the agitatoir. W ELLBBORO • ii.o Kw 'A WEDNESDAY, OCT. 11, 1869 Republican Noinim -YOU OUVEUNOR-: GEN. JOHN W. GE t kRY, CoUNIS. -FUR JUDUR OF THE 1.11 , 11 E lit: coIIRT HON. H. W. WILLIAMS; =6 COUNTY: ( 8., R. STRANtI, Assembly. 13, B. NILES. ( (subject to-chotee of Conference.) Prothonolnly—Ltnov TAnoa, of Charleston. Register, .Le.—D. L. DRANK, of Delmar. Treasurer—DAVlD CAol:itoN, of Tiot.a. Commissioner—P. V. VANNEss, of" Vutiand. - (3 years—lsnAtr, SToNu, Ikeltnar. A oiliters 2 years—S. B. pri [ j.ipq,Vekficad. 1 year—l). K. MAnsti. Coroner—Dr. A. J. 11nonty, Oceofa. Election Tuesday October 12. LOOK OUT FOR YOUR TICK ETS , Put none but STRAIGHT RE PUB 1 - ,ICAN TICKET N EN on guard. Trust none other with the custody of the tickets on election day. Beware of tricks by Democrats and bolters. See that no Republican trades to sWelt any candidate's vote. Leroy Tabor wants every Republic - an to vote for Gerry and 'Williams. Get out every- vote. Give net Tuesday to your country—give ev ery working hour to your country. . (eep one-third of your tickets in re ser 'e, until wanted. Watch out. Set your challengers at the polls.and keep thew there until the polls el&-al. Let none hilt legal voters vote. Let us all be active and vigilant. On Friday evening, 21(h inst., Mr. John F. - Donalilson was at Illossburg buying whisky for the crowd in the lintel bar-room, until midnight. We turn, :14 ever, protest, against this mode of electioneering, anti invite the voters who do not belivve in stub irregulari ties to retnetnig iL on the becond `Plies day in (7eohyr. We forbear further revelation., and respectfully ask the re putable r rtion of his adherents to probe the matter to the hot tom. Aa for tickets, good people, there are to" he several sorts. First—there is the ticket at the head of this column, the regular, straight Republican ticket, Which we commendto all Republicans. Nvery man on it is worthy and_ well qualified- Then (here is the straight hemoeralie tiel:(4," Mom Packer down, with Donaldson for Prot honotary. Then you may expect to see another ticket tegular Republican;•avitthesuhstitution of Donaldson for Tabor, for Prothono- , tary, and Cox, for Cameron, for Treas urer. Then look for another ticket os tensibly regular Republican, with Don itidson's tonne in place of. Talbot's. Then loot: for another ostem•ibly regu lar Itepublienn ticket, with Cox's name in phwe of Cameron's. h4t, the man who Idly out the regular Ileket at the head of this and b se is it to de tect pious - frauds, will not be deceived. "ri y I il. Mr. Donaldson on Monday exhibited to us receipts from the Auditor Cyn -1 eral l'n settlement of his State taxes for 18117- ,'.ti``and a; receipt for $:150 on ae co/u/(, tor 1869. These receipts are for moneys paid over by Mr. Donaldson /-inee the charges ofdefault were made ; and hear date of September 1510. Mr. I)•, therefore, has s'inply made a virtue of necessity in p: , ing over ; dud the date of receipts so far from disproving the ehargo of default, completely ins iffy it, and do not vindicate him. But, if Mr. D. had the State moneys on hand, What was he about that he did not pay the dues for 1.567-S until . last month'.' If not on hand, who had ~_ the use of those moneys for two years ? 13ut tie reply is made to our charge that Mr. Donaldson holds, Aill, up ward (of :i':'10,000 of surplus fees due file Commonwealth, as appears by the ree -ords. Nor does. Mr. D. explain why the Bingham Estate, Joel Parkhurst, t _and other wealthy parties, appear as his debtors on the dockets for twenty years past—and this in face of the fact that those partichavo always paid up promptly. Until Air. 1). clears up•this gravest of charges he - stands a defaulter to the State, and in the light of one who has refused to perfect the record, that he might enjoy the public moneys without hindrance. Republicans, Asa-Packer, Dem4ratic candidate for Governor, is reputed worth :.. 