DOME MATTERS. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 1809. Now A.dv'ertisenienta In liankruptay—Zophoi Toed. Dissolution—J. B. Dimon k Co. Administrator's Notice—Wm. M. Newell. . Engine and Boiler for Sale—John B. BoWon FOR SALE.—A first-clas4 Fanning Mill, entirely new. Inquire at The Agitator Office., STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL.—There will be a Strawberry Festival id Crowl's Hall, Stony Fork, Tuesday evening, Juno 29th, for the bene fit of the Methodist Church. AT COST FOR CASH.—(oleo. W. Foster, Flleceseor to J. B. Dimon (to., Niles Valley, will Dry Goods, groceries, Hardware, Boots tt Shoes, etc., at New York prices, during the whole eek. We conclude the lettei of Mr. C. A. Deane, from Colon*, in'this number. It is, as ever, interesting, though rather un-Quiccarish in its sentiments. We hope to hear from Mr. Deane often. EAST CHAELESTON.—The Postmaster Coaeral has appointed John 'Kohler P. M., vice A. Whitney, Esq., resigned. Mr. Kohler will mate an'attentive officer and deserves thou - place, though it Will not make him rich. Mr.'Whitney boo held the place about adozen years wkbelievo. SSLAD.—It is not always that he who can writo a goo poem can also grow supe rior onious. BEMIS ban do both. The fault we find with him is that he sends his poemo to tho Magazines and his onions to Tits Aarrevon.— His offence is rank I tit smells to heaven I" FlRE!—Almost a serious fire occurred at the Ice Cream Saloon of M. Soars in this vil lage, Saturday, night, 19th inst. Tho Chando- Nr fell to the floor, spilling the Kerosene tiroad east. Tho flame spread rapidly, but was finally smothered without serious damage. ' ' A Bra LAY. —To Master Frank Emery we'are indebted fora hen's egg, measuring 61 inches in its smallest, and St inches in its largest circumference, and weighing four ounces. If anybody finds a bigget "lay" than that, Frank gill try again. LlCENSES.—Licenses were refused at jlast term of Court in all neighborhoods where the 'people remonstrated in force. Wellabor° is still without a licensed' house, therefore, though we do not see any evidences of sorrow because of it. The Bench deserves credit for its persistence in a conseientous construction of tho law. - They will sever have cause to regret their action. GOOD TEMPLARS.—The officers e •et of Now Hope Lodge, Mansfield, were installed by Lodge Deputy Elliott May 7, as ,follows: W. C. T., S. S. Gillett: V. T., Lydia Baker; S., F,ancisA. Kira'; Treas. Mary Gaylord; F. S., Charles Kingsley; Marsha], D. A. Gaylord; L G., Belle Vincent; 0. G., Walter Cole. PERSONA_L.—Gen. THOMAS L, YOUNG, of Cincinnati, is on a visit to his brother, Hugh Young, Esq., of this village. The General pres ents the aspect•of a man between whom and life there is no disagreement. He is a very copy of Hugh, enlarged and revised. They are twins, but Hugh claims seniority by thirty minutes. Sweral rather funny eases of mistaken identity have occulted since the General's _arrival; and but for his corporeal bigness it would puzzle an expert to decide which is one and which 'tether. IMPROVEMENTS.—Messrs. Wright & Bailey are about to erect two store buildings on the north side of Mnin•st., below Kimball's Gro cery. This will cover their vacant lots on Main st. Foley' shop is finished, and lip ip getting things to rights. This is the neatest 'front in town, and the insido finish is ahead of anything hereabout. Idr. M. Scars has fitted up the store just va cated by rolty for an ice-cream and fancy con• lectionary saloon. Mrs. Soars is an expert ice cream maker, and no doubt We establishment will do a good business. , . Among needed improvements are new foot walks in various neighborhoods of this village. Many of the walks aro dangerous, and were any one to receive injury therefrom, the boroughs nould ho liable. Lot holders ought to make haste t render the walks safe. Messrs. Jas. S. English and Thomas Conway have bought lots on the extension of Lincoln-at., east of Walnut, • and have begun to improve them. Mr. English has built a fine barn on one of his lots, and both parties contemplate other improve' ents. The street ` is to be graded down. Tiler& re some fine building lots on this street. The dwellet]on Water-st., have j - low a fine\ tootwalk froth I,tioon to Nichols-st. Water Str?et tc improving very handsomely. A FOWL PROCEEDING.