The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, July 07, 1869, Image 1

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611,e gieg . a:Qtaintg 'Agitator
i d published every 'Wednesday Mourning at $.2
per year, invariably in advance.
,i .IL CUL.II.)
CE:4 LAN! , or 5111110 N, oft LESEI,MARE ercE SPIJARZ
I Square, I $l,OOl $2,00 $2,60 $6,00 $7,00 $12,06
zmnares 2,00 3,00 4,00 8,00 12,00 18,00
Half C 01....... 10,001 15,00 117,001 22,00, soAc q 0,00
One Col.. ......1 18,00' 20.001 30,001 40,001 CO,OOl 90,00
Special Notices 15 cents per line; Editorial or
Local 20 cents per line.
OSSEA CADRE;, No. 317, A, Y. It., moots at their (fall
over Dr. Roy'n drug , Btore, on Tuesday evening, on or
before the Full Moon, at 7 o'clock P.
TVOGA CHAPTER, No. 194, R. A. M., moots at tho
lisH, on Thurnday evening, on or before the Full
%you, nt 7 o'clock P. Al.
TOGA COUNCIL, N 0.31, It. & S. 11121STIlliS, meets at
the 11,111, on the third Friday of each calendar
wrath, at 7 o'clock
Ty t tGAGIITOIg COMMANDERY, No. 28, of KNIGHTS, and the appendant orders. meets nt tbo
IlaU. on the first Friday of each calendar month, at
7 o'clock P. M.
ineuraoce, Bounty-and Pension Agency, Main
: 4 treet Weilhimvu, Pa., Jan. 1,1868.
I;otary Public and Insurauee Agent, Moss-
Lurg, Pa., over Caldwell's store.
Otlice with W. IL Smith, Esq., Main Street,
o p l aaiite Union Bloch, WeHeber°, Pa.
July 15, 1868.
iv. TERBELL Ala CO.,
1101. E, A.LL; DRUGGISTS, and dealers; in
, all l'4 , er, Kerosene, Lamps, Window Glass,
r e riainory, Paints and Oils, ,t 0., ko.
Corning, N. Y., Jan. 1,1308.-1 y .
WILSON. ' J. 13."141Cus
Cot door from lligoney's, on the Avenue)—
‘fill attend to business entrusted to their care
n 010 counties of TiOgO and Potter.
Wellshoro, Jan. 1, 1868.
Wellshoru, 'Naga Co., Pa.
(Aim Agent, Notary Public, and Insurance
A;est. will :await promptly to colluelirm of
Penpenc, Back Pay and Bounty. As Notary
itlic Uc tai ea acknowledgements of deeds, ad
rdrtert, firths, and COM tni. , :t=ionen to
kt? teAlL11(10y. 011 ie () over Rey's Drug Stefe,
puling Agitator Otlice.—bel. 30. 1367
John W..eruernsoli,
int, returned to this county with a view of
tinug tt hty permanent residence,solicit: a
are of public patronage. All basilic:3r on
izted to his care will be attended Ito nith
u alptaes:aud fidelity. Wilco 2d do r south
E. S. Farr'e hotel. Tioga,Tioga C
JOHN' Et. SittlilESPEAlliE,
.Plitt AND TAILOR. Shop over Oulu' li.,
Store. 27. - ia" Cutting, Fitting, :tl,l
epluriug done promptly and in be:t ty
',lkll , .rn, Jot. 1, 111411i-1y
_ .
shwp tii•st door north of I:%A. Semi
190.,11up. ,tar Cutting, Fitting, a cot
.1 , .f10 I,romptly rind well. 1, IStiti.—ly
11i ANL) CUT I E.R. Ititt4 vputictl it ,I.op
r.titon street, rettr . ‘,CF , .(3::
,s)Jeru he in prepait,l to inannlacltire gal
14 ”rder in Van inoet suhstatitial wanner,
tietilar atlentpoi p:11,1
a.ling and Fitting 31nr,h 26, I:flit,-
Dr. C. K. Thompson. -
r j
t ti,ol to proissional In Hit dihogt
S,liSbtrtil /MEI elscwltete.
e Ite , i4lottre on State 2d aim; et,
sling (.1111.e I. 1:-w-
ko*: , 4.14.1a1e 01 the MIN
jj, krly tour yearn 01 atuny bervice, a itlt a largo
r, field anti tioeintal practn r, lrtn oi,ette4 as
~,, the practice of alld 11114;01y , in all
• ree IL(Port•ons ['tom a iiktatice,nu nod gookl
kt the Penney, Hotel It hen
vart of the Stott, In eowukt , tatiou, or to
• r: operationm. No 4, Un i t 111.
. W. 11.1.19. l'a . 31a3 '2, 1,506.—1 y.
Wm. S. Smith,
XVILhE, Pt, Peilion, Bounty, and In
mos! Agent. Counnunicationo kept to the
%e address will receive prompt attention.
rmS moderate. Dan S, IS6H-13]
Thos. 13.13ryden. •
itEITOR S DRAFTSMAN.—Orden, left at
room, Ttl wesend llotel, IVellsboro, Hell
a WIT prompt attention.
n. 1.67
R. E. .01,DIEV,
'LATE') WARE, Spuct.te kis, ;:t ri ngh,
, Va. WeLteho- and Jew
, ht.aly repaired. Engraving done to plain
0,11 and f4aruia.n. lleeptin Iy.
:iirdrestiing Ss 511avimr.
•wa,ter 1%11(cox &, Bather's &OTC, IV CH,-
Particular attention pain to Ladies'
Shampooing, Dyeing, ore; it raids,
siviehes on hand 111111 1111111 U In Cr-
It bolts EI
ILI. %ValilllT—Agotit the. Lest
Irl . ' , I. 3 1 .11,1.! Ling ovoiout,t (3..trg
.Ing. 7, 16116, I v
C. X
ir.Ree Notions. Our r
nr ,, t, low Store in 0ui..0 1:1,..h C,.11
(diem in way 211 14;8—iy•
EURO F.; CL0.41, Plop' i
k oev,. Hotel coollot I Ito oilickple
1101 lot live, for al iiccooltuoilotiob ut
o , lle.—Nov. 14, Ib66.—l\'.
I . I ZLETT'S 11110'FEL,
rz.ikta,s, att4clii)(l: unit a h sittclitive hod
,n attendarted
zu..;t r,
t:oroagli, Tioga Co. Pa., P.
ProPrzt..r. A now and commodious
4ifijnuh all the modern improvements.
c.“: 3 .lnvo.of tholiest lititaing and
• Conveyances
Eat m, iliodera tv.
1.% 1,1( WAIL'II . OIOI 11,114PUSilL.
gainos, Tioe,a County, Pa.
VI: tt 11.1 ThiP.
,r hotel 1.1e.10211 within easy .n•eecs 01 ILO
4 1,, ng ~nn hunting giowith to NoV.L
-s. will ho spared
atiuu 01 pluasur,• , ec,ka•`s and
Pao. I, 1868.]
