;;;:: .„ ._ ._ .- ...._ .. 3, , ,. , . : - - 7 ny .P. D. DalVTOltti And still I wait, with sadness in my ii eart, Beneath the stirs that smile and soFtly blink; Vattin. the night and dad imagb think, 'And drea t tn'ene'dreard that never shall depart! The &I:mint - the dead'bavo vanished quite, But not less sweet and gloriously fair • Is this one taco, so,glowing and so rare, In its•angelie beauty plAre and bright! Audi am sad; yeevrith"a - strange delight In this sweet vision of the one .1 love, Mori beautiful than glimmering stare above, More sweet Thunirlaisperlng breezes of tho nigbt! ror lat base, unworthy other sight, And she more pure than deters of spotless white. B.llogentleman of _unquestioned respectability went homii late at night. The moon was shining brightly, and approaching the house, he-was surprised to see the figure of '4 man ristrsaddenly aad face him.-- 'The' circumstance! was well calculated to . make any one tremble. Burglars and .rojibers wore In tlad city. It was reason=; able to suppose this one. But the gen tlE man had always understood that in sui•ii - einurgiences it was best to put on a I.now of courage . even if you didnit feet any.„ To this,eflAe 'put his hand poeket,,tind then witbdrawiuglit, ex ended It toward - the supposed outlaw ps..f he had a pistol in it, and meant to shiiiit ;him.. The -man did the same.— gentleman was only making belleye,he had a pistol, for he had none, -be- ho wu,S not certain that the intruder we- equally, deficient in firearms. On 411, country, s he thought he,.was armed, an.t thesteely glitter of a pistol he was salNvA flashing before hi eyes. His ha f• , bristled with horror, and he cried 01.1, Stop, you rascal, don't shoot, don't shunt !' But still the arna'was' extended, and reap of death wusdheavy upon the gentleman. He shouted murder thieves an rob bers;_ _ The l'Oud on teilis attlielrightened cit izen :itlroilied hig,cslte, who came rush ing to the deer, "terror-stricken, inquir ing the cause of the alairrn. k s Why that rascal is gOing to shoot =el" ' " What rascal, my 'dear," inquired the' lady. " There, don't : you see him," pointing to the still silent figure. " Why', my,dear o that's your shadow I' " WWI" • "Your shadow.lr " Blessed if It ain't--I thought it was a man."'. *",N9 my dear, it's only the reflection of brute, and iiiteu tight one at that,P! Acid the salubrious citizen was con ducted to his couch.. A, gentleman of Sweetwater, Wyo ming Territory, .tells a good story of t•xperienee on his arrival at the mines-in the mountains-: It .was dearlyi -dark as he alighted front the stage at' the-hotel.' As he en- . m tered - the public T cv c in he, was of course ,arited,at ooce,a, eomer. He bad isearcely seated himself. cornfortably when an amiable gentleman approached hirF ) , and, with evident . 'lntention of dot g, the.,stranger a, favbr, quietly asked if, as he had just arrived, he did not want a "job." Of eouhse, money was the - object of our friend's visit to the Mountains, and he at one replied in the affifmative. He • would be very much obliged, indeed, if he could be put in the way of a good thing. '• Well," said the amiable gentleman, '" there's a vacancy in the office of dep uty sheriff, and I can secure you the appointment if you accept ; the posi tion pays 89 a day." • Our friend concluded that this was a )Iln° opening, and intimated his willing ne•-s to accept the appoidtment. Just then an idea. struck - him : " By the way," said he,"•how hap pe:ii there to be a vacaney;in the pt ee 4)l' deputy sheriff?'' " Well. you see,•stranger," said the au fable -gentleman, "our deputy died " Ah ! indeed, how happened it?" " Well, It • had a slight miauoer :Au nd ing with anOthet , gentleman, and 'wt a shot." \VIDA' was ho apyohited?” `•' D:0, - before yesterday.", • " Woat beemue of his predenessor ?" " I ie , too." 011, Jong does a deputy, sheriff live in these parts'?" ' 0, at,ont jwenty-four hours:" Our 11-lona conciitnied toI go to -work in the and deelini2d to ti - ecept 1.11 :;ppointnient . . • Tu communiettee an idea of the si2,e of tt p:( - , 's 110.48 CariOUS Sty los of compar iso are used. Ali artist of the brush. in Ohio seems to have contributed the lat :1-• Wei las most, spacious. An el dei the Methodist Conference lu that prt :is blest With large fee:. lutes the following at .his own expem-e : ZNoppi lig one night at the house of a sibter, he overheard her -in the morn ills , hefore he arose, instructing her bb3; to • black the elder's boots. The boy urged as an objection that it would "take hint ail day to get around." Finally, yielding to her enkreatlea, and taking one In each liand; - he liaiileil t4m across the '1320r shouting, " get around here, tan-yard!" One day a poet read a new play before the Reading Committee of the French comedy. It was unaimously refused.— The poet went up Io,M. Samson, the wen -known actor, and said to him:— "I have a right to complain of you; you voted against my piece, and yet you slept all the time I was reading it."