11 CHINESE LOVE 'BQN G. sr R. 11; STODDARD. Now the wind is softest, Lighter now the etiower, And in an howt the barren houghs Begin to bud end dower. nappy thoughts are•brooding On the rong I sing. ). As to the arch of yonder bridge The mists of morning °ling. t • Pitiful the miser, Who digs the earth for gold; For me, I'd sooner hoard tho snow, So barren and so cold,: - . No, I lova thee, sweetest, lAnd the wandering dove— I send her with-a sigh to thee, A little verse or love. " Go count the silkon s treisis That hang on yonder tree; Bo many •re my loving thoughts, And so they cling to thee!" i THE DoCTOlt'a LESSON.—Near the of I,—, in the State of Kentucky, there resides a venerable man of letters, who regains a respectable livelihaid..by ten'etd ng "the young idea how to shoot." The young gentlemen comprising his neat:ferny (as the learned man termed it) were noted fok mischief and fun, and rimhlng gave them more satisfaction than to have ajolly thun, at the expense of Ilthers. For some time' the Dr. had been losing some very fine pigs, and he could not for the life' of -.him imagine where they vanished to, until one night while passing the bed-room of hthi u pil -,, he inhaled the very suspiciouS a or of ;dell pork. Instantly, all was die r ; he e, at last, was an explanation of the m 3 stery that had baffled his utmost' skill. After considering the matter he resolved to give the young gentlemen a lee on that would have a tendency to elevate their morals. It seems that the bo 'll getting hungry over a llatin_ trans lai,on' one evening had hit ,upon the ha t )py expedient of "booking" the Dr 's pigs, and as the pig •pen was im ni( diately below their window, this was no . a very difficult undertaking. Ac col (tingly the boys rigged up their fatlier's basket, and attached ropes to eat h end,-and covering the bottom of it wi, li shelled corn, lowered it from their wi idow, • Into the pen. Their unsus ph ions victims roaming around would tip the basket over to explore, when up tht y would go. The Prof. watching tLiy skillful engineering one evening net:olved to profit by it. One dark rainy an I disagreeable night the boys again' lOwered their basket, and the .Prof. be ing on the, alert, crept over softly and de iosited himself in the "elevator." Tliehoyis began to pull, but finding At much heavier than usual, called out Te their leader. - "Sam, we've got the old sow !" "Pull away any how," was Sam's re ply. 8o up the Dr. began to ascend. One _yo,ing Felton), more inquisitive than thf re. t, poked his head out of the windou to tet a peep, when oh, liorrow, I, instead of the snow, it was the doctor. Coa st, rnation seized them all, and the Dr. wits in great danger of being "dropped," when their leader quieted them and spoke in a whisper, audible to the Dr., AS :0110WS : "Saw, that rope is very rotten, don't pull too , hard:" ) ~ Imagine the poor Dr.'s position.—eold drops of perspiration stood upohis temples, and in a faltering void he begged them "not to let the rope break." Salll in well affected surprise, very con solingly 'remarked, "that even if he did fall, it wouldn't do more than break liii.- arm or leg." After which he shut the window. leaving the poor victim dang ling \ in mid-air, the cold, pitiless rain beating down upon him, and with no immediate means of relief,- except by his heartless captors. "I'll forgive you all, and you shall have lunh every night, If you'll only let me down," bawled the Dr. '• Will you swear it?" demanded Sam. 4 . I -2., 4_.1.-Itt ~,,,t.....1__ J • • • .._•____. _ victim, and in a tew moments, more det.d than alive, he reached the ground. The Dr. kept his word, the boys were delighted, and there as no more pig stealing. CRAMP.—On a fine sum day some men are bathing in the sea. One of the, man excellent swim mer, suddenly cries out, "I'm drown ing I" sinks and is no more seen until his dead body floats ashore some lionrs after wards. This was the case of 11.1. G. Waugh, whose lamentable death was noticed iirthe journals a few days . since, and the dreadful incident wa's but a repetition of what occurs sev..tral dews each bathing season. Hoy/ is this terribly sudden drowning to be explain ed ? The victim is generally said to have been attack.ed• by tramps and manuals advert to the subject, and direct the swimmer who is seized to thrust his legs out violently and forcibly bend his foot upward. The explanation seems to be generally accepted, but it does not really explain thisaw fully mysterious sinking. We - do not need to ask a good swimmer wLether cramp In the leg, however severe would cause him tO sink sud denly, and without a struggle, in the sea. It ill impossible. The human boilY is specifically lighter than water, that 110 effort is required to preserve it from sinking in that fluid. A swim mer seized with leg cramp would in stioetively throw his head as far back " as it would go, conscious that he might retealn afloat in this position" without the need of moving a muscle. The un fortunate swimmer who drowns undei thee circumstances always goes down suddenly, and without a struggle. This ties that the body.iuddenly. becomes heavier than