110 ME MATTERS. IVEDI‘.TESDAY, OCIT. 6, 1869. Nolk Advertisemontii . sale of Real Estate—lra Johnston. • • I;rocery trrovision Store—Smith Brothers Notico—The closing of Stores. For Sale--Shot-Gun and Pistol. te7T . Friends of Republienn..prin ,ipks are requested to make all necessary prep:L- - 1m ", far the Meetings advertised ilf,this paper GLARY, WILLIAMS, AND VICTORY „er , ` A , GRAND RALLY Of tho, friends of Wod,wis and the p, c publican ticket, will be held on WEDNESDAY EVENINCI, OCT. 6, ITEM COURT HOUSE, WELLSDORO. HON. WAYNE- MC VEAGII ono of tho most eloquout ora tors in thci Commonwealth, will address the peo yle on that occasion. ' HON. SIMON CAMERON, also be present during the day and evening. Turn out, Republicans and friends of good government, and prepare for a, grand triumph f true It.publican yrinciplcit on the second Tlie:Aay of October next. FoiTNo—a small port-monnaie con taining money and tl'n•eo rapers 9f needles. Tho later can have the same by calling at this Mike. ilrmovAL.—Messrs. Sears & Derby use removed their Boot Shoo Shop to the ttir Store next above Wright Bailey's. ) OTATOES.--SMA:SHERS !—Mr. eOrge nooks, of Charleston, has left with us 24 Chili „puttees measuring' a plump half bushol ! They ITe beauties, and as solid as rocks. _DoNivrloN.—The friends of Rev. John Phenix \ will givo him a donation at Widow agar Dan Osburno's, Friday evening, • • TEMPER A NCE MEETING.— Lecturers du abroad will address the people at the Court :uuse, Thursday evening, 7th inst., on the sub -et of temperance. The public, is invited to at oll AretoPyr.—Mr. Erastus Niles, of hadlehary, was lately injured by a falling limb nLilc at work in UR; woods. Tho limb struck tha over the right .eye, dffttroying that organ, ad cauing great oerebralqlisturbanee. We hear that he is recovering slowly, though the right destroyed for put poses of vision. t 4 AW INU OFF. —M r. C. J. Smith, Thilr at work at Van llorn's‘Factory -last TUCIS- y, had two fingers cut of by a circular saw. Webb dressed the wounds. It is st ill true at black iron will burn, and circular saws will a fingers as woll na lumber. We are sorry for r. Smith who cannot, well Flom his finger,.. TENS I Bl.l3.—Wearp glad to know that se leading merchants and traders of Wellcboro, oe agreed to close their stores at 8 o'clock, r. a., lief.. I, to Apra 1. The arrangement weld WI effect last Friday s This will benefit trier 'Ask and clerks alike; being a saving of lights apt fuel to ono class, and an opportunity for and reerektion to the other. We - only regret bat arrangement does not cot or every day in ic.o. THE CIRCLTS,—The expected advent Bryan's Circus, 'Caravan and collection of 1,1 Beasts, in this village nest ? Alonday, is the me of the curious, pleasure I),ving pub Hi: -- is big show seems to have tat en the count ily dorm Wherever it has appeared, the pak ', ling it highest praise. Time collection of AV i 11, .111.3.i'' is said to be choice and large, :amt. tme au, performance superior. No doubt Well:3- ,I.ra' he rather more than brim ti lon that 11. A NNIVERSA RY.—We learn that the fathyterian congregation have determined to t!ohrate the 25th anniversay of Rev. "J. F. t:ll,:ns's Pastorate of the First Presby torian !flitch of this village, Friday evening, Oct. 8, •t—that being the 25th anniversary of the swinge of Mr. Mrs. Calkins. No speeial , stations, we understand, haVe — been issued thi• ricmity, hut all Iv ho wilt to do so in% ilea to be present. TIT reunion will he the l'au.ourtge, rind wod!utti, that the occasion, - .ough under the auspices of the Church 6f ivhiali is pastor, will lobe all denotnina ,tid character by the presence of his many .' ll.Lbof difterott chinch ennneel ions, Pets •:‘lllOll have it t..) s,ty that their pastot al m ()ye qiciely a inart, , r or and tuner ,tiii hart dianri to (how and lung a pm ma, Lu mans AI arm ~ , r,, 1 1" and admirere. AI ay hi* h ientla and n4L1,0r.1 be privileged to eelelu ate the :Mai ittkeriary of hi; pa.l,mide. CI,CH M EETINU.—The Republican uf Well,l,vro rlF4embltd jtt Triwn Tian W , inet , day el,et%ipg InA and urbanized by elect- Etntry, Esq., President, and I). b Deane, i Feeretary. Messrs.. J. It. Boren, Hugh :,uog, and J. D. Potter woe, on motion aP- I - mted a Committeo on Finance, and John 1 H:tchell was electeeTreasurer. On motion ltoo. Humphrey was invited to address the Citit) in '.e Court Ilouee, Saturday evening, Oct! '9. i ! n motion, Mess r:. Wm. 13. Van Morn, Jos. k; !Warns, W. A. Stow), lt. C. Bailey and 1C W. 113rtt were appointed n Committee to make ar :tngcicntg for the 'Ara , es Meeting to be held this WolueEday) evening. The Club then adjourned •, meet on Z. , atutday evening Oct. 9, or sooner, A' WI of the (Accts. PaoctitEss. =1 n Wo matter of im invernenk We Ilsboro eau a 3 good a mean il-tl9 as any inland village in Pennsylvania Malty new and neat d3vellings have been erected are in progrcls of erection, and Mes , rs. i‘right and Ilailay have put up o. mat Mock of nacc tine Storehoueee on Main Sue( I. !rho m. Church building is nearly completed, and when I imiled will voinpare fyis untidy %%Mt any conntry 'hatch in Pennsylvania. A. 4I P. Cone, 1::q, to dime ciao - Nis° thin' vi l loge Inns been, in time m. 0.) indebted tuth to the C.lttiliri:P alai)* eititen in the platter of buibliog ilopro% 0- p- putting up a large lintel of brick, 1 , 1. A , , , nipkted, %sill raid: - %%WI the Long .m4l the Dickint , on Moore I'orning. It i, ion e ,, mArneted thin vi,ion of :Ur. :rookinan, an Elmira ILnd the %Torii is living Ilona thin 'Wetmore , ahere, all in most Fith:A;intiall style. IV° "in tot tlio building will liar° a Man Lard roof, thus practically giving it four stories. It will have Mlthe o;odern improvement c. 