a 0011 E MATTERS. - WEDNgBDA.:Y„ OCT. 27;1860 , Nov! AdvOtianixten to. C a rpgts, Dti Goods,' Salutt for and Cholera Drops—Br. Roy. To Teaohors—Jttlitts To Touchers—L. - D., Bailey.; To Collectors-1f P.. BaPe7,;Trartauror. Lheator Cfonnty Boar for sale--L, Bonnet. Auditor's Notices-r-B. B. Strang. do. Atlas. ; '.. do . John I. First National - Bank Eftifeeinoni. , or The kr ernium • List crowds over m ach local correspondence and other matter prepared far thts department. . -; ; t ) - LEquinEs. The:tirst of f ree Nato of Lectures before the "IXermaie Society," be given at the Court, House, Friday Eva. s o y. sth, by Rev. Jno. A. Bowman. • , • THA:Nrcs.— The: Agitator is under pleasant obligations'to Mrs. Berry, of Tioga, fora f o r of assorted limit, embracing -peaches, pear; and apples. All were very fine: - Also to Mr. P, D,Leonard of Delmar, for half a bushol of Chili potatoes, olsize and weight not pan We looked in upon Mesers'Anittli & Waite's Carpet Store while In. Corning last week, and confess to surprise that people should go'to the city for carpeting when_ they can 'find as vs,- Tied, if not as extensive an assortment, at our f r iert(l3' establishment in Corning. CO'ARECTIO;C n our notes of the Fair WO mention a sample. of raccoon fur, equaling bean.; tanned by a process •invented by a Mr. The Troy Gazelle corrects us in the particular of Mr.yilllfmnsti residence and name. The inventor is Mr. Chester Williams, of Alba, . , Bradfcall county, '", i- • RAILROAD MEnruso.—The citizens of Wells boro, Delmar, and Charleston, who are interested ;la having a railroad frOM Wollsboro to Lan renderille am requested to -meet al the Court House in SVellsboro, , on :Thursday' evening,. the 2ith inst to make naafi 'arrangements -as are t eede,in the matter. All aro requested to at tend. - MANY CITIZENS. NOTlCE.—All,business letgert3 pent to this office should be nddre'Ssoi "Agitator;" or ..cobb Van Golder," to receive prompt a4en- Con. Letters addressed personally,: sometimes tome during the absence of such person and' are often laid over.. Some six letters 3vere received tut week, addressed - "M.11. Cobb"—all contain ;i3.s office business. Please bear ,in, mind, that the Agitator is Pubblished by Cobb do Van Gel . _ , _ thJ2ICAL Adams, of Corning, opened Jo. Musical Conven tion in the Court House Monday afternoon, -, to Arse with a concert Priddy evening, ' 29th inst. Prof. Adams enjoys an enviable: reputation I as r t , thorough and efficient teacher of Must°, and kings most flattering recommendations from the hest judges in .such matters.' ire heepeak for Lisa a full convention, belicylog that, 'the 'people sill be Tech benefited thereby. gives three lusens a day for children especially.' • dedication of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of this village, shich . was postponed on account of the delay of the , stained glass and furnaces upofi the road, sit! tske place positively (Providence favoring) on the nth of November, proximo, - ( Wednesday.) This as the first day after the postponement on whielt the ministers who have been chosen to conduct the services could be present.. • The now M. E. Church in Gaines on Pint Creek, will be dedicated on the following day Nor. Ifith. The same ministers officiating. U. L, GIBSON, Pastor M. E. Church . Wellsboro. SC/1001. NOTICE.—Prof. Horton, Co., Supt.,9quests as to state that he has altered his programme of Examinations. as .follows Roseville, Friday, N0v..5. mino r to w n t BEktaraay, flov. 8. Farmington, Monday, Nov. -0.- Union Academy, Tuesday, Nov. 9: • Oaf ace) Thursday, Noy. 11 . The rest as advertised. Tho necessity for this change arctic from our failure to publish the list tiro ;reeks ago, and that failure was the result of mi.unders tan e Stimmt. tt.r. ' Mrs. P.nbe - rt C. GIL 23t/2 rintilver nr7 of their wadding-driy igaturdtay evening, 23d I The evening was dark and ni?ploas4nt without, but the scene in the cosy partore of the parties banished all iecolleetiOns of Oetober: iminds and rain. The" evening 'passed most agreeably away, the company tieing,. neither, too may nor too few. After the company had par. taken of a collation, Rove Dr. Mitchell read I•eautifut poem by himself written for the .occa •Cir readers will probably be - permitted to read it next week, and will itoubtlese'egree with u; that it possesses more than. Ordinary merit. ne Arty broke up at an early. hOur, wishing the 'l';''t,pid hostess long life and a diamond wed- RAILROAD MEETING.—The citizens ,f Middlebury and vicinity, in favor ot'ariiirood from Lam enceville to Wollsboro, arc requested' 10 meet at the Holiday School house, Priday i Ost. 20, at 1 o'elobk I'. M. Set cral speakers trin e presept. All whb would favor this enter pint., so necessary in every point of view, should attend this meeting. Wo see no gOod reason to dt'd that the iietitsle along the ronte from Wellsboro to Laivroneevilic, l ose have railroad farilitiee within two yeers,‘'' if they will come together and consider the common good, There should ba no hesitaticin about tlho right of .way. There is not an store of land within range of the proposed road which will not be worth 25 per oent store when the road is• built than it is _to day. The Company we' understand, will contract to fence and keep fenced, the road along the 'en; tire route. Now let us see bow many men stand in their own light. rLi ALMOST A Flllll.