The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, September 01, 1869, Image 2
Wh . o is Pershing, The Democratic party present to the State 'Mr. Cyrus L. Pershiwr as a ean dlidate. for the Supreme hunch. On that party, its press and leaders, rests the reiponsibility of telling the people who' this Mr. Pershing is. t+ Common rumor rays that he I a re speetablo young man of ac.erage talent for a Pennsylvanian who all.‘ a:,76 voted with his party: 4 - low the I n•inocratie party voted during the war is not and never will be forgotten. But .the peo- IA) are not • satisfied with a juvenile partisan, however smart - or however faithfully he may have kept in the ranks. - On behalf of the people of the Com monwealth of Penn:lir:min we ask the Democratic party for information. Has Mr. C. L. Pershing ever tried a ease before a jury unassisted ? Give US .the caption, with the utniber and term. 'How in an y suits ha. Mr. C. L. Persh ing already argued he ore the court in which he is now ambit, ous of a seat? Is Mr. C. L. Pershing known in Cambria as anything DU 1.! than a jus tice of the peace lawyer? What great principle of aw has ever been elaborated by Mr. C L. Persh ing's ellihrts?-, What leading ease has -he ever shared the glory of contesting? Does Mr. C. L. Pershing even Jive in a county or court town? 11' our mem ory serves us right, he is the resident of a village which never saw a Court ifilti MI, U- L. Pershing - any legal his own liar ? Is he known as a lawyer or a politician ? Will Alt'. C. L. Pershimt, if elected, resign his position as local attorney for the Pennsylvania Central Itailroad ? We ask (hitt little question as the De mocracy were greatly troabled lest Cm Orant, if elected, should not resign his commission in the army. - The voters of this Slate have a right to have these question~ answered. For a Supremo J utJge it is their duty 'to vote intelligently. Itespeettkble and tolera ble respectable men ean sFallow " the whole city ticket," ityliChnents and all, but :i judicial candidate is a more serious matter. Let us have light. Until we have an tilleqUiVeCal answer, there is 1101 choice at alt between a lawyer like Williams, and a what-ia-it lace Pershing,—Phil. Prr 1.43. Twenty• Eight, $l5OO Bien In the last Session of the Pen nsylva-. nia Legislature, a motion to increase the compensation of mew lieni to lei I teen Ilundred noilars a ion. received the votes of the tollowing in the 11. It. : Reim() DcipocrutB. A(iaire, Pliil'a. I)aily, Phil'a. —Bunn it Joseph " " (loud Alq3inniy- ' Davis " Mullen " leoy 41 Ilogitr‘; i [err,,). 41 Beal 1, Sell \V ' HOlglite " . Bre(11 "I Hong Nice Kleckner " I.losa rd , I.iiz. Myers " O'Neill " Mov;.:.,ran , Allep,hepy, \Vest lei `• Martin, Juniata (12.) (loninlie, StouL, M'Collnugh, Clarion, Al'iMiller, Montgona., . , - Nelson, Wayne. (16.) h Oi* VO (big . I I h•1111)1•1:11S li; 7'o/(4 2irril. dr 1)rmor•ral:; Ili l ttLliecuu- if the benmerats, u; out. of :I`.; mem bers—almost one half—voted for the slsoo. the Repub P2mit. of than one-Sifth—voted for tile :illr)00. So it _is everywhere— the Diimourats wake the most. extravagant - ie. :mil then try to throw the responsibility upon the Republicans. Let every person hear leis own Si a - 1141 let the people apply OM 1.-..1(4 to the wrong-doers, , - Some of tl)e f.)regoing twenty-eight men, who voted for : . :14500 por sys:,ion ror I heir -valuable RPrVievs, wore unto tlio most corrupt moo in the A sossion eovers about one litindred dap:, eounting timid:Lyn atul vnenlions —so they wished to get $l5 a stay, be sides: t heir extras. Rut aetnal work ing days are not over Go to 7O so that they trolly graphed for . i . 420 to •2,1 per day from the - Very -tre•astiry they were sent (p guard - . ot those twenty-eight Invalualde pa triot:- 1 see that, Davis, of Philadelphia, and O'Neill and Westler, of loixerne, are ,»o»iinaltal. if the tracts eould fairly brought before the people, they would not have talten up these men.— Ilut so few of the tax-payers know how their, money is squamlered, that the party drill may re-eleet, Nunn. Only " hard-times," I fear will induce the ina , ses to reflect seriously enough to correct these evils. For, if our sworn, ehosen guardians, dip their hands in the 'Treasury at this rate, what, may we not fear from others ?