The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, July 21, 1869, Image 1

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    6,4 t Vogl ( itountp -Igitatoi
Is published every IVednbsday 141*rning at $2
per year, invariably in adilaney.
Ey. c. iAroIELDL 1
II /:1/1111,j
_A_ T.) IT M• Fr...r Ifa /lc G it...A."l` ,S - . _
rEN I.lNis of MINIoN,ou LEBB,SiAKI niil: liQUAltr
11n. M
108111 m 3 08. 0‘,1%1,43.11 Tier
1 l'.ltlßre, sl,oo $2,00 $2,60 si,oo $7,00 $12,0 -
.2 B,ltiarys 2,00 4,00 4,00 8,00 12,00 18,00'
11.01C01...... , 10,001 11",),00, 17,00, 22,00,
.30,30, 80,00
Inio C01........1 - /8,0 ' 2001 3.0,001 40,001 )10,00! 90,00
No. of Sq'ra
Special N
hocul 20-ce
15 cents pe
No. 317, A, Y. 31., mnets nt their u nit
"ter Ur. ttoy'n drug ntoro, on Tuesday CN ettio2 - ,, on or
before the Full Moon, at 7 o'clock. I'.M.
ITOCA. CHAPTER, No. 194, R. A. 11., meets at no
Ilan, on Thursday evening, on or brfoie tho Full
Moon, at 7 o'clock. P. M.
T7OOA COUNCIL, li"o. 31, It.. 3. INIASTER'd, units nt
she 11011, un the third • Fri.lay of each calendar
month, nt 7 o'clock P. M.
TIV.InAIt, and the appkmdatit °taloa, mecta at the
Hall, on thn first Friday of each calendar month, at
o'clock P. M.
Insurance, Bounty and Pension Agency, Main
Street Wellsbord, Pa., Jan. 1, 1888.
Nutary Public and Insurance Agent,
burg, Pa., over Caldwell's Store.
Otlite with W.'ll. Smith, Esq., Alain Sired,
opposite Union Block, Wellsboro, Pa.
July 16, 1868.
lIOLESALE DRUGGISTS, and dealers in
Wall Paper, Kerosine Lamps, Window Glass,
Perfumery, Paints and Oils, Sc.,
Corning, N. Y., Jan. 1,U68.—1y.
S. F. WILsofT. • J. B. NILES
(First door from Bigonoy's,• on the Avenue)—
Will attend to hilliness entrusted to their care
in tho counties of (Nog& arid Potter.
Wellsboro, Junl'l, 1368.,
lloll.l , llint AND CCUNSEILOIt AT LAW,
Welisboro, Tioga Co., Pa;
Claim Agent, Notary Public, and Insurance
Agetit.• Ho will attend promptly to collection of
Pensionsißack Pay and - bounty. An Notary
publii; al;es acknowledgements ,of deeds, ad :
ministers orals, and will act as Commissioner to
Like tolimony, ,„„7",-Oftlee over Roy's Drug Stoic,
.3.l.oiiiing Agitator Oftip.i.—Oct. nu.
John W. GnernseV,
returned to this county iiith a view
nwlcing it hts peruldtue,nt re,idenee, coliciti,
_h are , or publici patronage. All businebt•
cm:4(M to his i (aire will be attended to vlith
voulialles, :tor fidelity. Wilco 2I door m,utt,
417. a. Farr's hotel. Tioga, Tipga Co.,
.11 , 11•111iti et; IIiSIPE A E,
f. \ l'Elt ANL 'I'4TT.UIL. -Bhop liter ti /I R.
; 4 .101 . 0. Ceding, tl,l
I;.•airing Iloilo promptly anti in lati,t•
. 1; 1 ;1'1:.1 -1 y
A I I.olt . ;;hop first 4Lool ttartll idt, A .: . 4tsai.,'s
j:-Creatling, Pi(
.1..a0 promptly and %yell.
wolc.huru, l'a., 1868
,11, I,oli AN I) Cu TT ER, has opened a :1111.1.
'it{ Crofton struet, rear of Sears Dot hy's :hot ,
• holi, where he is ',remit to 1111111111111•11111 . gat ,
..tlllllll to order in tho most stibstantial 1111111111.1',
.111.1 Wll.ll. dispatch. Partii•titiv ii,tiontitdi paid
cu 11.111.111/2; 111111 Fitting. Marefi 26, 13
Dr. C. I. Thoinpsqn. .
[wri,i,silouoi. l oll I.A.ji _
, 1111 .01.:11.1 iii Pridiiiisional calk in tliii villago,
tVoll:t,ro and nI , Lw hew.
9.110; and tiovidenro on State Si.. 24 door on
riOit going East. tiune. t, 1;1,68.
blt 11!fi`,', NI. D., late of the :id P. Cavalry, eat
. no illy lour yenta et* urdtg i.nyvien, with 41 l:u•hy.
;we 111 :11111 lin:Tin/1 practice, has opened 'nil
Ihe pl:ii . tice of medicine and murgers, in Ali
111d,n PUIIIO/IS frUill a tliNtanes can 111111 good
It the Pennsylvanta lintel when desl red.—
%I.ll.tny p tt t of the State in colmitation, or td
t °pet ations. No 4, Unton Bloch, tip
W,11,1.0tt 0, Pa., May 2, is66.—ly.
Wm. JS. Smith,
IiNAXVILLIt, Pa. Pension, Bounty, and
tatance-Agent. Comtnitnications sent to the
fid.tu•ss will iecuive luompt at tenti,,n
Term- , at..tiorate. Dan b, IbtlB-1)1
Thos. B.l3rvdcn
SURVEYOR S DRAFfSMAN.—Orders left ut
room, T , ,,wvisend llotcl, 11'e.11,1),,r0, %%111
mut with p N4ipt ip.tenttun
It. 1867.—ti
a. E. OLNEY,
oi:-‘1,EI: in 'CLOCKS JEWELRY, SllNl2,li
:t.IPLATED WARE, Speetaclos, Violin ;:tringz.,
e., Mansfield, Pa. Watelies and Jew
dry heady repaired. Engraving done in plain, and German. l
Hairdressing & Shaving.
din over Willcox C Barker's tzitoro, Went
' Particular attifittion paid to Ladics'
idur-cutting, Shampooing; ll)oing, utc. Braids,
ad:, eons, and swtchcs on baud anti mad() to or-
11.1 V. DORSEY
Al ILL WRlLilli—Ageiti for nll the best
01 '1 t:RBIN I.l' WATER. IV II EELS.
:•r xa in', °imitating Alovoment fur Gang and
M‘.ll.ty Dan,. .
, ca, l'a.,4ug. 7, 1868, ly.
tie,ler in*Dlty GOODS orall Itilids, Ilardwalc
de.ll7.intieo Notions, Our AS,ortment is large
ILA ittioes lotv. Stott ill Uuion Mock, Cull
y2O 1:4.5-I y.
