' MATTERS. PA ,iiI)"EDNESE O AY; Now /I.4v•Otia,,ei , Adminigtrator't(Neton7--Beniatiliti , pi s , o lation-T. B:Qr4virold.1 1 7.11 i Valustbie Property for Salet-;- - Slmerl3aeker. !Lepton° Hotot,•-.1.131. Zinn, Ithaca Wheel Ralta-'-laaao Plank, llunso and Lot for'Saltp:-.J:.N. Bixby, , E,tray—piles , • W. i ntod-i-Agonte--Partnelno:k. Co. THE ACADEDLY.—:The. School year of i l i a Wellsboro ./Loadon3i-e - lo,sos Friday averting, JUDO 11, with the usual exercises. All aro in vitea to attend., - • .., - - - ITinnovri.oN.-7—We'. arc ~ XECIIIe j ete(Y to gilt) notice that the new Preibytdrian Church at Elkland, will ho dedicated on Wednesday, Juno 'O, hut., ut 1 o'clock P.M. Tim; P ublic is invited to attend. , .. 1., TO TIIE DRY.—Cool, eparkting "tle-: l i ci,n): , , and us creamy us mend,'nro filo )'aters 1 , 04 it:o Soda Fountain ntP. It. Williwina Co's Um; Store; If you don't bolidro it, )1' for 1 011 i se IV CA . , THE PEACE JUBILEE. The Erie It ihrny Cominiuy will iostio round trip • tickets to the Boston Peaco Jubilee, for two days Com.: m owing Juno 15, end good till the 28th, for SIB,- 21, from Corning and Elmira. - BlNDlNG.—Persona viatitihk' 'Maga asines and pamphlets bound, or books rebound, are informed that they can bo accommodated by sending or leaving the same at this 'offico;-'writh full directions. Styles and prices may be learned on application. We are now making up a box . NOTICE,—This paper goi* io. press on the last fortes at 7 o'eloek every Tuesday morn ing. ktivertisers will oblige us handing in their adrertisethents as early Ili stritlay previous; e specially where they want the space of from to a column. CorrespondentS will please take their returns as early. Friday noon. ,„ . .1. REMOVALS.—E. R,.• 'Kimball ha- re moved to' tho new building below Robe is A:, Bailey's Hardware Store. lie has increased his stock as well as his facilities ftir doing business. Purse] has removed his cigar and Tobacco Store to the stand vacated by Mr. Kimball. Jae is about to manufacture cigars. Parsers - stock of Tobacco is the best in town. GOOD TEMPLAMS.—The officers of chuteitton Lodge, No. 669, were installed by Lodge imputy /ivy. Linke N 0.537, Tuesday evening, may 11, as follows: W. C. T., John Francis; V. T., Matilda Dartt; S., S. E. Pallier; T., Roxana More; F. S., .Clara Dartt: M., Lyman Potter; C., .Lorenzo Catlin; L G., Harriet.Francia; 0. G.. Robert Dartt; A S., George Parker. - • DRA.G-RAICE.—AIf. Seth' ChFk, of Charleston, bas shown us a Drag-rake Air raking after a load, which appears to us 6 very good thing. It may be operated by a boy of ten years, and enables anal # boy to rake clean and keep up with easel 1t49 not a costly rake by - any merns, nor is it patented. Thosi farmerti who do not use the horse rake to rake after the load woul t d be well served with such a rake as Mr. Clark's and at no great esPense. SINGULAR ACCIDENT.-9tla day last week, as a team-belonging 'to (3.-p. Kenney Esq. of Keeneyville, was ascending the bill - about half a mile east of the village %pith alheavy load of ash plank, the wheels ran ever the blOcking, the, heavy load overcatue the strength of the homes; and rau off tho dugway, dragging the horses , after it and landing lumber, wagon and horso t i in - the field 160 feet below. Strange to say, the horses wore not. seriously injured, but the) wagon was destroyed. ' A grtivrth of young trees cheeks() the momentum of the horses, though the heavy load mowed a syrurtbit*ugh:trees from four to six inches in dlittneqr as though they were grass. Such is the result oeoverloading a team. It is both crue l ! and dangerous. PROGRESS.—We are very glad to •re cord the following evidences of progress : P. Wright has bought five lots on Walnut EL, and has graded and fenced them. D. U. Belcher has bought two lots of Mr Wright, and has commenced laying the founda Lion of a neat cottage. It. L. Van horn has staked out the ground for anew house on Walnut at. d , F. K. Wright has bought a house and lot of D. W. Belcher, near the Cemetery. • , D. P. Roberts is about to erect a fine dwelling on Walnut at. From which it clearly appears that. Walnut st., is bound to win in tho race of improvement. , The Messrs,Oululoc/: have made a nico front) for Foley'sn i iew store. It is neat and tasty, .antl Wyril is ret uehing it in his hest- style. PERSONAL.—Among our Corning ad rertiaers we desire to snake honorable mention of Messrs. W. D. Tube!! tr., Co., with whom wo have dealt for several years and team amount of thous. ands of dollars. They aro wholesale and retail dealers in drugs, medicines, paints._ nif—lamns. Ina various of MO III:my conveniences ,of the household, as well as Yankee Notions. Oar - deal with them is in print paper, chiefly, but we know . them as dealers of strict integrity in 'all tho tranches of theiritrade. Their guarantee is as good as a bond, and we never hoard a word of complaint ,from any pers l on dealing with them. They are known as men of enterprise, prompt to fill orders, and always' . correct in business mat ters. It is a pleasure to commend them and wish them success, UNION TEMPERANCE MEETING.