water, It can only do that by losing the air which is contained within the cavity of the chest, and the provability seems to be that the cramp which happens is a cramp of . the respi ratory An useles, by which the expansion of the lungs is prevented or the air is forced out. Death would then occur as it often occurs in tetanus. This is a subject which has strangely escaped Observation. Inquiry thust, of coarse, ilk limited, for there is no opportunity of qUestioning the unfortunate victims; but the testimony of observers, or of those who have themselves experienced any kind of cramp . in bathing, might be usefully brought to bear upon it. Tile feeling of insecurity which 'these cases occasion to swimmers is terrible, Could we but ascertain the exact cir- ounistances, it is conceivable that some measures might be devised by which 'their occurrence could be prevented. It must be remembered that swimming implies a very much more violent mus cular exercise than is'apt to appear. It seems probable—though it is by no means certain—that the muscles of res . piration, which . are powerfully em ployed in swfillming, may occasionally be seized with cramp as result of 'un usual exertion, with the effect we have described of causing compression of the chest. If such be the case, I},,is toldr slily certain that regular and graduated gymnastic exercise would be the surest saguard against`an affection of mus, cies arising from being suddenly called upon to perform unusual exertion of severe character. A QUIET DINNER PARTY.---A certain judge of Avignon, famous for Ms love of good living, said i to a friend One day;— , "We have just been dining off a su perb turkey I It was excellent I Stuffed with truffle' to the very throat—tender, delicate, tilled withi perfume! . We left nothing' but the bones I" "How many were there of you 1" asked the friend. - • "Two," replied the judge. ` , Two," echoed to other, " izi aston ishment. -yes. two," repeated the judge, "the turkey—and myself.3l VA lady teacher WAS endeavoring to i presa upon ber pulps th i s terrible effect of the plibiebrnent of Nebuchacl• uezzar, saying: "k3even yearn he At o griose like a cow," when a boy gink g o, "did he give milk ?" esmon WILING OFY AT COST FOR CASII I 114 W2II,,aILIUZ is CO. Will sell from this data their entire stock of DREGS, MEDICINES, Perfumery, Notions, Dyer Stufil, Paints, Varnishes, Glass, Putty, : • Alcohol, Tcfrpentine, Kerosene Oil, Tobacco, Cigars, wall -Paper, Curtains, Fixtures, &e., - &e., &e., AT COST FOR• ()ASH. Positiiely no Humbug. P. It. WILLIAMS & CO. Wellsboro, March 3 1\ , 1869. Fresh Goods Reeelved •Weekly. Dry G,4ods Fresh . Groceries CROCKERY: 3300QZ 4LIIII/ SIZEOligo 1 Hats and Caps. Bo it remembered, that Converse & Osgood keep constantly on haknd a large stock of general MERCHAIVILIZE.. GOODS AS REPRESENTED.. NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD Jan', 1868.-Iy. OONVERS] dr, OSGOOD. EAST CHARLESTON WOOL CARDING. HAVING purclied the wool carding works of Mott di W itney, the subscribers are uow prepared to car wool into rolls promptly and in the best manner, 'Persons coming from :a distance, and wishing to oarry their rolls home with them the same day will be occommodated: The chargo for carding is based upon the weight of tho rolls, and not upon that of the crude wool. Satisfaction guaranteed. We have a first-class machine and plenty, of power to driie it. • July /809-4 m. MOOR E & BACON:. WASHING ; MACHINE. JAB.WILKINSON, WILK of Charleston,having purchased the right to make and vend the ti. P. Jones Washing Machine in Tioga County, hereby gives notice that the machines are being made at Van liorn's Cabinet Factory, Welleboio, where they may be procured. _ The best, cheapest, and most sensible maohine ever invented. • June 24,1868—tf. For Sate. I, j AM AGENT for Kinney St Co., celebrated platform Spring• Wagons, all, styles, also for their light Carriages and Buggy Wagons, all made in good style, and from Jersey timber, and warranted in every respect, equal to arty made. Cap furnish any of the above at tbo lowest Manufacturers price's. L. C. BENNET. Welleboro, May 5, 1869—if. Arotice to Co ectora. COLI;ECTOItB of the taxes for 1869 ate re quested to be prompt in collecting up their duplicates and paying over the same by the lat of September. By so doing not less than $lOO4 can be saved to the county. Aug, 4, 1869. A . C. BAILEY, Co. Treasurer. :"StatiNS: 11 A ND: R I DW A R • - itaitng forked n'partnershlp In the Tin, Stove and -Hard'crtire' &Ade,. the undersigned have the pleasure ttitinnonnee that they-have, at ',a great outlay, added to the usual stock" of the old stand MAIN AvO4,LBpR4, a complete_ assortment of Shelf Ilardware; of whioh we.enumerlo9 the, following articles: NAILS, SPIKES, CROWBARS, X CUT, MILL, lIAND„AND. BUCK SAWS, BUTTS, STRAP HINGES; CARPENTER'S TOOLS, PUMPS, AXES, AUGERS, BITTS, BITT-STOCKS, HATCHETS, CHISELS, SHOVELS, SPADES, FORKS, BENCH-SCREWS, WOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE BOLTS, BURRS, SKEINS, WASHERS, PIPE BOXES, AXLE TREES, ELLIIf- TIC SPRINGS, HORSE SHOES, 1100 P, BAR, & BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE B_ HANGINGS, CORN POPPERS, SAUSAGE' CUTTERS AND STUFFERS COMBINED. Also, PISTOLS, PISTOL CARTRIDGES, , POWDER AND. . CAPS. PATENT BARNDOOR HANGINGS a new thing, and made for use. These aro but a few of the many articles composing our stock of Hardware. We invite the public to call and examine for themselves. We aim to keep the best quality of goods in our line ; and all work to order done promptly and well. AGENTS FOR THE • ,! Buckeye Mower & Reaper. WM. ROBEUTS.I „ R,O. BAILEY, Ingham's Woolen Mills ! THE subscribers will 'pay Casb, Full-Cloth, Cassimeres Flannols, (to., itc„ for Wool.