The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, June 02, 1869, Image 1
JOBBING 'APART/11E0T.. Tlio propiietors havestookod theaatablishm e A ,th a new a varie assortment of JOB AND' CARD TYPE - ANP PAST PRESSES', Aro proparo to excouto neatly l d promptly HANDBILLS, CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS, CARDS, PAMPHLETS, &c. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, and a full assortment cl Constables' and Justices' Blanks on hand. People living at a .distanto can depondon hav ing their work done promptly and sent back in return mail*: raliS4N/C. -., EA LOD E, No. 317, A, Y. M., meets at their hell , v , ir Dr. Roy's drug store, on Tuesday evening, on or the Full Moon, at 7 o'clock I'. Ai vin; 1 CHAPTER, No. 194, R. A. M.,. moots at the it ill. on Thursday evening,ou or before the Full .1 out, at 7 o'clock P. A COUNCIL, No. 31, It. S. MASTERS,tneeta nt flail, on the third Friday of each calendar .1) on t It, at 7 o'clock P. C trir AOIITON COMMANDERY, No. 23; of KNI9IITS fuIiPLAR, and the appendant orders, meets et the il.tll, on the first Friday of each calendar mouth, at 7 o'clock P. M. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. I`fORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW ~I,urance, Bounty and Pension Agency, Main , uect Wellsboro, Pa., Jan. 1,1868. , • WM. GARRETSON, CORNEY AND COUNSELPR AT' LAW, },wry Public and Insurance Agent, Bloss ,,urg, Pa., over Caldwell's Store. GEO. W. MERRICK, trjORNEI AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Odic° with IV. 11. Smith, Esq., Main Street, „ i mwite Union, Block, Wellsburo, ily 15, 1868. W. D. TERRELL & CO., iIOLESALE DRUGGISTS, and dealers in Nall Paper, Kerosene Lamps, Window Glass, Perfumery, Paints and Oils, &o. Corning, N. Y., Jan. 1, IS6B.—ly. F. WILSON WILSON & NILES, fORNEYS & COUNSELORS AT LAW, First door from Bigoney's, on the Avenue)— Yill to business entrusted to their care. the counties of Tioga and Potter. IVollsboro, Jan. 1, 1868. JOHN . MITCHELL fTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa. uluim Agent, Notary Public, and Insurance k4Mit. Ile will attend promptly to collection of P,,isions, Back Pay and Bounty. As Notary Public ho takes acknowledgements of deeds, ad ministers ortbs, and will act as Commissiondr-to ,kc, testimony.ry,D - 011ice over Itoy's Drug Store, Agitator Office.—Oct. 3p. 1367 John W• GuernscV, LVA ORNE 1\ AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. rammed to this county with a view of making it his permanent residence, solicits share or . public patronage. All business en trusited to his care will he attended to pith vrot ptness and fidelity. Office 2d door south of E. Farr's hotel. Tioga, Tioga Co., Pa. sopt.26.'66.—tf. JOHN B. SHABSPEA RE, ti RAPER AND TAILOR. Shop over .1 Om It Dowen's Store. !TAT- Cutting, Fitting, an Repairing done promptly and in best style. Wolisboro, Pa.. Jan. 1,1863-1 y GEORGE WAGNER, AILOR. Shop first door north of 1.. A. Sears's Shoo Shop. ;Mr-Cutting, Pittingond Repair ing done promptly and well. Wellsboro, Pa., Jan. 1, IS6B.—ly. JOHN ETHER, i'AILOR, AND CUTTER, has opened a shop on Craton street, rear of Sears ,t; Derby's shoe shop, where ho is prepared to manufacture gar ments to order in the most substantial manner, and with dispatch. Particular attention paid ‘a"" . - - 2"—OPin 1"s- vs;:6.irnio [WELLSBUROUGII PA.] Will attend to Professional calls in the village of Welisboro and elsewhere, Office and Rovidenco on State St. 2d dour o the right going Eabt. [Juno. 24, IS6B. BACON, M . D., lato of the 2d Pa. Cavalry, ;atm nearly four years of army service, with a large operinnee in field and hospital practice, has opened an Alice for tho prictico of medicine and surgery, in all , ts blanches. Persons from a distance can tool good is - Lading at the Penneylvarim Hotel when desired.— any part of the State in consultation, or to perform surgical operations. No 4, Union Block. up swag. Wollsboro. Pa., May 2,18G13-Iy . Wm. B. Smith, KNOXVILLE, Pa. Pension, Bounty, and In ,aranco Agent. Communications sent to the ahoy° address will receive prompt attention. Terms moderato. [jan 8,;1868-133 Thos. 13.13rsrden. SURVEYOR DRAFTSMAN.—Orders left a Ins room, Townsend Uotol, wil meet with prompt attention. Jan. 73, 1667.—tf. R. E. OLNEY, DEALER in CLOCKS & JEWELRY, SILVEI ,CPLATED WARE, Spectacles, Violin String, Manhfield, Pa. Watches and Jew dry neatly repaired. Engraving'done in plait English and Gorman., llairdressiug c Shayling. Saloon over Willcox & Barker's store, Wells horo, Pa. Particular attention paid to Ladies' Itaix,-cutting, Shampooing, Dyeing, etc. Braids, Tolls:coils, and swiehos on hand and made to or let; It W. D ORS EY. J. JODINSON, J. G• PUTNAM, ATILL WRIUUT—Agent for all the beet 111 TURBINE WATER WHEELS. Alt , o for :ge‘vart's Oscillating Movement for Gang and Mulay Saws. fioga. Pa., Aug. 7, ISGS, ly. C. L. WILCOX, Dealer in DRY GOODS of nll kinds, Barth% alc and Yankee Notions. Our assortment is iar l ,c and prices low. Store in Union Mock. Call in gentleman.—may 201868-Iy. PETROLEUM lIOUSE, WESTFIELD, PA., D. EORO E CLOSE, Propri etor,' A new Hotel conducted on the principle of live and lot live, for the avenue wed:llion - of the public.—Nov. 11, 1866.-Iy. iIIAZLETIPS oTEL, TIOGA CoUNTY, I'A Good stabling, attached,- and an attentive hos tier always in attendance li. S. FARR, BILL'S HOTEL, F.STFIELD Borough, Tioga Co. Pa., E. 0 Proprietor. A now and nom troglion {wilding with all the modern improvements Witilirroasy drives of the best hunting and tieh ing grounds in Northern Penn'a. Conveyance furnished. Terms moderate. Feb. 5, IS6S—ly. 11Z;tAili WALTON 1110U§sE, Gain6s, Tiora County, Pa. 110 . RACE C. VERMILYE.V, Thi a new hotel located within easy access or the hest fishing and hunting grounds in North ern Pennsylvania. No pains will be spared theayommodation of pleasure seekers and the trav t Oing public. [Jan. 1, 1868.] Bounty and Pension .I ,, eney. LiAn NG receivoil definite' i egai dto 11. the extra bounty allowed by th, act api.r,,red ISKand having on hand a tinge 01 ill ir•e.eiary blanks : l am Prepared to prosoeiii.• and bounty claims which may be in my 11 , ials. Persons living at a distance can cum num nicato 4 -uhmebrletter,and their etuninnnicat %%ill be prmnptly answited . ' WM. If. SMITH . 14, 1Igboro.October 24,1866 . HARKIN - I.3SS & RI LEY, BOOT AND SHOE MAK ERS, Over Witemi if? Van V;Thenbhrtitt Store. in the roa m lately occupied by.llenj. &city. BOOTS 1 SHOES of all kinds made to _LP 411) order nibin the best manner. REPAIR. NG of all kinds done promptly and 4 0 0 d. Give' us a call. JOHN lIARKNESS WM.