II ts~=~ Vor t Ite Agitator.] COALE; UNTO ALP, AND I YblEr REST. hill, Mt, thou weary in the path below? rues oppress thee? Art thou filled with woe ) ? 1)0 foes assail thee in the narrow way? thread out snares to lead try soul netray`,2 Do 'friends forsake, unbeed ng thy request? Cottle unto me, and I will give you req. Thor wandering one from God thy Heavenly Ring, .19 the way thorny thou art traveling in? Ito earthly - joys elude thy eager grasp ? The seeming gold prove but :Mug at last ? weary soul, with guilt and sin oppressed. Como unto me, and I will give you rest. Oh, marine i • upon life's stormy :ea, DO waves 9' trouble almost role' . thce : Without au anchor and thy compass lost, Is thy frail hark by wind and toinpeld, ios.cd ? Ready to sink, with sorrows rudely pressed, Come unto.mo, and I will give you,lest. Blossburg, Pa_ M , THE PRODIGAL SON IN CHINESE' A young Chinaman, Choy Awah, a scholar at the Five Points H0u0.,. of In dustry, reads the TestaMent in English, - and then gives the sense in a dialect of his own; and this is wtat he makes of the parable of the Pro( gp :- l Son ) A man, he two sons. on speak he to father ; father get mo i ntly; give fiAlloo he ; father he take it all right. I Just now give you half. HO give him half; he go long way—like me come China to Now York. No be ''careful of money, use too much ; money all gone ; he very hungry. Ho went to man. He want work, he say ; all right; he tell him to feed pigs. lie give pigs beans; he eat with pigs himself. He just now talk : " .My father_ he rich man—too much money. What for me stay here hungry? I want go back and.see my father. I, i:ity to- him, I very bad. He knows I bad. Emperor [God] see I bad. No be son, me be coolie." He go back ; long way, father see him. He take him on the neck. The son say, " I very. bad.,-- I just now no be your bon ; I coolie." His father talkey to boy, and say, "Get handsome-coat; lgive he ring; give he shoes; bring fit cow—kill him ; give him to eat.'' They very glad. lie all same dead ; justsnow come back alive; lie 'lost ; he get back. Number one come. ICo hear music ; he till servant, " What for they make music"" He say, " Your brother tome had; ; your fattier very glad he no sick ; he kill fat ems'," Number ono son very angry ; he no go inside; very angry.' .Father lie conic out ; he say, " No, mrbe angry.' Number one son, he say, "II stay all time by father; never make him angry. _My father never kill one fat cow fir toe. )1y brother• he very laid, lie use money too much ; he have fat vow and r: l ther y‘m no .undereh bi n d; he just den i; he pow (-tow! to ;he 10mt, - In, now (Tonle hack." Or:twer. )far /10 Ne.tyazinc fur. e 0.4. e l'ltE,l7'2lll.:ST OP SCA II LET ri•Xl . :l!. UhfirlCS T. l'hotripson reports iu the Law!' I his manner of tretitment in leveFas follows: The li9tient is immersed hi It warinebath in the early stage of the disease, aml.tli is is repeated rregitentl . ‘c, or its the strength of the l,atient'witl a How. The 11 rst effect is 1,0 iirwillee a noulhingnei refreshing feel ing in thOpatient, to lie followed soon _ . by ,-oell :in eruption on the surface, of so vivid a eolor, and hi such amount ns WWI id astonish those who had. never witnessed it. Thil;; ono of the ereate.-11, J ! danger.; of this fearful tliselSe—the sup -1 pre:=Ann of the eruption—i+ escaped.