The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, December 22, 1869, Image 2

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    addition to the avmutjustly chargeable
to the Naval Pension Fund. au appro
priation of $40,008,000 c ,
During the year 1880 tile Patent'Office
issued MM.:patents; and, Its receipts.
were s6B6,3B9;being $213,926 more than
expenditures.i. • -
I Would respectfully call your atten
tion to the recommendations of the Sec
retary of the Interior...for unitipg the
duties of supervising the education of
freedmen with the other duties devolv
ing upon the Commissioner of Educa
tion. •- -- • -
• If it is the disireuf Congress to make
the confab, winch mustbe taken during ,
llthe year 1870, more complete and per
fect than heretofore, . I would suggest
early action upon any plan 'that may be
agreed upon, as Congress at its last sess
ion appointed, a committee to take into
consideration such measures, as might'
be deemed proper in reference', to the
• census and to reporta plan. '
I desist.from saying more. \I recto 'a
mend tct, yob' . favorable coneideration
the claims of. the Agricultural' Bureau
for liberal appropriations in a country
so diversified inulimate and soil as ours
and with a population 'so largely de
pendent,upon. agriculture. The' bene-'
fits that'can be conferred -by properly
fostering this Bureau are incalculable.
I desire respectfully to call the atten
tion. of
O imgress to the inadequate sala
ries of a number of the most important
officers of the Government. in this
message I Will not enumerate them, but
will .speciry only the Justices.,of .the
Suprerue - qourt. No change has been
made in'tWeir."oo,laries for 15 years, t - 01
within that th - riethe labors of the Ccourt
have ta,rgely inereased, and the expenses
of ilyft , have at least doubled during
`the sametime. congress has twice
found it necessary to increase largely
the compensation of its own i members,
and the duty which it owes to another
department of Government deserves,
and will utidonbtedly receive, its due
There are many subjects not alluded
to in the Message which might with
propriety be introduced, but I abstain,
believing . that - .your
. patriotismi and
statesmanship_ will suggest the topics of
the legislation most conductive to the
interests:Of the whole, - people.. On thy
part I Promise a rigid adherence to - the
laws, and their strict enfOrceinent.
U. S. .
Dundee EipoSiter has an account of an
attempted.shoding affitir happening in
Milo, Yates county, lin which Mr.
Charles .Lewis and Mr. Andrew Gdi
weretheprincipal actors. The facts of the
case as the Expositor learns from neigh
bors of bo‘h parties, are as follows:
We premise by . saying that by. saying,
that there, has been a personal difficul
ty, of a
. very unpleasant character bf
some eighteen Years standing, between
.Lewis and Guile. A. neighboring far-,
mer has, raised the, past season some,
grain' on Lewls's farm on shares, and
it was put in one Of Lewis's barns to be
threshed. The neighbor,. knowing of
the trouble betweo Lewis and Guile;
uudnot being able to procure any ma
chine to•thresh except (Rate's, eensult-.
ing with*Mr. Lewis on the subject., and
he assented •to Guile's machine doing
the work. The machine was brought
tSti Monday of last Week, and Guile
came with it to. set the machine and
start it aright, hen he intended to
leave. The threshing had commenced
when - Mr. Lewis approached the barn
with a shot-gun, loaded with .bullet
and buck-shot, in hand, leveled.nt his
intended victim, and'pulled the trigger.
Fortunately the gun missed fire, or Mr
Guile would have been killed on th ,
spot, a. 9 be was , within close range.—
"Mr, , LeWis proCeeded very deliberately
to iprime his gun anew and put on a
new oar, but by this time friends of the
parties interfered and put an end to the
shooting for the present. Mr. Lewis
wassubsequently arrested and gave the
required bondEi for appearance in COUrt
to atiswer eriatinal proceedings::—
An attempt was Made by Mr.-Lewis to
settle the matter -with Mr2Gluile, and
turn nniahhnra wars °Monts:Ai tiv_urijncit
terms of settlement, bnt it was found
no settlement could be madeafteurkm,
It is a very unfortunate affair, and we
think will proile disastrous to . Mr.
Mrs. Hannah Sanderson, IklerOmack,
N. H.; writes Oct. 26th to R. P; ITall &
CO., Nashua, N. H. " I cheerfully cer{
tify to your Vegetable Sicilian Hair Re
newer, having experienced its effects
on my own head.- 'When I commenced
using It my head was nearly bald, only
having a little hair on the side and
back of my head. I have worn false
hair fifteen years and upward. I have
now laid it by. I commenced using it
in May, . and now my hair is from two
oto.four inches long and thick, where
there was none when I commenced
using Halls Hair Renewer. My hair
is now growing very fast am! does not
fall off. I reccommend this to all those
whose hair is turned gray or thin, and
especially to those that are bald.
I am acquainted with Mrs. Hannah
Sanderson and can certifyto the truth
fulpess of this staement.
• o r" "Justice of the Peace.
We call attention to the proclamation
of Gov. Geary, • declaring the paymont
by the commissioners of the Sinking
Fund, for the year ending 30th Novem
ber, 1869, of $1,725,597 97 interest, add
$302,762 09 principal of the public debt.
Thus we see that under wise Republi
can management of the finance, the
debt is gradually being reduced. Great
credit is due to the Financial officers of
the State for the faithful , manner in
which they , have discharged their duty.
-- 7 Harriab i urg Telegraph.
A panie-In 'a Methodist Church, In
Troy, New York, caused by , an alarm of
fire, was recently quieted by an ingeni
ous expedient: The floor having caught
from a defective flue, It rush was made
for the doors, .women and children were
screaming and fainting, the men were
pushing and struggling to escape, when
some unexcitable person with great
presence of mind, struck up a familiar
hymn, others' joined in the air, and
during the singing partial quiet-was re
stored. During this brief interr the
fire was extinguished. •
It was found necessary to subdue the
elephant Romeo, Covington, lnd.,
lately. To accomplish this be was
thrown down and his legs fettered, and
then for eight hours he was belahored
with stout iron rods, and wounded with
the spear innumerable times. - When
released from his bonds he rose to his
feet in a sorry plight, and, as his keeper
said, a child, could drive him with a rye
GEORG R. 111cGEr., late prominent
attache, at Cleveland, of the Security ,
Life Insuradce Company, has absdon
ded with a large sum of the comp any ' s
money, He also ovetillteavy amounts
to parties in Cleveland. • ,
BY C-recent order of the Allegheny
county, lid., School Board, the reeding
of the ible in the schools of the Conn...
ty has Ueen discontinued. -- This actionha caused a great deal of comment.
