The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, June 30, 1869, Image 4
• ' - - ;TO /INlV3rtt r_i s 11.60'br. i .. Johnny, come hero and Wok at the cat! Notice how nicely she washes Ilk face; Now rubbing 'this cheek, now it/bbihrt, Carefully putting each hair in its _pl po; Johnny, you dear, little, dirty elf, , Don't you fool a little ashamed of yourself? 4 k . • • \ lior hands she takes next—now, Johnny, 'look there! Carefully; daintily, see her scrub! , \, Now she arranges her - soft, silken hair, And her tail and her ears have an extra rub. She owmt heftheir looking-glAs,, towel nor comb, Yet she keeps llipsolf neat, abroad and at home. Johnny, what do you think of this? With that smile on your bright, little smutty face; I declare there Is not a spot I can kiss ! And yell know that your hair is never in place. No wondet yor hands in your pockets go! you're mato ed of thew Johnny! you are, you know! Playing with marbles down on your knees, Grabbing for angle-worms under the ground, Riding tho fences and climbing the trees, You're the dirtiest fellciw anywhere round; You know you are, Johnny ; you need not look hurt! . • - Yon know you delight to play in the diet. 0, Johnny! 0, Johnny ! what shall I do ? Is a question that puzzles me evening and morn, With a dear, loving, little fellow like you, • ' Who is always dirty, and tumbled and turn. Johnny, if you d'en't do better than that, \ I believe I-shall send /our to School to the cat. [For the AgitV or.] The Eldor Brother it was a heavy strike to the aged Father, to tho bond of brothers and sisters it, the dear. Nea England home, when the Mot tidings came that he had passed from eat th away; that never egoist should we see him, V,hom we loved so dearly, with his pleasant voice and smile. and ltindly ways. In a (inlet spot,,on the bautr• of a heantirtil river, they have laid him away to rest; we cora. not look one last look on tho / dear face— could hear; no words• from the pale lips; gone—end forever.. 114 what saith the voice irons Heaven " Blessed' aro the dead twhieh die in the Lord, yea; Mall the Spirit, that they may neat from their labors and their works do follow them." The ' -ravels uoth tog to him new. After A pure, eansistent, Christian Jibe. after the toils and trials, and 'deist:articles of three scope years, after a few slays illness, he has gone lb the 'restiand joys of Muiven; trout the cross to the Crown, irons the darkness to the light thatlnbsy no shadow, gone to Him who has prepared the menalonA Fer , these aim have " washed their robes And made them' white, In the blood of the_Lasub." Thus died, Lucius Leonard Flower, of•La.inh'S Creek, Pa., I art of Schuyler Co., New York,; eldest, son of Alfred Flower of I , ....ediug, ; the first of a family or seven children to meet the safaftai mother in tfeaven. A noble, hottest man, ever lovinz the true and I , lle good , winning the hearts of all who knew ; hint ; the right hand of the Pa-tor in the wok of Will and Libor of loin; Le 111910 e behind him the fragrant memory 01 a well spent life. Many a home and heart will mibs his IleodA of love mid kindneis find mourn his loss. Oil the last Sabbath - of his life he prayed at the bedside of a su (titer, as hurl • heels his wont. Bete; tho dawn of the next, both had pissed to the latict where the inhabitants shall no mere say I am sick." nod help, the Rife, the only child, the e Nor and brothers 101(18i3 melancholy ptivikge is was to stand be,ide the dying, 1i, , ,i, and, open grave; God help the dear ones in the home eh ele td his pally yeArm;, the miffering rimier mho has ho long waited 'elo,,i 1.,i the gatem, ilegeninz for thc;rail, "come nip hillier." help 1,„ In in he !atm. and loved dm, to do the A% et k that he ! laid dour—tape up the b. ng where he broke on . the ht twin, till ho ,go to meet he nainted once whole , we Ishall he recover with the Lord. ti "There in a rity where the weary rest, Whyte the tired pilgrim finds at lust a home, Where, one by ono,tho souls with sorrow prost. Up to tlio pearly gateit With sing hilt come. Wouhl,wo recall Man From the. clm, drop joys. To What tnight bore in futuae years befall t h ew? Sweet songs of rapturous praise their powers employ Would •.co recall them'?" I tATIF. FLOWiII. May 10,180. Foaling Hills, Mass. COI.D HANDS AND FEET.—Wiint_ is 'the cause and cure of that "uncomforta ble condition, cold bands and cold feet? - _ft may arise - from general de bility, from constipation - of the hoWels, dyspepsia, or enfeebled Circulation. , The use of coffee and tobacco, as well as spices, disturbs the circulation, and is likely to produce a hot head and, cold extremities. - The cause should be re moved. General exercise is good, just before retiring at eight. Swinging the hands and feet vigorously ; one at a time, ho as to throw the blood toward the ek treniitie.s, will often prove effectual. A cold foot-bath every night, with t ior ough rubbing, is useful. if one ill take a glass of ice-water on a h _ day and apply itlo the lips for a t tnent, he will experience a burning s isation directly after, almost as much as it he Lathed, hied;t,a with the essence of pep permint. This is caused by a rush of blood to the lips to repel the invasion of the enemy, cold. A similar effect is often produced by putting the feet into cold water. Sick patients in bed Should have the lips rubbed Mid the feet wrap ped in flannel, which' is a non-conductor of beat, or they may have" bottles of hot water applied; but rubbing, bathing, and exercise, with freedoM of the bOWls, will generally be sufficient treatment for'those with cold feet and hands who are otherwise in ordinary health.