—A meeting under the auspices of the ?everal church organizations of •Ihis village was held in the Court Room Tuesday evening, and was largely attended. The Wemplarit wore present to the number of forty, L and a dkntation of the Sons of Temperance were also pi4,.ent, all in appropriate regalia.- Eon. E. T. Bentley, of Tioga, was elected Chairman. After a song, finely rendered by Mr. 11uislan der, assisted by Dr. d. Mrs. Webb and Mrs. Derby, short, and markedly effective, addresses were made by Revs. J. P. Calkins, of the Pres byterian Chilurch, S. M. Brookoann, of the Baptist, and 0. L. Gibson, of the Methodist Churcires. The speakers - were frequently applauded, and the addresses were listened fo with marked atten. tion. We have seldom llstined to anything more practical. and In some respects more eloquent. Judge Williams,closed the meeting with a few re marks in which Itio illustrated the disadvantages under which tip temperance organizations at present labor, and tho responsibility of the goy4rnment for permitting tens of thousands to o to ruin that it may put :money in its purse. Altogether the occasion was a step forward, and a decided benefit to tho causo of temperance and good order. • When the workers of the world pull together in the spirit commended by the clergymen who spoke on that occasion, there is room for hope for the moral and religious elevation of the race. Those who desire - man's betterment hero and hereafter must join hands in the Work, forgetting all differences - of belief and remembering , only, that in union is there strength. GOSSlP.—Menkind, it seems .to us, may be separated - into three general classes: "Icanters," "Ido'wanters," and "Iwonters." Class I—lcanters : Very numerous and grega rious. The gennine - Icanter exists in a stato of perpetual wonder why Providence made such . n serious blunder in creating a world full of diffi culties. In his view the world should have been made with no uphill and no dead levels, but with an everlasting, ever increasing down grade, along vrhieb men Might glide by force of. grai tation. Ile would be satisfied with it as it is had. Provideueo provided somebody to carry him about on sturdy shoulders, to feed him with a spoon, and robe his delicate, aristocratic limbs, in pull& and tine linen. Ile can not comprehend why gold should ho found in few instead of many localities; for gold, ho reasons, in the most -pre eictWs of metals, and should have been handy and • • cheap. ITo~woutddlike to i t aifyti f t,ctotitirvid froi;) pe44#0;14 t*t Poor fellow i gbinti lleiocV Ist' 4'43'4' Nth aro tempted to regard' hiin as a, blunder of Prov-, idenco3,and,so he might ho Foie it not for .; Class 2-4'do'neant'ori::f :numerous and gregarious. 'The genuinil Ido'svanter 'resew-, tiles the prickly porcupine. - lie exists in a, state of everlasting and sleepless 'discontent. .11 1 0 1 6 an original toeguo with but ono word in do'wanter 1 "You call him to 7180 in the morn ing and ho. replies—"ldo'wanter!" You it. pail Vitoo ;, ,hitato assist in'eatirig his Wittrind porridge, you get the flame reply. - .110 looks upon life asp, stupendous bore, becanso - somebody wants him to do something, and he do'Weinter, you know.: Ilia, idea of a perfect world - a il something., like this : Tube ty` to Will; and exist - on thd ine'rense of the industriww, and Sr ugal',Jreotlom, from 010 CVOs 11011 708p001 . 1141111.108 of. lifo s .','and ) iniranniiy from the ponaltieS 'rot' neglect of I= duty. lie is willinglto fish and hunt, eat and sleep, 'wear flue clothes, and, driCa; hut• when called upon to contribute his proportion of lahor to pay fur these luxtities his naiad is :. 6 ldo'wha- • ter." perhaps you way hare seep ,ono of this plasx goinowliero. If so, you will rceogiiiio hint itt the light of this' biiet'aelsoeifitioill MI is ,a grade better than, the "leauter," .l and a. grade -worse than Class 3—lwontor; NiamOrous, but not ;social; The "livonter" , is , "grand, gloomy, and repulkar," : and lather indopendent. Me makes no conceal-. went of his . contelupt . fur any iLsdflil labor; 'nut is a positive and earnest protestant agaipt all action whiCh'does not promise 'Co niake him rich er and more independent.. 