— They also manufacture ae usual— TO ORDER, OR ON SHIRES, to suit customers. All work wa r ranted as rep resented. They invite particular attention to which are warranted in every respect. Particu lar attention given to ROLL • CARDING CLOTH DRESSING. INGHilit'S large stook of Cassimeres, Zte., per cent less than Any competitors, and,warrant. ed as represented. / rtl 'INGRAMS manufacture to order; and do all Janda of Roll-Carding and Cloth Dreaaing, and defy competition. INGHAM have as good an; assortment o Full _Moths, Classimeres, ac,, and give more for Wool in exchange than any other establishment. Try them and satisfy your selves. meram l ig wholesale and retail at the Cow anesque Mills, 2 miles below Knoxville. Our Cloths are warranted, and sold by the following persons: , f I L DELANO & CO.. Wellsboro,. Pa. T, L. BALD,WIN CO.,'Tioga, Pa. J. C. BENNETT, Covington, Pa. 100,000 Pounds of Wool , JOIMPH INGHAM ik SONs. poen:told, June 30, 1809-tr. ROBERTS & BAILEY. DEERF,IELD, PA Ell thoir Wator Proof CASSIMERES, AND Wanted. -'.WELL . 7.5 1 ritE BUBBOBIBEB. baving established him. : rclf in the • ' BAKING" D&SINESS: . a` • „ id vllicige,: riot •El K. Kimball's Grocery, is now prepareitto Cary on the business irk all its various bonebea.„ I Ail{ : keep ion. s t an tiy a a jit934, an assortment of Bread, such , LOAF BREA.D,,ROSTON.;-10*,ACKERS, GRAHAM ; BREAD, BUTTER CRACKERS, • B. R Yir'N RILE AD;• R.-„; ;t „ , , ORAPKERS; : SUGAR • CRACKERS, • DYSPEPSIA. AND %scam. OYSTER CAKES, PIES, AND LUNCH, • • , at all hours of thiday,-Sundays excepted. By strict attnntion to business shall endeavor. to merit the public patronage. 011118.13TEVENS. Wellsboro, June. 24, 1868. • Wholesale and Retail DRUG STORE! , By' Ur. C. KRESS. rpUE aubseribar will keep on hand at all times a full stock of '!)4116S IND NIEDICORS, PAINTS, OILS, Patent Medicines, Flaiioring Extracts, Perfumery, Kerosene, Lamps, "Wicks, Dye Colors, White Wash Lime and Brushes Varnish and Sash Brushes; - Window Glass all' sizes, Varnish of all kinds, Fancy Soaps, • SPECTACLES, Hair and Toth Brushes, a full stock o.t Yankee Notions; also a complete as sortment of Homoeopathic Medicincs, and a full stook of Pure Wines and Liquors. Buyers are reque t ated to call and examine pri oes before purchasing elsewhere. March 24,-1889-1y THE AMERICAN . . BUTTONHOLE OVER-SEAMING AND SEWING MACHINE. T" greatest invention and the best sewing Machine in the world. It has no equal as a Family Machine. And INTRINSICALLY THE CHEAPEST. It is raally two machines in one by a simple and beautiful mechanical arrangement, making both the Shuttle or Look-stitch and the Over seaming and Button-bole stitch with equal fa cility and perfection. It executes in the very best manner every va riety of sewing, such as HEMMING, YELLING, CORDING, QUILTING, GATIIERING az:d SEW - ING ON, and in addition OVER-SEAMING. Embroiders on the edge and makes betititiful Button and Eyelet-holes in all fabrics. Every Machine is warranted by the CoMpany or its Agents to give entire satisfaction. For further information inquire of F. KINGS LEY, at R. 0. Bailey's in Morris Run, or of Mrs. S. K. EVERETT, four doors south of the Depot near R. Farr's Hotel, Blossburg, where the ma chine may be tried, and instructions received in using the Machine, by all those wishing to buy. P. KINGSLEY, Agent. Morris Run, Pa., Jana 9, 1889-3m.* HARDWARE AND STOVES I CONYERS & tISCrOIM HAVE on hand and are constantly receiving at thoir Hardware Store every article needed in this region of minim in the HARDWARE LINE. SHELF HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL NAILS, MIDDLETOWN AND ELMIRA SAWS, ROPE, STOVES, Cooking, Self-Regulators s t nd Coal . Stoves. HoMe Companion,' and the jnßtly celebrated illpiltlCAN COOK STOVB, TIN-WARE No pains will be spared to moot the wants of our customers. CONVERS A OSGOOD. Vielhanyo, Jan. 8, 1489, ly. Low cash Premiums. • Policies, Non-forfeitable by their terms. Liberal Traveling Privileges. Return of all Premiums paid. Annual Dividends. • remalea Insured at same rates as Males. Home Office S. E. Corner, sth and Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Applications for Insurance may be made with W. P. BIGONEY, General Agent, Wellsboro' Pa. May 12, 1869—tf. ELASTIC STITCH 1 WANTED, GROVER & BUHR'S FIRS PREMIUM EAMILY SEWING MACHINiS, 594 BROADWAY NEW YORK Points of Excellence. Beauty and Elasticity of Stitch. Perfection and Simplicity of Machinery. Using both threads directly from the. spools. No fastening of seams by hand and no waste of thread. Wide