ionßiwG Tho propriet,or a Lave stet Iced th et) 3 tablißliule % vith- a new a varie' Werairtmeui. of - • •,, Jog,alia .. cAlvo Ty FY. PAST, P and fire preparvd - tv'exoottte promptly POSTERS, lIANIMILLS, 'CIRCULARS, READS, sARDS', ,te. Deeds, Afoitgag'es, Leases;nnd nfull assortment of Constatiles' and dustioes• ltlanks on band. • Pooplo living,,at a distance con deimndon barl j o g their work done promptly and sent back in return mail. . IVIASOISTIC. O::SP.A LOD° 0, No. 817, A, mete nt - their. liiill "vet- Dr. Roy'' drug 'dove, ocOrueedity evening, - oh or I,efore the Full /11oou, at 7 o'clock' , - OG A CHAPTER, No. 194 4 R. A. M., meets at itho . on Thuraday evening, on or, before the Full 3100 n, at 7 o'clock P. M. TOGA COUNCIL, No. 31. R. & S. MASTERS, meets at the Hall, on the third Friday el each calendar Leona), at 7 o'clock 1. /41. . . - . . TrAG AO lITON OOMMAIIDERY, No. 23, of li:N la 11'Fri TEMPLAR, anti the appendant orders, meets et the Hall, on:tho tint Friday of each calaridae month, at 7 o'clock P. M. r— - - -- - BUSINESS DIEECTORY • • wolf:mug ii!. SMITH, AIITORNEY AND COUNSELOIAT iLAW Insurance, Bounty and Pension Agency; Main Street Wolisbore, Pa., Jan. 1, IKB. _....1 . • _.. _____ WM, GARRVTSON,c 3 ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR.' Aiv,Aw, :rotary Public and Insurance Agent 4 lOS burg, Pa., over CaldweU's Store. GEO. W. MERRICK; ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Wilco with W. it Smith, Esq., *ais Street, opposite Union Block, Wellabor°, Pt. July 15, 1868. W. D. TERRELL & CO., 110LESALE DRUGGISTS, and dealers - ' in wall Paper, Kerosene Lamps, Window Glass 4 Perfumery, Paints and Oils, &e.; Sc. Corning, N. Y., Jan. 1, ISFS.-Iy. S. F. IlrusoN WILSON & NILES, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELORS AT LAW, (First (lob/. from Bigoney's, on the Avenue)—•- Will attend to business entrusted to their care in the counties of Tioga and Potter. Wellsboro, Jan. 1, 1808. JOHN I. IYHTcHELL' ArTORNEY AND COUNSELOIL AT LAW, %MIAM), Tioga Co., Pa. Claim Agent, Notary Public, and Insurance Agent. Ile will attead promptly to collection. of Pon ions, Back Pay and Bounty. As Notliry Public ke takes acknowledgements of deeds, ad ministers ortbs, and will act as Commissioner to tato t05ti010ny.,... , ,T53-offico over Doy's Drug Store, adjoining Agitator OfEico.—Oct. 30. 130 T Johu W• GuornseV, ATIDItNEY AND COUNSELPIt AT LAW. ii.tving returned to this County with a view of malting it his permanent residence, solicits a diaro oc public patronage. All business en trusted to his care will be attended to with promptness and fidelity. 011iee2d door south of E. S. Farr's hotel. Tioga, Tioga Co., Pa. sept. JOHN B. SUAKSPEARE, DRAPER AND TAILOR. Shop over John R. Bowen's Store. iar' Cutting, Fitting,: and Repairing dorto promptly and in best style. Wolisboro, Pa„ Jan. 1,1868-1 y GICORGE WAGNER, EA ILOII. Shop first dor north of L. A. Sears's Shoo Shop. 1 , ,,,,r:8-Cutting, Fitting, and R epair ing dono promptly and well. Wollsboro, Pa., Jan. 1, 1569.