PenSioll AL , Ont;y.
, elinittringtruelion-lh regnrcl to
.‘ allowed by the :tcl npprorctl
mg. uu 1).tnll a large -111 , 14 Y of 311
netlotied to lorom•Clile all Ihih.
Witit . l. Ihh;% to' "'Y
it , litanover.h.olhnlnninate
' heir ronthinnicitlon will he
ISM. It. smrrit
24.156 G.
nu Valki.ilb trey' Slane. l' l !L c
cet , p4 'll by Benj. Sechy
/1.013 s o f all kinds todde to
he beg( manner:
• all kinds done promptly and
115 a. call,
Ilihoro,J an. 2 ,lB l 6 Y B M -31:7 R ,. EILEY. •
Eialthirin ' 66o"ei, - •
(SIGN OF THE, Bp.+ VOOE., 21),FL00R,)
OUR , 0 T'T
uvery'description, in all styles of Binding,
and as low, for quality of Stock, as any Bindery
in the State. Volumes QI every description
Bound in the boat manner and in uuy style, or.:
Executed in the best manner. Old .P901E8113-
bound and tuade good as new.
WLZ : Arriarall ralaDalg
I am prepared 'to furnish back numbers of all
Reviewrur Magazines published in the United
States or Urea t Uritain•, 'a low price,
Of all lizos and qualities, on rolod or plain
of IL uyt. t uality ur sizo, un hazed uul cut up ready
for: punting. Also, BILL PAPER, and CARL
BOA It 1) "t ail en11)113 alit' qualit§, in hoards or
cut to ally eizo.. ,
Cap, Letter, Vai4,lopers, ;
1 ant bolo agent th
ref. E A 12 , 1)".'. NON-CO . IIROM E ;TEEL
Which I Wit warrant ryuulte Cold %Paha: , The
best iu nee 101(1.110 10.`,(1 . 0(1.1
The above stock 1 will eqll:it the k..owest Ratee
et nil 011103, al a ad% aneo • New York
pricer•,au:t quAntities fd suit piu•chasers. A) . l
vvork 111‘1 stook warranted ab rt.presented.
I reeneelfully u. share of piddle patron•
age. Orders by moil. prompily :mended to.—
Address, i:01.1 IS
Advertiser INti6lt rig,
Snp t. 1867.-1 y
reit...vino,Dga ettuniy, Pa.
.oflieo vy9r
Cleorgts AtcLuan,s Shouftturo. flualt . to3a
attentlud to with pi 'B9-Iy.
)1:11 LER IN DRY 0001)S, Groceries, /bird
wale, Shoes, flats, Cap, eor
ner of Marliet att,l Ciallon streets, Wolltamr.
Pa. Jan. 0, letiS.
.3111.0.11111 y aII 1101111CCh to 11.0 citizens of East
te.• .11 rot V llhint ho nonld ho
J 4 rtoLtto ho thou oiti c ,, H E o re
t...a• •.I .1 it tit. I]-.
!. 11 Yell Hi.'
1,,i(1y ..%71,4 .1 I.c I. 11. :=.llilll, has
th.a.,,tiglil3 'ell:R..l the 11.1,1, .111,1 can
Et trace TI
balvr tr.:.
SA n 1 Nl-1V11.1.1.1, Cnnnly, Pa., J. II lieru,
neinr. Cni,Veninnt thu 1 ...A fishing
In cu. FiAling p4ttien ticotu.
%Cull 01,1.%1;3:1T11 . l.+. 144,11 ti entertain
tncatt t..r man jitn.l dungy: 9, 141,9-IJ.
rip it E ttilths; titled tip the old FlrJ•
the Brewery, Millsboro,
1.,d I. 1.1,1' I nuuttilpt call, hip,
eo..t arol leather in [ht. Itt,t met,
net IliCte, [at - Mt:et eu Ca,li paid for
hide., M. A. DUlthr...
Wtllsboro, Oet. I I, 11-I,s
UNION , 1 - 10 k IlEL,
rjrAl'iNi; fitted lip a tic%ir hotel building 1:41 the:Ate
I of the obi Union [Lad,. lately dents ny ed by flro,
lam now ready rcceiVe ItOtt entertain ktiefitn. The
Union Hotel was iaWad Nl for a Tempo:ince Ilonse,
and the Pennl let er believts it can be stnlailied without
grog. An attentive bobtler in attendance.
Wellbbero, June 26,15b7.
R t o lad u i r n e g u,s,uPbEiit3c"Luatt`, l :4 l ,l 7 .i:' " a
e ll B stock th e
cones, eolopt ',nig, Teas, Votroes, Spices, Sugn rs,
utot all that constitutes a first.
class stud.. oyster, iu Stecy ..ityln al all tea
eariablc hunt
Well) . aboro, Jan. 2, 1287-0.
• bp:m.r.ns IN
j. 1tN601,,
Carriage anti iliarne%s Trimmings,
(!.II 'kill.., N. V., .1:111. 2, tP,t;7-ty
Keit! coliatantly ou laud, 41.1 d to or
:ir haw Tura, 2il door nhoee lloy'it
(Juno 10, ISOs.)
Bittial , . Platform Scales, all oninary
her heavy, and counter use, way ho,.l at the llardwa e ;Aare oC, Will. itoherts,
Theo Scales are the Faiihattka pat
ent and !MVO ao shl , riOr anywhere. They are
toadein the hebt :tyie and have taken the premi
um at all the gram ..ahihiti..wt.
. I have the stile agency for these Settles in thie
Prop) ielor
W.Alsboro, I'e 12 , , Ilr
silbseriber lia. up the roem3 ad
j"ihti,g It..bort; Tin :iwl c. Store
(or the ity.tnto..:Qiiitt.,:iiid :00 4,i
ChLI VS, (ill/!liii,ltsi, Fancy anal Connao l
..11')1:1:\`(, THU.( Fiat: e»
117 v and all kinds. 'f
1'(1,11ACCO, and Media
Call ..n.l , ce for yourgel vce.
Wolklioro, Nov. 11, 1868—tfi
• - PUN pLASTER.—We hereby certify
that we have used the' Plaster innntifactured
by Chatnpuity .tr.:Dernst nor, at their works on Elk
Run, in (-seine; township, and we believe it to be
equal if-not superior to the Cayuga Plaeter.
David Smith S M Callable A P Cone
M . 11 Cobh ll E Simmons J Dornauer
U W Barker y Alm Smith E Strait
S B Davis Albert King John C Miller
Jll Wetrous Wll Watrmis L L Marsh
B. M Smith 0 A Smith II M rollie
J D SLltiit. P C Vali q cid or J J Smith -
Jared Davis, J F Zimmerman ,C L Ring -
L L Smith.
N. B.—Plaster always on band at the Mill.
Price $5 per ton , Nov. 4, 11308.
