The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, September 22, 1869, Image 4
11:IRTIIp. The plain, good ruani, whey.° actions teach Moro virtue than a sect, can preach; Pursues his'course, unsagcly blest, His tutor whisp;ring in his breast; Nor could he act a urer part, • • , Though he had Tull p y :Libby heart ; 'And when he &or the a tear on tvoe, Ito little hhetvo, cared" knew, That Tpietetusthlatned that tear, • • Byliaavcn approved, to virtue de4l.—.lloote CHARITY In Faith and ilopo the , world will disagree, But all mat4iind o eon'eernad Charity All must 'fitlso that thwart this one great end; And all of God, that Mess mankind, or wend. Pope. • The drying up a single tear has 'attic Of honest fame, than :liedd:ng r e of gore heron AHA RD-SHELf. SERMON.. - 1 And he passed to Shunem.'—The words of my text, my 'hearers, you may find in 11 Kings, iv chapter, verse B—` and he passed on to_Shunem.' 'Take to heart the lessons our text teaches, awl when temptations try you, pass on- to Shunern.' And, Oh! my hearers—if you should come into some of our little -towns'and behold a row of nice little offices with the signs bn the dotir of each, and hear men talk \of attachments without al. fection, and sequestilation without quiet —all, it wit be to our profit to mind the words of the prophet, ' and pass on to Sbunem.' And if you go round where OA merchants are—ali, and they rush out to shake hands with you, and are es 7 pecially anxious to learn the condition of your wife's health, and the] chil dren's, and the farms and crops, and offer to sell you a bill of , goods a good deal lower than, 'their cost, on account of their love for you and for each—ah —` pass on to Shunem.' And if you should happen to go round the corner and see nrendrinking - beer, that will make a bier, and stin,sling that will sling down the strongest, and smashes, that will smash a man's for• tune faster than commission merchants who advance supplies on the first crop —ah—oh, ' pass on to Shtinem.' But oh, my hearers, if yeti should go down to New York, that modern Sodom and Gomorrah—all—and Iviien the gas lights are flashing and glimmering, and the cabs are dashing along streets—and obliging drivers 'are offer- ing to r earry you where..only steamboat eaptairis and the first gentlemen go— als—anti Broadway, is on a rip roar—ah —and the brass bands are clasl►ing music from the balconies—and men in little holes are ready to sell you tickets ; to go in and see thelaC.k Crooks dance with nothing to wer—and make spec tacles of- themselves —ah olr, my friends, ' pass on to Shnnem.' And oh ! if litter in the evening, with a very particular friend, you go up stairs into most splendidly furnished rooms—ahl—and see the supper table spread with delieuele9 from every clime and counNy and teal ducksand snipes; and 'yellowlegged pheasants, and all that fish, flesh and fowl can attbrd, and champagne, and nothing to pay, all free, and a nice gentleman with rings on his lingers and a diamond breastpin, playing with little spotted pasteboards, and itnother turning a little ball that rolls round and stops sometimes on the eagle Nrd, and oftener don't, and where the players generally put down more than they take up, and then sometimes win, but mostly don't-l-nli—oh—' pass on to Shun-cm.' Alld ill CollktillSioll, Illy friends, when the world, the flesh and the devil—ah —lie in wait for you—' pass on to Shun- llow To ArnAsunn Hose.—T won into a shop the other day to buy what, the drapers call gents' hose.' A ymil iug youn”. lady was behind theeounter. When 1 had made au appeal to her to show me some socks, I was somewhat doubtful what course of action I ought to pursue in order to demonstrate to her the length of my foot. As I am not a burlesque writer, it was clear that I could not, lay my boot on the counter clny In.y vole ; 1 n or c ould I parapilratto Dibdirt r . Jack T/1.1 w nen he spoke of the dancer who ''so daintily handled her feet.'little woman, however, speedily rifhioved my first perplexity, though only to plunge me into another. \Vill you,' said she, ' please toedouble up your fist and lay it on the counter?' I replied. that I did not want gloves, but socks. And I want to take your measure,' she said. But,' I urged, 'it is the measure of my foot that you require.' Yes,' she replied, 'and I - can get it equally as well from your hand. Once round your clenched list at tl►e knuckles, is the length of your foot.' And she took the measure of my fist, and I took the socks on the faith of the damsel's rep resentation ; and, in due course, I found that she was quite right, and had fitted me to a nicety.—Harper's Bazar. MONEY OR ' BRATNS.