—July Phren. Journal. MAGNANIMITY OF REAL WORTH. Those who - have the fewest resources In themselves naturally seek the food of their self love elsewhere. The most ignorant people find the niost to laugh at hi strangers; scandal aid satire pre vail most in small places ; ((arid a pro pensity to ridicule the slightest or most palpable deviation from what ve hap pen to approve, ceases with theprogress of common sense and decency. True 'worth does not exult In the faults and deficiences of others; as true refinement \turns away from grossness and defor `nifty, instead of being tempted to in dulge in a! unmanly triumph over it. Raphael would not faint; away at the dancing of a sign post, nor Homer hold his head the higher for being in com;. pany - with a "great bard." Real worth does not seek for a soil in Imperfection. It reposes on itself, and is equally free from envy and affecation. i.i.NOTS IN PLUM TREES.—A corres= pondent informs the Farmers' Club that lie has tested the following practice and proved its value : "Take a paint brush, dip it in spirits of turpentine and thoroughly saturate the knot, being careful not to touch the tree except in the diseased part. It kills the exere sences, puts out healthy branches be low it. lam careful to burn all branch es removed by pruning.'' A'raw Jonathan, who had been gtiz lag. at a garden in which were sei - eral statues, exclaimed. "Just see what a waste! hero are no less than six scarecrows in this little ten-foot patch, and any on 'em would keep the crows from a Tice-acre lot." "For what do you wink at me, sir?" said a beautiful young lady, angrily to a stranger, at a party. "I beg pardon' s madam," happily replied the witty fellow ; "I winked as men do looking at the sun : your splendor , dazzled my eyes." - A writer, describing one of the en gagements of the late war, gives the following interesting item: "In this battle we lost the brave Capt. Smith.— A eannon-ball took off his head. His last words were, " Bury me where I fell." Senator Grimes has been writing a letter to the London Times, the effect of which is said to have been soothing ,to English feeling. Perhaps more so than Winslow's original soothing syrup, administered to the Alabama herself in '64. The use of bricks as a lining for wells has been much disapproved of, because they have been found to harden the Softest water ; bricks are equally inju rious as h lining for bats, as - they are found to\ Soften the hardest beads. \ A doctor in Scrant6n gave \the , fol lowing prescription for a sick lady a few days since : " Anew bonnet, a silk f 1 rt.-gg , and a pair of gaiter boots." The l a dy recovered immediately. ()be fif the dituderitss at Harvard who diAkzrriloc,d Li, lA:frlnne proficient in art toicett , his meals on a 17, - I•tiAi'cr';i4'.-Vie.lP tile, eirrTtg , tif:A; i , ktween lan 444%i' F i : e4flq Arl ~ , e /k-rem4 t r'.4,.,44.i;,:11,1—.1ve1!t4,..;14%.1,', vilst4t you • EMI MEDICAL ADVICE Is often quite expensive, but this you have for the reading. .1:f aecident, you get scalded, bruised, twitted, or sprained, then apply Saintlier .immediately; for it is quick to give relief; and powerful to cut pain and soreness.. Vyou are afflicted with lameness, or numbness and stffnese of the limbs, or with severe :pain, or painful swellings like Neu ralgia and Influmatory.Rheumatism, then • • try SAI.VTIFER byall means. Apply it Quickly so as not to leave it open to the air; and use it according to directions on the bottle. If you have Sore Throat, or Quinsy, or Felons, or Croup, or Pleurisy, or Chilblains, or any of these disorders that require an outward remedy, then C i L SALUTIFER Is what you want, far it has proved a bless ing to thousands. Although it is reckoned to be one of the strongest medicines ; yet it is so safe that even a child may handle & use it. SALUTIFEIt • Kept constantly on hand for immediate Use, 'will certainly prevent much suffering, and may save life. If you are prudent and economical, and desire to save expense ; then remember that SALUTIFER M Is found to be a saving of more than $lO a year in allfamilies that use it PFor sale by all" Druggists. Wholeech) Depot 252 Greenwich St., New York. Wholesale and -Retail DRUG STORE! By W. C. KRESS. THE §ubscriber will keeßion hand at all times a full stock of DREGS IND MEDICINE PAINTS, OILS, Patent Medicines, Flavoring Extracts, Perfumery, Kerosene, Lamps, Wicks, Dye Colors, White Wash Lime and Brushes, Varnish and Sash Brushes, Window Glass all sizes, Varnish of all kinds, Fancy Soaps, Hair Oils, SPECTACLES., Hair and Tooth Brushes, a full stock of Yankee Notions ; also a complete as sortment of Homteopathic Medicines, and a tall stock of Pure Wines and Liquors, Buyers are requested to call and examine pri A's before purchasing elsewhere. Marbh 24,1869-1 p LOTS " OF NICE 1111 WICKHAM & FARR'S; TIOGA, PA SUCK AS 'Dk,\Y GOODS