iffOME MATTERS. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 10, 1809. New Advertisements Notice to Tesohers. -OWloston Directors. Notice to Bridge Builders. - Coinbilesionere.. Sherif Sales. J. B, Potter. Lost Pig. Miles O'Connor, Dissolution. W. M. Adams dt Geo. W. Vincent., Mansfield Normal School.: Venda°. A. lowland. FOB SALE.--A cutter in good rig— id]] bo sold cheap. Alio, a no* Tanning mill, of S. H. Mather's make.. Call at this office. T.IXANREIGIViN6. Gov. Geary bus adopted the 44 Presiilent'e Proclamation for Thanks giving, the 18th ofs this month. Nol,rie.- 1 -Jestlces the Peace elected in October, shiluld notify the Protbonotary at, once if they iTitend to ahcept, that their com missions may issue. . THANIZSGIVING.—We are requested to give notice that the traders of this village bare agreed to close their stores Thanksgiving Day. People; roundabout will please take notice. AceEPTED,r-We learn that the chal lenge of Jake Vail bra been accepted by B. B. Lamed, of Granv . ille, Pa., to twitch Hamiltonian with the Hillier horfe, on Wellsboro course. Mr. Lamed big paid in his money., A MoNSTER.—Mr. Edwin Pratt of Charleston, left with us a Swedish turnip weigh. jog 173 pounds. , This turnip was raised last tesson and set out for seed. The turnip clothed itself with an outer covering of new growth, weighing as above stated. The original stook went to seed, and five new sprouts AA . out PrOnlld it. OBITUARY.--One home in our village, and a wide circle of friends here and elsewhere, were on Wednisday of *sr. week bereft and sad dened by the'saddeit death of Mrs. Mitchell, the estimable wife of John I. Mitchell, "Esq. The deceased was in her 33d year, consequently in life's prime, and universally esteemed. Three little ehildren are thtis ' bereaved of a' tender mother, a husband of a loving wife, and parents of a faithful and filial daughter. UNION TEMPEBA.NCEEETING. —Thel pastors of the Presbyterian, Baptist and Metho dist Churches of this village have hreed to hold a Union temperance meeting on the second Sun dap-evening of each month, in the different cburcbes, to bo addressed by the several pastors. The first meetibg will be held at the*esbyterian Church, Sunday evening 25th ink. `The Bap tist and M. E. Churches will be closed that even log. Services by Rev. S. M. Brooisman and others. Br. SINESS.—Mr. David Gardner, of Bradford county, has pur/hate,d Mr. A. How land's property on Main Street, anti Mr. L. A. Gardner, Grocer, will probably occupy it. This property is one of the most valuable and desirable on Main Street, containing of an acre, and has upon it a choice selection of fruit. Mr. Gardner purchased at a bargain. We hope the rumor that be will remove to this' county is founded in fact. Mr. Howland goes to Kansas. While we regret to lose so good a citizen, ho will boar with him the beet wishes of our people. THE NEW CHI/RCM—The beautiful t tained glass windows now being put into` the new M. E. Church edifice add new ,charms to the inside effect. The beauties of the structure, and the elegance of its appientmenta are 800 many and so pronounced as tol banish the few' defects is its construction. The enterprise represents an almost incredible amount of energy and per severance, and though en incongruity in Wells bore architecture, fa no lbsa an ornament to our village, a recommendatio \ n to the stranger, and an exemplar for all time—while it endures.' The fine alulitorium will seat many people. bat we donta,il it will accommodate all who will come to witness the dedicatory ceremonies on the 17th. THE INDIAN CO C,ERT.—Prof ll , Pla• den, wit, his troupe of I diens, .gare two con certs in this village last week. The first, at Town Hall, was slimly attended, but the last, given in the Court house, wit's fairly patronizril. Many people had the impression that -the affair.' nes of the ordinary sort of 'lndian shows; bid nothing can be more unjust and erroneous Prof. Flanders is a line musician, and the In. d:ons are fine singers: Mr. Mah Koonce is a superb bass. Their pieces are selected with great care and exhibit refined taste. Altogether our people do not often have a flnerentertainment thin that given by P. and his troupe , We can cheerfully commend them to the lovers of a pleas alt. evening Aerywhere. , CFIOICE FOWLS.—Mr. M. B. Prince: R , ing in State Street suburb, has a splendid yard of choice.bred fowls. Wo lost week visited his Lavery and there saw thirty pairs of stalwart Brat:paha, and ten pairs of the Bieck Spanish.— Nyith the exception of Mart King's henery at Mansfield this of Mr. Prince's it the finest we have ever seen. The Bratnah fowl is superior for tie table as it it for eggs, while the black Span lab is chiefly valuable for its eggi. i» producing li,ch it is-said never tolire. .4s it costs Do wore ti , keep a superior than an , inferion fowl, •, at, the latter is never profitahl , •, why (1,, not •artmos bespeak a pair of 13,,cautalis an i t 4 paiii...h each, and tuake thcir fowls profit L Mr, Pribea fait and slaught , ,rs nll , eorts t.'s 2 fur market, and anther year intends to it , o„ ai< fAcititi233 for rualtii,lying cbuiee breed, t • ‘ , lch, an extent that bo eon fill all ' , Marti 7 U . ' , And gee his fiutig. BoW\rAN'S con V 10.14116 the Hemel° Society, and, through it ' people of this region, upon the auspicious the• Winter cour.s? Lectures 111$1 irliley eight. The aU4le1100:15'09 good in hod) q., unity and quality, and there 11'718 better order Low is usutil on such occasions. Of the lecture nc cannot epeak io -leans of too high praise The subjeot was Astronomy and Meteorology Ir. Bowman brought to the elucidation of hi subject a thorough knowledge of the sciences and familiarity with theories as well as facts. lecture was enlivened by appropriate illustra• lions both by apparatusesetlanecdote. As this lecture was oply initial;at'the close the lect i urer was unauimously requested to deliver the scoond lecture of the course of Friday evening, 12th inst. Wellsboro and vicinity' have often paid from $4O to $lOO for much less value than lAlr. Bow man's lecture. Lot itho boucle bo filled by 8 C'elook. seats free. Subject of Mr. Bowman's 2nd Lecture: 1. Electric Phenomena of the Earth. 