-A young lady, both pretty and witty, was persecuted by the attentions of a poor and .stupid young fellow who persisted in olibring his band anti heart until ho was refused point blank. In despair, he determin ed to go; to California, and called on her one evening to announce his intention, which he did in this manner: "I am going to California on the first steamer, and going to get rich. If I can't get rich any other way, I shall go on the highway with my pistol, and when a miner comes along with a bag, of gold, I shall blow out his brains and - take iris " No, John, don't do that," said 'Miss -- "take his brains." At Penn Horn, four miles frtiin Jers ey City, on the New York and Erie railroad, is an immense depot for pe troleum, where as many as 120 ear-loads arrrive in a day from the Pennsylvania oil wells. The cars each contain two sylindrieal tanks, holding each 40 bar rels. This is lifted into a receiving tan k by means of syphon at the rate of 4,- 000 gallons in live minutes. It, is then pu m bed by steam power into boilerplate tanks holding 20,000 barrels each, and, when wanted for shipment, is forced by ti forty-horse power .engine to Wee hawken on the Hudson through iron pipes seven miles long. A little four or five year old boy was seated - at the table eating his dinn er. A small cut of beefsteak was gives him, and taking it up in 'his hands h endeavored resolutely to get a bite 0 the end of it. It being pretty tough—L as beefsteak often happens to be—be pulled, and jerked, and grunted at the task a little more than was consistent with modern ideas of a polite dinner.— After a few earnest struggles all in vain, he turned to his mother with a look of mingled energy and despair, and said, through his vexation and tears, m a _ ma me's going td have a piece off this meat or pull 2nS7 mQut out I' , . As old Seoteliman of Baskin used to say : "I'm open to conviction ; but I'd like to see the man that can convince me." Old Minister Wells, the prede cessor of the Rev. Dr. Storrs, of Brain tree, Mass., a Scotchman , used to -say : "It behoovetlf a Scotchman to be right; for if ho be wrong, he will be forever and eternally wrong." AN Irishman, on arriving in this country, took a fancy to the Yankee girls, and wrote, to his wife: "Dear Norah—These melancholy lines are to inform-you that I died yesterday, and hope you are enjoying the same bless ing. I recommend you to marry Jem my O'llourße, and take care of the children. From your affectionate I►us band till death." 41 ,110 w old are you?" asked a railroad conductor of a little girl whom her mother was trying to pass on a alt'•• ticket. "I am nine at home, but it the cars I am only six and a half." OH IT COST FOR 04-SH 11=1 Wit//14114Cad; & Oa. Wilt sell from this date their entiro stock of DREGS, UDICINES, MN Pertturnery, Notions, Dye- Stuffs, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, ,Glass, Putty, Alcohol, Turpentine, Kerosene Oil, Tobacco, Cigars, Wall-Paper, Curtains, Fixtures, &c., &c., &c., ) AT COST FOR CASH Positively no Humbug. P. R. WILLIAMS A; CO Wellsboro, March 3, DM GROVER, & BALBR'S I FIRST PREMIUM ELASTIC STITCH EAMILY SEWING MACHINES, 594 BROADWAY NEW YORK Points of Excellence. Beauty and Elasticity of Stitch. Perfection and Simplicity of Machinery. Using both threads directly from the spools. No faStening of seams by hand and no waste of threo, Widb range of application without change l of adjustment. The seam retains its beauty and firmness r af ter washing and ironing. Besides doing all kinds of .work done by other Sewing Machines, these Machines execute the most beautiful and permanent Embroidery and ornamental work. , 1 `Tho highest Premiums at all the fairs and exhibitions of tho United States and Europe, havojbeen awarded the (-hover Ir, Baker Sewing Machines, and the work done by them, wherever exhibited in competition. ;\ The very highest prize, THE CROSS OF THE LEGION OF HONOR, was conferred on thipl representative of the Grover Baker Sowing Machines, at the Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1867, thus attesting theirgrent superior ity over all other Sewing Machines ----- July 28, 1869-tf. Valuable Farm for Sale. A farm of three hundred acres, with two hun-! dred and twenty-five acres improved. Sit, uated two miles north of Tioga Village, on the Tioga River and Rallrocd. Well watttered, un der a good state of cultivation, and good_build ings. Also four houses and lots for sale in Tioga village. T. L. L'ALDWIN. Tioga, Feb. 12, 1868-tf. WASHING MACHINE. JAS. M. WILKINSON, of Charleston,having purchased the right to make and vend the H. P. Jones Washing,Machine in Tioga County, hereby gives notice that the machines are being made at Van liornls Cabinet Factory, Welisboro, whore they may balprdcured. The - best, cheapest, and most sensible machine ever invented. June 24,1888—tr. For Sale T AM AGENT for Kinney & Co., celebrated I platform Spring Wagons, all styles, also for their light Carriages and Buggy Wagons, all made, in good style, and from' Jersey timber, and warranted in every respect, equal to any made. Can furnish any of the above at the lowest Manufacturers price's. L. C. BENNET. We'labor°, May 5,1869—if. Farm for Sale I IN Deerfield township, Tioga County, Pa., 5 miles from Knoxville and 2i miles from Oce ola, on the road leading from Kiser settlement to the river. Said farm contains, 166 acres, 130 acres ithproved; is table land, and lies hand somely; has 40 acres of meadow which can be mowed with a machine; is well