=---VlGit.ANci:, in the 'Montrose L',Qpubfican. The New 1. - ork Pnst, 11l an article on Pennsylvania polities, payA the following• tribute to the inerits of (3oveinor (leary : John W. Geary, the Iteptiblican can didate, end the present ttovernor,ls a gentleman of the highest integrity and of acknowledged abilities. A great, part of his Fi fe has been spent in the public servike, and he bas made no fortune, and has no elinni to an election except upon his character and talents. For many years a trusted friend of Polk and Buchanan, chosen by the latter when President as the best man in his party to administer the arliairs of Kan, pas with justice to all parties, and, to save p polarity in the Northern states. Mr. Geary left the Democrats with relnetance, and only when he - found that nothing bat in justice 911 4 lds part could satisfy them. Never were freemen more directly asked toN choose •between mopeN and merit thee in thiP, contest; and it is fair to sa y t h '.'t something more than the ftov .ernor's chair is at stal;e. in it—the good fame of Pennsylvania, and the charac ter of her,voters for independence and purity. DrnrocnATic DEcuNov.—The Cor ning Democrat, an organ of the Cop perhead party of this State, said i n n recent article : " OM. worst scoundrels are prof6ssors of the ehristian religion. Our churches are full of the meanest villains oh the face of the earth. While professing ehristianity, -they practice the most devilish crimes." This indecent style Of opposition lo the churches and to ehristianity ' is growing stronger and holder among the Peinocratic presses, whose editor now take little pains to conceal their disgust at the filet that the religious part of the people prefer to act with the%dtepunli can rather than with the Denmeratid par Rochester Democrat. NVe would call the attention of cur readers to an article of merit, which is advertised in our columns as being used extensively and with tho lest results, for restoring gray hair to its origi nal color, and in case of boldness renewing the growth, etqaed Vegetable Sicilian Bair Renewer. It is a medicinal preparation; its action is radical, and by its use the glands which support the hair are nourished and htrougtlicned. Heat, irritation and OXbCSBIvo perspiration of the scalp, which produce baldness, aro soon cured by n few applications of this scientificcompound t and it Imparts to the hair a rich nod glossy ap pearance. W e have tried it, and speak, from 'actual use. Pconsgron Grce(4l(l. . , " Fresh as' a rilaidenls i flush" I In the olio peachy Complexion n bk-h follow, the tn .° Hagan's Magnolia !him. It ti the True Secret of of this. Beauty. Fat.biourthlt, lAtliel in Soeietv undet,imul The Istagnolia r ialto elingt, the ruetie Country (iirl into n City Belle more rapidly than any other one thing. ' ne,lne,,,,Sunburn ,Tan,l,rcekteit, li totrhon and all bqip effects of the Summer Sun dpeor It here it l e we, t, and a gen lal, cultivated, fremli ex pre4sion ii obtained which rivnin the Bloom of youth. tteauty is ro,,lbm to 01l who will lareat 75 cents La auy retmeetable atm.° and insiEt on getting the Magnolia B ohn. U. , nothing lilt Lyou'm linthn iron to Dreot the flair. 1 I In, agilattot WELLSBOIIO PENN'A. W EDJ.TLSDAY, fSF,JPT: 'l, 1860. Itepublian Nominations. -FOR OOVERZiOR GEN. JOHN W. GEARY, I= -FOIL JUDOF. OF TOE KUPREMF. COURT HON. H. W. WILLIAMS, OP ALLECUENT COUNTY. .. COUNTY. B. B. STRANG; { --. Assembly. J. /3. NILES. , \ (subject to choice of Conference.) Prothonowly—Lenor TAnon, of Char/eaten. Register, &c.—D. L. DBAND, of Delmar. Treasurer—DAVlD P_AIfEIRON, of Tioga. Commissioner—P.-W. VANNass, of Rutland. {3 years—lsnart. STONE, Delmar. Auditors 2 years—S. D. PHILLIPS, Westfield. 1 year —D. K. bianan. Gaines. Coroner—Dr. A. J. llnoolE Oceola. We see it stated that Gov. Chary, Senator Scott, and Judge 'Kelley will address the people at Troy, Bradford Co., on Saturday, 4th inst. Gov. Geary will also visit Tioga Couny.y later in the campaign. The fifth annual meeting of the Penn'a Equal Rights League convened at Meadville, August lith. Mr. Henry W. Dorsey, of this vill4ge represented Tioga County. The attendance was large and the ConventiOn a -success. The Democratic papers have been shrieking fearfully about a late-case of miscegenation. A son of Iltderick Douglass married a daughter of a Pro fessor in Harvard College. The pro fessor happens to be a colored man, and he is a teacher of gymnastics. That's all. These Democrats are great fellows to Prophesy. Mr. 8 - eymour last fall pre dicted that the Tfeasury would show a deficit of $150,06b,000 in July 1869, if Grant should be 'elected. Grant was elected, and the treasury showed a sur plus of more than $155,000,000 on the first day of. July. Rowever, when a leading] pemocrat comes within $3OO,- 00,000 of the truth he does better than common. S Nes—Furey is in charge of the Par kin Democrat—a half column of Oati •tudinous imitation of Brick Pomeroy attests the fact. We have not fieen more frantic appeal to Packer's Purse since his, nomination. " Packer and Pershing, Peace and Prosperity !" in diteth Furey. To which We add : Pep per and Persimmons, Pop-corn and Pickles, Pig and Pup Pies, Peas and Parsley, Pliancy and Pheeliugs, but no PhactS or Phigures. Always glad to.acknowledge the re ceipt-of 'a good thing out of