. tr. . - : t.; -.:; - - - •- • •
. _
r tr. 4 vx •
, -
. • , ,
0 11 ,4 1°. i l
411 1, ,$ ' • • \
i tft o s p n r o o l f:r a io v t a o: i s o h l
a y s e s :t4 , m o,k o o n d t t' o h t oo s abl I rA o
• • • - % %.•
111 'Z- I •
• , ••`;. , •
. .
I rcl
1. 1
. „ .
: -
( ' t • f: C
' ,s•- • t!! f 4 ; I . and aro pr pared to oxeouto neatlyand promptly
' • ; 4AirlirlX• • •
,~ .~
Plik4B, iiP V.lll.lollti
John C. Horton,
C. 33. !MILLET
E. S. Perkint., DI, D
Smith's Hotel
New 7urn7rPry
E. R.
°no door above tho Moat Market,
wiarcun & LATHROP,
z-Vir ER I TM - 1.;_;,
it 11.\'1: 31s 5,11)Ill.E ,dt
W. 'r. r.PHE S ,
! !
New Tobacco Store !
vest Brand rif CHIA BS
_Mut#' govittr.
:40 1 &?0' i=.-...A.1;MT: , !.• :,, i
"Ho ! Conductor of the train
Hetes my aiint==my'aunt ?" •
" What's your aunt's name. good sir?
Attd the date of the train I want.",
45111 s
,un at Jame 7---; 4 ... ~• . :.‘ 'l4:
. .
Who came iri•the eirs this morn, .. 1
She,left in the, early train, --, I.
What care Ifor the rest? . ,
My aunt—my aunt is gone!
1, Whitt's tho use Of kiiitig - Onnolnctr ,
yoit'dcin't know'my - nutit?
You might ns well ben loksterman
Baiting yourtrlvs at.Nahant;.•
Leery foul on tho,carly. train,
Ought to‘lia*C 4 o my aunt !
ITow's my autit- T nay aunt?
Who's responsible for her .
Toll One ContliliCtor—speali !
Or . l'll ltavo you in , jail'to-nlerrim
Badges qr uo-,-Conductor—.
Conductor, badges or no,
I'll have you in jail to-morrow."
" Speak low—my door sir—speak low."
"Why should I speak low, Conductor,
Ahout mine own Aunt :fano?
Conductor, retire!
send for the crier,
To screech it all . over tie train , ti
Why shouldspin* low;:Coklutibir ?"
" There's heen a ifutmslk, , itri theirain !
show you just where wo wet o wrecked,
lly the hank there, just under the well,
You may havo The lack to ilel4l.
Mid the fragments, conic hits of, your aunt.
There's an old paracel with the silk all torn oft;
Two boxes of and a mixture for cough, ,
Ono leg, bell an cur, on old sh4Wl,.-
It'c just posy hle those' are . your atmVl=."
, .
" my aunt-lny:titint?
What care I for a smaslyht the train ?
It's not the smash I want,
have auntie!' alive or d'ea'd,
Without any less, or without any head,
Yon have her, that's plain,
say—how's my aunt ?"
" Every nno in Iho train was crublied !
Minced, mangled, mushed !"
Iton'a my aunt—my aunt?
Vhat care I for the rest 3 / 4 Conauctor,?
I'm not .
Neitlirr are any of them her nieces.
Lead on Conductor! show me the pieces !
llow's'my aunt—my aunt?„
Illiorettattroto gradintl.
A inliti overboard l' heard the cry
distinctly as the angry dark waters
whirled me under the counter and
astern. ' Who?' Where?' and ' Let,
go the life-buoy !" Call the life-boat's
crew away !' These were the orders in
rapid succession, followed by the hur
ried rush of feet, and creaking of blocks
as sailv.,us shorteaed,und,khe ship bro'e
to the w nd, h iejt ros6aboVe the sound
of the whistling sfivall and of, the roar
ing waters in which.l was immersed.
We had been out from Genoa about
three'days•mi our way . to Malta: The
weather had been very squally, with
thick, driving ruin, and at the time I
-felt -uyerboard ulpa
le-reefed,twmals and,courses ; - ,tho top
gallant sails had just been taken in to a
fresh squall. I Was standing on the
weather-netting, holding on to a top
.gal hint backetay, when it parted, and
the'next moment I was plunged into
the water. At first I went down like a
lump Of, lead; but in a few seconds be
gan to ascend. When I reached the
surfaee, however, it was to hind myself
w hiding from the vessel with a confused
noise of the howling wind and the hubs
lint* Miter in my earsA
I was so . hlinded; the wfater that I
could net i mediatelysee:.lfipUn toih
and round - as in a whirlpool, for I was
caught in the eddies under the stern.
As I rose on the top of a.billow,l saw
that the ship was hove-to,
,her quarter
boats were down, and her rigging full
of men anxiously endeavoring to get
sight of me ; but the darkness of the ap
preaching night was increased by that
of the squall, and another driving cloud
of ,rain coining down,: effectually :slid
nib from their sight. •
How my heartsank Was
to perish, and within hearing, too, of
my shipmates?
' Ahoy! Aho—oy ! Altn—o=oy!
shbuted,,straining my voice- to the tit
11mA-7-the Jest painfully prolonged, ami
1 watched: its effect for a full minute
with the most intense anxiety. Alas!
no answering hail, was heard ; the ship
was' 1114 t drifting - to, leeward, and her
boats pulling from instead of twat*
After giving way for sonic moments
despontleney, 1 rallied myself, and
began to consider my situation more
calmly. 1 knew that that part of the
Medilerrancau was crowded with ves
sels, and the squall would soon clear
oil, and that even if night came before
_was picked up,.the glorous moonlight
-would enable iite ti see any Vessel that
might happen to be near me; so I turn
ed over on my Jack to husband. my
strength as much as 1 could.. As a swim
mer 1 had seldom net my equal • be
sides, - I calculated ) that the
and anything else that might have been
thrown overboard; might, have floated
in the -tnie direction and nearly as fast
as myself, Nor was I mistaken, for r
shortly perceived an mur not far from
tue. Swimming to it 1 got it, under my
arrnq, and then thought that by God's
'prividenee 1 might still he saved. My
limt object in this new frame of mind,
was to.get rid of my boots, which were
by this time full ot•water, and dragging
me down. This 1 did without much
ditliculty, having often practiced doing
ro for sport,'llttle dreanlitig how useful
such praCtice would eventually turn
I remembered that just before I fell
overboard there were three or four ves
sels in sight, one of which, 'a French
brig, was not far from us ; and I calcu
lated that my drift had been, In Ler Ali-
Notion; and a the s'quall 'Cleared .