2. Tele graph to the Moon. 3 Ta.tho Moon's light worm or co/d1 4. The Ballots. 45, The Astronomy of the 28th chapter of Job. 'GossIP.—A great many cen turies ago, so many that we do not care to count them, there lived A matt. He was not born with a gold spoon in his mouth. He did not set out In life deter. mined to get rich. He was a teacher of youth, and his school is still a famous recollection. Ile taught that the 'Measure of success in life was the aggregate of usefulness, Fie recommended temperance, chastity, industry, and honesty. Ile caloinod upon his pupils a paramount regard for the greatest good of the greatest number; taught that rulers r•hould exemplify the virtues and punnish the vices of mankind ; taught that justice was the highest accomplishment in guy. truing ; that oorrupt i praoticibs endangered the State; that without integrity man was less than nothing; that demagogueism was the harp of re. publics; that selfishness was a lurking crime to • be condignly punished ; and many other things taught be. In short this man arrived to bo the benefactor of his dovintiymen . by elevating the standard of patriotism and morality. —Weil : This man's pupils generally became distinguished citizens, and many of them achieved deathless fame. The teacher was acknowledged Ito he 4 pure, and true, alld good Citizen, an honorable, wire, hightninded MO. Bilt it 50 happened that after this great teacher had grown grayin'the'eerQlce"ot}iteednniry"lie rasa who ' held thl,reintrofvowfr in,that country came to, regard hie maxima as reproaches, and ref:Natio= upon the eorldnot of their' lives. And they con sulted together, And ,endeavored' 30. silence his voice. But he, with high regard for 'the' Masses of mankind, and thoughtless for binaself,,oonola. dad to do - hie' duty: 'rerieveredP.ind fell under the ban of power. e - was tried, convicted, and condemned; and, thathe ' 'be ,his own best exemplar, they presented to ln , cup of poison and bade him drink. He drank, and lodied like a pbilosoPhor," without a murmur, or a reproach to , his' •rportlerere 7 The:rfOrld will never,lo . se:kiiht of that ealf-imtaelatioti. zor will it forget the maxiins, which he taught{ the men ,ulio ,cendonmed him to; death 'are neve r mentioned. • . '—ln view of this wonderful life aluidoath, Mr. Martell Warty 'wrote; - man'is either knave or fool; ' Or bigot, plotting orime; • Vito for the adyoncemont.of Ida kind 0 1 . Is wiser than his Limo; For him the hemlock shall distil, • ' For him the axe bo bared; - - For him the gallows Bhalt be reared, • For him the stake prepared ; - Him shall the scorn and wrath of men • L' Pursue with deadly' aim,... And envy, malice, spite, and Ilea - • Shall desecrate his name ; But troth &hall tritterph at the last, For 'round and 'round, we 'rt+n, And ever the Right miles uppermost, And ever is justice done 1".. —But by this wedo not intend to discourage the heralds of reform„ ,Tho"PreterldeAhenefactors of mankind murdered Socrates, the greatest ben efactor of his age. The priests of the boasted only true religion of *the age.cruoifted Jesus Christ., And the Democratic party • Compassed the death of Lincoln, the purest and truest friend of the people the country has p oduced. Yet• who that has the shadow of, n, hood, even, would not ?ether have, .died • like Lincoln 'than live like his traducers? Discourage the heralds of reform 7 Never! Forward ! THE INt?IAN SUMMER.-711, Is EqW 4onorally agreed among scientific men that there is no rise in the temperature :diming what we'call the Indian Summer time.' 'Th theory ; is,:Alutt• the earth in its grand 'march s around: tho sun, enters ; during the ear i ty daye:o , November, a ro gion of calm., People will oh,so . re 'that there it reldom more than 'alight breeze during the reign of Indian Summer. It is, ,etntlatiCllll l a sea. eon of dreamy calm. There being po wihd there is little evaporation; and therefore an, apparent rise of the temperature. It is assuredly a nes . - onable theory, and better ezplains the phenetneila of the season than any other we recolleCt of. i NEW PAPER.—EIder Backus sends us the initial number of his now temperance paper— " The True Reformer," published at: Scott, N. Y. It is clearly an able paper and deserves, a warin' welcome,. We don't quite underetand.the Elder. when ho says—"w'e have left 'infidels and semi infidels to do the work which properly'belongs to the church of God." If men are to bojii - dgod ac cording to their works, as the Scripture bath it, i. it not possible that at the last iind terrible summation, "infidels and semi-infidels" may show the bust record If they have been doing the work the church of God was too fearful and timeserving to do, who aro the: "Infidels- and semi-infidels ?" In other worde, if the church has been "unfaithful," as Elder 'Backus says, the world has been faithful; and fidolityoannot'pro duce infidelity. CHARLESTON.