Afgioga doitutp agitator is published every Wednesday Moorning tit per year, invariably in adyaneo. • COBB ,& VAN GELDER... --- L . L.P. C.Vd?“4I.DEI; N , it •~~V UU~ j ADVZrR'IZ!BINCa 1t.04,- 1 1".8 , PEN LINES OP 31rfoon,On LE6B 7 ELkEt oNESQOABE Nth Of Sq're. 1 III; 3Tn 4lne. Shoe. 81V1oe.441Yeu ticoaro, $1,00152,V r 52,50 $5,00 $ 7,00`512,( ;I.lutirert 2,00 5,60 4,00 8,00 12,00 IS,( 10,00 i 11t "fl ,, 17,00 1 22,00, i s(y One Col 118,00 . 21 1 foo ll 4°oo D 1 001 00, 1 per line; Editor Special Noticips 15 Local 20 eents'per lino MASONIC. OSSFIA LODUN, No, 317, A, Y. M., tueots at their Nall over Dr. It9y's drug store, on Tuesday evening, ou or before the Full Moon, at 7 o'clock P. M. T1(0(lA. 011APTElt, No. 101, R. A, A., meets at the 11411, on Thursday evening. on or ,elorc the INV) loon, at 7 o'clock P. Al'. ri'd(l.k COUNCIL, N 0.31, R. J.: MASTERS, tuccts at tho Roll, on the third Friday at each calendar le.nith, at 7 o'clock P. M. 'CYAGAGITTON COWIANDRIIY, No. 23, of ICNIOUTS TEIIPLAR, and the appendant orders, vac ets nt the 11411, on tlto first Friday of oach calendar month, at 7 o'clock 1.4[. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, -- W111,1.1101 ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW 10-arance, Bounty and Pension Agency, Main ilit:et %Irellsboro, ')an.'l, 1868., , , WM, GARRETSON, AtDRNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, Nzitary Public and Insura.ncc Agcdt, BloSn burg, P. 1., over Caldwell's Store. GEO. W. 1g BUR C , ATTORNEY AND.COUNSELLOR AT LAW- Oiilel3 with W. .11..• Smith, Esq., Main Street, ompite Union Block, Wellaboro, Pa. • .14;i6 , 15, 1868. ' D. , TERSELY. CO., ,10LII:SALE DRIJOGISTS; and deniers in Nall Paperi - kierosono Lumps, Window Wass, Perfumery, )faints and Oils, &0., &e. Corning, N. 1., Jan. 1, ' 6. F. WELackx. WILSON lir— NILES, I. trottNEYS & COUNSELORS AT LAW, First door Irma Bigonees, on the Avenue)— Will attend to busineselentrneted to their CaTO In the counties of Tioga and Potter. Welisboro, Jan. 1, 1868. JOHN - I. 'MITCHELL A I"VORNEY AM/ 'COUNSELOR AT LAW, /-IWulls.boro, Tiuga. 00., Ya. Claim Agent, Nuttry and Insurance A;4eut. Ilu will attend promptly to u'olloctiim of Vousiuus, Caul Pay hod Lourity. An Notary Public bu tapes acktiowledgetuotthi id deeds, ad :misters ortlm, and will aut. it.: Cum ulibbioluer to t 4l(6tut , timuriy.„?....4.l — Office over Roy's Drugstore, 4.ljuinine, Agitator 30, 1:367 Johit W. Guernsey, A TTO RN E Y AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. , Ida., returned to this coun ty with a view of a.iiting it his purtnurieut residence, solicit:. a :bare of public patronage. All husinet:p et,- , trusted to his care will be attended to pith vouiptness and fidelity. Office 2d door south qf E. S. Ferr's hotel: Tioga:Tioga Co., Po sept.26.'6B.