1101 E MATTERS. WEDNESDAY, AUG. 11, 1869 New A.dvertisementt To Bridge • Patent Roofing—blues IVingate. Welisboro Cotneterotice. In Divoreb—lngalls. House and lot for Bale—J: N. Bixby Sheriff's Salos.t- RELIGIOUS.—Rev. Dr. N. W. Miner, of Springfield, 111., will preach in the Baptist Ball on Sunday morning next, at the usual hour. REMOVED.—CIay King has removed his Art Galler4 to tho floor over Roberts' & ery's Hardware attire, where he has hest tilted np Gallery. with ekylip,ht anti Ober imp4ovemente. Mr. Etz of Elmira. is operating for Mr:King. CONFIRMATION.—BifiIinp Stevens will administer the Holy Rite of Confirmation, (the Lord willing,) and preach ill St.-Paul's Church, at thta usual h+. of Morning Prgyer, on Sunday the Oth inst„ and Will preachialsa in the eve . DM ACCIDENT.—WhiIe Messrs. Steinman n and Focht wore painting the coiling of the M. E. Church, last Saturday, the scaffolding fill flinging Mr. Focht to the floor and jarring him severely - . Mr. Steinmann cat m on a hammer he and e4sed himself. little more care, gentlemen. Pic-Nics.—Mrs.'Bush gave her school of little folks a delightful pic-nio excursion on Saturday. There was a big load and. happy one. Her school closed with an -exhibition. on Friday. There ‘519 a largo pip-nie gathering on Hill's Creek, Charleston, on I Saturday, Mies. Close's wheel being the nucleus. It was a very agreea ble affair and largely attended. THE ECLIPSE came off as advertised, and somewhat to the disappointment of many, it was not - very dark. The evening was fine and the number of observers legion. Tho Barometer fell 7-100 of en 410; mad the •thermometer .10° vole the moment of beginning to the period of greatest obscuration. Tho fowls went to roost at 0.20. We noticed nothing else out of the com mon. The next "total dark" is - set down for the year 1000. Tjorin. BA?TWI AssociApmx.—The 2ith Annual Meeting of tjio Tioga .Asso ciation, will be held with the Sullivan Statedload Church on Wednesday and Thursday, the 25th and 26thinst., commencing at 10 o'clock A. M.— Rev. 'A. B. Chase preaching the opening ser mon. —Those indebted to the Building Fund will bear in mind, that lo entire subscription should be pig en or before ho above {Reefing. By or der of COMMITTEE. OBITUARY.—Thomas Mob tegue, well knowruin this region, died in the Co'linty House, Monday noon, August 2. Mr. M. was born in Woolwich, England, in the year 1787, and came to this country when a boy. For many years,he was an elder in the Freewill Baptist Church, and preached in this county. Ho was a singlehearted man, and never despondent even when poverty overtook and conquered the body. lie had no relatives in America. • C1141V: 4-- Ntr. 4111 h 'Wee, lately with, rsfathers; has purchased the Flour, Peed, and Pro. - Osier] store of Mr. M. B. Prince, in Mozart Block, If Mr. RiCe conducts business as honorably as his predecessor has done, and no doubt We will, he will deserve a null measure of success. --Mr. Ilenry Dorsey has sold his interest in the Barber Shop to Mr. Joseph Johnson, his partner. Mr. porspy lies been one of our most faithful and honorable bnsiness men, une uheres-- or he goes will deserve success. To Fittpmns,—.Mr.. D. G. Edwards, of f!barleston, informs nu that ho succeeds in rais ling excellent crops of wheat upon - lands from which a crop of hay has been-taken. 'lie cuts the grass early, and when the secolol l ;growth makes a good show, turns it under and leis ' it lio for a few days.. lie then top dre s ses the 4td and tows his wheat. tlf poprse thclapd foust he good to raise good crops of wheat. Mr. Edwards has juet harvested a field thus prepared, and promis . es to give us the result when the grain is 111CaS• ured. I= pERFoNAT 4 .