—We were not aware, until our visit to Mansfield last Thursday, that there was a practical "ilenibt." in Tioga County. During our stay Prof. Allen proposed a lien tot "little establishment of Mart King's." What that establishment was did not occur to us. on reaching it, piloted by the King• himself, we Time amaced to find a group of neat buildings end pretty yards, in which Dramas, lioudins, and Black Spanish fowls, from chicks to full. grown, were disporting themselves with appnrant satisfaction. Entering first the dorniitory, we saw that Mitres chickens,roosted low. It was as. clean and sweet as a kitchen well kept. Prom this to the ;refectory or under-cover feeding room Thence to the nesting room, where a clean row of nests with eggs in all delighted us. Thence < to the room for those waspish e4tures, "setting (_ bens," and thence into the yards whore the , beauties take thair exercise. The main building is 16x40, so warm as not to freeze in winter, and curresponlngly cool in sawrner. Tho floors are earth, anct clean swept every morning. The yards are just as neat as the neatest dooryard. We saw a cQck and two pullets for which Mart ` paid $3O. ill° saw 102 Bramas, and a dozen br two iroutlimb etc. Mr. King says it pays, and we believe him. It will also pay anybody tospay Mart's Renbry a visit. May he never want for eggs and Siding chickens. CWSSlP.—History records several no table examples of _personal vanity. Among them that of Cyrus, of Persia, who, when the Macedonian proposed a division of Asia, replied: " The earth could not bear two suns, nor Asia tw!) Kings." At the very moment the bulk of the continent was unknown to Cyrus, and gov. creed by a greater autocrat There was the Roman tyrant, who deified. hik, horse, and brought him offerings of gilded oats ; ITho caused statues to bo ereoted to his own hen ki?. in his lifetime; and who made hecatombs of captives as offerings to his Majesty. There was one of the early British Kings, who (Dung fetters into the sea, and forbade its tides to tllbm landward. There was Charles Twelfth, of Sweden, who ravaged Europe for glory und per.topal aggran di7eulent. There were tho threo tailors, who memorial iced the world, beginning—f• We, tho people o Great Pritain," &0., ho. Crossing tile sea—there was the man who, ono day met Mr. Swayno, of the Philadelphia Ledger, and raid with unction: “Mr.'Swayne, I rye . 1 'topped the Ledger " "How 7" replied Swq, no ; "let us see about that ; come along with rue."— Eo tliey walked down to the Ledger office, whero the clash and clatter Of presses, the click of type, and the busy clerks seemed to take Mr. Swayne by surprise. "Ify friend," said he," "you - see that there's no stoppage here; you nro certainly, mistaken." The gentleman had 'stopped hie paper. That wal a l l The i Ledger went on. Tho man died.— Still the ledger went on. The man hae beon dead many years.. Stith-the- pc/ger. to-garts tho most widely circulated and most profitable paper in Philadelphia. • There was Andrew Johnson'i who, rising friim obscurity through minor oinces to the yipo Presidency, suddenly forgot Pat the whole hu man•race was not swallowed up• in his identity. When ho addresses the people his text it "Ati. drew Johnson," and the commentary is ",Andrew Johnson, his publin . services and,persocations."—, When ho writes, "Andrew Johnson" is his theme. -• The moral of all which is': '''ho . tielinquerloy' or death of no man can balk and defeat the plan of creation.. - Tho best man living may drop ou,t of tho machinery and the world will not detect so much as a jar. There is an 'increasing tendency among men to overrate, themselves.— They:are apt to conclude that the world could not get on very well without them. There is no greater mistake. LAWRENCEVILLE LOCAti.--The La- dies of this village will hold a Festival Fridayi! evening, June 25, to aid the Cornet Band to re place their instruments lost by the fire. It is to be hoped that all pleasure lovers will turn out on that occasion and patronize the Festival. The Good Templare aro anticipating a good time July 2, expecting the sister Lodges „to 'ap pear en masse. Lawrenceville needs suoh a dem, onstration, containing as it does a good many emperanco men Revs. Mills and Wells, aided by , Thorntonjbavo embellished their premises with maple trees. Clark Slossou has blockaded the footwalks with huge boulders, preparatory to the building of a stone hotel. If he does not commence work soon we shall have to call on the Burgess to remove the obstructions. The legal fraternity still remain in otir midst, pro porous. A. P. Ryon occupies - a spacious °or er in the Stewart Block. J. W. Adams is loci ted over Joel Adam's store. John C. Iforto'n is I sated over Me Lean's Shoe Store,' ready at all hours for "biz." Some may think hoeing co more lucrative, yet we wish our legal friends success. I want on introduction to "Sparhawk." Tell him to lerive his card at 527 so. Sixth-at., Law rence.ville. Sleepily yours, Rir VAN Vimxiax. Another Correspondent writes: Lawroncoirilio_stands just whore it has for the past fifty years or morn, and I can almost say without being disturbek—by way of improve ments, ono jot or tittle. Natui'elms done much for this place, but man has done fas.s. Nature has givim us a nice site for a large' village; and beautiful shade trees, under - which to. build 'our cottages and be protected from the scorching suns of July. Good water-power can be obtained hero fur manufacturing purposesi Some may say tho water privileges aro too abundant for the "prosperity of the place. A low thousand dollars will obviate all trpublo arising from inundation by water. If Real-Estate owners would sell their lands at figures that would encourage capitalists to lo cate here, in a very short time the streets of Lawrenceville will never be flooded with water.