range of aprlication without change of adjustment. The seam retains its beauty and firmness af ter washing and ironing. Besides doing all kinds of work done by other Sewing Maehinep, these Machines extents the moat beautiful and permanent llmbroldery and ornamental work. Oft• The highest Premiums at all the faire and exhibitions of the United States and Europe, have been awarded the Grover it Balser Sewing Machines,and the work done by them, wherever exhibite in competition. „gier•The very highest prize THE OROSS OF THE LEGION or HONOR, was conferred on the representative of the Grover &, Italter Sewing Maohines, at the Exposition Univgiselle, Paris, 1867, One attesting theirgreat superior ity over all other Bowing Machines July 28, 1869—tf. FOR BALE—A lot of cutter timber,ready for use, will be sold cheap. Call on HALL MARCH, Keeneyville, Pa. July 21, 1809-3 m. . UNION*. ACjAtrEM. Ir, IC.NOXVILLt. TIOGA COUNTY, PEN/VA.' OM. Watin, - Prinelpal.. — • ' , Mra. Ana •W, lipatow,ProcePtreas, Mind MIAS Nooroir, Assistant... - • Millgft*A Detittstr;Tosichee of Music. . • 'Tlio Fall'reixo Conimooco Augpat 81, the Winter Term November 30. Theiiiiring Term March 3. Each Term to continua 12 weeka. „ tXVELYEIES PEN TENAL, Tultion;fueltidiUg rent and ivood, Pall Term:.....511,60. -": ' " Winter Term.. 13,60. ' " • • " Bpring Term... 12,50. ; Day students 7,00. !Reim:nimbi' 'Millie, (Piano, Organ or Molodeon).." 10,00. Vocal MUelO., 2,00. Use of Instruments 2,00. Drawing and Paneling 3,00. Boatal por week 3,00. July - ifIGH•SOBOOL. • TII'S 8°116)1 now beconms pennon' at 111. 4titution, under State authority, having by special not received'eomepeouliar privileges, and it carrnowafford nil advantages 'common to Aca demic Institutions. To 'those designing to pre pare for teaching we:offer very decided advan tages bicombiging the Theory with' tho Practioc.. Ball-Term commences Aug. Sp, 1889, and con. Urines Pt week's. . . , Common English, Elementary Algebra, Pri mqry, rhilottophy-and_PrinsaryPhysolcigytfreo to all pupils of sohool ago residing in Tioga Boro. Common English ' , $5,00 - • Higher, .. , ' ,„ . 7,00 Commercial course, time unlimited . 6,00 Gorman---eitra • , 350 'English Brandies and German 8 , 80 " ' " Cpmmercial course... 8.60 Poilnformation iyith' regard to rooms or board call-on, or address , 11. M. BRELEB, Principal, - - Atig.:4, 1889-tf.., i lTioga, Pa. A_ IN WOAD,' d:` PRODUCE RE "diJ calved in payment for Tuition. eRIP SHE GOES ! FROM THIS DATE FOR CASH, wo will sell FEED at these pri cos t Very bed Rye & Oats, Ground here, Beat imported Feed, Beat Common Reed, . Cow reed, The above goods, at the above pricos,• aro strictly cash I ' ' We don't mix sand in our feed. We haven't a Plaster Mill connected with our Flouring Mill ! Our• Feed is pure!. W-RIGIIT ,t BAILEY. Wellaboro, Jan. 20, 1889. Grimly and Provision Store, C. L'l. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER in all hinds of gROCERES, PROVISIONS, W. C. KRESS. Wines, Liquors and Cigars, FOREIGN . do DOMESTIC, GREEN S CANNED FRUITS AND CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, CABS & PERAMBULATORS, TOYS, &c., &c. A. full and complete assortment of the above mentioned goods of the Ist quality always on hand. Particular attention paid to Fine Groceries Dealers and Consamersvill find it to their in terest to examine his Stock Wore buying. Corning, N. Y., March 31, 1889. TO THE FARMERS OF TIOGA COUNTY. lAli now building at my manufactory, in Lawrence. villa, a anperior PANNING 3111,4, which poonesneo the following acirantagesover another mills: 1. It separates rye, oats, rat litter. and foul seeds,and chess and cockle, from wheat. 2. It cleans flax seed, takes out yellow seed, and all other seeds, perfectly. • 8, It cleanstimothy seed. 4. It does all other separating required of a mill . This mill is built of the best and most durable tim ber, in good style, and is sold cheap for cash, or pro- duce. I will flt a patent slave, for traparatlng oats from wheat , to other mills,on reasonable terms. J. II EIATELER. Lawrenceville ,Juno 16,18694 f UNITED SECURITY Life Insurance & Trust bompany Capital, $1,000,000. $lOO,OOO deposited with the Auditor General for AT THE NILES VALLEY STEAM FLOURING MILLS. 10,000 Boa. Corn, 10,000 " Oats, and any amount of good wheat. J. B. DIMON & Co. Nile, Valley, March 24th, 1880-tf. NOTICE.—We the . undersigned agree to close our STORES on and 'after the first of October 1869, up to the first day of April 1870; at 8 o'clock P. M. (Signed.) 