The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, December 22, 1869, Image 3

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    110111 E MATTEIRS..
wEpNESDAY, DEC.;-.11, 2i1869.
Abilos.—Nopalier vitt ' , be Osumi
from' this Office next'
our m,uul euetom. z•Tho next Dumber, will appear .
187 e.
' • • : ,•;••
c 0 •
LIBERAL.-x—neV. L— Johg - ,
Do than
• --
las t Thuraday orening'iceelfelil ;It` • ilbpation — ol
$l7O from bid frionds,_ A veil ni4;-'llllli?'yurse.
N. I. „C.-7. 4tock:. of ..00w„
f r ames ; colt and "get' - er)Mt:iroti ` ai,Fd poi=
t r Ats to fill them at Spencer's iittaellety . . , :,
Mansfield, Deo. 22 . , -
READY, -7-, The _ Foundry,
And Machine Sliop ,, la,pow ,propved to ,do
kinds of ountoin
in place, and
Birinme.—Wy shall ,sencl's, biz :of
binding to Elmira about tho let of 'January.—
Those baying hiagaiines, or old books" to be re•
bound, should hand them in on or before that time-
Bia EGG.—Our friend, I. 14:. Bodine,
hae "laid"-upon the Agitator tablo . an 'egg, al
lege(' to have been iitedii'ped by' i► 7dst 'Ma'
ciliate% said egg niessuree : l33 Xll
, -
and after. Jan, 1,1870; no 'paper will be Sent froth
this office)for less than tho regniar - suhieriptlon
price-400 per year- All advertising and
bin; will also be Ctiargedroguls;r: sates.
• I
RELIVIO 7)3,- , Aol' jt • J. J. c#4, Johnston,:
who has been success:fully: holding meetings at
East Charleston and Crooked - 9reedrywilApreach
in the Baptist Hill on Banday morning' Ma r d
evening; next, at the usual hour. ,
--We learn that Rev. W. P. Omens' is at pres
ent bolding meetings With the Chs:thint and Far
mington church, and that much interval is man
ifested. • A,largo nitmher has hoer(. bieught :out,
and many more lin:fairing.
ST. PAUL'S CirCROFL—The services in
this Church daring this week will be ast,follows ;
to wit: '
On St. Thomas' Day Tuesday Evening, Dec.
215 t, at 7 o'clock,
,Prayers and Sermon.l-
On Christmas tie,. o'clock, Scrilee
for the Sunday School; Address to the Chi Won,
Distribution of - Ctifts suld Prizbs—On Christmas
Day, at 104 o'clock A. M. Prayers, Sermon and
iloly Communion. -
in real estato have been lively,hereabour during
the last ten days. Mr. P. D. Duane! has - - sold
lots to Messrs. Wi H. Smith, M. F: Elliott,yitagh
young, J. B. Potter; Maj. Merriok, Dr. Cole,' of
m an stield, and John Wheeler, of .Oxford.
containrug about one each lot, at prices
ring i n g from $9OO - to, $lO,OO each; This is a putty ;gee business."l3elicife ,ptyiiciol
Las a few more lots loft of the same, sort.,,:ft is
proper to state that purchasers of these lots have
access to isspting of . Sweet water which cast be
introduced into every story of, each IsOuse
We suppose that this part of the viiingewill be
our Belgravia. , • , • - •
THE LEcTvitEs. 7 A
,Itrge audience'
tumbled last Friday evening,tO, listen to the
tnoonuced lecture of Prof. Verrill, of the State
Normal School. The Professor failed to appear,
however; and tho , President announced- that th
sooloty would discuss the question of female su ,
(rage. Mr.llugh :Feting . then gave
.a e graphi ,
end' humorons liiitory of. wOniaiN" stelae, free
Edon down to this time; after %Atoll the Slaty
resolved itself into Committee of the whole, n,
;inward to disease the question of female "Bid'.
frage. Mr. Board, plrmative, and- Mr. Stone,
negative, -were the ',Ohief disputants:: ;13peeches ,
were limited to ton Minutes, •The I dehdte' 01i- -
tended through
,an•hour and a half, and ~ copsti7 ,
Med the moat aide-splitting enteita):pmena,- of
th enson, and vim n'ettViiiittiaTiosiiiiiiiil
any means . '-.
,;„.• , , ,
~ , • , _
'Messrs. Jos. Bailey, ?derrick, bre;
Packer, Wilson, Smith, R. C. Bailey;
and others, participated in the discussion.
G. G. P.—A.NNlvratsicßY:---:-Wells
hero Lodge of Good Templars.held,ita Brit Annir
, %weary nt the Court House, last Wednepday eve.
ning. The members appeared; in'
s regidia; ' and
many members of the Stine a. Temperance' were ,
also present Sn regalia. The evening . tvati. incle.
meat, yet the paiblie was well represented in- the
audience. Worthy Chief A. B Enatiptini itiatatud
ly ,q4Crotary. 'toes and.rittonaial ,Seorotarys nib
ley Pree. There WAS inusie nt tbo open ing, follcrtritd,
\by pray& by Rev. 9, h. Clinton. The rott `Of
officers was then called and this officers reepanded
\ by sentiments. This wee fidtovved by n brief
history of the Lodge. The Luege wns . inefituted
ope year'ago olittArr ;4(.1;1412: TIPIT.
numbers about 90. — The IV.•C ' announced that
speeches would be . Ibirtitedto 15 minslesditri‘tion:
There were short, but pointed addleFteit ,
Reir' Gibsou, Slope, ATOrripb., npd Hon. S. F:
Wilten—thatof the lost named gentletnun being
the moat effeiitivo of all, • as everybody agrees.
There wall a dretntitia interlude, illuttrutive
the vice of tippling. reading of statistics relating
to intemperance by the Mecretery; a serid caaiic
advertisement of atoltlook /1-; by Mn).
Merrick, and very fine - music, both by grown
psople and children. 411tOgeiber tiro bcession
irris Fri:4l 0)1P. ins the friends of order wore . re,
trolled. . ,
flowever—opt. feihm-woilteis must reform'
other reopeotst4ap'hi itMiperate drii)lthig. They
mutt tarn thnVte who Bytontlerajtime is a pub 7
lie enemy. The exereisei on this- ocdathin coin
/zone/id an hour Into, find' dredged past 10 o . 'o!ocit•
o au t ilepee oit 1p Oat Vottrt Pops: Inter
hip p 0 , 0 1004. At. !,1 a ,
-1 ,
Gossip.--Rights are otaeveral kinds. ,
There are rights publio and ',rights Trio* ;
- tights . ootporate and rights individual ;'rigbta
natural and rights legal; rights Oiti ca l ~a to
rights moral,—and all these are rblotilre;Vo tr r 4 • o ‘
subject to limitation, restriction, and sotkio ws.
to suppression. iWbon a Mfg II becomes
tious, and you aslt him what's the matter. be ;Alt
commonly answer—"l want my rights.''. The
sum total of tumult and disagreement' : ,rnt or ,
shout his question 'of rights. And what aru
00301 • „ •,. , ,
t-The dictionary is .that bead.
suppose rights may be il.saned, however, even
when Webster is mute. Our definition of "right<
is—such enjoyment, (olive, or passive, as the in
dividual may elect, with more or Ices freedom of
choice: These tights are never- absolute. • Even
the rlghts•to liberty, and the pursuit , of.
happiness," are eanditional. A. man may forfeit
Ws rights to live, npder the stio.qqui. itt, may
curre!t his liberty in like warmer: Ile may not
pursue happinesi the pursuit involves 'a
trespass upon the rights of any other • man. So
personal liberty appears to Le a thing with
bounds. Even a wan may not do as, he pleases,
with his own, unless he pluotes, to fie rightly
Fitt it. No man , may ouprtait vieletit waste , .
upon' his own properly with impart in atiy
well ordered community. All men have n
pton right to attend public assembliei. When
them the common right of all is to • listen. But
po man has a right to' do aught whieli malie's the,
enjoyment of the common`' "right of listerting,'t
impossible to the balance of the audience. litany
people take it for granted, that purclt,sing a sea;
at any public performance gives the purchaser a
fight to conduei,Mruself without reforpnee - to his
peighbors, •We need not affirm the, 'nonsense - of
such a view: Elerybody knows' llott s uch a'
view is false: 'Freedom of speech la ono, of ;the'
rights Americas eb'erish. It is good .thing,
under restrictions.
