A II C:=: P.CISINSIt' The De. conuneki Tile Nakki terms Or MIMS room re and oil fa Winter tf $(10. The to._ board is SIU per term! The State appropriations are as, fol lows : Pupils .who design to teach, $7 per term; pupils who were wounded in the war, or lost their fathers in the war, receive $l4 per term ; $5O addition al is given to all who complete the course of study and agree to teach two ILIA annual terms; an annual term must be at least four months. Thus,. it will be seen that pupils who remain tiVo years and graduate, receive their tuition and hook-rent free, and $32,00 additional. The " Normal" building has been put in good repair during the present. vaca tion ; new bedding is now being put into the rooms; a large ittiMber of rooms have been repapered, and every 7 thing arranged for the comfort of stu dents. The rooms are being taken jittite rapidly; a few vacancies now ex ist, and thoFe who wish to avail them selves of the opportunities the school now oilers should appl.,y early, and have their »times registered for rooms. 'Address all communications to TEE PRINCIPAL, NORMAL SCHOOL, GEARY'S REPUBLICAN CLA.ms.---Be cause he has been a faithful, efficient aud,honest Chief Magistrate. • _ Because he is the nominee and repre-, sentativeof a party that stood by the country in the hour of danger, and that stands by the principles of justice and freedom, uilon which our Government is based. , . _Because be bus beet► tried and not found wanting, neither in bis devotion ip the principles of true Republicanism, nor iu integrity in adhering to the strict lino of principle in all his (Alicia' acts. Because be is a man whnse private character is unblemished, and whose habits are such as to meet the approval of all goad citizens. Because Pennsylvania owes it to her. hottor,aud fair name. not, to iermit braye and gallant soldier, who ( rew sword for his safety in the hour of her deadl,y peril, and who liars Nerved her faithfully hi the hour of •peace, to he de feated 'by 0110 who sympathized with her enemies when the,, dark cloud of battle,,, lowered, and the tierce eontlict of national ex iidenec staged around her. 'Because a just regard for the memory of the martyred dead, for those who fell in the berate struggle for national ex istence, forbids the 7tate to Plies in high ollicial position those who sympa thize with their enemies. Dee/lase' the triumph of the Demo cratic candidates in this State would be the triumph of the principles of Free Trade, and a deadly blow at the , policy Proteetion to American liatistry— a policy Co which the hardy soil of the Old Keystone have always been devo ted. 'Because the triumphant re-eletAiou of Governor. Ochry would rejoiee the hearts of the true friends of tiiu nation everywhere, While Ilk defeat wpuld bring joy into the camp of ila enemies. .The following. miler Vrinh the Adjutant, General's Inn en, lvi t l r dis tributed to the organixed iuititiu thrh'- ~ut •the titute : Headquarters, Pennsylvania 'Afilitfa, _Harrisburg, July l lth, /869.--t.totteral Orders No. °Meets, umi-eom missioned oflieers, and ,privates, or oth er enlisted men of the Pennsylvania militia, who served iu the navy, regu lar army, volunteer or militia threes of the United States, during the war with the rebellion, and have been honorably discharged from Pahl servico, -,1111 re main in the same, shall be catiti o l t o wear on all occasions of parzule, the in signia of their actual or brevet. rank which they have held or do a t,. pi e 'sent hold, and also the distitietoe army badge ordered -for or adopted by the army 'Corps and division respectively in which they served, and badges to be worn on the left breast. • fly order of. John W. Geary, Govern or mid' Commander-in-Chia. I). 11. McCreary. Adjutant General of' Pennsylvania. The oinei l mati ehrcmiele commOtales an article discussing the political sit uation in the state of Ohio as follows : "The leading Democratic later of this State comes Out squarely for repudia tion. Other papers of the same politics claim that honesty requires that if we pay our debt we should also pay that of the • Confederacy, amounting to the modelmt sum of live billions ; and a membgr of the Legislature of Kentucky, a Bright and shining light in the house hold of Democracy, offered a resolution looking to the payment for ail the slaves emancipated by, time Oovernment, small addition of four thousand mil- Hong more. Upon all dip above we propose to meet the Demo,eraey, confi dent in the justice of our cause. We ask an earnest an united effort of all good citizens to defeat the machina tions of the enemy. Let no outside issues distract us, and victory will be ours." The Richmond IVhirj, referring to the claim of The New York 'World and other over-zealous Democr a ti c papers that the result in Virginia waa n Dem ocratic success, - thus rebukes the un asked and unwelcome interference : "We beg The World, and at the over-zealous Democratic journals; to let us alone. What, we have wione has been done without their nitl - and in spite of their opposition. We are more indebt, ed to President Grant than to all the Northern Democrats put together for our deliveraVree. Let ?t$ alone The Tioga Agitator says: " Those pa pers which - speak of Grant as having disappointed the people-who placed him in poNter, must speak for themselves— not for the masses." With all due respeet•to t , the Agitator \V must say that the papers hi question do speak for. them asses.