BEAUTY,. Beautiful faces they that - Wear 1 Thu light of a pleasant opirit.thore, It matters little - if 'dark or fah.; ' ' Beautiful hands aro they that do The work of the notle, good, and trno, Busy for Apra [belong day thr9ugh. . , Beautiful, feet they that go • Swiftly, to lighten another's woe, - Through summer's heat or'winter's snow Beautiful children, if ric or poor, • ' Who Walk the pathway, ST cot and pure, That leads to the tatiesior( strong avid sure.' ' ' ' Sow a Boy Boned a' Several years ago, a youth of, sixteen years, of good sense, and a fair English education, not . having profitable eta- . Ployment at his father's home - in Ken ,thcky, sought for employment among his enterprising neighbors a few miles distant; and although wages were low in those days of gold and silver currency, he saved from hie first year's wages $7O. He was then seventeen years old, healthy, lively-looking, aspiring, and ambitious to become useful, noble, and perhaps great. Hp had already learned loaned at'high rates of in terest was oppressiVe to the borrower; and reacted on the loaner, and in the falling of prices of nearly all articles in the commercial world ; that men sought justification for their bankruptcy and delinquency in the fact that they had, paid largerates of interest; ,Veeling, therefore, that a liberality, as well as justice, ) was ,neoessary to, fiVOry, 1441.03! 'dealing:with hisTellow-men, he:loaned; his $70.t0 nil exemplary, enterprising and prosperous :trading man :in =his neighboihqcid; at - .:the lowest rate Of -Ito. terest knoWnjn bUslness in that. ceiat;lper annum. Hew.nik ed another 'Year,:_olotheil himself in neat Kentucky, eane'and ' other etietip but neat tirtiejeacif '4l3lWel,jiind4ent,' a countrYo64,ol,three"triontlia inthe win ter of that - year, learned, the rudiments latin and something of . the higher branches of mathematics; working fora prosperous and liberal farmer- evenings: and mornings to pay the boarding . ; And' at the end!of 'thesecond year, br‘ When . ho was eighteen years of ageilm! had, saved $96 more.. His character for ifjtvg rity and industry began to be Vetter known in (the neighborhood' atiChis services were sought for. . - -- Ho worked on a farm.and rode as'eol lector for trading men and the Sheriff of his -county ; . and at the • end - of his nineteenth - year had \ saved sllo' more. With the interest acciimulated;ori ,his other two years' wages, he had now s3oo;' was comfortably clothed, and had a good business education, which,* improved frOth one winter , till he became a seholiti., both literally and scientifically. His influence and, usefulness increasing, he' had, ,at. the age of twenty, $4BO. At twenty-one he had $550, and was well known for his activity of life, as a young man.of, intel ligence, virtue and usefulness, as well as a young man (livery at tractive manners 'and ways. _ , He moved to a Western State, where land was cheap, and entered one huri dred and sixty acres by a land warrant, which he purchased with $l5O of his money. He made a good selection of • land, in a good region of the country'; he used a portion of the balance of :his money in improving his laud, buying a little stock, and a few implements- for farming, and the second year liC raised a small crop. Having gone to his iniW neighborhood with some $650 in money and used it cautiously; he by degrees gained the name of a responsible citizen and a good paymaster, anti his influence rose ..gradually from his appearance among_ his new and scattered neigh bin's. Year after year ho raised acrop, eontitv iting to read the best newspapers, peri odicals, and books, which still further . improved his mind, till\sheep, cattle, .-sna ryther istArett grew t vit. it% stocks around' hith, more laud adjoining him being purchased from time to time, till now he finds himself, whemscareely at the middle of life, a gentleman farmer c.O cad many luxuries, esteemed by neighbors both far and near, and would receive the suffrage of those who knew him, to any office for which lie might be nomi nated, irrespective of party politics, so -firm is their confidence in both his ability and integrity.—St. Louis Jour- nal of Agriculture. GETTING MIGHTY SIIORT.-33oard hag the Lightning Express on the Lit tle Miami •Itailroad last evening, we had comfortably doubled up preparatory to a snooze, when we were saluted by .a tall African as follows : '.Look here boss, I wants to ax you a question. I's a good way from home and wants to know if I's on the right track ?' ' Where do you want to go, we asked. • 'Tc Fort Gibson, way down in Arkin-- saw, sah. • - brow, boss, PB ignorant, and wants toiknow if I's on the right kear for Cincernati.' We assured our sable friend he was all right, for Cincinnati, when he broke looso aslo.lows ' Look a heah, boss, I 4,tin't know nothin' when I's away fr m. home— clean feat; sah. When I started from Washington City I hada powerftil long string ofetleie heab,'—exhibiting that portion oT his through tickets which, had not 'been taken up. Ebery now and then a gentleman comes 'round and . tars off a little piece. Tell yOu sah,-it's gettin mighty short. 