Nazareth,' we submit the fellowintl handsome compliment from Col. Tate, of the Ly coming Standard, Democratic : "Our esteemed friend DAvin CAMERON, Esq., has been selected by thniteuolqican Convention or Taiga v,oinity as their candidate rui tuuuty ,Treasuror. if ho performs the duties of that office in as efficient a manner as he did those of Deputy U. S. Marshal, we aro free to admit that it is pbssiblo for good to etc out of Nazareth. We irUti Mr. CAMERON SUCC SS. WATCH OUT! An Arab had a tent by a well in the desert, and during the prevalence of the hot simooui he sought the shelter of his tent. It' wits not a large .shelter—only large enough for one. This Arab had, • as most Arabs have, a camel, of which he was very choice. One day, when the sun was like fire, and the_ breeze like a blast from a furnace, the camel , thrust his nose into the door of the tent. Moved by pity, his master invit ed the beast to put in his head. The shade was so grateN) to the poor brute that he advanced his long neck and shoulders into the tent; then one foot; thei another; then half of his body ; then another foot, and finally he crowd ed in altogether. This was more than the Arab had bargained for. Clearly, there was room but for one ; if man, then no camel ; if camel, then no man. But the camel refused to retire and his whilom master, reduced to slavery by his beast, was obliged to vacate and leave the latter in possession. Now, of course, he'd the camel at tempted to tlfrust the whole of his un gainly body into the tent at once, he would have been successfully repulsed by the man. But remember that he I only put in his nose at first, and the man thinking that a camel's nose would not discommode him, permitted the intrusion. Then, by sloW and imper ceptible degrees, the rest of the brute's carcase was thrust in, and the man was thrust out.. Now the tent of . the Arab represents the citadel of Republican principles; the Arab represents such Republicans as sleep 'While they should have their lamps trimmed and burning; and the camel represents the traitors who sought to overthrow this Government and set up a despotism instead. To return to allegory—the camel has just put his nose into Tioga county.— Perhaps you may have seen it ; or you may know some tender-hearted fellow who, touched with Pity—or some other consideration—has invited the beast to put in his head. If you have seen the nose of this political camel, and feel moved to pass it by as of no moment, remember the fate of the Arab, and do as we do—strike the beast on the nose. The Arab pitied the camel, but the camel had no mercy on the Arab. Rec ollect that. There is another story which all have some time or l another heard. It runs in this wise: A poor laboring man return ing home to his family from his work on a cold December night ;• in his path, and torpid with cold,' lay a serpent.— The poo• man, moved by eoinpassion, took up die serpent, put it in his bosom, and went home: Arriving, he took the serpent from his bosom and laid it near the lire. Refreshed by the kindly warmth, the reptile coiled Itself and struck its deadly fangs into the flesh of one of the children; The man killed the snake. Yes—but the snake killed the innocent child. It would have been better to have loft the reptile to its fate. There are two applications which may be made of this story. The 4'iper represents the Copperhead lenders, wfio have been out in the cold so long that they are nearly froich to death. The workingman represents any Republi can who is careless enough not to watelOolit" against the tricks of the viper which not long ago dtruck at the heart of the nation, and to-day lies in wait to gobble up the unwary. The 'bitten child represents the manner in which the punishment of folly becomes vicarkius. 1 1 The ', other application of the fable is so plain that we leave:lt to be made by every man for himself,. So we warn every Republican to be ware of the camel's nose. The devil never carries off man, woman, or child, all at once. He takes them by degrees. First a man is induced to cheat and lie; then stealing comes easy ; then high way robbery, and the higher crimes. It having been said of David Camer on, Republican candidate for County Treasurer, that he fled to Canada to es cape the draft during the war, we take this opportunity to arrest the lie and to nail it down. David Cameron visited a friend of the family in Toronto, dur ing the month of June, 1863. This friend was his old teacher, and Mr. Cameron was at his house by special invitation. One morning the dispatches in the daily paper brought news that Gov. Curtin had called for troops to re pel invasion. David Cameron took the first train to the States, came to Tioga County, and responded to the Govern or's call in perron, There is the truth, good people, and the man who