— . The appetite generally returns after the tir, , ,t or -e.eolid Lath, and the.llienglit of Ilse patient im kept tip bylilltritilnA rood. The bath prevents the d ss , entiontion of the (license by remofing tliti iexereta front the skin as soon i t ; it is dei)osited. Thiq treatmentxfiromotes cuticular de.i -' quamation. -The Cody Aolild begently dried by pi?:'t linen cloths nfter the.hath. 1! , .1• this .procedure the v.irious ,eere tion.l are deprived of their noxious properties, , and the irritation Of intern al organs i.; quiekly relieved, hus (11551- that 0 veri serious ease 1-; Foo l reduced lon mild one, nod the patient recovers in'le , i than half the nsnal tittle. .t'zittee Or. 11p - 11bl/son has pursued tlik lime- iiice during the 4tst fifteen years—he ha't never loot a patient from scarlet fe- ; 1 ver. BATITINO. —The following sukges t ion to bathers have recently lieensssued hy the Royal Humane Society - of Lon don, and are worthy of consideration ; Avoid bathing within two'hours after a meal. Avoid bathing when exhausted from any cause: Avoid bathing , when the body is cooling after. perspiration; but bathe when the body is warm ; proyided no time is lost in getting into the water. Avoid remaining too long in the wa ter ; leave the water as soon as there is the slightest 'Ming of chilliness. Avoid bathing although in the Open air, if, after having been ,a; short time in the water, there is a sense of chill iness, with numbness of the hangs and feet. The vigorous and strong may' bathe early .in the morning, on an ernpty The young and those that are weak had rtter bathe three hours after a meal; the best time for such is from two to three hours after breakfast. • Those who are subject to attacks of giddiness and faintness, and thoSe who Suffer from diseases of the liearQ should not bathe without first consulting their medical adviser. A promising young shaver of' five or six years was rending his lesson ztt school one day, in that deliberate manner for which urchins of that age arc somewhat temarkable. As he proceeded with his task; be came to the passage, "Keep thy tongue from evil and thy lips front Mastei Hopeful drawled out, "Keep — the—tongue from —evi I —a n d t hy—l ips— from—girls. " ' Is my face dii)ty ..' .remarked a young lady to her at n?t, while seated at the 1 dinner table n a steamer running from Cairo to 1\"( • Orleans, ' Dirty ! noi Why do you 'ask ?' 'Because that in= suiting waiter insisted upon putting a towel beside my plate. I've thrown three under the table, and yet "every time he comes rpund he pips another one before fne.' I • , - slßridget, whatha4c y9u done with e-cream Those etfiliffen cannot eat thinned milk for breakfast" Shure, maim, and it isn't mesilf that would be afther the scum to gees. Mi. - that off and give it to the eats.' A farmer who liVes on a ceigain hill called " Hard-Serabble,"not a hundred miles from tliis place, says last summer, owing to the drouth and poor land to gether, the grass was so_ abort that he had to lather it before he could mow it. It is'cornplained of Shakspeare that be unnecessarily murdered Hamlet. But he has been paid for it. A great many , Hamiets have murdered SlTaks peare. • " If this should mea l Smith," enrag up his fist and shakini "he will hear of some vantage." " Where shall I put this paper so as to be sure of seeing it t9-rnorrow ?" in quired Mary Jane of her brother Charles. "011 the loooking-glass," Witc3 her brother's reply. Red cheeks are only oxygen in another shape. Girls who