Grocries, RATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, CROCKERY & WOODEN WARE, I READY TO BE INSPECTED, AND SOLD AT A FAIR PROFIT. CALL AND SEE . WICKHAM & hiABR, Tloga, May 12, 1869. W. C. KRESS NEW GOODS, 0: _.........._ ' IMI Stoves; .Stoves AND HARDWAREI Having formed a partnership in the Tiv, Stove and Hardware trade, the undersigned have the pleasure to announce that they have, at a great outlay, added to the usual stock of the old stand OD MAIN STREET, WELLSBORO, a complete t4 l isortment of Shelf Hardware, of which we enumerate the following artiolep: NAILS, SPIKES, CROWBARS, X CUT, MILL, HAND AND BUCK SAWS, BUTTS, STRAP limas, • CARPENTER'S TOOLS, PUMPS, AXES; AUGERS, • • BITTS, BITT-STOCKS, HATCHETS, CHISELS, SHOVELS, SPADES, FORKS, BENCH-SCREWS, WOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE BOI\TS, BURRS, SKEINS, WASHERS, PIPE BOXES, AXLE TREES, ELLIP TIC SI4LINGS, HORSE SHOES, HOOP, BAR, & BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE HANGINGS, CORN POPPERS, SAUSAGE CUTTERS AND STUFFERS COMBINED. Also, PISTOLS, PISTOL CARTRIDGES, POWDER AND CAPS. PATENT BARNDOOR HANGINGS a new thing, and made for use. Those aro but a few of the many articles composing our stock of Hardware. We invite tho public to call and examine for themselves. We aim to keep the best quality of goods in our line; and all:work to order done promptly and, well. AGENTS POE \ THE Buckeye ?flower & Reaper WU. ROBERTS. R. C- BAILEY. Wellaboro, May 19 , 11. 18 0 6 13 9— E t 1rs .t, DAILP.V UNITED SECURITY Life Insurance gc Trust Company \ of Pennsylvania. CUARTEtt PERPETVAL, Capital, $1,000,000. 3100,000 deposited with the Auditor General for security of the Policy Holders. SPEC/All FEATURES. Low cash Premiums. Policies, Non-forfeitable by their terms. • Liberal TraTieling Privileges. Return of a 1 Premiums paid. Annual Dividends. Females Insured at same rates as Males. Home Office 8. E. Corner, sth and Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Applications for Insurance may be made with W. P. BIGONEY, General Agent, Wellsboro' Pa. May 12, 1869—tf. HARRY MIXS' HOT HOUSES. Having been to much coulee in fitting up ::, another Green Ho se, - giving more room for large pots, I flatter, yself that no Green House can make a betters sv of : RARE AND HRIPTY PLANTS, Dahlias, Roses, Verbenias, Petuinae ; Geraniums, all sorts ; Basket Plants; all sorts ; Hanging Baskets, new patterns; Beautiful Bego nias, Cape Jessamine, Carnations, C 213.9112, discolor; Pelargoniums in variety, Ace. Ste. An. - New Crimson Cluster Tomato Plants, and all sorts in pots or by the dozen. All kinds of Cab bage Plants,Egg Plants, Asparagus Roots (two yeara od) Sago Roots, Celery, Dwarf„ White Salad, Cauliflower, Thyme, All kinds of early Vegetable plants ready ilst of April, at tho Green Houses and at the store of McCitaz & Mix, Morales New Block. Having employed one of the most experienced Florists' ho will at all times give any informa tion to customers on the mode of propagation and cultivation pf Plants. This Spring's (iotalogue will ho sent to all that may desire nail write for it. I invite all to Collie and see buy Houses, Plants, &c., for them selves. With gratitude I acknowledge past favors. ) fAit-Bouqu is will bo found at the store of IMcCAur. lc Mix every morning, Sundays except ed • 35 to 50 cents each. Towanda, Pa., Mar. 3,1869-6 m. /Or* Orders left at Wm. Roberts's Hardware Store, Wellsboro, will receive prompt attention. The Rest Stock of Flour, FEED, MEAL, PORK, PROVISIONS, &c., in Wellsboro, combo found at M. B. PRINCE'S. A choice lot of CLOVER and TIMOTHY SEED, besides all kinds of GARDEN and email FIELD SEEDS, SEED POTATOES, &e., at M. B. PRINCE'S. You can get cash for your EGGS, BEANS, POTATOES, GRAIN, BEESWAX, &0., AT M. B. PRINCE'S. March 31, 1869. Young Bertrands WILL stand the present season as follows : lliondays and Tuesdays, forenoons, nt the stable of the subscriber, Mainsburg. Tuesday afternoons, at Brundage's Stables, Mansfield. Wednesday's at Graves's Covington. Thuisdays at Cherry Flats. Fridays at Wkitneyville. • Saturdays at Fellow's, Wellsboro. May 12, 1869-2 m. 51 - 11 - 1 Cor ds of Heinle& Bark, wanted; for LA./ wh ich the highest market price will be paid on delivery at my Tannery, in Wencher°. Jno 2, 1889—tf. JOSEPH RLDEROLItn. • .I•YELLSIII2.RP BAKERY. T IIE , 8111380iiii3ER:havirig established him elf in the • BAKING BUSINESS. la this village, next door to 11'.:11. Kimball's Grocery, is now prepared to. eery on the fatalness in all its various branches. I will keep eon. stonily on hand an assortment of Bread, such ' LO AF BREAD, BOSTON CRACKERS, GRAHAM • BREAD, BUTTER • • CRACKERS; BROW N''" BREAD, IV T • 914.0.1aRS;_ , SUGAR CRACKERS, DYSPEPSIA , AND ..SODA ISCUITS; OYSTER CRACKERS, 0 ICES, ' .PIES, AND LUNG , at all hoUre of the day, Sundays e eapted. By strict attention to buelnese shall endeavor to merit the public) patronage. - • 'CHAS. STEVENS. Wellsboro, June. 24, 18(iK. 11 1 1104S-9:G n kinB ATM DRUGS AND ,MEDICINES, PAINTS AND OILS, TE{ADDEUS 'DAMS' INKS, KEITH'S CONCENTRATED MEDICINES, IREDELVS F,LIIID, EX TRACTS, BURNETT'S COCOAINE, FLAVORING EXTRACTS, KEROSENE LAMPS, PATENT 111EDNINES, ;R,OCH. 