• % or, to Eioga au tu Aptator a Is published every Wednesday Mourning at $2 per year, invariably in nth aitee. COBB & VAN GELDER. ' m 11 OODD.) .. (i. 0 VAN 1 g ASV ..11 FLU' I 8 X IsT Q 11...A.T E 8 - TEN LINES or Mottox,on eesEI,IIARE oNE SQUAIII .., . of Sers. 1 In. 3 Ins. -tins. 3 Stos. 6 Mos. I YrlTr I ',ware, ... $l,OO 42,00 $2,50 45,00 47,00 $l O ,OO 2 I. •, 0 1 wee 2,00 3,00 4,00 8,00 12,00 18,00 Ilalf COi . . . 10,00115,00, 17,00 1 22,00, 30,30 1 00,00 11110 OA . I /8,00 ' 20,001 30,1:031 40.801 60,001 0000 _ Special Notices 15 cents per line; Editorial or Lob il 20 cents per line. MASONIC. 1 i l.: t LODOII, No. 317, A, Y. IL,urcotssitt,lcir trall .% et DI. Roy's drug store, on Tmedlir t %t 111 n r 011 Ur I 1010 r. thetilt Noon, nt 7 o'cloil. P 'I/ r " l 100 A CHAPTER, No. 104, It A. IL, inowi at the 11 Ll], on Thursday evening, on or ' , Mot.• Ow Full Ifoon, at 7 o'cloch. I'. M. 1 l OGA COUNCIL, No 31, li .1 8. MASTI:II.9, meetsat t 4 flail, 00 the 1111r11 Friday of 0 ads Val/111111 otilllth, at 7 o'clock I'. 7tl i 1 kfIAtiLITON C03151AN1:1417, No 28, or IN - S(IOUrS 111‘IPIA ft, and the 31)il•Introit ordeis, 'mkt , ' at the II ill on the first Viol ty of each calendar month,at 7 0. ha), 1'.91 . t i BUSINESS DIRECTORY. WILLIAM 11. SIVIITIJ, . •I'TORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW Insurance, Bounty and Pension Agency, Main ,t reel lVellgbnro, Pa., Jan. 1, 1865. WM. GARRETSON, I. i fOItNEY AND COUNSELOR AT I:AW, Notary Public and Insuranco Agent, 1.11095- burg, P 4, over Caldwoll's Store. GEO. W. MERRICK, t.l. rollNily AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. °ince with W. 11. Smith, Esq., Main Street, opposite Union Block, Wolisboro, Pa. July 15, 1808. W. D. r irEItISELI. A; CO., .. 110 LUSALE DRUGGISTS, and dealers in 0. 111 Paper, Kerosene Lamps, Window (Glass, I'crt'utnory, Paints and oils, A c , Ac. Corning, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1868.-Iy. , F. WiasoN. J. B. No is. WILSON it NILL'S, kj ro RNEYS A, COUNSELORS AT IAW, First door from Bigonoy's, on the Avenut.)— n &Batton(' to business entrusted to their care in tbo counties of Tioga and Potter. lVellsboro, Jan.], 1868. I JOHN I. MITCHELL rl' ORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa. \ el inn Agent, Notary Public, and tosloance .1 ;ant. Ile will attend promptly to collection of Pensions, Back Pay and bounty. As Notary 1 Public ho takes acknowledgements ul decd., ad niiiii-ters,orths-, and will act as Coin int., , iolicr to t ilre testimony. ,7.70-011 ice over Roy':; Drug Store, i lii ming Agitator Oflico —Oct ~0. I i 7 John W. GriernsCil, . il. HANEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. II ii nil., returned to this county with a view of ['liking it his permanent residence, solicits a I. nu of publto patronage All basin( sr en trusted to his dire will be attended to with krunipt ncss and fidelity. (Ohre 2il door with tE. S. Farr's hotel. 1' toga, Tioga Co., Pa. ,ept.26.'fifS.-ti. . ca CORGF. \WAGN CIL, k I Lull. Shopfirrt (lb r noltli ot• 1.. A. hc ars' i shoe Shop. 71) -Cutting, Pitting, old ltet, tit-- mr; done promptly and well. W. dishoro, Pa., Jap. I, I 868.-ly. .7011 N ETNEI, f if 1,(.1t AND CUTTER, has °pent il a • hop on Crofton street, rear of Scars A Derby's , lioe idio t ), where he is prep lied to manulat. tore gar ments to order in too most substantial manner, wed with dispatch. Pal tient ir iitleiii , n paid to Cutting and Fitting. Matti' 21., 1 slit, Iv Dr. C. IT. Thompson. - [m, t 1 1 ssoßour. ii i• i ] l ill attend to Professional calls In the till.i ,c, of NilelltsborLx and el , pii hero. (mire and 11 edidenee op State tit. 3d door on the right going 1.3m,t. (J.,..., 01, 11,4 _t It WO. , If D., I ito of tho 2I t , i Cart ri 'fits I)• ll. arl twit•),ni ,01 army [.kl% 1.. , Ull.ll 11 I II,. • pot 010 fi 11l I,ld ana 11011111 i VIM lil . ,II as 01.111e0 111 1,,s the 1. • 110511 . 0 of 1111111.1101 1.101 sits ge 0 . in ill iooln i Pi. ri-on , (tom a iri , t 810,5 ...... lint Li 0.1 •tiny ill tln, Trutt! h .111 c 11 1 I sif t is 41. ,11.• d " I ~.It ~* PLIC of the hlrito its aolvoilt iti, ii 1,1 to I in -111,ZILSLI opt r mon•i \o 4, limo], itiocl iip 5\ i•lhboi o Pa., II ii, 2, l`mb - I, Wm. lel. smio, i, \ ~, , v mix, Pa. Pension, Bounty, and In ii im .. Agent. Coninusnie it ion , Litt to Ow I il,r id , lir , s will rProt , , , prompt, itimition i • ,m , ome n rttti, I I in ~ I` , W) 13 j Thos. 1.3 Dryden 1, , i i, \• I 10 It A DRAF•li , l'il AN —Ol du,. lk•It, la 1,1, 1 ) on, rolmisend 11 ott.l, Well:A..lo, will 1 1111 promo, t •Itt,n lion. Is I • , I lilt (1, It, E. OLNEY, D' 11.1_,1t In G LOLIC:,' it .1 1.1V1:1,1t Y, :,I 1,1'1.11 I% % FL C/ WARE, bpiLt 1( IL-, \ loilli , 0 mgt., 1 , , 'l,l ,r, i l ukt, Pa. 1.1 v ‘ I.‘ , And .14_ , .. , r,e.itly rot, iii:it. Lar, .i iii , !, lino its plain i a_,li•ti and Gunn oi. 1 I tliti.7 11 . I I \,lll (11 . ('' , ' illg A.% i';l CIA . 111 . ,loom l i.l r Wilk./ \ .....t 11 iil.ei , •-• too•, 11 ,•Il k - I' i Parthulat acLiolot, i. 11.1 1., 1. k‘lus' tillt f iitting, blidinpoolisg, Ih, ci tiA , on LI 1 1,19, P Id • , e ll' , , r d SWIt ill, l/11 ',sold mud used.' to sir. 11. W. Doi:St:V. T 1011 N SON C. L. \VI WUXI tf , d,r In DRY GOODS oßill hinds, 11 ii ii., ti e I not 1• tokeo Notions. Our a s sortment is 1 'lgo la I prices low. Store in Union 1 lod Call a 40litiew in.—lnay 20 ISI,S-1y ‘34TROLEI7O/ HOUSE, , 1 1 1 11.1.1); PA., G I.olli/ I. c S.o‘ , I , l'i.,p, I on. % new flute! conducted on the pl 11 ( 11111.. It hie and lot live, for the ii•i, ommoila non ot 'lie public.—Nov. 14, !ban -Iy. __. I Dail 'Z'1,1111"1"S Bli (ID IP E IL, 1 I 0(I A, Tlo (I 1. ( 0 II N T 1 , l' A ~ I ,od st 'hung, attached, and •1.11 at lento c hos tier always in attendance. I Ii W. HAZLET'', . . . Pi 'opt ictor. HILL'S lIOTEL, IVE: nil ELI) Borough, l'iogit C. , U. Hai, Proprietor. A new and romiimaioui , tnilding with ell the modern improvinriite. Within u.t ydrive, thei.e.a hunting ;ili a grounds in Northern Penn'a. ei Itlrtitzica. Terms moderate. Fob. 5,1868-Iy. K .w A tor 0,111:1 Igd r ouSEE., Tioga County, P. RORACE C. V ERM [IAEA, Pitoe'n. .1 II N hntol located within easy arecr:s of the test fishing and hunting grounds in north ern Pennsylvania, No pains will be spare' 1,1 0 1 ,• Le .,lniniblation of pleasure seekers am he traveling Ilblit:• 11:91. 