started the lie, and the men who are keeping the lie in moticin, cannot gainsay it. And now, mother word": Neither the man who started the lie, nor any of those who are keeping it afloat, over responded to any call of Gov. Curtin, or Abraham Lincoln, for men, money, orany thing else calculated to strengthen the nation in the hour of trouble. The greater number of the parties to this Bladder were not only not supporters of the Government during the war, but open sympathizers with the South. As this attack is only another phase of the Donaldson rebellion, we are surprised that the recollection of favors shown to a drafted man, by citizens of Wellsboro has not "prevented any attack. at all. People who live in glass houses must not, throw too many stones. W print on the first page a Commu nication touching the Removal of the County Seat. This is in accordance with our custom relative to matters which affect the public interest. Of course all pastes to this contest will have a hearing in these columns, the I only limitation being as regards space. At - the same time we cannot, forbear mentioning that our correspondent ig nores one of the ground rules, or posi tive laws which enter into civil econo my when he states that manufacturing takes the supremacy of agricultural production. Agriculture is the corner stone or the producing interest, anu whore it languishes the life of enter= prise is sapped. CharleSton and Del mar will this year produce more value in butter, cheese, and grain, than the balance of the county will produce of iron, glass, and leather. We may day, though, that Wellsboro is prospering and growing, not because the Courts are held here, but because there is a thrifty and prosperous country around it. ' ( • 3 The Democracy appear not to be able r iv to comprehend lic" Geary, a man with out a vice, could - have held so many offices of trust a d honor and not be worth at least fifty ,thousand, He was Governor of Kansas under Buchanan, and was removed because he would have fair play. He was in high position as a military leader during the struggle , of the Government with the rebellious I Democracy ; and he has been Governor of Pennsylvania for nearly three years. But not being a thief or a speculator he remains poor in pence—not a crime, • surely. We don't count any man's ( money, or his lack of it; as crimes. We doii , t object to Paeker's•twenty Millions, but - only that they procured for him his nomination. The • Commissioners of the Sinking Fund advertise for the purchase of a million of the not matured debt of the Commonwealth. Go on', gentlemen. The policy of the Republican party is to pay all honest debts as soon as possi ble. Geary has, paid off a million a year of the debt contracted by Demo cratic rulers, and Grant has paid Off $44,000,000 of the debt contracted to put down 'a Democratic rebellion , in five Months. If you want to'endorse Grant and economy, vote for Geary ; but if you want intestine broils and an ever increasing debt, vote for Asa Paelter. When the nation was struggling to quell armed treason in front and Cop perhead sympathy in flank and rear, Asa Packer was taking Ills comfort in the fashionable resorWif _Europe. At the same time Gen. GearY was in the field fighting rebels, and his only son old enough to enter the service, was with him. This son was killed by his father's side at Wauhatchie. Mr. Pack or neither furnished a family represen tative in the field, nor assisted the gov ernment with his vast - fortune. If there be any stronger reasons why Re publicans should support Geary, and Democrats Packer, we don't know where to find them. THOMAS IC. BEECIIER, in his Friday Miscellany for The Advertiser, always jots down many good things. Last week ho spoke very justly of the Quak ers ; and touching the Words " regen erate" and " regeneration," in the baptismal service for infants, sayS that the practice of using these terms with different meanings, according to the views of the officiating clergymen, is not a good one—putting unity of sound for unity of sense. That is a good dis tinction. Why should the Packerites charge Geary with pardoning convicts out of prison? 'The record shows that he pardoned fewer than any I, emo cratia Governor. Is It not true ti at every ti v man pardoned out of prise / goes for the Copperhead ticket? Pu a 'pepub lican in jail ki, week and he ill come out 'a Domoci•at—lf guilty. 1 . 4 Tioga Conn , Agrioultura! Society, Pair at Wellabaro, Wetinesdafi & Thurs day, ept. 29 & 30, 1369. • PREMIUM LIST, Class I.—HO RSES. Dm Um Boat stallion 4 years old and over $6 $4 fr 3 If if 6 2 Best pair matched horses 6 4 'I " mares 6 4 ~ draft horses 5 2 " 3yr old geldings or mares 4 2 Beat single horso or mare ' 4 2 Committee: F R Smith, John W Bailey, 0 If Wood, Class 2.