110111 E MATTERS. WEDNESDAY, MAY :.'6, 1„866. New Advertisements U. S. Internal Revenue Tax Notice—Ws R Adnu)Deputy Collector. Executor ' s Notion--4. R. Dickinson Estate. Getaseason pietnres"taknn at Speneer'e Gal lery, Mansfield. . Di Alms.— We are Ind .bted to Dr. llatbaway,of Tiegafor several ,ehoice varieties o f tomate.planta, very large and very thrifty. They are a little alleadf i tbe se son at this alti tude, but by careful nu'srng ,Ar hope to mako . them productive. The Dtictor has a fine garden for plants and deserves a &norm's encourage. r meat. UNION TEMPERANCE ArEET The pastors of the several Churches in this vil lage have united in a.eall for a Union Temper mien Meeting in the Court House, Tuesday even ing, May 1. The notice was given out for Tues day evening, , May 25, but for the Vetter aceoin sedation of tho publio has been postponed as THE MURDER CASE.,--We have been requested to publish the account of the alleged murder of the boy Tierney as it appears in the Troy Gazette. Wang all the circumstances into account we conclude not to do it. IVe have stated the a leged facts without note or comment. MI takes place the pious public may the gloomy horrors ,which always 41 eases. • When nett . feast its fill stirrOUtul Su ATE.—Esquirq Hastings, of 1' A Mi Farmington has shown us tho'model of what ap pears to be ho champion farm gate. It is cheap ly made, easily operated, out of the way of any :now fall, and may bo had by any. farmer at a low price fora farm right. The gate is Mead's patent. If there is any humbug about it we fail to discover where it is. The gate folds up like a camp stool, rising vertically from the path. IMPROVEMENTS.—Mr. Geo. Wagner H o making a fine improvement bf his property on Craton Street north of Main. o h . 6.s added a fine l large wing to his dwelling, anut is now put tin on a handsome front. . he Smith brothers have built i a neat fence in front of their premises on State Street. The borough authorities have replanked the bridge, junction of State and King Streets. PERSONAL.—Mr. H. H. Dartt writos as from Fontanelle, Adair Co., lowa, to say that after traveling over a great portion of thy; State he has settled at that place. Fontanelle •is -he tacen the Burlington R. R. and the Rock Islrul and Pacific 11.. R. The county is new, and settling up very fast by Eastern people. Wild land is from :. 1, 5 to $2O per acre. Mr. Nutt stcys that it Is a good oountry for men who want a bonito, and a Nor country for land sharks and speculators. Gosstp.—The man who goes about lai)ing inferior article's because they are cheap, made his appearance on the street last week. His last great bargain was the contracting for an ;hi stylti wagon, without springs, and - weighing about half-a-ton. When remonstrated nith, and named that it was load enough for one horse nithout a driver, he admitted it, and exeu.sed linntylron the grouninhat it cost five dollars less than a much stronger and lighter spring wagon. As lie left town a man possessed of an old fashion satin., with a eneath weighing 25 pounds, in quired which road the former took, stating that ,tk nos going to trade the old scythe to him for a modern mower and reapor. 'llls idea was that a ce,ythe and sneath cost much less than a modern muwer. We since learn that a sharp bricklayer has contracted with our lover of cheap things to take his American conking stave at cost, ;Ind in exchange put in for him an eight.foot tire-place. Another story/16,rd to believe, is that an enter pri,lng bookseller has bargitied with him for his t.hl family Ilible,offering in exebiange a copy at Paine's Ago of Iteasn4 w i ithout c cargo. t We i MI hardly believe this, I .ii it seem. imposPilo Mitt a man should pref. , Is non venni; to any Cher, It ithmitrefercma I is contents. --P.S. Later:—The nen . fOlo buys things he rause th.v are cheap his exchanged a copy of the amended ConstitntiOn of the United States far the original instrument, receiving, twenty-five ecnbs, bOot-money. lie is delighted with hiss bargain. —The weather. It is cool, but not delightfully It is damp, but not comfortably so. It is cloudy but not agreeably so. The farmers want hi plant corn and,potatoes and the ground is too wet and cold. They aro beginning to tremble lest seed time and harvest fail in 1819. Look here, friends : The hay and grain crops are our hest hold herb on the Alleghenies. When there i! plenty of grass there is plenty of hay, usually . a good growth of oats ; and in a stock and dal eying county these staples constitute prosperity.' While you gruMlile the grass is thickening at the button), and tho wheat and oats arc getting ready for a spell of dronth possible before harvest. otter all, nature's operations aro pretty well managed. No man and -no million :men ever mad° a fair day or a rainy one, a cold or a warm its. Why not root satisfied with the premise of feed-time and her vest—a prune ;et: which ncri , r lath,/ ! • —We again enter n protegt against tho distri hution of Him Honor's mail into our box- Real sni; Though a stranger, I cannot have your itul village without expressing my apprvci dtion of the generosity of your public institutnins lia‘d traveled some and read many books of t 61% el ; but never, untill I reaehed this vilhige, hag I seen, or hoard of etc pasturage of indigent conis in a Public square. 