—Prof. 'Holton, "CC. Superintendent / writes us that his house was the teeee of two lamp explosions Sunday eve n ing, litit inst. Ono of Klutnann's safety, lamps took Ere around the standard 'containing the wick, and thence ran to the reservoir, converting the lamp into a sheet Of flame. In extinguishing it the lamp was upset, hut by prudent action een i. cue ecinsequences were averted. but as misfortunes never comes singly, another large stand lampOuilding a quart of oil,• com menced blazing from the chimney in an Marte ll:4i rnanner. It was blown out and left standing ten minutes to cool: The Professor then • turned up the wick. while Mrs. C. S. Mather, of Law rence' applied a lighted match. Just at that instant the lamp exploded dinging the oil in all directions, and petting the room on tire. The united efforts of several persons subdued the tire, but pot until much damage was done. Mrs. Mather and Prpf. were. fortunately op the right side of We lamp and escaped without much damage. Of course "nobody is to blame." But the M ilner of the - oil used on that 'occasion 'ought' to be sought and advertised as a swindler. Gond kerosene will not explode at any temperature yen can create by alampwicli on fire: FRo3I THE WEST. "Oa . West" writes us as follows: : "Plainfield (Witt.) is nearly forty miles fiom the present terminus of the Milwaukee & St, Pant Railrowl, (ono branch} our nettrisat rail road point from the East. Our village is situ ated on a small prairie, surrounded by good farming land. The first settler in this town was Jesse Bentley, a brother of Judge E. T. Bentley. of Tioga. Ile came here eighteen years ago, when Indians and deer were very plenty. Then It was all .inflian land, not q Jorrnship surveyed, !Cow our village has four Stores, duo Hotel. three Blacksmith Shops. one ll'agoa Shop, large Stem Flouring Mill, one Tailor Shop, and one Boot slid Slam Shop, Ice., .4e,, A Billiard Saloon and harness Shop 1011 soon be opened. J. J 3. Mitchell, a , brother of Jno. T. Mitchell, Esq., has the largest and nicest, store building in Plainfield, and oc'hupicit it himself in the Mercan tile business. Trio-thirds oT P:11 the adult inhab itants of Plainfield township aro from Tioga Co. Pa.' With Steven's Point and _Grand Mania, _each twenty five miles North and Northwest from us, and bath very extentive lumber regions, end our toasty all about ns fast be - Coming a rich farming elquntry, we think the prospects very fair for Iv railroad very soap.:' /3 - arvesting is over, 'and !brushing coinnieueed, and to give you a little- „ Idea of farming hero I win toll you that two• ot uoighbora had . 2700 buotio)a of. mall grain • tbia 10141'001-,' in this (Wanatio'rii) aouOty: • •• - • :".PlaißNlXlVABollo.4*.lioiAk*filipt4n: =I Krroxvitam ifitataf-L-Ithate has been quite a qiumber,of cases of cover - Imre; but tall ale DOW conValeseont z.-.• ri korolla Ifuliburt, arrested a young man by the nttina I •of ,itlichardson, from • Elrairp, l other day,ofor slandering'bie'.yrifep, and'Yel:l l , o (Huriburt) uebs -the isipo,ipAoriAigotiotifikr,' Ani/iitisi4n>i: btu; • 01iteNd+" Into'• partnership with Gales •BoborttuEsq., in 'othO l KnrillYare,, , loess,' At the old idarid:Ofs,Marlcrpra < :Rob • D. NV. it'oidolas 121610 ft cOunter Suin)4llg, and gotte to fanning near Spring Mils; -N.- Xi,, atteir, departure will be deeply felt here in the Obnroh, May su Sunday ebeis School, nd an thdem all -laudable enterprises. attend I& -building a: • very .large and commodious brick mansionithat Knoxville may well bo proud of. PRE,Mn . :!rdS a~vur e~,iit Clio An anal _Fntr;o4 ° thq,TiogAgneulluml Sooloty ,186 s): . 7 ' 7" "'' '11 7 01ifikg. " • ' • 7•'" '••• (I.2Beimet,. best, staliien years old and over, Jacob Vail and and'ad-beet do. - John - - Car. ley beatJ i tear old,.etallion, P. „Z. 'Dunne! 'and. best. A. unt best single horse, 0: P. Moore and do. Miles Owner 3d.. Lends -.Holmes -best pair matched mares, J. B. Barker,2nd do; 1,. Fields 3d do. John oßailey- best' :pair matched horses; Nelson Clans 2nd. • W.:Griffin.d 'bola pair draft horses, Bullard.2nd do. B. B. Goodall •3d da• A. Kimball best 3 year old , •mar . o.. , A. totr ell best pair 3'year old't eldlngs, - Geo44 Green D: Stowell esk • pair 3.yeat,o`ld colts. Chas: Pitts best sucking colt ? L, H. Sbumway, and. Prank Ilarker'best yearling colt, Isaiah Cola 2nd do: • L. C. Bennett best blood mare , and • colt,-L: IL Shumway and do. 0.• H. 'Wood. best 2 year old'eolt, , L. B. Sheive and do, George Dlckirkeen antl'bezt, a year old - mare. ' Kelley best, priltrot • Wm,'Cairoll best heifer calf, .L. C. Bennett, best alderney bull. F.' L1: - .13unnel. best devon" bull, L. o._Bertnett 2nd do. • J. Dookstater beta native bull, R. J.lloore 2ntl do. J. Rerepaugh best durham buil: -F. A. Runnel beSt`dolton 'cow and bell, clurham ' cen. Ephraim , Francis *2nd best durham cow. Wm. IloW t en.best native 'dOw, R. Lownebury,2nd•do. • David. Wilcox best year ling heifer, O. OF; Osgood do: Fraileis best bull calf, E. Francis bost'2 year old heifer, Eau. Horn 2nd • • , Elisha Brown best pair working oxen, 13'. If; f4towell.2nd do. Chas. Ebetenz best.yoke a-y or old steam, L. rf: Gitlett . 2nd J, Rorepaugb best 'course` Wool buelf, 'F. M. Keeney 2nd do, ' lici . 