—Jersey Shore Vidette. RENmaiN , vrEn.•=lClessri B. R. Strang and J. h. Niles, otl Tioga county, have been renominated for Assembly by the _Republicans of tlnit enmity. They were renominated !by acelama.tion Last whiter these ,I,Mentlemen ranked among the ablest members of the Leg islature, both occupying a leading po sition.— Videffe. The receipts of the ticket agent o the Paeitie Railroad at Omaha have amerageds4,ooo per day since the open ing of the road. One day last week the evening train for Sacramento took sev en passenger cars full, the majority of which were through passengers?. "You might- as well elect Horatio Seymour Governor of Pennsylvania as Asa Packer," was the favorite argument of tile Cass men at the Bolton Rouse on Tuesday night. This Democratic plea against their own candidate is entitled to consideration at least from imierei)d ent voters. 4 Every enlightened monarchy oil earth is yielding to the progress of republican principles, but, the Democrats of Penn i sylvan ia adhere-to the dogmas of tpo old Secessionists, even after the ex-Con federates abandon them in disgust.— .PresA. •• - • One of the six' hundred aspirants o f the, Burns Festival Yrize, Boni; tusked why ho selected the signature of Crin oline for his poen; explained- us his reason, that "it could not fail to Carry oft " the prize for Burns." Zke A!. AVELLSBOILO PONIV WEDNESDAY, AUG. 18,,180 Repithijcan Ttiominaiions. -rott EN• JOHN W. GEARY, or cI3,IIIEILLAND COI/NIT FOA JUDGE OP VIE BUYZIVIE COUttY- Nm. WILLIAMS, Ohl ALLEfiLICM7 COUNTY, HON 7 notice, with an order to publish: J. P. DOIALI)I3O'N is a candidate for tho °file° of Prothonetnct, Subject to the decision of tho Republican Coiivontion of Tioga county. Tho Republican Convention nomi nated LERoY TAnon by acclamation. We submit the foregoing notice to ,a discriminating public, asking all hon orable men to contrast it with Mr. Don! aldson's card in this week's caper, and reconcile one with Oe other. it they,be able to do that. A man without money is poor indeed; but a man with nothing but money to recommend him is poorer than Lazarus at the gate of Dives:: It is true that the Democracy are about to advertise for sealed proposals for a Union General to run as a candi date for Governor; somewhere? There does'nt appearto be much competition at present. "Peggotty" need not worry about Democratic corruption money. More will stick to the pockets of the disburs ers than will get to' the - palms of the marketable citizens of Pennsylvania. Tile Beaver Radical • irreverently speaks of Packer as the "Golden Calf" of the Democracy. )Since his boatmen butted him off the bridge into the ca nal at Easton, he might appropriately be cane( " thb Sacred 13E111." The die is cast. .. , The mystery is solved. The Wellsboro t correspondent of 2'lu Advertiser finally shows her (?) colors. It is Polly Sane AteWiggin, as we more than half guessed. She says that she'll not diSCUSS her sex' publicly. Very well ; no need of a discussion.— The tongue of 'her settles the question. "Having earned myThread by the ht " hdr of my hands during many, and I `• may add, the happiest !years of my " life"—says Mr. Packer. j sir, as happiness is the chief end Of man, : why not go to work with yourliands again and earn two dollars a day ? If happi ness lies that way; turn about and go for it. Mr. L. A. Mackey - who was a candi date for Congress in this District last fall, has accepted the position of mem ber of the Democratic State Committee for this Senatorial District. We pre sume that he will not, hereafter, as he did last fall, deny his affiliation with the Democracy, and beg sturdily for Republican votes. Mr. Mackey is a natural crook Democrat. A. QUESTION ANSWERED_ A cotemporary , asks if we regard wealth a bar to eivil preferment.. No, sir. As to riches—we have no prejudices whatever. To us, a man is ,a man without regard to his acres, his bank and railway stock, his coal and iron mines, and his bank account.