The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, May 12, 1869, Image 1

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Tho proprietors have stocked thUastabliebtne
with e. new a varie assortendht of - '
an d ate propated to oxeuitte tioatl,y and prompt
Deeds, Mortgages, Leaser, and a full assilrtme
of Constables' und Justices' Blanks on-band.
' 0
People living at a distance can deriendon
ing theif work done promptli and sent back,ll
retuv)l mail.
ZiSSEA LODGE, No. 817, A, Y.. 11.; maota at their Hail
over Dr. iloy'a drug store, on Tuesday evening, on or
before the Full Moon, eV/ o'clock P.N.
TYOGYA .011 APTER, No. 194, R. A. H., meets at the
ILiD,on Thursday crooning, on or befdre the Full
Moon, at 7 o'clock P. H.
TYoOit COUNCIL, No. SI, It. & 9. MASTERS, meets at
the Hall, on the third Friday of each calendar
month, at 7 o'clock P. M.
TESIPI,,AR, and the appendant ordure , meets at the
Hall, On the first PridaLof each calendar month, at
7 o'clodk P. M.
Insurance, Bounty and Pension Agency, Main
Street Wellsburg), Pa., 'Jan. 1,1868.
Notary Public and Insurance Aient, Bloss
burg, fa., over Caldwell's Store.,
°Moo with W. H. Smith, Esq., Main Street,
o pposite Union Blook, t , Welisboro, Pa.
July 15, 1888. , .
Wall Paper, Kerosene Lamps, Window Glass,
perfumery, Paints and Oils, Ice.; AO.
Corning, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1888.—ly.
(First door from Bigoney's, on the Avenue)—
Will attend to business entrusted to their care
in'tho counties of Tioga and Potter.
Wellsboro, Jan, 1, 1868.
Wollsboro, Tioga Co., Pa.
"Claim Agent, Notary Publio, and Insurance
Agent. He will attend promptly to collection of
Pensions, Back Pay and Bounty. •As Notary
POlio ho takes acknowledgements of deeds, ad
ministers orths, and will act as Commissioner to
take testimony. Or-Office over Roy's Drug Store,
adjoining Agitator Oft3ce.---Oct. 30. 1367
John W. GnornsoV,
Having returned to this county with a view of
making it hiespormaneitt residence solicits a
titan of public patronage. All business en
trusted to his s care will be attended to with
promptness and fidelity. Office 2d ,door south
of E. S. Fareti i hotel. Tioga, Tioga Co., Pa.
Bowen's Store. ' AID" Cutting, Fitting, and
Repairing done promptly and in besd style.
Wellsborq, Pa., Jan. 1, 1888—Iy
TAILOR. Shop Arid door north 'of L. A. Sears's
Shoo Shop. AEF-Oatting,Fitting,and Repair
ing dope promptly and well.
Wellsboro, Pa., Jan. 1,1868.—1 y.
TAILOR AND CUTTER, has opened a shop
on Crafton street, rear of Sears d; Derby's shoe
shop, *heretic , is prepared to manufacture gar
; manta to order in the moat substantial manner,
sad with dispatch. Particular attention paid
i„to Cutting and Bitting. ➢larch 28, 1.868-1 y
Dr. C. H. Thompson.
Will :attend to Professional calls in the village,
of: Wellsboro and elsewhere.
Wilco and Residence on State St. 2d door 011
the right going East. (June. 24,-1868.
DION, SI. D., late of the 2d Pa. Cavalry, nfter
nearly four years of army service, with a large
Axporlance in field and hospital pritotice,has opened nn
othce (or the practice of medicine and surgery, In all
ill Ur:locket., Persons from a distance can find good
boarding at the Pennsylvania Hotel when desired.—
Will skit any part of the State In consultation, or to
perform_ surgical operations. No. 4, Union Block, up
stairs. Welluboro, Pa., Hay 2, 1866.-Iy.
Win. 'B. Smith,
KNOXVILLE, Pa. Pension, Bounty, and In.
ear:ince Agent. Communications sent to the
above address will receive prompt attention.
Terms moderate. [jan' . B, 1868-Iy]
Thos. 33.13ryd0n
SURVEYOR & DRAFTSMAN.—Orders left at
• his room, Townsend Hotel, Wellsboro, will
west with prompt attention.
Jan. M. 1867.—tf.
A PLATED WARE, Speetaelvs, Violin Strings,
Mansfield, Pa. IVatehos and Jew
elry neatly repaired. Engraving done in plain
English and Germs*. Ileept67-Iy.
' . Hairdressing & Shaving.
Salodn over Willcox Barker's Store, WeHe
ber°, Pa. "Particular attention pnid to Ladies'
Iluir.outtlrig, Shampooing, Dyeing, etc. Braids,
Pude, coils, and siviches on hand and made to or
iel.. .-
NIILL WRIGHT—Agent for all the best
for Stewart's OsoillatinOlovement for Gang wed
Malay Saws, I -!
.. - 1
flop. Pa., Aug. 7, 1868, ly.
Dealer in DRY GOODS of all kinds, Hardware
nod Yankoo Notions. Our aisortmont is large
sad prices low. Storo in Union Block. Call
in gentleman.—may 20 1868-Iy.
• ntor. A new Hotel conducted on the principle
of live and let live, for the accommodation of
the publio.—Nov. 14, 1866.-Iy.
Good stabling, attached, and an attentive hos
tlor alwayp in attendance
E. 13t FARIt,
W ESTPIEJ.D Borough, Tioga Co. - Pa., E. G.