4 :20,000,00u. The rich, according to all rules of justice, and right, ought to pay their proportion of the taxes. Vet it is charged by the Mauch Chunk Gazdle published at his home, that 11 of millions has refused to pay his taxes, as assessed, rince MO. That paper vouches for the-truth of the statement, touching the model Democratic candi Mute for Governor of Pennsylvania : In the }air ISC.7 taxes tiere usFessed upon hi properly,cstintato/ I.y the .I,sessor at ti'l,l2s,: ) , ns Rillow a For Stata tax ....... For special Stat., t. 11: Vol - borough ta% ..... For school to.v. ...... For county tax. For poor la FEE Porn man who reprcectitS hitusell to evezybocly hut the A, ,. sessor . , as worth taenty thiF Woe eoioly not .an exorbitant estimate ,t his property. But ho refused to pay it and had him self assessed in Philadelphia. Suit was brought against him and it cost the county some $2,000 1 to collect it. Fines that date, 1567, Packer has paid no 'personal tax in Carbon county. To es ,ape doing co, ho had himself regularly assessed in Philadelphia, though his wife and falnily M— aid() at Mauch Chunk, But the history does not end here. Mr. Packer had himself assessed in. Philadelphia, it is true, but fur how much, think you.reade'r ? Now his as seasment by the Mauch chtcrik assessor amounted to $1,153,435 valuation, of which $2T),000 was real estate; leaving a valuation of $1,128,385, personalty, , upon which the above tax was levied. His return to the Philadelphia assessor was as follows for personal property : Mortgages ............. ....... $5,00 Money on interest ........................... 8,500 Salary as Vico President L.V. R, 11.„ ..... 5,500 - Two gold watches.— ........................... spo Total A difference of rather more th„„ a million of dollars,•ns will be Be eti ._ I worse than this remains to he leffl,'fy; witness the following front the same • paper quoted above,: "But worse than all, this eltazt ' lpio» of Penn , sylvania Demeerney, this ' Prideof mt. N'alloy,' notwithstanding that he has pretend(./, for Iho last throe years, to regard Philadelphia as his home, has not paid one cent of fazes them, and sinc e th e y ear 1!4;l - , %Atli lowed to pay, has 0141 no personal tams twee. Sievc he per: , izted itt accounting himself it Pitilatkipliittit, thy •ittlicera hero concluded the :meeee'ding ), - lar not to tattitt•st the matter again at so grvat a t•iwt, but h , let Lint pay in PhilndrlpLj The result lota lo_en that for ISGS and I 569, he bits evaded payment on his persimally altog,it bey ! We hat ono space for comment ‘ltud nentv,O. needed," ationi: Of course, comment is unnecessary. For here is a man Of millions, and a Democratic candidate for Governor of this Commonwealth, who refuses to bear his proportion of the burdens of 'of local taxation. Wasit not last `.lllll : that the orators of that party went, &Tut, the country ,howling beea . %se the poor men had to pay all the taxes \Vell, if all rich men sneak out if it as does Mr. Packer, the burden must of cottrge fall upon somebody—upon the honest small proprietors. Oils man Packer has a reputation. for diqniting with the tax collector, it is charged. No good eiti ',Zen does that sort, of business, either iu pennsylvaii in or elsewhere. After this exhibit, if any man votes for Asa Pack er, let him hold his peace about the burden of taxation. lie woti', do for Governor. We are informed by two unimpeacha ble witnesses, that ('en. Cox stated hi a pul3lie meeting at Liberty, on the of September, evening, that he 'never aut . /Joel:6W the (mutat/leer/len - (1/ his namc in this paper w; effnantote. ,for sin re( to the di (2/:1 on of the .ficpublivan Convention ; awl that he knew nothnig of said announeeinent until he saw iL in the pager. NoN% - we distinctly state that, (;en. Cox, - over Ilk own signature, (lid, in .May Lost, ri /prefr./ 0:: /0 amamnee him, (03 a cant/Waif /•o,r 7'ecaso/./ r, :r111)if if /0 th( dee b•io/1 N . lb , : lie toll To atonoureko the nano. of any man for :not hority., i4oinellting never yet dine Moreover, 1 !en. CON h . Nt 01111 hint when he made- the ,Inlement allinied to, that lie orderer! the announcement or+•l• lois own signature. eau we «lake Carr weaning clearer (or NI ill lie deny loiri ron hatool'(‘( . l Hog? l'erlouks his nu•uwry will s.Ol Vc• lino to, to rater of moor!! iro pert:tonal wlr[•ro nu•n denied their• IK-ln• prepared to deny that he wrote a letter• to tis in Meatm bile we sehmit the fiFlltm•ing copy,or a fetter written by /len. Cox to P. I Loveland, 1 0 .41., Elkland, in tlae lieneral's own hand Writing ' :IS we can ea,ily emough Prove. Head: " lan'rari 1, A lig. " P. t:• hear Rriend -- 1"ou1:.,1 7th , i jma (ad% I liast4 to reply and will htv that. 1 have lint 1101.111kt] neither 11.1 I Intl:Till tining, an intinptlittent Candi (into for County Tremaner at the Coming .I•Aee -tion\, tin re i , un pfa:Mi that can gay they ever he:gild toe S:ar float 1 auuld lit a. Clttiilidato. Nat - xvithatamli ng 1 consider that I wag \\ilfufly and intentionally e.iingeil out of' the nominal ion at Our late Convotitinit, Carron a clear inaiiitily 4,r Nine voloi onlioet 1,1141 ;.;4,4•01141 ; h o t l imit? to the prOpir t1,,1 1 eq 10 0.111111 . 