—tf. • .1011 N E. SIIARSPEARE, ititAPER,AND TAILOR. Shop over Jelin I:riwon's Store.. Cutting, Fitting, and Repairing done promptly and in best i•tylo. We'Whir°, I'a:. Jun. 1,18138-1 y GEORGE WAGNER, R. shop first door north VE.A. L` r,'s Shop. „,,aireutting, Fitting, lend Itopair ,ng dune promptly and Ascii. well.3bori), Pa., Jan. 1, 1865.-1 y. 3011 N ETNER, [LCat AND CUT 1 Eli, has opChe ;1 Awl; Craf tog street; roar of Sears k Derby's shut :hop, where he is prepared to wapiti:lt:titre gur smote to order in the most sehatantia I fu;t ti her, 4tl with dispatch. - Particular a tten tii.o ju C , l Cutting and Fitting Ala r,h 2(1. I eilB- 13 Dr, O. Yt. Thompuon. LWELLSIJOHOCGLI PA-i rani in t liv Wellsboru a d berg:. milee /mei Hot) :Nr 4.; 4; Y.l awl ro. the g.ollig 1•11 N I 1t.t01. , 1, M. I/ , info .r Ca V:Lil ait,.t U. ly tour year. 01 army .0.1 I ice, 11,01 in field and hospital mliar, opem.4l tat tn. for tile pint:tit:o medidno Ritasur l ,uty, y, in all Imillekee. Put Halls 1101x1 it hill rind good Nunaylratim 110t0 when tlettitetl.- k‘ u-11 ,Iny pat tui 1.110 Slab in C.Allinilll4. lion, 11l to aver:olomi. No 4, Unmn 111,.,,k, up '.V, 11 , b010. pa , May 2,1860 Win• E. Smith, kNoXV i LLB, Pa.' Pension, Itownty, and In .ott.lnce Agent. Cotnteunicatiuna on to the ala,‘ e addrd,s will' receive proqii.t attention. feralF, moderate. Dan 8, 1688-I.l] Tlios. 13.13ryden. MIVEYOIt Sc DRAFTS/MAN.—O /dors left at Hotel, - ulll air with prompt 1,111 11. ISII7 .-Ij, R. E. OLNEY, uKALER ut CLOC.Rti &JEWELRY, Si Lir R ARE, Spi.ttackt, Violin Ntringr, tr„kc., Mansfield, jtehe,B and Jew elry Itedlly repaired. Engia - Ving dune in plain Etr.;lngi ,Lnd Gorman. 1 Hairdressing tL Shaving NVilleox S Barker's Btore, Wene- I'.t. Particular attention paid to Ladies'•ctitting, Shampooirig, Dyeing, etc. .Eriidfl, Nn:,r,th, and ElViCh 08 on hand and Lunde to or- W. LiOItSEV I. G. PUTNAM, W llT—rl guilt Jro all I'm I,ntt. 'MR II I IVAWIIIt WII .1!: E AF(' 1 1-s,•,ilialingp%l ormolu rio (4:trig abil 1;;;g.t, Pa., :tag.' fi, l SIN, Iv. • U. L . W 1 LL'OX , t •• Ls In littV elti(ltts ~1 .111 kinds, 11...1.) 114 " 1 V tilou Notione. thir aeiortiliviit 0 Law r. , lpcicti how. Storo lo iiiti"si Wm.!, Cali 1 qe.ttile win.---0111y 20 11168— IN PETROLEUM LI OUS E,l( ' •- ['MIA), l'A., II }WIWI'', CLOSE, 'ro l a I. t.,1-. A new t !loud condneted rd . n the principle I Ji ro and lot live, for the tiperditanottalion o Le othlie.--Nov. 1.1, 11106.