"O.OY A 13 - BALD- Or fIASK .7- Only a braid' of-hair; • I'. . Ita•alavdoranga:putple - And golly Ah yea; but it abadOwed fibrair Wore fair Than are the Iniea—a hundred fold.' ' Only a braid of bait. • - Itiedtadote of:Terple and golden hue, Ab s:..bnt it kletto cheeks red and fair; - Ana r ibilded "eyes - of gloriotis blue. _ , Only a braid of hair, • .• : • - But it tells of - hearts that were sadly torn ; One of tßoto - gono to a land more fair, - The other left bore to Indian. , • - And T wear it.near too my heart ? „. _ For each hair ia a memory dear to MO, When-hand upon heart we vowed never to. part Down tiy the rea.' - - Thu aututnn has,outris with , its gold, Shortly - tbe leaves,will be yellow , iind‘ sere, Dut What earalfor the gloom and the old, : When my ,darling is not hero.; ._.. . , A Trtn.vEr4VsSmonv.-Betkeenettleba Swamp anti Line Creek in the "Nation," (Georgia) ''Ove saw a considerable crowd ga _here& near a: _ drinking house, Most of them seated and inntating.. : lt was re' • Satnrilay, and the had been a quarter ra,:e for. a gallon of whisky, The first / th: rig 1 saw,on. aligtin t was the. sing law position ,of one-or, he horseg of the party. .. He • was. knee; Ing •down„, and stt ntlln gon his hind feet, his head Wedg ed in between the ends of two logs of - th , grocery; he was stone dead,' haVing ev den tly run directlyagainst the build in; atlu LI „speed, causing the., house - to "pa :tly -fall, - About five paces from the he n3e lay the rider, quite senseless, with a i ash M his throat which might have let out a dozen lives. As I said, mostof au! crowd were seated and smoking. • •')What IS all this?" I itiquirbd. " What is the matter here?" •- " Matter:" after'a while answered one in a draWling voice, giving' a good spit, an I rellillikg his mouth with a new cud. " I , latter.noughl there's been a quarter race.' ' , , - . • '• But how; came this man and horse ki)led ?" - • . " answered the chewing and spiting gentleman, " the man . was con sicerably in liquor, I reckon, and he ran his 11013 H chuck against the house, and that'A the whole of it." " Has a doctor been sent for?" inquir ed one of the party. - . . .. " I reckon there ain't much use of doctors here," replied, another one of the crowd—" Burnt brandy wouldn't save either of them, manor Koss." "Has this man a wife or children 7', I inquired. . "No childr n that I knows on," ar swered afe ale who was sitting on 1 ki ground a 'short distance , from the d .n 1 man, smoking composedly. "He has a wife then 7 I remarked. What will be her feelings when she learns the fatal termination of this most un fortunate race ?" _ " Yes sighed the female,-'• it' was an unfortunate rage. Poor man he lost the whisky." "Do you happen to know his wife` Has she been Informed of the untimely death of her husband ?" "Do I know her.? Has she been in , formed of his death?" said the woman. " Well, I reckon you ain't atquaintr about these parts; /am the unfortuna e widder!" VAGABOND.—An old man of ac tive physiognomy, answering the name Of Jacob V ilmot, was brought before the Police Court of a neighboring city. His clothes looked as if they might have been bought second-hand in his youth ful prime, for they had suffered more the rubs of the world than the propri etor himself. ' "Wfiat business?" "None I'm a trgveller." "A vagabond; perhaps?" - 'You are not far wrong. Travellers and vagabonds 'are about the same thing. The difference is, that the latter travel without money, and the former without brains." "Where have you travelled?". "All over-the continent." "For what purpose?" "Observation." What did yottobserve ?" "A little to commend, much to cen sure. and a great deal to laugh at." "Humph! what do you commend V/ "A handsome woman who will stay at home, an eloquent-preacher that will preach Short sermons, and a good wri ter that will not write too much, and a fool that has sense enough 'to hold his tonghe." "What do you censure?" "A man that marries a girl for heT line clothes, ti youth .who studies med.; icine while he has the use of his hands, and the people who will elect a drun-' ke rd to Mike." "What do you latig,h at?" "I laugh at a man who expects his position to command the respect which 111 , 4 personal qualifications and qualities do not merit." Ile was dismissed. 31 TICS IN NEW YORK.—Judge Dow lin gJof New York, loves a practical joke. The other day a man was before him, charged with whining his wife. ' Ilow came he to bean you ?' asked Judge Dowling. ' , 'Underneath where we live, at No. 470 Grand street, there is a dance house,' explained the wife. 'I was told my huz,band was there, and I took a woman with me, and we went and looked in.' `Was your husband there?' pursued the Jude.g `Yes, sir,' • 'Dancing?' • • `Yes, slr.' `Did you go inside? 'No,'sir: but my husband saw me, and soon came up to our own room, when he beat me and smashed the fur niture.' 'lt was not a proper place for her to go, spoke up the husband. 'lt was a proper 'place for you, I sup pose 2' 'Anyplace is proper for tlneo.' 'Do you really think so,' 'Yes, sir.' then, I'll send you tO the Peni tentiary for three months. How I,T CAME ABOUT THE "GOOSE 'HUNG_ HIGH."