El . , sparNta IIA8 . 0:403 AT L'ASTV ~ t_ _ -- , . • II.: ' .1 -.LI: • „ ..,...; . O ne morn in early spring time , , . ,' il . . ERIE 'RAILWAY. ,- , clOse by my open door, , , , - Passed a:haughty, Knight with:anti wy, plumes. lAN and after MONDAY - , April Satb.lB6ll, Trains ri th ow b y•t h e ga rb .- he s i cire - . ,„....- • . ..,.,,, : k.),F. will leave Corning, as tho following hourir yid : _ ''t*hat Ito *was king of the Ntiittlia . Ody .'- '' - ~. 4. , Goma War. , • . , ;' &word° for the icti-bound - chore ' :' ' i a 2,35 a.m., EXPRESS MAIL, Stindays exceptecT;ter„, And I heard.tho t ael ts asuman ' Bu ff alo ! , Dunkirk' and Cleveland; connecting with 8 re° - -° •-•- - 4 ''. ' , ; trains for the West. A Sleeping Coach is attached td 'Ai swiftly , he sped past: ..,..., . . . .• , this train at New York, running through. to Mead; "Patosyell fora season ley - King, - : • ••' ' ; villa withoutichango.. A Illeoping Coach is also at; ' ' Riling Attyb bare come utlast."' - - : : inched at Susquehanna running through to Buffalo - 6,11 a. m, NIGHT EXP., daily for Buttalo,Dualcirk -, - - , - The robi - aa'sand in the piirpte: - ' ' - ' -, Cleveland, Dayton and Cincinnati, making direct - The violids trader - and trut,'• - .' connection with trains of the Grand Trunk hallway laughingly Peeped frOidthefr lonely beds; a t:1 1 0 3 : 1 0 . 0 a Dunkirk a r n k d and it C h lTel ta an k d e , ft h r o a r l e l lt p a ol i n i ta uY W a e t st 4 ant t i ; Gaily the smith triads hlirvi- : -- ' ' .-- -- North-West, and- at Cincinnati with the Ohio and While the min looked 'down in: ifilindor, • ' Mississippi Railway for the South and Sfauth-West. ' Prom skies - of 'azure hno. - ...,. --- . - ' - -7, tam This train maims a direct daily connection with And I beard thll yoke 'of nature', - • - ' . all Lines to the. West and South-West, and le provided Call out as the Knigheefied 'past, '-, - '. '' i with the new and improved Drawing Room Coaches a Pareiv6ll - for it - seivio n,, is king, _! .: ,,._ ocular to the Broad (tango, arranged both for day and ' night travel, running through to Rochester, Buffalo Spring days - hiVe 'come: at last." , ' -.. and Cincinnati, and thus forming the:. ONLY DAILY - , ii: 1). VAX it- --!-:-. . LINE tram New Yorlt,Chicinnati and the South-West, rapping through SOD miles without change. • 6,30 a. zrts NIGHT EXPRESS, Sundays excepted, for Ruda oat* and Buffalo, via Aron. 10,16 a. m., MAIL TRAIN, Sundays excepted; for Bunido and Dunkirk. , 1416 p. en., BALTIMORE ILYPllBSS,Sundaysexcept ed, for RochoCter and Buffalo, via Avon. 7,061). III:, DAY DXPIMS, Suadaya anepted, for Buffalo, Dunkirk, Cleveland, Dayton, Cincinnati, and ' the West and South, connect's at Buffalo, pun kirk and ' Cleveland with the Lake Shore Railway for all points West add North-West ; and at Cincinuatti with rho Ohinand Mississippi/hallway for thaSouth and South . wen, -Sleoping - '_coacpes ; attached'. ha ilia Train at Dortiollivine, -running through_ to Cloveland with • out change. 0 7,10 wm., DAY EXPRESS, Sundays excepted, for Rochester. 1,30 p. in., WAY PREIGIIT, Sundays excepted. -- 5,25 p. m., EMIGRANT TRAIN, daily, for the West. pist Spripgfichi; Y. Y. Causes Influezieing the Yield o' f 1,14 .At a recent meeting-of:the' ConneeW cut- Board :of 'Agriculture, when' the subject of neat cattle was uner discuSs; ion, one farmeri Mr: matte seine very perbinent - remarks regard to the care and mariagernePt'of 'imileh cows. He hada dairy . of ai ir eieWir sows; anti he finds'lhat It is untaritifirt,to, keep his - where they' will"not .be ' dish turbed or'excited.- klegives an instance of the effect "of 'any unusual noise; iri lessening-the quantity of milk; _since it . witTfoUnd that the noise fromooSW lug made them fall :offtwenty quarts, per - day. 'WeiliaVe.O. Odubt, to the triitlf of this statemen t ; , Owe we havb, :repeatedly ObSer'Veil re-f -sults, ju the ; yield of - Milk kern eowS disturbed ay:any - unusual , • - Many. farmers-do not seem' to .under- : stand the 'fact that Aar, -or“riny Undue nervous excitethent, of the • Coa , -; had a overfill influence in -leSsening the quaatity of-her milk, the most ,conirrion•ObserVation sliqui&terieh that 'it' iS sO: -We - have seen. - Men ',used, tO 'stock ,klr-: their liVdS, who - iiitderstsi andepractiee everi - iihry,',:il will not believe in anar.isuch iniluenc at least if their managementofistock be taken as an index.-; We , have- often wondered why men :who • are a. nut'. monk - saving disposition; - and*ould' be shocked to see a pint of milk Spilled.' in the milk houSe, should tillbsy.quartS and gallons to be lost in theli.•tnatlagethent of the herd in the stable, "kicking cows with heavy boots, - striking with stools, and keeping the - mllEl=lBlll a constant strain of nervous excitement ;and. fear. .We have: no doubt that, the .quantity as well as the quantity of •milk' is in fluenced by under excitement and - net . , vouS agitation. Indeed;in Anoi•e' than oneinstnnce haiie we Totliid nflik badly, injured an account of tho:animalboing put in a fright,' and wo tiot see why any extreme agitation of-the cow should not at all times have more Influence on the character of milk which she gives, especially if it. be draWn. during or im mediately after such nervons excite ment: • Whatever views 'may lie taken .upon thisiquestion, it must be obServed that tho* persons who are so careful of their milk stock, keeping the animals quiet, and - having them- familiar so - as to be easily bandied, always succeed best in obtaining extra quantities of dairy pro ducts. ‘Voliave been ahoutagood deal among e ,dairymen and farmers,. and we have yet to learn of any herd producing an extraordinary quantity of milk when the animals were harshly treated or kept in fear (hiring the milking, no matter what the breed Of cows or their extra feed.. We have thilfornily found the best results where the Animals were treated tenderly and no talking or noise allowed in milking.; We hear mush complaint of late years of poor andel stock, bad luck • with herds and low yields of milk, and we are sometimes inclined to believe the fault . P . not so Muchin thelour legged 'beasts,, for it has come to be quite rare that "help" can be employed that will treat stock kindly unless constantly under the master's eye. We. have a state law making itan offence to be caaght-adult crating milk• carried to the factories. Wo need another law making it-a penal offence to be caught abusing mitch stock ;:for if it be true that diseased or bad-milk comes from such abuSe, then the person offending is hi every way as guilty of a crime as he who simply puts water in his milk.