1 i IS":1 'T'3E-130 4Q-.ME M. M. SE:I. RS, PIMPNIF.Trar Qaff=l lit licii,n, !co feet iontiry, all kinds of theii e(,e.on, a nice dieh of Tea, Coffee, or l'hocolat.., atel I .)yhtets in their Feaf.tw—ran 1, 0 iour , , :Treed in the bet , t, Hyle. Next ilo"r nr Roberti ,t. Bailey',. Ilat,ht are St , ,re, Male. Street. WellAwro, Aug. t, hot). Ilioudy and l'ein,,ion itiV I NO received delinitein4truct wile , I it I -,tl (I 10 ill, ‘i r n ,t bounty allowed the iwt p.1,n,1 J 412,2,. I ~n , i ,und hiving on limnn: n I:lrge ”f all I ant I, revived to pr,,,w, n h• I j 1 ,, , •on .111.1 1,11 11 ty rl.limr. whirl! may lw 1•,1 iu 1 ,,y 1 1114.. Per..‘mslaring a •Ikt:incenun v.wunnnlc:kti Iv , try totter,and t 1.0 , oiainlinn Minn gill bb tnunpl I . IV3I. It. i'll'llt. I V , l l, buro.ttetuber'2l,l Ur, . 11-11 i BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS, Iribrou Van Valkenbury'4 "S'iorc, 11, nionaately occupied by Benj. Sccl, g. 1190 r.-; AND SHOES of all kinds made to order and in the best manner. ItEPAIRINO of all kinds done promptly and g"od. (live us a call. • JOHN HARKNES WM. REILEY. Waltaboro Jan. 2, 18'68-171. ',“..1 , V , ...• •At6'1.14" i- - 4•Dift 4 ,6 ••Ditiii:i 1.. lii‘ • , ii i fri: - - 7 1,:i :c-15,..; ..; L. , ; A••. •',. • • • •, ‘. . ~ „t•i i , - -- , ----4-.. , .., _ :;••:,,,, • -.,,,...;•--------.:--.- + . ..._ , . • ...-„•,,, .. i /-.-- - , :-....y,1 -- .- . . ,- - : . . • _..... . . ' "--.."..". .5 . -; + ..-' , .„ -- 1 1 7... - . .." V.: : : '.•., . - .-._ - . ... . . i -. 3 .1 ,T.- : , - ~- •;,. 4 \ i:"T - A,' ‘' . : l-.: . , , ---- • - - 7 - - - ..,,, ..-"c ' .--;\ ••.: \--..- ,i,, : *•,• •, 7 2\ ''..- _.; • : 5 . N .... I I : \_ 0.. .; \ .x.P -..-• ~, t•-, :••-• ' 4j,,i-44 -;:,'. :... ...-. ~_. ..,‘ '.'-'' • ••!•- X' 1 s 4 /-• • ---, , •••••,-.. -.)-- ,•, ~ i ( ' f! , ..:. .••• ~ 1 / 4 " E l ibl(l:4 -d 1. , ....- • ' •': -* -.. 4 1. ••,..„y II 1„ : - .P; :•-,-; .i ' ,:.. .-:. "'• t \ 4 .,. , ••.; !‘`•:', .• ' -,- 1:1 ' \. ' : • tit .-.,. . T... :- . .. ~.. ~; , k ..., 1 `-i .ii--:•.;$-- t-',;.:- ~- a ......, • . • 1 . -,,,,.......,:.:. I vA - 1 . , .1. “ --.— - - ,--..7.:- - - ~..--".....- - • ' ' ~ , I f!;i = VOL. XVI. CITY BOOK OINIIF,RY AND BLANK BOOK MANUFAcTOBY, 8 Baldwin Street, (SIGN OP THE BIG BOOK, 2D FLOOR,) ELMIRA, N. Y. MCA TR; •• :t C? V 'Et T., ki,7g T ' Goon A S ' T II t: CAE Al' CAAI• TIIE . BLANK I3OOKS Of every ‘loseription . , in all styles of Binding, and as low, for quality of stock, as any Bindery in the State, Volumes of every description Bound in Om best manner and in any style or dered. ALL KINDS OF GILT WORK Emoontod in the best, manner. Old Boob re bound and made good as now. au,kakolymm y',,i.l_24.).mt_lg (JONI PLETE YOUR. SETS! ala proparod t&furnis,ll.bach numbers of nal Row iewb or AlAgazines the States or LI reat lii itain, at a low price, BLANK BOOK & OTHER PAPER; Of all sizes and (panties., on hand, ruled or plain BILL HEAD PAPER, OfanY quality or size, on hand and cut up ready for printing. Also, BILL PAPER, and CARD BOARD of all colors and quality, in hoards or cut to any size. STATIONERY, Cap, Letter, Note Paper, Envelopes, P , eits, Pencils, &c I ant 8010 agent for Prof. SHEPARD'S N01:1•CORROS1 VP: STEEL PEN:: , , vAitiotis SIZES, 1 , 01: LADIES AND GENTEEMEN, Which I w'll warrant equal to (told Pens. . The host in use and no mistake. The above stoup I will itellbt at all times, at 'it small advancei on NOW' Yark prices, and in quantities to suit_purehasers. All work and stock warranted as rtpresented. - I respectfully solicit a share of puhlic patron. age. orders by mail ptomptly attended to.— Addims, Mal ES N I ES, AdverLiNer Elmira, N. Y. Sop[.2S,lSG7..—ly Sohn C.'llortori, A. T CoIINSELOR AT LAW, Tiogit ht. ittlitfo with C. 11. :-e3 litte.itirt, attotitlett to ititilliptiters. tiff. 7111, '69-13. C. 13. EELLEY DEALER IN DRY (I ODDS, ti roleries, hard ware, Boots, Shoes, Plats, Caps, .te., .(e., eftr no' of Market and Cra (lon ,trccts, Jan. 6, 1868. E. S. Perkins, M. D Ite , pr, I fully annotweea to thu eiliventi of East (liarle,ton and ieitiiiy, that he would he 141 ulclul loi Ihoir patronage. (Pllice at the St”ie ol Cooper and Iy. Smith's riotel SNI I I'll, ha v itig . • pun La r.l I Lc. hold I:r..pet ly lalily 1 , 1%11(4 I,y 1,. 11. 111..1,110)1y Irllled the lh toe', ;Ind C:111 110(.0111- tij(111.110 rtildn. in a :,tipolibr WWI, Alarell 21th. lel,ll-:14.-; IiEVSTODIE HOTEL S.‘ BINS \'11.1.1.:, Tioga Botibly,B. Convenientthp hest fi,liir,l4 grounds in Tiogu Co. F L.:thing . parties acorn led I%;tli win 610.4 ctite.i f.•O $••/ '• • ' • I Q,411 tr. 1: Nero 7'alincry ha.; into,! up thu old Fou diy Om Brewery, Wellstml.., 1,00: prktmed to lulu out liuu calf, hip, the best man. ner. fat.i.;. , l un shares. 01:41 I,did Int M. A. Diil:lV. ().t. I I, ItiWi: uNioN• mr N \VATI:INS; Novitiwrou. 1it!..41 up :t 111.9• hold Ittlibitto,. 1.111 4.1 the 111.1 t Moll n001.141013' 4iehtl4)).:li .H 1 'wt.. I, my lo VIVI• nud ( Uteri:tilt gtt,,t II ‘s.t. i 0,11.1,1 for a T•ooprI.1111 . 1 , 11011 , ey .111.1 (pi 1111/1 lI.IIc\I, It Call tie gl 1111,11 i in . .1“.• E. U. E.FAHIALL, RESTAIMAINIT, 0110 dour abucu Uw Alreatlhtttp \V VII I,tili()lt(►, 1' ENN'A, I:S19 tin) trading _RA, public that lie has :L 11C7IT.thle Ff Orli. of 10- ecrit.,, Sugarz-, Ainlas.-cF,Sryrup,s, and all [hat Constitutes a first. 1)..N.51e,rs iu=Creryf c ,tylo at all :•fia .. , ;iolth e IVellAnro, Jan. 2, ISC:7 f. WALICER & LATIII/Or, 111:814:113 11! A IlDly A RE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS 81(.) 