4s „ . . Z. D. Bunneill)par hOe,, L. C: Bennett 2nd "46'; L. C. Bennett bc(Jt etin+'end pigs,l9l,o3owerf2?lii do.' COPoorttotisa best:piz. . ~;! , hl; 13: Princo be,Ai Bravattkfowltl, Cirl be# pair geese, boß.liOr'duCks.„.„. • ' atlßr PRODUCTS. - ' Mrs. Hiram Brooks - kest, tub britterylkrrs.M. A,' Lebnir'd Ind; btrs Liaande BCott.:-",3d", M. Wni,.,Fyanels t)eSt'turki'll bitttorel),Attokson.l2ad,- Mrs. Ly Sande .Soott:3lF 41o.•elYna. , Fraticis,lbest Factory niadolck udder, 04c'ev(?, A.• Q. :Smith best,, Factory ,cbeese,,Plias: QloSb, 2nd, Volw'Trnkeis 3d do.. J. Klock best homo•mndo' cheese, = Brooks 2nd do, Elisba Biotin 'bdst .'bok P. C. Van 'Horn' best Nibs maplo stigar;;CganiCey• Hall 2d dti. • Airs. Chas. Austin'best maple syrup, P. C. Vnn Horn 2nd dbr. irraumantts. Win. Carroll beet , -bunch celery,' best • `O , head cauliflower, best display ofrvogetables. -Simeon Bacon beat peek of rutabagas, D.-1103914er '2od do. Win. B. Sherman, best. ti heads 'Cabbage, It. M. 'Keeney 2nd,j4seph„ best' half bushel beets (for table) 0. F. Ellis - 2nd - do. (the largest) J. H. Hurling best half bushel tur nips, William Carrol -2nd 'do.'" William. Carrel 2nd 14ezaiurn on carrots.. Wm. Harrison beat half 'Mahal potatoes, County Poorhouia 21412de. N. ',Austin 'best half busherE.onions,, Harvey, 'Young2ml do. P. Van, Horn . best 4 winter squashes, Win. Harrison 2nd do. Thu Committce spoke in high pralsq.of the display .of - vegetables, and say that they found it eery didienit to dis criminate in Many eases, ''end partiodarly on potatoes. On beetti said Onions they . ',reitird" - tho qualitY, and were not'g,overimd,,by„theinOtilone. H. Griffin be bushel penis, County Ilense bast do. beans, Hiram Brooks best - bushel oats, 11, Griffin best bushel corn 'on the ear.' "'' , T:llentlay best Variety tiCappieF; IL OrifTin 2nd do. E. T. Bentley best 12 winter, best 12 summer, and-best. twelve autrann apples, „8.. T. Bentley best variety of peam,,B.- Whitney , tad. Whitney best general dipplaYof (Knit, E. T. Bentley 2nd do. 'E. T.. Bentley best variety grapea,..N. Whitney 2nd dp.n AGRICULTUIt AL iI4LEMENIS. P. Wortendyko best mower and rectifier com bined, Samuel Dickinson best moirert. & Gleason, best sido bill'plow, P, t. Sears 2nd do. F.. L. Sears best common plow, Riles & Gleason 2ad do. D. A. Stowell best hay,-todder. & Gleason best hiller, V. - L. Sears - Zud . do: P. V. Dixon best Yarrow. J. 11. Klaiber best falning. James . Ale Comb, best 'straw-cotter, Isaac Plank best wheel horse rake. lir.cuamem, DranniErr. C. S. Iloughtop best farm wagon . , L.C. Bennett 2nd go. C. Wheeler best srpgtp buggy, Chas. W. Lambkin 2nd do. J..W. Bailey best single harness. Mrs. l~iratrl Drooks best apple butter.. J erton, best gallon soap; Alonzo Sprague, fine ;-speeitnen patent soap. Mrs. Ma'rgaret March. 'bust hand-made full cloth; J. liighttin SonS, host specimen full cloth ;'.Mrs. Morel), bust loaf bread ; Aire. C. Hall, hest' linen cloth : J: Ingham /lc, Sons, best flanntl cloth; 31169 Mary Austin, 211 do.; Mrs. C.' V. Johnston, best rag el.rpet. „ FLGwiuts 4 PAINTING Mies kaki Nichols, best specimen penciling on exhibition; Mrs. L."A. Sears; best parlor boquet ; Miss Eu On 0 ibe role ) , 2tl do.; Mrs. Wrany.tyiiii ard and Miss Mary' Williston, w'cro awarded equal premiums forFuhey Embrotiy, their own work. - , , - NoTc.—The Secretary regrets that reverel ar. tides which ehnuld have been entered in the cuss, r• Towanda 13, 14. Quart'ly Conf,llth, eve. Lib. Corners " 12, 14, 10 Mainsburg Nov. 20, 21. „. Darlington a • ; ..„ .• •, _ „ Knoxville 27, 28. ._ Chrith:im`'‘ , '2O; 28. c, ' Wefisboro Deo.. 4, 5. ,Delmar 1, 3, 5. Sacrament 2p. m. Sun.: Mansfield ,ti. „ At the named phich I `expedt to be present on Saturday at 2 r. sr., to preach and meat s thpi, rjuarterly conference, and to boildtiot 'the serrices . an Sunday morning. When the first nailed, day.. on ,Wiqgx to , :prpach 'lulls rdtfc4,' 4110 quarterly; ,, benferhiice? Awd those pistol ,design by special arrangementin .most -eases An preach Sunday afternoon or - evening. I wish , to 'look in upon th'e c 4 ngrdOtkin',Oti 'Ot c charge' smut Minn' - tiering 'a 'SuridaY; ,tfi first 'qinarter, diCtliuse places wheriknieektlitiAuerterlYeork,. 'ffirencd tin Friday, hoped' the' pastors will. Rovick for. meeting; Saturday r: at.',:cortainly 'in' the ovening. l , tho'hive•Aitat '.ho nt 9'or 0i o'cloclr,SMl4): tio - rPiP - fi• litOY ,rogc.O. Ll~a, artiOy, Menticg !tnio'of rollgioos p.rogrese.• .14x'cimt 019E9 places first unmed.of each? dato the: pastors, will conduct services on , Sunday, or' , pro. vide a'SupplY. ,":' ' ," into Vrcly:,Thel,rict; ttion`pi4 iii Tr9k,:o Thrirsday,..Ocf. 14th, at 10 X. sr.; iii , eonneetinn,witli a Sunday School :Cfnvention. All, pastoia , in the' Troy District ns well as• District SteirtiOs and' Saxiday Supeilatemleatb, a'follo4l4l3llo,,uNal: aqntiiilbusiness of the; Distriet .Stewards, a free discussion is called,in•regard.to the Sunday School work in tho,Dytriet.. Coueerning winter schools, histittites ho. Charles Z. Case, of 'Elmira, may be expected to deliver a lecture in . the evening on, The-First Duty of the 'Christian 'Church, the Training of Youth. Mr. Case; who has,given special attention' to the Sunday School' ,work, is expected-to take part with the'lninild.srli , 'of the , Distriet,:in the disaussion of the aylerneep.. I Mansteldppt, 2401186 k 7,,, • • W4oimy 'C2cnitiN, T. E.' .: ' ' =I " ri'etsh, as a Maiden's: Bluish" . 