— Utica Herald. Key, of tho State Prison and alms house—Whiskey. `Shut s up,'.said the Carpenter to the new door. ' be banged if I do,' was the reply, What does a telegraph operator do when he receives the heads of impor tant news ? Waits for fie tails, of bourse. A girl in Wisconsin swallowed forty ',percussion caps, Her mother refrained from spanking her for fear of an ex plosion. ' A Salt Lake paper finds : fault with Prighatu Young for selecting the eagle for his emblem, because that royal bird is a strict monogamist.' A citizen of Cairo, Illinois, has inven, ted a spring to be attached to the feet, by means of which a person is relieved of the labor of walking to a great ex tent. He claims his invention will enable a man to walk ten miles per hour with ease. To cleansestone or earthen jars that have becomelrancid with lard or butter; fill them with fresh earth and lot it re main in them two or three weeks. If the cleanshig is not perfect, repeat the operation. At no moment of difficulty thies a husband, knO*lng his own utter help lessness, dra, so closely to his wife's side for comfort and assistance, as when he wants a button seined on his Shirt collar. - • A lady acquaintance, has had five chil dren, all of whom had red heads.- As both herself and husband are similarly afflicted, she has wisely concluded that it is redheditary (hereditary} ,in the To destroy lice and other - vermtin ou poultry, damp the skin •uuderi the feathers with water, thou sprinkle a little sulphur on the skin. Let the bird be covered with insects or par4ites, they will disapear in the cour4e of twelve hours. , But if 1" put my money in the isav- . ings bank,' inquired one of the nolly arrived when can I draw it out again?' 'Oa,' replied his Hibernian friend, put it in to-day, you sure, and if ye can get it out to-morrow by giving a fortnight's notice.' !, 1 Josh Billings, with characteristic non sensieal common sense, remarketh: There is lots Of folks in, this world, who, rather than not find any fault at all, wouldn't hesitate to say to an angle worm that his tail was altogether tow long for his body.' A-little youngster, two and one-half years old, who had heard some com plaint in the family about pegs in shoes' hurting the feet, approached his moth ,er the other day, with his lingers in his mouth, and said Mamma, me dot pegs tumming in my mouf, and ?ley hurt me.' And sure enough the little fellow WAS cutting two or three •ni e teeth. , Josh Billings says : ' Yon ain't oblig . - 4 to ask a gal's mamwy if you may go home with her froth a partee •, git the g; p korroent, and sail in ; its Proper e 1 off to st§k her to take yore arm, \ but ' m nd you, you have got .uo rit e to put . yore um around her waste unless you meet a hear on the rode, v.nd theu you and bopild to take yore arna away Scat liS )30Q,11 as the bear gets in4fely by., 11=Z113!E '+ : II,IIILWAYATIKE. GOING EAST 4,36 a.' connectingAT EXPRESS, Mondays , cepted, at 'Elmira. fdeCanottdalgrut„ ,l 4 Owego for Ithaca, at Binghamton for Syracuse, at Great Bead for Scranton, at Lackawaxon for Hones dale at 411fddletowil for Unionville,' at Goshen for Montgomery, at Greycourt for Newburg and War, wick, and at Jersey City with afternoon and evening• trains at New Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia, Bain more and Washicgten. 10,35 a. m., ACOMMODATION TRAIN, daily, con. netting at Owego for Ithaca. 11,56 a. m., !DAY EXPRESS; Sundays excepted, connecting at Waverly for Towanda, at Binghamton for Syracuae, at Great Bend for Scranton, at Lacka waxen for Honesdale, at Middletown for Unionvillo, and at Jersey Gity with midnight express train of New Jersey Rail oad for Philadelphia. , • 2i25. p. - m., LTIMORE EXPRESS. • Sianditis. ex, Mae& t 426 pi.m, NEW' YORK AND BALTIMORE MAIL, elm days excepted, connecting at Eilmlra for Ilanan daigng, and at Waverly for Towanda. 7,52 p. m., LIGHTNING EXPRESS, Daily, connect. Ing at Elmira for Williamsport, Harrisburg and the South, and at Jars)! City with morning express train of ,New Jersey Railroad, for Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. • - 1240 P. / 11 .> WAY FREIGHT, Sundays excepted. , air revised and complete "Pocket Timo Table" of Passenger Trains on the kirk Railway and connecting Lines, has recently been published, and can bo procur ed on application to,tho Ticket Agent of the Company WM. U l . BARR, 11. RIDDLE, biou'l Pass. Agoit. • ' Octet Sup't. Northern Centralm.lL - TRAINS NOR THE NORTII. Trains for Canaildaguia leave Elmira as follows: Acsomodatiou at 6 20 a m Exptesa [fast* trqtu on / rand) Mall - ' • ' Way Fretglit o [passonger coach attached] ...... 00 ts m On and after Apr. 25, 1869, trains will arrive and depart from Troy, as follows; LEAVE NO,RTIIIVA.RI). 0 27 P. m.—Daily (except SimiJaye) for Elmira, Dutra— lo, Canandaigua, Itoeheator, Snap. Bridge and the Cumulus, 10 55 a: m.—Dally (except Sundayn) fur Elmira and Buffalo, yla Brio Railway from Elmira. - • LEAVE SOUTHWARD. 524 A. tn.—Daily (excopt SOndays) tot' Bulthnoro tYualdngton, Philadelphia, &c. 983 P. nt.