0. Bullard & Co. Thomas Harden, L. Bache, Toles A Barker, C. l L. Wilcox, Wilson ,t Van Valkenburg, C. 8.1 Kelley, D, P. Roberts, Roberta Bailey, Con verse A Osgood, ,Tobn B. Bowen. - Wellabor°, Oct. 1, 1869. Er OUSE and Lot, and vacant lot for sale I - 11 cheap. Location Willisboro, and desirable. Inquire at the .Agitator Office. Oct. 28, 1868--tf. MISS B.A. KEENEY begs leave to inform the citizens of Tioga and vicinity that she Las taken rooms over Borden's Drug store, op posite the Post-Office, where she will be happy to wait on all who will give her a call. . Particular attention paid to bleaching. May 12, 1889-tf. 1 i t A farm of three undred aores with two hun j& dred and' twe ty-five aoree improved. Sit uated two miles nod' h of Tioga Village, on the Tioga giver and ItillrOod. Well watttered, un der a good state of [cultivation, and - good build ings. Also four hcupes and lots for sale in Tioga , village. ' T. L. BALDWIN. Tioga, Feb. 12, 1888-tf. nAS ll PAID FOR WOOL, - BUTTER AND. lta CHEESE, by 0. L. WILLOOX. Janel 7, 1868. RATA OP TUITION CORNING, N. Y. DRIED FRUITS, VEGET4.I3LES, CROCKERY WARE, of Pennsylvania. MART= PRIIPBTUAL security of the Polley Holders SPECIAL FEATURES. House and Lot for Sale. - New , ALlMinery 1 Valuable Farm for Sale. MEM VIIOIMALIi DRUG STOUR. CORNING, N. Y. D RUGS AND BIEDIOINgS, PAINTS AND OILS, THADDEUS DAVIDS' INKS, KEITH'S CONCENTRATED MEDICINES, - IRRDELL'S FLUIDt . EX TRACTS, BURNETT'S 0000AINE, FLAVORING EXTRACTS, KEROSENE LAMPS, •PATENT MEDICINES, ROCH ESTER PERFUMERY AND FLAVORING EXTRACT S , WALL PAPER, WINDOW' GLASS, WHITEWASH LIME & AND DYE COLORS, AGENTS FOR MARVIN 4 CO'S RE FINED OIL. Sold at Wholesale Prices. Buyers aro roquoated to call and get iriotativue before going farther 1213 $2,50.(cz0t 2,25' " 2,00 j" 1.75 " Corning, N. Y., Jan. 1,1868-11 TllFk CIitIRCII UNION. phis paper has boon recently enlarged to mammoth .IL Proportions. Jr it 111111.12088 T matmons PAP= IN sea WOULD. Is the leading organ of the Union Move ment, and opposes ritualism, close communion, ex clusiveness and church caste. It Is tho only paper, that publishes Hen Ward Beecher's Sermons, which it does every week, just as they are delivered,— with out' qualification or* correction by him. It advocates universal inffrage ; a union of obristiana at the polls; and the rights ofla bor. It has ;the best Agricultural Department of y papor..in the world; publishes stories for the family, and for the-destruction of social evils, Its editorial . management la impersonal; its writers and editors are . from every branch of the church, and from every grade olsoclety. It has been aptly termed the freest organ of thought in the world. Such a paper, offering premiums of Sowing Ma chines, Diationaries, Appleton's Cyclopedia, Pianos, Organs for Churches, etc , makes ono of the best pa pers for canvassers In the world. Every Congregation may obtain a Communion Ber vice,an Organ, a Melodeon, a Bible, ore Life Insurance Poli:y for its Pastor, or almost any other needful thing, by a club of subscribers. Send for a copy, enclosing 10 cents, to HENRY E. CHILD, 41 Pena Row, NEW YORK. Ga..P. S. Subscript - lons received at this office. "r‘EMOREST'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE universally .1./ acknowledged the Model Parlor Magazine of America, devoted to Original Stories, PooMs, Sketches, 1 fousehold Matters, Gems of Thought, Personal and Literary Gossip (including special departments on kashions), Instructiode on health, Music, Amusements, etc., by the best authors, and profusely Illustrated with costly Engravings, ward and reliable Patterns, Em broideries, and a constant succession of artistic novel ties, with other useful and entertaining literature. No person of refinement, economical housewife, or lady of taste can afford to do without the Model Month ly. Specimen copies 15 cents, mailed free. Yearly, with a valuable premium; two copies, $5,50; three copies,s7,6o; fi ve copies $l2, and splendid premiums for clubs a. $3 each, with the first premiums to each subscriber. ilitA.A tier Bertram Su Fenton Bowing Ma chine for 20 subscribers at $3 each. Publication Office, 838 Bronuway, New York. Eemoreet's Monthly and Young America togethers3, with the premiums for each, ir‘EIifOREST'S Young America, Enlarged . it is the If best Juvenile Magazine. Every Box and Girl 'that sees it says so, and Parente and Teachers confirm it. Do not fail to secure a copy. A good, Microscope, with a Glass Cylinder to confine living objects, or a berlaellpdslmt.l each subscrther. nearly, $1.60, Publication Office, 838 Broadway, New York. Try it, Boys and Girls. Specimen copies, ton cents, mailed free. ca ....A. da' 1869. FOR SALE. 1869, BY .B. 0. WICKIIAM, A T HIS NURSERY OF FRUIT AND OR AL NAMENTAL TREES,'IN 60,000 Apple Trees. 10,000 Pear Trees. A. good supply of PLUM, PEACH, CHERRY and ORNAMENTAL TREES .4, SHRUBBERY The Fruit trees are composed of the choicest varieties, good, healthy, some of them large and in bearing. Any one wishing to get a supply will do well to call and see my stock before pur chasing elsewhere. Or Delivered at the depot free of charge. Tioga, Feb. 28, 1868-Iy*. JPlsEwtkco ..i.lE7cOrteits ORGANS . AND MELODEONS, FOR sale by . 1. - O. HOYT. Haines Brothers Planes, Chick - wings, Steinways, and Steak's. Hintermister's Organs and Melodeons and Ma son do Hamlin's Organ. These are alit:trot-class Instruments. Having the experience of many years in - Musioal Instruments, and tuning the same, I can offer greater inducements to °unto mere of Tioga County than any other dealer in Northern Pa. Every instrument is warranted for Ave years. For fall particulars see Illustrat ed Catalogue. I. G. HOYT. Mansfield, Pa., March 9,1869—1 y State Street, Lots. P. CONE having taid off hie land on A. • fate Street into town lots new offers them for sale on reasonable terms. Wellsboro, Aprli 28; 1889. _SASH, DOORS. BLINDS. A 4 FACTORY 11:11IOES, Always on hand or farnyhod to order, at ROBERTS & BAILEY'S Hardware Store, WeNboro. Angust'lB,lB69. CASH Paid FOR HIDES, k by M. A, DURIF Wellsboro, Deo. 10, 1868.