• man has the right' tee
use profane tirbbscene language in public plaices;
and claim it by,right of free So; alio,
pan May hayf a Ogal right tO,do_ctibat morality
• end roligion forbids. Sock a is. that ,of
selling 10. dent spirits agitß beverage.' -- Good
ala say ",n0..1 -The law saye'",yes."' Ent tiffs IS
not a confliotlf ;" it' is , tbe old Co'nflici
eiTf_e o P right -
retttetst is a distinction: The sight to gain an
honest livelihood is utmost absolute Mark 119V1
WARI ln)"WEi.g4 , .9:: , ip-,?,vJ.... ; 1-A 9 4uptA4a,=
outgrowthof Necessity; T„e • et.;,, 1 a p rivilege?
oonfetted upon a tristi.,:atter hisCiittitilftnent, , fei;
oertnii. fixed conditions., The right ,to expect
Tref4Ment is subject to added.' nOnditiond. iMa.
ture age and residence are notenottgb.; Capacity
t- '
A 'a ''''
and moratfitneii must' tai superidde . - '.,t'
it so
oii; untilyou are forced to see „that 'rig ta are
more i talkeli,ahout.,than 'underatou'd,;rnore, ,q l ko7,
ruled over than enjoyed,47bni's lOU' . '-- - ".•
—One who signs hinoselt";%. Toper",' - 'wri
thin, Of "Madera Signs • ' '
' "If a man , tokee ,a glass .of whiskys .arero
breakfast it is * tile. Rio 4EO' , wills P!.q . ` 1110 .....r0
during thp daY; 'and if be drhairsatuaY:turt"igli
It bra sure sign ,he",likes whieff' 4. T r ~ 41. .ie . "A l t ‘
ti me lie wilibe 'ablate ishow,Willi".ema o4o . etiTtli,
1‘ ‘! Ifa man walks a mile; taile B 13, driall J and •
q•elurtis before breakfast. it - 18',a • *aro sigF, ^h e
, knows the way; if b. d.oes not roturnlit is a sure,
sign bois t lest. , ' ''' '
"if ft teen a pende hid trieheY • lb!' WhiMs.t i and'
allows bj e -fiirntly to,auffer ,thereby, it li i ti7.purc,
sign. b e loves' whisky • more , then Ic; loves his •
fatuity. '
if tk man hitches his horse to te post and , . lets
it remain there upfed through the day •While• he ,
spends his mom3y in getting• drunk, It is a sure.
sign ho has abused his horse, and ',ln thno his
horse will;also show signs.' , ,
'" If a„Young man visits a young lady on Blan
dnight it-is a sure sign he . will'oontinua his
ri i ts every night during the Areelt=unless -tho
la y should object, Which is not likely to bo th e
ense. 4 At the and of the week if she' rhowe'no
igni.of being displeased, it may to considered a
nre sign that, lip can continue for are unlimited
oriod." ,
91BITOAltl.P.S.—John H. Rice died in
Mils village after a 'very` short • illness .(probably.
..00ngeition of tbo Vrain)pn the ; loth inst., in tbo
Stlth:Year !of his rtge • -
. Itlio.was bora in .' , Ertgland and catdo to
this eount)7, whole a small ,boy. )]re was' indua
thane and . honest,and found' good friends.
the b,reakin g out of the icheliion:irk,
ano'of offer his services the`,oottn-.
try, to put: it" dbvin: - Oit the' ettiiratiori`•of' hp'
terM i of enlislmenthe'rwtlisted as a vetereu,a44
setved all i titrough the war, until the surrender of
Lee at Amietnattoi. , ,b2 l ave, patient;
faithful soldier.. " Alter the war be married "and
went-intoliiiiiiness'in this village,' ftrSt - a' clerk,
. and afterirard as a grocer on his„ova ,accqnnt.
Rice Was :unanimously esteemed as an honed
man and: an mioniplaty citizen:: Ho' leaves 'a
vilfo and two mourn'his loss. s4O '
•,- ,
tte tale bliver
Willard, died at the.resideamm other eon, Alpheus
dn Charleston„Dec. ..23t1 • inst.,. in
the 88th year of-lier age. Mrs. Willard- and; bet
hifsband came to - this country 61 'years •,,ago ' tend
'settled On 41* farra 'Where i3hti diedl At - that
time this Whole county was a howling wilder
messe:',lhe site ofiWellshoro -was a forest' and'
Charleston and,Delmarhad scarcely s dozen rand,
lief.. Therevere no gristmills nearer fling. Wil-.
linn3spert orforke hand and , Painted 'Post on :the
other; Rot. Setae' years the'earlY inhabitants Bat'
fere:kWh:a we should Cal& great - privations, Jew;
nyeeke, and trout, and venison, mad' up the'
principal bill,ef fe_re; but it nourished a hardy
reed. The pi4thevl• fdreits ;haver:liened away;
before thdm. hire Willard was, prie,',Ot_ the
. last,
if not the last, of the first class of settlers in this
country. „
-,1 - :
oeitizen" , Writei:'" 4 "llifsh di . ) 'ask' 41 1,Tegbboil t
•if brutes get,dtme. -If they,„do; where do ,tbey
get 'their whiskYl-1 . Want it distinctly under
stOodlhat snore thtitt-upo of the young • men was
twenty-040 years-of agelatid I t6i6h to Jell - him
that they:did not 'expose thi?,:,7nnutsitten work', of,
the Otder. , ,
STATE Nova . littinaj
field: Deo. 10, 1809.-4.lar vehristutasr vacation
will commence Friday a. g„;PCO. 25,0 4889, ,arid,
continue till Tuesday A. 3t., Jan. 4, 1870— .
These who wish to enter the school will. find . it
ri favorable time Jim 4, 1870. The room's for
gentleiiee, in the Normal Vending, are ROW' all
full; het good boarding places in town can- - be
'secured for all who apply, nt reitsoriable'' rated.
There are still a few vaoateiiffilk4.lOdieß. in'. We
Normal huilding.•, Students: are ,charged. from
date of etitering'only, •provided -they remain 14
Weeks. - - C 1169. If. VERRILL. •'''
~LA- a ui's CREEK.-4V4zi"iiire - , jilease,d , 345
, tialtnawledge all new entitip Hite's- 'in' 'nur 'villagti.
No We. limit important, of these ill-tbe new .sto%e
built by D. P. Shaw, and occupied hketir 'friend
G. Thayei, late of the New 'Englund. States, - be
nit riding urn largo eu xin ant .0t t ...mess, in .we.
tiro phased to learn ,tbat• his' merits are • !Mingo
1 1
. reclatedi and that to is receiving the reward
gran adept so justly, entitled to public.potronage,
lid' is nicely es.tablislied•in'hiiiieW•fitore-witti'oll
the,surronndings calculated toMalto him conifer:
table—a choice lot of , yanken notices,&c.—and
seems to ho up and nt it with renewed cimrago.
