The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, July 07, 1869, Image 3
0031 E MATTERS. WEDNESDAY, JI:ILY- 7, 1869 \New Advertisementb Wool darding—Mooro 4 lTle . on. Notice to Collectors—ll. C. Bailey, Co. Treat; State Norma) School. Wellsboro School District Statement. Farm - ler Sale—Morris Sceloy. PEOGRESS. — The M. E. Church build ing is progressing. , The enelosureis nearly com plete, the math tower isbreeping upward and the inside work is progressing. E. J. Purplo's now brick house is up and en closed. His onto prise deserves warm eonimen- dation THE BAKERY.—Mr. Stevens, our en terpiising and honest baker, is now t t o -oducing a tic& itrticlo of pilot bread, in addition! common, French and Graham leaf, cakes, pies, &c. The pilot bread is a nice article for Innters and fish ermen. Lunch, and more substantial meats, ,i;ith coffee and tea, is served at the Bakery res tronant at all seasonable hours. Also, ice-cream. t SMEAD'S ATENT .— Mr. E.,A. Sm ead 'a patent %Whiffle roo Rook is probably destined to Eapereede eveiy other appliance - I its kind. It i4ars to be iirctty nearly perfection in its line. No snore unhitching of tugs, and no more fumb ling with cold fingers to hitch up with tugs of nay pattern. A Rochester firm is manufacturing the new hook, and Mr. Snead is unable to fill his orders at that_ Messrs' Roberts & Bailey, are sole agents for Wellaboro.- " Cow DISEASE. - --Mr: dames A. poyee, of Afainsburg, writes us that a good many cows ar e dying from fever after coming-in, in that neighborhood. This is owing to the dampness tf the weather, doubtless. -The remedy is to Ole your cows a clean, dry place to lie 'in for a week after calving. Better Co cut grass and feed them under shelter, than to let them run out ex posed to tho variable weather. That used to - be the remedy when fro took care of the cows, and it seldom or never failed. IMPROVEMENTS. Messrs. Forsyth and Karr aro finishing off the front of Van Horn's new wird:louse in plain and tasteful style. The brackets are very neat, and the butternut wain :coifing under the windows will pleasingly con trast with the white trimmings. Jacob Sticklin has got his new factory in work ing order, and the wheeze of his engine adds to the hunt of baldness. . We hope Jacob may have a run of Wok now. All, YES !—A Bradford county farm er writes to the Reporter to say that ho milks nine owe, and from 539 pounds ofmilk made 201pOunds of butter. ' Very well; Fay that the butler sold for 40 ets a pind ; that would be $B.lO. Now.,plenty of our farmers uffike from 5139 pounds of milk 60 pounds of cheese, and sell it for 18 cents per pound. That amounts toslo,Bo. And it dolts about half as much to make. the cheese as it does to make the butter. Moral: Make cheese. THE DAIRY.—We took a turn about the East Charleston Cheese Factory last week, and found its operators as busy as bees. The Factory is operated by Mr. Elias Tipple this year. • The present receipt of milk is about 6,500 lbs. of milk per day, and the cheese-make daily about 700 lbs. Tho faotory is doing -first-rate. East Charleston is improving healthily. Its farms never presented a finer appearance than they do to day. Progress is everywhere visible. Avery is manufacturing some of the very band foulest lumber at his Jail There is Moore A; Bac'on's Wool Carding Machine, also, where good ivork is done and without tiresome delay. Mesbis. Moore b Bacon aro the !new proprietors, and ought to draw a liberal patronage. • TILE TE3IPLA 4 RO CELEBRATION. -- The Templars' colehratio6 at Lawrenceville on the 2d, appears to have been the most consider. able gathering on or about the Fourth, in this rouaty. Tl.e crowd at Lawrenceville numbered from 1000 to 1200, the several Lodges in the county, save two, being well represented. The R. It. Company very kindly furnished transpor tation and half faro tickets along the line. The doesting was addressed by G. W. C. T. Chase and Maj. G. W. Merrick, whose remarks were listened to with mr\rked attention. Good order prevailed throughout ) the day. Though each Lodge was expected to furnish its own raticms, the Lawrence d',illc peoplo providea splendid for those who -neglected to carry their rations along. The believed to have been very profitable to the cause of temperance. NORMAL SenooL.—From the •eata logue of the Mansfield State Normal School for 1z , 68-1,569, we gather the following statistics: Whole number students taught, - 337; of which number 225 were normal and 112 pupils in model rchool. Forty-three tool: lessons in In mammal Music, and 41 in Prawing and Paint ibg. The Graduating class numbered 19, and was prnMiuneeid by Alio Board of Examination equal to any Mass graduated in the State, and au ',aim. to most. The resignation of Prof. Allen, tendered last February to take cifeet at the close of the teint then current, was not accepted until June 4, fol kiting, at which time the following resolution was adopted: /: , raital, That we accept the resignation of Piot'. V. A: ALLEN, tendered Fob. IS, and we ex prets that ibis formal acceptance has been delay ed, with the anticipation that some arrangement mi;lit he made to retain him as Principal of the cebuol, and this, of itself, indicates our