watered, and well adapted to dairying purposes; has many fine springs; timber hemlock, beech, and maple. Comfortable dwelling 24 feet square, a 30x40 feet barn, cowshed 60 feet long, granary, and a young apple orchard thereon. Terms easy. Ap ply on the premises, or address, at Oceola. July 7, 1860-tf. MORRIS SEELEY. Notice to Collectors. COLLECTORS of the;taxes for 1869 aro ro quested to be prompt in collecting up their duplicates and paying over the same by the let of September. By so doing not less than $lOOO can be saved to the county. Aug, 4, 1869. R. Q. BAILEY, Co.l Treasurer. Stoves: Stoves:: AND HARDWARES Having formed a partnership in the Tin, Stove and Hardware trade, the undersigned have the pleasure to announce that they have, at a great outlay, added to the usual stock of the old stand on • MAIN STREET, WELLSBORO, a complete assortment of Shelf Hardware, of which we enumerate the following articles: NAILS, SPIKES, CROWBARS, X CUT, MILL, HAND AND BUCK SAWS, - BUTTS, STRAP HINGES, CARPENTER'S TOOLS, PUMPS, AXES, AUGERS, KITTS, BITT-STOCKS, HATCHETS, CHISELS, SHOVELS, SPADES, FORKS,. BENCH-SCREWS, WOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE BOLTS, BURRS, SKEINS, WASHERS, PIPE BOXES, AXLE TREES, ELLIP TIC - SPRI*GS, HORSE SHOES, HOOP, BAR, &BAND` IRON, GRINDSTONE HANGINGS, CORN POPPERS, SAUSAGE CUTTERS AND STUFFERS COMBINED. Also, PISTOLS, PISTOL CARTRIDGES, . POWDER AND CAPS. PATENT BARNDOOR HANGINGS a now thing, and mado for uso. These nro but a few of the many articles composing our stock of Hardwaro. We invite the public to call and examine for We aim to keep the best quality of goods in our lino; and all work to order done promptly and well. AGENTS FOR THE Buckeye Mower & Reapei War. ROBERTS. R. C . 13AILET. ROBERTS Sr, BAILEY Wellsboro, May 1.9,1869—tt. LOTS OF NICE MI WICKHAM & FARR'S, TIOGtA, PA El SUCH AS DRY GOODS MI liIM Grro►ceries, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, CROCKERY & WOODEN , WARE, READY TO BE INSPECTED, AND SOLD 1 .4. T A, FAIR PROFIT. \ CALL AND SEE WICKHAM dr. Altit Tloga, Hoy 12, 1869. - , WELLSBOBQ AKERY. MARE SUBSCRII3ER hav trig eAablished him ". elf in the BAKING BUSINESS. In 'this Tillage, noxt door to E. R. Rimball's Urocery, is now prepared to eery on the business in ell its various branches. I will loop cori stantly on hand an assortment of Broad, such 11F LOAF BREAD, BOSTON CRACKERS, GRAHAM BREAD; , BUTTER CRACKERS, • B ROWI'f BREAD, WATER. • CRACKERS, SUGAR CRACKERS, • DYSPEPSIA' AND SODA BISCUITS, OYSTER CRACKERS, CAKES, . 'PIES, AND LUNCH, , • at all hours of the day, Sundays exceptad. By strict attention to business shall andoavor to merit the public patronage. CHAS. STEVENS. Wellsboro, June. 24, 1868. • NEW GOODS, I= WINEBSALE STOUR. CORNING, N. Y DRIICIS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS AND OILS, THADDEUS DAVIDS' INKS, KEiTIPS. CONCENTRATED MEDICINE, IREDELL'S FLUID, EX, TRACTS, BURNETT'S COCOAINE, FLAVOFING EXTRACTS, KEROSENE LAMS, PATENT MEDICINES, ROCK• ESTER PERFUMERY AND FLAVORING EXTRACTS, MALL PAPER, WINDOW GLASS, ' WHITEWASH LIME & AND DYE COLORS, AGENTS FOR MARVIN & CO'S Rt Sold at Wholesale Prices. Buyers aro roquestd to call and et quotations before going furtfr East W. TERBELL 86 Y., J'an:l, 1868-4 y Corning, Who esale and Retaik DRUG STORE' B y W. C. KRE SS. T lT a E fu s ly b s s t c o r c i l lr o r f will keep on hand at all tile DRUGSANDMEDICINIII, PA1144, OILS, Patent 34,dieines, Flavoring Extracts, Perfumery, Keriene Lamps, Wicks, Dye Colors, White Wsh Lime and Brushes, Varnish an( Sash Brushes, Window Glass 'all sizes, 'Varnish of all kinds, Fancy Soaps, Hair Oils, SPECTACLES, Hair end Tooth Brushes, a full stok of Yankee Notions.; also a completeis sortment of Homoeopathic and a full stock of Pure Wines and Liquors. Buyers are requested to call and oxamim pr cos before purchasing elsewhere. Mittch 24, 1869.-1 y THE AMERICAN BUTTON-HOLE OVER-SEAMIATG‘ .AND SEWING MACHINES T"greatest invention and the beat awing Machine in the world. It has no opal as a Family Machine. And INTRINSICALLY TIIE CDEAPEfif. It is fealty two machines in ono by asimple and beautiful mechanidal arrangement, naking both the Shuttle or Lock-stitch and tie Over seaming and Button-hole stitch with opal fa cility and perfection. It executes in the very host manner every va itoty of Sowing, such as HEMMING, FELLING, CORDING,• TUCKING, STITCHING, BRAIDING AND QUILTING, GATHERING and ffAV— WG ON, and in addition OVER-SEAMING. Embroiders on the edge end makes beautiful Button and Eyelet-holes in all ;fabrics. Every Machine is warranted by the Company or its Agents to give entire satisfaction. , For further information inquire of F. RINGS LEY, at R. C. Bailey's in Morris Run, orof Mrs. S. K. EVERETT, four doors south of the Depot near R. Farr's Hotel, Blossburg, where the ma chine may be tried, and instructions received in using the Elachinia 3 by all those wishing to buy. F. KINGSLEY, Agent. Morris Run, Pa., thine 9,1869-3m.0 HARDWARE AND STOVES I CONYERS & OSOOOII H AVE o . r ti n hand an aro constantly receiving a Hardware Store every artiolo needed In this region of country, in,the HARDWARE LINE. SHELF HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL NAILS, MIDDLETOWN AND ELMIRA SAWS, ROPE, STOVES, Cooking, Self-Regulittors and Coal Stoves. ' Home Companion, • and the justly celebrated IMERICAN COOK STOVE , TIN -WARE No pains will ho spared to meet the wants of our customers. , CONVERS k MOOD. Weltaboro, Jan. 6, 1869, ly. ,MORE NEW GOODS! John R. 