—Ensign Niles, of the U. t. Navy, is visiting his friends in this village and neieinity, on short leave of absence. His vessel, tte Nip - sic, lets bean cruising in the West India asters, and is laid up in Washington for repairs. lle has lately received his promotion as Ensign. We congratulate him upon his promotion and prospects. —Mr. John Mothers, for several years a citizen of New Gridans, is on a visit to his partcnts and friends in this region. lie left Tiogn. a my and returns a man. No appearo not to have . been nt enmity with fortune. —C. S. Bundy, Eq., and family, of Richmond; Va., ara vibiting thciir relatives in this village. Mr. Bundy regards tho result of the -Virginia elution as a substaptial iatni.h. We believe he is V. S, District Attoincy at Itich :nowt. =ll=l my day," • i ifi au old gentleman to us the other day, "boys and girls acre more respectful and obedient to their partints than they aro nowadays." That is a true saying, doubtless, to a certain degree; and. still it is not impossible that there were ungrateful, disobedi ent Aildren half a century ago• Somewhere in a 0,4 k of recollection we find a true. story, which, if ifitten out, would rend no follow: 40ei fain man had three sons, the eldest of %Able was the apple of his eye and the delight of his heart. Not only the father and moiler, but the younger brothers also, enslaved themselvlN in various ways, that the journey of life might be made by the eldest son and brother without All through his tender youth!his eldest ton was petted, clothed in tine raimelit, fed on the best of everything, and watched as tenderly as an infant. The entire family acquiesced in the aggrandizement of tillg elder brother. The father was a farmer, a producer of butter, cheese, grain, and fruit on a large scale. lie, with the mother and the two younger sons, cleared up the land, plowed, sowed, planted, fenced, lined, 'and harvested—doing, in fact, ail the work. People who looked on said that four i people were working themselves to death that one might come into n big and valuable property. f n fact, when the el lest brother spoke at all, he spoke of the farm and its appurtenances, and the money at interest, as his own. Neither the parents nor the broth ers had said so much as that, to be sure ; but then, they had permitted the assumption -of the• elder brother to go unrebuked. The- n°401111,1., bad been scandalized from the beginning, and among themselves declared it an outrage. Mean while the elder brother went to market, ,olil, the produce, and received the money therefor, Scar in and year out ; and while lie himself set nied to want for nothing, the father Legato. 61111 cart at _the cad of each month that thc'elear profits would not keep the family in food „And clothing, the fano in good prder, and. pity the hired help. The eldest son kept the accounts; but r the old man nor the other boys kilLw much alijot L9oli-keeping,. They began toy,talk ahoy it among thernsel ye-a FAC:FEiOII , MYIIIOw(Ver, freely opined that "Jim," the elderit brother.; use gouging, somehow. And at elinholden6i hy Ncee:S, "Jim"-entered upon u system of c:)tro %gala expenditut es which threatened to put the )1l homestead under mortgage. Then the; pa- Oats and theymingeibrotbers consulted together, Ind after mature deliberation . yle , eided to do their own marketing for a season. This, Of course, involved taking the books anti / bank account "w 4 3. fir "Jim," who took itdat white heat of anger, refuted to give up anything, threatened to hum the l bouse over their heads. and otherwise 'eade himself conspicuous. Just hero happened 4 h trarige thing t 4s we before said, the neighbors had all along grumbled among themselves about the selfish extravagance of "Jim." But the I lattor was "wiser than the children of light," and had called in all the neighbors' ; boys, .and. treated them to all the good things and many bad thibgs, lent.them money, and generally Made himself agreeable. 