11011 E MATIPEIR S. WEDNESDAY, JUNE \ 30, 1869. New tdvertisements lugham's Woolen Mills—J. Ingham Sc CO. Grover ..L . Baker's Sowing Machines. surgeon Dentist—Df. 11. I . Phillips. Caution—J. E. Neily. Guardians' Sale—Estato o Daniel T. Shaw Pic-Nic.—There will be a pie-nie pa rty near the Elkhorn School House, Farm ington, Saturday, July :3. We \ believe it is in tended to commemorate Independence Day. . penNTY FAIR.—The Executive Com i nittee will meet at the offieWof Henry SherwooJ Esq., July 8, 1869, at. p. m., to make _arrange tants for holding the County Fair. ' H. W. WILLIAM', Ch'n. PEEsoy f u..--41.ev. Chas. Brea, of Wilmingtmi, Del., has accepted a' call to the Rotership of Trinity Episcopal Church, Cleve land, Ohio. His many friends thin village :v1::11 him happiness find usefulness in his new geld of labor. Trinity Parish, Cleveland, has Retired the services of one of the best workers of the Church. PERSONAL.—On Monday Mr. Charles Williams, for ten years identified With the r i nun- Jry Lneincss iu this village, and and of our most valued and honored citizens, left for Oil City, where he is intending to reside. We regret to pait with Mr. Williams because ho makes our village poorer in the material of whioh useful men are made. Oil City gains what We lose—an upright, honorable, industrious man. Success attend him whenever, ho goes. 4.llSON. — Constable r ble Waklee, of West fie? borough, reached this village Friday morn is,, at 3 o'clock, having in charge one Ike Bar ret!: charged with burning a house and barn in Chatham. The house was burned on the night of the 21st inst., and the barn on the next night. Darrell had his examination before Justice Strang, and is new boarding with Sheriff Potter. The I , uldings wore owned by David Churchill. Fire wa i communicated to the horse-barn also, but was quenched byeffort. CORRECTION.—The difference in "t gang or two," as far as gang's relate to sawini i l s, nas well illustrated in our notice of the (14's work at Visseher Jr. Randall's mill, Niles t lley, Mb weeks ago. That mill only oper, es ono gang of saws.. We found "two gan" ' on the memorandum left for our infort thin: The ot h er ' , gang" was made up of men f muscle, as everybody knowing aught aho t. sawing must liaow. The difference is con 9 derable, and the ,lay's weak takes on its fa' (proportion in the light of this correction: SCAMPERY.—So le, either thought -- ,cau,pe,h pei•soras aro wlritt ling fence posts, :Ids and caps ahoy this borough. Others s"_:n ;:i delight in wri rug names and m.tking pi elutes ea painted s times. l' e sagest to Ilk Honor, Burgos , : Trui lan, the prApriety of erecting large llankboar)is at convenient distances along the ,reefs,t Wi h chalk handy, so that the literary and . r artis9c public may be accommodated and cli- Aged. It would be a good plan, also, to de it bundles of pine at the street corners, for the whittlers. Nothing like accommodating gen Armen of elegant leisure. CATFISH.—One of the mo3L reapet)ted if our Ednglehearted citizens last week went 'fish .ng in the •Marsh Creek waters. Fortune, as mat, favored him ; that is to say, he succeeded Lrfter a day of wet feet and gnawing hunger in tagging a few pounds of trout. Reaching a firmitoire ho dressed his fish and had them carefully put awn.j> dorm cellar for breakfast. Ile went to bed. Ito slept, but fitfully. Ho dreamed of deep pools whose depths fairly glit tered with speckled beauties.. He hungered, and was feasted on trout, crisp and sweet. He woke; .whaled thq morning air and imagined that .he illicit trout. Alas ! the goodwife hail a sorry tale u tell. During the night, a Thomas cat, wild with the pangs of famine, and fearlesS of the , srath to come4s.tole into the collar, ate the trout, and departed. bar fellovi-eitizen was, and still remains, a riou man. Mind he thought, no man kn oweth. What he said no man reporteth. FESTIVAL OF ST. JOAN THE BAP -114-I.—This Masonic holiday was duly observed hy the Fraternity last Thursday in this village., Imitations to a special communication of Ossea Loi., A. V. M., No. were extended to the istsultersol the several. Lodges in 'Toga comity, 4,1 0: WhiVII, with one exception, were represented is the Penvention. The Convention met at 31 tt . .lottlt P. M. and Ceinain..d it; session until 51 P. M A -hold session was held in the cumin's, cimug ut S.!, o'clock, ‘vlzen the intputters repaired ih e throng hall of D. D. Holiday, and sat hoitt to sin excellent collatetn. Upwind of Su 4 . 