'ESTER PERFUMERY AND FLAVORING EXTRACTS, WALL AGENTS FOR MARVIN & CO'S RE Bold at Wholesale Prices. Buyers are requested to call and got quotations before going farther East Corning, N. Y., Jan. 1,1868--13 r Grocery and Provision Store, C. ]D. !SILL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER in all kinds" of • GROCHRIES, PROVISIONS, Wines, Liquors nnid FOREIGN & DOMESTIC, GREEN & CANNED FR UITS AND WOOD & WILLOW WARE, GLASS & CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES, CABS & PERAMBULATORS, TOYS, &0., &o A full and complete 'assortment of the above mentioned goads of the bestquality always on hand. • Particular attention paid to Pine Groceries Dealers and Consumers will find it to their in terest to examine bia'Stock before buying. Corning, N. Y., March 31, 1889. TO THE FARMERS OF TIOGA COUNTY. T AM now building at my manufactory, in Lawrence ..ll_ villa. a superior • FANNING 111.1 . +L, which possesses the following advant gesov . er aliothet mina: - 1. It separates ryo,oatsontlitter, andfoulseeds,and cheat; and cockle, frota wheat. 2. It cleans flax seed, takes out yellow seed, and all other seeds, perfectly. 8, It cleans timothy seed. 4. It does all other , separating required of a mill. This of the best and most durable tim. bar, in good style, and is sold cheap for cash, or pro. duce. I will fit it patent alai°, for eePaiating onto thin wheat., to otber mille, on rettettbletettpe. • 11. MATHER, Lawrencepille,Juno 16,1889—tf• 1869, FOR SALE. 1869 , BY B. C. WICKHAM, AT HIS NURSERY OF FRUIT AND OR.. NAMENTAL ' TREES, IN TIOGA 60,000 Apple Trees. 10,000 Pear Trees. A good supply of PLUM, PEACH, CHERRY, and ORNAMENTAL TREES do SHRUBBERY. The Fruit trees are cOniposed of the chi:dealt varieties, good, hindthi l :soine liirge and in bearing. Any one wishing to get a supply will do well to call and see my stock before pur chasing elsewhere. jr D'elivered at the depot free of charge. Tioga, Fob. 28,1888-Iy* To Lovers of Good Stock. ISTILL continue to keep my Alderney Bull for improvement of Milking Stock. Be will be part of a Beason in Middlebury, and balanee of the time at Welloboro. ‘ I have for Sale,l - Devon.bull, pure blood, 2 years 1 old. Also 2 grade Alderney Ballo, i blood, 1 year old. - j t I would call attention Wu** hater County White Boare—Unole•Sawartd oung America. Uncle Sam will remain at Mid ebury—ltoung America at Welloboro. ' Those wishing good Stock please glve me a call. L. C. BENNET. IYellsboro, May ft, 1889—tf. E. A. FISH, Proprietor. House and Lot for Sale, thriOUß dna Lot, .and vacant lot for Bala L., °hoop. Location Wellaboro, and desirable. the 4 giNkor,Olice. Oct. k El t 1868.-4 f. CORNINEf,. N. Y. PAPER, WINDOW GLAS, WHITEWASH LIME 8 1 AND DYE COLORS,, FINED OIL. 1\ W. D. TERBELL & CO CpRNING, N. Y. Ciigriig, DRIED FRUITS, VEGETABLES, 1 CROCKERY WARE, +ORE NEW r' GODS! Jb — lL — Bowen, IS kw receivin g a lar g e and complete assort. qit, of Fall Winter Groc•ds, bought since the late decline in prices in New York consisting of • 3:).rSr* Grcococlei, Groceries, Hats & Caps, Boots & Shoes, YANKEE' NOTIONS, ace., &e. ttpultiattetttion Intitcti to oatatOok of IVA 1-t 11M320 0440113 AND TRIMMINGS, CM rs and Hoop Skirts ; also a nice ne of TEAS, New Crop, veryi.- Anent-reduced prices; e assortment'of Ladies FURS, very cheap, all o ' lot p EMI ~ which will be sold at the very ,lowest mar ries)]. •We respectfully invite all to call and Inc my stook before purchasing elsewhere. Remember, Em' 'ire Store, No. o f Union Block. lieborPe !Pot! ?la 1868. IP SHE GOES ! FROM THIS DATE IR 'CASK, we will sell FEED at these pri ees : ry best Rye & Oats, Ground Jere, St4R,P O r - 04 i 7141, 42' Obnitnan Reed; , to Feed, e above goods, at the above prices, are ly cash I ' :e don't mix sand in our teed. ,) haven't a Plaster Mill connooted with our \ring Mill 1 jr Peed is pure I WRIGHT lc BAILEY. llsboro,, Jan: 20, 1869. str w iel Vi'. Flout 0 1 W Krusen. .W. J. Krusen F. D. Pease. R. KRUSEN & CO., WESTFIELD, PA:, OULD announce. to - the publiothat they are now receiving a fall and complete as ent of DRY GOODS, 'ons, Carpets, Furs, Hats, Caps, Boots, 'toes, Groceries, Provisions, Crockery, Hardware, Stoneware, &c. whi oha, oh they are prepared to sell for cub, or ex . ge for Country Produce, at rates which defy petition. outfield, Doe. 2, 1868—tf For Sale. the subscriber offers for sale the following pro ..rty, situated In Covington township and bor.ugh, Tloga county, Pa.: 5: acres of land in Covington tp,., on William son Road leading to Dlossbnrg , 4 miles there. fro.. and 1 mile from Covington borough, about 20res improved, a good frame house, barn and oth r ontitugdiuge thereon, ,Also,flawtnill, Sash Pao s i c dry, and Shingle' Mill and water privilege 0 ,........_ ........ ‘,„.. ~r , pu. nrolvardo of /70 trans. mostly choice fruit, and about half bearing trees —lB plum trees, 12 Cherry, 90 Currant bushes, red, .white, and black, 4 Crabs, 10 bearing Grape Vines, 12 Pear, and Peach and Quince. Also—a Timber lot, 349.8 acres, i of a mile from 13ash Factery, and Sawmill. Timher, pine, oak, impswood, chestnut, ash, beech,lairoh,maple and hemlock. Also—a lot in the village, adjoin ing Gerould's orchard,.fronting on Williamson road and railroad, containing about an acre, a 2-story Rouse, outbuildings, fruit trees and a good well of water thereon. Also—another village lot, fronting on William son road, 60 feet front by about 200 deep, and another lot fronting on said road, 11420.74 feet. For further particulars inquire of DAVID S. IRELAN, Sr., or 8.. J IRELAN, Covington, Pa. April 21, 1869-tf. Read : Read: THE CELEBRATED son & Hamlin Cabine ORTABPLE ORGANS Together with the ESTEY COTTAGE ORGAN and MELODEONS, can be advantageously pur ohased of C ELL SE TIOGA, ~G . . 