'So, no w, ' w hen the father-and, !are* ers endeavored to resume their waived rights, all , of"Jitn's" 'boon companions rushed to the res.., cue, lawyers were employed; and oven old Willets, who had been claiming a rod wide and o mile long off the farm in dispute, Vbr a dozen years, took sides with "Jim." nut as tho latter WWI no "case," and the father held the title, it berme op-, parent that "aim" must budge, and Nail the old man in possession. That very night the bitildings on the farm were burned, and the worn 41t, fath er and mother were left houseless and !imless, the ungrateful son's extravaganees healing • in,. solved the property beyond reclamation. That is a sad history with , several "morals," Never carry a child over the rough places it' yoi; want him to learn to walk. Never "enslave font or a thousand people to enrich one man or woman. Never take anything for granted until it is proved. Never pamper child or nine, unless you • want to warm a serpent in your' bosom to' turn and sting you to death. MANSFIELD.—f 'ACClldellittl en . WO teS : In my items last week I forgot. to mention that Master Lyman Beach, son of Lyman Beach' Jr. of this Borough broke both bones of his, left fore-arm, jumping flout the ears at Canoe Camp Creek the 26th ult. . The arm is doing well. There are many boys "here, and all along this line of railroad, who ought to take warping, but I opine the lesson will pass unheeded. I The weather being wet, the ice•eream reception under the auspices of the Baptist church, was i.. held nut in order of programme, in the open air. An adjournment th the Odd Fellow's hall, being effected, the thing went off regardless of "we {king nature" to the tune of s27—Good 1 kce lit up ; the money is lent to mood purpose, and will return many fold, while WO have - the ice-eream and social enjoytnentas a present good. The walk in front of the grounds of the Bor ough school have been rebuilt. Ono more strip of walk on Sullivan street gentlemen. if you dense.' When... Mart King gets ready to give the data to work from, you may expect something about the enterprise he is engaged in. Don't thank the ildrertierr Correspondent forboing in a hurry to "spill oiler" every time ho hears a good thing, it is pure viciousness !putting his letters out bright and early en 11 - Ion:lay mornings, when they wouldn't spoil if kept until Thursday's isSun of the Big Daily from the "140." "The officers of New Hope Lodge of Good Templars are : W. C. T.—Frank Kirsch; V.-T. —Mat tie J. Palmer; A. Gaylord : S. R. ingsley ; Treasurer--Ella Shaw; Prof., Watson, Chaplain; Marshal—Geo. Davis; 1., G.' - -Eliza Show ; 0. (}.—George Sherwood; Fannie J. Voorhees, Lodge Deputy." , , KNo3c_vg,lE.—Que who signs hihisolf "all irregular correspondent," writes; " A few weeks ago our Borough had quite a thorough showing up by "Now and Then" nod I was right glad that some ono was stirred up with just indignation at the delinquency of your Knoxville correspondent, moved to deeds of valor by reason' of the silent wrongs io which this place-has been subjected. Kno;ville truly is trying "to be somebody" and every ono generally seems vicing with bis neighbor in slicking up, trying to see what call be done to beautify and improve. The City Fathers have furnished, barring 4 few stone, a nice drive the