'Bowen, TS now receiving a large aid complete assort janentof Fall a - Winter ' „ bought since the Into decline in prices In New York, consisting of lar3r fM•c:ococi.tei, Groceries, Hats & Caps, Boots & Shoei, YANKEE NOTIONS, Particular attention is invited to our Stock of 1.012)21ti5 2023Z0 ©MN AND TRIMMINGS, Gaiters and Hoop Skirts; also a nice line of TEAS, New Crop, very tine at reduced prices, A fine assortment of Ladies FURS, very cheap, nil of which will bo sold at,the very lowest mar ket prices. We respectfully invite all to call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. Empire Store, No. 1 Union Block. Vie'labor% Oot. 21,1868. RIV SHE GOES ! FOR CASH, we will sell FEED at these pri ees : Very , best Rye & Oats, Ground here, Best itriported Feed, Best Common Beal, Cow Feed, The above goods, at tho above prices, at-o strictly cash I We don't mix sand in our food. Wo haven't a Plaster Mill connected with our Flouring Mill ! . Our Feed is pure! WRIGHT & BAILEY. Wellsboro, Jan. 20, 1860. - !MI Grocery, and Proirision Store, D. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER In all kinds of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, FOREIGN & DOMESTIC, GREEN & CANNED FRUITS AND WOOD & WILLOW WARE, GLASS & CHILDREN'S • CARRIAGES, CABS & PERAMBULATORS, TOYS, &c., &c A:full and complete assortment of tho above mentioned goods of th 4 best quality always on band. Particular attention paid to Fine Groceries. Dealers and Consumers ill find it to their in terest to examine his Stobk beforo buying. Corning, N. Y., March 31, 1869. , TO THE FARMERS OF TIOGA COUNTY. I. T AM now building at my mannfactory,in Lawrence. vino. a 'superior , FANNING -MILL, which possesses the following advantagesover allother 1. It separates rye, oats, rat litter, and foul seeds,and chess and cockle, from wheat. 2. It cleans flax Bead, takes out yellow seed, and all! other seeds, perfectly. 3, It cleans timothy seed. 4. It does all other separating required of a mill. This mill is built of the best and most durable. Lim ber, in good style, and is sold cheap for cash, or pro- duce. I will fit a patent sieve, for separating oats from wheat,to other mills, on reasonable terms. • J. It MATHER. Lawroneovillo e Tnne 16, 1/360-tf w. C. KRIS UNITED• SECURITY Life nsuranee & Trust Oompany of Pennsylvania. Capital, 3 $1,000,000. $lOO,OOO deposited with the - Atiditor General for security of the Policy Molders. SPECIAL TEATIMES. Low cash Premiums. Policies, Non-forfeitable by their terms- Liberal Traveling Privileges. Return of all Premiums paid. Annual Diiidends. Females Insured at same rates as Males. HOMO Wee S. E. Corner, bth and Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Applications for Insurance may be made with IV.P.BIGONEY, General t Agent, Wollsboro' Pa. May 12, 1860—tf. WANTED, AT THE NILES VALLEY STEAM L . FLOURING MILLS. 10,000 Bus. , Corn, 10,000 " Oats, and any amount o good wheat. i J. B. DIMON .k. Co. - Niles Valley, March 24th, 1869-tf. lon. SALE. 4 A splendid stock of Picture Frame Mouldings which will be manufactured to order at reasons, blo prices, at CLAY KING'S April 14, 1889. : Art Gallery. House and Lot for Sale. ROUSE ° and Lot, and vacant lot for Bale cheap. Location Wellaboro, and desirable. Inquire nt the Agitator Office. Oct. 28, 1868—tf. MISS R. A. REENEY begs leave to inform the citizens of Tiogi and vicinity that she has taken rooms over Borden's Drug Store, op posite the Post-Office, whore she will be happy to, wait on all who will give her a call. Particular attention paid to bleaching. May 12, 1869-tf. T O LAWYERS— BANkRUPTCY BL..N . K S P in full setts, at YOUNG'S I3OOgSTORE. n ASH PAID FOR WOOL, BUTTER AND %„/ CHEESE, by O. L. WILLQOX. Jane 1111888. Goods, '&c., &c Remember, FROM THIS DATE CORNING, N. Y. DRIED FRUITS, VEGETABLES, CROCKERY WARE, CHARTER PERPETUAL New Millinery N_EW EI•RM TO BUT- SELL IS 0 U 1? "IaTE" will buy of tho' bighost market prico, VI" the following ortiC.lo4, SHEEP:, PELTS, DtCON SKINS, - 'DEER SKINS, PIJ S, HIDES, AND VEAL SKINS, for which wo will pay cash. • We will manufacturo to order, French or home tanned CALF or KIP BOOTS, in the best man ner and at fair rates, and pay especial attention to REPAIRING. Wo have a ttret•rato stook of REABY-MABE WORK, on which we wilt not be undersold, and 'from this time we shall make it q point to keep up the hest stook of LADIES' GAITERS, to ho found in the county, which wo will sell at a lower profit than such articles have over boon offered in this region. -We shall likewise keep ilp a good assortment of LADIES' BALMORALS, LEATHER BOOTEES, CHILDREN'S AND MISSES WORK OF VA RIOUS STYLES, 