00ME M ATTERS. WEDNESDAY, ISLAY 19, 1809 New A.dir.ertiacsnaen t io Ifar.iwaro—Nocr Firm—Robortald: 13ailey icilian Hair lionowor—R. P. Rail ck Co. New Goods—Wilsou 4 VanValkonburg. Tioga Borou!h Ordinanco. IZELiaous. r-- Rev. S. M. Brooktuan adl preackat ChA .13aptiat hall ovory Sunday, at th e usual hours, until further notice.. ' .A.llT.—lf 'you have not seen Charley Thouipson's Copy of \ Bierstadt's "Sunset„ now on Exhibition at Ypung . & Co's. Book •Store, go find see it, It is wi l Jrth seeing, anti will I..einnin ofily 3 week DECORATION DAY.—We are request.- tkl to give notice that preparations for the ap propriate observartco of the 30th inst., the day ; . m fel apart for the eotion of soldiers' graves, are being 'made by committee of soldiers in this village. A genet I attendance of soldiers and citizens at 3 o'clock, afternoon, of that day, is re quested. Full programme next week. - fot,Ev havigg just returned frbm the t wo cities may bo presumed to have several new and elegant styles of fancy goods, and a new lot o fjewelry, watches, eteetrea. Probably lie will get into his new store in a week or two. PISCES.—By the beard of the prophet— fiEh! VenniVert is entitled to exemplary grati wie fur a tine MSS of trout, the first, so far as we are.concerned, of the season. .We assure him that they were a most delicious thing "on ice." If the waters of Pine Creek do much abound in that article, and the dwellers in hot, dusty cities find it out, how is Vormilyea to. accommo date at the Izaak Walton House all who will surely go there this coming summer ? PROWLERS ABOUT. Some Small thievery was done at a house in this village ast Tuesday night. • The best of three pairs of pants were taken from an out room, and the beef pro vided for Tuesclues dinner, together with bread were taken from the cellar. The owner desires Lir to return thanks for what the visitor did not tako. ifotteeliolders will do well to lock their doors o' nights. Lead nobody into temptation. CouREcTIoN.—In our notice of the death of Mr. Ksarr, last wee; there wcre‘somo errors. Ile Wil4 horn in 1837, consequently was but 32 years old. We learn by letter from Col. Emery, of this village, father-in-law of Mr. Knapp, that Mrs. Knapp is lying very ill, though not without hope of recovery. One of thCir children, S a little hay, is dangerously ill, and 0 e physician has little expectation of his recovery ' ThoTami ly has the sympathy of this community in its se -1 ere affliction. IMPROVEMENTS.—The work of repair ing anil renovating, Is well as of building anew, is going on in all portions of the village. H. W. Dartt is ealosing his dwelling,l with a neat picket fence, and Charles Mosier her gone sad done likewise. Mr. Fisetiler hits put up a neat barn on Walnut :trent, and "Mr. Carroll has much improveil his re in ises on Meade street. Fole,*'s new store is progressing, Wheeler's new Wagnn Factory is enelo,,,t, „,,, inwkuienaro getting ready for the foundatims the new hotel. ALLEGED unDER. --Friday morn m, Michael King and wife, of Union township, ktnsigne4l to the jail in this on a charge of wiltil murder of an adopted child. We give such facts as we can gather: On the 10th, Mr. and Mrs. King took the body of the child, a boy of eleven, to Troy for interment. Certain circumstances aroused suspicions of foul play, and the body was exhumed. On examina tion it was qund to be barbarously mutilated, serergiiba being broken, the breast bone crushed and the thighs burned to a crisp. The body was otherwise brutally mutilated. King and his it& were arrested on Wednesday, and after an examination before a justice were committed to 311,1 M to a barge ofwilful murder at, the May flyer and'l',•rntiner of this county. The victim Iva:. a e,.n of a Mr. Tierney, of Troy. A eirA MIER or A CCIDENTS.---Ltis ,Teek wa,3 an unlucky week in'aud around Well bwru. , (hi :Monday, Ifith, Mrs. William English, of Del mar, was flung from a wagon and fatally injured. The horses had been halted for some purpose, and !tatting suddenly sho. was pitched out of the wagon backwards, sustaining inch an injury of the :Tine as resulted in paralysis.- Tuesday, Ilth, a little child of Mrs. Delos Miller, of Delmar, was, fatally scrlled. The neither had set a pail of hot water on the floor, .and leaving it a moment, the little one toddled up to it, sat down in the water, and remained until rescued by its nfother. The child lived but twelve hours, dying Wednesday morning. On Wednesday, 12th, a little son of Sheriff Patter fell from his pony and broke both bones ff Lis kft arm. The Sheriff is so well accustomed accidents by this time that this will not be wail, though rather unpleasant. yell will wake ally tine May morning at fours o'clock, or thereabout, you Rill be delighted with a prelude to the delight fulleq coneart in the known world. • Just where it commences in the scale is beyond uc to state ; but rendered into words it runs thus Tweet—tweet—tweet Wlllyu witty, willy-willy wiib-b ! ! Willy-willy, willy-willy wis h-h ! This prelude continues twenty minutes, or so and appears to ho a formula for rousing the orchestra from its slumbers. At half-past four pat is ill hear robin-redbreast, from his perch on the tree nearest the house ,(ho is social, you knew 1, rattling away something like this : "Jonathan Gillett! Scour the skillet ! Scour it white ! Scour it bright! t-cortr it Olean, cl.av, VS.P.AN And this song is taken up by the robin family and trilled, with an infinity of variation and with over increasing pitch, till the air becomes liquid with melody, and the sky golden with morning rays. Then you hear, in spite of the dier, a clear, hesitating pipe, reqnting the first two lines of the robin's song— " Jonathan Gillett Scour Alie !" —hut never getting n stave farther in the