• Wellsboro,Jan.2,lBB6-Iy.RILEY. VOL. XVI. CI 1 7 BOOK BINDERY .AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY, Baldwin Sirect,, SIGN OF THE BIG BOOK, 213 FLOOR,) OUR NI corwo . GOOD is TILE BEST, Laser is THE CHEAPEST Of every description, in all styles of Binding, and as low, for quality of Stock, as any Bindery in the State. Volumes of every description Bound in the best manner and in any style or dered. ALL KINDS OF GILT. WORK Executed *lithe best manner. Old Books re bound and made good as new. ilzkey,&auct MIWZDZ,Lk, COMPLETE YOUR SETS! - I am prepared to furnish back numbers of all Rpviews or Magazines -published in the United States or treat Britain, at a low price, BLANK BOOK & OTHER PAPER, Ofnll sizes and quallities,on,hand, Killed or plain BILL HEAD PAPER, pf any quality or size, on hand and•cut up ready for printing. Also, BILL PAPER, and CARD BOARD of all colors and quality, in hoards or cut to any size. _ _ Cap, Letter, Note Taper, Envelopes, J. B. NILES Prof. SIIEPARD'S NON-CORROSIVE STEEI filet, I wll tvarrant equal to Gold Pens. The best in use and no mistake. The above stock I will E. ell at the Lowest Rates at all times, at a small advance on Now York prices, and in quantities ,to suit_ purchasers, All work and stock warranted as represented. I respectfully solicit a share of public patron age. Orders by mail promptly attended to.-- - Address, LOUIS KIES, Advertiser building, Sept. 23, I Bn7.—ly. • Elmira, N.Y. UNION HOTEL. MINER WATKIRS, PRopRIEToR ty AV ING np a now hottil banding on the .11_ of I hio .1111 Ullll/11 lintel. lately tlesti used by lip DUNN tead3• to ieceiNe and entertain gue,ts. Union Ilotrl a•at intended for a Temperance now:, and the Pt oprieWr believe,' it eati Hnstaineil withott grog. An attentive hostler is Ilttellii:111CO. ll'elkhorn, inns 26.15)67. GROCERY AND RESTAURANT One dour almve - the Meit Market, \V h.LLSI3ORO, PENN'A, RESPECTFULLY announces to the trailing public that ho has a Mr•iraltle stock of Orm comes, comprising, Teas, Ctinees, Spices, Sagai• Molasses, Syrup , t, nail all that constitutes a tir,t class stock. Oysters in ot•ory style at all sea• sortable hours, WollAoro, Tan. 2, 1 SII7-tf Great Excifetnent I Johnson impeached, and l'om bree'e Booota and Shoes trintbpliant I The milisember would tiny to the people of Westfield and vicinity t hat he is manufacturing a Patent Beet which he believe , to' poetics,, the felrowinindvantage over all others:ost, tl; r f,javi3Ehouti,w,atipo sit vo They break solicited. :Tole right ol Westtleld -- iownehlp and itTr* secured.. lie has also just received a - aplendlcl set of balmora Ipa t t erne," lgtest.dtylcs. 001110^ one, cone,, all I We are bound teisell'clicap for catiltror ready pay! Atop one door snail, of B,intlern ft bolegrove. Westfield Coro', Feb. 13 Mg. J. Tt. P,MnftEl.: A RDWA RE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, STOVES, 1 1 .1.1 - ltril E, BELTING, SAWS, CUTLERY, Carriage and Harness Trimmings HARNESSES, SADDLES, Ac. Corning, N. Y., Jan. 2,1.367-1 y - - HEAR YE ! HEAR YE! _HEAR Y E Kept constantly on hand, and furnished to or ler, by artis new store, 2d door above Itoy's 11 ii ltliu„ Wellsboro. (June 10, ISOS.I (Milli Buffalo Platform Scales, all ordinary sizes, for heavy, and counter use, may be found at the Hardware Store of Wm. Roberts, Wcllsboro. These Scales are the Fairbanks pat ent and have no snperior anywhere. •rfhey are made i n the best style and have taken the premi um at all the great exhibitions. I Imre the solo agency for these Scales in this region. WILLIAM ROBERTS. Welkbeio, Feb. 12, IOnS. Pte\ CIFIc HOTEL 170, 172, 17-1 (1,176 GREENWICH ST., rill-1E UNDERSIGNED takes pleas lire in announcing to big numerous friends and pitrons that front this date, the chargc the Pacific will be $2,50 per day. Being tole Proprietor of this House, end there fore free front the too common exaction of uu inordinate rent, he is fully aldo to meet the downward tendetn,y of prices tt itl t eut any off of service. It will now, r 9 heretofore, be hit+ aim to main tain undiminished the favorable reputation of the Pacific, which it has enjoyed for many years, WI ono of the hest of travelers hotels. Thc) tablo will bountifully rupplied with overt' deflettoy of tho season. The attendance will be found efficient and Proprietor 113= Tho location will bo found conVoniont lor those whose business calls them in tho lower Part of the city, being one door north of Cort— land Struet, and ono block west of 'Broadti and of ready access to an Itsil Road and Si estn host Des. 2, 1 86S—tlIn JOA N PATTEN. Eeriherha. fitted up the room: ad- Joining D. P. Roberts Tin and roe Store for the rnannfactlire and role of ' I C r; .1 1' S, (all urades), Fuei c y amt Common S.ll-0117LVG 77113210C0,3lichigan Fine Cut CITE 117 Of o,and all_l.•iuds PLUG ronA CCO, PIPES, and.l7l:-clinli exs/ .13 rand it' S. 0:111 and see fel. yourselves. JOAN %V. wt , iiThoro, St - 0 - 1 11, 18(16-- 11. IiLE RIJN Pi4TEIL—W e heray evrCry _4 that we have used the Plaf-ter Inanufaetur,(l bt Chatupney k Berriatter, at their works on nik Run, in Gaines township, and we believe it to he equal if not superior j to 'he Cayuga Platter. David Smith S M ennoble A P Cone M H Cobb 11 E Simmons Bern:flier G W Darker • A.r a smith E Strait Slt Davis Albert, King John C Miller .1 11 Watson' , WII Watrous L L Mar>h 11 M Smith 'OA Smith II M J 1) StJolt. P C Van Gelder J.l Smith Jared Davis J p Zimmerman CI. King Lir, Smith. N. B.—Plaster silways on hand at the Mill-- Price $5 por ton, Nov, 4, 1888. . .1, , • `•• - - = ; ••• . . . • • • , • . ••••• ,• , 1 / 4 . Cu 0 t ;I 1 • '• • - 7 s ‘, 45. .c.N.„. 'A . • 1 . „ • ' 7.1 1. • ••,-z • t • • w ;:j . 11." • 44 17, .E.LMIRA, N. Y. BLANK BOOKS STATIONERY, Pens, Pencils, &e I ;lin solo agent for PENS, OP var♦rous sur;s, run LAntrts AVI) CINTLEMEN, E. R. !TicIALBALL, 3E3 c) c. t ksit cfc SS 13. , c) 4:3 sa . WALICER & LATHROP. DI:11LIMS IN WATER LIME, AtlR [CULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, HARERLS, FIRKINS, CHURNS - BUTTER TUBS, W. T. MATHERS, Scales! Scales ! Scales ! New Yi» h New Tobacco Store ! TO FARMERS 1 t'l l #,tfti t OVA'l4)l'.: IN 13LOSE30il-TIME It's 0 my heart, my Item t To he out in the sun and sing; To Ring and shout in the fields about, In the balm and the blossoming. Sing aloud, U bird in the tree! bird. sing laud in the sky ; And hency-bores blacken the elov . cr-beds— There are none of-yen as glad as 1. The leaves laugh low in the wind, Laugh low with the wind at play; And the otlorouF calf of lhe flowers all Entices my ',lent away. For 0 hut the %voila is f air, IS fi,ir, And 0 but the wwid is sweet ! I will out in the gold of the blossoming, mold And it et the Master's feet. And the love lay heart ivoula speak I will lid iv the lily's life, That the lip; of the blos3ow. Inure pure and wed:, may otr,r it up to Him. Then sing in the hedge-row green, 0 thrush, tt skylark, ping in the blue; Sing,,-lowT,' sing clear; Milt the King may hear, Anti my soul shall sing, with you. 0,7'1'1.1101 3M) 1 1111 7 J • `=Ati.,qtritatteoto Ftetcadino. THE PIOUS ROBBER During Illy twenty-five years' of ac tual service as detective. I have found many who have stolen the, livery of heaven to - serve the devil hi. One morning I stepped into chief Matsell's office, having just returned frolli When l }vas accosted by the Chief. , H Ha " allo, rry ; glad to see you ; there is work aliead.)' " \Vhat's ulruon•" another murder?' I exclaimed. "N'o, it's a robbery ; or, as I shoal' say, a iieries of robberies." 