The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, August 18, 1869, Image 1
64 e & l a, orionnt g ,a g ftator Is published every Wednastitiy Morning at $2 per year, invariably in advance. , COBB& VAN GELDER. (P .e SANTSLDE • iss LiNgs or rtlititori,oa ir.BB,trAit 0 . Sq'ra. lln. ATnit. Yen r ------ ', 0 ' 1 :Nuare, ..... $l,OO $.,,0 . $2,50 $6,00 :3•4oAreg 2,00. .3,00 4,00 8,00 nal( C 01...... 10 ,0 0 113,00117,00 i 22,00 One OIL.. .l / B , oo ' - 211,00 1 30,00 1 /40,00 i ----: • . Special Notices 15 cents per, :no, Eclitoribl or Local 20 cents per line. , DIASONIC. oF.,SEt. LODGE, N 0.317, A, Y. M.,weete at their Hall ovei* Dr. Roy's drug store, on Tuesthis evening, on or before the Full Moon, at 7 o'clock P.M. rTooA CHAPTER, No. 104, It.. A. M., nacolts at (lie llalhon Thursday ovening,on or before'tho Full Moon, at 7 o'clock I': AL rvOGA COUNCIL, N 0.31, IL & $. MASTERS, meets at the hall, On the thlrtl,-Frklay of each calendar month, ut 7 o'clock' P. M. 'FC'AGAGIITON COMHANDRRY, No. `2S, of KNIGHTS TEMPLAR, and the appendant orders, meta at the 11;111,013 the first Friday of each calendar montb,at o'clock: P. M. - - - BUSINESS DIREOTORY, wiLLIAN H. Sltillelf, TTORNtY AND COUNSELOR •AT LAW insuranca, Bounty and Pension Agency, Main Street Wellsbaro, Jan. 1, 1.868. win, GARREITSON; - tvoR NEI.' AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, Notdry Public and Insurance Agent,-Bloss burg, PJ., over Caldwell's Store. OEO. W. MERRICK, ATTORNEY AND COUNSEDLoR. AT LAW, Office with W. IL Sinith, Esq., Main Streot, upposito Daiwa Block, We!labor°, Pa. - July 15, 1868. W. D. TERI:W[4I. & Co., VIIOI , ESALE DRUGGISTS, and dealers in wall Vapor, Korosono Lamps, Window Glass, Psrfumory, Paints and Oils, a 0.., Corning, N. - IT., Jail. 1, / 8118 . — /Y • :3. F. WILSON. WILSON ,& NILES, ifORNRYS .k COUNSELORS -LAW; First door from Rigoney's, on the Avenue)— nil attend to business entrusted to their sere 10 the counties of Tioge and Potter. Wollsboro, Jan'. I ; 181)8. - JOHN I. MITCHELL CTORNEY AND CO UNS.PLO IR AT LAW, Wellsloro, Tioga Co., ~Rini Agent, Notary Plaine, and rusuraneo Agant. Ile will attend promptly to collection of Vdneiens, Back Pay and llonnty. Islotary rebtiu ko takos acknowledgements of decd:, ad finilters orths, and »ill act as Voininissioner to hike tatialony. Otlioo over Roy's breg Store,. i djoinieg Agitator Oflitie.—Oet. 311. 131;7 Bohn W. -Guernsey, 1:01tNEI AND ,cpplisp.up. AT 1../tIV. d mug returned to this county with it viow of imiking it his permanent residence, aolieits a Aare of public patronage. All buhiness tiusted to h mire will be attended to with v rotioness and tidpliti. Olljpp 2d door south 01 I. S. Parr's hotel. Tioga, Tioga Co., Pa. apt. 26.'66.:tf. SIIAKSPE A RE, ',RAPER AND TAILOR. Shop over John It , itowert'a Store. ita4' Gutting, Fitting. :mil acpairtug done pro t pptly and in bast style. Well.boru, Pa.. Jan. 1, 181111-4 GEORGE 'WAGNER, (irk door mail, of I, A .;iears'c Slop..;:.a.,Clittinii,no!ip,, and Repair done promptly :mil woll. • I . elki)oro, Pa., Jan. 'l, 1.9.65 -ly 3011 N ETNER, AELO AT P ()LIT l'Elt, has opened a rhol, 0.. Ce4l - ton Street, rear 01 ttlpars :tom luip, where he is itrepared w mattubtetbre gar, uunts to order in !the most substantial wanner, .uid with di.p.tteh. Particular attention pato Catang and Fitting. March 26, IS6B—ly Ur. G. E. Ttkompsott (iver.r.spuitouan pA.j Will attend to PrufesBional calla in the ~f Wolishoro and elsewhere. - mile? and Besidcnce on State St. 2d door on toe right goitig past. L rdone 21 * 1868. Fl BACON, M.D., late or the td Pa. Cavalry, after iie.trly four years of army service, with a large fence in field and hospital practice.bas opened au ~11. e foe the pracilfo er medicine and surgery, in all r. breeches. Persons from a distance cilia find good wad's:: at the Pennsylvania Ilotel %Oen any part of the State in comlultatlon, or to tram rgical operations. No 4, Moon Block, up Welishot l'a., May 2,1866.—1 y. Sinil47 KNOXVILLE, Po. Pension, Bounty, and In .oraneo Agent. Counntnications sent to tho &i addrs rou ive prompt ottentiot,. Terms moderate. [don 8, lE6B-JA rz 14.13rydon. I.IRVEYOI.I w Illt4VTBbl4N.--70rclars left at ills room, Townsend llotel, IYellsboro, will want with prumpt attention. Jati. 13. ISl37.—if. R, E. DEALER in CLOCKS 14 JEWELRY, SILVER PLATED WARE, Spectaclos, Violin Strinp, Alanstiold, Pg. IVr t tedlos and Jew o;O' ilcatly ropaired. Engr4vlng dune in plain English and Gorman. llEOptfl7-Iy, ' Hairdressing & Shaving. :•.duon over Willcox & liffker's Store, Welk-, .9ro, Va. Particular attention paid to I,adies i l Shampooing, Dyeing, etc. Braids, ran,.,e,ils;and switiiies on In nJ soul made to or la. 11. W. DOItSEY. J. JOHNSON. J. G. PUT N /11V1, --o .4l l l , p l u t n 1 0 i r i.1 3 1 ,.. : 1 L 1 :7. 111 0 ... 1 %, , 1 00 : Z Eowart:'s Oscillating AlpFel - Ipm tlang anc . . Sawr.t. Pa., Aug. 7, 1868, _ C. L. wiLqox, 111.1)1LV (100DS of all 161111 S, MI al% ale 2 , 1 1' takes Notions. Our assortment is lar;2,e 1.5 l 1017. Clock. Call gentlidiffititi.—miry 1:11 - . P i pTROLEUIVI i'siri 4D, PA., 0 1401 - 111 E CLOSE, Nora i• ' , "T• 4 upv; Ilet^l rt udueted Gu the principle ~r Lve lu.d let live, fur tile ailvele f eetlat lel. o h. 11, ltAtl-1 y. ilifiliELETT'S _HOTEL, 9 Q(1 A C (3 13:N TV, PA o..aid stabling, ait.tabod, and at. a unlit i VC, Los n , t'al way s in attendance. \V. . . . Prop' ielor. li/LL'S HOTEL, "I' 1 , 1161 A4 lioroligh, 'Toga Co. Pa ,E. U. Ihil, Proprietor. A - new' 6114 COMII/0d101)S IMilili k tg, with all the modern improvements.. Wallin easy drives of the best hunting and I.lsh th; 4rouri,k+ in Northern Penn'a. Conveyaneeb Nrolzhol. Table ilio4rate. el). 5,18138-Iy. %VA 0 N 110 , Gaines, Tioga County, Va. tigitAcE C. VERMILYEA,,Vitor`rt. This is hotel loeate,4 ithin easy aeoy:s of the nod hquting grotiptiF ip North l'oluiviva.ioa. Yo pains he spared • r the .1 t . 1 .0 itiodat ion of ploa sure ,zoelcers and do! t r.ts eling public. [Juil. 1, I S6B.] Bounty and Pension Agenc y. Bounty' ITAvist)t.e.:eiviAtiollitilei tutit uctionsi n re,,! - :tol to IL tin . .ictr.t bounty Allowed by t h e act a ppro% ed 1 0.1,. 2i, 1 ` I . I. = outl ItaN lag on ItAnd a I :trgo , nnipl of all . 1, I -wary itatt.,s!...* 3tn printrea to protie.cutv tt,l I 'p . ll vl aipl I c In [ay claint s which 'nay 1.3 1.14.011 in my •'I• , gat , Ustirin .1 (11St3nct. en n communicate nu c• i',-I,y - fT tt cr,lgJ t 1.01 I ..oiniwinfentiontvoll 1.), ; * "mrtly3q4wHied - WM. 11. 31MITII .• ". liflooro , ).-tolier2 t.. 1 gill; 11. 