The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, November 17, 1869, Image 3

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    WES4fillePrAir iTC4*l 7 ,180
Adsololatto ot bourn* /lasts.
A, Bar~ailti , : 0b.1.01. -- , •
80114 11 140 10 1 4 4114410501.‘
tortot.,L '•
stollot soitpt7l, 11tOO
ealttailifG t.Voltin:
naltroot - Dago.
-Fort, eto,3
Dr. Clot*.
Pow-: 9.414;74-I*o4
the aenriie:l4l &4 iicbing Ctsvvb
on ThVgisliPt*i Dah'lm-191cl'olock
'D/MICA7 10 ; 4 1;-7ilexcf0tothoi the dedica
tion artiti otitilitql l : l l (Wi 4 4,
do) of
,44)} A. - 11., and sr.; - •
RR4,icgops.-11,ey,. W. P. Oravas •1411
preaob - in the,iiiiiiiFi,StillTnatini'nviiing:, 101;
and probably:6o ironing following. • ,
B. B. BENEPIC-4YO use retiuested
~ to
flounce an,enters in . mQnt to be,: giiin at
Darts, Oettlamint 00*,
Nov. 24 * hot. For the benefit of .tho Sabbath
Mod: ,- 4111 ax. invited to attend. - „
, • -
trlslLThelttdiiiii'''rilt . bike will
pltsso remeitbir that thio ittii7ok•lA 'Ali - - Tillage
w1111;.7 010,4 all 414 to•raorro l sr—TbanlisiktiC
3:0 Poi 9010 .77111 bet open from in to 8 } 77 .
ppm 91 to, 10} A. M, • •Prout 1 to 2*, and from 6
t07.P..01. .
, Tut, tt*:l,te:- - - The, bell of the ..111.,M;
Ctirtrotriiiiiateiteek'hofsiiid- to its bestYlogs in
thitowe, and Oda. to the atiutittabulatical
the bells' of Willsborct.a decidedly ilbass9-psofoit.
do. - In. itiglicabeat MOO pounder and accords
with the ,C,ovrt:lpityie:btlL.
• - I
i i !"!f rs • 4
• tellihr 4 .Stroe f ounto ,bat Mr.
• ileratte %Tektite ? 0213ailiitti, dog with - stlikoh.' fue'
bushels of potitaes urea 111341 That.- is an
snritipt of 88 Qat( IlaY hi' dig
192 PrObibly no other Yonne lan will
try to beat it t . •
8417 that'
a correspondent who writes under date . ° f Mr. 8,
cannot tittering pioture' of his ell:
itltolitliei too personal, "and If not
exiuslited Tint. Look on the other
lads* fist* •411 11 7-0 0134 11 9" 1 97• , ` 4 1 4P5.,
CoitetitT.-;=Prof. Lemuel . 1i0di304, -
ILal3iind Tooiiiikt; - ;tites he 441 giie one:
of ,bis torSasts ;*titmice& onuixtitiemepts. at. the
Cot Rohs*. iussdey evening 247. , SO. 'Xis
will be assisted bj his eocbmpllshos;' i daughte'r,
Miss Allbie . lioskirSllshelitie hope stubs
giairosai pstrpsitge, , , • '
111111111$ Papers appear to yare snisiniderstood us
in yat*tter of ap pear
death of)liti:lrptike'sdangk
tor: ,Wo dadof IFl6na to t ro nn Pist.o4 as say
litithat M;. i lcaglish returned to . town 'Withiiitt'
going to rescue the child, He did go, and found
theilri Hinds:Ale i Abin•riuthis -horses bi4CIO
toga fora doctor.: It is not likely that the child
survived ihe fall of pia window, one raiante.
Oiarrueitir..-=Prof. J. T. Streit, Prin
cipal of the State Normal Sohool,;fdapslield, died
on Saturday. Rev. J. F Calkins, of this village
conducted the funeral services on lifo'uday.
Thai has passed aim, it life's prime, 'one di
the most faithful andy i onsoientioua..of: men, an
able educator, exempl ry in all life's relatiots•
bejoved in life, and in death universall• regretted
GRAND CoNCED.T.-:;-Prof. S, ' Ad
,atnii assisted by his daughter, the peiehrnted.
coutralto, will give a grand Concert at the new
M: E. ptltyn4 in this Village, T,ititnidaY (to - m( 4 '-
7cm) evening, the preeenae, atioie -expentes,• to
go 6 the Sabbath Sehoel. --- Wo:think ea can
promise the public as flue an entertainment as
was ever provided for ottr.peoplo; and it is to Le
hoped th ht patronage. will be generous. Ad.
toluenes 25 yenta. Tickets at the &ion,
TEE LECTURp3.-R4317.Mr. Bowmaft'i•
Second leoture, bring the seeendin the -.Kennels
course of fret"; leoteree, and of the
su+et of bit °tot iectore,_ 'was given to. a • foil
house last Friday ienin Rie" rechatiss open
tiurestriel elietricfty mere exceedingly, ietereeting,
many facts .of oxiteri.aint. '
Cp_arietit v reit:it:YON% depnortentio, and
t lefiliv,(l,.(6. :110 a i r.f
O 'y kind girasci,pe.
•'• :101iu iy , tronocrti• in the9tb c n
tt • nowbalge wits Itith autl
• Bowman "••erol, itc4ll4' fitificrr;tirde, probilbi)
o Lticnie the subject.-
The.n'ext Itieriti 4 e to eetirso, will 'be Orri
n' the Court Rouse, Fi'iday evening, Nov. 16,
by NI H. Cobb. Subject.-4-lloie ie
2 ughtl - to ---- 7 o'clock
Brute free. •
,3mPßoN*24.Eirre.—Welibboro has forged
'bead handsomely in the race of traprovetneni .
during the year 180. , Aside from fencing unit
repairs of dwellings, now buildingtqrtive been be
gan, or completed as fellows
) Marx st, fine brick, dwelling
Isaai Bears, large frame dwelling. ; B. Chnectr,'
of beat, B. T. Van Born,' tile warehouie
A. P. ,Cone, fine brick block, three stdiries, 80 x
109 feet, hotel and three stores. A. Foley, watch,
slack; and jewelry store, brink. ' Messrs. Wright
Baility;thite" films alerts.' Charles itdcalleri,
Smithy. Wm. Harrison ins H
W. Dartt, smithy. JiabblittiCklinisteapn cabine t ;
Puns, ST S. Fielton frame dwelling.
WALNUT Sr.—D. - P. Roberto, friino ;dwelling
D. U. Bolottor, ecltago;- Yr/yiloirno frame
Forome Snr—Olork Dimpliok,,tonotit boom'
* 4
Quzzlit Sr.—Truman & Bowed, tome boi s ie - .• •
Cluairos Ef.—ltoiserto warehonee,
addition. Geo. Plaintri tailor shop dwell.