—Win. Johnston, son of , Col. Horace Johnston, in a fit of iosonity, es caped from his friends on Friday last, and took refuge in the woods of Charleston. On Saturday, he entered the house of a person — residing . in the vicinity of the steam mill, owned by G. P. Card, on Hill's .Creek, to a nearly nude state, and de clared his in tention.of drowning himself in the mill pond. He proceeded to put into execution, but was finally captured by-seuip of Mr. Card'ls men, alter plunging into the Pond; , ,,and was by Mr. Card safely conveyed to' the residence of his father in Tioga. I hope the disease may prove but temporary. The young man was a very promising youth, aged about lib years. Cosnorown. - roof whom We are always glad to 'hear, writes "It is • strange what realrleatmess people will sometimes 'display, with the whole broadside of a graveyard open. The Cemetery on "Poverty lit 11" is in a sad condition. .The grass has not been mowed for a year or more, and the fence on the Main Street front is in ruins—hardly an up right panel left; which makes the.Ceteetery ap pear yawning for its freight of death. Are the -Bore Fathers" responsible? "During the past summer the ladles of tha Baptist Church raised S7o.—for the improvement of the comfort and looks of the church; the plat form and Vallte ought to be rebuilt and repaired, and a svoodhouse built. Shall the ladies do tbay too? or are the male members, and our Episcopal' friends interested in the matter?. i Many of the sidewalks need be put in elrd4. before winter sets in. Those on the north side hf Sulivan Street, and south side of W,ollshoro Street have been mentioned. "In happy contrast with the above are the im provements being made. John Murdaugh has put up. and is crowding to an early completion, large nice dwelling on Sherwood Street. "Mast King continues to build, and things begin to, look like business. ••Gee. Win. Haan& have built a vinegar foe- ...ory.on west It. R. Street. "The Tioga Iron Company will put their fur nace under blast about the roth inst. It has ,een pat in thorough repair. "The bridge on ElMirs. Street has been rebuilt. "Rev..l. S. Palmer has been ranking good im provements on' his premises: "Albert Sherwood 114 liis-dwplling on Prospect .i'rect quite completed, it .is occupied by Rev. Taylor. 'Rec. N L Reyrroitl hav kern treating the •ot iho brown mansion, of whieh he' is pro-, ;.-t'it , tor, with n ek , att nen- coat of shh.gleti; it is present oreui.k.l hy Rev. N. BArrtrws, R,:ator ul." Si James, Liturah. • Elliott, ft rehitet and Builder, togtilter h:s 61,31113, hare bleu` "taken in" by that w, unique, gothic residence on Prti,peet llilt ' l 'e 410 not kri< ,4 V whether they lolly' oppreeioto t•ty j..hc or not, but refer those %hose bosioe t _e or i 5 to know, to" Mr, F lliott, wh 4 will t•ho're :him the he-t cottage in liogo (snooty. "Mr..lohorr , ilkner and foln , lY b4Y 4, east their in ‘Varorly'N. Y, bearing th'e good of all who knew them. Mansfield has furnished Wm.' with many of its beet citizens within two or three yeiirs; inplu• ding Fix beads of families. "Tuesday night, 2d inFt.,, D. C. nultien's slure was entered, ind a quantity 91 goods taken, but t what value I have nut learned. Probably -the burglar or,burglars came trona, Troy. "Willie E. Adams Dept, Cot jT S. Revenue, .as bought out the interest of Gov.-Vincent in be firm of Adams and Vincent "R. N. Bolden hos a new stook of clothing at,ri groceries. "Dr E Mott is getting inn new stook of drugs, stationery and toys. Clear, the 'track. far the Holidays, "The Adams's are receivitig — astock of goods, a inch they propose to dispose of- cheap tor cash. dlial ct - Co. st•ways bait) new goods, and a good•looking partner behind the counter. Auct.DENTAL.. REmorotis. The F - int Quarterly Me ting of the Tioga Baptitt Aesociatton will ho hold with the East Charlesto n Baptirt Church, WLdnesday Nov 17th, at 141 o'clock AL 3 . 1 • Opening sermon by Rev. N. L. Reynolds. GOD. tributions for the Education Society, PliooßAlnln Ist—The Mission and Missionary work of:lho Sunday $Ol3OOl. Rev. A. B. Chase... • 2a—llow oan WQ improve our present Sunday .5.0h00l system? N L Reynolds. . A 3d—Systematic religious instruction by pre.nts .Lau importert auxilnry in tha t succe:s of the Sunday School. Rev M. Rockwell. 4th—How oin we interest the -members of the Churches more in the study of the Bible ? Rey. N. Hart. • .„... . sth—liovi can we draw to and bold uncoil vetted persons ? 'Rev. G W. Remington. ath—Union Sunday. School concerts iu our villages—their vc•Ne—and, beat mode, of con ducting them Rev. S 3i, itrooktnan. , . • 7th—The relation of the,Sunday School to the Foreign Mission.' Rev..(3l. P. Wittrous. Bth—The influence of the life and conduct of the Sunday' School teakhei on' their scholari. ltov. C. A. Stotic. E. T. BENTLEY, Say. TiocsA, Nov. ad, 1809. DEDICAVION.—The dedication of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of this village% which was postponed on account of the .delay of the stained glass and furnaces upon the road, will take place positively (1 7 rovid,nce favoring) on the 17th of Ig,rvetqfier, proXitne.(Wedue,sdaY4 Thie•was the first day after the postPoneracet en: rebioh the ministers who have ' , nen etrJelen to conduct the Services could he preseeit. Scrsic . es at 10 A. It., and 7 P. M. - ..u:_ .RAILROAD MEETIIOI.