apprecia tion of his' service's. The resignation of Prof• Allen neees.sitated the recon.trection of the Board of instruction and Government, as folio trs : J. T. 4TREIT, A. M., Principal Charley 11. Verrill, A. M., acting Principal, Professor of mental and moral Philosophy, and Theory and praetice . of leaching. Wat2oll, A. 8., Profetlor of Latin, Greek do,l Euglish (Jr:minim Henry W. Rind, B. S., Prof. l i e Mathematics. Miss Frances A. Cochran, Prey, ptrees. Instruc tor of FrenCh and Berman. Mi, , s Susan 11.. Preston, M. E.. Instructor o Elocution, Sc. Isaac G. Hoyt, Professor of Vocal and 'bistro mental mule. , Charles 0. Thompson, Prof of Drawing an Palming. • V. Allen, Steward. Mrs. L. F. Minn , Matron. Prof.:•trait's hbalth not at present permitting active duties, Prof. Terrill a ill discharge the dunes of Principal. All communications relating to the school ffs . est. be addressed to him. The school has attained to a high and enviable reputation among the Normal Schools of the cauntry under the manageMtlnt of Prof. Allen, ably seconded by the gentlenta» who now head the Faculty. To Prof. Allen; \ freedom from the harassments of the last seven Aears means health and Prolonged life. Few inch have so well suc ceeded in attracting and retaining the love and teleot of students ; and few CO happily combine the talents for teaching and husinetts as )11`. ILOSO who best know the scholarly gentlemen 'lttta whom the managetnent„of the School is now devolved, confidently exp&C„lthat the Institution sill press steadily forward in repute as well its in buitneeu. The new Faculty la thoroughly com petent, and if ~ustalued as' they deserve by tIM piddle, the school will lead among kindred insti tutions, not only in Pennsylvania, but in the no !ion. For every practical purpose the course of instruction is equal to that of any university, chile the cost is ranch less than the cheapest col legiate course. Men well . acqudinted with the khool s In Philadelphia have assures' us that the 114116 41.1 School affords advantages denied by ta'161"111(1., and that it has no superior in 'noel e,tential respects. We have no fears of:t.ny Et luandering of the Stato appropriation to this B ' lool . 1!'o Commonwealth, founded upon the i nteiligenct of the masses, must foster its schools if it Would presorve liberal institutions. REM 6_1004.--Tlie-'l3liptistrChurches in the Tioga Association aro herehy notified and requested to complete the collectitiris4 the Build. jog Fund subscriptions for 1668-- 1 60; so that ,the whole sum may be paid-over at the Annual Asso ciation in August next. PastorS or Clerks of the several oh arches will please actprotopily in making their respectis'e collections, so that-the whole amount subscribed my be paid over on or before August next, to , P. C. VitzoELosn, Trees. - SITIPPEN LOCAL.--T see you are re? marking of local improvements in differeqt,tewn ships and_have , neglected Shippen. Supervisor Butler is inpking a very fine 'road thrbugb the center of the settlement on 3liddle Ridge. If the people would move their fences and give,. him a chance, he would get on faster.: Charlos•Marrow, has put up a substantial stone fence along his farm, and Delos Taylor is building'n Ilmi barn.'- ST. LURE'S CHURCII, BLOSSBUWI-.- - "S" sends us the following interesting repoilt:: "Tho presentation of tho offerings of. tbdichil-, dren of St. Luke's Sunday School at Blossburg, on Sunday evening, Juno 27, was au oceas4in of interest to all lovers of children and, Sunday Schools. The ladies of the church bad 'very tastefully decorated the chancel' and its surroundings with glowers,' which gave lv pleasing eifeet. The perig ees opened by prayers'from , th'e Sunday School service, after which came the presentation of off erings. Each class had its name with n scripture text, a quotation from some of the poets and nn appropriate emblem. Tho infant class were the "Lambs of the Flock." Embletn- , -Lambs resting' on a bed of mess. 'Among' the , other names were "Our Bishop Steven' Class .r Emblem—A scarlet mitre, ornamented on ono side with a gilt cross, on the other a crown of the same. ' , Depend:, duce: EmbleM—Cress twined with ivy. "Glass of the Good Shepherd : Emblem—An' Oriental Shepherd with his crook. "The Little Builders:" Emblem- 7 A branch with birds building a,itest.- 7 , In this way each of the ten classes had some ap propriate name. 'Each emblem represented some pretty conceit or illustrated some important truth. One from each class was appointed to carry Alio: emblem and offering to the Rector and Superin tendent, the Rev. M. L. Kern, who placed them on the altar. After the offerings were presented, the children sang several pieces: The Cr9ed,and - Commandments, with a few Other like recitations were beautifully delivered by some of the little ones. The singing of the ehildrerCunder tho su pervision of Mr. T. W. Thomas, was very fine, and did credit both to the little Musicians and their instructor. The services closed with the Gloria in Excelsis and Benediction. The exercise encouraged and gratified the chil dren, and also afforded much pleasure to the old er ones: ,We intend to have like exercises each year at this time. This reason was chosen for our anniversary haduse flowers aro more abun dant with 'us at Blossburg than at Easter and Whitsuntide, for we have to have Floral decora tions at children's festirals. Flowers and chil dren associate so naturally in our minds." S. L. MAN / SPIELD LOCAL.