61 Wher e ?” • " EOM/ Street. " " 11' hat, not on Bond street !" I cried, a-touisl►cd, fur in ►uy absence I I►ad l►c:u•d of frequent robberies being com mitted 00 tl►at particular street. " Yes, Harry, this is the tenth robbery inside oi' two ‘reeks," replied Alatselil. " Can it tie l'ithoined ..' " I know net ; in fact we had no OM En \VOII it tip.'" " Where's Bolt and Knight'?" " On the innytler ease in Newnrk." MUM=MMI lie has just hoihheA the C.hatterton corgery case, and is "expected here to morrow. • So, I-Inward you will have - to work up this one." " I'll try it, hut, I cannot go to work till morning, for 1 must rest." 4 "Ali right,"_returned the Chief, and I tel the headquarters, The many robberies which had taken place on Il.(nul street were very myste rious, and no trace. could be had of the depredator, for they seemed to have twee committed by one person. Detec tives front Philadelphia wevheu 'ens tor_ awhile,2hut went home no Wises tnt fsZt'filitl7Wii.§ - Zebnsidered' a first-rate detective—this is by our Chief—and nearly all the mysterious and intricate work was placed in Illy hands. As I entered headquarters the suc-, seeding morning I was hailed by Nat sell : " Another robbery last night, Harry." " Not on Bond-iiireet, 1 hope." " Yes, it is there tignio." " The devil !" I cried aston bhed. " It is either his .Satanie majesty or IN imps," :,aid the Chief, with a smile ipon his face. " Who was visited last night ?" Mrs. Durant, the 1 rish w 7 idow. She vas there this Morning, and said that site bad been robbed of valuablesamoun ling to over five thousand dollars," " \Vhew !" I exclaimed, "that was a big haul." -. " Howard, you had better go and examine the scene of the robbery, and uo as you think best.". I left the office and ere long stood on the marble steps of Mrs. Durant's stone front. 4\ servant bade me enter, and 1 was conducted to the parlor, where I found Ibe widow bathed in tears. She quickly looked up and drew her hand aer l ossiher eyes. `f T tun Harry Howard," T said, by . way o f introduction. . lioward, the deteet,ive The same, Madam." " You come to investigate the matter, do you " I do. 1"would like to see the room where, you kepi, your valuables." " Follow me," said the widow ; and she led pie up stairs to a small room where the jewel's had been kept. Things were in a topsy turvy condi tion. Drawers lay on the floor with heir contents seat tered about the room. I'he iron 'safe had teen broken ' open Ind the money and jewels extracted. I noticed that there was a stain of blood upon one of the drawers, and eoncluded that the burglar had injured himself in some way, while committing hisdepre dations. The next moment r picked up a part, of nn envelop which was Fiturated with blood. 1 examined it elosoly, and found that it had 'Well ad dres:,ed to "Itev. Noah Newton, New York," I hastily thrust, it into my pocket, and lurniugto the window, said: "Mrs. Durant, do you .I:ifow fey. Noah .ilewtoit, of this city ' Oh, yug, he iv our pm-tor; hut you do not suspect him ?'' " Oh, no, I was requested to inquire about-him, by a friend." "'Phew yip' have no clue," said the widow, te? I rose. to go out. " I have nok madam. This is 'the most complicated ease I have engaged in. • But I hallo one more question to ask." If " Proceed, slir." • "Can you describe any article that has been stolen .."' "Oh, yes:--there was my betrothal ring. It was given to me Du rant, many years ago, but he is dead now:" "Please describe T said impatient ly. • "1t is a heavy gold ring, the letters "I'. I).' are eng raved on it." "That will dd." said 1, and the next »Annie 7 was walking rapidly towards niy bulgine,s. Lora long trine f thought of the case which I was engaged. 1 could not believe that Mr, Newton was the hurglar, but then the question arose, lio.w , catne the bloody envelope in The w 's room ? Inn I must see the minister and know more about him: l sauntered down 'Broadway and step into'; a store to pureha-e some articles which t stood in need i•E while making the pur chase, man stepped in and asked for ..oine things which had been left there for Noah * Newton. '" Are4ou Mr. Newton?" asked the clerk. '' I am, air." "Bob, run u p stairs and get-Mr. New ton's thing's,'' cried the clerk to an errand hey, Bob lu off up stairs, while f coil tinued u►y study of Newton's fnee. `-t h a d expected to see a person of sinister countenance, but was woefully rniqa- " ri"ltAo ALgiltamti!ckaa Thought leg tue. =Alm& off' wirac14:533.3--" WELLSBORO, PA., JIT . N :Dl2, 1.869. ken. He was a man of about twenty eight years of age, with a cleanly shaved face, and was neatly dressed. His eyes were large and expressive, and the no ble looking forehead told that ho was intelligent. Though his looks spoke well of him, I thought he needed watch ing, and determined to dolt. When he lett the store I folloWed him, but ho went directly to his boarding-house. The next night I watched ffewton's house and saw him come forth and walk away. I followed, and he led me through street after street, until we en tered It—street. Was he going to a gambling hell? Yes, it Was true. I saw him entering a fashionable gambling resort. I fol lowed suit, and saw my man seat him self at a faro table. He bet heavily, but lost; and at last he laid his last dollar upon the table. • This time he wen, and continued to do so until he was a thous and dollars ahead. He then left the room and went to. his boarding-house. Nigh(after night I followed him to and from the gambling house, but learned nothing more. But success was to come. One night I was looking at some gold pens in a jewelry store, when a woman entered and stood near me. Her per son glittered with diamonds. As she turned her face towards mo I saw Anna Rodman, one of the many women in New ,York w ho "Barter their souls for the means of life." , As'she laid. her left hand upon the counter, I saw a plain gold ring glisten ing on one of her fingers. I leaned for ward, looking at the ring, and saw the letters "T. 1)." engraved upon it. 1 knew it instantly.