—The - citizenl3 efqW 4 elleboo eitloll9/ MO' 14i tl* Oimrt ildneeiTheril* 0 " it 4114 Pent to adjournment of Oct. 2Stlrulto--on motion Mi. B. T. Van Horn was elected Chairman, and W. Sherwood, %Secretary. Object , e.f_ the meeting stated by, Ilon. , ll.M.lWiliMine. , flenry Sher wood, Esq., reported for the committee appointed at teat meeting to secure releases from the people of Delmar and Charleston—that the committee succeeded in securing releases from nearly all whom they saw; the same with reference to the committee of gentlemen who were appointed fur Middlebury, that with hardly an exception the , people hid signed releases. The speaker said . • that the EngitlePrt+ of the; Nellshoto , apd ' ; littW. reneeville R. R. Co, would maho t e,neak- survey. from Tioga Boro' to near Crooked Creek. On motion Ron. H, W. Williams, J. 13. Potter, J. W. Bailey, E. J. Purple, L. C. Bennet, and Chester Robinson were sleeted a oommioeo to procure re. leases'froth Ctookedior4eklto "lbegti: Dni motion Messrs, John W. Cluernsey t • , D. L. Aiken C. H. Seymour) iind T. L. were "name d as committee ,to represent pogo, And, act in con-, junction with the Committee from this place. was further resolved that a corps of eurveyoks' should be sent over the route from this place to the Manchester Farms, to inquire into the prac ticability of a wagon -road between these places; , Meests. Wtn. Briebe, , Chester libbinsOii,' A. L. Bosworth, D. Heise, oad T. B. Bryden were named 'as suelf , committee. Mr. Y.-D. Simnel was then invited to adorp , B3 the meeting, which ha • did hi a vty plthisiiiit and prietied manner. On :notion the mooting adjourned to meet at the call of thg committee. WALTER SLIERWOOD, Secretary. ' "'Fresh' us'' lush" la ,the • pure peueily Cotruplexion whichfollows ale use of liege Magnolia :la , the Tine Secret of Beauty. Fashionable Ladies in Society understand this. t ; •- • ; . County Girl into a City Belle more rapid ly than any other ono thing, Redness, Sanborn .Tan` Freckles, Bloicht.s and all effects of the Summer Sun disappear where it is used, and a genial. cultivated, fresh expression Is obtained which rivals the Bloom or youth. Beauty Is possible to all who w ill invest 76 cents at any respectablo s stOre and insiot on, gettltig•ti*Magnoli4 Beim • si Use nothing but Lyou's liathairon to Dress the Mile. 1 m. WWII 3-voal X 314, mai.= erz, eas no. , IMPOILTANT NoTrar.:-,-Thoa..Harden would respectfully to hia‘new and desirable stock of MerChandise which is now be ing received daily. As this stock has been bought since tbo great decline in prices!. the rrading (peh)ic GREAT BetnO4IINSI. All are invited to 'cillrind Wellsboro, 10, ispo. MRS. SMITH wishes to I thop,pub lie it hat she has )use , rgtturae;tl. from the ;oily with i splOridld assortment of initliircry g6ollo. Site has alto opened 6 variety store; whote—tiniy be found all' those - - frinrey'artiolos tridoll:thp ladies like so ,well-:—enmelegpg' Of' dross trimmings, hoop-skirts, corsets, hatritraidS, .I/Vitclhez atdwe terfalla, stamped _work; Jewelry, perfumery. worsteds fur trimmed, tend worsted hoods, and plendid assortment of latliei' furs, hit of which will ba sold at the lowest market prices. Mira. Smith returns thanks Tur the very liberal patronage and hopes to meet a corttiOnance of the same. - Itlns. Jrato3in Wollsboro, Nov. 10, 1809—tf.: FALL 4,t; Sofield bas added largely toler,stook of Millinery, and ,is 'prepared to furnish' everything , in this lino of goods at reasonable rates. Ladies will also find Ft choine selection of Pan efOoods, and a full assortment of .Zepbyrs, Can vas, Hoods, Needles, Slippers and Patterns. A largo assortment of Oertnantown yarns just received', of oyery. shade and variety, which will be kept constantly on hand. Thankful for tho liberal patronago of,tho pub lie, she hopes to 'merit a continuance of tho Hanle. - MRS. A. J. SOFIELD. Wellabor°, Oot. 13,1669 DEATHS. ' REDMITON.—In tVellsboro, Oot. 31st 1860, Mrs, Desiro Redington, aged 60 years. i 13bo is gone, She hits gone to tho sours sweet house of liberty, To that beautiful laud of rest ..T.EET..E.—A.E . Port Allegany, Pa.,, Oct., 2 1 0, )809, of pneumonia, James Perry Eldele, in his 4dth year. The deceased was a son of Jr.f Tames SW:do o m well known and respected citizen of Belmar, and bad been it citizen of this county until within a few weeks, when ho removed to Port. - Allegany.— Mr. Steele united with,tbe Stony.rork Baptist Church about 20 years ago, and ,had over been a consistent member. lie was, faithful to. the erld. and Ws last words Trere—l!l am going to the blessed Jesus!"—Copt. • .acMgPAIVItn - kaigilginT C lsfirn l an n LeY Updike, aged It years, 4 months, 5 days. Our 114t1c+"A4lie ea we know, Did down into the village go, For to return was her intent, But oh, how different matters wont ; Sho climbed into tbo window Little thinking therb she must dio,' Then you must„ also ready be, Sooner or Inter to follow me. _(lowl'onoteit!ekl.) IVheretlB, it has pleased Alinighty God in llie providence-to remove .frfitu ails world 'our .bo ivcd brother, Daniel, 4141 / PY.A . _ 4 Reklored,' that we bow with resignation to his ispensution and 3vlll cherish hif.p 4 lol:ElFY„.' l lv.fth ffetiti :While weAindl,,i,,,Tatnent .. leids! - 4, • llscoteed, that, we I offer tiiir eyintititlilfo 'and mcio!enco' to Vie affileind funky of Itie'dooelised, awl will ever encrish p . roper regard for thew and rejoice in tbk.or, wall bein4. litiolved, that the above' resolutions ho pub -1 41ied in.thc county, papers, end a popy •pro 4utpd to the family, , and also that a, copy be placed in the archivesof • the lodge, . . sPEciAE .NoTtcga. ---h6L.:.