011, I intend to abide by it, being' fully Sat , M .1 that all will C"IIIV light itt Ihg PIA 1 alit 1e:111.011111Y lout:, Se., IL C. CitX." —There is the acknowl edgment that hi, aid authorize and re- quest. the announcement of his candi dacy, stihieet to•the deeision of the Ile . NfilWe Genera/ deny he sent a letter to us, re questing us to so announce his name? After this shameful falsehood and du plicity we feel free to say, that no man so rockless of his word ought to be en trusted with the eontrol and custody of the public nioneys. We have refrained front an attack upon (leneral Cox, an old personal friend, up to this Otime; but neither lie nor any other man, friend or foe, shall publish such fraudA without rebuke. And Gen. Cox's statement that he had a clear majoi ity of nine, first and second choices; in the Convention, is as ridiculously void of truth as the statement We refute__ by publishing his letter -to Mr. Loveland Neither Cameron nor ('ox had delegates enough instruered Vor them to nomi nate either. The result turned upon I the preferences of uninstructed dele gates ;\ and after the foregoing exhibit we ti ieve that most reasonable men will agree with us that the Convention did well in selecting Cameron. Republicans, on the :KIM day of No vember, tOe debt of this State Was 537,937,788,2.4. A'rom that time until 1861,the Democratic party bad the con trol of the State Government in its own handl Though twice lospig the Gov ernor, they had the legislative branch of the Government always, either by the House or the Senate, or both: But when Curtin took his scat as Governor the debt was been increased a trifle during the if years named under Democratic rule. On the :loth of last November, after eight - years of Republican rule; the State debt was And that is the ditllarence between Republican and Democratic rule. Sub tract the debt last November from that of 18(10, and you have the total reduc tion of tile debt. Any boy Can do it. Beside: this, the Slate Treasurer ad vertises to pay another million this fall; whenthc debt will stand—s3l,! The misguided men who are in this county seeking to array the I,vort,t; ele ments of society against the friends of law and order, may take "warning of the calamity they invite upon their own heads. It they read history—and some of them do--they may discover the unchangeable law :which controls social action and reaction. When re putabje men seek out, and use for sel fish c intrposes, the demoralized and abandoned on teftStS of society, there comes a day when they will find them selves enslaved l,y their hose tools, and defiled as by Pitch. Hut '" whom the gods would desti:oy they first make mod.'' There is sue Na thing as stoop -ing so low down th't the victim can never straighten his back again and Stand erect among hottoralll e , men. ,;• . , 9 '. 470 , ; . b7,17 ItErouLicANs, your carelessness de feated :Judge Will iams in 1867, amt gave the Democrats a majority on the Su preme Bench. - Sharswood, Democrat, de6ided the Registry law of 1868 uncon stitutional; :up thus Coffee-pot Wal lace was enabled to vote some thous ands of repeaters and ruffians in Phila delphia last year. Judge Williams-is again in-the field on the Republican ticket. Shall any Republican se acti that the reproach of 1(,500 1887 shall be fastened upon us in 1869 * ? Judge Williams is a man whose abil ity is unquestioned. His opponent is merely a. politician, without:_reference to Justice and right. • HALLEMI4 AlL!(!taut and Bout - well made a (ILieent upon the gold gatu- lei.a,of Wall Stteet tai Friday week—midi:ea the high-priests of Democracy to the wall. They were combined to depress government howls by raising the price of gold ; and by noon, by a series of bold operations, the gamblers had carried gold up to l(7. Just then a despatch came over the wires from 'Washington with orders to sell $4 L 000,000 of gold, and to place $lO,- 000,000 on foreign account. - Down went gold" to 133 in live minutes, carrying with it a dozen of the heaviest brokers and gamblers in the city. Wq only ro gret that, it is not legal to hang the NVall Street gamblers without the for mality of a trial. They combine to unsettle values and cause