1 7 E8, 71 iv -1V A Rk, SAWS, CUTLFAIT \\TATER Aultlciil.TußAl, 1 Nivr,EM tiNTS, Carriage and Elarness Trimmings II A It.NE,.;SES, DDLES, N. V., Jail. 2, RI:',4R yE ! HEAR. YE! HEAR YE BARERLS, VirtlilNS, CHURNS,. 1111'1"FER TUBS, &c., Kept constantly on hand, and foritislic to ur ler, by NV. rr. - m A TI - IEII S, It hi, new store, fsd door ahoy° Roy') Vell,horo. (June 111, ISO.) ,‘;‘ , alcB ! AS'ealcs ! 6'eales' 1., rip I'M Poredle Platrerm idle;, all ordinail -17 ,, •, ter heavy, and counter use, ropy ho Sound at the. Hardware Store of Win. Itobert: , ., Wellelmro. The-o Settles aro the Fairbanks pat "t and have ne -uperior anywhere, They aro entaitin the lto , t :tyle and have taken the premi um at all 'lke great exhibitions. 1 hay, the 7tde age . vi e y for these Sealos in 'this re on, Vi 1,14 M R.OBI3itTS. 1 , i31. I:!, itiv..; New Tobacco Store ! r ii;l4 fittea uir 111,, room: , Rd- I). I'. 11.1,er1 , . Tin au I '4'44.44:44 ;A4414 , 1 . 4,r Ole 111.114111,14111114. •.:1142 4,1 (116 . .1 S , 0/1 op•Ilele!:), S K I_\'(; I'OlLlCoo,4lichiyaa Pine eat 0, mu? all klailg , : f 1 . 1.( r 0 I'lllli COO, Oul ekol• cast Brand (J CIGA I?,' ( %411 and Fe.P for y 011 ve: lIN \V. Plil;.-LI ra, Nr,v. 11, TO FARMERS! pis RUN PLASTF.II.--We hod.) certify that we have use,l the l'l.l , ter blUTlllfactured by Chantitney d nermitter, tit their %loth:son Elk g'ort. tit 0 otwutt.itip, ou Itylieve it to be rggat ii 114,t in t;it. raytiga Plaster. Conni,l o 'A C Cone NI II II I: Sinini,n, .1 14.‘ halter 11 XV Darlcer .9,1 Smith 1: strait ti 11 D.ivis • All. nut I:11,g C Bfillcr 111 Wiitrous XV 11 XV LI, Afar-Ii It. NI Smith t 1 A Sniliti 11 11 lf.n,to .1 D ' 1' 'Van Uti lei J Swills Jared Davis T .l malt C L King Dl;initli. N. 11.—Plaster always on hand at the MIL—, Prioo $5 per top. Nov. 4, 18138. = '1 it 111 NI C-C-B-&-F-L-E MEN T. L. BALDWIII Et GO'S and sec a nico stock of floods for the Spring (V, Simmer Trade. " tnieh• " Iti-s4 ; DMAZ MMINgg Oaaln —all etplos, eill , as and piatorns— ALPACAS,,. NAMBRICKS, PRIM trACON CPPLUANDIES, ' PEQUAS, VEKSA I LES, BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, • (CC., (CO. BEAUTIFUL SUMMER SHAWLS, and a large assortment to Folect from CLOAKS READY-MADE, AND CLOTH TO MARE MORE, ALL KINDS OF LININGS, FRINGES, TASSELS , TO TRIM DRESSES Olt SACQUES. YANKEE NOTIONS can't be j bont. , It teets ijr) .with everything the thoukht Of so far. - 4 ' • ‘• 110 UP SKIRTS, BALMORAL SKIRTS, II 0 •-M--H N '''sa(OrraMVl,l9, .1v• , uumentus,toitoon!ipn; but . wilhsay that yon will edilvtufinclbo largo an nssorttnent to select Irl , tn'in gi.eonntey store;and clear down to tho BO nom FIG URE We al,o Keep a largo a<: -, ailment of 11 E Al) ',CLOT I I ING, in suit:, and park of uifa, tihniild wo fail to enit te3dylln:l4lo . , we have, Ornisitnero, and A TA LOR .TO euvAN D FIT Itootri and !!ihoes, HA TS., AND CA PS, •:ST.I2. A W GOODS, AND GENTS' FURNISHING (;60115,, A COMPLETE LINE OF 40CIIEILY, WOODEN WARE, HARI WARE, SHELF HARD , WilltE, NAILS, IRON, 1, 0 , : k 5 ,14, a1 d,,,, carpenter,. T,,01:4, it lU I'4 vi ri a a •10 t %._ll‘ a, a- I I GE.O C E I. ES , e.b. 'I aro lowcr titan at any time ,inec n tsar. iit,t go to Leta to I.oy rogar,llllll liatr :4onie cheap. We me agents for the I:. 11(\V1: SK WING' MAelliNE if t,,..)• i., v.. 111, drop in SA Ill', LIME, PLASTEE,, FLOUR yllyll Phrdcr, e. Pail, Pill:in, and .I,liton ;:alt t( Ilitv„r with. All kind , t•I Farm hoduce want- T. L. I:ALDWIN & CO, ' May f. I#GV. WiISMI Vail VallieliblirglS Ni o. 2 ililiii'.lqpelc. Id -du; pp., ‘‘licie 'he e1,,w,1 go to (Intl rift NEW SVRING STYLES )OPLINS, GRENADINES, LAWNS 01W AN DIES, PIQUES, CHI NTZS, P ERCA LLES, INGII A . 111 S: DELAINES k. PRINTS, ALL STYLES F'ACTORY'S, SHEETINGS, BLEACI ED ND UNBIANCHED MUSLIN'S. 1100 P SKIRT', t.; tle ,, riptl , lll, DitEss Tru.mmiNus atiJ of all kinds; tha largos! and .Ilicape2t tv.:..seir:Lrient of REM MN WANING ever brought into Tioga County. ltemembor the plane, awl ril l before poi oliting.. C =elected our storit ~ ., 1 111 great care and n otify gentlemen that in LIGHT OASSIMERES, TwEEDS, LIN ENS, FARAIERS' SATINS, GAI TERS, & SUM! ER WEAR of every duscription we egui't bo beat. fgr pi 51 ['or:LI:UMW', an4l by str ict tent inn to business we hope to :Antra rt con tin ance of the same. Welig6oro,lllay 19, 1869-tf Bor. Ell. R. rhillips, run L u nder: dglictl respectfully announces to the eiti,ens of Westrich] and surrounding Coun try that I. is permanently located at this place. Ile is fully prepared to do all kinds of 111111?,NTISTRY, in tiiv hi g heFt st 3-10 of the art. 6rlisfaction 00Iee over Seovill's Drug Store. Fioe Phobwaplis eau be had over the Drug Store. 11. R. Wcodlield, l's., duae 30, 1.960-Iy. I'oo,ooo LBS. IVC9L WANTED for which Ihe Itigho , t prie'o will 1.0 tia'i of the Store of Jane In, 1,,.,6;) • For Sale Cheap.' ASTEAM Engine .45 Boiler, and all the gear ing for an np and down Saw. • JOBN.R. BOWEN. Welleboro, Juno 2?, 1869.-tf. ==l • ih 1 t • 11a0 1 4- _ itremtifc.ri. rl l l3.lcsuGht th.c , Mictglarkmailmia col" I:7liTisselcorta. l7 • COME TO —Our stock op_ S, &C, all style.:-- anal W-- - -N-K-S WILSON & VAN VALICENIIITRO POLES ..WELLSI3ORO,OC'T'OPF.iiR 6, 1869. ------•,-,----:-----.---- 0 ,--,-_ , .---, , _- . --- 1--- , ------2,---- ,-.---, f , DAYBIIEIik: Jrzc. l: - tvit4le a ‘A''; l 11 4!:1 nu."' Tt etr)s;o.9)l gm is gono." on, Aud hurried landward, fur away, Crying, "Aikeke! it 4 the day." Tt saguAro - the forest. "Shou t, rfaUg 'all your leafy , bounors out !" at touched the wood-bird's folded wing, ' And said. "0, bird, awalio and sing." And o'er the farms, "0, ehartieleer, Your darion blow, the day is near." lt,whisperod to the fields of eorn, "Bois down and hail the (mining morn." It Flouted through the belfry tower, "A waP t e,.o, bell ! proclaim the hour." IL erocsed.thp church crl with a eigh, And suid, 'l\l4 yet! in quiet. lie," "AtioctUattcotto Neltiditro. ~~. ~~~~~ JOHN W. GEARY. Condensed. Sketch of his Life, Char acter, and ‘Yerriecs as tYlatesinatt, ;Sol d icr, and Patriot. CiV IT. C'ITA NA.CTER JOHN . 