SONG. My thoughts are geode waves tit* run. Ever to thee their goldea shore, , fiat glowing airs, that, with the sun, ' Fondle theft' beauty o'er and o'er; Glad mounting larits, by whoin,ie given, AU their arnietlOy to thee, their heaven' My hopes nro violets that s(eal , llfo sweet life retina thy Wowing Spring; Swallows that o'er,thee playful wheel,. And track thy Mny with happy wing; Motes that dance in thy sun; andbless Their hours, with thee and happiness. My dreams are loving stars of June,. Hung over thee, their, world, by night; My lkfli is one warm Summer's moon That claips thee in a thrdbbing light; All my glad moments can but be Moths lured by thy sweet light to thee. THE WAYS OF WOMEN.—Few of our dry goo ' cis friends will fail to recognize-the following famil iar pio.ture-7- Site stood beside the counter, The day. ho'll no'er forget; She thought iho muslin dearer Than Any .she'd seen yet watched her playful fingers The silks and satins toss—, The clerks looked quite' uneasy, And nodded to the boss. ` , Show. me some velvetribbomo Bang() and eatih turk," She artiVl, watit t lto purchase Then gave the goods a jerk. "The clerk was all obedience, Ho traveled "on his shape," At length with hesitation, She bought a yard of tape All Safe. • Some years agrthe worthy eitigens of the town of F,---, in the State of Maine, voted in,their united wisdom to purdhase a ilre engine. Thereupin: an order was transmitted to Boston for one of Hunefintia's crack tubs, and a com pany was formed to take charge of it upon its reception. But the mostdial cult matter In relation to the allair, was to seledt a proper foreman. However, after mature deliberation, their choice was fixed upon Squire W—, a ,worthy ex-representative and trader kir the town, who had seen - the machine , in operaion On one or two occasions during al transient visit to Boston. In due cou•sel of time, the Chairman ' la the Boa d of Selectmen received a hill of ladig of the engine, and a few days after, rumor announced, to the n t compan that the sloop Susan Jane was co ing up with' the tub on board. The b'hoys dropped their hoes, scythes and pitchforks, and started for g the la ding. As soon as the sloop •touche the wharf, they took possession -of the tub, and snaked her on to the wharf. ! After various conjectures upon the mode Of operating the critter they attached the suction-hose in order' to ,see her-squirt.' At this women tthe Chait man of - the Board of Selectmen approached, and in a tone of authority told the boys that the machine cost too r uck money to ho played with, and that they Letter Un ship the leather pipe before the fore man came, orhe would raise Ned with them. • By this time th& worthy foreman (who upon the first intimation of the arrival of the engine, had - gone home and donned his ruffled shirt and *pre sentative suit) arrived to assume the active duties of his office. `Fall in., boys,' lie exclaimed,'` an the rope, ( two and two. Pm foreman, and I'll gp ahead. Now then—forward march!' And off they started up the hill, down Ragged Lane, over the bridge, up to Sleepy Hollow, aromul Dogtown Corner, across Ten Shores , and thro' every highway and byway of the town, until their weary legs and the setting sun admonished thion that it was time •to tie up. That was a great• day for the town and the foreman ; auid for an hour alter - ten, he sat and expatiated to his wife upon the responsibilities of him station. At length he retired, and was soon locked in the arms of Morphetis, while ,vytinvo citri n "turd would have an opportunity to distin guish himself. Her reflections, however, were soon disturbed by a bright light glaring into' hers chambkr windows, Could it be possible? There w s—tbere Must be a tire somewhere? Husband, bust), nd,' she sai d, there's a fire!' Wake her up!' shouted the new foreman half waking. There's afire, I tellyou,' she said. Poll; let it 'Ulm?' There is a fire, and I ani going to get up and see where it is.' . . you fool! you will catch your death of cold!' `But I tell you there is a fire shooting up like blazes I' They're only burning brush at Sleepy Hollow.' ' No—it's the other way.' Well, I 'spose it's eaptain TrueJis brick kiln.' ' Why, good Lord, it is Deacon Put nam's house up-to Four Corners! It is all of a light blaze!' Well, get into bed, you fool, and let it burn ! Thank: 'the Lord our nell engine is riowllere near GUTTA-PEROHA.