,V , II - - Stanton ~i~rites - r.to the 'R,t)O4ll passed-the nig4t, et 1111109) . met Miss Anthony in The }mine' of ...tl,tr o eel.tory brick lionise in toenst This lg,ven of rest rlAeretie ,fantirftn, tqe **min eotnewever . oti -toi'errOit her over= taxed v , tigEgre.!,;.lityvry,, tu§teii!jy_ nigAid; Inge, - motber, W.Oh . et . ands. Aster, tpAKe trio'- The .brother is,.st; quiet, Aliontlit:. ful;..handsotoo .74:4111;: of ~good .3tidg e •;. mart;".. and. 0:7 . 01 -to „ aage reinarli.l.:; the 'tettiitiA7e; leetehre In sieepti'i the mother, dregf , :edlin: ,rich Quaker eeatuine; and, thOngll tear . seyeAty / .40; possesses great, „ 6orial, beauty. . Is. iutelli~~eut, dignified, refined; mid ,in manrrer nnd t.,tp pearao remilads,One of,..4kTgEt.is9 G Rtmtzp she_ ooked id her you tigor.d ays. ,11:very thing about" the .ltuttse.-indicates" :the abode of genius and , cultivation.; and although Atina'was absent,,-tile alities were gracefully by•her family. Napoleon and Shalitmpear seem 'to be 4Vmmis patron l i satuts„ looking down on all sides front tl n wall. ' The mother amused us with tile sore trials her littleiorator bad inflicted on the members of =floe household by her va gaileit in•the World of fame.' - A Pittsburg dandy, lifter persistently following a beautiful young lady, for sonic time,. much to her tinnoyanee, stepped tip and asked hef permissicu to accompany rer home. She granted hs; and also request - to enter, ivheu theyarrieet . She then locked the door and called to her mother that there was a man there who hail insulted her, Tier Mother did tiptheai:; lad I he . intruder did,,aud-hastily proceeded to Vaeate the premisel, hit the datnAel armed Iterelf with a broom, and hit b iro i-evirai blows on die head with the handle before.he arrived at the back door and made, his exit into the garden. - ti ere )le:llw:tried the slumbering Initna.- dog, and d d not scale Ult. fence wifh,mt, leaving his hat and coar!ad.bebin,l.--- lie probably won't do swany wore Ereha age,. . IT iw claimed that the etreel of i4euator AtUrtott!s fiill for the reconstruction of GeOrttia, lweoloes a 1.1 v . -, %v 1,11 sez cure 4he -ra_i_ealloll