are anxious to wear a pair will find them where the roses do—out doors. must b a happy thought ton lover that his blodd and that of his sweetheart mingle in the same mosquito. ere was never a republic born with out the birth mark of slavery upon it. , . EDI.CAL :ADVICE , Is often quite osponsivo, but this you huvo'i'or tho roach?. If by accident, you gel scalded, bruised, burned, or sprained, then apply Salutifer immediately; for it is quick to give relief; and powerful to cure pain and soreness. If you are afflicted with lameness, or numbness and stiffness of the limbs, or with severe pain, or painful swellings like Neu ralgia and Infidmatory Rheumatism, Men try SALM TIMER SALUTIFER Is what you want, far it has proved a bless ing to thousands. Although it is reckoned to be one of the strongest medicines ; yet it is so safe that even a child may handle & use it. Is found to be a saving of more than $lO a year in :all families that use it. Buyers aro requested to call and examine pr cos before purchasing elsewhere. the eye of John d man, doubling it as he spoke, ing to his diad; READY TO BE INSPECTED, AND 110 WICKHAM a; PARR; 24, May 12, 1869. MEE byall means. Apply it quickly so as 7101 to leave 2.t open to Me air; and use it according to direction l s on Me bottle. If you have Sore Throat, or Quinsy, or Felons, or Croup, or Pleurfsy, or Chilblains, or any of these disorders that require an outward remedy, then SALUTIFER Kept constantly on hand for immediate use, will certainly prevent much suffering, and may save IT. If you are prudent and' economical, and desire to save expense; then remember that SALUTIFER `For sale- by all Druggists. Wholesale Depot 252 Greeawiela„St., New York. Wholesalel and Retail DRUG STORE ! By W. C. KRESS. TIE subscriber 'ill keep on band at nll times a full stock of DRU.GS AND MEDICINES. PAINTS, OILS, 2 Patent' Flavoring Extracts, Perfumery, Kerosene Lamps, Wicks, Dye Colors, White Wash Lime and Brushes, Varnish and Sash Brushes, Window Glass all sires, Varnish of all kinds, Pitney Soaps, Hair Oils, Si'ECT AC LES, Hair and Tooth Bruihes, a full stock of Yankee Notions; ollho a complete as sortment of Homoeopathic Medicines, and ft full stock of Pure Wines and Liquors, March 24, 1869 7 1 y. W. C. KRESS 1.4 0 T S -OF NICE AT WiCKHAIN dic FARR'S, TIOGA, PA SUCH AS DRY GOODS Grocfri,es, JATS & CAPS, ( i BOOTS Ss ') SHOES, CROCKERY & WOODEN WARE, SOLD AT A FAIR PROFIT. ME CALL AND SEE. Havingformed a partnership in the Tin, Stove and Hardware trade, the undersigned have the pleasure to announce that they have, at a great outlay; added to the usual.steek of the old stand on a complete assortment of Shelf Hardware, of which we enumerate the following articles: NAILS, SPIKES, CROWBARS, X CUT, MILL, HAND AND BUCK SAWS, BUTTS, STRAP HINGES, ICARPENTER'S TOOLS, PUMPS, AXES, - AUGERS, BITTS, 1 . BITT-STOCKS, HATCHETS, CHISELS, 'SHOVELS, SPADES, FORKS, BENCH-SCREWS, WOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE BOLTS, BURRS, SKEINS, WASHERS, PIPE BOXES, AXLE - TREES, ELLIP- - TIC . SPRINGS, HORSE SHOES, HOOP, BAR, & BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE HANGINGS, CORN POPPERS, SAUSAGE CUTTERS AND STUFFERS COMBINED. Also, PISTOLS, PISTOL CARTRIDGES, POWDER AND CAPS. PATENT BARNDOOR HANGINGS _ a now thing, and made for use. Tiles° are but a few of the many articles composing our stock of Hardware., Wo invite the publin to call and examine