'Fraid it ain't gwine to. hold out until I gets through.' This last remark created quite a, laughter, '.in which the jokist joined heartily.—Cincinnati Times, A STRAY ANGEL.—Rather practical people th6ge who manage the little de 4. tails conn cted with public worshiPat Ilev. npn, y Ward. Beecher's- church. UP to ri Oath time time the seats of the' pew•hotl cis are reserved without ques-' don. After that strangers are treated with all'ilib• courtesy tliat time and oc casion will permit. Now and then a pre sumptuous „ass appears and attempts to ' travel' on his dignity • as wtts the case not long sineeovhen a tall, thin visaged gentleman, white eravated, presented himself arid proceeded .to march into the holt* ' You Can't go in there," said Mr. Palmer, the,iveterau usher. ' But I aria a clergyman.' ' We have no particular need of your services to-night sir.' 'Be not forgetful to entertain stran gers,' said the minister ; ' you may en= tertain aOgela unawares.' ' Very l l.trqp,' said- Mr. Palmer. ' I have seated persons in this house for twelve years: I have seen all sorts of people. lam very certain if I Should see an angel I would know him. .You must bide[-your time and take your chance, sir.?, !: Potato bugs are so troubling Wislon sin a sermon on their vi ciousness and worthlessness is inserted in one of the papers of the State. • The writer censures Noah for having pre served a pair of potato bugs, and a pair of fleas in the ark, and thinks it was " a mighty knell. piece of business."— It thus relates the result of an effort to .1 utilize these Insects : " A. year or two - since, aid enterprising manufacturer of liquor tried crushed potato bugs to col _• or wine. He gave them a fair trial, but at the end of six months found that • they didn't color the wine a particle ~ better than the juice of bed bugs does, and that the flavor given the wine was not as. good as that given by the lied bug juice. There was one more objec tion. fle could catch beg bugs at all seasona of the year, but could not find potato bugs;only about six or eight months of• the year. He has pro nounced curses upon potato bugs, and declares them good for It is whispered that the Princess (1 1 'Metternich has three, hundred and si ty-five pairs of stockings. AIKDICAL ADVICE 1e oftett - Oittioxpenstve, but We' yen boys or the repiog: ' • • If by accident, you_ get scalded, bruised, burned, or sprained, then appl y. Salutifpr immediately; for it is quick to give relief; and powerful to cure pain and soreness. If you are afflicted with' lameness, or numbness and stitrness of the limbs, or with severe pain, or painful swellings like Neu ralgia and Inflamatory Rheumatism, then try SALITTIFEIt bgall means. Apply' it quickly .so as not to leave it open to the air; and use it according to directions on the bottle. If you have Sore Throat, or Quinsy, or Felefts, or Croup, or Pleurisy, or Chilblains, or any of these disorders that require an outward remedy, then SALUTIFER • Is what you want, far it has proved a bless king to thoysalids. I. Although , it is reckoned to be one.of Ws strongest medicines ; , yet it is so safe that even a child may handle & use it. SALUTIFER Sept constantly on hand for immediate use, till, certainly prevent much su f fering, and may save iffe• • -_ If you are prudent and economical, and desire - to sare. &Tense ; filen remember that SALUTIFER 1 . .9 found to be a saving of more than $lO a year , in all families that use it. , ; ',sM•For sale by all Druggists. Wholesale Depot 252 Greenwich \ Bt., New York. ~:-. W hoies- a le and Retail DRUG 'STORE! By W. C. KRBSS. THE subscriber will keep on hand at all times a full stock of .DREGSANDIREDICINBS, PAINTS, OILS, Patent Medicines, :Flavoring Extracts, Perfumery, Kerosene, amps, Wicks, Dye Colors, White Wash Lime and Brushes, Vdrnish and Sash Brushes, Window Glass all sizes, Varnish of all kinds, Fancy Soaps, Hair Oils, SPECTACLES, Hair and Tooth Brushes, a Jill ,stock of Yankee Notions ; also' a complete as sortment of Homoeopathic Medicines, and a full Block of Pure Wines and Liquors. Buyers are requested to call and examine pri ces before pm-di - sing elsewhere. March 24, 1869—1 y L OTS OF NICE NEW GOODS, AT WICKAAM. fic FARR'S, TIOGA, PA SUCH AS DRY GOODS Groceries, • r HATS & CAPS, BOOTS & ' SHOES, CROCKERY & WOODEN WARE, READY TO BE INSPECTED, AND , SOLD AT A FAIR PROFIT. CALL AND SEE. • widiatini a FARB. !iliaga May U,lBBB. Stoves : Stovers :: AND HARDWARE! . Havingformed a.partnership in the Tin, Stove and Hardware trade, the undersigned have the pleasure to announce that they have, at a great outlay, added to the usual stook of tht old stand OR a complete moan:tent of Shelf Hardware, of which we enumerate the following articles NAILS, SPIKES, CROWBARS, X OUT, 0 MILL, HAND AND BUCK SAWS,. BUTTS, STRAP , HINGES, • CARPENTER'S TOOLS, PUMPS, AXES, AUGERS, BITTS, DITT-STOOKS. .lIATPHETS, CHISELS, SHOVELS, SPADES, FORKS, BENOH-SCREWS, WOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE BOLTS, BURRS, SKEINS, WASIIERS, PIPE BOXES, AXLE TREES, ELLIP. TIC SPRINGS, HORSE SHOES, HOOP, BAR, & BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE • HANGINGS, CORN POPPERS, SAUSAGE CUTTERS AND STUFFERS COMBINED. Also, PISTOLS, PISTOL CARTRIDGES, POWDER AND CAPS. PATENT BARNDOOR HANGINGS a new thing, and mado for use. Tiles° are but a few of the many articles composing our stook of Hardware. We invite the public to call and examine for themeolves. Wo aim to keep the boat quality of good' in our lino; and all work to order done promptly and well. AGENTS FOR THE `' Buckeye Mower & Reaper. WM. ROBERTS. 