—Daily (except. &Maya) for Baltimore, `Washington and Philadelphia. ALFRED R. FISKE% III), S. YOUNG Gon'l Supt. Harriobnyg, Blossbnrg & Corning, &iTioga R. R tutins will run as follows until fifillior notice: Accoontnoilatiou—Leaveslllossburgt 0,16 a. tn., Maus- Bold at 7,05, Tioga at 7,41, Lawr ncovillo at 8,20-- arriving at Corning at 9,32 a.m. 111 Mail—Loaves DiOsaburg at 3,00 p. in.,Mansflolil at 3,40, Tioga at 4,18,1 Laivroticovillo at s,oo—arriving at Corning at 6 p.m. Mail—Lmiyoli Corning at 8,00 a. ni., Lawroncevilleat .9,03, Tiogaut 0,45, Alancilold at 10,22—arriving at Blocs-burg at 11,00 a. m. Accurrtrucklation—Loavel Corning at 2,40 p. ru, Lass" Vlet:Milo at 3,52 Tioga at 4.46; Mansfield at 5,30-: arriving atßtossburg at 6,15 p. L .11 . 8115.TVICK,Srip' t • Philadelphia & Erie U. R. nn nn4 niter ,tyz.W", LUCID trruitan on thin ICOlla WI/ run na followg : WESTWARD. Mail Train leaves Phileidelphia " " " Williamsport arr. at Erie Erie Express leaves Philadelphia It 61 " 'Williamsport •' •' arr. at Erie - Elmira Mail leaves Philadelphia " • Williamsport " arr. at Lock Raven EASTWARD. Mail Train leaves Erie 11.16 a m " " " Williamsport 12.20 a m " 4 6 arr. at Philadelphia 9;25 a m Erie Express leaves Erie 0.25 p m " ." " Williamsport 7.60 a m " " • arr. at Philadelphia 4.10 p m Mall and Express connect'vrith Oil Creek nia'h Alle gheny River ltail Road. Baggage ChecUedThrough. ALFRED L. TYLER, Oen'l Bup't. Atlantic and Gra BALAUANC WETTWLED Bowen, , FABTWARD BOUND, Mall 6.30 Express 6.10 AcCommodation 6,35 Nail 6.51. _Express 12.19 Accommodatimi, 11.46 Express 11.00 Expresa 6.10 At Cory there Is a Junction' with tho Philadelphia & Erlo, and Cil Crook Rail Roads. At with tho Franklin and 041 City and Pltholo Branch. . . At Loailttabnrgo the Itlahoniny Branch makes a di. rest route to Cleveland. At: Ravenna connects with Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad. The Road passes through Akron, Ashland, Callon, Marlon, Urbana and Dayton, intersecting various rail- roads, and terminates at Cincinnati. L. D. RUCKER, Gen: Snpt., Meadville, l'a STOVES, STOVES, STOVES. ROBERTS & BAILEY, [lnto Wm. Roberta,] Agora for all first-class Stoves, Main :Street& Wellsboro, Penn'a H ' AVING been appointed. agent for all first , class Stoves man ured by Shear, Pack ard-et Co., of Albany, N. Y. lam now ready ( to furnish_ thefollowi»g named Motivated Stoves COOKING STOVES, AMERICAN,NATIONA L, HOME COMPANION , I MONITOR. THE 13EN);`,,FACTOR, I• the latter of which is the hest stove for common use over in market; being cheap, well made, find convenient. 1 have also, a variety of ELEVATES OVENS, PARLOR STOVES, OAST IRON, various patterns, SHEET IRON, Self RegulatOrs ALSO—Stoves Suitable for burning haid or soft coal, will bo furnished to, ordor. Customers will do well to examine tuyl istock, which is as full and well ticketed as any in Northern Penn sylvania. I have also put in a full stock of MlELleciwsFtre of all sorts. Thankful for liberal patronage in the past, I rerspectfullS , solicit ti continuance of the same. May 10, 1889. 'ROBERTS & BAILEY. HARNESS - SHOP GW. 14. 1 / 4 VLE, would say to his frictids . that his 'Harness Shop is now in fullblast, and that he is prepared to furnish heavy or light X-Xsainri.gasewasi,_ on short notice,ln a good and substantial man ner, and at prices that can't fail to suit. , The best Nvork`nien aro employed, and none but the best material used. Call and ,see. Deo, 9, 1.865-Iy. G. W. NAVLE." New Tannery. MBE undorsigued has fitted up tho old Foll7lr dry building, near the Brewery; Wolisboro, and is now prepared to turn out fine calf, hip, oowhido, and, harness loather in the best man ner. Bides tanned on shares. Cash paid for. hides. , M. A. DURIF. Wellaboro, Oct. 14, 1868. CARD PRINTINU—at Now' York pricoa,in Colors or plain, and out to suit orders, at Tna AGITAIOII 09PIOZ; M== 12 20 p in 7 10 ki in lon'l Pass. A g't . Baltimore, All ..10.45 p m . 845 am . 9180 p m 11.60 noon . 8.60 p m 10.00 a m . 8.00 a m 8.10 p m . 7.45 p so t Western R• W A STATION EISENTEMI 01 , 10 , AA:ATER TBE sussoitfpplt, having established Mtn. elfin the . :,,BAKINq BUSINESS.. 11 --- ;" -s itiv-- , 41r, next door to B. R. Kimball's Grocery, is *PrePliretrftg:Catir on the business in all its various branches. I will keep con: stautly,on s. hand - an assortment. of !read, such LOAF BREAD, BOSTON :,CRACKERS, GRAHAM ~,BREAD, ',.BUTTER. CRAOKERS,< - 'l3 R OWN, R E D,,1% 6 , 1 A'T E CRACKERS; :SUGAR CRA.OKERS, . • • DYSPEPS/AAND 1-SODA BISCUITS, -.; OYSTER CRACKERS, CAKES, • .. PIES, AND;YAUNCH, 'at all hours of the day, Saudays "ex‘cepted. ' By Strict attention to, business Anil endeaior to merit the POUG I*KT/E5. 43 • , CsakB. STI;Vmr4S. Wellshoro; juue. 24, •1888.' ' 3 NRW' NVINTVIR GOODS. TOLES. 44 ~BARKER, (N.O. 5, ,I(NION. BLOCK.) WOULD say to their friends and the public, generally, that they arc. now receiving a splendid assortment of Winter DRY GOODS. such ua SHEETINGS; SHIRTINGS,. 'PRINTS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VEST PUS, READY MODE CLO THING; 'HATS . CAPS; BOOTS AND SIOES, -; fa , • 1 `r. 'als o. large and well Bele ted stook of • • CROCKERY; HARDWARE, /WOODEN WARE, STONE WARE, KERO SENE OIL, PAINTS & OILS, • SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES, SYRUPS, MOLASSES, ETC,. DTC., ETC. Wo are able to offer our: oustomere 'the benefit of ,tho • '• '' LAST DECLINE OF PRICES twill° New York Market, our Stook - • having Loon purehasad'iluce the great deelitie in Goode. • Nov.'2ollEB & BARKER 'Wellsboba; . 18, 1868. NATIONAL MR INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE UNITED STATES .OF AMERICA, SWASUINaTON, D. C Chartered by Specil Act ofOongrese APPROVED Juiv 25, 1868. Cash Capital. $1,000,000, PAID IN PULL BRANCH OFFICE drat National Bank Building, PHILADELPHIA, Where all Correspondence sbonld be Addressed , OFFICERS CLARENCE H. CLARK ' President. Jr.k COOKE, Chairman Finance Qc EiecutiveCom. HENRY D. CooKE, Vico-President. ExErtsom W. PEET, Scoretaryand Actuary. B. S. RUSSELL, Manager. Ciroulara. pamphlets, and full particulars giv en on application to the Branch Office of the Company, or to It. C. SIMPSON, WELLsaorto, by whom applicatiobs will be received and Poli cies procured for Tioga County. Dec. 9, 12.68-ly. House and Lot for Sale. TTOUSE and Lot, and vacant lot for sale, cheap. Location Wellsboro,,and desirable. Inquire at the Agitator Office. Oct. 28, 1868—tf. To Lovers of Good Oitoek. 