The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, December 22, 1869, Image 1
• 11, • • ,: , i;ii , 60 tiega Ofinuntg: agitator i g i m q .shod overy.Weateinia;ifoo;ntnii ats4 o rycar, Invariably in advance, • COBB ta ' llriitittiA4lll; * , " :.' l ' ' ••• ,--- \4....r0V3a-WrF,4110,16i:4* . g . to LIN'S Olt MlTili?'N,ol,lAtill,MAKi vflii Squatti 14 3. stzlq're. r in. 13 Ins. Taa.r mae, 1 4,11041 1 Year yiere,.:: $ l , OO 0 - 7 00 t2AO tam 7vi -- -iz v - ir o zi . 8 200 200 400 8,00 12,00 18,00 ! s. l oare ... . , _ 3 _ 3 !,11001.••• ••• , 10 3 00 1 1 53n 1 7300 22,00 60,00 60,00 cel.,. ..... I / 6 ,0 0 2 0 ,m 30,00 ( 40,00 ! 60,00 1 00,00 As • special Notices 15,eente per line; Editoriol or ; t ail 20 cents per -line. . - • 1_ • • • • raikfiONl9.:, - LODGE, N 9.317, 4, YOL t peets at their nail rel . Or. atugatore, ottqueedaS , evening, Oi :IWO the Bull Moon, at 7 o'clock I` .14'. ortAPTER, No. 194, It. A. at., maks at tho 5111,un Thursday everking,ou or boron> the Full i c on, at 7 o'cipr,lL P.- ht,- • ' , OA COUNCIL, No.Bl, It. d: $". ISLLATURS, wools at ;le flail, on the third Friday of each calendar oath, at 7 o'clock I'.- 117. , „ ILGAGLITON 093131ANDF,ItY, N 0.23, of IKNICIIITS reMPLAII, and the , appendant ordetiOneeta at the htt ,on the flret•firtday of naafi .calendar. Inonth,al :o'olook P. 31 MIA iUSINEBS;IOBZOTORIE , SIVIrrII4 -, TTORNET Al4,is cAEttl4Bil 1.61 e LA.W . Insurance, Bounty and PenalOn" . 4gairsay_gofi street Wellaboro, Jai:l;j.; -- • •-•- ' utM. GARRETSON, r oRN Ey AND, COIINS.ICL9II.,A.T JAW, Notary Publio and 'lninrAnce - Agent,..l3.loss= burg, Pa., over ealdwell'o titer°. . • . -- • -" GEO. !TORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Nitro with W.-Ik., Smith- r Esq.,--Alstin_Street, Ippol it e Union Block, Weßlitopro,,prw ;lily 16, 1868. by. D. TERBELIZ& CO. • dOLESAL:O . I)R II ,..OO.TSTE;,:aO4 deigl6ia Irk u ail Paper, lioroaonP ?artamery, Paitqa,an,d Oils, do, tto. :oralng, N. Y.,Jan,,1,: , WiLsox.. r„ ;-,ts `i'•;^" TILLER,. wiLsori ITORNEYS .COUNSELORS AT ,LAW, Fart door froulAtigertey,'s j , 043 Aliontio) fill attend to business entrusted to their pare :the counties of Tiogajto -Potter:_ • , - Wollsboro, Jain. 1 1 -18613;-; • . • JOHN I. MITCHELL': '• ifidliNEY AND. t3O,UNSELO_It AT LAW, Wollsboro, Tiogit;PO:, Pa. ,trim Agont; Notary: Public, and Insurance . qe3t. Ho will attencl,prowptly to, collection o f tiviott, Back Pay and lloutity.. An Notary !disc ho tokos acknoWledgcniento of deeds, ousters urtbe, and will act as COW rnisaioner ti; Ottitimony. pa - Office over Roy's Drug Store, 4)ielng Agitator OtTieo•--Oct. ad. 1367 John W::GnornsoV , diORNEY - AND 001 . NSELOit AT LAW. Siring returned to ttils;•county with a view of raking it his permatien't rbsidenbe, •tiolieits hereof public patiOnage. All business on_ unted to his cure will be attended to with Iromptuesn and fideliti., Oftleo 2d door south fS. S. Farr's botof:`+ Tio4n, Toga Co:, Pa ' GEOR . olG:' WAGNER, _ 1111,01 t. dhop prat door north of L. A. Sears's !log Shop., Or Cutting, Fitting,and Repair. ::; done promptly and well. Willaboro, Pa., lan. _I, 1868.-Iy. JOUN EITNER, • 1111,01 t AND CUT rmt, 1 44 2 Upened a shop nerafton street, roar of Sears dr, Derby's shoo ol3p, where he ie prepared to manufacture gar sots to order in the most Bubattu3tial wanner, ul with dispatch. Particular attention paid :.estties an 4 March 26, 18613-1, Ur. 0. K. [WELLODOROUOII PA.] - 61 Jtiond to .yrurogaiia/0 Well3bore and elbewbere. jhflee And Resldevco un •State St. 2d dour oti the right going Ent. [Juno. 24, 11368. u.toon, g.D.,14(0 al (ha 411 Pat. ettyttiry , altar nearly futtryeard of .artuy vorvico, With s i re speneu•+iutleklaud lionpltal practice, has opened an qr., Jo rractico of oteallcitto and surgOrs, ita all ~reneger. lluatonh trona a distance can find good Inial; at Ilse Peanallvauta Hotel %ellen desired.— any part of tho State in consultation, or to Alai surgical operations. No 4, U rutin Mock', up Wellsbete, Va., May. 2, 181:10.1y. Wm. D. Smith; ikoXvti,LE, Pa. Poiliion, flaunty; and 1n .4t.1/1,;0 4gerq. Comtpttoi.2ittioyira sent to tho lEJ{e address wilt Ceeitive prompt attention. !ems Dpoierate. Dv 0 8, IsltB-131 Thoi.Baisideil.; 'i' • . ' '4VFNOII. ,L DRA.FTS.MAN:—OrtIorti loft at rnotq, T. 0 0 1 0 444 Elimi, :win .-It with prong A aitlentilip. ),n. 14. isd7.- r. .. • R. E.' •OLDEV,T . lEktlift in CLOUKS 611,YElt t ri , :b %VAR% Spectacles, Violin etrimgs, Mandield, Pa. Watches and Jew il.ry neatly repaired. , Engrueing duno in plain eaglish and tierfaelnr 11tfpt.07 Ilairdrosqing & Shaving. illuen over. willcbz Barkeep )4,3, Pa. Particular 'a ttiqttiort 'paid 'to' Ladles' Lir.cutting, Shampooing, Dyeing; etc. Braids, 1 1!!,cuife and minims on hand and'inude to or . H. %V, DORStrY. J. JOHNSON. - hiler in DRY GOODS of all - kinds, hardware vad Yankee:int-trine, Our assortment largi :41 priees lovy. f.' , Sre fn Unien Itluar -Call getittotaan.—caßk'2o tihiS . .. l .l.Y • • ' ' PETROLEUM ROUSE, - (ESIFIELD P . •GEOREVEr CLOSI.I 7 ,•ProprI-. L , /C I:Qr. a pow !lota oonduefecfati the-principle of live and lot live, for th uto4otnalodatioti of the publien-:—N0v..14; 1866:--fy, lIAZLETT 9 S HOTEL, tl •.4.. I 0 0 4 'l 3 P?I 4 . • A• t . 60i atablingottachad, and an atteritlithotf eralways in attendance: 5 ' • a. W. HAzurri, I4X:01011 40"411§, • _ YES PrIELD Iloiough; L lTiqgb: Co. 11111, Proprjotor. A now and opturpotiioub building with uil the modern itinirpve,ments. ettiy 41riveaof the bast Itlknting.anditsh Ili grquggo PV . Ple4t.,ooflvpy aqCOl3 fqrglabc4 , TjernPq4 ° 4Pfitill• , Bob. 5,11135,1 y. IVAIGTON .11101U5.E.,;. Gainos, Tioga County, Pa. 4.0%A.01: C VIVOI(LYEA, 6 uOl9 11010) itle:ll64 within easy 400013 01 the boat fishing 4101 hunting grouruis in linith ern Panuvivatiia. No pains will ho Spared the .iccotatucalation of pleasure seek Uri and tho tia,voling public. [Jan. 1, 1868.] "r3E3CM 4:r3Wil%6E! pl. M. 811ARS; Pitorittnion. ) --,,7--1-‘,..--.•-• 1311 E delicious', Ice Cream,- Ftnneh,Cen - fectionaty,, till kinds of .boils in • their aritieu, a nice dish or Tod, Coffee, or 111"eulitt', tad Oysters in tboir - .Beasoh—can be had, al all laurtt, served in the bei•t .Nett doer he low Roberts dc. Bailey.. - Hardware Shire. ..11ain Street. -• Wellsbote, Aug., 4, 156‘.1. . Bounty andPon 'tf - .•' sion -Aanoy - . „ u - A vi NG :ect iyed iotiideo as! rite noio:i ii re g ura to 14, hi.. ,, ctra on i! ty allowed by the act' tpproyed k1y2,1864,a1id il-LV hi g OLI 114114 4.1.014 ,, •t1ypp1y of nil :±;esiary blankß,l au' prepared to pros , Oute :ill pod, fon and bouuty ,:tai Las which Way be placed fil INT Linda. vorsonsli Ting ;:tt a tliiitiipetpp) uotamunleare vitt' ma bylotOr.nuA ::.oir ..oinainniokitions,wilt 4.3 VlvAlyansyrsred . , -''• ,-I'.. ..:,,.., z. , ; Wg...11. il it ITM .., W - ll4bero..)etotter2.4 ,1.866 - .' - iI.ARKNESS , BOOT ANOs3HOt NIAKERS; Orer Wilson h: Van Vaikenbury's Sara, iv,the room tataty occupied itylßenj: &(t,.,,, DOOTS AND 81101313 - p t ,' kinds, mad( 9 .1.3 order and in the o • PAIIIANG of all kinds done pruinnil,l:4l good. "Give us Real'. JOHN. TARKNES Welliboro , Jai.-2, 1Y,11.11111,1111Y. .