1 .1 - tIiNESS & IZILEY, HOT AND SHOE MAKERS, Oro' Wilson (Cr Van' Valkenirargqi Siorr, roo m lately occrq cd Ly Benj. ( cede-11. BOOTS AND SLIOL4 of all kinds made to order and in the best manner. ~IE PAIRING of all kinds done promptly and Wyc us a call. JOHN HARKN SS WM. REI I LEY. Wells boro, Jan. 2, 1868-Iy4 'l' E = tillE SQ $3,00 $12,00 -12,00 18,00 30,30, LO,OO 60,00( 00,00 VOL. CITY BOOK BINDERY AND BLANK BOOX - AIANUFACTOWY, a, aaldurin 4;eFee.4., (SIGN OP' / flit 4: 1310 :- Ilkitirv:Aoote,P E_LMTRA, ,Y. OT511: mvx.orrwp q 0 6D 'CHO REST, CA - 114.1' . AS TRH ClitAi4IST , - .. ~, . . .• • , . '..13E 1 44 1 i.NK : BOOKS •"" . Of eiiery description, in all styles of Biiidii - ig - ; and as lb for quality of Stoolt,,as any Bindery : in. the State. Volumes of every description Bound in the best manner and in any style or dered. -- y L - - . -.. s. ti j• it K ALL KINDS - OF GILT WORK' ,•'' Executed in the best. manner. Old Cooks re bound and made good as new. 11.4v44warm Ltamwajgd COMPLETE YOUR SETS! 'I am prepared to furnish, back nunibers of all Retviews or Ma;gitzlifes' published 'in iht‘ United Stritiis or Great Britain;at 6 Jo* pried; ' A BLANK' BOOK -& OTHER PAPER, Of all sizes aid qualities,on hand, ruled or plain . BILL HEAD P PER, Of any quality or size, on hand ancl cut up ready. for printing. Also, BILL PA Alt, Lind CARD. BOARD of all colors and guilti l y, in boards or cut to any size. STATIONER , Cap, Letter, INT9te -P r Aper,' ,, , ti.:,:it .'vldpe9, .. Pelts; T Onl li &.i' P•:- r ~ ainsulbagenilor. - - AW . 4 , . Prof SHEPARD'S NON•CDRROSI 1' B STEEL PENS, ukArvecuuuu .SIZIIS . , run LA DI I:ts AND GENILI:III,N, , , • J.B. NILLs %Vide!, L w'll warrant equal to tlohl Pent... The best, in tu-o and no iniata,he. , - The above stock.' .ates all times, at tnli . dlice on' Nn'w York tiriceg, inirtantilies to :,nit pqehaiterst All work and ~toek warranted'ay rcpretiented., r re:Tout fully solicit a share ot i/oblio patron age. prdert; by *nail p l ompity lid4ll6i,p LOUIS f ' AdverliePrifitilding. Sept. 2S, 1867.-Iy. Elmira, N. V. Jo n C. ItoFton, Al' It ItN A ti:o If NS AT LA 'l`i,,ga t , II . 'flour, tittottiltul to t% it r pr”inptsi..em. 711., • O. DEALER IN DRS: tlow)s, lit ()eyries, Hard ware, Boota,Shous, Hats, Cops, 4e., Jeu., eta nor of Alarket and Craton StreetH Welit. bp r • Pa. Jan. ti, • esp• tinny entieunce:, to tic cit rent Of Ea:4 ettarleAott and that he • mould be utatetal tot theit' patron,tgo. Office. at the tote of Cooper and huttler. ll.rt. lth'Gtl I y E. ;r . .-•.\ l I 111. the Lot,l 1..1 L. 11. .'11,111) - 1 . .11 - 1114, AhiclA 2 13 th.ittp. lIEVSTONVI, - .HOTEL, - s Cuulit3, Pit., .J. Ii I:ern, 1' 1 .1,11,10F. Lett ft Lint: to Co. Vizilipg p.nties :leqll. 111,11.1tVa elilef hin t-Lent lit ibati ;lupe 1-1, /1111E1111110rbig;leti hai fitted :up the Ohl j_ dry hailding, near the Brewery, Wellslukl; and b new prepared to turn out fine call, 11p, gowhide, and h:unkss leather in the hest man her. Ilidee tanned en shairet4. Cash paid for hides. M. A. Dint • Wellsboro, Oct. 14, ONION HOTEL. WA'EKINS, PfluvrtlETolt urAviNll tilted a new hotel building on tire 010 rj. ot the ohl Union Ilotel, lately destroyed try lire, Low nail billy aria:cave and clitertato goer ts. Tice Ulaion (tote] i iitendql for rtTarturairratiacelloase, and the Ornprieter b6lie% (iv viithout grog. i'An attentive hostler iti attendance. _ 111ellstarro, done 1667. GROCERY AND •RESTAURANTI Ono door 14Joyu the Moat MaFkot, EtiLSBORO, PE - NN' A, ESPEOTFULLY announces to the trading ja, public, that be bas a desirable stock of tiro. queries, comprising, Teas, Coffees., Spices, Sugars, Molasses., Syrups, and all that constittites a'tirst class mock. Oysters in every style at all rea- Aonable liottr*. Wensboro, inn. 2, ISUV-t(. 4 - wilLuEre & LATIIIIZOP 4 ' ne,4,1,1:as • lIA DAVA It E, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, 81 7 0 V ES, TI N- RE, Carvia::o :910 Liarnes `Frirrimingf;, • 11.11;NE::::1E,fs C..,riuy, N. V., Jau. 2, I !AV/ - - 5'.1 , _ . !EAR 1'I;!1'I;! 1111,111 YE 1 . 'VP. ENS, , TUTS, &(,1„ • kept eanstntilly otilidod t ;ifid tot ti. ur der; ' w. T. A '.1 I T-1, - E at hi- itow 11..3% I\'oll,lAor., (.tuna 10, I:WS.) r iii. tT4I , ) Pint 6,rok ;•'.eale:.., all ordinary " :1;11:11444,4nd use, may Le found at... 110; I lard tva ro Store of Wm. Roberis, Well6horo. tic..a Scales ant Ihe Pat- - oat and have no t , liperi'or arklierq. : - , , They madeiit the host .a.) to and'liat c tiiken the preini tlea at all the gloat haye the solo a`Fenev for these Scales in this region. 110111;111.TS. NVellshere, Feb. 12, Ibtiq: . New Tobaceo , Store up the ro . onis nd-, I joining D. P. linberk Tin and Srove Btoro for Ow inarmfactute nnrl r.ale. of cit a A R 5, (all graile:;), Fancy awl Comm(); 5.11047YG T(ll3.l9el),Michivan ?hie .(tv CITEIVING: um! all kind.lrtf PLUG TOBACCO, PIPES, awl Bicelt62 1/21 - 5•• Call and ,:ce for yourselve• , . JOILN W. PIIIt:I.EL Well,horn, Nov. 11, ISGS— If. I - 1 j LE: P. 1141 PI, ASTEI . I. I —We belch? certify irj tlmt wo ti , ed do. 11 11.1-ter tilant - ifactured Ly Cha topney & 11.trrta tter, at !heir xv oil tA on Elk Run, in Gaines towluldp, and we believe it to he equal if not :luperlur to the Cayttia Plae.ter. David Smith S M Connhlo A P Cone Ni li poi) Il E yin, t ne J Dernauer W Barker Asa Smith - Strait, S B Davis Albert King . John C Miller Watrous WII Watrou., L L Alarsh R M Smith 0 A Smith II M .J I) SUnit. P C Van Gelder .1 j Smith Jared Davis .11 Zimmerman C L King L L Smith : N. 13.—Plaster always on hand at the Price $5 per ton. Nov. 4, 1868. f'r'rrf ' • t a , g'7 t•js I .„ 6 t . . 11 a_ " ".*; 1 • 'r~i: ~`t~u~ F: - _1! / iode , 313:t -100 'eh° " IE3 ei or s - ViTaltisimit,corta.vr 4 " • . t r; -J ' „ c Z ' •k~ ~>li~ E. - S. Perkins, Pa D. Smith's Hotel Ll IVC11; 11 I iicl y. E. R. KLAWA..4„ 1,11\11 , :;, At; IZ HAL I MPLEM Scales! !,S'tole's ! cesl Brand of C 10,111.8 F~ ~,. i.~{ lilr ciz:Vtitto' Toner. in ; 0teh01d . ,:.% , .. 7r• Tolleifon froth diif`fei diiy ; Both had the same hard labor, Both-.had.the same • With the same bhie sky above, The came green grass below,; Ohe'vlint tilts fttil br lore;" l'hO.Other'ftill of woe.; ' ";:' -.-• ,one With' the light;; With the sotiring,of 'the One felt'it - eie:i•Y night, " For his soul was over dark, 1; Ono heart was kard,as fi f, Ono heart wat:evet gay; kr! i k Ono worked with many a groan, One whistled all the day. On& had allower;ciail cot, merry rill ; Nilifo and:children near the spot , Made it sweeter, fairer still. " , OnOn'wbotehed:hovol had; F,u11,,0f discord, dirt and io wonderhe seemed mad, Wife 'and children started within. Still they parked in the same field, Toiled on from day to day ; Both had the same hard labor, Loth had the Sallie small pay. But they worked nut with ono will; The reason let me loll: .bo! one drank at the still, ~ And:tho titheg - at; - th6 1-t'4 Y," ;•:3 40i0allattrOu Nradutly. For URI Agitator.] . A Leaf frtun Rachel's Journal. 