I almost envied
him ; and many years pawed before I
saw him again. •
• Last year
. I went to Europe Qn one of
the finest vessels than ever plowed the
waters of the Atlantic. We had beau
tiful weatheruntil very near the end
of the voyage, then came a most terrific
storm that would have sunk all on
board had it not been for the captain.
Every-spar was laid 'low, the rudder
was utmost useless,. and a great leak
had shown itself, threatening to fill the
'ship. The crew were all strong willing
men, and the mates ' were practical
seamen of the first class; but - after
pumping one whole night, and still the
water was gaining on them, they - gave
up in despair, and prepared. to take to
the 'boats, though they might have
- known that no small boat could
ride such a se ; The captain, who
had been below with his charts now
came up. He aw how matters stood,
and with a v lee that I. heard distinctl
above the r iar Of the tempest, lie or
dered every man to his post..
It was surprising to see all those men
bow before the strong will of their cap
tain, and hurry hack to the pumps.
The captain then started below to ex
amine the leak. As he passed me, 'I
asked him if the - 0 was any hope. He
looked at me, ti , n at the other passen
gers, who ,had et wded up to bear the
reply, and said, febukingly :
`Yes, sir, tber is hope as long as ono
inch of this deck _remains aboVe water.
When I see none of it, then I shall
abandon the vessel, and not before; nor
one Of my crew, sir. Everything shall
be done to save it, and if we fail, it will
not be from inaction. Bear a hand,
every one of you, at the pumps.'
Thrice (luring the day did we despair;
but the captain's dauntlesS courage, per
seVerance and powerful' will mastered
every mind on board, and- we went to
work again.
' I will land you safely at the dock in
Liverpool,' said lie,'if you will be men.'
And he did land us safely; but the
vessel sunk moored to the dock. The
Captain stood on the deck of the sink
ing vess.el, receiving the thanks and
blessings. of the passengers as they
passed down the- gang-plank. 1 wa.
the last to 144 e. As , I passed, h
grasped my hand and said :
' Judge I.)---, ilo you recognize Inn?'
I told hint 01/4 .1 was not aware tha
I ever saw him until I stepped aboard
his ship.
'Do you remember the boy In Cinci
nnati?' .
' Very well, sir; William Haverly:”
' I ant be,' said he, 'God bless you !'
, And Ood bless t l ie Captain Ha
verty i'
Josh Billings remarks : Love is f; ed
to be blind, but I now lots of fellows
in love who hail see twice as much
In their galls'as I kan.'
118, I•Wril' :WAILED AT LAST—Tun CITY or NEW
' L ti , .1./iiii emit' Wit'ito 'ON' Noo Yomc, )
December 10, 1869. 1
, . .
The dove which Noah sent out come
back to'the Ark liecoz the Water kiv
erect the land,; when the dove found a
dry spot it comeback no there i . I am
a dove. I wuz sent out, from the Cor;
tiers, but the prevalence uv,water druv
me back, thri,e and again—Now, thank
Heaven, I hey found a spot wher there
is no water, (at least I've linever seen
any used here for any pOpose,,) and
here Y stay. My foot hez Ohm] a restin
place., .
.I am the sole proprietor-11/ the 'Harp
uv Erin' "loon. The original proprietor
uv the 'Harp uv Erlu' died the evenin
tiv the last eleckshun, much regretted
by his politikle assoshates. He lied
only voted thirteen times, when in an
•argyment teebin the - merits uv his can t
didate, ez compared with his opponent
for the nominashen, he wuz hit with a
brickbat, and died with his day's work
haf done. The man who struck him
wuz expelled from the l society ,to wich
he belonged for killin an able bodied
Democrat before the closin uv the polls.
"How I got posseshen uv tjie s'loon I
sheinot state. Suffice it to. say, it be
came mine, and the stock likewise, and
that I shel never hey occashen to leave
it. Here I shel live and here I shel
die. Uv corse I've dokorated it to soot
the tastes uv my patrons. I took down
the.Potrate uv Jackson, and cut off uv
the bottom - the words : 'The Yoonyun,
it must and shel be preserved!' and
substitooted. 'He serves his party best
who votes most!' which I read to those
who drop in, ez the ,last words uv the
Hero of Noo Orleans. I lieu an Irish
flag turned round an Irish Harp over
the bar, and portrates uv the head Cen
tres UV the Fenan Brotherhood, prop
erly Wreathed, awl about the room—On
the end uv tile bar, in the spot where
in other neyborhoods the watcher-pitch
er stands, I heve a box with a hold in
the top uv of it, inscribed. 'Contribu
shens for the benefit of our sufferin
brethren in English Basteeles may be
drooped in eere.' That box more than
pays ply rent. Then I hey quite a cab
inet of sakredrellcks. I hey a pleee uv
the rope which hung John Brow the
identical club wich killed theilrst nig
ger in the riots uv Joely 1863; a bullit
fired at the Triboon erns at that time,
with other soveeners dear to the Demo
kratic heart, wich attract many: These
hand onto the •walls, and undeineath
then, I . hey the 'prices uv drinks in
' scribed, with the stern, cold words,
`No Trust.' .
