The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, June 16, 1869, Image 1

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    ji) BAIN% trtriiJitittEiVik'
Th`o profrietorabavostooltotithopstablilibme
with Tim a vario assortmontiir__,
AND:X.Oi.i Offsets,
and aro.proparedlcietionte Tk'p yaridproliip tly
• „ ,
Decds,.MortgaiO s; Leases, and a full assortment
of Constabls' andlustlaes' I3lauks on hand:
People living at a distance candepeudon hav
ing their work done promptly 'mud' sent back in
return mail. •
rApals, 817, - ,44 I', meete at their Malt
over Dr. Dciy's 'drug etore;bn Tuesday event ug, 013 , or
before the Full Moon, at 7 o'clock P.M.
7YOGA CHAPTER, No. 194, E.A. - M., meets gat the
fill, oil Tbureday evening, on, or Worn the:Full
Moon, of fi o ° elock P 2 M.
'IItIGA COUNCIL; N 0.31; It. k S. MABTERS,Ineeta at
We Nall, an the third Friday of each calendar
month, at 7 o'clock P. 3L". • I
TCHPLAR, and the appendant otdoca, meets at the
on the Ilnit Friday of each calatalac month; if
7 o'clock.P. M.
1V1L14.4.14 .
(. I surance o lDounty and Pension AgoneY; Main
Street Wellsborp, Pa:, Jan.:1;1868, • ,
:lotury Public and Insurance Agent,, Bloss l
burg, Pa., over paldwelPs Store,
Attlee with W. 11. Smith, Esq., Alain Street,
apposite Union Week, IVellstiorp, Pa.
July 15, MB. i. . • • - i.
iIIOLESALE DRUGGISTS, and dealers in
Wall Paper, Kerosene - Lamps, Window Glass;
Perfumery, Paints and. Oils, ao., &a. •
Carpi • g, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1:88.-1y.
s. F. .ViLqoN. ' " 3. B. Niti
NTTORNBYS. k, co N NsgLpits • ;AT,
(First door from Bigoney's, on the Avenuo)—
Will attend to business entrusted to their care
_ in the counties of 'Naga and pot,tar.. : ,
Wellaboro, Jan. 1, 1868.
Wollsboro, Tiogn. Co., Pa: . .
Claim Agent, Notary Public, and Insurance'
Agent. lio will attend promptly to collection of
Pensions, Back Pay and Bounty. Ao Notary
Public takes acknowledgements of deeds, ad,
ministers oaths, and will act AB CommissionOr to
take testimony. Aff-Office over Roy's Drug Store,
adjoining Agitator Office.-I—Opt. 30. 13G
John W- Guernsey, , 7
Having returned to this county with a view of
waking it his permanent iesidence, eoliths a
share of public)patzonage. All business on.
ffmted to hilt are will be attended to with'
Promptness and fidelity. Office 2d door south
of E. S. Farr's hotel. Tioga, Tioga Co.,_Pft.
- tarot. 26:'66.—tf:
i,RAPER AND TAILOR. Shop over John 11.
Ilowen's Store. /Or Cutting, Fitting, and
Repairing done . promptly'and in best style.
lYellsboro, Pa., Jan. 1, 1868—ly
--- 7
I'AILOII. Stop first door north of L. A. Sears's .
Anis Shop.
..J.Cutting r Fittlng,and Repair
ing done promptly and well.' 0
Wellsboro, Pa., Jan.,l, , - ,
AMOR AND CUTTER, has opened a tamp
on Craton street, rear ol'Epars 4c. Derby's shoe
shop, where We is prepared to manufacture gar
moats to order in the most substantial manner,
f and with dispatch. ' Particular attention paid
yo Cutting and Fitting. March 26, 1868-1 y
Dr. C. IC. Thompson.' '
Will attend to Professional calls in the village,
of WeHaber° and elsewhere.
Office and Residence on State St. 2d door op
the right going East.- 1868.
DBACON, M.D., late of the Pa. Cavalry, after
. nearly fouryears of army:service, with a large
opulence in field and hospital practicoalas opened an
olice for the practice of medicine and surgery, in all
as branches. Persons from a distance can find good
boarding at the Pennsylvaupt-notel •wlen desired.—
Will visit any part of the Slate lu consultation, or to
terform surgical operaltofis. No. 4, Unton Block, up
iVellsboro. Pa., May 2,1866.-1 y:
Wm. D. Smith,
KNOXVILLE, Pa, ~Pmsion, Boujkty, 4n4
Immo Agent. CoMmtiniCations - sent to the;
above address will receive prompt attention.
Terms moderate. [inn 8, 1868-431
... - .
. • Thos. j3.l3ry . ccon. :• .
„ ,
i " -
lIRVEYOR .4. DRAFTAIAisT.—Ordors loft at
bis room,' Townsend Hotel; Wellsboio, will
meet with prompt attention.
Jan. 13, 1.887.—tf. • ' — l . . . ,
R. E OLNEY,_ . ' -'.,.../.
I s
I PLATED WARE, pentacles, Violin Strings,
Ac,, ae., Mansfield, a. Wittelies and Jew
elry neatly repaired. 1 Engraving done in plain
4glish and Gernian. ; • Ilsopi67-ly.
Hairdressing & Shaving.
•• •
Saloon over Willcox' 4Barker's StOrn, Welk
in°, Pa. Particular .ationtion 'paid ;to Ladiels'
Ilair-catting, Shainflooing, Dyeing, etc./ Braids,
Pak coils, arid.siviolies on hand and made to or
iel.. ' ' •
DORSEY. J. .101INS014.
li t
It Ii T t4c:at AITRZ4IYWHEELS. Ait
lit:qcsrart's Oscillating Movement for Gang and
Malay Saws. ,• . • ,
fioga, Pa., Aug. 7, 1868. ly.
C. L. WILCOX, fr
Dealer in DRY GOODS of nil kinds, Ilarklarnris
and Yankee, Notiotii. Our assortment is largo
and prices low. Storo in Union Block. Call
in gentlornan.—may 20 1808 - -ly.
tor. A now Hotel conducted on the principle
ul live and lot live, for the accommodation of
the public.--Nov. 14;1866.-1y; ' •
1.10 A, TIOGA COLT rf.T Y{ PA ~
(lead etakding,<attatihod, and an attentive hos
ler always in attendance.
E. S. PARR, . . . • . Proprietor.
A iESTFIELD Borough,
,Tioga Co. , Pa., 0;
Hill, Propriotbr. A' now and 'enintuodloui
building with all the }Modern iinproVornents.
Within easy drives of thobest hunting and Fish
leg grounds in Northern Penn'a. Conveyances
furnished. Terms' moderato,
Pub. 5,1868-Iy.
, - .
11 Gaines,'Tioga Conntyj p ,ri':!: • ,
iiORA.CE C. VER.MlLYg:A r ,'Plideli: This is
3, new hotel located within enhy'aeeoss bt t ha
hest fishing and hunting' &onside'
tin Pennsylvania. paint! will I'ol3pm:ea
rtho :wawa nandation of , pleasur.e,seakors and
-he traveling public . " pan. L'igBB.l
Bounty and Pension Ageiniy.
IrAVING receivedd ell WM nein:talons la regard to
,1 the extra bona.* allowed by the npproved
°-" 7 2,4 ,13tki;and having on hand a I argo aupnlY of nil
"mry blanks ,I. Am ;prenatal to ronote' I I pen.
bounty claims which may p be f/ placed, in _my
°fis. Peraonsi meg at a Inatancocan oontnannieato
" 1,,, ) by I,etter,and tbsslr'enininnnications• will' lie
i r`qPily aiimsied . WM. 11.
I,tl4toro,Octabilr2:l)lB(lo,•i ' 71—
, ri "P 4740 n 2f7 Fr ' an •.ir theithurtik Seore a tip the
) rooks lately °empire .by Benj. Seeley.
Boors AND SIIOR or' all, kilds:luiffe to
order and lithe b'e banner., ' i) f• ‘e
RE PAIRING or all k ds done preiriptly,and
0 0, Give ea 11.,..-
ibitii . BAßkilkg§;
WM,i 1t . ..
Viells beroaiiti.2; i868:-Gy,AILEY.- ,
! t I*.
VOL. Xtl
• \
8 Baldwin. Streei, •
(SIGX .OV.IIIB 1318.8891i:i . ,;11:414008 ? ).,.
ELMIAA, N. N's. 7
:OUR, wtows - i.c•
Goon•AsfUE BEST, OAEAfr'A9 rur, 0 MBA P.Egli.
OcoverY deseription, in all 'styles Cf . Binding,
and as low, fur quality of Stook, as any Bindery
in the &Mow Vojunos*.,of 4very, d9serpti9p
Bound in the Bost4fiarinet Odin OP ,
EzecutQd in the best zno.rintir :; 9,1dJ390413.r07
atid inaae good as how.