00 present. The occasion was enlivened kit ,LowemliAo by Wetmore's String Hand. The t.casain ttay one" of marked good ler ling and eels enjoyment. The lirst toa,t—The k l ;lergs , !ratio' by Judge Williams, was happily responded liy Ito . Jno. A. Bowman, Rector of SC Paul's ; the dose of which he proposed "Tae . Bench", nuirh ens appropriately res Ponded to by Juilt;t: Willi:lots. "The Pres 4," was nest Ot.tptised il \ boserottsly responded to by C. Von Orldei. followed I,y .'The huh winch brought Hon. S F. Wilson to his fact, t ilitua hat against Sts e ill, hut he acquitted bite r-tit" temlully. When hE took his reat Label tuu.k up Itory O'Moore,whickhrought down the touts. .1. P. Bilcs,'of No. 351, proposed a vote of thanks to Osseo. Lodge on behalf of the visiting itethr,n. A vote of thanks was 'unanimously tuviered to D. D. Holiday for the I•plondidl cnllu u9i, The tablet wet e bountifully eprend with ^.II the luxuries or the Fen sop and admirably cn eti by attentive waiters. We think nnne will disagree with us when we lo , ottnec the occasion on l e of much profit 'to the llob.c. There was a flee ititerelitinge of views t.aiching the objects and aims of FreenlaSollry, ALA tic i t mans heat adapted to thu attainment of thom 2 olleets and thq prosestitilu, 4.1 tinwe The Ihellihers the Reveral lodges wets ht-might t , nlthor t 5 111P.11111(`Vi o 1 it i.IIIIIIV in r, bratiebt nitether On stated occasions, and the result ean- 1.0 he Ir s than a ketter acquaintance, :stet er,a for viesi of the duties of the er.dt. It !s to h• loped that this idea of occasional conventions tc happily and succerefully inaugurated, \sill lc :cried nut lit this Ili-Ariel. C‘ossiv.—A.elrne observer of men lull Ming;i may not.: many curiOils inro4enhi (-very ,I;,y Lie For instance Fccti men quite 'Owl . o in the 116 e 01 their eon money ; and tse have seen it great many men who were loct.onic.hingly liheral in the tHe at Linney hero aging to othe'r people. W e ):mite a number of people who ap icn,prhite ' , sow, to the purchase of Leer, 1 1 1 111 i.), and cigars, who owe thelr the htiler, the shoemaker; who horrow looney of men who consume no useless luxurier, hare no t4coetnaker, or mangling bilk dm' and icing; 1, 1 10 borrow !none) of the latter unfort_u- Ran, and never thinK it ineninhent upon (him to refund IL• W • : know young men, and not a nho v. , thing higner and nobler in life than lo.w ear cl"tiles, and jewelry, eat and drtui,. at,d make of lire a continual round gayety, 1.0 put-more work on' the outside, of their than neon the icoide, and believe that hair oil and Lay Tlllll atone for a lack of know liolge o f (otutnenest 1, aetieal truths of life and 'flare are me „add not n feu, IFIIO go about l ike inferior editi )(is of Dun Quixotte, espousing the little quarrels of a neighborho7(l, and prof- L tirvidlkaiol eoinfort to einbroile mankind.— They becom e tho voluntary chn 'dons of inno 'e%s slid virtue, ac if they eve, limed for a day ITI the hovers of innocence, or drew a virtuous l , itath, or obeyed a virtue B impulse. Among their kind they pass cuf ent ; among practical they are nailed t the oounter as spurious coin. Ver y go ,, d people .who abhor Jesuitism, not ;Qom employ que,fionable meono to Pin de 1:11\6 ; - ;111 , ci ihtn inform the Alt - nighty that it MILS alt for nig glory. Such people, may not wordllip a golden calf, but they assuredly adore a deity not better than thomeolves. • A good-natdred bad man wields more polior than an ill-natured good Man. A laughing phil osopher has more followers than a whining as cetic. Thunder said to sour milk. The man' who preserves silence in the 'presence of-a great evil pours the milk into the gutter. Many men won Id bo actively good if God would take the,responeibility, and turn aside the blows which oftenest repay efforts to make the world bettor. Some men pay for being religious, others will be religions if paid liberally. Some aro honest through sacrifice, others are honest When it costs nothing. It is the bark of our neighbor's dogs trhich disturbs us, not the bark of our own curs. Men find it easier to sympathize with otjiers in misfortune than to hear their own ill-luck. The devil makes more display l of indignation when a stone is loosed in the foundation wall of public virtue than he who 'Trothd the cement and laid the steno. . I —And so on. These are only a very few of the facts which—even a cursory ohscrvution re veals. It pays to tvat r ett the progress of even -, and to note the inconsistencies of all aorta of men. THE NORMAL.