song This is the blue-bird, uhich is a sort of imitator, or mocking bird. Ile mates with the robin in habits and song, lint has very little independenfo: Besides theso.songs the Ca tbird is heard trilling lux incomparable melody, beating the Canaries handsomely. —Of course this Grand Opera of Morning has a meaning. If you will arise, and go out into the open air, you will find that from half pilot fear up to sunrise the tide of song inr•reits , .s in the same-ratio: ns the light. Commencing wit \ the high notes of the elarionette, instrument alter instrument hills in, until the full orbed !AID glides through the golden gates of the (not ; troll then the entire orehetittit of OM feathered world loins in chorus and the occasion hecente's sub From this we learn that the animal tiro hl —especially that portion of it Which , acr ars fea.l,_ era—worships the sun. Now, the sun nth) ma he a proper object of worship, or adoration : nod the Parsecs may have been idolaters : but litter all, we suspect that the powers above are 'better Pleased with the grateful praises of the Liras, than with tho yawns of the human sluggard.— , Niter adore the sun, and moon, and stars of the i firmament than live a stranger to gratitude for the I , 47sings of these wondrous works of the Almighty Father. yo admire a picture. al..' honor the artist. Shall we not admire' and praise " morning," and " evening," and soh ,o ur the Great Artist? --- , Can it be that the Pot,tmasterOisttibutes the . mail belonging to Iris Honor tha t Burgess. into our box': " Tile following brief, and therefore witty, now have been received : ' " Sir : Every sixth plank_ in tho • walk in front of my premises !s. :clean gone rotted...lA:ay taxes and want it fixed. " Tiuow v:' This ono savors of profanity : " Sir: As I was walking down Pearl, between Lincoln tend t2neon Streets tho other night, .1" stepped upon a loose plank, which flew op and d 4/A4 - Imaged my shin most a c.e.rtiolly. It would be a d—l-iglitful improvement to mend' [hobo devious . ways. "Jour:s." Hero is ono which touches the rock of offence: "Sir : Tho crossings on the less frequented streets are in nn abominable condition. I saw something like Omni at the taking of Port lion, on the Appomattox; but those weto called "blaring. A. I pay over fifty cents 'taxes for borough purposes I demand the repair of the crossings,. Yours, RoAtisS"N." Again : "Sir: When hest in your village I saw a three horso twuu mired iu , front of Union Nock,— ',Moir oars wore just above the mud when 1 left. I write to ask if the poor crenturos nro cot of their misery.' " SMITH." We can assure Snlilll that the horses were soon buried by the' operation of the law of gravita tion and inadequate,:, resistance. Tho future antiquarian will find their bones, sod write much about the pre-Maraio man. But we most give audience to uteri) inquirers : " Sir : Why, in the name of Cologne, do you permit rotten codfish and •stale pork to perfume your town ? Is it a general and urgent invita tion to the cholera ? 0 Starnes." "Sir : You have a beautiful Public Square.— Why don't you fence it? Why don't you put Boats around it, at proper intervals ? Why don't you grade it end let it sod over decently ? 4, CmPenn." sir !My wife an hired girl have made a big heap of refuse from the kitchen in my back yard. It is becoming a nuisance. If the Bur gess and Council don't remove it soon I'll pros ecute them. " WHIPLASH." —With whiCh o.lcorpts wo must bog to bo let off. Such inquiries and complaints should ho sent to Burgess Truman. The third quarterly meeting of the Tioga Baptist Association will he held with tho WeWhere Church on Wednesday, May 26, at 101 A. M. Rev. N. L. Reynolds will preach the ope ning sermon. Contributions for the Homo Mis sion. E. T. BENTLEY, Clerk. —lt is earnestly requested that all the churches debted tp the building fund, send their respee co awe*, Ls by the delegates attending the above eeting,. P. 0. VAN tlui.nt:a, Treas. CoNclßT.—The second Concert of the Wellsbora Cornet hand, will be given at the Court House, Monday evening, 31st inst. 111 r. John C. Jacobs has very kindly proffered his ser vices on that occasion. Tho Concert will consist of Music by the Cornet 13and,somic songs by M-r. Jacobs, Solos and Quartets by others. Doors open at 7 I'. M. Entertainment at IL Tickets _ . . 1 - 16 lcts. May ho lutd at Hugh Young's Book SCo c, and at the Court House on the crening of the Concert. Committee of Arrangements : Hon. IL AV W. 11. Smith, L. C. Dennnet, J, Ji Niles, Hugh Young, M. If. Cobb. GOOD TF,MPLARS.—The officers of Wensboro Lodge No. 661 weroinstalled by Lodgo Deputy D. L. Denne. Alonday evening, May as follows: R. It. Austin; W. V., Mrs. W. W. Webb ; Sec., Ditvid Kurr; A. S., Mrs. D. Karr; F. S , Thomas Oen ; Treas. Mrs. Monroe ChapJuin, Rev. O. L. Gibson ; 1 .1. U., ,lung Ste vens 0., Joseph Brewster; IL 11. S., Sallie Reilingtnn : L. 11. S., Mrs. It. R. Austin. AIANSFIFILD LOCAL.—Monday 3(1 inst. Mr. George RICon, formerly of Charleston had ono of his logs 'broken while at wort: ; it is a Plm pie fracture of both bone3'a few inches above the ankle joint, and was 50' by his brother, Dr. lInVOII, of Illosqhurg, The Tioga 1L 11. Co. has built au athlitaumil track here, moritz, the old depot Wel: to give room. This make.; the fourth soh, Mr. Wt-ley Pitt , lin, oeenpie.l a pao t,r huildintr, Comedy ocoupied hp the Soldiet.' Or phan : 4 01001 nq a dwelling. Mr. W. G. Lutz returned flout New drk rrn Monday, Mtl inst., with 10 Swe(l,,.s. 41”ly !ono Jirair€i first days' work in the I'. S. Wtlnesii•ly 1:0, at the ore hod. The' Furnace was put in blast again Thursday evening.last, haring' stood still about 11l dAys for want of help and stock. The tLiiowing citizens of Mansfield Set &or Flt: on their preinibes in inunber3 ranging, Cron, too to twenty each : Geo. V:neent, Mrs. Street, V: it. Spencer, C.. 1. Munn Win. Munn. Win. Harrison, R Cody, Porter Gaylord. Miss Sonti Lani11....1 Slingerland, .1. A. Thompson, Jot> utdaut, , h, Lyman Reynolds, C. W. Bailey, F.' . lieu, Bark Ballard, Oliver Elliott, .1. Ifolden, IL N. 11"1401. Mr. It. \. Holden has repaired his side-)volf: on Main street:- I wish f e mid add other names n connection u • itlt am ide-calk+, lint it is no deasant calling the roll of delinquents :It. al RIM Mr. C. 