'W. GEARY, 11 ern December 20, 1819, 'near Mount Pleasant, Westmoreland county, Pa.; son of Richard and Margaret White Ciearyi,among the most resliected t and influential families of west ' ern Pennsylvania. Reeeiyed a classical education at • _ Jefferson College, Canonsburg, Wash ' ington County, Pa. Studies law, and i:s!admitted to then:a; becomes also an eminent civil engin neer, the t'oundation of his subse quent distinguislied :military career. Grows up a steady, industrious youth, Walking habitually in the paths of Tndustry, Justice, and Love of Truth. .l an. 22, 1b•18, is appointed by President Polk, Postmaster of San Francisco, • arid Mail Agent for the Pacitie Cor\st, Owing to the undevqloped condition of California, and the greitt - tide of emi gration thitherward, one of the most arduous and respon • Bible trustthen in the gift of the Government. • On his .way to California is detained a month at Panama, waiting for the steamer Oregon ; spends that-month, not in lolliugun couches of case and in dolence, but in organizing Masonic and Odd-Fellow Lodges, Mich prove °agencies of relief to t sands of emigrant passengers, who are sick with the Panama fever and in destitute circumstances. i ll tllu'Attqt nioY two imonths on the way. , lugustl, 1819, four moaths after his ar rival, by a 111107th ilOllB vote, is chosen by the people, First Alcalde of San Francisco, lu(lgeof 'the First I nstance, Mices derived from the Mexican form of (;overnment, having civil, Mull nal, and admiralty jurisdiction ; coin biningjii fact,- all legislative, executive, -111n1 judicial funet ions—olliceS of the first Mag nitude, and requiring .rtue administrative abilities. ose of Llie year 1549, is rc-c/cetcd Icy lie people to tlmie iniportBnt offices, the vote standing : For (3eary, 10G ! At Geary, •1! Under his administration, the assessed value Of real estate in Han Francisco, rises from $35,000 to Five Millions, and i)t• :2„5o0 civil and criminal adjudicated by him, ap peals, are taken in not more than twelve, and not one is reversed. May, 1, 18 O, is chosen, under the new charter, fiat Mayor of San Francisco, in which otlice he perfects the hichoatie municipal ego , ernment, quells riots:, establishes law and order, checks' extravagance, sustainK the city credit l and organizes a most elliicient voluntary fire department. (hints( If the head,) by whose agency, on several occasions, the city is saved from threatened ' - • total destruction. While Mayor of San Francisco, labors with Fremont; Broderick - , :111(1 others, to secure the Free State Constitution for California and thus aided in saving that grea , State from the blighting nurse of Sla very. Returns to Pennsylvania, ' April 1, 1852, having in less than three years achieved more for the good of his country, and of mankind, than most men achieve in a life of three score and ten. my 1,185 n, without any solicitation on his part, and withont his knowl edge, by li3aSoll solely of his emi nent fitness for the post, is ap pointed by President Pierce Governor of Kansas, Then regarded, by common .consen owing to the distracted condition o the Territory. and the failure of three oilier Governors to secure peace, the most important trust tinder the Government. is unanimously confirmed by , the'Senate, without refer ence to a committee. September 9, 1856, reaches FortLeavet worth ; demands " Equal and exact Justice to all," as the cardinal principle of his admit istration. Succeeds in restoring Law nod Order, although often threat ened with 'assassination. Wins golden opinions from all men, except the Border Ruffians and their allies. Predicts the Rebellion that follow ed, if speedy measures are not taken to check March 4, 1857, seeing that Pierce, am his Secretary of War,Jetrerson Davis, are resolved, at the cannon's naciuth, to force upon the people of Kan- • sas a slave constitution, and that Buchanan is resolved to do the - z-ame, rather than lend him self to any infamy, he in dignantly resigns the office of Governor of Kan sas, and returns to Pennsylvania, to private life.. When he assumed the Mike of .Governor of Pennsylvania, he had been virtually, actually Govern or of three States, viz. : California, Kansas, and.,Pennsylvania, besides Military Governor of a City, a distinction enjoyed by but few men. A RKEI NEI =I =I • MILITARY CAREER.t April, 18 , 16, 'whilst, employed as Civil Engineer and Superintendent of the Allegheny Portage Railroad, lios- Mines' begin with Mexico, when he, at once, recruits in Cambria county;(l'4.)a company called " the American Highlanders," Second Regiment, Pa. Vol's. Is unan imously elected by the men, (not ap pointed by the Government,) Lieu tenant Colonel of the regiment. Joins army of Gen. Scott at Vera Cruz. The regiment, under the lead of its brave commander, greatly dis tinguishes itself in the battles of La Ifoya, Cerro Gordo, Chapultepee anti Gerita De BoUna, as also in storming the defences of the . Capital. _ 7s _elected Colonelof the Regiment, (alldr the fall of Colonel Roberts,) the first mi titary commission ever received byan American, in the proud City of the Montezumas. Peace having iteen wrung from Mexicoosit the cannon's mouth, he returns to his quiet home in Pennsylva nia, laden with hard-won .and richly deserved honors. April 11, ISOI, treason opens her bat teries on Fort Sumter. Leaves his rural home in 'Westmoreland Co., at the' tapes the first drum, and receives from President Lincoln IL com Mission to raise a regi ment.' Is resolved, weal or woe betide, to Vindicate the honor of the Old Flag, stAain the Government, and maintain the Union established by the blood and valor of his and our fathers A7r,lty-,..!