.Im7NBI vt7lT4_:(
t OOMPI.N.LE TOlritr SETBI,i i ip;.c..;
.1 , 410-pTepqr,o4•,tg,furpish.b!xck.pytkborb pf,4l
Aeviews or ,Aingazines , p F i,31181 A 4311 tiio'uiiito
statoEi or dientl3ritain; at " "
cf all si ZOS and qualities, on hand, ruled or plain.
of any quality or size, on hand and cut up ready
for prinfing. Also, BILL PAPER, and CARD
BOARD of all colors and quality, in boards or
Out to any size.
Cap, Letter,
I am 8010 agent for
Prof. SIIEPARD'WN6N:•COitii:oSIVIi-SgE44
Meta I Will warrant equal to Gold Peas .
best in
.11130,arAno Mistaket.!'l
The above stock I-3 flieLovrlatltatba:
at all times at a map, Advance on Atm York
prices, and in quantities Co suit piireVaiers. - All
work and stock warranted as represented.
I respectfully:solicit a'sbard pritron-
age. Orders by mail 'preoupily attended to.—s;
Address, LOUIS
Advertiser Building,
Elmira, N.
Sept. 28, 1867.-4.
, rettoeville, Tiuga ;County,
George itieLean,s Beef ? 4",SlieeStdre.`:;lluOirtetz.e._
attended to with potoptrosa. apr.
C. 1:1 1 EELLEY
, ...... ...,, ••6 .•
DEALER rig: - DliX . ;(lo6.ljS, ar,oco,ries , 11,4 N
1 wnro, Bnots, Shoos; !fats, Cnps; tto . „ , 4p. cot
nor of Markot and Crofton Ptroets, Woll;bor
•Pa Jan 6,186,5.
4 • . 4
E. S. Perkins. M. D.
Respectfully announces to the citizens Of
Charleston and vicinity, that he would lie
gratelt4l tor their palming°. Office ut the
Store of Cooper and er. Mar. 24th 'tltt-ly.
E. M. SMITH, having purrhavoil 'the lintel
"property lately owned by L. 11. Smith has
thoroughly refitted tho hotel, and eon neennt
.nindate the jrnrnling "s.publie • in',l.l': ; eiipUrior,
;manner. - `* Al2lroll
.SABENSVILLB, Tioga County; Va.:J . ': Pet,
Proprietor, Convenient:_to the' best' lizbiitg
_grounds in Tioga Co; .Flshinigiarties adttin
i nodated with conveyances. (loud entertain-,
; c oett ; tor-naan sn z d beast. :.-, ? l;sneitt,lSOltj-,tb,- . _
INti/D Taiou.%rfj...
TIIE undersigned has titled tip the old let,t.i•
dry building, near the Diewery;Welhbero,
and is udv prepared to turn out line call,' hip,
crtwhide, and harness leather in the best twin
,n9r. „Hides tanned on 'shares. Cash paid for
hides!. M. A. D1,111.4F. _
I Wellsboro, Oct. 14, 186 S.
' M I NE. ~ . ' . ..-- W ATKI.N. S i - PapPRIETORe 1r
, . - „I -A ~., A , . ~.1 N i'l
TiTAVlNfilittcd - tip a - noviilotel - buildleg on 11!esito
of. itte nid,Uttrputtiotfil,i§telif,d4strgyed by' tit 4,
I am n.:Sie readfto - receiverand - entertith guests.. "1.4 -
Union Hotel was intended for a Temperance [louse,
a t/
:id Proprietor believes it can be sostainedwitimnt
grbg. Att attentive bostler-in 'Attendatkcji:- - '"••'-' - -
I'Ve Isboro;Janq 20, 1b67. :,.: A ....._. -,t , .. .'n .1.. rf.zi ,q.„
E. R. RiA113111.11 . 4 "- ,•, --
Ono door above tho,illoat Market,
'annonncos to the trading
public that he has a desirable stock of Ciro
conics, comprising, Teas, Poirses,,Spices, lugars,
I.4lasses, Syrups, and all that constitutes a first
class stock. Oysters in every style at all sea
sonable blurs. ; • c!/,
I{: A.RbW,A*TOOl;; . **;, 1- 04"
" k§ T 0 1 712,, • ,TIA9rOB„'
Carriage and Harness
Corning. N. Y., Jan. 2, 1867-Iy.
Kept eobita'n'tly
t!-or, by 1 ;-` 4 I.',
; W.. T. MATHERk
at his new otore.,2d.doota4rodloy'm
Wenotions. (Juno 10, iSt:B.)
Scales! Scalesi Scales !
TILE Buffalo Platform Scales, fill ordinary
• sizes, for heavy, and m!ifirder, l 4.sl3 t : ,I w l A, Ito
found at the. Itard ware St orPt t of ilk.A0 1 " 1. el: 11 Y
Well sb ore. These Scales itrii',lhiPßltfileinks pEtr
ent and have no superior annfliero. They s)ro
Ma:dein the best style and ha ire taken the pretni
tint at all the great exhibitioriti( 4
have solmitgeticy for t foie Scales flair
region. ' \VI LTIT'A M - RdttERTS':"
Wellshoro, Rob. 12, 1968.
New.Tobabo'O . Sferdt"'"',' .
rpHP rip
subscriber has fitted, ,tlio:rootimfiti
a joining D. P. Roberts Tin and Trove Store
for tlio'roaniffaciliiro Mut solo of - •
CIGARS, tall grades),Fancg and Coninio . ie
S2IIO KING TO BA CC o,Michiga n Fine (Jul
CHEWING, and all kinds of • •
AUG POBACCO, PIPES, and, the choi.
eest Brand of CIGARS.
;SD'. Call and seo for yourseNeKJl/ *.:
Vollsboro, Nov. H, 186.5 tr.
U - 91A RIJN PLARTRII...:-TIVe4 holl,ll certify
that wo have used the Plaster lulu ufaeterefl
by ChatuPney'.bßerntrueiNt on Thlt
Run, in Gaines township, and we heiieve it.te, be
'equal if not superior to the Cakti.git
Daaid,Stnith.., ,A•P‘Cbrui:-T•
MU Cobb II BSlMums 47: Bernotiao
G W Barker Asa Smith `, , T Strait
SB Davis Albert Hing e '''.: JObtil3 Miller
Watrous „W H Watrous 1.-I.l,Blnrsh
M Smith - Smith - • II 111 Vouir
D P C Van pel4or_ c.(,1 kV , 81 7 01111- .
JaiedDavis. • ,-J 10, Zimmerman ! • , 10,1 4 4ing•-
L L Smith.
N. B.—Plaster always on hand at the Mill.—
Price ..1-1411. 4, 1868.
r t .
, .
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John c! Horton,
Smith's Hotel,
LTIOG A 1'.i...1
TO 17111111E11,S 1
,-z. ;
~., i: ".'_ N L'..ti
(guilty- = -
.' i'„• , _i:_'.-., '.,.:ti
A SIMILE. . ' • ;
Out in the sea a drowning man
113 struggling with
,the r wave, ,
c'oiartdOli 44tAtitt p shOre I
II loVed - ortSs'nik",
•"Lititimliroat cho'bottet-l'All lidhds op liourcl, i`'
• I .IIM lonitei-garb "' 4 ." ".' - I
' Somb'proriiirti v; to. thii Oall
The%little hoed timirtutmo,st ~I 11f
a Pu.erottii,ntioiituttrio Adycf- .1 4)
0 For want of men to ply the oar,
Ile_ fouml, a, watery grave. ,
~ • i
thittklymi , f these idle" , :tneir-?"
:-,.lg,elltittlieliar / Yr:lily,
~‘,.‘Slartiererp,"! ; for they might have saved, ';
But leit a 'brollier
P drip Lai-hint:4'bl c;r!rtfciri"lfolli; •
01\ 1( 1' 1111 g heo 3 '4.ea t
• 'AA Nitlivv's,tpar thU'torphan's cry • •
''' - '131(1 - adit' dun bear a part."
Nearing a drunkard's grave
Is ninny a fathor, husband, son,
0, heed that ery of, save.
The boat is launched, the temperance boat
Some to the rescue hie,
While others, by their netians say
e - aye,n - ut, let:pupa*
0, s - ,c,w14,-gtril6g,:heWliapgl
. iitgtelhollkilalt4ttien
Why- ilrihk ytquit-0113 °Fagg--
Which health and beauty lends?
'.iz.; Woribl.every 9ober, earnest man i
For temperance take a stand,
The the world soon be orerthrewn, r ,
•i '• liinidlrit4ti:TiOni th'elanA:- ... a 1 - r. -ei j - 1 . ~."- j '!
'':' , YAP* iir,'ltit? OJI WO' ant:Jl)lde 4 - 40),f „-: $
)f. 18 -t.4 0 , )iyi9n o ?g , . , t t _r i 4i;: , > . ..2, i
) ',‘,‘lje:tliiit's r t,saAitinSi,;"
' . 'Ye egnilia-teutFal stand:
Illes,hurg May '2.(lth 1,5(19. M.
` li rCllltu ou t Una.