'Blackwell 'has built a new etitaney and rePaired the roof of his rePulenee. It was ley privilege to vi-it Widli-horo a few days Eimer, und•l was agreeably sin pri , ed to fee the building enterprise that has-developed fhi spring. The people of Wellsbora way not ap preciate it as they ought, hut the sight of new Jungles and especially ul new brii.l; was refil :kb- "Snobby" failed to put in an appearance last week, tvhat can the matter be? I a lso learn that not a siUglc school director (or married e ither was iirtseut from Tioga Tinge Pero last Tuesday week, in dui Convention that NV a., called to elect a county Superintendent, Wes "Snobby" gone from the "corners" that, a la Nasby, he could not read the entice .ratting a vaivenlion, to his friends? Jos. P. Morris M. I). and Hilo, leturrd home GIG inst., lifter nn absence of several months in this and (Allot. State-i-,- We arc glad to :q!o thorn home ❑nntn. To day, 7th inst., Win. Sowers, a lad or about twelve years, son of N. Sowers, had Ii thiad finger cut orr, anal the second linger l udly cut lay a wood-saw at Bailey's Mill. When will lo vs learn to keep away from Paws? TioaA LovA.L.—We fully appreeinte the regard paid to the " Tioge, loyal" lest week, by publishing- h (or her) Relict, when com pelled to defer those from many other: parts of the County. Your correspondent wilt be very briof this week, and will rest easy by stating that: Tom Depui has become another witne.3 to the OA that—" Westward the courze of empire takes its way." Ile was a member of the bras•: band, and his departure will be regretted. Our neighboring mountains have pawed thro' a fiery ordeal Jro the last few dnyc. The tire may be seen in the evening. running for miles up tht steep mountain south of IN Tice scene is belititiful, and nowhere e:eelled this , ide of the land of " perpetual tlowds." ,Geo. 'Hazlett has plarea a new :Ave enaeb cur lOs route. It has the apraeranee 01 a very coin fortab/c carriage. A , 4 to it 4 ty aut.: I ata nl judge. The "schoolinarat. , ,." hate wade their appear ance this spring, and Joey lie ;want; in an etiieial eapaLity at the tullnstiug place: Brook lyn seheol, Miss i\a n irc• Yrut!•mau (11 , - trict, 111h , :i Horton, "1 - Lae:relict:l ills. Tioga village, primacy departincnt. Mis , 'Minerva Reyn olds; awl Dagoef I Felon he+o'.•,llit' Martha Steven:. The celeet sehodie!ezeil melt. There were no public exercise:Lel ally this was wrong, The eontinuance or Ihr sih.,l i vely lineertaA. , A ,pirit wevacte the mw; Die Dew CI:110'S IVIII be noticed in a I . lllllll' 144- ter. W EN I'EV 11, LE ,O('A \'al Wiohli.” ha mow ( nod i, litiiiii.V to toWij, that I to I.nw:~ ills -till Ow illtige ill Tiola "'Hair r rogencrtiteil -iyttintitp2 ,- to , tty, 1- ton% , -tippisod tiiiir :111 in good to•ittit. ;“• t „ ' m, n .fioti for Inn t•,,idtd.nto,o. 1)01 .11.• e. . 1.111 i 11•1 14. I it/ ,1 k, :y 1,;,.!,• -1101111111 i .t. x•-• r 1,1,•• :111,1 • I, II,.• 111 , 41 V AWL 'AI , I,_llr It 111 0,1 , 0 lA.. 0. ..1 .1 1.1.1j.1 NCI Wilk% .I.di I Arl Le- di I;iii I•dt s W.. 1. 11++1 I+.++, I+++-4.1. +1 root pltt t++ t • 1,, t • -*to+ I . 16. • 11 \ 1.1r1”), si. g t )•.):.) ci 14,,t +t% t-ittt+, :s.:++; ton 311 ,1 littrticr it+. It till++, suit /:++ll+ tho tti• Is+ :tune. titol tilltvart• .-, 1 Ltiv: th.,krd.l Lv I.nt t;i1) h, i.y :lie doing n o l mork heir \VIo4• to , zrow ,carer. Total 1.3 Lq ellerl ))1•, ie 911/ MOHO, 1.u.111 tiu:r• 1. 119 I'lll k ' IV.: al t.ow itli tilts b , •.:•1 11 4 0 1 LiVi'r 11. ji,t , our 1,0 t (4i-het, it,r his ,trietly tem- P. D am on i f,ir nii,n ;:inee the influx of law yo.s. Probably the legal "biz" don't pay. "Sleepily" yours. RIP VAN WINKLE. , ..„ COVINtiTON' - LOCAL. -1110 Offi&G'S'''Ot Co'vingtOn Lodgo of. Good :Tomplora, N0:548, wereinstallett. Lodgo Deptty Ilenry„,nyown, Tnestlai evening, 4th inst, as follows: Iv. C., Jay C. Johnson; W. V., Nellie Pack ard; Sec., Mrs. Meeker; IP. S., Lizzie Ifoltntin ; A. S., S. L. Barber; Marshal, G. A. Kinney ; D. M., Mary Cleaver; T.., Thos. Cook; I. G., Jennie Clark ; 0. 0., E. E. Jones; It. 11. S., Mrs. Baker; L. If. S., Mrs. Dusted. , • A Degree Lodge has been formed with W. T. Holman as Degree Templar, and a fall corps of assistants. • . Simon (Green has sold his house mill lot on the west side of the 'river to David Webb for sBoo. Green retires from-the firm of Lee, Ilagentmeli R. Green, and becomes It. If. S. to flolman. Sumner Willson has sold hifftivh yOir old steers to Phil. Williams for 181 60. It- evidently pays to feed stock in this country.' • ."Acei." evidently feels bad about 'Mr. what-is bis name. Is be trying to follow in the fo . otsteps of his illustrious predecessor—"swinging around the circle" of your local' family, striking out right and left, frith a new copy of the."Constittt don" in each pocket, to say nothing'of the "Flag?" "what is in a name," Mei.? If it,foreeosts the future, Lew I shudder for you. • _ _ _ Your CORRESPONDENT MA cze c .n.,1 33 ia. ssoira. fe) is' es . HoUSE CLEANING.—Rugh Young Co., ore now receiving their Spring Stock of NVitlf and Window Papers, Curtains. Curtain Fixture?, Cord, and tassels, Gilt Corllbins, which they are now Belling at very low figures. Persons wanting goods in theirlino will do well to examine their stook . before buying elsewhere. No charge for showing goods. MARTZIAc4ES SPENCER 7 POPE,—Iu Tiogi, May 9, by Rev. C. Otis Thatcher; Mr. Clark 13. Spencer, and Miss Loretta E. Pope, both of Chatham. WILCOX---IVILSON.