'the Par° peachy ,Complosion , yttien follows Aim xit' pagans Magnolia Balm- It is..tho ,Trum Secret, of liehuty. „Ilitshionablo • ,14,ieti „in ,Sonietv understand /he !dog : noun taint changes the rustle Country Girl ino 6tty ; Bella more rapid iy,thanany other ono thing, • led ne'se Stiubtirti ,T`an,lereckles, ,Blotehus and all erects:of .Bun disappear whero,it is used, anti a genial, eultivated; fresh expression is ofitainett wlliclt rivals,tho Bloom ottyoutli. -Beauty ; is possible to ll wheiNv West 15 cents : at nay revectablostere end 'lriaist on getting the Magnolia ktalm, ; ; . Van nothing but Lyou's Itathairon to llrees thtiLfair. tu. MI CIO EIOL: ...lEttagam2.46eviso: Pient ltns the lat:geitt, heat; most veiled Mach; of ,Gso , e'cle In Wellehoro, and is selling , them a the hoitem.piieo cash. Cab] in.' • tiool. AND"Cow..untstfun VALI.Y.Ts.;•--Tuttcrence.. vino the centeT of 'attraction. No mdro pain br' sutiering. By! tho use of Gas all tho horrors of extracting teeth arc avoided. Go to Van Jifoine's Dental Pontos had ,dreana of eating potiOes whilo you have your teeth out. Oflico on State-st., with Dr. E. R. - Van Horne Homeopathist, Lawrenceville Pa. = FALL S; WlNTrat Sofiald has added largely to her stock of Millinery .r and is prepared to ftirnish . ovary this -hoe of goods at reasonable rites. " Ladies will also,find a.ehoice rolectiomof,,Fam, cy,GoOdi, 'full assorirecUit vas, 11000 F, NeedleriSlipperg,tind - f.Pattem,l:, A largo nrsimtnielie of GermaiitoiviPyarns jast rce,eived, of every shade and variety, which will be kop , t eonstantly'on = hand.: Thankful far the liberal' patronnge of the lie, ,rbe hopes to merit a continuance of the show. . A.J. §arzEtv. Wellstioro; (3C.C. 13, 3 809 SEWING. ALACIALL\IES. E, HOWE, Jr., first Premium, ib 'elline for salts in Weillgborn,` r• SPECIAL , ,'NOTICES: _ .. hair, prepttrutions in . the , marlef rs ne, eb2pyCiliatfer to decide !Which of o$ of 1 them desirable for iise. 4IALL'S VPAEt. TABLE SICILIAN HAIR - RENEWER has been before the public about nine years, its vir tues tested end certified to by many leading and 11E1116000a( physicians of New. 4ngland,,, among whom we may name 'Walter li:dry:than), Ti. D., for riterly. Profess or - of Surgery in 4.he Worcester • Medical Institution, and in;Pean • University! of Philadelphia who says,"l hayertited it for' re. storing the hair, whOrolnveteratio bad :rtisitted Varfouta kinds of, trent:Mont, , and, feend that net ordy was the hair beautifulli restored to its original beauty, but also the disease , of the scalp completely cured ;"'also Geo.-Gray, Id. D., of Nasbita, N. - H.,•the leaditig—physielan ' Of the pled° where this RENEWEB, is untreuractuTeds spealts'of the preparation in : this way I have seen its effects in very Many eases.. It will ear- • tainly restore the hair - to its original color, it cleans the head of dandruff, and leaves the 'hair soft; glossy and beautiful. do "not think its use in anyway injurious, but on the contrary, beneficiaL' can,'therefore, elieerfulv•reebom tu,e,nd it to theTubliV ,A. A. .13010, ' - State Assayer ,of Masi.; having analYzed, it, as., sures the public by.cortifleato that it the beat preparation for. the ,ititended purposes. of the taany he has opt:raj rtelDV • ;7N - ' With those asserances - from Such high Sources, surely those who desire a perfected and reliable hair,rektorer chino better Than Use ;VEGETA.BLE SIPILIAN,tIAIRItENAWE4I,.. lIA.LL CO., Nashua, N. IT. Proprietors. • ! , : - . •, • .QO. PO, • "UST OUT: tfi "CHERRY PECTORAL TIRES," For Colds, Cougbs, Soro Throats,zt d Bronchitis. Nona as good, none so .pleaiant, rue cure as quick. Sold by .1011iNSTON;11OLLO A.tei C,ONYDEN,' • Philadelphia: ERRORS OF itoirrii, A OENTI.EMAN auffered!fer years from Nor. COUR I) obility,,Pramatuio bendy unit all the , ' effects of youth I mii4cratio3, 10)4 for lip) .51400.01 SU annoy? manity,s6nd fiae to ail, wben l need it,. Pe reeelpt Dad irection4 for unikitik" do eimpto, remedy :by velticli - Wes cored:- &M e ta% tlebirig , to - pioft t .I)3+ the 'adyer.: tleer's experience, tan do. fie bynadroviing In perfect conlienoo. ; JOUN Ili OGDEN. -.•1•, May 26 ‘ 1 62,1y.,, No'. 42 Cedar Street, N.ew,York. TO . .00BIOUDIPTIVES, - • TUN AdrerilOr; haring bosh restiired wiweekte, by a -flay simple remedy, ititar 'baring stir- V•red several , years WithL , assevero . lung affection, and that dreful.distgael.ConsturtPtinto-48 .analona to. make buopm, , to fetiowainiferers the,nMans of own, • To all Who2dsirelt,lit;,}vill tend a.ci.p." et. der ke. nied (free of charge,) tilractioriii for preparing and using the same, whfoh•they suns CGAZ I"O4I.'CONEUISPSteg, 4137 13 1.0.: , ftnotctiluc(etc. .The'obJect of, de.adrertiSer in; Guiding Oa Presort"). to lien!citt pro! spread itiforpayup s wbfeb c9tifq_iVeit to be; fnyiduabre; and, tie /lopes akmary satraret trY hia reinedy . , lusibillbcosf them nothing;'ci9d . nitty:provis blessing' • • • Parties wishing the prescription, wltt'pleaiteaddretra - Hey . EDWARD A. WILSON. Williamsburg, Binge Cinaty, N.Y. • .141 28, 113114-17. ---o---- r A LIM HAIR iZZWEWAR • 08 EIATA.-4 pato blooded, (14ester,counti, 5 5 4 3F* 51 0 "Xiii r I grillit "41 it , rry 7i v , %wreft. 2 79 4 .191,! , ter . • 01 ( 10B. 4- litb Elabbbt' Diyao 6 a t 151-, • Chorloston•BohootDistilpOvilk moo otetho YOung's School .goribloAoriAltofli etaturdsl; 16*. 