I iunogerated my establishment last
Wednesday nite. • Rememberin the ter
rible main uv all my other inogger
-1 ashens, I deklined at fast to make any
formal openin, but my friends insisted
that it wuz the custom uv the ward and
I must do it.
' Nobody will buy your likker,' send
ea,,,ise yen don't make a regler openin.'
. 'Ef I make a regler openin,' sed J,
'I won't, hey a drop to sell 'em. Stay—
I iev it. I'll go before a Justis OV thp
Peece and take a solemn oath not to
drink anything myself that nite.'
I" '['won't do,' sed. my friend, 'oaths
drin't count in this ward.' .
Various plans were rejectid. One
gentleman proposed that I shoed he
tied down so that I eoodent bit at the
likker, and that he shood do the hon
ors. His nose wuz agin him and I de
elined; his proposishen. Finally I hit
upon the plan. I calkilated that twen
ty gallons would anser,
and I put that
amount in a barrel, T i tle balance uv
the stock I locked in a room, and then
put 'the key away in the drawer.
There' sed I triumphantly, 'afore
that twenty gallons is egsaustid I shall
be too far gone to know where the key
to the room holdin the i balance uv the
stock is. Saved! Saved!
It resultid ez I anticipatid. At first
WO lied speeches and toasts. Mr. O'Baff
erty replied to the toast. i `Our adoptid
country.' .He sed the term. 'Our adop
tid country' wuz a happy one, for so
far ez Noo York waz concerned the
sons tiv Erin had , adoptid it:" He bed
bin charged with a lack uv love for his
country. He repelled the charge with
scorn. Why shoodn't he love this
country ? In wit other country wuz
votes worth a dollarapeece ? Whereelse
cood rich a man ez he hey so high aipo-
SiOlell ez Alderman, and only two years
on the ground. ,
Mr. 0"roele
_lined in the sentiment.
-Where else under the eanepy cood a
man likeifi mself who coodent read be a
skool director? - Helied often been
'.thankful that lie turned hiSlace_loward
'Amiriky, the minit his time wu-;.----ent
in the prison at Liverpool. They wuz
less risk in holding office in Non .York,
than in. .hurglary in England, and the
results wuz shoorer.
'i'her wuzn't .touch moor speech
inalin.. The drinkih went, on fast and
furious tho, and . ez I antissipated be
fore the twenty gallons wuz eggsausted
I wuz very drunk and incapable UV
any effort, mental or physikle ;• and the
others were in very much the same pre
dicament. Four oPfive uv em did.try
to louse me to get more, but >it wuz nv
no'use; they might z well lieu whis
pered Grey's Elegy in the ear UN' a dead
mule. The most UN' em slept, ez I did,
on the floor till the morn in.
I shot be happy here. I hey the
steddy patronage hy two Aldermen,
three sko.ol directors and four contract
or, and when'the Mayor gets the appin
tin u V tile poleece there will "be • twelve
polecemen whose trade I kin count on;
There in my hack room is where the
preliminary caucuses for the ward is
lucid, and I shel be paid for wit the
managers drink "til I git an oftis myself.
At, last my lines s cast in pleasant
pinees. l'Ernor.rtl V. NAsny, P. M.
( \vial i cans Postmaster.)
" flo's cari" THE EUTJ'ON `?"-A
you t- ady folltnA lug atoiy to
a married . W0111:111_ he or cour s e t o ld
her hushand, and he told the reporter.
.A young man of this city attended a
select, gathering ni a few female ac
quitinian yes at the residence of it young
lady friend recently, and whiffle there
tweideutly discovered that.he had lost
into of hi. , sleeve-buttons. 13ut its
where4tbouts lie could lint discover.—
They hunted, and hunted, but the
missing sleeve-button was no where to
be found. The party separated about
midi lit, and the young lady friend
retired With it chum to her room, and
begati the process of disrobing. - As the
dries was opened, the sleeve-button fell
to the ileor, its jingle being almost
drowned in a IsuPpresS . ed
Indianapolis litirro.
Rev. D. a Methodist minister stationed.
at Meadville, some two years age, one
evening *e, ceived a note informing him.
.that a couple living in the suburbs of
the city deslied to be united in the
bonds of matrimony, and requested his
services at, 111110 o'clock in the morning.
At the proper time he went to the house
designated. He inquired of a young
lady who was busy 'washing dishes, if
there was a couplelhere who wished to
get married.
' I am the lady,' she replied, blushing.
'John will be In in a moment.'