110 is an improvement upon the other classes in that ho is always pos itive. Ile (I°lll object to measures for any ben efit which be may share, but only that, hp is, ealled'upon tweet' tributia to' - the` gerteial iCiVult. Ile cannot comprehend. Creative wisdom because it is nod positive by negation. To - him, also, creation appears in the shape of a huge blunder. AU men and all circumstances are Itijoppogiticin :to him, and altogether the 'worldis an.phstinnte affair, sloW, inconsistent, and' beneath the refined contempt of an Iwouter. If called upon to in vest in, an enterprise for tbe_general good he first' inguiresil by' investing ten dollars it will return to him, after 30 days, ten hundred dollars, -If that seems likely to happen ho_goes :in. --But if not, not. Some people regard'him as,a tmarplot.' 'Oirio of this'elass was heard ono maiming, 'LlboOt. Io,i 'o'clock, to inveigh bittyly In the streets against the business of o gan-grinding; but having become the e owner of 'an organ in the course of the day, vets heard that day evening I. descanting upon the sweetries ' of ; - organ Music, and. the delights of the : business. Being . irtel.- estedin, that mode of turning e an, -honest, -penny .. . his sudden conversion' ought not tedmve : exciteil ' =arraign ,N .ORBIAL EXAMINATIONS.7--,T4c:- programme of the UxaminOtions' at the Normal School reached us Monday mornipg, wrltt, l o uu both skits el the paper and covering four pages, It was next to en impossibility_tp put It la - shape, and got it in type. We therefore brief if:thue Juno 10 end 11 , Exaciiinntion of 'Junior class. Juno 13, Annual Sermon before the'stiftlenti. Juno 14, Examination of the sub - Junior Juno 15, Wednesday evening Public anniver-, nary of the Norrnarbitcrary Society. • ; Juuo 17, Cointheneenaat,, COURT PROCEED IRO S.—Tii:e - QtßlTter Sessions was a full•and busy term. The Grand Jury did a large stroke of business; among tbo most important of which we mention: ' " • Com. vs. Michael King and Iliarj King. Wilful 'murder. True Bill. TO be tried next terin.. Same :vs. Geo. W. Goodall. Aggravated as sault and battery. Convicted and sentenced to six months imprisonment in the county jail, and to pay a lino of ,cl4O and costs, Counter in dictment ignored.. Sfime vs. Samuel W. Reynolds. FaleeP . rdtenfes. _ . True bill. 'Conan tied. Same vs. J., D: Tedder. Tippling •-jlouse Truo bill. (Mirabilo diem Siiito vs. E. M; Smith. Tippling` Ifenisb gored, and costs 'upon prosecutor. (Not at ul singular.) ,anie vs. - Ira Wagner, et al. Itiol True bill. Nil, pros. eilterol On payment of enpta uPIIrI 1110 snits in the case. • . . Sonic vs. I'. 'roller. Tippling Ili; - use. Igtiored irosocutor to pad• costs. (Anothek . case Of vit.' no rewarded.) • ' , . Same vs. Charles Ityna. Indicted for placing; obstructions ellen the track of the,'Tioga It. Pleaded guilty, and sentenced to 'months in, the Penitentiary. The offender ',ough6:to be, grateful to,the court for its clemency. , ••' Same vs. Charles Forsyth. Assaillie "arid bat tery with intent to kill. Bill ignored, and'eosts on the Commonwealth, This was pros"e'ented by the victim of the Farmington sliooting`Ciso. • Same v;s:T. M. Spider. Larceny' and 'embez zlement.' t i Court directed the jniy re"Ord. verdict of not guilty, on the ground titti't conversion took place in Lyeeming bounty, . Same vs. Aaron 'Searle and Ellen - Searle. Assault and.banery and forcible entry ai?? Miner.' Verdict of guilty as to firiotrdeft. and not guilty as to Mrs. S.• i and indictment quaked nc to forcible entry and detainer. - - Mir Honer Judge Williams presided. C.ukruAii LOOAL.—A corresp4nilen from whom we hope to hoar often, wiltesr: Grass andgraia_ju. ri,a - ucurg - 1811 - atly 010110balld farmeys i aTp brushing up their farins/ , =-• " Mr. S. Spaulding has purchased the farm of Mr. H. Sweet, and is finishing his new Muse. Ir. Geo..Porris hatibongher‘ lotofgr; Oteiderit, and is putting up a neatheuso.' •MessrS.Clerilent and Swect,have.uoved west, with their families. Mr. E. Close has bought a house and kit of Mr. Hastings. •.- - . Our traders are doing a fine business. Messrs. Stubbs and Short, doing business at 'Shortsville, have each received fine stocks of Summer goods. This-is nothing new for Mr. Short & wh0:.46 4edn doing it for twenty yrars. Mr. S. Love is Postmaster at Stark's e011114P., and not at the Xreads. He also sells goods. • Miss- Hondand has charge of the 'Summer School. Elder,Livingston is -preaching in the Chatham charge. his meetings are very inter esting and the choir is excellent. We have an interesting, Sabbath School, -Mr. Lockwood Su perintendent. HILLSIDE. . TIMM LOCAL .