1 and 'a l l styles of MEN'S. WORK. LEA :HER & FINDINGS eaa be bouglAof us as cbedp as any where this side of New York, and wo 81101 keep a full stook of FRENCH CALF, FRENCH KIP, UP PER, SOLE, LININGS, AND BINDING. Our stock of PEGS, NAILS, THREAD, A WLS, RASPS, GLOVERS' NEEDLES, LASTS, TREES, C R IMP S, with SHOEMAKER'S TOOLS and FINDINGS, will bo found the lar gest in the eountiiniid 'toe sell for small profits, Wo talk businass and wo mean business. We have boon, in thii region long enough to be well known—lot those who know us try us. Corner of Main and Grafton streets, opposite Win. Rob erts' Hardware Store, C. W. SEARS, OEO. 0. DERBY. Wollsboro, April 24,1867-tf. $2,50 . clot 2,25 " - 2,00 " 1.75 " • THY, CIIIIRC - 11,1INIONx T his paper has been recently enlarged to mm111)0011 • i proportions. IT IS TEE LARGEST RELIGIOUS PAPER IN THE WORLD. Is the lending organ of the Union MOW. , went, and opposes ritualism, close communion, ex elusiveness and church caste. It is the only paper that publishes Henry Word Beecher's Sermons, which it does every Weok,just as they aro delivered.— with out qualification or correction by him. It advocates universal suffrage; a union of christians at the polls; and the rights of labor. It has the best Agricultural Department of any_ paper in the world; publishes stories for the family, and cor the destruction of social evils, Its editorial management is impersonal; its writers and 'editors aro from every branch of the church, and from every grade of society. It has been aptly termed tho freest organ of thought in the world. Such a paper, offering premiuMs of Sewing Ma chines, Dietionaries, Appleton's Cyclopedia, Pianos, Organs for Churches, etc, makes ono of the best pa pers for canvassers in the world. Every Congregation may obtain a Communion 'der vice,an Organ, a Melodeon, a Bible, orn Life Insurance Polily for its Pastor, or 'almost any other needful thing, by a club of subscribers. Send for a copy, enclosing 10 cents, to • liql—P. S. Subscriptions receive'il at thiS office DEMOIIEST'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE universally acknowledged the Model I Parlor Magazine of America, devoted to Original Stories, Poems, Sketches, Household Matters, Gems of Thought, Personal and Literary Gossip (including special departments ou Fashlonu), Instructiods on health, Music, Amusements, etc., by the best authors, and profusely Illustrated with costly Engravings, useful and reliable Patterns, Elif brolderies, and a constant succession of artistic novel tics, with other useful and entertaining literature. No person of refinement, economical housewife, or lady of taste can afford to do without the Model Month ly. Specimen copies 15 cents. mailed free. Yearly, $3, with a valuable premium; two copies, $5,60; three copies, $7,50; five copies $l2, and splendid premiums for clubs a.'s3 each, with the first premiums to each subscriber. .420,..,A new Eartram & Fenton Pevt ing Ma chine for 20 subscribers at $3 each. Publication °Mee, 838 llroaeway, New York. Domorest's Monthly and Young America togethers4, with tho premiums for each. EMOREST'S Young America, Enlarged. It is the 'best Juvenile Magazine. Every Boy and OW that sees it says so, and Parents and Teachers confirm it• Do not fall to secure a copy. A good Microscope, with •a Glass Cylinder to confine living objects, or a good two.bladed, pearl Pocket-kuife, Ulla a Fargo , nom bar of other desirable articles, given as premiama to each subscriber. Yearly, $1.50, Publication Oflice, 838 Broadway, New York. 'Pry it, Boys and Oitls. Specimen copies, ten cents, mailed free. 186. FOR SALE. 1869 BY • B. C. WICKHAM, AT lIIS NURSERY OF 'FRUIT AND OR NAMENTAL TREES, IN TIOOA :- 60,000 Apple Trees. 10,000 Pear Trees. A good supply of PLUM, PEACH, CHERRY and ORNAMENTAL TREES tt. SHRUBBERY . The Fruit trees are composed of the cboicott varieties, a t od, healthy, some of them large and in bearing. Any one, wishing ,to got a supply will do well to call and eon my stock before pur chasing elsewhere. ;Si- Delivered at the depot free of charge. Tioga, Fob. 28,1868-Iy. AGENTS WANTED For Chamberlin's ~~ ~ ~o ~~~~~. t ~~~~~~~~ ~~:~ FOR THE PEOPLE! Full Instructions and Practical Forms, adapted to Every Kind of Business, and to all the States in the Union. I Rl' FRANKLIN INIANDERLIN, Of the United States Bar. i "Theta is no book of the kind which will take rank with it for authenticity, intelligence, and complete ness."--;Spr n gfield(Hass.) REPUBLICAN. This is tho ONLY NEW ROOK of the kind published for many years. It Is prepared by an able PRACTI CAL LAWYER, of twonty.five years' experience, and is just what everybody needs for daily use. /1 is highly recommended by many eminent Judges, Including the Chief Justice and other Judges of Ness. achusetts. and the Chief Justice and entire Bench of Connecticut. Sold only by Subscription. AGENTS WANTED EVBRYWIIERE. Scud for Circulars. 0. D. CASE & CO., Puhlis here, Dartford, Conn.; No 1 Spruce St., Now York ; Cincintit ti, 0.; and Chicago 111, I An old, published many years ago, has Just been hastily re-issued as "a now book," without even a suitable "revls ion of its obsolete, statements.