/ M. Samson wittily replied: "Sir, in iter nry matters, sleep, is an opinion.'" To make good; molasses candy take • two cups of molasses one of sugar, and a piece of butter the size of a walnut, and one tablespoonful of vinegar. Boil bris'kly and constantly twenty minutes, stirring all the time, when cool enough to pull, do-it quickly and it "will come white rapidly. \ • An odd genius - advertised a field to be given to any one who was really con tented. When, an applicant came he would ask,' Are you'contented?" The general reply was, "I am." " Then," replied the victor, " what cloyou want with my field?" •,- • Alexander Du rnas 'recommends onioul sqljtp man infallible remedj , for nervous prostrattioti, headache, and lie lirepares his soup, which has become' quite famous among the gourmands of the french capital, of cream and onions: A rustic. degcribing, Louisville, said the finest residence there belonged to Mr. M. E. Church, whose name Was cut In big letters- over the door, and there was a sharp pointed chimney on the house twO - hundred feet high. At a birthday party recently given in Burton by 'a little girl, five different kinds of wine. were furnished "all present partaking freely." And such int-ianees are not so rare as one wo ild think. An English coroner's jury lately ie tu! n verdict of "Death . trotn fatty dt• rt-I•s•ratioil of the heart, aevelerated by tit • ,leceasetl having strangi L LA htbrselt." woultl4iaturally aggravate such a 'Pitt , . Boston Post, a good Democratic pa,,,t— as tar 21: - 4 anything Yankee can teolocittlic-t-uegests that "Delaware eat ittevynt the river from washing h r t:t 1 11 c whipping posts for Pig" Liftt.K:l,llowerii, need to Erbv.lll, plenty of pfput./ „ AP w?f,et 141, plenty of sun oo mid Fir',llt7. Thin filoiffi, 14 1 1 0 fili'fi1, ,, 1 I'i titiofficeehs. fuluultorm 11 fs tai Would n 't. UV cooed, but kftu ofrtililitft. IRLIANGIITIVTOr', . -„friv.aff 79 Mg "1,1212411.k2n-ki..,,,t Perfuimery, NOtions, Dye■ Varnishes, Glass, Potty, Alcohol, Turpentine, Kerosene Oil, Tobacco,',Cigars, 30011%tr ZEOMOD ConVersie '& Osgood 4op oonetantly on hand a large stock of general MERCHANBIZE. GOODS AS REPRESENTED. NOT WATCHEi • , 44 r l to L , IMV7MIr4 ,T 278 The, undersigned would respectfully inform the citizens of Vows and vicinity that lie has just, opened a • Watch and Jewelry estibilabment in Borden's Drug Store, nnd le prepared to execute all orders in his' line of bueiness with despatch and in 'tile best of man ner.LLß WORK WARRANTEIiI. S. 'WILE. Tloga, Feb. 44, 1889..—tf. EAST CHAIILESTON WOOL cARDING. JTVING purchased the wool carding ,wprlts of Matt & Whitney, the enbscriberi aro now prepared to card Woof lute rolls promptly and in the beet manner. Per,lons coming from a distance, and wishing to carry their rolls home with them' the same day will be accommodated., The charge for dardOg is based upon the weight of •therolls, an not upon that of the crude wool. ' Satisfaction gu4ranteed. We have a first-class machine and pleilty of power 'to drive it. July 27, 1869-4 m. ; ,MOORS ts BACON. WASHING MACHINE. lrAB. M WILKINSON, of Ckarlosten,having purchased the right to make and vend the U. P. Jones Washing Machine'in Tioga County, hereby gives notice that'the machines are being made at Van Horn's Cabinet Paptory,Wellsboro, whore they may be procured. The beat, cheapest, and most sonsiblemachine over invented. hine 24 , 1868-tf. YAM 'AOENC for Kinney h•-• Co, celebrated platform Spring Wagons, all styles, rasp for their light 'Carriages Buggy Wsgons, all made in good style, and from Jersey timber, and warranted in' every respect, equal to any wade. Can furnish any of the ahave at the lowest Manufacturers:pi - ice's. 1.. C. BENNET. Welinbere, May 5, COLLRCTOItS of the taxes for 1860 ate ro quested to be prompt in coltocting up their duplicates and paying over the sama by the let of September. • Ily so doing not loss than moo oan bo saved to the county. Aug, 4, 1860. Li. C. BAILEY, • Co. Treasurer. IMI FOR CASH I Will sell from this dato their entire stook of DRUGS, RDICINES, Stull Paints, Oils, Wall-Paper, C tulains, Fixtures, Sic., &c., &c., AT COST FOP CASH. Positively no Humbug. P. R. WILLIIIAMS it CO 'eMbar°, March 3, 1869. Fresh Goods Received Weekly. Dry .Goofsl Fresh* Groceries CROCKERY: lat 4 ,and Caps. Be it remembered, that TO BE UNDERSOLD. Jan. 6, 1868.-ly. OONVERSD 'As 080 OOD For Sale: Notice to Collectors. - eves: --Sto:Velt ..,~~,, ~~s , 4 c ',Jdtis:-0~ .31111 p.`3'3~ tl: 3i:Q~i - r •-••__ AND IRARDWAIREi I , •i it' 4 MI gavingformod a partnership in the Tin, Store undillardware trade,. the undersigned have did pleasure...to announce that they have, at rt groat Outlay, added tot/in - mull] stock of the old stand on 1111 WELLSBORO, a ~ p omplete.: axaortment ~ 0f..• Shelf Hardware, of which we enumorato the following articles:: NAILS SPIRES, CROWBARS, X. CUT, MILL, BAND AND' BUCK SAWS, •JBUTT.S; STRAP HINGES, CARPENTER'S TOOLS, ."IrOMPS," 'AXES, 'AUGERS, BITTS, - • BITT-STOCKS, HATCHETS,AHISELS, •• SHOVELS, SPADES, FORKS, , DENCR-SCREWS, WOOD SCREWS,' OARRIAGE BOLTS; - BURRS, SKEINS, WASHERS, ." • : .. PIPE BOXES, ,AXLE. TREES, ELLIP• . TIO SPRINGS; HORSE SHOES, HOOP, BAR, & BAND IRON, GRIND - STONE HANGINGS; CORN • POPPERS, SAUSAGE CUTTERS AND STUPFERS COMBINED. Also, PISTOLS, PISTOL CARTRIDGES, POWDER AND - , . • CAPS. .. • . PATENT HARM:IOOR HANGINGS • )• ; , a new thing, andinido . for Use. These are but; a. few of the Many' articles composing our stock of Hardware. • We Invite the public to call and examine:Tor themselves. We, aim to keep the boat quality of . -goods in our line ; and all work to order done promptly and well. • ' - AGENTS FOR THE ~ltlitclipye'. Mower & Reaper. Wu. Ronntirm. 