1 . STILL continuo to keep my Alderney Bull I for improvement of Milking Stock. Ile will be part of a season in Middlebury, and balance, of the time at ‘Vellsboro. I have for Sale, 1 Devon bull, pure blood, 2 years old. Also 2 grade Alderney IBulls, ' blood, I year old. I would call attention to my Chester County White Boars—Unole Sam and Young America. Uncle Sam will remain at Middlebury—Young America at Welleboro. Those wishing good Stock ploaso give me a L. 0. BENNET. IVellaboro, May 5, 1859—if. _L Farm, for Salo. ITUATED 'on Elk Run, Gaines township, containing 126 acres, 60 tiaras improved.— Said farm is well watered, has a frame house and barn and a choice apple orchard, and is well adapted to dairying purposes. Title good and terms easy. Inquire of 'Win. U. Smith, Wells hero, or L. L. RUSSELL, Delmar. . Sept, 23,1868. At Woods Orallery - -I Gem Pictures for 75 cts.,. All Styles of work cheaper than elsewhere. Call and Tan. 20, 1859-if. ANOT HER NEW AND LARGE STOCK OF ALBUMS, Just received by P. R. Williams 6: Co. The greatest and cheapest variety ever brought into. town. Albums from 75 cts.,to $2O each. Call and see. - P. R. WLLIAMS ilts CO. Wellsboro, Doc. 23, 1868. DENTISTRY. --- DR C' 1d DARTT, & Co. tom stilt continue the business of "'SIMS 'Dentistry in WeHeber° where they respectfully solicit the patronage ofall who need, or desire the services of a Dentist. Having been for tho past fourteen years engaged in Dentistry exclusively, they feel cOntident of giving perfect atisfaction all operations intrusted to their care. Special attention given to thetreatMent of car ies, irregularities,_ exposed nerves, ulceration, and intimation of the gums, and all other dis eases to which the tooth and gums aro subject. ,Rr - First Class - Work guaranteed in both me chanical and operative Dentistry. Gas and 'Ether given for extracting teeth. ' AD- OPPIOE over Book and Jewelry Store. Wellsboto. Fob. 24,1869.—tf. For Sale AMason Hamlin Cabinet Oogan. Five Octave Single Reed, for cash or on time.— Inquire of J. B. Shakespeare, over John it, Bowen's Store. April 7, 1899—tf. 1 - 6060`, :t01i44,.(4.:Wwil Tan .iirO.Teaelk; call-Cloth; 'Casolmeros, Flannels, its.; dro., for Wool.— They,also manufacture lie TO ) ORDER, OR ON. SEaRES,I to cuilionaers: An ,work' iiterianted is rep. reeented. They., inrito pqrtioular attention tholr 'Water' Prep, •, . . I. whibh are warreno4 in every .reipeet. Pardon. lar ittentien itiyen to - - ROLIrOARDING, & 0/0111-DRESSING; - • Twenty years experience-in the induces War.. rants them in expecting ' tt -, generne patronage. ''No shoddy Oaths mad/. Deriano.4izt.Wellaboro o 4re agents for he ergo our.dlothe - Joggpn INGEAII4 SONS. • ; Deerfield, iday 4868-tf. , SANIN,GS BANK. GARDNEAYS ; GROCERY - AND PROVISION STORE. rILD sayinAthat a penny laved le a penny banied,justifles GARDNER in naming hia establishment a Savings Bank. Economy is Wealth, said some old chap whose name?. have forgotten;, -and it is economy to`trado where the SLAUGHttR of high prices is being prosecuted with vigor and without _reprieve. I can to,ll Sugars, Teas, Mci lasses, Fish, Pork, Flour, Corn Meal, Coffeei, Canned Fruits, Spices, and everything intended for family use, giving the buyer the benefit OF THE. fall of the markets, an advantage duly appre ciated by ovorybody,excopting only those verdant • INNeoII1 1 1 1 S who prefer PROMISING TO PA Y one bun= drail per cent. profits to the seller, to PA ma twenty-five per cent. cash do delivery of the goods.' I shall offer my atonic of goods at fair prises ' ' • ' • EVERY :MONDAY, ' , . EVERY TUESDAY, EVERY W EDNESDAY, • EVERY THURSDAY, EVERY FRIDAY, • AND EVERY ',SATURDAY, and fill up as fast as I sell one. Wollaboro, June 12, 1868. Tilt CHURCH UNION, Th"paper has boon recently enlarged to mammoth 'proportions. - IT niinriddialitix =MIMI PAPER IN rira wenn., Is the leading organ of the Union Move. mont, and opposes ritualist% close communion, ex clesivenese and • church canto. It IS the only paper ,that publishes Denry"Ward .Beeeher's Serthone, Which it'does every week,,inat as' they iiro"deliveied,-- with out qualification or correction by him. , It advocates universal suffrage; a union of Christians at the polls ; and the rights of labor. It has the best Agricultural sb ^ rYFdTdi"fhli"rnBniy, - itlidToifthl3tleStrußtYeri of eth-Cria evils, Its editorial management is impersonal; its writers and • editors are from every branch of the church, and from every grade of society.' ID has been aptly termed the freest organ of thought in the. World. Such a paper, offering premium' of flawing Ma chines, Dictionaries, Appleton'', Cyclopedia, Pianos, Organs for Churches, etc, makes one of the best pa pers for canvassers In the world. Every Congregation may obtain a Communion Ser. vico,an Organ, a Melodeon, a Bible, era Lifo Insurance Polity for its Pastor, or almost any other needful thing, by a club of subscribers. Send fora copy, enclosing 10 cents, to lIHNRY E. CHILD, r‘ 41 Pang Row; Nte? YoRE. - , - r 8. Subscriptions received akthis office. 