1 shall return to New Y , ik and at once propose to convert the Central Park into a cow past ire. It is the best i Hamra t,oa (.1 105 in 'trite that I over heard of. VlA•ron. Viator" oubt to be ducked for interfering'. Oxheart" who asks why beef is so eon soincilly high, is informed thnt, according to row of the Warren Moi!, it is owing to the feet that " the old caw has jumped over - ihe moon., 'There may be another reason still: The hutebeas may b e waiting fur the Cow to come down. - Tiou.. LOCAL.—The Depui aluut it miles below town, was destroyed by fire Attnday night 17th inst. The tire 18 supposed to 11,1 % e been caused by the heating of a box in the upper part of the mill, a saw mill just in the r ear td the grist-mill escaped the fire, owing to a large 'quantity of green slabs between the mills. The property belonged to Maj. Vine nepui with the exception of about $l5O worth of ma dunery, which belonged to C. • J. Humphrey Middlitbury. The mill wits insured for Stfinn Mr. H i umPhrey's interest was uninsured. Mr:-. Martha Brown starts fir 'Leavenworth city next week. where she is to fill the place of matron in a "Home for the Friendless." We wtch Mrs. 11, success. She has been h teacher ii Mr many year among us and is well tihalilleil for the positio . She is accompanied i,)• '.llis). fiii7a BeVell., %V 10 huts been visiting her friends 1 " 1 .''• Ma3.l); ggett is again among nz, be has ' , con west for the last few years, trying to find tiler he once had here, projterty enough to take ~o, of hitto,elf in his old age. The M.ti. is nu" '. yeam old, and has in tinteS past been 1, o t tb a "eAI of property: but a ,generous heart, 011. 11 “hadbuck" have deprived him of nearly all bi ^arthly posse.t.ticins. Ile will 1.101)161y live with - . 1 .1s children the remainder of his day , . 'nit' horo has at length ((tine its ditty in ibe "a 5 ..f protection. We wow a-k Mr an enfoice. 'Lent ht the oidinanee: but it will lie rather :t %tr... utom Mr. Velocipede, who - has not 1, , en lung UP long enough to become a till:, ti, .. :twig. r in a strange land, in,d to he 1111 , ,w...1 itie ate 41 the walks or highway. Wfll Client' "Acei," we have al length , u.. , 'tutted in creating a noito at ',with., t„ . RIM." bas done well, but iv, wa.r vets. ~l e. 1.. - ''''", the close of hot letter. Morpheus I, t, .. ntrilim influence over the pines, and we :hoold "1 le :told ised to hear of the' return of -Rip .in Winkle" to his native "land of l's;oil." You 't - k %illy we failed to fiend any .direcLos to the Pede. at the late election. It is :imply tlink.: -cl,l directors get no pity for their t doe, and "I've t•eveutern miles from the Buro or, Hi other cords, our directors do not care enows,h shout the matter to spend one day in three }eat s 1 " 111 dp elect the highest public school otli,er in the county. ' , stir citizens attended the funeral of James i joudricli, Jr., latt Sunday. A heavy shower c.ture up ‘ory unexpectedly while the prcec,-,ion lias at the .grave, all .ltd their best to protect ,0 tt' 1111.eiVeS iota the hall and rain, and two young IlieD i exerei • d superior judgment by crawling into the beano, niter the body was. removed, and being locked in, wore compelled to stay there mi ta the hearse reached town. Many citizens aro doing a fine work in the way of repairs. Messrs. Fuller and Putnam have done a fair thing in the side walk line, but friend P. should not put " old wino in now bot tles." Elder Giaves has made a new walk in front of his house on Church street. P. Krass has set out trees and made a now picket fence in front of his home. C. S. Getter and Dr. Hump hrey, have each made new walks, and many others aro under way. The temp'erance Lodge. is ,gradually on the gain. The younger members propose giving an entertainment, and have appointed a committee to make arrangements for Om same. We notice many advertisements of a now book, posted around town, The hook is called " Centaurine," and was written by D. Gerardy, formerly a resi dent of Tioda. SNOBBLETON. MANSFIELD LOCAL.