TAB Ziupetne Court of Missouri ba\s
decided a sheriff's deed to be void on
account of an inadequate description of
the land sold. . ••
'HON tionnua., \has prepared an
elaborate bill for funding the national
debt at 3 65 100 per cent, and providing
,for free banking.
• EIREARROIL'ALINE, is announced, Will'
favor the repeal of the duty on Nova
Scotia coal, although himself an owner
tin a Pennsylvania coal mine.
.7,50 per ton.
ght ojiato t.
NVEriNSDAY, DEC. 22, 1869.
The first number of the AorrATol to.
be published in January',
pear, under the auspices of anew firm.
The paper : will- also appear in an -en
larged form; so far as printed surface is
concerned, and otherwise improved.
- In view of this change, notice'
hereby given:to all persons indebetd to
the firm of pobb & ..\Tau Gelder, ou
Jobbing, _ tising, ; •and subscription
accounts, that such indebtedness must
be settled on or before Jan. 1, 1870, as
the business of the old firm closes on
the Slat of December 1869. The new
firm will fulfil all contracts to subscrib
ers and advertisers from that date.
We commend the readig of Gen.
grant's first Annual Message to all wild
admire common sense , and straitforward
dealing. It is like his Inaugural, a t'l in
statement of facts, and sensible epnelus
ions drawn therefrom. The Golden
Age is upon us.
The - Jameatown' Journal, (N. Y.) is
soot to be published daily, as well ps
weekly. We congratulate the Jtrnes
tonians upon this decidedly convincing
proof of the enterprise of their town.-
-The weekly edition is one of the ablest
and raciest journals, published any
where. Thae , the daily will have all
the freshness and flavor of the weekly
we cannot doubt.
,33ishop is not a lazy
Judge Grier has resigned. He has
been unfit to discharge the duties of his
office for half .a dozen years. Now let
us have a law 'with a life limit for office
holding. Retire - every judge
. at 05 on
a'pension. Then pay Vetter services to
the active judges. Every man to sit
in judgment as a law judge, can com
mand a practice more Incrative than
his salary at present.
. 'Dr. G. W..Pratt,fithe Corning four
,been appointed Tally Clerk_ in
the, House of Representatives , 'NV ash
ingtory.• The, position is one of the
most responsible in the Clerk's 011icei
and none but a first-class man cap fill
it. We are glad to be able to state that
Dr. Pratt will. Make as popular an otli
cer as did Mr. P, hertuTi , whom he suc
ceeds; and furthpr, that the appoint
ment is 11,ghly Creditable to Mr. Mc-
Pherson. .
The year 1864 constitutes the era of a
great moral revolution. It will go down
in history as a time of a great awaken
ing of the consciences of the Ameilcan
people ; during which, the fact that the
deity of a citizen is a strictly moral and
religious duty, dawned • upon popular
It was, preeminently, " a time de
I manding new measures and new men."
- • •• --;.-,=x-rcarci:: - . 11.7. - .. - ::._-_-.. - ---
leeaeon, equal partner with conscien
tious conviction. The dry details o
political economy were borne to the rear
of the mustering army of progress.—
The old issues --Bank, Tariff,, Internal
Improvement—dried up.
In the early morning of this revolu-•
tion-1854—THE AGITATOR was estab
lished. Thu suggestion cane from
sponsors were BAcHE and W. W.
tic,DouGALL. The firm of Bailey & Cobb
undertook the publication,' and the
writer hereof was the editor. The
material and goodwill of the WelMoro
4fivertiger, then published .by WM. D.
ItAiLEY, were purchased for the sum of
$B5O, and with this Tun AGITATOR
Started. The type used was long prim
ir and hreVier ; size of sheet, 24x34 ; eir
'4sulation 850, half of it paying, perhaps.
The regular advertising patronage was
worth about $3OO a year, and the job-
bing as much more.
Dec. 31, 1854, Mr. Bailey retired from
the firm, and Mr. DAVID STURROCK
came in. . The price of the paper was
reduced from $1,50 to $1 per annum,
Cash down. This cut down the pireula
tion to 350; but before the end of the
year. 1855 was ended the circulation bad
reached'9oo ; and by the middle of 1856
It had gone above 1000. At that time
country papers with 1000 cash subscrib
ers were not common . In fact, we sup-
Ipose that no county paper in Northern
Pennsylvania had so large a circulation.
From this time to 1858 the circulation
varied, once touching 1200, but averag
ing 950 ; In 1857 Mr. Sturroek retired
from the firm of Cobb, Sturrock Co.,
and the writer took, sole charge, retain
ing it until Jan. 1, 1859, when" the ea
tahliehment passed into the buds of
.1113:011 YOUN6 at a small advanc upon
the original cost in 1854. Mr. Young
proeurell new type for the paper, so that
it started out in its firth year with as
handsome a face as tiny of its content.
Up ‘to'' this time root much attention
had been given to the local department
of the paper. Mr. Young at once made
a change in that respect, and the local
value of the pr was thereby greatly
increased. Thereat war soon arrived,
and the columns of the Auinvi.Toß gave
to the public the experience of eyewit.:
ness on the field and in, camp. In. fact
the paper during that stormy time con
stituted a graphic history of events.
In January, 1863, the writer once
more became possessed of the material
Ahd goodwill of the estabishment, Mr.
YOMig,retiring. But little addition had
been inlkie to material and ilitures.—
The paPer'*as printed on a Washing
ton press, and die material for fine work
was wanting. DlA:times were
Paper was 30 and 35 i:orkts per pound,
and other things in proptttion. When
the year 1804 came in, the baiiinge sheet
of the concerti showed a deficit be-over
$400 2 --the expenditures having exceed.
ed the income that much. But the
circulation increased. - ,A.cylinder press
was purchased, and - by July, 1864, the
circulation went over 1600. Meantime
the subscription went_
wassalied to $l.-
60 per year. Advertising increased,
and the receipts for jobbing alone, 'in.