( Otherwise, if the people of Tioga county have only forgotten the old trick, it might be done by Legislation. Many thanks to Messrs Horton, merchant and Leonard for repairing the side walk on Main-st. Messrs Locy and Wheeler have fitted up an Ice-cream saloon on•Meehanic-st., and their cream is delicious. W. Fish and lady from Saginaw, Mich., aro visiting Mrs. Fish's father, Dr. Parkhurst. I an del-Rand she is to spend' the summer here. Dr. Parkhurst has been repairing his house on State Street. I notice many individuals are fixing up the graves of their departed friends in the Cemetery. There is great need of a general improvement of the Cemetery. Let us not neglect the graves of our dead, for it is the last tribute of respect we can show them. • There is considerable talk about tho earth quake near here. The facts, as 1 learn them, aro as follows : On Monday, June 7, at about one o'clock Mr. Bradley Lindley was at work at the foot of the hill near his house juse'northwest of this place, in the edge of New Ylork State, when, on a sudden, ho heard a rumbling noise as if coming from the hill above. The noise was as loud as heavy thunder, and at times there was a grating sound like the crushing of rocks, during the period of about a minute and a half, tho earth ehook and trembled 'considerably. Horses in the field he cam very much frightened, ai well its a number of persons who noticed Um occurrence. What the phenomenon was we are 'unable to say. There fore we 'call it on earth quake. THE NORMAL COMM ,—Tiro 4th Graduating Class of the Mansfield Normal School must remember their Commencement Day as auspicious. It was beautiful, overhead 'and underfoot ; and al for that matter the audience presented an unusual array of "fair women and bravo lawn." By 101 A. at., the chapel was crowded. In waiting, - and the observed of many fair ladies, we found Dr. Pratt, of the Corning Journal, and Maj. Thurston, of the Elmira Ad vertiser. Favored by the presence of these worthy knights of the quill, who gallantly drew the lire of a thousand visual batteries, we, escaped obser vation and without scars. There was a little show of magnanimity on the pal t of Pratt and Thurston, but it was at last settled that 'the Doctor should lead tho press-gang, Bapporell by the major as first assistant, and The digitaior as second assistant pencil sharpeners, This was ell very well in theory, In practice' it• proved a The Doctor—s' op became absorbed in the contemplation of tho Etilleet4, ttiiiing:extracts-iromf letters , 00 deftly joining them together, that each member of her class seemed standing before us, and rela ting, in.his own-peculiar manner, the events that had in any way modified hib career. Nexpeamo Miss Mary E. Baldwin, of Lawroneoville„Tioga c 4., Pa. who' related the circumstande's of note of 416 class of 1867, in such a familiar manner that it scorned as if she bad just been with , each pae tieular one and held ' converse there, 'save ono alone, who calmly sleeps withie the bosom' of hqr mother earth. • • . • • "- - •. : • .= Then Miss Mattis J. Buchanan read sketches: from .the lives of the members, of the class 0f18,06 These stetehei had been it:rated tind arrringedbY Miss Susanna B:eotiard who had so sneeeeded in weaving together incidents of school life and experience since, that it.seemed . but. a continua tion of what we hod seen anal_ - heard and felt. By this class also One was remembered who had gone . to that country from whose lbourne no trav eller returns.. • . • •L • • Mr. Allen then addressed the Alumni, relating Mani incidents in the 'fires of the different - mem- . hers, which the - historiandhad failed to - get. lio also endeavored to portray something of his' feelings at being in the midst of those who had beets hbout him as graduating Ouse?, 'whose whole characters:aro as it; wore, tionnmants of his handiwork, but htutasu language was inade quate. 11erbert T. Ames, Esg.l of the ciass:.of 1867, was chosen . President for the ensuing year, Miss and Preston of the Glass of 1867, Secretory, and Mr. l Vino R. Pratt of.the class of 1868, Treas urer. . , . • The President then appointed, at' tho sugges tion of the differeat classes, as historians for,. tho nom ing year 111iss Ellen R. Doano,,class of 1869. Miss Sarah A. Kern, class of 1868,• • 1 , . Aliss ; Susaa It, Preston, class of 1867. Miss Frank E. Buttles, class of 1866. On motion, James 11. Boson!, class of 1866, was appointed ,as general historian of tho' Alumni to arrange and orppare ;from the class histories a compendium ituitablo for publication. On motion, a committee consisting of Prof. P. A. Allen, Miss. Frank E. ButtleVEzro.B. Young, and Miss Stella Young, was appointed to procure a suitable present ,for Master `WILLIE, , son of Mrs. Electa Camp Hall, of the class of 1866. SEELY—CLARK.