—A practice prevailed iii some parts of the South, before the wa#, to have a "goose-pulling" frolic about the holidays, conducted as fol. lows: A ' goose, would be tied by the feet to the limb of a tree, just high enough for a horsemen, in passing' der, by raising in his stirrups, to reach the head of the fowl and give it a pull. The striug not being' strong a sharp jerk Would bring down the bird. Each "sport" paid the owner of the fowl .a "bit"lfor the chance to pull It from the litnbJ,lf he• succeeded the goose was his. Sometimes it would be hung a little too high, and so elude the - grasp of the catcher; as he rode under the branch on which the web-footed bird was sustained; • ,In such case, as the horsemen galloped past In quick suc cession, the remark would be made by the laughin'gyaud hooting bystanders, that "everything was lovely and the gocre hung high !" A Philadelphia bachelor, sixty years, old, in' reply to a report that be was married, writes to an lowa friend 'thus: " As to my being a married man, 1 authorize you or any other man to shoot oh the spot any woman claiming to •bo my wife; and to resent any impeaCh ment of my bachelorship by any One that may have the audacity to assert that I ever,was, or that I will ever be; 110 lost,to pleasures of personal liberty' ae to+placo'nly neck in a matrimonial noose. In other words, to be serious, am not married. am not sixty years "of age." Missouri Las eertainlifurnished the champion sneak thief. A minister called to pray in a house of death, found time during the prayer to open a drawer in a bureau, against which he was lean ing; and stole two heavy silver spoons. "I Horn my little daughter," I said one morning, "that you will be able to control your little temper to day."_ "Yes mamma: and I hope you will be be able to control your big temper." HEM SELLING OFF AT COST tl FOR CASA ! IPQ wuzaguag st ca. Will sell•from this dato their entire stook of DRUGS, UDNINES, Perfumery, Notions, Dire- Stuffs, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Putty, Alcohol, Turpentine, Kerosene 011, Tobacco, Cigars, Wall-Paper, Curtains, Fixtures, &c., &c., &c., - • i ATC(NS FOR OATH. Positively no ilumbng.. P. It. WILLIAMS A CO. Wellabor°, March 3, 1809. Fresh Goods Received Weekly . -Dry .Goods Fresh Groceries I d CRO C KERY: wan asm Hats and Caps. Be it remembered, that Converse & Osgood keop constantly on hand a large stock of general MEJtCHANBIZE. OODS AS REPRESENTED. NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD. Tan.% 18118.-17. CONVERSE & OSGOOD. i r c? 7-oz - - - - G\ a )..'c 71° ' "At' 831'WEI1BiT8 Tho undersigned would respeotfully inform ho citizens of Tioga and vicinity that he has ust opened a - • Watch and :Jewel ryll ostUblishmant in Borden's Drug Store, ans is prepared to execute all ojders in his line of business with despatch and in the best of man ner. ALL WORK WARRANTED, s. I VILE Tiogn, Feb. 24, 1869.—tf. EAST CHARLESTON WOOL CARIMTG. N - AVlNG`purchased the wool carding work' of jilott do Whitney, the subscribers arc now prepared to card wool into rolls promptly and in the best manner. Poisons coming from u distance, and wishing to carry their rolls homt with thorn the same day will be accommodated. The charge for carding ip bas.sti upon the, weight; of the rolls, and not. upon - Mat of the crude wool. Satisfaction guaranteed. We have a first-olast machine and plenty of power to drive it. July 27, 1869-4 m. MOORE A IfACON. WASHING .MACHINE. JAB. M. Vin:k.fliSON, of Charleston,having purchased the right• to make and vend the U. P. Jones Washing Machine in Tioga County, hereby gives notice that the machines are being Made at Van Horn's:Cabinet Pactory,Wellsboro, where-they may ho Procured. . • Thdbest, cheapest,. and most sensible machine ever invented. :'June 24,1888-tr. For Sale. • IAM1 AM AGENT for Kinney et Co., celebrated -Platform Spring Wagons, all styles, also for their light Carriages and Buggy Wsgons ; all made in good 'style, and from Jersey timber, and warris i nted in every respect, equal to any made. Can furnish any of the above at the lowest Manufttetureis_priee's. L. C. BENNET. Wellabbie, May NlS6B—tf. Notice to Collectors OLLEOTORS of the taros •for 1869 are re quested to be prompt in collecting up their duplicatOs and paying, over the came by the Yet of September. By so doing not less than $lOOll can bp saved to the county. Aug, 4, 1869. 11. 0. BAILEY, . 00. Treasurer. MMS!ZMI t.voo';'' : Stip*es - ,“' AND 11A.RDWAItE! Having formed a partnership in the Tin, Stove 'and Hardware trade, ; the undersigned have the pleasure to announee.that they have, at a great outlay, added to the usual stock of the old stand MAIN STREET, WELLSBORO, a complete assortment of Shelf Hardy Fare, of which we enumerato the following artiolh . . NAILS, SPIRES, aftowßmvs, X . PUT, MILL/HAND AND RUCK ,SAWS, BUTTS, STRAP HINGES, CARPENTER'S TOOLS, PUMPS, AXES, AUGERS, BITTS, • =I f• EFFT-STOOKS, HATCHETS, CHISELS, - SHOVELS, SPADES, FORKS, BE NOILSOREW S, WOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE . BOLTS, BURRS, SKEINS, WASHERS, PIPE BOXES, AXLE TREES, ELLIP TIC' SPRINGS, HORSE SHOES, HOOP, BAR, & BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE HANGINGS, CORN POPPERS, SAUSAGE \CUTTERS AND STUFFERS COMBINED, Also, PISTOLS, PISTOL CARTRIDGES, POWDER AND CAPS. PATENT BARNDOOR HANGINGS a now thing, and made for use. These are but a few of the many articles composing our stock of Hardware. Wo invite the public to call and examine for themselves. Wo aim to keep the best quality of goods in outline; and all work to order done 3 promptly and well. AGENTS YOE THE t linekey'e Blower & Reaper. Wu. ROBERTS. ) It. 0. BAILEY. ROBERTE' A, BAILEY. Wellsboro,May 19,18119—tf. Ingham's Woolen Mills ! DEERFIELD, PA MILE subscribers will pay Cash, Full-Cloth, 11. Cassimeres, Flannels, /se., Ice., for Wool. They also manufacture as usual— TO ORDER, OR ON •SURES, to suit customers. All work warranted as rep resented. They invite particular attention to CASSIMERES, whioh are warranted in every respect. Pardon lar attention given to ROLL li CARDING ACID CLOTH .O,IIESSING. INGHAM'S large stook of Case!morels, &0., 25 per cent lees than. any competitors, and warrant. od as repreeented. INGIIAMS mftiufitetura to order, and do all hinds of Roll-Cattding,and Cloth Droning, and defy competition. INGHAMS have as good an assortment o Full Cloths, Cassimeres, and give more for Wool in exchange than any other establishment. Try, them and satisfy your selves. INUHAMS wholesale and retail at the Cow anesque Mills, 2 miles below Knoxville; Our Cloths are warranted, and sold by the following,persons: DELANO & CO.. Wellaboro,Ta. T. L. BALDWIN & CO„ Tioga, Po J. C. BENNETT, Covingtan, Pa. 100,000 Pounds of Woo JOSEPH INGHAM it SONS. Deerfield, June SO, 1889—tf. MWM GII their Water Proof Wanted. EMU WELLSBOO c -IiAKERY". roll m lisopßit in the BAKING BUSINESS. in this village,. next door; to ‘,15. 'R. Klakpows 4rocery, is now prepared to cary,on the business in all its various branch - es: 1 • _wit' s . keep con stantly on hand an assortment Wilma, such a c :LOA.P BREAD,' BOSTON ; CRACKERS, GRAHAM. BREAD, -BUTTER CRACKERS; BROWN BRr,Ap, WATER ORAOKERS,.SUGAR CRACKERS, • •.• DYSPEPSIA AND' SODA BISCUITS, OYSTER CRACKERS,' CAKES, PIES, AND , LUNCH; at ail hours of the day; Sundays excepted. By strict attantion ny•business - shail endeavor to merit the public patronage. • CHAS. STEVBNS. Welleboro, June. 24, 1808. • Wholesale and = Retail DRUG STORE ! By W. C. MIESS. TR°subscriber will keep on band at all times a full stock of DRUBS ANOMICIMIN, PAINTS, OILS, Patent Medicines, Pavoriny Extracts, Perfumery, Xerosene, Lamps, Wicks, Dye Colors, White Wash Lime and Brushes,Tarnish and Sash'rushes, ndow Glass all sizes, Varnish of all kinds, :Fancy Soaps, Hair Oils, , SPECTACLES, Hair and Tooth Brushes, a full stock of Yankee Notions; also a complete as sortment of Momempathic Medicines, and a full stook of Pure Wines and Liquors. payers are ;minuted to pall and examine pri ces before piarehasing elsewhere. March 24, 1869-Iy. • THE AMERICAN BUTTQNHOLE OVER-SEAMING AND 4EWINO MACHINE. T"greatest invention and the best sewing Machine in the world. It has no equal as a Family Machine. And • INTRINSICALLY THE CHEAPEST. It is really two machines in ono by a simple and beautiful ineehanical arrangement, making both the Shuttle or' Look-stitch and the Over seaming and Button-bole stitch with equal fa cility and perfection. • It executes in the very - bast manner - evory va riety of efewlng, such its • 4 " HEMMING,FELLING, CORDING, TUCKING, STITCHING, BRAIDING AND QUILTING, GATIIERIN4 and SEW— * ING ON, and in addition OVER-SEAMING. Embroiders on the edge and makes beautiful Button and Eyelet-holes in all - fabrics. Every Machine is warranted by the Company or its Agents to give entire 'satisfaction . ,1 For further information inquire of F. EMS LEY, at It. C. Bailey's in Morris Run, or of Mrs. S. K. EVEILETT, four doors south of the Depot near R. Fn 's , Hotel, Blossburg, where the ma chine may be tried, and instructions received in using the Machine, by all those wishing to buy. F. KINGSLEY, Agent. Morris Run, Pa:, Juno 9, 1869-3m.° HARDWARE AND , STOVES I CONYERS: & OSGOOD 111 ff AVE on hand and are constantly receiving jj. at their • HOirdware Store every article neeClOd in this region of country, in 'the HARDWARE LINE. SHELF HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL NAILS, MIDDLETOWN AND ELMIRA SAWS, ROPE, STOVE S 9 Cooking, Self-Regulators and Coal Stoves. Home Companion, ) 1 , ~ . and the justly gelebratnd 1,, AMERICAN -COOK STOVE, ••TIN-WARE No pains will be spared to meet the wants of our onetomera. CONVERS k OSGOOD. Wellaboro, Jan. 6, 1.869, ly. • GROVER & BAEHR'S FIRST PREMIUM Ef,ASTIC STITCH I EAMILY SEWINICHINES, 594 BR:YADIVAY NEW Points of Extellence. Nimuty and Elasticity of Stitch. Perfection and Simplicity of Machinery. • Using both threads directly from the spools. No fastening of seams by hand and no waste of thread. Wide range of application without change of adjustment. The seam retains its beauty and firmness af ter washing and ironing. Besides doing all kinds of work done by other Sewing Machines, these Machines execute the most hcautifut and permanent Embroidery and ornamental work. ggir-The highest Premiums at all the fairs and exhibitions of the United States and Eniope, have been awarded the Grover it Baker Sewing Machines, and the work done b,y them, wherever exhibited in competition. Ag`The very highest prise, THE CROSS OF THE LEGION OF HONOR, was conferred on the representative of the Grover do Baker Sewing Machines, at the Exposition Universelle, Parts, 1867, thus attesting their great superior ity over all other Sewing Machines. Ju1y,28,.186,970.