-2, 188S-ty. MIME ISM ME ' • ; ~; CITY BOOK AINBERY N 1 , BLANK BOOK ,AIANIJFACTOBy t . S Baldwin Stieot, • ' '(SIGN OE TIIII 1310 1100 g, 21) FLOOR,) ELMIRA, CYR B/L4O 'l7 Co . GOOD ABTIIi6 BEST, CAE4I' Asjui CHEAPEST. tjr,,vary description, in all Styles of Binding, and as lOW, for quality of,Stock:, as any Bindery In'tho State. 'Volumes of every description- Bound in the best milliner and in any style or; tiered. Executed in t.lie beet inatknar. Old Bootexe. bound and toodb good no nen.. EA.5&21(V132 U3242ititie •, -BLANK' BOOK Of all sizoa and qualities,on hand, c 4nled or plalti BILL lIEAB PAPEB,, - Oiany qaality or size; 'on hand'anp3u't ready for printing. Also, BILL.BAYR , and CARL BOARD of all colors and quality, in boards or cut to any lizo. STATIONERY, _ Cap, I.;etter, Note Paper, , Envelopes, • • , -Pens, Pencils, Az. . , • • ara - sole agent . ' •,-- \ dr Prof, SHEPARD'S NON.CORROSIVE STEEL PENS, or VARIOUS sizes; yon. ..!Asi Rs • - AND t7ENTLE:4•Ifi ,W.bieb I 'p'll warrant equal to Geld Pens. The bestin uSe and no mistake :'-Theabi:ive stock I will Sell t the Lowest Rates at all titnes, at a small advauco on New York• prices; avid in quantities t . O suit purQb,as,cra.. An work - and stock warranted Cs represented. • .• 'respectfully solicit a share 01 'Adle patron, rtigit: Orders by mail promptly. attended Address, LOUIS KIES,=I Advertiser Building, Elmira, N.Y. John O. Horton, AT CORN EY 44. COUNSEI,OIt AT I..AW, Tioga Pay (Allow with C. 11. 6(1 mour,,Esti.- - 1341aetitt • to %vial proulptisesL , . apt. iih,'69-Iy. 'C: 13 , KELLEY • ' DEALER 1N DRY NOODg;;Ctineerie.s, Hard 'Arai& Boots, ..hoes, Hats, Caps, dc., ac., cur -Viaer Market and Crafton streets, Wellsori `, Jan. 6, 1668, RettprOtfully announces to tho,citis9us gf.East Charle4tun and vicinity, that he; ',ROT?Id be gratUlui for their patronage.. Offiee et the Storeef Cooper and Kohler. Mar. lith •t . ' Crioc A,TA.] E. -AK! SAWN!, .IjiareGueet.l tho hotel pr ty 13 r. tel , • cd 1.41., 11. Sudth thorau4l4. retittetitli hotel, anti - Cott triollato ( the ti•nvelin miblie . .iu a superior, ,-„ Merph [fa ICEISTOIib HOTEL. sAi3lmvli,L4s'rtu g ti Orairty; Pir., - J,13. Bohn, Inn Ibul,tlg WWlcuusoagcaa went for wan and boast. June 9, 1869—tf. •-! f .iyew Tannery. - - taill tinti , Jrsigiivil Aril Lilted up tho old Foust. dry building, haar thu Brewery; IVollsbiwo, and it riCAv prepared to turn out fine calf,- kip, cowhide, and . harness leather in the best. wan ner. -Ilideb•tanned on bliiiter.. Cosh paid' fur hides. IM. A. DUMF. Wuli4l.koro, Oct. I-I, tits. UNION 110 TEL. Nino IWATKINS," T'uoratiiou.- o twit tilt a new lit)tul builditis on thesite fl of the old Union [hotel, lately destroyed by -tire,. 1 auk now comfy to receive eut entertain, guests. 1:110 Union hotel wns intended fOr Temperauca Uottse, and the Proprietor believes aon he sustained 'without grog. „An attnut c hostler Iu iitteniinnce; Wel hltterD;Rllle 9 fii 1 9, 7. . BELTINC, SNS, CERY - 'UV id IIM ME, •-' IMPLPME:4TS. , _ . _ . . , , ~,,,,;;;,, t ....,;;:.:11-;,, V , ? ;;;, : - Z ;V,I.,, , :,,,',.,,,;510-,1- 1 ,:, - ~,,,i1, 3 ,q, . •.,„..1:- , .,:,, , ,, p try - ,54 4 7,, v d,, , ini0kr, -5 ,47 7 ,-XV.;, y 5, , i,...c1,,, ,,:,t4rit1 aV:',F=1 .1 „:,,i,41,0,44, -4- - , ‘, 41,:, , ,,, , ,, , :gM4f.. , 3.'„t - ~., 1 7 ,7 4.: r . C . , ..t .. , r . • ,, ,, ,... . .........t , ......VA . ,k - tjii V . , ,. .;,, ~ , ,1 ., ' ,;y o tki,. , , a , f it , i,....ajte , i l s:4 t . ,,,,.. - , S , ~,,,_;,,,,,!,,,,,-;;,, _ .• , _ _ . ~ 1,,•-;)y - .11,, A 001'1' , - i . fAIPP" r •'t • . - .4' : MO oY ,_ i . VOL. BLANK -BOOKS ALL KINDS OF GILT WORK ' ! CONIPLETR YOUR BETS! lam prepated to furnish -buel numbers - of all *evietysor Magazines published in tho United tattA4 orilreat Britain, at ttlow price, Sept.2S, 1867.-1 y E. S. Porkins, M. D Smith's Hotel, 4 4.;!0#0 - ZA*lttt- 4 * "•' - S 2 • DEALEIIB IN A iiDII)ATiE; I TION, STEEL; 'NAILS, ' SIO VES WA RE • - • Carkiago, and ,Llaroc, Trialv,aoll4l lIARNESSES, , 'SAPDLES, llornitig, 2; 10117 .. -1,4,.,i -; H . F.AI• YE . I - lIEAIt-YEI HEAR 'YE, BARERLS, FIRKINS, CIIURNSi .! BUTTER TUBS, &c. ,Kept aouatantly ou hand;iind fintnishOd to of tioi; by • . • W. T. MATHERS; at hit ;levi t y ma; 241=4 otir abovti Roy's. Building, Wolls6or• • ( Judo 10, 18680, 5ea4.181." SellieBl:,.Sealesl r ILE Sealbsi b. -' 4 v . :4ittfilr 7 catintoi• e; mity r ibe . found at the utdvirii • - r Stoio of Itobtrti p. Willsbgrei - These 1 4 ,:o lent lire Titfrbahlctrat-' tint end hive >tio AnPoiN , e' nirvhore: • , They', - are 'made in the hosiustyleiii.,Utixtro taken the'lrelruf. um al u m ihegront oxhibithna: 4 " •'` ' • I have ihe sole'ageney fut thesii . Seidei this region. ' ' ItairERTS: " ILI, 4 ` W 7 oll3bdru, Fob - . 1 . 2,1069." ' :• . fil Tobaeoct,Stor.4l-- r,t. stdoerib'erliattiitted up the joining D. P. Roberts Tip ,p94.1,..5r0ve ti„ ro for the tua:n u fat I urt and tale.of qiq it .il t s, (all gractea), 5,,11 Ila Ar I'o 13 4 C G'U;lllicl~flau:Fiuc Cu. ' Ci I E IV I.IT itidB Af' -5 CC 0, ~1,) , 1PE S,-anc( the choi 13riz)44;z1" dIC.t RS. Tt.t ' :Ind see Airy ourbalvvz... , ' - ti J 011 N. Nwr. 11, f if. IZI T() 11\11P11,8 1 I'L,VSTNII.--Wo"llereby certify ,114ethat wolure lady] 'gib Tiarter Uionufactuied by Chan - gamy florae utr, al their werkb on 'Elk Rua, iu tlainer towuqhip, and wo believe it to be equal if not superior to the Cayuga Plaster. David Smith S9I Conable - A PRone 0ohl:; X N Simmori : J Bortatuer W llarker. Ara Smith EStrait t,-;:.•: SIT Dari 4, , _Albert King ,• Jelin C Miller .T lI Watrutts • W Watrous , L L-Marshl7 It ,M Sruilb 0 A gvaith' 7: • 7 1 1 (51 , Punte-71. •illJ;Szeith fared Davir J h Zimmerman 1 C L King L I. Smith. N. 8.--Plaster always on band at the Mill.—' Price $5 per ton. Nov. 4, /8687.' EIM ,-. '~' I 4 El I= c.v4:14ip.. 1 4. E ad's ':-• ~.., 1; : i liTA: : 1-ifiLiDWIN & ' 7. lIIIMMI and see a niceaiocli of Goods foi the'. ; FALL- A. WINTER, suoh na ITAZZAttIt F. OkaZ i gna ,„_, i i —all Etylea, ooluesitiad p4ttern!— AhPACAS, POPLINS, OAMAIWIctSt - IpRPNOLIZAC . ONtTS; ORGANDIES, pEQUAS, VERSAILES, BLAOK _ , AND COLORED BEAUTIFUL Winter :and , alaisti - nosorrment to select from. - CLOAKS READY—MADE, AND CLOTH TO - MAKE - MORE, ALL KINDS OF . LINING'S, FRINGES, TASSELS &c TO TRIM DRESSES • op, SA.CXWAS.', : . t.ANIttE - 140 t i 1 ."04S can't be beat. It keeps up with everything the Yankees have thought of so far. HOOP SKIRTS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, 7 -• P94.SAT,S;ACi.f , -...c.:fi. mozmitunaz- toollumerous to mention; but will say that you will seldom find so large anassortment to select (rota in a country store, end clear down to the , -s• 'BOVTOM ri Wo Oho keep a larko aosoitinont of READY-MAD .9LOTHING s in auita, and Otte of Baits,, 'Should wo fail to suit you with ready-mudo, *la have Casaliner°, and:i • .• A: TAII:OU'Td - CUT ' AND Boots 61'4-Shoes; !,‘ till styleetettd sliiy;; t VATS AND CAPS, STRAW aQops, AND GENTS' FURNISHING' • GOODS, A . COMPLETE LINE 9P CROCKERY, WOODENVARE, HARD WARE, ................................ Tools. A G t S}EOCK 0- ii, 0 :C.E-,1t,'1.,. S.',' . . . Freak. TEAS iati3,lowerAkau nt. avy,tinisitice the'‘in i r Dbl . .not, go to Cuba to buy iluiar, uhd au'Unvb 1101110 cheap. We are agents for the E. HOWE • ,-] : • Faruiere; l if ycti idit took . tc; urtirl6yith in. SALT,I.IME,PLASTII.4:, 14)RA, PLOUR Lime: :caguga, Plaaer; data. • Iltittei - tubs, Pails, Firkinsiand. Ashton Salt to Savor kith,=•• All 'kinds 'ix Parfu PrißnO:atint. a(1.: :Priced dtitertio; •:' ; . 1". • : •T, L. BA T.+ Tioaii,'Pn: - Qcrobor1318119: s"c Dn. • ZUEUSHON ZirIUZZ,2I9 - ; • • : • 5 -••-• iIT anders.iguedrespeetfulty annouotes to the citizens ht VreattiOld and,,surrounding calm.; trj that ho 1 permanently loeated at Ibis placo. MOB fully prepared to do all kinds, of - „- DENTISTRY in ibti bightist style of tho art, Srtisfaetkon giiarfantged. Ofikeirisir Sioilll'ish'rug Store. FfrioThotugrapba,van lie bad ovOr. the, Drug 13ttiv'er: : • ~1 Westfield, l• 100,000 L85.',i.,11 1 0017',, - . LINTER for * fthiek the highest prico wiil paid ut the Js t o r W c it , : "Junfi "14, 18t30. yoLEs ,c; -A RKER. .; • - • - ' - -.• PCT. - C, t e . • •• • - . 4 TrA tAi ADI • Bli't ri Boiler; &eta all tli • f tin"up• hiVadplsii , • ' I • ", mr: , “ J01117 .0 4•.E130 WEN: • Wellsbor r o, i ,ltirto 213'' I 889:=41'i " • • ••. = lasukaitice Ageney•-I 1 • 7 ' lIVELLSBOROAP .: ' 7.• +- • 4 ' , • Cash i 04ifitar. ' 7over ,'' s 2o 3 ° °° '''Pra,Sl=pliAgS ,llirfta . . I 11100 ATE A ,- AS lit) 1 )1r, 9ottiTittnioi' lA,' vita t4lj.t3. 1 1 91161e5,0n dvebllifige _a~tT feria. propertilivriada ttt thiroitleo,raid"aottv6ol4l:iiii t pagment • or premium. • • ••' 1 . 'Axe on ; insliireu • It epain hitt, 1110%4( partieulatiy,:tp ,ipsukciwel.l,l- inge,' • ikrth-,pr,operty, and ; .contents,„;,.ipatu s elked, dwellingp - , farm property insured. f c r. i 'years 'foii - ono ter Ant purr ano,:expensp of polloyi,ke., - A - boucts,• detached , ' 100 or wore •Insured- for' ,s'looo fur ;3 sears, EfitiOnad ;$1,1,6F 4 '53,93h 3ienT!_'.l 4 . ,* 4(4/ Ain§ iU•prfieV fire, Furniture, provisions, bedding &c., at tho same rate 9. Tkerzy Ili ;.„, Oryone Should be Insured. •1" id-'O3" - 'i ure; erne '..rpt us ' lB ch'AP,?.nd just, as well. (Gratis, gontl9.lnon.) I should be• A led however, to befriend enough in thlsinannili'N'inty' for adteitieing.' ••• , • • 1 •. _ ; . 1 -- al•• •;-: IMO NellsZ4rv,. .p t 22, 1968-tf Pi - _.. • 'z ~ , °" 3 o , ASitett3tßzst,7 1 ..': ~,I r ,•-..1 ~,,,, IVIELLSI3OI:9, PA. c . tc? A tt.iintirp - set.tttgitt:_i i phttd ileilreil: ' -', - /. -• , Teeth fektriieeetf- Without-tett - n.l-, peeved-4i' scores of ;r iltiesitig;sit itt!i. ",otlice.' '''Stoeehij'sitgett; , , t," 'iiiitt . :4)eep:iii tlio', 'olldb:deli, •-- - oftl-tlllitig,' Of ' 'fbi' flaturitt-toollt.'"'ATl•vvOrkliftif • ptea fit "liieitiid , tetli•Vtilifiees." . *•r, -, • , ' , - P2- 1 , ,_, ::, .--:' it. , ' • -,-,-, .-y ~.4 , i' , Uttle , `,tsi, 1869! r .`":" '-• - --••-- ;‘ •Atr ir. I. .'t`e-'1•21- A. m.,lN,ptiAm, M. D., BomonopA'rnzia; ofifee it his residence on the Avenue. Viellebere, Aug, 25th 1889.4 f, 111W1 ~ . . L • `:lmss ,a Wilma .I .ELfiriitx.'til4cmis ,- 1.,? Or Thought EMI MIME MUM lIMI v . l! =MEM COME TO TIOGA, PA. t 5 , `1 —Our stock of— KO MMAIV, DENT I s r, r.: :=MI 4 ,• , .. •,,, , ~ I . 4W.FiZSII '0R,9,;(1,',..';':-71):.t0*-:1*:.;2-j86(,4:.,, lIMII THI4 "PitESIDEN, tik` 'To the Senate and House,House,of ' coming cbofore,_ , yoirfor;Ahe '4Ol tithe as,ChieflltagistraW ef l tlng great nation,lit is with gratittidizarithe Giver of ail Good for the fairy benefits we enjoy. are i blessed. peace riP' home, and entanglieg AM= abroad to forhode.trouble; with a territory:hoSurpassed IrLyer A tiAty,of ap area equal:o,ole ahuhclant suppOrt, of too,000;000 of people,, abounding In , every variety of Useful 'rninerals, in quantity'supply the, world for generationi ;I , wlth exuberant crops ; With alvariety of climate, adapted to the P‘roductioillof ; every specie % of, earth's opted al 410 hnhits,f and requiretnents of every living thing, With a population of 40,000,000 of free people; all :speaking one language; with fapilities for every mortal to acquire education;an with institutions closing 'to none the avenues to fame or any =.blessink of fortune that mitylie coveted ; with freedom of the puplit, the press, and thO school; with a revenue flowing into the National Treasury beyond the requirements of the Government, -hap pily, harmony is being rapidly restored Within ontowOorders. alanufabtu4s _hitherto' unknowhin ou i"-ecfu n - are springing up in all directions, producing a degree of National independence un equaled by that of any other power. These blessings; ant _court ticss others,' are intrusted to your care and mine for safe ke6ping, for the brief period of our ':tenure of office. In a short time we Must eitch,of us return to the ranks of the people who have conferred upon us oty honors, and account to them for our,, stewardship. I earnestly desire , that neither you nor I may be condemned by a free and enlightened constituency, nor by our consciences. =I ME RETRO4PECTIVE-TIIE CASE OF GEORGIA, Emerging froli a rel;ell t ion of gigaptic magnitudeiAidedlte it! wee by; tbe sym"-: patty altd,:asViita i ncii'nf 'nations witfi . which We were at peace,. eleven States of the Union were four years ago left without legal State Government ; a na tional debt had been contracted, Ameri can commerce was ,ahnoat tiiirtVentafront the seas; the industry of one-half of the country had been taken from the con trol of the capitalists and placed where all label., rightfully belongs—ln the ke.tYping of the laborer, The work of reStori n g State Government)gyal to the. Union, ofpidteding 'and fostering free' labor and)providing means for paying the interest on the public debt, has re ceived ample attention from Congress, although your efforts have not met with z~ . ,_,- the success in all(particulars thatinight have been deeired ; yet, - nn the . whole; they have been . more successful than could have been reasonably anticipated. -Seven States which passed ordinances ntiecesiiion have been fully restored to 'their places in the Union. 7li ; the eighth :(peorgia) held and election' t which she'ratilled her Constitution, republican in form, elected a Governor, members .of , Cougress, a State Legisfature and all other officers required. The Gove rnor i t viis duly installed and the Legisia7 turn Met and,perforniedn="6,smw , : : reapi.i-001WeYS.tibsequently, Itowi ,-Iy#l-4 iii violation of the Constitution wilieli they had just ratified, as since ;decided by the Supreme Court of the 'Stat, they tinSeptedA4 ctilorqll inci*:. . - mers -of thii.teghilfiture An Wad MI tied': fel Oehte some members who are disquall .fied:by 'the third clause of the Four ' teenth Amendment to the Constitution . ----awartiele which they themselves had ' cbii„ to ratify. ,Under ,these Or ' -anigiiiiices I, ;would: sulinilt to'; you, Nv.lietlfer it would not be wise, withoutde- Jay; to` enact a law authorizing the Gov ernor of Georgia to convene the mem tieraorig,izially elected to the Legisiii threte9uiritig eaptianewber to tali - 0111e :oiiti.Vpreseribed by the Reconstruction Pcts,ps none to be admitted - Who' Pre ;litelig.itile under the third clause of, the ,FoutteentirAineniinient."' ' ,:,': ': . ," -. The': freeilme4; Under, the,, protection' ,iwiiiielf they liiiVcrreCeived'are Making' yiiiiidiPiogress, lit learning, Anti no Conn-,.plaints tiro beard of, inek. of industry on flYeir part wiirenAlley''receliied fair re-., iinitneration for their-labor.. The means provideii.fpx,paying,tbe t interest on -the fiutAiCcia,t, NV itAllil other iexpentses ::of 'the,UoVeril went are more than :hippie. .The loss of lour 'conimerce •iq 'the , onIy; 're:stilt:of the late , rebelllonl•which.'has not reeelved ilauffloient'rattentibif'froni :y911.?,rr0 this subject your earnest ptttilitioh.." I wilt 310tjilow suggest plans ',b - Y,whiclirthiii - object :nay, be efleeteci, blit - will,if peceksary;rnak ip vhe ',eub, jest of a `4 l p 6 P.lfi/ , Aleasiill.9, ' t N o Og . 