I endeavored tbmake her out. Of course
my vision ofdistant 4objeas was 'eutnff
every moment' by my being carried
down intil the trough of the sea, , .No
one who has riot been in a similar situa
tion can appreciate the awfulness with
which I gazed on the dark, glistening
sides oftlit, Ns:ayes as 1 saw myself sink
ing away from•theni, as if to the very
bottom of the ocean. With what hor
rid mockery the glassy waters seemed
to Ow high all round, /110., Suddenly,
when I. was;at;the lole4,; I would be
gin to asvntl, - as If by magic, from the
gloomy gulf, my velocity increasing
every"- iiistant, until -at." last I .wetdd :
every :
to the crest of the wave,"
like au arrow trent the how. ' A tbsSnf
the head to shake off the water, a long
drawn hreatli a hasty glance all round,
'and I.was whirled .down -again, half
smothered, in the wild abyss.
Thad been overboard, - .1 - fancy, nearly'
an hour before I caught ,Sight of the
French-brig: When , at last -I beheld
her, I could - not retitrain-a'shout of joy.
How beautiful- she . iLooked., Now% she .
Would pitelillead fOrernOSt lige the:sea - ;
now slowly rise; now slOwly fall; drip
ping from the deln*,•every titonient
nearing me. , fi—enr• she vim°. bu •uo
token was shown that I was seen.—
What if there was no look-out 2 The.
thought was horror. Raliinglftylielf
71"*1:19ouL,kli..t " . imp . • tia.o si2zata.l23.g car 371iTlisscicoart..”
high as I could. upon my frail support,'
I hailed with all my'strength,
' Brig a-boy ! brig a-hoy l'
.1 - p answering:hail dime back ) no 'sign
was made, no,signal waved. • ..011—on
she - Caine. Again I hailed, but all in
vain ;- rita distance of it hundred yards
she pasSed'me. ',Mlle; bilk), hillo-o-o!'
I frantleallY 'effect; but no friendly
voice sent back my cry. I Heaven grant
that norietwho read these words -may
ever experlenoefeelingSSiMilar to mine
at this moment. Slowly the brig faded
from my,: sight,; and with it went nearly
all inyjmpe., • • r --,
Aleno ow . the, ocean! Alone while
:night Wes *Wing on! Alone, with no
earthly - hope of escape remaining ! Far
ito leewardiAtist' visible 'occasionall y (33/er the distant. waves, I saw one yes
•sel ; but except this, thehorizon, as far
as I could see, was with, ut a speck. ,•
'•I - burst into - tears. Th tension of-My,
, i
nerves had been unnat ral, they now
'save way ; and as I saw , iothing before
me•but a long, lingering, cruel, I
wept like a child. 'Thoughts of my
distant home, my aged p rents, my pis-
ters, chased - themselves! through my
brain. My'Whole past Ife rushed in
'review before my mind. Again I was
a boy in my happy .bo hood's home.
3pt..o.ltts.:A. _was never td see that home
Again. Thep my train of thoughts
el i alide - d i M nti ' :I - wondered ' 'Who • would
get my'vaehacy ; if the Admiral would
give it to either of the mates in my own
ship, or if a straliger woillii get it; and
if SO, if he weuldpurchar my uniform.
These, and a hundred such thoughts,
chased each other rapidly through my
' The night began to close in. Darker
and darker fell• the shades•of evening,
but now the wind cud sca, began sensi-*
bly, tp, deepens°. ;. 1: was cold, weary,
and half stupilled. My senses began to
desert me, and I felt, gradually stealing
Over me, an inclination to thrust my
frail support from me, in order that the
end might icome sooner than it 'othef
wise would. Presently the moon 'rose
in an unclouded sky, and shaking off
the morbid thoughts which oppressed
me, I again anxiously seanued theytori
zon. But alivas black--n Ca sail broke
rho lino of my vision, s ill 1 clung to
the hope of being picked up.
,I could
recall to my mind numbe s of instances
of people' in as bad a p 1 ght, and yet
mercifully preserved. H, ur after hour
i t,
passed, and I had almost iven up look-,
ing round
,for sails, whe t sudden_
landed I saw a light. L ng and anx
iously did 1 gaze in the direction in
which I fancied I saw it, nd presently
I distinguishedthe red and green lights
of a fast approaching 'reamer. My
heart flew to my mouth.. But no pen
can tell no words express', OW my feel
ings-were, andAttal not- ears came 'to
my relief 1 believel shot id have gone
She was - fast nearing n
I could plainly hear lho
of her paddles. She wa
met for me, and my only
should not he able to
heard by those On board o
Presently slie was but
tired yards from me, and
toy power and hailed he'
again but still no answer
acne, Neemi gly ati if be'
mtruction. no
ears—my eyes lost their si
followed:-utter forgetfulne
of the dead; or rather, till
exhaustvd but tlie vital,
drciad pans
world and the next
My next recollection is one of exces
sive pain. On coming to plyself before
a rousing fire, kind but strange hands
were busy in chafing my itniiii. Some
one held a glaSs of something to my
lips, and then I sank while all things
seemed to whirl around.e. In this
state 1 remained somen h ~ i .."
On recovering my seises, I found
myself in a berth on boar l the French
Merchant steamer Eugene, 'bound for
Genoa.. _They told me t at they .did
1 7.
not see Pae until' was do e under her
bows, and that on pickin . me up they
thought I was dead, but.b chafing my
limbs and employing strhtent restora
tives recovered me.. ~
Nothing could Pieced lip kindness
of the captain of the steamer, and when
I parted
_;from , kith - twoays' after in
Genoa, it was with sincer regret.
I must not neglect to s. y that whet!
I ritioinedmy ship at Mal a, some three
Weeks after my - invoiant rily leaving
her, - I was Welconiea with the greatest
joy by the captain, ()Mars and men;
the only person. perhaps,•Who had rea
son to feel aggrieved being an unfortn
-nate i mate, who hall been promoted by
my supposed death.
Years have pasSed since
have ofttimes had to rel
-Wn 4 LSBOROFPA.::",' JULY 7, 1869:
Confused noises
cape, yet I tilwaYs;',Bhtid
those terrible hotti's she
Younro the architect of' 5
tunes. Rely upon yOur .
of body and soul. Take fo
self -rellence; 'honesty and
your star, faith, perseveran
and inscribe on your hann
and fear•not." f bob 'tl ttllo.
vice ;
,the'belm at
own ship. S..rike out. T 1
yourself. Fire above the
tend to hit.' Asslime you
Don't practice excessive 13,
can't, gra above yourjeVel
run up bill—. put potatoes i
a rough road and the stub
the bottom. Energy, invi
urination; with a right me
levers that rule the world
art of commanding is to
share of the work. Civilit
ing. 'Don't drink ; don't s
swear; don't gamble; don'
deceive; dorillattle. Be
generous ; be kind. 'Stud
hard. • Be •in 'earnest.. B'
Read -- good books. Love
men as. your God; love y
and obey the laws ' • love ,
virtue: Always do what yot
tells you to, be a duty; an
consequences with God.