—lt was the betrothal ring of which Mrs. Durant had been robbed. How came Anna in possession of that ring? 1 must ascertain it; so I hastily purchased a pen, and took my station outside of the store to await her exit. She came out at last and walked rapidly away. L followed her through several streets, until, when in the vicinity of the battery, she was joined by a man whom, as the light of the lamp fell upon his face, I recognized as .Noali Newton; the minister. The two entered a house near by. Presently Newton came out and walked away without being fol lowed. After waiting an hour longer I saw Anna come from , the building. I stepped forward'and laid my hand upon her shoulder. " Who are you ?" " Harry _Howard." "A detective? Yes, I've heard of you." • " Anna, I arn engaged in my legiti mate lminess, and I want you to assist in catching a villain." " I will do so HI can, sir." " Then please inform me who gave you that ring," I, said, pointing to the stolen ring which i vtis still upon her linger. "Noah Newton, i young, man who lives on S streett " Was it the persun whom you met a while ago?" It was, sir." " Then, Anna, that ring belongs to Mts. Durant, and that man whom you met to-night is a preacher, and the cel ebrated Bond street ..oblrer." . —,--, 0 - f , w --- ---- - 9 1 0nU, ! Ile said he vas a - —, - ----., ..—.... : _ thinAs V' •_ _ - , I •-r•rr-j--,ff keep this con vers,Aifin - ilk you would a secret., !Aan t ly" " Yes, sir; and I hope you will CGatch him," She answered and walked atway. It was ten o'clock! now, • but I deter mined to visit the witdow. She reqived me kindly, but her Mace wore a look of disappointment when I told her I had no clue to the robbery.. After we had talked a while, she Said : "Our pastor pr4fiches his farewell -sermon to-morrow." " his farewell sermon !'" I cried, tit ! Icily astonished. ! _ " Yes, he leaves for California imme diately after the seilvices are concluded. His brother has written for him to come. His congregation Will be sorry to - part with him, and I especially, for he com forted me when I vas in sorrow and pointed me tollie Lamb of God!" "The hypocrite'," 1 mentally ex claimed. I lett the widOW in a hurry, and went to headquarters, got Charlie Ross and proce e ,d e o n, Newton's house to arrest him. floc the bird had flown. He had gone, his housekeeper said, to spend the night with a friend in the lower part of the city. We were chagrined at our defeat and resolved to arrest him before he reached the church. We went to the church at• an early hour, but frur game was already there and the choir was singing. We entered and occupied a back seat; we were compelled to do so, for the church was filled with peciple who had come to hear the farewell discourse. The preacher arose and took ; his text, which I think read as follows ; "Be ye holy ; for I am holy." The discourse was a splendid one, In which his tal ents shone with all their brightness. He concluded by exhorting his hearers to take him as an example, and follow him as he followed Christ! When the services were concluded, lie descended frohi the pulpit to receive the farewells of his congregation. The ladies gathered around him to receive the parting; kiss. At last he started to wards the door. " Dow's your time, Harry," whis pered Chlrley Ro!ss, as Newton neared nce. I stepped up to I he pious robber, and grasping his arm, cried out: " Mr. Newton i • the name of the com monwealth of Ne v York, I arrestyou." " What for."' lie stammered out. " For the Bond street robberies." Ile turned Pale as death, and many of the women fain ed. 'His hand moved towards his coat I ocket, but it did not reach it. " Quiet: ; Chaley, the bracelets!" I cried: The next instant Charlie Ross sprang forward and etas instant the hand-cutfs on, and Mr. Newton was marched off amid the shrieks and f roans of his congrega tion. When hi.4ltrial came off he made a full confession, and went to Sing Sing for a term of fifte en years. All the fruits of big robberies were recovered save the money,. and Anna Rodman willingly gave up•the widow's ring. A few weeks later I was presented with 11 line gold watch by the people of Bond street, whose church is in charge of it ministerwho is not a wol f in sheep's clothing. VENTILATE YOIIII CELLAIIS.—Many a dangerous fever has been caused by the. foul air from. dark, damp, and unventi lated cellars. confined air, without the purifying influence of Sunlight, soon becomes impure and unwholesome. Most cellars serve as ai reservoir for this impure air, which, in addition, is load ed with decomirosing organic matteni and foul gases, given oil' front the masses of decaying vegetables with. t i :, which they a re toned. The foul air finds its way sl wly and constantly into the upper roi ins of the house, there to poison the sys ms of its occupants. 1 'Cellars should be zept as clean and pure as any portion of he house. They afro should be well v ntilated, which can easily be done by having a flue opening from-the cellar into the chimney, and by having, one or more openings from the - outside. ,to 'admit the fresh air. I Cella should also 4 iwpt, dry as well-' ai clean and well ventilated, A Sponge MEMNI " What is 'von! o made of?" said George, gasping, si!'uffing, and winking n under his Croton' edit. No ono' near could tell him ; an 1 the maid' suggeSt- 11 ed that he " neec 1 't be askin' such 1% foolish queStions, hit just keep still and 0 get washed," and the matter ended. 1- Now 'listen, Geo gie, and I will tell a you what asponge s. g The very spors() which washes your b face, was broueit ip from the bottom ' of the omit, and vas part of a living' ti animal. For a ion,; time sponges were b supposed to be plaits, but later obser- It vatious have deeilled them to be ani- t 'lnds; and they a 1 ,; placed in the class 1 ' Protozoa, ,the elais most resembling e plants. i i, When first fount ia the water their appearance is' ver ' different film this I winch you now se . This Is the skele ton only, the part I orresponding to our s • bones. When thi I was a complete liv-, tug thing{{ deep do, n under the ocean, it was empred all flyer the outside, and .1 filled in every onelof these little holes with d'is,ift subst nee something like ( the white of an e i g, and this was like , our flesh; It was lastened tightly to a rock, anti. its colts, was a dull bluish black on, .the upp's: side, and a dirty 1 . white below. It sis formerly supposed to be a plant, beta se it was always fast 1 in one place ; but f r other reasons it is decidedly an anim 1. All through this mass is a regular .irculation, like 'our t blood. it has bee, seen to absorb nu- 1 tritions Matter—th it is, to eat, or rath- • er to drink. You ee all over its sur face orifices or ho 's ; these communi cate with each oth, r throughout. Into , the largest of there , called pores, ths. 1 sea-water is eons intly entering, and 1 out of r the small m es, called, vents, it is regularly spouted ut; and it doubtless finds in the sea-w. , ter minute animals Which serve it l'or nod, and increase its bulk.. How this strap 'o animal produces other's like itself I will tel you. Pram the soft . 