J.1.9.1. t .,11Tay 6, 1869
The !Mille by which that . portion of
our 'domain lying between; the 37cl =ninl
41°:N. Lat. mid- 25° add :12 9 . W. -
lade frio WaShiaglim; , is
deriwed—frorri •the true Spanish WOrd
cot() and cado, signifying red color, and
teas applied to all, that country,that
feinietl f 'indefinitely northward from
posse'ssiiin in old Mexico—a name
I doubtless • silggested to them by the
masses of brick colored rock that
been exposed by the mountain upheav
als for hundreds of miles along their
base. The first authentic account of
disiteveries into this region were made
in 1540-42, When a party starting (rein
Sinoita penetrated to about the present
northern boundary of the Territory, but'
tritlspl metal
theyeanitk to 41 .- int 1 MY' discover
ed the mineral deposits near where they
passed, how different would. ityp, bepn
the 'making ;ef"'oar - "nati:O4l7: hiStOry
The rs t ' pl ore r •route! e:r that
gay - 6'611'63;C lifforifiaticiti 'of the emit) . -
try, was Capt. Z. M.• Plke,r - who - under
'94lllPXADAntaj,#)»File thflnteS t brn her
,ty'BPl,ino,great. and a consider-
Ode ekfent of the mountains adjacent.
exiiressedihethellicrlllat minerals
existed here, but furnished no proof.
In ItOnor of his discoveries one of the
highest peaks of the range, then ascend
was named after him ;
name it probably ever will. retain, and
one that was the central point around
which thousands gathered when the
actual existence of ,the.precions metal
WAS made tlintiithe
gi'eat iUsh tVflievels Itylfdpdl3 an
fr(),Pillikeasterd, cities ;thu E AIME Nom
Missouri river towns. ,
The gen eral,reso t ; .the,,
4 4 4 1...- 4 Ahlt:me!,,Othey'Wer &then,
- 014nt . tekykiinwh,.
):itb; exte4 . 4 . o Ogee need.'be given to it.
Until the great railroad made newstart
ing points as it was; pushed rapidly
westward the,. thi&i'
from which trains started , , out were
Atchison and Nebraska.
and Omaha, Nebraska. ( weella
for a horse or mule trainoilAwist that
length of time for ojcetiovere, required
to make the long JointieS9terolas the
treeless, dreary plains. Thousands
CITM:4 I AnY 4 11 4.;..t0n4P,c_ti ZAvitlk' ( . I figUt
Pwritin eilt,,,,Atid - n on to reallie at
ing tfiesudden wealth they had believ
ed only awaited their coming. But from
ithettnulkitiodeci that AO , eotnenhate ore
,nyaittettctAinsoi Wholikei developing
I prod oaf nw , Wealth. IA , Otakrt:il
culturk.'or other ritskiitlV %that oia , trast!
piaeingtAyur yenng'TerritorYltiniong ,- thei
older States •in wealth and population.
Now obstacles that at times seemed too
great to Conquer have been overcome,
-the-several- departments of industry
have extended, and those who bake
endured the hardships of the past sea
litigWyture a reward cor all the
\t911441140.4t5'0f other days.
Nn I - bele:l4 obstacle encountered by
.the pioneer the moment he enters the
,greatplainS,,,and,,feit in,efieet through
otgrthe wholegreat West; is the savage
disposition of the Indian ; that worth
less Object that never, seems perfectly,
`happy uril6s4 ,
tol}tlicis:4"i ,01
/IA ,reSidarted.aii their coati
try,, and frequent intercourse with those
who have passed, it greater portion 9f
t 111 1 ' . 'liair gi r it.)e
Y 'ideng • nee ilk= 'lb 'and'
though the subject requires a good deal
of, space_ to_ even. present its leading
points, yet there is so much that is er
roneous in the public mind concerning
thenohat an atteinpt here to correct
nitty,A 41 - 50'6,tikor ace.
The idea entertained by many that
the Indian, or true American race is
_heporning, e,x n el, is one iii k,suppgrted
~hy the ! filets of, the ea s e ; 1 . twhile:- Ft;,is;
4 ttue us, rega rds'eertain trities;;Wwill not
apply to them as a nation. They no
lopg9; occupy, hrgati, i clornain A. the
w il.4„'olikoi!,herclift4y . ";;
Oil' 4f ilrfet4ln „ .tixespti oh of
'0416 o sphico;. t i, hOdy'Of land _huger
A thati' the of the
pt}t;ancl,f}vhere,from Lrii, attiralL causes,
the white man will have no desire to
Nearly all the region of - the great
plains' on either slope of these moun
tains wilt - ever remain in their present
state, and there the savages will, long
remain unless a general effort is made
on-the part of otttgoyernment to emu
fP)etwtlpi rie.3 top:4l4om
lieiiiigifi'orthese nomads of the
plains; how, when or where they first
(TYPIAO plis.poi‘ntrY, hAcUlAkosjll
ever lost: - Tlita they are of Aglafte
utl,er savage aegi r t: rlitiT far rc:
•tiiihed fitan'each 6 'retain - ft - Ike - ugh
tratli 4 9 n an aceonitt, of, a great,/10,0-
- WEL& peePTeiii - The earit,' - siiire
two :w 11 0 , •-eseoPed- • to winOuntain f :averf,
destroyed. Their way of depositing
their detatinliieittlittrpokurefittittitiin,
rlUtto'petnlitir ''itilliatof the ':MangoL 3 —
„many of 414e11y, rites ill l sy, h-Olraboqs Akre' the,erors4ltellf6nhd
painted - on•theirshteidliiior , i , vroughtin
• F1et.0PP44709 3, g14 0 cnichk , PcP•9 l l44Aut
,cfirfita 41 1 a0 , 04 ,1 94-it•Witi-titAWA4--
atie deeept is, limn t ob`servana
of many of the rites ormasenry which
in its outlines ; bylliflOtittritiyalliA4
i Ta`;~n:7"ei'Y.b7c~'.l'?'~S?S%'~;i - =:t; - rl..* ' '+,:~i:`L~'fi4i~rs; ~;.'',~;'~;.."~~~.r3~~.'~^^.:~~~~z."~'~n"l.'.~~ia'riQ7'~~,>~
gi..tia.,t1.641. ' . ' l l 2 .l:lA*ll
•“: u.,';
--tmayfasserty'ls‘knciwir to(Many meinn
hers,-of - ssi'verat tribes'. • 'Their, ideiia` z df;,ltf,
'filtate'fitateottre-niitiirfill* ':draWn:,frnilli
'their ' f infroutidlida''ligre. - ' The", "o,e4t:
spirit Manito presides I over the happy,
.hunting-gitundsOishera game is-plenty;
'mid-want neVer, ,tordeSi, i- Tlitre ' 'tile' de
grees - nf'fiappiriesa-t'reilkeo,ulated Apy; . tlie.,
number of scalps they; have takeii .hire,.
from theirenemlea ; ! -IfenCe" . aMitliet;:iti-i
eel to'sefid - lhfiticb, n'l ni4i•
lic -•ptith..
At the death of a bta - tfe' the band liiirk;
hi m•with,"all his' effeCta',''plaCe a quanti-:
.ty.eP.l itn nea,tnt.. Ilia bea ;‘,..ki1l and;;; bury'
with : h. his finest h l'Etei • helievingall
will be needed,,on.this;
jouriiCkftok otar-i,
riviimiinis Ws .fttture -, kut•me in t the Spirit'
-Land:, ,--,• ;,.."..,,,:i 1 ~,,,,,.; :• -,-,' ~., .." •;• , i"-;. - ' , , -, ,c ,, _
';Thd life' of ' t"he'lfri dlan Wbriitiii'' ia'#ff:e;
of unceasing. toil ;.flitit ;t qf man of ' un-:
ceasing idlenS - 4.• - Thi one brings wood.
, antimiateifi - -cooks the oedilsrepri'reS'Oin!
twigWaitstor i retneVitl ,- „of t eirectioh:Niqio-!
es the hides of gatile?"dilCa fi s tOiK'inid
.hisrrios Iforirtinter i! o.otOikitia l It) itkes!
Librig marches hr fpatiti"carrkfriele./eit*Yl
load, 'while:tile dthef kills th 6 etinitilindi
dads - th6 - 11"All -- ii - g. -1 ' - ' - - - --- ----- --• ' - " k
If we believs_the 'rei',lords . left us of
the grape 0f:,.m0, tio,ii„Akkd ~ p ewer ;of: ell=;
'clityritlee: X.' AIIN Nvritt,7:1_.018..„14141 1 .on o;
i'Oritne'd '',l?Ek.itie;..oaStor,ti t fereat,, we „ pan ;
),le't,'' belieye t
.hek. those , of . to tday I di ate!
sadly degenerated in every respect: attvb!
natural : cruelty ..of,cprittu re, ,- .If the prey-• !
.el 4 adiriiiei, of f 'the ,f' nial - ,019 „red; ; man "!