1 r. • AVING obtained the ageney from the man- II 1 ufaoturers of the above named instruments we have the facilities for•furnishing them at pri ces o compare favorably with those of dealers in either the same or other reed instruments. Thor reputation is such that scarcely anything need be said regarding their being desirable, hav ng been awarded premiums and medals at the rincipal Fairs and Institutes, both in this and foreign ; countries. Many , fine modern.-im provements,.whlck are so . desirable in all good reed instruments, are owned . and retained for their exclusive use by the manufacturers of these instruments. Hence it 14while they claim strength and durability, together with volume, and quality of tone equal to any, they excel all other reed instruments, in the variety and com bination of tones which can be produced. INDIVIDUALS, SCHOOLS, CHURCH ES, 40CIETIES, and other orgenifations,_ wishing to obtain a reed initrninent; can be suited as regards also styleilfpricee, &c., &c, lis l e. AL INSTRUMENTS WARRANTED Send for a circular. Tioga, March, il,Niii. . • T.A. WICKRAM. WANTED— ASH LOOS, at our . Mill. Cash Va l id for them. We are ready to saw for customers.; Brillion your logs. Lath and pickets always on hand. OAT- Ash logs mist 11E12 or 14 feet lorig. BOWEN ct TRIIMAN. Wellsboro,:Deo. 16; ' T O LAWYERS— BANKR-III"TOY ' BLANKS, in full setts, at YOUNG'S BOOKSTORE. CASH Paid FOR HIDES, by M. A.-11111111. Wellaboro, Dee. IS; i 8 118.—tf AN 0 T HER NEW AND LARGE STOOK OF, ALBUMS, , Just received by P. A. Williams & Co.' The r e grey et and cheapest variety - eVer brought into. tow . Albums irom 75 eta., to $2O each. Call and eo. ' P. A. WILLIAMS .it CO. Wellsbompec. 23, 1805. . _ Farm for Sale. SITUATED on Elk nun, Gaines township, eontaining 126 sores, 50, agree improved.-,- Said farm is well watered, hairs' frame house and barn in _e.. eboico app le . orchard,- an d-- is -well adapteltp deirying . pAirpoece, Title gpcpl an 4 teime,easy.:. Inquire a WM. H. Smith; Milli. bore, or L. Le RUSSELL, Delmar. Sept, 28,1868. $2,50 cwt 2,25 0 , 2;00 ig 1.75 133:1 • EAV F IRM : TO BUY 4- SELL IS OUR • B;USINESS ! WE will buy at the. highest market prion, thy following artioles. SHEEP 'PELT S,' DEACON SKINS, • DEER SKINS, FURS, HIDES, AND VEAL SKINS, for'whieh.we willpay cash. We will manufacture to order, French or horne t-sinned CALF or KIP BOOTS, in the beet man ner and at fair .rates, and pay.especial attention 'to IMPAIRING. - • ALSO, We have a first-rate stock of READY-MADE WORK, on which we will not bo undersold, and from this time we shall make it a point to keep up the beat stock of LADIES' - GAI TERS, to be found in the county, which we will soil at a lower profit than such articles have over been offered in this region. We shall-likewise keep up a good assortment of • _ LApIErTIiaMORAS, LEATHER BOOTEE t S,, :,fiEHLDREN'S AND 'MI US 'WORK or VA faYLES, and all styles of MEN'S WORK. LEATHER i t FINDINGS can be bought of us as cheap as any whore this side of Now York, and we shall keep a full stook of FRENCH CALF, FRENCH • KIP, UP - PER, SOLE, LININGS, AND BINDING. Our stook of PEGS, NAILS, THREAD, A WLS, RASPS, GLOVERS' NEEDLES, LASTS, TREES," CRIMPS, with SHOEMAKER'S TOOLS and FINDINGS, will be found the lar gest in the county, and toe sell for small profits.. We talk iludnoes and we moan businoss. Wo have been in thin region long enough to be well known—let,those who know us try us. Cornor of Main and'Grafton Streets, opposite Wm. Rob erts' Hardware Store, C. W. SEARS; GEO. 0. DERBY. Weibboro, I LApril 24, 1/367—tf. THE tHURCE UNION. his :paper has bean intently enlarged to mammoth proportions- arm tux LARGEST RELIOIOVS PAVER IN rue wolust. 4htl leading organ of the Union Move- Monti and ,Opposes ritualism, close communion, ex clusiveness and church caste. It is the only paper that publishes Henry Ward Beeclaer'e Sermons, veil ich • it does every week, just ad they are delivered.— with out qualification or con - Caton by him. It advocates universal aaffrage"; a 'Union of 'Christiana at the polls •, and tberlghtivot lahor. It has the best Agricultural Department of any faller in the world; publishes stories for the family, and ror the destruction of social evils, Its •editorial management is impersonal; its writers and editors are 'from every branch of the church, and from every grade of society. It ons,,peon aptly totined therflueet organ of thought in the world. Snob- a- paper, offering premiums of Sowing Ma chines,-Dictionaries, Appleton'a Cyclopedia, Pianos, Organs for Ohrirchee, etc . , maltes ono of the, best pa pers for canvassers in-the world. - Every Congregation may obtain a Communion Ser. Vice,an Organ, a Melodeon, a Bible, ors Life Insurance Dolby , for its Pastor, or almost any other needful thing, by a club of subscribers. Send for a cry, enclosing 10 