The minister was surprised to see- no
Preparations, and stepped to the door
to see the • surroundings. Two men
were busily engaged in grinding scythes
in the yard, and another, who proved
to be 'John,' was tending a cow- and
calf. The young lady came to the door
pretty soon and shouted :
John, John, hurry up ; the preach
er's here !,
John leaped the fence and rushed to
the house, the girl wiped her hands on
her apron, and after joining hauds, said
they were ready. The . minister _pro
ceeded, and had just - got through ques
tioning the young man, when the old
lady rushed into the room, shouting:
`John, John, you didn't turn the cotta
away from the calf I'
He let go his sweetheart's hand ins,
stantly, and rushed into the barnyard,;?,
put the old cow through the bars, and
then returned, to the house, again tocik
his - place when the remainder - of the
ceremony waa performed. The minister
went on his way rejoicing, John went
to'the bay field, and the lady resumed
her digh-washing.—,-Forest (Pa.) Repub
r •
A few days ago, on. board the Express
Train of the Philadelphia and Reading
Railroad, bound southward under the
Charge of conductor Frescoln, were a
young lady. and gentleman Seated to
gether, bearing the appearance of a
couple, recently married,_ or wishing
most heartily they were. It - was ob
served bythe passengers thht the lady
had,on her lips a bit of black court plas
ter—probably she had a soar lip. This
was noticed before the train had entered
the channel at Phoenixville, which is
1930 feet. After the train had passed
the tunnel the passengers saw another
sight! For lo !• the black court plaster,
by some hocus pocus, had changed'lips,
and now the young man 'had it bad.
The mysterious changing of the plaster
became the subject- of conversation
among the other passengers, and all on`
board indulged in a hearty laugh, as
light began to draw upon their won
derings. Light began also to draw
upon the minds of the couple, when
the train stopped at Phcenixville, and
violent blushing ensued. The ques
tion is, 'What happened'in the tunnel.'
AN , IRISHMAN'S WILL.—In the name
of God Amen! I, Timothy Doolan, of
Barrydowudery, in the county of Clare,
farmer; being sick and wake on my
legs, but - of-sound head and warm heart
—Glory be' to Gedi—domake this my
first and hist will and (Mid -andnew
testament. First I give my sowl - to----
God, when it glazes Him to take it,
sure no thanks to me for I can't help it
thin, and my body to be hurried in the
ground at i Barrydowi derry Chapel,
where all my kith' andkin that have
gone before me find tho - that live after
belonging to me are b rigid, peace to
their ashes, and May the sod rest lightly
over their - bones. Bury me near my
godfather and mother who lie separated
all together; at the other side of the
Chapel yard. I hive the bit. of ground
contain ing4en acers—vale' Irish acres—
to me eldest son Tim ; after the death Of
his mother, if she lives to survive him.
My daughter Mary and her. husband;
Paddy O'Regan, are to get the white
sow that's.going to have twelve black -
bonifs. Teddy, me second boy that
was killed in' the War in, Amerikay,
might have got his pick of poultry, but
as he has gone, I'll lave .them to his
wife, who died a wake before him. I
bequeath to all mankind,, fresh air of
heaven, an die fishes of the sea they
can take and all the Liars of the air
they can shoot, I lave to ! them all the
sun,, moon, and stilts. I lave 'to Peter
Rafferty a pint of pot been i can't ti n is h ,-
and may God be merciful to him.
BOILING POT4TOES.—Let the water
.boll before putting the potatoes in.-
- When done, pour oft' the water and
scatter three or four tablespoonsful of
salt, cover the pot with a coarse' eloth ,!
.and return it to the fire for a short time.
Watery. potatoes are Hautdo merely by
this process. How simple is the pro:
cess, yet how few understand it !
A gentleman being asked bp. ft clergy
man why ho did not attend evening
prayer meeting, said he' could not lerive
the children. " Why, have you no
servants?" " Yes," he replied, "we
have two servants, who keep the house
and hoard us, We are allowed a few
A country apothecary, being out for
tt day's shooting, took his errand' boy
to carry his game bag. Entering a
field of turnips, the dog pointed, and
the boy, overjoyed at the prospect of
his mastes success, exclaimed, 'Ler,
master, there's a covey ; if you get near
'em, won't! you physic 'em!' PhySic
them, youloung rascal, what do you
mean ?, said the doctor. 'Why, kill
'em, to be sure,' replied the boy.
SAID an astronomer to a bright-eyed
girl, when talking of rainbows: 'Did
you ever see a I.nnar how, miss?"l .
have seen bcaux by moonlight, sir, if
that's what yon mean;' was the sly re
stic admirer of beautiful
ly startled a friend with :
An enthusr
women recen
"Been to chi rch this morning?"Tn
church?""Y•s; and such necks! Full
and white, and good enough to eat!
Six of them all in a row ; watched 'em
all through service. Oh, my, what
necks!—cincinnoli Commercica.
A minister met a Darishoner wir(l
had cone into possesion of a handsome
broperty by the death of his, brother,
and inquired how he ‘tat; getting along.
'o,' said he, am having a dreadful
time; what in getting out letters of ad
ministration and attending 'probate
court, and settling OflllllS, I sometimes
wish he hadn't died.'
Life is a book of which we can have
but end edition. Let each day's actions,
a they addlthei r pages to the instructi
ble volume, be such as shall be willing
to have an aSseinbled world read.
What thould a clergymari preach
about? About a quaker.of an hour.