1805 were moretlian the entire . receipts
1895. rotary' Job :iiress;ll,uggleal
patent,pal d ferliSelf-ire less
in- increased profits: The' receipts ex,
ce,oded "the es pea sea t.OUt MO
in 1865 about $900.: •about $l9OO,
bad - •beart,'aSparii.teit to. inalte the •
ii44#4#C'1 4 0: 147,
terest the
in, w • hat the concern needed:MoStHcap='
itat and - business enterprise: - -The fa
cilities for doing-'good Work werO:ihnk
ted when be .002 ' 0 rn., - ; .Tne..laewspaper,
was enlarged to seven columns, new
type procured, - and the jobbihg room
replenished_ .with new styles r of type,
labbr saving applianeeei - and other . irn 7
prove : Meets; 'ao, Writ, , , 144 energet ! ..,
.10 .lnanagement, the Jobbing - account.
income for 1866 exceeded $2,500, and the
adVertising fairly drovenetO the corner,
In January,lB67,,another column to the
page was added to keep pace with the
demand -- of advertisers, - and the sheet
priuted on was inereased - in size from
24x36 to 27x41—the largest size country
paper. ' The circulation steadily in
creased, also, sometimes reaching 2,400,
and never. below 1,750. 'THE
AGITATOR will close its 16th and enter
upon its 17th voluine with a larger num
ber of subscribers than ever before,- 7 -
" Progress and Improvement?! has been
Air, Van Geldees motto from the
first; and now the establishment has
all, the ;modern_ inprovements, save
steam, power, and can 'compete, as for
presses, machinery, type, , and work
manship, with any, printing office out
side of the cities. Ten years ago all
work •Itris done on a hand press, 250 Im
pressions an hour being about the max
imum, To-day, we have s presses equal
to 1500 impressions an hour, and could
if necessary, work four jobs 'at the
same time, on as many presses. So
much for history.
' While THE AGITATOIt remains true
tcf MAN, it will have my peculiar re
4ard—a regard which the severance of
business relations cannot weaken, or
discharge. My connection With it as
editor and ,publishey ' clo i ses
There is no 'egotism in the: foregoing
sketch of 'th© fortunes - of the paper, as
the credit for its success belongs to the
people of Tioga
,aa Well us 'to its pro
prietori. It has seen the unwaving
friend of the masses of mankind from
the hour of Its birth. It has held the
good' of all higher, and of grea+ ac
count than, the good of any man. I
am glad that my leavetaking comes in
the time of its highest prosfierity:'Hoiv
much I like Tioga county air and fare,
and how much attached I am to its peo
ple, need not be named here. We have
tried to aid each other, and with a fair
degree, of success. , •
Mr. Van Gelder and myself have
been partners for four,years. We have
never had an unpleasant word between
us. gis . good judgment and enterprise
have been of great value to the' Paper;
Our relations have been mutually pleas- .
ant and profitable, and ',nur friendship
does not expire With our partnersfilit:—
ban I say more, or say it better? In
JOHN I. MITCHELL, who- win h
• =.4.,a,---:,20:1--.1nriv ri_tat
0 peo
ple will recognize an honestman, there
fore a friend. Ho is a man of talent
and high tone, whose errors will be of
the head rather than of the heart. Not
only Mr. Van Gelder, but - the people,
are fortunate in this partnership. 'The
new firm will deserve es well of the
public as the old one did; and as a
last word I declare that, as in the past,
THE AGITATOR will contribute as much
to the prosperity of Tioga county as
the people can contribute to the iiros
perity of the paper. M. H. COBB.
The above announcement of DIE. 111.
H. COI3B retiring from the 'AGITATOR
Will, no doubt be greatly regretted by
its readers as well as by ourselves,
though' his retirement has been con
templated for more than a year. With
this number then, and by mutual con
sent of all parties, Mr. Cobb passes the
pen (editorial) and his one-half interest
in the AGITATOR to the undersigned;
who, in assuming the entire control of
the. establishment do not propose to
wade through a long article of pledges
and promises of the future coursa of
the papek, but will simply say—that we
intend to practice •what we preach—
" Ihr t mid let live, PAY and be PAW."
Ito poritle,al conduct will bOin the fu
ture fist in the past—REPUBLICAN, pro
found and unshaken. In
feat, it will adhere to those principles
because we believe them to be right.—
Xll " wire-pullers," " cliques," or
"wolfish politicians" must take a back
seat, while we pursue the even tenor
of our way defending the right, , and
opposing the wrong. In short, We shall
spare - -no labor or , expense in making
the AGITATOR acceptable to its readers,
and shall, also aisadd such facilities' to the
establishment' necessary to keep pace
with our rapidly growing village. Be
lieving that a lively paper, good work,
promptness and fair dealing Is the key
to success--sire start out with very flat
tering encouragements for the future.
The very last Revolutionary pension
er is dead._ His name was Daniel F.
takeman. This, we believe, makes the
grand aggregate of " last Revolution
ary.pensioners" about 500. The next
" last" will probably die: in six months
from date. And soon. ' The old saw—
"A man can die but once,"—is" dis
proved. ileneral Washington's body
servant has died over a hundred times,
the last-pensionerover five hundred
We most heartily Second the recom
mendation of Judge Strong, late-Of our
' •
Supreme Court, for the vacancy in the
Supreme Court of the United States
Caused by the resignation of Judge
Grier. He was for eleven years a
fudge of the Supreme Court of the
State, and we never heard a Whisper of
accusation against him, affecting Un
favorably his repute as an • able jurist
and it , ,just judge. In an hour of , great
trial he proven superior, to the motives
of the partisan, and his retirement
from the Bench vms4 dictated by a mo
tive so pure and honorable that 'the
world Tub/ scarcely eronit it were it
made p bile.