,:wh' llA6 '‘fq4P s f - ttlin filoi4ll of tetdararof
1.6 reii,ted;tikr.retid l lig:a:bon t ; P.° ea h on ttis or,
Viaiviinia._-_,coulfl ,see-him in - whis indtf
lence and degr_aoati,nnitin.Wfmt•of every')
a:tribute that - rtends, to, eleyatec_the,mind :
:fiiid Ifeai;tl,,li§"W"difid sopp conclude.tha.t;.
ihie". liC,iiji,ties,,cwii•;A;e,olSeertied.:.oulyt -in
the' pages of song,and„story, ; - _ s , , ;
Ther'e'itre thesnwhe accuse the, white;
' riiii - ItiV being; tra'pqnSlbln,,fiii;'," their , a li,
jeet, conditidff. ~'N'in' -tentliS ' of these'
iievbr i4"'"i'v a Sii.i7ago,•:,iislAtieitt,- , ideas of'
philanthrophy, are orrowed from the
writings of.)Coofier4ii 4 Belti.l. That in
justico.lips been, d on e thorn, ne,orinwil I
' O6 , 0 ;-,
..0 1 .3,( r,, - . 14, 11 4:''',0, 1 41, `RIM never be
'Ainule eiki,p7e'd , neings and -conform to
A-lin la - Ws and:naages-of civilization, - is
not fur amoment halieV d'bk those-who
ha - Vn long lived ' , Milling ! flfeni,;, and ,the
repeated trials of ' iiiir - ovdrninent - ' to
better thONte,9 ll oiti94l,•:. proyes'iiv - their
'reanlt The pirr - e,ctitess o • this-belief. (.._ i".!
i „ ill t : lip , in 4 la it :Wulf ry, are the-Poi a-
wateinie's, choetaws, (I ierokees, ereelca
and - Alio:rem - 1M itir:of o ;her tribes that
once lived east of the- lisaiSSiPpi, 'end
all have inor.. or les." white or negrd
blood in their: •eins.';')The'y own large
Iterdo ; of cattl , an a , cultivate ; at little
ground', but th lir labors-in ,that 'direc
tion:. - .are.; ,proPortionetlf , "t -on ly - - tiii -, the
alumni t of, foreign bldod- tliermay pos
sess: , -.Large'sunis of money - . , have•been
eXpended oil there -by 't,lie;. G' doleinitleitt
in'b - ittrelleita .' to'reelaini - iltOnt"fr'ool - 11',
barb:irons' ''Sfat.e,"''init' t4lr ; s'eitipik
liiii yes' lit ;the . battle 'ef. Pea ,';',llldge told
fife - Glovk3rilineht,iiifw, ; „ ')idle is Any oft
tii rt tn in ak'n, ethei: Iliad 'swages of I item,
4 mithe
er,ryoneona t-i eais that --the
stWei;al",• tribes are:.nt,,i: eace with', each
other,. that, they. can - , roam and • hunt '
wlierover,fancy leads , tleiti,' and- that
whoinwei, they go to=w r on the:whites' '
the' ceoperation of all 6 - n' 'he:relied inf.'
Not•t - InlY 'does 'each 'trili haveits.reeog
nixed limit of territory:. CY; 11 1 01 31 12 --a•en•
IR' Ufftlra_rylpTPYlNlT4a. 1.) t neir,s rength, t
but itew,-. antl:Lnecotidii g hi -4 . adition ,
reaching . inte the.diin nail, -.bliqi ; there - ;
bethi - 'A' derldff - Yeti& e. iSting;` - hetWeEin -
matty:4l - ; t,134) tribes: •
!-(1 . - casiwwilik two I
or _tit ree,
,w ere banded 11, aintit - einselift 41i; i.
ilie'Aiiso Of . the i .Slonx's, - . - I . )qeoffea l -tiq
'Aiiijialieds','“which, "ter' .i,gi l ) eccilpy . ing-
separate 'portions of the great plains,
readily Ain it el Wh en: ti":"rit id 'is - tiiihe Made ;
into :th e_moe p tm n .coun try riga' 4st, their 1
41 : 46 40t ' ll 4 -- ,tP.,tes-11-ieillfltieS. ,, :: The'tname." 1
tiAlfi . .,go4o:Wl-4.11 . • • thelUtea ;Intik°. at de-= 1
cent .amongtheir enemies owtheplains.
When women ' or children .1"; aTe:' itak - en 1
thekarre reserved ,- as:slayeShy - the ---; cap 7
. ~
tors; the men if captured; nrealwaysi ;
Pti.citokge 9 ol- - , - P.4..f 92P,t,.e Cfkl,q;,',slo.c" 'lO - '
WEIY gets 'tie leatee j - an the sengi of the i
victors IS - An:4lo ,kr(npl'ae ',Oily by the ~;
howls .of tlftk - yanAtiished. '' '-' ~
' I.Paid 'years tedwhiler,-eifeintitid• ' tinqt I
tributary to tho.Arktinifts, our camp for '.
Wi night was ,rniio,o, nek_t,licit of,a. lip'e.
'nd' - o f: (t(i'lfs) .'frldifd le Vies wile')Wefe.
f/ Or 6ll 1 40 r:NOi . Y. 't9TA t: ttiq _SIIII.A;P:.te,
; thn easiti;ii,r,4l - .., j i - 4\ 11 . 4 p/k c leng "around; :
'their "caniPlei yes they 'd need_ and, sang,- '
and'. 4 - daylight:depute -.on:thetawork
ofideath...:,,Buttin ale ; dayS 2 abbn - t•alie-
1, h all theirt,inlm hercrun 1- •s Idiylk,
i ! back,
!having , met: and-been s r dl` defeated 'by
itlidse - -IVhetif t,hby wait,. 6 . aerditt. , - , ,l'ii:on
~ tli- e it, m;1bg°,0t,..30.4, , kitiii ftit*ris -ttlr';ndti
/ it
ti n tic' . iiiindf; s'arrOW t : and, ga i rt ; al I . night
')they Imptlip - their.diara The*linge. „
i Not' in - any i years - ag 'a
'severe batt,l,e,.
twas fottglitliy - thetin , 'sti ' off tribes", and
libithit'like - !result ' n t ed - ' i ttie`6,44 . l.len of ;
idle Adds-;..kiiiiiiit;'„glife 0 '03.4',1,1V - 4::,0" A 107;
10 114 '4' I t' 5 t e.i-- bao; './ , Pilf'e :eiill':
tWliiite ill ,now; vertical strata. of; sand,
Isti_me :roe, s 14.4ye„1509;4, ;worn., t.o, o_.:, e
',111n . 4t, tfintiiStint•fertaa.;,- 0 y,-"thn,laction '.of,
iyieter.or,lnovitigt„ Of •-..rOC it gaud
Icc.F.i . l;;When:tlio,Etes w • re firrally,Trout-:
',ea , • tw cki l'i th efr ;mind) . r; too k''''refti go in,
'a , v,ti,v4Li Ili 0) . iy - rbeld4; wh re; 1 th el ti CiVV' rind'
11111‘.F6W 1 ,#1104.1 - if'66 6fiktil.'4 . -theirr to, ‘
'ee'S'sfotly_ iitirotiTh ilietilS I've - W_f_ii - f..s6itCial
days against all. the tie ices_pf,,the . r en
!eniies t4o•' diblodge them'. • Sixteen' of f the
ti - ' ~ i,',a Pillinl#:,will'n AliliP'i Y -.tile:nrr.olmi of -
tho besieged. 419:itheir enemies :passed!.
thaientifauce of_theeaV ; 'before tire and
faminnhati 'tione itsiw I rk:ON4f)* 'each
3'earthefUtca come' frent , •theitintitiii
trtinlidnieS and; 'hold ti.; ow;WOW - athtind
)tin!pla66 ,, itiihtinolo - 6f 'in .: departed `-i,ti '
',Which't li'dir iieitiO''',s(',-0, tetyc‘:firid' - '9l4 l ge,
nr , ilefitti - '!i4' - ,0,011d0'i1..-' f3k4nt - 01Y.`,.,T4,
•,.,61,'I;leeq.,:,4 1 % . ;vny,ing,°.ro - rnin or. ' the ilanCe.r.
wfien seen by the light of the flickering
t(n . c,l4. .tbiti , iM,Ketieeted.from;thered rock
hf wall ,and reof i . and I he - wild unearth:!'
)y wail or shriel of the savage- gives•
them, the- appeari -lice ;if- ILA en lof ; fiends
liteartate::t I' , ''' - ''f , ;
. ... , .;' , - - 'f, i '
Thilt - tVe"' Itid I n is - : dt; ' waytaili,
pre'setien of m 111 'ineaS OD a Ofi.;great,
peril is prov,e4 ; „ii ; the, following rinee
dote; related 46 - me , by no of the; early
Settlei.s who saw-of wh t he.speeke : .
An 1.1 tn i was i t Aiding), leisurely : ;,alon g
without 06iiirpokfpkt . , inn liishOw and
arrows,' Wl'fbh - lie wits made' aware of
the L)resenqvt" 'a,' foe 11 the - whistlnof
a build that- pathied •CI se• 'io hiShatid.