' 'Marriage isjo.a woman,
happiest' and' the saddest
life ; it h is the promise of
raised on the death .ot' all,
joyments. She-gaits her ii
rents,• her companions,, he
her atriuSemptits---everytlii
she haS hlthertodepended•
for atteetiOn," for kindness,
The parents by whose adv ,
been guided, the sisters t
has dared impart every enab
and feeliiid,:the brotherWh I
with her, by turns, the co
eejanseled, - -and the younger
whom she haii'hithertO bee •
er and the playmateL-hll ar
-saken atone.-fell stroke; é*
- tie is loosened, the spring of
and aetion is to be elia'nged;
tikes with joy into, the ant
'before her. Buoyed aki •by
deuce of requitted love s ' -she
and grateful adieu to the
Past, arid turns with excite(
joyous nn tipi nations of the h
,come ' `Then wise to the mu
:blight such faits hopes---who
arti-like; hrealt-the illusions
-won her, and destroy the
Aviliort love. bad inspired.
'What - is' the cause of moderate or
temperate'drinking ? Is it the . force of
natural :, appetite? Rarely. • ' Nine
tenths, if-not ninety-nine • hundredths
of those who use alcoholic stimulants, '
do it in thelirst instance, and often for
a hmg`time, not from appetite, but frau
deference to'bustom 'Orlashion: Usage
hisis associated intoxicating drinks with
good fellowship, with •oftices.of hospi
tality and friendship. However . false
and dangerous such an associationthay
be, it is not surprising that When once
established, • it' continually 'gathered
Strength ;• with some,. through appetite ;
With others, through interest. • It i in
this way that what we term drinking
usages have beCome incorporated Wr:th
every pus' nit in 'life, with the tastes
awl habits of every grade and class of
iiociety. In the , drawing-room and
dining-room of the affluent, in The
public-rooth of the'hotel, in every place
of iefreshment, in the social gatherings
of the poor, in the harvest-field and the
work-shop, alcoholic liquor was at one
time deemed essential. Too often it is
deemed so still. Many a host and cm-
Ployer, many a young companion,
shrinks even now from the idea of ex-•
changing the kind offices of life With
tut the aid of intoxicating liquors, as
be would shrink from some sore offense
against;triste and propriety. Not to put
the cuff) to your neighbor's lip, in one
word, is to sin against the most abso
lute of earthly sovereigns—fashion.
• NoW what is there in these usages to
entitle them to the patronage of the
wise and good? Are they necessary ?
;Are they safe Or useful? .
Unless they can show some offset to
the vast amount, of evil which they oc
tl 'ey ought, surely, to be ruled
out of .coi rt, liutat is one prepared to
main tai i that these drinking usages are
necessarS ,—that it is necessary, or even
useful, that men should use intoxicat
ing ' liqm rs as a beverage ? Do they
add vigor to muscle, or strength to in
tellect, or warmth to the heart, or rec
titude to the conscience? The experi
ence of thousands, and oven millions,
has answered this question. In almost
every age and quarter of• the world, but
especially within the last twenty-five
years, and in our own land, many have
made trial of entire abstinence from all
that can intoxicate. How few of them
Will confess that they have suffered
from it, either• in health or body, or
elasticity of spirits, or energy and ' ac
tivity of mind 1 How many will testi
fy that, in each of these respects, they
were sensible gainers from the time
they renounced the use of all alcoholic
But,- if neither useful nor necessary,
can it be contended that these drinking
customs - are harmless ? Are they , not
expensive ? Many a moderate drinker,
did he reckon up acburately the cost of
this. indulgence, would discover that it
Rims one of his heaviest burdens. No
taxes, says Franklin, are so of
as those which men levy on themselves.
Appetite and fashion, vanity and osten
tation, constitute our most rapacious
tax-gatherers. It is computed by 'Mr.
Porter, an English statistician of dis
tingtiished ability, but of no special
interest in tim_subject. -.vide), we are
-,....m kitscUssrng, that the laboring .peo
ple of Clreat Britain, exclusive of the
middle- and higher classes, expend no
less than £53;000,000 ($2.50,000,0o0) every
year on alcoholic liquors and tobacco !
There is little doubt that the amount
i.iirectly or' indirectly consumed in
Pennsylvania annually, for the same
indulgence equals slo,ooo,ooo—a sum
which, could it be saved for four suc
cessive years, would pay the debt which
now hangs like an incubus on the en
ergies of the commonwealth. In Avast :
lug $250,000,001 every year, the labor
ingl) population of Great Britain put it
beyond the p wer of any government
to avert, from- multitudes of them, the
miseries of wt nt. Were but a tithe of
that sum ,ore idled from the hands of
toil-Worn labor, and buried in the
.Thames or the ocean, we should all re
gard it as an act of stupendous folly and
guilt. Yet it were infinitely better that
such .a sum should• be east. into "the
depths of the sea, than it should be ex
pended in a way which must should
the morals, and.destroy the health, and
lay waste the personal and domestic
happiness of thousands. If the ques
tion be narrowed down to one of mere
material wealth, no policy can be more
'suicidal than that which upholds 'Ma
ges, the inevitable effect of which is to
paralyze the productive powers of a
people, and to derange the proper and
natural distribution of property. Re
member, then, that he who stistaing
these usages, sustains the most) prolific
source of improvidence and want. He
makes, at the sumo time, an inroad up
on his own personal income, which is
but a loan from God, intrusted to him
for his own and others' good.
' But thesu , drinking usages are not
only expenSive, thq are unreasonable.
What is their prin,tical elrect? It is
that others shall decide for us, a ques
tion which ought, most clearly, to be
referred only to onrown taste' a id sense
of duty. We are to drink, wh Alter it
he agreeable to us or not ; she her we
think it right or not; whether Nye think
' it safe or not. Moreover—and this is
sufficiently humiliating —wq are to
drink precisely when, and - precisely
where, others prescribe. Auld even
now, he or she who will not drink at
. all, or will drink only when' their own
reason and inclination hid, Milli not he
surprised if they provoke invective or
ridicule. And is a bondage like this to
be upheld '.' Does it becade free-bore
Americans, who boast so much of lib
erty„to how down their necks o a ser
vitude so unrelenting, and yet so ab
and shortly
iump, thump
steering ("t
-ear was that I
19ake myself
a short hun-
I exerted all
Again '•and
I; Out on "She
it on my de
, crverrpo weft— ,
yang in thy
flit, and then
:a-the etnpbi
t trance be
[the body is
park not iyetE
between this
then, and I
ease my es
er to recall
I w►►s over-
our own for-
WI) strength
your motto,'
,ndustry ; for
ce and pluck,
Be just
to tnuch,ad
d steer your
ink well of
!nark you in
.'l,position .7-
tnility ; you
water don't
a cart over
11 ones go to
leible deter
lye, are the
The great
take a fair
r costs noth
noke ;- don't
steal ;
hard ; ' play
Four felloW
pur 'country
truth ; love
leave the
A German nobleman once paid a vis
it to Great Britain, wheu the practice
of toasting and drinking healths was
•at Its height. Wherever he wentr.dur
pig a six months' tour, ho found him.
self obliged to drink, though never so
;loath. He must pledge his host and
his hostess. He must drink wit i every
one who would boa civil to hi , and
- With every one, too, who wishe a con
venient pretext for taking anoth , r glasS.