180 9; at 10,Ap 411:f to biro Ihitehiro the ensuing *liar eoh6ottif latatod,to bringaoir oartitloates; •c. Oct: 27-2 W.« • • • QTIOi opLiorco.s.7-Ansoppctort in:osi,tirreeposill be required to make lm e. payment and, settlements, or costs will be . --reade,',- wonld also tiler attention - ,to tbe(Votoein'tliti'bialc , Virfof "thole'linP,Roates; JiSlWill barlgbtlylidliered - Qot. 18694 f. 1. 0: i.Troad.,* . OTLVE TO TEttogEßS.Tlie _Dltetera of N Br 0 01E 4 o 1 (1 4 FeR „ivi 1 , taco 1.4 Red fiebool IloaiietittlilaturdWgilvtof 1.469 i at 10, A, 41., to _latre Teaohotajor rtater, seheols-- teaoherli rihieel4e;tbelt , pertllleiklos w 104. 000 11 - Also, That 'ill s e.tilad"of 'JO tifidaplagi Bakidors ytt., fon 13erIes iendaiii, aild - Robtos a ttie °ears() of• mitthoznAtio . ffrapet en mill 'apotl ` ,dod '6411 Dec ,introdaetary..PriT3s,,nk Teickers ..no tidier getlei llaele t s,',th4 pider,of the''Bo w ia, ' ' • D. EVIXX.,X;Bee'y.,, ; i Brookfield, Oct. 27, 1809-tf, ; •••• -' • • '• •It • ._ti • • •- t "r• r •?! . • t A q' 4 : . ••4 `; • • • • School liiritStlirs'of the Veltdar*elt,66l, District will meet nt the now'Sdhool Hoak( dear, Frannie Cheese Factory to hire Teri,cl!'. ere fot the ensnilseviiiterSolibol, on thailth day of tbitiv. next at 10 o'clock Tcacher S `'tirti rectieSted , to • briog their Verti fi ca tea: , 'Oct. 20 ) 111109: 4 2nr::' , U:'10.DIPBELL Seify. Examination zcif. Tenho& Itostiville, Friday Nov. Jacksbn;?Milltirtown,'Saturday Nov: 6`.: •.4 -Liberty, Block Bowe, Thttraday Oct. 28.. • = ' Monis, Babb's School House, Friday Oct. 29: Belmar, SOPlFllißatutday. Oct. 30. • Wellsbefe,Aronday.riov. 1.% Qharleston, Young S. 11.,- Tuesday Nov. 2. Middlebury, Rolliflays, .Ncridnesday, ljnY. s. Tioga Boro, Tthfrailay 4. Farmington, Butt!o.S. g., Monday,Nov. IL ? :Elaine's; V4rMilyea'a; Thinaday 'Nov:11: And at Uuton Academy the three Saturdays fol. lowing ! Teachers 191 . 1 come with foOlsani paper, pen and'ink . ..•;tiuminatiOns'will commence at 9 IL ni. All-who expect 4 . 0 teach 'during , Abe yeai, aro requested to attend their '‘examinations.==. _There,wil/ I.)e no private eiaminations, • School Directoriare earnestly invited to attend: . • F,.TIORTON, Co. grip% SALUTIFER Is truly, a novelty, in ,ructlicino, differing -pa., Wildly from all 'ollior preparations; it ,has a prar of its own, and - Omens . virtues that' are , peculiar to itself. , It ItruGtvoliderfulfstieeisii;ln th'o rellf and Curet at NEURALGIA: SPRAINS; S 1 EPLINGS, BURNS, RHEUMATISri PLAINS, PAIN,- S E THROAT, • INPLAMITI4Wi PLEURISY, BRUISES, Painful' filvf , ellinkiliiitid Suoli an outward application. Price 50'earits. ' Sold by Druggists generally. October 27, 1860. illtrallge,?Stfte,k , of FOREIGIVBt, DOMESTIa 'GOODS, ; puitablo for the Vall,and Nyinter, trade, at E SMITII &, pots 27,, 1864. Oprnitig, .2 ' i , t ', ~ , t ROY'S ME Cl i toolll Drops. I In6dicine is 'quite erent from' Al other prep .ra= ~,~ . ions called CH 0 L - Ek' -B ROT Sk . , an unfOling'remedy for. I disorders"of the bowels, SOLY) . :II . i D4UVoI - STS AT 50 cis • PER BOTTLE, IVellabOro, July 16,1869-Iy. =IR • HAVE YOU SEEN • THE . Inuti6tirie . 'Stok of • Li• •,, carpet,' AND pu, CLOTHS _ '• • in the Carpet Store of , • - Oct, 27, 1860, . • Shirai it WAItE'S, , - • • s IMRE! lIIMI j IF TOU WANT A Leoat,;.or : :,Stiit.of, ,_Clothe- Call audtsedidiiiet;:roli of y•r t R. MIRO Clofhs • or ,Cassimeres, ENE SO loave your ineusure and you, can 40 supplied on slzort , ridtleo,asit"''• - ' a ..-t • 810 TiEl. !W4IT.E'B, oat. 2:049:: ME ME ~~,..., EMI =II ;1.. 1 •,; 99P 31 Pg; RE - _ "• • eltokiLni.: IIiCiVISION6f - ST.ORE i - . " • .fin Mozart/J/OA , , 'lst door beloto tiortietee cl De ogioW •r , Coin" to SottoU.Ri4 6 - _ • titrialiittketo.ietionwt 9 odltid tontrotiO. vaelitiutitvp-i "0"•- ."Ilan xoirlinl;notlita wittakay, Nor any tiller coniphintd.'' • •r , 2 "' , • Put Toas t Toss, orribeier,Y , 1)2 04. 4,= :rt ,2 ,net•elbtf Will and ' a latifellen d , " Olouddfitifilutnion nod adidy, t , t r0 4 6 :Y °11 , 17 _ 1 4 tifiA q'f'or3! thing • t) • , t lear, Plant., 'or piory4ruile'untl • :. And prices•to l ault•all mankind , So there will be no fgfuniblidg; r • While the bariels in and out will be tumbling. Graok9r4tTelsaeco and Auspic e, _),! 'Dried Beer.un 11 d Sagartoared '0. 1 1 1 )Z ' • ( 1 It I sell to you oiled , M ido milt in woman Mid Man.' ' ' $o give me.a call both.greatland • Aria l wit try to tiult you•all; ; But if you call in here by.ehanitei, • • Do not forgot to bring a few stamps, Kerosene Oil and vinegar, coloamn's Mustard and Ginger; And• Soap the best - at ten cones abaft, And•fane,Salt for biittlai; the'beet lirfaY.l • • 1 , Here is where you will find, • Brown's glass eleaning,Poliab s , - That ill! list Mitil everything fa ileMolithed; August 25, 1.559-tf. iiiihroviLt. - - New tStccck! = New Goods ! REARS .80 DEBBY, • TrAvx taken ttho Oinestore ;one 400r~ above Wright Jo Bailey; whore the.