'Sat the least among improvements in the of Queen st., from Water to Niehol.4 'this gives a safe and convenient rue.! to the ftteeters, and will be one of the prettiest streets . the linage. MOS9E.g. Trnmait k , Bowen enne , , •ohling a ()welling MI the extenß ion, for 4.lx,ar,i• 4M-1 4 -M24111, , It.tx Away front several nurseries in .1. iroi4bo re , seven little boys, rho, had they to n bigger, wotyld hey° been wiser. 'rho oldest the carays as not more than twelve, the P'uog,eat not Jeri than six. They set out to go t , New York by the way of Pino Creek; which calculation shows that even the oldest of the lot iLight g o to school and study geography to ad 'aDtago. These coven runaways betook them !elv” to a point beyond the Marsh, end in the itnole of gigantic alders pitched "tb . eir tent; 'herein they lay and shivered all last Wednesday eight. They had a leader who is noted for his inquiring turn of mind. Ones, in the pursuit of knowledgelhe put his. liatitVon O , revolving knives of a Woodworth planer: and ho gained ensue knowledge not before faMiliar to him, to wit that edged tools Will cut. The Planer rap on and did its work as ,well as ever, but tho anxious inquirer went home maimed for life.-- 7 ; From that day forward to this, that young and verdant lad has been aching for ,an adventure which %void(' eclipse the blood-and-thunder-of a dune novel. This' time he proposed to go down Pine Creek in a board punt, to the City of New York, and there rob a bank of 550,000 as a he ginningk and for a boy of twelve it was a pretty fair "144" Wo‘notify the Gold Exchange Bank, all other banks, and Wall•St , that there's a boy np here in the woods who is after their Po on y ou r guard ; and when ho kas paddled uhf the tra y from Wellsbero, down Pine Creek, the Susquchana, Chesapeake Bay, and up the coast to New Yolk; nod presents .hitas:elf - at the dock of the ti rent Eastern in his heinlock canoe, just introduce hint to a policeman, and let hint hkAge the young buccaneer in Sing,-Sing. . The cuts at the head of this article fairly rep resent the runaways. They were captured by Ben. Potter and others, and brought home en Thurs day—erestfitllen if-nut wirer boys. Don't do it again, boys! FAMILY R EJIN lON.-- We have received now Mr. M. A. Itockwell, of Motu•oetou, Ilradford Co., an interesting ,account of a mullion of his father's family (lAev. Myron Rock %tell) in Jack son township, this county, 20th ult. Its great length precludes the full pnblicAion, but we, give the more Essential portions. Mr. Ina:os ell %%rites. " Monday A.M., brought the whole family to gether—Father, Mother, Children and Grand children—to tho number of thirty, all good Re publicans. And a happy meeting it was, for it seemed to carry us hack to our younger days, when wo were all home together. We telt to ac knowledge the goodness of Dint that ruleth over all things in giving us life and health to meet oneo more 00 earth. - Our parents have never been called upon to meow the death of a child. All arc Girls at Boys-3 of each married. Ella, our youngest btu priming the Only one left at home, where we hope it mtirbe n pleasure Mr her to stay as long as duty requires it. At about t 2, we were summoned to the din ner table which was literally loaded with good things, such as no one but an own Mother :cau prepare. At the table we were all seated in ro tation according to our covet al ages, and when thanks had been rendered to Him that git eth all things, we began our work, and by the way the good things vanished no one, I think, would ae— euse us of not doing our duty; The dinner hour% passed off very pleasantly, enlivened by various! anecdotes of our boyish days, exposing many of our mischievous tricks that were carefully hid-I den from our parents at the time. Dinner over, we front Monroe were obliged to take sour leave ; and amidst shaking of hands and shedding tears we felt' that there was truth in what the poet The heart :Teaks most u hen the lips move nut, nod the eyes speak a gentle good bye!" Altogether the meeting trail IL very pleasant one, and we hope that parents and ehildien may be spared to have many more such.? Gossii , .—Once upon n time we heard a worthy man bewailing the demoralization of a favorite boy. The boy had taken to drink at a tender age, and with the demoralization which followed came that preference for doubtful com pany above and betMo the innocent society of the home circle. Then came ads bordering on criminality ;• then cam() crime dud disgraee.— Hence the lamentation of the fathe . r. "Friend," raid a neighbor to him," bow is it ? alas this bey been woll trained, by plecept impportod by example?•". Yes, pal of that;" replied the father. " r entinued tho neighbor, " hayo 3 , 0 u, your-roll', alutay.• 'if) a good example before your boy Are )on temperate, home-seeking, and ri.frerprotrter of good company? after, is it not a rrommon remark that yon are a drinking man ; nn associate' of ;melt men as frequent drinking saloons, .t e?" The lath was silent for a nimnont, ;thou 'Tidied that he could not de fiant himself (rein :the imputfttion of drinking and, frequenting low company. "Then," said the trerghbor, ai•e• relhai,iblo for the tuiu of ymir nun ohrld. and your I 11111.11 tat 11111 Slllll.Oll Le fir )6111,( If rather Ib,ut for tiro boy, You in del ied tl,O ly or own t, ho aa, again,) good 'Ade.