11. Krusen. W. J. Kneen F. D. Pease. R. KRUSEN & CO., WESTFIELD, PA:, . WOULD announce to the public that they are now receiving a full and complete as sortment of DRY GOODS, Notionf d Carpets, rurs,,,Hats, Caps, Boots, • Shoes, Groceries, Provisicrnsi Crockery, Hardware, Stoneware, &c. • which they are prepared to oil for cash, or ex change far Country Produce; at rates which defy competition. Westfield, Dee. 2, 1868—tf TNEMORES'IV MONTHLY MAGAZINE universally acknowledged the Model Parlor Magazine of America, devoted to Original Stories, Poems, Sketches, Household Matters . . Gems of Thought, Personal and Literary Gossip (including special departments on Fashions), Instructlods on health, Mush; Amusements, etc., by the best duthors, and profusely Illustrated with costly Engravings, useful and reliable Patterns, Em. , brolderies, and a constant ancceision of artistic novel. ties, with other useful and entertaining literature. ' No person of refinement, economical housewife, or lady of taste can afford to do without thellodel Month. ly, apecfraen copies 15 cents, mailed free, Yearly, $3, with a valuable premium . ; two copies, $5,50; three copies, $7,60 five copies sl2;and splendid premiums for clubs ; a.ls3 each,_ with the first premiums to each subscribeh laTt'..A. now Bartrata k Fanton Sewing Ma chine for 20 subscribers at Peach. Publication Of 838 Broadway, Now York. Demorest's Monthly and Young America togothor $9. with tho premiums for each, DEMOREST'S Young America, Enlarged. It la the bout Juvenile Magazine. Every Boy and Girl that sees It says so, and Parente and Teachers confirm it. Po not fait to Bemire a copy. A good Microscope, with a Glass Cylinder to confine living objects, or a good two-bladed, pearl Pocket-knife, and a large num ber of other desirable articles, given ns premiums to each subscriber. Yearly, $1..50. Publication °Mee, 838 Broadway, New York. -Try it, Boys anti Girls. Specimen copies, ten cents, mailed free. TILE LARGEST STOCK OF • gaiIT'CIoNTIPSI I • ri zic it a t f o ou sa n o t kd and the Cheapest place 4,13 Agent for L. BOLLES-& CO'S HOSE, . Binghamton, N. ELMIRA SAW FACTORY,. - Elmira, N. Y. STOVES SOLD ON TIME. Mansfield, Nov. 28,1868-Iy. G. 8... KIFF. H. H. WOOD. irk R. WILLIAMS & CO., have got the best, Jr - . largest and cheapest stook of Drugs, med icines, Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuff, Brushes, Varnishes, Glass, Petty,' 'Yankee No tions, Perfumery, Toilet Soap, Fishing Tackle, &a., tice., over brought into this county. They will positively sell everything in theirlineoheap er than can be honght elsi3where. They bought their goods in largo quantities and for nett cash, and can and will sell cheaper than any other es tablishment in this county. Call and examine stock and prices. P. R. WILLIAMS do CO. May 9, 1868. No,S, Union Block. A. 3. THOMPSON, [IANSFIELD PA] BLACKSMITH, has two fires, and is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line withproMp6 nose, and in a workmanlike manner. Heaimee at excellence in his trade. ~ Blansteld Jane 8,18884 y. . ..,,,, .: „„,..:J., ~t _ ),,,,, Manted• EMI 041001a11111210 0 Mill OTHER WLSE Ifia.:sol L. A: GARDNER. YES 1 YES I YES I MORE NEW' GO'01)S! •Bowen, TS now receiving a largo and pamploo I..tnent of Pall 44•Wintar • • •'. Goods, ;tight shoe the late. decline in prices in Nei , rk, oonelethig of . roe,eries; Hats & Cap', Boots ez Shoes, AkrithEg.: NOTIONS, 4SGo. i ll ,—Poitioola attention;ti Invited to our Stook of Zik.lDlt SZMIISM o=o • . .- - AND TRIBiIViiNGS), • Elaiters and Hoop - Skirts.; also a nice line of TEAS, New. Crop, very Line at rcd.uced prices, fl4O, asvortmoot of Ladles PIIRS, Vary cheap, al of.whioh will be sold at the very lowest -mar ko prices. We respectfully invite all to call and examine my stook before purchasing elsewhere./ Remember, EFripire Store, No.l Won Block. Weillabor°, Oot. 21,1888: Nob , is Your - Time Buy!, • • 1101AVING,more goods •than is necessary for _ILL this market, I My entire stook of r r WATORES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, • PLATED WARE, .AND PAN ', CY ,CfQODS;''AT COST. O.G. Clocks at $3,60. dOthic' 8,63. : I Cottage " . . 1,70. American Watches in Silver (Wilting Cases at $l9. Pinar Movement -, in hoavior Cneos, at cor-' rspondlagly low prlcor Plato Ware nt Man. fnettirers' prices. tHIS IS NO HUMBUG BEN A VER ITABLE: SALT.' 1 'Can }ma Bp. yourUoir Wollsborb, Xpril . 22,. 'ls VOLEY. StOlies & Ware FOR TIKE MILLION Good pooplo all, beth great and email —if you ant to keep PE4CE IN TILE yon mist have enough to eat, dry woos, a good wife, well-behaved children, and to crown all, a TIP TOP COOKING STOVE! • DNAttifitilsveznimix,oB4,4„trapt y to ,Wollsboro, and its name is tho HOME COMPANION ; ontsillibanda admitted to be equal to any in the world. TIN WARE MADE TO ORDER, promptly,and warranted to give satisfaction. REPAIRING executed in the best manner and with dispatch. HALL AND SEE ME, Wellaborough, Nov. 21,1887. Lots of Fresh Ground . FOR $7,00, at • T. L. BALDWIN dr, CO. Tioga, Feb. 3, 1869. WANTED— • ASH LOGS, at our Mill. Cash paid for thou]. Wo aro ready to saw for customers. Bring on your logs. Lath and pickets always on hand. D" Ash logs must be 12 or 14 feet long. BOWEN & TRUMAN, Wollsboro, Doo.lo, '6B.tf TO LAWYERS— , j_ BANKRUPTCY BLANKS, ln full oats, at YOUNG'S BOOKSTORE. . WASHING MACHINE. JAB. M. WILKINSON, of Charleston,having purohaaed the right to make and vend the H. P. Jones Washing Machine in Tioga County, hereby gives notice that the machines are being made at Van Horn's Cabinet Factory, We!ldiom where they may be procured. The best, cheapest, and most sensible machine over invented. 'Juno 24,1888—tf. Paint for 'Farmers an/lOthers, THE GRAFTON hIINERAL PAINT CO. are now manufacturing the Best, Cheapest a l l d most Durable Paint in use; two coats well put on, mixed with pure Linseed Oil, will last 10 ,1.15 rears J . it is of alight brown or beautiful gifiseelate color, and can be ohaidged to green, leo4l, etcin ; • rab, olive or cream, to suit the taste of the eons= : . It is valuable for Rouses, Bards, Fences, Carr a ‘ .nd Car makers, Pails and Wooden-ware, Agricu .-, Implements, Canal Boats, Vessels and Ships' Bo .1. s Cato , Vas, Metal andßbingle Roofs, (it being Fire . = • Water proofs,) Floor Oit Cloths, (one manatee (urer having vied 5,000 bbls. the past year,) and and as a paint for any purpose is unsurpassed fir body, durability, elasticity and adhesiveness.