—In Delmar, May 13, 011ie res Wilco of Robert Stool°, Esq., by Roy. W. A. Smith, John D. Wilcox, of Doluau, and Mica Sarah M. Wilson, of Norris. • SMITII—IIUCKBEE.—Afay 12, by Ifoir. 'Wm. M. This ell, Herrick Smith of Lawrilicoville, and Emma of Farmington: ,DICKENS—STRAIt—Tn Clymer, April 26, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. Francis Strang, David W. Dickens, of Hector, Potter Co., itna Clarinda MEM DEArrlifi HA DLET.—In Litchfield, Ililledolo Co., MIA., Apri 21 of constimrtirAllarcia ‘Vcst Liberty, aprill9, after an illness o four days, Fatah Y., n iro of I'. B. Itield, aged fortylsevei yearn mont not( 8 attys. Rost, mother, rest, from toil, and Fin , nu 4 h irie e ! TiH3 weary warfare of this mortal lila; In peace the heal is that mourn the ne'er may know Until they too, have dome with all Wings here below. Seat then in peace beneath the fragrant sod, Until thearehangera trtunpot shall call to meettheirOod Earth's buried hosts. then with the ransomed best tie thine Heaven's perfect. »ever-ending rest." S. V.l.'. .nvEaoon.—lrt Liberty, April 5, after n lingering Gcoign LeVegoo(lin the 67th year of MS' ago. • Wolf Ppenk df his goocines , t, ' Anil toll of his lost , ' And think. how the Fathef llath welcomed above. But while in our sorrow. We thank God that ho gave A husband and father, And wait ready to save. Cliatham,. April 16, of Leant disease, Sylvester 800va,age4•447 'Cho deceahotl Was a native of Chatham, „pent hia life in, that township, respected anal honored; and died in WI holm and expectation. that to die Was gain. Ito went 10 sleep in foil usnal health .refleeting on the Amines., of I,is Savior and awoke in heaven to enjoy the heontitude ut lint CVllpattionship tornver. • Cott. SP.ECIAL, NOTICES. _o_ riL-AaMili HALUS - 472 , - VEGETAKE4IGILIAN -erriro: ,KENEwi-R. 'rh o of its remedial properties is a liege do compound, IT WILL RESTORE GRAY HAIR TO S ORIGINAL COLOR. U. will keep the hair from falling nat. It cleanses the scalp and makes the hair!tott, sirons and It is a splendid hair drePsing. R. (', 1I ALL CO„ Naztuta, N. 11. Proprietors T. , „. I,y 'all DI uk041,, , L a. [May Jo, 1550. 1_4 ()T8 • OP N 1 C 1 WICKHAM & FARIVS, TIOG A, PA SUCH AS DRY GOODS Groceries, 11ATS & CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES, CROCKERY (V, WOODEN iO.IA ,TO DT, •I NSP ROPED, AND ::,01,1) AT A FAIR PROFIT. CALL AN!) SEE Tioga, May 12, 180, = NEW GOODS, MI WICKHAM da PARR Notice to Titx-Payers. AorU'in Wollsboro't'e ra j. oeive Borough and School Taxes, for 1808. on Thursday the 13tb, Tuesday the IBth, and Wednesday the 19th, May, inst. To persons who pay on these days, an abatement . , of live per cent is allotiod. After the above date no abatement can be made. Taxpayers are ,earnestly requested to make prompt payments. - Wm.' ROBERTS, May. 5, 1868; Ito elver of Taxes. County Treasurer. • Chas. H. aoldsmith, of ll'eliskro, will be a candidate for Treasurer, subjocit to the deoleion of the Republican convention.l • We are requested to announce Giles Roberts, of Knoxville, as a candidate for Treasurer, sub ject to the decision of the Republican County C4tivention. David Cameron, of Tioga, tyjll bon candidate for Treasurer, subject to the decision or the Re.. mblienn Convention. ' 11. Stowell, Jr., of IN'ellsboro, will ho a. can. (Mkt.° for Treasurer, subject to the decision .of o Ropublip4n county Cor!vorition . . . It °member that Albert Batter, of lVestfiuhl Boro, a. ono. " Buoktail" that votes as ho shot, is the candidate for County... Treasurer, subject to the decision of tho Republican COunty Convention. Yours RespoctfullY, ,• Aim Ett a, BAKER. . , ~„. • , Wo' are ic'questeil to annomice Alonzo M. Spencer, of Richmond, as a cazididate for County Treasurer in the approaching Ropublimn County Convention; and subject to tlio decision of the sanio.?, . , . ' ? Wo aro requested to announce Gen. It. C. Cox, of Liberty, as a candidate for Treasurer, subject to the decision of the Rept*llan County Con vention. ' Charlos F. ; Miller, of Tioga; will be a candi date for Trodsurer, subject to the decision of the Republican Convontion. REGISTER ,11 RECORDER If. 13. Anenna Wars hiniSolf as u nnndidato for Register and Recorder, subject to the decision of the Republican Convention. . - D. L: DEANI °Kars binisolf as a candidate for Ito position of Register and Recorderysubject to be deeisien ()Oho Republican county. Convep . ion. ; PIIO , TIIOI , tOTA ILI 1.1111.01" TABOR, of Chariest', to foe Prothonotary subject °publican Convention. .1. P. Dosit.t.nscitt is a cand I Prothonotary, snlijoot to t opubliean Cortvontion of Tio Wilson VanVa No.- 2 Union Block. is tho place whoro the crowd go to find THE NEW SPRING STYLES POPLINS, GRENADINES, LAWNS, ORGANDIES, PIQUES, CHINTZS, PEICALLES, GINGHANS, DELAINES & PRINTS, ALL STYLES, FACTOO'S, SIIEETINGS, 'BLEACH ED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLINS. HOOP SKIRTS, of cvm•y description, DRESS TRIMMINGS and lIIITTONS of all kinds; alsi l the largest an' cheapest assortme t of REAR MADE C ever hrought into Tiogn County. Remeither j the" pinee < ; lea call bcfo'c purebnsing hriVP FOleetcti nur ?loci and notify gentlerne; LIGHT CASSIMERES, ENS, PARM.SIIS' S TEES, .L SUAIIii every dez.teription we 'Plianitfol for plat patrons cot ion to bwlineFa we hope t ince of the came. WILSON .L• VAN kVe.llsborti,May l'J, t I N Mary Ann Rouse.: Take notice, that Carlog Rouse your hushattd, has applied to tho Court of Common Pleas o . OTioga county for a divorce from #ho bonds of matri mony, and that the said Court has appointed Monday, May 31, 1869, for I a heating in the said matter, at the Court I raise, Welisboro, at which HMO and place you can attend if you think proper. .11. POTTER., May 5, 1869. Sheriff. TN DT.VOIWE.