2d, Welt:look 1?.111.----"Well,:here ithl .14 : J11431 4 . kWitiOled ; 4l,._the "spare room of ann t•E'Sther''s is MY' lirge 'Visit to the country since 1 was a child, and already I feel 'invigorated by the fresh , mountain Tell -about, city sights; "Avhy, - I think there arc its,hiany novelties in the coun try as in the city. And uncle John and aunt Esther, how kind, generous, and good they are! Honesty is written as plainly on un cle John's face as if placed there with .ipdeli „hilt Aunt • Ei3thergave - rife'such a mother ly kiss when she showed me up to this neat little room and-bade me good night,. that I could have .cried.- It was so' dif ferent from the - "aPistooratic affection" I receive at home. Mother felt deeply hurt when I declared my intention of coming ; here, instead, of Bpendiitg. the summer with her and my sisters at Sar atoga. She wanted to know what I could 011(0 titvresting In my plain coun try relations had the dull, stupid life they led on a farm, but she consoled heii-.elf by adding that I always was gllver and odd, that she was not in the least surprised at my preparing to do as' rttiti, as she presumed I would enjoy NitLitig quietly down with uncle and aunt tar better than the excitement of the mosthrilliant hall ,of-tlMpeasOn. , 11; - -my stately Mother-I , does there ever come a time when there steals.into your heart a wish for rest? Do you never stop to think what a vain; foolish, hollow world this is? It was :About four o'clock this •afternoon when I stepped from the dusty ears on to the-platform of the:little'depot where; I was net by uncle John, who, -titter giving me, a hearty: welcome ; said : "The baggy is around this side. "You look tired, Rachel, and it is a. long drive lioniti, so we had better hur ry, Esther he looking for us." i followed him around the corner of the depot- to where a gray horse and a low, little old-fashioned buggy stood waiting. "We're plain old-fashioned people" said uncle Min as lie helped me in and unhitched thejlope,,--"Yett: won't ;things here‘c'as they* fug In yotW:city, honcie, but it, you:kinf ptit tip :witif our ways and manners, and try to be 'ippy, : we will be = satisfied ; but Rachel dear, , I'm afraid you hinirfesick:" .Not`at replied liitughipg,' 'but Pfri. afraid you Willtire of auswering"alf ply foolish questions about things in the country, us I know little or nothing about farming. Get lonesome, indeed! - why I shall have every nook and cor ner of the farm explored before to-mor-. row night! ' "Not much like her mother," I heard uncle John say in a low tone. Up and down long hills we rode,- the old gray horse keeping up the same gentle pace past woods, • farin liouses, nieadows and stumps. , - As for me, I sat, lookingat every thing with interest, enjoying the ride vastly.; At last uncle Joliu broke the silence' by paying: . . ' -" 1 . 1 . 1 A 8 There, is the T looked 'w'6stward'iti the direction ha !diluted, a1..1 . 1154 t.WO or threo'nwadows and 4aNv partly hidden by a clump of lreft.s, a low roofcd, rambling - old farm.' house, while stretelling oil either 8111 e \vert• the broad avres of nuelc John's farto. The4ttulight played upon I lie tops or the" tfe - 69 . ,?Nd rested upon the old sloop, while up the meadows came the . :4mell of new mown hay. ~- ;=-: ~. `,Clow pleas:mil,' .1 exellilmed, as,a,turn in I lie road gave iilf4 a better 1100 l; of bride stole into the honest, f: we of uncle 'John as he replied , — I "Do you really thinK ' '" `Ws, - indeed, - uncle i siind • Ultiliew Anil never. get;lonely here', or wish my self hack in the city.' We drove up to Ihe gate, and before f had scarcely touehed the gt'ound aunt. Ili4thei' i.aught. ine In her :thus. "You dear child, how tired you lookl• Come right into the house," and before I could realize it, I was seated in a largo rocking chair in the pleasant little sit ting room. '.After.stiPpeil - Wanted to,explore the house and garden, but auntie insisted that I should do nothing of the kind; but wait until to-morroW, adding.with her pleasant stnile—"ltachel, child; you are very tired, a good night's rest will do you good. Come, I will show you your .rnottl." . . • And what a cozy room this is to be sure!' The faint evening breeze blows the white muslin. curtains to and fro.— Every thin;; is so plain, yet so faultless ly 'neat. I wonder who picked 'these dowers, roses, tiger lilies, pansies, .sweet peaS, and clover; probably would cost about one-fifth as much as some of the bouquet's given me in the city; yet, I would not exchange these few situ pie Bowers, for the rarest of our city bouquets. YeS, aunt Esther. was right. I am tired. One thing is .certain, I know I shall enjoy my visit here hugely. August leg'," was awakened this morning about 6 o'clock, by a sound 'that seemed as though everything on the farm, was trying to see how much noise could be made. The busy hum of the city was no where in comparison. The 'sentid of pigs squealing; dogs harking, calves bleating, turkeys gob lins., Came intermingled with the faiut peep of chickens, followed by the dis tressed -duck. of the mother, - 4hilo from under my very window, came the_ uniphant cad* of a hen. I had often imagined how pleasant , it must be to wake up•in the country on a beautiful summer morning, and hear the dear lit- Ma IMI=II= 9 THE ~PWO wtitntiD S: +i: i WELLSBORO, PA., A.VGU - ST 18„ 1869. :tle allAt ,ed of such a hubbub as now greeted my .ears. iiiose'ajid •ThastilY:Aretaed - myself and got down stairs just as aunt Esther was Tinging the bell for breakfast. Coffee, bread and butter, boiled pota-:. toes titatt•ifila:l9 - 11t, - pc , r4Po l43l 4 —, our breakfast this morning; and here let me add, I don'thelieve I ever ate lleart ier in my , life; zAfter , -the meal was fin ished, I, bound to spe•all that was going oh; folloiv6d l auntie - into' the milking .yard. After, watching her witha great deal of curiosity, ns'she'milked , onecow . after another, took _and , - §ald, goihg to . milk.'