—Under the facile brush of eilingerland, Hunt's Hotel, Captain Brun beeomes the "Mansfield Hotel." It has been thoroughly refitted and prepared for the accommodation of guests. The grounds of the Soldiers' Orphan School, have been enlarged;and - are__being enclosed with a high, tight fence, which reminds ono of the "stnekadesnf "war times." • Dr. Elliott's soda fountain hasputon •'Summer airs," and correspondent has tried it at the ex pense of the johu of the Wellsboro stage. We used "to drink from the same canteen." C. J. Munn is enlarging his dwelling on Church Street. Rev. N. L. Reynolds has moved his barn on Prospect Hill, to the rear of his house. R. Middaugh did the job. Ono of D. C. Holden's barns has Moved into his geld east, of the rail road, the result of getting on wheels owned by Mr. Middaugh. J. D. Webster has carpeted, painted, and pa cred his hall, occupied by "Odd Fellows," n-nd Good Tomplars." Middaugh has recently received. "letters pat ent," for a spring door-hinge, which is said to work nicely. Chas.'W. Brown, and Icon. S. B. Elliott have been ',hinting Norway spruce on Prospect Hill. Jas. 11. Shaw and family, also the family of Morley hayc gone to Taunt City lowa. Mr. Ilan- Mehl Jerald and family have gone to Winnesheik Co. lowa. Cloud wi'hes and kind feeling:3' go with thi•mn all. R. R. Buttles has a lyearling, trained , to ask or food and favors by I:neeling. Who can beat it? I hope my friend of ho "Orage house," does not intend to defend 11, r. Emery's singular theory about the earth being an animal. II the earth be a living "critter," Fill Mr. E. tell us that kind of "fodder" Eho eats, and where it comes from? It strikes me tho "critter" is about as 'lousy" as an old "campaigner." 11Tessr;. A. J. Thompson, P. ?A. Clark, and 0. 'Elliott have been making improvements in fences, and Messrs. Burr S Gaylord have been painting Charley Phelps's premises. Charlie seems to like Mart King takes the premium 00 ornamental trees, the best fowls, and the biggest dog. The heirs of Amos Bixby have bought the Cummings property, on Mainsburg-St. On the 19th inst., Mr, Kenyon Gaylord had his lingers on his left hand cut off by a chi saw, at nixon's Mills, near Mill Creek, where was at work. The wound nes dressed by Eagle, assisted 4q D.r. Elliott, 14 . . D. Bailey has opened a select school at the lioro school house. lam sorry to say it iy nut patronized ns well as it ought to be. Mr. B, iley does copying and other writing neatly and ar idly, at moderate charges. We aro glad "Rip Van 'Winkle" has w; teed from his slumbers. Ho seems modernized - , well posted and graceful, at least for :1 "tdrcrily" fellow. May he never sleep more. "Correspondent" explodes his "fertile" imat7- inntion, nt Acers expense. Ile nee . d have no fears of "Acct." followint , in his footsteps. as we wear only lives. It is hotter to have Some sort of nanw it' it he "Accidental," than none at AccmEN ['Al.. Decoration Day. WEsit.suono, May 17, Ist, Rewilcul -'[lint ( the Clerg) nun of the se\ - eral Churches of Wells)toro he finlleittii.l to unite at the usual hour or service, B,d,l,ath mor n in gs May :10th, at the Court House, com memorative of the de(teased soldiers of the war, who "gave the last full me isure of the r dexo tom to the Canoe of Liberty." 2(1 Re.wh,(l—That the citizens ;‘r Well.doro and vicinity ho cord ially invited to i nit the Cemetery at the hour t or I'. M., loinging with them such selections of evergreens and 'lowers as they can, for the purpose or ,leenTil ling the soldiers graves. Re..tred—That all solilk-r:. us 1 1 6 / oherish kindly the memory of our comr.oleis 010. the sleep that knows no wishing, he 111./ e-pec tally and earnestly requestrd to at lend and par ticipate in thews novices of alfectitotate 1et111,11611- ramie. 1). L. Denne, Cie°. AV. Merrick, late or Jim. I. Mitchell E. B. Carvey, IL W. Dorsey, R. C. Bailey, 11. C. Bailey, H. 8. Kimball, G. 0. Derby, It. B. Webb, M. Gleason, J. B. Wetmore, Jas, Carpenter, We cheerfully accept the al.ovc inritatiuu. Rev. J. F. Calkins late Chaplain. 119 I'. Rev. John A. Bou man, late Hospital Chap in. U. 8. A. Rev. 0. L. Gibson, Pastor, \I. E. Church. - Rev. J. D. Mitchell, INlelate Christian Rev. 8. M. Broakman, Baplist Church.. The Band will ho present and as.-Ist in the flusical exerei,es. It is believed that, ample pleparotion for the decoration of the gtai•es will be tuctic by the citizens. There should be no lailltte to Tie pare flowers and evergreens enough to decorate every soldier's grave.___ Covil\:wroN LocAL. —lt. may be of sere lee to those who do not reside on the lino of the It. R. to know, that under the, new Sum mer Lime table, tbe Accommodation 'yrain goes down in the morning, .10 minute , : ti Mier. the map in the onetime!), one flour later. long contested, amicable action, between Jay C. Jolitn-on and It. S. Irt'lan, Sen., no, late ly submitted to A.. 1. l.n Jas. 