Hill, Proprietor. A now and commodious
building with all the modern improvements.
Within easy drives of the best hunting and fish
ing grounds in Northern Penury,. Conveyances
furnished. Terms Moderato.
Pub. 5,1888-Iy.
Gaines,- Tioga County, Pa.
1 101tAcE C. VERMILYEA, Pnor'n. This is
a new hotel located within easy access of the
best fishing and hunting grounds in North
ern Pennsylvania. No pains will be spared
ler the.tccounnotlation of pleasure seekers and
the traveling public. [Jan. 1, \MS.] ,
,Bounty and Pension Agei l tey.
WgA.VI!S(I reeeiverldegniteiustructionbt n regard to
the extra bounty allowed by the act approved
Y 2s, latin,and having on band a large enpply of ell
secesiary blanks ,1 am prepared to prosecute all pen
aloe find bounty claims which may be placed in my
I,,uvlit. , Personsliving at a distance can communicate
with roe by letter, and their communicatiour , Bill be
promptly altiWell Cd . WM. 11. SMITII.
We llshore.October 24,1430 0 , ,
ov.r '(E. Van Vaikert/mry'e Store, in the
room lately occupied { Seeley.
DOTS AND S/ICiEp'of all kinds made to
irtler and in the best manner.
k MENG of all kinds done promptly and
800(1 . (live us a call. -
Well eboro,Jan.2,lB6B -Iy.
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i n - ) VOL. XTVI. ' - ----'': '- tf-,---:'--',. --- -- ' - r',. -' - ,- - WELLSB ORO' ,TA ' MAYI2
. 1.--. -1 . '. 1 1869. , .
- No• _l9. Special Notiega 15 cents
!" 1 Local 20 Alp per lino.
(SIGN OF•THE BIG .4300 K, 2D FLOOR,) c
OT,YR , , r
01 every description, in all styles of Binding,
and as low, for quality of Stock, as any Bindery
in the State. Volumes of. every ,desoription
Bound in tho best manner nod in any
,style -or
Executed in the best manner. Old Books re
bound and made good as new.
ILLO,LIZEInti iR 141 D)
I am prepared to furnish back numbers of all
Reviews or Magazines published in the United
States or Groat Britain, at a low price,
Of all sizes and qualities, on hand, ruled or plain
Of any quality or size, on hand and cut up ready
for printing. Also, BILL PAPER, and CARD
BOARD of all colors and quality, in boards or
cut to any size.
Cap, Letter, Note - Papek, :Envelopes,
Pens, Pencils,#c..
I sill sole agent for ,
Which I will warrant•equal to Gold yens. The
best in use and no mistake.
The abov,e stook ',will saint the LoWest RateA
at all times, at a small advance on 'New York
prices, and in quantities to suit purchasers. All
work and stock warranted as represented.
I respectfully solicit a share o; public patron
age. Orders by mail prompt' attended to.—
Address, LOUIS KIX%
Advertiser Building,
Sept. 28, 1867.—1 y. Elmira, N.Y.
lIAVING fitted up a new hotel building on the site
of the old Union Hotel, lately destroyed by fire,
lam now ready to receive and entertain guests. The
Union Hotel was intended for a Temperance House,
and tho'Proprietor believes it can be sustained without
grog. An attentive hostler in attendance.
Welleboro, June 26,1867.
One door above the Meat Market,
RESPECTFULLY announces ,to the trading
public that ho has a desirable stock of (ho
echos, comprising, Tcps, Coffees, Spices, Sugars,
Molasses, Syrups, and nit-that constitutes a first.
class stock. Oysters in everty-11Q1t. all sea
sonable hours.
Wellsboro, Jan. 2, IS6,7—tf.
Great Excitement! Johnson . impeached, .and Em
broo's !Moots and. Shoes triumphant! The subscriber
would say to the people of Westfield and vicinity that
bets manufacturing a Patent Boot vide), he believes to
possess the following advantage o •er all others; Ist,
theretspocrlmping; 2d, nnwrinklin ,savonsthey break
to the feet; 3d, no ripping. lu Is ion, they are Just
the thing for everybody. Sample n hand and 'orders
solicited. Solo right of reittleld t , wnsltip and Bora'
secured. Ho has alsorMt receive a splendid set of
balmoral patterns, Intent styles. Como one, conic nil!
We are boned [ascii cheap for cash or ready pay. Shop
one door south of Sanders S Colegrove.
Westfield Bore', tee1,.14 1868, .J. It.
waLumn & LATHROP.
Carriago and Harness Trimmings,
Corning,!N. Y., Jau. 2, 1867-Iy.
•' MUTTER TUBS, &c.,
Kept constantly on hand, and furnished to or
der, by
at his new store, 2d d ottr above Roy'p
Wellsboro. (Juno 10, 1868.)
THE Buffalo Platform Scales, all ordinary
sizes, for.heavy, and aounter..use,. may be
found at the Hardwa re store of Wm. Roberts,
Wellsboro. These Smiles are the Fairbanks Pat
ent and have nu superior anywhere: They are
lladein the best style and have taken the premi
um at_all the grontexhibitions.
I have the sole agency for these Scales in this
Wellabore, Feb. 12, 1965.
170, 172; 1 174, & 176 GREENIVICILST.,
/SHE UNDERSIGNED takes pleas
ure in announeiog to his numerous friends
and patrons that from this date, the charge of
the Pacific will be 52,50 per day.
Being sole Proprietor of this House, and there
fore free from the too, comnion exaction of an
inordinate rent, ho is folly able to:3 o meet the
downward tendonoy of prices without any falling
off of service.