-' e'_f..._.• :- ---'.; -,1,-''';, VEGE TABLE i E i T i A . ABL E L 4 L IO S ll q' l AN l:::: HAIR Among . tho ~many hair preparatiens in- the wasket is no oast' matter to deellie which one hf theta i 8 trubq dellirable torn e. HALL'S vEGIE 1 A SICILIAN -HAIR RENEWER hint men, berore the puhiiembournine 'years,. its vir tue.t tested andvertitied to by unary loading'Ond it.titiontial physicians of - New England,- among Moan we uta).tattne Walter Burnharn, - ilil.p., formerly Proteskor of ourgery in the' Worcester Medical Institution, and in Peon University of Philadelphia who Heys, "I have hod it fur re ~-tortog the hair, where invetttrato 'eruptions had toststod various kitidt of treatment.. and fcugd ly MIR the bo k boolivnity resc(44 it.: original beauty, but also the disease .of the ' t eal ! , courplerely 'cured ;"ultlo Cleo. Gray; M. D • I N'asbua. N. II . the leading physician ot. the place Wite,lo fhb , , LIEN Etv pit, is inautifrclured . , ri ettlts'ot the pl.ephiatinn iiS thi s ' way i' I brie ern its effeet.inyerz. urtruy cates. It will cer tliuly restore she lflir to its original color, it cle Ins the head of dandruff, and leaves the hair .:-ott, glossy and beautiful I do not . think its into in any way it,jurious,.hut , „on , thu contrary, t can, therefore, cheerfully reecOtu wend it to the public." A. M. State Assa3er of ats., having analyzed it, as• cures the public by cern/lame, that it is the lied proppratlon for the niutdii4d; purposti of she cnaiiy he lta9 examlifoO.t'l , With those assurances from such high sources, r ly 'these who desire a perfected and reliable hair restorer can do no better than use UAL'S VEGEPABLS SICILIAN Alit ItENEWgIt. it. P. lIALL.i ct CO., Nashua . , N:-.11-teroptieiors. 00: 20,'IStiit. JUST 'OUT.. "CUERRY PECTORAL TRCCHES," Vor Colds, Coughs, 'SOre Throats, and Bronchitis. lione as good, nuno so pleasant, none cure as quick. • Sot' by JOIINSTON,IIOLLOWAY ! t Lthiladolphia. ' . . • ERRORS Or YOUTH. A OEN'TLENIAII who suffered for fears from Ner vous Debility, Premitture Decoy, and all tho effects or youthful indiscretion. willl'for the bake of outtotingtio." Malay, VW/ free to all who, need it, the reeetet and directions for making the simple remedy by Arhich,be was cured: Sufferers whilang to proltt,by the '/Idver. timer's experience, can do sdby'addreiNing`tif perfect, confidence, ' - JOHN B. OGDEN. MAY '24.!69-11. No. 42 Cedar Street. Now York:- . TIIN Adper flger, rititorel to liealtb ftt n a : d r r ye ? -0 6 0.14511111PT1VE5.. , wea..sby it very Niaiple riinedy'.4tfter'hnoitig'stir feriid6mveind years with -rt g6veie Tubs , &Medal. ina tlitst, dread (*rano. Oonsuiraptiou-1 8 Auziona tti.itialtir known to his felio,w.tcifferers tlipmesip oterVe. • all who dl sire it. be will iiyuti a SOP) of t 46 Pre scriptiori used (tr,,, of charge) 'with the' directions for urepsmingi end nuking the saine.•a'hieti , they will find "ti XVIII pIRC ran CONSI3IIPTiOR. ASTII2JA., 1111011CITIV.84 Tlltt.Zikket of ell.t Acivel usae ih,,Stnding tho,;Pretterip tioa is tc , bquefit tlip afflicted, : acid spread tufo/m/400n whichhe 'conceives to be furoinable; and fie Ilopes every sufferer svtil try his remedy,' as it will cast them nothing, and may provo a blessing ' Parties wibbing the prescription, wilt plettga ttddrcall Bev . PAM &LLD A,. %Vit. - SON, Williamsburg, 'Rings Conuty, N. T. biny 26 18rAtt-ly: " ••' John 'rilclfitosti t ". • -'," ' , • DK Eli •AS • R MONT AND ITA i.aAti M A king, Mah iiractuter of NION U MEN TS, 'TUX B:STO'N Ea &c, 44x. Cur. 11,rkel •)t. dar J Sti, eurbibg, Y. Y. AU ordere prwmaiy nently eso cafcdi ;AIN I kit !V VAN , DrlziEN,":Agont.... 13,.1809- 1 7. - 100 R gALE.—.4. purebtooded k cheater-county Jt/ prOci, 4 ryear OLl4,dincyAlkiii-opricn. reason able. Spiqutre of. L. Q. 1)BliNICT: Wellabord, Oct: 27, 1889-3 t. XTOTICE. - The 'Scheol.'' Midden of the 11 Charleston School Igitriot will tieet at the Young's School House, in Ober/estop, Saturday, N0r6,1860,-at to hire Teachers for, the 'ensuing 'linter 'sobools. Teachers are re quested to bring their certificates. Oct. 2742 w. '11:11417$ M. 841,131', ficey. IVOTIOR TO COLLECTORS.—AII Oalleotorq 11 in the arrears will he required to MOO im. 'mediate payment and iettleidents; Or costs will be made. I would also .call their attention to the notice in tbo book part of their Duplicates, as it will be rigidly adhered too. 0ct.27, 1589-tf. IL O. DAUBS', Treas. OTIOg TO TEM) 11111113:;;—The Directors of N Brookfield - meet at ,the: 'Bed ? S9bool 'House, on §ettirfley. 1869,'at 10, A.' 31,, to 'hire Teitdiers..for winter schools— .tea'ebers niubt bare their certhicetes ..with them. Alio; that the tinticofjntroanoing sanders Un ion Series of readers, oud Robinsons.: course of Atathehqatios is extended tinti),Dee../13, „Patrons will' av4if themselyes of introductory. prices, as Teachers will be required to teach no other series of books, the coming winter. By order OT the Board. L. D. SEBLY,l3eley. • Brookfield, Oct. Tr, 12869.-tt, f MUD School Directors of the Delmer School District moot nt the new School Rouse near Wm. Francis Cheese Factory to hire Teach ers for the ()again winter School, on the 6th day of Nov. neat at'lliO clock .a. tn. , Teachers are reqtiet.tedlo brink their Certificates. Oct. 20, 1809.