41° session nt:Pnnii e X.e.oi , ; - :':,:: ..,.1: .T, :: . ! ~ VIRG IIkTIA;11.11313/8 , SIIT.; , TEXAqi At the - 'lllarelic Vtiigreii; joint resolution, authorized 'the' EXeen tive to Order - election's' in the State and_Texas t .lo submit to them the ponstitutiontijvhich, ;e4911 h id" t i cirol,.ol4l framed, piicllto sulinttit,thetlenstitutiohs, either entire"oi . r, 4441:40,,p1iTt5,,.t0rxt),4, voted upon t the dlseretiOn ,ef-the Exec [CU tiv,o: ri Vtier.this.AUthority .elections ;Werelcalleth L Virginias the) bleetion) took,place•onthe 6th of . ..I4ilyi - 18139 , ;;the: OOVernOr, - ;5 and , 'Lleutemint,;(iltiVernor' - elkettotl: htive" been installed ; - tho'llegis"z * 1 .14t4.-fliet; iVtipired - ;by• tbik rescilittior‘tand.,lit'alr,the'„FtecOnstrim tl4llliiitiolVepetegAoind abstained froya, :all,-,,cloubtfAirauther4.j' , X, ;. repoinniend .that her cuxiterkarid, liepresentatives, and that'the - State be .Itiily :Testored‘ Itsfrace in the-familyion States.. AEllec- AAITT;Were called in.-MisflisSippt Tao; commence-ort-the 80th-of -No veinter, 1809, and ctoo,lfist., twe „sloe, fin Ati.,b - Whiippi and four days in Texas. The •elol,lebil have talien,place r but the lie-. .1 3,0 t-ii4 l O: 4 OA ticiwAo><iajibcl that The acts Of the Legislatures of these I Sthtet,i,t When theymeet, will be such as Ito receive your approval, andthus close .theArork of reconstructibn. WT* QIIBREECY-THE N.A.TIONAI., DEBT. i the eyila growing; _opt ,9f yertOkrEptli tb, Air irredeemable - duitency. It 18,4u.'pyi1 which I hope 1 . 011 most your cst earnest attention: 'lt is a day, and one of the -highest ,Onfielli. of goybrn in en t. to scare to 'th e' citizens a of exchaugo. - of , fixed- ; tinvary; , . ing This ittirill6s'a - return to 'a specie bask, and no euhs,titatp fi glt can be detikied;,, : `slionid,',4o, .c'ePAtneneed ,now, an,d , „TP..44?4..4Q , Ae.Atrlie,stdpractl 4 . cable mbmAntfeoOsietent witkiltt faitrew and to ibe ‘ interests:of thellebtoV Immediate .tresumptio4;.,if practibable; . WbuTdtnit be desirst9le: It o'tttd''c6iil 'pettl,iti debtor class to pay . beyond'iheif: ,eon facts the premium - onf : lold.tift - ' the date of theixpurpilase,,andiwould•brkng baultruptcy• l land I , Tutri,.,to-:thousands.' Ifidetuation;however, on the paper vtd tie of the measure of all values, gold, is, detrimental' td liteiSstA elf Itiadec It iii,alits,the man of busin&srahniiiiolun- Tikry.x.fitiabler, for in all sales TirlieFe fu tgt# paYment is to bd raadebbth"'prittiesi ,speculate auto what will thevalllQ '4llfilib'cUrrency to be paidaud - reeeleil.l tl,earpestly, ,recoturacm.l to :yot, ,suehtlegislaflon as will insure a gradual: l rettirnitO spnoleriPaynadfit,- and put ani i.patuediatn7 stop to fluctuation in the Ivaluenf currency, nictliods elf these a itte't he' IV an,: l • tlatibns on riOlftlehl'icnitinnS-':' TO', cut the latter 1 see but one, way, and tliat Is to authorize the Treasury to redeem its own paper, and a fixed plae r, . ; when OSUMI ~ , vc. 1-&_- t 4 is ~, •,..• ;,11 , q:7 .1. ' i'..,... • • ..-: , ..:, , i 1.•, , 1 vi• ! -mac ~,,, ,- , ~-, -..-, --....,, , -,\ v., • - -s ..1 ,:„‘ v „tILII •', :-.,,,,:::,-.,,,,,...,. lo *iiniv.4 i•- , , ~- •- ._ ~., ,i ivo, _- _. ........, '..- ', , !...... , . 1• : , ...-.,, , , ': ' . IBEI MI , !P •-*/ Min En 410: : • S, ,„ - -, i Ni 1 ; rio ; ;6_ . tilk,o - 1416 fritall ' ,lkiii..*LtS WiIeICICOM32OV° • iher.presented,:taid ' ' to ' - Withheld ' freill . ei tau hitiqu' a,11 ; eUrreneY'so red deed until 1 004 1 0ln:far ( k ci'Vhe yait,l'esoarces of the,,nation, both developed and uudeveloped, :ought to make our creditAhobest on earth, with a tesS harden of taXation than the , biti-, zori'lias endured for six-years past: The entire public debt could be paid in ten years; but it IS not 'desirable; that . the ;people should , betaxed to payAtin , that time. Year by year thelability -to pay ' itincreared-in IV - rapid ratio,;' 'But; the bardcoof interest ought to be' reduced 'as rapidly fie' can•he done 'without, the' violation of Contraet. - The patine ebt is, represented, in great part; by bonds havingfroin:five - totivOty, And .from Ibri to fortSy4,eatii, to run, bearing inter- , est at the rate of six per cent and five per cent reapertNely. , • It, is optional , with the Government to - pay these bonds at any period after the expiration of the lost-time/ intintitaiecl "alien their' face. The time' has • already expired 'when a great 4rt orAliclu 'rnay, 'by 'AA- - ken up,and is raPitily approach' tig"wh wh en all may - be; .• It is believed that : Lai which are now/clue nifty he' rolileced by bonds nearing" tVrtite Of interest not ex ceedinf(Sur and one-half per 'cent; and Ig.rayil liy -- as ,the rernainderZbetotnes, due th t'they,ilitty by 'replaced' in the nt same ay,, , Tti accomplish this. it May be necessary tki v eatherize.thainterest,to be,paid in--either of, the-three or' four to 011ey,ceaters r . of , -Europe, or :by . •any Assistant-Treasurer of the United States at the opticiu ;zit the header of-the - bond.',. I suggeet thls subjeet for tier conelderti-' tion ofi,Con4AsS„ sand ralSo sinailltane 7. I Dimly with"ilii.ol*iiiinn:ROOretle-04i: lug our etirreecyas before suggested at, its market:V . 4lo 'at,the time the law goes intoeffect,"increasing the rate at which currency. "will be bought anti sold from day. to day; or week to week, •at the sae ante of interestas Government pays urtoryitO3oydig. i' ' , .; , , ','4.413 WA:11.10---:jzsiiratirAt; ILEN'ITUE. The iinbieet , 4;;' f- . Tariff : andf Internal taxation _wilt Alecessarily receive your attention: The revenues of the:coun try are greaterilhan the , requirements, and ma,ywlth" safety be reduced but as the Wilding of, the debt in ai; or a 4/1- per ..cerit I.loalf, would reduce the' annual. current, 4 e.icpeukes'largely, thus; after funtling,"JUStifying,'!a greater re-, duction of titxati9n 'than wbuld Ire, now expedient; I suggest the, postppriement 4f - • t,(O :luestion until- the next , meetipg of • Congre,ss.,,..llt.i.tinty be advisable , co; modify, taxation and tariff livirfatances where unjtist or hurdenSomet discrimi nations are made by the' present Jaws -. regulating (ht). l -ettjectlt recotiimend . the'ipostlieheineilt'of It for the present,' I also Bilmtest'ilie reriewal of the tax on income, kilit:'fiV Q. reduced rate, ,say of, three per,cent; and thlsitaX _expire: In t h ree- years, L . , ,Mr,ith, the,:fiAnding of the .National • debt as here suggestedil feel safe in saying , thatetaxes. and , the rove.. nue from, impertsinay be reduced . safe ly from-shay' to eighty- millieng-per annum at' ',Tree; •atid chatty:be — still "ilfr; ther redieect'lrtchn year. to ,y,ear, as'the resources ,botrutO Are•'cleybleved. The rePb f it - '6l"the Sretiretary 'or tile the 048,747-,": and June '3O; 1869, the bounties, to be $321,00,697. The ; estimates for the ensulng.year aremore• :faVOrable to the Government,' and will no doubt show a much larger decrease of the public debt. • ' • .