— Neither poverty nor riehefi ennobles men ; no more does either debase men. If a man be filthy, though he was fat and rich, he will be filthy still, If a man be naturally dishonest, the ad I lion of a few to his worldly goods will not make him. honest ; nor does it follow pat the sudden accession to great•possessions will change an hon est into a dishonest man. But against the selection of men for civil promotion because they are rich, and can spend plenty of cash in a et,io paign, we do now, and always, pretest. If we mean to advertise to the World as a people that preferment is a ques tion of cash, then there can be no more effective manner of doing that, than by seleeting rich blockheads and nobodies, with ready millions, fo lead parties in a eompaign. The poet drew the por trait of these times when he wrote— "Woe to' the land, to hasening, ills a proy, Where wealth accumulates and men decay." In many instances the, measure of a man's wealth is a criterion of character. Tir millions of Fisk and Gould, of Van derbilt and Drew, strictly speaking, did notit;come honestly. They did not come thmugh strictly honorable business tranisactions. Of course there is one standard of morality in Wall Street and anothei elsewhere. We do net believe in Wall Street business morality, while at the same time we do not hold thatall Wall Street men are rogues. But:what we Want to get at is this:' The accumulation of millions in the hands of the few is a great evil, Take a- community of a thousand families, and 'say that their , aggregate wealth amounts to si,ooo,oop. Five men are worth $60,000 each, ' one hundred are worth $l.OO each, two hundred are worth ssoq each, and the remaining $50,000 is scattered among the six hun dred and forty-five men who make up the thousand. Do .you consider that the best division of a million. among a thousand - men ? We do not. Rather, would it not be better if no one of the thousand could count over $20,000 as his own ? In the New Eng land. States,, where millionaires are not common, and where the number of in dependent 'preprietors is larger, rela tkvely, than in any other 'section of the old States, i there. more stability In values and yastly less of official corrup thin, relatively, as well as positively.— Take the city of New York, where• the few control the money market, and f be hold the official rascality which pre vails. An all the . world there is not another municipality' where villainy thrives so openly. The poor - are very poor, and the rich very rich. So we hold that these,huist accumu lations - of property' in the' hands of a few are dangerous, and not to he en couraged. Wealth is power. On every hand the Democratic presses are crying out against "centralization," which means that the Federal Government has too much power. BLit• so far from de nouncing the centralization of power in individuals, these Democratic jour nals hind the selection of a candidate for State- ExeCtitive who numbers his dollars by millions. The full inconsis tency of this course eau be seen when you note that the Federal Government wields its powers' by consent of the whole peopleov bile Asa Packer flourish es-his millions under absolute control of one mitu.f To that extent he is an autocrat, and not In sympathy with " honest and patient l{ibor•." Aside from' his immense possessions there is nothing in the life of Asa Pack )r beget for him public confidence.— has, up to this day, proved himself , 1 able4o accumulate money, and nothing furthe .as a public man. lie was sent to Cori ess because he was rich, as every Del oer.atic loader knew and cc= knowledge then.. ,In that body he was the mere cipher, having no talent for 'legislative uSiness, even. And now; when, weal bk ranks higher than qualities_ of intellect he is seized up and placed in non - ation for Gov ernor'. We repeat it— ad this man been in, moderate cireu stances, he \ never would have been named in a Democratic Convention. An his fact, and not his millions, accounts for our hostility. in so much, The facts Of his affiliation with .his party during the war, and his thorough sympathy with:, its destructive policy to-day, are with us still greater objections. A man with so much money might have been a very pillar of strength to the nation in the day of its stern trial. ,!He did not choose to so apply his wealth, as we learn from competent authority.— How different from some men of mil lions. There was WILLIAM E. DODGE, of New York, who saved the nation tens of thousands by using his private fortune to purchase hospital furniture when the treasury was empty, turning it over to the War Department at the exact cost. We mention this instance because personally cognizant of the fact; but there are many similar cases of patriotic devotion, in which the millionaire, rose superior to his cash and bloomed a patriot. 'The Dodges, Stew arts, Vanderbilts, Coopers, and Asters wore not the ninny after all. We did not hear of Asa Packer in those days— At least, Ilia name did not appear among those just named. - ° Neither poverty nor riches need be crimes. And neither constitute any man either lit or safe for the custody of Executive power at the hands of tho people. "Owing whatever I possess (under the providence of Clod) to honest and patient toil," says Asa Packer in his letter of acceptance. Mr. Packer owes his vast wealth to "the honest and pa tient toil" of other men, not of his own: No man eves est made a tenth of a million. 4 i -4 •:' by "patient mid hontoll," or by la bor of any aott. 