,;or, A new Hotel coiiilueteil on the princi).l,
vl Ovo and let live, for the ae.,:ouktuodatihn
public.—Nov. 14, 1.51111.—1 y.
wizi,Erms HOTEL,
,tabling. attached, and lan iittentive hue
“hr.if; In attelidanve
i 'no g . I' 1 , ,. J.
i,;tar. A new a 114 ~t ta .....
.J . I1:1111;4 %%jilt all tt lavdorti Liam avvitiotil‘
411 iveB I Ile IHI-1 lin id i 1 and
Norlhoria v Ina
Tormi wader:l6l,,
I y.
l'ef,A.A,lti %VALI:I'4)N 1 111141114 E,
Gaines, Tioga Cormiy, Pa. '
V ER Ni I Tlihz it
lewate.l eillii v.iFy of - 11.(•
, tt. and I.filitifig tomin.t .
v , i,s.3l%Afita. N. NI, II ht. , ql./Ife , d
r:!‘• 1.-.. , 111111.1a1ic11i nl pleitealit•
'•. ty , dittr; Pali. I,
niowly and-
I It I • it:1111111
hi . ' ol'3 6.mnly nllu,t eJ Irk Hitt at I ipprioNtid
1111%111';p11'1111)Il of tilt
jl 411111,0.41 Pd
• ‘ii•I t i i hr 111111 ni,ty in my
''l' I% .Ivilancee:lll ~ , n imunic‘ttp
'.l tu.r..iti I r offimunitiettlitalh llltilifi
pIII nu, . WM. 11. SMITI!,'
11.1.r0.11,0,1,in-24 1 1 866 •
8001 AND SHOE MAK Ens,
•9't, tvc,n Van I Vlcon burg's Nrnre, in (he
"coupled by Bc . nj. Scchy
BOOCS AND SHOES of all kinds made to
order and in tho bem manner.
P (RENO of all kinds done iirotnptli , and
Give us a call.
Welliboroplan.2,l 888REILEY.
lial 01
• • AND •
B 11, A N 13 0 0 K s
Of art:iv description, in all styles of Binding,
And as low, for quality Of Stuck, as any Bindery
in the .State. Volumes of every description
Bound in the hest manner and in any style or
de red.
Executed in the best manner. Old Books re
bound and made good as new.
akea l A.Ena 2iMIX*B4g
I am prepared to furnish back numbers of all
Reviewr or Magazines published in the; nited
States or (I roat Britain, at a low price, ,
°fall s'izep and•r t ualities, on hand, ruled qr plain.
Of any quality or size, on hand and cut up ready
for printing. Also, BILL PAPER, and CARD
BOARD of all colors and quality, inboards_ or
cut to any size.
STATIONnIi - Y, • •
Cap, Letter, Note Paper, Envelopes,
Pens, Pencils, &e.
ani sole agent for
Which I will warrant equal to Gold * PeLs. Tho
best in use and no mistake.
The above , tock I win zellat the Lowest Rates
at all limos, at a small Ovanco on Now Yuri:
prices, and in quantities to suit purchasers. All
Work and stock warranted as mpresented.
I respectfully solicit a share of public patron
ado, Orders by mail promptlyat.en_ t 11e_t
, 1 _O.—
Address. LUIJIS IiIES,
Advertiser Building,
Elmira, N. Y.
Sept. 28, IS6 .-1y
Pa. otilve, ss ith C. 11. Seymour, Bapinet ,
attended to with pi amptness. apr. 7th,
)1,:,t LEH. IN t-
1)1t1 4,100,118, thoo, B d
ries, al
ware, Boo:, Shoed, II (.1311,4, ,
net "1" M ark a :Cu.( 01.,,thm btre , t,,
6, 1864.
.iii., rd to (},Clc l tii , u 4 6t . 161,1.
rhai I.. N (. l ll i u i i
,t',hilt i/U %V. , 1 1 h1 ht
1.. i• I livir I.3ltilitg,e. !lice ut
li` C. mill r aunt t talilCi. r. 2 I I y.
i.\l having lntrrltu;utl tlm hotel
propel 1.3. I,w net' l,t• 1,. 11. I. , Anillt
r,.1i11,41 Ihn 11 , 40, And Vali 1100411-
inwhic. the trr t velintr, piddle ill n :npurio,
Inn ilnyr. :Shand 21111. P-1 ;i1 13.
SA 111 NSV I 1,1,E, Tiaga 41,01n1y, Pa., P. It 1:01111,
lip ti, tor. 11.tivi•Iiieht to Ittl) ha rt , )tillg
;:-: , 11!1.1," ill '1 . 1..••11 1 . .., I'v-hint.; part ic:" a,..11a
in , ..1.11..•41 with ,'am t aya twos . (idol la in
moat 1.. - man .II
a.l Jana 9,1860-tr.
.. __ . . ___....
Aelo it it , :
r Fin E imaersi g n..ttilled tlp the eist
dry building, ueet tlio Brewery, Well:dwro,
and is tints prepared leen nut line call, Mr,
ene bide, ledllivr iu the Leal twin
nor. Iltdc• C. 1,11 paid '1.,1
hides. .11. A. 14141(1T.
Weliza.mro, Oct. 14, 15415.
AVING filled np n new hbtel buildnig on theafte
of the old Union Hotel, lately dentroyed by fire,
1 u.lll nOIV ready to reveivo hu 11 entertain g,u,sts. The
Union WAS utendcd rot' a Tentpetance Uonse,
and the Proprietor believes it can ho sustained without
grog. An attentive hostler In attendance.
Ono (luta abovo tho Moat Market,
LLY announces to' the trading
It, public that he has a desirable stock of Urn
eurte., • ontprising, Teas, Coffees, Spices, Sugars,
Molasses, S} raps, and all that constitutes a tirst
class bteek, Oysters in every style at all E 03.-
sortable hours.
WeUsher°, Jan. 2, 1287—t£.
31 11 1 T ENG I,S Ali S I CUTLERY,
Carriage and - Harness Trimmings,
Corning, N. Y., Jan. 2. 18117-1 y
Kept eonslantly on hand,•and furnished to or
dor by t
h IA non• store, 2d door above Building
(Juno 10, 131111,0
rrIIR RutELI. Platform Settles, all •'4 . +rdiritt'ry
`i 7 .'% h heavy, and eimriter Ilse, may h 4
ionml at the I I•tr ltcal e St ,, re ,•1 Wilt. Robert.
Well i born The., Soales aro life Failbahl. , pat
mit Itml tvive alt VW her,.
uruloin thie :mil 4.5 latter
11111 la all die p.,1,,,,j1
I flay , Ilit: rwilli.r; in tlii'
NV 1.1.1,1;k1 114lIttrirri4.
Pr pticl„r
11'.,11.11,1111, 1.110.. 17, I tiro;
New 'Tobacco Stare !