cents, to HENRY E. CHILD, 41 PARR Row, NEW YORE. *S6.P. S. Subscriptions received at this office 1 - IkEMOREST'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE universally _Ur' acknowledged the Model Parlor Magazine of America, devoted to Original Stories, Poems, Sketches, Houdebold Matters, Gems of Thought, Personal and Literary Qoseip {lncluding special departments on Fashions), Instructiode on health, Music, Amusements, etc., by the best authors, and profusely Illustrated with costly Engravings, - uteful and reliable Patterns, Em broideries, and a constant• - • aucceseion, of artistic novel ties, with other uhafill arid entertaining literature. No person of refinement, economical housewife, or lady of (efts can afford to do without the Model Month ly. Specimen copies 15 cents, mailed free. Yearly, $3, with a valuable premium; two copies, $6,60; three copies, $7,60 Ave copies $l2, and splendid premiums for clbs a.' lB each, alai' the first premiums to each subscriber. new litirtmm 8 Fenton Sewing Ma. chine !Or 20 subscribers at $2 each. Publication Office, 838 Broacway, New York. Dernerest'a Monthly and Young America together $4, with the premiemlp.rwh,. • - . • EMODEST'B young America, Enlarged. It is the pat best Juvenile Magazine. Every Buy and Girl t sees it says so, and Parente and Teacbers confirm it. Do not fail to secure a copy. 'A good Microscope, witli , a.Glass Cylitider to confine living objects, or n goo4tym•bladed, pearl Pocket-knife, and a large num ber of other • desirable articles, kivon as premiums to 1 each subscriber. Yearly, $1.50. üblication Office, 838 Roadway, New York. Try it, Boys and Girls. Speci en copies, ten cents, mailed free. u.. cJiuon copt, • NOW is Your Time to Buy, HAVING more goods than is necessary for this market, I will sell my entire stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, PLATED WARE, AND FAN ' CY GOODS, AT COST. 0. G. Clocks at $3,50. Gothic " " 3,63. Cottage " " . . 1,70. American Watches in Silver Hunting Cases at $l9. Finer Movement, in heavier Cases, at cor respondingly low prices Plated Ware at Man ufacturers' prices. ' THIS IS, NO- HUMBUG BUT A VER ITABLE Call and see for yourself Wellaboro, April 22,'68_ A. FOLLY. NATIONAL LIFE INSIJRANCH COMPANY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA WASHINGTON, D. C Chartered by SpecVl Act of Oongress APPROVED JOLY 25, 1868, Cash Capital. $1,000,000 PAID IN FULL. \ BRANCH OFFICE First National Bank Building, PHILADELPHIA, Where all Correspondence Should be-Addressed OFFICERS CLARENCE H. CLARK, President. TAY COOKE, Chairman Finance h Executive Corn HENRY D. COOKE, 'Vice-President. EItEEBON W. PERT, Secretary and Actuary. B. S. RUSSELL, Manager. Circulars. pamphioto, and fall particulars giv en on application to the Branch Office of the Company, or to A. C. SIMPSON, WELLsaono, PA.,. by whom applicationa will be received and Poli cies procured for Tloga County. Dee. 9, 1888.-Iy. WASHING MACHINE. JAS. M. WILKINSON, of Charleston, baring purchased the right to make and vend the H. P. Jones Washing Machine in Tioga County, hereby gives notice that the machined are being made at Van norn's•Cabinetractory,Wellsboro, where they may be proeuri : ( l l. The best, cheapest, and oat sensible machine ever invented. June 24,1868—tf. ~• . tiADII PAID MOD IYO9L, BLUM AND CHEESE, by 0. L. WILLCOL ' June 17, 1868. t RAILWAY TIME-TABLES ERIE RAILWAY ON and after MONDAY, April 20t11.1869, Trains will leave Corning, at the following hours, viy.: Goma iiizaT. 12,35 a. m., EXPRESS MAIL, Sundays excepted, for Uutt'ale, Dunkirk and Cleveland, connecting with trains fur the West, A Sleeping Coach ha attached to this train at New York, limning through to Mead villa without change. A Sleeping Coach is 'deo at tached at Susquehanna running through to Buffalo. 6,11 a.m. NIGIIT EXP., daily for BuffidoDun direct connection with trains of tho Grand Trunk Railway ut Buffalo, and with the Lake Shade Railway at Buf falo, Dunkirk and Cleveland, for till points West and North-West, and at Cincinnati with the Ohio and Mississippi Railway for the Soutli'and South-15'0st. ' This train makes a direct daily connection with all Lines to the West and South-West, and is provided with the new and improved Drawing Room Coaches peculiar to the Broad Outage, arranged both for day and night travel, running through to Rochester, Buffalo and Cincinnati, and thus forming the ONLY DAILY - LINE from New York,Cinciunati and the South-West, running through 860 miles without change. 6,3 a a. m., NIGHT lIXPRESS, Sundays excepted, for Rochester and !Junto, via Avon. D 1015 '1 ° andMAIL TRAIN, Bunduyd excepted, for Bukirh. 1,45 P- ta., BALTIMORE IMPRESS, Susadaysexcept ed, for BacheQter and ItntlGlo , via Avon. 7,05 p. m., DAY EXPRESS, Sundays excepted, for ltutfalo, Dunkirk, Cleveland, Dayton, Cincinnati, and the West and South, connects at linflfalu,Dun kirk and Cleveland with the Lake Shore Railway for all points West and North-West, and at Cincinnatti with Clio Ohio and Mississippi Railway for the Southend South- West. Sleeping Coacpes attached to this 'ham at lloruellsville, running through to Cleveland with out change. 7 10 p. m., DAY EXPRESS, Sunclayr excepted, fur Rochester. 1,30 P-m., WAY FREIGHT, Suptlays,excepted. 