—P. M. Clark is building new walk in front of his property on Academy Street. ' ' Tho fu once went out of blast the f29th ult., owing to danger done by the chill. Prof.ll. S. Webster has gone west. lie proved imFelf an able instructor while connected with lie State Normal School, and bears away with im the best wishes of his many friends. J. W. Adams, EST, has returned to Mansfield Lawrenceville must h'e a peaceful community so far as as the law ".biy." is concerned. The work of putting the Normal building in a complete state of repairs is going forward rap idly, and the accommodations aro to be some what increased. All communications should be addressed to Prof.-C. H. Verril. • • The Camp-meeting near Mninsburg closed on the 30th ult. The parties who run the half-way concern near tho Powers School House have been put under bonds for selling liquor, and other wise violating the laws of the State; it is to be hoped that the full measure of justice will be meted out to them. Office seekers arc getting thieht and the game grows interesting. For the benefit of my friem . b• ° II," of- Bless, Ilwould say that I may not, be lof very ancient origin, but quite out of my teens, and do not covet the honors of grey hairs 'by any menns.— I fail to see the point of his last communication, and appreciate his desire to rise above a personal controversy. I did not see what his lastcommu nication had to do with Conventions, but pre haps lie has forgotten the question at issue. The County Committee seem to have over looked his powerful arguments, for which I am truly sorry, as the prineip.le involved was in tho main right, and much ito be preferred to that now in use. .ACc.ILIENTA TIOGA LOCAL.—We are called upon to mourn the loss of a worthy citizen. Maj. Vine Depui is dead. His funeral was attended on Wednesday by a largo concourse of friends, although thOrain kept many at home. It was the request of the Major that his body should not be taken into a church, consequently the . servioes were held at the house, concluded by Rey. C. Otis Thatcher. Mr. Depui was well known through the surrounding country, and his sudden departure be deeply felt by his family and friends. He leaves a wife and Eeyen chil dren, all of whom were present atilie funeral. Master John Hyde met with a sad accident on Saturday last. He had been riding horse- to plow corp for Hiram Calkins, and was going from the held to the barn, when the horse took fright, threw John on one side, with ono leg fast in the belly-hand. Thus he ,was dragged un der the horse's heels in a horrible manner, until the'strap gave way. He was picked up by Mr. Calkins, badly bruised, nearly naked and ap parently Olifeless. A Doctor Was at onco sum moned and the lad is now improving. Johnston ,C; Lowell, tanners, are slacking up a little with " biz" during the warm 'months.— They have reduced their corps of workmen near ly one. half. Yes, he is cooling. Tioga is to hare a sation. Trim the street lamps, wash the Nick °lron, and sweep the walks. Tom Smith is to pay his country friends a visit. You that would see a millionaire, who drives a twenty thousmid dollar team, will do well to visit our city. , _ Miss Ella Wellington and Anna Guernsey re turned from Lyons, N. y., last week, where they have been to improve their musical qualities. Miss Anna Baldwin and Rosa Guerbsek are also home from Mount Morris during tlicit cation. It - Mrs. Hance has built a new foot walk frontiri r g her residence on Main St. , The first rattlesnake we have heard of this season was killed by Lewis Daggett on Tuesday last._ II is snakeship had not arrived at the years of discretion or ho would have shunned the company of so dangerous a foe. MAINSBURSI LOCAL. The Camp meeting is over ; It was well attended, and no doubt the effort will have a healthy influence upon the cause of religion in the future, besides the diteet benefits fed at the present time.— There was some disturbance occasioned by bad whishey upon unwise boys. Oh, that men should put wine into their mouths to steal away their brains! Several, improverrknts are being made in the borough. Mr. Shaw has' built new fences in front of his buildings, and painted his house. Mr. A. A. Rumsey laid an excellent stone walk in (rent of' his house, and Mr. B. Parkhust has laid 000 in front of his store. That walk. will la,t gentlemen to wear out more boots than Mr. Itunihey will ever he able to make or repair, or than Mr. Parkhurst will sell In all his lifetime, antbbe good then. Several'plank walks have also been relaid, and more ought to be. . her'of the pioneers of Sullivan has passed away. llenry, Rew, aged 88 years, was buried on Thursday, the lst inst. ile-died of old age; and not until (lie last sand of his life seemed to have run out. Only three hr four more remain of those who have lived to see Sullivan grow from the wihieraess to what it now is. Only a I few years longer and they will all have passed away. "SMI.T." Quarterly Meetings and Camp-Meeting I desire some changes in the time of holding quarterly meetings as follows: The quarterly inceiing at Pine Creek, (the Meadows,) wlll be July 17th th, at Ike usual hours. Blues burg, .Jul} 10, 11, Hey. J. J. Turton conducting the cervices. I am to preach July 18, nt 8 P. M., and to meet quarterly conference Monday, July allek hours a's the pastor may appoint.