1 , • It. C' BAILEY. . ' - ROBERTS <1; BA ILE"), Wollsburo, bray 10,18894-a. . -- ---- Ingliam's Woolen Mills ! MITE subscribers will pay Cash, Full-Cloth, Cassimores, Flannels, &a., &c., for Wool.— They also manufacture as usual— TO ORDER, OR ON SII4IES, to Bolt customers. All work warrante ,as rep resented. They invite particular title tion to their Water Proof „ . which aro warranted fai l every respect. Partion lar attention given to ROLL • CARDING CLOTH DRESSING. INGHAM'S largo stock of Oassimeres, &c., 25 per cent less than any competitors, and warrant. od as roprosented. INGHAM manufaoture to order, and do all kinds of Roll• Carding and Cloth Draining, and defy, competition. INGHAM have to good an assortment o Full Cloths, Oassimeres, &co and give more for Wool in exchange than any other establishment. Try them and satisfy your selves. INGIIAMS wholesale and retail at the Cow anesque Mills, 2 miles below Knoxville. Our Olathe aro warranted, and sold by the foltoring porsons: DnLANO & CO.. Woliaboro, Pa. T. L. BALDWIN 4 CO., Tioga, I'a J. C. BIiNNETT, Covington, i'a. 100,000 Pounds of WI Wanted* JOSEPH INGHAM SONG. Devitol4,3'nue 30, 1809-4 t. DEERFIELD, PA. CASSIMERES, AND -I.I I f, EL - Ds c li o l io ....m ti k-E air in the e " • , BUSINESS. in this village; uost door to K. li. Kimball's ..tirooery,- is pew, prepatod : togary on the business various : branches. I will keep eo stently on band an assortment of iireadom a r •., . , •r „ ! bOAIr BREAD; BOSTON ;CRACKER • :11RAItAbr 'BREAD, BUTTE R • -',;• ORAOK : EIta; . BROWN BREAD, - ,WATER ,' - :O2;,(3ItAOKERE!, SUGAR '"'"" . • tr•'' -• • -CRACKERS, • •,, ' I+l • DYSPEPSIA + - AND:-!EIODA BISCUITS,' n Oli r s i ,rpg 'O,It4..CkEAS,I OAKES, PISS.; AND: LIINOB, • o'l.4lllmi:lre ottliiiday,,"Stindaysexeepted. f. .13y striotAittimitioiftp • business shall endeavor to' nier t gI'EVE Welleboro, June. 24, 1868., _ , Whcilegale and Retail +IA • •" • DRU'Gq-iSTORE ! irtrAirp' . o: KRESS. , ; iPirf4Oit.it,ii will keep on hand at all ttniei? a full stock of 01 . 145 1 .4 ND NEB ICIN 111 :rAINTFV OILS, Ell ' , Patent 'llleilleinei Pitracti l :Pirlumer,y, Kerosene, • Lamps,' Wicks; bue Colors, White Trash Linit and Brushes, Varnish and Sash ,Bruphes, -.Window Glass: all she.% Karnigh of all • kinds, .FUncy Soaps, 3 , Hair, Oils , ' '. I SPEQ.T . 4CL:ES, Hair and Tooth Brushes, a fuiVe lock 0 4 , • 'Yankee Noti ons; also ei complete - • ae ' sOrtMent o , ' Homteopathic Medicines; Pure Wines and Liquorb. Bayaie are requested to - call and examine pri awl before parohaaing aleowhere.. ➢SarQI 24, 169-,ly THE AMERICAN. , BUTTON-HOAR ,OVERSEAMiNG " .AND 'SEWING MACHINE. • T" greatest Invention and the beat sowing - Machine in the World.. Tt has no equal as a Family Machine. And ' t'iV • INTRINSICALLY THE CHEAPEST. It is ropily two machines in one by a simple and beautiful mechanical arrangement, making both the .Shuttle or Look-stitch and the Over seaming and Button-hole stitch with equal fa cility and perfection.' It executes in the very best manner 'every va riety of sewing, such as HEMMING, FELLING, CORDING, TUCKING„ STITCHING,' • • ERALDINO AND_ - :QUILTING,' GATHERING and SEW— . . ING ON, and In addition OVER-BEAMING. Embroiders on the edge and makes beautiful Button and Eyelet-holes in all fabrics. Every Machine is warranted by the Company or its Agents to give entire satisfaction. • For further information inquire of [F. KINGS LEY, at R. C. Bailey's in Morris Run, or of Mi.s. S. K. EVERETT, four doors south of the Depot near R. Fares Hotel; Blossburg, where the ma chine may be tried, and instructions received in using the Machine, by all those wishing to buy. F. KINGSLEY, Agent. Morris Run, Pa., June 9, 1889-3m.e!, . ; HARDWARE AND STOVES I CONYERS & _OSGOOD TX AVE on hand and aro constantly receiving • at:their .` Hardware Store every article needed in this region of 'country; in the • • HARDWARE LINE. , SHELF HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL NAILS, • MIDDLETOWN AND, ' • ELMIRA SAWS, ROPE, STOVES, Cooking, Self-Regulators and Coal Stoves. forme Companion, and the justly aelebrattid nom cool sTOVH, . T N - . NV Alt E No pains will be spared to meet tho wants of our elastomers. . COJNVERS 41t OBG00±). Wellsboro, Jan. 8, 1889, ly. GROVER & BIKER'S FIRST PREMIUM ELASTIC STITCH SEWING MACHINES, 594 BROADWAY NEW YORK. Points of Excellence. Thiunty and Elasticity of Stitch. Perfection and Simplicity of Machinery. Using both theads directly from the epee's. , No fastening df seisms by hand and no - *ante of thread. ; =--' • Wide range of application without change of adjustment. The seam retains its beauty and firmness af ter washing and ironing. Besides doing all kinds of work done by other Sewing Machines, these Machines execute the most beautiful and permanent. Embroidery and ornamental work. Allr^The highest Premiums at all the fairs and exhibitions 'of the United States and Europe, have been alkarded the Grover 6r, Baker Sewing Machines, and the work done by them, wherever exhibited in competition. Alr-The very highest prize, THE CROSS OF .THE LEGION OF HONOR, was conferred on the representative of the Grover & Baker Sowing Machines, at the Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1867, thus attesting their great superior. ity over ail other Sewing Machines July 28, pB9-tf. • . OR i3XLE r -A lot of cutter timber, ready for use, will be sold, cheap. Call on RAIL dc MARCH, Hoeneyville, Pa. 11 ? Y , 2!1,/8.197841' MN fr.t: sad a fall stook of W. C. KRESS EAMILY A - CADE . 