• P;aer Aiiitinns.--iom. T. biliticirs, oottsge lam"
0. sl.oN.heelereframe hotts4 . -
- •Bnaoin•Aiiaitm.4..o. 'Wheeler. dwoning.—
,Uoier.,Tohiisorii frittab louse. •
Showing ' l s total of fourteen dwellings, one
, italitunh,.seven stetes r two warebousea,two emitb3
one steam cabinet fitetorj,iand Oleic
The . hate) fitting:tip atttiutt as, the weather per.
tits, the beizig ,up to•the beginning nt the
third itorj. When finished, this will be theribeest
huildiugittike northern tier east of Curry.
-Betides these improvements, Sears £ Co., Poen
arytneti.. frd intabiniats, have purchased :new
and valtable taankintry, enabling theca to dopny
kbad of custom work, and • Van Born has pa it,
pretty ranch all the improved machinery rised it.
his business. ' ' •
.Tgg.RLLARuN PLeaTED.::--We Have
sufficient paean for believing that the Elkltut.
Plaster quarry i' destined to tarnieh large ,
t.ties of a tlrpt °hiss fertiliser to the farmer. of th•
eot:aty. It diffPrs but little in •appieranee from
the Cayuga or Onuidaga - gypsum, being rather
nerd donee.' Butp4 the lir"of of the pudding i.
the eating, at are tile to prevent • the testi
41 , • of wen alr h e. :licit ftE 1 ,1 ,3tU t .'21. li, J D. ~k.
I,!a-ter ..r: <;<1; •I
<,• Cnyopt.
, Clulw,
C tat‘‘ d • : ••
ti• Lad At, 41<ortuoili, it< •
Vt. 1, , < ,4 4.<1, 00 ,, , , lUt VS cut, et, Mr
- ft , •:i <O . <tr, r L.,.
r : •
`, 1: id , CV i , 6:7.4; t itier.,l nret
in Didtrikr atiii aaritsr* , p
mid the 'FA; Ihnt
~jGFI ~.- ~ r
V. .
113'; 'if
l O C 0.t4:44111#61.1w , "
"a1399.A. , • t
W. Q 4.4m,04:-•
! arrlify.
D• inV
Itt B, 4 4.udge,Dentley;‘ a,(0.,14(i Bill 1
Tieas ' '
' '''.l6ho,ls.rotra:
ge..:4ohn Peck. . • Midi ?Erich.
4, - ;k4tgert:
A 13.4 • ••4‘. L t L 41124186, 7/fright. '
we it, lld ta4'y * . - the vadgeaars au in a
, .
• New ARRIV.tifa.;O4IfIL sooimpay,
is about. to TitAt ,
po ilea/ of
'bite ilia mar. ba
found tit the old- titardy 4.11.1 W 64, above Op
Prestiyteihiti.Cl4 - iith: Set ofd ati re;
quested tolttke r X:74.
• . rota? batt received toiSzof DOW , Styles, of jotr.
"jory'olOborat(q ! 7 ,90.01n1i11t 04 5 ofhl
fts itifease - simi,* .;:fpii,fare'iliol'estry cheap.
kfu luta reaSiseti a Jot of lio're Sewing .
%Wines; tlie ; beet shottle_atiehlta!ii the world
,vritbrut doutly, Bove .yoil got, ,Berman Stu
d'ent's ;ittroX),oe,oeir :14411'Aurtitte"t'lf not go to
arta ilnaty ,aatt atilt .
,years age on
your oyes. •
Sollekl -las . received a Dew lot of the
Willeoz & ' dibbiittiratug Maohlue, 410h,' for
Jititi,iiiiepteut and :. operation,
-aubstatitltil asatificitad.icitoeiolotiisos hno no to
' • ;‘'l • ',New
VOtolvsitort has no' -Wilita4 tables. to. • ast
ono' twit oblppid 06 , HigtOtti1'a: last intik.
441.9 plue
last Monday tkOPU, litdisiddals took
ailVat4go'ofilds 'ouoitirann to up•their
Plat4rAttofia• i rbii.SOVAL .t•ObWA S ei g h ride '
' I8•ind:106e were uzitured one night last
week lit, Swedn.toirtsilii ,
dark ,atid they al**
Beingttrioltiey lathe )l6'ertt to , tlia , llSht,, *hare
thsa . y tiers easily ‘ •
CoBNING•alr;' Beechgr,
of thaAloraellsillteitier; Is how is the
loarnai. ogles. Dr. , Pratt' says that shouldNei,
feave c'eraint for the' will* Yfr•Veed,herr'l lll
have do, with the egiorl2 l .4 deliatt
meat-of the pai)ta-,:forvrlllelt--Warkhir.: Beetihr
enureaoragetizif;::-- • •
• The D•sseiver Theta Is a trOmanin this
tobnr Wl:olio:4moenw alght•therrnothei:Oi
ghtidien, all living. - - lihe,lia,stoP4olher. • • '
' Rd. Fitzpatrick, a braketzazi on the
road, fell under his trait"
ears•passed over his body, doing no 114ari 44-
(41 to his clothtai>.; • . •. „
third quarterly Seaton of thel. 0.,0f G. 'X'. - for
the year 1889, grlllbe held :with , Bloss Lodge, at
Mildrohurk,'sonithanoing oil-Tuesday the.93d
at 10 ' ; • I
G, W C. T.Cbase, w,ill be' tirseint, - had address
the citizens in , the evetiiiag.,,Nlo, lOU' speak, at
Morrie Run on the everting of •the...titb,", end ; at
'Shit/Okla on the evening of the 25tb.- , " •,,
May evel.) Lodge fu the pommy be fully, ropre?'
tented, and let it be once Said that vTiogi county,
is alive to the cause of Temperance.
All membera of the order in good standing! are
invited to attend. A'27 BENJAMIN 4
Nov: 17,'1889. Bed'y of the Convention,.
A. CARD:—Allow . myself."a4d Wife,
through your:paper, ' exprette our thinks to.
ouneerous friends •of East IChar.huituit,, who on
Tuesday eyening leat,arowded ,onr w hotire with
out notice, and heeide Cheering Altir,•4taarti", With
many kind ,and; encouraging words, robed wy
wile in A.nice set of fu p; atkput.pter4 Thntry in
heautifeel contention Arith 4,ariotic 'gOott -things
most tempting to the palate.-
. .