Instantly,,, foiling, ,to.. ; Ile ~grengd-, ,, kke
awaited - the: approach of ' his ,enemy,
who, without taking tl e precaution to
load his priteVand - r• fining'up with
loud whoops to get'his scalp. But when
bnly- itlewl'ards - off'''tl'in-Ute"-l r ititidelily'
Caineitntlife,,ilip'rmig up,'Sticl" drotiii - 'an'
tirroW-trgh•;the'Afti)piaide 'het' flint
lofitli ja7 ii;t6o'.!,,lifii6Vll44l:cr,.,q4p,iiy 7
ineatfo lietfti. ,l' - '_____'- A : ----- Z-- 1 .--:---- --
1_ The i most' sesfqykfutalifind I ever
heard Is that made by the Indian moth- .
Orii•When - She m'onfris'f r`hettleat t l. The.
het pen't- hp'enicitionS", f".P - dihaps I,lf n . •
info lina-J - -p - r6ggion , i),°,4l,..*,'An''
~')lisp') . iXev,er' Iferir(l,:f ),n' A, pl. ) ro t tEip,oo
lvath4 l ,ir: - I!pe6 t 1 4:0: 4 ''. o 4 ‘ rs..fla!:ll l l , .l) l tPfl
alone on A ii -long n 'rtin tile - among the
mountains and -,:tjy - e,r 4,er - ;;.theU,Pacill6
Slope,- Ono night-I w sawakened from
a deep sleep by,a - Vei. Mthly sound
that 'proceeded fiom,th center of tkainall,
kJ - Lida n'F.Miefillig I if -the" forest 'W.lfete IV
tinialEblind,fitFi'Ut'patid Lthat !ti' i ve,tligg, -
trititl.d ticitirlaaki." ° ;'-°'... —, -.7. ‘ - ..-..--,.,‘
„..,,, ~,,, ~, .. ..„,,,, ~,,,,0 ~, •,,,
TriciAPWl'Aft.44fi - WelffAhetery,of the •
fialither; i thQ4llottiiingorthe;windithrot
la ',narrow canon- wore' rill - cOdsibinediti
ene-continued - sound" •- that - yeamr,suilk - 07
4 low'miirmur t or rose tilnioglis'd tittkieV
timtligtobtriid•NOtti a dozen voices from
• , !! • ,/ .1!," ,
t . : AT ",; "Viirati4cl,cbmas.'v
, • •
~t ' .~' i~: ~.z
i ivi
-1 4 TWE 6 1.8 9
f„, •
the Inan)iwags and chasms of the tnoun
tains.,; .
I, ap&attehed the spot, and by the
lig ,trflff 4 ; ll l:o4oPa i qunP#M- @PM ereAr
'in tani•Vern9n,-.,snteil l on the ground,
WI 61 4 /Atlf::"lfraS,lng / broil - lel butr.-.Andim
medrey,4,oCi.expre'.4oi-oh, to;thehe sor
row for,thogost one/Nfirlfieli'wiappedip
its robeidElziehVer , and having a basket,
of metit r ly its head to keep cold and,
hunger:Uway. while on its way - to• the
happyl;huttting-grounds, , lay - by • the
side etVaTudely made grave having a
14.1,k9C0t evergreen •-,
s. f TID - notice. was,
Ihtlen of th - 04)(0.-frwea _l.,lfriideV l , -Who
stood )1,01 ill'. the.ll4;4o.ed. :the ' body
down loAtS'len,- - r Sq twit' whoa - few
hOursliiiinf fin* Old Mother ilepart with
the batniOilever:again,; perhaps, to look
on. the:spot , wheye,her,Offspring lies
burled.:. Strange. and. •..weird was the
scene ail - those dusky children of the'
I forrest lielditlfelr- midnight -' ivatelf-rhe
side the 'form- of a little Indian. 'child
that sleeps, in'an unmarked grave on
the,,b4n4 . 4 9e tbo TAIAP,4tv.O. , ; -, . I. i.
Thetesult of every effort of whatever
kind as'yer httempted by our Govern
nuent In' bettoii,,the •coilditien ef,the„saVL
age •tribeS'lltis' Veen 'onedf---Thiture - in
every , lnetattee,,,, This is due partly-t.
the Wsllonei3t; Metie of deAdirfg,pn, the
part of those .empowered, teLpaithem
their annuities, r protect them against
the eflifffelltkof the.thide Glad iy - horn
as , Ciftfl4-hd &Tater' itisehis "ever' liiied,
but mainly due to the fact that . they
are savages, . alwivs.,Were.,4ll(l IflwaYs'
will be. • Trinities tinie-luid again have
been made' with them at which they
bound themselves by the most solemn
pi oinises'te observe peace ; but no soon,
er are - they in want of any. material
possessed by the whites, then their say--
hgo nature throws off all restraint, and
Witllilltlyarnlng 1 the isetliers,, Op, , eiffi
grnitt - Crailis itrelnade to endure — the
horrors of an Indian war. Military
posts' have been established, and are
nutintained ratan enormous , ;expe - m(e,
but the nomads, -mounted on tlfeirhar
cly ponies will swoop down on a train,
perhaps in sight of a Government fort,
secure scalps and plunder, and laugh
with derision at, the ~puny,' efforts of
thosb''Aviid's may atteMpt"to' - overtake
them. And' even if an opportunity is
given any of our post commanders to
severely punish the maratiders 'it is not
em Weed, for if,' !IS the result Of a fight
a few more or hundred of the - Aiend4
.should be exterminated, a cry would at
once,bsFaised :in Oho east tlfat , irctuld
result ni, a Conti - bitirthil by eastern gen
erals, the offender would be cashiered
and perhaps dismissed from the ser
vice. Such,-at least has been the fate
of Harney, Chivington, Penrose, and
every officer guilty of a like - offence.
Lott whiten ).SheridatOs ~ troops at-. the
battle of Washitaidisposethofune hun
dred and two. hostile - Arapahoes, but
the fact that they were tlien .on the
whr-path, that scalps taken from mes
sengers and pot, yefi „dry were found 'in
their camp, was not sufficient to con
vince the eastern Indian worshipers of
their hostile natures ? , but who thought
IS,heridali" WAS an mhinnalr monster,'
and should 'be relieved at least: It Was
due only to his.popularity and the in
fluence of,Bherman-and , Grant 'that he
was not thus disposed of by those who
besiehed__the officials at Washington
With. the satue,old storrot.`` poor
•per'man.".lf a - few hundred of
:- these ' would-be philanthropists would
- v. , ...---.- , ,- , ,A. , . 4 )41.,tbetr \neteand-,lose: - their
,sealpS--it -wounr be a - nieserag to -toe
icountry at large. ,
A„, single ease -will; ill ustrqt?, th
donileingi of-Ithnse
sent hero to protect (?) the whites. Six
ty miles down the Platte Vt'lley, at the
mouth of Cache Le Poudro ,River, are
,residing several families In what is
known as the Latham settlelment, thpir
principalWealth' codsfsthiglin herds of
;horses, mulee - Mid Cattle.' in.:ring the
,past season the Indians made several'
rancheriled, thrift finally
succeeded in running off nearly every
:horse'and mule from their owners..ll,e
-4)eatqd were made by' . the : ' . :,piti
tneers Ltitri" Teceiva• authoritY
iwltierebY' their, actions ''Woulfi',lnet[be
theled b„
:wishedlO icgam, t 4,0 4. prop y ertY. i-F,lnalr
ily an order 'from the commander of
:the district Waapsil9d ,directing cap
tain then statioried'at 'ort`D. A. Rus
near, phgenne v to:proceed
lcomrnand, reinfor@e_Chy one Hundred
,men from the settlement, to the head
Waters •of...the Republican;:or , •wlierever
could be found; and efleaV;'
or-tbVecover•the stolen'horseg•=lthelild-
nears were required to obey finl'Ordeird
of the comnytudipg , ,qfticer. ;• the same as
',enlisted rnen,s.'itt.. l :setv . marching
cover the plains to the south-east-brought
(the' ecitn'mandter the n ify; of large,
,Indian villa e. 'A close inspeetio'n,;hy
;the scouts proved it was occupied 'only
by old men; fiquar , ,and, „children who
!were left in thatge - 4 -Of 'large' herds of
horses, taken atslifferent-.tinles , from
the whites, whild'•the'„warriptS were
away , oir the: warpath, obserV
ngtheirtreaties's made 'a -.few :Menthe' ,
'before by stealingandl kealphig-when•L•
1e.yer! . .,1111: ifvp.oxt , truity::l='; waa I 4AL:6s et te EL
Not c./nly.,was:_the'dafenee.leas';condition,
!of , camp ascertained . 411'4 hi" - seoute;i
but therevelt -Iy4 t• se. el os , :t If at th4y
-reeognizeil many of oWn.:lliarijos
faken`blit• 'kW,' weeks 'Pafere . ..," Xeti*
they thtiuglifthey would tid
'paid for their horses,. and tkeiible..,lnit,
judge, : if possible; of - their. &litho islime
and augerWhen' the' ollidee,
any deefded it was" , :nntli .
attiteit.abd,g4Vd,tho ordertOto4o4:,
Vq is 0t• expimtillat"op y , and:,,ent,reaty
from._ the farroerS ,•):4,erei duavailiug
their9eadereven offered him one thous;
and.dollars for thense,of : ten •:tnelii* for
ye hourst l heywas 'only-answered hra ,
peremptory cenimand -;•to; return-with'
t , ne,So• hack; , they.' eame
Without having fired a gun-or: captured ,
it horse„their pusillanimons,lcoininarr
der doubtless congratulating himself-on
pot having' , been - It'll (k J ' of 'fitly' 'act
whereby his would •"he; endaii;•
gered; 'hy 'WhiCh the: :
theinnee in 61110 e to he 'c,'Wba.:hls
appointment eon I raise 'it . ' louder hoWl
bee:insect the;W:rcings'iliffiated - of( the'
Igneble;"red by, :the, barharotle:
rf,l6`,tl;:la .11e,,mighf, have , .en-1
ableclth,e,settlere,t2o F 04446 )lundTeila
flicil'soa, , )in tr,th have hurt
some of the 'lndians , . bad Alley, got, in,
the way,'and that would never, do • if
there weratikujnyiaps th4roilivpad 'be
ito furtlYer.nedir6 leeephig, him in com
!Missiooo,4o34wouldhe.;ohliged . tongo to
w.erkt fun a living; and, that would-never,.