.,,, : • Thu c0w,,,1; eat', dOiVfi - Aci ,111,ned:_ber Bead toward me, and with her , two-great o -gfeat ay es,gave men mosteontemptuous • while raising her foot she •gaveme, the milk pail and milkstool, a most de chledtkick, : ;• 1 , • thelhatter With ifer-uncle?' As •secin 'as" 'he„cOnld stot)l4ugilifig, he rbrilied "You got'ori thq side of her." ,• )Oh•P - and amidst ,thp•generul laugh ter.,L.inade• tuy.eseape into the house, with my mind fully made up to make friends us' soon asliossible With•• dignant tow, and - at!'some , ,futhre time to milk her. •• How busy they haveall been to-day— all except me. I haye had alLfI could dole doOk i ?,nn -41 id 400 my adventure withstlieleoW, Spent nearly all the morning at the window watch ing the .haymakers in the field oppo site. How, cheerful the clicking of the mowing machine sounds. With, what rapiclity,thp;ineu: put upthe,bay;L : and hoW nice the hay-Stacks - leek When completed ! afternoon_ I have been following "brit Esther- around the bowie watching' her,Make bread; Churn, and wash dislit4.- - :-PoorivOnita - .1. think she would'getttred- --- Mid siek so kneli work ;, but slip; rather seems to enjoy it, or at, least, her face always wears the same pleasant smile. ' 'Where are you going?' I said to un cle, when he came into the house about five c.)!Oick (WA fteritoon: - .: ; ' "Only after'the - enws." 'Wliere do yen have to go?' I asked. "Up to the Woods' s ". he replied. 'Ol,, let me go!' I. exclaimed eagerly. "Well, go along." So donning tient -Esther's large su,n-, bonnet; I started. -After going thro' a great deal, of tall grass, and Climbing a great'inany high rail fences, r, found myself in the woods. In vain did I call both loud and'softy but no coW made its appearance. After wandering around the woods for some time, I at length had the good luck to fin them quietly eating away as though nothing had happened. Wiiat,te do next, 1 did not know. Here Were thirty cows and each - one wanted to go in ,a difrerent di rection.' "At last after a great many in sane lookifiggestures, at'ewStones, and a great deal of scolding, I made them understand that the most direct route for the milking yard Was the one I wanted them to take. For a moment they - stood looking at each other, and then!ran like deer down the long hill. It is evening, and at last all is quiet and still in the old farm-house-1 Out side the stars are shining _brightly, in the sky, while the "loon-beams fall through the open window into myrooni. How - calm null Mien - litho in the moonlight! It must be getting late, so my dear journal good night. , Why : Do Not Our Teeth Last 'Our 'Life . time '1 Thai- they are made:'perfect, • if:tlie right materials are furnished, -there cannot be a doubt. ,But are the necessary elements fur nished to children as they are the young of other animals? And do ,we not subject our teeth to deleterious in fluences from which animals that obey their natural instinct are exempt. The former young of other- animals, while dependent on the mother, get lime, and phosphorus, and potash, and silex, -and all .the other elements of - which the teeth are composed, from the blood or milk of the mother, and she gets them from the food which Nature 'provides, containing these elements in their natural proportions. ' • But where' can the child in its form-. ing state get'these-,necessary elements, whose mother 'lives chiefly on starch, and Witter, and sugar, neither of which contains a particle of lime, phosphorus, potash or silex ? She makes teeth as glass is linade, by combining the ele ments which compose them according to her o . wn , chemical principles. And this illustration is the more forcible be cause the composition of the enamel of the teeth airth of &SA' is very nearly identical; both, at least, requiring -the 'Combination of silex with some alkal line principle. • If, then, the mother of an unborn or .nursing infant lives on white brcad anti butter, pastry tind confectionery; which contain no silex, and verylittle of the of her elements which compose tliq teeth, liothing s ort of a miracle can give her a child with good teeth, and especially with teeth , ell enameled._ But whall articles of food will make good teetlfi'? Eloqd, milk will .make good teeth, Tor it Makes them for calves. (lood meat will nirike good teeth, tor it Makes them for li ns and wolves. Good Vegetables and fro its will mak 3 good teeth, for they nut - e them for menkeys. thioil corn, oats, barley, wheat, rye, and, indeed,' everything. that 'grows, -will make good tkith,lf eaten in their natural state, no elements being taken oat; for horses, . COW:4, sheep, or some ,other aniinal. ,But starch, sugar, lard, "or hinter will not make good teetlf.— lam tried them all. with your child's .first_te,eth, and failed; and your neigh bors have tried them, and indeed all 'Christendom has tried them, and the -result is that a man or woman at forty ;with good, sound. teeth is a very rare exception: 1.13 r. A. J. Bellows. ANOTHER SKUNK STORY.—The Grant Co. 'Witness gets off, the best skunk story of the season : The " other day a couple of - German women were walking along the road some four or five miles south of Platte ville, when they came across what they supposed to be a very handsome kitten. Being in want ofmuch an animal one of them caught it and carried it in her apron until she procured a sack from elle of the neighbors to take it home in. It was -scoured in the sack, and they walked'off gaily pleased with their ac quisition. Before theY had .gone very far one of then? snuffed around and asked, " Vas riecht so?" ' The other " Telt weis nicht. Veilich ist es die grass." 4 .` Nein," said the other, " Dtis ktut ts muss,die katz in sack sein. SehmeiSs doch des ein felling ding awoc." But the. other persisted in holding on to her treasure until they got home, when the hus band of one of them promptly des patched the animal with a club. The women said they never before came across n cat with stich a had breath. Said Lord Russel to Mr. Hume, at a social dinner, " What do you consider the ohjeet of egislation ?" " The great est -good to the greatest Iftuner." " What. do you consider the greatest, mnriber?" • continued his lordship.' " Number one," was the commoner's reply., . • 4 " POOR` WHITE" AT "HOME; .