/.,: companies apply for permis sion to join his regiment. _Regiment is raised to the standard of sixteen companies, or 1,700 men. know►► as the celebrated " .11 - napp l B Ilallcrg." Is ordered to 11 iper's Ferry, theft 'the Front.' Is assigned to the command of the Maryland Heights. October, ISM, he w d his men tight and win, against a lail•gely superior :Reb el force, commanded by Generals A shhy , aMl Evans, the battle 'of Bolivar, Geary being wounded in the right knee. March 8, 1801, tramtferred to the{ Shen andoah Valley, i wherc he captured Leesburg, and dislodged the rehels from their strongholds at Snick er's, Ashby's, Manassas, aril,l Chester Gaps. April 25, 1862, promoted to the rank o Brigadier General. June 20, 1802, takes a conspicuous part in the battle of Cedar Mountain, and is again wounded, slightly in the left font, and severely in the right arm. Aray 'l, 2, and 3,'1563, leads his division in the-, (battle of Chancellorsville. , It distinguishes itself by deeds of great bravery, and receives the designation, which it retained to the end of the VV 1-4 a .r." ily, 1511:1, is a, prominent actor, while his division, in the battle of tiettysburg. oeeupie, first, Itound Top, then Culp's 11111, and performs service. Newt, transferred, with the old 120 ,Corps, to the army or the Cumber land, is engaged .In the battles of Wanhatchie, 'Mission itidge, Ringgold Mission, and Lookout Mountain, the latter best known as the memorable Battle above the Clouds! Ji the battle of Wanhatehie loses hi eldest, son, Captain Edward IL Ovary, a noble youth, only nineteen year of age, who falls, pierced by a rebel bullet, through the fore head, at his father's side. k HMV to Sierinan's forces, In the • eampaigti TO AT 1., A NTA, • Participates actively in the battles of Mill Creek, Snake Ressaca, New 110p0 Church, fine Inn, Muddy Creek, Nose's Creek, Nolb's farm, Kenesaw Marietta, Peach-tree Creek, and the siege of Atlanta, the whole conhti ', tilting a continuous battle of one • hundred days !- Accompanies Sherman on his march to the sea. After the fall of Fort M'Allister x leads the advance upon Savannah, receives the surrender of the city, and is ap pointed by, Gen. Sherman, Military Governor of Savannah, and, December 2S, 1804, is compliment ed, by citizens of the conquered city, for " liis uniform hindness in pro tecting their persons from insult, and their property from injury,' who, with ono accord, re quest his retention in that position. amiary 12,1865, iu grateftpl recognitic of his distinguished services, and be cause of his " eminent fitness to command and prom ptnesri to ex ecute," is promoted to the rank' of a Major Gen} Accompanies Sherman on his march through the Carolinas, and partiei- 1 bates in the Battles of Sandsboro, Davisboro, Sallcallatebie, North and South Edisto, Red Bank, Congaree, Black - Rivero and Bentonville, and is present with his brave " White Star" Bop; at the Surrender or Johmtnii, having participated in SIXTY battles, I)ing four times wounded, and hay n« made the circuit of the entire l'/ ebel Confederacy, lighting the • -- °hellion from State, to State, 40ahmin g , with his gallant . corpsfroin the first to last, never once meeting with a repulse, cn sutlbring a defeat ! Es present at the Grand Review in the City of Washington, and retires to his quiet and peaceful home on the banks of the Susquehanna, in the Valley of the Cumberland. In person, over six feet high; soldierly and stalwart, robust and hardy, with a countenance frank and inviting, pleasing address, sensible and di rect, unobtrusive in manners, emphatically . a luau for and from the people. in niorals, pure and uncorrupted, Without reproach and blameless, Not,'a brawler nor a striker, Not given to Covetousness or pride, Free fin all the vices of Drunkenness, • Licentiousness or Profanity, A. thin believer in the Religion of Christ and the Apostles, Faithful as a Husband, a Father, a Cit izen, a Neighbor, and Friend, ' Habitually under a sense of his high obligations to tied and his Country, A brave Soldier, an upright magistrate, The sworn. enemy of oppression, The true friend of the Rights of Alan, Opposed to all Executive Tyranny, The .I.4'rlentl of the Popular or People's Branch of the National Government. In 1866, ho was elected successor to An drew G. Curtin as Governor of Pennsylvania, by,FIFTMiN . 1 1;i1OUSAND majority, over lion. Mester Clymer, the most, • elo quent and popular champion of the Democracy of this day. • As Governor, he has been faithful, at tentive, vigilant. He has vetoed much bad Legislation ; and would be glad of more careful and eco nomical law-makers. The -late Tax on land is taken off. The State TAN has been:reduced under his administration. he People will re-elect the So Patriot for Governor by Twenty Thowanit majority! Tioga Co. Dist. Convention I. 0. of G. T. The Convention met at .Knoxville, Eeptember 16th, and was called to order by W. C. T., E. T. 'Bentley. The min utes of last meeting Ivere read and approved. 13ros. S. S. Gillett of 168,D. W. lteyn olds or 666, and Dr. D. _Bacon cf i 37 were appointed a committee on ereden tials. Bros. J. U. W. Bailey of (61, lftai. Victor Case of OW and 0. V. Elliott of JOS were appointeti :t eornto it tee on 31c:s olutions. 'the reports of the delegates from tiro different Lodges iu the county, (in at tendance,) on the shouting and welfare of their Ledges were made, which was very interesting and received with much pleasure and profound attention. The Committee on credentials being ready to report, presented the billowing Delegates in attendance, and entitled to Seats ill this Convention, viz: N ew 44 ope, No. IGB, loanny .1. Voor hees, E. D. S. S. (/ ..Nfary (;ay lord, E. A. Lloyd, Emma Elliott, Lydia Elliott. Ti9ga, No. 5119, (l. 11. Watts, H. M. ',3lcCidlough, Flora E. Bentley. .1 No. 517, E. Mmselman, L. D., o. 1,. Larcom, Alice Reynolds, Mary A. Walker, Julia (larlield. Lawrenceville, No. 524, Alton Evans, Dr. E. IL Van Horn, Ma►y Brayn uu ►. Niles Valley, No. 537, John I.li:teller, L. D., Dr. 1). Bacon, C. (1. Catlin. Covington, No. :HS, 11fa►y Barber, Lizzie Holman, Hattie E. Robinson. - Wellsboro, No. riGl, .1. 1.. Brown, .1. 