—In regard to this very useful material, which_ has come to be so common almost everywhere, a writer iu au exchange says: I often wonder when I see children Nvearinggutta-pereha combs in thbir hair, and rings upon their fingers, if they know what gutta-percha means. think they would like to, and I will tell them. They are made from the gum of the percha tree. ()OW means the gum or juice of a plant, l #nd percha means the particular tree from which the gum is procured. The gum IS contained in the , sap and milky juices: of the tree. The way In which the gutta, or gum is obtained is by cutting down the trees, and ranging the bark at .a distance of frOm ten to fifteen ineheS apart, and plachig a coco nut shell under the fallen trunk of the tree to receive the, hardened sap that oozes out : upon every incision.. After the sap is collected, it is boiled to sep arate the gum from the water. When the gum has become well softened by boiling, it is rolled out in thin sheets, and all impurities are picked or rubbed off. 'This'gura is remarkable for the ease with which it may be manufactured. By Immersing it for a few minutes in hot water, it becomes soft and plastic, and may be moulded to any form, which it retains upon cooling. Tb,is was first discovered by the inhabitants of the Malaysian Islands, who mann facured it into various domes i 0 nth des, some of :which were bucksts, basins,, jugs and shoes. The gutta-percha tree is a native of the Maylasian Islands and, the neigh boring countries, where it attains the height of from sixty to seventy feet, and from two to four feet in diameter. —What effect do flouring mills- have upon a town ? Make it flour-ish. `—Stookings are now darned by Ina chinery,,anti they are darned nice. —Whar) cases of kid-napping are Ire quent—ln goat pastures. —Why is a man who has rio. children invisible? Because he's not A parent. There is a girl in Jersey whose lips are so sweet that they stick together every morning by the, honey they and she catmot operi her mouth un til she has parted her lips {with a silver knife. t3he will be a treasure to her husband, not only on aware of her sweetness, but because shb eau oceas. tonally keep her mouth shut. • A little boy being asked if lis k new 4 where liars went, answered, yes....that 1 they went to New York and virote • for , copperhead newspapers. They : donA . all go to New York forthat purpose ; ', ~,,_ WIORRAM A PARR. -491/ aritYSl k /869. SMILING OF AT COST, FOR CASH 1 IPW Mg 'MIMI= es CO. Will sell from this date their entire stock of DRUGS, 11RDICINBS, 1 iPerannery, Notions, Dye- Stutn, PO'ints, Oi • 'tarnishes, Glass, Putty, ) Alcohol, Turpentine, Kerosene 011, Tobacco, Cigars, Wall-Paper, Curtains, Fixtures, Ste., &c., Sac., AT COST FOR CASH. Positively no Humbug. P. R. WILLIAMS & CO Wellaboro, March 8, 1889. -E4 0F NICE AT \ WICRIIA.III & iARR'IS, TIOGA, PA. SIJCI AS DRY GOODS Groceries, HATS & GAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, CROCKERY & WOODEN PARE, ~ READY' :TO BE INSPpOTED, AND SOLD AT A FAIR PROFIT. CALL AND SEE. ) , NEW GOODS, I , Stoves: Stoves :: AND HARDWARE! Having formed a partnership in the Tin, Stove andAardware trade, the undersigned have the pleasufartonnounce that they have, at a great outlay, addeiNkthe usual stock of the old stand on MAIN STREET, WELLSBORO, a complete assortment of Shelf hardware, of which we enumerate the following articles: NAILS, SPIKES, CROWBARS, X CUT, MILL, HAND AND BUCK SAWS, BUTTS, STRAP HINGES, CARPENTER'S TOOLS, PUMPS, AXES, AUGERS, BITTS, BITT-STOCKS, HATCHETS, CHISELS, SHOVELS, SPADES, FORKS, BENCH-SCREWS, WOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE BOLTS, BURRS, SKEINS, WASHERS, PIPE BOXES, AXLE TREES, ELLIP TIC SPRINGS, HORSE SHOES, HOOP, BAR, & BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE HANGINGS, CORN POPPERS, SAUSAGE CUTTERS AND STUFEERS COMBINED. Also, PISTOLS, PISTOL CARTRIDGES, - POWDER AND - CAMPS. PATENT BARNDOOR HANGINGS a new thing, and made for use. Those are but a few of the many articles composing our stock of Hardware. We invite the public to call and examine for themselves. We *aim to keep the best quality of goods in our line; and all work to ordor done promptly and well. AGENTS FOR THE Buckeye Mower & Reaper wm. ROBERTS. R. C' BAILEY. I ROBERTS Wellabor°, May 10,1869-11. • .I.lj Al Y HOT HOUSES. Having been to much expense in fitting up another Green House, giving more room for largo pots, I flatter myself that no Green House can makd a better show of RARE AND THRIFTY PLANTS, Dahlias, Roses, Verbenias, Petninas, Geraniums, all sorts; Basket Plants, all sorts; Hanging! Baskets, new patterns; Beautiful Dego nine, Cape Jessamine, Carnations, Chms, discolor; Pelargoniums in variety, b-o. ,te. New Crimson Cluster Tomato Plants, and rill sorts in pots or by the dozen. All kinds of Cab bage Plants, Egg Plants, Mparagus Roots (two years old) Sage Roots, Celery, Dwarf„ White Salad, Cauliflower, Thyme. All kinds of early Vegetable plants ready let of April, at the Green Houses and at the store of McCann A Mix,.Blerour's New Block. Having employed one of the most experioneed Florists' he will at all times give any informa tion to customers on the mode of propagation and cultivation of Plants. This Sprin'g's Catalogue will be