—In Chatham, Junel3, at the residence of the• bride's father, by Rev. C. Beebe, Mr. James 11. Seely, of Farmington, and Miss Anna E. Clark, of Chatham. WILSONLLSMXTA.—In Jackson, JMio 6, by Rev. M. Rockwell, Mr. Hiram H. Wilson, and Miss Emily Smith, all of Rutland'. • - 1.. BAI3COCK—GREEN.—In Osceola, !by N. Streit, Esq., Mr. DeWitt, Babcock, of Delhi, N. Y., and Miss Frances D. Green, of 'Osceola, Pa. JAQUISII—MANLEY.—In Farmington, June 10, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. S. A. Rawson, Mr. J. B. Jaquish, of oviugton, and Mrs. Adeline A. Manly, of Farmington. STARICRY—WHITE.—In . Corning, N. Y., Juuo 15, by. Rev. C. P. hard, Mr. Levi. A. Star key, and Albs Amelia. A. White, both of Muir field. SPECIAL, NOTICES. —o— '"' ,usll HALL'S 11 i -- ' VEGETABLE SIMIAN r 4, ‘''' . HAIR at....tpz., ) A t t4,4•tqa.: - ., , i.,...4 2ZarEyve.R. ► . "S PA RIEA WK." rtniTA,VP 1n VI tilt Inn 0 trrin,tlL' .07-nrlcrjT_ It will mane Hair grow upon bald heads, ex cept in very aged porsens, as it furnishes the nntritive principle by which the hair is nourished and supported. It will prevent the hair from falling out, and does not stain the shin. No better evidence of its buporiority need be adduced than the fact that so many imitations of it aro offered to the public. IT IS A SPLEEN ID HAIRDRESSING! Our TreatiFe on the Hair Font free by mail. R. P, HALL 81. - CO., Nashua, N. H. Proprietors For sale hy all Druggists. [June 16, 1869. Hagan's Magnolia Balm. This True Secret of Igmbat Fashionable Ladies, Actressuil had Opera !engem !Ise to ineiluce that cluttivateil divtiligue at ettianeo •Inuch ;elflike(' in the Cirele:i of: Fashion: It removes all unelightly Blotches, Redness, Freck• es, Tau, Sunburn nod litreets of Spring Winds, and ices to the Complexion a Blooming Purity of trans- parent delicacy and poNler. No lady %rho 111.111109 a lino Ooniplexion can do without the Magnolia Balm. 7f cent,i will buy it of any of our respectable dealers. Lyon's ICathairon is it rely delightful Hair Dressing. June train-lin. • TO CONSUMPTIVES. TIM Advertiser, having been restored to health is few weeks, by a very simple remedy. ) after having suf. rowed xeveral years with a severe lung affection, and that dread diseaso.Consumption—ii ankfone td make known to his follow•oufferera the moans of cure. „To all who desire it, lie will send a copy of the pro scriptiou used (free of charge,) with tho directions for preparing end using the satne,'' which they will find a SURE CURL: FOIL CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, etc. Tho obj9ct of the advertiser in sending. the Proscrip tion is tp benefit the afflicted, add spread information which lie conceives to be invaluable; DWI lie hopes every suffer el . will try his remedy, ins it will cost them nothing, and may - prove a Wising. ;, Parties wishing the prescrlptlon, - wlll please address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings County, N. Y. May 20, 1000-Iy. ; A GENTLEMAN who suffered_ for years from Ner vous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering hm Inanity, send free to all who need it, the receipt and directions fur making the simple remedy by which be was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the adver tiser's experience, can do so by addressing, in perfect confidence. • JOAN B. OGDEN. May 26,'60-Iy. No. 42 Cciffir Street, Now York. In thoDistrkt Court of the Unitedgdates, for the Wow, tern District of PerinsYlvatila. ' - ZOPI ME t TED ....a Bankrupt under thiL Act of 1 Comm. a of i ltA 111? rch 2d,-1867, having . applied ' a dis charge from all his debts, and other cl.dms provable under ititl. Act, by order of the Court, Notice is here by given, to all persons who have proved their debts, and other persons interested, to appear on the 10th day of July, MO. at 10 o'clock, A. M. before F. E. Smith, Esq., ttegister in Xinkruptcy, at his officelin Tioga,Pa., to show canes, If Any they have, why a Diechargoehould not be granted to the said Bauktupt. And further, Notice is hereby given, that the second and third meet ings of Creditors of the said Bankrupt, required by the 27th and 2Sth Sections of said Act, gill be held before the syitt ltegistor at the same time and place, Judo 23,180,-2w. ' S. C. McCANDLESS, Clerk. irIiSSOLUTION. Notice is hereby given I I that the Copartnership under - the firm name of, J. B. Dimon_ At Co., is this day dissol ved by mutual consent and agreement. All debts due said firm, and all claims against said firm are to be received and paid by J. B. Dimon and L. C. Bonnet, who, alone are authorized to collect the same. J. B, DIMON, L. C. BENNET, G. W. FOSTER. The Flouring A; Milling business will be con tinued by the firm of Dimon &Bonnet, - Alighest market price painor all kinds of grain delivered nt the DIMON, . L. C. BENNET. Niles Valley, June la, 180-U. , LETTEItS of administration having boon granted upon the estato of trod Newell; lato of Union dee'll, all portmns indebted to, or claiming against said estate Will Soule with Win. M. NEWELL, Union, June 23, 1869. 