— Jack,oo, July 21, 25. 1141 V. M. S. Kymer will combact services at the regular hours; and I am to preach and meet quarterly conference on Mon. day July 211, at 4 P. M. E. Smithfield, July 31, Aga'. 1. I ant to lie present at the regular hours. Springfield, July 31, Aug. 1. I am to preach only on Sunday at 5 P. M., and meet the quar terly conference on Monday, Aug. 2, at such hours as the pastor may appoint. Wollsboroi July 31, Aug. 1, conducted by the pastor. I am to meet the quarterly conference on Tuesday, Aug. 3, at such hours us the pastor may appoint. I am to preach in Westfield, July 25, evening, - Please allow me to say further through your. paper that 1. feel very thuukful to the Groat Head of the Church for Divine blessings -.during our Cainp-Meeting. And I (bank the good citizens attending the meeting, and those residing in the vicinity, for their interest that we might peaccia• bly worship God jn the grove. We were soma= what annoyed by the " whisky ring , ^ and I fear by that means many who came to be benefited by the meeting, were diseenraged. I hope next year all who come to our OstopqUeeting will come !!' ' t •“: to hear tend'ihe rtiligionsly'benefitOd: I Was dis appointed in not having the assistance on_Onn do, 4 flistinguisbed clergyman from :;abroad, as ho badgiven me encouragement, Most of the Christian people'whe attended were greatly prated. I think they will, go to their homes with increased Spiritual power; and, will, reek°, themselves more useful there as Christians. Piero?' were several very (Attar cases of eon Version • and the closing services, including the administration of the - 13aciamept; ' 'weke'very, imtiossivo, aqd will never be: foilgotteri.4 lam sorry that, any petitions so conducted themselVoi that the friends or good order judge it their duty to enforce the laws upon them. Cocumor • , •. • . -1; .z Presiding •STEELE—"BARTLE.--Adtbo M. E. Parson ago in We!Moro ' ,on June 24th {?y Pov. 0. L. Gibson, Mr Nathan Steele to Bilks Lois A. Bartle, both of Delmar. the ianie, July 4th ink, Mr. Leopold Sobimpf of Charles ton, to Miss .Franeht Blattner of Wellshoro: JOE • OLAYSO'N—L'CLARK.—At 'Covington, Juno, 30th, by the Rev. G. P, Watrous, Mr. Harold H. Olayson, of State, Bridge,, Oneida ' ) 00., ; 15t. Y. to Mi.le Jennie S. Clark of Covington, Pa. toRDEN, In Charleetarlk 'Juno 20, 1860;" Mrs. Susan Borden, aged &5 years, 2 months, ant( 20 days—, - I' ;_ , -Tassed'no more on lifo's.rough All the stornia"of sorfoq i fied, _ ' 'Death bath -found a qui6t For the aged Chriatiai bead Peaceful aluthhers !Guarding now her lolOy'bed. SP,E . 6IAI, RESTORED TO ITS ORIGINAL YOUTHFUL COLOR • , • •• 'fly its use. • 1'6;411 make Hair grow upon bald bends;ox, copt in very aged persons, as it furnishOs the nutritive principle by which the hair is nourished and supported. It will prevent the hair from' falling out, and does not stain the skip. No better evidence of its superiority need ; her adduced than the, fact that so 'many imitations of it are .)ffored to the public. _ ,IT IS A SPLENDID HAIR-DRESSING! Our Treatise on the Bair sent free by mail. R. P, HALL .4 CO.; Nashua,. N, 11. Proprietors. For sale by all Druggists. [June 16, 1869. Hagan's .Iliagnolia Balm. • This article is the Truo Secret of Beauty. It is what Fashionable Ladies, Actresses and Opera Singers use to produce that cultivated distingue appearance so much admired in the Circles of Fashion, , - It removes all unslightly Blotches, Redness, 'Freck les, Tan, Sunburn and Effects of .Spring Winds, and gives to the Complexion a.BloomingFurity of trans parent delicacy and power. No lady who values a fine Compleliqp can do without the Magnolia Balm. 76 cents will buy it of any , of our respectable dealers. Lyon's Kathairon is a very delightful Bair Dressing. Juno n o 1869-lm. Tllll Advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after having suf fered several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption—is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the moans °fermi. To all who desire it. he will send a copy of the pro scription used (free of charge,) with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sintc CURE Foll/CONSUAIPTIoII, ASTIMA, UnoNciuves, etc. The object of the {advertiser in sending the Prescrip tion is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceilves to be invaluable; and lie" :hopes every sufferer try his remedy, as it will cent them nothing, and mn -prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription, 'will please address Itev.EDWARD A. WILSON, - Willieinsbutg r Kings County, N. Y. May 26, 1860-1 y: A GIINTIENIAN who suffered fer years from Ner vous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, fur the sake of suffering hu manity, send free to all who need it, the receipt and directions for making the simple remedy by which ho was cured.. Sufferers wishing to peoflt by the adver tiser's experience, can do so by tidUrMislng in perfect confidence, JOAN B, OGDILN. — "lin: 42 cacti. 