HOME \ MATTERS. WEDNESDAY I , AUG. .‘25, 1869, New lidvertlsementi • Grocery and Provision Store—J.ll. Rico A. N. Ingham, M. D. ' • ' • noose and Lot for Sale—J.,l.belL • f Roberje.• We alre requested to give notice that e ndnentApeakers from abroad, will 'address the people all the Court House- on the subject of Temperattee, Tuesday evening, Sept. 7. , . . TUBNI • s.—Tho proprietors of The A g itator are obliged to Mr. E. C. Jennings for a half bushel of white turnips. Tbey were very SI X • FOOT T, D: Marsh, of Charleston, has left with ris some . spires of timothy grass six feet high. The longest head, is eight inches. That field may ho called "tall ME PEACH AND ICE CREAM FESTIVAL.— Tho ladies of the Baptist Society will furnish an Izc Cregni entertainment every evening during the first week of court. Proceeds to be applied to defraying the expense of painting the Hall. PERSONAL.—Mr. Jno. B. Shakspeare, tailor, for many years an honored 'bitizen of this rill*, has located in Canton, Bradford cunnty. Ile has the best wishes of numerous friends or MEE THE SHow.—Frank Phelps, the vet eran showman-, exhibited at Town Ilall, Thurs day, Friday, and Saturday evenings of last week, to crowded houses. Though unable to be present ire learn that Frank's show is a good thing.— kr : people , coo SO little to amuse during the icar that a respectable show is a public profit. CORRECTIONS. —ln our report of the ofiicers'of the Wellsboro Driving Park the name of A. P. Cone, Esq., ono of the vico Presidents, 1r as inadvet tatty omitted by the Secretary. iti the Iloilo° of the death of tho infant ' - son of Mrs. J. A. Knapp, of Emporium, last week, the printir made it Hr. J. A. Knapp, who is d o . i ceasci FINE GFtorni.—Mr:' Ira \Yeti - 166 . 0e, ci Lamar, left some oats sib feet tall hanging at the door of this office last week. Somebody else anonymously left with us a unall spray off n white harvest appletree, hav ing upon it two dozen large apples. We hope the tree 01! which they grow is pioplied well. A HEAVY LIEN.—We do not intend to publish the embarassments of any man, but the lien on Judge Williams's property above Mona Block is a little too palpable to escape public notice. That property i 9 nut, exactly dc hvered up to the plague of locusts, but 'lt has been twice treed in a month. No man can pass it without a profound obeisance. S. S.. Pie-Nle.—The Presbyterian, Methodist, and Baptist Sunday Scheel, - ; of this tillage, /Ind several schools in Charleston, bad a Union l'ic-nio in liollenger's Grove lust Sat urday. Poi some unexplained reason the Epis ,qil Sunday School failed to get transportation, and did tint generally attend. The gathering ,as large and the occasionnost , enjoyable, [hough the afternoon was show ry and the "day %erTppressive. • . 1 \ BUSINESS.—The firm of:De Lano & co., in the Dry Goo i business, is dissolved, Mr. De Lano retiring. The business will be orded on by Mr. L. Deohe. At last Wellsboro has a Furniture ware Booth hell does it credit. Van Horn Illis got in a ue lut of choice furniture, and has decidedly slated the appeal of the Lord's Prayer—" Lend not into temptation:" Hushands Will do ttiell lock ap their pockets after' theiVl wives' have 4ited Van Horn's. 4r. Lord is closing. up tile mason worts of Sic w church, and the job is a credit to the craft T i ns Is How T . A. member 'of he Ileruutic Society," pitches in' thus Bow is t ? If Bermes was the patron saint of Macs and robbers in the olden times, does it , allow that "The Hefmaie Society!' of WeUsher° has deigns on people's pockets.