; The baltince-of the new buildings nroall nearly
- or quitii c'orniileted, and our village 'oohs' 'very
inueh improredt abon hl it continue in, tbia :ratio,
•Wo shall soon ',eitpect the reirioviil , of the county ,
buildings to this place; Which' Will put an'ond to
the strife hetneemiTioga. and Mansfield.
.T: Smith has built a sidewalk in front of his
store andllet; also .1. P. Ripley and C.-.1.' Kelley.
'.go-cin,,good people, and live up tcrtfutprospectup.
ltie are',pleased to notice - the; improvements
belng 'undo on the rivet' hank, toprei'Cut the trotOr,
Toni kenning down Main st, hich-May, perhaps
be the means of preventing -the hiss - eV Much
pippedy.An cameo of preventive"is Worth iv
pound of Cure; sfiy's an'old - ndtigC, SO'', let "us. see
that it is .11, ell dune. "Ott:server!! ' alfsetvcis that
there tire some of our community who nse alcohol
le.,drietc.s occasionally, which .I regret to - say is a
'Tact ;apdsome of, them 'use such things . semi-
Oecasionally if they can get it given. to 'them; and
I earnestly recommend the remedy-03y. establish
ing a Lodge of flood Tempters at once in one of
those lately furalsbod, uneecOpitkl bonsos.n.".• -f'
- „ , ',
,: ..Eeoz.
, .
' MAI Nsup.m.4. --:- Your,. corresponds
"Smith," has persuaded me contrary to my own
judginent to .refievehim of his obligation to you.
Who will eohfer ns • great nfaror.'ithOn' me? I
twit, been. Much Veered' with lthe,:high estibla
lion swill? which your late eorrespolidentlits re••
'gariled•tur citizen's; 'With - ail that ho has - said,
I happily. concur., .But,;l suppose., that even. in,
the best coaimun ities (hero aresome-dead weights,
swim' OW pro anything but nii - ativ'aritage.'' ' '
, - Thtigooil templars vhfofd the'.whipkyjiiinerV l l
but not the whisky 'in - en: - 'At Ohl tt3Pc.:wia;,ba,ip
to mention the worm= of h, raffling • math: 7-•
Why is it not called a. gambling-match ? • Would
it keep any from attending? If _so, then let us
bare ilk more proper name": Lilo:not-know : bow,
ranch whisky was handed arotind; - itailicriv iiidelif
was earl - fed in the emit pocket. Ido not know
how• much stenling of each others game there
Was last Priday evimjrfg ;:.but qsv, kntitr :that
.suchthings me the uspaintderAt viiiiljpgiiititOW
-0:4.' I fear that our people do not hilly conipre.
bend the•atuount of injury that those parties are
doing. , Young men, can you attend them with-,
out. a .21istipproving o°m:tier/eel , Do you not
know 'limp they pre. robbing you of - your . good
mune, - and that they aro - likely td keep you down
amongst the filth and vagabonds of society thro'
your whold lift:fink?. • - .'• --.• , "N%' '-
A ; diva timeisince, a daughter of J. D. Strong's,
about six years of ago, while Playing with a cat,
had ono of her eyes teratohed out, and the, in
tatrprnation got into the-other eyoi,so that it ip
fea - ied it will make lier - itiohiptitelyiblitl V' t
Ths, Methodist; how, built an addition to their
tlit.rsonago.:, Eld. Rhincvnult lios:;beett ,holding
orottiettd. - meetings fel- rouittiffiii pitsc'nt the
bnion.ehtirch, but with no particular movement
so far nijjfavo heard. • REPEATER.
) it s i bepn veryf.luief)
ur vil higal , t ,, tllol3M:week ; anti bn t 3
wen bare bad rwber tong Tacos for want of twine•
thing to do. I sul•Josotbo.oolidition of thd road's
and trio iv9ithor hay, ettolo4 Cho of
- Dr. A. J. Oulu has moved. into Rev. W. Coeh
rate.s bonsai) On Seutinttry!.A.;Tatt'e, belietTy the
has keen buying seine vtv'tgtAuts iii 14olls.
There his been a move made tt rat a
netrffnee around S. P. ',Morrill
'Orrice o
Main hod Sullivan streets. At leave the old
fence ha is now
/ell to the tiogtritenS. Tile lot is one of the 'most
desirable lit our village, and it. is a great pity
.that there is not a tine building on it, as hell eg
a good fence around it.
_ .
fed goinewhat indignant nt - tho ritarks of
( t4lcoi" fn list week's issue. I aril not fastidious,
but (181 re that tb curious,,i,thould Temain et
rious;tbjtortiete-he tried hard to. let the
eat out of tile 'bag",` but - 1
Attpfl9 l 3 l 3‘)le some
fears rif getting scroelittl, and ..therefere ceased.
1114 'nit( milts I hove alicnyf found. ".4ecl", , a
iu ellere ten4of tke ..sword since ,tny
acquaint ince,l3ti ,
be would be to ungallant es" to' ask' 'tile (6 'tell
"tigre" ino feel rather disdainful'
toward liim. Ilut.pciliwps this unr„enteel request
was eel's' to pa.Y.tne.for ca4ing - liint_k_little ? ,
plelisantt.olS fow'evonings since. - Aowtwei,if
it would heat up the wound vibieh was then tuadc,
I suppose 1. could tell bin) h story about:a Whiffet.
- Qn lifonday some nialieious nt
,boys asse :
bled before one of vier - groceries arid debtroled an
oyster sign.which the - occupant bad' hanging 'be=
fore.hiS store; 'The result of whieli was . tt
shy, and 'their "fathers" brought to jiisticti.' "
- tilt°
,are linable to print Accidental ' s notes - thin
Week s the), being re'aublegileitly ]'
, , oeixtta_
AtUnn•-qch.e anntistl.POngAitlOV 4l4 ° l 444 9 ,n
ifirtititillinilihieU• * or.44;'.
_iKedtieadto,leo 'p t. :Oen Jlie. 4 0110 winS
'wore 'chosen h - 144 0 . 4 4 0 0 1 / 01 1 4 (f it
year! • ,
Pi eident.-A- 7 )lOtY Sherwood. '
, „ yrt pf es wes.—.P:lf. Wright and 4. p, Cone.
Hu g hlt " i/ Pf
".'rreaspin ..,, no: R. Bowen: - :
Coromittee...4. W. Bailey, .Tru
" Bonnet awl C. 0.
'''‘OnAnotion the' rules and regulations 'Of the
trni4itigoirse were unanimously adopted 'is the
-tblealuid regulations of the Assoeintion.
:Motion the-A.846010t0n adjourned to meet
'a ~kale, of.the.P,reeMent'nusi, BooretafY• '
' , Bitheetpientlfthic eieeitife'Cimmildiee'Vecited
hf. Ingham, Secretary, in place or l )511.