— The corner-stone of St. Andrews Church was laid last Thursday at 2. P. M. Rev. Thomas Cullen conducting the ceremonies under orders from the Bishop. The stone contained the usual amount of church ev idences, together with a copy of the "Tioga county' Agitator," :`,'Weßsboro,. Democrat," and the coins and currencies of ,the day.' _The ilb3.: course was delivered by 'Rev. Jno. A. Bowman, lteefor of St. Paul's church Wellsboro , after which remark 4 were made by ltev. Mr. Kern, . of Moss, and Rev. Thomas Cullen. In the, course of Mr. Cullen's remarks he stated that it was nine .years since ho was first sent to this place to or g. inn a church. Thu afternoon , was ,I.l.treinely w rm, which diminished. the"nntaboi. present .e p2iderably, The plot of grass in front of the M. E. Chruch is being enclosed, and a walk built from the church to Broad st. This end of the„ • , . , . Tioga and Wellsboro road is being macadatnize,l by its owner. 13, , Bayer. ' , . Some port ions of Broad lit. bavo been. graded and improved. The Borough authorities should see that, the back streets aro. cleared of useless weeds and poison hemlock ) before, itgoes to seal: _ . . 'Our fallen heroes were remembered. by the ladies on decoration day, each-grave being deck-' ed with flowers. Mrs. Dillistin deserves specie' mention. She.was the soldier's true friend du ring the war, and now remembers each (Me o f Me fatten with nearly a mother's care. , . • : . Seven families living in Middlebury, on the', Wellsboro road, were -visited by thieves, on tho night of May 23d. Plunder did not appear tai be their object, as they took nothing of much value; but they made great have() 'in the pantiies, des troying pies, jars of fruit, &c. Your correspon dent would have noticed the same last week ILO be not supposed it would have been dorm by' Is middlebuyy_correspondent. . I J. SchietTeliii - has_matle a new walk on - tli,e. west side of his lot, 111 - i - dilf,...Walnnt et. There are many improvement being made in, the outskirts of the village, which will be - noticed ill a further letter. 1---Aqlard., evidence" - eaneed u HUN 'inisrepre tcentation iii - a - previousletter, hull • try (4) Avoid the 8:11110 in future. Our friend A. B. Mend, artist, and painter, has' embarked in the niatrituoninl Aid. We ad At Mai n pleasant voyage unto his journey's end, Living service Was held at the M. E. Church Thuisday evnuitti.lay Roy. nos: ,Cullen". BNOBBLETOI.V. 'paper,b, Marah 31, a brief comMunication,iketa Mr. James Steele - , of Delmer; tonehing thefialt, fi r itrings,RearAgeny -p or k, appeared; itudie atttitating attention. , Af ter satisfying Myselfpfs,l4r.liiteele's integrity, resolved to visit tliilebal‘th ieo for myself, and thoroughly ventilatmthe : matter. • ,itooordingl l V, -Pr; WK,W..l l lebbi.,ef Volt shore, planned , actrip to that place for Ar4, - ,14i. 4 heovy All Of lain the day proviona, raised :the streams so much as to 'prevent , „thii ;thorough: examination thaCith a importanee- of_the. .suhleet; „demands but we gleariedeneugh - reitupbrianCe to warrant me in inaking - ' After leaving Wellsbore, we visited' lir; Rohl Steele, a well known and - worthy liihabitent'of TrefirierAlici Atatedlliat'he , tilett - reineinhera the tlinetithat his brother' XV"' yeais hitt Sin lor,yiseatio f/StOny Vork , ",:•and' brought habk the snit. Ile had often seen the'ivell; Which was somewhere from nine to fifteen feet in depth, and from the - helium of which the salt water was obtaintl.., iyo, o , from „this water, mixed - ha it must have beetylinit the stilt was made ; and in that gl t there was alum k two:or L three pounds .0f" fliSe,thitsltovis thii-eniteilci LAO been remarkably pure before mixing with the -earthy ameraibno.." . lle nisp gave risleneti infer, nuttion.in respe6t- tci the well on the farm O. Copestiok, which location we Visited. In the vicinity-of ,this-well, mitt,filled tap beeline° a cow in netid of salt hdd enomittMl" iniold6' there, he said the salt water good in the bottom, of, the creek' through t h e crevices of • the rack, and in 'the letv water season 'was 'quitti'percePtilder:' We only wore ablo to obtain a,slfglit Of stilt, as the rain had washed ever ything eleati;lsind effect. witty shut off cloro observation: I aril entirely convinced that thtiprespeet i3;il9 goati;if! better, than-it wile a .13,y_r 4 euso, ff n,. tie,viginitx of which plac e l wits reared. •Th 4 :Barna old red sandstoneoverlies; wtiteh bolenes' to the Onon daga Salt Group, .:nhd there is no limo , so that ono objection to.thor, Symons° salt, is bviated. It is farther 'evident that the'depo'efte`ofsalt is in the hill between stony Fork,and the -Copestieli The coal deposits - 'are 'enfly - , and there ~ita no reason, why apompany stidnld „riot; be or gany.eflpittl,:thp thing thoroughly tested:, • 11. hi. BeEixs, 'llO6, 4rloottoeilimi tk'g'rnid 'Prize tofitoit nt Vriday: &ening; • Ifit•inst. Admission 15 centc ,Coptinits. of _llarpor's liontlily - for Juno ; s Tho,lAurora Polar temp ty.,tillus trot ions ; Too JAW W - .on' 4e Plains, withcloven ;,illustrations;PY sotechnies of , former days, seven. illustrations; Said . - Voolia - of„'Egypt; ,Delivoraneo Armstibili; .A Cornish Carnival;, A bratM;,.lially.; -.My- /Eno- Juy's Daughter.; Leo-and ,Luther ;;The