'l' Fho-t and A. M. Spencer, as tatori, io] din. ll ,y settled, Mr. lire.an getting a swill ,judgment Johnson. M. F. Elliott, F. E. Smith, and Niles, for Phi'. llt firy tSherwood siml 11. Smith, for .I),fonaane. In the gookh old tlays . ,lvlif our lion) S c hools ere hell in hotel ., lid the Scholars nere freezing their Imd 1,,1 1 0 t geltitu more mold, t learning, the .tilaprrited old huts acre tuhjaa to many :fets of vittaitt,tti. 11 wtts claim l that simii,,r acm \ye a h! h e emoinitted upon a good building. A vi.it to the Sellout House a short time since, showed ntlf;eg . or that kind. ft was cleat), Wish!, and id ly, and is a credit to the Scholars, as Ire II e: t, the , Secient teacher, Mi•ssetz Dnan and 4 . 011 flip r Sill it, y• 0, See 'y, ( 111onth1) - s_ 1 attended .- '3 %I't•re :-iini / younger mein ......t eNant inal inn. D• ::. Ir. la., .Ir. 1..., 1/6 lv I:then .olt i,•.° 1. 0, ' 1,1, , one for ti guard '(, eilettlur s.tws, Ivitli •wlvi , lt alta , linto'.l the ni, rator ton-t 1a1,,: ,pet.l.l I pain, to tnuttlat,d hi, j awl,. A loci of a Linger " 1 "'" i a •N'ar : , g , .. --i / 'hi:. TO thinking how to PRI oh( , intti .1 .... , C.,1.1.A.t,. '1'!1.• olio r i:, lot a ....t in - nr' l , of Moi•illine: , o n on, frame to t.the t h e hiner...r in the rough, plane. mortice ~,,,I tem.'''.tyi,..l,l 1,. 1, put tog( Ihi r, waking' ..:11. r 100t....-:....11 , o 1 h....i.. ih• kas alteally r. 10111 „,, 2 d it .. ~.,„,,la,.,„ru .0 hi_ g uar.k., :it ...A.,1 , ../., ".h.,f,„„_ ti",.i. T111.11',- . 41,1,'1.4.-1, ,i I. 1114 P 44.411• I: ill 1:,,1.1 L . An e 'echo!' fur of lin Sabhatli S'ehools, 3e.,1111 , ,1 iu the 6ileiell l'ollotring ticket; hPO Fannie A..11 . %er (. A: Kinney, Libiarion. 1). 11. :114•Inty• S. S. Cleaver, The set.olu nOl,llO e.ainination 0! pupils, was u . ;, , (in Sunday night 1;1 , 4. 'Cho exeri,' lar'to the lip 4. exeephitt; (hot th/ in , re of tliv-Se!),1.11. 1.:1- •t •, I the 1111;'. 0 . 04 s :chi: $l3 1.0. Ini 1 'Ol ‘V1111.1111,- i•t CIS 1.10. -day, bane )•I •li.li. .11 -r 111.:1:. 1.1.10 •Llt 0 , iw,ll 111%:11t1 .11 r liberal b tt . ; I t'tt ;;. ti.i 1. , 1 • 1...111 It' .I.• 11 , 1 tl I / I II .1 i 11,1 a d ,: ( . 4 ,r_ . L. 1.1• ,111 ir i— ,,, ' • , ~.n .•:,I8 zt.BBB,lBicB,t, ‘l , -luanto' , wio 1 1, . v ! I i.y 11,. B:ctn.:it/I, 8. , II h. Williams -1 por: o: i:,• I: ,oo .(hoo • tend tllO ( ' lii.Verlti./li. I ' II ;.1 U'i.iu ,:11.11 , 1`, E4ll t% 1111.:11inpi,TI, PA, ! - Clinai.EsTos Alay Ist, .1869. J IncßiNsoNT 1::11-14,.ir Sir: The one-horse i% ;dor pureit-ed oryou, made by MC.3 rs ri,rds nose y 1 think far the best 1 have ever used. 11 eork. , n, evil in hard ground as in sat, and is desimed t.. be king atunng hoed crops, as the Mower and Reaper is adnong sowed ones. limeretfully yours, LER9Y TAI3OIt. Xi cal ez , ,m3. 2 231.3.ffi5i71e• ses ■ FLOTIR FEED.-It 11111 y be profitable to the people to know that flour of all grades, and feed and meal, may be had at all times at the Charles ton Flouring Mills, and at the bottom prioos. We shall not be undersold, E. HART it SON. Selmer, Boors.—The Sanders Union Series. The people of . the township of Delmar are hereby notified that the School Directors of that township have by resolution adopted— The Sanders Union Series of Readers and Speller. - The Robinson series of Arithmetics. At very low introductory terms. The First Reader to be exchanged oven for Osgood's or the 91d Sander's First Reader. Tho other books furnished at low exchange rates, with or without the, old books. These terms can be learned of any of the teachers or school directors of the township, or by inquiring at the Book Store of Hugh Yung Ar. Co., Wellsboro. People desiring to avail themselves of these liberal otters can do so for ninety days from this date, that is, until Aug. 20, 18G9. Teachers in the several districts of Delmar are requested to send or kayo their names at tIM Book Store of HUGH YOUNG S.: Co.—[3m. GAIIIIISON.—In Jiteltson.'fioga Counts,:day 6, inst., H. E. Garrison, son of William Garrison, aged 28 years. Asleep in Jesus blessed sleep. At Woodhull, N. Y., May 4th, 1869, in tho 39th year of her age, of consumption, Sarah 11. At woody wife of Urial Atwood, and daughter of Luke Darling, Esq., of Colesburg, Pa. The c.ubject of this Skotth wits born at Sullivan, Tio ga county l'a., in the year 1630. She ]caves a husband and three children and a wide circle of friends to mourn her 1093. Sho was n quiet unassuming i,lll lady, and an active moodier of the Order of Good Templars—holding at the time of her death the posi tion 01 IV .11. S. in Woodhull Lodge, No. 820. The burial rites and minimills% of the Order were performed at Woodhull M. E. Church on the Gt h nes. Mr. Parrot, of Addison, mooch log the funeral sermon. There was a largo procession of Gond Tempters in attendance, including several members of the Addison and Jasper Lodges and about seventy-five members of the Woodhull Lodge. At a regular meeting of Woodhull Lodge No. 820, of (l nail Tempters, Saturday evening, May 8, 1800, broth. cos Wm. \S. Tubbs, L. T. Hollisond sister E. 