* are on hand with a now stook of BOOTS, BALMORALS, GAITERS, BOOTEES, ,BAOGANS,- 0.1), " warranted to fit any foot from. Zro. 0,,; to 13 , in. clualve. The stock has hen' seleottl. by 'ono who hoe the advantage of - • • '' • • TIiIRTY "i - EAS!, EXPERIENCE is the busineas, and le - the bekt and bandit in the country, Our stock of • - • • FII,F,NOII OALF; PUNCH KIP, UP PER, SOLE, COMMON 04 1 4% 'LININGS; BINDING, 'MO 1100c0, &0., , , be kept up,.na r imetafpre On Findings we shall lie found at house al ways, and we shall endeavor to sell at prices satisfactOry to ;.the trnde. We. won't , nndq sold. t •-• CASH PAID FOR . lIIDES, SKINS, FURS' & PELTS. Als . c!,9p top Afiktko(for - WOO L . But our boat hold'ivill bo on CUSTOM WORK As usual. , • , . There's comfort In a well made custom boot, That fitathe'corniwithout too Much 'oomprossing: For everybody knows a shabby - foot , • Cannot be - coinpronilse'd by overdressing. And one' may wear clean linen with a suit; Of finest ploth,,but:thero is. no finessing • Will make a man with shabbily dressed•feet, look liko a gentleman upon tho street., tidy ybut beiitg of • • • • • SEARS 35:DERBY,' 0i any otheiyeen. Wellebere, 0e1..26,1889—tf. • .. • • ' 3E l Lealersr, , - I[TAS rOnioved his 'gap& to the, New &Oro in JUL Wright & BalloVo 13looh, "oncond door emit of Soars' SaloOn. ' , - Lots of New Goods ust 'received, comprising evory Ming usually kept in a DRY GOON STElltgl So it's over the way, The people say-- has gone with his-goods;! Consisting of everything, InottOing old women's ho,pds. , Dry Gadds';' GroeerieS, Hardware, Boots and Shoes, and an endless variety of ME SOrF9RTHS s hat is usuallyilnind in a'first-olass okmatry 4. store.. ~ . ~ Thanking '74 'ildtrova v er y noir j . ' Moral patronage heretofore,' Propose to attend strictly to businasOip °future asd sell all the gooafio I tios: stbly can. '.'So - call In ipati, see,' 1 , 1! ;.; 1 ": t Sept. 22, 1E69 Insgrance Agency. WELLSBORO, PA. Cash ; Capitak over $20,000,000, d44—NONE RATES AS LOW as any good Companies will take. Policies on dwellings and farm property written at this office, and delivered on payment of preminm". * ' • Are You Insured I Ii caste but little,. particularly to insure dwell lam farm property, and nom:etas. Detached dwellings and farm property insured for 3 years for ono per centum and expense of policy, Ace. A house, detached 100 or more insured for $lOOO for 3 years, tit an exPense:of $11,50. Only $3,831 a year Small tax—good thing in case of „fte....Purniture, provisions, bedding &0., at the same rates. There is no excuse, Eviftrinie 'Should., be, 'titre& If not with me, Smith It Merrick wilt do it just atieheap, and just as well. (Gratis, gentlemen.) I should be glad however; to befnend enough in thin manner to pay fdr advertising. JNO. I. MITCHELL. Wellsboro, Sept. 22, 18694 f. • Cider Mill ! AA W. POTTER, of Obarihston, has erected •.a Oidetmill in Catlin hollow, and ie :prepared to manufacture to order. Bring on your apples—the moro the bettor. .• A.- , W. POTTER. • Charies i tqn;fiept. 22, 1869-4 w. • For Sa' le, r,_ . A BOWEL ;and lot, known a's the Keystone Rotel in •Elitland Bare, is offered 'for, sale upon, reasonable terms. For partieulars, en quire of the subscriber at Ellitaad, Pa. , Sept. 29, 1999-4 t. ' ' R. T. -WOOD.. , For Rent. . THE house and lot knoin as fie "Simpson Property" corner of Pearl street, and 'frst asennA. Apply „ . ; Sept, 29, dor: AST 14 0110 E.—all persons' having nipettle . a EMS? bills with us, *will piesso"ball A. 8. buwee's store and settle at once. either eta ór note. TRIIMAN,&. BO W.P # N. Sept: 29i1999-2t.:,' • AMY' 'suer Wiled. IGIVIIa rthifig ) LitiWelyial, • • .Itity-Pitiaoo,-to vve, • iovins, no: tio6l4o;weatte arthi.p3Oolic s and hitlting 00Yul tlfully4upptted litmeolfidth altoost .eyepribing whiott thlE,Worlitein' iffOtd to 4/0440.014M; now bonotblently.propoies to open •tho, whole be. fore the people, lanksoito all, old and 7oung, black nod white, nob indlitsoe f; . • C You pay your Money and you take your Don't stand out itt the cold exposed to the el. etnents and to the Sting of- the neighbors hies, Mit pull the latch stritg, it is always out in bus iness hours, &o. The large hearted proprietor, or his urbane good natured olerk will conduct you, as it were through a ‘• r ' filled with ravifthing.delighte. , let. A GARDEN OP SPICES, in which every thing SpieT,ireto nutmeg to cayerkno ppp 7 per mill be open `a.uti proinared. -• " , • - 2d, 'A' °ARAM trk• . 6WBE i rt3;.in'whieli ei. - ery variety of,l3abebßtlne delights, hOth 'Gelid and. liquid may be hn,d,by, tbe,-440411.0unit orgalion, and of such - flav o rs entnnies t ion as will make every aching sweet tooth in - ,your head fairly Pimp with delight. Should'you ho pornologi. cally inclined, this hurnane.individnal will con. dUct you into a GARDEN OF FRUITS, in which almost ev ery variety of luscious things to be found gath ered from the four quarters of the globe, will bo 'shown to satisfy your largest longings,,: Oranges from' Otitin t ,lomona fioin FfOilda, Prunes from Turkey, Ritlidnig froitiMalriga; Currents NMI the Grecian Arahipelagil;': Peaches dried and cann ed along with a great variety of Canned- Fruits from the Jerseys; Dates from Syria, and Fige frbm Asia Minor. No end to the supply of every species of NUTS from 8 Continents. THE TEA .9ARD,F4 ; will not • ,oetntnoud your iiidntiork ,theWarm,decoction of the Qiiina loaf and tliel.lova heal have heceniesalmost uni versal bovoragek,and-if net svialioVed tdo hot or to strong; the mild,atimulants !tire esteemed as eminently promotive of comfort and sodality.