'do: ThtiltrtitimottiToti g httv tha = t-'doubt='
leesiliitutifedthle•officer wire' ti '' - indei
,- -fildic , l'ot , 'lonr-lifths 'nf 're` nlar
army officers now. stationed' `on-- - the
Plains ! c.i r et ' Apy ,is.9ppl-113,r9pPgAil;.' r; ,1) 1
!, desire, adA`r,aheel the,inferests, of the
:whites,,but't(l ethitintitli In existence a,
great evihtvldchy-ftinitsltiliparentr•-siip
zpression, • must cal acid 'give em
'ploy Inept to many who are now enabled
to piay the' petty; tpniint
fn '
; ( T TC4e opwinree.d4
is ne, , ore respectable than
kompg 4;._.A. young man
clams by the pailful than
übl cresorts murdering
Any businei
*but is terme r
bad better sell
hang arqund
Thereist a , mareso . inten •
•aS he passed hen R 4 .1 1!
rise Paa'arn;' '
~', ..1; ~ , ti.~, .;
A - Stery for the'tittl
• 'nip rnmitin.nowl - :
A little brown logihouse, on a,gneat,
wide stretching , praidO, waii the home
Of Ilainin and - Kitty Clacton:' Mamle
Wad seven and Kitty a: little over four,
they.werp as.sweet a little_ pair as
ever you, saw. They bad never seen
country :With 'hillS and valleys, - rocks
and 'rivers: All- , the landscape' they
knew, anything abort was the , whle
plain.reaching afar io the_ horizon,
wheee it seethed to blend with the sky,
only dotted•here and Vlore with ar clus
ter of oak trees, which we called '!oak
One (Inlet Sunday Altai"
'ter the two little girls were
home with. their mother.
and brother John had :goi e to church
in - the little' fog 'meeting honSei three
diatant ;• but Mrs.- z Clayton: had
not felt:well:enough, so,-.theAittle
girls had" been keeping very quiet,*
home, It < was a colt( .af;erociop; - and
the SnowVthiCk and WllitC';' Coveredithe
face of the prairie.•-• .;:„... i :
iv,,..the open tireplace,
Where the e burny, read : -
aloud from her little Teatatnent
and7Kltty was listening eagerly to , the
story ,of- lliktempest on..tholwater which
grew cairn whOn JrausL3a,id unto 4,
"Yeade; still:" = "The' twilightiwris
deepening so.rapidly. that 451arnie-•Wa-: stoop forward,, that the
light might fall on the page other hook.
Suddhnly: she' stopped , reading, and
seemed to listen.
Manuna,".she said, "1. smell some
thing hn F ning, and the room is all
'''" Doesn't the'fire Smolio - V, asked lihr
Mother, ,raising, her head a little anx.l
ipusly froiii the lounge where she
. was
" thelike doesn tsmoke, I think,"
answeredManiie. gb"gut• in the
kitchen: , mamma, and- see f there" is
auy:fire in, the stove which can make, a
Afire - on the 'Pairie was something
theyhad all learned - to fear. Even the
children - were. taught early' t o dread .it.
They ; kneur,if.once a tire bro e out there
was Demeans to check it;; and they
had All heard many sad stor ies of fam
ilies Auddenly,dri
,who had' found themselves
treti out f doors by
the dames,
hom e less and destitute in a re \ V hours.,
Mamie ran out Into thekitchen, and,
a meinent,afterwardsrushedback, with
her eyes wild with horror.
"0, mamma, mamma !' she cried.
"our shed is all, p n fire!". ~ -,
Forgetting in that moment the blind-,
ing headache, which had been torturing
her all day; Mrs. Clayton . rang from'
the lounge. and rap, i into t le kitchen,.
whbse little window. Tooke l out upon
the Sheet Where the_grath it d straw for
- the; cattle , Avas stored.' '4 hat Mamie
:had said was too,true. .Great curls of
wore Wreathing out through the 'cracks, and now and then b{little sharp
jet of flame was plainly seen .
Both the shed and house I were built:
of dry.logs, which burned aS radidlyAne
fire Wood, and the two buildings §toetel
close together.' Mrs. ' Clayton lookkid`
about her almost distractedlY, and the&
to think what could be done: . The chil-,
`cireii . Were her first thought, `They
intbst be put' iii':a. - Safe pia' e,_ nnd the
!nearest neighbor's hoUse wa a mile and
:a half away—too iiir toetrus them to go
1 -....... , ...i..thii5ti0wv traelvless prairie.
illbstily taking then!' ilttiewpmerietwoom
And cloaks from the peg on 'which they
hung, - she wrapped the 'tA o.r children
warmly. : Then she, took - a; feather-bed
'from - th high-Post bedst ad in tlio
,front room, and began drag 'fug it out
ithe front door. ` '
:q ‘‘,Coine, childreri,l? She ca:
after me as fast as yoi.i, can,
JO do exactly as I tell yoti. ,
• The children followeddie
:siderable distance from the
!enough to, 1.3.€
.safe from all ill
Then she th raw - '_down 'th
,placed the . chldren on it: '
Stay hei , till 'I come
'said. .
Then, ret ruing, l ,tp the 'house, she.
' l3 eiied'iiiiotliei. lied ; And, 'dragging , it
after'her, in-the 'same wa ,`'she' came
hack to the children again. '.':,
." ,Now, Manila Etna Kitty i , she :said,
laying tliein down in the a ft feathers,
I Shall ciiveryou all over with this other
lied ;,,. and. you ; milat: mot g.t' - up -till I
eotne:tbryon, else yon, mig k freeze, to
'death tiig. cold night. So lie still, and
p'tvill't'ry''aiid lint the fire omit."` ,
The.children, who - were filled 'with.
awciakthe situation ef_afiliirs, lay doWn
obediently,, and , their, inoti l er covered
,them snugly', even ,to the tips of, theft',
noses.: -Then slii,vriin back 10 the hurtl
ing house, ; %I ~ ...:, t, : .., , - • .-.
By this time the.sparks from the shed
had fallen on the roof.- and side of the
liouse, , and,it liail i ,begun l I. take fire.
51,f:l'.!,Clayton ran mu-doors, hand taking
n 'Cheat, W:lileli'contiiiiied• ninny 'of her
MostNalutible pbssesakiiia;
a lie 'drew it"
outditito a snow-hank. 'She ian. -to her,
'cupboard and took a little tray of sliver
Spoons and placed--them i, beside the
idlest. Then she seized. et e',_ water-pail
from the!ltifelien . to see' it' lis
could do
anything ttiyard s ten pin g: , he - flames.
The 'place,l4 draiying W ter was sev
eralyards:from the house';, ut; dashing
over-the-sinoking logs- ,the • contents ;.of'
her,pell;, she i'.;i a AO, theivel , , "drew : , one
pailful, and running soun . the-liouse
dasitedit on the - flames.' Th, sr seemed to
be checked foraMeinent, and She : 'has-.
tetied.tO 'repeat. the - delug .: :So back
and forth, unconscious 'of fatigue;' or
headache, , or: ! the', niercin ' cold; ,slie
worked AD:di - fat' the lire. B t the strong
element halliedher weak,.
unaided of
torts,' and,lie, Saw the fltimea.,constatitly,
gaining - 4M her... rli' her exeitement'she
bad forgotten to' pu t on - either hood' of
allow% Her long, 'thick hair had 'fallen
from its fasteitingA, innt, drenched with
the water, whichhad frozenon-her dress
. and person, it bung 'a 'sheeted. 'masa of
ice over ; „ her ,gliduldera: :1 isensible to
all this, she was preparing- to dash on
last pailful on what-was 1) Q:little ni.OYO
than a smoking thin, When she heard
A voice close_ .behind lier.•‘• It was; her
husband, rettirned frolic' el tirehl, and,
overcome now . 41M- tett. ble excite,
meut of the last hbur, Mrs. layton fell
into his arms p,erfectiy•inasible'.• ,',
.• • When the, afterno•orf,
~ Cetiug was
over, the iiiit thing , 11r. .Clayton had
seen, on coming' 'Pitt •of the- nli dreh - door
was a bright light,gloWing I lii, the dis
tance across;the prairie: • , - 1- --- , - •
" I fear the ptturie is oil fire;',' tic said,'
:fuming to the nearest' neiglitier "..!."!iiiid
ivy wife and.ohildren are IMF al i one•.•iit•
,home." -•-" ,:-- • " - "'• -•
~ •
..:- "That isn't a prattle fire;9...