% and, " I , ov I a , oir L,Lit. You put vice tl,ovr 't ittur, awl yaw boy followed your oN.ttople. ou di=rriutivated against men of I snot and soh‘kly herevcw' you had free choice, and your Loy has taicen you at your word.' —Not 'Moll eomf.ot in that sermon to the be ‘%ailing father, you will say. No, Not mite!' comfort, but much TitEtice. When limn strike lairds with Nice and Crime they do not merit eomf-.rt but punishment. Anil they are morally sure of justice. T t lioy »lay escape 14,e tt, season, and come 6/ think - that offended con-Tienee has fallen asleep. But they cannot wholly escape.— " The evil that men do lives after them ;" often wreaks itself upon them dnring life hero in va rious whys. But no man who appears as the apologist for illunkenness, or loose,luorality, or open treason to srmiety, nee," (.01JI0 to .ns for corn thrt when his boys to to the lad. We pity the Imp., not the erring fathers. As «ell condole with aplole•sional thief witoFf , son, copying. hiz father, gets into the prnitentiary. —lt refreshing tn, mark how men and thing , alway. gravitate to their places. This tendi nep holds flu: lietuulless univm e in equilibrium, nil sustains a:111111MM i stutulic,llA. lint for this Inn 41,imenhil law the man echo loves quiet and te theme') t wonl l l,u era red with the ciamor of the marts, heating of drums and the noiso and contusion of exces:;. Dot for this law, churches would become Pandeto onititnt , , and such a thing as :deep• would he impossible. But, extraordi imries excepted, men 50,,t0 their own places— the quiet to their home., and the 1 101 GUS to place. , of riot and confusion. Thank heaven for al!! 131,th-nuito.—Sept. the Catholic 114,1, livrtc.l Mos Aim; and preached a good, practical :.4ruiffil 011 nil: evils of intentperat , •e. Ile also confirmed. over one hundred peoplO; Father Murphey has been Eucceeded by a very quiet, variable young man, gild it is to l,e hoped that he will al aid the intulicating bowl. Some veelts age Pushup Stevens confirmed a class of six. Elder 'ileynolds has baptized and received into the first Baptist Church, ten persons. The new Tannery is almost done. The chim ney is of brick, with a stone base 12 feet square. The chimney taprs to four feet square at the tel feet from the ground. Thu Company has put up 20 dwellings for their workmen. Messrs, Kelly, Lewis, Welch, Merrick, Miller, Hyde, Kea, ondlihattuck are building now dwellings. Mr. Shattuck's is a Gothic cotta4e, and promises to he an ornament to the village. 11. W. 1101 den has enlarged his grocery store, and otherwise improved it. A s ur w grocery has bun , hunted li Messrs. Bergen A. Hays. 'flu; Tcraplais Loiigo i in a prosperous rtOte. R. , llun•ing nn• tho oilleors for tho current quarter : V • . - Mai AV:111.( I ; V. '.l'..—Ah.gL,ie n F:. ; S " il,llll Coods : u - .---.lr•nuir.linigM • Alitrblial-- ;11:tv,gle : . tr.- -Alion Oteynul ' ils ; 0. 1.-- (11.0. j ; P. \V. C. 'l'. 1 .%. Spihl; I I • COX',II 0 r 01,11'A N. Tllt(L‘.--()111. plc:v.:ant little. 1,4•1 It Vl 1 V 111. ly for 1111 , 1):1,1 \Neel; V:1111t7 Cill•11,, 11 hi, h of 0. 11111:71 7 , vll'lllol t oile : 7 ell: 7 41 , 11 , 711, 1117'11 Ihr, “Tearilq4. 111, 1111ILV," 113 S 1.1i:11711:7 gin AVedn, rvoning. a dram:Ake tron l , from Lan teneeyillt•, eau enteitainment et tl ai . I. Ws_ II tact ; eft:omen ts at e•unneeessary. 'I ho " I Hsi itute„ - is a.- the largest ever lull in o,llllly. It ere tome two 11111111rollai i .1 sev enty one u.u,io clitolleil, one hundred and FiXty. of whom were ladies. Prof. Jones ic City u.t.: in attendance, and on evening, read zi very interesting loetive, , the rithi . tet was; I;emki ," we think we never Mt( toted a more int, esting- Instil ate. Prof. Horton, our county Snpetinlendent was untiring in his etThrts, to male it pleacant for all, while the "Ehler," by his wit, and repartee kept the ladies gootlnatured most of the time, it is unnecessary to give minute ii.. tail:, a: , the pro • eeedings will plokehly in the A g irer oc as ,non :In iinFsible. is tiro; it peen, tilo:t of Ow s 'tarn Ve4tved 1\44 guOdA y and ate doing a "'al - lashin g busies Et." , Troy District Quarterly Mootings—First Quarter. Can ton Oct. il, ltl, Quarterly Conf. Sat. ore. E. Canton do do fiat , tt p. In. Springfield Oct. 16, 17. Tr oy " l(, V.'. ilrooltlield " $4. 21. Ai anaiesfer Films OLt.'22, '2l. Westfield " 30, lit. Farmington " 20, 31. Dushore Nov. 3, 7'. Forksvillo;. -, ""'.;;; 11 , " - : .l ' E. Sinittifiii4 " "13,=74. • .5 Towanda it 73, 14. Quart'ly Conr,llth,ove. Lib. Corners " 12, 14.• i . . Iltralnsburg Nov. 20, 21. _Burlington " 19, 21.. , Knoxville ,[ ". 27, 28. W. Chatham " 20, 28. __ . Wollsboro Doc. 4,5: Delmar " 3, 5. Sacrament 2p. in. Sun. Mansfield • " 4, 5. At the first nomad place I expect lo'be Pie'sda on Saturday at. 2 it.,10 preach null meet :the quarterly conference, and to conduct the services on Sunday morning. When the first named dhy, is on Friday to preach at 2 P. is., and meet, the; quarterly conference, And 'at' those ,places I! design by special arrangement in, Inuit, cases to preach Sunday afturnooit or evening, ilNyi4ll fu look in upon the congregation on eve • charge, sometime during a Sunday, tho first quarter At these places where I racctlthe quarterly con' forenee un Friday, it is hoped tho pastors will provide for meeting, Saturday t'. ta.;certainly in the evening. In nll cases let the kite-feast' be at 9 or lq; o;elchlk S(lnday Make the Quarterly Mectint•atinie orreligtotiip'regredi. Except those plales tryst. named of each date ,the pastors will conduct services on Sunday, or pre side a supply. The Stewarde Conreniion for Troy District is elliied to meet ib Troy, on Thursday,. Oct: at 10 A. it., in connection with a Sunday 'School Conuentimi. All pastors: in the Troy District as well us District Stewards And Sunday School Superintendents, aro invited. Besides the .usual annual business of the District Stewards, free discussion is called in regard to the Sunday School work in he District. Concerning a inter :schools, Im;titutcs .to :—Rev. Charleii Z. Ca‘e, of Elmira, may be expected to deliver a ' lectUre in the evening on, The First Duty of the .Christian ,Church, the 'frainin,g of 'south. 