1.14,044-i-3," errr EAST- CHARLESTON VVOQI4 CARDING. "LAVING purchased tho wool carding' works of Mott /Cc Whitney, the subscribers aro now prepared to -- card wool into rolls promptly ,and in the best manner. Persons coming from a distance, and wishing to carry their-rolls honie Tith them the same day will bo accommodated. he charge for carding is based upon the weight of the rolls, and not upon that of the crude wool. • Satisfaction guaranteed. We have ri drat-class machine and plenty of power to drive it. July 27, 1860-41. n. MOORE dc BACON{ , STATE • NORMAL SCHOOL, ' MANSFIELD, PENN:§YLyANIA': lHE'next term of this Institution .vl , lll cora moue° Wednesday, Sept. Ist 1869. For Catalogues—address Prof. Chas. H. Ver ril County Pa. July 7, 1869-tf. A LL duplicates prior to the year 1869, not settled. on or before the Ist day, of August next, will be entered, and executions issued as fast as necessary, after that date. C. BAILEY, Treasurer of Tioga County. July, 7, 1869-tf. Dr. H. R. - Phillips, AITTUMIONAMtk-ftgt THE undersigned respectfully announces to the citizens of Westfield and surrottnding coun try that, he is permanently located at this place. He is fully prepared to do all kinds of • • (DENTISTRY,: in the highest style of the art. Stlisfaction guarrantood. Office over Scovill's Drug Store. Fine Photographs can bo had over the Drug Store. iI. 11. PIIILLIPS. Westfield, Pa., June 30, 1809-Iy. SNOBBLETON Guardians' Sale. IN pursbaneo of an order of the Court of Com ,mon Pleas of Tioga County, dated Juno 7, ti 9„ the undersigned Charles Bulliley, guardian of Francis Shaw, and Charles IC. Ward guardian of Lucy Shaw and Elizabeth Shaw, minor children of Daniel J. Shaw deceased, will on Saturday the 31st day of July ISO, at 12 o'clock noon, upon ,the premises expose to public Sale all that lot of land situated in Elhland Rao, In the County of Tioga and State of Pennsylvania, bounded on the north by the Cowanosquo River, on the cast by lands of Chaves Ryon, on the south by lands of John A. Hammond and lands of the Bingham Estate, and 'west by lands of Polly Davenport—containing lOU acres. , Terms $2,000 at time of sate, and' the balance' in one year from time of sale with interest. • • ' CHAS. BULKLEY, } Guardians.' • CHAS. IC. WARD, Juno 30, 1809-3 w. Furniehod to order. - Now is the time to beautify youtidotnes. Ohl Pietures'eopied and worked in ink sepia or oil, at ' CLAY KiNGI'S, 4iApril) :... 14, 1869. Art Gallery. W . .. r ANTED, ~..2.._,.. . , AT THE NILES VALLEY STEAM FLOURING MILLS. I . 10,000 Bus. Corn, 10,000 a Oats, and , any antonka of good Wheat. J. B. DIMON do Cd. Niles Vnlloy , March 24th, 1860:-tf. ' FOR SALE stook of c Frame PI dings which will be manufactured to are'r: tit r e t u m na blo prices, at ' CLAY KING'S • ' April 14, 1869. Art-Gallery.— A NEW lot of POPLINS, ALPACAS Ac l - 1.: s and Satins for Trimmings at LANO A- CO. • April 14,,1869 . , . • CALL and seethe Spring Styles sof Shawls' at DJ LANO 00, April 14, 1860. MARRIAGES. . „ DEATHS: I:== H A LL'S 'GETABLE SICILIAN HAIR 262 7 1 Y VV1R-. GRAY HAIR TO CONSUMPTIVES. ERRORS OF YOUTH, Notice to Collectors. BERLIN PRINTS AND FANCY PHOTOGRAPHS - !Y ,i ''' ' '-:: -.'t . 't inilia'nri's - Woolen Ithlis! ~ :':,I'!DEBItIiELD: i'A.'':', '-",i , '';'.' . Mint subscribe s wilVpay Cash, Roll-Cloth, Cassimeres, P annele, so., /to., for They also manttfaCture as aerial— . TO ORDER, OR ON SHARES, v p,v to suit customers. All work, warranted as rep resented. They invite particular attention to . • • their Water Proof , • =I CASSIMERES ; EOM which are warranted in every respect. lat attention even to ' * ROLL;r CARDING, . . AND • C4IT,tI , ,I,IRE,MG; : 3 F'il IBM INGHAM'S large stook of Oassimeres, 26 per cent lose than any competitors, and warrant, ed as represented. mlnufaoture to order, and do all kinds of Roll. Carding and Cloth Dresaing, and defy competition. ' . INGIMIS have ne good an assorOmont of Full Cloths, Cassimeres, 'lke., and give more for Wool in exchange than any other establishment. Try them and uglify your- INGIIAMS wholesale and retail at the Cow. anesqueMills, 2 miles below Knoxville. Our Cloths are warranted, and sold by the following parsons: DELANO & CO.. Wellaboro, Pa. T, L. BALDWIN & CO., Tioga, Pa. J. C. BBNNETT, Covington, Pa. 100,000 Pounds of Wool Waisted. • • JOSEPH INGHAM & SONS p o 001151d-11in* oo NEW S WRING GOODS 1 AT TRH REGULATOR, CORNING. N. Y. ME J _ , AITE have just roceived a large stook of Ty, Goods suitable for the Siiring trade, to , whiehe - desird to call the attention of the 'lido plo-,of,Tioga County. In 10(0011$ 5 I -FANCY DRESS GOODS,, POPLINS, SILKS,!SHAWS, COTTON AND ' WOOLEN GOODS; for men and boys' wear BOOTS AND SHOES, Carpets, &c., &c., wo have a full assortment on inspection of Goods and prices that will satisfy the closest buyers that this is the place to' make their purchases. In Grocery Department, we have everything needed to make a complete asaortment of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. WO have also jast received' large lot of CROCKERY,. • . E diroot from the Importers, of than new Tat tern, very neat, and cheaper than ever offered in this market before. • • • Do not fail to look through our stock beforo making purchases. r NEWELL k OWEN. Coming, binrola 23, 1868,—1y. , Just Reeetved S PRING SACESTi 8 4 C A I LI T CI C? ' 4& 4 C 0 S April 14, 1869. ."4 ART GALLERY Ie tho place to got your PHOTOGRATIIB. ,Now and - Rustle Sclinor.V The new Cabinet like made i n a ny ;position. i , :{ iopr. - 14i 1869. I -r •• A riAB I R, Ff took of Spring Clothing at " ' it' CO, ' 4pril 14t.1864k, -r: • •• - Largest Stock of Frames In Tioga bounty for sale at the lowed firlCesi CLAY KING'S April 14, 1880. Art Gallery. g. 13 . F45T11.4114." DENTIST' 1 4 ; Mits,f3Takvii,t . ti A - 11 . 