110111 E MATTERS. - WEIfINESD t AY, AUG. 18; 1869:" Note Roy's Cholera Drops,, To the Voters of Tioga Coartly-r—J,F. Donal - son. CoorA, Blinds—l-Rohevls DEFERRED.—We are agat > obliged to defer much matter in tyke, owing to into arrived local and advertising. e . BELOW will hold a Quarterly meeting at the Baldwin School House, Dellani, Sadirday ikptetnher 4.:, THE privjng . fepoing and grading of the Weikel:a:oil) Drieirig- Park bas ,been let to Messrs. Wright & nastiiige. , How Is IT?--If Hermes 'vas the: patron saint of thiees and robbers in olden time, does it follow that "The llermaje Society" of Wellsboro has designs upon pcoplo's pockets? Accm,E.NT,.- - We regret to learn that Eugene Beane, of Charleston, foil from an overturning load of hay in the field, last week, a nd s ustained a fractero . of a leg !fear the ankle . Theleg was set by Dr. Webb,.or this village. A SURPRlSE.—lganytof t e frienis of Rev. Jno. A. Bowman, 'Rector of St. Paul's, !ik this village, made him it visit Tuesday evening of last week, and left him nearly $5O r ialAr th an they found him. - • COUNTERFEITS.—T-LoOk out for coun-' te am, $lO greenbacks. Tbo, counterfeit is so Flerer that none but experts can detect it. Bet ter refuse alt tens unless yeu can submit them to au expert. 1110 F. ALLEN. we learn, Is engaged for the sixteen weeks following September conduct Institutes in Maine. His salary for the o ugagement is $lOOO. That will do. There is health and profit in that, professor. Aam.—Vharley ThOmpson has lately paintedfrfortrait of a little damghter of Mr. John Faulkner, of Mansfield, from a photograph, the child heifig doCease'd. We 'aro assured • that the portrait gives entire L satisfaetiop to the, ;pa rents and friends. One who writes us from Tiogu, over the f ign fau re 43f O, A Vrierol to Justice,!' muse semi ns his real name before we can ilia lel ter).-,.: W e do nettlivant it for publication, but in coUiPlii alle l e with an invariable ricio not to Publish anonymous letters or articles. piNDmo.—parties for whom we have bail hooks bound are requested to el9l and get the :awe without delay. Reasonably earn Will ha taken to keep them from data age,-lott we cannot contract to tako care of books ton long. Wanted—an owner for a volume of "the Magazine." A (Joon PAPEit.—We comment) to farmers and stock-growers the Practical Earner, published by pasoliajl Morris, Philadelphia. It is a handsome guide - published monthly, null 611.1g1 with such common 801390 suggestions as Are of greatest praotipifl y lap, tp the farmar. The price is but $1 per ypr, CONFIEZIATIoN.-11t. Rev. Bishop Stevens preached at St, Paul's Church Sundry warning and eyeniug i in the morning from I Samuel 2-30. At the close of the morning cervices the Bishop admintstcred`the rite of con firmation to a class of fourteen. The rite of bap tinn was administered in the \afternoon, at 5 o'clock. • The numerous friend§ of the Bishop ware glut to see him enjoying greatly improved health. The church was crowded both morning ind evening. TUE - CEOPS.—The -grain and bay trope are nbarly secured, and wero never bet(ce. W 0 think it no risk to say' that Tioga county raises her own breadstuff this year 1/369, with some to spite. Still, with not less than h. do• f am , cheese fatdories, and many private dairies, all' Nog a brisk business, it is not certain that Tioga county niakes enough cheese to supply the local *nand! The corn crop is not a certainty. Po tatoes, and other root crops, aro capital. i ; ; , , '.,., ~, , PEBSONAL.