—The mttsie/a(Wed mock to the enjoyment of the commeneement ex ercises id the Normal School, repot tyd last week. The credit for this is duo to the „I6hors of Prof. I. U. Hoyt, who has charge of / that department in the Institution. Our report was defective in this particular, as the pieceywere new to us and no' programme was fun (shed. We therefore take great pleasure in p lisping the programme below : 1. Piano Duct— Lossini. Misses .11utand Waldo. t. Faust .1117 ation. Church scene. —Trio in Prison Scene. For Piano Cabinet Organ and Violin—;Croun d.' Misses Mont ,45 Waldo, and Prof. Hoyt/ :l. Son , '' Greene/ . 4. Piano Solo—"Valse Elegant"—Karl Merz Miss °sic Curts. -----------._„; 5 Piano Solo "Transcriptionr'^--Kulle Miss yl ma Hunt. - ---- 6. Vocal Duet—" Lonely Bird." Glover. Miss Hunt and Miss Holton. "Waiting." Millard. Miss Stella 7. Trio—" Pardon De Ploerrael." POI. Piano, Cabinet Organ, and Violin. G. Moyerbeer. Misses Hunt, Waldo, and Prof. Hoyt. 8. "Cliorns--Ship of the Union" By the Graduating Class. CHATIIAM LOCAL.—.I must correct some errors in my former letters. 111 r. S. Love is P. M., at Chatham Valley, and fur'ql. Sweet," read "A, Sweet." On the 12th inst., Drs. Humphrey, of Occola, Bacon of IVellsboro, and Blotchley, of Keeney vine amputated a hand for Mrs. C. Atidrows, whose misfortune was noted in a former letter. Rev. J. Taylor baptised three individuals in this neighborhood on the Elth inst. NVEsT CoviNivroN LOCAL.- writes us from his locality as follows: "Wo have no vele...ipede, but lay claim to other progressive goners. We hava a fine ;:abballa School, Mc. J. Jennings Superintendent. Our district school is taught by Miss Lottie a hvu teacher. A neat Millinery shop is another improvement, and is presided over by Miss Hattie unmans. Mr. Ed. Klock dispenses the mails at tflis point to the satistaction of all. Ile has a farm, also, quite as remunerative as the Post Office. Prom his dairy of 21 cows he realized Siien during the month or May. Mr. Contine Conley is repairing his barns, and, otiniruia..: improving, his line farm. dops look well. Our farmers have eompleted their brat hoeing and look forward to full barns and granaries. I FRANK. Glad to hear from you often. , TinoA LocAL.—We hear that Knox rillu Lodge of Hood Template boast that it will make the grandest appearance on the 2d, having made new regalia, badges, &c., Mr the occasion. Our Ludg3 IN ill he able to take a receipt for over $40,00, signed by sheriff Putter, which must ounterbalanet our 111 tie appearance. Dr. 'Hathaway is again prepared to servo The Cretan and nrawben les to urger. llu ruts 11 large crop of strawberries, nod many other Jux uries. Capt. E. G. Sehieffelin is visiting his friends here. Ile brought fiem the city a very ingen ious and correct little machine called a "Webb adder." It will add any 'timbers correctly, by a "simple twist of the wrist." Will Johnston narrowly escaped_an injury on Saturday night last, near thunphrey's Ilis horse tell to the ground, while he was fast in the saddle, which twisted him in under. Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey acted the part of the good samaritan, and the next day the boy was in 'ship-shape" with the exception of 'a few had ui•es. " Know yo•tho joyful sound." A..T. Fisk has imt a large nhi.tle on his steam mill, ;mil the joyful sound may he heard by all rho rise early. Wffi IlAirrilson an•l Ea Co.alrieli are entitled to credit for building new walks. We are "tau to say that. the Cornet Band does hot ttttioitg enough to" blow" on the .2(1. Their 'mother has been realutsed considerably of late. We it (IA our gossip loving friends will not ev.