1 rt. et BAILEY. ROBERTS .16 BAILEY. WeDebora, May 19 , 1869—ff. UNITED SECURITY Life Insurance & Trust Company, of Pennsylvania. W. C. DRESS Capital, 51,000,000. $lOO,OOO deposited with the Auditor General for security 5f the Policy Holders. SPECIAL FEATURES. Low cash Premiums. Policies, Non-forfeitable by their terms. Liberal Traveling Privileges. 'Return Of •allPremiume paid. Annual Dividends. Females Insured at same rates as Males. . Rome Office S. E. Corner, bth and Chestnut St., Philadelphia. 'Applications for Insurance. may be made with W. P. BIGONEY, general Agent, Wollaboro' Pa. May 12, 1869—tf. HAp,RratIXS , [ • Having been to muck expense in fitting up anothet. Green House, giving more room for large pots, I flatter myself that no Green House can make a better show of Dahlias, Roses, yerbeniasi Potninas,l3eraniume, all sorts; Basket Plants, all sorts; Hanging Baskets, new patterns I - Beautiful Bego nias, Cape Jessamine, Carnations, Chums, discolor; Pelargoniums in variety, 44,0. 4to. &o. 1 New Crimson Cluster Tomato Plants ' and all sorts in pots or by the dozen. All kinds of Cab• bage Plants, Egg plants, Asparagus Roots (two years old) Sage 'Roots, Celery, Dwarf„ White Salad, Caulifloiver; Thyme. All kinds of early Vegetable plants ready list of April, at the Green pieties and at the store of McCann & Mix, Mercer's New 3look. Having employe& one of the moat experienced Florists' he will al all times give any informa tion to customers on the mode of propagation and cultivation of Plants. This Spring's thitalogue will be sent to all that may desire and write for it. I invite all to come and see my louses, Plants, .to„ for them selves. With gratitude I acknowledge past favors. ' ... AEI-Bouquets will be found at the etoro of McCean Sc Mix every morning, Sundays exoept ed ; 35 to 50 cants each. Towanda, Pa. Mar. 3, 1869-6 m. - lie' Orders left at Wm. koberts's Hardware Store, Wellsboro, will receive prompt attention, FEED, MEAL,-PORK, PROVISIONS, A choice lot of CLOVER and TIMOTHY SEED, besides all kinds of GARDEN and small FIELD SEEDS, SEED POTATOES, &a., at YoU can get cash for your EGGS, BEANS, POTATOES, GRAIN, BEESWAX, &0., ..for t Mardh . 3l, 1869. WILL stand the present season as follows : Mondays and Tuesdays, forenoons, at the stable of the subscriber, Mainsburg: Tuesday afternoons, at Brundage's Stables, Mansfield. - • , Wednesday's at Graves's Covington. 0 Thursday's at Cherry Flats. Fridays at Wbitneyville. Saturdays at Fellow's; Wolleboro. - May 12, 1869-2 m. 500 Cords of Hemlock Bark, wanted, for which the highest market price Will be paid'on delivery at my Tannery, in Weill/bora. Jae 2, 1869-tf. JOORPIi RIBEROLI4II, MAIN STREET, WELLSBORO, CRARTER PERPETUAL HOT HOUSES. ItARE AND THRIFTY PLANTS, The Best Stock of Flour, &0., in WelMoro, can be found at M. B. PRINCE'S M. 13. PRINCE'S M. B. PRINCE'S. Young Bertrands THE SUBSCRlBRithaving establiabedbica elf in tk' ••• '• ' , ,BA.KING _BUSINESS. in this village, next - door to - K. R. Kimball's Grocery - ,"is nyr,pt.epsied to cary tbeltuisiness in all itsvarious brandies. I Will keep con stantly on band an assortment of pread, such as LOAF. BREAD; BOSTON CRACKERS,' GRAHAM. BREAD, BUTTER CRACKERS,. B ROW N • tvAirritl CRACKERS, SUGAR'. .; - - CRACKERS, — DYSPEPSIA AND SODA BISCUITS, • OYSTER CRACKERS, CAKES, . AND LUNCH, • , at all hours oi'the day, Sundays excepted.. • By strict atteption to -huffiness: than; endeavor to'marit the pnViapatranaigh." - 1 CHAS. STEVENS. ,1 Wallabooro,Juae.'24,"dBl3B. WIKOSILE , = DREO ITRUE DRUGS WAND - MEDIOINES, PAINTS AND QILB, THADDECS44VIDS' INKS, KEITH'S 'CONCENTRATED MEDICINES, IREDELL'S. ' - Fair), 7 TRACTS, BURNETT'S °COCAINE, PLAVORMG EXTRACTS, 'KEROSENE LAMPS, PATENT MEDICINES, ROCH ESTER PERFUMERY AND FLAVORING EXTRACTS, WALL PAPER, WINDOW GLASS, WHITEWASH LIME & AND DYE COLORS, AGENTS FOR MARVIN & CO'S RE Sold at Wholout to call and got Ha i g t Oorning, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1868—ly Grocery and Provision Store, C. D. 1531± L, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER in all kinds of GROCERIRS, PROVISIONS, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, FOREIGN & DOMESTIO, GREEN & CANNE4 FRUITS AND WOOD & WILLOW WARE, GLASS & CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, CABS & PERAMBULATORS, TOYS, &0.,, fio. A full and complete assortment of the above mentioned goods of the best quality always on hand.'', Particular attention paid to Fine Groceries. Dealers and Consumers will find it to their in terest to examine his Stook before buying. Corning, N.Y.,ldarchA lp 18,69...: , 14 - TO THE FARMERS OF TIOGA COUNTY. T AM now building at my manufactory, in Lawrence :l. vllle, a superior FANNING MILL, which possesses the following 'advantages over's] loiter mills: 1. It separates rye, oats rat litter. and foul seeds, and chess and cockle, from wheat. 