---4,V• liitZLIP 4 TirS 40TE-L, ()OA, TIOGA. COUNTY, PA im)(l:+tlibling, attached, unii.on \altentirr. hus r alivaye iu uticrid.tnee W. uAzuurv, frIOTEL; :::31'FIELD Don,ugh, Tioga Co. P 3., E. U. • iotur. A now and commodious ou 311 the tuediag r y improveweulr. Vtdhit o.trty drives of the beklitt utiug and minds iqorthern Ponn'a. Cun ye) nnet:E. trot bwl. rcrops moderate. IZA. I I.IIi I,VALTOIii 1114 ,O aaioos, Tioga Couuty, , .ra. ')it.loE C VEII.IIIII.I'EA, 1'1:01 0 1:: Thi: it ae.y !oriel located lVllliih easy accers (II the " , t awl hunting •.i. o ..att,ylvaitta,, No grata wilt he spared tr' ,,, •ootnioflatiult of pleasure iceltert , 'r iv:ding public. [3an. 1, 1868.] Bounty and Pension Awenev. - • , 1 : 1",Kt, o....ive.itelinitvoiNo lief Imir I if r( . ..::1111110 "".. " 1 " 1 " 1111 tY AlloWo ll by the act .I.l,liro.:ed :: 2 '. i•wi.:itid havilig on haul 111111;., -111,p1,N 01 all -:yry I ,l,kill:b .1 .ilil propareillp plOSl.rillt. Al) pear ,., .., 1%,1 I )..liity c,1,01111. whirl.' 111 11 3' be placed 111 my 1, , vq ,, mstivingat a distance can Ninitimnlcrute • ' ''‘l.qt , r..tutl rbolr conimmitrationp will ho r '' ,o Y tihw,,ed. WHAL SMITH . .11,E0. k10b0r24,1364.1. 1-I .IItKNEBB BOAT AND SHOE MAK FRS, )4, W./5.0 & VUH Vo/kontury'v th, hurl, / rworipird by .t:ec ti AND StiOklS (,( all wade tr. 1 ,„1 In 1'1 "1 be:i manner • '' ' '"11( >; 0 of all kinds done promptly :Ind 1. Give .call. EtiS JOHN HARK . WM. HENLEY. 4vttibliOrOplau.2,lB6B-Iy. .... .. - . , . . .. . i l. . i . • . . - . ~. , . , • . . , , i ,. •,.:.., t - 1 .- ef . ' 4 ;;;;:,f .i , •:?. / • '..; ' ? `; i - r.wal A i p..`-"' . ; ,: ~, . c.,, .; ~, ~ ~,4/1 . ra..:7 l , ~i ..., .. ...,,,„:..,.:, , tz„..., \ ,' 1 / 4 .:2, 4.... +, 'NI. 4 -•'..". ?:. i'...' „ ' ' -\ ' ' . ' , - : N. •'' .. ~ . , .. . _.... . . , -,:, ...-.. • , , - , / .-.7...77.-- --.... ,• , 1 - t . . I -1 / 4. 11 ' t! . \...k.,.... ,...., _ , . ; '- '.-•-, -, , t; ,-r; ;i-; ii .';, ~ : -.,, . ,1 ft ,-, 1 i - . ) 3 - ~ ~ ;:. .; ~. ; ~.,. .; -:,1 ,- ~ , 4 f•- 4 1 "f-' , ; Ci' k f ~; f 7 i 1 ill -Ns. , . t :; „ 1 ;. ' '•,,1, ": rh. 10 . , - .01 1 !';.A ',-- tt ^ 1 C-t tll " y iir • , -.4 °.•='"" ' • • . I ', i • ; .1 1 • ° %, i ; .• t. ~, „ ' „1. .(L . t * .1..1. , ..”,---. , - 1 '4 1 ' 4 . - :, -,.' ', ' - ''''' '''' ' ''' :"-' ' -' - '''': 4•' ' -. • "" •'. •' . „ Wr • • 1 • , . , 66 -__ • ,00 . .i„ "Ir- 1 1'1:4 ' s oo ' o , ' -'" `-', '1 i .2, , , ,i‘ , .- .;' .1 .._. . . , , or VOL. XVI. ,:. ..:.). ..',L-_,-,...L.J-•;:‘--;:,....,-_•,;• ' WELLSBORO 9 i ?A*- JULY 14. i 869 "• .` , - a , . , • ' * „ * 1,.....................................................