1V.V1P P NiELLSBOR9, PA. EMI STEAM Engino Jr. Boilor, and all tho gear ing for an up and down Saw, IMII lEEE For Sale, JOHN It, BOWEN Ak. We'Moro, June 23; 1869.—tf. •ar DIRIV SPRING GOODS A.T the PEOPLES' STORE 11E , • , • • CORNING, N. Y. .S a I! you want the beet AMERICAN !PRINTS in umaket for 123 cents per yard, and; otiAr Goode in proportion. If ,yon, want , any Dress Goods orlphawls. If you want any ' l Cloths or Cassimeres by the yard or made to order hi the, mos p . proved style. • If you want any Carpets, call where yon cRa find 70 rolls io solect from. . In short, if you want anything in FOREIGN I DOMESTIC GOODS, nt the lowest prices, Call at the PEOPLES' STORE,. where prices are uniform and low, whore honesty and fair dealing is the motto; and if you want any . nrmis!., 25 per cent less than you can buy elsewhere, call on the agentsiof the GREAT IT. S. TEA COMPANY . and bo convinced, • Como and see for yourselves, Store directly oppositc,tho Dickinson Rouse. SMITH & WAITE Corning, Mardi 31, 1869. Wilson. & VanValkenburg's No. 2 Utiion Block. is i 3 the placo where tho orowd go to find THE NEW SPRING STYLES POPLINS, 'GRENADINES, LAWNS ORGANDIES, PIQUES, CHINTZS, PERCALLES, GINGHAMS, DELAINES & 'PRINTS, ALL STYLES, FACTORY'S? , SHEETINGS, BLEACH • ED AND UNBLEACHED =SUNS. HOOP SKIRTS, of every description, DRESS TRIMMINGS and BUTTONS of all kinds; also tho 4argost and cheapest assortment of REIDY MADE CLOTHING ever brought into Tioga Cennty. Remember the place, atid becull fore put:chasing. We have selected our stc)ch with great care' and notify gentlenienthat in LIGHT ENS, TWEEDS, LIN ENS, FARMERS' SATINS, GAI TERS, & SUMMER WEAR of every description we can't be beat. Thankful for past patranagei and by strict at tention td business we hope to share a eontinu anco of the same. - W.1.1030N & VAN VALIIENBURO Wallebo to,May 19, 1869—if. ' Administrator's Notice. T E,TIERt3 of •Administration having been grained on the estate °lira' Graves, late of Covington, deo'd, all persons indebted to, or claiming against said estate must Settle with • • CALEB S. GRAVES, Covington, June, 2,1860-6 t. . • ,Adier.• WrOTlOE.—Porsona baying Lumber in our IN ; Mill yard, sawed a year or oVer,'are hereby notified to move the same without delay. 1 . . WANTEr)--paittle pay on saw:bills duo. TRUMAN A BOWEN, '. AMPS.—A new kind of_lamp fo r Kerosene— jj nobroakapotobiwneys—at Nolan 8. " BEE.IIIVB EXCIIINGE!" How cloth - Ike littlebusy bee' 'Ove each shining hour ? Whera'buy Sitgar,"Coffee, Tea, His' Pork - Hams, Fish, and Flour•? . „ . The busy bee improves his time, And saves his oash also, At Mothers's, - whose ,goods are prime Besides dog - cheap, - you know. DLO" I's not my strong point or best hold; but I have 'as duty to discharge in the way of providing my fellow creatures with all of the necessaries and many of tiro luxuries of life; therefore, I am bound to proclaim that in'tny line of trade I in tend that the travel in and out of the BEE-HIVE EXCHANGE during the season, shall lead the "great, intelli gent, liberal, and discriminating public to liken it unto THE SWARMING- of ye gentle and tuneful bees in flowery Juno. I have made a now deal; and . shall, hereafter keep a full stock of . such Dry Goods as' SUGARS, SALT, STARCH, TEA--TEAMITEA-TEAI TTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTTTTT GRBEN,--BLASC,--JAPAN- pNG- 7 LISLE BREAKFAST, au varied in assbrtment, and as high in grade of quality as you,will find anywhere this Bide of the Celestial Kingdom. In the line of wet goods I regard with pride my stook of Molasses & Syrups which, like other, and loss substantia sweets of this chequered life, aro vanishing adown jugs and kegs; though I have a steady supply from the Oily, and defy the aver-aching (sweet tooth of the public. Among other wet golds I have Mackerel, Codfish, as wall as . WEZUMIZaNg : AND FISH • HOOKS AND LINES, Together with all and singular the various C•OF FEES COCOA, CHOCOLATE, & BROMA . And listen, ye barefooted ! I have a large A; splendid stook of BOOTS. i & SHOES, And I want to exchange everything in my line for Greenbacks and MARKETABLE PRODUCE AT CASH RATES. , Call and sea me. If you call for anything I haven't on hand, I'll assure you that it's at Tioga, and carcotad crroiy IVellsboro, May 5, '69. W. T. MATHERS. C.G B.dig=F.L.L . COME TO T. L. p.ILLDWINIk CO'S (ITIOGA, PA. and sea a nice stock of Goods for the Spring & Sum?ner Tpde ZIZIEIZZ =ERZ 00023 —all styles, colors