'He is a railway spec ulator. Why not own it up, unless he regards that p a scaly business. The Democracy of Ohio having nom inated Gen. Rosencrans for Governor of that State, the General respectfully de clines the honor. Prior to the late la mented Democratic Convention which nominated Packer and Pershing, a'Dew ocratic politician addressed' a letter to Gen. 'Hancock asking him if he would accept the nomination. The General respectfully declined the honor. But then, there was Gen. McCandless who did not decline. probably because be saw by the ballot that he was not wan ted.. We can see why no Union Gen eral ought to consent to lead a Demo cratic column for the next half century. So they all decline the honor &liter, Conservative Republican, beats Stokes, for governor of Tennessee, by not less than 40,000, probably. The elec tion seems to have been as badly mixed up there as it was in Virginia. The points at issue appear to have been : The Stokes party were in favor of dis franchising rebels, and the Seater par ty were opposed to that policy. Parson Brownlow was for Sen ter, and says that a Republican U. S. Senator will be elec ted. At all events, an unrepentant rebel is now as good in rl'ennesee as a true-blue . Union man. Let the De mocracy get out their guns and burn some powder. The main, central idea of the creed of that party is, that a trai tor is_better than a loyal man. ".Down with the monopoly and mo nopolists !" was one of the old war-cries of the Democratic party. But now, A. D. 1869, comes the Democratic party before the people of Pennsylvania with Asa 'Packer, as its candidate for Gov ernor; Asa Packer, whose wealth was the growth of monopoly ; Asa Packer, who is one of the chiefs of monopoly I (take away the monopoly enjoyed by Mr. Packer and his millions would mostly vanish away. And they declare that the Denmerat ic party never changes ; that Democrat leprinciplea are immutable ! A. F. Yosv, Esq, has commenced the publication of the Tunkhannock, _Repub lican, the first No. or which we have received. Air. ! Yost has the talent to furnish a, first-rate paper, and his first number is all of that. Now, the :Re publicans of Wyoming county must not assume `that the paper will "go on well enough'* without their aid; - It. will re quire active co-operation. on their part to make Mr. Yost'a enterprise a success. Let us see if they can do anything to build up that paper. Walker, elected Governor of Vir ginia, is a Republican, and was pledged fully to impartial suffrage. The new constltution adopted by au over Whe lming majority, provides that no man shall be deprived of the ballot on ac count of race, color or condition. The Democrats voted for Walker anti negro suffrage. Senter, just elected• Governor of Tennessee, has been . acting Governor of that State ainee Brownlow resigned.- - Ho is a Republican, fully pledged to impartial suffrage, and has always pro fessed to be a. firm suppOrter of Gets,. Grant:, - . In the Alabama election four Radical Republicans and two democrats were elected to Congress. Kentucky has chosen a Democratic State Treasurer and Democratic Legis lature, the former by 40,000 majority. Dissolution. TFIRM of De Lano &0., is this day die. 1. solved. The partnership business will be Bettina by L. Beebe. ' M. M. De LAND, L. DAOHE. IVellshoro, Aug. 16, 1869. SASH, DOORS. BLINDS, AT FACTORY PRICES, Always on band or furnished to order, at ROBERTS & BAILEY'S Hardware Store, We!Moro,' , August 18,1869. , ROY'S Cholera Drops This medicine is quite dif- ferent from all other ,Orepara- Lions called \ \ \ • COOLERA DROPS. It is an unfailing remedy for disorders of the bowels. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS AT 50 els PER BOTTLE, Wellabor°, July 18, 1889-Iy. Patent Roofing. llTAVEbought the right to use the Patent Elastio Roofing in. Tioga County, atd. am now preparad to put on roofs cheap and h good workmanlike manner, This roofing is file and water proof. I refer to Messrs. Wright k Bai ley, Toles .4. Barker, and C. L. Willooi, 'where samples can be seen and roofs in use. MOSES WINGATE. Wellsboro, Aug, 11, 1.880-tf. •n_ 4 1 notice, that Joshua Ingalls, your hushana, has applied to the Court of Common Pleas of Tioga County for a diroroo from the bonds of matrimony, and that said Court has appointed Monday, Aug. 30, 1869, at the Court House, Wellaboro, for a hearing in the said matter, at which time and place you can attend if you think proper. • J. B. POTTER, July 11, 1869. Sheriff. Notice to Bridge Builderf. ACOUNTY Bridge across Rik Run, icor the . Rod School Rouse in Sullivan township, will bo lot by the Commissioners of Tina Co., for the building of the same, to the lowest and boat bidder, as by plan, to be exhibited oil the premises, Thursday the 26th day of August, at one o'clock P. M. ALSO—The County Bridge across Pine Creek, near Blackweirs, by the Commissionsas of Ti oga County, for the rebuilding a part of the same, to the loirest and best bidder, onlho prem ises, as by plan to bo exhibited, on Tresday the 24 day of August neat, at one o'olook,{P. M. P. Y. VAN ItIBSS, JOB REXFORD, }Comes. M. W. WETIIERBES, Aug. 11., 18604 f. House and Lot for &le, OUTII of Mansfield, Tioga Co.,Pa., within easy walking distance of th e Churches, State Normal School, 'House in good order, good size and convenient. }Ezoollcot well and cistern water close to the 'door. :,ot contains about 11 acre, and has a number gif choice fruit trees, grape.vines ti-o. A pleasanthnd desirable home. Will be sold at a low figuri. Address or inquire of . BIXBY. Mansfield, June 9, 1869—if. WM. 6. 