whole length of Main street. They have coated the street with a soft shell rock, debris from a stone quarry—a ., very) little travel pulverizes it and .makes a splendid road : and if it will 'only disappoint the croakers who assert that "it will be nothing but a bed of mud nest Spring," it will be all right, and Port Jarvis can take the lead hereafter 'Whether father Markram, Brother Simmons or some one elso is benefitted thereby. "Win E. Smith, 'Esq..; Pension, Bounty, and I - nsurance Agent, Merchant, Dealer in Yankee Notions and Mitsleal Instruments generally, lately returned ffora a trip `rest. }lo brings flattering . accounts of the prospects of D. M. Pride, Otis A. Carpenter, Wm. 11. Secley, , and others who recently resided in this county. 110 also came across and brought llama two—he calls tium "Church Organs," but I should think from a distant heaving of their 7nelodiotlB tones that t h ey %%ere too loud for the size of our country churehot and that they Would have been ap propriate in the late Boston Jubilee 9utt oil each gide of the Big Organ. Nut having seen these wonderful unwieal instruments I am not able to give an account of their peculiar construction, but would venture to guess that if auiniato, thoy belong to the long eared gentry; if inanimate, they arc something like a dry goods box, with a rot,ineti plunk drawn aeropm it. The next morn. ing niter their nil "dot.'' promptly entered a complaint to the Burgess against them fur bleach of tlie,peace, and many revolents of the vicinity were grovling all day with headache on account of being broke of their rest. "Married—st the r,f , ,blence of the officiating Justice, at Knoxville, on t - lunday i og t t tat HI! o'clock P. both of Tioga County. Mr—, before entering into the :Italie of Matrimony, was already in a state of bewildering intoxication so much so that the landlord at the Hotel where ho had just :,topped tlitql. his hest to dissuade him from - his purpose, hut without effect. The next morning Mr—, haring reeovered front his inebriation, refused to acknowledge the marriage, and order ing his liektte with the probable intention of de parting No)us, his weaker half briskly placed her i.elf in the buggy, and after witting more than a reasonable length - of time for her huiband to take his place by her side W:l9 mint:tautly compelled to drive on alone—her perverse companion pro f ering to tahe the stage which came along shortly altet•wards. The end is not yet. Sheriff's Sales, hY VIRTUE OF sundry writs Id' Fier; Fa cia?,Lcv.iri Facias, and Venditiuni Exponto, seed (mt. or the Couit br Common P 14 . 11 5 ,01 og.t county, and to the direeletl, I will expose to public Talc, to the higheFt and best bidder., et the Cotirt Home iu 15 - 0110.iere, eu Malnilty, the 30th day or .Aug. 186;1, at I o'chyolr, P. M. the following:, deselibed property. vizi . A lot ni laad in Clottlonn, bounded not tli Mu sea Vat rir k, Bopp, and A Smith, food I4y Sitielair Smith a,ul A ' aontlt m Net: mini: Litnith and eqt by Stephen Martill and Darla:4 110001--eontalnlag 100 nere:i mine ot•leP: , , deett 80 nerea improvol, frame frniae bran, dad npplo orchard Ile renn ; beiu lot No. :to 01 the allotnent of Ili:iglu:1u lands In Chat ham: si-so—anoilier lot in Chatham, bounded noi lb by Nelson Ray, east by lot now or forrinrl:6(ilN fled 1q I{ Freehm n. sy n th by Shielair Smith and weed 'by 'Arose; Pat I 1,1;=-1411 !1 .; lot NO. 50 of said allotment—contain ing (.5 acres mare or less, about fdl acres impractsl, frame house, haute barn and apple orchard thereon. 