—Agitator 11th. No ittdoes'nt follow, and the Agitator ought to ;,now that tradition lies about the imtron saint, it was a brother of his who stole sheep, it? ff Lucifer and Gabriel in the good nil times, were angels (vide Milton) does, it fol- L,n tlml Lucifer's fall made Gabriel a Devil too. Ur, dues it follow that every printer's janstinn purgatory, because there's a devil in it. A. MEMBER. Go on with your abuse. vALL wo A BizipoE,—Vpsnlopolite" ,cud; na, the following particulars trf a narrow es _ -On Saturday, 14th inst., as the driver of one tb.o. P. Card's teams was crossing the bridge otcr Crooked Creek, near Edsel, Mitchell's, with 3 heavy load of shingles, two of the stringers :Ate way, percipitnting,, load, team, and driver :t tan 12 or 14 Mot hitt, the stream. One of the ':, , see , %,d: so:vended from the timbers, and the Ate huh , '' by the harnes.3 and ;straps. Neither ei ttas nmelihurt. The - driver, Mr. Fisk, was hruis 11 by the falling shingles, but mirtienously aped aith life. I see that this accident has ,aa , ed the overhauling of several oid bridges, and - prevention is better than cure," I hope all , Laiatul structures will be thoroughly examined 211,1 made secure. }Mould it not be a good plan the towns it) this county to employ a ellpahle pi - ion to j.uperintend the creltion of all struc lutes of the. kind, including sotto?! houses, that the safety of the public wq he assured." uossir.—And now, pray toll, how is, a body to get through this crowded world with out treading on somebody' toes? You fling a brakitat at a mangy dog which worries your fa_ orate eat, and the irrepressible Toodles exclaims-- " - ouch I do you call me a deg ?" you observe, in gcneral way, that some yeople appear to bestow more attention upon their hoots than they do to :urni,hing their heads with intelligence, and up cane; the bewhiskered, and bewildering Clarimee• Vane and says--"do you allude to me, sir ?" You ,: r ue in a g,fmaral vay, that. it 1,0 8 to be t..ita•i: and up comes Simon tiltaver and en y,:_. ..40 you call me a cheat? "You observe, 100 in ~ l ieral way, that a mat' is known by the cowl ho keeps ; and up comes Debi e , an d ,1, .115—.-"did you 0.01 n t rc rt thief 0.11.1 a sneak to the name of goodnea; , , is theca out a i m jt,ip i human vanity ? By what light toodle., Vane, itbucr, and 13ubius, et id gemoi wasie, conceive tbat they occupy 3 Siiiil.3 iquil of public attcH tom I, beyond tvi to Photo. Vila knee' von , !on or heard an open laugh, in the street oil ,:w r le , re, that Ito di , i not grow red', in the 111 , 0. about people iiinking feu of him. The ,"u, V. 4t :1 woroaourliac ell the siiljeet 4+l iiinlzeit. We knew cc sohool thi• teas ~nu in Vittli.eu a the ,00,01 ra.,m Ihnt dio did !tot iioh nm v,iiigior tor itt r ; 1.0 hrn the ffellll was 1110: nn 0%11), :ipti 4,44 e, It% t r ittk tOt) the pre 101 W. MI ,-1, *(11] awl loot t h e halanao rtflu r 1111 ed oltair, the idiali; room. full broke Into a t:iiiegitieti tta.it, this too eolf-eonsoious 111:1111101 ftlfg:LVO l hu iivehLlSO slte attributed it to Ll u prctrurn of t.ittk n tcnicL hu4 StiOlyil Ttu and Playing with the Hies. So wo cotioloilo tii,tt, zell.oonseiotts pooplo no'cr know whim) !bey ""'ul•riliielv ;hi) illoy arc en tirply "to or mind . il) , ~te "ail poor ereatnm,l' --"l'egghtty“ is anneoessatily distressed aLuut the morals of professional po lit leians. Office ;in.! entolin+its aro ever higher in their ef-teetii than truth and honor. The rule is that a man wto.ltetat'en "all things ! I l i, in polities„ will act appal that doctrine in tudnifle4s v,f t gm fil,i turn. It a man in dishonest in public matters lie 1 • `aoNot Le trusted la any place: If a tpan ver -1.411y agrees to pay you fifty dollars borrowed I"ne Y bra. u given tfay,•antl when the day arrives ) repudiates, you may depend Upon titt}t !tits note, fl Lurid, is worthless, il'ho can find a creephole T.) avoid their argument. Ilowbver, don't' eon clude shah all men p r e rascals because your neigh -r has Proved devoid pfitonor. Ift will p9ver. do to judge all mankind by a sia&lo of the Species. KNOXVILLE ITEMS. —Stod rd's store started up from its quiet state as soon as the brick was ready. Seely has had a , very unpro.