-Iy. . JOHN ETNER, TAILOR AND CUTTER, has opened a shop ou Craftdn street, rear of Sears Derby's shoe shop, where ho is prepared to manalacturegar. moots to order rt the most Btllistatittalsnrinner, a»,l with dispatch. Particular attention paid to Cutting and Fitting. Nlareli 2141865-1 y Dr. C. It. Thompson. [wELLsnoirovon ps..l 14;11 attend to Professional Calk in the village, of Wellsboro and elsewhere, Oitlre and Reridance on State St. 2d door on the right going EaM, pnne. 21, ISAR. D i BACON, M.D., late of Iho 2,1 Pa. Cavalry, aft of if • airirly roar yeat Ft of artily Herr ice, with a large .ixpacietiiie in field and lioapilal 'tract ice, haa opened an mite cur the ,ractica of wedierua and siii•gely, in all tiranel .8011 s from a ill-dance etin lied good 1, violin nnsylvanta Hotel Own vis. f the Stale in cow-wit:won, ni leronln CrUtiona. No 4, Unto), Mork., up :Pa—May2,lB66.--13% 1.147 m. S. Smith, KNOXVILLE, Pa: Pension, Bounty, and In :armee Agent. Commnnicalions rent to the . above address will receive prompt attention. Terms moderate. Dan S, 1868-131 Thos. ELElrsrden SURVEYOR & DRAFT,SMAN.—Ordert; left at nit room, Townsend Hotel, Wellaboro, will meet with prompt attontion. Jan, 13. 1.8117.—tf. R. E. OLNEY, DEALER in CLOCKS S JEWELRY, SILVER A. PLATED WARE, Speetnek,s, Violin .ticringf., ,te., Mansfield, Pa. Watches and Jew elry neatly repaired. Engraving done in plain English and German. , .11septli7, ly. Hairdressing & Shaving 6aloort over Willcox & Bather's Store, WellE. bore, Pa. Particular attention paid to Ladie4; (lair-cutting, Shampooing, Dyeing, etc. Drain, Pull', coils, and awiches on hand and mado to or ler. II.W. DORSEY. JOIINSOI4. J. G• PUTNAIYI, witionT---A gent, 14,r all the, best. 1U TURBINE WATER WHEELS. Also I , lr Stowarei Oscillating Movement for liana and AI day Saws. inga, Ang. 7, IB6S C. L. WILCOX, llcllor in DRY GOODS of all kinds, Hardnare and 'Yankee Notions. Our asso'rtniont is large stel prices low. -Store in. Unionl Blssek. C, II us slonllesnan.—may 20 1 8t B—l y. PETROLEUM ROUSE, EsTy IELD, l'A., a EORUE CLOSE, Propri etor. Anew hotel conducted on the principle of live and lot live, for the accommodation 01 tilo - public.S'-Nov. 19, 1866.-Iy. HAZLETT'S fil 0 TEL, I'l 0 0 A, TIoGA UOISN'PY, P.A., Good stabling, attached, and an all:entire ho_s tier always in attendance. E. S. FARR, . . . • d HOTEL, WESTFIELD • Borough, Triig& Co. Pa., E. 11111, Proprietor. A new and commodiouc hailding with all the modern ituprovements. Withityeasy drives of the best hunting and grounds in Northern Pcun'a. Conveyances furnished. Toms moderate. Feb. 5, 1'863-Iy. PZILAIii. WALTOI HIC.OI.ISD.:, . Gainos, Tioga County, I'a. iiottAcE C. V ERA ELY EA , Pltor'it. Thi:. is A new hotel located Wi , tin easy access ol the 'hest fishing and hum] ig grounds in North crn l'eanyjvania. N pain: , will be spared 1. , r the .tet?ottx inodati oft )f pleasure sceheis and iho traNcling public. [.fan. I, I SCS.3 A“1:111.y. • I L, ' y 1 ( t i I July 2 r4 1 , 401,11,11,1 h tying at hilAttll,ltYvty , . 