0. W. Bailey, N. J. John:4on, E. 0. Thomas. East I tharleston, No. WI, Thomas ID. \V. S. Neal. \Vide Awake, No. (3116, 1). \V. Reyti dds; N'ietor Case, Delos A noel, Dunham, Clarinda Teal, I). (11 itorp: Charleston, No. nn!), NVin. M. Moor ;e4). \l'arren. Middlebury, No. G7O, .Jesse Reeney. The selecting of a place for the hold ing of our lie.XL quarterly session herog in order, Wellshoro, Blossinirg, and 'Mansfield, were named. On balloting, litossburg having received 11. majority of all the votes east, was designated as the place or holdin g our next hcssion. (lo W. ('.'l'. Chase being in the ante room the further business was dispensed with, and he'wits introduced into the [heti T. when he made some very appropri ate retu'arks in regard to the workings of (ha order, wh!eh was listened to with much interest, and attention. The W. e. T., again resuming the Chaii. on motion, the Convention took a recess until 7.1 o'clock I'. I::vEN [Nu SEssioN.— Convention met pursuant to adjournment, and was call ed to,order by the W. C. 'l'. The fol lowing llescilution was olfered as an amendment to our Constitution : ließi/ved, That .All icle :t of our Con stitution he amendol, by in:.oring utter the word " Officers " iu the fourth lint', " and \V. TemPlars." Laid over until our nest meeting. (I. \V. C. T. Chase, beint. - ., pre- . eit I. 0(.- 411)1(41 the limo until the hour of adjournment, with instructions in the unwritten work of the Order, and use ful and instructive rein:ll'l:S ott the good or the Order. On motion the Convention adjourned to unit to-morrow 1114)ritillgat 9 o'clock, •Degre‘4 iNleeting, and at 10 o'clock to open in the Subordinate Degree. ;4eptenilicr l'ith.--Conventiou met and was callt.d 10 order by (I. ‘V. C. T. ('lute, and opened in the Degree of Charity.' Bro. ('base made :,ante very interesting remarks, and also gave the practical working of the Degrees. Opened at 10 o'clock in the Subordi nate Degree, NV. (!.'l'. in the ('hair. The Committee in Resolutions, through Bro. O. V. Elliott, presented the fol lowing: - W e the (4)ed Tewidara of Tioga ('o. in (*unveil lion, assembled at Knoxville, on the 1:4 11 day of Sept. 1869, looking to the Supreme Ruler of the Universe for strength and support in our efforts to suppress intemperance, do otfer the following Resolutions: Ist. cri kat the use-and sale of intoxicating drinks as a beverage, ever has been, and,ever will prove a g rea t eurso to manlci id. 2. That we seek in this reform nuive un lo build Op society on the true basis of social and moral puthy, and as by the con fession of all philanthrophists, that the use of intoxicating drinks as a beverage, has been the one great Camie of misery, crime and poverty. There.- we mall for its suppression by law. That as this manner of treating a public viee always has been, and al ways will be adopted : thus gambling W:IS denounced as hurtful to morals and by law suppressed ; lotteries were ad- , judged and prohibited ; dueling con dem iled and forbidden; slavery arraign ed and extirpated. And for these rea sons, we call upon ,all who have the good of humanity al heart, to boldly strike at this evil. .1. That WO denounce as an evil, not to he tolerated in an enlightened com munity, the present license law, which compels a Judge to grant tt license to commit an aet that will increase crime in any community at least three fold, ami.whereas, the present law requires Lite granting of said license to men Of good moral character Only, thus deMor alizing good men, if indeed such meti would ask for so degrading a privilege, when in justice, if - L it is to be sold at zoi, it should be done without the sanction of law, thus making the vending of iL a disreputable-business. That we earnestly call upon all professing Christians, and upon all men who earnestly desire to better the Con dition of humanity, and especially the clergy, to speiLk oht against this giant evil, and thus help to mould public opinion. U. That we colder it, the duty of the Pastors (a the 'ilitterent (Churches in o ur county to preach at lete.t, one ser mon in tittc . ll month, upon the subject, of tem perapce, and we most eordially invite theM so to do. That we believe the power of pre venting the crime or intemperance and of reforming the young, lies in a great measure wit lithe in Iluence of the Ldies, and we Inge upon them as they hope for happiness for themsefves and future generations, the escreise of their influ ence. 8. That we also call, 2111 d wilt Colltin no to call upon all political parties to nominate, not only temperance men, but prohibitionists to fill thoseyoral • offices in this Commonwealth. 9. That we consider it a violation *of tl►e principles of this Order for any member to patronize any Druggist who trines in any way, with the Druggist's License Law, iii the sale of Alcoholic liquors, it' the articles wanted can be obtained elsewhere in their town. On motion the resolutions were read separtitely, discussed, and unanimously adopted. On motion the Convention adjourned to 1.,'-e 1 .e4+30, P. M. ArrEitNoox SEsstoN. Convention met. and was called to order by the W. C. T. Bro. Isaac Everitt, (on account of ill health,) asked to resign his commission as D. D. (A. W. C. T: Accepted. Bros. Reynolds and Benjamin were appoillted a committee to report the name of 50100 suitable person to be recommended to tilt said vacancy for the Cowanesque District. The Committee, 'after consultation, recommended Rev. \V. I'. ()mans, which on motion was adopted. The W. T., and \V. S., were ap pointed a committee to make arrange 'Hems jou statistics, to he presented by each Lodge at our next, meeting. Piro. 0. V. Elliott of No. his, otrered the following resolutions : ../i!cotred, That wens members of this Convention, tender to the Wide Awake Lodge, and to the citizens of Knox ville, our heartfelt thanks for their very generous hospitality, and especially for furnishing ,transportation to the Tiog,a Valley Lodges. ,olrca, That the Sueretary he in :Art.lool 14, furnish a copy a the pro -03/4-edi ig of t eon volition, or as much thereo'f : 3 / 4 9 he may deem expedient, to time ( 'or NTN AI:ITATorz, and the Key;:toir 3 / 4 - (low! wither, for publica tion. chi looiion, (lie Convention adj. A. P. BEN,JAmiN, See. of the C'onvention 'rm.. DEED op A 'Plum 11Eun.