tragedies of n feathere4,..ratnily.; Choiee;lDiana Polrille'frPrisoner ; British : Wild flowers.: Pawn hralter and. Loan ; Office; The Primer of tho World ; . Bradford's love:. lifo; •,'En B 9 Chair ate. $1 per annum, Harper k Bro's, New Yo,r It . , „ - _ Republican Conntp Committee The members of the Itepnblican County cow-, mitto are hereby notified and requeSted .tricet at the Law. Office ,of Wm. If.. fiznith_ Esq., in Wellsbore, ate. o'clocit on Friday, June..3lo, for the transaction of impOrtatit' lividness, • ' The following ,gentlemen compose the:Cont inltice nUmety , Itobert,Steole, .11elinar; Pavia riogit; T..; ZElltiand;, VAL Grinnell, Shippen ; ,It, T. James, Blossnurg, and Alonzo M. , . =II Nortcr:. lute :10011,, Ann4.l Meeting , 'of tho Tioga CpuntP 'Medical 'Society will -be .held nt Tioga, Wcdncyday, June 1f,, - at IP, M.. •. D. IIAeON, - Al. D., Seey.: • -•-• ~LaaorzS alEtia.tard.za.l6 is es. Spencer's Art_ Gallery is'tho place to get'por traite twido after the- truo liembrantit_style. They aro truly Leautittil.. • ,'" _ • ' Mansfichl,..f too 2,;19P.. Scnoot. llooKsA-Thd S'audet-e Union The people :ler ; , the :,.,pownship-.,0f, pal a t a l- aro ,hereby notified that the,School Directors. of that township halo by resolution adopted—• • The Sand In Union Series ,of e.aulurs - and Speller. _ . The Robinon series of Arithptetics. At very, fow introductory terms. The First Reader to he exchanged even far Osgood's or the old Sander's First Reader. The other hooka 'furnished at low exchange rates, with or without the old ..bouks. ,•' These terms can be learned of any of the teachers or school directors t,I, the township;, or , liry inquiring at the Booi,t. Store oflllaro - Young eta Ca.; Wel !slier° , TC,1 1 1).-,.( l .9lglP,V,?raniMPVlCt";r 3 onl B l 72 tug , that is, until Aug. 20, l8(9. Venehers in the several districts of De/mar aro requeSted to send or leavo their names at, the Book Btori3 of Pruitt Vomit/ AtATtETAGES MtAf.)—BRIOOR.—At tho resigenbe of the bride's filtber, diir;o -2,_Ny t e itos‘.. C. Aitis Abu& Meal, of Tiaga,, and Miss 'Micry BrikgS; of Midakt:ltry, Pa. • "' McCOY-04 YLORD.--At the residence of the bride's parent"• Jona 2, by. Rev: Rymer, Mr. Benjamin ...N. McCoy, and Misl3 Alice B. tlayterd, both of,Blossburg.• - ; OIINS-I.3ENSON.:—ln:ltothind, May 17; by 1 Woison,`E:4l,., Mr: R. S. Join's, and .1111 E Ito setta-Ben'son.-411 of Rutland. ..fR lvt 14N .—ln Ktio Miry Atielia.,Kiu'g both of Westplii: t) BATH S ' Brookfield, May 2i, lilt., Mr. B.P. Eddy, aged 83 ,}•ears. Mr. Edtly.was .ono of tho: pioneers of Tioga. °minty, and died, asJto lived,:respected .by his Neighbors. . . •:_ ' rn Ch arl es to u May 12,. of Con sumption, litino, dnughtor or Jog Land Almira Catlio;•oged IS years 91vontbs oral 6 -days. • Dearest Anna has gone to rest; gone'to that spirit 'bind, dos' forever With the Most With ifnit' bright nolebtial band SF!ECIA - o - • . " The basis of its remedial properties is a vege table compound. IT WILL RESTORR' GRAY lIAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL COLOR. • • .• It 4011 keep . the hair from falling out. It cleanses the seslp and makes the hair soft, lustrous and silken. It is a splendid hair dressing, • It. P. HALL & CO., Nashua, N 1 11. Pro)irietors For sale by nil liruggists. [May HI, 1860.. Hagan's ALAgnoiiia Balm, This article is the True Secret of Beauty, - It is What Fashionable Ladies. Actresses and Operaa•tingers nee to produce that cultivated rlistirlons appearance 80 much admired in the Circles of Fashion„ , , It removes all nasliglitly•li latelias;Dedness, Freck les, Tan, Sunburn and liffeets - of Spring Winds, and gives to tho etonplettion n' lhoomin g Pnrity 01 trans. parent delicacy and power. No lady who vidnestt fine Coinpleilou can do without tlin Magnolia Bohn. 75 cents will buy,it of any of our rapectoto dealers. _ I;ron's Natlialran is a very delightful Hair Dressing. aim, 9, 1559-lni: • TO n if; Advertisor,lurrlng beeli restored to health in a f.lxv :i t by a very chap to remedy, after having suf frnvl to,leeral years Svith a severe" lung ailbotion, and that dread diseasO;Consumption—is anxious to Malt° Unswii to his fellow•suiferors tho moans ofeuro. , • To all who desire it. ho will send a copy of tho• pre' scription used (free of charge,) with the directions for preparing and using the same, , which they will find a BERT CURE 'row CONSOMPTIO:I, 'ASTHMA. ~I.IIIONUIRTIA7 The objertl of the Advertiser in sending the Proscrip. [km is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he' conceiVes to be invaluable; and he hopes' every sufferer will try his remedy,. as •it will cost - them nothing; And may prove a blessing: • - •. •. ; Parties wishing the prescription, will please . • • Rev:EDWARD A. 