—To by .an Cooper: Take notice, that Rebecca Cd,opor, your wife, by her next friend, Minor Watkins, has applied to the Court of Common Pleas hf Tioga County for a ilivvreo from the bonds of matrimony, and that the said Court has appointed Monday, May 31, 1360, .at the Court Hods°, Wollaboro, for a bearing in the said mattO,at which time and placo you can attend if you ithink proper. J. It. POTTER, Blteriff. May 5, 1859 TN, Tryphena White: Take I notice, that Daniel A. White, your husband, has applied to tho Court of Common Pleas of Tiogo County for a divorco from the bonds of matrimony, and that the said Court has ap pointed Monday, May 31, 1859, at the Court House, IVollsboro, for a, hearing in the said matter, at which time and ,place you can attend if you think proper. J. B. POTTER, May 5, 1569. Sheriff. TN DIVORCE.—To Daniel Green Take no -1 Gee, that your wife, Henrietta Green, by her next friend Abiol Sly, has applied to the Court of Common Pleas of Tioga County for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony, and that said Court has appointed Monday, May 37, ISO at the Court Muse, WeUsher°, for a hear ing in the said matter, at ythich time and place you can attend it you think proper. J.B. POTTER, Sheriff. I. N DIVORCE.--To 111:lry W. Brown : Take notice, that your itusinutd Edwin C. Brown, May 5, 1860 has applied to the Court of Common Pleas of Tioga County for a divorce from the bonds of matrimony, and that said Court has appointed Monday, May 31, 1869, at, tho Court House in Wellsbore, for a hearing in said case, at which time and place you calf , attend if you think proper. ' J. 11. POTTER rt,, - A — —tti-------049----nttßeonti:T Take Tlca to the Court of Common Pleas of Tioga County for a divrtrce from the bonds - of matrimony, and that sahl Court has appointed Monday, May 31, 1869, at the Court House, IVensboro, for a hearing in said matter, at which time and place you car. attend if you think proper. J, E. POTTER, May 5, 1869. Sheriff. PETITION FOR CIIARTER. Notice is hereby given that an application has been I made to the Court of Crinuiion Pleas of Tiogo County for a charter or eorp - oration to Thomas J. lice°, Michael Dave}, and others, nssociatod tor encouraging and, disseminating the prin- Ciples of Temperance, td have continuance by the panic, style, and title of " Tho First Total Abstinanco Society of Blossburg," and that Monday, the 31st clay of May 1569, is appointed for tbe.final hearing, wilco, if no sufficient. reason is shown to the contrar,V, ilia Court will grain said Charter. 31 P. DONALDSON,' May 5, 1,8i19-lia: Proth'y,.,l Administrator's Notice J T ETTERs of Administratien having been granted to the undersigned upon the estate of Aaron Searle, Late of Jackson, deed, ail per sons indebted to, or claiming against said F,stgto, mnst settle with ELLEN SEAELE. Alny: b,lB(l9.—fisv. Adrex. For Sale. T AM AGENT for Kinney lc; Co., celebrated platform Spring Wagons', all styles, nlpo for their light Carriages and Buggy Wagons, Made in good atyle, and fitlom jersey timber, and warranted in overY,respeet; equal to nny made._ Can furnish any of the abovo at the lowest Manufacturers prieo'fi. L. C. BENNET. Wolleboro, May 5, 1.469-tf. CAME to the ,premises of the subscriber in Delmar, April g o ult., 7 yearlings-2 steers rind 5 heifers. They are well spotted with red and white. ' The owner is requested to prove property, pay ellarges,-aud reclaim. Ddayl.2, 18004 W. U. ii, STOZTV. ./y1731V - • ADVER :715. , Mrs. A. J. SOF Ot is r tl e: w pe sy o e p tful!y g inform i g Spring awl 811,72711er 1 'which also offers for sale at lo stock-comprises Flowers, Hats, Bonnets Laces, and ladies fancy goods, generally :,Partiealar attention paid to and Bonnets. Wellsboro, April,. TVFIE undersigned would say to' and the public generally. tha up rooms in her building (Ist d Horn's ware rooms) for the purpos, Millinery Dress , will be R candi to the doclsion of 'dot° for tho ()Irmo o decision of tho 'ga,eounty. kenbig's with great Cate' 'I.'IVEEDS, LIN TINS, GAI• 12 NV P. A 11 an't be beat , and by strict at share a continu ALICENTIURO Est ray Millinery & Dress in all its dapartniand nor gooas 'aro hll new, And con Flowers, Laces, Ribbons, Sint and in - short, everything pertain ionabk establishment, Call bef elsoadwo. Prices reasonable. Pavieuinr attention paid „to deind over 01(1 ladies' bonnets. Api. 2,1, '69-3th. Mrs. JFiRO State Street Lo AP. CONE having said 01 4 State Street into town them for Salmon reaspriablo term: Welsboro,'April 2S, JS69. ' - ' In Bankruptcy 1, aIS is to give notice : 22d day of January A. D. in fiinkruptey Vas issued again! jarres M. Bunnol of Wellsboro, Ticga, and State of Penn'a, who 1); eV:. Bankrupt en petition of hittl thcpayment of any debts and d prcperty belonging to such Bank ft:this UFO, and the transfer of t hin aro forbidden by law : that Cr3ditors of the said Bankrupt, dots, and to ehooso ono orannro es ato will ho held at the court , . tobcholden at the Wilco of F. Biro of Tioga, Pa., before F E or tbo 10th day of May, A •, °Moth A.M. THOMAS A U. S. Marshal Winter Apr'2B, l o9. Por DAVID CA Just Rece s PRING SACICS and SA D CIf s, April 11, 13119. • A NEW lot of POPLINS, and Satins for Trimming April 14, 169. 