2. It cleans ilex'etieits, takes out pillow seed, and all other seeds, perfaotly.' I ; 3, It cleans timothy seed: - . • 4. It does all other sepirating required of it mill. . This mill is built of the beet and moat durable tim ber, in good style, and is sold cheap for cash, or pro. duce. I will fit a patent sieve, for separating oats from wheat,to other mills, on reasonableterms. J. H MATHER, Law'renclivllle,Suuti 10, 1860-tf 1869. FOR SALE. 1869 • BY • B. C. W.T.CKHAM, A T HIS NURSERY OF FRUIT AND OR /IL NAMENTAL TREES, ar TIOGA:— . • 60,000 Apple. Trees. 10,000: Pear. 'Trees.. A gcod supply of PLUM, PEACH, CHERRY, and ORNAMENTAL THREE& SHRUBBERY. The Fruit trees are composed of the choicest varieties, good, healthy,,sotae of, them large and in bearing. Any, 'one trishidg to get a supply will do well to call and Noe my stook before pur. chasing elsewhere. , Delivered at the depot free of charge. Tina, Feb. 28,1868-Iy* To Lovers of Good Stock. T STILL - continue to keep my Alderney Dull for improvement of Milking Stook. Be will be part of a season in Middlebury, and balance of the time at WellebOro. • I have for Bale, 1 Devon bull, pure •blood, 2 years old. Also 2 grade Alderney Balls, blood, 1 year old. I would call attention to my Chester County White Boare•!..l7nole Sam and Young America. Uncle Sam will remain at Ididdleburr-yormg America at Wellsboro. Those wishing good Stock please give me a call. L. C. BENNET. Wellsboro, May 1860-tf. • : ' E. A. FISH, Proprietor. • House and Lot for Sale. Trou and Lot, and vacant lot for sale 111 oh e3p. Location Wasboro, and desirable, Inquire at the Agitator Office. Oat. 28,1808..4L' ocyftNlNG, N. Y- 11,1 FINED OIL Buyers are requested before going further W. D. TERBELL & CO. CORNING, N. Y 1 DRIED FRUITS, VEGETABLES, OROOKERY WARE, ••• • • - • 1•-• , •; • . ' John R. ',Bowen, rm n e o n w t o r r tin/ a ls 4l n rte r and complete assort- Goods, bought sin n pf the jato decline in prises in New. Irork,ppnaipting of ' , - , _ _ rix63r 4Grcococies, GrooettO, 'Alas tio cfaps, 1219cii)3 . ?" 4 , Ohms, YANKEE NOTIONS, Particular attention h iinilteit to our Stook of VAZZIES IMBIEgit SZNZIIiZ Gaiters and HoOp Skirts; also a nice line of TEAS, New Crop, very fine at reduced prices, A qua assortment' of I.4a4ies VAS . , wary oheip, all Cf which will be sold at the very lowest mar ket prices. -We respoetf 'smite all $o onill,aud exahlinelAy:etoOlf:before purchasing *Nowhere; !MI Empire Store, No. 1 Union Block, Welleboro, Oot. 21,1868. RIP ' ' SHE'-'-'doks'''t FROM THIS DATE VIOR CASH, we will sell FEED at these pri. oea: Very'bed Bye' & Oats, Ground here, . . $2,50 cwt. Best imported Feed;---._ 2,25 ,‘ Best Commonßeeci, Cevii' 1.75 4 , .The above goods, at the above prices, are strictly cash We don't mix sand in our feed. Wo haven't a Plaster Mill connected with Our Flouring Mill ! Our Feed is pure! WRIGHT it BAILEY. Wellsboro,Jan. 20, 186. R. Krusen. W. J. Kruson F.D. Pease. R. KRUSEN & CO., WESTFIELD, PA:, WOULD announce to the pUblio that they aro now receiving a full and complete as sortment of DRY GOODS, Notions, Carpets, Furs, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Groceries, .Provisions, Crockery, Hardware, Stoneware, &c. whichtbey are prepared to sell for cash, or ex change for Country Produce, at rates which defy competition. Westfield, Deo. 2, 11388-q The subscriber offers for sale . the following property, ,situated in Covington, township and borough,'lloge'county, 58 acres of land in Covington tp., on William son Road leading to Blosaburg, 4 miles there from and 1 mile from Covington borough; about 20 acres improved, a good frame bourse, barn and other outbuildings thereon. Also, Sawmill, Bash Factory, and Shingle Mill and water privilege theieop. Al,eg,:two apple orebaydefl . f47o trees, uweely choice !run: and al;ciiiltelf bearing trees —lB plum trace, 12 Cluirrsi, uo Caraii•Lall red, where, and black, 4 Crabe,lo bearing Grape Vines,:l2 Pear, and Peach and Quince. • Alma—a TbiOor24o.lrnekli q. iof mile from Sash FaotorY end Sawmill. Timber, pine, oak, baeswood, chestnut, ash, beech, biroh, maple and betalock. Also—a lot in the village, adjoin- Ins Gerould'e orchard, Fronting on Williamson road and railroad, containing about an acre, a 2.story House, outbuildings, fruit trees and a good well of water thereon. Also—another village lot, fronting On William bon road, 60 feet front by about 200 deep,' and another lot•fronting on said road, 1145.174 feet. Pot further particulars Inquire of DAVID S. IRELAN, Br., .or IRELAN, Covington, Pa. April 21, 1869-tf. . 