Who'deolinad to eerie. ' ' -
.T. 4. .Burgin 11116
oponed alttikety` ,e and rirepaied
to- sotio - onatomefa ',Pread•'inoo -cakes
1!4o - ;liromptly. - ''` `1
- 'rrrri
• . • --
lirEbtAil—DlALlOli-In Westfield, Nov. 20, 18911 by
-Finkel,/ Strang, Mr. Charlet,. Millman and Rosa Maack, Clytner. '
WIIITTAICHIC-STRAIT-4iy • tile same, "Nov.' 29,
1389.1,14 Clymer, Mr. wrens i ii r Wldtlalosy
Strittt. • , " "
W4II.EINEE-1100111/8--"ln.Cbarloston. on, tho .14j4
trust, by Boy, A, Dotigo;llr:John-P.-Warignit otedflSlboi
Jalle •
• siVETTB97-PRANCiI6-"Tri Tifoife .oro,Ciot, /860;
S. Brewster, Esq., air. Jolni Vetter to Miss Clara
itrancle, all of Charleston. '
RICE:-:. - REDINGTON—In,..WoIIaboro. Nov, 21.1849.
by tho same, Mf..ll(onry'llico;titNelooti; Ikkbtentanek
Rod.clingtoo of Woltsboro. , • • •
, .
DEAN-81 1 11111100R , --On the 14t11 , 0r.De0 . . , 1869.;_by.
Iter;',ri cialictne. dtr, D. L. Deane, Recorder of Tioga
Co, and Barbara Bturrock, : hoth. STellsboro....
,I,We offer hearty congrattations • '
DICKINBON—TVEB,-4tr goonoyvlllo, Nov: 2nll, - by
G. D;l6efins - , Esq., Mr. Ira Dickinson to Miss Mary E.
Ires, - all of Middlebury.
TEXTELOKIG.II.—In Bradford Co.. Doe .8,1869, by
11thr. Mr. Cyrus Jowl to Miss Clara E:Gaige, both of
7adhson, 'Von Co., Ea.; , ; -; • • e)
-11101 , ANA-11IDSIPUBEY.— In Coliingten, Dec. 12,
3860, by, Rev, 0. P.Natrons,
• Beery; o.orelan of
,CoVington,:to Miss Alice H. Ilumprey of Knoxville, Pa.
.14Tlftifilv-zATidnvietteeville, Dee,- 2t1„ .. , Datitel
Lathrop, aged 24 years. - • ,
WAY,Karry, soil of John and Augusta Way, died
'of,b'faln foyer, Dec. 3d, 1862, aged 0 years,
tOylt—ln Knoxville, Dsc. 1800,4,Irs.'fiforgan
Love, motto Of Leroy Love, aged
- 4301tDEN,—In Delpar, Oct: 224800, Bich° C., on of
Alvin and BA:mice-Borden, aged 8 "eats, 2 . manths aid
ditr, „
,- , „Ir-aC*40411,1.. Ximatrte4.ll3.6sellSt. • ,
,CIittaSTMAS - G1F.113.•-- Hugh.' Young
AtiCo'.; lloolthellere, have just opened` and ' ar , -• I
ranged tho• ltirgest ;and' lnost varied stock or
Chrisinas i
pressnt.s over/siring& into th is jsonnti., 1
,sso i rtment includes.fifty varieties of Toy,-
Book. fur children; tall ' the standard end, 'new
nu,,lse , bcioltir; ill the. popular editiols, and a
re et t 6 4,
,exPinisive otiltioni .of thb,;fitttaditi,d
Td t s and novelists; , ,.including ~ i ncluding', complete
wo v i
B of ;Byron, Scott, Burns,-Whittiere Long.
fell w, Tottnyson, Maryatt, Dickens, Rearte,x/iirs:
•StoweOlivor Optic, Mayne Reid, %Verdi/sore - I
Cooper and other Juital Writers for:eld antlytung.,
They intro also a very fine assortment co f.Blbles,
ih - cheat; and expensive bindings suitable far
glits..l6. the ;Voting, as well_as large print bibles,
•aultriblevalglitit,freni • theipifing to , the ` old.;-, •Also , Prayer 4 4 444s, Ibiall L-P9ek, o,f ttillAlguetnT
nutlet*. Pictures, 'and, picture ;frames ,or iallh
sites and Styles to suit. , Statnettesof 'the Poets
in- marble, with- brackets 7 irriiiing !deiks ,in
Bleak IFalnut , Rose Niruod, cy. lifahoganii 'Sta.
tionery of the',liitest.sfyieti c of, transit; for all
names.; musical instruumnis -of ;many 'kinds,
ineldding violins, accordeons, French and Ger
.tuan, Autos, pieoalooe—also all sorts of Yankee
notions, poclict,..catlery attd 4 a-hundred other,
things suitable-I'4' Ohriettnai proient's,` ail--
ful at all times. ... , $ --
-.. •iThe -public are' recidesied to 'call' early an'd'
rankothel sologtioris. Ctioc.,B, '69-3t,
• -';, , i; :i, • v in, -• • J.:, 1 ,;,• ~, ..; , .
,:- 7
~-,- ...7 7-s t^..-7-•••-, -. : ~•••,-, % .. (1.)
-POUbTItY..-I • have/ v...few , mots
, fowls iof •-the Btrimahuand.allaok Spitnish
breeds for sale. Taro bred nudger) , flue. vi am
airy recei/ingortiore.for eggs =for•setting; to be
:filled in rotation as -received as carlytext - eering
as the wedther will'permit. • lio. orders 'noticed•
unless-accompanied• by ;the cash. - I'rice-$1 per'
dozen. 1 , , 'c 4 .",-$. ,_ , . 1 .11.41.1PR1N0E..
Wollshofo, Pa. ,- ,(De0.r20;18G9.
- .. .
•")- 17 E1461i 'OR "
.rind Phytleian• fur the Exe/usive - Treatment f, of
Chronic Discatice. - All Coiltrultations anti
;jug( ion, of. ifalicpts;' illp 46 Free pf Chnegifj
Dr. Clark 'examines and est:lidos sour, disease with
<int nethig =any questions. , •If t lioi undOietands - yam
case you,know it, and cannot be deceived. If, lie can
not telt , your disease andhow you ; feerw Ithout asking
questions - ho does not consider himself compt tont to
treat your 'ease, , This iii ,thtecifterion' ti)..g9 by dal
patients should not be eatlefiedsvith anypthe:„ This
is the ally direct and positive' evidence or my, ability
as a Scientific Physician, and by this standard 'I am,
willing to he judged. :
Ds. Clark treats no ratio unless conscientlonily of the'
•opinion that it can b e cnred or permanently benefitted.
Dr. Clark-' treats no case l'unleek ,h - e can deeeribel the
disease antit'lte,syru'ptoiniiiiltitotit inteirogating his
patient. ' : - , ,
Dr. Clark liviii treat no Cht-anfi'Disease unless he can
explain its Character to the complete tited perfect , sat:-
letactiortOt the patient examined. And the Dr. would
here most positively state, that he desires no patients
to take treatment from himiunleasthey tiro fungal:id)
completely eatisfied, with his cateultatienelnad exam
inations, w lett are made freo from charge. -• •
fir. CLAD. bases his practice upouthe Incontrovert
,tibles 'law o Nature'. ' First—That every cause literati
1) c.
effect, • Second—That diseases are canoes producing sefk
facts Or symptoms, and that every disease has its bin
peculiar effects or symptoms, which if properly and
- thoroughly understood by the examining Physfelent
man hii,clearly pointod'Onkto 'l l F.complete entisfeelletr,
of the patient examined.