-2 w., 14. 0414PBEILL, Seey. 'SALU*IFOR s truly' & novelty, in nzodleinej ditTfirtng ma- Terlittryy troth an oaer prep ratitiral p it has a power of its own, and possesses virtues that nit, peculiar to,itself• • It has ivondothil inieoessffn the relief and cure of S NEURALGIA, SPRAINS, SWELLINGS, BUANS„RIIEIJMATISM, , BLAINS, PAIN, SORE- TkIROAV, „ ' , I&FLAMATION, FELONS,- QUINSY, PLEURISY, BRUISES, Painful Swellings and such disorders as require an outward application. Price 50 cents, Sold by Druggiiii generally. October 27, Its i 9. Large Stock of • NEIGH &IDMESTIC 'GOODS, Suitable for the Fall and Winter trade, at 4 T - , SMITH it WAITE'S Oct. 27, 4 1809. Corning, N. Y. El Cholera Drops ! This medicine is quite dif- via from all .other nrennien tions called CII LE It A, URI)? .' ti is an .unfailing remedy for disorders of the bowels, SOLD BY DRUGGISTS AT 60 ca PP,I? .BOTTLE, Wollsboro, July 18, 1869—1 y HAVE YOU 'SEEN TUE IMI Immense sock of Carpets, AND OIL CLOTHS, In the Carpet Store of Oct. 27, 1369. 1 IF 'YOU WANT Coat , or Suit of Clothes , • Call and see our stook of " ' • Cloths or OCtiisinkieres, and leave your measure, and you can bo supplied on short notico, at. • • • •.,„ SMITH &AAA : I'MM, • Oct. 27, lass.; o o ktdmi N. Y. , N Tioga County Common Pleas, August Term T 180. No. 222. The , undersigned having been-appeitited an Auditor to distributt) the fund arising ft6M- the' ,Sberilra' Sale,,in the 'easa.of Commonwealth, is; F. B. Barrington, will. at tend -to the duties - Of hie appointment at" the Oleo of Wilson.tV'N'iles, in Wellaboro. on, Fri day. November 28: 1869. J. B. NILES. °et -27: )Fl6O-4vr.o 500 cords of ilonateak Bnrk, wanted, for witich,tbre,bigkwt,markot ptiee will be paid oil :delivery M my l'annery. in ,IVensboro ' Jett 2, 1244-tf. 303EP1i BABBROLLA. Notice. !W 'S SMITH L WATTt'S. - Corning. N. Y. Auditor's Notice. John Me ',Rice's Grticery AND. PROVISION STORE, Inlrosart Bleak, lee door below Converse scr Os good's Diy Goods , Come to John /I. Rice • If yOu want to`get eon* good Moe, Only one shilling per pound; But you will not.find ,whiflry or wino, 'Nor no,' ether **Pound. ''' , • But Teas, Teas, of the'very best, iforo you will find a Urge hen'a,nest; , Mores, cinnamon and candy, Dero'YOu will fled everything bandy. „ „ sour, Soar, of every grade and kind, And prices to emit all mankind; , So there will be no gmmbilitg, ' ' • li'hile•the barrels In arid on% W i lll be tumbling. , Crackes, Tobacco and Allspice, Dried Beef and Sugar cured Ifams; If I sell to you onoo I. can-t iee, So call in woman and man. . .. • Bo giro me a call both great and small, And I will try to snit you all; But if you omit in berg by chance, Do not forget to bring a few stamps, Katmai() Oil iind , vinegat: Coleman's Mustard and Ginger; And Boap the best at ton cents a bar, And One Bait for butter, the best by far. , Here is where you will find, Brown's Glass cleaning Polish, That will lait ROW everything is dernolisheit. August 21, 1880—tf. REMOVAL. New Stock! New, Goods I StAR 8c DERBY HAVE Itakon the new store ono door above Wright Bailey, where they are on band with a fiowtatook of ~ 130(tIC r i S, r BA.LthORAtS, GAITERS, BOOTEES, „BROGANS AND GALLIGASKINS warranted to fit any foot from No. 0, to 13 in clusive.. The stock has been selected by one who has the advantage of • THIRTY YEARS' - EXP.tRENCE in the business, and is the best and fullest in the country, Our stook of FRENCII CALF, 'FRENCH * KIP, UP PER, SOLE, COMION CALF, LININGS, TENDING, MO ROCCO, &C., will bo kept up as beretoforo. On Bindings we shall' be found at hottie ways, and we shall endeavor to sell at prices satisfactory to the trado. We won't bo under sold. CASH PAID FOR . HIDER, SKINS: FURS & PELTS. Also tho top of tho Market for WOOL. But our beat bold will po on CUSTOM WORK! As usual There's comfort in a well made custom boot; That fits the corns without too much compressing: For everybody knows a shabby foot ' Cannot be compromised by overdressing. And one may wear clean linen with a stilt Of finest cloth, but there Is no finessing Will make a man with shabbily drossed foot, Look like a gentioraan upon the street. Along!.: Buy your boots of • SEARS it DERBY, - • Or any other man. [Printer's Devil.] Wollaboro, Oct. 20,1869—tf. A NEW ARRIVAL Of fresh GOODS right from the City, at , WICIZR.AM & "I'ARR'S. E, tiLVEt NOT time cr ape:co to enunierate the different KINDS AND STYLES, but would boTloased to have all WISHING GOODS wishing goods, 'to call and look for themselves Tiog4Sept. 22,1889. For Sale. ASECOND hand Cooking Stove, several Par? Tor Stoves. Bedsteads. and other articles of furniture. Cred i t given 'lf aesired, - on witiefitotory t‘eourity. Empire at.the office of the Bingham Fotate Welielooro Oct. 20, 1.889...5ti' worimr Them Things is .iv D VERY,tbin g is Itively;_and the sneer biped Ala d 4 ,l'o4 4, frera leeeblime attitude. ' that the beat natured Wen In Town laving no tieed the waits of the'ptittlie, ,and having boon- Orally sapplied.himaelf with almost everything which this world o st lord to appease them; now benevolently prep° ea to open the whole be fore the people, and - say+) all, old and young, black and white, rich and poor, COME: You pay your Money and you take your " choice. Don't stand olit in tba cold tn oxpeaod to the el eeive and to th e s ting of ilia ,neighbors bees, bait pull the latch string; iris always out in bus hum houti` ? 