The Paper - of tho people. I• •
•- -:ETON IS TEE TIME TO Stmcipas ibn T t A&•
ft is cheap because Ifs ciientatifin ii larger than
(bat of any Otheriterspapefii; •
:-134W IS THE Tait I'6,,'?
• .., 4
Tho New YO* Weekly 'Tribune
leontains all the important Editerhilit 'published
p e the DAILY.TRIBUNN, except these of mere.
le I°ol4 interest; also literary and Selentifie In
telligence; Reviews of the mostinteresting wed
Important Now Books; letters from oak large
corps of •Correspondents f. Wait news.lebeived
by Telegraph froth alt parts of the world; a sum
mary of all important intelligence in this city
and eiseithera f -a Synopsis of 'the frieceedititrof
Congreeti and State Legislature when.ln session
Foreign Nowe'recolved Lp revery steamer
cleave: Reports of the Proceedings tlinFar
mere' Cribb of the American Instituter •Talks
abOut Fruit; Stock, Financial, Cattle; Dry
Goods and General Market Reports.
The Fall -Report!: of the American Institute
Fainters' Olub, and the various Agricultural Re
ports, in each number, are richly, worth a. year's
subscription. •
To keep pace tstlth the .groaning -interest; in
practical Horticultere, and .to comply . with . fre
quont appeals parts of the country; for
'information of a praotipal chatacter on • the sub
ject; we have engnged the scrv'lces of a person
who is experienced in rural affairs to write in a
lucid style a aerie's of articles on the management
of Small Farms. Fruit lind Vegetable 'Culture,
and how to make them general 'and
specific directions from planting to the eitituate
disposal of of the crops.
. Of late years there has been ti lepretivet busi
ness carried on by;iinprinelpled men; in selling
worthless and old plants under new names to the
inexperirneed.The Tribune will .be always
ready to guard'the fatmer against any, such im
position that comes within our knowledgip
TO make The Tribune still more v debit) to
its agricultural readers, we ;have mimed Prof.
James Law, Veterinary Surgeon in Cornell VW
versify, to answer questions concerning ',diseases
of Cattle, Horsetelkeep, and 'other domestie an
imals,and to prescribe remedies. Answers and
prescriptions will be given only ;through the col.
umus of The Tribune,. We are sure that this
now feature in The Tribune will add 'largely to
its readers,
as all owners ofaniniale are liable to
need the information proffered. .InquirieS she'd
be made as brief as possible, that the question,
answers, And prescriptions may be published to
gether. In short,, we intend that The Tribune
shall keep In the advance in all that caveats the
AgricultneakMannfacturing, Mining,' and other
intoreste ofthe country, and that for variety and
completene • ss, It shall remain altogether the most
valuablOniteresting, and instructive Newspaper
published in the world. ,
It hies been well observed that a careful reads
lug andlstudy of the Farmers' Club Reports in
The Tribune alone will save a farmer buadrede
of dollars in his crop. In addition to those-re
ports, We shall continue to print the best things
written on the subject ot Agriceltnio by Ameri
can and foreign writers, and ehalt increase these
features from year to "year. As it is; no prudent
farmer can do without ,it. As a lam to his
workmen alone, every, farmer should place. the
Weekly Tribune upon his table every Saturday
evening. . - ,
The Tribune is the best and cheapest paper in
the country. This is not said in a spirit of
boastfulness. It has fallen to New-York to ore.
ate the greatest newspapers of the" country.—
Here concentrate the commerce,. the manufac
tures, the mineral resources, the agricultural
wealth of the Republie. Hero all the news gath
ers, and the patronage is so large that journal. ,
bite can afford to print it. This is the strength
of The Tribune. We print the cheapest, and best
edited weekly newspaper in the eountry: We'
have all 'the advantages areted us. .) . ire halo
groat,, editions
.MI and Semi-Weekly edit. MI the
elabeinto anilintrieate machinery of
,our estab
lishment—perhaps the most complete in Amer
ica—le devoted. to the purpose of making The
Week!) , Tribene the beet and cheapest newspa
per in the world. The result is that we have so
systematized and expanded our roaourcos that
every copy of -The Weekly Tribune contains as
much matter as a duodecimo volume. Think of
it ! For two dollars, the subscriber to. The Tri
bune for one year buys as much reading matter
as though he filled a shelf of hie library with fifty
volumes, containing the greatest the
language. The force ofeheaptess can no further
The Weekly Tribune is the timinif th i,he nen- '
ay read
-4 1 / 3 04riltilielt . Mrs- ero may be forind
correspondence from all parts of the world, the
observations of sincere and gifted men, who servo
The Tribune In almost every country.
The Tribune is strong by reason of its enor
mous circulation and great cheapness. It has
long been conceded that The Weekly Tribune
has the largest circulation of any, newspaper in
the country. For years wo haveprinted twice as
Many papers,' perhaps, as all of•the other week
ly editions of the eity . dailies combined. This I
le why we are enabled to do our work so( thor
and cheaply. The larger our circulation
the better paper we can snake. •No newspaper
so large and complete - as THE WEFICLI TRIB
UNE waslover before offered at so low a price. ,
Ternte , '6l The 'Weekly Tribune to Mail euberi
bare :
One copy. ono year, 52 issues $2 00
5 copies $0; 10,eopies to ono address, $l5 and
ono extra copy ; 10 copies to names of subsori
bars at ono postoffico, $1 00 each and an ex4a
copy; 20 copies to ono address $125 *twit and
- an extra .:opy; .20 copies to names of subscri
bers at ono place, $1 35 each and one extra;
50 copies to ono address $1 each, and one ex
- tra; 50 copies to names of subscribers at one
place, $1 10 each and one extra ooPy.
is published every Tuesday and Friday, and be
ing printe d twite'a week, we can, of course, put
in it all that appears in our weekly edition, in-'
eluding everything on the subject of Agriculture
The Semi4Weekly Tribune also gives in the
course of the year three or four of the
by living authors. The cost of these aloAei if
bought in book form, would be from six to eight
dollars. TERMS :
. 1 copy one year -104 numbers ~... $4
2 copies one year-104 numbers., .... ; 7
5 copies or door, each copy • ...3
Persons remitting for 10 copies $3O will re
ceive an extra copy ono year.