1 . rt a little globule is seen'• to float off . and alter moving. about a while vc 'y briskly here and there; as if look iii for a place, it fastens itself:to some ro 1:. Next, gradually, bogies to be seen lie more solid skele ton (what we has e here,) the soft part increases, and so it grows ; not very slowly, either, for the divers fled it at the end of three ears large enough to bring 'awn y. To get these slay tges from the bottom of the ocean furnil hes occupation for a great nutnberof pl.ople. Ole thousand men are busy in t to Grecian Archipel ago alone ; and ti l l iusands besides, with many hundred oats, are I engaged in the Gulf of Mac tri, on the Barbary coast, and elsewl ere; so that in many villages there, fro n May to September —the best diving time—only old men, women, and chilt reu can be found. The finest kin is brought from the sEgean Sea. At, laylight there, in the summer time, N hen the ' weather is pleasant—for it r quires smooth water —4lte boats, each vith six or eight men and one pair of oars, will lsave the snore and proceet to where the water is eight, or ten, or even thirty fathoms deep ; for those ft undla Iliallew _water --littit,i, and the divers pre :- 1.- , .'n to descend. "Each one puts a hoop around his eeeff and to this fastens a bag, in which the sponges are put as they are gathere,l. In very deep wa ter the diver usel. a rope with a heavy stone to it. He 'sinks the stone to the ' spot lie intends t, reach and this holds the rope st .ady, 1 'inch lie uses to assist, himself in eolith g up again to the sur face. I After being bu y, thus till noon, they return to some o those pleasant: little nosks which ab and onthe shores of the Archipelago, to prepare what they have gathered lit for sale. The first thing is to press out the soft Tart of the anin ii, and then to bleach the remainder in the sun ; so they beat them, and stain' on them, and trample I them till there is no more life left. The skeleton part is t 1 en washed, and spread in:the sun until it is quite clean, and grows to be this dull yellowish color; then it is packs in bags and sent to I 1 market for sale sent to all partS of Asia, Europe, atl America. I 1 . ---- A WORD To IFARNIEnS.—The first r thing for a farm sr to find out is, what crops grow best Ini his soil. Then let him not be disci uraged by low prices ' for a year or Lw i. • .1f he has a. grass ' faun, let him tm se butler right along, even if some W eks it does not bring : him but twent -five cents. Let hint preserve and co time to send a line 1 article to town. tnd before the year is out, he will get forty-five cents. So with, potatoes, , ir hogs, or cheese.— ' Farmers diflisr a ore in skill as market ers, than in indt :try as producers. "I am come f my umbrella," said ' the lender of it, i n a rainy day to a friend.: 1 . " Can't help tl t," said the borrower ; "don't you' see that I am going out , with it?" " Well, yes," eplied the lendeis as tonished but—w mat am I to do?" _ "Do !" said thL other, as he opened the umbrella, atilt walked off, "do •as I did—borrow one " llere is a hi t , of French romance I whieh is edifyi»!: " Well, Gastek, I'm told you are .. - married old boy ' I ' • "It is true, L wis." " What sort of a woman is your wife?' ' " Why, she i, no beauty, but has a 1 good deal of at ltey and a very pretty I chambermaid." t - -- - ' - --- A young mini •Ler was discoursing on I 1 - 1141 expansiVe•ol l aracter of 'the human mind and said : ' Yes, my friends, the . - mind of man is .o expansive that it can soar from star t( star, and from satchel- I he to satchelite, and from serapheme to - serapheme, and from chef . rybeani to cherrybermi, an I from thence to the r center of the d m'of heat , en. ' A German wr to au obituary on the ' death of his wi I ,of which the follow .;3 ing is a copy : 'lf mine wife had lived until next, Frisk ', she would have been i dead shust two 'soles. Nothing is pos r Slide, with the ,linightY. As de tree .falls, so must it ' rand.' sI Some one out,lit to comfort a mother who had lost be t • little boy, by remind ., ing her that helwas then happy with - the saints in bli,s. ' ' Oh, yes,' cried the e afflicted thotherl ' but Tommy always - I was a shy boy, Ind lie is now among . perfect stratiger l .' .. - -- • ' , - A young lady at Troy, while engaged s in conversatim with a gentleman a a few days since, •poke of having resided E in St. Louis. ' Vas St. Louis your na r tive place ?' ii . uired the gentleman. ' Well yes—par of the time,' respond- O ed the lady. . - e „ The fashion ;f parting hair in the o middle, by g itlemen, is coming in 1 vogue again, 0 • introduction of veloc -0 ipedes having rendered -such :t style d imperative, as ye hairs on the wrong 1 side endanger tie rider's equilibrium. I_' A Iliesteru . p Iper speaks of a church 1 as "a preachin!' rink." • A Wicked Prank. Wednesday night quite a fashionable wedding was eeletrated in the Fourth District. The bride was. pretty, as all newly married ladies are; and the groom was the glass of fashion and the mould of form. A number of invited guests lent grace and beauty to ,the occasion, and hearty congratulations testified the good wishes of many friends for the happiness of the newly wedded pair.— But the hours waned rapidly, and the time for retiring came at last. The bride was led by laughing bridesmaids up to her chamber door., But imagine their surprise when it-was opened by a lady richly and elegantly clad in a trav eling suit, and evidently waiting for an interview. " I beg pardon, niadinw; but you ap pear astonished," said the strange lady. " I must confess I did not expect to see any one here," replied the bride. " so, madam ; I came in very pri vately, and wished an interview, sub ject to no interruption." - It did not occur to the bride to in- quire by whom she had been introduced, flir by what means she had gained ae ecss to her apartment. "It is very strange, ma'am, and I can't imagine why you wish to see me!" • "The reason is simple. The man you have just married bus imposed upon you. lam his wile!" " Oli ! impossible—y 9 rave!" and the lady sank into a chair almost faint ing. Of course, the bridesmaids screamed. Such asuccession of shrieks. one has rarely heard. It speedily brought the family to the door with terror-stricken faces, and with the bridegroom, all asking with trembling lips— • What in the world is the Matter?" " Olt ! Edward," cried the I t tridq, ' this person says she's your wife.' l Aly wife !" shouted the astonished litisband ; " why, she's insane," _ The strange lady stood ucalm and kitiruffied. .1 " Is it possible, sir, that, having- per petrated this great wickedness, you will have the hardihood to deny that I am your lam ful waled' wife?" she asked, looking tI,V sorely troubled Edward full in the eye., " Why, confound yOu, woman !