- "DOR SALE—A lot of . outt:er : timber,readyfor ..1: use, will be sold cheap. Ceiron HALL 41 . MARCH, July 21,18684 w. Heoneyville, Pa. 11111 ESE y UNION A ICROXVIWAL alociA• COUNTY PEN/Vito , 4:11 • ' • apt. Ast Wlll - olrrox;Precinitroite. • . •Wm klutaifoirrozr; r r • • ' bliss Brota,Bahlkurr, Teethe! oft - Dula. - ' • The Fall Term wlllComineuce 'August 81. The Winter Term November 110.). The Oprlhs Terra March Each Term 'to continue 12 weeks. • - • -•• EXPEPiSES, PER TERM. , , jneluding tent trOod, full Term. -.P "." 14' -Winter Term.. 13.50 .- !Spring Term..." 12,8 0 .' Bay Studoute • :7,00. Instrumental ldualc, (Plan o, Orgaß Malodecu}!: lo . oB . VOW. Moak Use of Instruments ' ' Drawing and Pending - .. ; . t" 8,00. Board per week 3,00. July 21,1p69-er. - . - • F ; fr IO4A. 8 108 SO 00L. HIS School no boceinen_a Ferman, nt In ' .11: 'saltation, under litatO tiuthoOty;haiing by epealai net iecefied come peculia r and it cnn ndw afford all advantagee common to Ana defile Institttionte.' 'To' Worm denigning. to pre= pare for teaching we offer very' decided advan tages by combining the Theory with. the Practice. Fail Totm,commencea Ang. 80, 1969, and con• tines 14 !minks. • ' • Common English, Elementary Algebra, Pri mary Philosophy . and Primary Physologyirree to all pupils or eohool age residing in Tioga Dor°. Common English ... Higher 'f 7,00 Commeicial course, time unlimited." 5,00 Geriniut—eit n rit H,50 English Branches and . 0 °ran 8,50 et " t:ionnereialcoureo... 8.50 For information NViarregUrd to rooms or board call 0n,40r address • 11. M:BEELES, Principal, Aug. 4, 1869-tr. ; Tioga, A. FEET WOOD, do FARM PRODUCE RE 'X calved in payment for Tuition. RIP SHE GOES ! FROM THIS DATE FOR OASH-ovo will Hell FEED, 'at tbeso pri. oee : Very best Rye & Oats, Grout here,' . . $2,50 c . Beat iMported , Feed, . , 2,25 Best Common Reed, . - . 2,00 " Coui Feed, • . 1.75 " The . above goods; at ' the &Love prices, are strictly cash I We don't zulz f etind in our feed. We haven't a Plaster Mill connected with our Flouring Mill I Our Feed le pure! ',WRIGHT & BAILEY. Weltilioro, Jan. 20;1800. Grocery and Provision Store, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER in all kinds of GROCERMS, PROVISIONS, W. 0. KRESS. Wines, Liquors and Cigars, FOREIGN er, DOMESTIC', GREEN 85 DRIED FRUITS, CANNED FRUITS -AND WOOD & WILLOW WARE, GLASS & CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, CABS & PERAMBULATORS, TOYS, &c., &c A. full and complete assortment of the above mentioned goods of the best quality always on hand. Particular attention paid, to Fine Groceries. Dealers and Consumers will find it to their in terest to examine his Stock before buying. Corning, N. Y., March 31, 1869: TO THE FARMERS OF TIOGA COUNTY. y MI now building at my manufactory,in Lawrence .). villa. a aupezior FANNING MILL ) , which possesses the following advantagesover another mills: 1. It separates rye, oats; rat litter. and foul seeds ,and thousand cockle, from wheat. 2. It cleans flax seed, takes out yellow seed, and all other seeds, perfectly. 3, It cleans timothy seed. 4. It does all other separating required of a mill. This mill is built of the best and most durable tim ber, in good style. and is sold cheap for cash, or pro duce. • I will fit a patent sieve, for separating oats from wheat, to other mills, on reasonableterms. .7. II MATHER. Lawrenceville ,Juno 16, 18694 f UNITED SECURITY Life Insurance:* Trust Oompany, of Pennsylvania. Capital, $1,000,000. $lOO,OOO deposited with tho Auditor General for security of the Policy holders. Prow cash Premiums Policies, Non-forfeitable by their terms. Liberal Traveling-Fetid'eggs Return of all Premiums paid. Annual Dividends. Females Insured at same rates as Males. Rome Office B. E. Corner, sth and Chestnut St., Philadelphia. . Applications for Insurance may be made with W. P. B IGONEY, General Agent, Wellsboro' Pa. May 12, 1869—tf. • WANTED, AT THE NILES VALLEY STEAM FLOURING MILLS. 10,000 Bus. Corn, 10,000 "_ Oats, laud any amount of good wheat. ' 3. B. DIMON it Co. Niles Valley, March 24th, 1889-tf. NOTICE.—Wo the Undersigned agree to close our STORES on and after the first of October 1869, up to the first day of April 1870, at 8 o'clock P. Al. (Signed.) 0. Bullard it Co. The Ilarde- L. Beebe, Toles dr. Barker, C. Van Valkenburg, C. B. , Roberts it Bailey, Con- R. Bowen. 169. House and Lot foiFPAIMII HOUSE. and Lot, and vacant lot, for sale cheap.' Location Wellsboro, and desirable. nquire at the Agitator Office. Oat. 28, 1868—tf. MISS It. A. KEENEY begi leave to inform the citizens of Tioga and vicinity that ebo has taken rooms over Borden's Drug Store, op posite the Post.Oilicei where she Will be happy to wait on all who will give her a call. Particular attention paiorto bleaching. May 12, 1869-tf. A farm of three hundred acres, With two bun dred and twenty-five acres improved. Sit uated two mileS north of -Tioga Village, on the Tioga River and Rallrocd. Well watttered, un der a good state of cultivation, and good build ing& Also four houses and lbts for sale in Tioga village: T. L. DALDWIN. Zags, Feb. 12,1888--tf. nAI3II PAID FOR WOOL, BUTTER AND OHEESE, by O. L. WILLOOX. Juno 17, 1888. n4163_ Or. .TUITION. CORNING, N. Y. C. XI. ISlLar—ap VEGETABLES, CROCKERY WARE, =I SPECIAL PEATURES New Millinery Valuable' Farm for Sale. w - • tr. . 