It will now, as heretofore, be his aim to main
tain undiminished the favorable reputation of
the Pacific, whitth it. has enjayed fur many years,
as one of the best of
The table will be bountifully supplied with
every delicacy of the soason.
Tho attendanco will be found efficient and
The location will be found convenient for
those whose business calls them in tho lower
part of the city, lining ono door north of Cort
land Street, and one block west of Broadway,
and of ready Ile.10:11 to all Rail Road and Steam
boat Lines.
Doc. 2, 1868-ilm JOHN PATTEN.
rr bi Subscriber has fitted up the rooms ad
j.. joiniug D. P. Roberts Tiu :tud Stove Store
f,tr the tnaeultteture and rain of
I'CW ARS, (all grades), Fancy and Common
SMOKING TO 13 A CC (1, Mich igan Fine cut
ela WING, and all kinds V.
PLUG 7 7 G41,1C 0, PIPES, a ii.(l the Choi
re t sf Brawl (lf CIO Ale s.
,74fl e:111 and sett lor yourzelve.9.
.11)11N W. PURSEL
Nov. l i, WS— tr.
Llt ItUN PLASTER.—Wu-hereby certify
VA th a t w e have u. 03 the l'ht,ter ut•enefnetttred
by Champuey & Iterna tier, at their works on Elk
Run, in Ilaines towurhip; and we believe it to be
equal it' ho t. suprrinrto thebayuga Plaster.
David Smith S M Conable A P Cone
MH. Cobb SilllMollB J Benutuer
G W Barker A=et Smith T. Strait
SB D tvii Albert King john C Miller
JII Watrous WII Watrous 7. L Mar.h
It At Smith 0 A Smith YI M Foote
J D St.tttit. P C Van Gelder J 3 Smith
Jared Davie J'F Zimmerman C L King
I. I, Smith.
N. B.—Plestor always on band at the Mill.—
Prico $5 per ton. Nov. 4, 1868.,
8 Baldwin Street,
3Elc. cot tE; eta :as.
Scales! S4ales ! Scales !
N4c I'u b.
New TobaccO Store !
J. A. Pars;Ons & Co.,
We t i nvite your, attention to' rtrlew Stook. as
we think you will find it very attractive and
cheap.' We do not, as most in the trade, claim
great advance's, but intend to give More
goods fur a dollar, taking the average of .our
stock, than at any time for several years.
Our Linen Stock le vcry,/arge anti cheap.
Brown Table Lin'ens 4s, Li, fls, Bs, per y,ard.
Bleached " " Gs, Bs, 10s, 12s, "
Table Cloths in 'extra - Sizes and
Napkins from
Towels from
$1,50 to $5,00 Aosi.
- $1,75 to $0,50 "
l's,-160, 18, 200, 250, 2.6, Ss.
"'Full of Drapery Muslim, *arsenic;
Quilts, Table Spreads, check and striped Nein-
Books, &c., at very, reasonable prices. .
In Domestic Cottons our Stock is
very desirable. With' as many
Leading Goods at Low Rates
as ever.
Wo have• Brown Shootings, yd. wide ,a ots.
Bleached touslins lo per,yd. Handsome Prints
Is yd. Common Prints 61 cents, and all other
goods snob as Cheeks, ,Deniths, Tiokings,
Stripes, &,e., equally cheap.
Cassimeres, Kentucky Jeans, & Cotton
ades. ' Alarger stocklhan 'usual, and at
still ldwir prices.
Dress Goods 'and Shawls.
We havo a fine Stock of early Spring Goods,
very cheap
Wei re keeping a still Larger Stook of tho
i n
saineJ akos of which we sold so many last
seasot , and are now selling them at about 10 per
cent ees than last fall. We shall keep all the
numbers having them at as,.4s, 4s6c, 5.1, Os, 7e,
Bs, 10s, 12s, and we know that no ono can beat
us either as to prices, qualities, or as td-to the
BOOTS . & $ll-IOES•
Our trade last' year was larger in this stock
than ever before, and we de4ro to- increase it
this season, and to do so, intend to keep a still
better stock in fine work for Ladies and Chil
dren. We shall continue to keep up our largo
assortment of
Richardson's Work in Men's and
Boy's Bhoed, Women's & -Chil
dren's Calf, Kip and Moroe
. • co Shoes.
At about the same prices as ~ last year. This
work is the 'amid reliable of mix sold„ and our
large:lA:ado enables us to sell it at'a very Biotin
profit. Iu
Ladies' Serge Congress Gai
ters, Serge-Balmoral, and . Polish Boots.
Also, Kid and Pebble Goat Work
We shall' keep a meal larger stock than over
before, and Pell it less than regular prices.
We are selling off the balance of our stock of
Winter Sha,Wls; : Bacqueings, Dres
Gold, Furs, &c.
At a reduction of full 25• per cent. from our
regular prices, any one desirous of buying very
cheap can now do so.
Corning, Alarcli 10, 1869. - *
Atlantic and Great Western
- . • ' • -AND- , • .
And to all Points in the WEST and NORTII-WEST.
‘ Cincinnati, Louis-
And all points in the
. South eSouthwest; with
No Clialage O'oaches
From any point on the Erie Railway. An ad
vantage and convenience not offered by any
other. route.