sent to all that may desire and write for it. I invite all to come and see my lioness, Plants, &0., for them selves. With_ gratitude I acknowledge past favors. ' igfrßonquets will be found at the store of McCena 1 Mix every morning, Sundays except. ed ; 35 to 60 cents each. Towanda, Pa., Mar. 3,1869-6 m. Oar Orders left at Wm. Roberts's Hardware Stor Wellsboro, will receive prompt attentiion. Wholesale and Retail DRUG STORE By C. KRESS. ' a I T HE subeeriber will keep on hand at all times a full stock of DRUGS AND MEDICINES, ,PAINTS, OILS, Patent Medicines, Flavoring Extracts, Perfumery, Irerjse2ze, Lamps, Wicks, Dye Colors, White Wash Lime and Brushes, Varnish and Sash Brushes, Window Glass , all sizes, Varnish of all kinds, Fancy Soaps, Hair Oils, SPECTACLES, Hair and 2both Brushes., a full stock of Yankee' Notions; also a ‘ eomplete as sortment of Homoeopathic Medicines, and a full stock of Pure Wines and. Liquors. Buyers are requested to call and examine pri ces before purchasing elsewhere. March 24, 1869-Iy. W. 0. KRESS. CASH Paid FOR HIDES, by M. A. DIIRIF. Wencher°, Dee. 18, 1868i.—tf For. Sale. TAM AGENT (or Rican Co., 'oelebrgted platform Spring Wagons, all styles, also for their light Carriages and Buggy Wagons, all made in good style?, and from Jersey timber, and warranted in every respect, equal to any made.' Onn furnish any of the above at the lowest Manufacturer. prioVo. TA. C. BENNET. Wellsboro, May b, 1859—tf. WELLSBOIIO lIE BUBSCRII3IO I having establislii)dbilii j. at in the _ BAKING BUSINESS. in this village, next door to E. it. Kimball's Grocery, is note prepared to cary ou_the business in all its various branches. I will keep con stantly on hand an assortment of Bread, such LOAb' BREAD, BOSTON CRACKERS, GRAHAM BREAD, BUTTER, CRACKERS, BROWN' BREAD, WATER CRACKERS, SUGAR , CRACKERS, DYSPEPSIA AND SODA wispims, OYSTER CRACKERS, CAKES, PIES, AND LUNCH, at all hours of the day, Sundays excepted. By strict attention to business shall endeavor to merit the public patronage. CHAS. STEVENS. WellsboroPune. 24, 1868. WHOLBSILE DREG STORE. ORNING, N. Y. 't DRUGS AND MEDICINES, PAINTS AND OILS, . , THADDEUS DAVIDS' INKS, KEITH'S CONCENTRATED MEDICINES, IREDELL'S FLUID, LX- TRACTS, BURNETT'S °COCAINE, FLAVORINt • EXTRACTS, KEROSENE LAMPS, PATENT MEDICINES, ROCII ESTER PERFUMERY AND FLAVORING EXTRACTS, WALL PAPER, WINDOW GLASS, WHITEWASH. LIME & AND DYE COLORS, AGENTS FOR MARVIN & CO'S RE FINED OIL Sold at 'Wholesale Prices. Buyers are requested to call and get quotations before going further OM W. D. TERBELL . & CO Corning, N. Y., Jan. 1, 13C8--1y Grocery and Provision Stores CORNING, N.• Y C. D. iear.l-141-11, WHOLES'ALE AND RETAILDEIALB in nil kinds of Unt!Unitlin,l 111111 MOM, Wines, Liquors and Cigars,. FOREIGN •& DOMESTIC, GREEN & DRIED FRUITS, CANNED FRUITS uiJTD VE GETABLES, WOOD & WILLOW WARE, GLASS & CROCKERY WARE, CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, CABS & PERAMBULATORS, TOXS, 84e., &t! A full and comploto assortment of the above mentioned goods of the host quality always on hand. Particular attention paid to Pine (Iroverio Dealers and Consumers will find it to their in terest to examine his Stock before buying. Corning, N. Y., March 31, ISO. TO THE FARMERS Od TIOGA COUNTY. lAM now building at my mane ibcte y, iu LaNi recce villa. a superior FANNING _MILL, which ROOBOBEIOB the following advantagesover Minnie] 1. I t•separates ryo,oats, rat litter. and foul seeds, ant chess and cockle, from wheat. 2. It l cletins flax seed, takes out yellow seed, and al other seeds, perfectly. 8, It cleans timothy seed. 4. It does all other separating required of a mill. This mill is built of the bilk and most durable tiro ber, in good style, and Is sold cheap for cash, or prr duce. I will fit a patent sieve, for separating oats fron wheat,to other mills, on reasonable terms. MATIIER, Lawrenceville ,Juno 10, 1869- , t f UNITED SECURITY Life Insurance & Trust Company of PennsylvEtnia. CITATITER PItPLTIJAI" Capital, $1,000,000. $lOO,OOO deposited with the Auditor General for security of tho Policy Holders SPECIAL FEATURES. Low cash Premiums. Policies, Non-forfoitable by their terms. Liberal Traveling Privileges. Return of all Premiums paid. Annual Dividends. Females Insured at same rates as Males. Rome Office S. E. Corner, bth and Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Applications for Insurance may he made with W. P. BItiONEY, General Agent, Ti r ellshoro' Pa. May 12, 1889—tf. WANTED, AT THE NILES VALLEY STEAM . FLOURING MILLS. 10,000 Bus. Corp, • 10,000 " Oats, and any amount of good wheat. 3. B. DIMON & Co. • Niles Valley, March 24th, 1869-tf. FOR SALE. A splendid stock of Picture Frame Mouldings which will be manufactured to order at reasona ble prices, at CLAY KING'S April 14,1869. Art Gallery. House and Lot for Sale. HOUSE and Lot, and vacant lot for salo cheap. Location Wellsboro, and desirable. inquire at the Agitator Office. 