For $lOO we will send 34 copies end the Daily
Tribune.. , . A I --
The Daily TRIBUNE la published every mor.
fling (Sundays excepted) at $lO per year; $5 fop
six months. t
The Tribune Almanac. 1870. , 20 cents.'
Tribune Almanac Reprint-1838 to 1866-4
volumes, half lound, $lO.
Accollections, of a Busy- Life. By Horace
Greeley. Cloth $2 50, Library $3 50.
Margaret Puller's Works.• ,B vols. cloth $lO.
Pear Culture for Profit, $l. -
Elements Of Agrlonituro, cloth. $1 '
Earth Olosete—How to make them, 25ete.
Sent free on receipt of price.
In waking remittances, for subscriptions,or
booke, always procure a draft New York,'o a
Post Office Money Order, if possible. Where
neither of these can bo 'plotired rend the niono,
in a Registered•letter. t
TTerms, Cfteh in advance.' •• , '
Address, Tan Tuninns,,NessF or k.o.
TnE LAlrk's FutEnti.--4The number for 'Jan
nary, 1870,1 s a truly splendid New Year's gift.
A thrilling pletnro—"ln the rapids' of Niagara,
is the first steel plate. Thogsecond is a beautiful
title-page for the magasine, encircled with the
flower wreathed portraits of seven of its lady
contributors—the .brightly intellectual face 9 1*
Mrs. henry Wood matronising the younger /a
dios—Mrs. Moulton, •Florence Percy, Elizabeth
Protect; Miss Douglas, Aigust .Poll, and Mrs.
Erery aflruirei of these talented ladies
hill desire to see this beautiful plate. ' The • 'Col
ored Fashion platii, 'as * WWII, shows the latest
styles; and there is besides a page of richly col
ored patterns for Perlin 'Work., Deacon 41. Pe
terson, 819 Mal ,nt Street, Philadelphia. Price
$2.50 a year. , • •
. . ,
OUR SMOOLDAY VIERTOR...—The first number
of the fourteenth year and Volume of this wide
awake Magazine is received, and we pronounce
it fresher,,brlghter and better than ever. The
table of contents is a rich feast throughout, and'
oar young folks are in eastacies over it. '
The Publishers offer a charming Steel Engra
ving, just published, as their,premium plate for
1870, entitled "Help 32e lip,'. worth s2,ooaoo py,
for .twenty-live cents to , eatth subscriber.- The
terms of the Visitor are $1.,26.a year, or SI,OO to
clubs, 'Don't fail to send ten cents terDaughaday
eh Beaker, Publishers, 424 Walnut Street, Phila
delphia, for maniple numbers, preniium lists, ,ko.,
.4e., and commence a club at once • it your Post
Office. '
kquinioal obnp says, there lir° two kinds of
Felons, one of thew can be cured by Saintifer,
but the other is best done for by hanging,"
' EXECUTOR'S NOTICE.. —Letters Testament
tart' buying been granted upon the last will and
Testament ofJoieph T. Streit, late of Mansfield,
- doo'd, all persons indebted to, or claiming against
said testator, are requested to settle with ( WIL
DIAII4. BOOTH, Ear. or 0. v ELLIOTT,
agent, Mansfield, Pa. .
Dec. 22. 18459-114..
;;I:.-ic - ,
- "R. T. Asstitant.y-
Miss Rims D. °LOBE, ... dPrim. Dep't.
C>d Term will open Deo. 20, and continue 14
".,/ weeks. Tuition strictly in advanCe. No
bills Made Tor lees than, half 'a term. No &doe.*
lions madttexoept in cassia protracted sieltnesi. -
Reonitt t 8 rent to th"ose who desire to board theca.! , .
selves. , •
it4rna Or sbtllort.
Cemtiten snsl ab, Efemeitary
Miry Philo - 40ply and Primary Phyaologysfreri to
all pupils of school age residing in Vega. Doro.
Common English '
Higher• " . 7,90
Commercial course, time unlimited" 5,00
Gerthan.....extra • '- - 3,50:
English Drenches and German .8,50
" 'O . Commercial coriree...: 8.50
Por information with regard to roome!?r,board
.411. on, or addrees" • •
' B. M. BEELES,,lBB2—tf. - - :
"fd ceiv,ed in paYmeat• for Tuititm. - -• '
- ' • ' A. to:DUDLEY
Watchmaker . aAd Jeweler.
• . A large assortment of
j Engraving done in am ilyie.
Corning, Dad, 16;1869. A. D. DUDLEY,
ly. • .• • No.,lo,l4arkat St.
The way to Get Rich
re to bOy your
U' 0 i S
wh'Ore you otin buy thorn CHEAPEST!
You can, do that at
Wilson tit Van Valkenburg's
Parehaeed at the Batton?, Market Prices,
just received.
of every description, and clothing made to order
in the very best style, and warranted.
Wellslioro,Deo. Ib, 1889.
WrOTIOE.—We pay Oath for ASH, CHER.B.T,
111 and CHESTNUT LOGS, delivered , at our
14111. Ash Loge eat 12 and 14 feet. Cherry and
itheatnat 12, 14 and 16 feet long.
Wo saw nothing abort of 12 feat in length.,
Deo. 8, .1888.—tf.
LOST OR STOLEN.—Threo Bond, issued by
the Commissionera of Tioga County; num
bered 125, 126, 12T. Dated
Notioo is hereby given, that payment of these
bonds has been stopped at the County Treasury.
Parties are cautioned not to purchase the above
mentioned bonds.
Tioga, Deo. 8,1889-8 A• Wm. 11. IMMO.
OTIOR is hereby given that the Borough of
1.1 Knoxville has petitioned the Court of
Quarter Sessions of Tiogs county that said tor
.ough may bo made subject to the restrictions and
possess the powers and privileges conferred by
an 'sot entitled "An Act regulating Boroughs."--.
Approved AprilSd.lBsl.
Deo. 8,1889.8 w.
ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—Pursuant to an
order and decree of the Orphan's Court of
Tioga County at November Term, 1889, the un
dersigned Guardian of the peseon and estate of
Daniel Relit, a minor child of Betsy , Keith de
ceased, will expose to public sale at the preml.:
sea below named, all that lot of land situate in
Union Township,.Tioga County, Pa., bounded
on the north by lands of Mariah Laudon, on the
east by the highway leading from the Bleak
Housexoad to Lyndes Spencer, on the , south by
lands of it. T.. Thomas, and ,on the , west by
lands of said Marsh Landon, containing_ thhi
acres of ground, and a *wallboard house there
on. Terms of eale, one bait cash, and one-halt
In one year. • Sale. to take pies:* on Monday,
January Bd, 2870, at 2 o'clockl". M.
•• • .J; E..OLDVELANDi Guardian. '
Union, Pa., Dec. 8d,1809-Iw. . .
Holidays, Holidays,
best thing gnt are those
for sale at
The views comprise delicate groups, statuary
and natural scenery, and are the .very obeleest
in market, having been selected by myself at the
house of one of the Ihrgest dealers in the United
Btatee. All whR lore REAL' ART and enjoy
the seat of domestic life, should secure a set ef
the f , Gems of German life," only just brought to
this country. Also,
,a new size PHOTOGRAPH, and Jost the thing
for teacher? and Christmas tree gifts, only $1
per dozen. Also, • •
and gems furnished in tbo best style:
All kinds of work furnished 'equal to that of
first class galleries anywhere. .
All work and goods must positively be paid
for when ordered,
Deo. 1, 1869., fi, if. SPENOER,
A. 112. INGUAIet, M.
HOMOEOPATHIST, office at his residence on
tho Avenue. Wellaboro, Aug. 25th 18119-U.
. .
~ . .
. ,
. .
, .
. ,
.......P... t ..... , .„„.-:,-.-.. ;_ -...:..,..: --,:-„ 1 , .... , :-;..;;:' Z,,
- mo=w . ~ • ..
. _
11SONb. ,Sr,. -
Owest:: , APrices, ot the, r eason
„e , -
CI. ,- 1
co ..),„
;i .. ,Mr ; -:;:.,A.T . .V 4 47 . t , ,110.,P,1 , '.. i CLOT_IIS I ,, ,- , i.
• CO
t• 0>
A t
4. 8 •
' - 6
Et• mti
0? or
PI •44
131 a Alpacas
We have now the largest assertment we hav:e ever offered, at sa, 373, 45; 80, be, Oa, 75 , 842
Bud $l,OO, and in most of the f &es wo have several:l.locm', giving our customers a selection that
- -7- will snit all fancies.
siaresaiummoo Amingna Azonciiime
. , r
• . . , .
In colors. The decline in prices of Cottln Goods enables us to aoll at still lower prices ihan
- n . September, .
0 ' ' . , ~ —......L.-....:--.—.; , . •
Saieeitiußges, einiirtlxi,firav
Prints, and Bleaohed Mnslins, ris well as Woolens, Flannels, Cloths, Kentucky Jeans, etc., are
• L very 431,10ap, and our stook is full of Bargains.
We are Bolling Boots , and Shoes *bleeper and faster than ever before. Our assortment of J.
Richardson's work is larger than ever, and we are also keeping a fall line ,of Eine Work which
we sell equally cheap.
Fine Bleaohed Muslim yd. wide,l2io.
Heavy Twilled Flannels 374 cents.:
Blaok Alpacas, good quality, . ' 450.
Empress Clothe, all wool, 690
Lames' Pebble Goat Button Boots, $4. •
" " ' " POlish " $3,25
If d. Solo " $ 3,75
'Alpaca Papillae, in Colors. " 1 • $ 5O a.
Corning, Nov. 10, 1869.
- "
Cherry Pectoral.
..,-- •
a soothing expectorant, pre
am. . 7 " - pared to meet thourgen ne ed
• of a safe and reliable cure for
_Waft. diseases of the throat and lungs.
A tr .1 of many years has established the fact, that It
is more efficacious in pulmonary affections, than any
other' remedy. Its efficacy has now become no gen•
orally known that it is justly regarded in many conn
te les as a medicine of indispengable necessity. In Great
Britain. Branco, and Germany, where medical ocienee
hag remelted its highest perfection, it le prescribed in
domestic practice, and constantly used In the armies In
hospitals and other public institutions, Where it is re
garded by the attending physicians es the most speedy
and agreeable remedy that cars to employed. Scarcely
any neighborhood can be found whore well known
cases of diseased lungs, which had baffled the efforts of
the,most skillful end atperleirsod doctors have . been
completely cured by it. 'Theta) result; are the most
convincing proofs of the superior curative provertios of
this preparation; and to them the authors point with
peculiar 'satisfaction. Whiten is most powerful against
confirmed diseases, It is extremely gentle as a medicine
in infancy and youth, being quite harmless to even the
youngest, when administered , judicioul i l i y.
This bealHervitorer accomplishes el! morn nmo by pre
vention than cure, •If taken in season, t heals all Irrl.
tationo of the throat and Inngs, whether arising from
Colds or Coughs, or from other causes, and thus pre
vent that long train of painful and incurable disowns,
which would arise from the ,neglect of them. Hence _
no family should be without ft. Influenza Group,
Hoarseness, Whooping Cough, Pleurisy, Incipient Con
sumption. and other affections of the breathing organs,
give Way,before. the pro•emlnent combination of medi
cal virtues:
Prepared by Dr. J. 0. AYER, 8; 00., Lowell, Mass.,
and sold by all Druggists mid dealers iii mediebees
everywhere. Nov. 11,1880-21 n.
1870. FOR SALE; 1.870•
•BY' *
• •
• B. STONE, -
(forinerly B. C. Wieirtiom's Nursery)
60,900 Apple Trees,-
10;000 Pear Trees.
A good supply of PLUM, PEACH, CRERRY
The Fruit trees are ooropped of the choicest
varieties, geed, healthy, some of them large and
in bearing. Any one whiting to get A supply
will do well to call and see my stock before pur
chasing elsewhere. s Delivered at the depot,
Wellsboro, Mansfield, Lawre,neeville and Bloss.
burg, Arc of charge. All orders promptly filled.