-- A Forrespendent Of the Boston Tray alcr: describes an adventure he met ,with swan old log hut into - Which lie turned to rest from the heat when on a iecent.viSit Chattanooga. Th e. but Was occupied by a thin, tall cwoman, about forty years of age, small 'of about the.same age, and a little boy of ten -yeitrSi: All ;three-were the'. dirt 'lest, ragged*, filthiest persons we ev mherireatrisntaenw:ll,:oratlitu4rp,tleof eorgi a.' The old we alreuekju g spuff-daubed rag, in and snuffing the same nasty . her: hose: The 'old% man's - chin and griOy:Whiskers were dripping with tot acce juice, his feet were bare, :and on his head a remnant of faded hat, while with the old pipe „in his mouth, , his general appearanc6:kave us a good person ification of indolence and poverty. The little boy seemed to have inherited 'all the characteristics of. them both, Which, together with an acquired taste ' for swearing and kicking hjs mother, made- MaSter o( ; the 'When we'rt ped-at this the`ilittie boy ran to the door before his lazy an ' cestor could muster sufficient &enrage to rise; and kicking-our shins, dethanded 'if we didn't know better jtltan to be around a getumen's house milking sick a cussed row.' The- old Man ,came, however, acct by means of sundry kicks and cull's succeeded in quieting the hu man animal, and at once invited us in. ' Do you live here?' inquired we, for want of anything else to say. Muir Ole °Milan - and I mauige ter stop here,' said the man ; ony here, he's kind o' unsettled. Bill is kind o' rude sometimes ; sea I ter ther•oloPdiaan day; We: nitistiVt; lick 11111 as we would a Hugger, and sea site ter me, I don't think J would nutti er. Ho we don't.' - • The conversation then turned upon • the weather and several topics, and 11- nally we asked him what he managed :to do for a living. Der,' said he, 1 1 first works round, glis,u few , ijollars hunting or Viggin tti wnilikVattil Ihenil Quills hunt to ole oonm, and ses I ter her, lets 'joy it, and so we 'joy it. If Bill wasn't un settled, wede be putty good situated.— But the cussed Some are leaving or clyin' off, and Seine on us are getting fraid get starved out sum day.' : , `I should think that you would get a better living if the negroes - were all gone,' paid we. , - ' The' niggers have idlers dun the dirty work, and all titer littiu and sich, which as the white folks of my persuapion arnt able to do, and wouldn't do if, they, cood t The. , niggers were made ler' wait 'on the White folks, an I'de like ter know what in the devil they would dolt' they didn't look after white folks. They haint got nothing. If the Yankees are going ,to free them and mrry them all oil to Lobeli or Lo belia or kimpowb4r,,4 be.dommed if I'll ever-du' Mitifer . 'scrateh 6' work. Be sidesi, the ole oonian is of the same Omt ion; iind - rde just" lure ter know - what iu erclaahilit the gevern men t 'lido then.' The negrops are free now,' said we", and over •twelyn hundred thousand . have died off f 3 inee'the war.' He started to his feet in astonishment at the news, exelaimedy "The that so, stranger ?' ne; lining - pas pipe and putting in a fresh quid, I dun now as I care for the folks down at the salt water, as long as ther - folks round here don't git white men like me ter deWin nigger's work.' Do;you own this land around here ?' inquhed we, glancing out of the door. lot,' ito,' said he, apparently astonished at the question, this land an' casin alters belonged to Col. Bill ins,- ou'y I've lived in this place ser long he sea ter me Vother day, says he, Mr. Fader, yer needn't never, move.' So no‘i I 'joy life.' I I I should think since the War it would be hard to get a comfortable living,' said we @EMI No trouble 'tall, none 'tall. The ole Doman and I and Bill, we eat taters, mostly, unless corn be bandy ; and we does it .ust to bring up Bill ter be inde pendent: A man ken live on a mighty little of he jist sets 'bout it. I think more of my terbacker than anything otherwiiie, and sodoes tho'old ooman.— So we jist 'joys \Vero you in the army ?' returned we. ` Ler', )10. T tjoyed life ter hium. 7 - Sides, then I did talk of goin, Billins sic! as 'may be Pd have ter tight 'lon or nlggens, and I never, could he lower myielf to that, no how.' You waild have joined the North er had it not been for the negroes, ‘vould s.pu' asked we. Not by a . d—d sight! Jine the Yan kees !' exclaimed he, excitedly., Me! a Southend., born hi Marion county, Georgia, bud brotight up with 'ligeous principles! I'ut me on a level with Yankees And niggers, n'ly cum ler be a slave ! That's a sinuation, sir, again in3l character'. I'd like ter know how in tte devil you (lard cum inter ai gemnian's house awl sinuate again his: honor as a gem man ?I allers defends: my honot with Any life, der yer know that?' I did n• - it intend' to offend you, sir, although I. ant not afraid of a dozen such wht.elivered ragnmffins as you are,' said ire. (A little like brag when taken in the light of subsequent events.) This win too much for the whole fam ily, and with one accord they arose to attack us:, The 'old man made'for the gun which hang on the hooks over the ,back door, the old woman yelling, Oh, you I.ld aid coward,' seized the iron shovel Iron the fire-place, and the.hoy rushed up aud began to kick at us. In suet, a predicament, we were-not a little pwzled to know what to do.— There was only one room in that hut, and the only way out of that was to pass the than with the gun. ' Give rte my powder and shot, ole °email,' shouted the man. Ole (141 Is gewin to salt yer, yer d—d lo width nigger,' shouted the son. But thinking discretion in this in stance to be the better part of valor, we marched by the old man, telling the old n:an he need ,not lead the gun for us ; and left the excited Chevalier's family all gazing out of the door after us, and shouting, You're a coward! yer insult women and children ! yer darsen't fight at twelve paces !''&c., &c. We (regarded the ignorant, to baceo worAhipping poor whites' as lit tle better than , wild beasts, and felt easier when their hut was out of sight,• as we should have felt had it been a tiger's deli we had entered unarmed, instead of a human dwelling. What ever ridicule we may incur for permitt ing the representative of the Traveler to be so easily defeated we do not know; but we have the satisfaction of knowing that the; retreat was conducted in a more masterly manner than many ret rograde movements of the War, for which the commanding generals of the army claimed high honors., In one of our large cities, a short time age, a , l)'estern editor was met by a friend, who, taking him by the hand exclaimed ; "I am delighted to . see yon. How.long are you going to stay ?' " Why, I ,think," said the editor, " I shall stay while my money lasts." " How disappointed I am," said the friend ; "I hoped you were going to stay a day or two.” THE LEGACY HUNTERS. BY JUDOIi CLARK. 1 Abigail' It was Varley's - threescore and tenth- birthday'. She was a rich widow, childless, with no known rela tion save two gentlemen cousins. Never teas coasinly attachment more beautifully illustrated, or'cousinly jeal ousy less amiably exemplified, than the daily : Walk 140 conversation of these two .collateral kinsmen.' 