1 4 r ^0 • 0, 0. WAUD, Principal i • . Dirs. Ant. W. HORTON . , Preceptreass Miss Mae lloaToN s Assistants 1 4 11 24.XNNA LIMIT; Teacher of The Fall Term will Commence August 81. The Winter Term November 80. The Spring Term March 3. •Nacb Term to continuo 12 weeks. :.!.. 0': 4 '; 4" EX.FXNEIES . RN& TENII..t -. c .4- Tuition, incla int rent andlcood,Fall Term.... 411,50. dt" II " Winter Term.. 13,50. , 4 sit " Spring Term... 12,40., D'ay Students 7,00. Ines tante nhtl *tilo s (Plano, Organ or htolodeon).. 10,00. ...Itocalltusha: - ....--,..t.4 - e 2,00. • Coe of Instruments " 2,00. Drawing and Pending 2,00. lioard per week. -- .....4 13,00: July 21, 1802414. TIOGA HIGH SCHOOL. - - HIS Sol:idol now - becomes a porman nt In stitution, under State authority ) having by special act received some peculiar privileges, and ,it can now afrord all advAintages Common to Acs 'delitieLletitntifins.'l.Tp, those designing to pre- Viirn 'for tencilltig To Arai 'Very decided saran. tageti . -hy combining the Theory with the Praetioe. Fail tiim-aommenees Aug. SO, 1849, apd con. tinues 14 Weeks. BM *• -1; 'TUITION ,common Engßah . , Elementury' Algebri, Pe.: Mary PhllOSOpby and primary Physologyifree,'to ,all pupils of school,Ugo : residing in Tioga Bore. Common English,;,.,, - ,:....... - .• $6,43,e Higher " 4 ' 0 I,oo' CepstaercinLoourse, time unlimited 6,00 'Eternian=i3xtri ~ • $;6O English Branches and German ' ,• .8M ii " Commercial course.::- 8.60 - For information with regard to rooms or board call on, or address • .., . , R. M. DRUMS, PrlnciPalp a r! ,; 11,13g741 3 1 - 819-41::! . .:' L.,'22 - , q-'t; r 1 , • Tioga, P. A FEET WOOD, it FARM PRODUCE RE -93 calved in payment for Tuition.. SiTE GOES '! `" : FROWL THIS DATE ' "DOW, will sell tEgD at tiles° pit : .Z.Vr ESE Very best Rye t Ocits,' Grenind hOre, r , . . , , $2,50 cwt. .13Oafinipaled keed, — . , 2,25..". Beat Common Eeed, . . 2,00 " tio'w, Feed, 1,75 " The 'abovegoods, at the above plt'oes; .ate snietly cash 1 We 41 ) 41 saatiln on; feed. --We haven't a Piaster Mill conceited vrltlk•Gifir Vionring MIII,I .1 „ „ , - 00r Peed is pure 1 ' 4V841f,;14.7, • Welleheie,Jan.,2o, iaao. = `Grocery ,and ProvisiOn- ,Storep, 1,1 CORNING, N. Y. 7ZP. 111 Xll ATrHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALBR ' YV in nil kinds of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, FOREIGN & DOMESTIC, GREEN & CANNED FR UITS AND VEGETABLES, WOOD & WILLOW WARE, aLos & CROCKERY WARE, CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, CABS & PERAMBULATORS, TOYS, &c., &a. A full and complete assortment of the above mentioned goods of the beat quality always on him d. . Particular attention paid to Fine groceries. Dealers and Consumers will find it to their in terest tolotawkine his Stock before buying. ' Corning, N. Y., March 31, 1869. TO THE FARMERS OF TIOGA. , COUNTY. TAM now building at my manufactory, in lawrinee -4 vile, a superior , • ANNING MILL • • • 7 , , which pomsace the followingadvantsgesaver allotker 1. It separates rye, oats, rat lit t or I r an d fonleeeds And chess and cockle, from wheat. - 'l2. It cleans flax seed, takes but ye low seed, and all other seeds, perfectly. 8, It cleans timothy seed. , . It does - an - Other isparatingiegared of a mill. ' This mill is built of the best and most durable tim• bar, in good style. and is sold cheap for cash, Or Mr duce. t , ' • will fit a patent sieve, for separating oats from vvheat,to other mills, on reasonable t arms. MAMA,., Lawrenceville ~/u. a 18„1889—tf =t-"t o -- UNITE Life Insuran t O & Trust Oompanit, of P nnsylvania.. " COARTEIV PERVETIIAL. Capital, $1,000,000: ' sloo,ooo.depeoited with the Auditor General for • security - Of - the Policy rfolderr. Low cash Premiums. Policies, Non - -forfeitable by their terms. Liberal Traveling Privileges. Return of all Premiums paid. z Annual Dividends. • Females Insured at same rates as Males. Home Office 8. E. Corner, sth and Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Applioations for Iniuranco may be made, with W. P. BIG ON EY, General Agent, Wellsboro',Pa. May 12, 1869—tf. ANTED, 4.- • ~. '!1) AT THE NILES VALLEY STEAM 1 . FLOURING MILLS. ' 10,000 Boa. Corn, ' 10,000 " - Oats, and any amount of good wheat. J. B. DIMON A Co. Niles Valley, March 24th, 1888-tf. OTICE.—Wo the undersigned agree to close 1.1 our STORES on and after the first of OctoherlBB9, up to the first day of April 1870, at 8 o'clock P. M. (Signed.) 