'mill r, the att:
j .. 1 11 ;: I) I Tin h.l t', Bttorc
for die ;AV ~t .
if ' .1 It - (fill :11111b .), Pr! 11(
. 11 Mill C0)111i)feil
/:\ ' I;7 .1) 1" ( ' it
I' II I! 1117 - L O ,), tt nil 4111 ilds
Ti 11:. I ( 1 c(), 1 11(1 fir, rho
.11111. N W.
0,1-. If.
I,K RUN PL.\ hereby certify
that Ire have it-cal the Plai•tet tatitititaettireil
Cliatnpney Born:titer, at their It mks On Elk
"Bun, in Baines town:hip,iinAtve believe it to ho
equal if nut quporior to the Cayuga Plaster.
David Smith "S Jl Conahle A P Cane
Mll Colib 11 E Simmons J Ber!tinuer
GAV Barker Asa Smith E Strait
S B Davis Albert King John E Miller
JII Watrou:. 1V If Watroun L L Marrli
M Smith 0 A Smith H Al Vriote
J D Stinit. P C Van Gelder J 3 Sraith
Jared Davis JF Zimmerman C L King
L I. Smith.'
N. B.—Plastor always on hand at thodMill:
Price $5 per toe. • Nov. 4, 1868.
. _
• , • •
+ •
• • IV4 •
• •
- k
tj. • ;.;
t I w
N r. •
• -
• • . i I, ‘ ' ‘ •
•., .„ 1 ,
• - • - , •
. . •
8 Baldwin Street,
,7oltii C. Z-lorton,
1.1. S. Porkitifi, WI, ID
Smith's 1/10t0
MINEII nem=Toll.
E. it. liiI\LBALL,
Scab's ! ,S'clf les ! Scales !
Vottr Tiorittr.
-- -
They drive'hemo the cows front the pasture,
Up and through tho long shady lane,
Where the quails whistle -laud in the whCat-fielda
That are yellow withthe ripening gfain.
They find in-thwthick, waving grakes,
Where the scarlet-lipped strawbOrry grows,
They gather the
-earliest snowdrops,
And the-lint crimson blood of the rose.
They toss the new hay in the tricaow,
They gather the Oder-broom uldte;
They find where the ducky grape !purple
In tho BO ft-tint&l October light !i. • 1
They know where the apples han , ripest,
And.are' sweeter than Italy wine's;
They know where the fruit hangs the thickest;
On the long, thorny, blackberry vines.
They gather the delicate seawceds,
And build tiny castles in the sand;
They pick up, thebeautiful‘sea shells— • • ..<
TairybarkSlliat have drifted to land.
They wave from the tall, rocking tree-tops
'Where the oriole's hammock nest swings,
At night limo aro folded in slumber
By a song that a fond mother sings.
Those who toil bravely are strongest,
The humble and poor beceme,great;
And from those brown handed children
Shall grow mighty rulers of *ate,
The'pen of tho l authorana statesman— •
The noPle wisp of thelant,l—
sword and the chisel palette
Shall be hAd in the little brown band.
( Atiocell'alteOlt,s
An' elderly man, shattbily attired, was
seen walkin ,, through one of the lash
iunable in a large city one cold
Deermber day. Ills coat was of coarse
grey, and had evidently seen hard ser
though still perfectly whole and
neat. The traveler walked slowly
along as I have said, examining care
fully as he passed the nanteson the door
plates. , 1-le finally paused before a
dwelling of Nhowy exterior, which, if
we may credit the .testimony of the
plate upon the door, was occupied by
Alexander Beaumont.
Alexander Beaumont!' yes, that's
the house,' murmured the tray.eler to
himself, us be ta,eended the steps and
lung, the door bOl. •
11 ia; suminonis was aiiswered by a ser
vant, who, after a moment's sertitiny,
which apparently WaS not of a very
favorable eharaoter, said roughly,-,
Well, sir . , what do yoti want
1111'..1teatittimil, 'wink..." aslicil
Inc 4)111 mall tviUtuuL 114.4.(1ing 11iv ill -
`No, sir, lip 'mt.'
Theii poiliaps I can sce his V . l
re ?)
I think it Vt'l y hut I will
o and
The servant. withdrew without fuleing-
the old,man to enter, thofigh the day
was very cold, and his clothing I.cemetl,.
p) he hardly :.ullicient to pxotuct Lida
from its inclemency.
• i\lrs. Beaumont - was reclining 'on :a
fauteuil in a room handsomely far
nished. The last new magazine was in'
her hand, tutd her, eyes were listlessly
glancing ovilr its yages. .slko was' hi
termr,p4a. oy
trance - of the ServatiC
` Well, what now,, Betty V she in
"Niece is a man down stairs wants to
see you, ma'am.'
'Alan ! a gentleman you mean ?'
'No, ma'am,' said Betty, stoutly, fol
she well understood what made up
gentlemen in the conventional sense of
the terin ; ` it isn't a gentleman at all,
for he's got on tin old grey coat and he
hits not got any gloves on,' •
What can he want or iiie?r: '• '
I'don't know, he inquired a ffer
Be. um on t
You did'nt bring him in the parlor
you V •
Irlie girl shook herhead.
You did right,' and you'd better tell
I.'lll not at home.'
Mrs. Beaumont is home spill
Betty, reappearing at the door.
I suppose that means she is engaged,'
said the old man ; rthink she will
see me when she learns who I am.
her I ant her husband's uncle, and my
name is Henry Beaumont.' -
That old rag-tag master's uncle,' said
Betty, wondering as she ascended the
Uood heavens !' said her mistress,
it ain't that old veteran who strolled
off' years ago iiobody knolvs where. I
did liope he never - would come, back
agai,n. And now I suppose he is, as
poor as a rat and wants help.. Well, he
wo4l't get it if I can help it; but I sup
pose; I must see him.'
The lady descended, fully prepared
to give the visitor a frigid reception. •
' I'm not mistaken,' said the old man
with feeling, 'it's Alexander's wife.'
You are right, sir. I tun the wife of
Mr. Alexander Beaumont, and f sup
pose- froM your language you are—
' His uncle Harry. Ah Inc ! I have
been One so many years,mul it does
me good to return to my kindred.'
-The old man leaned upon' his staff,
and his features worked convulsively
as thoughts of the past came over his
mind. Mrs. Beaumont stood holding
the door as if waiting for him to, de
part. She did riot give him any inl
tation to enter.
' Is your husband well?' enquired the
visitor, looking as if he expected 'an in
vitation to enter and refresh himself
after his walk by an interval of rest.
' If you have any message for him
you may kayo it with ine, and f will
deliver it,' said Mrs. Beaumont, de
sirous of riding herself of the intru
der as 6peedily as pcissible.