Baggage Checked Through, and No CITANan
from ono car to another, preventing loss or dam
Tickets via this popular routo can be procured
at all offices on the lino of the Erio Railway, and
When purchasing ask the Agent for Tickets
(ion. Ticket and PSISR. Ag't, Cleveland, 0
Gen. Supt., Meadville, Pa,
Jan. 8, 'B9
H - Ar th on boa and are,constantly receiving
- Hardware • Store
every °Mete needed in this'region of 'country,
- ' in no
sTiov -
Cooking, Self-Regulators and Coal
StoveS:' "
Home Companion,
and Ow justly colebratud
No pains a ill bo spared to "lent the wants of
our customers.
Wei!Libor°, Jan: 6, 1869, ly. •
John C. Horton,
renoeville, 'Tiogn County, Pa. Office over
George MoLoan,s Mot do Shoe Store. Business
attended to with promptness. apr. 7th, '69-Iy.
- • ViciTO' Comm ,
• - i
No sound of crashing wheel was heard,
Tho morning's sun ; orept up,tho hills, '
Tho twitter of ti&etutiner
And gurgling laughter of the rills,
And whispered welcome of the trees,
And harp notes of the gentle breeze.
The air was full ofßabbath song,
' And Sabbath beauty - robed the earth ;
There was no flaunting,' fine-dressed throlig, •
No marring and unseemly mirth;
But golden sunlight in the dells,
And mush! of invitirs bells.
The house of God w s everywhere;
We stood in courts where He had been,
Wo wanted moss His meadows fair, . '
And doWn His aislei of overgreen,;
And strayed Wipe His river brim;
While all our barb Went, opt to. Him:
Wa lingered where t. a little bands
Knelt down togot tn. in Mils light,
'With sun-burnt taco j toil-stained hands,
And'simple vnlee hat loved the right;
Anil while wo broat ed Die holy name,
'lnto our midst the astor came.
Wo looked upon the .reacher's fhoo,
But•baok to us 100 ed other.eyis,
Wo heard the spoke words of
another ado us wigrace,
i t
But i tWas se;
For God took all our :
thoughts away,
thorn And kept the to hi self that day.
I,• • ,
0 grand cloud-mountains, snowy white!
0 Wilderness of tree , and fern •
That throujh the windows met our eight,
And o our peace-filledlspirits burn I
Into our hearts your joy we take,
And ~ l eio you for our Father's :sake:
That is the quest on I wish 'to' . pht
before the public., I have puzzled over
it from morning till fight, have dreamed
about it, and grow thin upon it, and
can find no sOlutloa.thereof. . „ • -
.her name.was Mina Blake, and he
lived among the hills. No matterwhat
hillS. There are a great many' in 'title
country unknown, to fame,. •and: she,
lived among some of them. She lived
in a frame house, and there were plenty
more like s it among these hills. • The
situation was bleak, and the: soil 'se
peer that the old men and ,small boys
'did all the farm work, while the rest:of
the people worked in the mines under
the hills, cir, in the factories of the dingy
smoky town Watley near them. These
Last were the ariStocracy, and they
looked down upon the miners, . who
were "foTeign" an "low." '
The people "nevr carried their lives
about them like clogs ;" hard labor was
not a "dull pain" tb them, (unless they,
were rheumatic); they did not look at
strangers ,with • "pitiful, dumb animal
eyes ' •" . they did) udt stalk about with
hands .upon their! brows and hearts,
pressing down their miseries to keep
them "silent:" NOthing of . the kind.
For relief to their physical miseries
they resorted to DiUke's Plantation Bit-;
tees, and as- a•soliir-or- moutut...mis-;
cries opinions wer pretty- equally - di- -
vided between the j ßible and the tavern.
They did not "strive to work on the
problem Of their iives," for they had
extremely vague 0 ideas in regard to
problems, and life Ito them was a sim
ple thing enough.. . . .
They got pretty air wages,
and ate,
and drank, and.slept, and talked poli-i
tics, and some said their prayers, and
some did not, and they all expected to
go to Heaven -when' they died. They
shuffled along thrOugh life, half edu-•
cated, and happy, and sooty, and con
ceited, got marrie and died, and that
was the end of tAem. Let them go;
for it is clear that such unnatural spec
imens of the laboring_ class can be no
manner of,useln a story. .
Mina Blake worked in a factory. She
was not in the habit, ofstanding by, the
looms,' and thinking how they were
crushing the beauty and sweetness out
of her life (ahe did net, know that they
were, she was so 'stupid) nor did she
wonder'if they weir() "weaving the web
. S .
of her destiny?' nor did she walk.
among the whirli g wheels with great
thoughts whirlin through her dizzy
brain. ..If she ha 'done -these things
per wages would ave been docked, and
she knew it. -
Neither did 'she live on fruit and
areara in summer,' and in the winter on
"corn cakes tinted with delicate brown,
and spread With golden butter." The
fruit that grew on the hills was scraggy
and sour, and the grass thin and poor,
and half the year Mina saw no butter.
Mush and molasses, bacon, and brown
bread constituted her ordinary food.
When the war broke out, she did not
urge her only brother to go and back
his knapsack with, smiling lips and
tearful eyes. Not We.' For when at
last ho was_drafted she bid him under
the hay in a neighbor's . burn and when
he was dragged outand marched o,ff she
nearly cried tier eyes out. And, after
his first battle, when he was reported
"missing," she did not gO into a state of
melancholy and fancy him lying in a
lonely spot in a far-off forest, with his
musket resting on his side, and the
waters of a brook rippling' gently* over
hs still feet. The picture that tilled
hibr mental vision was a room in a
'Canada tavern, while the "missing"
one seated at a table, with other choice
spirits, playing the instructive game* of
poker, and with still other choice spir
its in junk bottles on the table. And
so she dried her eyes and was content.