for themselves. We aim to keep the best quality of goods in our lino; and all work- to_order done promptly and well. AGENTS FOIL THE Buckeye Mower & Reaper. Wg. ROBERTS. • It, Oi• BAILEY. UNITED SECURITY Life insurancii & Trust Company NEW GOODS, Capital, $1,000,000. $lOO,OOO deposited with tho Auditor General for security of the Policy Holdprs. Low cash Premiums. Policies', Non-forfeitable by their terms. Liberal Traveling Privileges. Return of all Premiums paid. Annual Dividends. Females Insured at same rates as Males. Home Office S. E. Corner, bth and Chestnut St., Philadelphia. • Applications for Insurance may be made with W. P. DIGONEY, General Agent, Welisboro' Pa. May 12, 1889--tf. HARRY 11IXS' Having been to much expense in fitting up another Green House, giving more room for largo pots, I flatter myself that no Green House can make a bettor show of RARE AND THRIFTY PLANTS, Dahlias, Roses, Verbenias, Potables, Geraniums, all sorts; Basket Plants, all sorts; Ranging Baskets, new patterns; Beautiful Bogo- Cape Joseamine, Csirnations, Cissus, discolor; Polargonium,3 in variety, Ac. Ac. Ac, New Crimton Cluster Tomato Plants, and nil sorts in pots or by the dozen. All kinds of Cab bage Plants, .Egg Plants, 'Asparagus Roots (two years old) Sage , - Roots, Celery, Dwail„ White Salad, Cauliflower, Thyme. All kinds of early Vegetable plants ready '`lst of April, at the Green Houses and at the store of MCCABE A Mix, MereuYs NOW Block. Having employed ono of the most experienced Florists' he will at all times give any informa tion to customers on the mode of propagation and cultivation of Plants. This Spring's Catalogue will be sent to all that may desire and write for it. I invite all to come and see my Houses, Plants, he., for them selves. With gratitude I acknowledge past fay ors. 10 - Bnuquots will bo found at the storo of McCABE do Mix every morning, Sundays exeopV. od ; 35 to 50 cents each. Towanda, Pa., Mar. 3,1889-6 m. ,pgr- Orders -left at Wm. Roberts's Ilar4ware Store, Welleboro, will receive prompt attention. The Best Stock of Flour, FEED, MEAL, PORK, .PROVISIONS, -&o., • - in iVellsboro, can be found at M. B. PRINCE'S. A choice lot of CLOVER and TIMOTHY SEED, besides all kinds of GARDEN and small FIELD SEEDS, SEED POTATOESp&e., at M. B. PRINCE'S. You can get cash for your EGGS, BEANS, POTATOES, GRAIN, BEESWAX, &0., AT • , M. B. PRINCE'S. March 31, 1889. WILL stand the present season as follows : Mondays and Tuesdays, forenoons, at the stable of tho subscriber, Mainaburg. Tuesday afternoons, at Brundage's Stables, Mansfield. Wednesday's at Graves's Covington. Thursdays at Cherry Flats. Fridays at Whitneyvillo. Saturdays at Follow's, l'Tellsboro. E. A. FISH, May 12;1869-2m. Proprietor. 500 Cords of Hemlock Bark, wanted, for which the highest market price will be paid on delivery at my Tannery, in We!labor°. Jne 2, 1869—tf, JOSEPH ILIBEBOLLS. Stoves: Stoves:: AND HA.RDW ARE: MAIN STREET, WELLSBORO, ROBERTS .k, BAILEY Wellsboro.Afay 10,1669—tr. of Pennsylvania, CHARTER PERPETUAL SPECIAL FEATURES. HOT HOUSES. Young Bertrands WELLS.BORO, BA - K TUBE SUBSCRIBER having esta ,of in the • . BAKING BUSINES4 in this village, noxt dcior to E. It em b a iira Grocery, is now prepared to curt' on insinces in all its various branches. I willo con stantly on band an assortment of id, such a r LOAF BREAD, BOSTON CR(KERS, GRAHAM BREAD, BUR CRACKERS, B R OW\ BREAD, WATT CRACKERS, SUGAI • CRACKERS, DYSPEPSIA AND SODA 4IIITS, OYSTER CRACKERS, C4S, PIES, AND LUNCO at all hours of theilay, Sundays mi l d. By strict attention to business shentioavor to merit the public patronage. 