40.28, 1888-4 f. 1110 RE NEW GOOK John R. °Bowen, S now receiving a largo and complete assort wont of Fall 55 - Winter Goods, bought Anon the Into decline in prices in Now York, eonsistilip of 3:70 r i 3r 4Orcn•cocits, Groceries, Hats & Caps, Boots & Shoes, YANKEE NOTIONS, ° &c., &c. Particular attention is invited to our Stock of IzMU% 22M5§§ (e--062/0 AMY TRIMMINGS, Gaiters and Hoop Skirts; also a nice line of TEAS, New Crop, very fine at reduced prices, A fino assorttnont of Ladies FURS, very °hasp, nil of which Will be sold at the very lowest mar ket prices. We respectfully invite all to call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. ltomomber, Empire Store, No. 1 Union Block. wousboro, Oct. 21,1868. RIP SHE GOE PROM THIS DATE Vi j Oß CASH, we will sell PEED at f)eso pri cvg: Very best Rye if• Oats, Ground here, Best inquated Feed, Best Common . Colo Feed, The , above goods, at, the aliove prices, are strictly cash ! We don't mix sand in our feed. We haven't a Plaster Mill connected with our Flotiring Mill ! Our Feed is pure! • : WRIGHT lz BAILEY. Wellsboro,,Jan. 20, 1860. It. Krusen. W. J. Krusen P. D. Pease. R. KRUSEN & CO., WESTFIELD, PA., WOULD announco to the publio that they are now receiving a full and complete as sortment of DRY GOODS, . .Ni,tions, Carpets, I"ui's, Huts, Cap, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, .Provisions, Crockery, Hardware, Stonewarep&c. which they aro prepared to sell for cash, or ex change for Country Produce, at 'rates which defy tioraputition. Westfield, Dec. 2, I.B6B—tf Por Sale The subscriber offers for sale the following property, situated . in Covington township and borough, Tioga county, .58 acres of land in Covington tp., on William= son Road leading to Blossburg, 4 miles there from and I 111110 from Covington borough, about 20 acres improved, a good frame house, barn and other outbuildings thereon. Also, Sawmill, Sash Factory, and Shingle Mill and water pririlego hereon. Also, two apple orchards of 170 trees, p , t-sto Lxvca, ,taierry, 11 1 1 Currant bustles; red, \ollie, and black, 1 Crabs, 10 bearing Orape Vines, 12 Pear, and Poach and Quince. Also—a Timber lot, 3 , 19.8 acres, of a mile from Sash Factory and Sawmill. Timber, Vine, oak, basswo6d, chestnut, ash, beech, birch, maple and hemlock. Also,--a lot in the village, adjoin ing Gerould's orchard, fronting on Williamson road and railroad, containing about an acre, a 2-story house, outbuildings, fruit trees and a good well of water thereon. _ Also—another village lot, fronting on William son road, 60 foot front by about 200 deep, and another lot fronting on said road, 114X174 feet. For further particulars inquire of DAVID S. lItELAN, Sr., or S..J IRELAN, Covington, Pa. April 21, 1360--tf. - {. Read: Read: TUE CELEBRATED Jason Hamlin Cabine MEI ORTAT3PLE Together with the ESTEY COTTAGE ORGAN and ELODEONS, can be advantageously par ohaboti of tV7 It , LZ V 2 E TIOGA, PA. nr AWN G obtained the agoney from the 1. man ufacturers of the above named instruments wo have the facilities for furnishing theca at pri ces to compare favorably with those of dealers in either the samo or other reed instruments. Their reputation is such that scarcely anything need lig said regarding their being desirable, having been awarded premiums and medals at the principal Fairs and Institutes, both in this and foreign countries. 111 any fine modern im provements, which are so desirable in all good reed instruments, tiro owned and retained for their exclusive use by the manufacturers of those instruments. Hence it is, while they claim strength and durability, together with 'volume, and quality of tone equal to any, they excel all other rood instruments, in tho variety and corn-• bination of tones which can bo produced. INDIVIDUALS, SCHOOLS, CHURCH ES, SOCIETIES, and other organizations, wishing to obtain a reed instrument, can ho suited as regards size styles, prices, &c., &c, • ALL INSTRUMENTS WARRANTED. .—.- Send for a circular. ..,og.' jTioga, March, 17,'659. T. A. WICKHAM Paving Matching. FLOORING, CEILING, WAINSCOT ING, TONGUED EC GROOVED,' with rapidity and oxactnoso with our now Ma chines: Try it ,ind seo. B. T. VANIIORN. 11Toilet:aro, Aiwil 21, 1889. T O LA*!YERS— • BANKRU TCY BLANKS, n full setts, at YOUNG'S BOOKSTORE. '1869. FOR SALE. 1869. BY B. C. WICKHAM, • A T HIS NURSERY OF FRUIT AND OR NAMENTAL TREES; IN TIOGA 60,000 -Apple Trees. 