6,25 is. m, EMIGRANT TRAIN, daily, for the West GOING EAST ,35 a. in., CINCINNATI EXPRESS, -Mondays ex cepted, connecting at Eladia for Canon(laigua, at Owego for Ithaca, at Binghamton for Syracuse, at Or Oat Bond for Scranton, at Lachttwaxen for Hones- I:* dale, at Middle wn for Unionville, at Goshen for Montgomery, at Greycourt for Newburg and War- Wick, and at Jar y City with afternoon and evening trains of New Jo :ey Railroad for Philadelphia, Balti more and Waahi gten. . 10,30 a. m. ACIMMODATION TRAIN, "daily, con necting ut Oweg for Ithaca. 11,56 a. uh, DAY EXPRESS, Sundays excepted, connecting at Waverly for Towanda, at Binghamton for Syracuse, at Croat Bend for Scranton. at Lacks waxen for Honesdale, at Middletown for Unionville, and at Jersey City with midnight express train of Now Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia. 2.20 P. in, BALTIMORE EXPRESS. Sundays. cx cepted., 4,26 D. tu., NEW YORK AND BALTIMORE MAIL Sun days excepted, connecting at Elmira tar Cavan (Wog, mud at Waverly fur Towanda. 7,52 p. m., LIGHTNING EXPRESS, Daily, connect ing at Elmira for Williamsport, ilarrielmrg and the South, and at Jere) , City with Morning express train of New Jersey Railroad, for Philadelphia, Balthus' o and Washington. 12,20 p. ra., WAY FREIGHT, Sundays excep(ed, /Kir A revised and complete "rocket Time Table"qt Passenger Trains on the Erie Railway and counectink Lines, has recently been published, and can be procur• ed on application to..the Ticket Agent of the Corn R. HARR, 11. RIDDLE, tlou'l pass. Agent. ' Gen'l Supt • Bloosbnrg & Corning, & Tioga R. R Tiains will ran as follows until further notice Accommodation-14ave8 Elossburg at 6,15 n. m.', Mane field at 7,05, Tioa at 7,41, Lawrenceville at 8,26 arriving at Coral g at 0,32 a. in. Mail—Leaves Bless urg at 3,00 p. ni ~ Mansfield at 3,40, Tioga at 4,18, L wrencoville at s,oo—arriving at Corning at 60. : Mail—LeavesCorni g at 8,00 a.m.', Lawr,encevilli at 9,03,T10ga at 9,45, Mansfield at Io,22—aKriving at Bloss-burg at 11,00 a.m. Accommodation—Leavee Corning at 2,40 p. m.,Law• rgncovillo at 3,52 Tioga at 4:16, Mansfield at 5,30 arriving at Bloasburg at 0,15 p. m. Northern Central R.R. TRAINS FOR THE NORTII. . Trains for Canandaguia leave Elmira as follows: Accouiodation at i 0 20 a I I Express [fastest train on road] it 1•2 '2O pti Mail 7 10 p 1 , 1 NVay Freight,[passenger coach attaqhcil] ...... ... 8 00 a » On Sind after Apr. 25, 1089, truth a will ni i i% e aill depart from Troy, as follOws; I LEAVE NORTIIIVAItb. 9 27 P. nt.—Dally (except i Sundays) for Elmira, Haifa to, Canandaigua, Rochester, Susp. Bridg,e and the Canadas. 10 55 a. m.—Daily (except Sundays) for Elm jut and Buffalo, via Erie Hallway from Elmira. LEAVE SOUTIIWitt RD. 524 A. m.—Dully(oxceptSSunda s) for Bultimoro Washington, Philadelphia, &c. 952 P. m.—Dally (except Sundays) for Baltimore Waahington and Philadelphia. ALFRED R. FISKI El). S. YOUNG (teal Supt. Uarribburg, Gen'i Pa 99. Ag't 111.)1isstore, MI/. Philadolphia & Erio R. R On and atter Apr. 20,1869 Tralns on Otis 1: Drol w i run as follows WEST WA ItD. Mall Train leaves Philadelphia Williamsport; " " arr. at Erie Erie Express leavesPbiladelphin... ‘• •‘ " arr. at Erie Elmira Mall leaves Philadelphia-. " " " Williamsport... " arr. at Lock Haven - - EASTWARD - nail Train leaves Erio 1115 a in " " " Williamsport •. 12.20 ain arr. at Philadelphia ' 9:25 ain Erie Express leaves Erie 6.25 p zu " " " Williamsport . 750 a m " " arr. at Philadelphia 4.10 pin Mail and Express connect with Oil Creek and Alle gheny River Rail Road. Baggage Checked Through. ALFRED L, TYLER, Gen'l Sup 't Atlantic and Great Western R• W SALAMANCA STATION WETTWARD BOUND. EASTWARD BOUND, Mail 6.30 Express 6.10 Accommodation 6,36 Mail 6.61. Express 12.19 Accommodation, 11.45 Express 11.00 Express 6.19 At Cory thorn is a Junction with the Philndelphia & Erie, and CU Creek Rail Bonds. • At Meadville with am Franklin and- Oil City and Pitholo Branch. At Leavittsburgo the Mahoniny Braneh makes a di rect route to Cleveland. At Ravenna connects witl Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad. The Road passes through Akron, Ashland, Galion Marion, Urbana and Dayton, intersecting various rail roads, and terminates at Cincinnati. L. D. RUCKER, Gen. Supt., Meadville, Pa. HARNESS SHOP Y. G W. NAVLE, would say to his friends • that his Iltames4Shoris now in full blast, and that ho is prepared to furnish heavy or light on short notice, in a good and substantial man ner, and at prices that can't fail - to suit. The host workmen are employed, and none but the best material used. Call and sem Deo. 9, 1868-Iy. G. W. NA VLE. lc A t t t ; 4 z E v . , 1-4 ,-i z a , e ,, cr, ,, CA r 4 , .0 ~ ~, - d LI :.• ::: 1;.• c., ',7.- • 0 ''' t 4 t, ._1 iv 0 t - -I ~.., tri 0 4 0 ' rib r i c WM ~, , o , ~.. rt.', , -.1 " ;: a , W hi z ';, 4 X ''' ° . 71 ilif Z P4 ' X EO3 1 0 t ,, tl . z . ri4' ' - ;4' T-1 0 C.) 51 1 .. 't z w 0 '' 0 P ..-z -e •,-.1 ..., t . 3. PEI P4'm ;i:- e."' " o, tl V I . - 0 fal Es . C (I) 0 pCa CD to. a I n P _ .- 0 iv 0 ef 0 0 01 4 1LI ' 7D* Noi :„ c 3 P g il i 3 '-', * O r. D 2 og A g- • liihi is" 1% 00 41 Ea -; '-' 4 g: ..-, 0 .. ts , _ w . , , o 14 o 5 ..?. t s 4 g ' 0"6 0 ; 4,, ~v (I)° ri 5: . 1 . 