---The I\. Poq contains the jollowitig ac count. of a noble deed : An exhibition of noble devotion to duty, under the niost fearful-- trial to which human nature could besubjected is to be recorded of au obscure servant of a railroad near this city. The deed demands the warmest and widestrecog- It needs iko. Sine words to em bellish it. The simplest recital of the fact suffices for placing the action be e the world as worthy of homage. Albert Dreckt:r is the watchman of the rivdr drawbridge on the New York and Newark Railroad, whose. business it is to see that the draw is closed upon the approach of the trainr.. On Friday afternoon last, just before a pas , :enger train was to pass the bridge, the draw was open and Mr. Meeker Is.ga an to close it. pltrai it was nol y - et in sight at this moment, but the watchman hneW if was coming, and that iio time should he lost in putting the bridge in if.s proper po , tition. While engaged in (Iloqing the draw a little son of Air. Drecker, ten yuars fell.from the ltri(4ru into the - deep water below. To save the child's lire would bean easy matter, but Mr Drecker now' fiLIW the train thundering along the track, and knew that the rescue of his boy would involve the Aestruetion of the Still". IT "It., (AI \VP may wolf suppo-o• it )vas a rim, went. 4/I:: , uprerne a.t . .r.oily. Ii is Oti \VaS (ii'w,t ttinq huforo lti7 °lv]] oyes, and its life could only he the los 6 or many Other lives that were in hiq hawk. (hid triereilally spare us all from the !kilter sn ruish of SWAI a trial as was forced upon I 11 - .(:1:er ! Ile stood by his duty, the bridge was closed, and the traiti sally over it, hut the boy (111)1\ ned. le dial auy pas setiVt,r itl iftnt (rain iirratil at what a. Icarrol duty and the natural prompl.- iii;,!,, of the 111111inik ile:pf , the sale ins hri*.;e It trl (wen s,vetired. is the :dory of _\lllt.rt G. .I)reelz or. *I I i and poet , have told us " Holy Iv , ll lifq•Atitt Hi.. In S6l Ohl: • hit he .1 ei s tiey ral 1 Mail tserVallt; 1“13t the hridge ' a oost tier :-aeriiiee than did tho Itonian captain. And what re main.; Drecker twin. mat) ; his 111”-it ion iii iN an humble, one, and, while his looms iri4Taralde, :his noble voinitiet tewartled. 'the rail ‘;'n•; coinlJaily owes lino a heavy debt; 1):/--..t!(•r.-; un that Vritia . } . - afternoon r:t it a priviluge to eon t rai-o a Monument to the child, to filly commemorate the do f, and the pie..; throngliont the land ltoultl let hi, name be known . everywhere. CAN . r 1 rerc is an item ati exch:ingo, Nvhieh. ex actly runic hulivicluah in this 1)1(•I'v arc OR4I Who don't, tal:e a pa per, Ilecateze t hey " can't atrord it " they are blo poor—they require all their no4ney too keep their family expenses " !mid times." We int , t one of the-e the other day, and we said to hint he 11 illII) have a " Weil real ly," said lie„ 1 ‘vould 1 - could afli,rd it. \V•ould _like to oblige ye n s; but thing:4 are so confounded tight .itist now that 'it is hard to 110 ke 1)4,111 ends meet.' - Nk - e did not prc,', I Ito matter upon our hat(' up' fro•MI, hub 1, no \ving his hab its, we onele calculation 1.):1-cd on 1 hat ktioNvit.4l.T. Two glasses of ale a day at Loll ectit‹, : , eveitty-three dollars; hling , one after each tite.ll, one hundred:lll(l nine dollars awl billy vents ; boa'rd for a big (log, thirty dollars—all in toe year, two- hundred :11111 Iwelte dollar:i and fifty ceitts--;:mf 411cient to buy kturels or 110111., 0114' ~I,:l l .ret 0r sugar one :-aek of rice, pne of colree, a good coat, a respectable dr( s-1, :1 frock for the baby, and half dozen pair of ,hoes, and all the daily papers in the oily, tlrsay nothing about magazines, 1109,1,; ,, ,, (\se. You see the point - the mall can't ailbrit it, and tliere ale thott4unb, just hike him for t sanw reason. Alma yvar:i ago there re:4llylt in the town orilebron, a vertain Dr. T., who became very much enaMored of a twain ifol yatint Indy, a resident of the same town. The I>oetor WaR a strong l'reA.yierian, and his lady love a deekC ed Itnplki. They were :-,itting together one e alt:ing or heir approach ing ed : I ant thinking toy dear, of two events I shall numher tin' happiest of my life ' Anil what may they he, lIoetor? inarlieil the latly. (nip i 9 the hour when I shall —tll YOU wife. for the lirst time. Anil the other? It is NI hell bhllli hum for baptism. What, sprinkled.' Ye -4, my di,„, Ni.Vi.,C,htill It t•hild of 110110 13;; sltrin Itql. n u t They shall he ? hey Ves Illy love. `,Vell,!-ir, Ilion. I eao Coil you that your lotbieq ht , toy ie11,10 , . -ir. ' throe year obi ' neighbor saw a drunken man tack - hr . ' through the Si MO( 111.`1;,' said he, 'did (-hid make that man She replied in the affirmative. The lit, Lie fellow reflected for a moment, and I then exclaimed, wouldn't have done it.' IrAi' JOBBIN4rDEPARTIENT: S4 Thoproprletor.shavostookedthoontahliahme with a new a vane assortmoat of , and aro prepared to execute neatlyand promptly POSTERS, ITANDEILLS, CIRCULARS, HEADS, CARDS, PAMPHLETS, to., Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, and afull assortmenti of Constables' and Justices' Blanks on hand. Peo_pleliving at a.distaneo can dependon har ing their work done promptly and sent back in return mail. • .r. NO. 40. A Syracuse iSaper relates the following as an ineitleilt happdning - tho .otheii night at the Empire Hotel in 'that city : _ . `Help! help! fin sutlbeafing! Get me out! Quick ! quick! or I shall die.' 1. 4 3 ueh were the words uttered in sep ulchral tones, that resounded through the apartments of the Empire House, after the boarders had retired to their beds,. for the night.