0 Ader.* - 100 00n lbs. of Wool iyantail,.en,(l for . which the hi bast market priao will he paicl;by SEARS to . DERBY. Wollaboro, June 10, 1800. . MARRIAGES GRAY HAIR By its use ERRORS OF VOUTR, In Bankruptcy Administrator's Notice. For Sale, Chedp.— STEAM Engine A: Boiler, and all gear I%olh Juno 23, 1.332.—tf. , • tt • • t 9.00,000:LBS. WOOL, WI F WD fur which the highest price will be ptki'd 41i., the Store of " TOLES A; BARKER June 16, 1869 GOODSIrIi NIL 1? ? ' 1!/iN..111.!#,IPE AT i he , ~ RIZEII ING, N. Y. COR - „. . IF yon want the be: ,for, j l2l c' Goods in peoportiOn. l i t AMERICAN PRINT in ;nta per yard ,, and o f or Tr you want nni , • ' , ' ' ~ 1 I MEE • ;' • Dress Goods or Shawls. I. if youl ant any Cloths or y the yard or-'made proved Idyl°. o • order in the moat apL If yon want any k -4' i • at Car pets, 1 • ;. if`.l l A , 70 rolls to select from.— want anything in call ivttore on can Iln In a l bort, if yo FOREIGN & D at tho lowest prices. Call at the PEOPLE where prices are unifor and fair dealing is the 25 per cent less finis call on the you can' bny elsewhere, agents of tho GREAT E. S. and bo r !onvinced, Come nnd COP for y. opposito the Dickinson ursalves. Storo direct' ,MITI & WAITE Corning, March 31, NEW SPA REGU CORNI WEhave just reee) Goods ,suitable whjob to °Opt{ plo of Tiiiga C nty. II 1101t1ESTI FANCY DRESS, ! SILKS, SHAW WOOLE for men an BOOTS Carpets, &e., *Ace., ent on impaction of Goods atisfy the closest • buyers make their purchases, In or we have a full assort, and prices that will that this is the place I Department, Grocery we hare everything needed to . make a complete assortment of GROCERIES Wo bavo nlao jua IN CRO i direct from the Importoie, of entirely new pat ternoiery, neat, and cheaper than over offered in this mtirliet. bolero. 71 Do not fail to look . through our stook Infos) making .purchases, Corning, Naroli 22, C ALL ,and see the April 14,1809. MEM sisiiiieres, :'d i c a MESTIC GOODS, ' STORE, I 6 and low, where honesty ;..tto; and if you want ~~ t El COMPANY, MI! 869. . ir N GOODS ATOR, G. N.Y. awed a large stoelt of 'or the Spring trade, to. attention of the peo-• ,GOODS, PODS, POPLINS, COTTON AND GOODS,. boys' moor 'Nil SHOES, ND PROVISIONS. received a largo Ot of • NEWELL ac OWEN. 869.-Iy. ring Styles of Shawls a D LAN° A 00, , • \ 41§' .'s .- 1 - I.SOFIELD - '\ TIMOULD reveal:ally:lnform 'the public that VT ' 'he le now opening'alarge Itesortnient of . ~ r n ring and qumi eu :111illipr e y ' : -: which,' he - offers; ler solo at lei' , 'Priam Her . 'stook a niirig es , , . ~. , , ' Fia t a re, Rats, Bonnets i :Ribbons, 1. • 'I, . - :...:.Ltices . , • -, , -- - ,-.- .• . . -,. . . and ill`pe fancy good's, generally. Pa liu, l o' attention 'paid to' repairing Mite an'd ncln:4 6 ts• - Wellebnio;Apill, 2 8,'1868=2m. • ___.— butierykhig j 1; . rettilkundersignedwoiild say to her Old friends the publio gon?rally, that she has fitted up rof9s in her building (let door below Van 'Hour ware rooms) for tho purpose of earrying•on (t, Dregs-Nakio! in all its departments. • llogoode are all new, and consist in part of • Flits, Laces, Eibborts, Straw Goods, eke., an& ahort, everything pertaining to a Faah loaf) establishment. Oall beforb purchasing elsrbore. Prices reasonable. Ptionlar attention paid to bleaching and dot: over old ladies' bonnets. jr.1 1 039-3n2. ,Mrs. JBROME SMITH. Just Received RING SACKS and SACKINGS, at DELANO (cc 90'S 14, Hal. ANEW lot of POPLINS, ALPACAS 4 . 0., a", ril 14, 1869. MEW - 'ART GALLERY, tee place to get your' PHOTOGRAPHS. New atßustio Scenery. The new O'abinet size made Div position. , apr. 14, 1869. LARGE Stock of Spring Clothing ux AV pco, ;pril 14, 1869, :JargeBt, Stock of Frames I~Pioga County for sale at the loweit picas, at . CLAYI *MG'S* . .tiril 14, 1869. Art,Gallery. FOR SALE A splendid stook of • ' / 31 ieture Frame Mouldings Inch will he manufactured to order at roasona 14 prices, at CLAY KING'S April 14, 180 e. • Art Gallery. A. 'B. EASTMAN, DENTIST, „ ;A144411* New Millinery I[IBS A.A. KEENEY begs leave to inform the citizens or Tioga and vicinity that she is taken rooms over Borelon's*Drug Store, op p}site the Post-Office whiwo she will bo happy 0 wait on all who will givo her a call. Particular attention paid to bledching. May 12, 1869-tf. • • - BERLIN PRINTS AND FANCY PHOTOGRAPHi. Furnished to order. Now is the time to beautify your Homes. Old Pictures copied and worked in ink sepia or oil, at CLAY KING'S, I.t ste9_ _ _ Art.. Gallery. W ANTED, - AT TIIE NILES VALLEY STEAM FLOURING MILLS. 