It is plain enough, so far, that Mina
was no heroine, and she was so far dif
ferent from any oillier factory girl who
ever lived and breathed—in nooks—that
if I had not seen her last week, Ishould
be disposed to believe that she never did
exist at all, but that I dreamed all I am
going to tell you.
One pleasant Sunday morning, some
two or three summers ago. Mina went
to church arrayed in her best. She
wore a Olifie dress ;: not because it was
"the color of truth," and not because it
was "tie ciutward'symbol of the deep,
liquid purity of her soul," nor for any
other reason of the kind, which factory
girls always have for wearing blue;
but simply because it cost ten cents less,
on the yard than any other of the nice
goods at Poole's stPre, She also wore a
straw bonnet• trinimed with green ro
settes, a black silk)shawl, and pink kid
gloves. This was Mina's idea -of
gance, I.know tl at working girls who ,
haVe any 'claimito be heroines, have an
intuitive preeedti n of what is, refined
and harmonious, and it . grieves me
much to be coin elled to .admit °that
Mina had not.
I have been par loular in describing
her dress, not that it has anything
whatever to do with. the'incident I am
about to relate, which would have hap
pened all the same whether she had
worn blaze, or broadcloth, but because
a heroine's dress is always described
when anything, is going to happen to
Mina had a bright, attratttlye face, and
looked pretty in spite of the conjuction
of pink, green, black and blue upon her
small person.
When she arrieved . at church, she
found nearly all the congregation as-
nem bled, but the 6:
So, alter settlintr li
her fan, she Woke
see what was to b
•rvieeha - il not begun
er dress, and opening
demurely round to
4 seen. And the Bret
sight that met her eyes so arrested her
attention that she saw nothing more.
Tom Hartle was looking at Kitty Smith
A young man gazing at a young girl is
not a wonder upon the earth,. but- this
particular young man was Mina's prop
erty. They had been engaged for some
time, and, until the Smiths came into
the neighborhood, he had been a very
attentive lover. Kitty was the prettiest
girl in all tho country. She had red
lips and pink cheeks, and great inno
cent brown eyes, and the loyeliest gold
en brown hair that. was always kept
short and curled itself into shining
rings all over her head: •
Mina knew that Tom had an un
bounded admiration for Kitty Smith.
It cut the poor girl to the very heart
but she did not neglect her work, and
go wandering about the woods In an
insane manner, nor was she consumed
by a'"durrib i tearless sorroW." No. She
gave Tom two or three good round
seeklings abbot the matter ; Which he
always answered by asserting , that he
cared nothing whatever for Kitty, but
that he wasn't going to be Such a slave
that be could% look at a pretty girl ;
and then Mina would take a cry, and
then they would "kiss and - make up."
But Torn had not been to see' her for
two weeks, and in that time Mina had
thought over the matter a great deal,
and had begun • to see the right way
through it, as she.would have expressed
it. Some of these thoughts were in her
mind now, but the minister gave out
the hymn, and Minh tried to pull all
such worldly things away, for- she was
a good religious girl, and believed in
everything that was proper and othor 7
dox. • I know that factory heroines 'are
always wondering why the All Power
ful permits sin, and then punishes •it-- 4
'why they are crushed with inherited
vices—that they are sentimen ta infidels,
in short—fearing to trust thernielves to
a gloomy and cruel .faith. None of
these doubts and fears bad Mina. She
lived herself in the straight and narrow
way and she new perfectly well that all
infidels and Roman Catholics would
go to hell. Perhaps in the very bOttom
of her heart she wished it were not so,
but she never would have dared to utter
this, even to her own coneiousness ; she
would have thought it wicked—a sug
gestion of the devil.
The congregation were accustomed to
spend the intermission in the graveyard,
where they gathered into groups to eat
their lunch, and to gossip. Mina stole
away to an uninviting spot, where the
old tomb-stones were half sunk into the
earth, and the graves were overgrown
with weeds. Here' she thought she
would not be followed for she wanted to
think about Tom.
She had been there for a few minutes
When she saw him coming slowly to
ward her, with his eyes bent upon the
"He is sorry, poor fellow," she
thought, "I know he is sorry."
, Toni started on seeing her. "How
you do startle 'a fellow, Mina!" he said.
"And you look like a ghost. What is
the maker? Does anything trouble you,
Mina?" he added in a more / kindly
- - -
Mina did not lean her pale face
against the tombstone, and say "God
knoWs - i" or loOk at him reproachfully
like a dumb animal being led to the
slaughter; or do anythingelse she ought
to have dOne. She looked at him with
contempV and exclaiming, "Toin Har
tle, you ur 4, a fool !" walked away asfaSt
as she ooh d, for fear she should oi l y,
which was a weakness of hers.
She did not go far. The , thoughts
that Tom's unlucky question had dis
sipated came back toiller, and turning
round she went back to the place where
she had left him. Ho was leaning
against the fenco, looking at the hill in
the distance with a sad and troubled
"Tom," said Mina, kindly laying her
hand on his shoulder,' 11 .1 know what
you are thinking about. Don't grieve
over it. It can't be helped, and you're
not a bit to blame for it, and I guess it
will all come out right in the end some
And she was gone before Tom - quite
comprehended her words.