0. Bullard & Co. Thomas Harden, L. Bache, Toles & Barker,C. L. Wilcox, Wilson & Van Valkenburg, C. B. 'Colley, D. P. Roberts, Roberts £ Bailey, Con. verse & Osgood, John R. Bowen. Wellsboro, Oct. 1, 1809. House and Lot for Sale. ACIIISH and Lot, and vacant lot for sale ' Cheap. Location Wellsboro, and desirable. minim at tho Agitator Office. Oct. 28, 1888—tf. New MUUI* eiy 1 AVMS R. A. KERNEY begs leave to inform the °Risme of Tioga and vicinity that she hoe taken rooms ovar Borden's Drug store, op posite the Post. Office, whore she will be h appy to wait on all who will give her a call. Particular attention paid to bleaching. May 12, 1869-tf. Valuable Farm for Sale. Afarm of three hundred Rares with two hun dred and twenty-five acres improved. Sit uated two miles north of Tioga Village, on the Tiogit River and Raihoed. Well watttered, un der a good state of cultivation, and good build ings. Also four houses and lots for sale in Tioga village; ;_ T. p. BALDWIN. Tioga, Fob, 12, 1888-4 f. CASH PAID FOR, WOOL, BUTTER AND CURESE, by O. L. WILLCOX; Juno 17,1808. „1i.. : t 1 . 4 , DRIED FRUITS, SPZOILL TZWITRES. 4 Min 01111G,STORB. IRV .•, r•r •..a, i.} f .i ''!-. : !:;OdieNiNia, N. :V...- rv itUGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS -WI AND OIL% THADDEUS DAVIDS' INKS, KEITH'S COWENTRATED MEDICINES, IREDELL'S FLUID, EX- • ' • • .‘1 .TRACTS, BURNETPS COCOAINE, FLAVORING -EXTR4TS, KEROSENE LAMPS, PATENT MEDICINES, ;ROCK ESTER r • ESTER PERFUMERY AND FLAVORING EXTRACTS,' WALT PAPER,,. WINDOW GLASS, ' • WHITEWASH LIME & =AND AYE COLORS,- AGENTS FOR -MARVIN & CO'S RE FINED OIL. .Boldar.Wholesale Brims.' Buyers arorequested' to call and get quotations' befort*goink farther last. Corning, Y., Jan.1,1868-ly TIIR CIIURCII UNION. (phis paper hail been recently enlarged to mammoth, • proportions. IT Is Ina LLSOILIIT aaLlarous ?APRA iff Fana - woitsu. Ia the leading organ of the Union Wyo. nlentOnail • opposea - ritualism, close communion, en •cluelveneeaand church caste.- It is the only paper Ihatpubllshes Usury Ward Beochor ' s Sermons, which doesemiry weelt,fust as they are delivered.— with out ngualitication or correction by him. It advdcates universal stamp; a anion of ohristians at the polls ; and the fights of labor.' It has the best Agricultural Depettraont I of . any paper in the world; publishes stories for the firmily t and for the destruction of social evils,. editorial' management is impersonal; lie wsitora and editors are • .from ovary branch of the cluireh,and Dom every radii of society. It has been aptly termed the freest organ of thought in tho world. r Stich a paper, offering :prim:alums of Sewing Ma chines, Dictionaries, Appleton's Cyclopedia, Pianos; Organs for Churches, etc , makes' one of the. best pa pers for canvasser's In the world. Evrify Congregation May obtain a Communion Set , Ofgarr,a Melodeon, a Bible, ore Life Insurance •Polby , for Its Pastor, or almost any other needfre thing, by a club of enbectltiers. Bond fora copy, enclosing 10 cc ILENE • 41,P == EMORESTIS MONTHLY M • GAZINE universally acknowledged the Model Parlor Magazine of merica, devoted to Original Stories, Poems, Sketches, Ifonsehold Matters, Gems of Thought, Pereonal and Literary Gossip (including special departments on Bash lolls), Instractiods on health, Music, Amusements, etc., by tho beat authors, and profuselylllustruted with costly Engravings; useful and reliable Pattern's, Em. broideries, and a constant /I la CCOBBIOD of artistic novel• ties, with other useful and entertaining literature, No person of refinement, economical housewife, or lady of taste can afford to do without the Model Month. ply. Specimen copies 16 Cents, mailed free. Yearly, .$B, with a valuable premium; two copies, $5,50; three popies, $7,50; live copies $l2, and splendid premiums 'for clubs 4.48 each, with the fi rst premiums to each I subscriber. lita..A new Bertram & Penton Bening Ma. chino for 20 subscribers at $3 each. Publication Office, 838 Broacway; , New York. Den:lvrea t'a Monthly and Young America together $4, with the premiums for each. DEMOREST'S Young America, Eniargud. It le the beat Juvenile Magazine. Every Boy and Girl that sees it says so, and Parente and Teachers confirm it. Do not fall to ware a copy. A good Microscope, With a Glass Cylinder to confine living objects, or a good two-bladed, pear/ Pocket-knife, and a large num; bor of other desirable articles, given as premiums to each subscriber. - Yearly, $1.150, rublication Mice, 638 Broadway, New York. Try it, Boys and Girls. Specimen copies, ton con tit, mailed free. 1869. .FOR SALE. 18 ATIIIS NURSERY OF FRUIT AN I OR NAMENTAL TREES, IN TIOGA - 60,000 Apple Trees. 