• The receipts' in the Treasurybeyond expenditures have exceeded, the ainotint necessary' to , place ,to the credit of the Sinking I' undas provided bylaw. To lock up the surplus. in the Treasury, and withhold it from circulation, would lead to such a contraction of the cur reucy as to cripple .trade and seriously affect the prosperity of the countrY:— Uncler the cireunistanees, the'Sectetary .of • the Treasury and ruykelf heartily concurred in the propriety of using ail the':' surplus currency in the Treasury in of Government' bon&-, thus;red wing the[intereSt-ibearitig'debt, tif`thiy cotintry,"and of submitting to •CengreSs the fluestion Of 'the dispiAltiou. to be infttlenf the. bonds So 'pnrchaSed. The , bonds now held,Treasur y, amount to about ' - .‘"7s,o.oo,4oo, : including the Monging to' the Sinking -"Nucl. I'recommend that the whole be placy , to'the credit "of the Sinking Thind. „' The! office,.a . Cotinniisiener of Inter ue of- the most arduons and•resp eligible under the Government. It falls but little, if. any, shorter' a Cab inent position in its:lmportance'and re sporialibilitieso It would ask for it, theirefore, such legislation as in your judgment will place the office on a foot :trig of 'dignity,. e,plutxlensufate ;with -its ImpOrtanee, and with a character' and 'Atialifieations of the class amen req. ursitnto till it propetly2 '' VAL' .CASEI or CUBA. ' - AS. the `United States is the first of all , . r.: , ' 'II EttWrlS BO , too,,the people 'sympathize ")vitil all - : peoples, struggling for liberty - -and', elf-government. But while so ;sympathizing, it is: dike -to, our. ,honor • that-weshoUld so abstain from. enfore- ; Jug our, views upon unwilling ' natiens ;andlroin taking- an-interest part' . tvith; • , .out'irvvifation. In 'the quarrelshetweed 'different 'nations, :Or ' between ,geVern-, , • 'tient-S ., and their .subjects;' Cin . i..'cinii•Se .; Sliellltl !always, - be ';in; .eOnfortniky Vath ' sftletlustice and law, inte f nationaland Plnpor.:,,' Such has been the isiliey of the AdMinistrationl-in dealing ' 'With '"thesie . questione. - 'Formore than a year ,a'Val-, uable pr,ciyince ,Of, : ' Spain, And a,'nell,r neighbOr'Of ours; in' whOtil all ,Oftr i lieio:i -tile cannot but feel a deep, inteest, has been struggling ...for- independence-and freedom. The people and..Coyernment ,of the United,States entertain,thesacue *orth,:lfeeliugs a d Byre pathies 7 for the: people Of .Cuba their pending strug gleit that they ma ifeSted throughout the previous struggle(' between Spain• mad her forinefcolonies . .. in' behalf of :tlili. latter, •, But the 'contest hasiit no, tiiiile. assumed the 'eonditilnisr 'which. amonnt to, o,Var"iu the seruici of International,. l'aVot iiilliela Would show the existeree of `o de .facto -,jil ttici3,l cirgoilit4iint Of the insurgents r snalcient to justify a recognition, of belligerency.: - The prin ciple is maintoineiii, however;-that this nation is.its bwOljuclgti when:to accord' the rights of belligerency _either to a ''people 'struggling to . free ' themselves frotna government they : believe' to'be -oppressive,.er to independent noticing at war:with' „each! other" ;;The "'United' ,States ihtINO no' disxtositiQn: to -interfere'. • with ••'-the" existirig; — i,el:O,.t i ci'ns of! .Spainttn.her , COonini,,,pegSesSlOni.,on, , thig retintAtient„ Theylbelieve, that , in? line 'tituo, Spain - and : other , Europeani powers will find -their interest-in ter-1 ~roinating, t heseTelations,-Aridostabin. e :, t heirwesen t' Idepen ci °notes aS inde:l , peodent ,poWers`zincilibereS 6f . the'Anil iy,,o,f, nation s: = subject The - dppendeneleiiira' r nn icinger regaided'. as' subject to transfer from one European power-ta another.— When the gresent, relation of Colonies ' Cease,' they Are , to beeome . in d epeni4en t . pbWers,'exereisiog . tber3 right :of chpiee and blaself-control..--.. In -the- determina., Itioutof the4,futnre condition , ' and rein; Globs . Nirith l ;other %Powers, the. , United States, int orders.:to , putf a' stop .to shed in - Cubai , anticiiik the' interest of a neigh beriPe people,'; ptopdsed their zoo,ci ottiets tiethring theexisting, rnen=. deterwiontioo. The oile'r,•nq "heibk atectitell by Spain on a s basis' which we believed could be received by Ohba, Avast withdrawn. It is hoped that the good . offices of the United .).'.-?;) , ,`4''_4 : ;,:A-:.:.4it =NEM =MEI ~ W .zmF~ ~~1 t: EU! „ ~.. - ''''s t ..• „'•-. _ ':::,+_' -.::-_'..- '‘ .. -I . ' ._- . •' II -' - - -H .- -:-...' '' -1 1 ... . -i t ,i i ~, , %II , 1 , .1. ~ - )i ,1 , •-,.":,) . i , l -.0 ~ L . • ~-, k.. t -i ' ,- ' : ,7%...... • A - 1 ' :.: .. . , 7 : ,-. . =' ' I= States may yet proVe : advantageous for the settlement of this unb'aripy strife.— Meanwhile a number of expe rditions against Cuba have . 'lkea broken up. ti lt has b,een the, endeavor of the 'Administrittlean to'exCente the neutrali ty laws irro• good faith, no' matter how - unpleasant Alio .tusk,-made by the suf- Awing AveNhave • endured from lack of like,geod:fliith toward us by other na-• tions. : TILE -ALABAMA CLAIMS. Toward the.elose of the Akdrainistra tton a convention was slgut:4 at London 'for the settlement, of all out-standing claims 'between 'Great Britain ''and the ; United' States, which' failed to receive the advice , and consent of the Senate to its ratifiCation. The time and' the circumstances' attending the negotiation , of that treaty' were favorable to ;its no-- veptance, 4y the , people of the ;United, •States,'lititite provisions were wholly inadequate for the settlement of the grave wrongs, that - had , been sustained by this Oovernment, as.well vis_ by its , The injuries resulting to the United States by reason' of the course adopted. bY'Great Britain during our late Civil War in the Increased rates of insurance, .In the dithintition of exports • and im-, PortSond Other bbStritotions dourest-' is industry .and - production, in'its elect upolf the foreign commerce of the coun ,try, irn the decrease_ and transfer 'to Great'Britain - of our Cornmercial. mar ine; lathe - prolongation of the war and the increased cost, both in 'treasure and in, the' lives of its suppression, could .ot,he adjusted and ordinary commercial dahlia 'which continually arise between. commercial nations; and yet.the convention treated them simply as such ordinary claims, from, which they diger more widely in the gravity of theie-character - than'in .the Magni tude of their. amount. Great even, as is that difierence not a word was fOund In the treaty and not an inference - Could be drumn• from it to''reniove the sense Of the unfriendlineSs of the course of Great Britain incur .strugglefor- -exis tence which had tic) deeply and so uni versally ilk/pressed itself 'upon the peo .ple'of this country" , Believing 'that a convention thus ,miscOnceived in its 'Scope and inadequate in its provisions would !not have produced' the• hearty, 'l:ordinal' settlement' of the pendhig questicifis which alone is consistent with' thq relations •which I, desire to have established' 'between 01(3'Utilted 'States. .ind Great Britain:" I' regarded the action of. the Senate•ih rejecting the treaty to have been wisely taken 41 . 