NIA r • • c 1•:;•J•Li, „ ?r•4 - - lATIPa - : " . 1 1 Y;7BLO'Ciltt. „ . --- When Noah disembarkedlit - Ararat, belied scarcely touched the pier when he was surrounded s warm ,by',4'of.voelfs Otitis hiektirlizet*• arid ,htet u n Rete, who assailed him with a 'runiiing fire of hotel statistics, and, a tumult of oilers to convey hitisrlind- his batki*Ao - lirCt - but of the city. Noah ,w 4s a just min , . but couldn't Stead everything; - and at ' ter hell:4;0116A -iitta:batited airew 'sues. meats his, lieWlige.rtnent. *- gaie' - way to wrath._ I'le,o3.otisCearpet bag between his feet, he 'poll0:01,. Isis coat, girded his loins with-,:s'oeptintiers, and remark- ed I "I am a man of grace ; but if any among ye rematnetktwo minutes,-him will I chastise ! You ',,lietir 'brie P. Then the' rabble put ther heads together, say ing : "Verily,-the old lain is a knockers Let us depart': GOlah!” 411(1.8o .depart-* ed. Then Noah proceeded totally his paisengeni.l '',lle had just:che . cked -his Mac Item in the.iistt Mr. and Min. -Bed bug and 'his equaniinity was partially restored by the favorable exhibit, when his wrath was renewed: by'the ()ringing figure of a quadrupedthrame-sueak ingdown the, Plank, wl h . its, tail •be `tWeen n3'401 0 "Pratiit '.: 0" there ain't . that yeller - deg i" : says Nciah,*aiMiag a vicious kick with- his - brogan at the brute. But,. with a facilityboria of lottg and bitter experience, the-brute dodged the projectile, and ejaculatioepi yi"— which is Elyric for -`• declined with thanks" or !`•not•for .Ine"—he dispers ed; while .Noah,- whO - hadhis-sea legs on, was unable to recover his'etitillibri:- um, and -sat'down' with • 'emphasis On the back Of his head. ..- His chagrin , Was . aggravated bYllfaM's ineffectual effort to suppress a bailie - at= the perfermatiee. Ham never - .'could Anippres,S . a Bridle without ping dOWn*cellar i -and sinoth ming it in - obscurity. ' He' never *was, cured of that copious smile tin til,_in the rrocess oUrnunlification, ' they conver tedV him intd,a stigar-cured Ham. , ' • Noah aros e; 'and inaecordaiic'e"..Wi th the style prevalent atifong patriarch - , ...hel proceeded' to koetli 415'4#:rented dignity by pronotincipg a,vaiiegated anathema upon the yaller deg, which had charac teristically sneaked on board, in .the confusion Of-putting .te sea, and had capsized the captain at the first port:— He cursed , that dog in body, limb, bark. hide,•hair; tail-wag; and all his genera tions, relations,. and, kindred by eon, sanguinty'or affinity, and his heirs and assigns. He cursed him. with endless hunger, with hopeless 'mange, with `\ incessant 'fietts, 'with perpetual ' fear; i lwith perennia l laziness and with his ' tail between his legs. , He closed.out his *took of maledictions by , a sparkling, display of denunciatory • pyrotechnics, from demoraliZing effect of which the yeller dog has never recovered. -With this curse - sicking to hint like a ' reve nue stamp, the yeller dog can't iielp, 1 being " cus ecL" He don't [try to help It. He follows Noah's programme With sneakipg fidelity. * He - -Is - tin Ishmael ite among dogs. „He receives the most, oppressive ceortesies .in 'tile form of brlekbats„boots, Mu; hot.water, which .makes his life an animated target ex cursion. He boards arooad like a district school teacher, and it is meal time with him tweht3z-four hours in the