'they bestowed so ranch ' affection' on- their common relative, that they had none left to waste between thqmselve,s.' Both were several yearkiyounge , than ,the lady, with a fair prospect, according• to the life tables apd the Icourse of na ture., of, surviving. her ; how to sup 'plant each other in her will, which she had at laSt 'began 'to'talk' seriously' bf making; was this*•probletif which at :pres'eut engaged their attention, •, (holm ,morning in question, when censhiltdger called to-wislicousiiiikbi 'gall the usual "many happy 'returns," he was not a little, chagrined: to find cousin Dick there before- him. Like :uncle . Ptimblebeek, however, he :pre sented hisantivalßift, and went through 'his annual 'speech without • missing . a -word; and seeing ',cabby, the cousinly cat, : perched snugly on his knee, !by way Of not being outdone in &Mainly .attention',- he took , nP. , Pompey,* the ,eousinly poodle, though 'dogs were his 'abomination, and he had a perfect her rot. of " Well, cousin Abigail, • I hope your health,- continues good," ;said = cousin Roger, , patting -Pompey's, head, and, ;daubing suspiciously at cousin Dick, 'Whom he devoutly wished 'at Jericho. "Not so good latterly as it has been. The feet is," thy old lady con tinned, •".I have been thinking seriously of sending for Mr. Barker, with a view to settling my Worldly allitirs without delay." "Oh I, there is no need of haste; cou sin," broke in Dick; "you have, many years before you yet ;" mentally adding, "What has induced the old hinny to put it oir so Ring 7" - "Well, well, l suppose there's no hurry - about • acquiesced cousin Abigail.' • '"Aild yet Cousin, Roger ventured to hint, "it-is always well to be prepared ; none of ps Vail tell the minute or the hour,you know." • "And after all calling in a lawyer is not so serious a matter us calling in a doctor," said cousin Dick, facetiously. "Voris any one more apt to die for having made one's will," chirOd in cousin Roger. The conversation was interrupted by the entrance of a young and beautiful girl, at ,Thom cousin Dick started with a surprised and troubled look. "Pardon me, madam," she said in a voice' remarkably sweet and gentle; "not knowing you were engaged, I see if you wished me, as usual, to; you to day." "PreScotty, dear," Mrs. Varley an swered in a , tone that plainly hinted lier.visitors would not be prossod to stay if they offered to go. Atter an awkward pause, the two cousins took their departure together. "Who is that girl'," .inquired Roger as soon as they reached the street. "Yeti may well ask!" said 'cousin and stooping., he whispered softie thing in lsia companiou 's ear, at which the latter started sudde ily. "Good heaven I the resemblance is certainly striking, But what is to be done? Do you think the old—cousin Abigail, I mean, suspects anythibg:"' "Not yet, I think ; but no time is to be lost.' I have a plan which it would be well for us to talk together;" and the two hurried rapidly along. Mrs.! Varley had occasionally found time hang heavy on her hands, and so had advertisedfor a suitable person to fill the post of- companion to an aged lady. it was thus that Hester Darling had become an inmate of the house. At as early an hour as was seemly on the morning following that on . which we introduced them to the reader, Roger and Dick again presented them selves before their cousin. "We have thoughtito,urduty, cousin," began Dick. "Our bounden duty," put in Roger. "As painful as_it is imperative," Dick continued. "To put you on your guard," Roger added. "Against a deceitful and designing person," exclaimed Dick. "Who is no better than she should be!" shouted Roger, red with indigna tion, • "Upon my word, cousins, I don't comprehend a syllable you've uttered," said Mrs. Varley, "nor shall I be likely to, if you both keep talking at once. Come, Dick,' you, seem least excited; what is the meaning of all this?" "What means, inay I venture to ask," said Dick, "did you take to ascertain the character and antecedents of 'the young woman at present sheltered be neath yoti roof P' "Why, none," replied the good lady. "Her youbg and int th fill face was recom mendation enough on which to give her a trial." I "We hide ,ascertained her to lie a n l iost vile and abandoned creature," proceeded Dick, "and have deemed it proper;at 011eV, to apprise you of the discovery. Should she deny the aced sation, we are,prepared with abundant proofs." And the two cousins took their leave with an air of virtue as exalted at that of the two elders of whom we read in the "Story of Susannah." Mrs. Varley Was a lady of the strict est propriety and severest morals. Much as she pitied the poor mid friendless girl, site Mast be promptly freed from this foul and dreadful charge, or cross tier threshold never-to return. Slid went directly to Hester's "You must tell me your past history, child," said Mrs. Vat'ley, in a deter mined but not unkindly tone. "Oh! madam, I pray you pardon me, but I cannot, cannot tell it." I "l'hen it has been ono of shame and guilt." "For a time of shame, madana," an swered the young girl, with flushed cheek. "but vever of guilt." \\That was it that caused Mrs. Varley to start so suddenly, and, stagger half fainting to a seat at Ilester's dressing table? "Who—whose likeness is that?" she exclaimed, in a scarce articulate VOiep , , pointing to an onen . miniature on the table. "My mother's," Hester answered. "Then you are Florence Martin's childl" "Thatwas i n deed my mother's name." "More, you are the daughter of my only brother, George Haywood, for Florence Marvin was hjs wife!" With a stilled cry, site who had be lieved herself lOne and friendless in the world fell on her kinswomah's neck., and wept tears ar sorrow. Her story, which Hester had refused to confide to a stranger's ears, she now felt she had no longer a right to with hold. That her mother had married in oppo sition to her father's wishes:and bad been disinherited in consequence, was already known to Abigail VaricY ; but the distant spot he had selected for his home, and what befell him there she had never learned. The story was sad enough. After a felt/ toilsome but not unhappy years, for they were spent in the loved societyof his wife and child, a dire ca lamity I had fallen upon George Hay wood. Ire came under suspicion of a fearful crime. A network of circum stances too intricate • for man's wit to untangle environed hitn, i and. 