MattanT's"MesEnzt far Noveniber, itli. an att
trentive , table of otaitenth lie on our table.:: The
Pah:labor makes the follow/a* anuouneement:
ilemy's Museum fur 1870 trill be fully` up to its
excellent standard, and, it will be our ain to make
the new volume superior to any that have been
published. Bright, lively, and instructive, iu fam
i lies where more than , one Magazine for the *.utig
is taken, Merry's Museum is the favorite" '
New subscribers who send in their named for
the next votume, befititi-Liehetuber let, will•reoLive
the November tititi , 'lleeeinber ntimbete free.
,The tertnk-01. the /Museum are $1".511 a year
(epe,-.oitaert ituinbei 'free), and the publjoher ie
14 lirotuDel , t tii!reef, 'Llt`ttithrt • •
NEW GOODS —Wchavo.juet received : ou r 'new
4tgale-uf Winter Goods,- whiob sell very
rlie9 . .f or caith, fact will wilt be ' , tinderseld
Pleas? 411 end look our stfiek - over. l • 1 • •-•—
' fiIaKEIL
"WellsbUtg,scii. „
SEWING, 314011 .- INES!
- .•.
E .;lloWi t ir. , artit -P remium •
°Moir ode id welifbaro,.- by: •• •
• Oct: 28' 1888-2 t." ' - 1• '" FoLtit
tkle - Ptiti
.110 that she has- jest from -the city with
„splendid assortment of millinery goodto She:
hoeAso '. - ippeued , isittarletretore, where maple
Nina fitieje articles which the ladies
like so stall—consisting of dress trimmings,
hoop-skirts, ooreets, haitbraids,,switchel and wa
'terfalls hiewelrfi L perfumery. ,
'weirefedster;triinnied;and:sturetisit boodr; and 'a
• plandid assortment of , ladies' furs, all of which
will be sold at the lowest market prices.
Mrs. Smith returns thanks for tho very liberal
patronage and hopes to meet a continuance of
Ithettamm - Mtut. jirstoxit Sulfa: %)
Welisboro, Nov. 10,188474 i.
FILL & lAtirrstt Mit.t.tssay.—Mrs. Bodeid
has added largely to her stook of 1 - 4ii r d"
if prepared to fornieh everything in this linnff
goods at reasonable rates. v* •-•;,
Lad l es r tik a l f p Anita chola, selection or
Goode, assurimetita Zephyrs; Can
vas, Hoods, Needles, Slippers and Patterns..... -
assortmentvd - Liermantown: yarns just
receive , of every shade and variety, which will
see kept constantly
on hand.
Thankful for the liberal, patronage of the pub
lic, 413 ° hopes to merit a Csoutinuancb the
bro ' , Oe ' t, adfiff".. 'l".4•43frillELDl:*‘
.. _~ ~;
Ma C, V. 4 1 l e aMii, =-EZ , tgs MO.
, •
,NOW'111": - •
I:rnt ••••C• Ipos, N
• Far, • • _ •
"Gontliai.c.i,'," Far Collars and
- S•bawls—Pi.tin, Plaid and SiEnct.l.
Arabs Lap
• Irti9.B'„l npdAblif ,
.V,i4 :Seripco,,nnd P-44.1d . _Aep.ohInts,
-I:bineit; ~ ,•,•( •. ••••-
Merinos and•otiter.dross !}node, &o d 66
. ..Wanl4d, fen:J(4 / 1844 Butter, G r whioh
RtiVbe • `•: A _
Nov. Ibth,-1869 •
' -
To rnii BAPTISt,
T/OGA APSOCIAT/0X..--YOUr annual subleriptious
. o the Building Extension Band has expired.—
fhere is some three hundred dollars yet unpaid.
Will each church ~ m ake! the effort at once to eel.
It et their respective errearagea? Why delay this
'matter; w,lien the tummy cinch nettled and
no aniount .- so smdit from each individual? Be
PitoitOr brethreu, — Anti let UP have this 'subset-Ip.
tima setti.. , l up. P. C. Vex °mama, Treas.
1-4A.1 ES.
L0: 4 4.:Y Al Er.Rrrr N r efsvn, '6O,
Xi .1.0, N 41. x•,
516 • .
• 6.• ill &1
. Mr NU-s
1 . 1 " , Ati 3( 1 4,1 A1t.1d1h,Gur:.... 4 l t" •
`) 2.1'113
SEELY —ln eit ;Zot
..1 ut r.I S, y ‘,t h lir Fe.P 7. 5. *, ,
11. • ":.
•" ' •
'4l •
:he S4.lgn(ttr;t 1:011; ^,)finf, Poili;, • 4;)1:
trtlfi f :lty ' ESPlielfitoro lint() any o t h er " He I h tiEr,
radnrss;ZnnbUTZL .IBI9IIILIVII out all
0111111111 i _ Tea
ielitd Pr
14, 10
nut aliki
Ciao yoVI
Viet tall
that you
patients et_ _
es a gclent.fic khysictiam and by this standard I am
fidp. 3 4s,_,_l4 4 #4,_
Lau. MUM mists no rase unless cottede asiy of the'
;opinion thee It can toe ccup4.4 permanentlyfled
Dr Clark " treats no Cain ituiese he can tieseribil
disease and A it i ttity,4tems without Inturroiptllng his
patient, •
• ;v.!. 7,
Dr. Clark wilt treat no Chronic Disease
explain its character to the complete and pen' 't•
traction of the patient examined. And the Dr.iti 4 I
lied tfttaltAlOSltlv.4 l 4.iltidellklDWlLlL*4, 1 41Patkints
to take Ointment from him. unless they are nay and:,
pumlAatertfillatkOld lrittelilivelfildl4tiftus exatit
thinidos. what, 4 , e Made tivii from charge.
I ,,Dr. CLARA, txprm ktif ; stion- the Inthntrover.
140 ur Lk:attire:l'J
_DirsTW 'every cause hot en.
4464 •48ecoutt4, , ,,tInttdipassea.are causes prminc.lus
rats or iiyinplotiti, and that every d amass has its On'
peculiar effects or symptoms which if proOeilyntid•
thoroughly 'understood by the examining rhyeithsti.
can be clearly pointed out to the template satisiectlott
qf Via patient egamlniCf. err! •",'4
Dr Chilies me th od diagntiang or eigainisty:
ead it'Ylatillesauthreenly the process krises.'
elder from' tlintiv'to 'eldettottat" her beenlilted by
medico) literary and culture, end sirliy an
sjetthit. p every form Of 1144014.
which the human system is liable.
Orli* IjnNesior 411 t Naut - the Dr . has acq f ulre4 a
reputation and success in treating - 4......_aleidotatit..q
Dr. Clark is making quite a number of mi. len
appointments for tin tomcat of lowiltdo who Cannot go
a tom *Math • to t pitiente ;will find
%this On Opiira l ittj trarelytfibrdid;olidoWo tberahlliald
trot fall cp • yotsge of.