thiancial dis tress. Let Grant keep on, and the dig :reputable business of gold gambling ;wilt he broken up. Huzza for (,rant.! X-PAYEIIS, Asa Packer, the - man millions, returned and paid as in come tax for 1865, the HUM of $8,94 ! The U. S. Collector for that' Distriet certifies that this was Packer's oitly re turn. ' lie refused to lend any of his millions to the Government when it was being warred s upon by the Demo crats of the Southi. He refused to pay his local taxes last year, and paid no tax upon perstnad property at all. And now he refuses to return as income, over and above the $lOOO allowei and ex empted by law, more thin 1',..;177! lle refuses to bear his share of the burdens and then at-it:B work inginen to vote for him, and make him Governor of Penn sylvania. And they won't do it. No, Sir! Marl( it : I\[r. ponithlson did not play over the State tax for 1867 until June 23,1869, and only then when rho ac .eount had been placed in the hands of the Attorney General. Observe, also, that tip to Aiigust 25, 1869, he had not paid any part of t lie State tax for 1868. In fact he only paid on the account of 180 S when it became certain that the Attorney General was about to issue a summons and bring him into court. As a matter of information to the voters of Pioga County we may state, that while the Union Armies were at work putting down the rebellion, Cyrus L. Pershing, Detnoeatic candidtate for .Judge of the Supreme Court, was in tl►e Legislature voting against supplies to carry on the war. That may reco►n nmend hi►n to De►nocrats, hut it certi►iu'- ty ought not to ►nalce him popular with Republicans. Bear in mind that our strictures up On 111 r. Donaldson's manner.of doing business do not relate to the " trifling services" performed for poor men, such as searches, transcripts, etc. Our charge is, that the apparently uncollected fees on the docket are chiefly against rich men, and that the Commonwealth is kept out of its dues thereby. All things considered, we would as soon trust. two 11111Rtie the legui mate earnings of the 7.treasury as any other officials. What say the voters? - During Geary's three years the State (ax on real estate has been abolished, and taxes reduced $7,147,103,92. By this reduction 'Tioga County has been saved the sum of $29,268, or'nearly $lO,- 000 a year. If you don't like that, you can vote . for Packer and return to the old system of taxing every acre of im proved land to carry on the State Gov ernment. How do you like it? . You who are in faVor of doing public business according to law, and of col lecting- and paying Aver to the treasury all moneys belonging to it, can" show that you are in earnest by voting for Leroy Tabor. No public officer, in this county, ever so faithfully guarded the public treasury as did he while sheriff. He is a man whp obeys the law and requires others to obey it. it is fidelity to the common interest against selfish ness and criminal neglect. Which do you want`? Why should not the Bradford Argus (Copperhead) take up the cudgels for the bolters' ticket in Tioga County? Is not the Argus a renegade Republican paper ? And is not Judge Parsons a bolting Republican ? He bolted with McKean S, Co., years ago ; and what was natural as milk to a babe, wont over to the Copperheads when lie was, with his leader, whipped out. Every other Democratic paper in this region is out for the bolters in this coun t,. That is all right. For a few years, we elieve, Mr. Don aldson has been entitled to $2OOO of fees and clerk hire before handing over 50 per centum of any surplus to the State. The surplus fees since 1804 average over $7OO per annum. How may payments on account of surplus fees has Mr. Don aldson made for the last five year.?— Will he show his receipts? A CARD. . [For the Agitator.) AY some slight reward fur set vivisi . oink! ed the country while great petit sun minded it I think Hobert should be eb.ct d to the office of Treasurer.— Ile waB botu in the county, bas heal a citizen And a good one, all his lifetime—and alien rebellion broke Out, and OUT old flag was assailed ho was one of the first men who stepped forward to uphold it. Ile left his home as early as the 21st of April ISCI and was en gaged in the service mostly during the whole war.