1.61113140114. LfaitiNL LINN Armstrong Sr. tun ; ATTORNEYS-ATI.A.W, WILLIAMSPORT, PENT A. Aug. 4,1869-Iy. Notice to Collector> nOLLECTOII,I3 of the taxes f0r1869 are so k/ quested to be prompt in oollieting up their duplicates and paying over the save by the let of September. By so doing not i)as than $lOOO Can bo saved to the emu/Iy. .Aug, 4, 1869. H. 0. 3AILBIr, Co. Treasurer. 411111.1 g GEirhittE - M. M. SEARS, .Pnormaron. WEERE delicious Ice Cream French Con ' fectionary, ail- kinds of fruits in their season; a nice dish of Teo, Coffee; or Chocolate, and Oysters in their a eason—canbe bad at all hours, served in the beat style. nest door be low Roberts dc liardwori Store, Main Street. I Welishoro, Aug. 4, 1169. UNION ACADEMY, KNOXVILLE, TIOGA GOMM, PENN'A • 0.0. Wiam, Principal. Mrs. ADk W. HORTON, Proceotress. 'HORTON, Assistant. Miss Esau BAIDIL6II, TDACtiOr of Ilume. The Fall Term will (kntnance Amplat Vt. ThO Winter Term Notihrabor 30. The Spring Term March 3. Each Term to continue 12 weeks. • EXPENSES PER TERN. Tuition, including rent and wood,Pall Perm...... 511,60 Wirit,r Term.. 13,60 .‘ It " Spring Term... 12,60. Day Students ' , 700 Instrumental6losio, ( Piano , Organ or 1 4 1 (xleon).. 10,00 Vocal ?dual° 2-00 Use of Instruments ' 4 200. Drawing and , Penciling 1 3,00 Board per week July 21, 1869—t1. Register's Notice.. NoTtoß is hereby given that thf Adminie baton named below have tiled theism:l - in the Register's Office for Toga County Pa., and that the said accounts will a presented to the Orphans' Court, for said t v /unty, at a session of said Court, to be held in ellsboro' on Monday the 30th " day of Aug. 1869, at 2 o'clock' A. M., for confirmation and allowan4e. Final Account . of Eliza M. Pearsall and tlguire Southwoith, Administrators of the Estate of John, A. Pearsall late of Chatham, deceased. Final' Account' James S. Watson:4 surviving Administrator of the Rotate of James A. Smith late of Gaines, deceased. Final Account of Charles Ebemns, Executor of the last Will and Testament of Margaret , E. Guernsey late of Wellaboroi deceased. Final Account of A'; W. ftaynes Adudnsistra tor of the Estate of Ezra Davis,, Jr. , late of Etchmond, deceased. DARIUS L. DAAVB, Beglater, GRUBB & BAKU'S ELASTIC STITCH SEWING MACHINES, 594 BROADWAY NEW YORE. Points of Excellence. Beauty and Elasticity of Stitch. - Perfection and Simplicity of Machinery. Using both threads directly from the spools, No fastening of seams by band and no waste of thread. Wide range of application without change of ailing went, The seam retains its beauty and &mesa af ter washing and ironing. Besides doing all kinds of work done by other Sewing Machines, these Machines executes the most beautiful and permanent Embroidemand ornamental work. Agr`The highest Premiums at all the fairs and e3thibitione of the United States and Europe) have been awarded the Orover it Baker Sewing Machines, and the work done by them, wherever exhibited in competition. 'The very highest - prize, TILE OROSS OP THE LEGION OP HONOR, wag conferred on the representative of the Grover dr, Baker Sewing Maohinee, at the Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1887•, thus ,attesting their great superior ity over all other Sewing Machines• July 28, 1889-tf. .1 ii• NEW' SUME GOODS. TOLES & BARKER, _ (N ! Si; 'pr.rov: R .Lop.r.) ,s• . , • WOULD say to,tbair friends and the public generally, that they are now irecelving a splendid assortment of summer DRY GOODS, SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, PRINTS, CLGTHS, CASSIMERES, VEST INGS, READY MADE CLO THING, HATS & CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, WOODEN j WARE, STONE WARE, KERO SENE OIL, PAINTS & OILS, We are able to offer our ouetomere the benefl of 'the In the New York Market, our Stook having been eurehkeet eines the street decline inOootte. TOLES .fs BARKER,. Welleboro, June 16, 1869. 1•1"c" , i;mr sillse•xi t Them Things is Arriv VVERIC thing is lovely, and the anger biped 'I depends from a sublime attitude. You will Please Observe, that the beet natured man in Town having no ticed the wants of the publio, and having bona- Wally supplied himself with almost everything which this world 03.11 afford to appease them; now benevolently proposes to open the whole be fore the people, and say to all, old and young, black and white, rich and poor, ,i You pay your Money and you take your choice. Don't stand out in tho' - eold exposed to the el ements and to tho Sting of the neighbors bees, but pull tho latob string, it is always out in bus iness hours, &o. The large hearted proprietor, or Me urbane good natured clerk will conduct you, ao it wore through a filled with ravishing delights. let. A GARDEN OP SPIOES, in, which every thing Sploy,froin a nutmeg to cayenne pep per mar be seen and procured. 