1.09 000 Pear Trees. , A gcod supply of PLUM, PEACH, CHERRY, fed ORNAMENTAL TREES A SHRUBBERY. • The Fruit trees are composed of the choicest tarieties, good, healthy, some of them large and b bearing. Any one wishing to got a supply till do well to call and sec my stock before pur ftsing elsewhere. ,g:Tf-- Delivered at the depot tee of charge. - t Tioga, Feb. 28,1.808-Iy* NEW Fuffm: To BUY J. SELL, IS OUR NUR buy at the highest market price, -y y thi3 following articles. SHEEP ELT S, DEACON SKINS, DEER SKINS, FURS, HIDES, AND VEAL SKINS, :4, for which we will pay oath. Wo will pianufaeture to order, French or home tanned CALF or RIP 1300 TS, in the best men 7 nor and at fair rates, and pay especial attention to REPAIRING. RE'ABY-MARE WORK, on which we will not bo undersold, and from this time we shall make it a point to keep up the best stook of to bo found in - the county, which wo will sell at a lower profit than such articles havo over been offered in this region. No shall likowjso keep up a good assortment of • LADIES' BALMORALS, LEATHER ' BOOTEES, CHILDREN'S AND MISSES WORK OF VA RIOUS STYLES, and all styles of MEN'S WORK. LEATHER j• FINDINGS can he bought of us as cheap as any where this side of Now York, and wolshall keep a full stuck of FRENCH CALF, FRENCH KIP, UP PER, SOLE, LININGS, AND BINDING. Our stock of PEGS, NAILS, THREAD, AWLS, RASPS, GLOVERS' NEEDLES, LASTS, TREES, RI JI PS, with SIIOS.IIA.KER'S TOOLS and FINDINGS, will be bound Ma ler. gest in the county, and too sell for antol profits. Wo talk business and wo mean business. We have bean in this region long enough to be well known—lot those who know us try us. Corner of Main and Grafton streets., opposite Win. Rob erts' Hardware Store, ' O. W. SEARS, ' $2,50 cw 2,25 . " 2,00 " 1.75 " Wallsboro, April 24, 1807—tf THE CHURCH UNION. Thispaper has been recently enlarged to mammoth proportions. IT 18 rnz LAUOLOT sztrolotis PArtu IY RAE WOULD. Is the leading organ of the Union Move ment, and opposes ritualism, close communion, or elusiveness and church caste. It is the only paper that publishes floury Ward Beecher's Sermons, which it dues every week, just as they are delivered.— with out qualification or correction by him. It advocates universal suffrage; amnion of christians at the polls and the rights of labor. It hes tho best Agricultural Department of any paper in the world; publishes stories .Tor the family, and for the ddstruction of social evils, Its editorial management is Impersonal; its writers and editors aro from every branch of the church, and from every grade of society. It has been aptly termed the freest organ of thought in the world. Such a paper, offering premiums of Sewing Ma chines, Dictionaries, Appletou's Cyclopedia, Pianos, Organs for Churches,ntc , makes one of the best pa pers for canvassers in the world. Every Congregation may obtain a Communion Ser vice,an Organ, a Melodeon, a Bible, or a Life Insurance Polly for its Pastor, or almost any other needful thing, by a club of subscribers. Send for a copy, enclosing 10 cents, to HENRY E. CHILD, 41 PARK Row, hews Vora:. C.S.P. S. Subscriptions received at this office. E3.IOREST'B MONTHLY MAGAZINE universally D acknowledged the Model Parlor Magazine of America, devoted to Original Stories, Poems, Sketches, Household Matters, Gems of Thought, Personal and} Literary Gossip (including special. departments on Fashions), Instructiods on health, Music,:Amusernents, etc., by the best authors, and profusely Illustrated Milli costly Engravings, useful and reliable Patterns, Ent.; broldorles, and a constant succession of artistic noveV tics, with other useful and entertaining literature. No person of refinement, economical housewife, on lady of taste can afford to do without the Model Month', ly. Specimen copies 15 cents, mailed free. Yearly,' $3, with a valuable premium; two copies, $.5,50; three copies, $7,50; five copies $l2, and splendid premiums fur clubs a. 's3 each, with the first premiums to each subscriber. %MA new Bertram & Fenton 'zcwitig chino for 20 subscribeirs at ta each. Publication 011 ice, 838 iiroaeway, New Yoik. Dotnorest's Monthly and Yonlig America togetbersl, with the premiums for cad'. iiira Magazine. E very t4at B il e e e S s t il l : so, and Parents mid Teuoli el S confirm it Do not fail to secure u copy. A good Mietme o r;,, with 111 Glass Cylinder to confine living objects, ni two•bladed, pearl Pocketknife, and a large num. bey of other desirable articles, given as preniiii ma to each subscriber. Yearly, $1.50. Publication (Mice, 838 Broadway, Now York. Try it, Boys and Girls. Specimen copies, ten cents, mailed free. Now is Your Time to Buy! • 110 r AVING more goods than is necessary - for II ;this market, I will sell my entire stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, PLATED WARE, AND FAN CY GOODS, AT COST. 0. G. Clockhrat ....$3,50. Gothic " " 3,63. Cottage " " . . 1,70. American Watches in Silver limiting (laces at .