-._ SEI CITY BOOK BINDERY BLANK BOOK JUNE:FACTORY, - - 8 lialdwiti St.tet;' (SION OF THE Bill BOOK, 2DyLOOR,) E LM-IR N, OTTIA. Ia..CYSTC3- . ' GOOD Alt; THE BEST, iLtnAr Ag-rtinCHEAPEST 01 every .Inooriptivp, iu ail sty,letist Binding, and lib low, for qualityStti_ek,:ne any liindery in toe r_•;tato. Volumes of every description Bound in the Bast manner and hi any style or dered. ' •-' • - ALL KINDS OF GILT,WORK Exe,taail o manlier . Sa the best maner. Old bouks re )Quad .intl mail() goad as now. , it,Lai4aigNsi mitrAzz4o ail prepaYed' to furnish loticlC - uunibere 'f all Revielys or Magazines published in the . United States or II Britain, at a low price. BLANK book. & OTHER PAPER, Of all ;CS and qualitico,on hand, ruled or plain, DILL IIEAD PAPER, Of any quality or size, on hand and cut up rOady for printing. Also, Itll 4 l. PAPER, and CARD 130Ap ul all colortt and finality; irt-hijardo or eta tOrany ,STATIONOS, , Cap, Lead, Note` Paper, Envelopes, Pens, Pencils, 4&e. I ain sole agent fur J. 8.-NILEs: 'rof.:3IIEPARD'S NuN•CORROSII'E STEEL PENS, 1.11! VARIOUS SIEI4, POI! nND GIiNTLEBIEN, Which I w'll warmot equal to Go,ltlyei.s. best in use and no mistake The above stuck t l will sell ut the Lowest Hates adult tittles, at a small a:trance on New York prices, and into:lnt:ales to Sli.l purchasers. Ail work and stock warranted as rt.pretionlod. - I respectfully volieil a share 01 public patron age. Order. by [nail pi otaptly :mended to. Address, LOUIS 1 IEB, Advertis§r littlhiiug. - Sopt.2B, lBfl7.—ly. , 'Elmira, N. V. , AT FORNEY A: COUNSELOICATJAW; Ttoga Pa, 0111 ,, iti We C. 11, Seymour, &q. Tholiness attenckod to wee promptness. apr. 7th, '69-13'. C: E. ICELLEY • , DEALIin 11,1 DRY GOODS, Groceries, Bard waro,' l llnntS, ShllO.S, liute , Caps. &a., uir ner of Marko. and Olt 0.011 Etreete, WellYbor. Pa. Jan, 6, 18. teipretfully annutilices. co Me citizens of Enit. (Alai ie•too Virillity, that )10 Ivolaid be gratelui tin their patronage. Office :it tho tore Cooper nod ohler. E. 31 . .. S.)111 . 11, ha \ tug purehat.eil the hotel proi.eity lately owed by L. ii. Smith hot, thoroughly. telttlett the Itotel,,alad etiu ,tideorti. incol.tte the traveling itttbli‘e':•in ritixtrior 111 Grier. Alarch 24th. 1.909-Iy. s.tltlN Vll.Ll'.,finga County, J,'l3. Penn, 1'11.,111,1"i (:01.vrtielit N ILe brit ftrhing gn,untl, ur I io.c,L C.. Fishing il,irties (1001,1 entertain ment h , r man :Intl Ile.u.t June fl, rg E lip the OM ItOtj. .i,cy lie er3, t hd t. e•nv i , n•t'tl , 111111. .111 - --Jii,e van, , 1 , 2 I, Hi, teal, lief. II 1.1,- I, ,n.,.1 -h 1 ,:,1,) 1.1 M. A raTirfir: — .1.1. I I, I,•K, N. 1 ,111. )'itinirt int. FIFA viNc; 4u h , d ilp n ;levi•lojel bittirg dli Ito :Ate j_ 4.4 the ~1.1 Uriiuo Hotel, irlfriy I Mn now 11•1111) ill I 4'1:1•IVI/ 1111.1 g tie:, h. Tilt 13 111 Oil 110.0 ‘.1.1:1 I il(1.91.1e1I tor a' vinkwrance Ilooac, and the Propciet"r Irelvtra if ran 1.0 swital ilea without 4rog. • :kith:Wive lit lit teM111.111.1 , . 1Vellbt..0111 . ; t une :20; 1,1.7. GROCERY AND RESTAURANT, Ono do.u• above tltu lltet Market, W EL LBB ORO, ..PI?,NN'A, RESPECTFU : LIN nnnoun.