Pas, T. D. STORE,
• Tina, Pa,
Vega, Deo. 8, 188940, .1. '
Nift ,tWAY OATS FOR SEED !+—l this year
ised 847 poundi of Norway oats from it
potina of seed; and I offer them for seed' at, the
rate of $6 per bushel. Sautpies'may bel seen at
T. L. Baldwin.& Co'a Tipp. 0.0. Mather's Law.
ierteimple, John Redington and at
the Ariake Office. Sowed on 40 rode of ground.
*got the send from D. W.Raretedell'Co. New
Addrees,"Jos. Oullee, Lawrenceride, Pa.
MONEY LOST.—Lost, la Wellsboro, on the
18th inst., an env - elope containing s6B—:.
1 $2O note, two $lO, and the balance in Bala de
nominations. I will pay b reward of $lO • to the
finder who will deliver tho same to me. My
name 'woe on the paokage.
Nov, 24, 1 : O. • j QEO. E. ORTBLER.
A AND don't 0 1 8 Teat to secure a Bret °tau
, . .
It: W. DARTT, has on hand tho latest styli
and will make to order Intel warrant ko snit. -Ail
kinds of REPAIRING done nt the shortfit u 9-,
tioo. Also, - . ' ~
iron Work and norse:liadeing.
Plsnee „111 exarawland 1
material is far - -
that better workmanship or
Walled nisei/hero as mor,sifeationattle prices,
Maio Street, WeJialaro, pa.
Foos. 24,
A„i te t h i f rtation hailng been , granted to
the en d ers uned upon the ,state of Truman and
Wealthy Aarrington,, - late of .Union, doo'd, all
nerioz w indebted , to said decedents or olatming
; tglie l: v s . t i2 th t, e l s e ttme,
iy must settle aids
Is very large, and was never more attractive
We have an entire new line of
In etripea, plaids, mixed and plain, kvoweet
In groat variety, at 80 per cent less than raga
- • • Aar prices. Iri=
Chinchilla, Fur, Mohair, Cantor & Felt,
andfstylieh Goods
Doubleld, 500, 750, and $l,OO.
Eau& Fold, ' 374 cents.
......... w........1H.
Beat Prints ...
All Wool Canssimeres sl,oo.
Extra Heavy Union-Doeskins, 75e,
Heavy Shootings, 12i
All Wool Shawls 2,75.
Mens' Hip Boots, eusem made, $4,00.
Don't mistake the Store,
3 Coneopi,
B ook, Market St., Cernjug.
• . t
t .L',A. PARSONS & CO.
Get the Best:
hire. A. J. SOFIELD, is agent for that - an
prior SEWING Af AGHINE, the
which everybody likes who tries ft. It is a beau
tiful Machine, never gets out of order with fair
usage, sews rapidly and strong stitch, and is
perfectly noiseless.
Mttebines rented by the week.
Nov. 17, 1869-tr. Mrs. A J. SOFIELD
A Bargain: .
riO TIM man who wants a good grazing farm
within • two miles of Arnot, in Bless tw'p.,
I can offer a bargain„ My farm contains 100 tner,
50 improved, with a plank house, frame barn
30t40,'and other outbuildings thereon. For
terms and particulars apply on the premises, or
address at Cherry Firths. - E. HENRY.
ov. 17,1889-3 w.
HATIPEIt'S MAGAZINE!, Ono Your $4 00
Hearse's WznaLy, One 400
lieuPan'e BAzA.n, One Year 4 00
Mango's B.tiAn, to one address, for one year,
$lO 00; or any two for $7 00.
An extra Copy of either the Magazine,
Weekly, or Hazer; will be supplied gratis-for
every Club, of) Five Subscribeta at $4 O 0 each, in
one remittance ; or, Sit Ores for $2O 00, with
out extra copy.
Hartrien's Maamtan,cotains nearly Double
the Amount of Matter furn ished In the •Galaxy,
The Atlantic, Putnam, orlaippincot. It exceeds
in about the same ratio ~any English ; Magazine
of the same general clue.
A New Story. splendidly Illustrated, by Wilkie
Collins ( Author of "The Woman in White," "No
Name.""Arinadale," and "The iiioonstone"),
will b 6 commenced in Harper's Weekly in No
vember, 1869,
Persona desiring to renew their Subscriptions
to Harper's Periodicals will much oblige the
Publishers by sending in their Names as early as
Convenient before the Expiration of their present
Subscriptions. This will obviate the delay at
tendant upon re-entering names_ and mailing
back Numbers.
NOW Subscribers will be supplied with either
of the above Periodicals from the preterit time to
the end of the pear 1870 for Pour Dollars.
'Address HARPER ct BROTHERS, New York.
New York, Oct. 16, 1869.
A PPRAISEMENT.—In the tegisters
11. for Tioga County,• Pena. In matter of
the Estate of John R. Dickson, late of Charles
ton Township, in said county, deceased:
To Wm. J. Kirby and De Asro A. Nictols,
Executors of the last wilt and testament of the
said :John .K. Dickson,. deceased. Take "lice
that by virtue of a commission issued tame for
that purpose, by the Register of with" for Tioga
Co., Pa. shall ; on Saturday tba 11th day of
December next,—at 10 o'clock, a.- m., on the
premises lato the real estate of the :aid Jnhn
.Dickson, deo'il., situate in Cidtrleston township /
aforesaid, proceed to make a vliittation and ap•
praisement of the said real. elate)." which time
and place you can attend if you see proper.
wirf.IS'PEAKR, Appraiser.
Charleston, Nov, 24.1e.69-4tr.
Livery Stable:
writ WATKINS' respectfully Informe the
radio that ho has established a •
Livery for Hire,
. . . ,
at the barn on ,
the promises lately owned by It:
C. Simpson, Esq., located on Pearl and Crofton
Streets, Welleboro. He aims to keep good bor.
acs and wagons, and intends to please. Prices
reasonablo.—Nov. ld, 1869-Iy. . .