. Th. Dr a t hit the medicines, inetrunientii 0314'
apparatus necessary for Jim 'successAll treetmeni of
every case.
.11 t
Fir•Obuk 6 41,1 bf2,04 , ' u Me 1 14 1 3140 If-onspr lellsboro,
ea. ilonda,y, Tueeday • Wedl2ol4y, Tbursda -Ittday
isnot Sattltday,"NOrbbibWAlS-14;20,170 ail 27,1569.
Mauelleld, Monday, November' 29, ;1869.
Tlogilloro. • Tuesday 130,,
ncevllke, , W ednes
day. - Deciallei.l -1,
gall Brook, BrMay • • a ...
weit•boro,c 6 I.f.Pirdy • • `'
Mlddle - bury neva onda a' , a,
Shorts/lie," - Tuesday - -` 7. - ";
,Vogneselieg So ••
piltn .ll' f 43 ic ,f
17 'l'4OE4 10, 6 3 Ali sr, 4
• - /day ' •
Marithi; l-- -;llarnrdir•; _*.tln 111, •
StOny ;: '.Monday ",., i!! •1!1 ! - PI (18. •
Morris?: , Tuesday! •••!.•
- • ._. 14, I
Natteoo, :;Wednesday; ; 4 .; • ; ,10 - , 0 '
•Ilenelertonni , ' Thursday •; . , • : . 'lO,
Ogdens Cohan, Iffday • • , - 117.
Blossburgh..-; Saturday • ; 18, •
Cherry _ Monddy -; ,• .!• 44 it ft ;a 20, •
l a• • Tuesday a.: • , •24, _ • -
.Malnso b• Wedifeeday : + ;„ 24, •
Roseville, s ;I: moony : 4, .4C:1 1 .; • ' zr, • eiCti
•Idanalleld, , . • ErWsy. ;,I - ;•; - t 24, •
aWellsboroit- ‘•!.• • ISaturday...;: a ,” 4 , 11, j 28,
n° 111,10 3 14 4WD1 • hiOndilriA, a a :All • 27, 1
erlOO BOW, • ' • -1P4 2 = 1 4 i 1... , . .28 •
•4 s a ' 29 ,
Lairrettastille, > Thtuaday,•:, li`o! SO, 6
-lletson," l • . ..4, .81, •
ollaturdajl ; 0,11 January. 1, 1570
Osceola, . u2totutay , 70, 4 r 2,
ifeeneyvilla,.. , I Tuesday. •• -a- •4 . .; '4,
Wellsboro,h.'Neduesdaya.Thni • 4 Ls 0 *
Nov. :111654 42m: ;'
TERMS lOU 1670.
SAT llitatt'Aitxx, One Year $4 (it) '
11 , 4irott's:W*Xlm* $ One 400
L'o ll ete 4 4-0" 4 Ott 'ft
2 4 4 0 4 . 4 31( 54 1 4 1 40/1,?E1c9i4 1 1 1
Nettioncesllatan c ilo onelailditisto for on. year,:
$1 ":"";"
[An,: extm , eopy either,' the . - Ilfasatine,
Weekly;' *di/plied grttljefet
every 4 0110, 'Cf..l?lye Stbisorltierii,at 1 104 00 each; is
one,cani s fttanee„;, : or, §).x;'Cuplat" fer,#o 00, with
out extra eopy.: ,;• . • . • , „-
MxtiliZille- deafens neatl Double
the Intalithed in the ) GAlag',
The Atlatittesll4alnaph or 1.4 1 '0E1001, It exceeds
ia•abinot theltswe ratio .any English Magazine .
of the sanie , generat - -. •
A,Now Story. 1 - 1441diy Ilinatirated. by Wilkie
cui tins(Anther of "The :Woman ta'.Whher.."No
Name." "A rtnaltel..,'! arid , 'The Moonkthitti"),
vt,il be ooreteeneed 1,0 . .11-afpti'a„Weeklyi in No.
yolther. )860 • 0 '
• Parent's desiring to renotr.their- lifitbeerlattons
liehierre,Ter odiaalit Ouch; oblige the
Publikberi.Wstigliling.lll l .thific:Napaibd early se
- e.liieriletitliefiira thy. Atiplitition, of their preseut
Subscriptions:. This wilt•nbvbste the doluy at='
indant -Open' re entering names and' mulling
Nitinhers. ` • - - •
New Subeeribera wilt be stniPtied with 'dither
0' tho ttbove Peripthealt , from the pretnitt time to
ttoti e a of the pear 1870 for Fria j),4114.4::
A ddrerl 'II AR Plltt: 4t. BItOVIIERS, - Npw York.
Now Y"rk;,Qpc. 15, 1869.
S orrichs.
ft At
e 7 -i'- 4 V1:C41710619.161AN
r 141 AIR
.1-4 1 . 1 4 ;41 • - I?.MY EWER •
l ' it ;
'' t. "6, i ll' Th.l4',,j'.itli. ,Pr0e ;, , , f" 1 ..t , E In , iii)
;,,,21 , rncIt 1:4 , 1:1*,ir,. tjei , Wiir il . i.V,;_lyl jell; •.(10 ,I
::11 , 111 4 tor, , Zr , io , ir6l - ;10 . 4 . ii,; `, ;; ') l . lo - fi'r( r Er . tf i
,;',l:rti:E,Yoll4l ` ii . ? ' y f 1f , Z4,31;i, "It i gNEWli: It hat
i'.(. e i ), t‘r..icti e f bi,nii tit r4 - :11,,,Gt nie.;f1,14 ( 11,. its vir
ih,,, i't,, , tellaild'et.rtiVt4 't.b fi,i,:ninf,l'ie s atling anti
i!.fluolittat pV t ricirvit , ot,'lty 'Englab'd, 'fi'aiilik .
v..,11.,rn v. e nia3 name 'Walfe - r itniiihomi M. 1).