40, , . The large hearted proprietor, or his urbane good natured clerk will condtlot you, as it ware through a. tilled with delights. Ist. A , GARDEN OF SPICES,' in whin .every thing Sploydrota it nutmeg to cayenne pep per mar be ;pea and proacutrcl. 2d, A GARDEN'OF ,SN I ITFETS, in intdob ev ery variety of Sacehurine'delights, both solid and liquid may had byitbe stick, pound or gallon, and of such flavor Ind complexion as offs. make every oohing west tooth in your head fairly j amp with delight. Should you be pocuologt. cally iooljned, this humane individual will oun, duct you into a . GARDEN OF, FRUITS, in, which almost ev ery variety of lusoiou4 gangs-to be found gath ered-Wow tho four giraiitrs of the globe, will be shown to satisfy yourlargest longings. Oranges from Cuba, Lemons from Florida. Prunes from 'Turkey, Raisins from Malaga, Currants from the iirsciait Archipelago; Peaches dried and cane ed alotig with a great variety of Canned Fruits from the Jarso3B Dates (sum Syria, and Figs from Asia al tour, No end to the supply' of every species of NUTS from 8 Continents. ~ ,t WICKHAM dt FARB,. Please, Observe, ENTER; GARDEN THE TEA GARDEN will lit command your attentiBD) the warm decoction of the China leaf and the Java bean have become almost uni versal beverages, Uttd if 40t swallowed too hot or ttrong, the mild stimulants are esteemed as cmt catty promotive or comfort nd 'sociality,- IVat comp ny of elderly ladies could over part in peace without them? Now sour Mend the (k., ' GARDNFR, will he most htti;uy to Show you all atilt Jle will ask you politmy to look at his Tea. You aro welcome to try every sebeSt and see ;f OtIN POWDER, Souohoog GREEN, AYSON, which flavor you like, Qt of all the 'other styles whose jaw cracking names would be 'imizerous to prouourice, COFFEES, iu every style, ditto, ditto, ditto. Furthermore, The beneficent proprietor of this mammoth oa. tahlishment—ont of sheer good will, and if you will believe him for no other motive than your in'torest and bid, has at vast expense established atjthe same plaee an immense depot of Previa. ions ; qousisting of d • Flour, Pork, hard, Codfish, White Fish, Sword Fish, Fa., Sze. Meal, Hams, Butter, Trout, Blue Fish, 1 Hallbut,'&e., &o. All of which he intends to sell at a profit, on the principle c “live and lot live." lie generally .7 , proposes so to recei ein exchange all the pro ducts of y ur farm and dairies,and it is said coo fidentiall to the publi.:, that /10 never refuses Cash. Tholfeirks him wretchedly to keop it. So anxious is he. that ho dear people should want nothing whatever that money can buy of I= REG - KL ATOR, I I CORNII46-. N. Y. Here Ye Are Again! THANKFUL for the favors we have thus far reaelvod from the people of THE TIOGA VALLEY, we whb to call their attention to the l'ect that' we are just receiving a ' New Stock of Goods alepted to the early Pall Trade, earepr,ising ev e-ythiiig desirable, both iu nty la and quality, and I,ll i 1t 1 bo pjemed to see our old emstowera and nil 1r a may come from that vicinity to . CORNING to uy DRY GOODS, BOOTS ANB SHOES, CROCKERY, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, CarpetN, &c., as wo always Kiva customers from a distance 'i - A LARGE DISCOUNT ON .PRIOES, we thus make it l for their interest to come to ns to make th it p 'r bases, as many poop' e in that region will testify. We do not belt..ve in long advert sements, displaying lonll eta of prices. &a , bat will convince all who c me that we can, and do /en - . GOODS ORE I that this Store is, in reality THE REGULATOR for section oi country Call and take a look through our Immense stook and satisfy yourselves. Cornbig, Sept 8, 18,--9. 1 ) L. A. GARDNER. NEWELL dt OWEN. , I --', , liol This space waa ao/d to litathers, Ind ow-' ing to the rush of ba- • ' einem he cannot 248 e ', ~ , , 1 NEW SUMMER G TOLES & BARKER,P. (NO. 6, UNION BLOM) WOULD say to their friends and the- public generally, that they are now- receiving a • splendid assortment of summer DRY \GOODS, auxih as SHEETINGS, SIIIRTINGS, PRINTS CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VEST INGS, READY MADE CLO THING, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS AND AND -SHOES, ,also a large and well ',elected stock of 1 CROCKERY, IiARDWARE, WOODEN WARE, STONE WARE, KERtO - OIL, PAINTS & OILS, SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, SYRUPS, MOLASSEI ETC,. ETC., ETC. '41..r We are ablesto offer our customers the benefit of the LAST DECLINE OF PRICES in the' New York Market, our Stock boring been pnrohnAeLl since the grout decline in Goods. TOtES BARWER. Wellsboro, June 10, 1869. KEYSTONE STORE Y) WELLSBORD, PA. 1 Summer is Long a-Coming! AND some people begin to lose faith in the promiae of seedtime and harvest. In view of this fact "Bullard '45E' Comp have concluded totUrry up the season by stock ing their abOveis and counters Trith a wisely se: lected and superior lot of SUMMER DRESS GOODS, comprising a variety of Silks, Linens; Hosiery, Gloves, Em broideries, Poptin 9, Lawnsilrercales, ynquas,&e., together with a Bllns 10t of 24 Domestics, Shootings, Clothing, Ladies Shoo :We. We shall sell as low as auybody, and give you good Goode, —;Cm. zustao I¢,lBBB BlllytßD t 0 0. CZ). MEE • • _HAS removed Ms goods to tho New Storo IA Wright- 33411 0.ra second door oast of So-ars' Saloon. 