4111,0,> of t•II u•c nail 1,11inl:s .1 ttm pI p.t . l 1.. :111 •, , ,a and I , QUnty WM mg tchit , l. "li d ) li, 1.1,•ed .n nay 40, 1 , . l'.r - ,faislivitigat a .1i5t.ku. , .. 01, run b y lot ter.nnd I,l.nit jun , v,lll 1.0 fil IV 11. f 411 1 .111 .V.:ll,looro.ffrotober2l HARKNESS 4, - ' RILEY, BO 9T AND 'SHOE MAK OM Veeritlon ,t• ran l'ntlernl,l4,v'e Sh,rr • in :I, om I,thgy occupied by lit Dj. Seel BOUTS AND, SLIDES of all kinds ninde t.. order and iln the host manner. tkgI'AIRINCP of all kinds done promptly awl geed. dice usla call. JOHN—HARTN liss WM. RILEY. WellBboro,Jcin.2,lB6B-Iy. _ „., ~. r ~Y ~ ~ ,` . VOL. 1X.V.1. 'CITY BOOK AND BLANK SOW_ - MANUFACTOi tY , •• Ifalactrin' Strciet, (sioN 01? l'lllll Di#44101i,,2p .FLOOR,): Clow) As Tux BEST, CAve.P AS TUE VILIMPEST Of every description, in all styles of Binding, and as low, fur quality of Seook, as auy Binder) in the State. Volumes of every description Bound in the host manner and iu any style , • • • ALL K114D . 8..0F,01Lt WORK Executed in tito beet paantrr 7 , Old Books re bound and made good `wfuti. MMAZIM2tg I am prepared to furnish back numbers of all Roviesvu ot• Magazines published in the United Staten or theatGltritain, at a low price, BLANK . BOOK & OTHER PAPER, (jf quOii,ios, on hvvpd,,tlMl ILL 'll.kitti Of any quality or size, on hand and cut up ready for printiug. Also, BILL PAPER, and CARD BOARD of all colors and quality, in boards or cut to any, size. lON.E, Cap, Letter, Note Paper, Envelopes, Pens, Pencils, &c. I ant sole agent for J. B. NILES. Prof. S[IEPAItD'S NON-CORROSIVE STEEL Which I will warrant equal to Gold Pens. The best in use and no mistake. The above'stock I will sell at the Lowest 'Rates at all times, at a small advance on Now Yoilt pricitoontl itintututitisi to suit purehttsers. All, work find stock warranted tis iepriseided. I respectfully solicit a share (II public patron: age. Orders by mail promptly itilendcd Address, LOUIS E IES, Advertiser Buibling, Elmira, N. Y. Sept. 28; 1867—Ty UNION HOTEL. MINIIt WATKINS, PaurtucTon, AV LNG fitted up a new hatti bitilaing on the .i,te 1.1, of theolti. Union Hotel, lately ()yeti by tire, Lam now ready to ',cella, and onto' Lain guests. The Union ilotel for a Tonipotainco 11011E0. And tho Proilrh3tor believes it can bo sii,toined without grog., An at tontivo hostler in agendum°. Wellsborti, Juno 2ti,18t;7. GROCERY AND RESTAURANT, Ono door aho - Ve th'e3l.ltiat- Markel, WELLSR.OI2,O, PENN , A, iksrEcTim LTA' annminees to tht , trading ( public that he has a tle:•irablc :tuck 01 trip. caries, comprising, Teas, Calicos, Spice , , Males:lea, Syrups, and all that ciinAitnlea a ftist class slack. Oysters in every style at all sea. snnablo hours. WellAcoro, Jan. 2, 18117-tf. tir6;it Excitenwnt I Jolin.on nn pen( 11(..i. aria Loi. bilet.'S 11009 t, illid :i.1104•S 11111111plInIll! Th, ,ttltst t th.9' would tiny to t Its people 01 St •••1. liel , l aria vic“,tl:‘, t Imt he is raanulacturing a 1.'014111 110.,t t, Well It 1,,11,, es to 10,SeMs lift. Pullout log adt :1111.1,Zi• over 01 4.1 Itt t,; ISt. [wry it, tiocriitipitig; 2.1. 