'IN, be Spill as the propi rly of A Ipliens F Smith, suit of Bingham Trustees. •. A LFo—a lot in 31iddlehm7y bounded north by lot. 310 of the allotment of Bingham lands in Middlebury, contracted to Robert Sit:\ ',pry, and lot 204 how or lato pos , ecAon of Ralph Button, east hy_fahl jot aiand. Illuttliam lands, r.ontll by FMttli lice of vagrant 1381, mol west by Bingham lands and lot 310 aforesaid—be- Ina lot 200 of the allotment of Bingham lands in Mid co., antrpai tof warrant - Ml—con. tlaining Sit.s notes ssitli will allostance of 0 per Cent, 1 . 0:11.14, dc., ;boat 1.11 acre,s imp roviel, frame house frame barn and fruit trees thereon. To be sold att the proper Iy of Harvey Button, sail of Win B Clymer et al. ALSO—EI lot of land in Linens, bounded nocal by Daniel 1.114150(k, rust by Williamson Itmul, south by Firtet and west by Jacob Beck Sr.,---euntain lug about 12 acres ' India or less, all improved, two story (tame storehouse, two frame hoaxe s , two frame baths, other outbuildings an I applo orchard ithercon. To bo snkt as the property of 3, Albeck, suit of J S Flan ngan et al, ALSO—a lot of land in Union, bounded north by Wm Terry, Nod by Margaret Pitchman and C S Newell, tOl it by Miss M Tabor II Rico and D Spartbling—‘cou. 'Mid or Inn act ON 75 acres Improved, fraino lionse, two frame barns and apple orchard thereon. To l l o ROM as Ihr property of W 11 111 tiuteer, buil of 11 Bitineroy. ALSO—a jot in j.uwroute,benided north by Gale & Co. net by /lot dee Rolf and Irwin Bostwick, mouth by K Dlltclwll tool west by J,tlitts Trtmain —containing lob acres mote or less, 10 acres improved frmuo home and (~tint' barn thereon. 'Po bu sold 103 the property of W ll' Ballard and J C Sampson - OWL tit l'ioga Co. llank. ALSO—a lot of laud in I.llklaild. hminilcil north and e;,..1 by John W Ryon, south by highway, Joel Bark- Ittabi and David Dunbar, and west by Joel Parkhurst lot—containing IS tales more or it . •4,fllipie 11011 , e, fr.lllllll.ilril ;tliti flpit tilts 1111 . 1: . 01!. To In. ~old lie the ' , o p sty S and C r of Biti ',horst. ALSO—the ".",; interest in a lot of land in Coclngtori, 1i inured nit ill by Erapttis Phelps. 0111.ei t Phelps toot v ido k h o u (al by St tit 15 !outlier. south by Piney and Barney 11 hooker. ne•J by E %V Pholis— rool.:lnitig lit 1.3 acres Improved) tram, how, foams. barn tool apple rael i a la i ib eico ,,, T o 1,, e .s.•+•l 14,0 pioperty of II C .1: Rollin Robinson, suit of kelsoi, use of Ih or, A1,:1--a lot in Midillelguy, bounded north by lifl,ll. • lig south by S A Clnly :ma west by Snyder CI, imbetll4,—eontagling^s aeres more or lesg, about 15 t i 11111 t .1 .1, jig and Nome home, frame Win and ..ipple tl,ii d Ogg eon. To be bold its the pi-o li o' s of 1.. I„ 3:11111.4 I. Andlt`Wtl, 11111 Of 11 A Stowell. A lot of land in La wrenceville, bounded north bv :rite Line street, east by Franklin street, south 113- cent. r In et and 1‘c.,1 by tho eallenly lot—contain- Mg one acie mote or le i s, ft ante hob a n d spoke loamy and shingle (actin y and appui ten:tures thereon. To be sold as s tho property 01 Andrew Tut ner, suit of C S r Co lat in Liberty, bounded north byincolt We. I nq by Albeit lii is, and John liolder, rout It by A II NVir .ilind and Attain topple, and wiv-t by William. eon Head—remaining L mg, moi 0 or le,s, all iniptoOtl tram dwelling, biotic starcliouse, framo ideaui trans, barn and other igilbuttilings thereon; Al 00 — another lot t o selioslhotive lot, east liy road and south find west by liit:liiiafv—contaiiilng 14 acre more 01 . Joe with tr,itiie Itioitie frame barb and (volt trees thereon •, AL9O—nnutllsr lot in Liberty ,bonnllltd north, south and west by It C Seth ing and east b% ighway—eon- Piffling 2 mares mote or less, all improved. To be sold as the