16 , , z .. - g i t ,.. ; .,,, ~,,..,., t, - .., , ~, • . ~,-;:, ..: - , ,, • ,t,i - • :-. , .., ~ MOE ORNiN , N. Y ME D , RUGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS AND OILS, THADDEUS DAVIDS' INKS, KEITII'S CONCENTRATED .MEDIOINES, IREDELL'S FLUID, EX• TRACTS, BURNETT'S COCOAINE, FLAVORING EXTRACTS, KEROSENE LAMPS, PATENT MEDICIN E S; ROCH ESTER PERFUMERY AND FLAVORING EXTRACTS, WALL PAPEIt, WINDOW GLASS, WHITEWASH LIME & AND DYE COLORS, AGENTS FOR MARVIN Sr, CO'S RE FINED OIL. Sold at Wholesale Prices. Buyers aro requested to call and got quotations before going further East. W. D. TERBELL & CO. 4n.;1,1868--1y Corning, THE CHURCH trhis paper has been recently enlarged to mammoth L proportions. Iv Is vns 'Lamasery nomotous PAY= IN W 01111), Is the leading organ of the Union ,Move ment, WIC oppo s e * ritualism, close communion, ox. clusiveness'and ehnreit' casto.- It is the only paper that publishes Henry Ward' lieecher's Sermons, which it does every wealratisCas • they are delivered.— with.' out qualification pr correction by him. It advocated; universal suffrag,e; a union of ()bastions at the polls; and - tbe rightiof 'abbr. It has the boot Agricultural Department of ' any paper' in the world; , publishes 'stories for the family, and for the destruction of social evils, Its editorial management is impersonal; its writers and editors are from every branch of the church; and from every grade of society. It has been aptly termed the ,freest organ of thought in the world. Such • a poper,'Offering Premiums' of Sowing Ma chines, Illatloharles,"Nppletotes Cyclopedia, Pianos, Organ's for Churches, etc; makes ono of the host pa pers for canvassers in the world. Every Congregation may obtain a Communion Ser. vice,an •Organ,a Melodeon, a Bible, ore Life Insuranco Polly for its Pastor, or almost any other needful thing, by a club of subscribers. Send for a copy, encloSing 10 cents, to lIENIVY E. OITA% • 41 PANIC Row, NEW Walt. vmp, S. Subscriptlouis received at this office. merles MONTHLY MAGAZINE universally acknowledged the Model Parlor Magazine of merles, devoted to Original Stories, Poems, Sketches, Household Matters, Gems of Thought, Personal and Literary Gossip (including special departments on_ Fashions), Instil:lairds on health, Music, Amusements, etc., by the best auttars, and profusely Illustrated with costly Engravings, useful and reliable Patterns, Em broideries, and a constant succession. of ertian° novel ties, with other useful and entertaining literature. No person of refinement, economical housewife, or lady of taste can afford to do Without the Model Month ly. Specimen copies 15 cents, mailed free. Yearly, $3, with a valuable pretninta; two coplea, $5,50; three doilies, $7,50; eve copies $l2, and splendid premiums for Clubs a. •$3 each, 'with' the first premieres to each subscriber. ' pa.,A new Bartrare & 'Banton Sewing Ma chine for 20 subscribers at $3 each. ' Pabllcatiota Office, &ffitllroaeWay, New York. Demoreet's Monthly and Young A alerica together $4, .with the premiums for oath, I. DOREST'S Young America, Enlarged. It la the best Juvenile Magazine. livery Boy and Girl that 800 it says so, and Parents and Teachers confirm it.•Do not fail to secure a copy. A good Microscope, with a Glass Cylinder to confine living objects, or a good two-bladed, pearl Pocket-knife, and a largo num ber of other desirable articles, given as premiums to each subscriber. Yearly, $1.50. Publication 091ce, 838 Broadway, New York. Try it, Boys and Girls. specimen copies, ten cents, mailed free. 1869. FOR SALE. 1869 • • BY B. C. WICKHAM In AT HIS NURSERY OF FRUIT AND OR:: NAMENTAL TREES, IN TIOCIA 60,000 .Apple 'Trees. 10,000 Pear Trees. A good supply of PLUM, PEACH, CHERRY and ORNAMENTAL TREES SHRUBBERY The Fruit trees aro composed of the choiceit varieties, good, healthy, some of them largo and in bearing. Any'one wishing to get a supply will do well to call and pee my stock before pur chasing elsewhere. Del iverod at the depot free of charge. Tioga, Feb. 28,1868-Iy* AGENTS WANTED For Chamberlin's . . \ . A- --- 1 -. , ; , ~........1...:4, -, ::...... -....... --- ,.--;:-...........z - -; , ..A ,y -- -z:__. --- 7- - ---z.-- - ". ..................... FOR THE PEOPLE! I=l Full Instructions and Practical Forms, adapted to Every Kind of Business, and to all the States in the Union. 13Y FRANKLIN OILIMBERLIN, • Of the United States Bar. "There to no book of the kind which will take rank with it for authenticity, intelligence, and complete•, Hess;'—,Springfield Man.) RIPUBLIOAN. This is the ONLY NEW BOOR of the kind published for many years. It is prepared by an able PRACTI CAL LAWYER, of twentyflvo years' experience, and is Just what everybody needs for daily use. It is highly recommended by many eminent Judges, including the Chief Justice and other Judges of Mass achusetts, and the Chief Justice and eat Ira Bench of Connecticut. Bold only by Subscription. AGENTS WANTED EVDRYWHEDE. Send for Circulars. 