- I never saw you before in my life!" p:11- claimed the astonished Man. The lady regarded Win. very much as a minister wouW a person given over to total depravity. " Oh ! Edward, Pin afraid its trite! anti I love you, so!" sobbed the young wife; " how could you lave treated'me so?" " I thll - you I haven't got any wife but you ; this woman is l an imposter." The strange lady uttered a low, meek ing laugh. I The scene was gettingll7 terested to the last degree. The ladies were all crying, and the father of the bride looking stern and I indignant. Ile had been for some time intently regard ing the strange lady, wh w en suiluenlY his eye -lighted tip, itlid an amused smile played on his 14)3. lie took a titer lortvard, and layi9g his hand Oil the shoulder of the strai i ige lady, Httid i "Come, John, tliis is very cleverly f)l l tyd ... ,ttit,.it.::i ..... i l i= z 4 y ti:3 'cir :rri l; U t t e i stranger was pushed int ) the hall. i "John—who—what l' , ails exclaimed at once. It was the bride's younger brothel ; ; a wicked boy, ,who ;had played la naughty prank, With the aid of his'siti ter's travelling suit av i d her chignon and curls. It is scarcely necessary to remari that harmony was very speedily re storcd.—Ar. 0. Picayune. I . p,uaint Appotment. --- , Alumni/the names sett into the Set e ate by Ci;eueral (Anna, for eonsulate l s, was that of Prank Che )owith, for Cau l! ton, China. A gentledin from Kan sas, .Mr. Wilder, was telling me :tonic remarkable and pleasant facts about Mr. or rather Colonel Chenowith, last night, which I reO•o4ce to show tlie 1 romance of it small appointment. Two years before the war broke ot., Webb ‘Nilder--a dauntless, truthltd, high-blooded man from Massachusets, but Westernized in "Wisconsin—crossed the Missouri river from the Kansas side and established in St. Joseph a weekly anti-slavery a vmspaper called tlic',Free Democrat. lie had been publishing this paper but a short time in the mi4t of abuse and danger, day by day, when young Chenowith i al Virginian, ap peared and said to liin - i; ' I believe in the principles you ad vocate, Mr. Wilder, and I want to be t a newspaperi nan to help them on. I would like to buy an interest in your paper.' Webb Wilder, laways speaking from the shoulder : We two proprietor. are working at the case, practical printers. It tali - 6s all our own labur to get up the paper, without regard to the(laily terror of our liVes. I would advise you not to risk your money here.' Young Chenowith replied, ' If you will let me put up my money, 1 will go to the ease and learn to set type with the rest'of you.' • , Ile gave in his fifteen hundred or to thousand dollars, and ‘l.7ent to the ease. Those three made the paper jump. It used all real or speciois arguments to set the border aflame, and the Personal gallantry of every min gave their ut terances character. Even J eir. (Thomp son, the mayor,' respected these young men, and, as far as he could, covered them with his awls. i n a secret i One winter afternoo friend stole into (lie pflice aid told these three that an indictment liad been issued against them all. To i l publish i ti, news paper against slavery was contrary to the law aof Missouri, and punishable with long imprisonment. Ullenowith and Tracy were Southerners Wilder was known to be a Yankee. l! I ' Clear out at once,' they said 'to the latter, ' cress the river immediately and I strike free soil !' I ' - Wilder hastened to the river 'which Fall by full of ice, and made its perilous g passae in a skill: I Chenovrlitli and _ Tracy followed the s ame day. , Their otlice was seized behind them, kind they lost, every penny they possessild din the world. Within six weeks Wilder es- I tablisheil the . Conservative in .Leaven wortl . Chenowith entered the Union army at (he tiring of 'the first, gull. lie, was (t, the stalfls of Grant and iShver nian, was a personal favorite and iiro l 7 trge witb both, and at (he cud of tin? Will fouiul himself broken in health but still quite a young man. One of his old partners heard or a school sit perint tendency ()jam ill Worcester, Mass.- 7 Chenowith (wiled to tleneral Gl'ant for a reenniendation lo the same. It was freely, gimerotisly, and,/ excellently written, and it got film the place. Ho remained there till about a year ago wh e n he found his • health failing. A milder climate was necessary. Ile rer. turned to Iticlunond o Virginia, and ' first family' of the Old Dominion as he wits, kept himself and family afloat by serving milk to the people of that city. In this his wife bravely assisted hint. It is'a lifo eventful as Lids, inspired by conviction, and sustained I..{y a per sonal euurago whleh we in the North will flnil it lined td find parallel for t wlitolt boo soot 51r. Cbonowith to Clialmi ' NO. 22. with a salary 4)f $l,OOO a year: ns-an agent for the Government which he has illt►strated so spiritedly. - ' Playing• with Forrest Not many yeals ago,.one of the most successful and enterprising of the pros cut American managers was a scene painter at a Boston theatre. But though apparently devoted to theTeneil and brush, he felt within him the SOUL of ROscius rather than of Beverly, and secretly longed for histrionic fame. To tread the boards before admiring thous -ands-4o appear in front of the scenes instead of painting them—this was his ardent but concealed ambition. How his ambition was gratified, and with what results, is a story too long reserv ed by 'Manager S for his private friend. • In the course of a starring tour Ed win Forrest, came to Boston, and S— was delight;ed. There was an actor! How ho should like to play with Forrest! Ina freak of good humor fortune gave hi in the oppottonity. I)aniou and Pythias was an nou need, with Mr.-Forrest as Damoryi; lint no olle would utedfirtake the part Of Locullos. Perhaps you have seen the play? 41 not, let me inform-you that Luculluslis the fhithfiit slave of Damon, who kills his master's horse to prevent him from returning to die instead of Pythias.