—Of course they struck terror to the soul of the sympa thetievinmates' and aroused their dor mant energies to instant investigation as to the source from whence thesounds proceeded. Men soon rushed to the windows and Undressed women ir to the halls. Bells were rang, and se vants and guests joined in the search. Help! help ! 'rear down the. hOuso Get me out,' continued the same mys terious voice. JOB AND CARD TYPE AND FAST PRESSES, THE MAN IN THE CHIMNEY: Who aro you ?"Where are you?' What shall we do?' 'Where can we find yon?' were the interrogatories ut tered by the bewildered searchers in as many different l parts of 'the house. ' Here in the Plihnney ! choking, suf focating, hcadThremdst down the chim ney. 1)o get me out,' . From room to room, and hall to hall the philanthropist rushed, calling to the unfortunate to be patient and they would extricate him as soon as possible. A dozen stove pipes were removed, and mouths applied to the smoke holes, in quiring the whereabouts of the helpless being, - who could not, be expected to hold out long in such a dangerous posi tion. But still the yoke was from a '41.111C0 • It is higher :-.:titrooe. Ifc inti-t I w lowt.r:;aitt an other. _ 11 lie is in the lop of the chimney,' said a third, and am ay they rushed to , the staircase and soon the male ►nem hers of the crowd were on the reef of the Empire, inquiring at the tops of the' several chimneys. Where are you ." ti►►lidly; inquired one of the females i n rlrslxttille, tionsly venturing near the chimney hole in her room. Down here close by these won►eu,' returned the voice. The inquirer rushed down stairs, her steps hastened by the piteous appeals of the sufferer fin• help. He is not here,' said one. - lie must be toward the next room' said another. Why don't they get him out?' ut ered a delicate voice, whose owner had lot dared to venture out of her room wfore. • ' It is a man?' ' It. is a woman Who is it?' WhaL is ir." passed in quick suc cession from one to another, and gen eral alarm and consternation prevailed, amid which the bewildered woman heard some say— ' It is Milo Rust's host!'g amAying, dying, dying!' - faintly muttered the inyt,,rious voice, and the death rattle was heard, as though the - . poor victim was about to give up the. ghost. Courage man I we will have you out.llere, take hold of this rope,' anti searchers on the house -top let, down u ~e s rope, protureu mr tilt t xu Z ,voc. All was new in a state of excitement unsurpassed. The auXiMl3 searches heeded not the cold night Nilnd. Their work was one of mercy, and like true hearted men, they were determined that no cliert, should be spared to rescue a humtin being fr(on such an awful fate if possible. • can't reach it!' faintly echoed the 'voice. Lower and lower down went the rope. _More fope, a little more, more, more yet,' and the hearts of the rescuers leaped for joy, while all gathered closer, awl prepared to lend their ener g ies for 'a long pull, a strong pull, and pull altogether.' • A little more rope,' implored the sufferer, but alas! the whole length of the rope had been let down. A few minutes, however, sufficed to procure another, whieh alter :,plieing, was let down till the voree responded, 'Enough There, no,w pull.' Cautiously, and with palpitating hearts, the : , earelters edintnetteed rais ing the robe—yards and yards of the fibrous manticauttire were raised, but, there was no Weight at the end. ' What is the matter? He is not on !' remarked the director of I Ile ceremonies. Ho must be dead, and let go,', was the reply. Hello!' yelled some one down the chimney. Ifelfo!' was rot urned from the low est depths. I'm out! Who,is sold came, also, accompanied with a loud laugh. The searchers could not believe their ears,-mid - some one reinarked—'We've lien hoaxed— regularly sold.' 4111 pawls at once gave up the search whiehi had continued nearly an hour, and made their %I - ay down stairs, when they discovered that a waggklt fellow in one of the I res on the first floor, had caused the reaL 'commotion' the Empire through, by poking his head into his stove and talking tip the chim ney until he got tired, and lahottglit it Lime to go to hod. A more succes l ctful hoax has coldoni been played up 'p a household. NOT THE "SCENTEN" A king, lean,- gaunt Irani:ea entered a Irug store anti asked : 'lle you the drugger'." 'Well, I suppo,e sn; I sell drugs.' hav you got any fly this here seent-in' stuff :IS tl►e girls put 'on their Laudl:erchiel~ :" • ‘O, yes.' ' \Val, our Sal is gain' to be married and gin me a nincpence and told me to invest the whole amount. iu seentin' ,thaso , s,to make her sweet, if I could find some to suit ; so if you've a mind I'll just:smell — round.' The Yankee smelled around without being suited, until the druggist got tired of him, and taking down a bottle of hartshom, said : I 'l've got a seen t stud that NVIII Suit you. .Asingle 41f01) in your handker chief will last you for weeks, and you can ' t it out; . but to get the strengtbofit you must take a big smell.' ame so, mister': \Val, just hold on , minute, till I get, my breath, and ,pben r say now, yon put it under my The directions were of course follow ed, and the - Yankee wits nearly knocked Orr his pins; but recovering hiMself, he exclaimed:— 'Chain liteniti', Mr. bragger! Is the top of my head on .' ;-3al don't want anything like th^t ; it would break up a camp-Meetin' in ten minutes. Yon haint got than light kind o' stuff.' A few weeks > ince a young American girt \Vaki to le married at Bonn, in Prussia, to the son of a wealthy and ar istocratic Prib , sian family. Just as the bride and bridegroonowere stepping up to the altar, a young 'girl, holding an infant in her arms, rushed forward and implored the bride not to bestow her hand upon the bridegroom, who, she said, had Seduced her, and refused to do any thing either for her or for the child. The young American bride immediately left the chum:1111ml broke off the; match, in spite of the ellbrts of her betrothed to explain the matter. 1