401a - 57 . ART GALL Is'the place to get your PHOTO( and Rustic Scenery. The new in any position. . ASPLENDID stook of Kid at DE MR= A I, All (if , : Stock of Spring DE: xprii 14, ISIO 1 ALO PE OTO I Made at CLAY ICING'S Art rer dozen. Also HALO AMP, size for frames, $1,5 0 each. Largest Stock o In Tioga County for sale at tL ll= Fob SA A splandid sloe Picture Frame II Vhich will ho manufactured t Ho prices, at` April 14, 1869. Grocery and Prov CORNING, 1 C. izo. si. IVTIIOLESALE AND It in nil kinds of GROCERIES, P Wines, Mgt. Cigar TORSION & DOMEST DRIED FR CANNED FR V Li' G E 1.7i1 WOOD £5 WILLOW W CROCICFiItY PERAMBULATORS A full and oomph:do essol mentioned goods of the best hand. Particular attention pail Dealers and Consumers will tereqt to examine his Stock Corning, N. Y., March 31, ph Co/ Tiovirtire of an order o of Tioga County, I NV pnhlie outcry at the Court Thursday, May, 20th; 1861 1 1 then and there, to the big the following' described 1 erty of Ella S. Hoyt ant children of Josept 11 oyt a ceased, to wit : A lot of land situated i Tioga County, Pa. by lands of A. P. Com, o . Fisher, on the ;lout!, on the Wect by land of El ing ./ 1 of an acre, more (r tt ametionee and sumo fruit CIIAIt April, 28, 1860-Im. Orphans' Court Sale 101 Y VIRTUE OF an order of Pm Orphans' 13 • Court of Tiogn county, I will 'offer at pub lic sale at the Court House In 'Wellsboro, Friday, the 28th day of May next, at 2 o'clock p m, the following real estate, late the property of Minor, Benjamin, of Delmar, deed : A lot of land in Morris, surveyed ,on warrant No. 4378. James Wilson warrantee, It being all of said tract lying west of the top of the hill, west of Stony! Fork creek, commencing on the South lino of said tract, nt the top of said bill, and running ,a straight lino to a point on the North line, at tho top of said hill The point of said hill to ho considered ns the point, at the top of rocks, containing about seven bun- Bred and fifty acres. Terms Cash. SARAH BENJAMIN, Apr, 28,'89-Im. Adm'x, of M. Benjamin. MEDICAL-A_ MUESI i ELD Is often quite expensive, but this you have for the reading. If by accident, you yet scaldell, bruised, burned, dr sprained, then apply Salutilfer the public that assortment of !ff!{nery prices. Her immediately; for it is quick- to , and powe)ful io cure pain and so If you arc agieted with 19 numbness and stffncss qlthe line severe pain, or paiitful ralgia and Influmatory Rheum 9 • try Ribbons °pairing Hats S, 180-2 in. li!Ea king poll means. .Apply it quickly leave it open to the car ; and use In directions on the bolt, her old friends she has fitted )or below Van of carrying on Making, If you have Sore ;Throat, or Felons, or Croup, orPleurisy,or or any of these di* orders that ist in part of o Goods, (Pe., Is what you want, fiir at 4as pro ed a bless• ing to thousands, illthintyh it is reckoned to be one of the strongest 11)&11'60 ; yet it i s so safe that even a child may handle d use (I. ng to n 'Pash to purchasing blenching and ' I IE SMITH SALUTIFER rept constantly on hand for immediate use, will caret,* prevent much sneering, and his land on lots now offers 7 . f agent and economical, and esire to save expense; then remember that That on th© • 869, a warrant , • t the estate of n the county of . 8 been adjudg icreditors ; that roivery of any pt, to him, or fly property by meeting of the to prove their ssignees of his f Bankruptcy, 3. Smith, in the iwith, Register, I. 1800, at 10 Is found to Le a saving of. snore than $lO a 9 - -For sale by all Druggists Depot 252 Gre ! Hlwieh St., Now Yorl Wholesale and I DRUG STOI ROWLPAY, District, Pa, fERON, Dopty. veal NOS, at NO d; CO's. TII-Esubscriber will keep on handiat all times a full stock of • DRUGS ANDMEDIg-INES: ALPACAS at ILAN() 41; CO. I'ln. ms' s Y, Patent Medicines, Flavoring Extracts, rerflimery, Kerosene, Lamps, Wicks, Dye Colors, While Wash Lime and Brushes, Varnish and Sash Brushes, Window Glass all sizes; Varnisle of all • kinds, Fancy Soaps, Hair Oils, liltAPllg. New inbinet size merle npr. 14,1369, 1 oyes only LAN° & CO. lathing at 7ANO A; CO RAPBS Hair and Tooth Brushes, a iVotions ; alsl a co Norio"- of allery, at $1.25 tOTYPES, largb apr. 14, 1869. nomiropalhic' Met Frames lowest prices, at AY KIWI'S krt. Gaury. Buyers aro requested to call ant ces before purchasing elsewhere. 111 March 24, 18139—1 y 11=3:1 order nt ronsona.. +AY K r ING'S Art ion Store," GENTS' & LADIES' FUlt iLat-i l TAIL •DEALER °VISIONS, ors and C, GREEN MI ITS AND "LES, RE, GLASS & VARE, I--- ",-,-,,c, 0 TOYS, &c., &e• FEED, MEAL, PORK, kROVISION.§ tment of the above quality always on to Fin° Groceries find it to Choir in ,oforo buying• 11869. A choieo lot of CLOVER and bosides all kinds of GARDENI SEEDS, SEED POTA`i rt Sale. the Orphan's Court ill expo.° to sale by !louse, Wellsboro on , at 2 o'clock P. M., 'ost and bust bidder, eat Estate, the prop- Eva. C. Hoyt, minor l Sophia Hoyt, de- DIOS, BEANS, POTA! BEESWAX, &c the Eoro of Wells lounded on the North the East by lands of by State Street, and 7,:c Maxwell, contain ess, with a one story trees thereon. E=E=l Guardian SALUTIFER, outward remedy, then SALUTIFER may save life SALUTIFER . year all families that tiee 8y W. C. KRlVtlii. In PAINTS, OILS, SPECTACE and a full stock of Pure Wines and Li BULLARD Sr, are now offering FRENCir MERINOS A AMERICAN MERINOS ALL OTHENgOODS AT GREATLY RDECED PRICES. CALL AND SITE Wellsborn, Jan. 20, ISCIO The Best Stock of -..- ......., ,-/11............ 1 ME in.Welbdboro, can be ound at M. B. PRINCE You eau get cash fo M eh 31, 1861)• RIP SHE GOES I. FROM THIS DATE FOR CASH, we will Fell FEED at these pri C : • Trery hest Rye Oats, Ground here, . $2,50 civt Best imported Feed, • 205 " Best Common Feed, Cow Feet?. The nhove goeAs, at the 'above prices, are strictly eash ! 