—MARES 4tC" WITS. Bost brood mare and colt -'• d 4 3 " pair 2 year old colts 3 1 ~ if 1 ,i si 2 1 " 3 year old mare or gelding 2 1 di .., 2 4,r 2 1 f/ 1 It 11 1 " euoking dolt 1 Committee: Alonzo Kimball, J B Redfield, Henry Searle. - Class 3.—JACKS & MULES. Beat jack of any age 5 " pair mules 5 44 mule colts 1 Committee : Philip Williams, James Colo, fi I Power. Class 4,—CATTLE. Bost Alderney bull 3 2 " Durham " ' 3 2 " Devon " 3 2 " Nativo 3 2 " Durham cow 3 1 " Devon " 3 1 " Alderney " 3 1 " Native 2 1 " 2 year old heifer 2 1 1 2 1 " bull calf . 2 " heifer calf, 2 Committee: Robt Campbell, Chas Buckley, Alpheus Willard. Class S.—CA TTLE. Best'yoke working oxen 4 2 " 3 year old steers 3 I " 2 2 o 1 " beef cattle 3 1 Best beef cow 2 " yard of cattle not less than 6 head 5 2 Committee: 9 IP P Bhumway, Wm P Campbell, Geo Gilbert. Class G.—SHEEP. Beat fine wool bunk 3 2 " coarse ." 3 2 " fine wool ewe 2 1 " coarse " 2 1 " 3 lambs 1 2 1 1" yard of aheep 10 Load or more 3 2 Committee: Chas. noun!, James Tubbs, R. J. Inaoho. Class 7—HO OS B est boar hog 2 1 " sow " 1 i 2 1 " sow and pigs 3 2 Committee : F. D. Bunnell, J. F. Donaldson, Leroy Tabor. Class B—POULTRY. Best cook and bon 2 0 " pr Turkeys 2 0 " " Geese 2. 0 " " Ducks I 0 " variety of fowls not less than 10 2 b Committee: Mart King, Chas. Van Valkon burg, John W. Guernsey. Class 9—DAIR Y PRODUCT'S. Best firkin butter ' 3 0 " tub el 2 0 I ) " factory cheeso 3 '1 , " hand made 3 1 " 10 lbs maple sugar 1 0 " gallon maple syrup 1 0 " box honey 2 0 Committee : J. S. Murdaugb, W. T. Mathews, Moses Lee. Class 10—FIELD CROPS. Best acre of wheat " corn " 4 oats , e barley (.. I potatoes " acre timothy hay All contestants for above premiums must sub mit the proof of measurement of ground, quality dm, to lion H. W. Williams, Chairman of the Executive Committee, prior to first day of De cember. Class 11—GARDEN VEGETABLES. Best 6 beat cabbage 1 0 do .4 bushel of beet 1 0 do 4 do of potat ea 1 0 do i do of toinatocs 1 0 do bunch of celery ! 1 0 do 4 winter squashes . 1 0 do 6 water melons 1 0 do 6 musk do 1 0 do 6 head "cauliflower do peck of onions do bushel- ruin bagas do carrots do I turnips. do 10 primili,ns do display of -garden vegetables Committoo: John L Robinson, J 8 Bush, J G Bosky. Class 12.—GRAIN. Bost bushel winter wheat, 1 do spring do - 1 do rye 1 • do • barley, ' 1 do • oats, 1 do corn in the oar, 1 do buckwheat, 1 do clover seed,- / 1 i do . ' 'timothy, ` 1 do peas, I do beads, ' 1 Committee :-13 Hart, C J Humphrey, John Davis. Class 13.—FRII ITS Bost variety of apples, do . pears, 'do peaches, do plume, (to grapes, _ Best general display of fruits, 8 1 Committee.—Augustas Alba, Nelson Matzoh E 'l' Bentley. Clan If—AGRICULTURAL IMPL'TS. Beet plow, 2 1 do side-hill plow, 2 1 do cultivator, 2 do subsoil plow, • 2 z 1 do field drill, 2 • do field roller, . - 1 do harrow, . . 1 do reaper and mower, 3 do mower, 2 do thresher and cleaner, • 3 do atrawcutter, ' 1 do fanning mill, " t! 1 do horse rake, 1 do hay ladder, 1 Committee :—L C Bennet, J DI Rase Isaac s, Plaok. . Class 15.—MEOHANICAL DEP'T. Best farm wagon, 2 do single buggy, 2 , do family carriage, 2 do set double harness (heivy), 2 do double carriage harness, 2 do single harness, , 2 do assortment of blacksmithing, 2 do do cabinet furniture, 5 Committeo:—Ohester Robinson, (J G Park buret, Thomas Jonas. Pass 16.—HOUSEHOLD & DOMESTIC Bost 10 yards flannel, • 1 do full cloth, i do rag carpet, 1 do tow cloth, ' 1 do 6 yards linen, 1 do specimen wheat flour, 2 do loaf bread, 1 do specimen apple butter, 1 do gallon of soap,l , Committee :—Mrs. Hiram Brooke, Mrs. B X Billings, Mrs. J P Morris. Class 17.—PLOWERS & PAINTING. Best parlor bouquet, 1 do hand do 1 do dozen dahlias, , 1 do display of flown, 1 do embroidery—work of exhibitor, 1 do oil painting do 1 do penciling, do 1 do crayon drawing, do 1 committee:—Mre H W Williams, Mrs Willard Knight, Mrs W D Knox. Class 18.—PLOWING MATCH. Boat &acre plowed with horses, 3 2 • do de with oxen, 3 - 2 (time and depth considered.) Committee :—D Ci Edwards, John Wan, P V VanNess. MI articles worthy of premiums and not spec ified in the foregoing will be referred to Discre tionary Committees. Class 19.—GENT'S DISOBETIONARY COMMITTEE. John Dickinson, Morgan Seeley, Charles H Goldsmith, A T James; Job Doane. Class 20.--LADIES'- DISCRETIONARY COMMITTEE, Miss Henrietta Todd, Mrs. James Bryden, Mrs. G W Herrington, Mrs. Philander Niles, Mrs. John NT Guernsey. FLORAL HALL COMMITTEE. • DoLana, Walter Sherwood, E H Rob inson, J W Purse), Fred Truman, James Van Valkenburg. Mrs. L 0 Bennet. Mrs. A J So field, Mrs. Jli Niles, Mrs. P R Williams. Miss es—Kate Williston, Mary Kimball, Margaret Wylie. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. H. W. Williams, Chairman, Hiram Brooks, Joseph J. Ingharni B. T. Bentley, Wm. Camp bell, 0. H. Goldsmith,- 3. W. Bailey, B. B. Holiday, L. C. Bennet, A. M. Ingham, Thomas B. Bryden. Col. N.' A. ELLIOTT, Marshal. Jac. I. MITCHELL, HENRY SHERWOOD, See'y. Pres't. Cemetery Notice. AN ELECTION for a Board s ollpHanagers of the Welisboro' Cemetery Company, will be at the Banking House of the First National Bank, on Monday, September 6, at 2 o'clock, P. M. M. H. COBB, Seoy. Ang. 11, 1869. BERLIN PRINTS AND FANCY PHOTOGRAPHS Furnished to order. Now is the time to beautify your Homes. Old Pictures copied and worked in ink sepia or oil, at CLAY RING'S, April 14, 1889. Art Gallery. SASH, DOORS. BLINDS. AT FACTOprY PRICES, :- Alwais on hand orifurnished Warder, at BOBERTS.& BAILEY'S Hardware Store, Wellabdro. August 18,1860. ROWS Cholera Drops ! This medicine is quite dif ferent from all other prepare tions called CHOLERA DROPS. It is an unrolling remedy for disorders of the bowels. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS AT 50 cts PER BOTTLE, 5 0 5 0 3 0 2 0 3 0 2 . 0 Welleboro, July 18,1888-Iy. rtnlr 13UMYLL'X 00t)D3. TiILES & BARKER, (NO. 5, UNION BLOCK.) WOULD say to their friends and the public' generally, that they are now 'receiving a splendid assortment of summer 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 DRY GOODS, 1 0 3 0 I auoh as MEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, PRINTS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VEST INOS, READY MADE CLO THING, HATS lE' CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, also a largo and well solectod stook of CROCKERY, HARDWARE, WOODEN WARE, STONE WARE, KERO SENE OIL, PAINTS & OILS, SINIARS, TEAS, COFFEES, • SYRUPS, MOLASSES, ETC,. ETC., ETC. EMI We are able to offer our customers the benefit of the LAST DECLINE' OF PRICES in the Now York Market, our Stook bring been pnroihiused since the great decline in doom). TOLES & BARKER, WeMoro, June 16, 1889. KEYSTONE STORE WELLSBORO, PA. Summer is Lon ? g a-Coming AND some people begin to lose faith in the promise of seedtime anti harvest. In view of this fact Bullard & Ca., hays' concluded to hurry up the season by stook lug their ['helves and counters with a wisely se looted and superior lot of SUMMER DRESS GOODS, comprising a variety of Silks, Linens, Hosiery, Gloves, Em broideries, Poplins, Lawns, Percales, Piquas, &0., &c., together with a fine lot of Domestics, Sheethigs, Shirtings, Sum mer Clothing, Ladies Shoes, &o. We Abell Rell as low as anybody, and give you good Goode. June 16,1169-6 m LAMPS. — A MPS.— AA no bre new kind of lamp fo rEerosenn-. goof ohiaineyff—M FOLEY'S. J. A. PAR ONS tk, Co., DEALEns ix FOREIGN & IMESTIG DRY GOODS, Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc., CORNING, N. Y. HAVING made arrangements to beep a still Larger Variety of Goods than last year, and believing Judicious Advertising to be a good investment, intend to use the columns of the ASITATOR more extinaively than-for the last two years. Our Dry Goods Departments made as attractive by us as poialble. Wo'keep a argo stock of all goods saleable that we feel warranted in keeping, and alba , no one to uncle soil us at any time. Aiming to heart the host article for a given price that this Market will taw . We invite all to examine our stook in the . . • . DEPARTMENT. Brown. Sheeting; 'Pickings, Brown Table Linens from 56,cts to $l,OO. Bleached Table Linens from 75 cts to $l,OO Bich'd do $l,OO to 150. Towelings, Towels, Napkins 4 Table Cloths, BLACK SILKS, PRINTED DELAINES, SEEDED DELAINES, SERGES, AL PACAS, FANCY POPLIN, FRENCH POPLINS, PLAIN POPLINS, CHANGEABLE POPLINS, ALPACA POPLINS, BLACK AL• . PACAS, BLACK ALPACA POPLINS, PLAIDS. • / o above stook can be found T tho most complete, and at much lower prices than any we have offsoffered before. Oomparing favorably with the largest Stores in the Southern Tier. ( , I i - • We have made arrangements with our Skirt Manufacturer so have an extra discount on our purchases of him, and we intend to give our customers the benefit of this arrangement. From this date our entire Stook of nide wilt be sold at an average reduction of about 25 per cent ; mak ing them lower than ever before. 