2d, A GARDEN OP SWEETS, in which ev ery variety of Saccharine delights, bqth solid and liquid may be had by the stink, pound or gallon, and of such flavor and complexion as will make every Robing sweet tooth in your head fairly jump with delight. Should you be pomologi. °ally inclined, this' humane individual will con. duct you into a GARDEN OP FRUITS, in which almost ev ery variety of luscious things to be found gath ered from the four quarters of the globe, will be shown to satisfy your largest longing.. Oranges from Cuba, Lemons from lildrida, Prunes from Turkey, Raisins from Malaga, Currants from the Grecian Archipelago; Peaohos dried and Cum. ed along with a great variety of Canned Fruits from the Jitneys; Dates from Syria, and Pigs from Asia Minor. No end to the supply of every species of NUTEi from 3 Continents. THE TEA GARDEN will next command your attention; the warm decoction of the China leaf and the Java'bean have become alnioat uni versal beverages, and if not swallowed too hot or to strong, the mild stimulants are esteemed as eminently promotive of comfort'and sociality.— What company of elderly ladles could ever part in peace without them ? Now your friend the GARDNER, will be most happy to show you all this. He will ask you politely to look at his Tea. You are welcome to try every chest and see if GUN ' POWDER, Bouchong GREEN, 'TYSON, dm, which flavor you like, but of all the other styles whose jaw cracking names'would be dangerous to pronounce, COPPERS, in. every style, ditto, ditto, ditto. Furtherinorl S The beneficent proprietati of this miatimoth es ii tablishment—out of sheer good will, a d if you will believe' him for no other motive n your interest and hie, lies at.vast expense es Wished at the MAO. phut° an immobile depot of Previa- Sons; consisting of , . Flour, Pork, Lard, Codfish, White Fish, Sword Fish, &e., Meal, Rams, Butter, Trout, Blue Fish, .Rallbut,. ate., &o. .Mt of which be intends to sell at , a profit, on, the principle of,"/Ivo and lot live." He generally proposer also to receive in exchange all the pro ducts of your farm and dairies,and ft is said con fidentially to the public, that he never refuses Tho' it irks him wretchedly to keep ft. So emulous is ha. that the dear people should want nothing vehatererthat money can buy of. Welleboro, June 16, 1869. FIRST PREATIFI3I FAMILY anoll ae also &large and well solootod stook of- SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, SYRUPS, MOLASSES, ETC,. ETC., ETC. LAST DECLINE OF PRICES COME: ENTER: GARDEN Cash. L. A. GAIIDEMIL • The One Price Cheap Store,: Ell 30111 Etc., ttea, 5, CO X.ING7 I \ Goods Ree4ved almost Daily. HAVING made arrangements to keep a still Larger Variety of Goods than last year, and believing Judicious Advertising to be u good investment, intend to use the columns of the AGITATOR more extensively then for the last two years. Our Dry Goods Department is made as attractive by us as possible. Wo keep a large stock of all goods saleable that we feel warranted in keeping, and allow no one to undersell us at any time. Aiming to keep the best article for a given price that the Market will afford. We invite all to examine our stock in the DOMESTIC DEPAATMENT. Brown Sheetinge, Tickings, We have added to thia stock a tine assortment of LINEN (100.1 consisting of Brown Table Linens from 56 eta to $l,OO. Bleached Table Linensfran 75 cts to $l,OO Blch'd . do $l,OO to 150. Tweelinos, Towels, Na tf.; Table Cloths, at a toduotion of 25 to 30 pet cent from last season ricer. DRESS GOODS. We have now in stook, (and are receiving additions to it almost daily) an unusually large and well assorted stock of BLACK. SILKS, PRINTED DELAINES, SEEDED DELAINES, SERGES, AL PAOAS, FANCY POPLIN, FRENCH POPLINS, PLAIN POPLINS, CHANGEABLE POPLINS, ALPACA' POPLINS, pLACK AL PACAS, BLACK ALPACA POPLINS. PLAIDS. Tho above stook can be found the moat complete, and at much lower prices Than any we have offered before. Comparing favorably Witt( tho largest• Stores in the Southern Tior. 3E3CC:PC:6I= I ISMC...XI=Lrr. I , . We have made arrangements with our Skirt Manufacturer BO have an extra discount on our purchases of him, and we intend to give our customers the benefit of this arra , gement. From this date our entire Stook of skirts will be sold at an average reduction of about ' 5 per cent, mak ing them lower than ever before. 