4 ,„ We don't tail spud in our feed. We haven't a Piaster Mill connected with our Flouring 91iil! - Our Feed is pure! & BAILEY. Wetlf:boro, Jan, 20, 18110, New Goods Just Received and sold cheap, for Cnsb. April 7, 'B9—tf, TOLLIS ,t, BARKEII. SELLING OFF AT COST VICE Iff i N2 MEM neness, or bs, or with Zile Neu tism, then PJg WUZZlkitg al co. ,90-1/8 not to r t' according ,Quinsy, or Chilblains, require an Meal' from this dato their entire stock of OURS, MEDICINES, Perfumery, Notions, Dye• Stull;i, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Glass, Putty, 'Wholonlo b etail IRE ! Alcohol, Turpentine, Kerosene Oil, Tobacco, Cigars, Wall•paper, C urtahas, Positively no nonnhug. BM cll stock of )I.2)leter \Vellsboro, Marib 3, ISr.9 icines, Fresh 'Goods Received Weekly. uors. exaniint3 pr C. DRESS 3OVIN 4.= frt-laraM Converse & 0-sgoot k eep ronetavtly on hand a lai-ge 04 of genera MERC 11 A, N 11 I Z AT COST ' COST, GOODS. i AS - REPRESENTED, NOT 'l' COST Jan. a. 1368.-ly. CONVERSE ,4, OSOOOD The undersigned would respectfully inform he citizens of Tiogn and vicinity that ho has ust oponcd a Watch and Jewelry establishment in Borden's nrug Store, and is prepared to execute all giders in his lino of business with despatch tind - in the best of man- ALL WORK WARRANTED. S. WILE Tina, P(31). 24, 1809.-tf. ARh: receiving fresh lots of goods by railroad every day nt their Store in and boreLy give nolico that they intend to load one•horse towns like Welisboro and NansfiCid in both PRICES' AND VARE IT4'. IMOTHY SEED, !and small FIELD &c., at Soo if wo don't do it April 21, 1569-1 w 11. PRINCF,'S THE GRAN 1) PRIZE your 'O - ES, GRAIN AT B. PRINCE'S 6) 0 0 Pounds of norol Butter wantod es./ 00 for which I will pay 4 5 ef'DV+ i in 5 trade a t toy Store. c, b. 11'11,1,00%. IV ellehero, Nov. ";, IS6 S. •,00 " 1.75 " Olt S 11 11—ano pair (11 plensur o Bobs, at 11" . 23 ,igag. TOLES S BAKKER'S DR. FITCIUS ADDOMINAT. , . SUPPORT - F,itS, for at lloy's Drug Store. ACICING for hops,bestquality ett: poryard 0 at 1.1 v. 1, AN 0 .1, CO'S. 00t.12. A FULL Stack of Grocorioa at of prices at DE LANG CO. FOR CASH ! Fixtures, AT iti!OST FOR CA SH P. R. WILLIAMS S;. CO Dry Gods m - Frei& 44rciceries CROCKERY:• Mats and Caps. lie it reinembereil, t hat TO BE UNDERSOLD 'WATCHES • 311VTIM4M7 MOrtft TIPPLE, Af,TUR, East. Charleston et the Paris Exposition Universelle. C IC 11l NG'S AllletiCall Pianos Triumphant OV ALL THE NV 01; L 1). Miss 11. W. TODD, Agent. Dee. Didg. IVellOwro, April 14, 1809 For Sale. Tho subscriber offers for sale the All property, situated in Covington townsh borough, Tioga county, Pa.: 58 acres of land in Covington tp., on William son Road leading to Illossburg, h miles there from and I mile from Covington borough, about 20 acres improved, a good frame, houao , barn l and other outbuildings thereon. Also,Savrmill, Sash l'aetri, and Shingle Mill and water privilege thereon. Also; two apple orchards of 170 trees, mostly choice fruit, and about half bearing trees —lB plum trees, 12 Cherry, 00 Currant bushes, red; white, and black, 4 Crabs, JO hearing Grape Vines, 12 Pear, and Peach and Quineo. Also—a Timber lot, 348.8 acred, ft a from Sash Factory and Sawmill. Timb, oak, basswodegtnut, ash, beech, birel and hemlock. Also—a lot in the village, ing Ooronld's orchard, fronting on Val road and railroad, containing about an 2.story House, outbuildings, fruit tree good well of water thereon. Also—another village lot, fronting on W, illiam son road, 80 feet front by about 200 (1/20 , and another lot fronting on said road, 114 Y 74 feet. For further particulars Inquire of DAVID S. IRELAN, Sr., or S. J. IRRLAN, Covington, Pa. April 21, 1369-tr. • _ • RegiSter'S- Notice. 6 r. OTICE is hereby gitrpn that the Adminis trators ntußed beloiv bavo filed their ac counts in the Register's 'Office for Tioga County Pa., and that the said accounts will ho presented to the Orphans' Court, for said County, at a session fat said Court, to be held in Wellsboro' on Monday the 31st day; of May 1889,•at 2 o'clock A. for oonfirMation and allowance. Account 0f..1n0. I. Mitchell, Adminstrator of the Estate of Sarah A. Nints, late of Tioga Township, deceased. Account of Roswell Ackley and Jane Griffin, Administrators' of the Estate of Philo Origin, late of Middlebury Township, deceased. . Account of A. W. Wilson nod Butler Smith, 1 1 Administrators of the Estato. of Th 'mas B. Goodonow late of Covington Tw'p., deco sed. Account of 0. H. S.eyinour, Survivi g Ad ministrator of the Estate of Royal Res ,lato of Rutland Township, doceased, with - horn is jotnod I.>. G. Stevens tut,/ 17. M. Rior no, Ad. ministrators of Ezra 'I. Stevens, decor,. ell, who was also an Administrator olAlio sal Royal Rose, deceased. Account of Nathan Austin and Hiram Administrators of the Estate of Nelsen _ate of Wollsboro, deceased, D. L. DEA Wellshoro, I'a., May 5, '69." ' It To Lovers of Good ' S T STILL continuo to hoop my Aldo L for improvement of MithingStock. bo part of a season in Middlebury, am of the time at Wollsboro. I have for isle., I Devon bull, pure years old. Also 2 grade Alderney blood, 1 year old. I would call attention. to my Chostc 'White Boars— , llnclo Sam and Young Uncle Sam will remain at Middlebur America at Wollsboro. Those wishing gbiKl Stock pleas., call. L. C. 111..: Wellsboro, May 5, ISG IN . DIVORCE.—Wr lblin F. Bristi notice, that Polly D. Bristol, by friend Cornilus Howland, has appli. Court of Common Pletissof Tioga Co divorce from the bonds of rnatrimon) said Court has appointed Monday, 1869, at the Court Mouse, Weltsboro, f ing in the promises, at which time ,1 you can'attend if you think proper. , J. B. POT May 5, Mg. Orphans' Court Sale: 1011C;1111T1.711 OF an order . j—med out of th. Court of Tioga comity, 1 wilt expose to an d rill sell to the II ight,t tied 11 , 0 Me Court House in Wellthoro, Friday, May t: followtng lot of lain} iu Morris township, b an ironwood in tlawarrant line, thence n lands wcst 99.2 perches to a hemlock, then perches along laud , ol William Dahl, to ea.