The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, August 25, 1869, Image 2

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    - -
Tho .Ponsissrlvagia, Volitocracr.,
The -New York : Citizen, the well
knowii . Democratic - weekly, forMerly
owned by "ItlileS O'Reilly," has - •no
sympathy with the Pennsylvania .De
mocracy, either in their patforin or eau
didates. It says : 7 -- ,
" No i ooridemnation of the
against which the soldiers fouitht, even
though the soldiers were praised—the
omission being aninsult, if any refer:-
ence to the subject were proper. •No
fitting expression in favor of economy
in:public .expenditures•, nothing, hi
fact, first 'or last,Aatit 'the old negro
question.and general abuse of Repub
licans. The self-same grumbling with,
out' proposing an iinprovement; the
same refusal to understand the altered
position 'of the Whole country; which
has-led to defeat -- 'se frequently; The
nomination of a man- with nothing to
recommend -him bgt the faculty of heap
ing,up wealth, with no record worth
mentioning, and 'lathing about him to
arouse ethusiasin but his money. Not
the first sign
, ! if - true loyalt, nor the
least evidence oaf a devotion to the best
interests of the whole country. Under
such circumstances .we do not expect
nor wish that the Democrats should
carry -Pennsylvania.
" We do net.wish this simply because.
it would be a triumph of the Vahan
dighams, and the J'endletone, and the
.old school that never learesmid never
forgets; the. former Wave ipower toad
ies, who imagined that elavert'" was a
thing:of beauty and a joy foiever, in
stead of being at_ best but a cruel ne
cessity of the Constitution. A triumph
'On such principles and AV ith such -can
didates would :only revive the dead
men of the North and lithe South', the
putrescent bodies which have bees
smothered under the loyalty of the na- 1
tion ; the Li - tangent rebels, whether,
they register themselves as enemies of
the nation in Cincinnati, Harrisburg,
or New Orleans. A victory now would.
bring the-extremists !wick to life and
power, and with them another defeat
in 1872."
THE MO TILER d r .GLARY. —Margaret White, the mother of John White
Geary, was' a native of Washington
county, Maryland, and inherited sev
eral families of slaves. Upon becoming
their legal owner, she first educated,
and then freed them all. She was after
wards reduced to comparative need by
the failure of her husband, who lost his
Property in an early etthrt Ui develope
the now - more prosperous iron interests
of Westmoreland* county, Ponneylva
ilia. But we may well suppose that
the noble woman who would not hold
her fellow-beings in bondage, and who
gave them sufficient education to enable
theni to take care Of themselves, never
regretted that• she had impoverished
herself to do them justice.
It might be expected that such a
mother would rear her son in the same
principles. Though educated in the
"Democratic scheel,Jolin W. Geary early
came to hate and to strike hard blowS
at the Slave Pewee. 4 • -
In" ; California, he battled,- with Fre
. moht, Broderick, and other.ti, to keep
the Curse of human slavery from the
new State.
In Kansas, he again met and battled
the same 'insidious the.
Finally, during the four long years of
the Rebellion, he faced the besotted
Power when it dared to appeal to arms.
In all these, the mother's conscience
was shown
,in the son's deeds,, and illus
trated the moral principle which, Al
any public man, is infinitely
to all the wealth of a Ortesus.
York Herald thus curtly disposes of
the work of the late Harrisburg Con
vention :
"The Democrats in Pennsylvania
have nominated Asa Packer as their
candidate for Governor, but the con
vention that nominated him have hung
a hob to - that kite • which wilt swamp
him. They have pronounced against
Degro suffrage, a principle the Conser
vatives of Virginia accepted us.a liosi
tive fact, and by the help of that vote
not only elected their candidate for
Governor, but gave a death btilig to the
carpet baggers and helthlwags. The
Pennsylvania Democracy, in smoi!ti
ering 11 jester Clymer, their obi eat li
date, have only presented a now victim
tq he placed upon the political boairol i i
for the 6eary laws to peck at!"
. .
Col. F. C. liooton, District A ttprney
of Chester county has issued a volume
of the General and Special Road Laws
of this State. The book gives a short
statement of the method,of obtaining a
new road. It gives the power
thority of Road Jurors ; the duties of
Supervi ors under the General and
e IL,
Special au's; and the duties of Road
Contraehrs. ' Every Supervisor, Jus.!
tice of the Pore, Road Contractor and
Surveyor, shotdd have a copy. Every
man accustomed to serve upon Road Ju
ries, and every man interested in know
ing Just what. the law of the road is ,
should; have a copy. By sending 51
cents to George F. Worraii, West Ches
ter, Pa., a copy of the book will he sdnt,
in return, free of postage.
The outlook is good in .Pennsylvania
for the Republican party., The opposi
tion vainly endeavor to fasten one word
of reproach with truth on either Gov . .