4 the Interest of peace, and a necessary 'step in the 'direction of a perfect and a 'etirdial, friendship between the two countries. A. sensitive people; • een scitius of their powers; are more at,ease under a great Wrong wholly unatoned than _under 'the; restraint of a settle ment which satisfies, neither their ideas of , justfee,nor theirgrave sense of grieve fume theyhave Sustained.' The rejec tion -of, the' , treaty! Was fellewed by' a state. of publio _feeling. on both. sides -which` iI thought not, favorable: to inimediata' attemapt' at 'renewed inego tiationS.'' i accordingly so instructed r rea:l447l 4 l44 l b,t l bWhi t ta States „ to e"4l, l PS'Aii r ffitbff-erf-AbDte kal.ej__KtaJ7. May soon arrive - when the' two Govern ments can approach, the solittionof this momentous question with an appreci4- `tion' of what i 8 due to the rights, digni ty, and,hoitor of each, and with the de .terniination not. only to remove the causes of complaint in the gust,, butto lay the'foundation of a broad principle of public laW which will prevent dif fereric'es and tend to firm and continued peace and friendship. This, is now the only gi'tve question which the United States has with any foreign nation. TI - IR RECIPROCITY TREATY 'WITH CAN A bA. - 'The question of renewing a treaty for reciprocal trade between...the United States and British Provinces oil ,tlii-, continent has not been favorably con sidered, by the Administration. Tire advantages of such a treaty would be 'wholly id _favor of the British produc er, except posallily a' , few 'engaged in thStrade between the two sections. No citizen of the United States would be benelltted by reciproeity. - .Our internal taxation would prove a protection to the British producer almost equal to the protection. , which our manufacturers now reeetvefrom,' the tariff:• ,Some 'ar rangements, 114 ever, 'for the regula 7 tion of cointnereml intereourse between the United StateS and the Dominion of Canada may be desirable, . -, ~ • TEnt:GpAili, CABLES. . • , .It' having come. to my AtnOwledge that a corporate' don - litany 'organized under British 'laws, - prOpoSed: to land upon the shores of the :UnitedMates; and to opernte,there a submarine cable, under a coneeSsion front HIS Majesty the EuiperorOf the - Vierich, or an 'ex clusive •right,;for.tu ) euty years of tele graphic communication between s tip! shores of Prencli and the tnited,ptates f with the vtiry'Objeetionable - feature 'of subjecting all.messages.conveyed:there-' byte the scrutiny and control; . of_the French Government. I eased the .Fiench and British Legations' at Wasli-' :log en to be madeaequaintedwith the probable. policy of Congress ouThe SO- Jeet as for6badOwed by, the bill which passed the "Eioiiiiid iii 'mareli last. This' dretV , front , the: representatives' of the 'com Pany au agreement 'to accept as the, hielis or their operations the, , proyt,s ion s, it(tliat bill; er of'sindi other enactment on:the subject itS --- Mighthripassedi der lug the approaching session of Congress. Also to use, their ,influence to ,secure from the French Government a modifi cation of their conceSsion;:sii`tis to per mit .t he 'land ing of any cable' belonging to tiny 'Company, incorporated by the authority of the United States, or of :the'; Union;' and, on their part, not to oppose the establialiment• of any such :eable. In considerationot,this" .t,lgree 'Merit I directed the,withdrawal.of; all ;epposition by the United States author- Wes !to the landing' or nealo, and to , the working of ,it, until ;the:Meeting of , Congres.' I' regret ; to ' say that, thre 'has beep PO - modification made ,in t - 6 'Compils - Conceision ; `nor; sit far a "I 1 1 ben 'fear ,itutve: they attempted to f ie. cure, one, :Their. concession •, excludes the - , Capita . and - the citizens .of the United States front Comperitien upon the — ShereS , of Frtince'' .1.: , recommend legiSlatfon to; - protect.the ziglits nUeiti- Zeus of, the United State r s, tut7yellasthe dignity arid' sovereignty of the nation, againit such an assumption. I shall also:endeavor to seepre,,,by negotiation, 'an - abandonment of the principle of Mcni- : Opolies' in' ocettiti)telegraPhic , eableB,— , ' Cottle's of •the ;ebrrespondence; are here . Withifurnished.: . • ;,' -; „: . ~,;. , .* ' The unsettled - politteal, condition of 'other Countries', lesslottnnate than our own,' sometittles indue6s-'ttlett citizens „to come to , the United Statesufor .. the sine ~ p urpose of _being, naturalized,—'Having . secured thiS, they retnrn to 'their 'native COl:nary and reside, there ,without diSblosing . this, change .of al. iegiance, TheY, uecePtallicial,positien* of trust ori'llinter'l,wh i ieli' tau` only b' :held by citiiens.Or'iheir. natiVoland- -, ' ' r fitCY'.iett 010 tinder ,0484p9543 .'descri b in ,‘-e: th Ont. 7 as„ siteb. citV4p,my i ,,and; it, is "On ly, -, ',I,V lien civird ie.oill; al teeyeurs er hapit orquiet, threatens their person; or their property, or when their 'native State drafts into its military service, i that the fact of their change of alleg ''' ,4,-'- ME =I lance is made known. They residever nmently away from.thellal i ted States; Ailey contribute nothing to revenues; they avoid the duties of its citizenship, and they only make themselves known by a claim of protection. :have di rected the diplomatic and epnkilar offU., cers of the .United States AO scrutinize 'carefully all such claims ofdpiotection., The citizen of the Ulifled States, whether native or adopted,l4 entitled to it's complete • protection. -While have a voice in the to of I shall not consent to imperil the sacred right by conferring it upon' fictitious & fraudulent claimants. Tun PROTECTION OF EMORANT P.tBSEN- • GEBS. • . -On the actession of the present Ad ministratsori it was found ithat the Minister for Perth Germany had made' propositions for the negotiation of a convention for the protection. of-emi grant passengers, to.which,no response had'heen given. It was concluded that CO be effectual all the triarltinte- - priWers engaged in the trade • should- join- in such a measure. Invitations havebeen extended to the Cabinets of London,. Parts, Florence, _Berlin, Brussels, The Hague, Copenhagen,- and- Stockholni, - - to empower their representatives at Washington to 'simultaneously, enter negotiatiOnS and to conclude with the United- States conventions, identi-' eat in form, making uniform regula tions aslo the Construction-of the:parts of vessels to be devoted to the -usnof emigrant passengers ; as to the quality, and quantity of food i " as 'to the- Medi cal-treatment of the sick, and es to the rules to be Observed during the, voyage, In, order