— Ile won most honorable distinction in the service, was promoted for it, and come home with two stars oh his shoulders. lie brought 'it ith hint the nags of 1118 reg iment, MI riddled With bullets, tattered and torn in the shock of hattlo, and saw them wave front the speak ere' stand at Wellshoro an evidence of the peril they had passed through. Con. Cox Is beloved for his kind ness and bravery by every soldier who served nailer him ' and I think the office of Treasurer but poor pay for such peril and such service. Every patriot, no matter of what party whe truly Elves his country should rally around this bravo soldier. Now is the flume to show that you tippieciato the' services of such men as Oen. Cox. Below I give youth° testimony of the Itrigado Commander published'at the time to show how his superior officers regarded him when he was not a candidate for office:— [Note. The report would occupy more than half Column: and as only that portion of it which alludes to lion. Cox will be of interest, we give that portion, and exclude the balance. It was the battle of April 2, luck'', before Pe,tershorg. En.] Gen. Mathews, In big report to head quarters, says : INIy report will only embrace 'the action of the brig• ado up to 10 A.M. of the 2d inst., ut which time I left the held by order of General Ilartranft on account of sickness, turning over the command of the brigade to C O L R. C. Cox, 2UTth Iteg't Vole. To Col. It. C. Cox, who commanded tho lending regi ment, I ono the entire good success that attended the charge. Foremost among those who scaled the enemy's storks, cheering hie men - by his courage, preparing them to meet the many charges of the enemy to retake their lines, and thus beating them back ..aet t time with heavy losses in killed and wounded. IN is deserving of the highest praise. THE LARGEST EXHIBITION - ON EARTH is COMING-. "t ~ f , . 2.1 % if '4, 0::. - .; '74.* 'AC`...';l:4_, ". , .''. *. J. .. , ‘,-_ -.____ _ _.......,_,. 4.- - -8/ -- ; il e Wtei ; X -,A p.4 4 11 1: .. .i....:` - '''e,y le .._:,,,,,,. qt , e tti ......-,_ . ~, M1.7r 1 7117Vr7T7' , :21 Are tho WRITE BACTRIAN CAMEL; CHETAH hE9PARDS • an epore royal rare of LIONS, LIONESS nod WIIELI43, a TOTE ABYSSINIAN 'ZEBRA ; Tho P BI erforming Am a to; - QUEEN LABIA," and that mor. tid. 4 EiaphantitiOi,4 , ll(kr, thP emalleat and youngeht Calf leer itmnde.l, -TIN TIM:" A SENEGAL SEE VA).; THE TR I 111 EX OF TUE ALPS; A STATELY P ELK TIIE SILKEN FLEECED LAMAS; N A tmll a MONSTER BENGAL TIG I:E. , • r" . _ X 1 RR CONC TAIN),4' • 0- , .0./ > _ . „ 1. TORIWNG SENSATIONALSCENE I Mimi/Ming the dominion ot . ti Faster Man" Over; rutes.' Somethlir , ,* never 1,..f0r0 with( seed in ft state of captivity In this or an) couirry. .7. , /;i4 .r, -1 ~ 11) El 1572 EE=EiMI .. ti rr'.l.7 t, r +, !'>9®, 'k\f, •?. . . 0° - . 'ANN - 6.._1v I ..)) ;,..,N,. MI Will. Exhibit in WELLSI3OIIO, Monday October 11, 1869. 131ASSBURG October 11. YERMILYEA'S October 9. CHAS, CASTLE & CHAS. WHITNEY, Agents A NEW ARRIVAL Of fresh Goods right from the City, qt WlCkliAlti & FAIRWS. WE HAVE NOT time or space to enumerate the different kinds and styles, but would be pleased to all wishing goods, to call and look for themselves. 'WICKHAM A; PARR, Tioga, Sept. 22, 113119. ill ILI. I* VC XI. .0 O. I MR. A. L, MONROE, is tho authorized Agent for Tioga and Potter Counties, to effect insurance in the Wyoming Insurance Company. , Ho will'canvaas the county during the week ex cept Siturdays when he will be found at thp, office of John . I. Mitchell, to attend to all Who may give him a call. A. L. IdONROE. t3ept. 22, 1.609-3m.' THIS MENAGERIE! Is the Largest, Best Var i l e a c U tio l t ln o tl f moat Valuable Callao- Ever coma ntrated in one establishment, I .ES$ DUPLICATIONS ! MORE DIFFERENT AND RARE SPECIES, se lE. m c:,•.A..3C.J1wrxX11,31 a In the Roux will be (blind A friem.and Asia t a , boa African and American Panthers, Ilevitiairdague a , Pam 13, African and Abiatio Leopards, ITyyna, Paeo,s, tlritzly, Black, Brown and China lII,YII Bears, Dangner., Spotty,' Hyenas. Zebus, Camels, Weearies, Kangaroo., libons, Dromedaries., `Volvos, tfiat teltes, 1.11• , :• Jaekals„ INrevy, Pejtearis, Eagles 1 t sr, all kind; Or Carnirerousi Ail NAle and Rich Plowed Foreign and Domestic Birds; mi.l immually aril aasortment of Apes, Bub br•ons, "%ionl,t Lab! utlt rr Minor animals. While to tile DellB of cht3 MONSTERS OF THE FOREST, 1' 1)1 giv , a A Zoological Marvel, A Veritable Tartarian Cow-Allapus 9L" 3E-3E IRil Ci 7181. T_T Ilnn been hi, arritinfeil that none hut VIRSVP-IVLASti A It'llsT Es will beewphsedlnthe FXIIIIU t'lGN;i 1,4 Tim 4ING. IVIA 'LLE JOSEPHINE, ro,rnierc Equebtriennc. MRS. LIBBIE SHOW LES, Venial° florae. Preccptress. MR: , JAMES DEMORREST Principal Equestrian, MR. J. SHOW LES, Antipodian Rider. MR. JAMES HEMMING-S. Thu Equearlan Caw".lio,tro, and expert on filo Running MR. JAMES MAGUIRE, The Best Clown ante age.,, IllcAsrs, ROAR ()UGH'S & BERDEAU, A l'ku I of MIIACIII Grotesquoa. MR. J A IVIEI3 WAMBOLD, The Ai atoodeat Paradox, or MultifarionB Alan M t. JOHN CONKLIN, A cape' for - Mundane and iErtal Performer. V 21.