'WILSON, • ' '• Williamsbnrg, Kluge Coullt,i N. N.Y. , •-• May :A 1869-Iy, , • • Orphans' Court ;Sale. BY virtue of nn oriler of tho Orphans Court f Tiogn, Co., to we directed I will soil at public venditO, on the pretniseS, in Lawroned, 8141011. y, July 3;1800; at' l 0 o'clock forenoon, the following &scribed property I,tto the estate of 11 ., 11 ctriolt - ,.lee'll, to wit lot of )hand in Lawrence; bounded. North by lands of, Ann Ilea:T.loc, nut .liy Tiega Riv . er, small by land of A. M, Knapp.; and west by high way—mint: l ining I a acres, welliinproved. Also, another lot of, laud ip•Litwrpii,ce t bounded !lo ya l by landA of W,nrreti geotnan,eavt Ti ogat 11iver, it tlt by, 1"t A w. ,, r ib ut lands ef..l.mneslkliller o an 1 we,stby ,Liu ms Miner -, gntaiuinb . l acres, wit 1, framb house, fraine' barn, apple oroht%rd, and Aber !rem; them on. Terms : cash ; in one yoir, 3in two ypars, s lind 4, in, three, year 4 from day of sale, - - • Adize,r. JF 110 ' 9 ? ) 148.C1737'. Itcti WEIRE=A ' YOUNG; H A LA.'S ;GETABLE SICILIAN HAIR =ME= i r AdrilinFArator ETTERSOof Adthinistrat L"granted Nina the estate lato.ot •Brooktield, 4104 all or claiming against the sumo -• . ' •-• SEMI, liteolifinjtf;44o, BM t LAD4 . BSOIUtiO/. Copartnersbip;,;tterattfora existing Ala= twcen.. T. S. Griswold and W. B. Kimball was dissolved May 28, 1869, by, mutual consent. Mr. Kimball tattes.,tho.businprgiand' all persona indebted, ..3X , ;littsitig.;elatmet igairdit tho firmminit softie wttlaiirn. T. 13.1 RISWOX.D, W.ll. KIMBALL. ~.Entionagno 9,1869-30!±; • • ; KEYSTONE : OTEL. SAMNSVILL4 k Tioga goiin Pn4 J. 13, Bonn', Plopriotol. OZttivonient t i the host fishing grounds in Tioga Co. Fining parties atom modsited rdth oontroyances... Good entertain ment for man and beast. Juno 9, 1869-tf. <~ vr'..~ , .7~oii'"se-'a~d Lot~v~~~f'Sale'- 01JTH. of Mansfield,-Tio:a Co., Pa., within )0 easy walking distance of the Churches, , kitateliormal Selma, &c:house goolorder ! g . OOll 312.0 and Commie:alt.,,.•.K.cellextt well and matern water..oleso gt .e' oor;;;-.tiot,:eclataini nbentli and: hittn'iminher -nt Oholocf fiat trees, grape-vines if:e. A pleasant and desiraiil6 home. Wilt ! be.sOlitiMioviiignie. Address or inquire of _ • I N. BIXBY. ,l June 9; 1869-4 e. - J 1 - 'i - l'*l - I'.e: , • ' t•,' i: . ' .l 4 Jeorta,Y;' Tliii.oll tho - • nroMisei '1: the: .aubsoribor - in :I.` Sullivan,. May 22, I*. ' black two year old - MARE.COLT. Any o, a returning - the said ,eolt.rtoi the , •aubscribor, . o iving information whore ibieLay bo ioundiwil pp aultably•ieward ed. / ; GILTS MAINE. Juno I), 1869-3vr. 0 ,1 ,:,..:; 1 , ( 3:Valitaile tPropery fat Stile c''`' TN Roseville, in the -cc tcr L‘of tho , !villego.— Said property consist of n tine R tore house, mettnittcd to bo the best it Tioga. County, fpO.OD feat two storiesi,high'; together with. n;41? 404- witturent l ot mereharidido Vu r ch as'Marlestotind trA a first-class County Store. This is a splendid stand for trade, and onoof the best points for butter trade in any count . . The Aubseriberf contain latos.'going west, in 4 i vim g ive es fair bargain tolhmpurehaser. Teirnli easy. ELMER BACKE . Juno 0 14130-tf. ! WANY,F,D7-AG,, S ract PrtifiataleoeV With toll Infection's and Po ; for all. Ti g ansactrns in every Stet°, by THEOPHILOB trnsons, L. L. 8., Professor of. Law In Harvard Vaiverslt A Now Hook for'Evori body. Explaining ovary kin lof contract and legal ob ligation, and showing-how o draw'and exocnto them. Tbo highest and boat author ty in the land. Sendlor our !Moral terns: also for o r patent Bible Prespbctits. Sent Froo. PARA E LSE & Co., Philo. Pa.: Juno 0,1869-3 m. ' • = •; 'ln Bank i ruptcy; In the District Court of the United States, for the Wee . torn District of l'onpSylvitela. t : ; it „ . JABIEd 'lt. WILSON,' Bankrupt under tho Act Of Congress of March 2d, 18b7', having; applied for a dis charge from all his debts, and other claims provable under sam Court, NOUN is here , by given, to all persons who have proven Inolr made, and other persons interested, to appear owtholOth day af ;Poly ,1869, at 10 o'clock, A.31.,' heforo L. Smith, Esq., ltegister In Bankruptcy, at his office in Tioga.,Ba., to show, canso.if any they have, why a Dischargeshould not he granted to tho said Banktupt. :And further, Notice It horoby given, that the second and third mcCt ings of Ckeclitoro of the said Bankrupt, required by the, 27th and 28th Sections of said Act, Will ho hold before the said Register:lt the same time and place, ' Juno 0,1800.1 w. S. O,,McOANDLESS, Clerk.' er.a. l ; : p w Ir . lIIE undersigned, a practical farmer, is Wei , - A . y ipz r, th Is trexAment to 0 9 i ti rp ftwgite_RAlg,ip ver.,1.., Itifr •Sit - , V . other rake in. use: ~Ttle tooth aro oii4ompered . spring steal and fullyltirarranted 'riot to Weal( with fair usage. By a ingenious arrangement,, the loaded rake is eas ly