— When Donlon finds that his horse is dead he abuses Lucullus violently, and this scene alWays ' brings down the house.' . .Mr. Forrest is the most muscular of tragedians, and reports of the manner in which he vented his fury in Damon and Pythias had reached in 80-fton, and caused the minor actors to shirk the part of Lucullus. Thus eame the chance for which S hail long and eagerly waited. He volunteered his services ; and the great tragedian, after critically inspect ing the slight figure of S , accept ed the volunteer and rehearsed with Win. The rehearsals all went smoothly. ` Here I se'ize you,' said Mr. Forrest. ' Certainly sir,' replied S I ' ' cheer fully. ' Mere I pi sh you oil at y6ur first en trance,' said Mr, Forrest. ' 'Quite right, sir,' replied S— r ----, who was getting on capital. ' lohniust give yourself up to me,' said Mr. Forrestg 1 - ' Never fear, sif!' replied S with a trusting sinile— The eventfulnight arrived. S--- - 1 - was beautifully atired in sp`otlfss tightt anti a Roman tunic. Hislandsome Ilee was whitened and roll ,- ed. Hi, 1 , li; iir had been most becomingly dressed. , The whole company admired ilium as lie stood in a most graceful attitude at the wing. Then his cue Wps given, then he walked upon the stage, 'a thin . g . of beauty.' lie knelt;' he Spoke ins little lines with modest emphasis. Suddenly, the Muscular tragedian ad vanced upon him like an fu L ' grjr tiger upon a ' , rentle lamb ; seized ln ni ; shook him in the Mr; threw him fl'pla side to side ; ruleasi4l Flint, only to pplinee up on hint again, like a eat pl'ay f ng, wine -,,,,,u5e; use 110111 111111 Mll, al. , .rritr length, .1 id 1 Itc eager plaudits Of t - te gallery buys , and at length ilnucg him out u,t sight through the first entqance, and landed him in frotit of the 'prompter's box, a dirty, sore, /perspiring dishevel ed-, bruised, disgusted heap Of; human ity. II ; Ali !' said .a friend, eem i tng 1.4 to him as lie lay panting upoH the floor, ' I see you have, been playing'w 11.11 For res-.' • No!' groaned poor S , trying in vain to rise, ' Forrest haspeen play ing- with me! And a nice object lee's made of me.' 11 J 4'''' The next morning 5 '.espectful ly declined to appear as Luet lilts again. `WOMEN ASSUMING THEIIi. PROPER PLAcEs.—Wonien have bec4i making piddle ()pinkly_ while men thdught they were on ly wri ting love stories; Through even the poorest and most shallow of these might he traced a womanly protest against the standard opinion of men in regard to themselses, and a liental and Mom i assert mu of the individual rights of the sex. They have been i deepening in thought, and emancipatiing them selve,4 ll'ollll do {teas, and' eletrly defin ing their pkiition, while 'they seemed only to complain and lament over un defined injuries and the souse of some thing wrong, that was supposed to be native to the sex and a" patt of their mental constitution, till Mien got to saying, “nothing- will ever satisfy a woman." This discontent was the most hopeful thing about a woman, and argued a protest wi11 . 211 her discAntent should have reached to the dignity i l f d' exasper ation. it had marred the harmony of her life: it had imparted an if indescrib able sadness to her pen, and now she has given the world the declaration of her rights. She speaks now, and the world must and will hear. I It seems to me that men are very -blind who refuse to look this, matter in the face, and women are the more to blame Who have not trained Itheir sons to noble views and a better aPpreciation Of what is duo to their mothers and sis ters. Men Coln plii n of our I mbeili tics, and justly so; butthe'only remedy is in the su i ceess of the eery opinions Which they til‘at with contempt. The lonly an ti (kite to the corruptions and abases of the wOrld is in the acknowledgnitent of the eqUality of woman, and theconvietion Qui her part that she ought in earn her own bread honestly, as meiri ;mist earn theirs.—Elizabeflt OakesSmi l th, in Pack ard's dlfontldd, for June. NINE E. l:.1:-IONS FOR W4311 , ..ti SCF Fll AG 1.:.—:11 h:s Francis Power Uobbe, an English w Titer, ,gR'eS the following rea sons for enfranchising, liti.'r sex, in a pamphlet largely eirculatoil in Eng land : - 1. Because women fulfill the propevly qualification on which poli teal rights !UV iiabed ill England. 1. Because the exclusiomof women entail a moral and intellec , ual loss to tho community at large. 3. _Because the interests ot a nou-rep re,ented class are liable to sulVer. 1. 1 . . t cause the legislature l in . England 1wg144•1 , 1 women ait(l favtirs nen. . ~ twcatise women are ta. L ed and do not -.hare the piivilege attaAled to that burden. I I 1 . ". i;e 0 :1 1 e-e tht•ir b :f:11 Iliirlal)iiiiit`q 4/Ll , O \% (1101/ at 111-el'iliik: liiSliliV:lnUlg ( ' II I (• 11 1111,1'1111'2, With 111 ll i: 1 1 Itlllll olo tlA 1 )(1--illl..- l , itit'Cl; :Ilia 11111)10N1 iocot , . 7. iiCt'llll,l', ill ewe- equelot 'of Ihe de ni.ll of the l ,` II) NlOlllO, ll . well Ore lCd to ilc,:pi,e and• t hem, and tit:it clrettecs :e.nit.-1 tlienp itvilli levity. N. it e r :i n,, , !he denial OI f:lie right to 1 the direct c Ncrci-se of t h e ; , 1 • j u d, rin ,,,,t 11a-!to ‘vonizelling :Ind degrading elrect 011 1111' milt& or W 000•11. 11 9. Finally, we desire tho tfanehise for women, because, while hel eying that • 1)101 and w(ul)en have dill'er'citt work to (hi in life, Nye hold that, in tibe choice Oh political representatives, the,y have the sa,tile task to accomplish, 114nely: The Joint selection of a ,:!etiate,livilich will guard Willi equal care the ritllitsof both sixes, and \V hiell shall en lbody in its jl4 - ws that true justice whir; 1 shall apt prove itself not only to tho,strong, bu altio' Lathe weak. ,I alje giop goitniD • 4 gilator Is published every Wednesday At , orning at $2 per year, invariably in advance. COBB & VAN GEL I ER. et . EE.001311.] , .---, , 1tn.07 TAITOZDDX a . .5.,-rcrr...l l 2l l .lS.T.lsT CI R. • ' rms . TEN LINZ9 Or MINION, OR I,ES9,IIAX . trtit SQUARE. 1 1401 of &fru. I In. 3Tne.t4lns. 8 31,:, gluo„. 1 y-T3ii, 1 :iquare, $l,OO $2,00 $ . 2,60 $5,01 $7,00 $12,06 2 Squrtrwt 2,00 3,00 4,00 8,013.2,00 18,01) ' 1ia1fC01...... , 10,00 1 15,00,17,00 22,11, L 80,00 60,00 Ono C 01.... 