'lusted, is eno appointed a committee to draft ',solutions of condolence on the dt:itth of skier S. 11. Atwood. The following were pre•tented•by the commit tee and unan imously adopted by the Lodge: Resolved, That the relatives and friends, and espec ially thy ltusi)lind and children of the deceased, taro our wannest sympathy iu their great befeaVentent, and while we feel that sin NtiOnbi lire :Adequate to assuage their sorrow, we can only commend them to look for strength and comfort to that Supremo Being who can alone afford consolation in the hour of trial. b'esolvul. That the Elm ha Adreelit,_r, Addison _ld t:evil's( e, TIOGA AGITATOR, and Coudersport papers be requested' to pnblish these resolutions. SPIX I AL, NOTICES., -0 AWN_ HALL'S , VEGETABLE , SICILIAN HAIR • toViet NEWER, The basis of its remedial properties is it vege table cam pound., IT WILL RESTORE GRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL COLOR. It will keep the hair from falling out. It cleanses the scalp and makes the hair soft, lustrous and It is a splendid hair dressing. IL P. HALL .4: CO., Na4ma, N. 11. Proprietors. For sale by all Druggists. [May 19, 1869. 111 ilnr lie 11r. U.S. ENT. BEV. TAX NOTICE. J AM now ready to receive at my office in , laa.field, thio United States Taxes on An nunl Li-t for EnconieF, Licenses, Carriages. .tc., I'ur'fioga (!ounty, and for the accommodation 01 Tax Payerd, I will meet them as follows to ro c:dive (Ito same: III.KLAND, Culver Hotel, Wednesday, June i 1 th, toun 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. WELI,SI'.OIIO, lloldmiith lintel, Thursday, dune 17. from 10 A. to .11P. M. M SF I ELI), nt my Mite, Priday, Juno IS, rimu 10 A. )I. to I I'. M. As there will he no pers nal notice given, all who teglect to pay on or b fore the 18th day of .Lune 5 per cent on tax, 20 onts for notice, and I eel is per mile travel circular, ivill ho added according to Section twenty-eight. All that send theitimoney to me by mail must oncloso a throo cent postage stamp to insure theta a receipt, and run !pelt own risk. WM. 1.. ADAMS, Dept/ly Collector for Tioga County, 18th Dist. Pa itf:tisfield, May 20, 1809. 1 01'8 4 OF 2117 P. V. I+7 I'. V. 136 P. V. I:i I'. V. 2i) U. S. P. I. S. p. I. 14 Pa. Rifles. fi Pa. Ite:ierres P: - V. P-' I'. V. • 1 I Pa, ('ac. r, Pa. 11,-3. let Hatt. VVICKUAM & FARR'SI DI GOODS BOOTS SHOES, CRocKERY & WOODEN 111.1 A 6S"I'O INSPECTED, AND Tioga, May 13,1888, DEATHS. N I 0 I) NEW MI TIOGA, PA SUCH Groceries, HATS & rus, MrAllE, SOLD Al' A. FAIR PROFIT CALL AND SEE WICKHAM & FARR, Chas. 11. Goldsmith, of IVdlabor°, will be a candidate for Treasurer, subject to the dooision of the Republican conventio , We aro requested to anno of Knoxville, as a candidate jest to the decision of the Convention. , David Cameron, of Tioga, for Treasurer, subject to the publican Convention. 11. Stowell, Jr., of WeBA didato for Treasurer, subjec i ti the Republican County Conve Itomotubor that Albert Bake a one-armed " Bucktail" tha , the candidate for County Tro decision of the Republican Yours Respectfully, Wo are requested to an Spencer, of Richmond, as a c Treasurer in tho approaching Convention, and subject to We arc requested to annou of Liberty, as a candidate fo to the decision of trio Repub vontion. Charles P. Miller, of Tiog date for Treasurer, subject t Republican Convention. REntsrEn 44: - RE: H. S. ARCIIF:it offers himsel Register and Recorder, * aubje of the Republican Conventio D. L. DEANI! offers himsel , the position of Register and the decision of the Republica tiOn. LEROY TABOR, of Chariest date for Prothonotary subjec i Republican Convention. .T. F. DosAt.usoN is a Call, of Prothonotary, snbject to I Republican Convention of MANY now testimonies Oxide Gas aro eon'sta IL East Mates, where tooth in a superior manner with a -25 per cont, All styles of a ted on Bhortinotice. Satisfa Wellsboro, May 26, 1262: Executor's TETTERS Testamentary 4 I upon the last will and to Dickson, late of Charleston, indebted to said decendont, the estate, must settle the sn Marks, IVellsborough. WILLIAM. J. De AZRO A. May 26, 1869-6 w. Wilson S.; Yl❑V No. 2 Union Nook. is thopinee where the cr.wd go to find THE NEW SPRIG. STYLES 1 POPLINS, GRENADI ESI: LAWNS, ORGANDIES, PIQUES, OIIINTZS, PEROALLES, GINGHJAMS, DELAINES & PRINTS ALL STYLES, FACTORY'S, SIIEETI EL► AND UNBLEACH HOOP SKIT of every description, DRES BUTTONS of all kinds; I cheapest essor READY MADE over brought into Tioga the place, and call b We hare veleeted our stock with groat caro' and notify gentlemen that in LIGHT CASSIMERES, TWEEDS, LIN ENS, FARMERS' SATINS, GAT ' TERS, & SUMMER WEAR of every description GOODS, Thankful for past patron tention to business we hope anco of tho gamo. WILSON & VAN IVellsboro,lll 19, 1869 TN DIVORCE.