—proi. cularles xi. 'remit, principal of the Slate Normal School, was in tonn last Thuredily. Ile report& the school till ing up with a promptness that is highly encour aging. We hope the day may arrive when Brad fuid county shall not furnish more patrons of the ihool than Tioga, - The' faculty is made up of first-class educators, the sehpol is easy or access from the outside world, and the society in the inidbt,of which it is pl'aced is [toted for its good morals and enterprising\ spirit. The next term (Tens Wednesday; Sept DOVE TO THE. ClTY.—.Fratllllll. Spen t! ea; the Mansfield Photographer, and for more than a year our faithful "local" at that place,"baS gune to take charge of a Gallery in Wilmington, Delaware. While tvo regret to part with Mr. :liquor, it glyes rls rleasnrc to know that lie is likely to better his condition in the pew has chosen. Frank ia a more than ordinarily clever artist, a faithful local chronicler, and a citizen in whou6bere is no guile. lie has our warmest wishes' fo r his success. Ilis brother, vho has had three years' expoidomee, qucceeds to the proprietorship of tiro Afanshold Gallery. T DE MAR. CIIEESE FACTORY:— l'he knlator is greatly obligell to Mr. William Fl',lll cis, Ellperilltendolll. 01 Old COllO Sc, Francis raetory, for a lhle s;imple of elteet;n iniyie at thtrt 4tablisliment. Tlti :Paetbry u ldo shout 16,000 pounds of cheese this Petition, and is waking fteMpounds a day at present. It is or of the best constructed Inetoeies in the and has the advantage of alithe modern imiirove weals as well 41.1 the lest ! , f ‘Paler. The eiletFo IS finely flavored and sells at lc. emits at the factory. The wort( is all done by Mr. Mrs. Framis, or under their care. , Everything i.e ns ucatanti tltii 03 ItelY mown hay. Thero ought Pi 1.1 411011(41i eow4 kept. la tlmt rogioll to increata3 Ike cheese-make to 800 pounds a day. I. 0. of 0. T.—The °lli 'era of t i Wells 1)oto Lodge for the uurrcnt (oar eenre : W, C. T.—Mr;3, R'. I\'. wo,b , v. T.---11frs P. Potter i See'y.—Mej. fllvrticl, i A..fit.:- It. R. Austin . ; F. S.—Miss Vultuncid ; Treas.-- `Sadie Brewster; Chni.htin---itev. S, M. Itronk - man ; Marshal—Arthur lioy ; Deputy —Satlia Itogeri ; ; (Y. W, Cliriacuot, - Mr. IL L. Dentin is Distiiet Deputy The niruiees of Niles _Valley Lin Igo are T. —Lydia Lyon V. T.— Einina .Mayn; i 4 eer4 tll 3 iL.rdeti ; ielehei F. S.— Pordep Trens.--C. ; Choi lain—F. A. Lent ; Kent; L 0•- Lottie Niles; 0. o.—Euiina Bash. lirrnovEmmk.rrs.—Steitimatio is repro ducing summer ekies upon thOoity ceiling or the ar. E. Church building. Tho joiner wiirk Pep'ly tlono. Wmpte is lini s sbing ni) bi:s job on Wrii,ht 'S4 Bailey's now stores in gouil bt.ile, intiliitig thri: l l 1 as neat storea iiiii often get in i; row. ' ~ The Wettnores are raising he founilitiioi,wal , l of Cone's new hotel, and froth a glance 'ii i t the pound plan it is plain that the structure will he a credit to all parties concerned. Van Horn has occupied hi.'s new sales room. -T, Ile has Wen tn llooliester and putreinvied a fine wick of !louse furnishing goods, together with /core machinery for the factory. Sticklirt has nut an ear-piercing whistle on his factory. It beats Popkpladf3r wit of sight. Mr. D. D. Holiday to to build a neat collage - an Walnut-scree, opposite.R. L. Van Horn's new cottage. Brooknaan has the i pb, and be knows how to rush a houso up in good style. 