Geary or Judge Williams. The lives of
both have been free from any act or
private or public chtracter which can
now be cited against them. That they
will carry the State by a large majority
appears 43ore certain with each return
ing day, es everywhere the camp-fire is
brightly burning, and the Republican
hosts are cementing together an - the
conflict. !Never ' before has victory
seemed so certain, and come it will so
sure as men were ever true to - correct
and patriotic, principles.—Etniira Ad
:Maj. Gen. R eerans declines the
nomination of the - Democrats for Gov
ernor of Ohio. The N. Y. iferoht thus
" Gen. itoseerans cannot swallow
Ohio Democracy. Ho declines the nom
ination of that party
_ - or Governor,
which nomination ho kindly kolas an
honor, explaining that he must devote
himself to "duties sacred to- his credi
tors and his family." We regret that
the General's creditors are of so much
moment in his life; but only fancy the
chagrin of the Ohio Democrats Mien a
man thus declares that he would rather
pay his debts than run on their ticket."
Base is the ingratitUde of the opposi
tion press ! They. are now abusing
Governor Geary for Pardoning some
convicts, all of whom were probably
Democrats, but for all,of whom there
were ample recommendations to his
clemency. "We won't: have Cass,"
swore the Icfellfullin mob• -at -Harris
burg,' we must have a Governor who
will let our boys run, when they are
nabbed." • They went for Packer, to
a man If Governor Geary had ha
bitually misused his prerogative as they
charge, every thief and scoundrel in
the Dernberatie party would be his
friend. - j •
DE 1 10124'4 . MONTIIVY.--The enterprising pub
lisher of thus popular i lMagazine is first in tho
field in announcing, among the indUcemonts to
aubscritsirs foe the coming year, tho finest pre
mium ever yet offered for a single subscription to
any magazine in this or any other country.
consists of a copy, retailed at ten dollars, of Mrs.
Lilly M. Spencer's great to urn of a "Pia-sic au
The Fourth of July , ' the tagraving of which ar
tists Were sent for, specially from Europe, to
Jahn W. (teary wahlsixty, thoe4 umler
fi re , wajs Hover defeated wheii in coin
snood, am) haul tinst-horii Kota shoC
down by labs wide, awl 1111 W
to' this hardebt 'kind calms the lit lag
to the - eml of this itthelhon, Vi hat Mit
Aka I'aelter ar him "mom do ha the race, of
WO Pie?
Vice Nitatoz.
WEDNESDAY, AUG. 2ii,;186e.
Republican No)ninations.
Assembly. J. D. NILES.
(subject to:choice of Conference.)
Prothogiotary—LEnoY TABOR, of Charleston.
Itegister, L. DuEt.Ne,.of Delmar.
COmmissioner,—P. Ir. VialNuss, of 'Rutland.
3 years—ISRAEL STONE, Delmar.
Auditors 2 yoars—S.,D. PEILLIEN, Westfield.
I year —D. K. Mutsu. Gaines.
Coroner—Dr. • 11E001E, Occolis.
Wm. P. FUREY, Esq., late of the
Clinton Democrat, has- become editor
of the Carbon _Democrat In his salut
atory lie speaks of himself as " ofie of
-the laboring millions." Which of
Packer's millions does ho 'allude to ?
However, Mr. Furey will do well in'
the field he has chosen: He has
abundant zeal and is a birKloll pure
Democrat: •
The Itepublicarie cf 'San - Francisco
two years ago sufferdd the snares and
devices of the Demneraey to entrap
them into entrusting the Government
of that city _to Democratic bands. In
return the Democracy have now nomi
nated a set of gamblers and roughs for
city officers, and the better class of cit
izens now talk of reorganizing the old
Vigilance Committee, which a dozen
years ago hung and\ banished so many
orthodox denweratiA, and so conquered
a peace.
The Democracy are greatly shocked
that Gen. Grant should go to Lin!
Branch while American citizens lan
guish -in foreign dungeons. It is a
shame, though we don't see wily
American citizens should cuiler more
when Grant is at Long Branch: We
notice that the editor of the Corning
,Denzoercit has lately been a "gallivant
ing" about for pleasure while his neigh
bor Snillh lay sick with colic from eat
ing too much cucumber. The editor
must be a heartless ecatup to do that.
Do these Democratic editors ever
laugh on Sunday?
We do not object to Mr. Packer be
cause he is worth, say, twenty millions.
Nor do we object to Gen. Gearibecause
he is not worth twenty thousand. But
Asa Packer was 'nominated because ho
was immensely rich ; and Gen. Geary
was Irenominated,because, in peace and
in wear, he has ever been faithful to his
country ; and whether as Governor of
Kansas in a stormy time, or the leader
of an army against the Southern wing
of the Democratic party in rebellion,
or us Governor of this 'Commonwealth,
ho has provod hirnoolf al-wive able, td
ways efficient, alivays honest.
Nine years ago the Republican party
wrested the reins of power from the
Democratic party by constitutionally
appointed means. .The Democracy had
enjoyed the honors and emoluments of
place for near half a,'century.