— Do not confound that work with Chamberlin's Law- Book for the People. [July 14, 3.8(19-3m. Planing Matching. • FLOORING, CEILING, WAINSCOT ING, TONGUED & GROOVED, with rapidity and exactness, with our now Ma chines. Try it and see. B. T. VANIIORN. Wellsboro, April 21, 186 D. The subscriber offers for sale the following property, situated in Covington township and borough, Tioga county, Pa.: 58 acres of land in Covington tp., on. William son Road loading to Dlossburg, 4 miles there. from and 1 mile from Covington borough, about 20 acres improved, a good frame house, barn and other outbuildings thereon. Also, Sawmill, Sash Factory, and Shingle Mill and water priTiloge, thereon. Also, two apple orchards of 170 trees, p l um trees, 12 Cherry, 00 Currant bushes, mostly choice fruit, and about half bearing trees —lB red, white, and black, 4 Crabs, 10 bearing Grape Vines, 12 Pear, and Peach and Quince. Also—a Timber lot, 340.8 acres, if of a mile from Sash Factory and Sawmill. Timber, pine, oak, basswood, chestnut, ash, beech, birch, maple and hemlock. Also—a lot in the village, adjoin ind•Gerould's orchard, fronting on Williamson road and railroad, containing about on acre, a 2.story louse, outbuildings, fruit trees and a good well of water thereon. Also—another village lot, fronting bn William son road, 60 feet front by about 200 deep, and another lot fronting on said road, 114X174 feet. For further particulars inquire of DAVID S. IRELAN, Sr., or S..J IRELAN, Covington, Pa, April 21, 1869—tf. B USEVESS ! 'ALSO, \HENRY E. CHILD, ', 41 IrAUK Row, NEW rORK .--•—•—• = CAUTION. For Sale RAILWAY TIME TABLES ERIE; RAILWAY ON and aftpr MONDAY, April 241111.1869, Trains will loavn Corning, lit tho following .hours, Dom Warr. 12,35 a. at., EXPRESS MAIL, Sintlays excepted, for Itutialo, Dunkirk and Cleveland, connecting with trains fur the West. A Sleeping Coach in attached to this truin at New Yolk, maiming through - to Mead ville without change. A Sleeping Coach is also at tached at Susquehanna running through to Buffalo -6,11 a.m., NIUIIT EXP., daily for,Danklric, Cluveland, Dayton and Cincinnati, making direct connection with trains of the Grand 'Plunk Railway at Buffalo, and with the Lake Shore Railway at Burl tale, Dunkirk and Cleveland, for all points West anti .North• Wost, mid at Cincinnati with the Ohio imd Mississippi itailWay for the South and SoutleWest, This train makes it direct daily connection with all Linas to the West and South-West, and is provided with the now and improved Drawing Room Coaches peculiar to tho Broad (lamp, arranged both for day and night travel, running through to Rochester, Buffalo aiiCiticitinall, and thus forming the ONLY DAILY LINE trout Now York, Cincinnati anti thu South-West, running through Rai miles without change. 6,30 a. in, NIOUT EXPRESS, Sundays excepted, b.v Rochester anti Buffalo, via Avon. 10 ,15 a. in., MAIL TRAIN, Sunday a excepted, for Buffalo and Dunkirk, 1,45 p.m., BALTIMORE 11XPRES3,Sundaysexcept ed, fur noclictiter and Buffalo, via A.v OU. 7,05 p. tn., DAY EXPRESS, Sundays 'nxceptetl, for Bultalo, Dunkirk, Cleveland, Dayton, Chic Mitati, and the West and South, connects at Buffalo, Dunkirk and Cleveland with the Lake Short) Railway for all points West and North-West, and at Cinclonatti with the Ohio and Mississippi Railway for the South and south- Went. Sleeping Cottcpen attached to this Tlaill at Ilornelisvilio, running through to Clot eland m Itle dut chaugo. 7,10 p. DAY EXPRESS, Sundays excepted, for Rochester. 1,30 p.m., WAY FREIGIIT, Sundays excepted. 5,25 p. in., EMIGRANT TRAIN, dully, fur the Wes GOING EAST. ,35 a. m., I CINCINNATI EXPRESS, Mondays ex• coptod, connecting nt Elmira for CanOnglaigna, nt Owego for Ithaca, at Bilighainton for Syracuse, at (treat Bond for Scranton, at Lackawaxen for Hones dale' at Middletown fur Unionville, at Goshen for Montgomery, at Groycourt fur Newburg and War wick, and at Jercoy City with afternoon and evening trains of New Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia, Balti more and Washington. 10:35 a. ra, ACOMMODATION TRAIN, tinily, con necting at Owego fur 'lthaca. 11,66 a. m.,DAP EXPRESS, Sundays excepted, connecting aWaverly for Towanda, at Binghamton for Syracuse, at Oreat Bond for Scranton. at Lack& waxen for Honesdale, at Alidtiletowu for Unit)f rife, and at Jersey City with midnight express to it el New Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia. 2,20 P. 1a.,. RALTIMISRE EXPRESS. SundayA ex. eepted, 4,26 p• m., NEW YORK AND BALTIMORE M di y e . )!cs tons iing-st. El an ira for Calla' ditiguis, and at 'Waverly for Towanda. 7,52 p. m., LIURTNINO EXPRESS, Daily, connect ing at hiltuira for Wlliiimuipurt, liarriblitirgillla the South, and at Jerey City with morning express twin of Now Jersey Itaittotol; for ['Wilt&lplita,ltiniete and Washington. 