0 Read: Read: Mason tt, Hamlin Cabine ORTABPIE .pR6ANs. Together with the STEY COTTAGE ORGAN and MELODEONS, oan be advantageously pur ebaied of '29 WgOILIBUED . TIOGA; PA. HAVING. obtained the agency from the man ifacturers of the above named instruments we have the facilities for furnishing them at psi ode to compare favorably with,those of dealers in either the same . or, othat re'ed inatruments. n Their reputation•is th . that' Soareely anything need lie said regarding ;their tang dedrablo, having been awarded premiums and medals at the principal Fairs and Institutes, both in this and foreign countries. Many fine modern im provements, which are so desirable in all good reed initruments, are owned and retained for their eielusive use by the Manufacturers of these instruments. Hence it Is, while they claim strength and durability, together with volume, and quality of tone equal to any, they excel all 'other reed instruments, in the, variety and com bination of piles irhiehifan be produced. INDIVIDUALS, SCHOOLS, CHURCH ES, SOCIETIES, and other organizations, wishing to obtain a reed instrument, can be suited as regards size styles,. prices, dco.jii - ef. - ' ' ALL INSTRUMENTS WARRANTED fl Baud for a circular. . Tioga, March, 17, '69. T. A. WIOKBAM. WANTED— ASIT LOG S , at our Mill. Cash paid-for them. We are ready to paw for customers. bring on your logs.' Lath and pickets always on hand. Pir Ash logs must he 12 or 14 feet long. BOWEN ct TRUMAN. Wellsboro, Deo. 16, ' TO LAWYERS— , „B_ANKRUPTWI BLANKS, in full Bette, at , yOUNWBOOESWORE. CASH Paid FOR HIDES, by M. A. DURO. WeHeber°, Deo. 16, 1868.—tf ANOTHER NEW AND LARGE STOOK OF ALBUIVIS 2 • . Just received by P.' ct-bo. The greatest and cheeped variety ever brought into. town. ,Albums from 75 ate., to $2O each. Call and soh.. • P. B. WILLIAMS A- CO. ,Wlusboro, Dec. 28,1888. , p I iTUATED on Elk Rua,' Gaines foinship, containing 125 sores ' 50 acres improved.— aid farm is well watered, has a frame house and barn ands choice apple orchard; i and is well adapted .to dairying purposes.: Title good and terms awl. Inquire of Wm. H. Smith,. Walla boro, or • L. L. RIISSHLL, Delmar. Sept, 28,1888: •&o. Remember, For Sale. TUB 47ILRBRATXD (AND Farm far Sale. lY t'w" TO BUY SELL IS OUR BrLs.mtss "UTE `.llllbu:y ,at: maiket price, VT — the folkiwink argelea. SHEEP" 'PE DEA . CON' SKINS, •Dttg. SKINS, . FURS, HIDES, • AND VEAL SKINS, for which we will pay cash. • Wo will ntangfaeture to order, French or home tanned CIALF or KIP.BOOTI3, in the beet man for and at fair rates, and pay.eepeolal attention to REPAIRING. . A L s 2, IVe - have 'a hie' t-rate : 'opok- , 1 1EADY-111Allt. on ivhintiWa will not be undaieold, and from this time we shall make it a point to keep up-the best stook of , ' 1 - • LADIES' 'GAITERS, ,1 to be found in' the county, which we will ell at a hirser profit than suck artioles bare ever been offered in this region.. . We abaft Litterrise keep up a good assortment LADIES' BALMORALS, LEATHER BOOTEES; gultreprvs AND MISSNS RIOUS • STYLES, , and all styles of ANN'S IVOTtIC.. LEA:2 I ISIE.R - FINDINGS , eau be bought of - us as cheap as any where this side of New York, and we shall keep a full stook of- FRENOH , UP-. PEA, SOLE,,'-LININO ? AND *: - • . 4 , • - •; • ••• - e, 1.) Our stock of ./ I !itni:24tfts, RAO ' 4IOR, RA.9P3„O9tICITS!,:!`:.NERDLESii , LARg'itg, TRIM tilitm:ps, with SHOEMAKER'S TOOL $ and FIN R INGSO,III be found. the lar gest in the county , and, we sell for small profits. We talk business•find we mean business. We have been in this region long ,enough to be well kaolin—let those Nilto know us try us. 'Corner of Meta and Craton streets, oppositelffm. Rob erteHardward Store, " 0. W. SEARS, GEO. 0. DERBY. , WelMoro, April 24, 181:17—tf. TRH CIitaICU,UNION. Th 4 paper has been recentliefiltirged to mammoth proportions- IT [awns LARGEST RELIGIOUS PAVER IN ens WORLI). /a the leading Organ of the Union Move ment, and opposes ;ritualism, - close communion, ex clusivenessand church caste, It .is thq only, paper that publislibellatirY Ward Bee'cler'a Sermons, which it does every week; Just tie they aro delivered.— with out qualification or correction by him. It advocates universal suffrage; a*uttion_of christiane at the polls' and the riglitS_;of ItriaCtlio host •Agricnitural Department of any paPer in the world; publishes glories for the eor the destrtiction of social, evils, Its editorial managetnent Is - iinpqrsonal; its writercatul editors are. froin :imiry branch of the church, and from every grade of society. It has boon aptly tanned the freest organ' of thought in the world. Such 4 paper; offering • premiums of Sewing Ma chined,lllotionariss, Appleteitt , s Cyclopedia, Pianos, Organs for °hurtles, etc.i Makes ono of the best pa pers foreanrassors In the world. • . • Every Congregation May Cibtain a Communion Ser vice, at:Organ, a Meloileon, a Bible, or a Life Insurance Poihy for its Pastor, or almost any other needful thing, by a club of subscribers. Send for a copy, enclosing 10 cents, to lIENRY E. CHILD, 41 PARE. Bow, NEW YORK. frS!...P. S. Subscriptions received at this office,. _ • J)EMOIrE9T',O hiONTEILY MAGAZINN universally acknoWledged the Model. Parlor -Magazine of America; devoted to Original