—To Mary notice, that Carlos Rousi applied to the Court of Corn' county fur, a divorce from 4 .Yman Cooper.: Talc() ooper, your wife, by tkins, has applied to s of Tioga County for d of matrimony, and rip oin ted Monday, May ease Wollsboro, for a um sant matl i cr, at which time and place yea can attend if y u think proper. 4 J. B. POTTER, Sheriff. Bray 5, i°69 TN DIVORCE,—To Tilypbona White: Take notice, that Daniel A. White, your husband, has applied to the Court of Common Pleas of Tioga. County for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony, and that the said Court .has ap pointed _Monday. Map ;l1,•1869, at the Court noose, Wellsboro, for a hearing in the said matter, at which time and place you can attend if you think proper. • J. B. POTTER, May 5, 1860. Sheriff. IN DINORCE.—To Da iel Green Take no tire, that your wife, Henrietta Green, by her next friend Abiel ly, has applied to the Court of Cotninan PV,sts f Tioga County for a divorce from the bonds cI . matrimony, and that said Court has appoin ed Monday, May 31, 1869, at the Court House Wellsboro, for a hear ing in the said matter, a which time and place you can attend if ybu thi. It proper. May 5, 1560 TN DIVORCE.—To Mary W. Brown : Take notice, that yofir huiband Edwin C. Brown, has applied to tho Court of Common Pleas of Tioga County for divorce from the bonds of matrimony, and tliat said Court has appointed Monday, May 31, 1869, at the Court House in Wellsboro, for a hearing in :.aid case, at which time and place you can attend if you think proper. r J. B. POTTER. Nay 5, 1869 Tzsi DIVORCE.—ToI\ _L - notice, that Thomas band has applied to tho of Tioga County for a di l matrimony, and that sai Monday, May 31, MD, Wel!shorn, for a hearing time and place you ca: proper. May 5,1869 T N BIVORCH.---To . s olin F. Bristol : Take, 1 notice, that Polly I . Bristol, by her next friend Corollas llowlan I, has applied to the (Court of Commom Pleas of 'lioga County for a divorce from the bonds )f matrimony, and that sa i d Court has appoint d Monday, May, 31, I,,Sti9, at the Court House Wollsboro, for a hear ing in the premises, at Which time and,. place you can attend if you think proper. J. B. POTTER, Sheriff. May 5, 1869 Admini6trato l LETTERS of Admit] granted to the under. of Aaron Searle, Late 61'3 sons indehted to, or elahni must settle with May. 5, 1869.4 C. E. HE DEALER IN DRY 4:300 5 ware, Boots, Shoes, Hat tier of Market and Cra! Pa. Jdu. 0, 1868. \y ANTED, AT THE NILE •i VLOURIN tl 10,000 Bus. Corn 10,000 " Oat. good wheat. Niloe Valley, March 24 County Tre urer. noo Gilos Roberts, for Treasurer, sub , epublican County ill be a candidate ecision of the Re- ro, will be a can to the decision of ration. , of if Boro, iq votes 'as ho shot, is surer, subject to tho ounty Convention. AMIERT 13MKTM. conc . ° Alonzo M. ndidate for County Republican County too decision of the I , ce Oen. It. C. Cox, Treasurer, subject [eau County Con- a, will bo a canal : tho decision of the DIEM as a oandidato for bt to tho decision as a candidate for ' reorder, subject to county Conven- PROTHONOTA on, rill be a eandi -2t to the decision of didato for tho.office the deoieion of the ioga county. .CVl[.utist; EZI in favor of Nitrous tly being loft at A. re filled with Gold iscount from 10 to tifieial teeth inser tion guaranteed. ' 70t1Ce. tai7ing been granted [stament of John It. dee'd, all persons 1r claiming against Inc with Charles 11. KIRBY,) . r , , ICIIOLS. f 'x " lkenburg's GS, BLEACH .II) MUSLIMS. TS, TRIMMINGS and sn tho largest and lent 01 CLOTHING ,ounty. Remember 'fore purchasing. e can't be beat. .go, and by strict at to share a eontin - VALKENB,RG - - An. or ItotQc : Take ur husband, has , n Pleas of Tioga (ho bonds of ninth- Court has appointed hi a hearing in tho illouse, Welisboro, at 'ou can attend if you J. B. POTTER, J. B. POTTER, • Sheriff 'argaret Atherton : Take L!t, Atherton, your hus ourt of Common Pleas voree from the bonds of d Court has appointed at the Court House, bin said matter, ut which attend if you think J. B. POTTER, Sheriff. ''s Notice. stration baying been igned upon the estate ckson, dee'd, all per g against said Estate, ~LEN SEARLE. Aden's. • LEY )DS, Groceries, Hard Caps, ttc., cor f e lon streets, Wellsbor< ALLEY STEAM MILLS. s, and any nrnoun ~ B. DIMON & 00. 