10,000 Bus. Corn, 10,000 " Oats, and any amount of good wheat. .1. B. DIMON A Co. Niles Valley, March 24th, 18611-tf. Great Improvethent in Densistry HAVING- purchased tho • sive right of Dr. Folsom's Im- Ise* proved patent Atmospheric Dental Plates for Tioga County. I now take pleasure in offering y to the public as the greatest nts- COVERT yet made in• Mechanical Dentistry. .By the use of which, we can'overeeme any any and all difficulties which havq heretofore baffled the skill of tho most practioal Dentist in the world. Plates constructed upon this plan re main perfectly firm under circumstances or condition of the Mouth, as no air, or particles of food can possibly got under thoita. Those having old styles, Gold or Rubber Plates, eon, at half the cost, have the Improvement applied to them answering i■ every respect the same purpose as as a new set. -Perfect satisfaction guaranteed in every ease. C. N. DAItTT, Dentist. Wellsboro, Jute it, 1860. This is to certify that wo aro now using the Improv ed Dental Plates with perfect satisfaction. having used the old style of pl ates for years with all the troubles and inconveniences known fn—the use of each plates, we cheerfully recommend the improved Plates as far superior to anything yet known. E.% KIMBALL, CHAS. WILLIAMS. Wilson do Van Valkenburg's No. 2 Union Block. is tho place whore tho crowd go to find THE I NEW SPRING STYLES OPLINS, GRENADINES, LAWNS, " 1 ORGANDIES, PIQUES, 'CIIINTZS, PERCALLES, GINGHAM S, DELAINES & PRINTS, ALL STYLES, FACTORY'S, MEETINGS, BLEACH ED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLINS. HOOP SKIRTS, of ovary description, DRESS TRIMMINGS and BUTTONS of all kinds; also the largest and cheapest assortment of MDT MADE CLOTHING evor brought into Tioga County. Remember the place, and call boforo purchasing. WO havo selected our stock with great care' and notify gentlemen that in LIGHT CA§SIMERES, TWEEDS, LIN ENS, FARMERS' SATINS, GAI TERS, & SUMMER WEAR of every description we can't bo boat Thankful for ptist patronage, and by strict at tention to businps we hope to share a eontinn ancu of tho same. WILSON VAN 'V.A.I,IIOENBIIRG tVollaboro,May 19, 18.60-tr. 'Administrator's Notice. LETTERS of. Administration baying been gratatid'On the Ostate of Ira Graves, late of ,Covington,,dee'd, all persons indebted to, or claiming against.said estate met settle with CALEB S. GRAVES, Covington, Tano, 2,1860-6 t. •-• Adtn'r. NOTlCt.—Persons bfiving Lumbar in our Mill yard, sawed a year or over, are hereby notified to move the same without delay. WAirt;e—o.Uttle pay on saw bills due. TRUMAN do BOWEN, TAMPS—A new kind of lamp for Kerosene«, breakaso of chimneys—at Ftllart3. If yon have. Sore Throat," or Quinsy, .or Felons, or Croup, or Pleurisy . ,cor Chilblat ts, or any of these , clisorders ! that requir an outward remedy, then SALUTIFER Is what you want, far it has proved a bless. lug 42 thousands. Although it is reckoned to be one of the strongest medicines ; yet it is so safe that even 4 childmay handle & use it. • SA UTIFEI Kept constantly - on hand for in mediate use, will certainly prevent much suLering, aud . frit io e - 214 24 211l i a d is z e j f1t :77:1 ° 46 7 remember iCl C S: SALITTIF R ',found to be a saving of More than $lO a No. 13, MAIN STRgET', WELLSBORO, P.A. Ell A- ] If b 'i ve ; . 1311 . t th is b °sang. \get Bcalde immediately;; for., and powerfid to cuke 31 - 11 _you are alflieteu, ? 'numbness and stiffness severe pain, , or painful ralgiu ,InflamatOry try SALVTI bialtntians.' it' leave it open to the Air La to directions on year in all families that use it. • . • ^For sale by all Dragests. Wholesale Depot, 252 Greenwich St., New York. Wholesale and: Retail ti DIWG SORE ! 1 By W. C. K THE subscriber will keep o' a full stock of PAINTS, 0 Patent Me Flavoring Extracts, Per Lamps, Wicks, Dye Colo Lime and Bruslas„' Sash Brush 6, Will all sizes, .frarnisl kinds, .'ancy Hdir Oil SPECTA Hair and Tooth Brushes • Yankee Notions ; also ;,4 ortment nomaeopallaic and a full eto Pure Wines an Buyers aro requested to c cos before purchasing elsew March 24, 1869—1 y L'm OF NICE WICKHATII- & TIOGA, P SUCH ME DRY G obroce HATS & BOOTS iSc CROCKERY WA READY TO BE IN SOLD AT A FA CALL toes, My ill, 1809. MANG OTT 0 j COST NICE 1 ,4avo for I pruised givq relief; ;..refers. w 4neBB ; or 4et,or with \xeu., \ A - en ER \1 1 4" I g af 71 \ accords N he bottle. ESS. hand at all times DICINES, MI icines, I rumery, Kerosene, rs, While Wash 1 1 arnish and • dozo Glass of all oaps, LES, • a full stock of ? ) a complete as- Pf I,lcdicincs, EMI L ; Liquors. 