'he was condemned to die. The stern judgment was carried into effect, and the executed murderer's despised widow sought con cealment for he4ielf and child in a Change of placeland name. Long, long years afterwatds the truth was dis covered, but the judicial, murder had passed among the thirigS irrevocable. The poor t - widow. died at last—died broken-hearted, but with one consola tion ; she had lived to see her husband's innocence - vindicated:` • "And this, - my .poor child,. is the shame of which you spoke." ; • "My life has known nd - Othei'." • Not many. days after, Hester was sent to one of the first seminaries in the land, for she had yet tune enough to avail Herself of opportunities ofjeultnre hith erto beyond 'her reach. Her aunt and she kept their own counsel." Cousin's town. and Dick only know that the bject of their solicitude had die-appear ti, and probably cOngratulated' theth -elves on the success of their virtuous Stratagem. . After a time Mr. Parker, Consin'Abi gail's lawyer, Was' sent , for; ands after that the good lady seemed wonderfully revived in health and spirits.' At her next birthday the prospect of "many happy, returns" produced anything but a happy effect on the two expectant cousins, who began t 6 think that, after :all, the life tables might' not be infalli ble. . . But her time came at last; and with in a decent peeled after the sad exi,ent, 'cot - Bins Roger and Dick were duly sum moiled to attend the reading of Al4gail Varley's will. , .. . i 4 They were a good deal startled at the sight of their fold enemy, the strange girl. • , . - - Pooi: Tabby , as if seeking consolation 'in her bereas' nent, - leaped upon the knee of friend U:k,,. who stroked her hack patliet lea Ily, but a little nervouSly. () Pompey, who took things more philo sophically, stretched himself out for a snooze at the feet of Roger. Mr. Parker, drawing from his pocket the document, proceeded to read it. The introduction was long and formal. But hark ! there's something com ing now : , "To my cousin, Richard' Figgins- 77 Richard looked at Roger with the tri umph of Vii. prize-fighter who has drawn first blood. giVe and bequeath—" You could have heard' both their hearts beat. —"ln consideration of the .haturid love and affection 'which hltve long 'observed between them—" • Dick looked Nuzzled. —"My favorite Cat Tabby—' ' ,Dick gave Tabby a'furious st ko the wrong way. —"And no ino,:o of my eslatc—." With a icing that betokened a -most empliatlie rentineiation of the legacy, Tabby 'Ois sent mewing and spitting to the farthest cOrner of the room. "To my cousin, Roger Smith—" wastßoger's turn to triumph. —"I n consideration of the like natural love and affection—" . .Qick begin to feel susimetous. —"Lciave and bre - in eath my dog POlll - WO more of my estate." With a violent kick Pompey was sent spinning alter the cat, and the fear of her win, had so long kept the peace be tween them being no longer before their eyes, the pent-up enmity of years fimnd 'vent uproarious' tight, in the noise of which the voice of the old law yer wits almost drowned ; but the words, "rest and residue of my estate—nieee, Hester Haywood," • were sufficiently audible, and cousin Dick and Roger staid to hear no more. - ABOUT BABI . IES.—In one of our'street ears of the metropolis, a few evenings sidee was a lady-with a baby. One of the blue eyed, crowing, happy babies, disarranging its white robes and rumbling its blue ribbons with all the abandon of . a baby that is secure in every fresh supplies both of love and clothes. 'The mother was evidently a stranger to the other ladies in the car ; yet all smiled when they looked in her direction, and many of theit spoke to her and seemed to love her fo the sake of the beautiful child., No hinder blessing wits ever bestowed than that in the close of Fanny Fern'S letter to the then "newly-married" Princess Royal of Tilngland ; "And when brightest, of. all others,-the crown of maternity shall descend upon your youthful brow God grant you that ni cest of all places on earth , to cry in—a mother's bosom !" Yet while in •the instinct, of maternity is peculiar to Women, and marks her sex more plainly than vounded limbs and'gentle manners, it 1.4 not t"votnan and girls alone that the i love, of babies is eon fined• lt was once the lot of the writer to dwell in the white tents* Camp Har rison 111 Georgia, in thelower part of the Slate where fatnilies rre always far between, and Much moth so in war times. For long weeks Iwo had not seen a woman of''q (711ild: At last the railroad through the camp was repaired, t and in the first train `there was a lady, and just such 'a wide --awake, kicking baby as the latter one Oahe metropolis. Some hundreds of tough soldiers were around the ears, and Captain Story, of the fifty seventh infantry, was the biggest and roughest among them, if we judge the tree by its bark. The lady with the babpin her arms was lookihg from the window' and he took of his hat and said, "Madam I will give you live dollars, if you will let me kiss that baby." one look at his bear ded face, told her there was nothing bad in it, and saying with a pleasant laugh, "I do not charge anything for kissing my Baby," it was, handed over.. The little one was not afraid, and the bushy ' whiskers, an eighth of nit ell in leilgth, were just the play-house it had been looking fur. More thau• one k6s (lid the captain get from the little red lips, and there was - energy in the hug, 'of the little round arms. The other voices said, "Pass lion over here, Cap!" and before the train was ready to move; 'half a hundred men had kissed the baby. It was on its best behavior, and kicked, and crowed, and tugged at. the whis kers as only a happy baby can. It."'" an event of the campaign and oneglant of a mountaineer, who strode Past " 8 with tread like a mammoth, but with tear dimmed eyes and loive rin g said, ' , By G eorg e, it m akes me feel and act like a fool; but got one just like it at home." Other kinds have owned the power of this y oun g immortality, and the Hin doo hail:4 the little 'stranger with these wort's. "Young child, as thou bast en tered the world in tears when all around thee smiles so live as to leave the world in smiles while all around thee weep,— Applcion's Journal. 011AUACTER which. combines the love of enjoyment with the love of duty and the ability to perform it, is the one whose unfoldings give the greatest promise of perfection. ' 'JOBBING* DEPARTRIENT, • Thaproprietor.shayeitookedth6stabliabme with a now a Tarn assortment of and are prepared to execute neatlyarA promptly POSTERS, HANDBILLS, OIROIIIIARS, BITL HEADS, CARDS, P.AIIPIILETS, &v Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, and a full assortment of Constables' and Justices' Blanks on band. People living at a distance can dependon hav ing their work done promptly and ant back is return mail. NO. 33. We have received a Jolly letter from our correspondent "BA,conus," who has been '"camping out" , in the happy hun ting grounds of Tioga County, Pennsyl vania, which we venture to publish : DEAR J. B.: I ought to have written lontree t tp—"ll own it, ,I condemn it, I deplore:it." But, on slinging ink I am a coinplete Shaker; I Can't write unless She spirit moves, and the spirit moves more quickly when 'stirred a little in the direction of hunting or fishing. k l , Egor, you been. will understand, I have "`on the c ek." - There was a party of four: Cap en Niles, Bush, Derby, and thy serva t—him, of many, tlrods and much rifle.