— What camp ny of elderly ladies could over part in peace without thorn? Now your friend the •GARDIiEIt, will be most happy to show you all this. Ile will ask you politely to look at his Tea. You, are welcome .totry,overy . ohest and, see , ite•GRIN "POWDER . ; • 1300 hong , GREEN, Whieb.ttiaor you tlike; 'but , of all tho other styleswhose jaw crooking nairies would bo dangerous to pronounce, 09.VIMES, in every style, ditto, ditto, ditto. Furthermore, The beneficent propriotor of thja,mummoth es tablishmeiat—:oUt of - sheer good will, and' if you will believe him for • rto other motive than your interest and his, has at.vasq expense established at the same plaeo immense depot of Provis ions, consisting of Flour, Pork, Lard, Codfish, White Fish, t3word ezo., &C. Areal, Hams, Butter,' Trout, Blue Fish, • Halibut, dm, „ All of which ho Intends to sell at a profit, on:the principle of "live and let live." lie generally propoaea also to reeeilre in exchange all the pro ducts of your farm and 'dairies a and'it Weald conl fidentially,to tho public; that ho noVer-refusee • Tho' it irks him, wretchedly to keep it. So anxious is be. that %ls dear people should want nothing whatever that money can buy of ' = Wollsboro, Juno 16, 1860. RE GUL A TOR, CORNING. N. Y. Here We Are Again! rirmANTREFL ler tho'favoi4 : wo have thtni far received from tho people of THE TI GA VALLEY, we wish to call their attention to the fact that wo aro just receiving a - New Stock of Goods adapted to the early Vali Trade, comprising ev erything desirable, bah in style and quality; and shall be pleased to see our old easterners" and all whe may come from that vicinity to CORNING to bny KELLEY. Deus All SHOES, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, as we always give customers from a distance A LARGE - DISCOUNT ON 'PRICES, wo thus make it for their interest to,como to us to make th it purchases, as many poop o in that yegion will testify. SVo do not believe in long advert'scroents, displaying long lista of prices, Jac bat will convinee all who comp that toc can, and • " • - =1 THE REGULATOR ''' • : Call and take alook throughout immense stock and satisfy yourselves. Nia4ELL k OWN. corning, Sept. 8, 1888. '.ENTER: ffrriTwci Cash. L. A. GARDNER. DRY GOODS, CROCKERY, Carpettii, &e., GOODS CHEAP, that tbi a Storel - for this section of codniry. ===l "= ',lll -t , ; V ),4 ~: ...,. le 1 1 This space was said to Mothers, but ow ing to the rushof bu siness he cannot use it. . NEW SUMMER GOODS. TOLES & BARKER, (NO. 5, UNION 134)00K.) WOULD say to their friends and.the public generally, that they are now receiving a splendid assortment of summer 1 DRY GOODS, such tta SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, PRINTS, GLOTTIS, CASSIMERES, VEST ,' INGS, READY MADE CLO THING, nArs & CAPS, BOOTS Alm SHOES, also a large and, well selected stook of CROCKERY, HARDWARE,' WOODEN WARE, ' STONE WARE, KERO SENE OIL,. PAINTS & • OILS, SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, • SYRUPS, MOLASSES, ETC,. ETC., ETC., We are able to offer our customers the benefi of tho LAST DECLINE OP PRICES in the New York Market, our•Stoek having been purchased since the great decline in Goods. TOLES Sr, BARKER Wollsboro, Juno 18, 1869. KEYSTONE STOREY. WELLSBORO, PA. Summer is Long a-Coitting AND some people begin to lose faith in the 'promise of s. vitiate and harvest. In view of this fact • Bullard it Co., havo concluded to hurry up tho season by stook ing their shelves and counters with a wisely se looted and spporiot lot of SUMM4 _DUESS GOODS, comprising' nyffloty of Silks, Linens, Hoslerfk Gloves, Em brolderies Poplizv , ,„ Lawns , Percales, 'Piqui.• d . m, Ste., togethei'vrith a fine lot of • ). • • Domestics; Sheetings, Shirtings ' Sum ' met Clothing, Ladies Shoes, Bta. Wo shall soil as low as anybody, and give yea good Goode. • .• • rustne le, 1& 69 BuLiaitb CO -6m. STAINTaz. Vionmse , ii.tracom, Piwurprorditte. . • MHZ next - terra oettibi inotttuilon will vow. mance Wednesday, Sept, Ist 1869, Bor Clatalogneldresa 'p ot. chat Ver. ril Mansfield, Ttogs County Pa. July 7, 186911,,,- Notice. TANNUAZ l rn...`..iting_'cif the Stockholders of the Tioga Railroad Company, for the election of President,. Directors, Secretary and Treasurer, will be held At the ofdoe of the Conn. Flinn, in Corning, N. Y., Cu the nage •Dia ox November, 1889, at 10 o'clock, A. M.,; the elec tion to close at 12 o'clock, M. Oct. 18.1808-tr. A. O. STEARNS, Beal. SALE 0:1P' REAL ESTATE. • by VIRTUE of an order of the court of Common Pleas of, Tiogn, County, dated Sep tember 10, 1869,-the undersigned Committee of the person and estate of Polly Wilson, a Luna tie, will, on Saturday the 80th 'day of October 1869, at 2 o'clock P. If., upon the. premises, sell at Publio Sale, all -that lot of land 'situate io Charleston Township, Tioga County' Pa. .Be ginning at a pest in the • East line of Warrant , Survey, No. 4.479, being the North-east corner of L 1.1:1t, No. 2, of - the* subdivisions of said warrant; and the North-east corner hereof—tbence South one degree ; West 96 rods ton post in said war rant line; thence North 88.1 degreet,Wegt, rods to a . post, ' thence North one degree, East, 90 rods to a peat, thence South 883Idegrees, East, 88i rods to the place of beginning, con 'aining 801-10 acres. Terms Cash. - IRA, JOHNSTON, Committee. Oct. 6,1869. ORGA.NS AND mELoPEONs, .FOR Bale by L G. HOYT. • Haines Brothers Pianos, Ohiekerings, Steinways, and Steck% Bintermister's Organs and Melodeons, and Ma. son Sr. Hamlin's - Organ. These