He, must .drink abumper in 'onor di:
h i„
the king and queen,' in honor of lturch
and state, in honor of the art iy' and
.navy. 'How often_ did he find himself
retiring, with throbbing temples and
bUrning cheeks , from these scenes of
intrusive -hospitality i At length hiS
visit drew to a. close ; and to requite , in
some measure the attentions which had
been lavished upon him, he Made a
grand entertainment. AsseMbling
these who had done him honor, he
gathered them around a most sumptu
ous ,banquet, and-feasted them to their
utmost content. "The tables were then
cleared; servants entered with two
enormous. hanis; one was plaCed at
each end ; slices wee ,cut and passed
round to each guest, when the host
rose, and with all gravitysaid, "Gentle
men, I give you thr king ; please eat
to' his honor . " His guests protested.—
;They had dined ; . they! were ;jewsr ,
they were already surcharged, through
i his too generous cheer. But heas in
flexible. " Gentlemen," said h, " for
- six months you have '
compelled me to
- drink at your bidding ; is it too much
that you should nowat at , niii 0? I
have been submissive ;' why hould
you not follow my example? Y u will
,please do honor to your king. You
shall then be served with anothe slice
at once the
event of her
future bliss,
present - en:-
rrie„ lieepa
• occupants,
g ow which
or comfort,
for pleasure.
Ice she has
3 whom she
,73T0 thought
has played'
nselor and
hildren, tti
. to be for
ery' former
' every hope
nd'yet she
dden - path
L . the .confi
bids a fond
ife that is
hopes and
f 0
i po I:less, hi
u Whq•cati
can, cow
that have
in honor of the queen ; another to the
prosperity of the royal family, and so
on to the end of the chapter!"
But let us - admit—for one moment,
and for the sake of argument—(to ad
mit it on other ground would be cul
pable)—let us admit that you can drink
with safety to yourself; can you drink
with safety to your neighbor Are you
charged .with no responsibility in re
spect to him ? You drink, as you think,
within the limits of Way. He, in im
itation of your example; drinks also,
but passes that unseen, unknown line
within which, for him, safety lies. Is
not your indulgence, then, a stumbling
block—ay, perchance a fatal Stumbling-'
block in his way? Is it not, in princi 7
ple, the very case contemplated by St.
Paul, when he said, It is good neither
to eat flesh nor to drink wine, nor
anything whereby thy brother stum
bleth, or is °trended, or is made weak ?"
Yonder are the young and experienced,
without habits of self-control, and with
fiery appetites; would you have them
do t!8 you do ? Yonder is one who is
just on the verge of the precipice that
will plunge him into shame and woe ,
unutterable; are, you willing that he
Should find in your daily potations a
specious apology for his own ? Or yon
der who is already a bondman to
this fearfell viee,.but who feels his de
basement, arid would gladly be once
more free; will you do that in his pres
ence which will discourage him froM
striking boldly for emancipation? Nay,
it may be that he is even now strugg
ling bravely to be free. Igo has dashed
away the cup of sorcery, and is practic
ing that which, to him, is the only al
ternative to ruin. Is it well, Christian
—follower of Him who sought not his
own, and went about doing good- —is it
well that from you should proceed an
influence to press him back to his cups?
that you, by your example, should pro
claim, that not to drink is to be over
scrupulous and mean-spirited—that at
your table, in your drawing-room, he
should encounter the fascination which
he finds it so hard to withstand', so
fatal to yield to?
The House that Rum Built
THE A mts.nousE: This is the house
that ruin built.
DituziKAßE: This is the beast
that lives in the house that ruin built.
APPETITE : is the chain that
binds the beast that • lives in the house
that ruin built.
serpent in flowery "guise, with artful
tongue and dazzling eyes, that welds
the chain that binds the beast that lives
in the house that rum built.
THE RumsELLEHi This is the mon
ster who holds the rein over the serpent
who welds the chain -that hinds the
beast in cruel pain that lives in the
house that rum built..
Th ese are the demons of the land, who
hold the•monster at their command, and
to the serpent, they do say, together we
will take our way, and weld the chain
so strongly now, that every beast to us
shall bow, and dwell in the house that
rum built.
TVINI.PtAtANCB LAW This is the star
of promise bright, to stop the demons
in their,delight, to scare the monster in
his career, and to the serpent lend a fear,
that lie no more may weld the chain
that• binds the beast in, his artful train,
who lives in the house that rum built.
Goon TEMPLAES ^ These are •the sot
dierS who take the with the star
of promise for their shield; they •go to
gether hand in hand, to hunt the de
mons rho infest the land ; they'll stop
the monster in his course, and destroy
the serpent from his source ; they'll
break:in two the welded chain, and set
the captive free again, who lives in the
houselhat rum built.
the banner the 'soldiers bear; it waves
forever bright and, fair; with their ban
ner bright and their starry shield, they
are the conquerors of the field ; the de-
LllOllB flee in all their host • the mon
sters too desert their post ; drive
the serpent from the , land, and make
the beast a man again ; they'll fold him
with their banner bright, and with him
battle for the right; never fear
nor be afraid to destroy the house that
rum has made.—Rivcrside Echo.
CURILNU HAY. ExperienCe proves
that, grasses should be cut for bay when
the stalks are in bloom. The best time
of all, both for clover and other grasses
is just when in full bloom, and the ear
liest blossoms are beginning to fade.—
, If net too heavy it can then be cut in
the morning, and if carefully scattered,
can he hauled into the barn in the af
ternoon oft he same day. This makes
the hest, quality of hay. It retains more
of the 1111triment of grass than it' it is
left exposed to dews and rains for a few
days,.'and goes much farther both for
fattening stock and for producing milk.
But when the grass is very heavy, and
is cut with a mowing scythe and thrown
into heavy swaths or rows it will not
cure thoroughly under two days, and is
not so good for food as that cured and
put away in one day. Dew and mois
ture always aftbet the fibre of cut grass
and weakens 'the strength of the hay.
They also injure and destroy the sugary
matter contained in the stems, and ren
der them dry and tasteless. When a
branch of hay can he twisted tight with
out showino• t . ' moisture or juice, it is dry
enough to be stowed away. A little
salt scattered over hay which bus been
caught in showers will improve it; and
render it more palatable to stock.-Farm
INlANNEns.—There is nothing which
adds so much to a young man's success
in life as the practice of good manners,
A polite man will show his good breed
ing wherever he goes, on the sidewalk,
in the buggy or in the parlor. If you
meet a man Nilho refuses to give you
half the road, or to turn out on the side
walk, you may class him as a man of
no sense of justice in his soul. When
-we speak of polite men, we do not wish
to be understood as referring to one who
bows low and takes off hie hat to ladies
and men of position, and turns - away
from the poor , man, but we' mean the
honest fade—the man who carries a
smile on his countenance and who nev
er turns his hate away from the popr
man, who has a kind salutatiOn when
he meets you in the morning, and a
pleasant "good night" in the evening,
a man whose face is the Indeti: to his
heart, which is always devoid of °of
fence. Such a man is bound to succed:
such a one will find friends. Young
men, be polite: -
A young . Man who, on being asked
by a judge whether ho had a . father and
mother, said he wasn't quite certain
whether he had or not ; first, his father
died, and %then his mother married a
gain, and then his mother died, and his
father married again ; and now he
didn't exactly know whether they were
his father and mother or not.