4 s • CIIAS. ST IS. Wellabor°, June. 24, 1868. • WHOLESILE 111111 :41 CORNING, N. si DRUGS AND MEDIOINEOINTS AND OILS, THADDEUS DAVIDS'INKS, ((VIPS CONCENTRATED MEDICiN, IREDELL'S FLUID, El TRACTS, BURNETT'S COCOAINE, FLA INC EXTRACTS, KEIiOSENE L S, PATENT MEDICINES,. It - - ESTER PERFCMERYI ( AND FLAVORING EXTRACT PAPER, WINDOW OLA WHITEWASH LIME AND •DYE COLORS, AGENTS FOR MARVIN & C. RE FINED OIL Sold at Wholesale Prices. Buyers a to call and got quotations before gc, East. W. D. TERBEL Corning, N. Y., Jan. 1,1868--1 y Granary and Provision CORNING, N. Y. c:. mt. eixi4i, WHOLESALE AND RETAMALER in all kinds of GROORIBS, PROVONS, Wines, Liquo) and Cigars, FOREIGN & DOMESTIOREEN & DRIED FRUIT CANNED ERU?S AND VBGETARt'S, WOOD & WILLO CROCKERY IRE, CHILDREN'S CARRIES, CABS & PERAMBULATORrYS, A full and complete attment qt, the above mentioned goods of the qualitj , "always on hand. Particular attention pa to Fho Oroceries Dealers and Consumers wiltind it to their in threat to examine his StoeXefore Corning, N. Y., March 3i 18.894 TO THE FAIOIORS OF TIOGA COtYITY. lAM now building at ray manufacti, in Lawrence villa, a superior FANNING liffil,, which pouseseas tho following advan)elidvor author mina: 1. It separates rye, oats, rat 1 itter foe I.seeds , nd chess and cockle, from wheat. 2. It cleans flax seed, takes out yxlw seod, nod all other seeds, perfectly. 3, It cleans timothy seed. 4. It does all other separating re •ed of a mill. This mill is built of the best and lost durable tim ber, In good style, nod is sold the for cash, or pro duce. I will fit a patent ,sieve, for setating oats from whent,to other milts, on reanonablermn. 3. MATHER, Lawroneevllle,Jund'.l.6, rsco-tf ,1869, FOR SALE. B.C. wicKgm, AT Hls NURSERY OF SUIT AND OR NAMENTAL TREES, t TIOQA 60,000 Apple Trees. 10,000 Pear Trees. A good supply of PLUM, CH, CHERRY, and O.R4AMENTAL TREES OSEIRUBBERY. Tho Fruit trees aro composoi of tho choicest varieties, good, healthy, some °Ahem largo and in bearing. Any one wishing get a supply will do well to call and sea my,tock before pur chasing olsowhere. sitY- Dolivred at the depot free.of charge. Tioga, Fob. 28,1888:4y* To Lovers of Goid Stock. TSTILL continue to keep Alderney Bull for improvement of lSillkitg Stock. Re will bo part of a season in Middlolury, and- balance of the time at Wellsboro. I have,for Salo, 1 Devon bnl, pure blood, 2 years old. Also 2 grade Allerney Bulls, blood, 1 year old. I would call attention to mytlhester County White Boars—Uncle Sam and •.oung America. Uncle Sam will remain at lliid4lobury—Young America at Wollsboro. Those wishing good Stock iloaso-giro zno a call. Lee. BENNET. Wellsboro, May 5, 1869-tf. ; House and Lot foi Sale. 11113 - OIISH and Lot, and vacant lot for °solo cheap. Location Wolloboto, and deciral)lo. Imitate at the Agitator Moe. Oot. 28, 1808—tf. MORE NEW GOODS! d bitn- John IL Bowen 5 , JS now rOcoiying a largo and complete assort moat of Fall C Winter Groods, bougbt sinco tho Into doelino in Kim in Now York, consisting of rOPL EP 37 4 14-C:1; 4 40) erroceris, Hats & Caps, toots & Shoes; YANKEE NOPTIONS, . 