,Mr. Harkitis. ,, It: -don't- spread -- rota ritt
'enough. 1t is a'. - house '"it-tire..,•_l4l the
direction of your ; house, :too, :isn't- it"
:Brother Playton ;; •.l.- teclion three 'or,
four Of us will' drive' round. :With ,YOu,
and see if, any_thilig is. the matter."
" Mr. Clayton 'tun' John - • umped, into
1 1
their sleigh, - 'and' • s lialf;ii i ,dezen ' other.
stout MOD' ail (1 boYs preliadd to ° foHoW'
,this - read:. .;EVery man-in tills 'country
"stood ready to help his neighbor, for he
„not how, aeon he . lnight need help
himself.' _. , - i .;.,. ; ::,- ;• 1 , - :', ~,:„ ~
• ti's
,i,hei'di,ew nenrOr ‘ , they ,ciialct see
.it was Mr.•:Clayttinqi,liobe _which the
"-flames were - -' devouring: • 'Only one
thought, possessed' blin---to' find, if -liii.
TOP:and childrenweresafe; -and when,'
jumping from his sleigh and running
arounil-the houSe l he saw his wife ap-
ay polite that,
?PRA T 49figt4'
son in Win
, spending' at
heir father
led ; "come
and mind,
• •to 'a eon
- house-4-far
pger of tire.
bed, and
baeli - ;" • sh©
~. ~~
parently unharmed; his heart was, too
Iliankful for' woids. =.=• •
Mrs. Clayton :was immediately :wrap . -
eyerepats apd Mp Mess,
the 'men were - ready to talce ofr, their
OWil persolig to' shield her :from ' thel
cold,; and' fitill almost. insensible, she
was lifted Into a sleigh and driven rap
idly to the shelter and warmth 'of the
nearest, house,. Then Bin Claybou be
gan to 'look ' eagerly for. Mamie and
liitty. -He ran , from one side to ." the
other, of, the, house, which now, lay= flat,
a confus - 0.1 mass of burnt • and,,pharred
Idg:s, 'searching "wildly'for . the . 1111 - dreri -. ;
while John, • the ''Oldest, h rdlyless
anxious than his :father,' aid 4 in his
"Mamie!" they both Cried again and
again. •
• .One of the.neighbors at that ..2noment
caught sight of a'confus,cd, mass of some..
thing a rod or, -two: distant- frOm, the
iidiasi'and pointed it . entio the' father.
Mr.•Olayton rah hastily , to the !place,
and found the feather-beds piled one: on
the other.
~ Just above the edge of the
Upper °Lie peeped' the 'scarlet border of a
tiny hood.
Turning down the bed, he beheld the
two little girls cuddled close to each
other and fast asleep, the midst of all
the noise and confusion.
Never did father clasp his. children
more joyfully in his arms than , did Mr.
Clayton that •moment2_. The loss_of
hoit and of his stoe,k•Of worldly g" g oods"
seemed no "ng in ,comparison , with the
joy. of _finding all, his dear, ones alive
and safe.. Getting into the,sleigh, they
all 'drove to join Mrs - Clayton "round
their friendly neighbor's warm fireside;
and that nightthey all thanked God
With fUll 14artS••that• their . ' lives had
been spared,i,i _ , •
Now a pretty white cottage, surroun-,
detirbY a blooining . garden, :stands in'
the place of the little' log house. btaraie
and Kitty tue.growing to be youngla:.'
dies; but they will never forget that,'
night when their prairie -home tookllre.i
—IV. Y. Independent. ' "
The Difficulty About That Dog.
This was the eatifie of all the eiouble
LOST.—On the '.loth instant, a small Terrier
Dog, with a brass collar upon his neck, and the
tip of his tail gone.. 4nswerS to the name of
"Jock.'' Five dollars reward will ise 'given to
the pesson_ who returns him•td - John Quill, No:
S-t, Rickety Row. .
I . inserted the aboye , in the • Daily
litipattp, in the hope that I might re
cover the animal to which I was much
attach d. The Fliplicip goes to press at
SA. M. At half-past six I was awak
ened byr a pull at Igot
out of_ bed and opened the window.
• A,s I,lookea out a man standing
in tiny front yard wither mongrel dog
:tied to a rope. He gazed up and ;oli!
;' Hello !_are you the fellow who lost
a dog?'
Yes I tun.'
\Val, then, I've fethhett him," said
the man.
I then explained to this wretched hu
man being that my dog was a terrior,
while his looked ,more like a 'log of
;wood with half the hark air and -prop
ped op on four sticks, than a dog of
any kind.
ain't yon a going to take him?
• I wouldn't itave.liini (cs a gift. And
I - Want you to 3novil off 'now or I'll call
the 'police.' •
' Now, I guess you' think you're
smart, don't ymr? I'd bust you' over
,thejaw for five cents, I would, You
don't know a good dorg when you see
hiM, you don't," and he went, out, af
ter ripping the palings off the fence. - •
In about a half hour there wasb.noth
er ring at the bell. I went down.-,,L
There was a man with six dogs of!
'riety`of breeds.
Wh-wh-which - of ' 'em's him, b-b
-boss,' said this feller, for he stuttered as
if he, Would strangle on a small, sylla
• k N - either of ,
Y-you said h-his n-na-name was Jr
Jack, d-didn't you ?'
Yes; that'b it.'
W-well then, wh-wh-What d'yo call
that ?' ; says he, as he sung out 'Jack"
and the whole shx - dogs looked ,up and
wagged their taila like a lot of spavined
oxen in fly time. •
• Why, t call it confounded nonsense
to expect me to. take the; whole six
degs because they're named Jack.
don't want to start a sausage milt, you'
understand.. Mince meat isn't - ir,•my
line.', -
',\V-w-well, - ain't you goin' to take
' •
`Certainly not, do yen suppoSe I am
it, gi bberhig idiot?' . •••
' W-w-w-well, you sh-shant._ have
him now, if you want him. 'I ,
-wouldn't trust a decent d-dog, with a
m-m-man like you, anyway.'- ' : • •
- And the six canines tea into fine and
trotted down the Street after him.... ,
I hail not got 'fair** into the ouse,
*before there-Was another ring: .'geedy
looking man with a semi-decayed yel
low dog. His ribs stuck out so, that he
loOketres if he 'had gorged himself
wi th'a Spiral spring: . • '
l' You. advertised fora dog,
I believe.
Well, I caught him arodnd here in the
alley, after a desperate struggle: Fine
dog, sir."' '. :. '
'Well, I don't think'he ii. -He looks
tome as if he wasn't, well. •-He is too,
ethereal for this world; yenfig, man, de
pend upon•lL' '
:Oh, net; at all, sir. -Only shedding
'his coat, sir ; , all good dogs,do it at this
.time, of year. See that, -- slr,' said this
seedy Caucasian, holding the dog by
_the cull! _of the heck. • ..•See how' he
yelps ; that's a sign of pluck ; that dog
would fight a million . wild, cats, he
would,'Ked lick ''em too, sir.' ,
' Oct Out It I exchihned„ and the dog
put his tail - .between his legs . .and, ran
for the gate.', -, • , , .
; 4 gee- that, sir 2 1 S(Ie that?". said the
man, as lti seized-' hint, "Mats a 'sigt
he's well trained ;:n6 raw dogAchaves
like that, 1 want you to hnow.., Now,
ti i pose you fork over that five.' ' •
'Not Much ! I- don't want "hini, my
friend... -' - - ..,•,n :, --=, .t - •
' Yen won' t , do, i t . , , Woll - . hen,take,
hfth for severity-tive cenhi,,a 4 say'no
nioWabou t' it: • •He's a Valuableaninial.
You'll nevergetanothor-suWatliance."
',I , tell you I won'i. haveltinl.'-:!, .._-.••-
' Well, don't then,' said the Mau, iel
to kicked theintiinal_over ()Willy low.
rpots iiildbroke . three of them, while
he,brute rushed madly down the mid
le, of the street, ...-- „
: JiiSt, then a big - ruilia'n v iii a SleUeli hat
itnienp :With' a hull dog, sprung in the
trees; And lamenting .the entire loSs..or
its tailc,
,When, ,the radian spoke - to
i i ii i i :Ic e - yi• agi!; :ed th e _ whole of the last
!lair of him. ' ' - ..