1 th i /869.41. NEW ADVE*RTISEMENTS 3lrs. A. J. SOFIELD WOULD respectfully inform the public that she is now opening a largo hasortment of Spring and Summer Millinery which sho offers for sa.lo at low prices. Her stock comprises Flowers, Hats, 4onnets,:ltibbons, and ladies fancy goods, generally. Particular attention paid to re airing Hats and Bonnets. Wellsboro, April, 28, 1.869-2 tn. Millinery & bre -,Maliing rp tin undersigna would say to her old friends and tho public generally, that she has fitted up rooms• in her bUilding (Ist door below Van- Horn's ware rooms) for the purpose of carrying on Dress-Making! b• in all its departments Hor goods aro all new, and consist in part of Flowers, Laces, Ribbons, Straw Goods, and in short, everything pertaining to n Fash ionable establishment. boforo purchasing elsetVhere. Prices reasonable. Particular attention paid to bleaching and doing over old ladies' bonnets. Apr. 21,'69-3m. 'Mrs. JEROME SMITH. State Street Lots; AP. CONE having laid off his land on State Street into town lots now offers them for sato on reasonable terms. Wellsboro, April 28 0 1869. Just i necelied S PRING SACKS and SA LI C I I A N N O O I S,at jco,s April 14, 1865. ANEV lot of POPLINS, ALPACAS &c„ and Satins for Trimmings nt D 1 LANO & CO. April 14,1869 4431...5izr King's ART GALLERY, Is the place to got your PHOTOGRAPHS. New and Rustic Scenery. The now Cabinet size made in any position. npr. 14, 1869. 1 ASPLENDID - stoel: of Kid Glov l os only $l,OO at DE LANO ,t, CO. April 14, 1809. , I I. A LARGE Stock of Spring Clothing at DE LANO k CO. April 14, 1569 HALO PHOTOGRAPHS Made at CLAY KING'S Art Gallery, at $1.25 per dozen. Also HALO AMIHtOTY?ES, large size for frames, 51,50 each. • upr, 14, 1869. Largest Stock In Tioga County for sale at April 14, 18139 FOR S Picture Framel to order at ro ona- CLAY KIN S Art .Very. . Y. C. MO . THOLI.A.I., f E AND RETAIL DEALER in kin ds of • which will ho manufacture hle prices, al April 14,1869. EMI Grocery and Pro CORNING, rI ROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Wines, Liquors anti Cigars, FOREIGN & DOMESTIC, GREEN & C AN . AT lb] D . FiU IT S AND VEGETABLES, ', Sheriff. woop & WILLOW WARE, GLASS & CROCKERY WARE, CHILDREN'S CAMILA.° S, CABS & PERAMBULATORS, TOYS, &c., &e A full and completo assortment of the above mentioned goods of the best quality always on hand. Particular ( attention paid to Fine Groceries. Dealers and ommmers will Lind it to their in torest to examine his Stock before buying. Corning, N. Y., March 81, 1869. H ARRY ALIXS7 Having been to much expense in fitting up another Green House, giving more room for largo pots, I flatter myself thrq no Green House can make a better show of i ,1 '- RARE AND THItIFTILI PLANTS, i Dahlias, Roses, Vcrbenias PetUinfi, Geraniums, all sorts; Basket Plant , , all 'sorts ; Hanging Baskets, now patterns; Beautiful Bego• nias, Cape Jessamine, Carnations, Cissus, discolor; 4 Polargoniums in variety, c. Itle; kc. Now Crimson Cluster emato Plants, and all Sheriff. sorts in pots or by the do. bags Plants, Egg Pin (two years old) bags White Salad, Cauliflower All kinds of early Vog, of April, at the Green II of McCAur•. lc Mix, Men Having employed one Florists' ho will at till ti tion to customers on the and cultivation of Plants! This Spring's Catalogu may desire and write to Come and seo my Ilnusen solver. "With gratitude favors. . / .,Z..-liouquets will be found 'at the store of McCAln Mix every morning, Sundays except ed ; 35 to 50 cents each. Towanda, Pa., Miir. 3, 1869-fun. si Orders left at Win. Roberts's hardware Store, Weltsboro, will receive prompt attention, T . AM AGENT for Kinney & Co., celebrated platform Spring Wagons, all styles, also for their light Carriages and Buggy Wsgona, all made in good style, and from Jersey timber, and warranted in every respect, equal to any made. Can furnish any of the above at the lowest Manufacturers price's. L. C. BENNET. Wel4horo, May 5, 1869—tf. (lAMB to the premises of tto subscriber in Deltn4r, April 26, ult., 7 yearlings-1 steer and 6 heifers. Two aru - well spotted with, red and white. The owner is requested to prove property; pay charges, and reelnim. May 12, 1860-3 w. 0.11. STONE. Respectfully announces to the citizens of East Charleston and vicinity, that ho would be grateful for their patronage. Office at the Store of Ooopep and Kohler, Mar, 24th'09-Iy, 19 Lades, of Frames the lowest prices, a CLAY KING'S, Art Gallery. LE. ock of A splendid Moulding., DRIED FRUITS, HOT HOUSES on. AU kinds of Cab. is, Asparagus Boots oots Celery, Dwarf„ Thyme. table plants ready ilst uses and at the store •ur's .New Block. E the leost experienced yes give any inform mod° of propagation will be sent to all that it. I invite all to Plants, ac., f,O them- I acknowledge past For Sale. Estray. E. S. Perkins, M. D. MIEDIC.AI Is often quite expensive, but