—tf Planing lc, Matching. FLOORING, CEILING, WAINSCOT ING, TONGUED c 6 GROOVED, with rapidity and exactness, with our now Ma chines. Try it and sce. B. T. VAXHORN. Welishoro, April 21,1889. The subscriber offers for sale the following property, situated in Covington township and borough, /logs county, Pa.; 58 tierce of land in Covington tp., on William ton Road leading to Blosaburg, 4 miles .there from and 1 mile from Covingtoo, borough, about acres improved, a good frame 'house, barn and other outbuildings thereon. Also, Sawmill, Sash Factory, and Shingle Mill and water privilege thereon. Also ! two apple orchards of 170 trees, mostly choice fruit, and about half bearing trees —4B;plum trees,"lll Cherry, 90 Currant bushes, red, white, and black, 4 Crabs, 10 bearing Grape Vines, 12 Pear, and Peach and Quince. Also—a Timber lot, 349.8 acres, of a mile from Sash Factory and Sawmill. Timber, pine, oak, basswood, chestnut, ash, beech, birch, maple and hemlock. Also—a lot in the village, adjoin. ing Gerould's orchard, fronting on Williamson road and railroad, containing about an acre , a 2-story House, outbuildings,, fruit trees and a good well of water thereon. Also—another village lot, fronting on William son road, 60 feet front by about 200 deep, and another lot fronting on said road, 1141174 feet. For farther particulars inquire of DAVID S. IRELAIT, Sr., or 8.. J IRELAN, Covington, Pa. April 21, 1369-tf. TO LAWYERS-- BA.NERUPTOY: BLANKS, 11111 setts, at YOUNG'S 1300110TORB. W. D. TERBELL & CO. For Sale. RAILWAY' TIME TABLES. SE'lk RAILWAY. tvri and after- MONDAY, Aug. 'ilOth;iB6o; Trains I L I will leave Corning, at tho following hours, viz - GOING WEST, , • 5.60 a.m.. NIGHT EXP., Sundays excepted for Hoch -ester, thank, Dunkirk, Cleveland, and Cincinnati, connection with the Lake Miro, Michigan Southern and Grand Trunk Railways at Buffalo, Dunkirk and Cleveland, for the West; also at Cleveland with the 'C 0 ,0 and Ind,. lialiway for Indianapolis •, and at Cincinnati with the Louisville Short Line Hallway and tho Ohio and Idississipplllailway for the South "and South-West. 6,11 a.m..; NIGHT EXPRESS, Sundays a:copied, for Buchalter Buffalo, Dunkirk, Cleveland and Man nate!, making direct commection with trains of the . Grand Trunk and Lake Shore Railways at Buffalo. Dunkirk and Cleveland for all points West, and at Cincinnati! with the Ohio and Me altraippl and Louis ville Short Lino Railways for the South and South west. , _ *St. This train makes a direct daily connection with all Linos to the West and SouthlVest, and is provided with the new and Improved Drawing Room Conches peculiar to the Broad tiango, arranged both for day and , night travel, running through to Rochester, Buffalo and Cincinnati, and thus forming the ONLY DAILY LINE from Now Yoric,ancinnett and the South-West, running through 860 miles witheut change. 1045 a. In.. ill Alls TRAIN, Stindayi excepted, for Buffalo and Dunkirk. 1,30 P. iu.., WAY FRElGLlT,tiartidays excepted. 1,45 p, tn., BALTIMORE RX RESS,Sundaysexcept• ed, for ItechoOter and Buffalo; via Avon. 6.42 p. m., EMIGRANT TRAIN, tinny, for the West. 7.21 p. in., DAY EXPRESS. Sundays excepted, for Rochester, Buffalo, Dunkirk, Cleveland. Cincinnati, and the West and South, connects at Buffalo,Dunkirt and Cleveland with the Lake Shore Railway for all points West, end at Cincinnatti with the Ohio and Misstailppl Railway for the South and Son th. West— . and improved Drawing Room Coachos accompany this train from New York to Buffalo, and, Sleeping Cosopes attached at Rornellsville, running through to Cleveland without change. 11,03 a, m., EXPRESS MAIL; Sundays excepted, for Buffalo, Dunkirk and Cleveland, connecting with trains for the West. A Sleeping Coach is attached to this tain at Susquehanna running through to Buf fet troy GOING EAST 4,35 mt., CINCINNATI EXPRESS, Mondays ex cepted, connecting at Elmira for Williamsport, narrisburg and the South; also at Elmira fur Canon daigna; at Vraverly With train of Lehigh valley Rail way ; at Owego for Ithaca ; at Binghamton for Coo. perstowa and Albany ; and at Now York With steam ers and afternoon Express trains for Now England citios.__AE4 - Eloepii!g coaches accompany this trail, _ - from MeaTivllle ii - meituffato to New fork 9'15 a. m., ACOMMODATION TRAIN, daily, 'for Susquehanna. 11,31 a • /ll ' DAY EXPRESS, Sundays excepted, connecting at Waverly for Towanda, at Bingiuuntrin for Syracuse, at Great Bend for Scranton. at Lacka waxen for Honesdale, at Middletown for Unionville, and at Jersey City with midnight express train of New Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia. 12,35 p. in., WAY FREIGHT, Sundays excepted.' 2,20 p. m., ELMIRA MAIL, Sundays excepted. 4,40 p. at., NEW YORK AND BALTIMORE MAIL, Sundays excepted, connecting at Elmira for Canan dalgag, and at Waverly for Towanda. 