When the Republicans succeeded to
power, the South rose in armed rebel
lion, and received the sympathy and
encouragement of the leaders of .the
Northern wing of the Democratic party.
A vast conflict ensued, and lasted four
years ; when the last armed rebel gave
up his arms and,\ the Government re
mained victor over armed treason.
Herein is a parallel: Mr. John F.
Donaldson having for thirty-four years
enjoyed the honor and salary of Pro
thonotary and Clerk of the Courts in
Tioga County, was last month, and by
a tribunal of his own naming, defeated
by Leroy Tabor
. for a nomination. - -
Whereupon, Mr. Donaldson, copying
with fidelity the action of the South,
raises the standard of rebellion.
In other words having publicly
pledged himself to abide by the decis
ion of the Republican County Conven
tiou ho now repudiates that pledge,
and goes before the people - with a lie
upon his banner.
Now, what more to perfect the par
allel? This: As the South had the
sympathy and encouragement of the
Northern Democracy, so Mr. Donald
son has the sympathy and encourage
ment of the Democracy of Tioga County
in his result. .
We shall give Mr. Donaldson fair play
in return for his foul play. These facts
cannot be successfully gainsayed -
'phet'Demoeraey were active and
untiring, everywhere, for Mr. Donald
sou, before the primary elections. They
offered to bet two to one on Mr. - Don
aldson ; they sent their active men to
work for him.
2. On the day of the caucus, promi
nent Democrats walked the streets of
Welisboro, peddling Donaldson tickets;
worked all the afternoon, leading Shaky
voters up to the polls and arguing their
cases when questions arose ; ;got in all
the Dbmecratic votes they could, and
tried get in more. And this conduct
was c ramon elsewhere in the County.
3. When Mi. Donaldson was defeated
by a vote of more than two to one, and
did not go into the Convention, leading
Democrats at once conferred with him
about bolting the ticket. These nego-
OlatiOns, of the mithatito of ' which we
are.. fully advised, continued several
weeks;---Mr. Donaldson studiously avoid
ing his old work fellows during this time,
with a' single ezeption—and f tat last the
publke has his announcement as a bolt
er's candidate.
4. The primary elections were as fairly
condUcted this year as they ever were;
and there is as' much complaint upon one
halides the other ; fairer thantheylyere
three years ago, when several elcelson
districts were carried against Captain
Backer by Denwcratic,;votes cast at the
primaries—stating it mildly. Captain
Backer and his friends, as well as some
who remained 'neutral, knew this, then;
and when same heated partisans•recom
'mended Capt. Bailker to run 41ridepend
OP ALL2pOEIr7 Ootutir.
ent,' he plumply refused, alleging that
be had pledged his word to abide by the
decision of the' Convention, and ' that
his word was all'eacred as his bolid. We
alWaystegarded that . refusal and reason
honorable. - 'Cart it that wnivere de
ceived ? .
5. Copperheads, not actiVe, working
Republicans, are the, bead and front d i r ,
this "slight unpleasantness." . Theiat'r
tack, ostensibly led by Mr. Donaldson;,
is not upon the local ticket it,is bppn Gov.
Geary and Judge Williams ; and for
every Democratic vote cast for Mr. Don
aldson 'some Reptiblican will be re
quired to vote' for Asa Packer. We
request readers to make anote of this
affirmation_; becaupe it is made in view
of the fact that Such is the: bargain be
tween the managers of this little affair;
and aslpalpable evidence of that face we
submit this, other and incontrovertible
fact, ticiAt—
" RepUblican friends" of. Mr. Don
aldson hereabout have already made
advances to certain Democrats, offering
to vote. for Packer if they would vote
for Donaldso. Do you want names?
We do not blame the Democracy of
this county for pushing this matter. If
they can trade their votes and get a few
hundred Republicans to vote for Packer
that is well enough for Packer.
But we have been au advocate of Re
publican principles longer than has
Mr. Donaldson, though many years his
jnnior ; and not all the Packer meal in
creation can cover up the pussy cat
that lurks in that "independent" tub,
to be flung to the Copperhead whale
next October.
Every Republican should at once see
if he is assessed and registered. The
new law requires every man who in
tends to vote in October to be registered
by the Assessor before the second day
of October. But the right way is to
see to it to-day. See the Assessor of
your election district at once, and if
you are not down on his books, request
him to put down your name, your res
idence, and your occuriation. If an
I dopted citizen, and not a voter for
live • •ars in that district, you must ex
hibit yo tapers to the Assessor. Ae-
tive Ropublicaus should see to it that
all are registered, but the better way is
for every voter to attend to his own
case first.