Stories, Poems, Sketches, ilousehold lifatteFs; ' ainne of, _Thought,. personal and Literary GOSSIP, &eluding special departments on Fa shionspiistruitiolds on health, Music, Amusements, etc., by the. Vdsfautherii, Wad profusely Miostreted with costly Engrailfige, useful. and reliable; .Patterns, Em broideries, and a conettott ,stcceeelon of artistic novel ties, with other timed and entertaining .litorature. No person of refineinent, oeotietulcal housewife, or lady of taste can afford to' do Without the Model Month ly. Specimen copies 15 cents, mailed free. Yearly, $B, with a valuable premintat,two copies, $6,60; throe copieti,V,6o; live copleasl2,..and- eplend id - premiums for clubs a. IS each, with the drat preralume to, each subscriber. la.A new, Bertram ft Fenton Bowing Ma. chine for 20, subscriberS at'43 each. Publiehtiek'ollype;l3sB,l3tetteWay, New York. DemOrestis,MhnthiltinCY bung America together $4, with the prernitima tor egoh, , DwatoftSiir tit riiting America, Enlarged. kis the ,Famor.s.lo.,Zeralpartn4 `• STAPP _filly and owl that secs it says so,. and. and Teachers confirm It' Do not fail to scent* a copf,„A good,:hlicroscope, With f Olass'gyl.4lWAti,e4litigUt ng sobjects, or good two-bladed, pearl - 26c.fietAnIfo, antra large num ber of other desirable articles, given; ae premiums to each etibecriber. Yethly , 0.50, Dublication Office, 898 Broadway, New York. . Try it, /3oykand Girls. Specimen copies; ten cents, mailed free. „ , . , . Now? Your Time to Buy! HAVIN,G more goody than is necessary for this market, I will sell my entire stock of WATCHES, CLOCHE, J.EWELItY, PLATED. - WARE, AND FAN CY (loos,. AT COST. 0. G. (Nooks at $8,50. Gothic " 8,63. Cottage " " . . . 1,70. American Watohos in Silver Hunting Cases at $l9. Pinar Movementr, in honvior Cases ' at cor respondingly low prices Plated Ware at Man. ufacturers' priees. THIS IS NO lIIIMBUO. BUT A VER. ITABLE SALE! Call and see for yourself Wellsboro, April 22, '6B. - A. FOLEY. NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE. COMPANY OP TIE UNITED STATES OF. AMERICA, WAiIIINGTON, D. C Chartered by Speci'l Act of Congress APPROVED JULY-25, 1868. Cash Capital. $1,000,000, PAID IN FULL. BRANCH OFFICE: First National Bank Building, PHILADELPHIA, Whore all Oorrespondenco should be Addressed. OFFICERS: CLARENCE if. CLARE., President. JAY Coosa, Chairman Financed, Executive Corn. ItennY D. Coma, Tice-President. EMERSON W.' Pain', Secretary and Actuary. B. S. Bulimia, Manager. Circulars. pamphlets, and full particulars giv en en application to the Branch Office of the Company, or to B. 0. SIMPSON, Wara.saono, by whom applications. will be received and Poli cies procured for Vega County. Dec. 9, 1868-Iy. WASHING MACHINE: JAS. isi.,WILICINSON, of Obarieston,having purchased • the 'ti 'h 415 *aim and vend the IL P. Joies Webbing hie in Toga County, %i t hereby giiras apnea that e maohines are • being made at Van Hern i a 9niiinet Factory, Welleboro, where they may be vomited. The best, cheapest, and most sensible machine ever invented. . June 24,1868—tf. CANN PAID FOB WOOL, BUTTER AND CHEESE, by , O. L. WILLOOX. JunellllB6B. ItAILWA.Y TIME TABLES. ERIE RAILWAY ON and after MONDAY, Agra 28th,1869, Trains will leave Corning, at the following , hours, via: Goma Was. 1235 a.m., EXPRESS MAIL, Sundays creep ted, for . Buffalo, Dunkirk and Cleveland, connecting with trains for the West. A Sleeping Coach la attached to this train at New York, running through to Mead ' ville without change. A Sleeping Coach is also at tached at Susquehanna running through-to littffalo -6,11 a.m., NIGHT EXP., daily for Butfalo,Dunkirk, Cleveland, Dayton and Cincinnati, making direct connection with trains of the Grand Trunk Railway at Buffalo, and with the Lake Shore Railway at But. Palo, Dunkirk and Cleveland, for allyoints West and North-West, and at Cincinnati with tho Ohio and Mississippi RallWay for the South and South-West. This train makes a direct daily connection with all Line. to the West and South-West, and is provided with the now and improved Drawing Boom Coaches peculiar to the Broad Gauge, arranged both for day and night travel, running through to Rochester, Buffalo "and Cincinnati, and thus forming the ONLY DAILY LINE from New York,Oluoinnati and the South-West, running through 800 miles without change. 6,30 a. an., NIGIIT EXPRESS, Sundays excepted, for Rochester and Buffalo, via Avon. 10 ic a. m., MAIL TRAIN, Sundays excepted, for En O and Dunkirk. '1,48 p In., BALTIMORE RXPRESS,Sundays except ed, 031 4 E0001E0r and Buffalo, via Avon. 7,OSDAY EXPRESS, Sundays excepted, for Butfal., lknitirk„ - Cleveland, Dayton, Cincinnati, and the West and South, connects at Buffalo, Dunk irk and Cleveland with the Lake Shore Railway for all points West and North-West, and at Cinc'unapt with the Ohio and Mississippi Railway for the South and South- West. Sleeping Coupes attached to tkis Train at liornellaville, running through to Claireland with. out change 7 gh p es . m.,DAT'EXPRESS, Sundays excopted, for 1,30 P.M., WAY FREIGELT, Sundays excepted. 