Doable and single teams forniabod.
For Sale.
A IROULAR. SAW MILL, 35 Horse-payer
Engine, Shingle Alm, and appurtenances.
Known, as the Foster Mill, Middlebury. Inquire
of J. - 1). Potter, or of 8, S. Rockwell, Well/bon.,
Nov. 14;1880.4f.'
To =Sell!
9dGOOD sized able teem horses, 1 heavy s um.
. ber wagon; 1 platform - spring -democrat
Wagon, and three single sett, heavy 'harnesses.—
To be sold low n aiid on - time, It' desired. "
Wellaboro. Nov. 81'69-3w. _R. J. ROBB.
3 - •
TrAVING completed hie ;low Cabinet Ware
house on bialrietreit t Wellsboro,"bas sleek
ed it with a large and superior assorted stock of
Ohamber AstqAtaple,
- -from st6o dorre, - and as obcap
as Atte same goods can be tio't
in the cities, freight ad led.
PftliQr Walnut i , Clio
Alahogainj , , Reps or Hair th,
k from_sl2s down. Also,
, •-•
: -
- •,;
. ;
• t'D
_ with Upholstery to snit.
Center Tahies, Walnut or Marble Tops,
• Looking Glasses Brackets, Pa
, per - Racks; Ro4;king ()hairs,
ail kinds, 1
• 0
' '
I am , manufaeturing nd usua4z and intend to
keep a full
.atook of ware, home and city made
at all times. My Ware ROOM are apaelons and
neat, and now contain the largest, °Mama and
best stock of Furniture ever brought Soto the
FIFTY! InsTincr, HAKEVELD, none cotnyrr,
.ECOND Topa begins Pee. 0, 1809. Third
Term rifarch 21st, 187. Students admitted
at any time. Chas. H. Verrill, A. M., Acting
Principal, to whom all communications pertain
ing to the InstituAon, should be addressed,
Emit Criars OR wgqcE PER WEEK secured by de
claring intention.o teach
13y a recent wt of the Legislature, the follow
pv,approprir.toos are made by the State to nor
mal s tad „,e and Graduates
I. E ar , Student over seventeen years of age,
who skirt sign a paper deolaring his intention to
teac h n the Common Schools of the State, shall
i ace ve hat sum of jifty Gents per week towards
&raying the eirpenses of initials and boarding;
2. Each student over seventeen years of age,
who was disabled in the military and naval service
of the United States, or of Pennsylvania, or
whole/other lost his life in said service, and .who
shall sign an agreement as above, shall receive
the sum of ONE not,Lan per week.
Se Each student, who, upon graduating shall
sign an agreement to teach in the Common
Schools of this State two full years shall receive
the sum of FIFTY DOLLARS. •
4. Any student to senora these benefits must
attend the School at least ono term of twelve
consecutive' weeks..
--- - - •
All the Diplomas arh authorized and furnished
by the State, and exempt those who hold them
front any further examination by authorities
acting under -the provisions of our Common
School laws.
WEEKS: Including Board ) Tuition, (in all
branches including Penmanship ) ) Book Rent,
Room Rent, Fuel, 011, and Washing, $1134; (leis
50 canto or $1 per week as stated above.)
• Expenses for Second Term ( 1 .4 Weeks) Inr•
eluding as above ss4—less 50 eta, or $l,OO per
week. i •
Expenses fo?I' bird Term (14 weeks)lnoluding
as above $6O-1 as 50 cis. or $l,Ol l per , week;'
l e
'Day Student $lO,OO per term.
Instruction to Music, $l2 per 24 lesSonc
Drawing $5,00 per term.
Painting $O,OO to slo,per torm,
No extins. 1
No.lo 1569;,2m.
C. F. & 0. Moore,.
Wellsboro, P 4. Office and Stables on Water
Street, in rear of ,Court Douse. They will fur
nish horses, single or double, with Buggies, 4) r
Carriages, at short notice. Long experience' in
,gasinesa enables the proprietors to announce
with eontitiencethey . enn meet any reasonable de
mandi in their line, Drivers furnished, if desired
and passengers carded to any pert of the PUD47.
Thankful for past favors, they invite oontinuenb.?
of custom. Terms reasonable. ,
-Nov. %,1861x.-Iy. '
Furnitnre Futiiiture
t ;
13. .Ir.: 'VAN AORN,
fict., &a,,
Wholesale and Retail.
Planing and 19!atihkn' ,
done to order at the Rectory..
Sept. it, 1800—tf. B. T: VAN HOAX
For Salo.
11R EXTRACT FACTORY at Cowanesque
,Valley, Tioga Co.,Pa. -This factory is 4.0x00
feet,livo stories, ample steam power, and °awl.
ty of 1000 pounds of tanning extraet per day.
It is in a boation favorable for either its present
business or as a tannery, and may be fitted for
the latter at a small expense. About 16 or It
acres of land go with' the property. Will be d
lois and on easy terms. Apply to L SG.
COMB, Covtanesque - Valley, Tioga Co.,' 'a., for
terms; Ate.-
Sept. 8,1869-3 m.
lik -.301 1- tsgrlfrortvlot-i.
~... ~.„. P 4
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4.7) c.*
tc br.; 1. 44. p IND
5 c* c,
P PPPPP ti" h'"
GW. NA would say to Lis friends
. that his Ilarnesi Shop is now in full blast,
and that ho is prepared to furnish heavy or light
MialFtat . 3aeffa;OSPlS,
on shor l t acitibe, in a good and substantial mea
ner, and at prim that can't fall to suit.
The best workmen aro employed, an d none but
the best mate4al used. Call and see.
• Deo. 9, ffi6S-ly. G. W. NAVLE4
_ _ _
X ze ct e"!
MA. A. L. MONP.OE, ts the authorised
Agent for Vega and Potter Counties, to
effect insurance in .the
Wyoming Insurance_ Company.
lie will canvass the county during , the week ex
cept Saturdays, when he will ho found at the
°dice of John. L Mitchell, to, attend to all who
may give him a call. IS A. L. MONROE.
Sep ..22, 1136£14M.*
,t 4