111 r, Case, who Inns given special attention to the Sunday School ‘c,orls, is expected to take part with the ministers oP the District, in the discussion of the afternoon. Mansfield Sept. 24th 1859. WEntv CoeintAN, P. E. Republican IVieelings. " Rally once again !" --- DELMAR. ( Broughton School liouco) Oct. 5, Niles 67, S Woo. HOLIDAY'S, Oct, 0, W II Smith, Dr. Webb. Round Top School House, Oct. Morriek4 Mitchell. CHERRY PLATS, 0ct...), Merrick .1: Mitchell. DEL MAR, (Osborn School IL) Oct. 0, M. H. Cobb 00 LOLA, Oct. 4, B- B. Strang. CHATHAM, (Daniels S. H.) Oct. 5, B. B. Strung WELLSBORO", Oct. 9, Smith , Niles Li; Others. The friends aro requested to make'all necessarY arrangements to secure a good attendance at these meetings, give ample notice, jce. , By order of Conaniittee„ • A. L. ENSwoirm, Chai , cp rt,l Mau. Beal .1. A. Parsons S Co's doubt, Colman ad tiFeTnent. Lots of New Cloods nico goods, tine styles and [tory cheap at Wickham & Parr's Tioga Pa. T. L. Cahlwin Co., of Tioga, are receiving a largo alai various assortment OF I:all rind Winter tioods. S PANT CM LACII INES. 110 ‘1,7 E, Jr., lirst Premium Sewing Mn 1 4 chine for rmleliu Welltiboro, by Oct. 2R, ISCIS-2t BABB AIIEE—AYERS.----In Granville, Brad ford county, Supt. 21. Itie,9, by V. M. Willson Esq., Mr. Truman Larrabee, of Union, Tioga Co and Miss Marcia J. Ayers, of Granville. ELLMTT—MEit RICK.—In Wellsboro ' Sept ISI;9, at the residence of Alr. Win; T. Math , r ,, hy Rev. John A. Bowman, Mortimer I? to Miss Sarah Merrick, NO Cards [The printer heartily congratulates the pair.l SPECIAL, NOTICES. rii. `_its_ : H ALL'S r„... .-. VEGETALE. SICILIAN ck - ,IA it - - re- -- Ai 41 1N 4 , I : I ' .&D.I L EW I L.Z-C . ....- - la 4 proved itself Echo the !awl, perfect propara ion for the flair ever offered to the public., to Ill:siert.: tillAY BAIR TO ITS OItIqINA.L. COLOR, rol create a now growth where it has fallen of roto disease or natural decay. It wilt iiretYal the Thrirfioat Mato/ out. All Ivho too it are tillaninom , in awarding it he pr.ti-e of being the hest flair Bros:zing ex ant., Our 'froatFTo on the Hair cent free by mail. Nil I'ACTITIII:D ON 1,1 - t. I'. BALL& CU., Nashtia, N. 11. Proprietors Sept. 1, I 569. ERRORS OF YOUTH, A (IEN'I , I,)MAN who Harlon:l for yrnrs from Nor von" Prow/lum lkrcny, and all Ilia elloclb of holkerel,imi, will, for t l / 4 take of t/offurin-. liti manay, crud 14:01 to all who 'pto(l tho receipt.. Bid dirm,t toils fot mooing tho Pimple remedy bys iiicb 1 / 4 yulfororsriiehiii to profit by' the ettver -111:•1•,i I` 1 4',111 1113 ,0 by :obli es,i lig in pm fret .1011 oti 11 EN )lay 21i,'W0-ly. , 12 embir Street, Nov Vat lc. TO CONSUMPTIVES, Til AdVerina7r, ha' iig been rehtured to health in a f.m• totl.e,byav 3 pinup lo remedy, alto loving sill renal ten el at )c.i.rm with a Perrre lung alloOlon, and that di.a I listase,Contutnption—al anxious to make linown to hi.; fellow eatfroi eta the means of 'cure, To all v. Ito di-he it. he will dund it ropy of the pro diriptiOil il (It et • barge,) It the directions tor pr, iring null n.ing the Fetne, w hick they will Pod n tunic Coat: l'Ott CoIThIIMPTION, ASIIIMA 7 'lino:gowns, etc. The olti pet tit - thin ittl Vet t Pier in bl . ndin 6 . 'the lirescrip• t ion id to the ntllicte.l, and aptend tuturtuat ion which he conceives to bo invaluable; and he hopes ;,‘ et y tattlf• ; will tt y his remedy, as it will root theft nothing. and may prove ii bloating. Partioa whaling the prescription, w ill plen3o address itow..LIDWARD A. WILSON, Kluga . Colpty, N.Y. May 21), Itily.l-Iy,. , - - - Grocery and Provsion Store Skini th irldrotrae - rs . . harin g elisFel the Fleur,g . t'ea,l Store lately owned by Charles Van Valkenburg, Main St.; - Wellsbeid, bereby °tido to the public that we have stocked the et)tablithment milli a full assortto toI GROCERIES PROVISIONS, FLO CR ( 5. PEED, which \re Omit di,pot , o of at such pricos as shall permit _us to LIVE AND LET LIVE ! We shall keep first elaF:; SUC AR S, SYRUPS, TEAS, COFFEES, FLOUR, VFED, PORE, FISIT, AND ERUPTS. Cwoo and Een xO4. Proddrc wanted, OBOUGE SMITH, AINARIIS smrrn IVe11:1/..ro, Oz• t. .1, I SWJ SA LB .01? • REA I ,-'..E87 1 4. 1 .11F;r7 IDy of an order of (ho Court of Common Pleas of Tioga County, dated tiep tember 10, 1869, the undersigned Committoo of the parson and estate of Polly Wilson, a Luna tic, will, on Saturday the 30th day of October at 2 o'clock P. Ai., upon the premises, sell at Public Stile, all that lot of land situate in Charleston ToWnship, Tioga County Pa. Bo gioning at a post in the East lino of Warrant :ittrvey, No. 4170, Lying the North-cast corner of Lot No. 2, of the snbdiyisions of said warrant ; and tits North-tatet corner hereof—thence South' 000 tiegi ; West WI rods to a post in said war rant line ; thence North 881 degrees, West, 88/ nab.; to a post, thence North one degree, East, U( rods to a post, thence South 851 degrees; East, Bg/ rods to the place of beginning, con nintf 50 1-10 acres. Terms Cash. IRA JOUNSTON, Committeo. Oct. t, 1880 NOTICE.,--Wc the undereigned.agree to close our STORES on and alter tho first. of uctober ISM), up to the first day of April 1870, at S o'clock P. 