We suppose that it is understood that
the township and borough officers for
1870 are to be elected on the second
Tuesday of next October. Such is the
We cannot break over our rules and
permit a discussion of the criminal cases
about to be adjudicated by our courts in
these columns. We have studiously
refrained from publishing the views of
both parties touching the case. in Oyer
and Terminer from the eastern part of
the county, because the function of a
newspaper is to secure publiclloafety
through impartial trials in Court. In
the case alluded to it will be difficult
enough to impanel a jury at the best;
to bruit the numerous allegations abroad
would be to render it next to impossible
to impanel any jury at all, unless it
were done __by_tuir
ignorant of everything. We do not
intend to bias public opinion as regards
any case to be tried at the approaching
term. Thero is no necesity for sound
ing any warning to secure" life or prop
erty, and theikore to imblish rumors
would hinder rather th!n aid justice.
The Crawford County system of nom
inations prevails with the Lancaster
County Republicans. Under that sys
tem the Republican electors vote di
rectly for the candidates they wish
nominated, and those receiving the
highest number of votes for the respec
t ive places to be tilled are declared nom
inated. In the last Examiner, how-
Ozer, we observe that Martin S. Fry,
Chairman of the County Committee,
gives notice that ail candidates must
give a written pledge that they will
abide by the decision of the primary
elections or their names will not be
placed upon the primary tickets. Is it
possible that any Lancaster Republican
officeseeker would run against the tick
et after having publicly pledged -him
self to abide by the decision of the
primary elections?
Last year, by fraud, and by intestine
divisions among Republicans, the City
of Philadelphia was handed over to the
Bill McMullen Democracy. This year
the Democracy have nominated a class
of dangerous characters and one felon
for city officers, and even the better
class of Democratic newspSpers cry
out against the outrage. But the con
trolling element 'cif the Democratic
party especially in the centers of popu
lation consists of thieves and prize
fighters, and why should not they have
the lion's share of the offices and the
However, Republicans cannot escape
the responsibility for these calamities.
They cannot trifle with the business of
govkning and escape damage.
The number of Assessment districts
In this Congressional District has been
reduced from 14 to 10. The number of
sub-districts In this county is now two,
one having been abolished and the
county redistricted. Mr. M. V. Purple
has the northern district and Mr. M.
Bullard the southern. Hon. S. B.
Elliott, for several years the Assistant
Assessor of the Eastern district, ten
dared his resignation to Asiessor Bowen
some time since, but.continued to servo)
until the new districts were established.
Mr. Elliott was one of the most faithful
and efficient Assessors in the State,
and his official service has been very
profitable to the Government.
The tribe of "Damphooll' appears to
have bought up all the Democratic
newspapers and to' be Hlllng their col
umns with abuse of Grant for visiting
Long Braneh, ) the oil and ifon regions.
We do not doubt that they, . and all
other rebels, would be glad to have
Grant stay in Washington mid die from
the malaria of the Potomac marshes.
We hope the General will not lie awake
nights because of the criticism of these
fellows. Of course he reads all the
papers. ' ,
John H. R ces
Grocery . 1,
In Mozart Block, let door'bekno tw e l ve Or.;
good's Dry Good* Store.
Come to John o.ltioe
If you want to get good Rice,
Only one shilling per pound ;
But you will not find whiskey or wine,
) Nor any, other compound. -
But. Teas, Teas , of the very boat,
Here you w t IL find a large ben's nest;
Cloves,- cin salon and candy,
Ilere you-vi it And everything bandy.
Floor, Flour, of every grade and kind,
And prices to suit all mankind; .
Bo there will bo no grumbling, ,
While the barrels in and out will be tumbling
• '
Crackers, Tobacco and Allspice ') 1
Dried Beef and fingar•oured /lams;
If I sell to you once I can twice,
Bo call in woman and man.
So give me a call both great and mall,
And I will try to snit you all;
-But if you call in here by chance,
Do not forget to bring a few chimps,
Kerosene 011 and vinegar,
Coleman's Mustard and Ginger; .
And Soap the beat at ten cents a bar,
And fine Galt for butter, the best by far•
Hera is where you will find, '
Brown's Glass cleaning Poliab,
That will last 'until everything is demolished
August 25, 1889—tf.
A. M. INGHAM. M. D.,
110MOEOPATHIST, omee at his residence on'
the Avenue. Wencher°, Aug. 25th 1889-tf.
• Always on band or fornisbell to order, at
• Store, Wellaboro.
August 18,1869.
Ci4era Drops !
This medicine is quite dif-
, .
ferent from all other prepara-
tions called
It is an unfailing remedy for
disorders of the bowels;
Wo'labor°, July 18, 1869-Iy.
Patent Roofing.
HAVE bought the right to use the Patent
Elastic Roofing in Tioga County, 4nd am
now proparad to put on roofs cheap and in good
workmanlike manner. This roofing is fire and
water proof. I refer to Messrs. Virrigh it Bai
ley, Toles 4t Barker, and C. L. Willooxj where
samples can be seen and roofs in use.
Woilsbpro, Aug.ll, 18894 f.