75 ct. Skirt for 50 cis.; $l,OO Skirt for 75 ctsr.; $1,25 Skid for $l,OO ; $1,50 Skirt fo $1,25; $2,00 Skirt for $1,50. &C., &C. In Ladies sizes. "Misses and Ohildren's equally cheap. iiiOsiery and White -Goods. We can do better for our customers in this stook than at any time during the war, and as the Goode are now very cheap,• so that males will warrant it, we shall keep a much better Stook than for several years past. Wo shall keep a very handsome Mock of PLAIN, PLAID AND STRIPED NAINSOOKS, JACKONETS, PLAIN AND DOTTED SWISS, PERCALES, BRILLIANTS, MARSAILLES, BISHOP LAWNS, LINEN RD'KFS, &C., • aiming to sapply ail calie in as satisfactory Ipann or as possiblo. BOOTS AND SHOES. We make pretty big claims on this Stock, and we think we can back them up. Our business' in this Depatiment bas been an increasing one every year, and we intend to keep it so, if soiling the best qualities of Work at the lowest Market Prices will do it. We shall keep a still larger as sortment of J. Richardson'ttWork, in following styles: . I Men's French. Calf Boots, do 'A. 11. do do 'Fine Kip Boots. do Siva do do Oaf Shoes, do Kip Shoes, WOMEN'S MISSES, ANIS CHILDREN'S CALF AND MOROCCO POLISI We aiao intend to keep a still larger stook of Ladies, Misses and thaildren's Pine Work, in Berge, Pebble goat, and Kid in alitho desirable styles, in those Goods and in Richardson's work. we shall keep regular geode, so that we can supply our Customers regularly with such'work as they have found to suit them in our stock. All our work except snob as we sell for cheap work, we warrant, and make satisfactory compensation if it proves imperfect in any way. 1 TRIAVR AS I We are now keeping all good an assortment of Trunks as we formerly did, and shall keep a fu COMMON PACKING TRUNKS, ALL SIZES, EXTRA QUALITY, COMMON FOLIO, EXTRA QUALITY FOLIO, COMMON AND EXTRA QUAL• ITY SARATOGA, AND GENTS"IItAVELING:frituNKs,' We will also order From the Factory any description of Trunks wanted, that wo do not fee warranted in keeping on hand, if desired, at 10/38 than the usual profit charged on fair Goode. Parasols, all Rinds. We would respectfully invite the attention, of easterners to our assortment of Parasols wh oh Ivo think Cannot be surpassed either as to style or price by any one in the trade. We have a full as. -misbrnd, of colors in each of the styles named below, and also assorted colors in Linings :; • Plain Bilk Parasols, lined and unlined cheap; Beaded Parasols, lined and unlined; Changeable Parasols, lined or ruffled ; alsopiain, lined ruffled and fringed; Square and Pannier Parasols, lined and fringed ; Lace covered Parasols; Childrens Parasols. SUN UMBRELLAS, cotton and gingham; also sukile and full boiled Silk and in all the desirable sizes. MISCELLANEOUS GOODS ! Handsome Prints, warranted fast colors at 10 cents pay yard. Clool,l wide bleached ISltudine at 11 cents per yard. New styles Percales at 25 ots per yard, sold all tho epring at 44 oti. to 55 oonfe. Ifandsomo stook Dress Goods 23 as, Handsome stook of Shawls at $3,00, amp at $4,00, The beat Barietine is Black Mantilla Bilks to be found in this vicinity. Black 4 Alpactie, po, 56, 621 and 75 cents. Black Alpaca Poplins, 62/, 76, 87/ ate, and $l,OO, ' the beat goods for the money we have ever offered. 1 La ns, Figured Swiss and Organdies at very low prices. Thanking the people of Tioga Clotuaty for their very generous patronage in the past, we trust br s tria attention to .basiness,,and selling Giiode at -a low figure, to merit a coattottanee of the .same. • : ~ , : . • . . . . Corning, June 9 1 1868.• sT. A. PARSONS sk CO. A. PARSONS DEALERS IN & DOMESTIC, 111 Y GOODS, Bleached Sheetings, Checked Shireings, Denims, blue & brown. AND BALMORAL SHOES Stook of & CO., Etc., Etc., 0 ID! i J Brows Blartinus, "Striped Shireings, i ~,~ Boys' Kip Boots, do Stoga do Youths Kip Boots, do Shwa do do Shoes, Youths do , THE UNDERSIGNED still continues tire Carriage buriness at his old stand en Alain street, near the Academy, where Inanufacturib s and repairing will be promptly done end satis faction guarranteod, The Will be conducted by Air. P. G. LYON, wile has hail many years experience in the babinea, and will give perfect satiBfaction to all in • Carriage Ironing, Horse Shooing, Repairing, &c. Particular atlentieli given to porse•shoeing. work warranted. H. W. DAIITT. Welleboro, July 14, Mg.; TILE GOVERNOR desires that an orgaoira; tion of the Militia of this County should be effected an soap as convenient. All persons" therefore desirous of organizing companies will proceed to enroll the names of all such as wj join thiI'SIIIIIC, and report to meat }Wand, Ps, A company to consist of the-following officers and men : l capt., 111nt HULA.; 1 2nd lieut. 5 sergeants, B corporals, 2 musicians, and 32 pri. vates--50. As soon ns n sufficient number of names aro enrolled, an election of officer 4 rip bo ordered and cominissions issued- at once, at which time the GoVernor will issue sans and equipments to each company. It i 3 d es i re d that the old officers and soldiers sh o uld take hold of the twitter and we can - soon hare our let - companies organized and equipped. . fly authority of J. W. GEARY, Commander-in' Chief of Pa, Aug. 4, 'RU-4w. Per. R. T. WOOO Blcled Shirtint" Pillow Case Cottons, CARRIAGE MAKING, BLACKSMITH DEPARTMENT Attention Militia ; Farm. for Sale 1 TN Deerfield township, Tioga County, Pa., s miles from Knoxville and 2. miles from Dee. Ma, on 'the road leading from Kizer settlement te the river. Said farm contains, 160 acres, RO acres improved; is table land, and lies hand. seemly; bus 40 acres of meadow which ran be mowed with'a machine; is welt %Notated, and wets adaptod to dairying purposes; has-many fine springs; timber hemlock, beech. and maple, Coinfortahle dwelling 24 feet squaw, a 30x40 feet barn; nowsbed* 60 feet long, granary, and a young apple orchard* thereon. Tcinas easy. Ap. ply on the premises, or address, at Ocecda, July 7; IB69—tf. MORRIS M,k2V. Great Improvement in Densistry, ~•,.