7,58 p. m., LIGHTNING EXPRESS, Daily, connect ing at Elmira for Williamsport, Llarrhaturg nod the South, and at Jere} , Cit,y.with morning express train of New Jersey Railroad,, for Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington: 11,55 p. m. NICtliT EXPRESS, Sundays excepted, connecting of - Bingliamto for Syracuse—at (treat Bend for t cranton and rbiladclphia, and at N. York with afternoon trains and steamers for Boston and Eastern cities, Xrii - Sleeping car from Buffalo. gap A revised and complete "Pocket Timo Table" of Passenger Trains on the Erie Railway and connecting Lllts, has recently been„publlshed, and can be precut , ed n application to,tbo Ticket Agont of the Company R. BARR, (}en'! Palls. Age n t loasburg & Corning, & Tioga li. R lains willrun as followa until further notice: AccommOdation—Leaves Dlossburg at 6,16 a. m., Mans . field at 7,05, Tioga at 7,41, Lawrenceville at 8,26 arriving at Corning at 9,82 a. m. Malt—Leaves Blossburg at 3,00 p. m., Mansfield at 3,40, Tioga. at 4,18, Lawrenceville at s,oo—arriving at Corning at 6 p.m. Mail—LeavesCorning at 8,00 n. m., Lawrenceville at 9,03,Ti0ga at 9,45, Mansfield at 10,22—arriving at Blocs-burg at 11,00 a. in. Accommodation—Leaves Corning at 2,40 p. m.,Law rencoville at 3,62 Tioga at 4.46, Mansfield at 5,30 arriving at Blossburg at 6,16 p. m. L.ll. SIIATTIICK.,Sup' t Northern Central It. 1:1 ' TRAINS FOR Trill NORTIL Trains for Canandagnla leave Elmira as follows Accomoda tion at Expreaa [fastest train on road) Mail Way Freight,[passonger coach attached] On and after Sept 25, 1569, trains will arrivo an depart from Troy, as follows; LEAVE NORTHWARD. to .55 P. m.—Dally (oxcept Sundays) fur Elmira, Butlit lo, Canandaigua, Rochester, Susp. Bridge and thu Ca nadus. 846 a. m.—Dally (except Sundays) for Elm Ica an Dante, via Erie Railway from Elmira. LEAVE SOUTHWARD. 030 A. m.—Dally (except Sundays) for Baltimore , Washington, Philadelphia, &c. b 965 P. m.—Ditily (oxcopt Sundays) for Baltirndro Washington and Philadelphia. ALFRED IL FISKE. lED.S.YOUNiI 1 Gou'lSupt.l.larrisburg, Oeu'l Pavia. A t Baltimore, Md. Philadelphia & Erie R. R. On and attor Sept. 6, 1869 !Trains on this Road vv run es follows WESTWARD Mail Train leaves Philadelphia 4, " " Williamsport " " arr. at Erie ErloEspressleavesPhiladelphia.. "a " " Williamsport... •' •' arr. at Erie Elmira Mail eaves Philadelphia... .g 4 , 44 Williamsport... -" arr. at Lock haven EASTWARD • Mail Train leaves Erie " Williamsport. ' " arr. at Philadelphia.. Erie Express leaves Erie 4v4 " Williamsport. arr. at Philadelphia. Elmira Mail, leaves Lock flaven " Williamsport, 8.415 a m it " arr..at Philadelphia 7.15 p m Buffalo Express, leaves Williamsport 12.20 a m " arr. at Philadelphia 9.2.5 ain Mail and Express connect with 011 Creek and dile ghoay River Rail Road. Baggage Checked Through. ALFRED L. TlLER,Clett'l Bup't. Atlantic and; Great Western U. W. BALAM*NC . WETTWARD BOUND. EASTWARD BOUND, Mall - 5.30 Express 5.10 Accommodation 6,35 Mail ; 5.5 k Express 12.19 Accommodation, 11.45 Express 11.00 Express 6.15 At Cory there is a junction with the Philndelphla & Erie ' and 011 Creek Rail Roads. At Meadville with the Franklin and Oil City and Pithole Branch. . At Lasvittatorrgo the Xiahoniny Branch makes a di. root route to Cleveland. At Ravenna connects with Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad. The Road pause through Akron, Ashland; Gallon, Marlon, Urbana and Dayton, intersecting various rait road's, and terminates at Cincinnati. L. D. BUCHER, Gen. Supt., Meadvll4,Pa. NATIONAL LIFO IMBIBE COMMIT OP THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, WASHINGTON, D. C Chartered by 6001 Act of Congress APPROVED JULY 25, iB6B Cash Capital. $1,000,000, "PAID IN FULL. BRANCH OFFICE : First *Nationali Bank Building, pnitAnuLpm - A, Where all Correspondodeo sheath bo Addreseod • OFFICERS: OLA.IIENCE 11. CLARK, President. JAY CooKE, Chairman Finance b Executive Com. HENRY D. CooKE, Vice-President. • EMERSON W. PEST, Secretary and Actuary. B. S. Rosset,t,, Manager. • Circalara. pamphlets, and full particulars giv en on application to tho Branch Office of the Company, or to , H. C. SIMPSON,IWELLsnono, PA,, by whom applications will be received and Poli cies procured for t Tioga county. Deo. 0, 18684 y. r Hóitst, d. Lot for Sale. AGOOD goose and barn, on slot of two sores, within ten :minutes walk of the Court Rouse, Wellsboro, is offered for sale. In quire of John I. Mitchell, Esq., We'labor°. Aug. 25, 1889-tf. 11. RIDDLE, Oon'l Sup't 0 20 tx, 12 20 p 7 10 p 800 a 9 p ... 8.15 a m .... 9.30 p re 11.0 noon .... 0.00 p n: ...10.00 a m .... 8.00 a m ... 6.10 p m .... 7.45 p 8.15 a at 9.15 p ID 6:10 a m 3.20 pll, 325 a m 12.0 p 6.50 n m A STATION THE Atlantic and Great Western ERIE Iit4II.ILWAYS, THE GREAT BROAD GUAOF ROUTE Pon. , 4E I VELAND, TOLEDO, CHICAGO MILWAUREE, ST. PAUL, OMAIIA,' And te,all,Pointe in the lynaia_nd NonTe.TvEsi Dayton, Louis. ,VILLE, ST. LOUIS, KANSAS ' , CITY, 'MEMPHIS? NEW. And all points 14 the South & i Southweat, wit% No Change of Coaches TO CLEVELAND OR CINCINisIATI, From any point on the trio ltaillfay.[An ad. vantage and convenience not any lonia route. . . 