$l9. Finer Movement ,in hoavier Cases, at cor respondingly low price Plated Ware at Man ufacturers' prices. THIS IS Np HUAIBUO MIT A VER . , !TABLE SAL I Call and secu'or yoursolt Wollsboro; April 22, Wt. A. PULES'. ORGANS LIII INSURANN COMPANY UNITED- STATES OF AMERICA, Chartered by Specil Act of Congress Cash Capital. $1,000,000, First National Bank Building, Where all Correspondence should be Addressed CLARENCE H. CLARK, President. JAY COOKE, Chairman Finance ,t 5 gxecutive COM. HENRY D. COOKE, Vice-President. &MIME W. PEET, SOOLOWTyaIId Actuary. B. S. RuaBELL, Manager. Circulars. pamphlets, and fall particulars giv. en on application to the Branch Office of the Company, or to R. C. SIMPSON, Wni.r.snono, PA., by whom applications will be received and Poli cies procured for Tioga County. Dee. 9, 1868—Iy. • WASHING MACHINE. TAB. M. WILKINSON, of Chariesten,having (11 purchased the right to make and vend the U. P. Jones Washing Machine in Tioga County, hereby gives notice that the machines aro being made at Van Horn's Cabinet Factory, Wellsboro, whore they may bo procured. The best, cheapest, and ost sensible machine ever invented. Juno 24,1868—tf. CAlial PAID FOR WO et, BUTTER AND CHEESE, by d r WILLoca. June 141868. , BUSINESS ! ALSO, We have a first-rate stock of LADIES' GAITERS, GEO. 0. DERBY NATIONAL OF TILE WASHINGTON, D. C APPROVED JuLr 25, 1868 PAID IN FULL. BRANCH OFFICE: PHILADEI,PIIIA, OFFICERS RAILWAY TIME TABLES. , RIR RAILWAY. • .1 CO and after MONDAY, April '20th,11300, Trains' ki will leave Corning, at the following hours, viz: • • 00100 WM. 12,35 a. In., EXPRESS MAIL, Sundays excepted, to Matto, Dunkirk land Cleveland, connecti»g wit I trains for tho %Veit. A Sleeping Coach is attached t this train at New York, running through to Ideal-1 villo without change. A bleeping Conch is also at tached's.t Susquehanna running through to-Buffalm ' 6,11 a. nn., NIGHT EXP., daily for Butlitle,Dunkirk, Ulavelaails Dayton and Cincinnati, making direct connection Nvitil trains of the Grand Trunk Railway at Buffalo, and with the Lake Shore Railway at iluf. rale, Dunkirk turd Cleveland, for allpoints West and North-Went, and at Cincinnati with the Ohlo and ISt ississippi Railway for the South and SoutteWest. A . s. This train snakes a direct daily ennnection. with all Lines to the West and South-West, and is provided with the stew and improved Drawing Boom Conches peculiar to the Broad Gauge, arranged both for day and night travel, running through to Rochester, Buffalo and Cincinnati, and thus forming the ONLY DAILY LINE from Now Yerk,Cinclunnti and the South-West, running through 800 miles without change. 6,30 a. in., NIGHT EXPRESS, Sundays excepted, for Rochester and Buffalo, via Avon. 10,18 a. in., MAIL TRAIN, Sundays excepted, for Buffalo and Dunkirk.. 1,45 p. BALTIMORE RXPRESS,Sundaysexcept ed, for itoelicator and Buffalo, via Avon. 7,05 p. ns., DAY EXPRESS, Sundays excepted, for nutlet°, Dunkirk, Cleveland, Dayton, Cluclunati,and the West and South, connects at. Buffalo, Dunicirkand Cleveland with the Lake Shore Railway for alt points West and. North-West, and at Cincinnatti with the Ohio and Mississippi Railway for the youth and south. Wtist. Sleeping tkasepes attached to this Tulin at llornellsville, running thrimgh to Cleveland wills• out change. 7,10 p. in., DAY EXPRESS, Sundays excepted, for Rochester. 1,30 p. m., SAY FREIGUT, Sundays excepted. 5,25 p• tn., EMIGRANT TRAIN, daily, fur tbo 'Wes GOING EAST 4,35 a. tn., CINCINNATI EXPRESS, Mondays ex cepted, connecting ut Elmira for Canondaigua, ut Owego for ithile7l, ut Binglimatomfor Syracuse, at mdßend for Scrantou, at LaCkEtWUXell for Hones dale. at Middletown fur Unionville, at ,Boshen for Moutgentery„ at Grey:court for Newburg aini Wm nick, ittill at Jersey City with ufterlioon and evening ta :tins ut NeW Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia, Balti more and Washiegten. 10,35 a. ni.; ACOMMODATION TRAIN, daily, COW meting Uwego for Ithaca. 11,66 DA Y EXPRESS , Sundays excepted, connecting ad: Waverly for 'Towanda, at Binghamton for Syllleptfe, at, Great Bend for Scrantou• at Lacku- WILXOI lloniisdale, at Middletown fur Union , and at deraoy City with miduight express Bain of New Jersey ridilread for Philadelphia. 2,20;. p. la., BALTIMORE EXPRESS. Sundays. ex cepted. 4,26 NLW YORK AND BALTIMORE. MAIL, sue days excepted, connecting at Elmira ler Callan dalgug, 'and ut \Vaverly for Towanda. ,52-d.. LIOIITNINO EXPRESS, Daily, co tinect i lig att Elmira for Williamsport, Harrisburg and the South, and at Jersy City with morning express train of New Jersey Railroad, for Baltimute and Washington. 