10,000 Pear Trees. A good supply of PLUM, PEACH, CHER R 7 said ORNAMENTAL TREES It SHRUBBRRY The Fruit trees are composed "of the choicest varieties, good, healthy, somflif them large and in bearing. Any one wishing to ,get a supply will do well to call and see lisp stook before pur chasing elsewhire. Or- Delivered at the depot free of charge. • Tioga, Feb. 28,1868—1 ye Plexaa.c, P l Cortol9 ORGANS AND MELODEONS, FOR Sale by - I. G. HOYT. Haines Brothers Pianos, phiakerings, Steinways, and O took% Hintermister's Organs and Melodeons, andi Ma so Hatelln'si Organ: -These are all first-clan timitnitßenke. Having the' experience of many '3l froii Instrurnentk and tuning the -,apii c 011 - Ii offefsieater liducternents to caste ..parkstf_Tioga Codrittabisir any other dealer in Biortherkpal Nyery:.l,listrAment is warranted Iciffitra y_sottiu. pdribil particulars see Illustrat ed Catalogue. I. G. HOYT. • 3faustleld, Pa., Bfare)l 3,1880-1 y State Streit Lote. P. CONE having laid off hie land on 1 - 1; * State Street into town lots new offers them fotsale on reasonable urine. Wellatioro, April 28, 1869. SASH, DOORS. BLINDS. AT HAOTOR'i VRICES, • • 41.1 - Vraya on hand or furnished to order, at ( BOBERTS & BAILEY'S Hardware Store, Wellaboro. • August 18,1889. _ pASH aid FOR HIDES, ' by M. A. DIIRIE. We'labor° , Deo. 16,1888.—t( Planing ec Matching. FLOORING, CEILING, WAINSCOT ING, TONGUED cf.- GROOVED, with rapidity and exactness, with our new Ma ohines. Try it and see. B. T. VANHORN. Wellsboro, April 21, 1869. The subscriber offers for sale 'the following property, situated in Covington township and borough, Tioga county, Pa.: 58 acres of land in Covington tp., on William son Road leading to Dlossburg, 4 miles there from and 1 mile from Covington borough, about 20 acres improved, a good frame house, barn and other outbuildings thereon. Also, Sawmill, Sash Factory, and Shingle 51111 and water privilege thereon. Also, iwo apple orchards of 170 trees, mostly choice fruit, and about half bearing trees —lB plum trees,'l2 Cherry, 90 . 43tirrant bushes, red, white, and b ok, 4, Crabs, 10 bearing Grape Vines, 12 Pear, a d Peach and Quince. Also—a Timber lot, 340.8 nores, ft of a mile from Sash Factory and Sawmill. \Timber, pine, oak, basswood, chestnut, ash, beech, birch, maple and hemlock. Also—a lot in the village, adjoin ing Gerould'a orchard, fronting on Williamson road and railroad, containing about \an acre a 2.story Rouse, putbuildings, fruit trees and a good well of water thereon. ' Also—another villagelot, fronting on 11 son road, 80 feet front by about 200 dee) another lot frp,nting on said road, 114E1 gar further particulars inquire of ,DA IRELAN, Br., or 8.../ IRELAN, CoVingto April 21, - 1889--tf. 11,R.--r4JaO LAWYERS— / ; BRur TOY it L ANKA. tt ftal pato, aE =,YOUNG'S BOOKSTOR M= W. D. TERBEI I L &, C 9. , [ran, to 1 Y E. CHILD, as Row, NEW YORK at this office. BY B. C. WICKHAM, '1 For Sale. RAILWAY ZLIKRIARXXO , r Eiii!lMl;il • Erup itAIWAY. dAN and' after. MONDAY, Nov. 15th. Ifitin„ Trains 'will leave Coining, at the followini hours, viz : 'flotact' Wier. , 12.35 EXIIIBSS MAIL, Sundays ox O (pled , tor Buffalo, *Dunkirk. and Cleveland, connecting, with trains for the West.' A sleeping Conch Is attached to this train running throb& to Buffalo. ' 6,22 a. m.. NIGHT EXP., Mondays excepted - for Both. estordinffaloi Dunkirk, Cleveland, and Cincinnati, connection with the Lake Shore, Michigan Southern and Grand Trunk' Railways at Buffalo, Dunkirk, and Cleveland, for tile West; also at Cleveland with the " - C C. ti and 'lnd, Railway for, Indianapolis ; and at Cincinnati with the Louisville 'Short Lino Railway and the Ohio and tdisaisaippi Railway for the South 2 , and SeutteWest. '45;42 a. NDMIT EXPAESS, daily for Roch. ester Bufhlo, Dunkirk, Cleveland and . unit!, making direct commection with trains of tbsi Drawl Think and Lake Shore Railways at -011ifakt ' Dunkirk, and Cleveland for nil points West, andel Olocinnatti with the Ohio anti MississiPpi and Louts. villa Short Line Railways for t ho South and South. west. . .10,20 e. NAIL TRAIN, . Sundays excepted, for . Dultalo and Du nktrlf. .12415 P. nt.sITAX FAEIGIIT, 'Sundays pxcepted. . 1 2 45.p,m., ItALTlMOltWßlMßESS;Sundaysexcept ed, for Rochedter and Brasio, via Avon. COO A. m., DMIGBANT TRAIN, daily, 'foie(' West. 7,39 p.m., DAY EXPRESS. Sundays excepted, for ltochesttr, Buffalo,' Dunkirk, Cleveland, Cincinnati, and the South Stops at driucipal stations and con. nect,e points on main line. New and improved Drawing 'Boom Coaches accompany • this train front New York to Buffalo, and Sleeping • Coacpes attached at llornellsville, running through to Vloveland and Galion without change. I,OCi p. m. NIOU •T EXPRESS, Sundays excepted, ' connecting at Now York with afternoon trains and -istentobra for Boston And Now England Cities. AsAr-_,Sleeplug Coaches accoropany, this trots. • 4,4$ a. ni, CINCINNATI EXPRESS, Mondays ex cepted, connecting at Elmira' for Williamsport, Harrisburg and, the South; also at Elmira for Curran daidua; at Waverly With train of Lehigh valley Hall way at Otsego tot Ithaca t • at Dinkhamton for Co -'- peratowu and. Albany ; and at Now York with steam• ore and afternoon Express trains for New England cities.- air Sleeping coaches accompany this haft' to NoW Yerk. • •:, • 11,45 14. m., DAY EXPRESS. , Sundays excepted, conneettrig at Jersey „City with midnight expresa • ' ftrain•of Now Jersey - 2. Railroad for Philadelphia. Also stops at, principal stetsons and connecting points on main line.' Nevr and improved Drawing Room Coaches accompany' thie : trakto Now York. 0.0 FIiEI43I.IT, Sundays excepted. i #'s 4,42 m., ELMIRA, Sundays excepted. / 4,42 it: tn.; NEW YORK AND BALTIMORE. MAIL, thandays excepted, connecting at Itimire for the South. 