'Particular attoution is hlvitetl to Our Stock of ZADETA =_Z3go 040:0g AND TRIMMINGS, Gaiters and Hoop Skirts ; also a nice line of TEAS, New Crop, very fine at reduced prices, A lino assortment of Ladies FURS, very cheap, all of which will be sold at the very lowest mar ket prices. - We respectfully invito all to call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere. Empire Store, No. 1 Union Block, - Wollsbora, Oot. 21,18118. RIP SHE GOES ! F OR s CASH, wo will sell FEED at. tboso pri- Very best Rye 1c• - • Oats, Cround here, eivt Best imported Peed, . 2,25 " Best Common Reed, . . 2,00 Cow Peed, 1,75 Tho 0)0110 goods, at the above prices, arc strictly cash ! We don't mix sand in our recd. We haven't a Plaster Mill epanevted with our Flouring Mill ! Our Feed is pure! WitTO BAILEY. Wellshoro, Jan. 20, ISO 9. Cal K. Krnson. \V. d. Kriteti* F. 1). Pease WOULD announce to the public that they aro now receiving a lull and complete iv sortmenrof nested ,further DRY GOODS 9 . Notions; Carpels, Furs,llals, - Caps, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, Provisions, C'rodery, Hardware, Stoneware, c(e. which they are prepared to c) isa co IA 'a 0 c), --I 0 - • CO 4- , - 0 2 0 c. - s pz 02 . .::=, ‘‘.:)l.* ..a "-I C.* •. to.. Pco co Bnp't .1 20 a ta 12 "0 p in 7 10 p .4 CO a in .104 p .$.15 am . pm 11.50 noon . 5.50 p .10.00 a in . 8.00 a in . b. 30 p m . 7. a pin 4 tv ri ti In ti to yVy 0 i'l) Vi i .1 0 ; tr: 104 0 0 b la 0 10 " " I cn kid ', 111 EM=l EI THE Atlantic fld Great Wester'n -AND ERIE RAILWAYS, ITIM GRP IT 3ROAD OUA;bk; ROUTE FOR , CLEVELAND, TOLEDO, CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL, OMAHA, I Awl to all Pointßin the WEST and NonTB-WEsr Dayton, Cincinnati, Louis.', VILLE, ST. LOUIS, KANSAS 1" CITY, MEMPHIS, NEW I ORLEANS, Arid all points in the Sunni Soutlinest, aith No Change of Coaches TO-CLEVELAND OR CINCINNATI, From any point on the Erie Railway., An ad. vantage and CODVCIIiOTICO not offered by any other route. 3 Tiirtouhu LIGIITNING EXPRESS TheiNa DAILY. B4g,gal,e Checked Through, and No 6IAYGE from ono car to another, preve ting logs dr dam. age. 'rickets via this popular rout can be procured at all oftiees on the line of the Erie Railway, a n d of REIMS & ABBOTT, OPPOSIT DEPOT EL3IIE,I • When purchasing ask the Agent fur Tickets via. the ATLANTIC & GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. W. B. STIATTUC, Gcl. Ticket and Peas. Ag't, Cleveland, 0. L. D. ItUCKER, Jan. C., '69. Con. Supt., Meadville, Pa Mil ->~ : ,_. MN • -,e43 ' WHEEL HAKE. ITHAC IHE tinders .ned, a practical fann'er, is offer " lug this in plement to the farming public with perfect co, ddeneo in its superiority to any other rake in use. Tho teeth are oil-tempered spring steel and :fully warranted not to break with fair usage. 'By an ingenious arrangement the loaded rake is easily discharged by a toot treadle aind band lever, and the pressure cf the teeth upon the ground can be exactly gauged by the foot. h:very tooth is independeut of every other tooth, and the head being movable the rake adapts itself to every inequality of the ground.' ft rakes clean, is simple, strong and tasting. To try it is to htt'y it. I ruler the public to the following persons who ,have the rake , in use:- It. Toles, Chatham; Chancy Ackley, Clymer: .IE. 11. Stebbins, Clymer ; J. W. Davis, Brookfield, Isaac. Thompson, Kelsey Brway, Harrison Valley, Pot ter County. ,;07.f.'