5,20 p. m., EMIGRANT TRAIN; daily, fur the West GOING EAST 4,35 a. m., CINCINNATI EXPRESS, Mondays ex cepted, connecting. at Elmira for Canondaigua, at Owego for Ithaca, at Binghamton for- Syracuse, at Great Bond for Scranton, at Lackawaxeu for Hones dale, at Middletown for Unionville, at Goshen for Montgomery at Groycourt for Newburg and War wick, and at Jersey City with afternoon and evening trains of New Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia, tat tL more and Washington. 310,35 a. m., AOOMMODATION TRAIN, daily, con necting at Owego for Ithaca. 11,56 a. m.,DAY EXPRESS, Sundays excepted, •; connecting aWaverlY for Towanda, at Binghamton far ,9yracuse, at Great Bend for Scranton. at Lacks.- Waxen for Honesdale, at Middletown for Unionville, and at Jersey ,City wltli midnight express train of New Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia. 2,20 p. in., BALTIMORE EXPRESS. Sundays. ex-, - ceptod. 4,26 p. m., NEW YORK AND BALTIMORE MAIL, • bun days excepted, connecting at Elmira for Canan. dalgug, and at Waverly for Towanda. 7,52 p. m., LIGHTNING EXPRESS, connect tug at Elmira for Williamsport, Harrisburg and the South, and at Jersy City with morning oxpress train of New Jersey Railroad, for Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. 12,20 p. in., WAY FREIGHT, Sundays excepted. - /RP A revised and complete "Pocket Time Table" of Passenger, Trains on tho Erie Railway and connecting Lines, has recently been published, and can ho pro Cu red on application to.the'Ticket Agent of the Company WM..-R. BARR, 11. RIDDLE, Gong Pass. Agent. Gett'l Sup't. Eiloosbnrg & Corning, & Tioga Et. It Maine will run as follows until further notice decommodation—Leaves Blossburg at 6,15 a. in., Mans gold at 705, Tioga at 7,41, Lawroncovillo at 8,26 arriving at Corning at 9,32 a. in. Mall—Leaveaßlossburg at 3,00 p. m., Mansfield at 3,40, Tioga at '4,18, Lawroaoovillo at s,oo—arriving at Corning at 6 p. m. Mail—LeavesCorning at 8,00 a.m., Lawrenceville at 9,03, Tioga at 9,45, Mansfield at 10,22—arriving at Blocs-burg at 11,00 a. in. , Accommodation—Leaves Corning at 2,40 p. ru., Law• reneavillo at 3,52 Tioga at 4.46, Mansfield at 5,30 arriving at Blossburg at 0,15 p.lll. L.ll. SITATTIICK,Sup't Northern Central R. Ei TRAINS FOR THE NORTH Truhrs for Canandaguia leave Elmira as follows Accomodation at Express [fastest train on road] ...... ......... Mail Way Freight, [passongor coach attached] Ou and after Apr. 25, 1869, train a will arrive au.! depart from Troy, as follows; LEAVE NORTHWARD. 027 P. m.—Daily (except Sundays) for El mira, Buffs— lo, Canandaigua, Rochester i Sasp.Dridge and the Otsnadas. 10 65 a. m.—Daily (oxcept Sundays) for Elmira and Buffalo, via Erie Railway from Elmira. LEAV,E. SOUTHWARD. 624 A. m.—Dail y (oacept Sundays) for Baltimore Washington, Pliffradelphia, 952 P. m.—Daily Teept Sundays) for Baltimore Washington ad Philadelphia. ALFRED R. FISKE. - ED. S. YOUNG Gong Supt.Hartlisburg, Uon'l Pass. A g' t Baltimore, Md. , . Vhiladolphia & Erie H. R. On and niter Apr..3t3,1669 Trains on this Roati wi ran as follows : WESTWARD MallTraio loaves Philadelphia-- " " " Williamsport-- " arr. at Erie Erie Express loaves Philadelphia " " ‘• Williamsport. " " arr. at Erie Elmira Mall leaves Philadelphia. g. ... . 4 Williamsport. " " arr. at Lock Haven... EASTWARD nail Train leaves Erie 11.15 a to " 6 " " Williamsport 12.20 aru " " arr. at Philadelphia 9:25 a m Erie Sxpress leaves Erie 6.25 p ru " 6 " " Williamsport . 7.60 aru " " arr. at Philadelphia 4.10 p m Mall and Express connect with Oil Creek and Alle gheny River Rail Road. Baggage Checked Through. ALFRED L. TYLER, Oen'l Sup't. Atlantic and Great Western U. W SALANANOA STATION WWITWARD Boutin. Besmear. Boutin, Mall 6.30 Express 6.10 Accommodation 0,35 Mail 5.57, Express - 12.19 Accommodation, 11.45 Express - 11.00 Express 0.19 At Cory there is a Junction with tho Philndelphia & Erie, and Oil Creek Rail Roads. , At Meadville with the Franklin and Oil City and Pithole Branch. At Leavittsburgo the Mahoniny Branch makes a di root route to Cleveland. At Ravenna connects with Cleveland and Pittabutgli Railroad. The Road passes through Akron, Ashland, Galion, Marion, Urbana and Dayton, intersecting various rail roads, and terminates at Cincinnati.. L. D. RUCKER, Gon.Supt., Mea'dville, Pa . HARNESS SHOP I GW. NAVUE, would say to his friends -• that his Harness Shop is now in full blast, and that he is prepared to furnish heavy or light lielanriesettesets, 1 - on short notice, in a good and substantial man ner, and at prides that can't fail to suit. The best workmen are employed, and none but the beat material used. Call and see. Deo. 9, 1868-Iy. G. W. NAVLE. It 0:1 It 4 2 0 N aPg • 51 t x l rr. M .4 .o H 4 H 4 tn b p i 0 1:1 1 12, E 0 H 0 rt. F-CI ° ° tl 0 Lo H I ' 8 I VI t I CI 0 ha, C 2 , • Ptt P m . .. 0.„: , 1. .6: , c 1 0 1111 P., 4.1 10 F cr• r: • 0 g e 5 4 m 1.4 0 0 il '4 igl h 3 .. cp. P oo 4) 2 g A - 0 ii, 0 Er. R I P 0 4 i 0 E 0` .--'2 : cr 7'i m l i 4 11 l - e+ v. - O - . .. .... _ ....., o r) 16 1 1 I gg 4 &' ra 0, 9 c °v. 0 813 . e) ° to 19 P u lp a el "I 0 nd 0 I 0 g. , ilj i li i In la IS .. is 4 4 - V t 40 1 0 P -1 1 ,9 P. CI cAl7,l:n cr) ts.D 1,1 %A Q. ••• 8 c, 1v co 4 , moo .2 cm , , c.r. 0, -1 -1 0., • • tio. • • • .G 20 a Lu 12 20 p in 7 10 p . 