- Ititioug time in getting up his brick kiln on account of the we weather. but now that 'they are before the public, ono thing 'isdetermined to h certainty, that be has good material for tanking brick as could ho ,They _aro of good color and very tough. The Congregationalists have decided_ to build a brick church hero. They expect to coratoottoo scan. They have a plan and sketch that, If fu!- lowed, will make the handsomest house (save one,•perhaps) in the county. It. expense is not near as great as the new Metkodist Church at Wellabore; but for'Convenience, as well as taste, it has few superior'S. .If erected according to the dctign, it will be one of which the Cow:me - quo region may wail be proud, and it will add more than ten times its.cost to the value of property in that section, to say nothing of other benefits. "A thing of beauty is a joy forever." B. NOTICE.—Tho next term of school in Wellsboro Oommenees, IVednesday, Sept. I, 180. By order Board of Directory, Tom/ I. hi 'Te aEu , Soo'y.7 TIOGA.—The principal- topic of con versatiop in this community at present is the change of the county seat. The projeet is ad vocated by many substantial men, and a strong effort in that direction may be expected. I neglected to say last week that four persons were confirmed by Bishop Stevens on Thureday evening. Also, that James Alford, a soldier' of 1812, and an early pioneer of the country, was buried the previous week. "Unclo Jimmy" was a quiet respectable' citizen, and died in his 82d year. Col. Johnston reports an extraordinary yield of potatoes. En planted .one pound each of call,- Rose' and Climax, and from the former, raised 00 odd pounds, and from the latter, 123 lbs. He has the same for sale, We were visited this week by a "lightning calculator' ; ' uot 11,irnum'sy who. sold a book containing ninny 'short cute' for business men. The Good Tempters held a cream festival at their rooms on Thursday evening; the same is to ho repeated on Thursday evening, Aug: 20. Rev. Mr. Landreth, (Episcopal) preached two excellent sermons, at the Methodist house,' on, Sunday last. We regret the of " Aceidental."— His letters were read with pleasure by many not living at Mansfield. Scarlet fever is confining many of our ' little folks' in doors theta pleasant days. It is the first epidemic we kayo had to contend with since winter. SNOBBLETON. MANSFIELD.—Having made arrange ments to leave the State, for a short time at least, I am compelled to sever my reportorial relation between the Agit« for 'and the local interests of illansti.old and vicinity. I do so with feelings of regret, mixed with pleasme; regret, consequent upon breaking accustomed habit, and the thought that r, In:6r in some measure be estopped from doing' t?to AGITATOR pleasitut service, and serving tlfo teal interests of a community, to which I am indebted for many favors and generous sup port. Pleasure, horn of the tactilely of the past; of interest in the enterprise of many racy con tribute-Is; of commendation by sonic, and of covert advice, or pleasant criticism by others,— With sonic I have enjoycdpersonal acquaintance, and leave their circle with best wishes for their individual success. We may not personally meet often; but as I expect the AGITATOR to follow me wherever I may go, I,shall hope to see them fr6cptently as the weeks go by. Davin- made my bow, I have only to intro duce " RIG rhillt," who has promised to see that the local interests of Mansfield do not, suffer for the need of a I . .. Potter; and it is also a satisfac tion to know that the