14ike Conway is laying the dust on Main-St. --r: Hie contract reads-- l a Down with the duoti" RErraiage , :r:j . ts,V7. , of Springfield, 111.,.preacjied, two very able, in - - litruetivo and inipre.ssiYe terinUisii 'ln the Baptist . Hall . on Sunday Inst. flowrishing church iu Spriniilield'S . 7l;ero ho bas successfully, labored fez. ,fifteen yee t rs, R ail ja int prosen t on t visit bare _with his friends nro khidtk : Onsented toproach , Suridig nest, at the usual hour.. Bailey • . Elmira, send tiort it leee - ofShoot - Mnsie;,ent/tfeil• `feotij ' etbing Strio - Stlit);!- a song ot - 4 eltoroEc Mr. *Tames T. Dudley, tout•le.. by Brown. ,;)We don't know which mest, outside of the sheet: •The forme'r:aitponla Uye t oost'irraistibly; aild`the latter to tho'lEtror The.song, Bhp all from'Mr.'Dadloy"s pan, is tulbo(musie, but thig has a diish . of gad' littv mor 'added:. Publis4d by 'N.Toild .541 Broadway, New fork,• '' KNOXVILLE.—We ihtega show ourself only ~pow and ihed,", but a:paint . , or twmneeds 'sharpening n.V•tl4,weelt. Jerry Stoddard has.returned , frotu Kansas With his family, and he' finds his nowibriek store and house geing' fight up' 'Mr. ifinibitrt the builder, is piling up= the briek'and:TrMrttir'• trenenclensly'i unit by the limo-flag will:44mM: tn'yithi',pciiiinitis . they will have the walls all up for the first,stCorY• And thu whole thing.will:bocrwrdect coinpk,": 4 - 'tion ns fast as possible, as Jerry is very toottitie, to commence "tearing rags" in Knoxville. The: other improvementg spoken of heretoforeS l are moving along slowly but' surely.4;' -••• , Our friend Roberts says, ho don't want "Now and Then" to blow him any more for he has gone to' work and built the hest piece of plank walk in, town ;. and We were ealiy tickled to hear, thitt "!neighbor" of his say, shall.. catch it nest Week darn that,"Now and Then." Now.driend Alba, if you '"filer 'mitt yolit walk any time 'before ,the JtidgimMit;",wpflilidetho' Boro Dads will,bo slati'efiad. 941108-44 1 : the same side of the street that ~need ptinching," but wo hope !they wOnjt get it. N 9 AND 'MEN. • . I TIOGA—I have -noticed many, im.- proveinents in our +(pingo 'in former letters; •still many of our streets' and' walk's 'tiro in, ti "precarious situation'!" ray towntititi'aspUe:4 :tti; become the county seat. V. B. Smith Vol., has built a new ,substontial wellt fronting the north and -west Pities o'l4 . lir'PeitY• -The walk between - 111. - 13erry'll ttnd the Croat:: e'cl Crook buidge is being.:_robuilt tn'. a not very sithplantiat manner. _ , - New SOeet has been much neglected for-years pal, though its appearance is now•on tho gityll. - 4 ! Sly has improved the looks otitis honsowith nlw blinds and faint.. I A largo wooden building is' to be built; in the course of a few months, on the same Street, the second story of which will be finished off -for a Town Vali. Mrs. A; .f, Fisk :night have .been , !-e en riding into town the otkr maiming in very "I . ael style," though a good reinswomau her horse (Whet . ' down Weltsboro-St., ,at furious rate until stopped near Smith's hotel. Veber Colealost n Ivo!l tilled wallet day morning. it er n ; pie, keal up by d.C. florton, irk° went immediately to the bank In ativertisu tho 1431110, where he %vita met by the owner. , • It: H. Hall, carriage wither, is getting ent ,as lino an asqortment of buggies as.eunbe found in any shop in the county. tie does 01111' his own work, eonsequently'ean guarantee every thing. Ha ) lideti t has "learned to do well," and gone into a life partnership• with, one of the best girls in all the "country rOund." The Hood Templars' _entertainment was a success. It was well patronized by the WWll hence of this, and adjoining towns, and all ap peared to he well pleased, sumnelt so, that it was gimPeal request ) that it he repeated on the Fri day evening felicity tag?' Many were notational to go away without a "hoaring" fur tho want of a larger hull. CIoFSIT.