Telt tnErig Prof rsoi• or 5 - urger'? in - 'the l'oroi,ater
'4l.4tlPitiqii4l,iiititLn:'sfittatr.l.!..,l4, ainiste nsitli , of
}'hi ii0elplill; ho ray o'llttial:6 - It mil :it for re
f oriogihelial 0 ar . here s Anyeterates . eruptione lad
, ranged ;qui(' k inda 4 treatment, mitt „A:lo4a'
that:net tit ly."4:ne the - . heir- lbeatitircillY 1 raltOtt,d,
Au ita original beenty,lbni also, gassifi'lletie of the
rnipmnmitlet.eli , euro4"‘alliti.Gcer;Oiicy .anf.' , l)• . v'
cu,Neehrie,,4l, 11.,,theleadiag r sl,3:6lelat, ot, the,
plane where this!. ilifAirr‘lr ilk ichwairinil.oraildil;
•speakii of thelpreirserafian All.lthi4 lwayli I have_
4en,A ts effoorthin , vpry,ntirnyAerico f ~ Ti trill...for t
tslnly ; restore , . t be heir Ari,itx ONiglicai
_color/. le
- ,:leans ibo head ot iionilruitrAnsi , ),W4Toto ti.t ft tiff
tuft, glossy, wad ;biagi.iful,..,4..titi...,po,t ..thidie ifir'
use in any way itijurious,,b4,oAi f .the4 o ntrari,
beneficial— Lcaii, - iiterfacatiAlikOfflillYi recacm
inenti It to, thepabilo: 4c_A. gam; M. D.,
State Aviayer of,4inse.,,tiavinginalyzod it, as
stareittni oeitiffeate that it is I the t org,
PFIPFOliojt fo.r, i ihp inten#4 : pryz
sell of the'
,piiiny•he s has ky,anittc4/,'!:
...,, ~. ~, '' .1 J •,..,;:: 101 :,
'W ith ties p ili topraxicirp rfcin slia gn sources,
surely tbrise,Who 44441 4 perferitedilind reliable
.hair.r.ostorer_oon4l9_Pqjlettorbin.nte. k ALL'S
N. EGIETABLa SiOiLitAN . Aul, AB* w ER.
le. , A WALL! tt,too - 4 , kasha/i t ' iN:: , it, Pen`prietorin.
Oct. 20 - 1869 .
1,121 T OUT,, .
dl'i igititit T tigoTOttAt 6 l 4 46o,ll:,"
, Vor Calribi.c.4adlfai.Safic'TilfoMiliftd:P ficrilii4s ,
None , as gbo4oibpo vo‘ pleasant, none cure as
waturtbrr dr al .. '" '.' o•-• '
•-- ; s -:--- - -9- - - --
'i Ei q ; iii Ap e titorlto(o4`,Areso: ,
I -' i)otobir. 20, _28604m 5 . ',.. .4 C , A ',., :,' ,
- A GENTLEMAN - alio suffered - for years From Net ,
:sups DelGity. Premeture Decay 72411 the , effects of
Yotttliffill4dise reGbp. wili.trut Ir a of initial ng hat
Matilty, skid - free*. all refli6. - a - W the rttcelpf tad'
a trect tone for tacking the simple remedy by which liit
was - eared., dttfforrewlekilug•to profit by ibe &dyer-
NSW' exptirionce t Odd do SO l4 i tiddreseing_ n - perfeer
idotifldinde, 4 ( ''.,.'.. '-_cu C.\ 'i''', 40115 41. OCIDION:. 0:
May 26.'69-Iy. N 0.42 Cedar dtreet. NearTottc..:
- 1'....i..'i, :11! 7 .- !, !
VT AdvSoiticier 1 liaitilebeeo re'siOrt4 — te beilt?iika'
few weeks, b3i a very simple remedy. after listringliuf.'
feted sever-al. year* with a were Hang affeetiob.:iend
that dread' isease. Colieumptiotie=ls *talon* to make
kimero to his .1 ellow : Fluffereya thy means plume
'To all iv ho' d% sire it. litvevill ititind *stow of the Aire
sOript IoW maid (fret of clartw,) - wttli the , directions fur
Preparing sod ideittS the eltuiellalich they; will find a
eitaitAlutta Tait Cothsumpricitt. AanpAta: litiormartu. etc.
TheobJect of tboinotroitit:r in Si nditig . the' preterit. ,
tire' is to benefit the. 'a obtetl: noirepretid itifdiutatiiin
- le e..ueetves u. be , inviatkithisi sled' htliiiiitili
...e e ry Sufferer i. - iltry,4lo rt - Med.r. se, it. will;cost them
touching; wed in yprore a inee,qp ic . - , „...
t'arties 0.14 g .l ttl i c;p v, tze ri t i V 4 4. 1 it er ) ,.. ,
A 1C,.1/ % i % . l ple i T o e s tl:ititeilt
- . lAtill webers, litags Maul.) - N • i'•
qy, i, , tr, "1 • ,i , 'J.': 3 . ,
--. .......5.111"rk....*.1.•
_ .
t,rmit MONT. AND tiA.DIAN AfAiillLE,'Ariat, •
41fitotortr %I(); , ;llMEN'lltz,.,:fijAl
Ate- . riarllt.j,rl;44.
V:: !,..4
414.14 .t • tii);+l V. . .;,;
intlitHe4) N"eiticO.
re tt= 741 t3 '
Uoalat. , aw , rlliql,
llllA'A!Aam'nt at ' lift;
nffoe. • :Cti,lfpor.c , , N' 1-
day, November 2ti, 'Sega. 4. 4 t4/445. -
f s 50 147 p
".1 AP • J. ir v. •,1
Bohn Ncitztosb;
' iII6At.PIL {dpi
• 1,;,1'(:.>i
- ,
-, i9" f;:s . , vo • II:-
I.IZI i)
Auflatottot4,4o;l o 4,o4o**ll,ltttowe tto, tc
t,l l 4l.trilt *PO 411 1 ,4q 11 .!, AGQ..„4 I C. ' ,
111/:714; it o,',
011 U rOnOill
‘, I- Our eashiiiti - ww.....
•.114at Arbts3Vheat l tionit
Red di ' F 7
rt §Pring tf
1 1 11 fPl i tri 4 P?i S I
~ ,! T - Iq,Tl 7 7f4P4',lkifis Pr0k0,01,040
r • . 5•
100i009 Bushel* og Oat t ai‘
;. t I T • f
rif And - also far Wheat and Com.
' , :."1 • "
!.r: ;.
-71foi - -. 117 1131 Sta - WRTGUT ik'
f- _ I.'t • c • '
---for *ale.
A. jitlEftioWtkViii- ii.NO In good siondi
-21L tion. Price reasonable.
(I. I • 116: MAIM, - 20 AST.
Charleston, Nov. 17, 1869. • • • ,
TO Vittniet i fAi . '
Damon • WILL sell,' foll 2 blood Dam
old, for oarliP4Orkr ib tor iizobitago for
'stook. .
I hart a mammoth Olupder.Oormty ,rldta
'Boar, procured of Nu b Item, of Pulled, ph!re;
cud b9AX. /AIM HP,forlierelep. ; •
To the Moral Put , / woulkeicrt I attl
CePaT.l l l 39 - i l lOPPOar S I as
limp • 4#perjace to %wit eV un-
Proiltidde to eiriplo.tere.l.