12,20 P. in, WAY Fitnimur, Sundays excepted Arl• A revised and complete "Pocket Time Table' of Passenger Trains on the Erio Railway awl cone teting Lines, has recently been published, and eau be pi ocnr• ed on application to_the Ticket Agent of the CompanS WM. R. BARR, tion'l rk48.1. A gen t Blossburg & Corning; Tiogo R. P. Tinius will run as follows until furthernotice Accommodation—Leaves 1110.,sburg at 6,15 it. in., M., as field at 7,05, Tioga at 7,41, Lawrenceville at 8,26 arriving at Corning at 0,38 a. in. Mail—Leuvesltiossinirg at 8,00 pl in.,Mansfield at 3,40, Tioga at 4,18, Lawrenceville at s,oo—arriving at Corning at 6 p. m. Mall—LeavesCorning at 8,00 a. in., Lam rencevillc nt 0,03, Tioga at 9,45, Mansfield at 10,22—arriving at Illoss-burg at 11,00 a. in. ' Accommodation—Leaves Corning at 2,10 p. m., Law rencevillo at 3,52 Tioga at 4.46, Mansfield at 5,30 arriving at Dlosslinng at 6,45 p. m. ' L. IL SIIATTUCK,SuO't ------- - - Northern .Central R. R TRAINS FOR THE NORTH. Trains for Cnnanilagnia leave Elmira as follows: Accomoclation at 6 20 a ExprevtfastDatrain on - rood] Mail Way Freight, [passenger coach attache.] On and after Apr. 25, 1869, trains will arrive ant! depart from Troy, no,followe; LEAVE _NORTHWARD. 9 27 P. in.—Daily (except Sundays) for Elmira, Buffa— lo, Capapdaigpn, Rochester, ;insp. Bridge and the Canada& 10 66 n. m.—Daily (except Smnday«) for Elinirn ant -Buffalo, via Erie Railway from Elmira. LEAVE SOUTIIWA 624 A. m.—Daily (except Sundays) for Baltiniot e WaMington, Philadelphia, .Ic. 0;52 P. in.—Daily (exc'ept Sunday,;) for Baltimore WaMington and PilkladelphM. ALFRED It. FISKE ED. 5. youNn WWI Sup t.llurri;l2urg, Paiiii.Ag't Balt i nem e. Itl 01. — Philadelphia & Erie R. R. On and alter Sept. 6, 1666 Trains Oil (MI nOild w run us (Mons WESTWARD Mail Train leavob •• WatiaMHPOrt 4.rr. st.t. Erie. Erie Express leaves Pll I 1/I.llophill " • " • 4 " arr. at Elie Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia •%' " t. " arr. ut Leek Haven.. EASTWARD. ; - Mail Train leaves Erie 15 a •• " t a. 15 p " " arr. at Philadelphia 6:10 ain Erie Express leaves Eric 120 p •• , " Williamsport 4 . 13 ain arr. at Philadelphia 120 p Elmira Mall, 'envoi Lock Hal en 0 50 a m • o 41 \Vill fantepoi t, 6..8 a m " " arr. ut Philadelphia 4 7.15 p m Bull'ale Express, loaves Williamsport ..... 12 na in " •• arr. at Philadelphia 0 '25 a m Mail and Express Connect with Oil CI etli and Allis ghony River Rail Road. Baggage Eheched Th rough. ALFRED L. TYLER, Oen') Supt. Atlantic and Great Western R• W SALAMANCA STATION. WETTWARD BOUND. EASTWARD Ittn:D, Mall 6.30 Bxpregg 5.10 'Accommodation 6,g0 -19 • 'express 12'39 I Accommodation, 11.45 Expresil 11.00 I Express , 6.10 At Cory there In a Junction with the Philudelphia fi Erie, and eil Creek Rail Roads. At Meadville with the Franklin and Oil City and Pitholo Branch. At Leavittshurgo the Malioniny Branch makes a ill. rect route to Cleveland. At Ravenna connects with Cleveland and Pittsbnigh Railroad. Thu Road passes through Akron, Ashland, Callon, Marlon, Urbana and Dayton, intersecting various t ail. roads, and terminates at Cincinnati. L. D. RUCKER, Gen.Siipt.,Meadville,Pa. NATIONAL LIFO INSURANCE COMPANY OF TILE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, WASHINGTOZ4, D. 0 Chatteredby Speci'l Act of Congress APPROVED JULY 25, 1868 Cash Capital. $1,000,000, PAID 'IN PULL BRANCII OFFICE First National Bank Building, PHILADELPHIA, Where all Correspondence should be Addressed OFFICERS CLAnnseu H. CLARK, President. - JAY Coorc, Chairman Finance .t Executive Corn HENRY D. COOKE, Vice-President. EMERSON W. PEET, Seerotaryand Actuary. B. S. Rusetta, Manager. Circulars. pamphlets, and full particulars giv en on application to tho Branch Office of the Company, or to It. C. SIMPSON, WELLISBORO: PA., by whom applications will be received and Pol Mos procured for Tioga Countyl Dec. 9, 1898-Iy. lIARNESS SIIOP W. NAVLE, would say to his friends 13. that his harness Shophs now in full blast, and that ho is prepared to furnish heavy or light iinant:ll.oStiSte,, on short notice, in a good - and substantial, man ner, and at prices that cant fail to suit. Tho best workmen are employed, and none hut the best material UEOCI; Call and see. Deo. 0,1868-17. G. W. NAVLE-. Atlantic - and Great Westerli -AND - ERIE RAILWAYS, THE GREAT BROAD GUMJE ROUTE volt CLEVELAND, TQLEDO, CIFIC'AG(); MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL, OMAHA, And to all Yointnin the WEsT end Nortro-IVL,, Dayton, Cincinnati, Lonit. VILLE, ST. LOUIS, ICANSAB CITY, MEMPHIS, NEW 0 ItLEA NS,, And nil points in the South h. No Change of Coaehoes TO CLEVELAND OR CINCINNAII, From any point on the Erie Railway. At, vantage end et:nye/Aim-0 no "tiered hy a L other route. 