-1 1 \velve ti eh set oht together to clitab a mountain, The promise to each was health, wealth and happiness, when th9l top should be gained. Eleven of - the twel% toiled upward, with varying EIICCCSS, but always i'up ward and forward. They were scattered Along the acclivity at different degrees of altitude, ,and though nono had 'much tho advantage of any! Otlion yet he Who had Li:tined a lea , paces of his fellow always had.a good word fur hint. Iu !Liu course of time it appeared .certain enough Oat, life eintred, each 00.110 eleven would - reach the top of the mountain. Tlr. toputh an 'folMd that, ctip,tLing the mountain meant work. Ito found out what everybody knew before, that he hid no resources, either mental or moral. Hatay down under the lirst ledge of reek ho came•to, and there grifveled injthe dirt 4 Passers-by paused to gaze at the spectacle df dirt and inanity ti moment, and some inquired what he was doing, 43 well as what the: eleven workers on the mountain' above him were dying. Ti Ai:se - inquiries ho replied) for kiiingelf—that he was horn a genius and had au call to climb mountains. Ai to the eleven Lo were climbing tho mountain ho spike with litterniss and contempt. "Those fellows," said e, "ar4- idiots.. 'TheY Ate :etillda:stecitCDT,,ftgqr knowledge, but they ,are: :nobodies. They have no genius. Genius disdains labor. genius sanc tities filth, draws its inspiration .froM the Wine en,,, revels in obscenity and exelsses of all kinds.' But afar all, the ;miss, of men respected. the eleven who toiled up the mountain side, and re-- garded the pity.do'abortion at the for with, varying degreci of contempt. —Two littlo° boys, tired , of- being lodged, clothed, and fed at their parents' expense, ran away to seek their fortunes. They bad an idea that in come sections the P Wool were- gold and silver, the rivers milk, and the earth al cemposi• lion of naplo sugar and honey. They had an idea tin t , hread and ,ment,% antlfbe v otp hat and troweer. %ren for'- that wondeifn t imid. They left on Monday and re:: turned th following Wednesday: They did not find the land of milk and honey, because they canto hack a day too away they Elmal,l remenWer or foy ever made his fortune in fewer than lour clays Three days aro too row to amass a rorttitit, little Imy•ht ' --A conerpontlent who has -o)serryd the in glittittolo which lie Wilily illu s trated lust. we[•k suggests that paretits should nover exeliarge rho far au agreement for support. i)iiring rile. (•t•rtainly tint. Thu rather who so wetady puts hunsell• Out of court oug'l4 .l . not to complain when an undutiful elti Id torttsjtito out of doors. logratittolo., though very lisic,is voV 01111111011. Ik4tt A orrATon---There's a mistattpi / sotne.., It here ; 311.,11 I've heen in ado t o abjed tif tt `goatt..'4 . I ilii»'t think I am the man, tho it seam OliVer bilsan does. Ile thinks singist no more a vingist than a crow-liar is - a timing ; fork ; no 111140 than a.siek lightning-hug in , in a nifitticg grater, is .sunshine. The fact LI, ()river has sent mu a plena pf #llefAl music - captioned: 1 . 