1 aat reoeivNl, comprleing every thing ttautly kept la a DRY GOODS STOREI 'Dry - Goods, Groceries, Crockery, - Hardware, Booth and Slit:Jay ,SO-FORTHS, - that is usually found in a 'first-class o ntry store. Thanking my patrons for their very liberal atronage heretofore, I propose to attend strictly to bnsineis in future and soil all the goods I pos. t.131y aan. So call in and see Sept. 22, I 69.- . KELLEY. - c 'Examination of Teachers. itutiand, Rotteville, Friday .Nov. 5. ;.* sekt.on, Millartowp, Suturdny Noe. 0. Liberty, Block Houae ' Thursd;iy Oct. 28. Morrie, Batib'e School Friday Oct. 29, lielinar, Stony Fork, Saturday Oct. 30. , Vellsboro, Monday N tic. 1. Charleston, Young S. H.. TuesdnY Nor. 2. Holtutay'a, Wedeleaday Nut. 8. Tioga Buro. Tburday Nov. 4. Fnnotvg.tc,n, Isuttts S. H i ;ktonclay Nov 8. tlaiTcos, Votuilyea's,Thur,day Nev. IL. .vatl:at Union Academy the three Saturdaya4l - Teachers will come with foolbcati paper, pea and ink. Exiijninations will o ,, lnotencia at 4) a. la, All who expect to teach during Oa year, Fre i.e.:week(' to attend their examinations.- - here will bo no titivate exAminai ions. &hoot Dtractora aro ourbest.y invited to attend E. HORTON, Go. Sup.t. AHOTEL and lot, known as Elko Keystone Hotel In EtMaud Bore, is off,..retl for sale tyou reaponabie tertne. For particulars, eu. quite of the nthscritior at 1:11.11.laud, Pa. Sept. 29, 1889-6 c. R. T. WOOD. next terra of this Institution win nom. utenne weduesday, Sept ht 0119. For Catalogue's—address Prof. Chas. H. Ver. ril, Mansfield, Tioga Cuuuty Pa. July 7, 1889—tt. A. B. EASTMAN, „ _ I ) ENTIST „ t 2 No. 18, MAIN STREET, ODS. 1 • Lots of New Goods So Ws ovq,r the way, The people say- 7 - Itelley has gone with bis goods; Consieting of everything, Including old wotnen'a hoods. and an entities variety of A.4lnitli , atrator's. Notice. • I TET IL-Jaz; Adulinistr , tion Levin; been iJ grutatpi t , .• the uu tgDed up- , u the ettltt9 .1 Le.)wtid Scliw,buebt-r, vI Linerty, deed, all •ors"ns indebted to, er eleithitig the es; tite, LLILISL 1311:16. F. VLIIJ, Liberty. Oet. 20, t Ml9-3t. Eor ,Stiile. STATE NORMAL .SCLIOOL, biIi.NBSIELD, PENNSYLVANIA, . ..ATITIVITATtoath nrin. timort ea at short notice on any plate det4rea. Teeth extracted without pain—proved , by Aoores of witnesses; at the td ace. Special atten tion given to the treatment and filling of the natural teeth: All work warranted at "live and let live prices." July 28, 1888. Great Improvement in jDensistry, HAVING purebased the exe/u -,give right, at Dr. Folsom's lin sisaino proved patent Atmospheric Dental Plates tur Tioga County. I now take pleasure id offering it to the public as the greatest rim- COVERY - yet wade in Mechanical Dentistry. By theose ot which, we can or,ercome any any and all diffleulties hare heretofore baffled the shill of the meat practical Dentist In the world. Plates constructed upon this plan re. Ensinperfectly aim under all circumstances or coadittuti of the mouth, as no air, or particles of food can possibly get under them. Those baring ld styles, Gold or Rubber Plates, can, at half the cost, have the riaprovemeet applied to them aneweritOn every resvmet the Sahlc pm-pos(3'Ba us a tiow*et. Perfect t.atielattke guaranteed in every Case. C N. DAILTT, Dentist: AV offshore, Juno 9, 1P139. Thfs fs to certify flint wo are now n.ing the Trapror• ed Dental Plates with peti•cL satistaetion. Ibivirg used the old style of blares fou years a hit :GI the troubles and c,s Ita.wn In the ate 0..1101 puttcs, wt. Cheri fully I eeOttilltr tiel the ttnproird Hat , sus tar z•upertor to anything )et kno.l l ro BALL,, Ctl 5' 4 ; I N 3.- - Insurance Ag'eaycyo WELLSBORO, PA Cash Capital over $20,000,000. IIRST-CLASS CO.I.4—NO.XE BE rTER.. ATES LoW ney good C"ropqnies v.ill WA Poltetts un dw,i , ings old tdrui -I.ei wriiten fit -tin, uai..c, uud deltveted tax J•qptteet of Ilk etniUni, Arc You linstsrd I t cr , sts but little. parti , l2l.ezdy dtren ,ngt, tarn! prolirrt .. ), and 04,nrenry. dmedinxe acid tram rt..nr,(3 e•ir ter nan prr erntlial VOI. v,• I - tiVy,- &V, A hoube. detti6,o: ItIO I.)r f.r 3 r f'N•srP.”of 511,511. °oy ; .Se ;; .)Jr, ti /.;..-- 1 /• , -/th; , !/ C , lBe Vuruktutv, ;lan ~ t late!, CAcu•v, Everyone Should, be Insured. If not with tun. Smith & :Merrick will du it just az, cheap, and jw.t as well (Giotto, gentlemen.) i -hould V 6 giait however, to ifickieral enough in i s wanner to pay for atlverti,t(9r. SM.). I. MITCHELL. Welisboro : Sept 22, I.Stal—tf. CARRIAGE MAKU , G. er LIE UNDERSION'ED still continuos the Carnage liti . tine,s at his old stand on Main sirevt, neer the Academy, xhero manutocturing And repairing will be promptly done and Batts!. diction guarranteed. The BLACKSMITH - DERART.DIENT Will be o'onducted by Mr. P. G. LYON, who has had many years experience in the buciness,, anti will give j ..duct satisfaction to all in Carr;age Iro»ing, Horse• Shoeing, Repairing, ,1 4 , e. Particular attention given to !Joys° shoeing. All work warranted. W. Man. Wellsbufb, July 14, 1369. To DEBTORS.--All persons inflated to me are requested to cud /iad settle at once, Atl aceourue wida tuo before the new nun was formed Meat be Mcleod up without (Wog, %I'ILLIAJI 8.013ERT13, Weilsboro, Aug; 25, 1869. f *IL 11. Arms-atom. smaint, tatv.4. Armstrong Ex Linn, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, WILtIAIISPORT, PENYA. - Aug. 4, 1869-Iy. Sno. ar. Adams, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR-AT-.LAW, Mansfield, Toga county, Pa. CDlie.cti.mis promptly attended to. [Sept. 1,1589. EH WELISBORO, PA. II