Dr Clark's method of diagnosing or explaining dls:
eases And their symptoms is only the process of yeas.-
ening tram cause to effect, and bee been acquired by
,therongli literary and medical culture, and "also by an
almost unlimited practiceda every form of diseaseto
'wilds the. human system fa liable. ,
ilithip 'prodess of - reasoning 70 'Dr. has acquired al
relditatitin atlid success in treatl g diseases ,seldom at
tained' ' ' ', .. , , . ~,. ~ : f , ~_ - , , I, ~,•",
'.Drl - lark is'nfultlng milt° ,ii number of convenient
aiko tmentis tdi the benefit of itivallds'whO cannot go
100 distanto - to consult' him. •Tritients will' find
this an opportunity rarely afforded, and ono they should
iiot.failto take advantage of.. , • :2, ,:, ,;, t ; 7,3: I
The Dr.futnishes all the medlelnes, !mann/lentil and,
aptafritUis 11 ite , klaU 'll:Cr, Old IBUCp . C . 9srpr • tiento:ri# 'of,
e l very'ease. 2 I, ~,,-?-, • ' - -' ' •' ' ,-- .'t:' , -', -
Dr. Clark will bo at " Wollabo=o /loVisq"'•
Pa., Monday; Tuetalay, Weilneeiley,”thureilay; Friday
and Saturday, November 22, 23.24, 26, 28 find 27;18O0.
Mansfield, 3 • • `ltonday; , ; 11,;voniber 130.
Tioga lloro. ; , Tuesday,' '• ; 6111;
Lavvrencevilfei. - -Wednesday; -• 130ceraberp:,1;-
plagsbUrs, , t t .1; Thursday;:','B,, '4.
EalliiNuk x , Friday ~ `, , '„
Wellabbro, "'Saturday, 4,
.Middlebury Contra Monday• "
Shortsville, Tuesday
,Sabluaville, 1 Wodocaday „ '
Westfield. • Thorday _ O, • -"
:Fri(laY,) • •
~` - : i,
‘Little ' Saturday , "' 11, '
Stony k, • 'Morality • • • ' • la,.''‘ I c
Moult P. 0,, TuciidaY " 11 ,
NtitlVoo, L.Wedrtoaday . 1 Ist `
lionalertonar; Thnritday '
Ogdene Corners, - Friday -• 174 •
Mesabi' rgli. Saturday a .
CherrY Flatta, •-•.lllMuld.f
Covivigtqua Tuesday 21,
lftifulf6urgb, : 390444 22, , ,-14,i
Roseville Thureday 23,
Mansfield,' Friday 2; 4
Vellsboro, - Tafiftday' '
IfolUdaystotin, Monday
Tioga Bore, 'Tuesday , 28, ~4
?fillertorrn, OP,. .' 1.
Lawrenceville, Thuraday , • 80, .
• :
-111kland t , 1 Saturday January 1, 18T0
Monday • -
Keonoyvllle • Tuesday
Wellaboro, ' iN'Aulripaday 4 Thursday • .1814
Nov. 17.18¢9-2m.
smaLls*".:vPATEs:4': co:;,
jiANKEItS,• Rub - 2E1411e; -TWO; - 06untY, 'Pa.=
Receive money• on 'deposit,_ discount notes,
4 an &poll drolts On' I , revi.lrotk . "Ocillect ,
"Itins komptly, niado.r—Vocr. 15, 28139-11°
NT ' OTIC4 — hereby given Viet the annual
%IA- meeting of the Stookholdera of the Pfrit
Niititinal gunk of Welleborough, Po., for the
election of Directors.. arialciil9l4 at theirll3lunk:-
ing. house, r on tho second Tuesdny of, Jouttitty,
batiieeh the home of 10 rt. m. and 4 p.
Lee G, 1669. 3, L. 11911I,NSOX 'Cata6.:),
- • ' V, ‘ v .
it r - J NOTICE _ 3 /t 7
• •
°C rI LTG . a , % Li; 45tStriErtilki i - ekeit
Re Vailiiollslll:llediatlVßWlltiOtrrelt 1140,
()Wilt • 4,4„
• <Z, tf , lect o ft en *oo sq-hfourOblo sog
, • , t X . / r
BRoNCH I AL "ea". 471; 41 '
c c ,. B r wn t i alne4yett„,:i ,, 9l.o4o#, ,
v •
ekk Win most liffaalabliitio tatint
FociI4k.,INVIIITIR, 4814TAL 6:1,#04!-tf,fo-414 DistaipmF, tlielloyfo
KNOERS and PUBLlCT 4 ( i 4ifiiStli t ,Z,'"Anic!io
iioninneAtrektliertAbo i ypice. ; .)„••• ; ,
- -Owing-3 - 6.llio ,. #4fiep)Ontio , n mad ,Tiopriin ; o4.
Troche; ninny ;i,o'rtrifesi and Otiony fOtiitiosie are if ,
fared, irfifch oro gond for nothing, . 13 croiroliioihnin,
the tro
• so'i-iiValitimiit.”
. .
Ilk- 4r .2..
: :.
HALL'S '- '
-,-----/ -"- VcP k l O ...,..M :_ i
,-..,.•, :zi y., 011eit „ ..„,
..,.$,. i _•... .
,Among.. , e . , 4ow it. 0,
''th Min)! hitlr propar 'ti . i ell '
'Market is - no easy matter s to deoldo-iddoh.lia of
them is mest_desliabltifortiii: - .IIALLIIVEGE.
TABLE - 13103.1L1AN•114,31t -, .AENEWER, i has
been before the`publtottbdUt-switie yearsi Iti:411 . -
toe•teate4 and certified to by many leatEit and
laduenthaphysOolartsof Heir" ErighiniViimoil i g*
'whom wemaY-4tuno'` , Walter , ,:littrniiaixi; . tftf.44o4
formerly P ‘ rCifUssorAllguYkiiu the Woroester
,bledioal,l4Stittiti - en;ayeiti Penn University
,• of,
t'hifoffielphia,who 804 A haiO-Itilad,,iti Or, se.,
iterbfg. tbd hair, where inveterate eruptions had
resisted varient; kinds of treatment; and- food •
that not only was t e hair beautifully ielitaiiid
to its originalbeaut ;but also the disease nCtlip,
scalp ecuppletely A, rode!, also Goo.. dray,ll. D.,
oflTailma, 1!t, IL .,- the loading- Physipiari ,of ,ttle„
glide whorellifs' cEBITEWEE:: le' reautifbetured;'
speaks of the preparation in this- tyay ; I have
'seen its effects in very rnany t eases.- It Witil ter
tainly restorp,the heir, tok ittkitligirial; ‘ ,9.olo7,. B'
cleans the 'lttad,of dandruff;arid „leaves the hair
soft, glossy pad, beautiful.., I; do not, ithialt its- i
use in anyway in3arious, but ~on,,•tho icontraTh•
eusilefai, I can, therefore, obeerfully, mom.,
end itfo'-- the publio." 'A. _A.,,,lia,ymi,,. N. ,Tog
fiktate ; Assayer of Masi; havhigliiialysed it, 'Mg
aurassures the pupils by certificate, that,it is ~the best.
'pre an p y he has e arationl;for xtilut the „intended :purpose& of , „the ,
mriM). , tl ; .- , : •e. • '; ;
With theso•assuraneeifrom suohlliglis'ourcies,
surely thosomixo4Oslre a.perfeeteCand reliable.
hitir restoier eau 46 no hotter, thau,neal -HALMS
It: Pk.ll. ALL, di , o,9;; ; lititline,.. $ 41 - . Proptietors:r
it: i• ~, I•- - • -.0et.14.0,11869.-
•' ' "
For doldo, Coughs, sore Throats, and Bronchitis.
None as good, noao so . pleasant — rinie cure as
, - ,.7t018.11T0N4 CO., •
( . 1> ,L
r Airtgr . Howe,' New York:
October. l :2o •.. •
ERROAS , 011T)1,..,.