'lll. (Signed ) O. Bullard it Co. Thomas Bit/ den, L. Bache, Toles & Barker, C. I/. Wilcox. Wilson & Van Valkenburg, • C. B. Roney, B, P. Roberts., Roberts & Bailoy, con. vcri , o & Osgood, John R. Bowen. Wellsburo, Oct. 1, 1860. [NCoIiNITO VW . i' c i4lql NIT Shot lino and Pistol for salo cheap Enquiro at this office of, C. J. VAN GELDER. Oct, 6, 1860. " A. FOLEY MARRIAGES --()-- ;%.}. 3E3 I InErelflifiY3ry • ' 1[1.9.8. romov.ea,bis goods to tho New Store. in Wright do Bailey's Block, second door oast of Soars' Saloon. ' Lois of Nov Goods, nst received, - comprising' every thing usually !carit in a • 1111 Y GOODS STORET ' So i V8' 1 04444 . 6 +AA '' *U 11 1 Yielley PPP I t9 7 bas.gono.*iLli li4goods;' • E Consiaing,p;if everything,. ..: Including old women's hoods. • • Dry Goods, Groceries, , Crocker)-, - hardware, .Boots 111,c1 .Islloes., and nn cndles!s varibtrof SO-FORTIS, hat is usually found ,in a jirst-class country EMI Thanking my, patrons for their very liberal patronage-heretofore, I propose to attend strictly to business in,fatard and sell all the goods I,poa. stbly can. - So eall in' and 'o'co Sept. 22, l' 09- KELLEY. ißisurance Agency. WELLSBORO, PA Cash Capital over $20,000,000. 'FIRST-CLASS CO'S-NONE BETTER. , RATES. AS LOW as any good Companies will take. Policies on dwellings and farm property written at this office, and delivered on puvient of premium. Arc 'oat, Insured ! It costs but littlo,,purticularly to insure citron ings, farm properly, and ' contents. Detached deellings and farm property insured for 3 years for ono per rectum and expense of policy, tte. A house, detached :100 or 'more insured -for $lOOO for 3 years, at an expense of $11,50. Only $3,83? c a year! Small tax—good thing in cost tf fire. Furniture, provisions, bedding &c., at the same rates. There is no excuse, Everyone Should be Insured If not with me, Smith dc•Merrieyll do it just as cheap, and ju.4l, as w6ll. (Gratis, gentlemen.) I should bo glad however, to befriend enough in this manner to pay for advertising. :Hy O. I, MITCHELL. Wellsh'oro, Sept. 22, ISIIO-tf. DZCIoNNT f rilLeilt. ! rlllienP ''',/1 1 hiiiigs is' :' Aiiii• I ~.4 EVERY thing is Mvejy,,ond ,the, unser biped depends from sublinidnltitude. You will PletiAO‘'Obser*e; ; ; • that the best pnturcd man in Town having no tic :d wants 'of the public, and having bouw tifuliy supplilhimself with almost ,everything wins hi this wor tic tit ritrtirie to lippettse them; now benevolent y proposes to open the whole be fore the people, and say to all; gld acid young, MAO: a„d white, rich and pour, CI 41 MI 111 43 You pay your Miney and you take y'ou► choice. Don't stand out in tho cold exposod to tho el• etnents and to tho Sting of the neighbors bees, but pull the latch string, it is'alwaysout in bus.- iness hours, tto. ENTER ! The large hearted proprietor, or his urbane good natured clerk will conduct you, as it were through a GARDEN ; filled with ra'i•h i ng dtlights Est. A GAII,DEINT. SPICE iu which, every thing 8144ifioni a Nutmeg to mYonrie pep per may be soon, aad,pri t ieurep," r • 2,1, A GAlti)El\t' OF SWEETS,in which ev ery variety of Saccharin° delights, both solid and liquid may be had by the Wok, potind or gallon, and of i.11.:11 flavor and complexion as will make every °chi ' wtet tooth in your head fairly j•inip with dolight. Should you bo pomologi eally inclined, this humane individual will con. duct you into a CARDEN OF FRUITS, in which almost ev ery variety of lascittut things to, be found gath ered from the four quarters of the globe, will be shown to satisfy your largest longings. Oranges from Cuba, Lemons , from Florida, Prunes from Turkey, Raisins from Malaga, Currants from the Grecian Archipelago; Poaches driod and cann ed along with a groat 'variety of Canned Fruits from the Jerseys; Dates from Syria, and Figs from Asia Al inor. Ne - ond to the supply of ovory species of NUTS from 3 Continents. TIIE TEA GARDEN-will next command your attention; , the warm doooction of theDhina leaf and the'Java bean have become ,ahnost,uni orsal beverages, and if not swallowed too hot or to strong, the mild 6On:talents aro esteemed as eminently promotive of comfort and sociality.— What compiny of elderly ladies could over part in kaco without thorn ? Now your friend the GARDNER, will bo most happy to show you all this. Ho will ask yoti politely to look at his Toa. You - are Welcome to try every chest and see if GUN POWDER, Souchong GREEN; HYSON,which flavor you like, but of all tho other stylus whose jaw cracicing names would ho dangerous to pronounce, COFFEES, in every style,,ditto, ditto, ditto. Furthermore, The beneficent proprietor of this mammoth es tablishment—out of sheer good will, and if you will believe him 'for no other motive than your interest and his, has at vast expense established at the same place an immense depot of Provis ions, consisting of Flour, Pork, Lard, Codfish, White Fish; Sword Fish, &c., &c. • Meal, Hams, Butter, Trout, Blue Fish, Halibut, &c., &c. All of which he intends to sell at a profity on the principle of "live and let live." 110 generally proposes also to receive in exchange nil the pro ducts of your fargi atiff dairies,anft leis - Said con fidentially to the public, that ho never refuses cash. • Tho' it irks him wretchedly to keep it. So anxious is ho. that the dear people should want nettling whatever that money can buy of Wellshoro, Juno 16, ISO STATE NCIXiDIAL SCHOOL, MANSFIELD, PENNSYLVANIA. MIIE next term of this' Institution will com l. mance Wednesdny, Sellast, 166 p., , - 1 For Cataloguesaithiress' Ver- I'll, Mansfield, Tioga County Fa. tnly 7, 1369-tl. El/clam - 1 Societg.' f_U H £ Annual Fair of tho Elkland 'Union Agricnltutal SoCiety will be held on, tho grounds at the CuMpany, at Elkland, on the:. 