•.y to thu trading -public that helms a do: , ir.d.ilu Lztoelt of Tea. 9, Uppm , s, ;Sl.iee,-•, Sugar, Alola9l,es, tiyrtips, and ;ill that con-brutes a lirst 7 Oasts stock.. Otstets in orory stylv 1)11. sea. sonablr lioart4. Wellsboro, Jan. 2, f. • t . k L'erS Tl 4 • II A lIDIV AIM lUON STEEL, NAILS, BTO V . EiS, TiN- WARE, OF ALT INC NIWS I CIITLERY, 1. JOIINSO.IN W A '1!1?,It Air A4l R U 1,111 . tt [NI PL E MEN Tti, Carlin . ° and . 44:artless Trimming N. T , 2, 1567-ly 1' 11 fl EA I I 'HEAR YE BAIIERI4S, CM: MKS, • BOTTFR. TUBS, liept constantly on hand, ana furniehea to hr dor, Ly w. rr. m ArrELFIII, S, [low store, door ul,ati e • (June 111, thilis,) • notTalo Platform Sqltle;,, 1131 Ordinary izo flir heavy, and connter nse, ',nay 'be. I , ,and At the Hardware Store of Wm. Roberti', Wellsboro. These ;if-ales aro the Fairbanks pat ent and have nu superior anywhere. They (Ire inadoil),oo best style and have taken the premi um at all the greet exhibitions. I have the sole sgeney for these Scales in this region . , WILLIA:11 ROBERTS.. Proprietor Welkhorn, Feb 12, 190 . . New Tobacco Stoie 91111 I: suhccrihcr 1,1 k..: filled up Our routru; ad.+ jojuiui.: I) P. Itolu-rts Tin liud Sruvo Store r.r tlic manufacture nH!,I -ale of C ll6' - 1 S, 11 1 " , i dell •Fq raw and Cunt u 7 ' Nit( 1 7 )llit (•(:1). i fia Pineen raj - EWING, and all kinds of 1 ACICO, PIPE,..S% and t/, choi Potir:l CIOA NS. '1; 11.411 :Ind see fur yourselvv-. .11)1I w. puitsEi en:h111%). NOV. 11, 18r/S++ tf. T,11,1; It 11:4 I'r.APTRE.--W, hereby Lertify 11: 4 0 tb:o hr ee 11 , 1! , 1 /t , . i'la•ter or:toufactured I `Y 151 ..m+1 , liey Hero.' rtor. ;it 1 hoi -(;), ti t„w 1„I , il1, nud Ire beßoce. it to be equal ir to lill, 0 ,3.1.1ga Nag t t. Maria SIMII, :4, M 0..,01,11z A P ['mit, M3l 0.,1,1, 11 P, Sililtiows .1 Tim tifitici (I 'IV Ilarlte.r As., Swill, 1 - 16ft:tit :,11 . , Davil Allwrl I:i,,g 3,,1, 11 Millm• ,11( It' u owns WII Wlltroms 1. I. -Marsh 11 M Smith U A. Smith 11 M I,' , wle i .1) Sunk, P 0 Val - 1,10,1er .1 ,1 Smith Jute,' Davis .1 I , ' Zitithwi man 01, /iing L L Smith. , . . N. IL—Plaster always on hand at the MM.— Prioo $5 por ton. Nov. 4, 1868. .`1 rcri.• • ,13. LANK. !BOOKS 001%11 . '1:C1$' 'k'Otilt ':.4.W.0 -:1 John C. Itorton, E. S. PerltinN, W. I Smith's Hotel LI II,GA, lA.] KEYSTONE HOTEL. New 71thin UNION ILOTEIT. E. R. KIMBALL, wilLuEnTurtor. ::ADDLES, Scales! Scales ! Scales ! TO 101 EIZS 1 otto'rtter. :,:,;-=',, - •:-:.;:i , : - '-. , , ,- . , 5. , IFF 'P:I .OUR ,CAMPING-,GROUND. „ , fly 4/10. W. SVA HS Thero is a, Stmt.:where plumy pines , . - Adorn tlio,sylvan banksof.Otter, Where pigeons feed among the unties , ,„ • That bend . abore the limpid wirer ;1- Where wood-Otte:WS brood in ho4e+w tre t es,_ And bet:Ps among the matted sedges ; Where, drifting with the mountain breeze, t Float sati.clopd