are all first-olass Instruments. Havtng the experience , of many roue in Musical Instruments, and tuning the same, I can offer greater inducements to elute mere of Tioga County than any other dealer is Northern Pa. Every instrument is , werrautcd for fi re years. For MI particulars see Illastrat.; ed Catalogue. I. sa. HOYT: Mansfield, Pa., March 8, 1860—ly State Street Lots. P. CONE having laid off his land on .L%., State Street into town lots new offers them for sale onteasonablo terms. ' Wellsboro, April 28,1589. .Executor's Notice. ETTEIII3 TESTAIifENTAY having insit JU• granted upon the estate a 'Vine DePui, late of Tioga, Twp., deo% all personsindebted to, or claiming against Said estate, will settle with ELIZA DEPUI, Tioga, Sept. 8, 1.1360-60 . Executrix. A. B. EASTMAN, . DENTIST, - 1 No. la, mn STREXT, 7 • % li I A'o‘ll.lmwe WELLSBORO, PA. Artificial teeth from one to an entire set insert ed at short notice on any plate desired. Teeth extracted without pain—proved by scores of witnesses, at the office. Special atten tion given to the treatment and tilling of 'the natural teeth,. All work warranted at "live and let live prices." July 28;1889. .1 Great Improvement ,in Densistry. ..i.- a ., RAVING purchased the exola 11j-::%f. ---. sive right of Dr. Polsona's Ira -" Wall proved patent Atmospheric Dental Plates for Tioga , County. I now take pleasare in offering it to the public as the greatest rs cov:enr yet made In ' 111echani.cal ]Dentistry. , By the use of which, we can oieroome any any and all difficulties which have heretofore baffled the skill of the most practioal 'lDentist in the world. Plates constructed upo n p this plan re-. .main perfectly firm under all circumstances or condition of the mouth, as no stiror partiqles of food can possiblygetunder them. Those having old styles, Gold or Rubber P 1 tee, can, at half the coat, have the Imprpveme t t applied to.them answering in every respect th ccttsame purpcise as as a new set. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed in every case. 0. N. DARTT, Dentist, Wellsboro, June 9, 1869; 7 Tilts Is to certify that wo are now using the Improv ed Dental Plates with perfect satiafaction. Baring used the old style of plates for years with all the troubles and Inconveniences known In the 080 erecter plates, we cheerfully recommend the improced Plates as far superior to anything yet known. E. E. KIMBALL, CHAS. WILLIAMS. CARRIAGE MAKE T UNDERSIGNED still continues the j Carriage business at his old stand of t Main street, near the Academy, whore manufacturing and repairing will be promptly done and satis faction guarranteed. Tho BLACKSMITH DEPARTMENT ke Will be conducted by, Mr. P. O. LYON, who has bad many years experience in the businessiand will give perfect satisfaction to all in Carriage -Ironing, Horse• Shoeing, Repairing, &c. Particular attention giyen to Horao•ahooing: All work warranted. H. W. DARTT. Wellabor°, July 14, 1869.. is SASH, DOORS. BLINDS. AT FACTORY PRICES. Always on hand or furnished to order, at ROBERTS 8,7 BAILEY'S Efaidware • Store, Wellaboro. " August 18,180. MO DEBTORS.—AII persons indebted to mo j• aro requested to call and settle at once. ' All accounts with me before the new firm was* formed must be closed up without delay. WILLIAM , ROBERTS. Wellsboro, Aug. 25, 1669. {YU. U. AIVASTRONG. SAUUEL LINN. Armstrong & Linn, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, WILLIAMSPORT, PENN'A. Aug.-1,1869-Iy. an°. w. Adams, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, Mansfield, Tioga county, Pa. Collections promptly attended to. [Sept. 1, 1869. Freedom Notice. ?VETS is to certify that I have given my son 9baB, A. Stevens the remainder of his mi nority, and that he is free to transact business for himself, r shall claim nono•of Ms earnings or pay no debts of his contracting after this date. • I CHAS. STEVENS. Wel'Rno, Sep . 22, 1.869. rir Divorce. To Sloan M. Raymond : You'are hereby twil led that Thomas J. Eayaiond, your husband, has applied to the Court of ;Common Pleas of Tioga county for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony, and that the'aaid court taro appoin ted Monday the 29W day 'of November next at 2 o'clock p. In. for hearing the - said Thomas J. Raymond in'the premises, at: Which time and place you may appear and attend, if you think koroper. • Wellsboro, Oct. 20,1869. J.. 8. POTTER, Sheriff. In Di vorce. To ( varies Benton: You aro hereby. notified t h,,, Sarah A. Benton, your wife, has applied to tile Court of Oommon Pleas of Tioga county for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony, and that the said court have appointed Monday the 28th day of November next, at 2 o'clock p. m., for hearing the eaid Sarah A. Benton in the preini ees, at which time and place you can attend and appear, if you think proper. Oct. 20, 1.889. J. B. POTTER, Sheriff. To Julia Mansfield : lou ire hereby notified that Amos Mansfield, your husband, has applied to tho Court of Common Plats Tioga county for a divorce from tho bonds of matrimony, and that the said court have• appointed Monday the 290 da of November next, at 2 o'clock p. to : for hear ng the said Amos Mansfield, in the prom ises, at which time' and place you may attend and appear if yen think proper. Oct. 20,1889. B. POTTER, Sheriff. CASH Nid FOR RIDES, by M. A; DURIP. 77aUsboro,Decti1e,1868.—tf 1 VOITO