3 Tunouatt LIGHTNING ExPaess ZILIIN DAILY. Baggage Checked Through, and Nu cr l ,, Not from one car to another, preventing 10E8 or dui o. age. Tickets via this popular route can be procured, at all offices on the line of the Erie Rail way, an d of 11/3MS & 4 11313047, OPPOSIT DEPOT ELuiaa. I • when imrchasiniask the Agent for' Tickets via thd ATLANTIC -& GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. . W. B. SIIATTIit, Gen. Ticket and Pass. Ag't, Cleveluta, O. L. D. RUCE.L t R, Jan. 6, '69. Gen'. Supt.; Meadville, Pa Read Read TILE CELEBRATED ' Mason Hamlin Cabinet 10Ein ORTABPLE ORGANS, Togotber with the EBTEY COICTAGE ORGAN and MELODEONS, can be advantageously par. *hosed of S 9 g &A) WHOIEUF,42I'i TIOGA, PA. HAViNG obtained the agency from tho man. uficturers of the above nulled instrument!, we havW.he facilities for furnishing them at pn ces to oon?paro favorably with those of dealersin either the same or other reed instrumentt. Their reputation is such that scarcely anything need bo said regarding their being desirable, having been awarded premiums and module at the principal Fairs and Inatitiites, both in ibis and foreign countries. , Many. fine modern im provements, vibleh are so desirable in all god reed instruments, aro owned and retained for their exclusive use by the manafactasers ci thesii instruments. Hence it is, while they claim strength and durability, together with volume, and quality of tone equal to any, they excel all other reed instruments, in the variety and com bination of tones which can be produced. INDIVIDUALS, SCHOOLS, CHURCH ES, SOCIETIES, and °their organizations, - wishing to obtain 1 reed inz•trunient, can be suited) as regards sir) styles, prices, ALL INSTRUMENTS WARRANTED 2 .Z. , 11 - Send for a circular. ..zar7 Tioga, March, 17, '69. T. A. WICKHAM The Great External RemedY , For Man and, Beast. IT WILL CURE RHEUMATISM Tho reputation of this preparation is so well e3talr. fished, that little need be said in this connection. On MAN it has never failed to cure PAINFUL NERVOUS AFFECTIONS, CONTRACTING MUS CLES,,STIFFNESS AND PAINS IN THE JOINTS, STITCHES in theSIDEor Deck, SPRAINS , BUIS ES , BURNS, SWELLINGS, CORNS and FROSTED FEET, Persons affected with Rheumatism can be elfectuap add permanently cured by using, this wonderful prepa ration; itpenetrates to thp nerve and bone immedlatuty an being applied. On HORSES it will cure SCRATCHES, SWEF.NEV, POLL•EVIL, FISTULA, OLD RUNNING SOP,E3, SADDLE or COLLAR GALLS, SPRAINED JOINTS, STIFFNESS OF THE STIFLES, &c. It will prerunt HOLLOW BORN and WEABI RACE COWS. I have met with great, success in bringing nw Mixture within the reach of the Public. lan daily is , receipt of letter from Physicians, Dr ufgista, Merchants and Farmers', testifying to its curative powers. DAVID E. FOUTZ, Sole Proprietor, BALTIMORE, MD. Sept. 29, 1.869—1ei • lir' vii_t J. STICKLIN, Oh ---,_ airmalcer, Turner, and / ; 7 _ Furniture Dealer,. • I 1 SALE ROOM, oppositn IDartt's 'Wagon Shop, Main Street: FACTORY in Sears & Wil liams Foundry, second story. Orders promptlY tilled and satisfaction guarar, teed. Fancy Turning done to order. Wellsboro, June 12,1867. J. STICR.Lf N. Tioga Zarble Works, THE undersigned is now prepared to exe cute all orders for Tomb Stones and Mono clients of eitbor ITALIAN OR RUTLAND MARBLE. of the latest style and approved workmanship brad with dispatch. , He keep constantly on hand both kinds I) . Marble and wilt be able to suit all who may, fa vor him with their orders, on as reasonable tense as can be obtained in the country. Stones discolored with rust and dirt cleaned and made to look as good as now. PORTER WILCOX. • Tioga , Nov. 1, 1887—tf. THE LARGEST STOCK OF EBTONTMEif IN b buy in the Qbeapeet plane to world. Agent for L. BOLLES & CO'S ROSE, Binghamton, N. Y., and ELMIRA SAT,' FACTORT, Elmira, E. STOVES SOLD OH TIME. Mansfield, Nov. 25, 180-Iy. It. RIFF. Unpatentod Lands. SURVEYOR , ObIiVERAL'S OFFICE, Il May 25, IW. IN obedience to an' Aet of Assembly. apt r.),d the eighth day of April, one thousami t hundred, and sixty n,nc,y at ale be' uhy r‘6l that the ".County Land Lien' Docket," ing the list of unpatented lads for Tios;a Ca., prepared under -the Act - of Assembly bf lb° twentieth of May, ono thousand eight' hundred and sixty-four, and the supplement thereip, has this day been forwarded to the Prothonqtary of the county, at whose ‘ office it may he exqUiir , ed. The liens can only bb liquidated by the pk,ultnt of the purchase money, interest :and fees, and receiving patents through this Department. — Proeeodings by, the Attorney General have been stayed for ono year from this date, in order that parties may obtain their patentp without addi tional cost. JACOB M. CAMPBELL, &Irmo? Genqral. TO the Owners Patent Roofing. AVE bought tho right to use tho i V I HAVE bought t Blastle Roofing in Tioga County,rd, am now prepared to put on roofs cheep and in good workmanlike manner; This roofing In Oro and water proof. I refer4o Messrs. Wright A•Bai ley, Toles At Barker, and C. L. Willeo, whpre samples can be seen and roofs in use. MOSES WINGATE. Welleboro, Aug. 11, 1.889-tf.