to secure ventilation to pro mote health, to prevent : intritsion,'and to protect the -females, and providing ,for the establishment of tribunals • lb. , the several countries for enforcing such regulations by seminary process. Our manufactures are, increasing with wonderful rapidity under the encour agement which they now receive with the improvements in machinery already effected, and still increasing, causing machinery to take the place of skilled labor. •To a large extent our imports of Many articles may fiill44l largely with: In- tv very few years. Fortunately; too, manufacturers are not confined. to afew localities as formerly, and it, is, to 'he hoped will be.' coin More and more clif-, fused, malting le : interest" in' hem equal in all seen us; They' giVe•elici ployment and su Tort to hundreds. of thousands of people at home t atid retain with u's 'the means which ether Wise would be shipped abroad , . ' The' exten sion of railroads in Eui:ope and the. East 41 - bringing intocompetition with otir agricultural products like proti-ttce of. ether countries. Self-interest, if l i k;_i self-peservation, therefore,,dictates Caur thaw against disturbing' , any Andustrial interest of the country. ',lt teacheS be also; the necessity of looking to 'other markete for the.eale"of our surplus. Our neighbors south of us, and China 'and Japan, shOuld receite our 'special attention: , It will be the enderivori'of the , Administration to cultivate , reabh relations with these nations as to their ,confidence, and make it their interest, 'as • Well as ours, to , esfabliAlk better - ctornlllercial relations._ ------- ' -,-*'''' ' 4 -...,,.,.„, r d, l A c i l viii z r nc r i:g - r PSIUT Y A l's 121 — TO Upon my assuming the respensibili.• tics of Chief i‘lagistrate of the, United *fates, it was with the conviction 'that three things were essential to its peace,' iii oz4pel ity, - atliti fullest. development— , Viist among thesi., is strict , integrity in fulfilling all our obligations. Second, To secure protection to the person and property of the citizens of the United states in each and every portion of out common country, wherever he rinK, choose tic - move, without yefereoce' to original nationality,. 'religion, color, tti• politics, lemanding,of hint only obedi ence tot its laws, and pi•oper rc--spetr:t‘ Mn the ' righ is of others. Third, Union of all the States,' with equal rights, indes tructible by any polistituticru a l means. To secure the first of theseCongressho, taken two essAitial steps-?irst : In de• claringl by joint • resolution that 'the public debt 814.141 'l3O paid; principal and iiKerest, in torn : By providing the mean S for paying, providing the means, however; could secure the object desired Without a proper adininistration of the uw•s Poi• the collmtion oC the revenues tud art is;'conottliettl tlis.lntrsernetat _o them. To this subject the Adminis tration has inwyt, earnestly addressed' it self, with, results, :I hope, satisfactory to: the con n try. There , bas been no hesi-, Cation in'elianging officiall in order to secure an efficient -execution of tilt , laws, sometimes, too, - where, in a rderi. party view, undesirable political resultS Nvere, .likely to follow ! nor any hesital tion.iii ,sustainin„,c , efficient' against in inotistranceS :wholly political. It play be-welllto mention here the embarrass ment. possible to arise from leaving on the statute boolzA'the so called " TenMre of-Office Act,". and to earnestly'recont,' ment its total repeal.. ,It could been the intention of the framers of the Constitution, when providing that appointments made by the President should receive the ,consent of the Sen ate, that the latter. :Should have the power th return in office persons placed there 14 -. .. federa - appointment against the will of the President. - The law , is consistent with a faithful and efficient administration of the Government.— What faith eat) an EXccutive • put in officials`foreed upon • him, - in those,. too, • whom, lie, was suspended, for reason How will 'such officials he , likely : o serve nn ' - ii'dministratien -- which they 'know : does not trust-them? ' - For he second requisite to our growth• and prosperity, lime, and firm but humane administration of ' existing lairs,' amended from time to time as they may-prove ineffective or prove harsh and . .unneeetsary, are probably all the means rag iiired. The third 'cannot be Y obtained 'by special legislation, but must be regarded, as fixed by - the Constitution-itself, and gradually acquiesced in by force of pub lic opinion. - TTIE INDIAN QUESTION. theViorn e fonntlation of the , Govern.- nient to the present the management of the original inhabitants of .this.conti nent—the inditins:—,•hasVeen ' a subject of enibarassnient and expense, and hat been attended With ebattituous 'robber-' • ries, 'toit rd e rs, and war. 'Prom my own experience upon the :frontiers, and -Indian countries, I de net, hold either the legislation'Ythe"eoiltlifet or the whites whocome mostin . .contitet: with .the . indian blameless f ,these:.hosti`r ties., The past,, however, cannot 4,1. 4 -1/I - don, and the onostion'inust .i l e" 119 umw find 'it: I - have tit ili P ted •new ,policy toward tbese: - B . lds „t )f the' nation (they cannot be - rg a.l. ‘` e 'n any ( „ t h et . , li t , , .hi: t hi n , n , ; - % , , ,..rds) With lair re-, su its; ;:„<, fur and I boa too d e _ , Afitiltlitteiy :With - great Societyg),f Fyientis is well succeeded ,in in periodwhile the Inklian'A ifi"the se toetnen t of Penntiy Ivarillt,4llll6 then! neighbors of other, seots, in, ,et sections were constantly embroiled, : They are also'kneiun. tion•tettll strifes, iiart t 'and . . are. ge e rat I y note& forn I tivir,•?liiet 4,ogrity and; fair ,ilt . e.iings.DiVle-19-C93 1 % sideratiOns induced ins to g've the ?nail - agentent of a fe,v reservations of In (bans tt, thein, and to throw the burden of selection of agents upon the Society -r r. , ' , } ~ F NO. 51. -.- JOBBING 'IMPARTNENT.' , Thoproprletorshaveitookedtheestablishlita' With a now a varle assottment of- . , -,1013 AND CARD TYPE AND F . .AS . ITSI3SES,,-. _ , . • ; ~; and are roparod to esoou taiestlyand pzptsptly POSTERS, HANDBILLS, OIROEI A1i0;23114L4 HEADS, OARDS, PAMPILL47I;I 4 , 40.2 4102. - - Deeds, Mortgages,Leasel an'd a full ;morts:toll* of Constables' and Justices' on band.! • " r Pebplaliving at a distance can ttepeildQD.hai. Ipz,thoir,wqrk (Igno promptly, and sent back fa • return miql. Itself. ' The result has proved . mint • satisfactory. It , will be found mere fully setlorth In.the report of the Com missioner of Indian Affairs. For Su perintendentS and Indian. : Agents not on the reservations, °Misers of the army • were . selected. The reasons for this tivero numerous, Where Indian Agents 'are sent, there or near there 'troops must be, sent also, The agent and 'the commander of troops are Independent of each other, and are subject' to orders' cram different departments of the-Gov ernment. The army officer holds ti po sition for life ; the agent one at the will , 'of the President. The former is Per- ' sonally interested in liVing in harmony withal.