12,20 p. ra., WAY FittllGllT, Sundays excepted. A revisedjand complete "Pocket Time Table" of Passenger Triune on the Erie Railway unit connecting Lines, has recently been published, and ate be procur ed ea application cu.the Ticket Agent of the Compuuy WM. It. BALM, H. RIDDLE, deal Pass. Agent; 0071'1'3140t. Elossburg & Corning, & Tioga R. R Taains will run as follows until further notice Accommodation—Leaves Blossburg at 6,15 a. in., Mane field ut 7,05, Tin.; at 7,41, Lawrenceville at 8,26 aviving at Corning at 9,32 a. In. DLOA—Le4vesillossfiurg, at 3,00 p. in., Mansfield ut 3,40, T 1 og3 at .4,18, Lawrenceville ut s,oo—arriving at C mil ng at 6 p. in. Ma I—Leaves Corning at 8,00 a.m., Lawreneevillt at 9,03, Tioga at 9,45, Mansfield at 10 : 22—arriving at Moss-burg at 11,00 a.m. Accommodation—Learns Corning ut 2,40 p. ra.,Law• ronceville at 3,52 Tioga at 4.46, Mansfield at 5,30 arriving at illossburg at 6,15 p. in. I L. 11. SILATTTICK,Snp' t . t Northern Con ral R. It! TRAINS FOR TI E NOT:TIC. Trains for Canaudaguia leave Elmira as follows : ' Acconiodution at 6 20 a in Express [fastest train on roadj 12 20 p m Mail 7 10 p in Way Freight, [passenger conch attaclitcr] ...... ... 8 00 a in On and after Apr. 25, 1869, trains will arrive anti depart from Troy, as follows; LEAVE NORTIMA_RD. 9 27 P. ni.—Daily (except Sundays) for Buil a— lo, eimaridaigua, Rochester, Suep. Bridge and the MEM 1.055 a. tn.—Daily (6. - xcept Sundays) foi Elmira and Buffalo, ris EL hailw•ay from Elmira. LEAVE SOUTHWARD. 521 Aly (except Sundays) lur * Baltininrcl WaAldnglon, Pidlathdidda, 9 ,2 P. (‘-xcnio Sunday:,) • AVaqiington and Plidadelidda. ALFRED it. FISKE: EU. S. YOUNG Gen'lSupt.llarrimburg, -- Pinzaampina & Erie U. U. On and after Apr. 26,1669 Trains on this run 01100 WESTWARD Mail Train leaves Philadelphia " " " Wamsport.... " arr. at E le Eric Express leaves I, hiladeiphin... " ,"• Williamsport— arr. at E.rie Elmira Mltil leaves Philadelphia,. " " " arr. at Lock Haven EASTWARD, all Train leaves Erie 11'15 a ... " " " Williamsport 12.20 aio " " arr. at Philadelphia 9425 a m Erie Express leaves Erie 6.25 p Lli " Williamsport 750 a m " arr. at Philadelphia t 4.10 p Mail and Express connect V. ith Oiljerceli and A lle glum . ) River Rail Road. Haw Checked Tha ALPRED L. TYLER, (Ico'.l.Sup'l. Atlantic and Great Western R• W SALAMANCA STATION. WEI 115.111 D BOUND. EASTWARD 110111.1 Mail 5.1i0 Express 15.10 Aceouiraudation 0,35 Mail 5.4 Express 12.10 Accommodation, 11.41 Express 11.00 I Express 0 IQ At Cory there is a junction with the Philadelphia & Erie, and Cil el eek Rail Roads. At Meadville with the Franklin and Oil City and Pithola Branch. At Leavittsbarge the Malioniny Branch 11ml:es a di rect route to Cleveland. At Ravenna e ohlitC. t 5 With Cleveland and Pittsbuigh Railroad, The Road intseezi through Akron, Ashland, Galion, Marion, Urbana and Dayton, intersecting varionsrall roads, and terminates at Cincittheli. L. D. BUCKER, Gen. Supt., Meadville, Pa . HARNESS SHOP I ei W. NAVLE, would say to his friends u. that y lsis Bar/less Shop is now in full blast, and that ha is prepared to furnish heavy or light 3E3Crtis3a.catmem, on short. notice, in a good and substantial man nor, and at prices that can't tail to suit. The best workmen are employed, and non but the best material used. Call and seo. Dec. 0, 1868—Iy. Q. {ti.jdAVL• . hi 1- d i .t 1 ;7 1 1:0 PP- V , -d stz Is cla 0 t'l . c c i a. 1 - 4 t% '-',--, P- • X tly pcl tly -. 0 - r . II r -':. C l 3 X 4 .t n r --• til 1 :', VI Ida Es" X c.. 0 t t ' l , m 0 4 n r 4 , a 5,..., R' 0 Z' .4 o , ... w ,-. t 4 11 01 '4 a k 3 ;Ti B _, r i I=- , H 0 41 P t - I frrA ; cz ; C 6 4 OgNa n 0 r,.. O ?C' Ci Pa psi 4 , '. Pail elk E t r. ~:s. , i. ,. 1 , 'i, 11l w ,.., il OP I gr''' ' I SCI p a p P p ai 4 1 .4 I , I 1 1 -1 e+ -4 • r- i . Ns 5. 1 t... ..1 I z 0 1114 11 1 N 0! t... . I n r"- €0 gn - co ~ . . . OVO, i.. ;' C) m l''' I . , 0 .4 m elt .0 GO , 1:1 I I Cl 2 trj I I (1) 7 i 21 {q i I I • r p ti>. N h ib . •4 IP"" a , P CO 0 . t 0 ti 4 • 12 .0.: 0 O 1 €1) 0 A • 11 a' F-4 t-A CO $4. a id ili g .5' 88c7)2 5 ,"e. Kt L I QS (8 .. 6-9;Vt, . 0 0 C.O -1 •••3 OD Ni IPPtP'Pix,lO Atlantic and Great Western ERIE RAILWAYS, THE ()BEAT BROAD (MAHE ROUTE ron CLEVELAND, TOLEDO, CIIiCAGO,F MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL, 03IAIIA, And to all Points in the Min s? and Noran-WEs.r, Dayton, Cincinnati, Louis. VILLE, ST. LOUIS, KANSAS CITY, !SIEMER'S, NEW ORLEANS, And all points in the South k Southwest, with No Change of Coaches TO CLEVELAND OR CINCINNATI, From any point on the Erie Railway. An ed. vantage and convenience not offered pp a ny ) other route.. Tunotan LIGIITNTNO Exrntss DAILY. Baggage Checked Through, and No CHANGt from ono car to another, preventing loss or dam age. Ticketa via this popular route can be procured at all elutes on the tine of the Brie Railway, and of, When purchasing ask the Ageht for Tickets via the ATLANTIC ds GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. W. B. SIIATTUC, • Gen. Ticket and Pass. Ag't, Cleveland, 0 L. P. RUCKER, Jan. 6,'69. Gen. Supt., Meadville, Pa ITHACA WHEEL RAKE* TllE undersigned, a practical farmer, is offer ing this implement to the farming public with perfect confidence in its superiority to any other rake in use. The teeth are oil-tempered spring steel and fully warranted not to break with taifusage. Jay art ipgenions arrangemept the loaded rake is easily discharged by a toot treadle and hand lover, and the pressure of the teeth upon the ground can bo exactly ganged by the foot. Every tooth is independent of every other tooth, and the bead being movable the rake adapts itself to every inequality of the ground. It rakes clean. is simple, strong and lasting. To try it is to buy it. I'reter tho pkblic to the following persons icio? have the rake in use; It. Toles, Chatham; Chaney Ackley, Clymer; E. li. Stebbins, Clymer; J. W. Davis, Brookfield; Isaac Thompson, Kelsey Ercray, llarrison Valley, Potter County. 