IN DIVORCE.—To Amanda Ingalls : Take
notice, that Joshua Ingalls, your husband,
has applied to the Court of Common Pleas of
Tioga County for a divorce from the bonds of
matrimony, and that said Court has appointed
Monday, Aug. 30, 1869, at the Court Home,
Wellaboro, for a hearing in the said matter, at
whiOh time and place you can attend if you think
proper. J. B. POTTER,
July 11,1809. ' Sheriff:
House and Lot for Sale,
SOUTH of Mansfield, Tioga Co., Pa., within
easy walking distance of the Churches,
State Normal School, &o. Rouse in good order,
good size and convenient. Excellent well and
cistern water close to the door. Lot,.contains'
about 1} acre, and has a number of choice fruit
trees, grapo-vines tfo. A pleasant and desirable
home. Will be sold at a low figure. Address or
inquire of 'T. N. BIXBY.
Mansfield, Juno 9, 1869—tf.
Armstrong & • Linn,
Aug. 4,1869-Iy.
Notice to Collectors.
COLLECTORS of the taxes for 1869 are 'ye
quested to be prompt in collecting up their
duplicates and paying over the same by the Ist
of September. By so doing not loss than $lOOO
can be saved to the county.
Ang, 4, 1869. H. O. BAILEY,
Co. Treasurer.
WERRE delicious Ice Cream, French Con
fectionary, an kinds of fruits in their
season, a nice dish of Tea, Coffee, or Chocolate,
and Oysters in their season—can be bad at all
hours, served in the best style. Next door be
low Roberts & Bailey's Hardware Store. Main
Wellsboro, Aug. 4,1889.
0. 0. WARD, Principal.
Allea Mum HORTON, Assistant.
MilllB EMMA DARTISTT, Teacher of Music
The Tall Term will Commence August 31. The Winter
Term November 30.' Tbe'Spring Term March 3. Each
Term to continue 12 weeks.
Tuition, including rent and wood, Fall Term...... 511,60.
Al " " . Winter Term.. 13,60.
" .
Day Students .. a spring Term... 12,50.
Instrumental Music, (Piano, Organ or Melodeon}. 10,00.
Vocal Music 2,00.
Use of Instruments
Drawing and Pending 30.
Board per week 3,00.
July 21, 1860-tf.
Register's Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given that the .Adminis
trators named below have Sled their ao;.
counts in 'the Registor's Office for Tioga County
Pa., and that the said accounts will bo presented
to the Orphans' Court, for said County, at a
session of said Court, to be held in Welleboro' on
Atonday the 30th day of /keg. 1289, at 2 o'clock
A. M., for confirmation and alloWance.
Final Account of Eliza M. Pearsall and Squire
Sonthworth, Administrators of the Estate of
John A. Pearsall late of Chatham, deceased.
Final Acoount of James S. Watrous surviving
Administrator of the Estate of James A. Smith
Into of Gaines, deceased.)
Final Account of Charles Eberenz, 4Executor
of the last Win •and Testament of Maigaret' E.
Guernsey Into of 'Wellsboro, deceased.
Final Account of W. W. Baynes Adminsistra,
tor of the Estate of Ezra Davis, Jr., late of
Richmond, 4ceeased.
DARIUS L. DEANE, Register.
Points of Excellence.
Beauty and glastioity of Stitch.
Perfection and Simplicity of Machinery.
Using both tbrcade directly from the spools.
No fastening of seams by hand and o waste
of thread.
Wide range bf applicatioh .without h go of
adjustment. _
• The seam retains its beauty and tirmh as af
ter washing and ironing.
Besides doing all kinds of work done b other
Sewing Machines, these Machines execute the
most beautiful t and permanent Embroidery and
ornamental work.
The highest Premiums at all thil fairs
and .exhibitions of the United States , and
Europe, have been awarded the Grover a Baker
Bowing Machines, and the work done by them,
wherever exhibited in competition,f
`The very highest prise ' THE ORM
OP THE LEGION OP HONOR, was conferred
on the representative of Grover 44 Baker
Sowing Maohinee, at the Exposition Universelle,
Paris, 1867, thus attesting their great superior
ity over all other Sewing Maohines.
July 28, 1869—tf:
WOULD say to, their friends and the public
generally, that they are now receiving a
splen4id assortment of summer .
auoh u
also a large and well selected stook of
We are able to offer oar customers the beneft
of the
in the New York Market, our Stock having been
purchased since the great decline in Goods. -
Wollsboro, Juno le; 18-6-9:
Now Than I
Tim Things is Arriv
EVERY thing is lovely, and the ewer biped
depends from a sublime attitude.
You will Please Observe,
that the best natured man in Town having no
ticed the wants of the public, and having boun
tifully supplied himself with almost everything
which this world can . afford to appease them;
now benevolently proposes to open the whole be
fore the people, and say to all, old and young,
black and white, rich and poor,
. .