00 tt rallattozottrtttle 61,...‘• Itrettk to the 11 et; ;NI, nn ripping. 111 shot 1 . Mos at' , Pht . 0 the thing for I % ei3.1,0,1y. 5.1:0i,1,.4 lid awl uiders solicitod. Sole ri ,I West tit 1,1 bit , no ' ro' 9..curtbj. lie 1.: , ojial. reg,:ivec doipti .1 baiiii.irtiletktol lig, otosc Aylt,tll. , thaws - titt'Ll' 13 11 - t•aeo11o111ilf to serl;clit•np for ea . 11.;r1 ,- 'lidt I , h, ono doot S“Ilt II 01 s,trir•t, ~,.. 1'.,1,,1„,.4. SS% 41(104 tiO'l o', 1...•1,. I 3 Pot'. .1. I: 11 Mllll .. , , 9 1, II S IN IT Ay DAV A Mil r„STEE 1,. N A ILS, .' TO VE, ;: 'l7.ff -11 . _..1 F 7 1 ,1, lIPITING, SitIVN, CliTliFili 1 \V ATER M I AGRICIMTURIL IMPEMIENIS, larri V age and Harness Trimmings ~eIiARNESSE,S, S.ADDLE:;, ,ti.: )11/62.g,. N. Ir., Jail. 2, 1867--ly EAU Y.E ! HEAP, YE f Hl' It YE TINRERLS, FIRKINS, lept constantly on hai.(l, u La In) niiiied to or. is now story, 24 I;lsy% I,lloru. (Julie In, 186 S•), at It We! TIFF roadlo Platform Sealra, all ordinary for honey, and winter u: e, may be found at the Ilardwarr Shoe of Wm. Roberts, WelLstioro.:, These Scale v- are the,Fitirbanks pat cut and hare no ,opet ior her.. They tiro inadindhe bent btyle and tire the premi um at all the great eNliihitioo, have the b ol e a g i mpy for tlioNo Scales in this region. W ILL I. M ROItERTS. WolLibor° . Feb. 12, P.ACIFIC ETOTEL 170, 172, 17.1, 4.176 ON P' NITICII New Lurk. • 11IrE DERSD NND lalz(•: , plettg ure 11111 , 1k:1./11 , irienllS and 11:1trOili that /I'M, I/1:1+ dalu , ibex/ age of the Pneilie will h' Being, sole Proprietor .r this there fore free from fho t..., an roilly 01.10 IQ meet the downward tendency of prh:e , without :iny rolling off of tier...lee. It will now, Poi herutni.,re. he hi: , aim tain unklinikislittl the r.ienrahl.• repnlation of the Pacific, whiel) it 111, enjoyed fur twiny seffs, as our' of tliobust.4.4 (~r! 1 %;11,,rs hotels. r rid la Mu :wilt h i hewiuiftiily t•timllted ttith et cr . > delicacy of 'he The, attetuhinee will loutol eflieient and Vropriutor 'll , u r..ur - ,%1 con% eikient for then, in Ulu lower part t/itl . 1 ..•r 11,4t11 or c ,, ,rl— And WIC i.1( , ;; 1 ‘ ,•, `I Por 0 : 01 " .. ""Yl and rowdy Alt ' it.lll 10 , aml Steam bunt Litter:. 9, - —.IOIIN VAT TIN. New Tobacco Store ! :14),,,ri1,er lit (~i p the rowns ad ' j.miteg Srov9 ::_ttoro t•ltt. littl ‘.l C/G.t all :;. ( Ides). fi'd 17r.,1 01W1mon )i 7,1 hi , i(ltt Pine Cut ' rill lee:/ 1 , /.l'tl /'t)ILI ('t'll, 1'll'I;,~ • , ,nl Ilu riivi .101 IN +P t'ltYala i'•,r. 11, - if. „ , • , t,i; 2. 11:1: o 1, • • .1 01. i l l I • •I el . 11l ll' , l• s•il ll II - I 1.,11,%,• if 110.‘: e.lllll' 31 ,:I.t ;:..f 1.. thi• 1P.1%..1 -,,...1: ./ 11 001, ilde . A I' 14, $III) i M It , •,,'• II I.: - 1 , , , , itt..ii... , . 1 Ile.ti.,tier,: 1 , , . '' 6 ''"''''' A...t Iiii»II) )•, :Nsroit i I- , ' 1111, \!lii'rt I{in, , .: 1 ' .),.lii, I' Miller j. l 11' '•' .1 , ~n , WII ,Watr, , us bI. 31.fr04 1 li 'tl -, n•;`,o .1. Sttlitl, it NI Vonte i i , ,1 I: •,,:,,,t P c t . ,,,, (h ..P , ider .1 ,•;inali• , .i..,,:i t):ili• . ',:ri. z ,linimi . :iniAn ' C L Blur" . I I. ; I-:..,1t1i. . • t I N. II —l ) l.) , leralway6 On haud at tbo MM. , — ' Price ss•per ton. . Nov. 4, 1868. F2MMNIM ME --r -- -Nr „--,........