--111; PROCESSION Will %t once allow Low Frtnnsive tho Caravan, Gigantic tho Cintqs. Mammoth the Menagerie R. , my are. b ."C'Mr.l72 C:O3F 11:36-CAIEJX:/, DOP (11, A wItNET A.ND draWn by Ten capansone4. yliNh Crentaili rullY Two Elephants in Crimson Housings, CAMELS AND DROMEDARIES 'a® 033.1E1 Emerald and Gilt, der.irated with Elaborately Paint. ed Viewl3, each ono drawn by MATCHED DAPPLED GREYS ! Etined by Driver. , In full Uniform ; Waving Plumes from each 11 Flavu, Banner.: and 01111 v y US IC and SPISIN bight 1:1 the One, VIII husiasti,• theere lnarkint: 16r conrJo Of rrhe G-orgeous Parade I. whirl, will terminate with an exposition of tile CIRCUS IiETI NUE, will laoudud llorseg. Poulehi and Mules. AN ENTIRE NEW OUTFITI ti 3300.500. ti P.LL COSTLY AND SPLENDID. try 1,1 t tnatlo far the. Second Annual Tour of thls t: rn utt Caravan. TWO IPll 7 llEl'4lt MT.IIII4IVCIES Di%JLY, A I t.j.111.4111 'll 0I E 1 1-.!tmcl P.M. Doer; oprn ~t I :did 1, I ,! ‘,..1, , to Bee all the %-f 'l./70" 4f:2O.I%TICIMIT. ...... CENTS CI; .111 . • , 1.4 ull 1n..1t.r. rENTs Q.:--c_ , _ , NEM FINZA Noticc ALL persons' indebted to D. S. Irolan, jr., will please call and settle; and any person having any claim will please present it for set tlement or forever hold their peace. I expect to leave Covington on the 20th day of October, and any person or persons wishing to go to Raleigh, North Carolina, with me, will please meet me at No. 12, South Wharf, Phil adelphia, on Wednesday the 27th inst., at 4 o'- clock, P. M., at the Steamer. Any person wishing to buy small Lots from to 15 acres, about 5 miles west of Raleigh on the N. C. Railroad and Hillsdale Turnpike, on main traveled road, at which place there is a Station, Store, Meeting house, &c., can be ac commodated by applying to D. S. Irolan, jr., and will assist any ono who wishes to buy a large place. D. L. IRELAN, Jr., Oct. 22;1889-3 t. Covington, Pa. Oder Mill ! A W. POTTER, of Charleston, has erected a Cider mill in Catlin Hollow, and is prepared tb manufacture to order. Bring en your apples—the more the better. A. W. POTTER. Charleston, Sept. 22, 1880-4 w. FOREIGN HILIESTIG DRY CORDS, iit • ,;h l, " • ris• ' \ 10e , E01:14, Or° =• , i'" - i l ,-.- , ih_LEIPA ' 1 . 7 .0... .:!.. ,' ) .4 4 1. 1 ?_:- -3.0 ,.v .. , --=-A --z- ' - ' -.7---,- . - , --r- -- - +' - "nei- ----- -: - .- - -. -- , ..-1.-- -- 1 - -7.--. , r • -. .. - 4 , 1. 4 a. -flovc. Effl •,,se :41 -7 r?" 0 70; N ; A The One Price Cheap Store 2 J. A i PARSONS & CO., ,Etc., Etc., Etc., New Goods Received almost Daily. lAA.V.ING made arrangements to keep a still ‘Larger.Variefx of Lloods than lastimar, and believing Judicious Advertising to be a good investment, intend to use the columns of the AGITATOR more extensively then for the last two years. Our Dry Goods Department is made as attractive by us as possible. We keep a largo stock of all goods saleable that we foci warranted in keeping, and allow no one to undersell us at any time. Aiming to keep the best article for a given price that the Market will afford. No invite all to examine our stock in the DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT. Brown Sheetings, , Bleached Sheetings, Brown Shirtings, Blch'd Pickings, 1 . Checked Skirtings, Striped Skirtings, Pillow Case Cottons, Deniues, blue & brown. We have added to this stock a fine assortmont of LINEN GOODS consisting of Brown Table Linens front 56 cts to $l,OO. Bleached 'fable Linens front 75 cts to $l,OO do $l,OO /0 150. Towelings, Towels, Napkin. & Table Cloths, at a reduction of 25 to 30 per cent from last season pricer DRESS GOODS. We have now in stock, (and aro receiving additions to it nitiost daily) an unusually large and well assorted 13toelc of BLACK SILKS, PRINTED DELAINES, SEEDED DELAINES, SIEGES, AL PACAS, FANCY POPLIN, FRENCH POPLINS, PLAIN POPLINS, CHANGEABLE POPLINS, ALPACA POPLINS, BLACK AL. PACAS, BLACK ALPACA POPLINS. PLAIDS. Tho above stock eon be found the most c.mpleto, and at much lower