You may tell him I have called,'
said the visitor in iidisappointed tone,
' and that t would like to have seen
‘vi,ll tc m
li hint,' a' iNfrs. Ileauttiont
wri:4 (4)11.'111:,4! tho door.
11»1(1! ((wry , 6; (»I(' quest it'll »Icat".—
Wil(tt. 11»5( livee(nle »f A I(..vtlitioris sist(•l
A Wm.."
I don't. I:uryw much about her,' wt is
the rather (11(litinful reply ; but 1
thial: she married a (dell:, tot:eh:ink,
or soma Pllll lemon. - 116; itaillo is
I.,oxv(k, aml he live:4 ill Norton -
It, that.
"Chat, 6; all.'
The old nein Willed lily, step: - - 3 to
wards the street, itolti r doil, with many
fur ‘odings lest his second visit might
cas %%•elconito tis first appeared
to be. i 1 •
'flotiy,i'said I\lrs. - 13eatimollt, its she
elntied too door, ' that. ohl •Mot einnes
again, he :,ure and not forget to tell him
I am not at home.'
Norton street was- f not a lashionable
street, mir'was the titvo story dwelling
occupied by William Lowe, either hand
some or costly. I I was_ marked, how
ever, by an air of neatness, which In
dicated that its tenants were not,regard
less as to outward appearances.
We will tale the liberty of introduc
ing you into a little sitting room, where
Mrs. Lowe and her three children were
even now sbatcd. A plain serviceable
carpet covered the floor, and the re
mainder of the, furniture, though of a
kind Which , would hardly seleCted
for a drawing room, had a comfortable,
home-like appearance, which simply
satisfied the desire of those who derived
their happiness from a higher and less
mutable force than outside silo*. Mrs.
"901a.© 11.0itivtlicora. of Tlca.crta.glat . 3314,61.313.3Ca.1.22.6; of Altrieulf.cilcomirk.."
WELLSB - ORO, PA., JULY 21, 186J9.
Lowe was se: ted in a rocking'cliair, en
gaged in an employment which I am
aware is tabooed in all fashionable so
ciety. I Mean darning,stockinge.
Enima; 'a girl - of ten, was brushing up
the hearth, which the ,ashes Blom the
grate, in which a blazing fire was now
blurting, had somewhat disordered,
while Mary, who was two years young
er, was reading. Charley, a little rogue
of five, with a smiling face which could
not help looking roguish, was stroking
the cat the' 'Wrong. way, much to the
disturbance of poor Tabby, who had
quietly settled herself down to the
All at once aloud' knock was heard
'at the door.
Emma, said the mother, you may,
go to the door and see who it is, and in
vite them in, for it is a cold day.'
Emma immediately obeyed her moth
er's direction.
'ls Mrs. I4owe, at home ?' inquired
Henry' eaumOnt—for it' was he.
Yes, sir,' said Emma ; ' please walk
in, and you may see her.' •
She, ushered the old man into the
comfortable sitting room.
Mrs.‘Lowe arose to receive him.
`I believe,' he said, I'm not mistak
en in thinking that your name,
marriage, was Anna Beaumont?
,' YOU are : right, sir, that was 'my
'And have you no recollection of an
uncle that wandered away from home
and friends, and from whom no tidings
have come for many a long year ?'
` Yes, sir, I remember him well—my
mice Henry, and I have many times
wished I could hear something .from
him. Can you give any information?'
can, for 1 am he,'
• Yon my uncle?' said Mts. , Loive, in
` then you are indeed weleome-.
Emma, bring your uncle the aril chair
and place it close to the fire and, Mary,'
bring your father's slippers, for I urn
sure your dear uncle must long to get
off those heavy boots. And now, un-:
cle, when you are rested, I must de
mand a recital of your adVentures.'
'But; your brother, Alexander,' in
terrupted Mr. Beaumont, let me first
inquire about him,. He, lives in Übe .
city now, dues he not?)
A light cloud came over Mis. Lowe's
`-Yes,' she l4aid, he does live in the
city, yet strange as 11.11Oly appear, I sel
dom Or never see him. lie has Succeed
ed well, and is wealthy ; but ever since
he married a wife Wit.h a small proper
ty and greater pride, he has afoul
Trust us. I (I() not 'dyne him so much
as his wi'e, ho is said tohavegreatiu
llueuee OVer hint. 1 1 ave called once,
bait she' t reated me so coldly that 1 have
not felt disposed to renew my visit.
. ' I call easily believe it,' was the le
ply, ' for I , too, have been repulsed.'
' You repulsed? Did 'you give your
name and inform her of your relation
to her husband
' I did, but did not invite toe to
enter; and she with evidently impatient
ho n n , to be gone; 1 took the hint, and
here I am.'
At least, uncle,' said Mts. Lowe,
you need not be afraid 01
any repulse here.'
that I am quite sure,' said the
old gentleman, looking affectionately
Into -the lace of his niece. ' But you
- - van. omilaw-i
L ,me klitowAVLleCh.i. : goo d
match,' he added playfully,
"rhat depends upon what is meant
by , the •Lerm. If it , lmplies a xieh hus
band, then I failed most certainly, for !
William's salary is only eight hundred
dollars a year, and that is what. we have
to depend upon. But for all that I care
not, for a kind affectionate husband is
of far more worth than - a magnificent
house and costly furniture.'
' You arc right,' said her uncle, warm
ly, I infer,that your husband is Of
Such a CharaCter.'
• He is in truth.'
continued her uncle, there
Must be something which your limited
hfcome will not permit you to obtain,
but which would be desirable, is there
not ?'
Yes,' said Mrs. Lowe, lam anxious
to give Emma and Mary a musical ed
ucation, but Williams means will not
allow of such-- extravagance as the
purchase of a piano ; so -that is one of
the things which we Must be content
to deny ourselves.'
Mr. Lowe, then entered, and being
informed of he character of his visitor
he extended a hearty welcome.
A comfortable repast was soon spread
of which Mr. Beaumont readily par
took. His sPirite rose-and ho seemed
to grow younger as he saw the cheerful
thces around him, -and he felt himself
at home. Soon after the evening meal
ho arose to depart.
Surely, you,,are not i going ?' said his
niece, you;' must henceforth take up
your abode with us.
We will see about that, and if you
don't think you will get tired of me
perhaps I will come. But I have hired
a lodging and must undoubtedly remain
in it for a few days.'
',But you must call inevery day and
' make yourself perfectly at home even
before you come here to stay,' persisted
,his niece.
assured of that.'
In accordance with his promise, Mr. ,
Beaumont made his appearance next
day at eleven o'clock and was received
as cordially as before. He had hardly
been at home a quarter of an hour when
a loud rap was heard'at the door. She
beheld two men who had justOrdve up
in a wagon.
' Where is the
am,' theyl luquiret l) . . .
`'Piano! You have inade a
. inista4e;
We have not purehasfl : a piano.'
' Isn't your name Lowe?'