Tom did not Intend to walk home
.with Kitty Smith, but when they went
out of church, she looked at him with
her great browu eyes, he was drawn to
her side as by a magnet, and they
walked away together; and Mina saw
it, and it made her angry. Angry that
he had so' little consideration for her
after what he had said to him In the
graveyard, and more angry because he
did it in the sight of ' all the congrega
tion, who she knew had wondered at
it, and pitied her:
Her toad was the same as theirs, but
she went round a longer way to the
quarry, so as to ayold walking behind
them. The quarry was half way home,
and when she got there she sat down to
rest ins thick growth of young pines
upon the summit of a breezy hill. But
she was destined to find no mental re
pose that day, for she had been there
but a few minutes when Tom and Kitty
came in sight. They had loitered long
on the road. They, should have been
home by this time. Mina watched them
seated themselves on the grass near- her
place of .concealment and she noted
Litty's coquettish ways, and,Tom's in
creasing admiration.
" I wish she would slip down into the
quarry and break her neck:" thought
At last 'on' Kitty's expressing a wish
for some wild gooseberries, Tom went
off on a search for. some. He was gone
a longtime and Kitty began , to yawn,
and Mina. wished most heartily he
would come back, so they could go home
and she could get away ,Kitty spied a
tuft of columbines nodding on the very
edge of the hill, and true to her natural
instincts of gratifying a present pleas
ure without a' thought beyond, ,she ran
to them and plucked them up. The
ground here was sloping, the grass dry
and slippery... •She felt herself gliding
swiftly down the bill, and, clutching
wildly at the air, she caught hold of a
birch sapling,as she swung oft' its side,
which tad been quarried away until it
had beconie almost smooth for a descent
of some forty feet. And there she hung,
,her only support the sapling which she
girded with het left hand, which bent
so low with her weight that its plumed
top touched her head. She knew it
must break soon, and she looked at the
jagged rocks far below her, and cried,
and shrieked .for help.
, If she had had any.presence of mind
'she would have seen that 'she had one
chance for her life. Mina saw it in a
flash, and called out to her
" Swing yourself a little to the right,
Kitty; and put your foot upon thatlittle
point of rock. .Don't you see it?"
" I see it!" ,shrieked
.Kitty, "but I
can't do it. Help me ! 0 help me !"
Mina ran to the spot. There was no
friendly rock or brush to hold to—noth
ing but the shelving bank, and' slip
pery grass, and the one sapling which
was the frail support of poor Kitty.
She ttire'w herself upon the ground, as
far from the edge as she could, and
seized hold of Kitty's wrist.
"Now, Kitty, don't let go the sap
ling, and swing yourself upon that
rock—you can easily' do it."
"I can't do it! I shall fall if I move!
Pull me up; Mina, pull me up I," i)
" I can't,'' said-Mina. "the grasS , is
slippery, and there's nothing to bold
by, and I haven't the strength. Get on
the rock ; Tom will soon- be here."
But the terror-strickeu Kitty began
to struggle,
and Mina fe t herself mov
ing toward the edge of t lat awful preci
" You are Pulling m oil,. Kitty. I
can't hold you if you struggle. The
rock is your only chancp."
But Kitty would only scream, and
struggle, and now Miva was drawn so
near the edge that she could 'see far
down into that fearful depth.
"I will let her go," she thought, "she
will kill me if I don't." I3uit her next
thought was. "What shall I tell Tom
when he comes back-? , No, I will save
her or we will die together."
She saw that a root o the sapling was
above the ground. T its was a little
thing indeed, but Iga e her some hope.
Still keeping hold of I itty's wrist, she
raised herself on her k e ees, and worked
herself slowly along the treacherous
bank, she reached tilt root and fixed
her knees, firmly agt.irest it., Then
taking of her shawl id e 'lowered it to
Kitty's hand. Kitty 'hitched it with
so strong and despairl eg- a hold that
Mina shook and totte ed. ti t he recov
ered herself, and closi eg her eyes for
an instant to summon 3 11 her courage,
and to commend her soul to God, she
exerted all her strengt I and swinging
Kitty round lauded he in safety on the
little rocky ledge. An now, some of
Kitty's sense returnh, g to her, she
managed, with the hel of Minnie and
the shawl, to scramble upon the hill,
where the two girls ha a brief struggle
yet to 'keep from slidin off, until with
blanched, cheeks and bloodshot eyes
they stood upon the fir 6* ground, - and
looked at each other.
At this point Mina should have fain
ted, but,instead of that,lshe gave Kitty
a good shaking.
At" You silly baby I" she exclaimed,
You came near putting an end to both
of us. Why didn't youldo as Itold yon
to ?"
And then she sat down on the ground
and cried. And Kitty. cried, too, and
between her sobs she said; "Oh,
Mina! you've saved my life—and you
are so good—and I've been—so naughty
—and I've tried—l've triea to steal
your beau !"
" I know it," said Mina shortly,
choking back the tears. "And that
isn't the worst of it, Kitty."
" There can't be atly worse," `said
"Yes there , can," said Mina. And
then they both fell to cryingagain, and
Kitty put her arms round herneck, and
kept sobbing': "Oh I what shall I do ?"
To which question she got no answer.
And thus the amazed Tom found them,
and Kitty told the s '•iy, and Torn
trembled to think how near death
Kitty had been, and he knew he ought
to have thought first of
he ought to say someth
stood twirling the en,
handkerchief, and wis,
girl so' he could cry, tool
But Mina dried her
that purpose a pink ki
of tier handkerchief, fo
" ToM," she said, in hick and husky
tones, "you love Kitt
' and She will
love you•some time if ,:he don't now.