.. COME:
You pay your Money and you take your
Don't stand out in the cold exposed to the el
ements and to the Sting of the neighbors bees,
but pall the latch string, it is always out in bus
iness hours, Lo. ,
The large heartod proprietor, or his urbane
good natured clerk will conduct you, an it ware
through a
filled with ravishing delights.
Ist. A. GARDEN OF SPICES, in which
every thing Spioy,from a nutmeg to cayenne pop
per mar be seen and procured.
2d, A GARDEN OF SWEETS, in which ev+
cry variety of Saccharine delights, both Solid and
liquid may be had by the stick, pound or gallon,
and of such flavor and complexion as will make
every aching sweet tooth in your head fairly
jump with delight. Should you be pomologi
daily inclined, this humane individual will con.
duct you into a
GARDEN OF FRUITS, in which almost ev
ery variety of luscious - things to be found, gath
'eyed from the four quarters of the globe,
will be
shown to satisfy your largesklongings. Oranges
from Cuba, Lemons from Florida, Prunes' from
Turkey, Raisins from Malaga, Currants from the
Grecian Archipelago; Peaches dried and °ann.
ed along with a great variety of Canned Fruits
from the Jerseys; Dates from Syria, and Pigs
from Asia Minor. No end to the supply of every
species of NUTS from S Continents.
THE TEA GARDEN will next command
your attention; the warm decoction of the Chino
leaf and the Java bean have become almost nut
versed beverages, and if not swallowed too hot or
to strong, the mild stimulants are esteemed as
eminently promotive of comfort and sociality.—
What company of elderly ladies (wild ever part
in peace without them T Now your friend tap
GARDNER, will be most happy to show you
all this. He will ask you politely to look at his
Tea. Yon are welcome to try every chest and
see if GUN POWDER, How:thong GREEN,
HYSON, do., which flavor you like. but of nll
the other styles whose jaw cracking names would
be dangerous to pronounce, COFFEES; in every
style, ditto, ditto, ditto.
The beneficent proprietor of this mammoth es
tablishment—out of sheer good will, and if you
will believe him for no other motive than your
interest and his, has at vast expense established
at the same pilot) an Immense depot of Provis
ions, consisting of
Flour, Pork, Lard, Codfish, White Fish,
Sword Fish, &c.,
Meal, Hams . , Butter, Trout, Blue Fish,
Halibut, dm, &o.
All of which ho intends to sell at a prat, on the
principle of "live and let live." Ile generally
proposes also to receive in exchange ail the pro
ducts of your farm and dairies,and it is said cow
fidetitially to the public, that he never refuses
Tho' it irks him wretchedly to keep it: So
anxious is ho. that tho dear poopie should want
nothing whatever that money can buy of
WelMoro, Jane 10, .13$110.
- • ~
, -
Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc.,
HAVING made arrangements to keep a still Larger Variety of Goods than
lastyear, and belicwThArJadieious Advertising to be a good investment, intend to use the columns
of the AGITATOR more extensively than for the last two years. Oi Dry Goods Department is
mada as attractive by us as possible. We keep a large stock of all,_goods saleable' that we fool
warranted in keeping, and allow no ono to undersell us at any time. Aiming to keep the beat
article for a given price that the Market will afford. We invite all to!examino our stock in the
Brown Shectings,
Wo have added to this Mick a tine assortment ofi LINEN GOODS consisting of
BroWn Table Linens from 58 cis to $l,OO. Bleached Table Linens from. 75 cts to $l,OO
Bided do $l,OO to 150. Towelin's, Towels, Napkins & Table Cloths,
at a reduction of 25 to 30 per cent om lost season priCer.
The gime Price Cheap Store
New Goods Received almost Daily.
Bleached 'Sheetino,
Checked Skirtings,
Denims., blue & brown
Wo bavo now in stook, (and are receiving additions to it almost daily) an unusually largo and
well assorted stock of
The above steak can be found the most complete, and at Much lower prices than any wo have
offered before. Comparing favorably with the largest Stores in the Southern Tier.
x-xcei'?r ,
We have made arrangements with our Skirt Manufacturer so have an extra discount on our
purchases of him, and we intend to give our customers the benefit of this arrangement. From
this date our entire Stook of skirts will be sold at an average reduction of about 25 per cent, mak
ing them lower than ever before.
75 ct. Skirt for 50 c 18.; $1;00 Skirt for 75 cis.; $1,25 Skirt for $1,00; $1,50-Skirt for
$1,25; $2,00 Skirt for $1,50. &C, C.
In Ladies sizes. Misses and Children's equally cheap.
Hosiery and White Goods.
We can do bolter for our customers in this . stock than at any time daring the war, and as the
Goods are now very cheap, so that sales will warrant it, we shall keep a much better stock than
for several years past. Wo shall keep a very handsome stock of
aiming to siakply all calls in as satisfactory manner as possible.