" Henry, love, I wish you would
throw away that book and talk to me,
I feel so dull." (A. long pause and no
reply.) , " Henry, dear, , my" -toot's
asleep." "It is ?' Well, don't talk ;
you might wake it up."
, .
A SO R morrim TA LE 01' A. Si: RVA NT 0 nr,
Mary Ann was a hired girl
She was called "hired!' chiefly be-.
causeshe always objected to having her
wages lowered. Her simple name,' was
Mary Ann, and she never had any
other as fur as I know. She. went
through the world on plain Mary Ann
and seemed content.
She was of Hibernian extraction, and
she said she was descended from a line
of kings. But nobody. ever saw her
descend, although they adruittA there
must have been a great descent from a
king to Mary Ann.- . .
And Mary Ann never had any father
and mother., As fur us it could be as
certained, she was spontaneously born
in an intelligence office. : .. .
It was called an,intelligence ofliee-be
cause there was nointelligence about it,
excepting au intelligent way they had
of chiseling you out of two-dollar bills.
The early youth of Mary Ann was
passed inuutswering advertisements for
female help, and in sitting on a hard
bench, dressed in a bonnet and speckled
shawl, sucking the end of a parasol.
Personally, Mary gnat was a young
thing on' about, forty Summers, with
rich blowsy hair and It cream-colored
complexion. She weighed two hundred
pounds, and wore her own hoops when
she couldn't, get anybody else's. She
had at fiery black eye, which was al
ways blacker when she returned from a
wake, and she had a brass ring on the
third linger on her left hand.
Her nose began well, and had evi
dently been conceived in an artistic
spirit, but there • scented not to have
been stuff enough, as le i was left Rahfinished,
finished, and knocked ,upward ate the
end, while her waterfall was tied up in
a scoop net, • . I
But she was a fair young creature,
and she had a delicate, nervous system,
and a tine sense of propriety.
She said he would never live any
where where they didn't have Briissels
carpet on the kitchen, and a family
who would take her to.the seashore in
Summer. And as she knew absolutely
nothing, she said she must have four
dollars a week as a slight compensation
for having to take the trouble to learn.
Anal Mary Ann had her peculiarities,
too. She indulged astrong predilection
for cooking chickens with the craws in
them, and she always seemed to think
that as Nature had placed scales on the
fish, it was wicked to remove them.
Yes, Mary Ann was eccentric, and
she would often boil her stockings in
the teakettle, and - wipe the dishes with
her calico frock.
Her brotijer was a bricklayer,, ' and he
used to semi her letters sealed up with
a dab of mortar,, and it was thus per
haps she conceived the idea that hair
was a good thing to mix in to hold
things together, and so she always in
troduced sonic of , her own into the
But Mary Ann was fond—yes pas
sionately fond of work. So i much did
she love it that she dilly-dallied with
it, and seemed to hate to get it done.
She was often very much absorbed to
boy carne- 1.-. f.....cia, .3 , ,,,, .., tl. an ansore
ing person, and many other things
were absorbed besides Mary Ann. But
ter, and 'beef, and eggs, were all ab
sorbed, and nobody ever knew where
they, went to, Mr Mary Ann was a
clandei tine absorbed, and -never was
ostentatiOus. '
And she was very fond ofgood victuals.
She was delicate and her constitution
required it, Indeed she was so ilagile
and etheseal that her nature required a
stimulant, and she Would get boozy
four times - a 'week on the cooking wine,
and lay stretched acrolis the ice chest
in the Cellar Until sherecovered.
But there was some things that Mary
Ann couldn't bear. blib had a deadly
hatred of good bread, and 'she conceived
such a dislike for coffee that she always
made it taste like boiled boots and to
butte° Au ice. -
Anil whenever Mary Ann had to
make honed turkey, she used to bone
the turkey ago effectually that 'nobody
could tell what became of it.
There was also a strange fatality at-,
tending Mary Ann's • efforts in the
crockery' line. If she so much as laid,
her little linger on a saucer, that idea- 1
tical satri,'-er would itnmdeiately fail on
the floor and be shattered t atoms.
But Mary Ann would mere • say that
she couldn't help it. If the a ruction
of gravitation was very powerfu 'ti that
spot she wasn't to blame for it, for she
had no control over the laws of nature,
anal so Mary Ann never worried herself
about it.
Although !fury Ann never had a
father or manlier, she may lave been
the. daughter an her uncle allaunt, for
Oho manifestly had -uncles:
Uncles indeed seem to have been one
of Mary Ann's weaknesses, for she had
some twenty or thirty cousins who
came, to seem her every night, and who
stayed late and practiced' pigeon-wings
anal Irish jigs oar the kitchen floor.
Her uncles' children were all males,
and there was a mysterious and inexpli
cable eonneetion between their visits
and the condition of the pantry which
nobody could explain. There was some
thing, shadowy and obscure about it,
for whenever Mary Ann's cousins came
there was :always a fading away in :the
-sugar box and low tide in the 'flour
barrel. It was strange, but true.
But as often as Mary Ann watched
and got on the alert, just that often she
said she couldn't imagine how it was. 1
And she was absent-minded, also,
li c l nal in a moment of self-forgetfulness,
she would blow out the gas and still:b
eide the family, or perchance she would
hold the baby for an hour by the leg
and let it hang until it burst a blood
vessel. .
Absence of mind, however, was not
as strong a suit with her as absence of
I body, and her Sunday (int used to come
-once a week, and sometimes twice.
But she always went to church, she
said, and she thought it was right to
neglect her work for her faith, for she
believed that faith was better than
works. .
Mary Ann was a believer in cold war
ter also, not as a beverage, but as an in
strument of torture. She was intensely
happy when she could stick herself out
of a second story window, and wait till
a man came by with a new hat on.—
That was Mary Ann's chance, and it
filled her with tender joy to grab a tin
cup and souse water down on that nine
dollar hat and utterly ruin it.
When she did this she would sit there
unconcerned like, until the man got
past, anti then she would get down and
fairly burst the hooks and eyes oil her
.(11:4.!;3S, exulting with wild laughter
over her deed.