1 18,00 1 26.001 30, - 00 40,0 ICD CO. ---- 90A0 --- Special Notices 15 cents per line; Editorial or Local 20 cents per line. Thrilling Love Stop " Jim,' said a young sailor to his cous in, who lived a long,way nland, and I had 'never seen the " igwa tr," " Jim, did you e>-cr think. of goin • sea?" " You mean going to se• the gals I suppose I've been lO_FiCe Ult. gals lots of 'times." ,' " That! ain't what I mean," said the sailor. • - " But whtit about going to see th• ; girls? Can .you give me at account o' e. any npyour adventures?" . . "Well" replied Jim, "I lover Make a practice of telling such th ugs, 'Taint a good plan ; but I had a ittle lark'n scrape last spring, and as y kin liveaw y ofr to Boston, and don't gel such ich fl ees, if you'll agree to kee ) Junta ' 'll tell you all about it." I " .I.Will keep perfectly ark,' 'aid . , _ the tar Who was beginning • o feel 'nte-.(; rested, 'tgo on with your st ry." ; "It does make me feel bider' tgly when I think on't, I'll no i ange if it e don't, but it's all over non. You see, ' Suke Baker and I used t• take great shine to ° one another. Suk: was one of your right down smart., ell-looking and good-behaving gals. ~he appreci ated me and I appreciated her, and we never should had no troubl& if it had'nt been for the old man., He N as a, darned old snake in the grass, a d made u more trouble than all th rest of the' family.. Suke and I never 'joyed our selves, for he was al,va 's sneakin' round and throwin' out hin , and mak in' himself as hateful as h• was home ly. I got sick pn't and so id Suke. , I suppose the old scamp didn't like me, and didn't want me the e. I don't know what else to make of it, for he told me more than twe ty times to leave and not come again. " Suke's room was in tilt end of the Chamber, and I told her .ne time to leave her window up, and I'd come in and we'd'have a bit of a visi . I 'mowed she wouldn't hesitate to d • it, for I'm honest and very 'spectful i • my helm\-- ore. Well, after the. folks were all in bed, and the how-e was still, I goeS and gets a ladder and puts it in to the win dow. I then initial oil' 1 y•boots' and crawled up. Suite met m at the win der sill, and a tickelder co pie you nev er see than we was, but just as I was trying to clamber in, tin confounded ladder slid, and dawn it went, thunder to lick, making noise enough to wake up the whole town. It li t one of the 'lower winders and knoc -ed 'it all to smash. I just caught by the tip ends of my fingers on thu wind r sill. Suke, seeing me falling, made a grab for me, agd got me by the hair f the -head ; aild 'tween us with I just made out-to stay, but I thought 'Mout I been as well if 1 hadn't been there for could neith ' er get in nor get away. Old Baker heard the r, eket, and out ~' he came iu his shirt to se • what was to • pay. He sees Inc haligit ' there, and I suppose the old whelp mi. trusted some _ thing, for he went and gat a fish pole; r and begun to welt at m linibs really in earnest, I tell you, li 11, IWas in a ‘; N',ery harrisin situation. ' There I was 'speeded by the hair—fur Suite did the most of the hanging m--1 nd old Baker as mad as a hoc, jilt wallo )in' me down v,ith a hiekory fish-pole. What was to t by did. If Suke and Ish uld let go, I I should fall perhaps and hi oak my neck. ~„ Ilf Sake and I hun„o• o , old Baker _ would lick me to giglets, with his in - fin•nar fish-pole. I Nyas never so un -1 leasantly situated in a 1 - my life. I , would gin two shillings for lightning enough to strike the old whelp dead ; _' but all ,the lightning 1 s e was in my eye. I, tell ye ; Bill, th ro Was some. ~ there, or something else ; for I could I see stars 9f all kinds and colors •j st as thick as ?platters. But th nks I, I 'can't stand this by a jug full, o I took! and _ let go. Suite hung on Ike a beaver, and saved most half py I air, but down • I went. Old Baker want 'specting me quite so soon and I hit hi on the head, and knocked him stiller t an a louse.— : I got up and went hem c i lint I felt pooty grouty I tell you." i ,: I ' TE H SHOOTINO FISH. Tois very re markable fish is a native of' the West Indies. Natur has co strutted this aquatic sports' tap in a very singular manner, but one admira y adap:cd to his sporting prOileetions. The fish has a hollow cylindrical ; btak: - HO fre quents the rivers on 'th seashore in search of food, and fron the unusual manner in which lie pr vides for his daily wants be derives lii name. When this hungry gen tleilian spies a .11y or au insect not. takh -i g du care of him self, but sitting J oil Jpla is in shallow water, he swims' tqay t the distance of four or five feet, :rind - ften six feet, that he may tale aim JAt his prey, and when he has done so to 1 is satisfaction, he then with amazing dexterity and cleverness, ejects out o his tube-like mouth, one diup of watt r, which is so well directed, and so swi 'fly shot forth, that it never fails'to fins] the fly into the water, and once the •e, all hope of escape is gone—the fish farts upon its prey and eagerly devours it ; thus sup-. plying us with another i istance of the diversified mode in whie natnre quali-, lies its countless milliot s of creatures ! with the - powers necessa 'y for procur ing food. _ • l c i ___....._ CURATIVE rIFFECTS Or TiRIS EARTH. —Dr. Hewston, of _the Pennsylvania Asylum, Philadelphia, i•'said to lave conducted some marvelo s experiments in the cure of wounds, bthe •applica-' tion of dry earth. Apa lent was suff ering from t very se •ere compound fracture of the lower leg Dry, pulver ized earth wa applied, i ndthe inituedi ale effect is de Acribed as magical. Not ly thily was the o lensivene •s entirely over conic, but the action on the character of the wound vas such as Rio previous treatment ha l been able to compass. The suppuration was, witipu a few days, so reduc •d that i . daiV.dressing of a single half-pint of la.rtf - rwas net even saturator ; the Odg s of the .flesh wound lost t lei • - flat ed character; the intense pt in of dlr. re wasentirely relieved, and 1. healthy ”ranulation en sued. _Severn other cas , s are noted in which, simila • treatmez t was equally satisfactory. Waldeek, a g Zeman t wn, has given public notice (that no license to marry will bcreafterbe L!:rantok to any hidi vidual who is ad‘lieted t ) drunkenness; co., if having been 11, exhibit full proofs that is 1 0 1 , 4 •Z‘r a slave to this vice. The vernment has ako directed that in cveii( report made by the lunicipal and police authoriti,...3 upon 1 etition for li cense to marry, the re )ort shall dis tinctly state w het ber either of the par-, tics desirous of i going luto Matrimo ny is addicted to ii.tenip ranee OF °Ulf: • " Where shall I put ttl is - paper so as to'be sure of seeitq!•, - it tc -morrow?," in quired Mary Jane of her -briither Charles. "On the 141: ng glass," was her brother's reply. An English e:,5,t,y):.,1,, Writing. about Voltaire, calls attention to the hitherto unnoticed fact that no man ever has heard or ever will hear what Pontius Pilate and tho Pharisees had to say for theraselvea.