discharged by a fobt treadle and ,band love ,1 ttnd the pressure of the teeth upon the grhund, can bio' ox'activ•gauged by the foot. Every tooth is independent of every other tooth, and the head being movable • the rake 'adapts itself o every inequulitrpf the ground. It rrties cle in, is simple, strong and lasting. To try it is t i buy it. I refer the public to Ito following persons who havtitho rake in use f- . • : - lt. Toles, Chatham; Chanoy Ackley, Clymer; 11. U. Stebbins, ClyinT; J. W. Davis, Brookfield; Isaac Thompson , Kele y. Irwny, Iturrtson:Valley, Potter County. ',lf - Orders for thislltako may be addressed to me at Westfield, Tioga CO.; Pa. 1J June 0, 1860. - i ISAAC PLANK, Ag't4 Great Improve ent in Densistry. ITAV NO purahosed the rive OA of lir. Folsom'a osolu ~4 pri.ve patent Atmospheric Dental Mates for Tioga 1 County. I now take pleasure in offering it to ch public as the . greatest cevnitx yet made i Illeehani al Dentistry. Ry:tb 0, asp 'of ~,!, pi k hota can or ore - brae any any arid• (lir (11M cult; oa ' Bich 11 evvo 13 aro ttufore baffled the skill of the most practical Dentist in the world.„ Plates cons rooted upon this plan re. Miairt petfirctiy firmiundeK: ail :tettnistatuies, or iceritlition.rofithe ittettth, rtitkaa 4 . ~oti.pati.idles of Ifeb,d can liesiliblyetpn. der ; theirt. i Those,jutcing tolAst.flos,P.Cht,dr Itubh,er Plitteri, tart, at half the cost, have the Improvement applied to them answering in every,rospoot_thb same purpose as as a now sot. Per eat satisfaction guaranteed in .every case. _ , , C..N. DARTT, Dentist. j r ;NVAlsbCro','Juno,9 1868. • 1 ' ' This is to certify th.' od Dental Plates wit used the old style of pl and inconveniences It we theerfidly re&dni. suismor to anything t we aro now using the Itnprov4 perfect satisfaction. Ilarieg I to for years u i tit ail the troubles r own % in .the , use of such plates, end We improved Plates its far ~et known. E. R. " CHAS. WILLIAMS.- To the Owner- 43:*a:tented . Lau ds. SURVEYOR e ENERAL'S OFFICE, 1 umummuna PA., May 250869. j IN obedience to an Act of Assembly, approved the eighth day of April, ono* th'ousand eight hundred and sixty nine, you aro hereby notified that the " County Land Lion Docket," contain ing the list of unprented lands for Tioga Co., prepared' under th 'Aet of Assembly 'of the twentieth of May, 'no thousand eight hundred and silty-four, and the supplemoot thereto, has - Chia day been" fork" rdetl , to thd Prothonotary of the county, nt whos. office it may ho examined. The' liens can only o liquidated by the payment of the purchase m limy, interest and 'rem and receiving &tents hrough this Department.— Proceedingslby tho Attorney General have been stayed'for ooe year from this date; in ,ordeethat parties may obtain their patents without addi tional cost. I = ACOB M. CAMPBELL, ' 1 J • Suryepir General._ 'th's. notel, CiOA, TA.) li REM E. AL 151111.T11; hying purchased tiny hotel property,• lately tuned by L.. 11. Smith" has thoroughly refitte the hotel, and can ageom modato the traveling publio in a superior ~rnannor, March 24th. 1869,41 y: Wellsbord TV; S 4 : lllL'ii39l; ~ 2ic thathc,iar Lie liob with prompt wanner mid also cash,tp oxoliarigo'for, ,v OUSE & LI T ..FOR SALE-IN Tiugo j locatet near,the centie of the vil lage. Mous° in good order; and the lot covered with a•variety of , ohloice fruit trees; Fine'barn and good water. Worth $2,500, and Will ba,sold at a eboaper. figure. Itioniro of Tioga, June 2, , rrinE 'petition - of Charles F. Doederlino siding in Liberty - township; County of Tio - gq,{Stato of, Penifsratniainray4lg, that his 4 1 . 8 0 . 1 . 0 60: o:liatigetll tn ;PlM:ries R. Itetti; hating been tiled in tifo .ei)urt of common Pleas of Ti6ga county flir ni4re' than three mouths o and the proper fees 'requited - by lair .- haying been paid; it• is hereby ordered by the Elaid, Court sitting in 'sm:sion 'this'seeond 'day of J 64, . 1869: That thO name of 'Charles F. boed6rline he and luireby is changed to that of Charles F. Reitz, and that the former Charles F. Doeder line be hereafter known and recognized ati li. iteitz. .By order of the Court, May Term 'O. OtiCe: q • Lfon- t, 4olori 'boon Benjamin ~ .atieri oos indobtOd to lust settle with iretlN-OUBR Oti FA . ol- Carding W o ks: wishes to inforwthc Pub,- !eddy to do all' buOnoss in noes and in workmanlike at he, w,111: troop cloth and WOol at , • q.;4. XIILT.BP,LD. ‘ , S. GEER A.- SOM . ,;• • „ . - • 111(TOULD ielipetitfully inform the public that 11 1 she is now opening aiarge assortment of • • 4 ' 81)ring - itd, 1 , 370nn16.,'. Millinery • , . Which She Or, sale. at, - prices. Her stock comprises ; - „Flourep, Hats,Bonnetflis 4 Ribbtins, and ladies Tat s, generally. y - artioidae . t_tin paid- to 4opeiring 14t . .s • -dad lionnbts. 1 - 1 Y lebnro, 111111hipry.