-;. .!, . P .5 , , t il 47 1 ':- ‘‘?, , - • .. 4 ) : ,-- ,?" . 4 1- - ',.•-• - 4. A i -- BXNJEIY' OUR MOTTO „ L IV. ziecisk§A COAIPLETE , YOUR SETS! PENS, oe l vAitiodo sizEti, Rots ',Awns AND UENTLEItPN, E. R. KIMBALL, Mil <>cot is; r;.13.c) tni WIMIL4 -.&,x'allit/nOir., TIU'I"IsET &.c., &air s! kiethes ;Talcs neu elr I'll; .1 It' ,`.4 ,011 , :i;g1 FISMiI •••-••--- , , -.-..,„,...,,, •.,..,-,-, - -,-,7yr,,,. ,;. il - ,:1ri% , .•..,... : '''r :,.....,-. _ _ __. • • ~ •„i N.. r .,. .. , ~..). iNIEW , gfiti :14 7 . ,- Gaffing ' 14 J. A .ParSOJIS' i & Co. , We invito your attention to our New Stock as ,vr ta ti ‘1 ityory ay rag tive an!' .tnt as inor(t iii ' trado o !,:eittith great' ti,Wances - ; but int,Cti'd'fo kiv`e goods a. dollar, taking the average of otir iptoel,•than at, any time for several years, , ' Our Lirien Sindlt is very large mid I:slinn . R. Brow) Table Linens 4,f, Ls, fls, Bs, vez ; vird. ISlencllca ' t . . ' 6 , 10s, 122, Table Cloths in extra Sizes ant) Nitpizios from Towels from Towettings $1,50 to $5,00 dok. 10,75 to $0,50 _"; -s, lepc,l9, 20c, , 1. ) 50, , 2.6; 313. Full linos" pf,..l.?rapery Mwdine, Alarsoill4s Quilt , . Tat gpr6act , , chock and striped Wain-, sooki, .to;at very reasonable prices. Iu Doinestie. v eot,kqns .gur Stocy.fs . yery desinibie;l"With , cry aly ..te4ding Rites We have' 'Brown Sheetiniis yd. wide I 2 ?! cts. Bleached muslin!: Is per yd. llandbomo Prints la yd. Common Prints 6 cents, and al other goods , 'at - Che'cks; Ti 'iiings,' Stripes, ,tc.,'equally cheap. Vdsdimeres, hentael.•y 'Jeans,' tIY Cotton udes. A larger stocl• than usual, and at still lower prices. -DA.•4s-, Good ti; and -Shawls. W 0 have a tiiio Stock of Ctirly Spring Goode, very clicAp. We sr , 2:l: , .elarqc a titill Larger titoelc of the same mak,, , ~r which, we sail so many last semou, and are now selling thew at nl,OllllO per cent lrrs than la,t.fall. We shall keep all the numbc+a having them at :it:, 1 ISt . /0, sa, 6s; 7s, Bs, 10, 4, Its. twd Ire know that L.lllo l l Call beat ns i e4l,ter as to prices, qualities, or, ag to to the Evs.Cmrtment. BOOTS & SHOES. Our trade last year was larger in this stock than eves l)efort., and we desire to.' inerptie it scae4,il, and (0 U.. 5 1 .1, inteal to keep a LAW better stoek:in Ivork ter Ladies and Chil dren. \\'e shall continuo to keep up oar large assortinent of • 1 INlcn'6 :tin. ) l WAneWt; (I) . en'i Calf, 111(iroc- ' co, ••-;ilues.. At abortt the , tattio I rice 45 -lat.t year.. l'ltht reliablo of oily rtoftl, and 'tor large 11%1,10 ettahlt-t o • to 1301 it at a rely 511)1111 -t , ..- profit. Serge - Congress Gat awl Polish Boots ,11. 1 1,, Kid um! Pcbble 00(11 Work Wo :hull keep n 'fillet' larger stook thou ever here, owl >cll it loNi prices. wTNTEY►. : GooDs. ‘Vu arra id Lira bahirt , 01 our ;100: of \yin( el' Sacquoings, I)i'vss r,q,00(1, :tqurs. k . , • • At arc<