14th,-15 and 11th day S, of October 1869, $6OO in premiums and purses. I, R.'l'. WOOD,'See'y. For Sale. . , HOTEL and lot, known as tho Royston° ,L-1 Hotel in Elkland Boro, is offered for sale upon reasonable terms. For particulars, en quire of the subscriber at Elkland, Pa. Sept. 29, 1869-6 E. 1' It. T. WOOD. LAST NOTICE.—aII persons having unsettled saw bills with us, will please call at J. R. liowen's storo and settle at onoo, either by cash or noto.TRUMAN tt BOWEN: Sept. 20,1869-3 Y; • ' ' MEiM= GFOCery , AND PROVISION STORE, In Mozart . Block, let door below Converse (E•• Os '. 0 ; good's _Dry 90004 Store. c oi i, o t o Johri 11. Rico If you' wAot to got mom good'Rioo, Only ono ,shilliniPor pound; B u t yob 101 not find whiskoy or wino, N or an othcr ,jonipound„; ? But TO'aaj,Teasi of the vOfty• host, ' ' Hero yourwill IlmVa largo hiWn'inotit v Cloves, cinuatoop and candy,' _ , Hero you svolllrlaloverythlng handy. Flptr, Flyur, of e'14,5% grttde and kind, And prices to suit all mankind; s o ib ero • be no grumbling, lo ibel4rrelsitt had mill will Go filiabling, -t• , 1 Crackers, Thipcco aid Mispice i „ Dried Beat and Sugar-cured Ilttrite; If I sell to you once I can twice, So call:in Woman and man: =II So giro me a call both great and small, And I will try to,suit you all; But if you ¶Oll irishere by chance, Do not forget to bring a few stamps, ;' Keroamie DA and ilitegar. doleman's Mustard and Ginger; And Soap the best at ten cents a bar, And lino Salt for, butter, tho best by far Hero is wh ro you will find, Brown's (I Les Cleaning Polish, - - That will st until everything is demolished August 2., 1869-tf. KEYSTONE STOREY. ;liillmor is Long a-Coming! AND sow pooplo begin, to boo faith in tho promo of ecot iti mo and harvest. In view of this fact ; invo concluded to hurry up the season by stook ng their shelves and counters with a wisely so• octed ens superibr lot or SUABIER _ThRtSS GOODS, Silks, LinenS, Hosiery, Gloves, Em broidfries, Poplins, Lawns, Percales, Pignas, &c.; &c., Domeities, Sheetings, Shillings, Sum '.finer Clothing, Ladies Shoes, &e. We stall ?01l as low as anybody, and give yot good. (bode. rustne 16, 1S 69 BIJLI,AIiD , • • NOW SUMMER GOODS. WOULD Fay to their friends and the public generally, that they are now receiving a splendid assortment of summer MEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, PRINTS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VEST- - READY MADE CLO THING, lIATS --- &-CAPS, BOOTS AND SIIOES, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, WOODEN WARIJ STONE WARE, KERO SENEI OIL, PAINTS & OILS,' SUGARS, TEAS, 'COFFEES, We nro ilple to otter our customers the benefit of tho in the Now York Market, our Stock having been purchased slue° the great decline in Goods. L. GARDNER M=MM=l 419hn, H. Rice's WELLSBORO, PA. Bullard, er. Co., comprising a variety of together with a fine lot of r . . ~ Tan & BARKER, (NO. 5, LikVION: BLOCK.) DRY GOODS, such as algo a largo and well selected stool: of SYRUPS, MOLASSES, ETC,. ETC., ETO, LAST DECLINE OF PRICES TOLLS it BARKER Wollsboro, Juno 10, 1860. ROV 9 S Cholera Drops ! This medicine is qiiite dif ferent from .all other preptira tions called till LEI A It i 5 an unfailing remedy for , , disorders of the bowels. SOLD BY DR,UGGISTS AT 50 ors PER B 0 TTLE, Wellsborp, July, 48,186,97-1 y For Rent. FFE houso ;and loOttoisin- as the "Simpson T Property" corner of Pearl street, •end First avenue. Apply to MUGU- YOUNG. Sept. 29, 4w. A. M. INGHAM. M. D., HOMOEOPATHIST, office at his residenoo on tho Avenuo. Wellabor°, Aug. 25th 186.9—tf. REGULATOR, Here' We Are Agidn! XIIANKFUL for the favors we have thus far I received from the I)cteple of THE TIOGA VALLEY, we wish to call their attentioi to the fact that wo are just receiving a 1111•111N1 adapted to tho early Fall Trade, comprising ev erything desirablo, both in style and quality, and shall be pleased to see our old customers and all who may come from that vicinity to ,CORNINGI to buy BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, as we always gilio customers from a distance A LARGE DISCOUNT ON PRICES, we thus make it for their interest to come to us to make tliqir port:buses, RS many poop e in that region will testify. We do not believe in long advertisements, displaying long lists of prices, , but will convince all who come that we can, and (In sell S Call and take aloak through Our immense stock and satisfy yourselves. Corning, Sept 8, 1819 NEW SPRING GOODS AT the PEOPLES' STORE I F you Sint-tto best AMERICAN PRINTS in inaulcet, for 12i - eentsper.. yard, and other Goods in proportion. Tf you want any • I" by the yard Or t wade to oral} is tho !nost ap proved sfylo. If you wont any; call whore you can find 70 rolls to select from.