& Dress-Making; •,, )).), tiadorsigned would s_ay do her ohl friends .and tbe publld generallk; that sho has fitted up rooms in her building (Ist door below Van. Horn's ware rooms) for the purpose of carrying on ~ FC C ressllaking! in all itideportuints.' 114 goods aro rill now, and consist in part of :Nowersilhdes;;ltibbons,i Stixt" Gdodar&e., and in short, °myth - lug pertaining to a rash, :ionablo e4tablishincrit.-.,(3oll)bofore purchasing ,ctsoTkbpro. Prices reasonable., Partionlar .4tontion puid, to' bleaching and doing over old ladies' bonnets. Apr. 21, 1139-3 m. Mrs. JEROME SMITH. Just ReCeived SPB „ ING' SACKS and SACKINGS, at DELANO - 4lb CO'S April 14, 1869. ANEVilot i Of POPIANif, ALP AVAEO Lo g and, Satins for Trimmings at ) •s s LANG do . :- • April 14, 1860. CleW , - a g' 9 Altir. GALLERY Is the place to get your PHOTOGRAPHS. New and Rustic Scenery. Tho nets , Cabinet sizo made in any position. _ air. 14, 1869. A SPLENDID stock of Kid Giavos only si,oo DE LANO & CO. April 14, IS¢9.. j- v], l -: LARGE Stook El'Binring Clothing' tit • A " ; • •-• DE 'LANG 00, April 14, 1S ( i8: s• • ` Largest-Stock of Frames In Tio&-Codnty for stile at the lowest prices, at k S CLAY April 14, 1869. Art Gallery. • rfilti - SALE. A splendid stock of •,•• • • • , Pi c t u wr)PraTe jtiojuldings: • which will bo manufacturo to ordor reasona -lilo prices, atl{l . lsA4l3 , April 14, - f isq.. - Art Ciallery. E. S. `• 41 TIX NOTICE. lAM now,. ready 'to receivo' at - my office in Manstleid;"the ;United States Taxes on An nual List for . ..lncomes, ;Victim% Carriages. .te r , for Tioga County, and for the accommodation of Tax Payors, I will moot . thein as follows to re ceive the same: ELKLANt, Calvet: Hotel, Wednesday, Julie 16th, fi•om 16 Ai.llli to• 4 WELLSPORO,Idernith Hotel, Thuraday, Juno ,17, from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. MANSFIELI),"at my office Friday Juno 18, from 10 A. M. to 4' P.M, • • • • • AA there will be no personal notice given, all whii . ,negleet pay on ;or befori3p6l.Bth' clay of June 5 per cent da tax",'2o;ceritwfor notice, and cents. per mile travel circular, will •be added according to Section twenty-eight. All, thdt send their money. to me by mail must enelose•a throe cent postage stamp to insure theta a receipt, and 'run their of p' risk; lirM. E. ADAMS, Deputy:Cdllectbrior Tioga County, 18th Dist. Pa Mansfield, May 26, 1869. / • • ' 'e- .. DENTIST, New Millinery MISS R. A. RERNEY bogs leave to inform tho,citizens of Tioga and vicinity that she bus taken rooms over Borden's Drug Store, op posite the Post-Office, where sho will bo happy to walton tifl'who will give hor Particular attention paid to bleaching. May.l2, 1869-tf. , BVR.LIN rItTI,7I'S,AND FANCY PrTOGRAPHS gurnishod o,order. ,Nowie the Mao do beautify your.llotuo!. Old pio(pros,copied and worked in ink sepia o oil, at CLAY KING'S, April 14 1869. Art Unliory. ~'~ED;` } W A A.T THE NILES VALLEY BTHAM ~„,- l I,O,IIRING.MILLS.' • ' ;,111,Q0 . 0 Mts. Obrn, 10,606 " Oats, and any amount of good *heat. J. B, DIMON ,Voo. Nilos,VaApy,Maroh 24th, 1868-tf. Wilsoiqc VanValkeriburg No - , 2 Union Block. is . , tho pIOCO whore thii 3 Oroxid 'go fcisfind THE NEW SPItING STYLES • - POPLINS,, GRENADINES, LAWNS, ' ORGANDIES, PIQUES, CHINTZS, • PERCALE - ES, GINGHAM; DELAINES & PRINTS, ALL STYLES, FACTORY'S, MEETINGS, BLEACH , ED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLINS. HOOP SKIRTS, . =ME of every ddsorlption ' DRESS TRIMMINGS and BUTTONS_ of all kinds; also the largest and • cheapest assortment of RLIDY MADE CLOTHING . , ever brought into Tioga ' County. Remember tho place, and call before purchasing. Wo have selected our stook with great caret and notify gentlemen that in , LIGHT CASSIAIERES, TWEEDS, LIN ENS, 'FARMERS' SATINS, GAT.- • TEAS, & SUMMER WEAR of every description we caret be beat. 1 Thankful for past pattonage, and by strict at tention'to business vast hope to share a confirm anco of tho same, ' 1014:8012 . 4 VAX VAIREiiDURG Wollaboro,lllay 10, 1869—tf. • ; `:OAiA iihisqrator's Notice . . ' • TET„IIMI i ,01 ; Administration, ba4ing been j granted on-the estate,' of Ira' Graves, late of ;Cevingtan,. (1;00'41, all :persons indebted to, or claiming against said estato must settle with • CALEB S. 'GRAVES; • Covington, June, 2, 1860-4, • :Adm'r. • I'ILTOTIVE.—,Persons having Entriber in our 111 sawed a year or over, aro h'eroby notified to move the same without delay. ,„ warirEti:-.la littla.paY ou saw bills due. TRUMAN lz BOWEN. bilty Cords of *Hemlock Bark,: Wanted, for which . the highest market 'price will be paid on delivery at my Tammy,' In 'Welleboro. .no 2 1 1869-tr, yosEialt Rp3BROLLR. AIMICAL it4ifo expenstirei but forit is quick digive relief; and powerful to cure pain and•soreness. ' If yoi;` , ,are •a f flictedl with .lameneSs' br nu; iess