properly of R C Cox and Win Wisenuin, stilt of 4 A l'appel. ALSO—a lot of laud in Lawrenceville, bounded forth hyJameliist, east by IV 11 Middaugh, south by Charles Pilathers and west by said aildtlangh—containlng 100 more or less, frame house, frame barn and trail I trees thereon; Also—another lot in Lawrenceville, bounded north , by Stattiet.;east by Acatienty-tit; south by - Joel.Adams, ; and west by Lewis Darling—containing 34 acre more or lees, frame house, frame barn and fruit trees thereon— Also—another lot In LaWteneovllle, bounded north by 0 P Leonard, east by public ,road, south by Joel -Adams, and west by Maimet.—being 26 feet front and,, 100 feet deep, more or less.. To be sold as the pro'perty., of Philander Hurd, suit of Slosson. ; ' ALSO --a lot of land in GOALIC}3, bounded north by Stephen Babcock and B X Billlngs,..east south pad west by S X Dillinge--;cOntaluirtg 106 acres snore or_ less, acres improved, more or leas, Dame house, fraMediar 2 apple orchards and other fruit trees, thereon. To be 501st as the property of *Levi Furman, suit of 'Robert G White. ALso —A lot of •land in 'Richmind,' bounded north by north, , ty• lands. of Mama' k •McCoy, east by D. Hi Cooper • south by James sou', and-west - by Stoplon Wators—centaiising 45 acres moreor less, with about 20 acres improved, a frame dwelling house, frame barn, frame black smith shop and a low fruit trees thereon. To be sold as the property of ,Joseph House, suit of John Benson. ALso—A 'Out land inNirostfoltj, bßupded on the north bi'Dinghitm IMatdi `and' ITewoykWhit2 mash, Cast by Charles Scott, south by lands in possession of John P. Walloon, and•west by high= waycontaining:so - 9ros more'er less, with a bout 30 acres improved 2 log barns, frame' dwol ling houso arid an ppj to ottchard thereon. •To be sold as thO property of Benjamin Matteson, suit of Sanders A: Colegyovo, A Lso—A lot of land in Osceola, bounded north 'by 'Russell Crandall . . .h . - others,' - east'l4, George Newman & C. D. ICeeney, south' by the estate of V. C. Phelps, dec'd, and west' by high way—containing ono acre, more or less, with a sash and blind factory and ; other. • ont,buildings and appurtenances tboreunte belonging thereon. To be sold as tbe.,properly6f V. S. coats, suit of Robert Hatatuond.- - • ' • - Ar.so—A lot of land; in Elkland, bounded north by tho George Robbins estate, east by J. M. Reed, south by' Joel Parkhurst, and west by Buffalo street—containing .2 acre,' more or less, with a frarno*dwelling house, franto'barn, and a few fruit trees thereon. To be sold, as the prop, orty of D. D. Parkhurst, and Parkhurst & co., suit of John Parkhurst. Aaso—a lot of land in Lawrenceville, boun ded north by, Baldwin House lot, - east by Main street, south by Locke: (hanger, And west by lands of the James Ford estate--eontalning acre,-more or less, with a frame house, frame barn, and a few fruit trees thereon : Also—another lot bounded north by Centre street, east by Bolsoit 'Wilson, south by It. Thornton, and west by E. 1). Wells—containing acre', more or loss, with a fratuo' funning mill shop thereon. .To Ito sold as the property of C. Osman, 3:11. Mathor do A..Thrner, suet of Sus annah Swift for use of Joel Neurson. - ALso —a lot of, land in. Covingttts, bounded north bylighway, east by Edivin Kl * s-1)k, south by Nathan Whittemore and Abigail GrAvca , and west by Henry Bailey—containing tqaeres more or less, all improved, with a frame dwelling, frame barn, frump saw mill, outbuildings, and a row fruit traps thereon. ;.,To ho sold as;tho pyop ; . erty nfdecoVjohnsoh, suit pf;,Edlyln Dyor.o At.so—a lot of land in Charleston,bounded north %Warren' Mil lc( 34 . 