prices than any we have offered before. Comparing favorably with he largest Stores in the Southern Tier. Dress Goods, SHAWLS, CLOAKINGS, SUIT GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, &c., Wo are selling at prices that cannot fail but to satisfy tho,ulosest buyers 3E-TC:it=o3P' 1R13.1T1L.90E5. We have made arrangements with our' Skirt Manufacturer so have an extra _discount on our purchases of him, and we intend to give our customers the benefit of this arrangement. From date our ontiro Stock of skirts will be sold at an average reduction of about-25 per cent, milk ing them lower than over before. la ct. Bleat for 50 ds.; $l,OO Skirt for 75 cts.l $1,25 Skirt fiir $l,OO : $1,50 Skirtfi)7 $1,25; $2,00 Skirt for $1,50. &C., d'•C. In Ladies sizes. Misses and Children's equally cheap In Plaids, Fancy Mixtures and Plain at less thani regular prices ARABS Id new and Fancy Styles. SCOTCH PLAIDS in new and Fancy Styles BOOTS AND SHOES, We make pretty big claims on this Stock, and wo think we can back them up. Our business in this Department has been an increasing one every year, and wo intend to keep it so, if selling the best qualities of Work at the lowest Market Prices will do it. We shall keep n still larger as. sortment of J. Riehardson's Work, in followling styles: .Frinch Calf Boots, do A. 111. do do Fine Kip Boots. do Sloga_ do do Calf Shoes, . do Rip Shoes, WOMEN'S MISSES, AND CHILDREN'S CALF' AND MOROCCO POLISH, AND BALMORAL SHOES. - . Wo also intehd to keep a still larger stock of Ladles, Misses and Children's Fine Work, in Sergo, Pebble Goat, and Kid in all the desirablo styles; in those Gdods and in Richardson's work. wo shall keep regular goods, so that we can supply our customers regularly with such work as they have found to suit them in our stock. All our work except sdh as wo sell for cheap w ork we warrant, and make satisfactory compensation if it proves imperfect in any way. 1 1Po ate now keeping as good an assortment of Trunks as wo formerly did, and shall keep r► full Stock of COMMON PACKING TRUNKS, ALL SIZES, EXTRA QUALITY, COMMON FOLIO, EXTRA QUALITY FOLIO, .COMMON AND EXTRA QUAL ITY SARATOGA, AND GENTS' TRAVELING TRUNKS, • We' will also ardor from the Faotory any description of Trunks wanted, that we do not fool warranted in keepiM; on hand, if desired, at less than'the usual profit charged on fair Goods. MISCELLANEOUS GOODS ! Handsome Prints, 'warranted fast colors at 10 cents per yard Good wide bleached Muslim, at 12i cents per yard New styles Percales at 25 eta per yard, sold all the spring at 44 ets. to 50 cents. Handsel= stook Dress Goods 25 eta. Handsome stook of Skeels at $3,75, aloof) at $3,50. Empress Cloth, all colors, ss. and 6d por yd. - French Morinoos, Os. and 441: per yard All Wool Costanem, 750. to $lOO. Bed Twilled Flannel, Sic; Gray Twilled Plann;3l, .31 to 50. Black Alpacas, 50, 56, 021 and 75 cents. Black Alpaca Poplin; 621, 75, 87."1 ate, and $l,OO, the best goods for the money we have ever offered. Lawns, Figured Swiss and Organdies at very low prices. Thanking the people of Tioga County for their Very i sonerous patronago in the past, by strict attention to business and soiling goods at a low figure, we hope to merit a „continuance of the same ? J. A. PARSONS & CO. Corning, June 9, 1869, DEALETIB IN i ., CORNING, N. Y. - i Wo' have a large and fresh stock of Water-Proof Cloths TRUVPRN I ' Etc., Boys' Kip Boots, do Stoga do Mulles Kip Boots do Sloytt do do Shoes, Youths do. RC. COX, of Liberty, is a candidate for • , Tri;) a u r r , subject to filo decision or the ltopublicau county Convention.—Wen. c 0. 1 .8 pub. lie pledge of .3fay 8, 1869. - - - - - TO THE VOTERS 01' TIOGA COUNTY. GEN. IL C. COX, having boon a eanaidatebe. fore the Republican Convention for Treas. urer of Tioga County, and believing that great injustice was done him' in said Convention, and having boon so strongly urged by hla l frionds, we have concluded to announce his natnai as an in dependent candidatti for the °taco of County Treasurer. It. C. Cox, " by many trienth." Sept. 15, F. DONALD SON is n eandnlatc tlhu lotrlCO of I. rUttiOnOtilrY, Ellibieet to flit fiVC,lBinil tho Republican Convention of Ti oga Connty. [Mr. Donaldson's pledge Of May 10th 1889.1 TO :THE VOTER'S OF TIOOA COUNTY. WINO been solicited by Emmy of my its. publican friend!: from all parts of the county, I. become an independent candiduteikr ilto office of Prothonotary, 1 have concluded to yield to their requests, and without offering vy: further rearms for doing an, I non announce myself 119 a eund i d:ato fur that office., Aug,. is, !Still:- J. D...NA 1,1050 N. Furniture ! furunure! B. T. VAN HORN, 1C ,- t e h t i , s niirt'Cl Cabi77 houso on Main net et, it Kith a largo and superior al•smittd Ytocl.