and pattorna— ALPACAS, POPLINS, CAMBRIQKS, FRENCH JACONETS, ORGANDIES, PEQUAS,'VERSAILES, BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, &c., &c. ' BEAUTIFUL SUMMER SHAWLS and a large assortment to seloot from. CLOAKS READY—MADE, AND CLOTH TO MAKE MORE, ALL'' KINDS OF ' LININGS, FRINGES, TASSELS &c., TO TRIM DRESSES OR SACQUES. - -Our stock of— YANKEE NOTIONS • can't be beat. It keeps up with everything the Yankees halve thought of so_far. HOOP SKIRT BALMORAL SKIRTS, OatSETS, &a, R—O—M—H--N DaEMOUglisg too numerous to mention; . but will say that you will seldom find so largo an assortment to select from in a country store, and clear down to the BOTTOM FIGURE Wo also keep a largo assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, in snits, and parts Of suits. • Should we fail to suit you with icadianado, wo have Cassimoro, and • . A TAILOR' TO OUT AND FIT. Boots and Shoes, all styles and,eizes. HATS, AND CAPS, STRAW GOODS, AND GENTS' FURNISHING • GOODS; A COMPLETE LINE OF CROCKERY, WOODEN'WARE, HARD WARE, SHELF HARD WARE, NAILS; 1{.0 4 N, Locks, Latches, Carpeniors' •• A GENERAL STOCK OF; 6-ROCER I 4E44, Fresh. TEAS aro lower than at any time since the war. Did not go to Cuba to buy sugar, and so have some cheap. We rre agents for the •E'. HOWE SEWING MACHINE. 4F----I--W-X Farmers, if you want tools to work with drop in SALT, LIME, PLASTER, PORK, FLOE - Lime, Cayuga Plaster, &o. Butter tubs, Pails. Firkins, and Ashton i Salt to flavor with. AU kinds of Farm Produco want ed, Prices can't be beat. H°A N K S T. L. BALDNVIN it CO Tlogi, Pa,, May 5, 1868. SELLOG OFF IT COST 79- /89. Will s,lll Perfumery, Notions, Dye- CRACKERS, Varnishes, Glass, Putty, Alcohol, Turpentine,. Kerosene Oil, Wall-Paper, Curtains, Positively no Ilumbug Weiisbor Fresh Goods Received Week y. C ROC KE MOVIPIg OECEOD Converse & Osgood keep constantly on ; hand a large stoek j of general GOODS AS REPRESENTED. NOT Jan. 6, 13138.-Iy.. CONVERSE OSGOOD --, WATCHES 1 . , r F) i C ( i . ~:. 1' m w MIMIN The undersigned would respectfully inform the citizens of Tioga and vicinity that he has just opened a Watch and Jewelry establishment in Borden's Drug Store, and is prepared to execute ull wders in his line of business with despatch and in the beat of man ner. ALL WORK WARRANTED. S. WILE.. I Tioga, Feb. 2.1,-1869.—tf. r 1. THE GRAND PRIZE Paris xposition Universelle. CHICKIERING 9 S 1 1 American Pianos Triumphant L , ' OVER ALL THE WORLD. Mies H. W. TODD, Agent. Deo. 23, 1368. , Wellsboro, Pa EnIIMMILCO els ORGANS AND MELODE 8, FOR sale by I. G. HOYT. Haines slithers Pianos, Chickerings, Steinways, an Stook's. Ifintormister's Organs and Melodeons, and 'Ma son it Ilamlin's Organ. These are_ . allfirst.class Instrumento. Having the experience of many years in Musical Instruments, and tuning the same, I can offer greater inducements to custo mers of Tioga County than any other dealer in Northern Pai Every instrument is warranted for five years; For full particulars teo Illustrat ed Cathloguo , . , 1. G. HOYT. • Mansfield, Pa., March 3, 136---ly TAM AGENT for Kinney Co., celebrated I platform Spring Wagons, all styles, also for their lit Carriages land Buggy' Wagons, all made in godstyle, and from Jersey timber, and warranted in every respect, equal to any made. Can furnish any of • the above at the lowest Manufacturers price's. L. C. BENNET. Walsboro, May 5, 1869—tr. • • ,State Street Lots. AP. CONE having laid off . his land on • State Street into town lots now offers them for sale on reasonable terms. Wellsboro, April 28, 1869. AFULL Stook of Groceries at old prices a • DE L4NO It CO. April 14, 18139, FOR CASH ! •\ - waxagglsuz co. from this date their entire stock of DREGS, MEDICINES, SIUIJI, Paints, Oils, Tobai:bo, Cigari, Fixtures, &e., &e., &c., AT COST FOR CASH. P.R. WILLIAMS dr. CO. o, March 3, 1839 Dry Goods Fresh Groceries Rats and Caps. Bo it remembered, that i TO BE UNDERSOLD. at the For Sale. • 'To the Owners of trapatented Lends.' SURVEYOR - GENERAL'S OFFICE, Reitaxamina, P 4 .1 May 25, 1869'. TN obedience to an Act of Assembly, approved A the eighth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and sixty nine, ou are hereby notified that the it County Land Lien Docket? contain ing tho list of inpatented• lands for Tioga Co., prepared under tho Act of Assembly of the twentieth of May, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, and the supplement thereto, has this day been forwarded to the Prothonotary of the county, at whose office it .may be examined. Ttio liens can only bo liquidated by the payment of the purchase money, interest and fees, and receiving patents through this Department.— Proceedings by tbo Attorney General have been stayed for one year from this date, in order that parties may obtain their patents without addl• tional cost. JACOB M. CAMPBELL, Suryoyer General. 