'lWellebbroi Nov. /fill/M:4O
T *mil' a iddlintiUtan' Italiit been
.1.4 granted upon the estate of 81ram, if. Ear,
bourn/ deaeltopi4i allapriona indebted to, of
olathlngageittet Add estate, will settle with''
Delmar, 18011-6 t.• Adair's.
••clizrth of liewook finkwantedritti
E .+libtott t *Atka' k_ rtes wall be
paid on delivery at my Tannery. in Well/stem
Jae 2, 1869-tf. JOEIBEII B/BREQLLP.
z• ..f
Aiiitge4 44401 t, of - t
.! ti
• ' I
• Baltahle for the Pall and Winter trade, at
. I 3.• .
Oct. sy,,lsev. A Cordes, .
Cholera Drops !
This medicine is quite coif-
for'Pnt from - 01 fither, :pri,pafa,=
- icins called
C 11 -01 - 11 V P 8
If ruilin : g‘ t for
I?pw els, '•
• " r.' "
. :
• ~.'ythrj.n, • , • r•,
inti{ 184 801.1. .
• ;..,,
I. ;•I - • r,r . „
iota patsso yogr,szEtr Tflh
. 10 • ,
• or
" • :;
„ . 1 ` 1 ;
• 0-1 •.:
, Carpets
• TA. '
1! .3 • g I " t
• 1 41 9 f ill 4o I
) .11 •
r is
I • ' 44 44 0 , 4 n!
Oot. Sit 1860.
• •.1 • -i . Corning. N. Y.
- ' )1.
. 0 ‘
; - -
Al 'You .IV2ii4l . lu '-•-• • , ;
O. 7
•,1 : • •
Goat, , or- Suit, of Clothes,
4y zCgft 2 . 05 d sefilralock of
ihrd (NMI yont,Mnainra;.ar4l{-nu car , •••• supillud
,;,, fit
- „
ott i -17;4864 r
1 • 1
-:.i':~ J
~~)j,', ~ '..,
1iAt , *)04.404v,'
1 4!.
' 1 '
-- ..
~, , '.%, ,- ‘l' % ,•:` , ••• , , , - ; ..,.-, ~.
brign Al. liplasktite,
XI !,II l' terOglirrs rtitV C V
m *1
- , _
- 1 '-- . -
otooksk* ligisies*mkorokstimi# Do
i . ... pal ;Ng fAspete Apr& _
-t; 14 ,,.. _:—{
- 41• 2 1 11 0. let .1 1 1119 41 4 ikltY• r
01W 4101 Shill4ol l oo 00044 t ' ' ' ~ *
ant ikkPLII Inil end inbillklr *lll4.
Nor alsetiter senanonnd. 1
• .-•i.,,.,
liiiil4 Tells; of thera;4 4 s'heihkt ; -1..„. *".
BasiliateriliAnd s. tesgethewlr, twat ; _
`44?"lotiPint°l?l,9.4',.etinb -
1 i r 141 7: 11 0 16 # ?"111ng band:.
Rionlit Oieseglid• and kind,
Mut Wet tf; rultial mankind;
Sot VI will be ;to grumbling.
W the barrels La and oacwlll ba talatiling.
0 ii-.. ?' %%; , i':'l,-, - •;
a* Tobaaadiiad c. ~.
leitt agilitgar eared Hamel
irto intones I. esti twice, .
lin woman and man.
.Be I Re • A Mail ~both greet *Ad email,., ,
Au will Ityie •sat lon sIL; - - ;
list i rmeill in hero by chance'.
0 . forget to: bring, a tea' /*BM
g i rciene . , . d vinegar. ,
Column Molts , ginger; .
%Ate th e begr Ol e
at fen e a her,
Aid alt for butter, the boa • ar.
Horthltra you rill Ond, . i
'Br o I lies aliening illiet•i: , , '
Thateltiaet until everything is dataniunnw
Au o gTl3!
I '4, 1869-tt.
Nei:-.' oCkl , '[':nliiii':iarbods !
As; 40
I r v v 4 l., t ien rs i a l i t l e e :niw w 2 4e tf; ri e tu 'o u net ar d e oo o r u i pa o u v :
yobs alto kof ' ''
i, • • -
Ata.01 1 „:"-. ALISIGRALS. 0 4.lT'Elit4, ' -,!
':-;',:!. ,- 800 1 Es. inweitors'AND -,
ingontoi4 it jigip . roOtiro:e'so V„ 'xto .18 fn.
'ol44,tlie /selt . kis . 'Vetrc.sebeited by one
, o A o l,4o.44R4flAktalf• 9fy>
_,.:. :j_ 1
-.', 1 1i itimit , #XPERlEZ.Kfrif i ' '; .‘
Inos b ' • • eur, end It tAWbest and fullest frisiba'
(wintry, stoott of
•: ; . r ,itout;)commoN CALF;
' •.' .` 10 lA' iiiii'iiiits hiiitiiiie. - , i
4 3
l i i .); Bin pwe shall be
,found at home al
„ kart wwebsdl. endeavor to ,sell at prloes
grof kci_ thilvoi..;AlreilliOnstit b. nadir
P.4.4k1. PAID
DR-. Es , !SKINS, FURS & itti v a r :
*cid - 616p of this rdaiket for
int:OUi,f4Wlo;4l;l4;;/ ”
... b,
- COSTOW - WORK! . : I_.* .. '
iiireitt in i trelfitittibititam boot,
ffate corns without too much compressing:
fybody habits irababby 'foot
bit oomptowteed by.mtordrefattig. • •
may wear decor linen with *Butt
cloth, bat there t& nalaa,,ing ,
ko a man with shabbily drama test,
a a gentleman' upon theritraot.
It: , Buy your,boote. of, 1
' - - l - BEAIB. k' DERBY,
'Or any otbet. pian.;(liilntat'a Davit.]