7J59 p. m., LIOUTNINQ EXPRESS, Emily, connect. log at Jersey City with morning Exi.ress train of- Now Jersey Railroad for Baltimore and Washington and at Now Yolk with morning Express train for Berstein and New England Cities. /tier stops at all prin cipal stations and con necting points on mast. line. - • Blecmiug Coaches accompany thla.tra - 4 tbrongb. to New „'"Nork , BAGGAGE CIIEOSED %num:au /Fe- A revised and completo "Pocket Time' able" of Passenger Trains on,the Erie Hallway and contmeting Lines, has recently been published, and can bo precut , ed op a - Pplication to,the Ticket Agent of the Company WU, n. DARK, L. D. RUCK ER , ' Gen'l Pass. Agent- , Gen'l Supt. Blogiburg & Corning, & Tioga U. St msains will run ail follows until further notice: Accommodation—Leaves Illoseburg at 7,15 a. in— Mans field at 8,05 Tioga at'B,42, Lawrenceville at 9)32 arriving at Corning at 10,40a.m. Mall—Leaves Illoseburg at 2,00 p. m „Mansfield at 2,4 G. Tioga at 3,18, Lawrenceville at s,oo—lurriving ut Corning at b p. m. Mail.:-LeavesCorning at 8,00 a.m., Lawroncovilleat :9,03, 'Vega at 9,45, Mansfield at 10,22—arriving ,at Blocs•burg at 11,00 a. m. Accommodation—Leates Corafag at 2,40 p. m.,Latv, rencovllle at 8,62 Tioga at 4.40, 3fansoeld at 6,80 arriving at !Homburg at 8,16 p. tn. Northern Central 8. R. . TRAINS FOR TILE NORTII. Trainsfor Canandagnia leave Elmira:as follows: Accomodation at , 020 a to Express [fastest train on road] 12 20 p Mail 7 10 p zu Way Froight,[passonger coach attached].........800 a m Onand after Sept 25,, 1860, trains will arrive am! depart from Troy, as follows; LEAVE NORTHWARD. 10 55 P. m.—Daily (except Sunday s) for Elmira, Buffa lo, Canandaigua, Rochester, Bnsp.l3iltlgo and the Cat:lades. 845 a. m.—Dally (except Sundays) for Elmira and Buffalo, via Erie Railway from Elmira. LEAVE SOUTHWARD. 830 A. m.-;Dally (except Sundays) fur Baltimore, Washington, Philadelphia, - 9 SCP P. m.—Dally (except Sundays) for Ballfraorb, Wathingtou and Philadelphia. ALFRED R. FISKE, ED. S. YOUNG ; ' Gong Supt.llarrisburg, Gen'l Pass. Atiet Baltimore, Md. Philadolphia & Erie R. R. Ou And atter Sept. U, 1869 Trains on thiti Road al) ran as follows WE ST W A RD Mail Train leaves " " " Williamsport " arr. at 'Erie ErteEsprens leavesPhiladelphin... `• Williamsport.... • arr. at Erie 'EI mira Af aI! leaves Philadelphia.— W Spinal sport... " " arr. at Lock Haven ;EASTWARD 9. Mail Train loaves Erio 44 " 4 , 4 4 arr. at Philadelphia.... Erie Express leaves Erie 44 Williamsport... d. arr. at Philadelphia... Elmira Mail, leaves Lock Haven.. • 4 6 4 4 ' Williameport, rim nt Philadalpbin 7 . iG p m Mittel° liapress, biases Williamsport 1229 a m " arr. at Phlladclplita 9.25 a m Mail and Express connect with 011 Crock and Alle., phony River Rail Road. Baggage Chocked Through. • 41,1fltlID L. TYLIIR,Gon'I Sup't. Atlantic and Groat Weston' R• W. SALAMANCA STATION WIITTIVARD BOUND ?flan ' Accommodation Express .... Express .... At• Cory there lea Junction with the Phlindelphia a Erie,and Oil Creek Rail Roads.. At Meadville with the Franklin and Oil City and Pitbole Branch. At Deavittsbnrgo the Mahoniny Branch tuakee a di. root route to Cleveland. At Ravenna connects with Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad. The Road paeans through Akron, Ashland, Marion, Urbana and Dayton, intersecting various rail. reticle, and terminates at Cineinusti. L. D. RMICER, Gen.qupt., Aleruiville, Pa . NATIONAL LIFO INSCRIBE COMPANY UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, WASIIINGTON, D. C Chartered by Speci'l Act of Congress APPROVED JULY 25, 1868. Cash Capital. $1,000,000, PAID IN PULL BRANCII OFFICH : First National Bank Building, PHILADELPHIA, Where all Correspondence should be Addressed CLARENCE It CLARK, President. JILT Ceram, Chairman Finance & Executive Com Hurinv D. COOKE, Vice-President. EmEases W. PEET, Secretary and Actuary. D. S. Itussatm, Manager. Circulars. pamphlets, and full particulars giv en on application to the Branch Office of the Company, or to U. 0: SIMPSON, WarAsnono by whom applications will be rooelved and Poli cies procured for Tioga County. Deo. P, 1888.-Iy. • House• g p Lot for SOle. A GOOD House and barn, on a lot of two I - 1 acres, within ten minutes walk of the Court fleece, WeUsher°, is offered for rate. In quire of John I. Mitchell, Esq., Wollaboro. • Aug. 25, 18694 f. il/fam , and 4 feet. ,ID 8. , Pa. rug DEBTOREL—AII persons indebted' to mo 1: ire' requested 'to call and settle at 'once. All accounts with me before the new firm was - formed pedal be closed up without, delay: WILLIAM ItQBERTB., Ilsboro, Aug. 95,4869. GOIN4 EA.ST. L.II.StEATTIJOK,Sup't ...11.60 nvori -. 9.60 in 1T! 00 a In .... 6.10 0 n ~.. 7.45 it n cp .E.AEITITAILD Amp, ,5.30 -Express 610 0,&5 mail 5.51 12.19 Accommodation, 11.45 ' 11.00 I 'Express 010 CERaiE OFFICERS I t - f‘THE Atlantic, and Great Wesie RAILAVA:Vs, TRH ORRAT BROAD OUAOE 1:0C1 FOR '"6tiIVELAND.