— Price $6 per barrel of 300 lbs., which will supply a farmer for years to come, Warranted in all pesos as above. Send for a circular which gives full particulars. None genuine unless branded in a trade mark, Graufton Mineral Paint. Per sons an orde: the Paint and remit the money lon r celpt of the goods. Address DANIEL BIDWELL, J no 8,1808-em 254 Pearl St, New York. if CASH Paid FOR HIDES, by M. A. DIIRTF. Welleboro, Deo. 18, 1888.tf 200 Bushels Timothy Seed. 100 bushels Cloversoe.d, choicest kirids , WRIGHT it BAILEY. AM PAID POR WOOL, BUTTER AND 11 OHREBE, by - O. L. WILLCOX. June 17,1888. maw 112211 #". SELL 1.9 OUR - 13,USINESS AITE' will: buy '1 IF • - the hawk, SWEEP PELTS, DEACON SKINS, DEER' SKINS, ``FURS,' HIDES, AND VEAL _ far - which ire will pay c a s h: . Wo,w/if manufacture to order;Fieneh or, home lapsed cIALF or, XL? BOOTS, in the best man ner and at fair ratss, , and pay ospeolal attention AO REPAIR:ING. ' READY-MAIM WORK, on which we will not be oPilersold, and from this time we shall make it a point to keep op the boat stock of • LADIES' ..GAITERS • • to bp found in the 'mnty, which we will soli at a 'a low profit than such articles have ever been 'offered in this region, We shall 11kOWIso keep _up a good assortment , of LADIES' BALMORALS," LEATHER :_BOOTEES, CHILDREN'S - AND , • MISSES WORK or VA RIOUS STYLES, an(A ! styles of MEN'S WORK. • LEATHER 4 FINDINGS eau be bought of us as cheap as anywhere thjs side of New York, and we shall keep a fall stook of • FRENCH CALF,. FRENCH KIP, UP PER, SOLE, LININGS, AND,I BINDING. Our stock of PEGS, NAILS, THREAD, AWLS, RASPS,• GLOVERS' NEEDLES, LASTS, • TREES, CRIMP S, with 'SHOEMAKER'S TOOLS and FINDINGS, will be found the lar gest in the county, and we fell for entail profits, -.We talk business and we mearrbusiness. We have been in this region long enough to be well known—let those who know us try us. Corner of Main and Grafton streets, opposite Wm. Rob arts' Hardware Store, C. W. SEARS, 'HARPER'S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE This most popular Monthly in tho world.—N. Y. Observer. We must refer in terms of eulogy to the high tone and varied excellences of Ilarper'S Magazine —a journal with a monthly circulation of i%bont 170,000 copies—in whose pages are to be found some of the choicest,liglA and steriond al Niro :speak 01 tnis work as an evidence of the culture of the American People; and the popularity it has acquired is merited. Each Number contains fully. 144 pages of reading matter, appropriately illustrated with good wood outs; and it combines in Itself the racy monthly and the' more philosophical quarterly, blended with the host features of the daily journal. It .bas great power in the dissimination of a love of :pure literatnro.—Teabaerts Guide to American Literature, London. Wo can account for its success only by the simple fact that it meets precisely the popular taste, furnishinda variety of pleasing and in structive reading for all.—Zion's Herald, Boston. "A. Repository of Fashion, Pleasure and Instruction." H ARPER'S BAZAR. , A supplement containing numerous full-sized patterns of useful articles accompanies the paper every fortnight, and occasionally an elegant col ored fashion plate. Harper's Bazar contains 16 folio pages of am size of Harper's Weekly, printed on' superfine calendered paper, and is published weekly. Critical Notices of the Press. • Harper's Bazar contains, besides pictures, pat terns, etc., a variety of • matter of especial use and interest to the family; articles on health, dress, and housekeeping in all its branches. ? its • editorial matter is specially adapted to the circle it is intended to interest and instruct; and it has taltttf.V2 Ist merit. It is not surprising that the journal. with such features, has achieved in a short time an immense success; for something of its kind was desired in thousands of families, end its publishers have filled the demand.-.-N. Y. Evening Poet. Whether we consider its claims as based upon the elegance and superiority of the paper, its typographical appearance, the taste and judg ment displayed in the engravings, or she literary aontributions contained in its pages, we unhesi tatingly pronounce it to bo superior in each and every particular to any other similar publication here or abroad.--Phil's Legal Intelligeneer. Harper's Magazine, one year, $4,00. Harper's Weekly, one your $4,00. Harper's Bazar. one year, $4,00. An extra copy of either the Magazine, Weekly or Bazar Will be supplied gratis for every Club of Five Subscribers at $4;00 each, in one remittance; or Six copies for $2O. Subscriptions to. Harper's Magazine, Weekly and Bazar; to one address for one year, $10; or two of Harper's periodicals, to one address for ono year, $7. Back numbers con be supplied at any time: Thirty•seven volumes of the Magazine, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, freight at expense of purchaser, for $2,25 per volume.— Single volumes, by mail, postpaid, ti 3. Cloth cases, for binding, 58 cents, by mail, postpaid. The annual Volumes of Harper's Weekly, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, free of expense, for $7 each. Humor, vAtom.._ on 0000ipt of clash at the rate of $5,25 per vol., freight at expense of purchasor. Vol. XII, ready Jan. Ist, 1889. Postage on Harper's Magazine, 24 cents a year, and on Harper's Weekly and Harper's Bazar, .21/ cents each,. to be paid at:the subscriber's post office. D. P. ROBERTS. AirSabsoriptions sent from British North American Provinces must be aceompanied with 20 cents addition, to prepay 'United States post tage. Address, HARPER du BROTHERS, Now York. "A complete Pictorial History of the Times." "The best, cheapest, and most success ful Family Paper in the Union," TTATPER'S WEEKLY.-SPLENDIDLY IL ii L'USTRATED. Tho Model Newspaper of our country—coca plate in all the departments of an American Family Paper—llarpor'e Weekly has earned for itself a righe to its title, itik Journal of Oivilia ation."—N. Y. Evening Poet. Our future historians will enrich themselves out of Ilarpore's Weekly long after writers, and printers, and publishers are turned to dust.—N. Y. Evangelist. The best of its class in America.