0. D. CASE & CO, Publishers, Hartford, Conn.; No. 1 Spruce St., New York ; Cincluatti, O.; and Chicago, 111, CAUTION. An old law•book, published many years ago, has just been hastily.rodseued aa "a new book," without oven a suitable rovis ton of its obsolete, statements.— Do not eonfonnd that work with Chamberlin's Law- Book for the People. [July 14,1869-Bm. Planing (t, Matching. FLOORING, CEILING, WAINSCOT ING, TONGUED & GROOVED, with rapidity and exactness, with our new Ma chines. Try it and see. B. T. VANHORN. . We'labor°, April 21, 1869. For gale. The subscriber offers for sale tho following propeity,' situated In Covihgton township and borough, Tioga cortnty, Pa.: 58 acres of land in Covington tp., on • leading to Blossburg, 4 miles there from and 1 m • can Covington borough, about 20 acres improved, a good frame house, barn and other outbuildings thereon. Also, Sawmill, Sash Factory,' and Shingle Mill and water privilege thereon.. Alto, two apple orchards of 170 trees, mos tly .olioice fruit, and about half bearing trees plum trees, 12 Cherry, 90 Currant bushes, red, white, and black, 4 Crabs, 10 hearing Grape Vines, 12 Pear, and-Peach and Quince. Also—a Timbet lot, 349.8 acres, I of a mile from Sash Faotory and Sawmill. Timber, pine, oak, basswood, &es thut, ash, beech, birch, maple and hemlock. Also—a lot in the village; adjoin ing Gerould's orohard,,fronting on Williamson road and railroad, containing about and acre, a "2.story House, outbuildings, fruit trees and a good well of water theieon.. Also—another village lot, fronting on William son road, 80 feet front by about 200 deep, and another lot fronting on said road, 114X174 feet. For further partioulais inquire of DAVID S. IRRLAN, Sr., or S. J IRELAN, Covington, Pa. April 21, 1369-U. i i i. T O IiA..W Y E It t i 13—• BANKRUPTO BLANKS, in full setts, at YO o'o BOOKSTORE. ll= ME fIN: and • after MONDAY, .Ang. Eetb.lBo9, Trains 'L./ will leave Corning, at the following hours, viz 5,60 MGM EXP., Sundays excepted for Reel:- ester, Buffalo, Dunkirk, Cleveland, and Cincinnati, connection with'the Lake Shore, Michigan Southern and Grand Trunk Railways at Buffalo,Dunkirk and Cleveland,. for the Wait ; . also at Cleveand with the 00 . and Ind. Railway for Indianapolis ; and 'ut Cincinnati with the Louisville Short, Line ',Railway - and the Ohio and Mississippi Railway for the South and South-West.- 6/11 h. ru,, MOUT EXPRESS, Sundays excepted, for ' Rochester buffalo, Dunkirk, Cleveland and Cinch:- mutt, making direct cornmection with trains of the Grano* Trunk and Lake Shore Railways at Buffalo. Dunkirk and Cleveland for all points West, and at Cincinruetti with the Ohio and Mississippi and Louis ville Short Line Railways for the South and Soutii. west. 011... This train makes a direct daily connection with all Lines to the West and South-West, and is provided with the new and Improved DraiVlng Room Coaches peculiar to the Broad flange, arranged both for day and night travel, running U through to Rochester, Buffalo and Cincinnati, and thus forming the ONLY DAILY LINE from Now York,Ciucinnati and the South-West, running through SCO miles,without change. . 1045 a.m., MAIL TRAIN, Sundays excepted, for Buffalo and Dunkirk, 1,30 p. as., WAY PERMIT, Sundays excepted. 1,45 p.m., BALTlMORRP.XPRP.SS,Stindayeexcept ed, fur itocludlter and Buffalo, via Avon. 6,42 P . m,,,EM10 RANT TRAIN, daily, for the 'West. 7 , 21 p. id., DAY EXPRESS, Sundays excepted, for Itochester, Buffalo, Dunkirk, Cleveland, Cincinnati; and tho Westand South, connects at Buffalo,Dunkirk and Cleveland with the Lake Shore Railway for all points West, and at Cincinnatti with the Ohio and Mississippi ligilway for the_South and Sonth-Wost.— New and improved Drawing Room Coaches accompany this train from NoW York to Buffalo, and Stooping .Coaches attached at Bornellsville, running through to Cloveland,withont change. 11,03 a. m., EXPRESS MAIL, Sundays excepted, for Buffalo, Dunkirk and Cleveland, _connecting with trains for the West. A Sleeping Coach ts attached to this train at Susquehanna running through to Buf falo. 4,35 a. m., CINCINNATI EXPRESS, Mondays ex cepted. connectjng at Elmira for IVilliameport, Harrisburg and the South; also at Elmira for Cumin deigua; at Waverly with train.of Lehigh valley hall way ; at Owego for Ithaca ; at Binghamton for. Coo perstown and Albany; and at New York with vtenm era and afternoon Express trains for Now England cities. &Jr Sleeping coaches actompany this train from Meadville and Buffalo to New York. 9'15 a. m., ACOMMODATION TRAIN, daily, for Susquehanna. 11,31 a. in., DAY EXPRESS, Sundays excepted, connecting at Waverly for Towanda, at Binghamton - for Syracuse, at Great Bend for Scranton. at Lacka waxen for, Honesdale, at Middletown for Unionville, and at Jersey City with midnight express train of New Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia. 2,35. p. nt., WAY FREIGHT, Sundays excepted. in., ELMIRA MAIL, Sundays excepted. ORII. AND BALTIMORE MAIL, tug at Elmira for 4,40 P. M., - - Sundays_ claim, and at Waverly tor — iii 7,50 p. m. t LIGIITNINCI EXPRESS, pal lug at Elmira for Williamsport, Harrisburg an South, and at Jersy City with morning express train of New Jersey Railroad, for Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. 