A' GENTLEMAN labb''snffertkil' for iears"ftom
Vons Debility, Premature Decay, andwil the effects of
youthful inOiscretion,will u for tho'sake,of satiating tar
manity, send free to all whot need it, the receipt add
directionq for malting the 'situp!o remedy by which be
was dared. Bdfferers wishing:to:Profit •by the edrii
User's experience, can do so by addressing In perfect
ponildence, JOHN B. OGIDBN,
May 26, '00 - Iy. ' N 0.42 ceatusEtre?t, 'New York.
`.- p o 00NSOffipTzv as
t .TllEl , Arivertiser; bating been reatoredto Health in a
few - weeks, by o.,yerysimp le remedy, after having suf.,
•fered several years With a severe lung affection, and
that dread disease, Consumption—la anxious co make
-known to hisfellowqrafferers the means Ofoure..-- - u • .
who desire li t ho will'send a copy of the pre'
scriptlon tied (free of charge,) with the directions for
preparing and using the same, 'l4/bidet - hey Will - find%
am= Cuba von iffoltelmtrzoti,:lkartne4l3l7Agnitttlts,ete.'
-The'Objbot of the advertiber ln, scrulitig the PrescriP , ,
tfonib to-bandit the afflicted, and spread information .
witichfhe.i conceives I id. be •;iiiiiituable p end he bOpbe
eters sufferer will try his remedy, as, it will,coat
:nothing; anti may prove a blessipg, ' .
.; Tariffs's wishing the praiser - 1010 0, will please address
• • _ • .IieriIDWARD A. WILSON„
' Williamsburg, Kings County, N. N.Y.
Nadirs , 28, 1809- Iy.
r f , ; .~
~~ S M~~C.
• tf ,
. N ..
T - Qll.oeo thAll)s,,if a ?9iatan k o.f.spitoo with kli. ,
L qn enotrot , *.saing , matter' db .
niter ali•• What d'ye do that fon-IP.;1. nelfektlese
, Ahtiti a million of my enstomire, fitienirnkonated
in blank. And, being tuckered out with trying
oxploirowily I,did z it,. I am forood to, do it in
~.; ( or
I 9
Tiliur yo, all good people, that I am — doing" a
1;aml Offtio Dusinose,
1' \ ~'...T
SUGARS, AM, ORADAB,, ,sy,apyo,. go,
- _
'',NAOKERET., V711.11',
.BUT,. AND , I4b - •
And I ant selling cheap as talways do, and :can dealers their expenses to the little
city of big pity .of
Butlhon, _ . _
:4 1.1 ~,-. t !'
~ I'. ~ ,:1 1 A • '-' .-"
t r rit
is - bno of 'iny biggest, brigbtest, and best things.
You , ennhot'get bettor
s••,:: • tt•tl - t
• t •
op cheaper, than I cap cell you., You may., pa
tronise,. the Grecri:-Azicticate:: TcpAapfripapy;_and
ihon'l , can aliyone.tocidk":-19t
airn"zoiaiolaih'to tiet
-$ • 1
.t: .;1 1 TE tiE •• ING
do neit,26 yam!. jlo!ilOry9,33ltiti 1:40 1/Ig.
ger. or letter lot of
10* 'DO
,r,L ingat ,
4; Aci (.•
kV/ 1 2 Ptip •
• -'••Li ; 1: '"k
Eveefthial•g.' i.::c;
'BANNED iFßllrrig, !AND V.E43,E,T,ABT,ES,
;I``i` • ii•J.AV.V.l.llli.tleli
;;.;;; ••;;:;.' , %1;
'ilOt mixed no I mix them here, but:in good :Orden!
'lbUjo lilt the
that I can; ancir ginkgo t, avorything,olso ba teasels
: n
Sigof ttio - BilLia . 4 . '
ILI • • ' t
•• •
: : tharge -- Stock --- 0 4 1 -
• Tr`i A . 11.5 - 1
• •1 '
--___Soltabl o i for tho Winter itlido;
- gr 6 it 5A11111 . 6
- -• WA ITE'S;,-1
: •-•.< ; •
1889. - • r • NY' (lOrninuN. T.
r • •
'1 iii
.I 1
1 ' ,
1 °_t 't
• ~• • •
o ta. Mqqgrt qc s let door elate C,onssrwa d 7 Ot
•): - • gaorriir4lo9ers 4.1
Clematis .Tohn ' • _
Ityou. want tO get :
• Only,one shilling per pound; • -
But you'will not find whiskey or wine,
• ;Xi:many other.oomPound. - • • .
:But Teas, Teas, of the very beet,, •
•-.; 800 you will find it•litrOltaii's nest
einnamon and 94ad.Y. •
Here you will find everything bandy.
' . llloni,•Flinit,l'Or evarYl4itrateSinkkl(fd,l
And ;
- SS there will be no grumbling,
• white 1114 barrels in and outwill balumbling.
Brokers, Tobacco and Allspice, •
„, Beef asd ;
5 1'6X alto fon 'cifille-r cia t • ~
~Be call in woman and man.
So give tne a ealllitith'griat aiid small,
4nd I will try.tesuit you rill;'" - •
',' , '•Dut if you call in here by elt'anee, - •'-•
Do not forgetto bring a few stamp
Berkman° Oil and vinegar.
Coleman's Mustard and Ginger
4ailitioap the beat at ten cents ' a bar, •. I
.And Bno Salt for batter, the boat by far.
Mere its where you Ada; -
; Mere
cleaning Poltatr,
That Will last until everything La 41 1.10 01 5 h t ,d,
August 26;'18694f. . ,
:Ai ;-H
NOW StOOld: New Goods!
•HATE taken
h the new store one door above
Wright ' & B Uoy, wbere;tbey are:on band ,
with a net? stink of .:,‘
warrnittoil to At inifoet *ant' No.' 0;- to 13 in:
olusivo. The stook - bee been:selected by one
ytho,bue the advantege of - '
iq the business, and-is the best end fullest in the
country, ' Oar stbak'of • • •
1 *lt ROOOO, _
• - 1 • tfill be kept up as boreturoid:
we shall ke.fsiti:sd. hemp Al
ways, and -we shall endeavor' to I pleas
satisfactory to the tritdoi'.. We wen% he witler
sold. „ =- •fi.
. '! 1 C,ABI - I.` , PAID
FOR HIDES, , 'SKINS; :FURS ii6',/tItTS.'
Also the top of the Market for
, .
f1.P:.14 - , .: 1 , 1L; •
But our be - et:ll6li lON in'oU
Ae innal.
Tliefo'filooPfori ih a Well aidieuetbiu,boot ) ,
Thaffiti the corns without too niueh ()oppressing:.
For evorybedy knows' It ibabbY foot
Cannot be eomproutised by qyoOressing:, t!
And ono may wdatt,oloittalaina With 8 suit
Ol finefvoloth, but there is no finessing
Mill make a man,With shabbily cirossedlest,:, ,
Look like a gotitkettieitoipbre,tho attest. 1- , 1 -
MORAL Buy your, bpots 9f
- '.:; t'?Oi [Priut!xlcDprii):,• , i
Wollsbore, Oct: 26; •
For a few months past we )311.70 advertised the
above Watches at 'exii.eptilY Isto:pr,ices, and the
result has bean most sattidgetory.'' Our plan Ifas
been to soli the genuine Wft,LTAlAliki WATO/1,
in Solid Gold or' Silver 'Pesos only , and at a
very small, profit:3 rho puiehasbr trier) ,
.opportlitlity of'examination and comparison, and
with the understanding that if 'th'd 'Watch dons
not provo satisfactory, it can be exchanged or
money refunded. -
These Watches are, Without Oieeption, the
moat perfect specimens of fine meehanism ever
*educed in any-country: l . Each andievery:pait
is made by
,nmehittery of ~I,lte‘ Tt iciekdOliefittf apd
elahorato construction.