0. L:10liott, 044 by . S. !hags 'lois and , N, A. IrAlic t kt, south by highr, Way and N. A. Elliott, and Levillart, and west by David Janes, ‘G.• L. 'Elliott and , highway= containing 90 'acres more orless;about'6s notes improved, with , two frame' dwellings,, 3 lime barns, frame corn bona and frame wagortluansey and'other outbuildings and apple orchard there on: ALso—another' lot in Charleston, • boubde'd north lir Bertrand Bureaux, east by hiibriay. south by Japoh Merrick and west by Jeremiah Dechstader and Thomas Moore--containing 66 acres more or less. To be sold ,as the property.. of A. G. Elliott, suit of Joseph Thompson., , August 11, 1869. JEROME B. POTTER, Sheriff. ATATIAIikOP3 ,- : . 13REWSTER WATRINS.—At Richmond, July 18, 1800.hy Rev. G. P. Watrous, Mr. L. C. Brewstei, to Miss Victoria B. Watkins; both of Richmond. SHEIVE—DECKEIL—At Elmira, Juno 15th, 1869, by Rey, T. It. Beecher, at the Church'. Par: lore, Charles 11, Shieve, of Jackson, 'Tien Co., Pa.. and Harriet A. Decker, of that city. • SAIITI'I 7 -JEFEBX.—At Osceola, Aug. Ist, 1569, byN. Strait, Esq., Mr. Richard Smith to Charlotte Jeffry, of Woodhull, N. Y. The Campaign Agitator We will furnish tlig Agitator from August 4 to October 15 for 25 cents a copy. Our friends in the several "elec tion districts can now make up their oluba and forward at once, so that we may make preparation to fill their or ders promptly. SPECIAL NOTICES. I=l kazifit H ALL'S ; VEGETABLE =MAN 3 var.i re ' 4 ,, , HAIR Is the best at ticlo known to preerve the hair It will positively restore GRAY HAIR TO ITS" ORIGINAL ,COLOR, AND PROMOTE ITS GROWTIT. • It is entirely new.sciontifie discovery, cambia, ing many of the most powerful and restorative agents in the vegetable kingdora. ft makee the halt 82noolli eta? glogay, anti door not stain the &kin ! IT IS RECOMMENDED AND USED 'EY THE FIRST MEDICAL AUTHOR. R. 11. RATA CO., Na boa, N. R. Pipitif:dors For solo by all Druggists. [July 21, 18814!: TO CONSUrGIPTIVES. - • • 7911: Advertiser , bavink boot restoett'to bea t la a raw weeks, by a vsty simple remedy, attet 'baviag PO. Pored Acveral yenim with et severe kung areetioll, find that dread Ms . oose.Cowinaption—ih auzlott, to make nown to hid Pllow.miPrors ILo mottnn of etiro To all who desire it. ho will send 0 copy_ of the pro, scription used Moo of chargo,) with the directions for preparing and using the steno, which they will find a shot: Cum: Fon CoNsUMPTIoN, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, etc. Tito object of the adv,ertiser senging:the z ProtterilP tion is to boncilt tho atilitandi and Hpretyl koforinatlon which its conceives to be invaluable; and ho hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, R 9 it will rust them nothing, sad n ay provalti blessing - , Pat ties whdi t il t Sun peoseription; win pleosoloAlreitti ; c. IIIIII-EDWAItt A. 01,1(Abp, • • witlifiliv , herg, ICiAge'tfoufity, N: Y.' May 26, ISCC Orpl ans' Court Sale. ~ .. „ -• ; 1)Y viituil'of u "ardor of the Orphans' emir JD of Tiogn C unty, to ine directed, I will ox i pose to sale b pnblio vondue, lit the Cour Ilouse, Wellebol ), Thursday, Sept. 2, 1869, _a ...L .o.'elock I'. I‘l, he following described real es tote, late' the property of Simon V. Butler, o Delmar, deceased, viz : . . - . _ Beginning ate pnit and sione-'cionerj.'riiiriiiie cast along the B, 11. Warriner lot., South 87° East, 82 perches to a post and stenh,corner, thence by sand of 11nrace Butler, South 07 8-10 perches to a post and stone corner, thence by lands lately owned by Eneley- Siinmons; 87° 'West, 82 perches to a post and stone 'corner, thence by land of Ira Butler, South 7 8-10 perches tcv.tlio.Plaae'nf:beginnin'd,i'con fifty acres, more or less, with about 8 acres im proved, one log houso and a few fruit trees there on. SIMON BUTLER, A dru'r.