11,55 p. m. NIOLIT EXPRESS, Sundays excepted, connecting et Binglutmto for Syracuse—at (treat Bend for Scranton and Philadelphia, and at N. York with afternoon trains and stgamors for Boston and Easterncities, ire Sleeping care from Buffalo. %tar , A revised and complete "Pocket Time Table" of Passenger Trains on the Erie hallway and connecting Lines, has recently been published, and can Le procur ed ou application to„the Ticket Agent of tho Companyl WM. It..DARR, Gaul Pass.A gen t. Eiloosbnrg &Corning, & Tioga R. R 'ruins will run as follows until further notice: Accommodation—Leavos Blosaburg at 0,15 a. m., Mans fold at 7,05, Tioga nt 7,41, Lawrenceville at 8,26 arriving at Corning at 9,82 a. in. Mall—Leaves Blossburg at 3,00 p. In., Manifold at 8,40, Vogt,. at 4,18, Lawrenceville at s,oo—arriving at Corning at 6 p. in. Mail—LeavesCorniug at 8,00 a.ni., Lawrenceville at 9,03, Tiogri at 0,45, 51anslield at 10,22 x—arriving at Blosa-burg at 11,00 a. m. Accommodation—Loaves Corning at 2,40 p. m.,Law rencoville at 8,52 Tioga at 4.40, Manslichl at 5,80 arriving at Blosaburg at 0,15. p. tn. L.II. SHATTUCK ,Sup't TRAINS FOlt THE NORTH TrainsforHanaudagulaleavo Elmira as follows Ammodatlon at Express [fastest train on road] ...... ......... Mail Way Frelght,[passenger coach attached] On and after Sept 25, 1863, trains will arrive am° depart from Troy, as follows; LEAVE NORTHWARD. 10 55 P. m.—Daily (except Sundays) for Elmira, Buffa lo, Canandaigua, Rochester, Stisp. Bridge and the Carmelite. 8 4f, a. tu.—Daily (oxcept Sundays) for Elmira an - Buffalo, via Erie Italluay from Elmira. ' LEAVE SOUTHWARD. 630 A. m.—Dally (exceptendays) for Baltimme, Washington, Pbilailelpl la, dc. 966 P. m.—Daily (except Sandafrrfor Baltimore, Washington and Phaladelphia. ALFRED R. FISKE ED. S. YOUNG Gen'itinpt.llarriaburg, i tion'l Pass. Ag't Baltimore, Bld. Philadelphia & Erie EL K. On and alter Sept. Li, 1809 Trains on this Road w run as follows : WESTWARD Mail Train leaves Philadelphia-- " " " " nrr. nt Erie Eric Express letivosPhiladelphia— •' arr. at Elie Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia... 16 6. `• " arr. at Lock !lawn EASTWARD. Mail Train leaves Erie " " 'Williamsport " arr. at Philadelphia Eric Express leaves Erie " " " Williamsport " arr. at Philadelphia Elmira Mail, leaves Lock Haven f< " Williamsport, .... a arr. at Philadelphia 7.16 p e. Buffalo Express, loaves Williamsport 12.20 a ta " arr. at Philadelphia 9.25 a to Mail and Express connect with Oil Creek and Alle gheny River Rail Road, Baggago CheckedThrougb. ALFRED L. TYLER, Gaul Sup't. WEIMAR') BOUND. EASTWARD BOUND, Mall 5.30 Express 5.10 Accommodation 6,35 Mail 5.51. Express 12.19 Accommodation, 11.45 Express ILOO Express 0.10 At Cory Chore Is a Inaction with the Philadelphia & Erie, and CR Creek Rail Roads. AeMeadville with the .Franklin and Oil City and Pitholo Branch. At Learittsbarge the Mahoniny Branch makes a di rect route to Cleveland. At Ravenna connects with CleVeland and Pittsbut gh Railroad. The Road passes through Akron, Ashland, Gallon, Marion, Urbana and Dayton, intersecting various rail• roads, and terminates at Cincinnati. L. D. 11110 KER, Gan. Bnpt.,Aleadvillo,Pa . LIN INNING COMPANY UNITED STATES OP AMERICA, Chartered by Sped , ' Act of Congress Cash Capital. $1,000,000, Where all Correspondence shOuld be Addressed CLARENCE 11. CLARK' President. JAY COOKE, Chairman Finance do Executive Com. Ilattnr• D. COOKE, Vice-President. Bunnsost W. FRET, Seeretary and Actuary. B. S. Itussnr.L, Manager. Circulars. pamphlets, and full particulars giv en on application to the Branch Office of the Company, or to R. C. SIMPSON, WELLSBORO, PA., by whom applications will be received and Poli cies procured for Tioga County. Deo. 0, 1888—ly. A GOOD House and barn; on a lot of two AIL acres, Within ten minutes Valk of the Court house, Wellabor°, is offered for sale. In quire of John I. Mitchell, Esq., We'labor°. • • Aug. 25, 1889—tf. RAILWAY TIME TABLES. ERIE RAILWAY. GOING EAST Northern Central U. U. at Wes4crn W STATION. Atlantic and Gro SALAMANO NATIONAL EERIE WASHINGTON, D. C APPROVED JULY 25, 1868. PAID IN FULL BRANCH OFFICE : First National Bank Building, PIIILADELAIA, OFFICERS: House 6 Lot for Sate Atla oLE And to Dayton, Cincinnati', Louis. VILLE, ST..LOIIIS, KANSAS CITYT - MEMPIIIS, NEW 1- .ORLEANS, And all points Ili the ‘ South SoutbiveBt, will No Change Of Coaches '2O CLEVELAND OR CINCINNATI, From any point on the Erie Railway , th vantage and convenienoo not offered by Any other route. 