We make pretty big claims on this Stook, and we think we can back them up. Our business in
this Department has been an increasing one every year, and we intend to keep it so, ifs - oiling the
best qualities of Work at the lowest Market Prices will do it. We shall keep a still larger as•
sortment of J. Richardson's Work, in•following styles:
Men's French Calf Boots,
do A. IL do
do Fine Kip Boots.
do Stoga do
do Calf Shoes,
do Kip Shoes,
We also intend to keep a still larger stock of Ladles, Misses and Children's Fine Work, in
Serge, Pebble Goat, and Rid in all the desirable styles. in those Goods and in Richardson's work.
wo shall keep regular goods, so that we can supply our customers regularly with such work as
they have found to suit them in our stock. AU our work except such as we sell for cheap work,
we warrant, and make satisfactory compensation if it proTesimrerfect in any way..
We are now keeping as good an assortmentof Trunks as we formerly did, and shall keep a fu
Stock of
We wi ll also order from the Factory any demi nof Trunks wanted, that we do not' feel
warranted in keeping on hand, if desired, at lose the' the usual profit charged on fair Goods.
Parasols, all Rinds.
We would respectfully invito the attention of oustoMer; to our assortment of Parasols which we
think cannot be surpassed ellbor as to style or price by any one in the trade. 'We have a full as
sortmen,t of colors'in each 01 be styles named below, and also assorted colors in Linings :
Plain •Silk Partuols, lined.and unlined cheap ; Beaded Parasols, lined and
unlined; Changeable Parasols, lined or ru ffl ed ; also plain, lined ruined
and fringed ; Square and Pannier Parasols, lined and fringed ;
Lace covered Parasols; Childrensi-Parasols.
SUN UMBRELLAS, cotton and ging+ ; also suple and full boiled Silk,
and in all the d - sirable sizes.
Handsome Prints, warranted fast colors at 10 cents per'yard.
Good wide bleached Malice at 11 cents per yard
New etyles Percales at, 25 eta per yard, sold all the spring at 44 ots. to 50 cents.
Handsomo stock Dross Goods 23 cis. liandsoutO stook of Shawls at $3,00, cheap at $4,00
The beat Bargains in Black Mantilla Silks to be found in this vicinity
Black Alpacas, bO, 66, 62/ and 75 cents. Black• Alpaca Poplins, 62/, 75, 1- 87/ eta; and $l,OO,
the beat goods for the money we have ever offorod.
Lawns, Figured Swiss and Organdies at very low prices.
Thanking the people of Tioga County for their very generous patronage in the past, wo trust
by strict attention' to business, and soiling Goods at a low figure, to moth a continuance of tire
Onrning, June 9, 1868'
Brown Shirtiligs,
Striped Skirtings,
TReeil 1
Bich! d Skirtings,
Pillow Case Cottons
Boys' Kip Boots,
do Stoga do
Youths Kip Boots,
do Stoga do
do Shoes,
Youths do
J. A. PARSONS & 90.
THE UNDERSIGNED still continues th e
Carriage business at Ms old stand on Alain
street, near the Academy,' where unalautarturin g
and repairing, will be promptly done and Salle,
faction gusrrankeed.-,,Tbe
Will bo condticted by Mr. P. O. LYON, who h as
had wavy years experience in the business, sod
will give perfect satisfaction to all in
Carriage Ironing, Horse Shoeing,
Repairing, &e. , t
Particular attention given to florae.shoeing. All
work warranted.' li, W. DARTi.
Wellaboro, July 14, 1868.
Attention Militia !
!PRE GOVERNOR desires, that an organiza
i tion of the Militia of this County should
be effected as son as
,conver . lient. Al) persons
therefore desirous of organ4tng companies will •
proceed to enroll tbo parucs all such as '
join the same, and Import to tile at Elkland, pa.
A company' to consist of the `following officers
and men : I capt:, 1 Ist limit:, 1 2nd neut. 5 I
sergeants; 8 corporals, 2 musicians, and 32 p:i.
vates-50. As soon as a Euffielent number of
names are enrolled; an election of officers will he
ordered and commissions issued at once, at
which time the" Goveinor will issue .arras and
equipments to each company. It is desired
that the old 'officers and soldiers should take bold
•of the mattes and we can soon have our ten
companies organized and equipped.
By authority of , - J. W. GBART,
Commander-in-Chief of Pa. Militia.
Aug. 4,'69-4w.- For. R. T.'Wooa,
Farm for Sale I
TN Deerfield township, Tioga County, PE,
I miles from Knoxville and 21 miles from Oce.
ola, on the road loading from Kizer settlement to
the river. Said farm contains, 166 acres, 130
acres Unproved is table land, and lies hod.
somely; has 40 acres of meadow which can to
mowed with a machine; is well watered, and
well adapted to dairying purposes; hes teeny
fine springs ; timber hemlock, beech, and maple.
Comfortable dwelling 24 feet square, a 3446
feet barn, cowshed 60 feet long, granary, and,
young apple orchard thereon. Terms easy Ap.
ply on the premises, or address, at Oceola.