11 land examine pr !ere. W. C. KItESS ESP GOODS, AT FARR'S f S _ J ~l IOODS ries, GAPS, SHOES, WOODEN 1 PEOTED, AND R PROFIT. AND SEE KEAM dsNAAA. FOR pA'ali t Ilg rill/414MM s- CO - 11 from this date their claire stock o 1111\6 kAnicgus, Pertitimery, I% 41ons, Dye- Varnishes, Glass, Putty, Alcohol, Turpeutiue, Kerosene Oil, Tobacco r Cigars, Wall-Paper, Cprtains Fixtures, &c., &e., &c AT COST FO CASH Positively no Humbug. P. R. WILLIAMS 16 CO Wellabor°, March 3, 1869 • Fresh Goods Received Weekly , Dry Goods Fresh Groceries CROCKERY: 0 , 300'20 ,aliz szowh Hats and Caps. Be it remembered, that Converse & Osgood keep constantly on hand a large stook of genera MERCHANBIZE. GOODS AS REPRESENTED. NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD Jun. 6,186.3.-13 N CONVERSE ,t, OSGOOD WATCHES . I W Bi 7' 2 The undersigned would respectfully inform the citizens of Tioga, and vicinity that ho has just opened a Watch and Jewelry establishment in Borden's Drug Store, and Is prepared to execute all %piers in his line of business with despatch and in the best of man ner. ALL WORK WARRANTED. S. WILE. Tioga, Feb. 24, 1869.—tf. THE GRAND PRIZE Paris Exposition Universelle CHICKERING 9 g American Pianos Triumphant OVER ALL THE WORLD. miss 11. W. TODD, Agent, Dee. 23, 1868. •Wellsboro, Pa 3Polciamc.-3Foc•rtesi ORGANS AND MELODEONS rOll sale by I. G. HOYT. Haines Brothers X Pianos, Chiokerings, Steinways, and Steak's. llintormister'a Organs and Melodeons ' and Ma son & Ilamlin's Organ. These are all first-class ,Instruments. Baiting the experience of many - years in Musical Instruments, and tuning the same, I can offer grdater inducements to custo mers of Logo County than any other dealer in Northern Pa. Every instrument is arrantod for fire years. For full particulars e Illustrat ed Catalogue. I. G. HOYT , Mansfield, Pa., March 3, 1860- y !For Sale, lAM AGEN' for kinney le; Co., celebrated platform Spiing . ilfagens, all styles, also for their light t.Carrutges and Buggy Wsgons, all made in good style, and -from Jersey timber. and warranted in ovary repeat, equal to any made. Can furnish any of the above at the lowost Manufacturers price's. L. C. BENNET'. Wollsbere,-May 5, 1869—tf. State Street Lots. A Y. • P. CONE having laid off his land on • State Street into town lots now offers Them for sale on reasonablo terms.. Wellgboro, April 28, 1869. A FULL Stook of Groceries at old Woes t 4 DE L&NO & 00. April 14.18138. • --7------ , . TO the Ot!mots of Vapateited 'Lanais • OURVEYOR, OBislEltAlifi OPFICE, 1 p 1 ' IlAunrsaunail,lday 26,4889. j ' I rpbedience to anAet of Assembly, ape° ed tho eighth day of - April, one thousan 0 bt hundred and eilty nine, you are hereby no ' ea that the " County Land Lion Docket," cow, fin ing the list of unpatonted lands for Tioga Co., prepared under the Act "of --Assembly of the twentieth of May, 0110 thousand eight -hu Bred i a d sixty-four, and. the supplement thereto bas t is day been forwarded to the Frothonot ry of 't o county, at whose office it may be exa fined. The liens can only be liquidated by the pa went _ it and fe p, and , the recoivi Proceot stayed particr dorm) at th© ITIINGA. WOE j_ ing f ar ' . l this implement to the .. /PUB undersignod,-a co in its merle with perfect confulon are teeth practical farm' other rake in use. The A f llv warranted anxieg..ol4-itTl - ... - %4,11y -- otscrnarg treadle and hand lever, and the p .1 teeth up 4 the ground can be ox by the foot. Every tooth is MI every other tooth, and tho head be: the rake adapts itself to every ineql ground. It rakes clean, is simpU 1 lasting. To try it is to buy it. I refer the public to the following have the rake in use : R. Toles, Chatham; Chaney Ack E. H. Stebbins, Clymer; J. W.Davi., Isaac Thompson, Kelsey, Erway, Har Potter County. SlgNOrders for this Rake may be me at Westfield, Tioga Co., Pa. June 9, 1869. ISAAC PLA Valuable Property for TN Roseville, in the center of t. Said property consists of a fine admitted to be the best in Tioga feet, two stories high ; together wi i sortment of merchandizde, such as in a first-class County Store. This stand,for trade, and one of the b , bettei trade in any county. The subscriber contemplates go will give aifair bargain to the pure. easy. ELMER BACKER. June WANTED-AGENTSL With full Directions and Forms for all every State, by TELEOPEILUS l'easoNs, L. of Law in llarcard University. A New body. Explaining every kind of cont • ligation, and showing how to draw an The highest and best authority in the our liberal terms: also for our patent t Sent Free. PAR di & June 9,1869-3 m. In Bankruptcy. In the District Court-of the Unit; the Western District of Pennsyl John B. Benn, a Bankrupt on. Congress cf March 2, 1867, havin a dischargb from all his debts, an.' able underl said Act, by order of t i tics is hereby given, to all pars] proved their debts, and other pert, to appear on the 10th day of Ju o'clock A. M., Were P. B. smith in Bankruptcy. at his office in Tio - cause, if any they have, why a Di not be granted to the said Bankru Cr, notice is hereby given, that t Third Meetings of Creditors of t rupt, required by the 27th and 28 said Act, will be held before the at the same time and place. B. C.