3 T4ouon LI6IITNING ExiTi:ss TRAMS DAILY. Baggage checked Through, and No Crrce from one car to another, preventing loss or dote ! age. - Tickets via this popular route can bo procured at all offices on the lice of the Erie Railway, an d of DEERS & ABBOTT, , - . . OPPOSIT DEPOT ELIIIIIA. When purchasing ask the Agent for Tickets via the ATLANTIC k GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. W. B. SHATTIIC, Oen / Tickot and Pass. Ag't, Clovoland, it) La I). RUCKER, Jan, 6;7'69. Oen. Supt., Meadville, pa THE CELEBRATED llason Hamlin Cabinet ORTABPLE ORGANS Together with the ESTEY COTTAGE ORGAN and MELODEONS, can be advantageously pm._ salmi of • 19 WZOILLE.L.2 4.4 • GA, PA: HAVlNGoietained the agenc • = tho man. ufactarers of the above named instruments we have the facilities for furnishing them at pri ces to converts favorably with those of dealers in either the same or other reed instruments. Their reputtition is such that scaroely anything need bel . said regarding their being desirable, having bean awardedawarded premiums and medals at the prinpipalFairs and Institutes, both In this and foreign—countries. Many fine modern im provements, which are so desirable in all good reed instruments, are owned and retained for their exclusive use by the manufacturers of these instruments. .Hence it is, while they claim strength and durability, together with volume, and quality of tone equal to any, they excel all other reed instruments, iu the variety and com. bination of tones whil can be produced. INDIVIDUALS, SCHOOLS, CHURCH ES, • MIS 11. RIDDLE, . Oon'l Sup't and other orgaulzations, wishing to obtain reed instrument, can be suited as regards SIZ3 styles, price:, dce. , &e, ALL INSTRUMENTS' WARRANTED Send for a circular. 0 20 a ill 12 20 p n 7 10 p ir, . 8 00 a Ir. Tioga, Alareh, 17, '6O The Great Externel. Remedy, For Man and Beast, IT WILL CURE RHEUMATISM The reputation of this preparation is So well cst tb-. lished, that little need tie said in this connection,. On MAN it has never failed to cure PAINFUL NERVOUS AFFECTIONS,, CONTRACTING CLES, STIFFNESS AND PAINS IN THE JOINT?, STITCHES inthe SIDEor Back, SPRAINS, BRUISE:3, BURNS, SWELLINOS,CORNS and FROSTED FEU, Persons affected with Rheumatism can ha cifectaallf and permanently cured by using. this wonderful prep 1. ration; itpenetrates to the nerve and bone teamed itddy on being applied. On HORSES it will cure SCRATCHES, SWEENEY, POLL-EVIL, FISTULA, OLD RUNNING 50E1..3 7 : SADDLE or COLLAR GALLS, SPRAINED JOIN f STIFFNESS OF THE STIFLES, m. It will pre% ont HOLLOW•HORN and WEAR BACK IN lIILCII COWS. . 020 pm .5.15 nn . 9.30 p 11.50 noon 9 (0 p 10.00 it in . 8.00 a ni 6.10 p 111 . 7.45 p to 8.15 a in 9.15 p Jai 0;10 a in 320 p m 435 a m 1•'.0 p 0.50 n I have met with great success In bringing my Mixture within the reach of the Public. lam daily is receipt oflaterstrom Physicians, Druggists, Mercl.an ti and Farmers, testifying to its curative powers. 8.45 a u Sept. 29, 181;9—I tu iy J. STICKT.TN, Ohairmaker, Turner; and f Furniture Dealer. SALE ROOM, opposite Dartt's Wagon Shop, Main Street. FACTORY in Scars 1.; Wil liams Foundry, second story. Orders promptly filled and satisfaction.guaron teed. Fancy Turning done to ordorJ 2 Wellsboro, Jane 12,1867. J. STICItLIN. /TIRE undersigned is now prepared to m i. cute all orders for Tomb Stones and Monu ments of either . ITALIAN OR RUTLAND MARBLE, of the latest st.,Yle and approved workmanship and, with dispatch. He keep constantly on hand both kinds (P Marble and will be able to suit all who may fa vor him with their orders, on as reasonable terms as can be obtained in the country. - Stones discolored with rust and dirt cleaned and made to look as good as now. PORTER WILCOX. Tioga, Nov. I, 186.1--tf. THE LARGEST - STOCK OF EriLiC,:"ETMS; I N b : iy fio i ga n g ount);', d and the ClitriTest place to Agent for L. BOLLES & CO'S BOSS, Binghamton, N. Y., and ELMIRA SAW FACTORY, Elniira, N. Y. STOVES SOLD ON TINE. Mansfield, Nov. 25, IS6B-li. G. B. RIFF. To tho Owners ottlnpatented Lands. • SURVEYOR GENERAL'S OFFICE, ILtsrusnuna, PA., May 25, 1869. IN obedience to an Ant of Assembly, app eyed the eighth day of _April, ono thousand ight hundred and sixty nine,yow aro hereby notified that the 4 , County Land Lien Docket," contain ing the list of unpatented lands for 'liege Co., prepared under the Act of Assembly of the twentieth of May, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, and the supplement thereto, bee this day been forwarded to the Prothonotary of the county, at whose office it may be examined. The lions can only be liquidated by the pa) meat of the.purehase money, interest and lees, al receiving patents through this Department. Proceedings by the Attorney General have beep stayed for one year from this date, in ord'ei that parties_ may obtain their patents without addi tional cost.) JACOB M. CAMPBELL, . Suryoyor General. T HAVE bought the right to nso the Patent Elastic ,Roofing iti Tioga County, and am now prepat'ad to put on roofs cheap and in good workamnlitti manner. This roofing is fire and water proof. I refer to Messrs. Wright .t Bai ley, Toles d; Barker, and C. L. Willcox, where samples can be seen and roofs in use. MOSES WINGATE. Wellaboro,•Auit. 11, 1869—tf. PAM tic and Great Western' AND,=••• RUE RAILWAYS, GREAT * BROAD (WAGE MUTE 1 1 .1 , 1111 ELAND,- TOLEDO, CHICAGO, MILWAUN.EE, ST. PAUL, OMAHA,. „ . . _ flit roans In tno WEST and NonTa-Wrlqr Read: Read DIE I T. A. WICI{ lIAM D&VID E. FOUTZ, Sole Proprietor, BALTIMORE, MD Tioga Marble Works. Patent Roofintg• Q li BE