(?) Went by the Marsh road, and the par y dropped me. at Canada itun, where we had alight Skiff', which I WaS expected to run from there to muskrat Eddy on Pine Creek. I did it-. ' I could have . done it much 'easier had • water been. plentier--or at least more evenly distributed, with, less ob structions in the shape of ripples, bars, eh lotus, old logs, snags, roots blown doWn trees, etc. As the water was not in navigable shape, it would have im- - proved the thing to have diluted It slightly with Bourbon; a little—even a half pint—would have been equal to a steam scow on obstructions. It was an. Oversight ou the part of my friends, for which they , made amends When I ran into them, seven miles, lower down. We came at "the Eddy," andl assure you we had the whole thing to our,- selves :---didn't hear a civilized • sound while we worethere. How is it that every fellow who goes into camp with me, makes a dead set at me on rigging? The way that party picked at me was awful, and I had n't "done nothin"—to speak of yet, they just made a dead set at me until bed time 'each night. All accidents 'in camp are on my head by common con sent. If a fellow gets tight, and a brand rolls down and blisters his toes while he is sleeping it off; if another chap reduceS himself to temporary blindness 'through mixing his percussion-caps-and -promiscuously-Eureka-smoking-tobac ee, its me that did it! "whereas, I was the man's best friend, and helped him with the sweat of my brow till it poured clown like rain." (,Rogue.Riderhood.) Well, we had a jovial time of it, and the hardest part was the leaving, get ting back . to the clearings and settling to the treadmill again. There was one little' incident that made the camp'lively for a time: a fine doe came down the Eddy runway and dashed' across the stream within easy pistol shot. , The' creek was high from the late rains—the doe was just scared enough to run, and she made running that was just poetry—the " poetry of motion ;" there wasn't a thing in camp ,that would shoot (pistols there were, but of the other kind.) Then , there caihe down the mountain two spotted hounds, making strange cries that were hard to understand, 'until they swam across, and we saw that their heads were, just stuck full of porcupine quills, inside and out; their tongues, lips, and. even throats were filled like a brush ; yet, poor devils, they hung to the track, and it was with difficulty we caught them. We tied them and hold a con sultation on the state of affairs, where in it was decided that a party of hunt ers could do no less than oiler all the aid in their power to a good hound in dis tress. We adjourned fishing, made two pairs of wooden pincers, led out and gigged a long-eared miserable; elected Derhy dog-holder and BUsh general liottle 7 holder and - referee, while the Captain and I were to do the heavy pulling. It was an afternoon's job, but two good hounds UM were doomed tog death of torture without sudden help, are now in running condition and well calculated to enjoy canine felicity.. Ferowell to the camp on the Limits of the Eddy, Where We frightened the herons with laughter and song. Our skiff is haul9d up and the knapsacks aro ready, The whisky runs short—and the journey is long! Fa'rowell to the spot t i vhere the doe came to water., And crossed us in 'camp with the speed of the wind (If I wanted to lie I would that we shot her,) Farewell to the houtida that came yelping he hind. Tho Captain complains That it constantly rains, And swears ho prefers a secession attack; For each•theuniatic pain • Makes it hard t 6 abstain From crooking Lis elbow•to straighten his back! —Catskill Recorder.. A HUMAN BODY AND THU. HOUR pr DAY.—Seat yourself at a table. At tach a piece of metal (say a shilling) to' a thread. Having placed your.elbow on a table, hold thelthread between the points of the thimib and forefinger, anti allow the shilling to bang in the centre of a glass tumbler.. The pulse will im mediately ttause the shilling to vibrate like a pendulum, and the vibrations will increase until the . shilling strikes the sides of the glziss ;' and suppose the time of the experiment be at the hour of 7, or half past 7, the pendulum will sirike the glass seven times, and then lose its momentum . and return to the centre ; if you hold tbe thread a sutli eient length of time, the effect will ye repeated; but not until a sufficient length of time has elapsed to convince you that the experiment is complete.— We need not add that the thread must be held with a steady hand, otherwise the vibrating motion would be contrac ted. At whatever hour of tho day or night the experiment is made, the coin cidence will be the same. JOB ,AND CARD,i I'YPE AND PAST PRESSES, Life in the Woods DULYING A YOUNG ilonsE..—ln teach ing a young horse to drive well, do not hurry to see how fast he can go. Keep each pace clear and distinct from the other, that in walking make him walk and do not allow him to trot.— While trotting, be equally careful that lie keeps steady at his pace, and do not allow him to slack into a walk. , The reins while driving, should, be sung; and when pushed to the :top of his speed keep him well in hand that he may learn to bear upon the bit, sa that when going at a high rate of speed he can be held at his pace,-hut do not al low him to pull too bard, for it is not only unpleasant, but makes it often dif ficult to manage him. - " Friend Mallaby, I am pleased thtft thee has got spell a line organ in thy church." " But," said the clergyman, I - though you were strongly opposed to having an or fan in a church', Sol 1111), said'Obadia I, but then it' thee will worship the .1., r i d with machinery, I would like thee 10 have a ti'rst-rate in strument. . -" Why doctor," said a sick lady*,' you give me the same medicineyo are giv ing my husband. How is that ?' - "All - right," replied the doctor; " what, is sauce for the _gander is - sauce for the goose." A disagreeable man down east says he believes in the woman's movement— on washing day, —Of small marketable value—the first hops of the P,ens;on. —Just the pudding for base ball play ers—a batter. —What people love home-made bread? Homebred people.