1 1 1 ITHACA WHEEL RAKE. IBE undersigned, a practical farmer , is offei lug this implement to the farming public with perfect confidence in its superiority to any other rake id use. The teeth are oil-tempered spring steel and fully warranted not to break • with fair usage. By an ingenious arrangement the loaded rake is easily discharged by a foot - treadle and hand lever, and the pressure of the teeth upon the ground can be exactly gauged by • the foot. Every tooth is independent of every other tooth, and the head being movable the rake adapts itself to every inequality of the ground. It rakes clean, id simple , strongand lasting. To try it is to buy qt. I refer the public to the follo4ing persons who have the rake in use : R. Toles, Chatham; Chaney Ackley, Clymer; E. H. Stebbins, Clymer; J. W,. Davis, Brookfield;i lank, Thompson, Kelsey Erway, Harrison Vallby, ' Potter County. ,':"Orders for this Rake may be addressed to me at Westfield, 'Loge Co., ga. June 9, 1869. ISAAC PLANK, Ag't. • Valuable Property for Sale. I . .! N Roseville, in the center of the village.— i Said propert consists of a fine store house, admitted to bo th best in Tioga• County, 50x30 foot, two stories -- tgh ; together with a fine as. sortment of merchandizde, such as maybe found in a first-class County Store. This is a splendid stand for trade, and one of thelmst points for butter trade in any county. The subscriber contemplates going west, and will give a fair bargain to the put•ohaser. Terms easy. ELMER BACKER. . June 9, 1869—tf. WANTED--AGENTS For Prof Parson's Laws of Business,' With full Directions and Forms for all Transactions in every State, by TICEOPIIILUS Pentioxe, L. L, D., Professor of Law in Harvard University. A New Book for Every. body. Explaining every kind ,f contract and legal ob• ligation, and showing bow to raw and execute them. The highest and best authority In the land. Send for our liberal terms: also for our tent Bible Prospectus. Sent Free. - PARSLE EE & CO., Philo. Pa. • June 9, 1869-3111.. Administrator' LETTERS of Adminiitration having been granted to tho undersigned upon the es tate of Leander Culver, late of Elkland, deo'd, all persons indebted to, or claiming against the estate, must settlo with . R. T. WOOD, . . DOLLY CULVER, } admes. ElklUnd, Juno 18,1889-Bt. House and lot for Sale, QCUTII of Mansfield, Tioga Co., Pa., within ► II walking distance of the Churches, State Normal School, &c. House in good order, good size and convenient. Excellent well and cistern water close to the door. Lot contains about n acre, and has a number of choice_fruit trees, grape-vibes &c: A pleasant and desirable home. Will be sold at a low figure. Address or nquire of _Manafield, Juno 0, 1869-tf. DISSOLI47ON. Bi, .1. that the Co-partnership under the firm name.of J. B. Dimon & Co. is this day dissoll- vod by mutual consent and agreement. All debts due said firm, and all claims against said firm aro to be received and paid by J. B. Dimon: and L. C. Bennet, who, alone are authorized to collect tho same. J. B. DIMON, • L. C. BENNET, G. W. FOSTER. The Flouring lc, Milling business will be con tinued by the firm of Dimon & Bonnet. Highest market price paid for all 'kinds of grain delivered at the Mill. J. B. DIMON, Niles Valle HARDWARE AND STOVES! CONYERS tcOSGOOIrr 11 AVE on hand and arc constantly receiving attheir Hardware Store everY article needed in this region of country, in the HARDWARE LINE. SHELF HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, MID&I,ETOWN AND ELMIRA `67.WS, ROPE, STOVES, Cooking, Self-Regulators and Coal Stoves. Home C ompanion, and the justly colebratrid AMERICAN COOK STOVE, TIN-WARE No pains will o spared to`rneet flit) wants of our customors. CONVERS do OSGOOD. Welisboro, Jai. 6, 1869, ly. 100,000 LBS. WOOL WANTED or which the hithost price will be paid at the Store of 6 June 16, 1869. Adatinistrator'e Noti(io. LETTERS of administration having been granted upon the estate of Jared Nowell, late of Union dec'd, all persons Indebted td, or claiming against said estate will settle with Wm. M. NEWELL, Union, June 23,1869. 0 Adm'r. Wellsboro 2 Mrool- Carding , Works. SA..IIILTBOLD wishes to inform the Pub . lie that ho is ready to do all business in; his lino with promptness and in a w orkmanlike manner; and also that ho will keep cloth and Bash to exchange for Wool at his shop. S. A. HILTBOLD. Juili 2,1869-6* HOUSE & LOT FOR SALE—IN Tioga, located near tho contra of the vii. Houso in good Order, and the lot covered with a variety of choice fruit trees. Fine barn and good water. Worth; $2,500, and will be sold at a cheaper figure. Inryniro of Tioga, Juno 2, 1869-2110 • \ Ezpitor's _Notice. T TITTERS Testamentary having been granted upon the last will and testament of John R. Dickson, late of Charleston, dee'd, all persons indebted to said decondont, or claiming against the estate, must settle the same with Charles H. Marks, Wellshorough. WILLIAMIJ. KIRBY, E v r , Do AZRO A. NICHOLS. May 26,1809-6 w. •* -1 Administrator's Notice. T A ETTERS of Adminitdration having been I granted upon the estate of Benjamin Cuer, late ofillrooktield,.dec'd,iall persons indebted to or claiming against the flame must Bottle with BENJAMIN CEEB., Brookapid, Juntig, 1860-6 w .o , Adm'r. For Sale. A Wad(' & Barnlin Cabinet Oogan. r Five (iota in Single Reed, for cash or on fitne.— Inquire o J. B. Shakespeare, over John R. Bowen's Store. April 7, 1869—tf. SPLENDID stock of Kid Waves only $l,OO at LANO tt CO. April 14, 1889. Notice, J. N. BIXBY. L. C. BENNET. , June 13, 1869-3 t. TOLES dG BARKER S. M. GEER