- Aug. 4,1800-3 t. Application for Charter. NOTICE is hereby given that the,' following applioati,uns for Cl artqrs of incorporation have becn; tiled in my oflice,imci-*lll be pVeserit= ed to the Court of Common Pleas of Tioga Coun ty, Monday August 30, 1860. ' _Robert B. Smith; 0. B. Lowell, and others, for charter fur "Tlie ,Presbyterjan Church and Society of Tioga." E. Streit, Jesse LQClie, S. X. Billings and oth eri, for chartor for "The first M, E. Church of Gaines." - J. 0. Crane, M. K. Beton, S.• E.' Kirkendall, and others, for charter fur "First M. E. Church of ijillertown. . John Mitchell, J. F. OfevelanA, John'StniTord, and others, for ehartlir for "First M. E. ChprO, of Mitehells' Mills." . At xvideli timesaid charters mitt be granted unlegs valid objeution ho made. , .1011 N F. DONALDSON, Prothonotary. Aug. 4, ISGO Register's Notice. Nona; is hereby given that the Adtninis, trators named below have filed tlicirae counts in the llegiAer's Office for Tioga County Pa., and that the said accounts will ho presented to ,tho Orphans' Court, fur said County, at a session of said Court, to - be held in Wellsbi)ro' on Monday the 30th day of Aug. 1809, tit 2:o'clock M., for e•intirmation,and allowance. - Final Account hf• Eliza M. Pearsall and Squire Sopthworth, Administrators of the Estate lof John A. Pearsall Into of hathain, deco:sea.' Final Account of James S. Watrous' Administrator of the Estate of Jathes A. , Smith htte of Gaines, deceased. - I . Final Account of Charles Eberenz, Executor of the last Will and Testament of Margaret E. iliternsoy late of 'Wellsboro. deceased. , I Final Account of-W. W. Baynes Adminsistra for of the Estate of Ezra Davis, Jr.,, late of Richmond, deceased. ' DARIUS L. DEANE, Registor. • Ingham's Woolen Mills AEithELps, L PA. EiMEIMI ril/IE subscriber's will pay Quit, Oasiimcros, Flannels, &0., &c., for Wool.— They also manufacture as usual— , TO ORDER., OR ON SHIRES . A to suit customers: All work warranted as rep resented. They , inyite,,partieular, t attention to the 4. Water Proof IASSIMERES, IN=Mil which aro warranted in every respect. Particu lar attention given to ROLL • CARDING I • ' , , :Al9ll 3 CLOTH MRESSINGN I . NCI RAM'S large stook of: Cassimoros, &.c., 25 per cent less than any competitors, and warrant. eaae'represintod. - INGlTAWS:minufacturo to order, and , do all kinds of ltoll-Carding and Cloth Dresaing, and dofy competition. INGHAMS have 'as good An'nesortnient of Oloths, Oassimerer, tko.; ,and 'give more for Wool in oxohango than any other establishment. - Try theni and satisfy Jour aelves. XIsIGHABIS wholesale and retail at the Caw anesque bills, 2-miles below Knoxville. - 'Our Cloths aro_ war ‘ rated, , and 'sold by tho following persons t ' •' . DELANO & CO.. Wollsboro, Pa. T. L. BALDWIN & CO., Tioga, Pa . . J. C. BENNETT, Covington, Pa. 100,000 Pounib of Wool . , Wanted. , u ~ 1 JOSEPO 3 INGFHA-Ir 1 .- -QQNS June ; vuo. avid, Ju.t - f ‘, riv - ;•tf. - NEW , SPRING. GOODS AT TUli it V-4,:0U,14 AT OR, CORNING-. N. Y. UrE have just received a largo .stock of Goods anitable for the Spring trade, to . VY :which we desire to call the nttontion of the peo pTo of TiogßCountyp . • • DOMESTIC GOODS, i'ANOr -DRESS GOODS,. POPLINS, , SLUGS, SIiAWS,. COTTON AND • WOOLEN GOODS, • • • • z ' ; ..•• • for,mon'and boys': wear. . `BOOTS AND SHOES, • Carpets, &c., &e., we have a full assortment on inspection of Goods and prices*that satisfy the closest • buyers that this is the place to tnake their purchases. In CM :