.. ' , ...
- !Then it is all right. Jim bear a
hand, for it is confounded heavy.
• But I am quite sure there must be
some mistake,' still insisted the per
plexed Mrs. Lowe.
Not at all,' said a 141,tul voice behind
She turned around ill it11111%.0111 . 14.
continued the uncle
tlnq 1 ant going to come and live with
you, and I thought I 'would pay my
Board in
. advance, that is all. As you
expressed a wish yesterday for a piano,
thouglit it, would be as acceptable a
way its auy.'
- ' You uncle!' .Why—excuse me--but
I thought from— from.'
' You mean,' said he smiling, that
you thought from my appearance that
1 could not allbrd it. And I confess,
said he, casting. a glance at himself aL
the glass, that my dress is not In the
"t rent() o f o w r as hion, and in fact I
obliged%) look sometime, whctl I
called at the second hand clothing store
the other day before I could find these.
However; as t have got all'the service'
wished but of them, I shall throw them
aside to-morrow, and appear more re
spectably clad.'
What! are you wealthy, nude?'
Depend upon it; Anna,tl. didn't
spend ten years in the East Indies for
nothing,' was the reply.
,` I had a
mind, however, to, put on the appear
ance of a poor man and so test the af
fection and disinterestedness a my rela
tions: Otie of them, however, I found
not at home; ram happy to find my
• self at home with the other.'•
Let us return to the aristocratic Airs.
B. who, in a few evenings succeeding
the events hero recorded, was in the
drawing room receiving calls.
lane to be put, ma'
'By the way,' said a fashionable vis
itor, ' I tun' to have ycor relatives, the
Lewes, for my next door neighbors.'
'Next door neighbors!' exclaimed
Mrs. Beaumont in amazement. What
do you mean':'
Is it possible you have not heard of
their good fortune?' ' Mrs. Lowe's
uncle has returned from the East Ind
ies with all immense' fortune,'
He has taken a house in the same
block , with ours, and .when they have
moved into it, will take up his resi
dence with them —Meanwhil'o ho is
stopping at the R.— House.'
What ! Henry Beaumont?'
The very same, but I thought you
knew it.'
When the visite'. withdrew, Mrs.
Beaumont ordered a carriage, and im
mediately drove to the hotel where her
husband's uncle j was stopping. She
seat up her card nd requested an audi
t The servant so n returned with an
other card on w ich were traced
Significant words'
1 ' NOT ,
Curicsponilence uC filo Agitator
A never failing source of wealth is
given to those whose patience will en
able them to'wait for the slow but sure
result of time devoted to the raising of
cattle: During the late war the south
ern armies were mainly 'supplied with
beef that was brought from Texas, and
thousands of tuns' are continually 'ship
ped from that State to the cities of the
Although lying much further. south
than Colorado, it affords no greater ad
vantages, except in its `being nearer a
market; but now that a net-work of
railroads are in proces4 of construction, ,
or their building in contemplation, the
extreme bOrders of the great JPlains
will be placed in ready conmmnica i tion
with Chicago and St. Louis, thus a
ready outlet will be given to the ranch
man, by which he can readily reap the
rewardlof his patience and laliq. •
Last Slimmer more than one liundred
tlionsand head of beef cattle • wer: ,
shipped from southern Kansas and the
Indian Territory to St:Louis and other
river to , ,‘ lie and cities, on the Katisti
Pacilie Railroad. Thu Mexicans, who
may be called a pastoral people, have
immense herds that each year are
growing larger and more numerous.—
But they are not much sought after
for beef, as constant intermingling, of
the sante hived has eaused Own! to de
generate iii to a kind lean and.muscular,
but affording the best draft cattle in the
Wetit,, their long lint is carrying them
over the wound at a ate equal to that
of a horse, be it run ling or walking . .
'When crossed witha t imported breed
a kind is produced superior to either
\%helm unini.xeil, and one much better
suited to t ie \spas of the people. It is
imposSibl to relate nearly how many
arc owne in this territory thus produe
ed, or bra fight 1 from the States, us they
ellenar in large droves when two
years on , but they already number
very many thousands, and one third at
least is addedto this number every
ri, 1 - -
ex ally of grass Cove
ttgi i rolUnge ovbr, marTrebink - s " fiVitt
put out into the plains at intervals of
ten or twelve miles during the dry
season are kept full by the masses Of
melting snow on the higher range, thus
affording an abundant supply of water,
while the absence of ruin and frost
during thesurn mer and early fall months
enables the grass to cure where it grew
and retain its nutriment to a degree that
will fatten cattle on it alone during the
winter. Occasionally a heavy wind
sweeping from-the Pacific slope over
the great snowy micr b o, will bring the
storm clouds to the prairie, but the
moist snow usually melts as fast as it
falls, or at furthest, remains on the
ground but, two or three days at one
time. Itanchmen usually stack a few
tuns of hay during the summer season
to guard against the otherwise destruc
tive result of a continued storm; but it
is seldom used, as the' cattle prefer to
feed on the thick tufts of bunch-grass,
in the center of which a green growth
is found. throughout the year.-
There are, comparatively few square
miles east of the mountains that cannot
Ise made subservient to the use of man,
either in furnishing tillable land of
great fertility or nutritious grasses on
which great herds of cattle and horses
will thrive throughout the year with no
other care than that of herders who
keep them from straying, too•far from
the locality where they are being kept..
The western march of progress has
demonstrated the fact that what was
once regarded as the dread Urea Amer
ican Desert can be made to produce food
for the millions. They have only to
look at the vast herds of butlido, which
until the whites came roamed almost at,
will over the great plains, to prove this
'fact—where hey live in a wild state
surely domest c cattle can be made to
What the palm tree is to the south
sea Islander, or the walrus and 'seal are
to the Esquimaux, the butlido is to the
Indian, supplying as it does almost
every want felt by him in his savage
state, as there is not a distinct portion"
of the animal but has for him its sepa
rate use. ; The hide, aside from its use
as a blanket, is tanned by a process that
removes the hair and makes asoft plia
ble leather with which the teepees, or
wigWanis are covered, the horns are
used as receptacles for powder or manu
factured into drink - ing cups, the sharper
bones are made into knives for severing
robes, the masticated food, or " buffalo
chip," furnishes fuel in regions far re
mote from forests, while the meat forms
the staple, I may say the only article of
laud for a greater portion of !4the year.
The meat is prepared for futu:e use by
being cut into thin strips and exposed
to the sim for a few days wl en iL be
comes as dry, hard, and nearly as taste
lehs as a piece of wood. In this condi
tion it, can be kept for many months
without injury, and is the only kind of
food the 1 ndian supplies himself with
when 011 • the 'warpath or in regions
where fresh meat cannot readily be -
Mural. We learn that the Indians found
by the Puritans, cultivated corn in a
measure to supply their wants, but the
nomads of the plains are capable of no
such fOrethought ; they least to-day
and starve to-morrow. Their diet, if
from no other cause, would naturally
produce in them a savage disposition.