Oct.o. 40' 1869 -cf 4
, r of
pd. Enka'
• MO
0 1) . S
3 V 1 ',1. "
ef -
• ; -
..tiitbt:hl4 l l lity, At
t vl : • • ,:.
i '..k ~.. :i
VIKBArgr & -, SAAR'S.
t!ei cliff rent •Y. e ,
- ! ,
, „but woplitle plesit4 is>,hivil:e all
tO`Oill anti l.)okifirr • theq, :el Vel'e
- .ab
-•• ..' r, ot ;s4l6'. :' '
,:• ~, •. • : -„, ,:
SECOND hand '_Ottolting Stove, itover a I Par
„tlitor qtov. e, Dctletrotle, 'and othir ortielve of
imt,ittre. Credit given iftitrireclort sotiefootors
eteetity, -.Enquire itt'lle.tatte ot tk, Bioglutto
Not4to Wolitboto Oote 3O 1138904 t. '. i _ . ... ,
0 t fresh •
..,t I'l
~` ~._L~
: y • a
W t::,k Al A. :' , l i .',ii It,
EnThabitilcraitatia dis um
4.Piontpits mloglm4
„ , •
Aioa,di wines:l4 eigi
tithq sitAlied fraismelf eith ala9st grimy thing
'Olin *hilt lefetlai al -at area, apthmoo tams
now biereolentty tie* to 'Open the *bolo bat.
tore lhatioopte, psures, 0411, - old end young.
bleak setjgbitei 2164 11 4 11 irn(,,
You payrtu7lllortgidyou take your
Don't stand out in the told ri p cad to the el•
amen a and to tbe kiting of the neighbor. , bees,
bn' pull the latch string, ilia always oat In Us.
The tame hearted proprietor, or bts ,urbane
good hatpred olti;11, Ilp ootoktot ra, as it were
tbrougb is -• •-•''• , - ,- - • i •
, GARDEN 1 ,
"*v delights - . ;• • ''
filled with ism)
Ist. A GARDEN OF 43, In' which
°Pen! thipg Sploy e fram ''. ntaiii, tp..cisie , e pep.
'Fir ~I * W.,b,'Cc±iP iind /irdri il i7o .. : -: ! — i - '" ,
,-; 2d;*:tA toinq :OP SWEETS, in.wfitch e;/-
err-Virlit OfliaizikkarinvAilliishto lhotb 14171iti and
ItqlticUtEni) , :b - -chad by:thiletials, p % intro? gallen,tl
and of-euchltaver .zbitoetoplaale Aft wU mate
every' itehir4. 'wee) tooth in i ; up bead tally
3 nip with- delighi, Should pia be pomelost-
Ally Inclined} this humane ladle duo will con.
duet you into 1-
' • GARDEN of FRUITS, in which almost et!.
cry variety of lusolot. tbings to be found
vred•irom the fourquarttr: of the globe, will be
,shown totatisKy/yourlafgesttlottgings:. Oranges
f r 4 44 , Pube,bofitons fioas , Flor;dB, Prunes front
"Turkey; RailitisTroxit Malaga, Currants from the
olreoian Arehtfrefitgo; nachos drie I and lailii4
ed along with a great variety of Dinned Fruits
from the Jerseys; Dates from Syrtis, and 'Figs
from Asia 51 in or. No end to the supply Of every
species of NUTS from 8 Continents.
. •
IfUltabk.t, (Miafiaci m aja- o i
yaw milltentionf: tying d'opOtion of the China
iearaad the Javailik,bav r o become almost 1101-
9 610411:herApilli , ifd
e if.not swallowed too'botAr
to stiong,:theonild• iitlinnlente are esteameit'as
eminently promotive of comfort nd
What oomp ny of elderly ladies could ever part
•izt pace without theta? Now your iriend the
GARDNER., will be most happy to show yon
all this. He will ask you politify to look at his
T.tik , Tau. Are'weht.PMJ , sey -- ,oresry chest and
5!Cit 1.... 0111 5 C SWIMS; lciutkohiing GREEN,
filliOr you like. but of
the litheorityles eihoso jaw cracking names would
be , fangeronis_toprontinnee, COHERES, in every
style, ditto, ditto, ditto.
1I •Thit lien neat proprietor of th is mammoth es.
tabliihmefi nt of sheer goOd will, and if you
jhbeflor :al) edits motive than year,
intermit' and his, hne,at vast expense established'
at the plea an immense depot of Provis
ions, consisting of
flour, Pork,Lsrd, Codfish, White
Sword' Fish, dia., die.
/KW, - Name, Butter, Trout, Blue MA,
rr ; dco -
All of which he intends to sell , at a prat, on the
principle of "live and let live." He generally
proposes also to rer e in exchange, ail the pro.
ducte'of your eirm nd dairiee, hie said cou.
ildintielly to the thatlie never refuses
The, ft frke wretchedly . to keep it. So
emulous in he that. he dear people •huuld want
nothing whatever that money wad buy of
WeUsboro, Jane 16, 1869
• "• CORNING. N. Y.
Here t Are Again!
. _
litANElati,for byvnt a *in tbn. far
1 received from th re , •trie of THE TIO(Vi.
to woo ru tiff,
Let that e,u3r , :jtna reeenine;
New Stock of Goods
adapted to the early Falk Trade, comprising ev
orlytl3lpidesitable,,both'in atyle and quality, and
Abell birpli3aitid Waco oar old customers, and all
who may come from that vicinity to CONING
,to bay,
' 'tf Z . ; l , •,-; I
;:;-;;,,,-.,,,,,,,,, „,,,, • , ~
'1313011 -- AND' SHOES,
- ' -
ClarPetit &C . , "I
f 3
as we always give customers from a &doge
liAI7E INSColltlir ON -PRICES,
we thus =he it for shelf interest to come to us
to.make th it r hares, as many, poor ein dust
regt.t.ll tketify. We nut ball To in tang
r.tlvert remetltr, displaying lor g I 144 Of priCee,
but cub Wen all who come that we Can,
Eindtio sift
tbat lair iift9tr it, in reality
THE C'rUT..Vr(
fol thlt , x`tetit of couoti r
-r', • t ,
all ibd take a I.,uk thrtruith our icutUOi at. stack
su OA). 3 Lutro,t er
I '
..%'„: g• s . . 1 :: c 1 _1 , 4
,F ~..? .t f - '‘'.. .1. 1 . r 3i 4 1.; iiiyi:J!•
• •
7 re •
-• =
This space was' aced
to Mothers, but ow
ing to the ruahof
singes hs cannot use
• `'1,14
s ~
(NO- 8, UNION .41L001.)
WOULD *ay to their retrial , and the putilie
generally, that the> ara naa feretatug
-pleudia aettorttneut of tutnift
" - T rit - Si"3 11. 1 . C'
S BCE s,
4190 a large, 1.10.1 welk.telectelC3to4.,
___ , q.ARE; _ STONE - KEW.)
• '•• 'StroARS; TEAS, COFFEES,
We are able to offer our customers the benefit
of the
the NeiftroikVbiliei, Oar Sbiok having been
purchased 4inalrthe groat deeline in 000 d&
1 4908 .t. • lIARXER.
• _
Wellsboro, Nov. f1,1889i , ,
g,typo - T 4'':::SToull
~ .. S _ _ ~
Suer ^ is Long a-Coming!