11:41; lions LA tie laiiiittiOtt t•trettailit mmtii; and - -- 4. 01. tis itY• It. Qat:A. 2 Who It.l!..Quest.' is, is 4 que:,ltivi IN Mt. toe ; but'. - hp never Ngruiv ti.:pieetWrif short tatterle at My el.Oll tbihk, of M'_l doing sheet lightnitm, lam not in OM prae= time or retitamting chat I'conld not untlevlanti alien done, and 1 - h now a:: alYtatt., sheet , : ; at a: the meaaing ul " n ruittiOt 011111'a. a hove alt." (Extract from musleol publi= . , li tion) jam trot strutig up to. sivnet.p i ,m qtr d4; ~t ;monde ; CatltC tell LIM It rimes ofd, uttilre./—both equally respectable, by,r,tisan - And why 1 lica,ltt be sent this nytioulttr , tic ititku-4 1;14, I adore thoe,' is more , thaud: entt'. • Nior, if this lady mau l s Iny,lcife,ix its ail right, to say adore'thee' -Ina; f 'Jason ((,cans to insinuate that I atiirt4o young eoxCettilt I core war., standing tint i . ..li•tjght,tft,_ time, :-.itiging soft, tionsen.3e to ¢igh+lips h a im t all right. ha I.:0 curs deoo dedly improliat i lo, if not ituproper, ms ILuuuritiam All well enough of 4Offirt i. .e, for heyl , ,,;‘ ith the first faint plushld .upon; checks, to be standing eSq, nighf§ itf. the 1)411 gr ,o;:z , and triontlithig liver - day taut lair rut, hilt thou Into me: Say not, lore tiny droop and die, :Say that 1 y ativayg love thee, " . 1 ;-. ,: j • Drenthe fo) Otto toy latest sigh! Isi , mlY Writ, 1.1,4 e enough td„makil iftf nytdpi• fop] sentimental—otay lates.t aikli; 0 I Whew I 41111 lin my sixtes I - No, thank ytitt, am not the man. I. .No smotuT.f IRO CM Thy New °allege for 7,Wattipa ; begin their 'SIN th Annual Term etAweqiy, weeks, at their new College in "in = Twelf&h Street, corner of Second Arcane, the first MundaY 01: November. For Announcements, ziviitZ•full pat ticulare, address, with stamps, the Deanddrs. S. Tangier, M.' D., of the Beeiotery, Bli-e,• C. F. Wells, Box 730, N. Y. le=2 ~'~l =MEE SN 011111.1:TON == WHO DID ITT •:•5 .Or.I;FWAVEs4.I :1 . iv, At,: Cavlngtpo, during .1 38'135i04.4t0v:31. Pc Wattous, , ,. 'D r, G. V. Skelton,to , Mikry,:t.',Jones,. both of /Moss. May their lioneylaborineipAp eclipsed. ARTLETT—DAWS.*—At Mansfield, Aug. 7. 1 18119,,, bi1/lovi - A 4 .f. 1 )..{Va1a4fi;1ar49094 . Ji; =X v, }qt of-Bindford, to Mri ,-, linuak' s .P.4iiqict4 414n5:4 • 4 AugAtil, :009, brito.4/1.1"3.§ti1vr.04. 1 41' VO.D. / 416 1.01 1 1 1 r' of :Cohocton, Steu4o,p ..Co o N-.:1" ; ,- Miss Inez A. 'Doggett oE Lawrerioii'ilk; " JIAZ LE TT—ICEYES.—+ 4 O, Ticigh ) 44 usus,t 4,= - 1869, 0 1 .Tinerw Ilnilett 49 i - Xiss„,TBAC ittrfKiVelitA ts ill Ott P.. 002: Portlatris DEAT,Hp .i. L July-;7, ult., Nathaniel Dickinson, in the fi..qd year of his ago. [Thoti4loleitqciyetWilitsn tnani kb02.49 . imitate tholio lig - tditriesNittriat ho'golsi•Os - ed.‘' Ho wait a bright. cxmagiar, jot 'parents, ypt-fm.;,,Detwgen ,aril his .alit 611i4re, traarutia PotYrris'AC'ep and hot, lug, having no Pharisaic cloak for tho Sahiiatti to to flung aside iiirifigith4- week.'„,,Doitth, Aland, him prepared, and with his latest breath , ho pro -4314414P11 v..IPSPAY. (tvgr _ ;,, lost„ Joshua Alfred, son of Mr."*.T. , A I 'lf ag,ech-itinb-tnonthi. , i4 , ,?; 13erintiful, tifOnittn:jfyon -Woubl4,dbeaulltai • Tlbit lingim.ie,Magnolia ' • - 2 7 It gives - it pure Blooming coinble z ciort„aild,>estOres %TI MM! Beauty,. 't 4.1