The area of country over which - the
lailialo once roamed 10 lust being made
lens by the encircling whites with his
instruments of death and flestructiOn.
Once they roamed from the AlleThe
nies hi the Pacific, front the Bri ish
Possessions to the Rio Uraude, but 1 ow
the region where they may at any time
he found, is that lying between the
Platte and Arkansas rivers ; this is now
pierced by
.two lines of railroad that
will each bring t greater number of
those who are eager to share in the mad
excitement of a bullido hunt. That
hunting them is more exciting than
anything save chasing the redskins, Is
the belief gained by experience of one
who_ once came near being ground into
the dust by thgalloping herd where
hut a m9ment before his stumbling
horse had throWn him,
The buffido does not depend on his
sense of eight to detect the presence of
an enemy, but to his remarkable sense
of smell. •Tl►e long coarse hair falling
over the eyes AIMS off a view of the
hunter till within two or three hundred
yards the leewafd, [nit his presence
is quickly knowni when more than a
mile to the windward. At the first
alarm the leader starts-off in an opposite
direction, followed by the whole herd
who in their rolling gallop produce a
motion much like that of the waves of
the sea. I cannot bear witness to the
oft made statement of the thunder
ing noise made by a drove of these
frightened animals. I have ridden by
the side of a herd of four or five thous
and, and save a dull muffled sound as
their feet strike the sandy soil, little
noise is made. But the dust raised by
a large herd when in flight, can be
compared only to that of a simoom in
the desert.
Next in importance to the buffalo in
supplying the wants of the Indian is
the Antelope, that is found in countless
numbers on all the vast uplands of the
far west. The animal Is about the size
of the forest deer; but quite unlikeit in
appearance and habit. The color of the
hair is of a light yellow, except on the
breast and flanks where it is• a dull
white. When moving rapidly it goes
of a lope or gallop, no impediment to
that motion being found on the prairie.
A singular trait is observed in its
attempts to discover the cause of any
unusual object that may come within
range of its keen sight. Then the
usually, timid animal becomes regardless.
of danger, and will haAten near to that
which often brings its death. Frequent
ly the keit and white signal iflags Of our
marker have brought herds from a dis
tance of two miles to lear4 the cause of
the unusual sight in their ;domains. It
is this feeling of curiosity .that often
leads them within range of , the bow or
rifle of those, who are awrtiting the re
sult of a like stratagem. Their grega
rious habi ts cause them to band together,
and at the approach of winter will
assemble in droves of several thousand.
They are ninch hunted for their meat
by both races, and frequently such quan
tities are brought, to the Denver market,
that it sells for only one cent perpound.
Whoever makes the Journey act oss tite
continent on the now completed rail)
toad, will see thousands of them on
either side of the track between Jules
and the base of the mountains.
The natural enemy of the buffalo and
antelope, is the wolf, of NWhiell two
vaiielies tau lotind - on the plains—the
large grey wolf the prairie wool' or
coyote. The first is about the size of
a Newfoundland dog, ,and is much
hunted for its skin that, is manufac-
lured into valuable robes. It is mostly
found in the vieinity of herds of butlido,
ever ready to pull down any member
that through age, or any oilier eaUSC,
is unable to fight theni off. The coyote
stands abqut a foot in height, is about
three feet in length ; but it is fortunate
fur us that it grows no larger if its
meatiness is proportioned to its size. It
not Only makes Bight, hideous with its
dismal hewlings, but iL will steal any
and everything not too heavy for it to
drag or carry away. A piece of harness,
a tent pole, a rubber blanket, or scalped
victim of the tomahawk", is equally as
acceptable Mr a banquet. The wisdom
it displays when wishing to be screened
from view is equaludi only by that of the
,F.,........_, ___, : . 1. :4- ;.• .......ict .....__ • ,,.. ~,,,,d
in the sand when it wishes to escape,
: notice. The only difference' with the
coyote is, that it will turn its head and
peep over its back at the - hunter who,
thogli perhaps only a few yards dis
tant would not Waste a shot on the
worthless scavenger.
High up among the mountains and
at times among the beds of perpetual
snow, is found the 'Mountain ;Sheep, or
American I bex—(Ovis vion!htlia.) The
animal stands about three Net in height,
and weighs about 130 IN: The hair
is of a dull straw color, abotit two inches
long, but too coarse to be of hay value in
manufacture. Its most pcduliar feature
are its horns that grow to an enormous
size, and attain a weight equal to one
fourth that of the body, The idea is
entertained by many that the horns
serve as a cushion to brllt the-force of
the fall if the footing is st while leap
ing among the rocks; tf is is quite ltin
correct if fur no other re sou than that
the neck would be br ken by such
rough proceedings. That they may
safely use their horns as a means of
letting themselves down over rocks is
quite probable,
.but only by catching
with them on projecting points can it
be done. In proof of this we often lied
the points of the horns worn away, and
presenting a stuffier a couple of inches
diaineter. A pair now at the Normal
School at Mansfield presents this ap
pearance and gives an idea of their size
and shape. The habits of the animal
are bi liar to those of the chamois, and
like its counterpart of the Alps, is next
to impossible, to capture by even ap
Bruin is represented by two species,
the einuanio and drizzly bears. They
are found exclusively in the mountains,
often in or near the open parks where
berries and CSCUICIII. roots are found in
greater abundance. The cinnamon
bear is about the size of the black bear
of the State, and like it is compara
tively harmless in its disposition. Not
so, however,fwith the grizzly, for espec
iiilly when ti'ounded, it becomes a very
dangerous enemy to approach, and at
eimes the bleaching hones of the huntcr
found long afterwards, tell the result of
a combat: witlA the momuch of the
nmuntains. They attain a sizec truly
enormous; occasionally one is kilted
that weighs over a tuff. The rube is'as
large as that of a good sized hullido.—
A rifle ball will do but little harm unless
Tired into a: vital spot. Unlike the
smaller kind they aro incapable of
and this failure is taken ad-
vantage ofby the mountain Indians
who iii hunting them allow themselves
to be pursued to'a tree convenient for
useendiug: The bear in its battled at
tempts to reach the enemy rears, upright
when the hunter from his safe position
of only a few feel distant, thrtiws
liandlul of tobacco, or substance of a
like nature into the eyes of the maden
ed beide. Thus blinded the pain-crazed
beast finally yields to thrusts of Spears
in the hands of the red hunters. .
' 'A. DEANE.