—Roston Tra eller. larpor's Weekly may be unreservedly declar e the bast newspaper in America.—The inde p it,N questions which ap rheenartio.lo/. 8 upon public ' pdar in - Harper's Weekly frail week to week form a temarkable series of brief political essays. They aro distinguished by clear and pointed statement, by good common sense, by independ ence and breadth of view. They are the express ion of mature conviction, high principle, and strong feeling, add Ake their place among the best newspaper writidg of the time.—North A merican *evict°, Barton. To Owners of Horses and Cattle. rrOBIAS' DERBY CONDITION POWDEIIS ARE warranted superior taint) , others, or no pay, for the cure of Distemper, Worms, Dote, Coughs, Hide. bound,Colds, &c., In Horses; and Colds, Coughs, Doss of Milk, Bloc% Tongue, Horn Distemper, •&c., in Cat• tie. They are perfectly safe and innocent; no need of stopping the working ofyour animals, They incronee thoappetlte, give a fine coat, cleanse the stomach and urinary organs; also increase the milk of cows. Try them, and you will never be without them. Hiram Woodruff, the celebrated trainer of trotting horses, lies used them for years, and recommends them to Ills de. Col. Philo. P. Bush, of the Jerome Race Course, ' them, N. Y.; would not use them until he was told of w ey are composed, since which he is never without then o ban over twenty running horses In his charge, arid for last three years has used no other medicine for them. as kindly per mitted me to refer any one to him. Over , other references can be aeon at the depot. Sold by Drug and Saddlers. Price 25 cents per box. Depot, 65 Cortlaudt Street,New York, (Feb. 19] THE Subscriber, being about to go west, of fers for sale at a groat bargain to the pur chaser, the following property, to wit : One bun dred acres of land; situate about 4 miles South, west of Westfield Boro, on Potter Brook Road— seventy-five acres improved, the balance good hemlock and hard timber, with good sugar bush, good apple orchard, good frame barn and log house thereon. The• farm is well adapted to harying purposes, having a plenty of living wa✓ der on all parts. For terms, call on the subset:lp bar on the promises, or address him at Westfield, Tioga Co., Pa. Oct. 7, 18118. WILMIM E Bli JOB -WORK, IN THE BEST STYLI', and withdeopstoh,e eTKE AO/TATO QWoe. NEW - FIRM: tAtie highest markit price, es/articles. - • .'• We keYe'a first-rate stook of GEO. 0. DERBY. Welleboro, April 24, 1887—tf. Critkal Ihtkes of the Ps•eB Critical Notices of the Pea Farm for Sale 1 ILUILE:•HREG - ITOBIL CORNING, N. Y. D. E L GI D B O, A LID MEDICINES, PAINTS TrIA I: el DEUS' DAVIDE!" INKS,, KEITH'S NOENTRATED MEDICINES, lIIEDELL'S 'FLUID , TRACriS,• • B UR ETT'S COCOAINE, FLAVORING TRACTS, KEROSENE LAMPS, ATENT MEDICINES, ROOLI ESTER PERFUMERY AND FLAVORING EXTRACTS, WALL I'APER, WINDOW GLASS, WRITEWASEI' LIME & AND DYE COLORS, AGENTS FOR IFIARVIN & CO'S RE- FINED OIL . . Sold at Wholesale Prices. Buyers are requested to cull nd 'get quotations befcire going further I=lll W. D. TERBELL & CO Corn jag, N.Y., Jan. 1,1868--1 y 1869. FOR SALE. 1869. B. 0. WICKHAM, AT HIS NURSERY OF FRUIT AND OR NAMENTAL TREES, IN TIOGA 60,000 Apple Trees. 10,000 Pear Trees. A .ILeoLl dupply of PLUM, PEACH, CHERRY, and ORNAMENTAL TREES A SHRUBBERY. Th Fruit trims are 'composed of the choicest it aerie ies, good, healthy, sorno of theta large and in. bering. Any ante wishing to got 'a supply t will o well to cull med. see my stock before pur t chasi g elseivbere. j 74.- Delivered at the depot frocref charge. Tioga,Tob. 28, 1888-Iy* . . ......,-..—....-......—.....--........—......., '............,...._ c1 c 2 . 4 ' 4 ' - '5l - - I ftelF.,. ") i.,' P ' - ' t ,''' i k a. r e :-- ; • i---4 tet , , ; 0 a, - :.-,', f", z , li . •)'' u' 0 C,,' -.-: 0 :.' IA pens s 4 a 11/ 11 - , c) m .- n P- . ttl k - ..4 eel 0 ( - ) c, n [0 5 . - 0 C 0 : :'. :‘ b C tg u ANL Cr ..--".. W g 5. .e . 1 . ttl ~, ' 24 , ..r...1 0 . it Ai. - la Mu' ill tl` - ' t z i Ilm ° '' 0 8 p F--1 'Z tl k l 'i VI P I .te, > •S - ' 'XI 1.11 t.l i 4 ,• - - 0 gn, , , Si 0 1 0 , x , 0 i I I ti I I 1 ;°- 0 , ';ii ,i 4: 4,1 , t..,_,. t ., 1 0:a • , ti 7 " i by . 42 ' LI ..90 t (;' 0 .4-0 G' g n i 2, 0 i 8 112 , ,v, p cw. ; . ~. Nali sz . 5 Cf 3 0 2 M g - --;..,- r 1 3 P i t g's R S- P.Z.- .oaP cpi.: ow. ~.5 g p ?, go a ,i. 4 4 ......, . - 1 7 7 :.-_-: 0 NI i V 4 ., Fr co 1.4 r9 4 tS ?'' gl i) La .0, co ~ Fa 1 I .... iv CO id a. a) 0 'i .o 0 5 : H 0 n , . .. 0 6 • ~,, A IP- P F. I:] 0 0 fi r ' 0 cr tS al r 4 4 r.• f 714 si> ,t ia • a • cs> ... c> c> cri o I—L c> w s p,sz. .>> (:::5 I•D 00 IA .111 • "4 CD FP- • ppp...c . >2> 00 c> ^4 "1 0.7 2 P e=.lNs P° co nsurance Agency. YOMING INSURANCE CO. WILKES-BARRE, PA. R.C. SUITH, Sec'y. W. S. Ross, Pres. {P V. READ, Cele( AO. L. D. StrommA Krio, V. P CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $150,000 rtMs is the company, for which Theodore leld was lately agent, and' policy hold ers who wish to renew their Insurance are re queSted to apply to the suhscriber. and Fire Insurate Co. PHILADELPHIA. Mi ALvortn, J. B THOMAS CRAVEN, President Secretary. A. S. Ona.ETT, " Capital' $200,000 , All paid up in Oat+. Surplus Over $160,000 Continental his. Company, OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK Cash Capital, $500,000,00 Gross Surplus, Jan. 1, 1868, 1,314,500,31 Cash Assets, do .1,814,500,31 for Poi icies written at this office GEORGE T. HOPE, PresidCnt. H. 11. LAMPORT, Vico Preaideut.• .CYRUS PECK, Secretary The subscriber takes this method of informing thoii , ublic that ho hue the ; agency of Hie above Com anies, and will be found at his office over 11.031 Drug Store, adjoining Agitator Office, JNO. I: MITCHELL. Wellsboro, Pa., Fob. 26, 1868-tf. To tho Dirr s of Tioga County l A vi vi c uy sn b p li r l o h r ig at my mattufacto , I,! FANNING MILL ) • which possesses the following advantagesover allother mills: I. It separates oats, rat litter, and foul seeds, and chess and cockle, froin wheat.. 