- . . ., . -- . .t. 1 . RAVING purchased the stela. IS ii• 11111 rigbt of /JT. Polsam's Ita. 4,;:00 proved patent Atmospheric Dental Plates for Tioga County. I now take pioneers in offering it to the publi es the gri)titest Dl5. ooviney yet made in Mechanical entistrv. 1 - . By the use of which; we ee n overcome any ay a d all difficulties which have heretofore hafted the skill of the most ;practical Dentist in fiat world. Plates constructed upon this plan it. main perfectly firm tinder all circumstances of condition of the mouth, as no air, or particles et food can possiblygetunder them. Those having old styles, Gold or Rubber Plates, can, at Gail the cost, have the Improvement applied to then answering in every respoot the same purpose a t as a now set. Perfect satisfaction guarantee" in every case. C. N. DARTT, Dentist, NV °Usher°, Juno 9, 1800. Thin in to certify flint wn are now nslng the Imp, od Dental Platen with perfect satisfaction.fr e used the old style of platen for yearsuilth ail the toailk; and inconvenioncen known In the use of mull Oslo?, we cheerfully ireernmend the Improved 110, 8 superior to anything yet known. 11. It. KIMBALL CHAS. IV I LL11111:1 KEYSTONE STORE! WELLSBORO, PA. Summer is long a-Coniing! ' . 'i AND eotno pooploi beg i n to lon faith in the ,Prouliso of 50tailitac andborve.,l, fn liew of this fact i i Muillakd it Cog, have concluded to hurry up th66OllBOTl by etool• ing their shelves and counters with a tritely ifs lectedand EOpetiOr i lot of SUMMER DRESS- GOODS, comprising a varicL : or ° Silks,;, Linens, Hosiery, loves, Em broideries, Poplins, Lawns, Percales,' Piquas, &c., &e., togetilar with a firto lot of • Domestics,' Sheetings, Shirtings, Sun mer Clothing, Ladies Shoes, Ike. )1 ) We 01111 sell as low as anybody, and give pa good gpods. Juno 10, 1800-O)Th & CO Sale of Real E,;&zie, TN BANKRUPTCY.—In pursuanco of an order 1, of the District Court of the United Statestet the Western District of Pennsylvania, dated it Erie, in said District on the 22d of July A.D. 1869, the undersigned Assigner: of the estatr et Frederick D. Bunnell a Bankrupt will, on Sakm di+ the 28th day of August, A. D. 1869,51 o'clock P. AI., at tho Court house in Wellthoto, sell at public, sale, itubjeet to all valid liens, tba following described property, to wit; all the certain lot of land situated in the Bore ollVelia• hero and township of Dtilmar, Tioga CO. Pit hounded on the north by village lots formerly be longing to the Morris Fatpte, and lands of the heirs of James S. Bryden deceased, on lil6 east by said lands of the heirs of "James S. Beldee and lands of Stephen F. Wilson, on the Foutb by lands of It. it. Austin antlN. It. Kimball, op t 4 west by hinds of N. It. Kimball, by the ltiglataY leading front Wellsboro -to Shumway 11111 and by lands of G. AV, Coolidge, Win, P. Shutout' , Ira Jpinston, Wm. Townsend, Win. T. Mathim A. Al. Ingham and C. J. Wheeler, :mil on the nortblsvest by village•lots, formerly belonging to the Morris estate—containing typo hundred sod tiny acres. Torras cash. JNO. 1.. MlTfilllild , , Assignee, Aug. 4,1869-3 w • TIOOrA NIGH SCHOOL TR" School no i sy becomes 11 porman nt atitation, under Stato authority, having by Npoeinl net received some peculiar privileges, nei it can now afford all advantages counrnon to Ara. dernio Institutions. To those defigning to rer 6- pare for teaching uto off' very decided adratt. Lagos by combining the Theory with the Prude?. Fall Term erarimoncee Aug. 30, 1369, and cou tinues 11 weeks.- BATES OF TUJI ON emmnon English, Elementary Algalat Fri' mary Philosophy and Primary Nip!)logy free to all pupila of-school ago residing in Tioga Common English .... Higher " 7,6 Commercial eourse, lime unlimited... ...... .. 5 OD ,German—extra ....... English Dranehes and Gorman B ' 9 " Commercial' courso... 8- s ' ) For information with regard to rooms or boat/ calf taa, tir atitirmos Ti. M. DEELES„ Principni• • Aug. 4, 18119-tf. Tioga, Pa. A FEET 11 1 06 D, do PARA! PHODUC,E " - 11 ved in payment for Tuition. Dr. H. R. Phillips, MYIESSION ZIENVgai trim undersigned respootfully arinounces to tba 1 citizens of Westfield and surrounding of try that hei.is permanently located at this place. He is fully prepared to do all kinds of DENTISTRY, in the highest style of the art Srtisfsetios guarranteed. Office over &twill's Drug Stine. Pine Photographs can be had over the Drug Store. ' • 11. R. PHILLIPS. Westfield, Pa., June 80, 18 8 9- 1 9- L__ _ - C A " and 8 " th°,!S ring.Stylea of Shawls fit 1 DE LANO A CO. April 14, 1869.