In Switzerland they give salt to cat
tle in the, form of little blocks composed
of nine•tc:giths•salt and one-t,e,!nth pot
ter's day.. These bricks ar6 placed in
Doses at the foot of the nVinger, and
sy reach of the ann f intl, which
will take!xv hat instinct proni;pts and no
more. Sonic use them in the pasture
in the same manlier, when the animals
will lick thewat their pleasure. It is
well known that salt administered in
this economical manner will produce
excellent results on the horse, cow and
The pompous ep)eaph of a close fisted
citizen closed withj;tho following pass
age or Scripture: "Ile that giveth to
the poor lendeth to the Lord.' That
may he,' soliloquiziAl Sainbo, but when
dat man died, do Lord didn't owe him
a red cont.' •
' A little girl having, heard, her father
call her younger brother "a little sha
ver," and desiring afterwards to use the
expression could come no near to it
than, "0 you little barber hhop,"
•I B 7 LII IN. 1 Sri Ica LI4
The minute round worms known as
41c/iina2, like the pin worms of Ott
dren, stomach worms, and many ether
round worms parasitic in mint and , va
rious aninntis, belonging to an order of
worms very different from the tape
worm described in our first article.
The latter are femarkable for lacking a
distinct mouth and intestine (though
the )rinters, by a curious mistake, made
us speak of the )'gnawing" instead of
growing). But the round worms have
a well-)armed mouth and intestine, anti
are, therefore ,1 much more highly or
ganized. Yet the Trichina is remar
kable, like the tape-worm, for being
obliged to pass its life in the bodies of
two different animals In order to reach
The young I'richina3, like young tape
worms, occur imbedded in the muscles
of the hog and several other animals,
and man. But unlike the young tape
worms or "measles,", the,
young Tri
chime are so small as to be quite in
visible to the eye,•and millions of them may exist in the flesh of a Pig without
producing any unusual. appearance in
the meatsuflicient to attract the atten
tion even of expert, unless examined
with a powerful microscope. This is
one reason why deaths so frequently
occur from eating pork filled 'With this
parasite. When recently introduced
into pork, the little Worms aro free
among the muscular fibres, but after
four or file weeks they become enclosed
In minute- whitish elongated cysts or
capsules ' ' due the iri j itation and inflam
mation th i fit, they cause by feeding and
moving. After a year or more these
cysts become calcified by a deposit of
carbonate of lime in the membrane,
and at this time are visible to the eye as
minute specks, about the size of hemp.
seed, scattered through the muscles.
When enclosed in the cyst, the worms
become dorinalit, and though they may
live for years, and even some time after
the death of_their host, they can do no
further lon'ln unless swallowed by man
or some animal. Mach cyst COnta)ns a
little slender worm about one-thirtieth
of an inch long, and one iseven-Inin
ilredt it thick, coiled up in two or three
f f [pork containing these worms,
either free or cysts, be eaten
by Mail, they lievonie liberatal in the
sioniacii, and entering the Intestine
attach the loselvcs to its soft lining, and
(twee, surrounded with abundant food,
thvS , groW very vapidly and become ma
ure,,w it II fully yleveloped sexual organs,
in about, two days. 'rho females are
larger and more numerobs than the
males, and become about oneenth of
an inch long when full grown. The
males soon die, but the feniales begin
to give birth to living young in four or
live days from the time when ihvallowed,
and they live long enough to,produce
brood of from live hundred to one thous
and young Nvorms each. As one ounce
of pork sometimes contains half a mil
lion or more of the worms, it is not sur
prising that the millions of adult worms
and their otl'spring,lisometimes result
ing from a single meal of raw pork,
should, by their very presence, produce,
• i - vt . I hi, lofit !pia Arin
lent dim - Flue and vomit O- ing, which are
often the iirst symptoms in severe cases.
But the young worms, almost as soon
as born, begin to eat their way through
the lining membrane of the intestine
into the minute blood vessels and absorb
ents, thus vastly increasing the irrita
tion. • Entering thus lie circulation,
they are carried by the blood to the
heart, thence to the' lungs, and then
beemne diffused through the - whole
Great, numbers ottlun. lodge in the
capillary blood vessell of the heart,
lungs, and various other organs, pro
ducing great irritation-and Various sy m
toms, but the majority finally arrive
and remain in the voluntary muscles,
where the diameter of the small blood
vestiels is not suille i tent to allow them
to pass through. When they lodge in
the capillary vessels, they soon force
their way through their walls, and thus
find tlieinselves among the muscular
tibresiovhere they live and thrive for
some' weeks, making for themselves
passages, and even entering and des
troying, in sonic cases, the fibres them
selves. All these operations cause, of
course, an immense amount of irritation,
if, as often happens, millions. of these
tleshLwerms are at work at, the same
time in all parts of the' system ; and it
is no wonder that many violent )sym p
lums and high lever result, or that there
should be intense soreness and pain in
the muscles, and dropsical swellings.
Death in severe cases may occur at any
time from the filth to the fiftieth clay:
The duration of the disease, like its se
verity, is in directe
, proportion to th
number of living Trichinie swallowed,
and varies from two weeks to three or
tour numths. The only direct remedies
are powerful purgatives administered as
soon as possible in order to expel the
adult. 11 , 11141 es before their" full broods
have Loch prodifeed. Castor oil and
calomel have been chiefly useful for this
purpose. I ;Even in ninny coMparativel;„'
mild cases the suffering is intense, and
the recovery slow and tedious, while
many secondary diseases, like pneu
monia, are liable to ensue. When ?all
the worms have become lodged in he i
muscles :via enclosed in the cysts, the
direct symptoms cease, and,. it' the
strength of the patient, has been kept
up, recovery is probable. .
- Nt7. - Nuthats FouND IN PEgiSONS• 't
Persons in robust health may be able
to survive the attack of half a million
or more of these flesh-wort - Us-An drecov
er, but there is a limit to all human en
durance, and the numbers often con
tained in the muscles of persons who
have been killed • by them are almost
incredible. ieroseopie preparations
not much larger than a pipit, head often
contain ten to forty, and one bit' of
muscle weighing about one-fifth of a
grain, from a child that died on the
seventy-ninth day, contained fifty
eight. Allowing one hundred worms
to a grain of muscle, a man might con
tain twenty-eight millions of the para
sites, i,ind the length 'of the muscular
fibres actively inflamed by such a num
ber, if placed in it line, would amount
to ninety miles.
The cysts containing . Trichinae were
tint .observed lin human muselcs in
1.8:22,- but the wnrni was first named and
described by ()wen, in 7535, from
. sini•
ilar cysts, but it was only regarded as
stn anatomical curio:it-y of no practical
importance, until P-,tio, when Zenker
proved that it is capable of producing
the severe and often intal disease now
k uo,k. 11 under the name of Triehin
iasis, but NVilich bout been previously
(as tt often is' still) cont . ettuded with
typohid fever, rheumatic lever, poison
ing, and other diseases. 6inco isuo
thousand of deathsone 1:1101N11 to have
occurred, especially in Germany, where
the custom of eating 'various forms of
raw or imperfectly cooked pork is much
more common than in• this country.
ilettstadt, in 18133, the flesh of one
pig infected one hundred and,ififty
eight persons, of whom twenty-eight
died. Several other "epidemics" have
also occurred in the same country., In
the United States, many sad-cases have
oleo been recorded.