July 7, 1889-tf. MORRIS EtReLEW
Great liriprovement in Deneistry,
' HAVING purobased the ex&
sive right of Dr. Folsom'a
"Sago AS proved patent Atmospheric Dental
Plates for Tioga County. I now take pleasure
in offering it to the public as the, greatest DIS.
COVERY yet made in
Mechanical Dentistry.
By the use of which, we can ovorconae any soy
and all d Menßies which have heretofore baled
the skill 'of the most practioal Dentist in the
world. Plates constructed upon this plan re.
main perfectly firm under all circumstances or
condition of the mouth, as no*air, or particles of
fobd can pdssibly get under them. Those haring
old styles, Gold or Rubber Plates, can, at belt
the cost, have the Improvement applied to then
answering in every reppoot the same purpose as
as. a now set. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed
in every case. C. N. DARTT, Dentist.
Wellsboro, June 0, 1890.
This is to certify that WO are now using the Imprcr.
ed Dental Plates with perfect satisfaction. Lark
used the old style of plates for yearewtth all the tiouthi
and inconveniences known In the use or such plaki,
wo cheerfully, recommend the Improved Plates at tar
superior to anything yet known. H. It. KIMBALL,
Summer is Long a-Coming!
AND iorno, people begin to lose faith in the
promise of seedtime and harvest. In view
of this fact
Du lard 6n
ay •
bay . ° concluded to hurry up the season by Mock
ing their4.llelves and countere iritli a witely ft
looted and superior lot of
I ,
comprising a variety of
Silks, *Wens, Hosiery, Gloves, Em
broiders, Poplins, Lawns,Pereales,
Piquas, ac.,
together with a fino lot of
Domestics, Sheetings, Shirtings, Sum
mer Clothing, Ladies Shoes, tk:e.
Wo shall soil as . low . as anybody, arid - give yin
. good Goods.
June It, 1569-6 m. DULLARD & CO
Salp of _Real Estate.
IN BANKRUPTCY.-4n pursuance of an order
"of the District Court o 1 the United Statesfor
the Western District of Pennsylvania, dated It
Erie, in said District on the 22d of July A. D.
1869, the undersigned Assignee of the estate of
Frederick D. Bunnell a Bankrupt will, en Salo!'
day the-28th "day of August, A. D. 1869, at 1
o'clock P. M., at the Court House in Wollsboro,
sell at pt4blio sale, subject to all valid liens, the
following described property, to wit: all that
certain lot of land situated in the Boro of Welk
boro arid township of Delr9r, Tiogn, Co. Ps.,
bounded on the north by village lots formerly I),e
-longing to the Morris gstate, and /Apda of i;e
heirs of James S:-13ryden deceased, on the OA
by said lands of the heirs of James 8. Bolin
and lands of Stephen F. Wilson, on the south by
lands of It. R. Austin and N. R. Kimball; on the
west by 14rit4s of N. It. Kimball, by the highway
lending from Wellsboro 4o Shuinway Bill sad
by lands of G. W. Coolidge, Wrn. p. auluasY:
Ira Johnston, Wm. Townsend,Win. T. Matheii,
A. M. Ingham and C. J.lWheoler, and on the
noythwest by village lots,-formerly belonging to
the Morris estoto—containing one hundreJ and
fifty acres. Terms cash.
Auk. 4,1869-3 w. Assigned,
PHIS School now becomes a perman nt In
stitution, under State authority, having by
special act received sotne peculiar privileges, and
it can now afford all advantages common to Aca
demic Institutions. To those designing to pre
pare for teaching we offfr very decided advio.
logos by combining the' 'booty with the Practice.
Fall Term aornmonuoir Aug. SO, 1569, and coo.
Hanes 14 -weeks,
, .
Common Epglish, Elenientary Algebra, Pri .
mury Philosophy and Primary Flipo)logy free to
all pupils of school age residing in lyiogi. ildro•
Common English_ qi PO
Higher " ...„, 7,tis
Commercial course, limo unlimited,— ......... 5,00
tiortnan—axtral '.O
English Eranchos and Carman. ~. ..... : ...... 8l ,)
fi ,
0 Cony"' Ni course... SA
,For information with regortl roows or 1 ' 0414
etill on, or address
- If. M. BEELES, Principal)
Aug. 4, 1869-tf. Ti nga/ Pa,
4.1 coivod in payment for Tuition.
Dr. H. U. Phillips,'
Mat; MOB' 11ItNtrigOg
undersigned respectfully announces to the
citizens of Westfield and surrounding coon•
try that ho ta permanently located at this place•
Ile is fully prepared to do all I t cinds of
in tho highobt style of tho art. Srtisfaotion
guarrantood. Office over SemiWs Drug Store.
Fino Photographs can ho had over the Prof.
Store. . u. it. PHILLIPS-
Wostflold, Pa., June ao,
T AMPS.—A new kind of laorofene
_LA nobreakageofehimnoys—amptforK FOLEY'S.—