0 .. p 0 11'. . L'.. C.O II 0 Ilia ^1 0 0 % 0 Al E l , It I TS g ' le ii ; . 0 ,;.• I CI •,,7 EI r+ 5.4 2:4=. C.711)1 (3)0 CO C› CD CD b.D C* Cy 3 1.001• D 1-d'i CD CD P. 4 cn CP 4> az In sJD C› CD G. 2 -1 -1 PPI 4 . t‘ F, L. 11. SHATTUCK ,Sup't 104, 5 , p 3.15 a m . 9 30 p m 11,50 Isoon 8.50 pm 10.00 a m . 8 . 60 am . 6.30 p m . 7.45 p m r A Z 3 VI i ; sCI 1 01 . c ... 2 Q 1 1 0 I i I ' ; 11 0 • V. I I I tl l LI 0 'I 1 I I' I N a• n os 4r. n .5 4 co 1M HEARTH and . HOME EfZE:=ll Agricultural and Fireside Journal, conTAINtNck SIXTEEN handsome folio paws, printed from new typo, on sUperdne hook p and abandantly trate(' by the best artists. 1:111M120 DONALD G. IYEITOTERT , T, A - aii HARRIET REECHER STOWE, assisted by a corps of able editors anti contributors la each department. It Is devoted to the interests of the -rrAnnitEn, PLANTER, GARDENER, FRUIT-GROWER; and tho FLORIST. ORNAMENTAL GATIDENDIG? RUIZAL ARCIIITP,9 PLANS 0 .* . ~CURE • I 1 s ki \i) . ' I 4% 0,, ..5. careful Report o ton, Philadelphia, • . • v will be fandsho , Farmer latorl l i ki % .. 4 and W 1.17 it v( f,:, , rai • v frc • f good (Rau . e . w . , noted for their Attractiveness,. time to tdinc : 89 al.a.c. Comotert Greens Artily Circle itherest the household ; pieta ring and domestic management, Jf a napkin and the cooking of,' to education of children. 10 MRS. BT 4 GI Rill eontrlb X R Written erre Menees in Ili ,• THE BOYS AND GIRLS oat find their own page always lighted with each fan in pictures, and fun in stories, as shall make then look sharply every week for the coining of HEARTH AND HOME. _ TERIVIS FOIL 1869. Binglo Copiea $l, invariably in advance . : 3 Copies $10; 5 Copies $l5. Anyone sendinz u 3 sis for a club of 15 Copies (all at one time), will reecho a copy free. No travelling agents employed• Address all cm troxnleatlons to PETTENGILL, SATES & CO., ....--. . . -..- - , :rl3 . - (.0,,, The Great External Remedy. For Man and Boast. IT WILL CURE RIiEU_MATiti The reputation of this preparation is so well lished, that little need be said in this connection On MAN it has never failed to cure rAisria NERVOUS AFFECTIONS,. CONTRACTING 311;? CLES, STIFFNESS AND PAINS IN THE IGINU STITCHES intheSlDEor Back, SPP.AINS. BURNS, SWELLINGS, CORNS and FROSTED FEEL Persons affected with Rheumatism can be eflOtnall., and permanently cured hy using, this wonderful prep ration; it penetrates to the nerve andbone immediately on being applied. On HORSES It will core SCRATCHES, SWEENEY. POLL-EVIL, FISTULA, OLD RUNNING E0lU:•4. SADDLE or COLLAR GALLS, SPRAIN ED JOINTi STIFFNESS OF THE STIFLES, &c. It will preriir ROLLONTRORN and WEAK BACK IN 3111.C1 COWS. I have met with great success in bringing my Mixture within the reach of the Public. lam daily 13 receipt of letters from Physicians, Druggists, Menl/bit and Farmers, testifying to its curative powers. DAVID R. FORTZ, !Sole Proprietor, BALTIMORE, April 7,1869-11 a Planing & Turning. B. 1 1 .:. VAN :HORN, lIAVINO goti his new Factory in operation is now prepared to fill orders for Cabinet Ware promptly an'd in the host lo of ll D T kumu ship. Having procured a IV6ODIVORTH PLANER, he is ready to dross board s or plank with disps fob SCROLL-WORK & BRACKETS furnished to order. Ills machines arc of the not est And most improved patterns. Shop corner of Pearl and IValn Sts, W}I.LS Bqßo, PA., Oct. 31, 1366-tf. 0 airmaker, Turner, an Furniture Dealer, J. STICKLIN, SALE ROOM, opposite Dartt's Wagon film , Mai? Street. FACTORY in sears A Wit limns Foundry, second story. Orders promptly filled and satisfaction. imam toed. Fandy Turning done to order. Washer°, Juno 12, 1867. J. STICRLIN „..otng a taw—, cheapest manner. Guaranteed equal to nup in the•wor!d ! Has ail the strength of 01111ot-in. soap with the mild and lathering e t ualitie , of genuine Castile. Try this splendid soap. ,`'old by the ALDEN ,CEE.AI ICA L WORKS,iti North Front Street, Philadelphia. Sept • Tioga Ilarple Works. I 'THE undersigned is now prepared ' o exc 1. cuto all orders for Tomb Slopes and Menu ments of either ITALIAN OR RUTLAND MARBLE. of the latest style and approved workmanship and with dispatch. He keep constantly on hand both kinds Marble and will bo able to suit all who may fa vor him with their orders, On as reasonable terms as , can be obtained in-thc country. Stones discolOred with rust and dirt cleaned and mado to look as good as new. TiOga,l4w. - 1,1867-tf Valuable Farm for Sale Afarm of three hundred acres, with two hun dred and twenty-five acres improved. Sit uated two miles north of Tioga Village, on the .`Tioga River and Itallrocd. Well tiatttered, na iler a good state of cultivation, and good build ings. Also four houses and lots for sale in Tinga village. T. L. DALDWIN. Tiont; Feb. 12, 180-If. Cabinet Card /Photographs, and all special sizes, and' finest styles of pictures finished in first-class manner at Spencer's At , Gallery. Mansfield r Feb. 3, 1869. THE LARGEST STOCK OF , Eir•griCYNTME; -11s1Ttioga County, and the Cheapest place to buy ip the world. Agept.for 4 BOLL ES & CO'S HOSE, I Bingdzantion, N. Y., and ELMIRA ,SA 1P FACTORY, Ig. STOVES S I IALD ON TIME Manifold, Nov, 25, 1868-171 G. B. gm. El EEO ew York:, 80-i. and Now 01. Week. giving tti aNv I. TO Bur lODGII, SE R . l PARK POW, N Er, Ton. B. T. VAN HORN PORTER WILCOX