3 Ttutarou LIG lITN I Nil x T, 11,1 DAILY. Baggage Checked Through, and I , ;‘, C uss front ono car to another, preventin g in s , N . ja . age. \ Tickets via this papillar route can I,c proc urt i at all ()tikes on the line of the Erie Railway, at h of BEERS . & ABBOTT, orposir DEN A , ELI Vtien purchasing ask the Agent for Ticket, via the ATLANTIC & GREAT WESTERN W. B. SIIATITC, Uen. Ticket and Pass. Ag't, Cleveland,o L. D. RUCKEIt, Jan. ti, Gen. Supt., Meadville, Pa. TILE CELEBRATI - Mason & Hamlin Cabin‘ei ORTABPLE ORGANS ,Together with tilt) ESTieIY CCATAGE OltuAy "ittid hil - MODEONS, ettti ho atliantageoutly °based of Wll TIOGA, PA. HAVlNGobtained the agency from then;. ufaelarers of the above named in.truaw, we hat o the facilities for furnishing thew Kg,. ces to compare favorably with those el deact:-, in either the same or other reed iwtrecau L Their reputation is such that scarcely arol;t1 need be said regarding their being deiitallt, having been awarded prominms and medals[; the prineipol liairs and Institutes, WI, i n and foreign countries. Many fine modern is proventents, which arc so desirable iq all z, reed instruments, are owned and refaino I: their exclusive use by the tunnel:win+ ,these instruments. llence it is. Labile they - thT strength and durability, together with r.,11z. and quality of tone equal to any, they excel other reed instrutnents, in tbe variety and c bination of tones which can he produced. .1 11. BILDI,L, Gen') Supl INDIVIDUALS, SCHOOLS, CHURCi ES, SOCIETIES, I'2 20 10 n 10 p n . S 00 n n and other onzniii•,,atiot.s; wishing to t 1 air., reed iu. ttntn4nt, 149 i Le :460.4 us reitnt •:;• style:, pritv:f, 44, ALL INSTRUMENTs 'WAIdiAIEIC, -.l'• Solid fc.r a rireal:V 17, 'fll.l Horso aid Nilo PRO • This preparation, on , and farm' i - 4 , i a ' S known ^ • me:(.u- • ~...- s ' k *ITHT , hooken, will thoroughly re-i down and low-spirited bon, by strengthening. and cleansiaz :.• 3 '' 1 stomach and intestines. .. 1.t.1, ...__,..,_ It. is a sure preventive of n. ll I - —7, " -- "' ,-- r; , " incident to this animal, such as Lt . \ FEVER. GLANDERS, YELLOW ~., WATER, HEAVES, COUGHS, MS- . .. TEMPER, FEVERS, F 0 UN DER , LOSS OF APPETITF. AI)N VITAL 'fs. t lei _,' ENERGY, &c. Its wie improves ri ;a: e the wind, increases the appetite— f-- V• V, gives asmootlk and glossy skin—and ' ) i.., transforms the miserable skeleton ii - -`: u ' . '.. into a fine-looking and spirited horse. 0,,,-._ . 9 '2l) p m . I " . J.Opp m 11.L1.1 noon . 1.11 p .10 (.10 a in . fi.Jo a IP pmno . 5.45 p in To keepers of COWS' this pupa lion is invaluable. It is a Rae ventive against Rinderpe4 heir Horn, etc. It hi3f been proven actual experiment, to inerea , e C-. quantity of milk and cream crenX 'percent. and make the bowr fir. and sweet. In futtening eattb..l gives them an appetite, loosens their hide, and male, !hem - thrive much faster. \ r • ilts4 In alt diseases of Swine, such as Coughs, Ulm , t the Lungs, Liver, &c., this article acts I. as a 'speci fi c. By putting from one- I . 4 ': ~\ half a paper to a paper in a barrel of •' ~.. swill the above diseases will be eradi• . -", --- hr ' cated. or entirely prevented. If given ,t_ a c, in time, n certain preventive and ' ogro for the Hog Cholera. PANID E. IOUTZ, Proprietor, nA.LT.imonn. 3ld For sale by Drugglits and Storekceperi thrcc.;'.; ; the United States, Canada 3 and South . August 25, .1869-11 n. STICKI,dN, NO Ohairmaker, Turner, and ( Furniture Dealer, SALE ROOM, opposite Dartt's IYagc,D M _l, plain Street. FACTORY in Scan I ' l hams Foundry, scoond MO% Orders promptly filled and satisfaction teed. Fancy Turning done to order. j Wellsboro, June 12, 1867. J. STICIO,I ----) Tioga Diare Works. TIM under:l; o nd i now prepate,l a cle cute all orders for ,fo l nt) StoneF, and ruents of either ITALIAN OR RUTLAND MARBLE of the latest style and approved wolloaar:la and with dispatch. lle keep constantly on 10114 both kiwi' Marble and will be able to suit all oho aro °' vor hint with their orders, on as icasonablt tell as can be obtained in the country. Stones discolored with rust and dirt olcane find mode to look as good as new. • PORTER Wq4.COX Tiogn, Nov, 1, 1867-if. TIIE LARGEST STOCK 0 IN 'lingo County, and the IChenpeet• place p, buy in the world. Agent for L. BOLLES & CO'S 110. q, Maos6slll, Nov. 25, 1868—ly To the Owners of lin atented Lands SURVEYOR GENERAL'S OFFICE,I PA:, Mny , 25, ISII9. TN obedience to en Act of Assembly, approced the eigbib dny of April, one thom•and eigM hundrd and bivty, nine., 3on are hereby eotitiod that the " Cuunty ?Land Lien'Pocket,"cnntaie ing the list of umpatented Minh for Tioga prepared under the Act of As:embly of flia twentieth of May, one thottanti eight bemired and sixty-four, and the supplement thereto , this day been forwarded to the Prothonotary of the otuaniy, at nhose office it may be elaminc.t The liens can only ho liquidated by the of the purchase money, intetet4 and feet, mud receiving patents through thh, Departmcnt -- Proceedings by the Attorney General hate ken 01113 ed for one year from ibis date, in order that parties may obtain their patents NI ithout'addi (tonal cast. JACOB M. CA INIPBELL , Suryeyor General., 500 COI fhl of Hemlock Park, wanted . , lot which the higho,it market price. 41 I."' Maid on delivi!ry at my Tannery, in 1t"eil4o 10, Jno 2, 18110-tf. JOSEPH RIBEE.011,1). TOB-WORK, IN THE BEST STYLE, an wlthdespato)2,olVlll AGITATOR Office. THE Read! Read: EEE T. A. liPAill.l`.l FOUTZ'S CELEBRATED Bi»ahandon, N. Y., and `ELMIRA SAW PACTOR3', • Elmira ; K. STOVES SOLD ON TIME 0. B. ICI'