change, will ho for the best good of all concerned : with too it has been al wity4 AIa:MENTAL." At the lequest of " AettiJentar!,l have efbn •ented to try and till his place as a reporter for the Mar./mit: fioni this section. i vover, it is wit I wuch trepidution that I now begin the task ; Inening, us untA 411' your reader's do, that Aeei" was IL very tialieient writer. We regret very touch .that he has so suddenly taken his from our midst, but console ourselves by Hoping it will be fur his personal good. The large illallailelory being erected under the auspices of Mart King is progressing rapidly, and it is ahnost ready to ha rained. From ap pearances, we think it is goin,i; to lie a - credit to our village. Yours truly, FM 111,/‘ COVINGTON LOCALr-Dr. Porter, ofNew oric,twi, has lately retterned trout a trip to San Francisco sin Pact tic Railroad, stopping a short thee in Brigham's dondidon ' Ito has at tine so lectiun of mobs Agates. ti teen has invented and patented aineat little arrangement for billss Blowers for length ening the pipe "while gllthet log the lump, and "Moak" it can be detached lartantaia:max.— Those who hale used the model, speak very high ly of it Sunday eertina, Augast 8, the monthly ex amination and tut era of the ltnion Sunday School, was helrt at the Baptist Church. The en tertainment was similar to the others; the; f'ehei ars showilig tt marked improvement in their re spouses. The "Edwards Family," of Charleston, sung with good effect three of their pieces. S. S. Packard making a trip West, on a visit to his son Fred, who lives in Minneapolis, Minn. Within a week past, two persons have been trying to sell live ce(tt coin, °acting them at l to 5 per colt (lite:mut. They had - quan'tities of them. Query: wet e they 'I,IIM following chang(is in real estate hate late ly taken place : Thos. and John Robinson sold their Farm, and saw mill to Mr. A. W. Rockwall for $G,500. S. J. 1 mica) has sold his farm and Sash Factory tai his brothers, pavid S. Jr., and henry. They will continue Om tmiking of Sash, Doors, Sc a. Wm. Sanders has sold the "Covington Glass works" to a Mr. Kinney, of Syracuse. ConNING. The Journal sliys :—"A sign un Alurhet street, in the cullt, cud, telds ns fullowF, spelling ant letters being envied: CaP,enet Ware and Itepard and Vnrui6hcp." That reminds us of ay sign whielt hung ont in Honesdale, Per, some years ago : "Cakes and Beer, and 2.ldlinery done berth" Also, another sign over an apple basket at a grocery store in Elmira, not long since: "Ap ples, one Cents a Piece." "E. J. Brewetcr cf" -- Alfs s.. .ed Centre died at Con derspoi t, while on it business,yisit. The Potter Journal sa3s : He leaves 'a father, mother and brother li)ing in Mansfield, Va., andsereralchil dren who reside with their soother, from whom he had been diyoreed, in Allegany county, N.Y." ------• \ RAILWAY COURTESV.—Trie Engineers and Mechanics' of the Tioga Railroad, bar ink; expressed a wish to go to Ilornellsville to attend the meeting Of the llrothelhooil,' on the 15th instant, tha Superintendent, L. 11. Shattuck, Esq., kindly pliteed a special train at their dis posal, and upon their arrival at Corning, the courtesies of the Eric Lead nas extended to them. Attending Di% ine Service at the. M. E. Church, at I L.rneld:v n hely IL special mon f.,r the oecakion nas prrached by the 11ev. Stacey, thvy returned home, Ligl,ly pleased with the plcas - ant dpy they had *pent. The kindly feeling malt faVhrs (on the part of the employer:4 to the employees) produce, are cooduciie of inure real good than a host of stringent rulce.-, .Superintendent Shattuck twill,' in kindness, has Iratheted nround hint 3 knot of sober, careful Engineers,' that may he equalled, hut Dot ex celled on any road in the [Jolted titatcs. [Con.. IlitAtlFortti.