Compared with foreign wat'ollieri r tbey poison
many advaritagee, excelling not, only in princi
plo and finish; but itill'moro heir
Os' titnii=heopore.: „As an indication ortho price
Svc submit the felloWing : . . -
. . -
Bilver - Ttunting Watches " '518.06.`
GOLD fi- ._..)VATCRES 18 Rant t Case, 80,00.
!7 ,1- - to, •-•70,0
.We often receive ordeit direct from tiercidver- -
tisement, but prefer that every otio-should send
first for-our descriptive price list, - which explains
all the different -kinds, tells the weight and +pal
* if the cases, and gives prices of each. This
4a will ferovard any one, on 'application; and
it will be found very useful in reakinga selection.
Every Watch is toarranied-Py,speciat certtWfate
from the deriericon Watch C 0... •
We send ; hem by express - 16 ony addreSe.:—
Allow the purchaser toy open the package and
examine the Watch before paying, and ik-after t
wards it does not proitcsatisfaetory,_ It cat' be
exchanged or the money will be cherfully, Wan
diad.q Please state thaCyou saw this in the Tioga
County AGITATOR.. 'Address, in' ; .• .
No. 810 Broadway, N. Y.
Our establishmontla:Wrill:lc r nowst , t6' , tho 144-
dents of New York and•vioinitp but that those
at a distance may addreis us with confidence, we
invite attention to the following editorial notices •
rfOM the N. Y. Evangelist, 31py 28,1808.
'WO litul occasion some time einco to refer, to ibex°
celebrated AmorlcanMatclieswhich,arci Well knoweiai'
reliable thne-heepers. We cannot do better now than
to Cult - the attention of our roadors to the card of Flow
lard & Co..rhy which it will bo seen that persons from
distancd can order any gentle of theso Watch'es by ex
prosh, at greatly reduced prices.
Lilo N.Y. independent, Juno 18,1868.
Wiiinvito special attention to the advestisement of
Messrs. ,110 ward k Co„ who odor the celebrated Walt
/tail- W etches not only at the lowest Prime, but will
send them to any part of the country by express, and
give the purchaser the privilege to examine the Watch
.before paying for it. We Co t ' I
.kroOnally for years, and cheerfully cotardiend thidn
the'cOntidericeef our friends throughout the country.
'ii.. 1- - ..*. 4',' . , .;• :,. -_-,.. .-.' -,- .. ~ ."
; .
..r.,;:s, 1,1•5* .........
S *O"expeet to build 10 miles or the Rail
rend.thia. winter, and must bnyo the
• `3_.: ,-•••
1 ''' ' '''_ CUI6;gSX-Xi :,,,„1-
'l l „ • „
co we iteteafior sell ggo - di ONLY,
L`os Cali .. ,t !
r •r • t'~,
And . tlfiti IS le bereldo given tvall bweiio; to
m 11114141 pay ap, or we shall make costa at once,
i` ' , "aa tvo MUST bizie die money, y • .
o,ur,caab•plictgio , 4l4lj , ,.sra fdltowe:
s,l6ui`rio:''s : ll•3lc . '„4
- ' _ • 1,74
tiiring' " ' -" "1,60
"111:ekvehmit' ," - ' 44 " " 1 50
• " - -- .l:verything "tls4 in prottpikkii. ,
.- • .
• eatifi fOr ; '"T" '
‘ -109,000 Bushels of , Oath,
'rind also for Wheat OnifcitoolP-:E..
• - • 4 - • • .:•• r. '
SIIV. 18@x-
11AVre , '-140(T' SEEtE:THE:"
„ .
Immense • Stack of
• • zs•
._ .„
-.. , -:
...:.:,,.:-.--,:,: .1
tho Ctitriet;B4l4."olt.f.
.OCI. - 27,
arrningl Y.
'Of flash;
right from the City, at
writcsnum ]ziAleirs.
, •
W•l4 XfAVA ZTOT , time 'o'r *Ape to enumerate
the dlfferent
. 6
"but would bo pleased to hare all
s „
wishing goods, to tall and look for theniselves
•i • t
- ,
Tioga, Sept. 22, 1861)
a .
' :IF YOU . *AM' '
Coat or -Suit of, Clothe's
,gq -;:
'Coll and see our stock of
t c ,
. ,
• Clotho or • • Castrimeires,
and leave our measure, and you can be supplied
on short notice, at ,
)!• - • •
Oct. 27, 1869. Corning, N. Y.
. ,
Administrator's Notico.
r MITRE of Administration - having, been
1.,J grunted to tho Undersigned ttipifin the eidate
op Leopard :Sohanbacher, of Liberty, deo'd, all
persons indebted to, or claiming against the es
tate, must,settle with OliAlcf. F. VEIL,
Liberty, Oct:100869-8L Adam
To Farmers. .
. . .
I"%VAL son a full-blood Dovo.n. Bun, 2,yeare
o)(1 4 for mai, good. papor, or exchange for
I have . a mammoth Cheater County White
Boar, procured of Bug); epr,y,rof philadelpkiik;
lEnd , tbia boarl k6ep for sOittico. .
Cu the tgpornl publio I woul l d aay.that I am
prepared", it; nail goods at - auction, being, as I
believe qualified by experience to make ray Bar
"vicei,profitable to empleyere. TBTIIIII raatouable.
Wellaboro, Nov. 17;1860.-3%91
Adminiefrator's Notice'.
ETTEIRS of Atgadnistratton Laving boon
'Lj granted upon the estate of 'Hiram
boarn•, cilictasetl, all persons iridebtod, to, or
claiming against said estate, will settle with
•Delmar, Nov. 17,18611-6t.° Atimex.
For Sale.
A SEVEN OCTAVE PIANO in, good condi*
XI; tido. Price retitoneble. "
' - Mrs. MARY BORST. - '
Clitarleaton, or. 37, Ito t
4 ,WO.-,V:rb.A,,T,;g:R..*..'.
Faire We Are Again It
Taiuntya for the favors we have thus far
received from the people' of up, !1',100.4,
VALLEY;we wish to call their, atteMli; to the
fact that, mmll3,lllEl rectolvlng a..
adnpt6d to the early Pall Trade, comprising ev
erything desirable, both in stylfiand quality; and
shall be p}eased to seo our old customers and all
who may come from that vicinity[to 00RNING
to buy_
'" S.L;,
'" ~~
New, Stock of Goods
Carpets, &., &e.,
se we always give customers from'a distince
I -
we thus make it for their intereit to come to us
to make the it purchases, as many Peop:e in that
region will testify. We do not believe in long
advertisements, displaying long lists of prices,
/co , but will convince all who come that tae can,
and do Bell ,
that this Store is, in reality
&Obis section of country.
Call and talio a look through 6nr imuionso elm*
and - tutilary'ourttelvos.
Corning, iSopt.
- -
• ,
bay to their friends and the public'
W Ml generally, that they are now reeniving a
splgtidid asiyortruent of atummr
such tie
1, HAT'S & CAPS,
also a large and well selected stock of
Wo ago able to offer our (returners the benefit
of the
In the New York Market, ow Stock having been
purchased sloe° the great decline in Goods.
Wellabor°, N0v.17, 1889. ' , ''''
I$ truly a novelty ,in medicine, 4iffering
aerially from - all , other preparaficins; it has u'
power of its , own, rend possesses virtues that are'
peculiar to itself.
, .It as wonderful success, in the relief and oure
THROAT," " • 4, '
• Painful Swellings and such disohers as require
an outward application. Priori 50 cents.