° Indian, and in the establish- ment Of a permanent peace, to the end that'some portion" of• his life may be ' spent' within the limits of civilized so clay. !The latter has no such personal .1 interest. Another reason is an • econo- mks one ; and still another, the hold which the Government has upon a life ofticer to secure 6.-faithful discharge 'of ' duties in carrying seat a given policy. . The building of rallrbads and the tie,cess thereby given to all the agricultural and mineral iegionii of the country is rapidly bringing civilized settlements into don. tact with all the tribes of Indians: No matter what ought to, be the relations between such settlements and'the abor igines, the fact is they do not harmonizo well, and one or the other has to give -way in the end. A system which looks to the extinction of race is too horrible for a nation to adopt without= entailing upon itself the wrath of all Christen dom and engendering in. the citizen a disregard, for human life and the rights of those dangerous to society ; I see no substitute for'such a system . except in placing all the Indians on large reserva tions as rapidly as can be done, and giving them absolute protection there as soon as they are fitted for it. They should be induced to take their lands in severally, and set up territorial govern naer:t' for' their down protection. For full details on this subject; I call your special 'attention" to the report of the Secretary of the Interior and the Coat.: missioner of Indian Affairs. ' =CR DEPARTitENT. • no report of the Secretary of War Ishows the expenditures of the, War De partment for the year ending the', lath of June 1809, to be $80,644,042, of which. $23,882,81Q. was !disbursed in the pay ment ot debts contracted during the - war, and is not chargeable td current army expenses.. His estimate 0f534,661, 931' for the expenses of the army for the , next ilscal year, is .as low as it, is be lieved. cian be relied on. The estimates Of Bureauoincers have been scrutinized Fuld reduced wherever it has been deemed practicable. 11,. however, .the cenditiOn of the country should be such by the beginning.of the next fiscal year., as 'to admit of a., greater concentration 'of troops, the appropriation asked for willnet be expended. The appropria tions estimated for river and harbor lin proven:Lents and for fortifications are sub-. witted separately. Whatever amount Congress may deem proper to.approwl ,ate for these,purposes will be.expended. NAVAL 31AIVERS. iteptav - or - liner c>e , t,.Tt. cu. kJ yr "raver Navy, accompanying this, •shows the :ficlifigku k aikbe -Navy Wfieli this Ad.- changes made_ since. Stenuous eftbrts have been Made to place as many ves sels in commission, or render 'them lib for service ' if required, as possible, and ;- to substitute the - sail for steam while cruising, thus materially reducing the, expenses of the navy, and adding great- ly t to its efficiency.' Looking to our fu ture, I recommend a liberal though not - , ?,Xtravagant policy toward this branch - of the public service. • . . I I , The report of 'the Postmaster-Cieuer . furnishes a clear and comprefienSiv _ , exhibit of the operations of the - poste • Service and of the financial conditio.ef ' i the PoSt-Oillee Department. The' a di- , i nary Postal revenues fey the year e di' , lug, the Seth of J une, 1860, amounted to $18,344,510 and the expenditures to $23; 898,131, showing e an excess of experidi- . Lutes ' over . receipts .of $5,353,620. The . excess of 'expenditures over receipts fcir ' the previous year amounted to $6,4674 e 822 The increase of revenues for 1869' over those of 1868 was $2,051,969, and , the increase Of expenditures was .$967,', 538. The increased revenue in 1869 ex ceeded the increased revenue in 1868 by '5090,336, and the increased expenditures in 1860 was $2,527, 570 less than the .in= ' nreased expenditure in 1868, Showing by - compariso this gratifying feature - of -" improvement: that-while the increase of expenditure over the increase of re ceipts in• 1868 was, $2,439,535, the in.. • crease ofreceipts - over the in ease Of e 4— petiditures in 1860 was $1,084,371: ' • , - ' You attention is respectfully called to the recommendation made by the'Post- ' master-General for authority to change - 'the rate of comperision 'to the main trunk railroad lilies for their setvicesin , carrying the mails • for- having- post route maps executed; for reorganizing and increasing .the efficiency of. the Special Agency service ; for the increase - of the mail service on the Pacific, and for establishing mail service- under, the flag of the Union - on the Atlantic;_ and -. most especially do I call your attention .- .to this recommendation for the total -, abolition , :of ,the franking privilege. This isn't tise..train which no on re-; re-:. ceives commensurate advantage,;, it re duces the receipt !from the. postal. ser vice from 25 to 30 4)er.cent, and largely decreases the__ service to be performed.. The - Method by' which postage should, -be paid upon - public matter's set :forth, fully in the . report of the Postmaster-` - . 1 !General. . , ~ The rePort of. time Seeretatty, of, the' Interior shows thab the sivantityof Pnbr,, lie lands diSpostkl of during the • year , •ending the. Both opune 1809, was 7,666,, 152 acres, exceed ug that of ,the preeed :lng.Srear bj7: 1,00,0,0 acres. Of !,ttdii amount' 209,544 acres Weresold,".for cash' and '2,737,365' acres, eitti3re . 4, under ; _ t the ilopnestead lit.Ws. - The' Ilerrhunder was granted to aid in the construction of 3Vorlis Of illtelth Hi iin prOem eil ti- ap prei,ed to the States . i, as-sWrimp - Janda; .unqlocated'witfi w4rtants - and scrip. The cash receipts from all s ources Avere $4,472,886, - exCeeditig; those of the' pre- Ceding year, $2 , 846,1140. During 'the last fiscal year st"),:t 2 0 6 names were added to tie penos i m ,50,4, , 576dr0pped therer fiord; letiviie,_at Its close -186,9634 •-The 'aim:Ali:it wai to Pensioners, including. erisation of disbursing; agents, -the eor4 ,p 4. 422 884 an increase of $4 411 902 a r., _, ) ~. thatnf the previotra year: :.-' ' •-• -- The•munificence of Congress has been , conspiendusly Manifested in : it's ‘legishi- • hen for' the soldiers ..and sailors who suflbred in the reeputt stroggje-t0 2 ., rPain-i• tato Unit unity.. el government,tch, makes us one people. The .additiOn ; to. ,the. pension rolls or each sticeesSiVe-year. ince, the conclusion - of hostilities result', 'hi ft• 'gfeat degree 'from the tePeated • limeritithent'S'of We Act'nf the' 1.4t1i' . 6f ' July; 1862; which Vxtended Iti",proVis-` •ioee to eases not falling •witbilf itit'ofigi;;i • Hal seOpe., -. .Tho - largo'4lartyWilliitf:' - fir 'th uSneeTa - lieeted is fu iither-,inereased kr Abe more libeilil iillotvande ' beritoWett Oleo, thattdate upon thosemho,= inc the Aim; ef, duty, were w hell 'Y:clF,Ti4niunent; I;ollSablech Public eptnie 'hasn`. Over( ail 'emphatic i.-'atictikin ,to these inetkur,ek 4,•i•%Q1) grvss , a int; ii t 'it W i II;; tie .keebil tik di that no part of Our poblic. burden Is wore elieerfullwhoree than that, Which is imposed by tuts branch of the service.; It necessitates the next fiscal year, in El