•l SIX and half pe!relie., to a not tli :311 pen beg ,along lain It hence north I7° we,;t •21 perches along the leading to Wellsboto. to a putt, theme not 3u.5 perches to a thence north along" lands 05 perchea too po•d, thence ea.t 11.7 post, thence tverth along the tract tij a hemlock, thence eag, along Morrisdand to a post, thence south along scud tabb's ches to it po ,, t, thence mest.'2.B perehe, to south ldt perchea to the ironwood ,-Orner, beginning—containg 200 acres--being sat scribed in record book '23, page 3 1 ,9 , Tacit mg therefrom the followilig tract, begin south end of the 2(10 aCI - 0. abOV,, cunning from the !,IthE.LSlCorner thcre , the south line;tlu,nee north far enough 1 acres and to be taken utt the south end o Ii net, and being the lot on which the tar owned by Jacob Babb stands, being the I hr Caleb nald, to Jame, Camphell by ilex i cord hook :54, page 117. reference to nil found in record book 34, page ;;; , '2, when sold and ,•onveyeil to 31 Itor , t and Win 1; :once of the tirtt described tract re , erring act c,.; sold to said Janteq Campbell ALSO—(on the prenii , e , ) a lot of land beginning at 0 pout in 14t Avenue, no fct ly troth the east corner of lot of MCc Routh side of a street 50 feet n idelnterse( Avenne.thence by the Avenue conlll4,i o, e a post, theiice south 11"1“.it ieet by Mui is to a po4t, thence by an alley feet to the -tenet, thence by the et reel 250 feet to Mace ut beginning—contaimitt".! inure or less—late thee.,tate of Matthew born, deed. Terms ra , lt on contiruiatiot April 2S, IS6Ai. MARY BORS, Orphan 8' Court &Lie. - 1) U Y VIRTE OF an order of (so Orphans' JO Court of Tioga county to me di -ected, 1 will expose to public sale on tho premises, on Friday the 28th day of May next, at 1 o'clvek p. in. the following real estate, late the property of Philo 4 Griffin, late of Middlebury, dee'd: A lot of land itt Middlebury, bog suing at a post in the south line of the Philo Griffin farm, being at the SE corner of a 6-acre lot sold by Philo griffin in hislifetimc by contract to Dwight Cummings, thence north oast al) t ut 104,1 per ches to north line of said Griffin fa an to a post in the lino separating the Griffin far, from Rich at (.1 Goodwin's land, theneo ea:4t abo t 26 porches and 6 feet to a post and stone cern , where the Griffin lot corners with the said Goodwin lot,' thence south 61-3 perches to the so thwest cor- ncr of tho Richard Goodwin far, thence south west parallel with of said Griffin lot about 132-S pero, lind4)f the said Griffin farm, thence' of beginning—eontaining about -::01 same more or less. Ili ApTil 2S, ISG9 HARRY MIXS' Having been to much expense another Green House, giving in largo pots, I flatter myself thnt no can make n better show of AND THRIFTY PLI Dah Roses, Verbenias, PetuinA sorts; linsket Plants, all sort, Ilashota,inow patterns ; Deauti nine, Capo Jossamins, Car Cissus, discolor; Pelirgonl i n variety, A: c. A; Now Crimson -Cluster Tomato PI sorts in pots or by the dozen. All t• ratite:s' '0 L. L. MTy • VA,-,rtrosx. 4- irn of April, at the Green Rouses am of AtoOntlr. s Ann, Raving employed one of the me- Florists' ho will at all times give 4 tion to eustomeys on the mode and. cultivation` of Plants. This Spring's Catalogue will Le , may desire and write tor it. I come and see my Douses, Plants, solves. With gratitude I acl-n favors. 7.i•1-13ouquets will ho found at & Mix every morning, S i ed ; :15 to 50 contr. each. • Tovanda, Pa., Mar. 3, 1569-con 4- Orders left at Wm. Robe -- Store, Wellsboro, will receive pr( 1 1 ;11'111 fi.d` - SITITTED on Elk lton, conUiining 125 aereq, 51 1 aer l Said farm is well watered.-has nfl barn and tt Clwjeic :vph . 01 0 1 111 adapted In tiairyilig (Orme easy. Inquire ~1 I/ born, or 1.. 1,. R LISSA; ItOS 111.1. JAN II () It I HOT HOUSES Sept, 23, IS6S. C. E. V.ELLE vEALEtt IF ? ' DRY itriODS",. ware Bots, Shoes, Itats, Cap eer r:f Me.rket and Cr:J6.6 et Jan. 6, ISt;'. E. S, Perkins. DI Respectfully aunouner.‘ to ow Charleston and vivuity, dui grateful for their pArpnage. Store of Cooper and Nolder. Ma For Saidle. I ON" pair largo Team lint, e. 2 Utica 'Wagons, 1 1; Donovrat Wagon, flight two lio! gon. 5 pair Bob Sleds, part n itarne3s. It pr. binding Chains, Vor further particulars inquire .1. 11. D Niles Valley, March 17, 18119- AMPS.—Anew kind of lam LS n 0 brokageof ohiranqs— II 'lotrlng ip and a mile r, pine, , maple adjoin iarason noro, a and a Brookg, Austin, • igistor. ock. r noy Bull Nautili balance blood, '2 Bulls, +t County I America. oung 1 tvo me a il NET. III: Take her next .d to the ray for a , and that May, 31, r a hear- Ind place ER, . heriff —{— _ Oisphan s_ lublic sale er, at the , 180, the 01113114: at tdig Mortis e north 91 i - e+t, thence b,t, thence I to a post, pub] ic, rorti th 25° mist said Bubb'a pe rail:4 to a perche:4 to 114 perche4 Lnd 12ti per beech, theu the place of le laud de- ' g and reserr- ^ i wing at the esctibed, and west along to make 100 the aforesaid rn.tOnnd late re i+cy-sold d rpeerdvd lil Melt will be Caleb nab b ache the hal the sahl 'n Welhboro, t southeaster n% era. on tho tine nith Ist ist 120 feet to ands of Anna 45° west /20 - orth 45° east of an ncrn . or,t of Wells of the sale. aforesaid, he west line Cs, to the S west to place acres, bo the PIV, Aduir'fi n fitting up )ro room for lrecn Howe, EMI ; Hanging ul Dago- urns nts, anti a" Ands of Cab 14nt the store 211.01, :t experienced my informs- • proprigapon ont to all that invite i-c., for them hcvletlge pattl the store of ,ndav oxeoPt- Its's Hardware 'opt attention, towns hip, intprovptL— :un„ itt.lls6 and 11. and isi well Title g 094 and tinzith, Ilard , Sc.. Sc., co 7 _!ct.s,lle•bor. tiioi).l of East he' would be (Mice at the '2 tAlt ' , weiiht 2,M) ght two horse se covered. W at w, 2 sett heavy c. 'Farms cagy. the Moro of ?lON k CO. )for Kerosene-7 t FOLEI'S.