LND tome people befit( tä lotvtletith In the
'Main of seedditts 4ittpirreat. In view
thb fact
it a
have eonohnted to burry up diet season by stout
flg their shelves and eouuteraleitb a wieely et
►acted and superior lot of
notaurteiag a v alory of
Limn*, Finsfery.„riloves, Efts
:)roitterive,. P a phos. Law ue, Yereaki.
PigWAS, chi*.*
tor- •It.„
).)Inestice. Sheecinp,?Sitirtingz, Stiz
mer Clothittg, Ladivb
Te Fbell sell no low no
~sod Goods. . •
- .
aim 'statue 16,1869.•rui,LARD kcO.
- such um
. 13. Xich.oolo37 l ,
rr AS removed iti goods to its Pim Stine in
WOght - 13aust s intesig, esson6 Alase
*oat of kW?, Balocto. - ' • ,1
-tLots :of IT hods
last tledra. trft: aft mar
.mItY-.:Callari -. !.ii., , Vr.0RE1
tic) it's over the way,
The people say— _ •
Rena-has gone with his goods;
Conileting of everything,
Znoluding'old women's hoods.
pry. Goode, *Groceries, CrOckely,
liardware, Boots and Shoos:
and as a tidleisa Tarteti of
that in usually found in a trat,olasi owstry
Tb•itikiry try rotrr.rib f'Gr very lii)o.-51
sAtrociage hiartrv.f , re, I I.ropce' tv iltriet , tl ettletiv
Indliture and red all tilt. ge.,Als F , J2,
ttl)l,y cao.- Sovallita artd,see
Svpr. , 22. 1 1351, Rtl.l
TS truly a novelty In medielue, differing tal
tonally (re te all other prepnrattor•s i it hay
po'prei of its pint, and pvideases virtueg that a-o •
It Iwo wonderful Inmost, in the relief and auro
Painful Swellings and each disorders as require
an outward application. Price 60 contr.°
Sold by Druggists generally.
October 27, Li 69.
Administrator's -Notice.
LETTERS of • Administration having been
granted to the undersigned upon the estate
of Leonard &haul:amber. of Liberty, deed. all
persona indebted to, or claiming against the es;
tate; must settle with CHAS. P. VEIL,
Liberty, Oot: 20, 1869-11 t. Admr.
histortzt.n, PVISSYLTAIIa. :
?Mt. nest term of this Insttration will sop.
unties Wednesday. Sept lst 186 P.
Bur Cataloguer—address Prof. Chas. FL Per.
ea, Mansfield, Tioge County - Pa.
July t, 18610.•tt.
' •
Artitleiarteeth from one Man entire sot insert
eJ at abort noti.•e ou an plate deairtd
Teeth extracted witbeut pain—proved hy.
.durea or. witnes-ea, at the office. Special ratan
:ion given to the 1 treatment and*Ei Sing of the
witural teeth. All work warranted a "live and
rt live prices "
- July 28, 1809.
trreat Improvement 11,1 Densistry,
avix n
vivo ripie r
proved putiLt - Atmospheric. Lseo , •
ioxft CM/J4ll , I bloW tyke re.o,u
Ateriog it to iho pubtisi LID The gped se-1 hi:
, V Eft Y 111 o.roi . t. to
Mechanical Dentistry. ,-.1-:
•) 11:e ‘ll N bleh. W. ,o.utootn.
da..ultiee Khiet, Ith tr b• t..
'hill ut the Lilt Ft practi 411 ti v t.t t e t
P:ater , 4...aortrueitte up.n. .1 .1
4in pert• erk. ti-u, ill en L . ••,/
or them u ti
Nat p•...ibly t .,.t
r.,01 Id Lit flto , bEr rlittrr rt..
[lave au Eu 1,r ,, ,u:v% I ury "1. •,t.g iu every' vet.'" (L. UT: '
u uem ,tat itet rati..iht• II t ;
dit'f r :S i..11.T1 ;lei .1. ,
.Juke 11. tt.69
1/1. IR to certit> flint v.• H• tit , t , 4 .1 11{C the
p;atts uttb pur I-ct .utir..,l nor , tInVI
,-,1 tiv ~ t dottt;qlv tat fot t• It 14 .1 tl - :. to
wi litecttiV4 t , t:o• ut,. in the with pnr
‘; ill'i in, ai, 4 :iii: la v,e , ./-1
1.; LLS'6OI6:II
Capital over
D .
ITES AS L(%%1 as tiDy goad Curnp•knieg
tutte PolteleB to dwellings and tartLi
or - -perty written nt this tAftee, arid delivered un
Iwyrneut of premium.
Are leou Insured ?
ft costs but little, particularly to insure dwell
tugs, farm property, and contents. Detached
dwellings and farm property insured for 8 years
tor one per centum and expense of policy, Ac.
A house, detached 100 or more Insured for
$t 000 fur 8 years, at an expense of Sli,bo. Only
68,83* a yearl Small tan—good thing in case of
fire. Furniture, provisions, bedding (to., at the
issue rates. There is no excuse,
• Evetyoue. Should be Insured.
If not with me, Smith & Merrick will do it just
se cheap, and piet ae well. (Gratio.gentlemen.)
I should be glad however, to befriend 'enough ht
this manner to pay for advertising. • •
%Antoine, Sept. 22, 1861)-tf.
Tn UNDERSIGNED still continues the
Carriage businus at his old stand on Mats
street, near the Academy, where manufacturing
add repairing will be promptly done and sails
boron guarramteed; The
Will be conducted by Mr. P. G. LION. who has
bad many year* ClllleritZlCl) in the business, and
will give ittrfact satisfaction to all in
Carriage' Ironing, Horse Shoeing,
Partleuiarattention given to Horse shoeing. All
sork warranted. /I. W. DARTL
Weiisburo, July 14, 1869.
In the arrea:a will be required to make kn.
...unite pa) went and rottivintott, ur aorta will
u t , made. I,woutd also nail' tin it ettention to
%Attlee in tho hack 'Dart ot their . Duel eater,
will be ri4Pll3 odhtr. d too
et 27 in119..0t a C. B 4.11.E'y Trela.
.tErrrolt-• is/ u.e
0.0 I rq , iviqs d to 0../ Mitt lit fit talitee
ts Itotort- • tiv . trio P fc . w
0 / .t1144.t be eie, du Wft U add )
tV I to .11
la. "5
iANI :Oh
GIWA. , P;t:OitIA 11,11 V,
teateGetd,- Tsoga a , tars;, Pa.
,tuulptly attended tv.• [4scpt • 1, ibt.iti
No. 18, Maur STOUT,
;;;, e ihi C t ~
`,30,000,C n.