24Y - Orders for this Rake may ho addressed to me 4t Westfield, Tioga Co.; Pa. Jung 9, 1 69. iS 4 4 O kg't, ROM ad NM Mors, ..-----, ( This preparation, long and fav'orably .....,,I.,'''''. "'' "S known ' a-ill thoroughly le-invigorate ir laolieit down and low-:pliitol hones, fli 'i s lii, o • - m s , ti c •e h nl i , n tlAc i ti n i t n egn g i an e , , l cleansing the i_±lt is a pure preventive of all diseascs - --.- * -- Z.- - incident to this animal, such as LUNG FEVER. GLANDERS, YELLOW - WATETI, HEAVES, COUGHS, Ws. r e .-"N TE3IPER, FEVERS, F 0 LIN P E it, t§ LOSS OF APPETITE AND VITAL „Wm.. ~ j ENERGY, ke. Its use improves .. - ;'VI 4 the wind, increases the appetite-- • f ' 'C y gives 'smooth' and glossy shin—and ' transforms the miserable .kiletbai....,.'''' into a fine-loosingand Lpiritel horse. •-s e. '..--- - - ,.tilislii• •-slif---' l'ass. A g't ' To kceperi of Coos this prcpaia fri,,, :.- :- ~1,,,,1,1„.. 1,/, ia a AIIn• pm k . ,•'• ventive against Rindcrpest, Hollow i •'&:1.7 0 :.1 Horn, etc It has been proven by _....f......k actual expzinnent to inerea.C. ill, ' I . iir , ai n .. quantity of milk and deam twcnty per cent. and make the butter Rem • and sweet. In fattening cattle, it gives them an appetite ; jonseps't heir tilde ) and raalee4 them thrive much faster, $3:15 ant .. 9.30 p ro _11.60 110011 5 . 8 80 pin _10.90 a to ... S.OO a to 6.30 pm ... 7.45 p In In all diseases of Swine, such as Con. Ls, Ulcers in the Lungs, Liver, &c., this article acts as a specific: By putting from one- 1.4 0 half a paper to a paper in a barrel of i" t . swill the above diseases will be eradi , cated or entirely prevealted. If given .dia in time, a certain preventive cure for the Hog Cholera. DIVID T. POPTZ, Proprietor, BALTIMORE. 111 d. For 2 .snle by Drnggists and Storekeepers throcnd,u4t the United States, Canada? and South Auumea August 25, 18tiU—Iw. Planing •$z Turning. KUNO got his riew Factory. in op.:cattail I is now prepared to fill orders for Cabinet Ware promptly and in the best style of W 1 1, ship. Ilavibg procured a he is reroV to qross boarde or plank with dispatch SCROLL-WORK BRACKETO3, furnished to order. His Machines are of the tow est find most improved pattollos. Shop coriwr of Pim 1 and iVolp Sts. WEI.L- Pbllt, PA., Oct. 31, 18611-If. 13 . 'P. VAN 11011 N. J. STICKLIN, Chairinaker ) Varner, Ott Furniture Dealer, SALE ROOl, opposite Dartt's Wagon Stop, Main Stract. FACTORY in Sears d Wil liards Foundry, second story. Orders promptly filled and satisfaction guaran teed. Fancy turning done to order. Wellsboro, Jnno 10,1567. J. STICKLIN lIE undersigned is now prepared to exe cute all orders for Tomb - Stones and /llonu wants of eigipr ITALIAN OR RUTLAND MA.RI3LF‘, of the latest style and approved workmanship and with dispatch. Ho keep constantly on hand both kinds lifarblo and will bn ship to suit all who may fa vor him with their orderg, on es reasonable tpruis as can bo obtained in the country. Stones discolored with rust and dirt. cleaned and made to look as good as now. 1. PORTER WILCOX. Tioga, Nov. I, 1867—tf. A farm of three hundred acres, with'twu hun dred and twenty-five acres improved. Sit uated two miles north of Tioga Village, on tine Tioga River and Railroad. Well wattteredi,un• der a good state of cultivation, and good build ings. Also four houses arid lots for sale in Tioga village. T. L. DALDWIN. Tioga, Fah,. 12, 1866-.1.f. . THE LARGEST §jOCKiii? Tioga County, and the Cheapest place to buy in the n•orld. Agent for L. BOLLES c('• CO'S ROSE, Binghamton, H. and • Mansfield, Nor. 25, 1868-Iy. G. B. RIFF 500 Cords of Hemlock Ilnrk, wanted, for which the highest market price will be paid on delivery at my Tannery, in Wellsboro. Jno 2, 1869—tf. JOSEPH BIBEROLLF. CARII PRINTING—'4'O7 York prices, in 0. Colors or plain, anci out tp suit orders, al TUB AGITAZOB OFi/CP. • ,THE -AND - EVERS & ABBOTT, OPPOSIT DEPOT ELMIRA 1; 1'' • ..1 1 r - •-•- • , : • TC•"--"- FOUTZ'S CELEBRATED 43. T. - VAN HORN, WOODWORTH PLANER, Tioga Marble Woris. Valuable Farni for Sale , stirri•crv'gßa .ELMIIR A SAW FACTORY, Elnzira, N. Y. STOVES SOLD ON TIME. 6 !~