— In short, if you want anything in FOREIGN & DOMESTIC GOODS, where prices aro uniform and low, whore honesty and fair dealing is_the motto; and if you want II It t 1 P S, CORNING. N. Y. New Stock of Goods DRY GOODS, CROCKERY, Carpels, &c., &c., GOODS CHEAP, that. this Store is, in reality TIAE REGULATOR for this section of country NEWELL & OWEN CORNING, N. Y Dress Goods or Shawls IC you want any Cloths or Cassimeres, Carpets, at the lowest prices. Call at the PEOPLES' STORE, rzg irrim.a., 25 per cent less than you can buy elsewhere, call on tho agents of the GREAT C. S. TEA COMPANY and ho convinced, Como and see for yourselves. Storo directly opposite the Dickinson Mouse. ' SMITH & WAITE Corning, March al, 1869. WANTED—TWO GOOD, stoady journey men Shootuakors, to whom constant em ployment will be givon. Apply to 1 . 1. B, SMITH, Blossburg, ISopt. 15,1869-20 L a Thi4 space was sold I to .lathers, but ow ing to the rush of bu siness 1w cannot use it. MC Fresh fiends Received Weekly Dry Goods Fresh Groceries CROCKERY: waCDON Hats ; And Caps. lio it rettiimtbere , l, that Converse & Osgood keep constantly on hand a large stock of genera MERCHANDIZE. GOODS AS .REPRESENTED. NOT TO BE UNDALSOLD jan.d, 1.81;8.-Iy. OONVERISE Sr, OSGOOD WATCHES •-• „- • - _ 3 M t \WMILM 8 / The undersigned would respectfully inform ha citi7ens of Tioga and vicinity that ho has ult opened a Waicli and Jewelry establiihment in Borden's Drug Storo, and is prepared to execute all w•dors in his line of business with despatch and in the best of man- ALL WORK WARRANTED. S.' WIL Tioga, Feb. 21, 1869.—tf. EAST CHARLESTON WOOL CARDINO. HAVING purchased the wool carding works of Mott ..t• Whitney, the subscribors are now prepared to card wool intp rolls promptly and in the best manner. Persons coming from a distance, rind wishing to carry thoir rolls home with them, the same day will be accommodated. The chargo for carding is based upon the weight of the rolls, and not upon that of the crude wool. Satisfaction guaranteed. We have a first-class machine and plenty of power to drive it. July 27, .11'869-4in 3Folvilaco -3Pic)istet ORGANS AND MELODEONS, Folt sale by I. O. HOYT. Haines Brother: Pianos, Cliickerings, Steinways, and Stock's Ilinlermistor's Organs and Melodeons, and Mn son Jr, llatelin's Organ. Those are all first- , "'" Instruments. Having the experience of years in Musical Instruments, and ` 6 same, I can offer greater imitteerue- W ""- mars of Tioga County the', mn Aber dealer in Northoin Pa. Every instru,.,ent is warranted ,ieulars see Illnstrat for five years. Vor full pv' I. G. HOYT. ed Catalogue. Mansfield . , P a ., Apron 3, lBB9—ly ,seate Street Lots. Al.. CONS having laid off his land on „ Stato Street into town lots now. offers thorn for sato on reasonablo terms. .Wellsboro, April 28, 1869. Executor's .Notice ETTERS TESTAMENTAY having boon T gVanted upon the estate of Vine DePui, Into of Tiogn Ttvp., deo'd, all persons indebted to, or claiming against said estate, will settle with ELIZA DEPTH, Tiogn, Sept. 8.,1869-6tt Executrix. • General EU ion Proclamation. WHEREAS, by an act of the (lonorat Assembly of , the Commonwealth of Penneyl=llB,l this "An act to regulate the 4 deberal Elections of thia Com. monwcalth," enacted on the 24 day of July, 1839, it is enjoined km me to give public notice. what oMcera are to be electe4--thoneforo I, JEROMB B. poivEw in g i„ Sheriff of Tioga county, do hereby make knownand give this public) notico to the - Electors of Tioga County, hat to General Election will' bo held n thrctooh ilm o in u a t the e fcounty on the 2d Tuesday of October ex twelfth day thereof, at the BOVet al districts w than tau • county, namely: Moss, Union schoolhouse. Brookfield, South Road school house. Charleston ;Dant Settlement school home. Clymer,Sabinvillo school house. ' Chatham, at the Chatham Center school house, Covington, hotel of Samuel Riff. Covington Borough, hotel of Samuel Rif. Belmar, at the Court House. Deerfield, Cowanesque House, Ira Wagner. Elltland Borough, Bonnet Hotel. Elk, at the Smith school house, Fall Brook Borough, Fallow school Longo. Farmington, house of Peter ]Mowry, deceased. Gains, IL C. Vermilyca'i. Jackson, laouso of O. milton. Knox, illelberougb, Eahle Must!. Lawrence, Slosson's Hotel. Lawrence Borough, Slossou'a Hotel. Liberty, Shafter,s lintel. Mansfield Borough,Model school honsq. hlainiiturg Borough, P.Doud's Hotel. Middlebury, 11011tdaytowu school house. Morris, house of Geo. Crist. Nelson, house of Charles Goodrich. Oceola, Dutch- Richniond, Methodist qlirircit. Rutland, house of Elnihr Backer. Sullivan, I'. Doud'a Hutch Shippon, Big Meadow school house, Taiga, E. S. Farr's Hotel. Tloga Borough, E. S. Fart's Rotel. - - Wellsboro, at the Court (louse. Westfield, E.G. Hull's Hotel. • Westfield, E.G. Hotel. Ward, lams° of William L. Thomas. Union, house ofJohn Irvine. At whicu time and places the following named State, Diets ict, and County officers are to be elected: One person for Governor Cl the Comomnwealtb. One Person for Judge ut the Supreme Court of the Commonwealth. Tao peiSOUS to represent Tioga and Potter counties in) the General Assembly.' Ono person for Prothonotary of Tioga connty;: - _ Oat: person for Register and Recorder ofTiogn county. One person for Treasurer of Tioga county. One person for Commissioner of Tioga county' vireo persons for Auditors of Tioga county. Ono person for Coroner of Tioga county. And township and ,borough oflicers for the several townships and boroughs of Tioga county. It is lurther directed that the meeting of tho Return Judges at tho Court House, Wellsboro. to make out the general tuturns, shall by on the lint Friday succeed Lug the said election, that being the li.th day of October.