- pea " Simhliy" to write all the Ircaks and •whims ineidetit to village life. 1 . 41111 FM not expect him to say iliat. Al is:3 B. after a Short. absence has re tained to, her paternal roof, or dtri mention the tiagiz affair that Mr. S. endured while "swinging in •tho Zane ;" or that a Mr. no matter who, ill inglit ot impprvii,ing, the Agitator by stopping hi paper, owing to the ironical expression of h i nothei ein,o or virtue rewarded." It would lie wrong to mention such mtaters as these, so I will not do it. A. S Turner is visiting this place, but is to a lee , flays. Wednesday- evening lie itited the lenlge, and gave us some very en - ef fitragint , Turner is a wealthy, influential, wording member of the tleed Teinii lars, end we elluu Id lie pleased with a call from lino whenever be is in the locality. SINOBBLET,ON. •MANsterm.n Locm..—The good iwo here litmus tire anxious to know l what become of nie last week ; but they do un , t; seem to appreciate thti fant that the chiefs off he Agiititor, Adt'ertieer and Curcing Journal, bed been in town taking note:, and appropriating all the bonder regard less of the rights of year correspondent. Tlie entertainment give . ..ll)ly Athcrucan Literal) . Suciety on the evening of the litli eon ding of a mifeellanemal programme of original and selected matte!, end nnueie, resulted in well tle rve I sneel-Ei..3. • 'Two Little Feet," a reeita fiun Mis 4 rittie Reynolds a illosslairg, is ptirrienlnily deserving 01 mention. The Society teas nigrimnol iu Jannary last. Thv .N“itnal Literary Society gave its miniver :oily entertainment on the evening of the ltith in the following programme: 11Insio—Polka. Rose Vincent. Prayer—Rev. W. Cochran. Music-1(.111110 Curt. •i calling the 111111. l pact t i•scs ECM and Aileen. A. Shinn. Class 1`;(N. • itcvncdd•. l‘rittyji hy IL W..lgones, class 18117, a r. ad I.y NE. , Annie class IS6B. walivn waq a creditable, and earnest ar su.nent for independent manhood. and honesty of porpose. The poem %%11 , well read. won golden opinions for its author, and his many friend n•oaid fye glad to see it published. We all want a• 'llr. P. M. C'l:n•h is having. ri-ridence on painted rtlaw drab trim- : 4 11 011/ lust.. your corre , potiticnt saw a r.tinitiog from church, dealing out piaur praizes en Alan:dicta ; some scamps had be n tatting up aco llectimi of whips. Pity they c..1:1,1n1 I eel shat they by it. Mr. Loren Limit, eighty years of age, and loshlemit,of this Born. has one of the best amt clenneA !!:/l'ile»F in town. Air. Lamb is a cilph.lc, anti z-uppol.ted lay Ilk crutches, has done 1: Binv;;woh ha- 1 !Milt hiS foot-walk on tireh titicut. good , !. Ilfpo 1,0,1140 has bought an organ, and Icaid tor it Kurtz S Kohn are turning out 80t10 (• !la like huggic:, made of New Jersey timber. The fornare c;ot the chills last week, plying to the ic,or quality of coke and coal fun ishod by the Illo.sl,arg, and Anent contractors (1:o Fay's the superintendent), causing the company ,a loss of no t, h• Fs th an $31;00. At last accounts, its Con dition was somenditut improved. • Col. Clark has made some improvements on his residence. = ACCIDENTAL. The loaso of the B. B. smith property in Wel Isboro. together %%int the crops. wood, luntbrr wagon, house hold furuitute, and funning tools, cart he bought at u low Apra oa application to B. Mourn ' on tho Saga, THE CAMBRIAN GLEE Vl,lll3.—This Bead of vocalists, liailing froni Luzern° County, gave a concert at the Culver School House, Charleston, Monday evening, 21st inst., to :the delight of a large audience. They sang in both Welsh and English. 'We aro glad to hear that they will sing in Wellsboro before they leave the county. They have a concertlat Cherr7 ylatts, to-morrow, (Thursday) evening. Sue,e'si to them. . SIMONS—COLE.—At Tipga, Pa., Juno 21st 1860, by the Rot. C. Otis ;Thatcher; Mr. Way land D. Simons, to Misty.Dolia E. Cole, both of Tioga Pa. RICE—EATON.--At Nelson, Pa„ June Bth IS6O, by the Reli. Wm. M. Ilaskell, Mr. Luther Rice to Miss Bets* Eaton, both of Beecher's Island. CIIURCII- 7 CIIIIRCHILL.—At Chatham, Pa. Juno lith 1860, by the same, Francis M. Church to Miss Fl / iz'a C. Churchill