And I won't stand in 3 oar way:. And
so it's all over betwe n us, and you
mustn't feel sorry for Is e. I know' you
wouldn't have broke. with me, and
that you meant to stan 1 to your prom
ise ; but it wouldu' I be right, you
know, to marry me w th love for an
other woman in your cart. And now
I will go home •by yseif. I would
rather and you had better wait till
Kitty feels bettor."
Here Tom should 1 ave delivered a
speech clothed in that ender and sum
pie language, and wit that beautiful
pathos and refinemet tof feeling for
which, we all know, p,or young work
ing men are remarka 61e. But he was
an exception to his eh -s, and so he on
ly twirled his handke chief the harder,
and looked foolish, and was dreadfully
afraid he would cry, and only managed
to say, " Don't, Mina,ldon't break with
me this way. We will talk it over."
"No, Tom," said Mina, " there's no
use in talking it Over—l know it all.
Don't feel sorry for me. You couldn't
help it, and I couldn'Oelp doing what
I have to-day, and Kitty couldn't help
being pretty. And now don't you be
feeling sorry for me."
And so she left them, and the two
stood watching her in silence, and
shame, and pity, while she went her
way across the field until she seemed to
melt into the crimsonnd golden glo
ries of the West.
And now it would seem as if Mina
had established a sort of claiM to be
considered a heroine ; but then, you see,
she did nothing in the orthodox way.
And, moreover, after these events she
did not pine away into a " beautiful
and luminous shadow," and die placid
ly and serenely atr sunset, or sunrise
(never, by any possibleachance-, in the
middle of the day ; shadowy heroines,
and especially " luminous",. o+s, be
ing governed by different lawSfroto oth
erii shadows,) alter givi g Tom he'lbless
ing, and Kitty her Su day clothes. No,
indeed. I am. sorry t say she still per
sists in keeping alive tid well. And,
worse than this, (if nothing can be
worse,)_she bought cow ith the
Money she had put a ide for- 'her wed
ding finery; and'no , having plenty
of buttermilk to thin! , is getting stout.
And now I am sur the public will
take pity On me and solve the puzzle I
cannot, and which has robbed me of
rest and pleasure, and I answer the ques
tion : Is she a heroin°o
1:4kii*Oli104111 Nelliiii:CS:1110:0)ki
Professor Albert S. Bickmore, whose
narrative of a journey through the
East India Archipelago has lately been
published in New York, gives the fol
interesting account of a light
with a huge serpent which had been
presented to him by a 'friend :
From Singapore my plan was to pro*
ceed directly to China, but finding in
port a French ship which was bound
for Hong Kong, yia Saigon, the capital
of Cochin China, I tingaged a passage
on her in order to see omething also of
the French possession lin East. Just as
we were ready to sal I Met a gentle
man who had lately eturned from a
long journey to Cam odia, whither he
had gone to photogr ph the ruins of
the wonderful tempi s in that land.—
He had a specimen or me, he said,
which I must accep before I know
what it was, a conditi n I readily com
plied with, but who the " specimen"
appeared I must con ess I,Nyasoilot a
little surprised to fin it wa's an enor
mouspython. It had been caught by
the natives of Bankok, after it had
gorged itself on some unfortunate beast,
but that was s9tme time before, and the
brute was eyidently ready for another
feast. 'My cans containing alcohol
were already on board the ship, but I
took the monster with me when I went
ofr to her late in the evening, designing
to drown it in its box and then transfer
his snakeship to a can. The captain,
with the greatest politeness, met me at
the rail, ttud showed me my state-room
in the after-cabin, when the sailors be
gan to bring my baggage, when first of
all appeared the box containing the
pyhton ! I shouted out to the cabin
boy that that box must be left out on
deck, and then in a low tone, explained
to the captain that it containA an
enormous snake. " Un - serpent? un
serpent 9" he exclaimed,-raising up both
hands in horror, In such an expressive
way as only a Frenchman can,'und pro
ceeding to declare that ho ought to have
known that a passenger who was a
naturalist would be sure to fill the whole
ship with all sorts of venomous beasts.
All the others were'little . less - startled,
and shunned me in the half-lighted
cabin, as if I were. in league, with evil
spirits, but I quieted their fears by or
dering a sailor to put the box into a
large boat that was placed•right side up
on the main, deck, and promising to
kill the great reptile to-morrow. •
May 24th.—Early this morning we
made sail, and r -concluded to let my
troublesome specimen-remain until we
were out of the harbo, but now, in the
changing of the - monsoons the winds
are light andlififiling,Ond , :we- finally
came to an anchor once more ; .and a
Bailor who gokup into the boat and said
'something apout "le serpent." I was
;on the quarter-deck at the time, and
determining at once not to be troubled
with it, jumped down on the main-s
deck, ran to the side of the boat, and
'seizing the box gave it a toss into the
sea, but justas it was leavf-fig,my hands
I thought to -myself, "How light it is!"
and the sailor said, "Le serpent n'est
pas encore!--pas encore?" We all
looked over the ship's side, and there
was tho box floating quietly away, and
it was evident the monster had escaped.
Every one then asked, "Where is he?
but no one could tell. I assured the
captain that he was in when I
put it on the sampan to come off to
the ship. "Ishe on board ?" was the
next question from the mouth of all.=
We looked carefully in the boat and
round the deck, but could detect no
`trace of him whatever, and all except
myself, came to the Conclusion that he
was not brought on bold, and then
went back to their work. •The box in
which he had been confined was about
a foot and, a half ling by a foot high
and a foot wide, and over the top were
four or five strips of board, each fas
tened at either end with a single nail.