-, I am by , Said act further directed to give notice that every person, except Juiftices of the Peace, mho shall hold wilco or appointments of trust or pt °fit under thO go‘ernuient ut tile Cnited S.bites, or of this State, or of ,my city or incorportcd district, whether a commis sioned oilicer or otherwise; a subordinate officer or who is or V. ho'shall be employed under the leg adative, executive ur judiciary departments of this State, or of any incorporated district; and also that. every member of Congress, and ot tho select or common council of any city, commissioners of any incorporated district, is by law incapable ut holding or exerctsiug at the sumo time the omen or appointment of judge, in spector, or clerk of any election of this Commonwealth, and that no inspector, judge, or any other officer of any ditch election shall be eligible to any unite tbeu to Le— voted fur. In accordance with the act of Annemely, of March 11611, regulating the manner of voting at all elections, I tanner state tor the intoimation of voters that all. State alters will be voted for on a single slip of paper labeled " State;"- - and all county officers', including members of Assembly, willbo voted for on a seperate ballot, and labeled "County;" and all towuship and borough offices %%Maw voted for on a seperato ballot, labeled •`Township, l or "Ilmongh." each class to be de pc,elted in seperato balloe-bo x en. Fur instructions in tegatd to the organization of boards of election, etc., see act o f Assembly of 2d July. 1839, pamphlet laws, page 211 ; likewise contained in a P ractle '" i g est of the election lawn of this Common wealth, furnished a c t iet es ery_placo of holding general elections, page SO, Given "der lily hand at Wellsborough, this 2d day of Septembei, labo, J. B. POTTER, Sheriff. i.~I -~ "I IMI MOORE 41.: BACON A. B. EASTMAN, IIENTIST ( 5 j; • • IVELLSBORO, PA Artificial teeth from one to an entire set insert ed at short notice on any plate desired. Teeth extracted without pain—proved by scores of viitnosses, at the office. Special atten tion given to the treatment and filling of the natural teet i h. All work warranted at "live and lot live prices." July 28, 1569. Great Improvement in Densistry. rAm IIAVIN(1 purchased the exclu tc,Sl.-..,.*=^1-- sive right of Dr. Folsom's Im -7•111.11111 proved patent Atmospheric Dental Plates for Tioga County. I , now take pleasure in offering it to the public ns the greatest pis covanY yet made in Mechanical Dentistry. . llytho 1160 of whieb, we can ofOrcorao any any and all difficulties which have heretofore baffled the skill of the most practioal Dentist in the world. Plates constructed upon this plan re main perfectly firm under all circumstances or condition of the mouth, as no air, or particles. of food can possiblyget under them. Those having old styles, Gold or Rubber Plates, can, at half the cost, have the Improvement applied to them answoringin every . respect the same purpose as as a now fset. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed in every case. C. N. DARTT, Dentist. Wellsboro, Juno 9, 1869. This Is to certify that we aro now using the Improv ed Dental Plates Midi perfect satisfaction. having used the old style of plates for yearswith all the troubles and inconveniences known in the use of such plates, we diem folly recommend the improved Plates as far superior to anything yet known. 1L lt, KIMBALL. CHAS, WILLIAMS. CARRIAGE MAILING. - UNDERSION . ED still continues tho j. Carriage business at his old stand on Alain street, near the Academy, where manufacturing and revailing will be promptly done and satis faction guarranteed. The e BLACKSMITH DEBARMENT Will bo conducted by Illr. P. 0. LYON, who has had many yeara experience in the business, and will give perfect satisfaction to all in learriage Ironing, Horse Shoeing, Repairing, &e. Particular attention given to .1101.50-shoeing. All work warranted. 11 W. DAWIT. Wellsboro, July 11, House LO for• Sale AGOOD House and barn, on a lot of two acres, within ten minutes walk of the Court House, Wellsboro, is .offered for Ale. In quire of John I. Mitchell, Esq., AVollF,boro. • Aug. 25, 3.860-tf.- SASH;-DOORS. BLINDS. AT FACTORY PRICES: lii:ays on hand or furnished to order, at 07iJER TS & BAILEY S Hardware Stove, 16 cllsLoro. August 15,1809. rpo DEBTORS.—AII persons indebted to me j_ are requested to call and settle at once: All accounts with me 'before the new firm was formed must be closedup without delay. WILLIAItI ROBERTS. Wellsboro, Aug. 25, 1569, a WM. H. ARNISTIZOING Armstrong St' Linn, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, WILLIAMSPORT, PENN'A Aug. 4,1809-1 y Jno. w. Adams, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR-AT.LAW, Mansfield, Tioga county, Pa. Co !Notions [Dept.promptly attended to. [Dept . 1,18694 Freedom Mice THIS is to certify that I havo girep my son Chas. A, st ee aas the remainder of his mi nurity and that he is free to transact btr4ness for himself, I a Nitt claim none of his ettenings or pay no d e hfs of his contracting after this date. .CHAS. STEVENS. I voilsbero, Sept. 22, 1669 Estray ("SAME to t 3 he premises of the subscriber about WI L ) tho firsts of August, ult., n RED CALF, about 6 months old. The owner is requested to reclaim the same and pay charges. LIMES CRITTENDEN. Charleston, Sept. l, 1869-31. CASH Paid FOR HIDES, by M. A. DURIF. 1401)3)30r°, Deo. 16, 1868.—tf Application for Pardon. 1 tJBLIC notice is beroby given that an appli cation for a pardon from the sentence int posod upon me by the Court of Quarter Seasons, on the 3d day of June lest will be made to His, Excellency John W. Geary, Governor of thy' Commonwealth of Ponn'a. on the first. day October next. GEO. W. GOODALT/ Welleboro, Sept. 22, 1889-3 w. • II 1111 No. 13, MAIN STREET, I=l