--`llte fici)ortcr citron -40,, Ole tuditlett death or 11. ti. Merinir, one ()filly most enicrpri. , ing Inn:lilt:F.s men of Towanda. lie died in l'ilttlott of ilit-ettie or the heat t —Mrs. I).tv 11iggh.:1, or I bier township, died while smt.y on the 7th. Tie Tit (ioy./ It, chronicles the death of Dr. Itorrovell, uI iii viihige, of disease of the heart. Ile le.is lottied wto li tkia - , ; :ottio honors on Alontlay 9111.--The Tri' L e llotv e will tit oetol.ter.-- lltd;,1 at the Itlinticotia, ;:vri!igo ll'l'Beady lilted With visitors,—Thu WeilOotrti eoireespotitlent or that paver gives, the old 11 Prial 'eapit;fl 1101150 “Tl l 4, burial grntind, pre:cots the s:tdtii.e it ppear :l 111:0 0r all, for ottoV - s- others Onnilil we , vnera t o unit to.speet otir oneestit—ietitentlwring thoFu Ito lir,t retneini., red its, and not turn over t o the t.4ittniiiit's their phtees or buil:it, allowing otittlt to lied Now their graves and strip thew of their la.,t green festive, and trataVlo under ito t the nutride stall which marks their resting place. Thia surely (loci not speak well for en ighteoed and Christian people." 'nil I;ltltiru Ad‘'crliser ratty 1 . tie Miler dap "q gentlemanly !mating Mims , delii•ered to`tlM twig ht agent of the Northern at I.il load, Wok ins, eleven trice-apreTtPlS with dileuttutid to 1100 them shipped I•. ifi cchutg Pa At the ealue time ho indtmed the agent to let, bier hate twenty dollars, with the iimb.rstanding that the amount would be 001- tei•t-.1 wit!) the other chames on the delivery of the t ea at - filmhhurg. box6 - {Lerti duly Or• ivarded to 'this city, and duriu , their handling tare au :indent befell ono of Orem, by which a c"rner w.ts htioehed ott; and revealed the rapt that the ituN. was tilled with ialvilest instead of tea! The Other ten boxes were then opened and thil. wept :IP romol to oontain q taco artiulo of 1).1+4:3 lint no tee, THE WEST.—Mr. J. 11... i3 llaw, late of Richmond, writo.i w from-Tama City lowa lime fuotoovhich we presentberewithi • " This city islocated on — the lowa river and' Chicago and Nokth Western Railroad, a litU south of the middle - 'Ol the State." Five.years ago the place whertrit stands was. unbroken' prairie." It now covers over half a tuilo Kum, and con tains some fino buildings. The water 18 good, plenty of timber, and splendid land. Toledo, the county seat, is two miles north of thik place, and is a pretty town, with a fine court house and and five or six churches. Land can be bought here from six to a,hunfired dollars per acre. Sdil black loam, three to six feet thick. Wheat is raised after corn without plowing, and produces from five to forty bushels to the store. No winter wheat is sawed. Farming mostly done by ma chinery. Tama city is LIO miles from the issil 3 pi River, and 220 miles from Omaha. Land is ri ing in' value very falit." , ii:BEE Music ScitobL.—We fake pleas, urein commending Mr. 14ve, late of the Allega-, ny Achtlemy of Music, wh4 is now conducting a juvenile class of singers; id the Baptist church, _. free to ti e students. The cantata , known as "Three ChristianGraces"—raitb, Dope, and Charity is being committed by the ebildreri to be perf rpecl at a concert some evening pest week, of which duo notice will be. given. ' : Beautiful Woman. If you would he beautiful use Hagan's Magnolia Balm. :It gives a pure Blooming Complexion and restores Youthful Beauty. Its effects are gradual and perfect. It removes Redness, blotches and Pimples, cures Tan. Sunburn and Frock les, and makes a f.ady of thirty appear but twenty. Thu Biagno lia Balm makes the Shin Smooth and Pearly ; the Eye bright and clear; the Check glow ith the bloom of Youth, and imparts a fresh, plump appearance to the Countenance. No Lady need com plain of her Complexion \then 75 cents will purchase this delightful article. The beta Wog - to dross the Hair with is Lyon's Kethairom ' Uy2Blm house 4- Lot' for Sale. t ` • A I GOOD House and barn, on a lot- of two _MI acres, within ton minutes walk of tho Court, House, Wellaboro, is offered for sale. In quiro of John I. Mitchell, Esq., Wellsboto.. Aug. 25, 18139-tf. /PO DEBTORS.