And sometimes she would go out and
scrub the pavement, and then she we'd
turn the hose on, and go up the alley
and lay off until she saw a fellow draw
ing near with blacking on his boots;
she would rush and dairripout a bucket
full of water over them, Mid enjoy her
- self to hear him curse. _
These were the happy moments of
her enequered life, and she would go
in and feel a peaceful calm in her soul
when she did it. , ~ - •
Mary Ann, too, had a marked par
tiality for good clothes. Often in silent
meditation in her retirement in her own
kitchen, she would reason to herself
that a benelicient • Providence had hi:I : -
planted in the female heart a desire for
Deeds, Mortgagee, Leasoa ' and a full assortment
of Constables' and Justices ' Blanks on hand.
Poop Wiring at a distance can depomlon bay
ing their work done promptly and, sent back in
return mail. •
NO. 27.1
goodly apparel, and she would frequen
tly think, "Was it her- business to fly
in the fad'of Nature, and to refuse to
appease the longings of her bosom ?"
And she always said—No, it wasn't, ;
and then She would' take hold of her
kerosene lamp ; and go up stairs and try
on her mistress's bonnet, and help her
self to under clotheS and' flannel petti •
coats, and then she would see how she
looked in a velvet cloak. Wit a sad
dened heart, then, regretfully, but
feeling ~it •to be an imperative and
melancoly duty, she would nail any
hemstitched handkerchief or hoplery or
valuables that were lying around.
She said herself. she wag sorry, but
-her womanly instincts were strong, and
she felt as if she must obey them.
But if the beginning of Mary Ann
was strange, how extraordinary was ler
ending! .She never. died—Mary AO
was not one of your perishable kind.
But she suddenly disappeared. Ohe
day she was there full of life and spirits,
and hope, " wine, and tle
next day she wasn't, and the place tht
once knew her, knew her no more.
Where she went to, how she went, by
what means she went, no one could tell ;
but it was regarded as a singular Coinci
dence that four aprons, eight napkins,
a soup ladle, two ear-rings, and a lot of
valuable greenbacks melted away at the
same time, and it is supposed that , -the
person who stole Mary Ann away ml%st
have captured these. f•
And Mary , Ann was never heard of
again. There wash wild tradition that
her form was seen hovering around the
intelligence office in a new bonnet, but"
it was, probably, her spectre; which
came back to haunt the place she loved
on earth—the one sweet place that was
tilled•with so many pathetic and ten
der memories of the missing M.ary Ann.
The Campaign.
Correapondonco of the, Agitator
Having acquired what is aptly called
the habit of "disjointed thinking," I
present to your readers the following
jottings as being applicable to our pres
ent situation. In the year '62, when
oats were vp I called upon Deacon B.
to try to buy his oats; (now the Deacon,
is well known for asking and generally
getting a good price for his produce,)
thinking ho had set the price a -little
too steep, I told him Pennsylvania oats
were quoted at--. "Sir, mine are
York state oats," was the reply I re
ceived ; and when I began to think
about it, I found we made York State
butter and raised York_State grain, and
from the Susquehanna to Erie, our
Coal, Irg umber, Oil and Farm pro
duce finds an outlet by Way of York
Suit(:, and our merchamthie conies back
by the same channel. .Ergo : Legis
lation that impedes ready communi
cation with the great marts in this di
rection is determined to the interests of
a portion of this State, rich in the arti
cles above enumerated, with a popula
tion second to none for intelligence,
Loyalty, and Btpublicanism. A few
weeks since, S met my friend, " T. 3,"
lust returned_from a trip to Chicago
for raw material, asking him what suc
cess he had met with, ho informed ILIU
that he had' purchased a, car load of
goods, but with a profane word lo give
relief to his feelings, he said he had to
pay $7O more .freight than he' should
have done, if our Legislature had not
blocked the way by giving the 'Penh's
CentraPthe power to Black Mail it, or
have it sent over thOr road to s we
point inaccessible to him. I thought,
thus, does that brilliant legislatiOn t that:
dazzles " Cowanesque") operate upon
our commercial and manufacturing in
terests. •
In a speech delivered by Scnatoi
Sprague on the 19th of March last, he
says: " The great evil in both Houses
of Co.pAress was that too many of the
mein hers were lawyers, men educat , A
only iu one line, in ono range of ideas
and experience, and thertifore incompe
tent to represent faithfully the diverse
interests and necessities, of the great
mass of I the people."
MIS paragraph set me to winking,
and I-thought he must, mean that all
their faculties were engaged in getting,
their fees, and then using all the so
phistry they could command, to make
their clients cause abpear just, even,
though they had to extract prussic acid
from an apple pip. Well, Mr. Editor,
out of this olio of thought I came to the
conclusion that men we require to yep
resent us, are men of good business
habits, and sterling integlity,«not special
p eaders whose talents are in the mark
e for the " pro or edq," as the case
ny be. We have men of ability in
i it midst, well tried for their patriotism,
. i.
w Lie have not been trained in the one
h ea school ; let Tioga County set an
example to the State, and prove the t it
is not necessary for a man to be of the
one profession before he can obtain po
litical honor, or he deemed qualified to
legislate for the good of his fellow citi
zens. , '-' TiociA.."
14.ev. Wm. Taylor, of San Francisco,
having refused to go into bankruptcy-to
satisfy a debt against the churdh which
lie had incurred as the 'builder, and liaV
ing wrote and sold books enough tO L Pay
the debt, a writer in "Good New,"
child's paper, says 11. •
"The dogma that human law can
override moral obligation is the doe
trineof tyranny. Absolutists in Church
and State have acted upon it in all ages.
It is the plea of the rumseller and the
stock speculator. It was the great prop
of the slaveholding aristocracy, who
were also pleading statute law against
their obligation to obey divine law. In
like manner those cowardly spirits who
shrunk from the pangs of martyrdom in
the days of ecclesiastical persecution
justified their cowardice by pleading the
paramount claims of human law. , In
deed, the principle admitted would, in
a corrupt state of society, cover 'any
practice which might be declared legal
by the ungodly representatives of an
ungodly people.
;We greatly prefer honest William
Taylor's practice to this dangerous dog
ma. There is something refreshing
about his great act in those days of dis
honest haste to be rich. It is redolent
of respect for that higher law Which
should bind the consciences of debtors .
and creditors. We honor the math, and
commend his example to every man
' who owes his brother. It is the only
practice that will stand the test,. of the
judgment, when it will be seen, jilt spite
of the fog arising from a seltir logic ,
that the obligation of a debt -entains
until it is paid or forgiven by the vo/un
tth'y act Of the creditor. We beg our
readers not to attempt any other mode
of paying their debts. - We fear if they
do, that, instead of remaining in the
highway to heaven, they will find them
selves entering hell by ono of good old
John Bunyan s side doors. Reader,
"Owe no man any thing."
The Janesville, Wis., Common Conn
elk bave been troubled by the dog ques
tion, and have finally resolved that, ':,:I
dogs are to be muzzled or shot cc pt
dogs from the country coming In" o_l
An. exchange say:: "Julio is tile 5.2 :-
6011 of roses, and Jennie June is the i:(
eon of the So-rosie."