•Orders (or Lis Rake maybe oddreed 10 Ine, at 'Westfield, iogn Co„ Pn. June 9, 1869. ISAAC PLANE, Ag't. SHIfitNEWS, 4....4r0-/-4 Will cure the ASTHMA, lIRONCRITIS, BOOR SPITTING, DIFFICULTY OF BREATHING. PAIN and WEAKNESS IN-THE CHEST, TROUBLESOME CQUGHING AT NIGHT, Sce. It will effectually re move the Cough that, frequently fellows Measles, and any affection of the respiratory organs, no matter 01 how long standing, or whatever the age oLthe person. It acts as a specific, is j4urely vegetable, and is pleasant to the taste. Its effect is soothing,. allaying the vie lence of the cough, facilitating expectoration, quieting the nerves and exiiiliratlec the system. Mothers, Save Your Children! No, child need die of CROLIP,)f this Syrup is used in time: fhi.3 I'3 a fart demonstrated by experience. No family should be without:this Syrup, as that fatal disease, CROUP, comes like a thief In the night, to steal away your little ones, when regular medical aid cannot be optaincd, Prepared only by DAVID E. FOUTZ, Baltimore, M. .1%.1y IS, :4-11/1 Pinning & Turning. :13. T. VAN HO ,N, ILTAILtNG got his new Factory in opciation. I is nocr prepared to fill orders for Cabinet Ware protniftly and in the best .tylo of ccorlttnan• ship. Having procured a WOODWORTH PLANER, he ie ready to dress b.onrde or plunk tcit Jispntc6 SCROLL-WOK & BE4CKETS, .furnished tO, order. His machine ire of the new est and mo:stitnproved patterns. Shop oi:rnOr of Pearl'and Walt Sts, WELLS BORO, Oct. 31,:1866—tf. B. T. 'AN HORN. lir ' J. STICKLIN, k. kW!, . \, Chairmaker, Turner, am ! ' J t ' Furniture,Dealer, 1 SALT: ItOOM, oppot=ito Dartt's Wagon Shop, Main 'Street.-- FACTORY in Scars ,t - WO hams lq.voldry, second story. OrderProlnptly filled and satisfactio,ilguaran , teed. Fancy Turning done to order. Wells4)r ; o, Jnno 12, 1867. .1. STICKLIN. Q EKN-'OE,r. NOLA N ll:ectitk I E E N , ; 101..1 5 E &OW% N 1).• SP •-k! Fur doing a family .trashing in tho hrrt aid cheapest inanned. tluaranteed equal to ary the trbrlil ! IlaA all / the strength nt soap iVith the Land and lathering qpiditics genuihe CaAiled Try this splendid s6ap. oid by the ALDEN CIIEMICAL WORKS, Nora Front Street, Philadelphia scpt 2, 'IIS-I,y. Tioga Marble Works. 11.1 L undersigned is now prepared to exe cute all orderßifor!Torob Stones and Menu meets of either r ITALIAN OIL ItUTLA'AD of the latest style and approved worktuansbip and with dispatch. He keep constantly on hand loth l‘itole. Marble and be able to suit all who may N - Vol'll4ll with heir orders, on as ,reasonable te_ti" as can be obtained in tho conntl-y. Stones 01.3 colored with rust and dirt eloanto and tondo to took as good as new. roittEit WILCOX. Tioga,Nov.l,lSGT-tf Valitahle ni for Male. , A fnrm of three hundred acres, with two ban- dred and twenty...five acres improved. Sll uated two miles north of Tioga Village, on the Tioga River and Roilrood. 11'011 ;fathered, WI. der a good state of cultivation, and good Land ings. Also four hom , es and lots for sale in Tioga vilingo. T. L. BALDWIN. Tiurra,,Feh. 12, 15119-If. •i Cabinet Cat-(1 Photographs, • and all special sizes, and finest styles of picture! , finished in first-class manner at Spencer's Art Gallery. Mansfield, Feb. 3, 1$(30. , THE LARGEST STOCK OF Wig CIoNTIM and the Cheepeat Ono to buy in tho world. Agelit for L. BOLLES (.C- CO'S IfOSE, Bi»oltamion, .N Y., and ELMIRA SAW FACTORY, Elmira!, N. .1 7 : STOVES SOLb ON TIME. i‘innefiehl, Nev. 25, IS6B-Iy. . Gll3. RIFF. • CORD PRINTING—at Now York prices,i Colors or plain, and out to suit orders, at Pnit AQITVron A Fnal