8 00 a in 10.45 p m 8.13 a m . 9.30 :p 11.60 noon . 8.60 p m .10.00 a m . 8.00 a in 6.30 p m . 7.45 p m 11 HEARTH and HOME IS 6 VirXXICLT Agricultural and Firdide Journal, , OUNTALIA IN 0 IX 8 TEEN handsome folio pages, printed from new, e, on superilue book paper, and abundantly illus. tratod by the beat artists. EDITED BY DONALD G. XITOHELL AND HARRIET .13E1E0SiER STOWS, asststod by a corps of able editors and contributors Is each department. It is devoted to the interests of tho FARMER, PLANTER, GARDENER, FRUIT-GROWER, • and tho FLORIST. ORNAMENTAL GARDENING, RURAL ARCHITECTURE PLANS OF CO : OMES, noted for their attractiveness, w Okj am time to time ; as also Cemeterl A. I lags Greens. • . , to A up arefal e ße ip port ; ‘4.111 \ 0 wll/ l be tarnish Fortner Info and' *MEN mily Circle •1 , ral from • good . -a interest the household ; plain hug and domestic managoment, a napkin and the orkini of a o education of Children. , ;1' MRS. STOW. Will eontrib MR writion exin rnenCes in fti THE BOYS AND GIRLS .. pill ttnd their own page always lighted with such fan in pictures, and fun in stories, as shall _make them look sharply every week for the coining of IlltAltin AND HOWL TERMS FOR. 1869. . Single Coates V, invariably in advance; 3.Coplea 7.10; 5 Copied 815. Any ono tionding na 4.15 for a drib 44111.5 Copies (all at one time), will receive a copy free. No travelling ag itts employed. Addrese all com. munlentlone to PETTENGIII, BATES & CO., The Great External Remedy. For Man anti Boast. 'TWILL CURE RHEUMATISM The reputation of this preparation is so well est.A. lished, that little need be said in this connection. On MAN it link never failed to curd PAINFUL NERVOUS AFFECTIONS, CONTRACTING MUS CLES, STIFFNESS AND PALMS IN THE JOINTS, STITCHES in theSlDEorßack, SPRAINS, BRUISES, BURNS, SWELLINGS, CORNS and FROSTED FEET, Persons affected with Rheumatism can be effectually and permanently cured by using this wonderful prepa ration; it penetrates to thenerve and bone immediately ion being applied. On HORSES it will cure SCRATCHES, SWEF.NEY, POLL-EVIL, FISTULA, OLD RUNNING: SORES, SADDLE or COLLAR GALLS, SPRAINED JOINTS, STIFFNESS OF THE STIFLES, &c. It will prevent HOLLOW-HORN and WEAK BACK IN' MILCII COWS. I have met with great. eocce l ss fu bringing my Mixture within the reach of the; Public. /am daily in receipt of letters from Physicist:La i -Druggists; Iterebants and Sanders, testifying to its curative powers. DAVID E. FOUTZ, Sole Prdprietor, BALTIMORE, Mo. • April 7, 1869-1 m... Planing & Turning. B. T. VAN HORN; 101 - AVING got his new Factory in operation. .1 is now prepared to fill orders for Cabinet Ware promptly and in the best style of workman ship. Having procured a . WOOD4'ORTH PLANER, iv ho is ready to dr Al boards or plank with dispatch SCROLL- . ORK & BRACKETS, furnished to order. His machines are of the new est and most improved patterns. Shop corner of Pearl and Wain' Sts, WELLS BORO, PA., Oct. - 31, 1866—tf. J. STICTCLIN, ' I Ohairmaker, Turner, and /. Furniture Dearer, SALE ROOM, opposite Dartt's Wagon Shop, Main Street. FACTORY in Soars 1 Wil• hams Foundry, second story. Orders promptly tilled and satisfaction guaran teed. Fancy Turning done to Order. Wellsboro, June 12, 1867. J. STICKLIii. For doing a family washing in the best and eb6apest manner. Guaranteed equal to any in the world I Has lan the strength of old resit) soap' with the mild and lathering qualities of genuine Castile. Try this splendid soap. Sold by the A'LDEN CHEMICAL WORKS, 48 North Front Street, Philadelphia. sept 2, '6B-ly. Tioga Marble Works, T"Etundorsigned is now prepared to exe cute all orders for Tomb Stones and Monu ments of either ITALIAN OR RUTLAND .MARBLE, of the latest style and approved workmanship and with dispatch. • - Ho keep, constantly on hand both kinds 0 , Marble and will be 6ble to suit all who way fa vor.him with their orders, on as reasonable terms as can be obtainbd in the country. Stones discolored with rust and dirt cleaned and . made to look as good Its new. PORTER WILCOX. Tioga, Nov. 1, 18(17—tf. Valuable Farm for Sale farm of three hundred acres, with two hun dred and twenty-five acres improved. Sit u ted two miles north of Tioga Village, on the Ttoga River,lind Rallrocd. Well watttered, un der a good state of cultivation, and good build ings. Also four houses and lots for sale in Tioga village. ' T. L. DALDWIN. Tioga, Feb. 12, 18fi87tf. (Mind, Card Photographs,; and all •special sizes, and finest styles of pidturos, finished in first-class manner at Spencer's Art Gallery. Mansfield, Feb. 3, 1869. THE LARGEST STOCK OF isiniucv‘rmei NbuTyle irL ounty l , d and the Cheapest place to, I Agent for L. BOLLES & CO'S HOSE, Binghamton, N. Y., and • ELMIRA. SAW FACTORY, Elmira, N. Y t \ STOVES SOLD ON TIME. Mandela, Nov. 2b, 1038.1 y. G. B. KM. eV York, Boa. And Now Orleans, week. giving the o watEtt TO BUY I:ma . COM 82 PARE Row, NEW YORE. B. T. VAN II URN