- McC • Juno 16, 1869-2 w Assignee's Noti• WESTERN District of nin e ss. The unders gives notico of his appointment Jas. M. Bunnel, of Wellsboro, 1. Tioka and State of Penn sylvan District, who has been adjudged on petition of his creditors by t of said District. Wollsboro, Juno 16, '69-3w Administrator's J4ETTERS of Administratio, i Eanted to the undersigne. tatu of Leander Culver, late of' all persons indebted to, or ole*. estate, must settle with R. T. WOOD, DOLLY CULVE Elkland, Juno 16,1869-6t.0 House and Lot fo SOUTH of Manoftold, Tioga easy walking distaueo of Sato Normal School, ,ko. bus' good size and convenient. Ex cistern water close to the doe about acre, and has a i nuttibe, trees, grape-vines (fie. A pleas home. Will be sold at a low fig inquire of Mansfield, June 9, 18139—tf. FROM the promises ,of th Sullivan, May 22, ult., a old MARE COLT. Any one re colt to the subsoriber, or gir l whore it may bo found, will be od. GI, June 9, 1869-3w.*•, Wellsboro Wool,- Card Q A. HILTBOLD wishes t. 0. lio that ho is ready to d. his line with promptne s and y r manner; and also that ho wil I cash to exchange for N 00l at h S. • June 2,1869-6 w nOUSE & LOT FO Tioga, located near the lage. lions° in good order, a. with a variety of choice fruit t and good water. Worth $2,500 at a cheaper figure. Inquire o Tioga, Juno 2, 1869-21eT Orphans' Court 1)111Y virtue of an order of th of Tioga Co., to me dire .l public vendee, on the premiss Saturday, July 3, 1860, at 10 the following described proper of A. G. Herrick, dec'd, to wit A lot of land in Lawrence, b. lands of Ann Herrick ~doc'd River, south by land of A. AI, by highway—containing 1A acr Also, anether lot of land in 14 north by lands of Warrlen Beo oga River, south by dot abo lands of James Miller, bald we I —containing 11- acres, With fr barn, apple orchard, and otbe on. Terms : cash; in on years, and in three years fee JOSE Juno 0,1869-3 w. Executor's .N• TETTERS Testamentary ha J l upon the last will and tes Diokson lato of Charleston, indebted to said doeendent, or the estate; must settle the sat Marks, Wollsborough. WILLIAM. J. Do AZII6 A. N May 26,1869-6 w. jETTERS of :Adruinietra. A 1 grantod upon the estate law of Brookfield, decd, all p• or claiming,agaiest the same • Brookfield, June 9,1859-6 w Dissolutio rrinE Copartnership beret tiveori T. S. Griswold a was dissolved May 28, 1869, Mr. Kimball takes tho basin.• indebted, or having claim; must settle with him.• T. 5 Union, Juno 9, 1869-3tA ASPLENDID stobk of Ki at D April 14, 1849. NICK. lis offer ing Pub /lc ity to any .11-temper ed !ot to break . - try — a — rat 'antra ; o. 1" the i.tly gauged pendent of ng movable elity of the 0 ; strong and arsons who ,ey, Clymer ; Brookfield; 'son Valley, ddressed to K, AO. \ Sale II •,, , a village.— afore house, • nnty, 50x30 h a fine as ,. ay be found is a splendid at points for O ng west, and !aim Terme 19, 1889—tf. Prof Parson's re of Busines;. Mnsactions in . D., Professor ook for Every t and legal ob execute them. II and. Bend for I ble Prospectus. I Phila. Pa. 'd States, for 1 , ania. 'er the Act of _ applied. for claims provr. 1 . a Court, no .Ds who have .ns interested, y 1869, at 'l9 lEsg., Register a Pa., to show 1: charge should .t. And forth . e Second and 1 e said Bank h Sections of said Register, NDLESS, Clerk. Penneylva fined hereby as Assignee of the County of a, within said a Bankrupt up o District Court . lILLARD, Assignee. otice. having been upon the es- Elkiand, deo'd, ing against the } Admr's. Sale, 0., Pa., within the Churches,' :, in good order, .11ont well and Lot contains of choice fruit .t and desirable Ire. Address or T. N. BIXBY. Estray. subsoribor in 'dock two year urning the said ng information .nitablirevrard. ES MAINE. ng Works. inform the Pah -1 all business in n a workmanlike keep cloth and a shop. _ _ _ lIILTBpLD ' SALE-IN entre of - the vil- I d the lot covered ees. 'Fine barn and will b 6 sold, S. M. GEER , i , Sale. ': Orphan Court ted I wil sell at 1:s, in La ranee, i Co oat f °noon, i r ate' th 'esta,to -.. .u.'tled North by , 'ast by Tioga .i. app, and west s J well improved. Jrenoo, - bounded I an, east by Ti e described and t by James Miller me house, frame fruit trees a:terc et year, ii. in two day of sale, 'if GUILES, 0 Adm"r. 6IM ing bcett,granted meat of John R. la cc'd, all. persons claiming against .elvith Charles 11. IRBY, 1 Ex „ . , CIIOLS. 1 Notice. istrator's on having been t Benjamin Cuer, raons indebted to .ust settle with I MIN CUED, Adm'r. .fora existing bo d W. B. Kimball ly mutual consent. s ' and all persons, against the firm • ISWOLD, KIMBALL. Oloves only $l,OO LANO & CO.