The proprieterah.avostockodthoestabliibm
with a new a varie assortment of
l d are prepared to ticeeuto neatly and promptly
BEADS, CARDS,I:FAMPHLETS, ho., ho.,)Siortgages , Leases,a nd a full assortment
of Constables' and Justices' Blanks on hand.
People living at a distance can dependon har
ing their work done promptly and sent back in
return mail.
NO, 29.
A few weeks since, In the course of
conversation with an eminent broker,,
who has been forty years acquainted
with the leading moneyed men of tha
country, we asked if he ever knew a
schemer, 'who acquired money or po
sition by fraud, to continue successful
through life, and leave a fortune at
death. We walked together about three
minutes in 'silence, when he replied
—"Not one 1 I have seen men," ha
said, "become rich as if by magic, and
afterwards reach a high position in
public estimation, not only for honor
and enterprise, but even forpiety, when
some small circumstances, of no appa
rent importance, had led to Investiga
tiohs, which resulted in disgrace and
rum." •
On Sunday we again converged with
him upon the same subject, and he
stated that since our last interview lie
had extended his inquiries-among
large circle of acquaintances, and with
one solitary,exceptiod, and that doubt
ful,ltheir experience was to the same
effect as his own. He gave a brief out
line' of several small and big schemers,
and their tools, their rise and fall. ISa
icide, murder, arson and perjury, fie
said,. were common crimes with many
of these who made "haste to be rich,"
regardless of the means ; and, he added,
there are not ft.lei'v men who may be
seen on 'Change every day, ignorantly
striving for their destruction. It isnot,
he said, so much the love of gold that'
leads many business men astray, EtEi the
desire to be thought sharp or successful.
He concluded that fortunes acquired
without honesty generally overwhelm
ed their possessors with Infamy.—Bos
ton Atlas.
The apostle of old wrote a similar can
tioulto that above, taken from a secular
paper. "But they that will, be rich fall
mil) temptation and a snare, and into
many foolish and hurtful lusts which
drown men in perdition. 'For the love
of money is the root of all evil'; which,
while some coveted after, they have
erred from the faith, and pierced them
selver with many surrowS. But thou,
o man of lied, nee these things." And
the wise king has left on record the
proverb, corroborated by the experience
of every generation, "he that tuaketh
haste to be rich s hall not be innocent."
These cautions ought to be stamped on
the hearts of our young men in this day
of • absorbing - worldliness. ill j they
would escape such bltter.,disappolut
ment and ruin, lid trhem not "snake
haste," but, by diligence and- strict in
tegrity before G.od and man, lay the
toundations in truth and righteousness,
and though they may seem to advance
slowly, they will avoid thereck of moral
character, and the overwhelming ruin
that so - often overtakes the hasty aspi
rant after riches. Let them remember
the admonition of the Psalmist, as ap
plicable to business transactions, as to
spiritual training, in this present life:—
" Wherewitmil shall a young man
cleanse his way'? by taking heed there
to, according to thy, word."—Christian,
FL - I'J* NA TnusT YE.—Two centuries
ago it was thought an insult in the
Highlands of Scotland to ask a net° from
a debtor. It was-considered the same
as Saying, " I doubt your honor." If
parties nad businessimattersrto transact,
they stepped in the air, fixed their eyes
upon the heavens and each repeated his
obligation, with no i3nortal witness. A
mark was then carved on some rock or
tree near by, as remembrance of the
compact. Such a thing as a breach of
contract was rarely met with, so highly
did the people regard their honor.
When the march of improvement
brought the new mode of doing busi
ness, they were often pained by these
innovations. Au anecdote is banded
down of a farmer!who had been to tho
Lowlands and learhed worldly wisdom.
On returning, to his native parish he
had need of a Slll.llof money, and made
bold to ask a loan of a gentleman of
means, named Stewart. This was
cheerfully granted, and Mr. S.' counted
out the gold. This done, the farmer
wrote a receipt, and offered it to the
- "What is this, man ?" said Mr. Stew
art, sternly eyeing the paper.
"It is a, receipt, sir, binding ine to
give back yer gold at the right time,"
replied Sandy.
Binding ye? Well, my man, if ye
canna trust yerself I'm sure I'll na
trust ye ! Ye canna ha' my gold !" And
gathering it' up, be put- it back in his
desk and turned the key on it.
" But, sir, I might die," replied the
canny Scotchman, bringing up an argu
ment in favor or his new wisdom, "and
my sons might refuse it ye. 'But/ this
bit of paper wad compel them."
" Compel them to sustain a dead fa
ther's honor'? cried the Scot. " They'll
need no compelling to do right. If this
is the road yer leading them I'll neither
trust ye nor them. ye can gang else
where for money ! But yell' lind, 'nano
in this parish that'll put kutire faith in
a bit o' paper than in a neighbor's word
o' honor and, his fear o' God !" ,
As cool a person, under the cii•eum
stances, as ever we heard of, •was a
young nobleman, who, - in a frightful
railroad accident, missed his valet. One
of the guards came'up alit said : 'My
lord, we have found your 'servant, but
he is cut in two."Ah, is he?' said the
young'man with a dreary draivl, but
with some anxiety depicted on- his
countenance; •will you be good enough
to see in which half he has the key, of
Ins ctu'pet bag?'
A little boy residing in a village where
tin; small-pox was prevalent, vaccina
tion, its merits and efforts, were the
thethe of talk. Sunday morning Geor
gie started for Sunday School. During
the exercises the teacher'asked George
it' he had ever been baptised. Small
pox am( vaccination happening to be
uppermost in Georgie's mind, he
promptly answered'i " Yes, sir, I've
been baptised live times, but it never
Judge--'-when first admitted to the
bar, was a very blundering speaker.
On one occasion, wheirhe was trying a
ease of replcvlp involving the right to
the property in a lot of hogs, he said ;
"Gentleman of the jury there were just
twenty-four' hogs in that drove, just
twenty-four; exactly twice as many as
there is in that jury-box."
A Matt nuulJ his fortune by industry
:Lad close' eeonoiny, and used to loan
his money, on interest. One day in
mid-summer, a friend happening to say
to him, "How pleasant it is Co have
sue!' imig bright days •.' "
replied he, "but these long days the in
terestrbomes in slow."
There is a girl ht Jersey whose lips
are so sweet that they stick together
every morning by the honey they distA,
and she cannot open her mouth until
she has parted her lips with a Silver
knife. She will. bo a treasure to her
husband, not only on account of her
sweetness, that because she can occa
sionally keep her mouth shut.
Curious how this life resembles bil
liards—kisses and misses are generally
found, uoar together 1