2. It cleans flax seed, takes out yellow seed, and all other seeds, perfectly. 8, It cleans timothy seed, • 4. It does all other separating required of a mill. This mill is built of the best and most durable tim ber, in good style, and is sold cheap for cash, or pro duce. 11411 fit a patent sieve, foroioparatit?g oats from wheat,to other mills, onreasonableterms. J, Ii BIATHER, LatitneAlilU,Oorober /MOWS t MUM MI E 3 ME Lawrence EOM . ... . The Great External Remedy, Por Man ' d feast. IT WILL CUR RHRMIATISI In The reputation of this p oparation is so well t , fished, that little need be aid in thin connection' t.; On DEAN It has neye failed to cure PAIVitl, NERVOUS AFFECTION , CONTRACTING .110_ CLES, STIFFNESS AN PAINS IN THE jotyp STITCHES in theSIDE or Back, SPRAINS, llRDliii.' BURNS,SWELLINGS, CORNS and FROSTED I`42' Porsona.affected with Rbeurnatiem can ha e cr cetw and permanently mated by using this wonderful pr., ration; it penetrates to the nerve and bone immvhar on being applied. -; On HORSES ft will core SCRATCIIES, SW EfiNET POLL-EVIL,, FISTULA, OLD RUNNING goni SADDLE or COLLAR GALLS, SPRAINED .11A NT , , STIFFNESS OF THE STIFLES, tee. It ;Olive,: lIOLLOW-lIORN end WEAK BACK IN illiCa dOWS. 1 hav e met with great, Oneness in bringing t, litxtute within the reach of the Public. Ism/ 2 ;l 7 i', receipt of letters trona Physicians,liirn_ggist3,llerch tz , and Farmers, testifying to its curative porter/. DAVID E. FOUTZ; Sole Proprieto r , - BALTIMORR,Sia „ . . A 1» il 7,1869—1 tn. ' 1 HEARTH: and HOME =0 Agricultural and Fireside Journal, oomvaxirrne SIXTEEN handsome folio pages, plipted from 11 , typo, on annerdno book paper, and ifkandantlyilly tratid by the best artists. - ' - lebiTip t4T DONALD G. MITCHELL A.KI) HARRIET.BEECHER STOWE, assisted by a corps of able editors and contributors is each departmant. It Is devoted to the interests of the FARMER, PLANTER, GARDENEIt, • FR VIT.GIIO WEB , and the V LQFUST. , _ ORNAMENTAL GARDENING, RURAL ARCHITECTURE . PLAIN OF CO/ , . I I ;%. *- A. careful Report/ \.) ton, Philadelphia,/ .v i t Will be far Mohr V i- Farmer Infonk \'J and IVLIEVY 0 4 4../ wily Circle pi it w i 1 r' nil . f frso... r good (Bat, N. I • MILS. STOW ". or noted for their attractiveness, w); time to time; its also CemeterV Greene / in interest the household; Ain dug and domestic tuanageraect of a napkin !lad the cooking of t ,ho education fk children. eT_ mlll contrib TIR. ISE Written exp mences in fl THE BOYS AND GIRLS Will find their own page always lighted with sneh fan in pictures, and Can in stories, as shell make then look sharply every week for the coining of HEARM AND HOME. , I.`EIIIIIS FOR': I S6O Slagle Copies $l, locarinbly lir aclvirocto ; 3 Cottti $10; 5 Copies $l5. Anyone sonritrur 113 •T r. for a clrO ofls Copies (all nt one [line), 1011 meors - e a Cop] free. No travelling, agents employet. A , 1,1re43 411 n.z. lannteations to PETTENGILL, BATE", & CO., Si PAii ItOw.N rn Yozi - a, 4 4 4 4 4 4 To THE WOR4INO CLASB:—^d am now prepared tofu. fish all classes with .constant employment at 11:,:t homes, the whole of the tinle. or for the Eructs , ments. Business new, light and profitable. Fifty e,ati to $5 per evening, is either earnul by persons of rate sex, and the toys and girls earn nearly as truth men. Great inducements are offered those who vote their,whole time to the business ; and, that riery person who sees this notice, may send me their adlrw and test tho business for themselves, t mate thetas. lug unparalleled offer: To all those who are not wij satisfied with the business,l will scud $1 to pay Pr di trouble of usiting me. Full particulars, dincticr.. sent free. Eiamplcs sent by mail for /Octs. Addrto E. C. ALLEN. .krigustr.l , March 17, 1569-3 m. Planing & Turning B. T. yAN 1.104 N, LEAVING got rms new leaetory. in operatic: 1.1. is now pre ared to fill orilei-s for Cabiro Ware promptly aid is the best style of uorkran 1 ship. having p oruied a WOOD VORTII PLANER. ho is ready to dros, boards or' plonk with dispat SCROLL-WORK & BRACKETS, furnished to order. His maoldnusaiu.,ltlic tor est and most improved patterns. Shop corner of Pearl awl WE! L 110110, PA., Oct. 31, 1866-11; 'l.lOll J. - STICIUAN, - 11110 Chainftaker, Turner, an / I Furniture Dealer. Q ALE ROOM, oppnsito Main tt Erect.. PAC:TOBY in Seat , A IVO Hams Foundry, tqicouil story. Orden:promptly filled and a isf:tetiot, guolia teed. Fancy Turning done to order. Jr,no 12, 1P.117. ON LIN • (u E E itN l e MtstMS t EEN .0 F ENGLAND . t For doing a family washing in Om M•rt eltimpeA manner. tl tia ranter.] in.) tt. ft hy the walla! llas all the eirer,oh ..t oid r. soap with the. mild and lathering titinlitie ocinuina C.nstilo. Try this splendid by thu ALDEN , en Etsi ICA W ORE S. d 8 N' Fran tre?lt , tvpi , llYlarble Works, riTHE im(l9rsigt?ed is now. prepared to car cute nll orders for Tomb Stone :ina 310nd ',tents of either ITALIAN OR RUTLAND MARBLE of the latest style and approved worktaanAir and with dispatch. Ile keep constantly on hand both kind , Marble and will he able to soh all who ma) 13 }Tr hint with their orders, on as reasonahlk ter l ' as can be obtained in the country - . Stories discolored with' rust and dirt cleave and rnade to look at good as ncn Tioga,Nov.l,lB67—tf Valuable Farm for Sale. ACann of three bundreineres, -- willi two ban fired and: twenty-five Acres improved• S't' uated two miles north or Tioga Village, 00 T_ iege . Iliver and Itallroetl. Well natttered, S/od state of -cultivation, and g ood.build - Lr boulr.es and lots for ode T. L. EALDWIN. ings village Tioea, Feb. 12, 1811 P Cabinet Card Photographs, and all special sizes. and finest styles of pictures , finished in 6rst•elass manner at Spencer's Art Gallery. , 1 Mansfield, Feb. 3, 1569. V ---- ---- (1110 ICE L GRAIN BAGS for cheap 1 atOT OF d• WRIGHT BAILEY'SaIe Virolisboro t Juno 5,18137. • iMak Mal eW Yorl:,+;,c ad New OtletA week, glviog no WREN TO ➢l,'Y MEI B. T. VAN lIOI,N PORTER WILCOX