4 Vro•.=brought - tha there dog,' , Was
he , observation made, by ,the- ruffian;
rand pi] 'tipg6r them ; there stamps, I
. , . .
keckoti.' ' ' '
' ,my . friend,' said 1,-' that is not my
og.' • ' - •
Yes, it is; though.' - . .
4 But it la not.' , .
' Don't 1 tell - you it iS?: Didn't3'ou
ny the tip of:his tail waS gone ? Well,
i est look at him,, will you 2' -.. ! : .
1 , ' Well, I won't havehiin;,ai4how.'
'Neu' watifto elieat me,' do ychi ?I'll
zu.'you,lielok , hitm, - :Bull V- said - WS
idrageous ruillan, as the dog new at
- NO: 24
, ortc.eiloga
piablishtd cyclry '4,94,l2es(bxy
fer year + invariably
COBB. & VAN:•Gti,
, .
.A.,ryv-ixtrx , rd-srlev R TZII3 .
..• •EN LINES op iitIAION,OZ IN* 461111 !NE SQUI3IB.
o. cif Sirre. 1.1 In. 81no. 8 Mos. )100.1Ii — eur
-^ ..... $l,OO $2,00 — 52,601 f
"AO '3,00 4)00
,l'Squirr7,l $l,OO $2,0042,801 $5,00
2 Squarei 2,00 3,00 j'4;00 ' 8,00!
11n1fC0t:......40,00i-18,00111,00i 22,00!
Ono 001.—....1 /8,00 1 -20.001 soot 40,00
• 'Speoinl Notice's 15 cents per Hue,'
Local 20 cents per line'.• •
me, giving me barely time
,1,,k, 1
and shut the door on his•fron
rgtiess I squeezed the nose
dog. - But the man .ottped iric
five minutes, and then 'Mini
the door and went'away, - ? -
-- •ltt.less than twenty Minute
- Smell pock•marked
red shirt;this time. - Had a
dog that looked as if he had
without an tithbrella When
ing ink. Saysthli victim of
pox You know thatfiog
tised for? jWell,
.here he is.'
• 0 pshaw said r; you k
isn't my dog.' •
'Your name's Quilkain't Ii
It is,' said
" Well, then this hlre - is• 1
He's the ' best ratter you evi
Slings them around like he tirf
himself he does,'and—" •
- Butbe ,is not my deg.' •
And'he' is a bully watch dc
at, him ! Look at him now—hi
ing now ! Why, - kit 'I
watch and watch, until .he g
blind, he will: He'll Watch
If you only-let him. You :n
watcher like him. 1 . guess
chain him up while you go h
the V.'
• -` No you needn't,' igaid
MO brains out if you don't
Well, say, stranger,
strapped to-day . ; jest lend
hlin this morning, will you?
you to-morrow,' , , • -
' See here; now, you just I?: i
here, or I'll take the hide off
said,, for' I began to got ex
• Aw ! you ain't worth a .4
actually ain't,' said the poc!
man, as he walked off; afte
the dog over the head with - •
fence palings, and then p
fingers up to his nose.
Not a minute after, up co II
with a mastiff as big as a sin 3
'Say, boss, I want that iis' :
he remarked, by way of in
the subject.
' Well, you can't get', it, a 1,,
don't leave I'll call the
• - polil
claimed in despair.
'rah him, Zip!' said th
stn. ly, and the dog flew at : c
me win, Mid bit a slice of 411
of my leg, and disfigured ni
life. Then the assissin vti, w
him called him off and t.
laughing. ::
I didn't answer any more
.day, but about four o'clock in
n on I looked out of the sec 4
w ndow, and the yard was f
w th all kinds of dogs. - Bb
iw its dogs ! yellow • dogs,
d s, flea-bitten dogs, dogs
d s without tails, rat ter
pups, poodles, fox hounds,
Newfoundlands, mixed bree u
ers, _setters and _a multitude
Varieties, all growling yelp
lug, snapping and jumping a I
there- wasn't a flown pot le
place, and the noise was wor
menagerie at meal time.
I haven't got my dog yet.
want him either. I I don't
Tiever see another dog betwee
'the silent grave. I only NV's
the dogs from• hero to-Russian
were collected into a Conve
had hold of that man with th
that they might gnaw on hi
hadn't a morsel of meat le
skeleton. That is all I want i
line in this world.
DING TOUR.—While we were making
arrangements 'to pass J the fight' (we -,
cannot say sleep) in the 8101:king car
which carried us from Macon to Mont
gomery, Alabama, - and just as-we had,
begun to wish for a better be , the cars
stopped at a selt station ,• an •a blush-:
lug couple, "bold-olhands," amninto. - -Their appearance as hey stood,
hesitatingly in the doorwa, showed
that meant ` 4 -mischief i ": and were
just starting out on their wed ; ing tour.
-`.`Would you like a berth s r?' said
the lively jolly-faced conduc or of the
miserable sleeping icar. "NO, sir—l
reckon—as may be-- , that iain whetwe
want;" ,stammered the brill groom.-,-
``Haint you got no bridal eh tuber on
this - ero kear ?" •• • -
"Oh, the bridal chamber VI
the conductor, Come this N'
The couple went treroblin,,
the car-to the 4 statejroom; 4 'w
ed about as ranch like a state
a northern sleeping-car - as a
county_, jail appears - like •th
House parlor.
' Does that door shut up ?I
inquired the bridemrobom.
, Oh, yes. See lil4 it slides
Conductor. •
But I'm dogged if I see an
sleep,' suggested the applica
Oh, 'we'll fix - that, if ye I
seated,' said the' conductor,
ti loW,lard sofa on - the oppo
the car," 'close to the head o
tamed cotielL"' 4, 1.
'1" dcn't like it; So there
pered the bride. •
Don't like what?' Said the
won't go no further, I
you keep talking so.'
J What have I done, I'd like tA
You told him you didn'
place to sleep, and I don't thi
usin! me right.'
Well,' •I don't:, see no pl'
neither. If we've got to
away in that 'little hole; Wel
sten' up all night; that's sarti
Let's go back, Johnny ; I
to go any further.' '• • - -
` 9h, no, don't let's; go ba 6:
stick er eout.'
I can't, I won't,.l don't 11.
can't stay here. `t'her'e lots .1
bind those curtains. Vm sic
go no further. Say,johnn
(Y o borne. Do, I want ter so .
And the' fair one 'began to
though her heart would brea
don't cry, •Mollie,
right eout-at .the next place.
hadn't. orter be so fraid 'o
we're married.'
This seemed to quiet her
•at the next station the ad:Hat:,
left the cars; having paid fort,
room ''and WO heard hini,"al
on th e platform outside, rema,
Tl at nr Sleepi'n , ltear was t,
small quarters for marrietili.,
respo , clence of the Poston Tr gl
Henr Ward Be 'cher. soine t
received ',c; letter .froni a .yet•
who recommended. himse:lf
ly as being honest,'and close ,
request. ` Get ' -
"an easy ;
that„honeSty inity, be ,easy
Which Mr. 13eeelier replied,:
Don't Num - editor - if you
easy. - Do not try', the la
School-keeping. Keep out o'
pit: Let alone all ships, sto,
and merChandize., .Abhor H
Keep away from lawyers;
Lice medicine. .:Be not a far
mechanic; 'neither a soldier 1
.or. Don't study. - Don't thinl
- work.. None ' of them are: ea:
, friend, you are in a bard werl
of but one real eaSy place in
that Is the grave;'
- Is easy to sit) ,
easy to posses it.
oitiing 14E4
ER. '
. 1 74110MLDEU.
1112,1 •
18 4:,; (*
-gdito'rial or
get inside
fr of that
:for about
j a brick at
an In a
been out
was raln
now that
Ire dog.=
•r eeen.—
g. took
t' Watch
there' and
Des stone
lan night
ever see a
I'll jest
4 and get
I'll Wit:lw
ire him
a little
five on
I'll pay
t out of
f you,' I
• nt, you
• -marked
no Of my
qing his
es a man
I horse.
was all
d if,you
e,' I ex-
'man, in
s e, threw
uscle out
nose for
o owned ,
snt away
ings that
the after
nd story
1 of men
ek dogs,
ith tails,
lore, bull
s, point
of other
ng, bark-
out until
It in the
e than a
I don't
care if I
this and
that all
t tion, and
until he
on his
the dog
• , •
ayi fir.'
1 through
ieti look
roni on
,eIII hi the
said the
plaee to
b-for the
. will''be
°luting to
:kte side of
our our-
won't, if
• r know?'
t see no
:n4. it was
ace now,
j haft ter
ira afraid
'k. Let's
e ter..
f men be
! . I won't
, let's do
weep as
we'll get
But you
• lks, now
d couples
le ' state
he stood
k that
og goned
IBA Rev.
We since
lug :man,
;ory high
!I 6 T
. - o
Iwould be
I. Avoid
. the pul
: n't prao
er nor a.
le or a sail
-1?. t Don't
, , 0 thy
I !, I know
it. And
of half ea
race; but