this the rending. , If by accident, you get burned, or sprained, then Salutife immediately; for it is quick I' l l and powerful to cure pain and If you are afflicted with 1 numbness and stiffness of the it severe pain, or painftil.swellin ralyia and Inflanz«tory Itheun try SALVTIFE byall means. Apply it quickb leave it open to the air ; add use to directions on the bo If you have Sore Throat, o Felons, or Croup, or Pleurisy, o or any of these( disorders Ma l oUtivard remedy, 41te Is what you want, far it has p ing to thousands. Although i to be one of the strongest medic So safe that even a child may ha SALUTIFEI Kept constantly on hand for i will certainly prevent much s may save life. 7/you are prudent and eco' de _to save expense; then 7 SMATTIFET, IS found to he tz saving of mo year in alt families tha Fi.'r•Fur eala by all Druggis Depot 252 Greenwich St., New Yo Wholesale and DRUG ST By W. C. KR /VHF, subscriber will keep on ha a full stock of DREGS AND Al Patent Medi Flavoring Extracts, Perfumery, Kerosene Lamps, ,Wicks, Dye Colors, i l Vhite Wash Li', re and Brushes, - Fah ish and ' Sash Brushes, JVindow Glass all sizes, Varnish of all kinds, Fancy ,Soars, Hair Oils,' SPEC I TAC ES, ' Hair and Tooth Brahes, a full stock of Yankee "N011 . 011S.: idso a !complete as- '` sorrment of gtore, tceopathic M Pure Wines and Buyers are requested to call ces before purchasing elsewhere Mardi 24, 1869-1 y BULLARD & GENTS' & LADIES' FRENCH MERINOS AMERICAN MERINO AT GREATLY CALL AND S Vic,llsboto, Jan. 20, 1860 The Best Stock of FEED, MEAL, PORK, PROVISIONS in Wellsboro, can be found at A choice lot of CLOVER andLTIMOTHY SEED, besides :111 kinds of GARDEN end small FIELD SEEDS, SEED POTA OES, EUGS, BEANS, MT.& 'OES, GRAIN, BEESWAX, &C , AT ➢lurch :It, 1869 RIP 'SHE - 11 4 Olt CAFII, era will sell FEED at these pr L ces Very be.lt Rye tt.' Oats, here, . Best imported Feed, Best Common, Reed, . 'Cow Feed, . This almn , e, goods, at the: strictly cash ! 140 don't rnix sand in our fo We haven't a Plaster Mill Flouring Mill ! Our Food is pure! W RIO IVellsboro, Jan. 20,1369. New - rust Received and cold obo; April 7, 'O9-tt' TOL DVICE you have for cd, bruised, apply give relief; oreneu. In eness, or zbs, or with s like Neu latism, then so as not to ''t according Quinsy, or require an SALUTIFEP loved a bless. is reckoned lies ; yet it is I c die c ^ use it. lionrical, and l emember that than SlO o Sc it. lii. Wholegalo 1 k. Retail • I I CM nd at all limos CINHS PAINTS, OILS, Ines, dicines; Ind a full dock iquors, nd examine pr THREE= Co., aro now offering' ,S AT COS T COST, AT COST. ALL OTHER G ODS EDUCED IZEI PRIC INS OE M. B. PRINCE'S 12:1 B. PRINCE'S You camget cnAL for:zA !MEM OES Eill FROM THIS r•otntd boy° prices, lITO !onneeted with our I= 01 p, for Cash. • t 8 ot SAMOA SELLING OrY AT COST 2J, mo mlm c &lua r ca. Will sell from this date their entire stock of DIIDGS, MIMICINES, Perfumery, Notions, Dye. Stuff's, Paints, Oi ls,, , tediate use, ering, and Varnishes, Glass, Putty, RE! Alcohol, Turpentine, Kerosene Oil, Wall-)Paper, Curtains, IBM AT COST FOR CASH Positively no Iffmnintg Weltsborn, March 3, 1869 Fresh Goods Recet 1 i vizavs ata) sating Hats and: Caps. Converse & Osgood ;cep constantly on hand a largo stock of genera MERCHANBIZt. GOODS AS REPRESENTED. NOT :lap. 6,1563.4 y. CONVERSE A: OSO 00D n, M IT: 4 ? 9 Yet t The undersigneti would respectfully illfort tho citizens of Tioga nud vicinity that ho has just opened a Watch and Jewelry establishment in Borden's ;Drug Store, and is prepared to execute all ( - alters in his lino of business with despatch and in the best of man ner. , ALL WORK WARRANTED,- s. WILE Tioga, Feb. 2.1, IS69.—tf. CLEAR THE TRACK. MOIWAN & TIPPLE, ~Agt's, A RE receiving fresh lots of goods by railroad 1 - 1 every day at their Store in and hereby give notice that. they intend to lead one-horso towns liko Wellsbore and Mansfield in • both See if wo don't do it April 21, 1S(19-4ir THE GRAND PRIZE Paris Exposition Univ,piselll6. CHICKERING7S Ainerican Pianos Triumphant OVE It ALL THE WORLD. Miss 11. W. TODD, Agent. Doe. 23, 1;119, Wen:4 , olu, PA $2,10 c 2,25 ' 2,00 ' 1.75' 205000 Pounds of clood Metter wanted for which 1 will pay 45 cents in trade I ,t toy Store. C. L. wir,Lcox. ellsltoro, Nov. 2:, ISGS. F op. sAr..._„ „. pair of pleasure Bobs, tit p c ,. 23, ISIIB. TOLES tt; BARKER'S R. FETCH'S ABDOMINAL SUPPORT ") Bits, for sale atroy'a Drug Stpre., SACKINO for hops,liestg uality 2500 poryard at LANO k CO'S. - 0ct.12 FULL Stock of Groceries at old prices at DE LANO do CO. kall U 1889, FOR CASH I ,1 , T obacco, Cigars, Fixtures, &e., &c., &e., r..R. "WILLIAMS & CO. ed Weekly. Dry Goods Fresh Groceries CROCKERY! Bo it remembered, that TO BE UNDERSOLD VATCHES ,i