75 ct. Skirt for 50 as.; $l,OO Skirt for 75 cis.; $1,25 Skirt for $l,OO ; $1,50 Skirt fo $1,25; $2,00 Skirt for $1,50. &C., &C. In Ladies sizes. Misses and Children's equally cheap. We can do hotter for our customers in this stook than at any time during the war, and as the Goods are now very cheap, so that sales will warrant it, we shall keep a muoh bettor stock than for several years past. Wo shall keep a very handsome stock of PLAIN, PLAID AND STRIPED NAINSOOKS, JAOKONETS, PLAIN AND DOTTED SWISS, PERCALES, BRILLIANTS, MARSAILLES, BISHOP LAWNS, LINEN LID'KES, &C., aiming to enpply all calls in as satisfactory manner as possible. We make pretty big claims on this Stook, and wo think wo can batik them up. Our business in this Department has been an increasing one every year, and we intend to keep it so, Vaulting the best qualities of Work at the lowest Market Prices will do it. We shall keep a still larger as. sortment of J. Richardson's Work, in following styles: - WOMEN'S MISSES, AND CHILDREN'S CALF AND MOROCCO POLISH, We also intend to keep a still larger stook of Ladles, Misses and Children's Fine Work, in Serge, Pebble Goat, and Rid in all the desirable styles, in those Goods and in Richardson's work. we shall keep regular goods, so that we can supply our customers regularly with such work as they have found to suit them in our stook. All our work except such as we sell for cheap work, we warrant, and make satisfactory compensation if it proves imperfect in any Way. 'COMMON PACKING TRUNKS, ALL SIZES, EXTRA QUALITY, OMMON FOLIO, EXTRA QUALITY FOLIO, COMMON AND EXTRA QUAL• ITY SARATOGA;AND GENTS' TRAVELING TRUNKS, Wo will also order from tho Faotory any description of Trunks wanted, that we do not feel warranted in keeping on hand, if desired, at less than the usual profit charged on fair Goods. We would respectfully invite the attention of customers to our assortment of Parasols which we think cannot be surpassed either as to style or price by any one in tho trade. We have a full as sortment of colors in-each of the styles named below, and also assorted colors in Lining s; t3UN UMBRELLAS, cotton and gingham ; also suple and full boiled Silk, Thanking the people of Tioga County for their very generous patronage in the past, we trust by.striot attention to business, and selling Goods at a low figure, to merit a continuance of the same. BULLARD 4t 00. The one PrAce Cheap Store New G ods Received almost Daily. DOMESTIC Bleached Sheetings, eleeckfd Denims, blue & brown Wo have added to this stock a fine assortment of LINEN GOODS consisting of at a reduotion of 26 to BO per cent from last itoason prices: DRESS GOODS. We have now in steak, (and are receiving additions to it almost daily) an unusually large and well assorted stock of LOOP Siiic..ii=uirifiEi.. .hosiery and White Goods. BOOTS AND SHOES. Men's French Calf Boots, do A. A. do do Fine Kip 'Boots. do 510 g.% do do Calf Shoes, do Kip Shoes, MI We aro now keeping as good an. assortment of Trunks as wo formerly did, and shalNkeep a full Stook of Parasols, all Rinds. Plain Silk Parasols, lined and unlined cheap ; Beaded Parasols, lined and unlined ; Changeable Parasols, lined or ruffled ; also plain, lined ruffled and fringed ; Square and Pannier Parasols, lined and fringed ; Lace covered Parasols ; Childrens' Parasols. MISCELLANEOUS GOODS ! Handsome Prints, *arratted-fast colors at 10 cents per yard. Good wide bleached Molina at 11 cents per yard Newstyles Percales at 26 ota per yard, sold all the spring at 44 cte. to 50 cents liandsomo kook Dress Goods 23 Ots. ,Handsomo stook of Shawls at $3,00, cheap at $4,00, The beat Bargaine in Black Mantilla Silks to ho found in this vicinity. Black Alpao, a, 50, 56, 621 and 75 coati. Black Alpaca Poplins, 621;75, 87 , 1 eta, and $l,OO, the beet goods for the money wo have ever °flared. Lawns, F i gured Swiss and Organdies at very low prices Corning, June 9, 1869. Brown Shirting, Striped Shirtings, AND BALMORAL SHOES TB MIMS ! and in all the desirable sizes. Bided Skirtings,; Pillow Case Cottons, Boys' Kip Boots, do Bloya do Youths Kip Boots, do &opt do do Shoes, Youths do J. A. PARSONS & CO. CARRIAGE •MAKING. ripirE UNDERSIGNED Blip continues the Carriage business at bits old stand on Alain street, near the Academy, whore manufacturing and eerrAiring will be promptly done and tulle• faction guarrauteed. The BLACKSMITH DEPARTMENT' will be conducted by Mr. P. O. LYON, who has had ninny years experience in the business, and will(give perfect satisfaction t0 , ,n11 in . Carriage Ironing, Horse Bliocin, • h, epaning, &e. Particular attention given to llorao•ahocing. MI walk warranted., 11. W. imityr, Wo'labor() ) July Great Impro , iurahased the excla tiit-4:', slve patent of Dr. Folsom's proved patent Atmospheric Dental Platen for Tloga County. I now the pleasure in offering it to the putzlie na the greatest 1, s. COVEILY yet made in - Mechanical Dentistry. By the use of which, we can overcome any any and all difficulties which have heretofore baled the skill of the most practical Dentist In th e world. Plates constructed upon this plan ro. main perfectly firm under all circumstances or condition of the mouth, as no air, or particles of food ran possibly get under thorn. Those having 0111 styles, Gold or Rubber Plates, can, at half the cost, have the'lmprovetrient applied to them answering in every respect the same purpose as as a now set. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed in every case. . C. N. DARTT, Dentist. Wollsboro, Jhno 9, 1860. Tills is to certify that tiro are now using the Imprer. ol Dental Plates with perfect 'aatisfaction. timed the old tityloof plates foryeara with all the troul,k 4 and incotircrileiiced known in the lino of Ouch platei, we cheerfully lecominend the improved Plates as hr buperitbr to anything )et known. F.. It. KIMBALL, CHAS. WILLIAMS. Now wiikeaci! Them Things is Arriv 79VERY thing is lovely, and tho anger biped I 1 depends from ii sublime attitude. You will Please Observe, that the best natured man in Town having no. deed the wants of the public, and having houn tifullY supplied himself with almost everything which this world itn afford to appease them; now benevolently roposee to open the whole be fore the peoplornd say to all, old and young, black and white, riph and poor, COME t • You `pay your Money and you take your choice. Don't stand out in the cold exposed to the el. ements and to tqi Sting of the neighbors been, but pull the latch ; stricg, it is always out in bur, iness'bours, (to. L" ENTER The large hearted proprietor, or big urbane good natured clerk will conduct you, ftB it Were througli a GARDEN filled with raviAling delights Ist. A GARDEN OP SPICES, in which every thing Stqcy,from a nutmeg to cayenne pq• per mar he seain and procured. 2d, A GARDEN OF SWEETS, in which ev ery variety of Saccharine delights, both solid and liquid may bo had by tho.stick, pound or gallop, and of bueh flavor and complexion as wik make every aching eweet tooth in your head lauly jump with delight. Should you be pomologi. rally inclined, GO humane individual will cull• duet you into a ' ARDEN OF FRUITS, in which almost ev ery variety of luscious things to be • found gath ered from the four quarters of the globe, will he shown to satisfy your largest longings. Oranges from Cuba, Lemons from Florida, Prunes front Turkey, Itaisins from Malaga, Currants from the Orocian Archipelago; Poaches dried and cann ed along with a great variety of•Cttitned from the Jarboys ; Dates from Syria, and Pigs from Asia M inor. No rind to the supply of every species ot• NUTS frem 3 Continents. THE TEA- GARDEN will next eommaud your attentiim; the warm decoction of the China loaf and the Java bean have become almost eel. venal beverages, and if not swallowed too hot or to strong, the mild stimulants 'aro esteemed eminently promotive of comfort and sociality.— What comp kny of elderly ladies could ever part in pcaen Without them? .Now your triendstthe OAR!MEE, ,will ho Most happy to show you all this. 110 will ask you politely to look at 1,0 Ton. You aro woleoteb to try every chest and sec if' 111 IN POWDER., Souchong 111. - SON, 40., which tlatvor you like, but di all the other styles whoso jaw cracking names Would ho dangerous to prolounen, COFFEES, iu every style, ditto, dittn, ditto. Furthermore, The beneficent proprietor of this mammoth tablishment—out of sheer good will, anti if )ou will believe him for no othor motive than your interest and his, has at vast exponso established at tho satho plaoo an inimonso depot 01 prom lons, consisting of • Flour, Pork, Lard, Codfish, While Fi:,l), Sword Fish, &c., Meal, Hams, Butter, Trout, 11Ito , Fish Halibut, &c., &c. AU of which ho intends to sell at n profit, 411 the principle Of "live and let live." Ile general]) proposes also to receive-in exchange ail the pn ducts of your farm and dairies,and it is raid cot tidentially te l the'public, that lie never reluni Cash. • Tho' it irks him wretchedly to keep it. z Z3 anxious is be. that the door pimple. 6houlti want nothing whatever that money can hub, , of , Wellsboro, Juno 10;1860 GROVIIR &' BAEHR'S FIRST PREMIUNI. ELASTIC STITCH EAMILY SEWING MACHINES, 594 BROADWAY NEW YORK Points of Excellence. Beauty and Elasticity of Stitch. Perfection and Simplicity of Machinery. Using both threads directly from the spool. No fastening of seams by hand and no waste of thread. Wide range of application without change of adjustment. ~ The seam retains its beauty and firmness ar. ter washing and ironing. Besides doing all kinds of, work done by other Sewing Machines, these l Aikeltines execute the most beautiful and perm vent, Embroidery sod ornamental work.•Tho,, highest Premiums at all the faite and exhillitions of the !United States and Europe, have boon awarded the Grover ,t Baker Sowing Machinoi, and the work done by thew, wherever exhibited in competition. Tho very highest prize, THE CROSS OF THE LEGION OF HONOR, was conferred on the representative of the Grover 41 Baker Sowing Maehihes, at the Exposition Univerolle , Paris, 1867, thus attesting their groat Nuperiot• it..+ over all other Sewing Machined July 28, 1869-tf. g HALO PHOTOGRAPHS Made at CLAY KING'S Art Gallery, at 0 1 :• 2 per dozen. Also HALO A.6II3ROTYPES, largo size for frames, $1,60 each, apr 14, 1368• iii Densistry. L. A. OARDNER