+,l 'FURNITURE. Chamber Suits, Walnut, Ash, Maple, , • from $l5O down, and ei.eap • • a 5 the tame goods can be Lq't t i the eititP, freight added. Purim. Snits ; Wahmt, Cherry, zuld Mahogany, - Reps oi• Hair Cloth, SOFAS, LOUNGES, COUCHLS, TE IE- A-TETES, - Center Tables, Walnut or Marble Tops, Looking Glasses, Brackets., Pa per Racks, Rocking Chairs, all kinds, Wiattlesale and Retail, I am manufacturing as usual, and intend to keep a toll stack of ware, home and city made at all times. sty Ware Rooms are spacious and neat, and now contain the larges , t, cost)ie.q nod best stock of Furniture ever _ brought into the county, Planing and Matching, SCROLL SAWING d; MOULDINo, done to order at the Factory. T.) VAN ilt)/IN. AVellsboro . , THE ACADEMY building having undergone suitable repair, the e LI. TEIIII feat 1868 open Sept. 2311 1nr1.., tinder the direilion of Prof. W. W. HUNT, A. 8., PRINCIPAL, and t;insoN, Ilraduate of flene, , serlVesle) an Sem inary,. Pieeeptre).s. Thbruugh Inal/11(.6,1i Hill he given in all the English Brandies titually taught int Ai•adelliies and iu the A neient Modein Langunges. Tititien horn • I" III), one hall to be paid nt the begirt& g let 111 . Full term 13 weeks. it is inipotiant tidit I..tudents ihould be present at Ili° beginning of the term, tbey :Will be I.& ecived at any time. It. Sept. 15, 1869—tf. A dmin istra tor's IVolicr LE,TEItS , ll' A DAI IN isnATioN i r wrg twee emitted up.n the estate .3 0 . a lat. al Chat hate dec'.l, all lecklt( .1 1.. daita tag :tvitimg Fail! eFtate, Is ill :011? ;silk • I.F.ll)cy f3lfojiT, 1:11;9-14.> Alp.. For B,ale. rpm,: EXTRACT VA.(,TORY at Cowanti.-que Troga Co., Pa. This factory is .10x0 feet, two .I , toricli, ample steam power, and capaci ty of 'MO pounds of tanning extract per 11:1y. It is in a location favorable fur either Its present businees or no a tannery, And way be. fitted (Jro the latter at a rmall expene.c. About let or IS acres of land go lilt!' the property. ' Will be oil low antt on easy Ic•r;ns. Apply to I. M. COAlll,Cowaigesque Valley, lioga Cu., Pa . for tertn Fr Ss. Sept. 8,1669-3 in I= ;tt, c o , o c t r r; 4.• le: F.; V. '• n • ?r, - (7 , 1.7... - _ r, :1 - ( - r L 7: MS 0 1 1 il idi c , . n n . ..,, tt r.d 2, ~7t A ,-- . -1 c c • :- r t.. 1 ~.- t-.-- ko ~, :-,. ..,.. - pq ...: .. ..: .... , ~... ~.,---- 0 ~., Ns t I • :•••,- u I V I ill X ; - ; c..) C I A I I ; . ei. z NI I i • ; .M I - I I , . V. „ =I 0 to a 0' - 1 )....4 }-4 V.:. I Z.• 0 -, .': .-, , - '. . • .. - 7 '- " ,-4 Ct C.^., Ct C: , C'' I c.: , .--i 4 C:.-a CC Is:: 4.. CD ^1 01— C. C. :- I t:, C.' 5.: , : , : 1 Cz. ::::: ,-- . Z..: .'..:',. •::.:. t ..:, ,:i.: C: C. , 4- - i C.:, 1.4., •-• i c: : :, c... ; .. z. ,...., , 4 . cd ..:: ~... 4 c . ... — ) 1-• t 4- 4- - .':-,- ,_ ‘" " :2 ; C:: ' 4. •:. '4 - ,_.' " F7' r - 1„ • 1 Notice; to Bridge rip E Cotantiei:ientrs of Tioga County eiil meet On the ground to let a Job for the building of a County bridge over the 'hop River at a- point the nerd lor highway loading from Full Brook to, Union Tomnthip crosses tho Tioga River in the Townthip of Ward, on Thursday, 50pt. , 23, at 1 o'clock I'• M. B. V. VAN NESS, JOB REXFORD, Cow. M. W. WETHERBEE Sept. 1.5, 1369. Cider ! l ! IHE subscriber Ihts pureloiscd a first. eh:' 6 Power Cider Mill, and is ready to mak') eider for customers, by the barrel or on shared, at the rate of 20 bands tt day. Bring on :tear apples. Apples bought at fair prices. I em all ready for work at my Steam Factory. S. A. lIHATOLD. Welleboro, Sept. 15, 1869. Farm for &he. _ A FIRE DAIRY FARM of 110 flares, Su LA... acres improved, and about two miles from Wellsboro, is offered 'for saloon reasonable terms. Said farm is wall watered, well fence 1, and has excellent buildings, and an orchard of about 250 choice fruit trees. Address, or inquire on the premises, of L. P. DEATH, or of WALTER SIIERWPP.D, Esq., Wellsboro, Pa. Sept. 15,1 6 160 . -3 w .: • 500 Cords of Hemlock Bark, wanted, for which tho highest market price will be paid on delivery attry Tannery, in WeMoro. Jno 2; 1869-0. JOSEPH RIBEROLLR. &c., h,, Rc., from $125 down. iklso, with Upholstery to suit. Mil