--TOLEDO, ClllO4 MILWAUKEE, ST, PAUL OMAHA, ' • And to all Pointe in the WEAT and Noma -Ii " Dayton, Chichinati,to •y t tLfx, ST., LOUIS, 'KANSAS NEW • 01 1 .14,41148 And all - polu i te itt the south /r, Boutimot, No - Change , of Coach ei TO.,CLEVELANt CINCINNA Prom any point on the Erie Runway A, vantage, and convenience not offered 6) other route. 3 . Triitoirdu LIGIITNING Ezp BEH T e • DAILY. . • —:,..__ Baggage Qbached Through, and Cif; [rota ono coy to another, parenting loaf d age. - • Tickets via - thisi popular route can be pNa al an ufficea oa ;he line:of the Eric of , . • - ntEns & ABDOTT, „ - • (*Pore Dierbt tufty, , When 'pnrehating Ask - the Agent for Tic' via -the ATLANTIC & .ORRAT WESTE RAILWAY_ - , NY. B.SUATTI;C, Gen. Tioket and Pass. Ag't,Clbveland,( L. D. MICKEIt, p (Inn:Supt., Meadville, , Jan.,49,!1,9 Real!: Read: 11,ason & Hamlin Ca PORTABLE ' OR Together' with the E'STEY COTTAGE 01 andVELODEONS, can bo advantageoul ()hafted of • • • CM .- TIOGA, PA HAVING obtained the agency from ufacturers of the above named int we have the facilities for furnishing Chet oes to compare favorably with those at in- either 'the tame or other reed inatm Their reputation is 3411 that scarcely ar. need be said regarding their beiagdai having been awarded premiums and aed the principal Fairi and Institutes,; both la and foreign countries. Many fine motleys provotntrits, Whieh are so desirable is ill reed instruments, aro owned and remiot their exclusive use by the manufsetst e these instruments. Hence it is, while they strength and durability, together with T' and quality of tone equal to any, they es other reed instruments, in the variety and bination of tones which can be produced, INDIVIDUALS, SCHOOLS, CII ES, SOCIETIES, and other organizations, wishing to ob•i: reed instrument, can he suited ag regara stylise, pricer, (Lc., ftc, ALL INSTRiJMENTS WARRX:, Scud fora circular. Tioga, March, 17,''69. T. A. IVICEIT Thee ftre'a,t,'Extimnal itemeiy, For Mau and Beast. IT WILL CURE RH.EII3IAT Tha reputation of thie preparation is se ireN a* lished, that little need be said in this coun,on'on On HAN -it has never failed to cure ?AIM' NERVOUS AFFECTIONS, CONTRACTING CI,ES, STIFFNESS AND PAINS IN Ti E JOI` STITCHES in theSIDE or Bacla, SPRAIN3,3P.I:I , BURNS, SWELLINGS, CORN'S and FROSTED! Persona afflicted with' RhetimitiErn can be egi , .• and permanently cured by using this vonaerfc!! - ration ; it penetrates to the nerve and bow) Lae 23= on being applied. Oa HORSES it will cure SCRATCHES, Stri - s" POLL.EVIL, FISTULA, OLD RUNNING I SADDLE or COLLAR GALLS. SPRAINED ' STIFFNESS OF THE STIFLES, &a. It Rini" HOLLOW HORN And WEAK BACK IN E. COWS. 920 pm 5.15 an, 9.30 I. n. a it THE LARGEST .STUCK EIi9C"CYNTM rbbuy o i r tt ? e ou w n7 l , d and the Cheapest Agent for L. BOLLES cf.. CO'S 110` Binghamton, N. Y., and ELMIRA SAW FACTORY , Elmira, N. Y. STOVES SOLD ON TIME. Mansfield, Nov. 25;1888-1y. •0. B. ;: 5.15 u to 9.15 p nt 6:10 u na 310 p 42) u 12.0 1) za G. 50 In 8.45 a to I hare met with great gamest is britti:% llixturo within ;ho reach of the Public. I 7.. mt,..., receipt ofietteri from Physicians, Druggists, II;r:;t and Farmers, testifying to its curative powiri. AVID B. FOLTZ; Sole Propric7., Sept. 2 , 18(19-1e). / 1 DALTIIOg) 111 9 ; Ohairmaker, Turner, a, ' Furniture Dealer, S , ALT.: R 0011; opposite Matt's Wag" Main Street. FACTORY in Sea, lime Foundry, eeec4id sOry. I J, Orders promptly filled Itud satisfacticrgur teed. Fancy Turning done to order. Welleboro, Jnno 12, 1887. J. 821CRLIN, Tioga Marble Works, TE, undersigned is now prepared 1: u out° All orders for Tomb Stones rod merits of either ITALIAN OR RUTLAND MARBIi of the latest style and approved workeariq and with 'dispatch. Re Weep constantly on hand both kir: l Marble and will be able to suit an who El! ior him with ait orders, On OS restersbi , as can be obtained in the country. Stones disoolored with mit and Air { e arl and made to look as, good as new. PORTER WILCO Tloga,liov. 1, 1867—tf. To tho Ownoto of linpatooted Lark SURVEYOR GENERAL'S OFFICE , IfAnt - manna, PA., May 25, ISO. IN obedience to an Act of Assembly, RIO , the eighth day 9f April, one themsrP!' hundred and sixty nine,' ma are herely that the " County Land. Lien Dot-heq- tvr-.t ing the list of unwonted lands for,ificilb, prepared under the Act of Assertly `<.: twentieth of May, one thousand sigh and sixty r four, and the supplement Ortch, this day hen forwarded to the Proill , i ,9 ` the county, aCtehosu, office it may b e rot The liens can only be liquidated by cte of the purchase jtec,ney, interest and receiving patents through thisDep.ut c,l, ` Prooecdings by the Attorney General b 0,,: stayed for one year from this date, in . tt , c tb y,': parties may obtain their patents tional ,00st. JAC.OI3 AI. CAMPIt I . II., Suryoyer Cact3" Patent Roofing• right to rase the V'' , , Elastic Roofing •In 'Tioga Countyotr' i . l ; now prePatad to put on roofs cheap nod ir workmettlike manner. , This rocring i 7 f • water proof. I refer to illefFrA. Wright A toy, Totes a Barker, arid C. L. Willcox, samples can be seen androofs 110 S. ES WINGAP" Viregebbro, Avg, 11, 1869—tf. -AND MEI tnE CELEBRATED lEEE J. STICKLIN,