—AII persons indebted Co me 1. are requested to call and settle nt once. All accounts with mo before tho new firm ; waa forined niust be closed up without delay, ' WILLIAM ROBERTS. Wellsbero, Aug. 25, 1869. MIL FIRM of Do Lano St Co., is this day dia l_ solved.. 1 • Tito partnership business will bo settled by L. Bache. M. M. Do LANO, L. BACHE. Wollsboro, Aug. 16, 1869. BY VIRTUE OF sundry writs of Fieri Fa cies, Lovari Facies, and Vonditioni Exponas, is sued out of the Court of Common Pleas. pi:- oga eetinly, and to me direated,,l will expose tei publio F ale, to the highest and best bidder, at the Court Hour's in Wellsboro, on Monday, tho 30th day of Aug. 1869, at 1 o'clock, 1 3 .1 M. the following described property, viz : ' • A lot of land in Chatham, boundod north by Afosen Patriek, Darius Boom, and A I? Smith, east by Sinclair Smith and A P Smith. south by Nehemiah Smith and west by Stephen Martin and Darius ]loom—containing 100 tens more or less, about 80 acres improved, framo home, hurtle barn and apple orchard thereon •, being tot No. 50 or the allotment of Bingham lands In Chat ham ; ALSO—another lot in Chatham, bounded north by Nelson buy, east by lot now or formerly owned by 11 Freeborn. south by Sinclair Smith and west by Moses Patrick—being lot No. fin of said allotment—contain ing 65 acres more or less, about 50 acres improved, frame house, frame barn and apple' orchard thereon. To bo IMO as the pi opel ty of Alpheus F Smith, stilt of Bingham Trustees, Lso—a lot in Middlebury bounded north by lot 310 of the ziliot anent of Bingham lands in Middlebury, cont acted to Robert sax bury, and lot 204 now o 1 lath in pobbosbion of lialph Button, cast by said lot 204 and 13ugham son lb by south line of narrant 1351, and west by Bingham biu 45 mid lot 310 aforesaid—be ing lot 200 of the onutuiont of,lllngliam LW& in Mid dlebury, Titiga co., Pa., anti pail of warrant 1351—con taining 80-5 ,wrea Avith usual talowanco of 6 per cent. for roads, Se., about CO acres! improved, frame house framo barn and fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property of Harvey Hutton, suit of Win 11-Clymer et ALSO—a lot of land in Liberty, bounded' north by Daniel H artsoek, cast by AV illiamspn Road, south by darkholl St t eet and west by Jacob Beck Sr.,—contain- bug about 12 acres, more or less, all improved, two story 1 . 1 . 41110 storehouse, two framo houses, two frame barns, other outbuildings and apple orchard thereon. To be sold as the property of J. G. Albeok, suit of J S Flan agan et al, ALSO—a lot of land in Union. bounded north by Wm Terry, east by Margaret Ditehman and C 8 Newell, tot by Miss Tabor, II Rico and D Spaulding—con taining 100 acres, 75 acres improved, framo Inlnso ' two flame barns and apple orchard thereon. To LO sold as the propel ty of W II Criulteor, suit of E Pomeroy. ALSO—a lot in Lawrence, bounded north hy Tubbs, Cilu & Co., Ott by Iforaco Hoff and Irwin Bostwick, south by Wm R AlRcholl and west by Julius Treinaln 10,1 acres more or less, 10 acres improved frame home and frame barn thereon. To ho sold as mm i its,pie 4 V y of W W I CI ti.tmummi. Suit A tal . r.?-.-;•.'„'" - vast-lams. east by John IV Ryon, south by liiAlrway, Joerrailc= burst and David Dunbar, and west byMoel Parkloirat mt—containing 18 acres more or less, frame house, frame barn and frets trees ihereou. To be sold as the propct ty of L S and C F Cuts er ,sult of Parkhurst. ALSO—the ?