Sold by Druggists generally.
!,9o,tober 27, 1869.
Cholera Drois
This. medicine is quite dir
ferent from all other
tions called
cgtagyil BittiPS.
I t i s , 4 1-urtrzOling,rpmgdirlori:
,disorders of the bowels.
Wellebero, Juiy 18,1889-17 e
-Them -.:T4ingt--,:-4..::i‘.-Aniv.l
'LIVERY flails is Ofety; arta th & i er hsped
,1 1 4 depends from a sublime attitre.
YOU Will Please -Obseirve,
that the best . zatacrid mart' bkvitilf Ix&
deed the wants of the puhlfo; and Pairing bean.,
tifully-supplied himself with almost- - everything
whlCttthis world atorct 'to , appease theta
noir benevolently proposes to'open the whole be.
fore the peciple, and say to all, eld.on4
black and White, rich and poor, - • -
C 0 DILE I - - - ' •.
You pay your' Money andyou take
m . yc ; at
, .• • , oe. -•- '. -1 ~
Den% stand out4lMo eo Id og'potted to: 044 4-
°punts and to tho Sting of the neighbors •beesi -.
but pull the latchtug, It's alwayaaat. In buse_.___ :
iness hours, &o.
, • •
' - :..E TER .1' --.1
- :.
.. ' , s
• -
. . ,
Tito large hearted proprietor, or ht urbtne
good natured clerk will conduct you, at It were I .
through a ' L' . . - .
filled with ravishing delights. •
lat. A, GARDEN OF - SPIO,ES,. In whion .
every thing Spicy,frin a nutmelto cayenne pep
per mar be soon and procured. . 1 1
2d, A GARDEN OF SWEETS, in which ev
ery variety of Saccharine delights, both solid and.
liquid may bo bad by*the stick, pound orgallen,
and of such flavor and'compfexion as wilt make.
every ebbing sweet tooth in your head fairly _
!amp with delight. Should, you be poutologi
callyluolined, this hutaani, ittdividaalwiit Soli
duct you into a ' • • • - • 1 •
- GARDEN OF TREWS, in,which almost. iv- .
cry vitriol of latoioiLs things to be f6und gath
ered from tho four quarters of the globe, will be
show'n to satisfy your largestiongings. Oranges
from Cuba; Lemons from Florida, Prunes from
Turkey, - Raisins from Malaga, Currants from the
Grecian Archipelago; Poaches dried and cann
ed along with a • great' variety of Canned Fruits
from the Jerseys; Dates-from Syria, and Figs'
from :Azia Minor. -No end to the sopply of every -
species' - O*MM Voila 3 Continents. _
THE TEA GARDEN ill next - commatid
your attention; tba warm d coction of the Chins
leaf and the Java boawhaf become almost nal.
~ verial beverages, and if no Wallowed too hot or
to strong, thoinild stimu to . arc esteemed. as
eminently promotive of co ort and sociality.—.
What company of elderly I dies could ever part
in piece without them? ow your friend the
GARDNER, will bo most happy to shOw you
all this. • no will ask you politely to look at his
Tea. You aro wolcomo to try every chest and
see ,if_ GUN ~POWDER,, Bouehong• GREEN,
&c., which flavor you like, but of all'
the other styles Whose Jour cracking names would
be dangerous to pronounce, COFFERS, In every
style, ditto, ditto, ditt9.
The beneilceniproprielor.of this mammoth 'es
tabliahment--olt of sheer good will, and it you
Will believe hi m for no other motive than your
interest and bib, has at vast expense 000114611
at the same Katie an immense depot-of Proris-'
ions, consistin - r(
. .
Flour, Pork Lard, Codfish White Matt i
Sword Fish, tSzo.,l &o.
, ... ,
Meal, 'Yams, Batter., Trotit,,Blue Pish,
Halibut, &0., &o. . ' ..•.
, .
All of which he,intends to.sell at a profit, ca the
principle offlive' and let live." lie generally=,
proposes alao4o rocei ze in axelitingo all the pro
ducts of your farm' and dairleepand it is said con-
ftdentiallyo i the public, that ho never refines
I eash• .• .
Tho' it JAB him wretchedly to keeti it. So
anxious is he.•that•The door •poople should want
nothing• whatever that money can buy' of _ " •
Wolisboro, Juno - IG, 16G9.
If~ g
Cash Capital over $20,000,000.
as j
will tako. Policiesl
property written at this of
)ayment of twoniiuns.
Aide„ You-Insured-1
It costs but little, particularly to insure dwell.
Inge, farm property, and contents. Detached
dwellings and farm property insured for 3 yearn
for one per centutit and expense of policy, &-r.
A bouso, detached 100 qr more insured for
$lOOO for 3 years, at an expenSo of $11,60. Only
$3;331 a year! Small tax—good thin g in carte ot
fire, Furniture, provisions, bedding &e., r 4 the
same rates. Therols no exetiss, '
Everyone Should be llnsured.,
i .
If not with Me, Smith & Merrick will "deit just,
as cheap, and just as well. (Giatis, gentlemen.)
I should be-glad howeVer, to he riend enough in
this manner , to pay for ad ertis pg. •
. . .Ji 0: \ MITCHELL.
Wellsboro Beet. 22,1363-116 c. •
9 • • r
:lisr• U. .g . , - , , ! - ._itio - qpiiis,: : .
vt.Y53.!.; 11.01 q -- MIUM/Vi .;
fr HE undersigned respectfally announces to the
citizens of Westfield and surrounding - couti-
Ary: that he Is permanently located at this place.
Ile Is frilly prepared to do all, kinds of,
• -
in the highest Style of the art. Srtistaction
gnarrantoed. Office over St ovill's Drug Store..
Pine Photographs can he had over the- Drug ,
Store. 11.,R. PHILLIPS.
Wostaeid,- Pa., June 30, 1809-Iy.
A, B. '
• r-f - No. 13, MAIN STREET,
. k A
Artificial teeth from ono to an entireeet insert
ed at short notice on any plate / desired.
Tooth extracted without pain—proved by
scores of witnesses, at the;ollice.. Special attest,-
tion given to the treatment and 'filling - ofi the
natural teeth.' All work: arranted at "liva and
let live prices." ' '
July 28, 1808: ' '
in tho nrrehra Will be required to'inake im
mediate payment and settlomonti, or costs will
be made. I would also call their attention to
the notice in the•bauk part ottheir - Duplicates,
as it will be rigidly adhered too. •
Oct. 27, lfi69-tr. 11. O. DAILEY - , Treas.
Anustrong, A ,
ATTORN.-§ 4 AT7l_ , Avfr,
- " -
Aug 9-iY•
LIE next term of this iptititution iyill Qom
'Donee W Sept If.t. 1869.
'Fur Catelogue,-;-address Prof. Char. H. Ver.
nit, Alanbtield, 'Mgr!, County Pe,
July 7, 1.13t19-q.
, . , • , ,
Mansfield, eounty, Pa. Cojloot]ona
promptly attendtid to. [Sept : t;ls49.
—: .t. :-• i l ; , . , .
'r'-•r L 4' i VOll SALE,—C,ornor of
IX Walnut an ,Ct!atton Streets, We)leboro,
Pa. For partiout re apply at no Aaitatir• ,
Deo. 1.5, 800- w. il --
FOi; Sale Cheap
A STEAM Engine 4t,,,80i1ar, end all the goat'
log for
,en up' and down Saw.
- JOHN lit BOWEN..
wonebor9,lupe 2a,,
y good Companies
dwellings and farm
ca, and delivered on
iNuturph LINN&