On inquiring more' 'closely, the sailor
told me that before I seized the box,
the side with the slats was one of the
perpendicular sides, and had not been
placed uppermost, as it ought to have
been. " Then," I reasoned, "he is
here on board somewhere, beyond a
doubt, and I brought him here,
.and it's
my duty to find him and kill hm."
We had four' horses on deck, and the
middle of the boat was filled with hay
for them, and under that it was proba
ble that the reptile had crawled away.
In the bottom of the boat, aft, was a
triangular deck, and as I climbed up a
second time, I noticed that the board
which formed the apex of-the triangle
was. loose, and moved a little to one
side. Carefully raising this, I espied,
to my horror, the great python 'closely
coiled away beneath, the place lbeing
so small that the loose board rested on
one of his coils. I wore-a thin suit, a
Chinese baju, or loose blouse, a pair of
canvass shoes,. and a large sun-hat.—
Throwing oil' my hat, that I might go
into the dreadful struggle unimpeded,
L shouted out for a long Itn fe, knowing
well that what I must try odo was to
cut him in two, and that h : would at
tempt to catch my hand i • his jaws,
and, is lie should succeed indoing that,
he would wind himself arou ine as
quick asia man could wind th lash of
a long whip around a fixed sti k, and
certainti lie Wip large enough to crush
the larg,fst horde. Th e cook handed me
as:sharp !knife more than a foot long,
and,, holding the board down with my
feet,, I thrust the blade through the
crack, and, wrenching with all my
Might, tried to break the great reptile's
'back-bone, and thus render all that
part of alio body behind the fracture
helpless. Despite my utmost efforts.
heAmlied away the knife ; and escaped
two or three feet forward, where there
was more room under the deck. By
this time there was the greatest confus
ion. The captain, evidently believing
that discretion is the better part of va
lor,„ran below the moment "he WAS sat
isfied that I had indeed' discoveNd the
monster, seized a brace of revolvers,
and, perching himself upon the monk
ey-rail, leaned his back against the
mizzen-rigging, and held one in each
hand, ready. to fire into the boat at the
slightest alarm; The sailors all gathered
iound the boat, and stood perfectly
still, apparently half stupefied, and not
knowing whether it would be safer for
them to stand still, climb up in the rig
ging, or jump overboard. The first
mate armed himself with' a revolver,
and climbed on the steru.of the boat.—
Indeed, every moment I expected to
hear a report, and find myself shot by
some of the brave ones behind me.—
The second mate, who was the only
real man among them all, seized a large
sheath-knife, and climbed into the boat
to help me. I knew it would not do
to attempt to strike the monster with a
knife where he had room enough to de
fend himself ; I therefore threw it down,
and seized a: short handspike of iron
wood, the cosily weapon within my
reach, and told the second mate to raise
-the deck, and I would attempt to finish
my antagonist with the club, for the
thought of escaping while I Vould, and
leaving for others what belonged
the me, never entered my mind. As the
deck rose I beheld him coiled up about
two feet and a half frOm my right foot.
Suffering the mutest agony from the
deep wound I had already given him,
he raised hie...head high out of the midst
of his huge cen t his red jaws wide open,
and 'his eyes flashing fire like live coals.
I felt the ;blood chill in mAilveins, as
for an instant, we glanced into. each,
other's eyes, and both instinctively re- 1
alized that one of us two must did on
the spot. He darted at my foot; hoping
to fasten his fangs in my canvas shoe;
but I was too quick for him, and gave
.him such a blow over 'the head .and
neck that he was glad to coil up again.
This gave the time to deal him another
blow, and thus for 'fifteen minutes 1
continued to - strike with all my might,
and three or four times his jaws came j
within two or three - inches of imy can- ',
vas shoe. I began now 'to , feel my
strength failing - and that I could not
hold out more Wawa moment' longer,
yet, in that moment, fortuntitely; the
carpenter got his 'wits together, and
thought of his broad axe, and, bringing
it to the side of tho boat, held up the
handle, so that I-could seize it while the
reptile was coiling up from the last
stunning blow. The next time he
darted at me I gave him a heavy'cut
about fifteen inches behind his head,
serving the body completely off, excapt
about nn inch on the under side, and
as he coiled up, thist part fell over, and
he 'fastened his teeth' into his own coils.
Ono cut more, had I seized a rope, and,
in all instant, I tugged liim over the
boat's side, across the deck, and over
the ship's raid into the sea. The long
trail of his blood on the deck assured
me that I was indeed safe, and, draw
ing 'a long breath of-relief, I thanked
tlie'givcr of all our blessings.
ina, and that
ng, but he only
s of his• silk
ing he was a
!eyes, using for
I glove instead
she was In sore
A ife,w hand in a barber shop was
put on to a customer who desired to be
shaved. Ma new hand was - rough,
and put his victim through in it vigor
ous manner. After he had finished,
the gentleman inquired of the new
barber it' he bad ever shaved any one
beside himself. The barber replied
that he had.
" Will you permit me to inquire,
thou, it the tuna lived ?"
Mansfield and its ImproN'vmentis.
-,.. ED. AGITATOIt : , ---I take the liberty of
calling the • attention of the reading
public, through your colulcoos, to some
of the leadingAiusiness interests of this
place, to some of the disadvantages un
der which we labor, andi our future
prospects. The first of importance, that
attracts •the notice pf a stranger on. ar
riving by railroad ;is the factory ; here
all sorts of wood work is wrought, own
ed and conducted byHon. S. B. Elliott
and Col. M. L. Clark; they keep some
thing like a squadron of hands employ- '
ed, and orders for between $l,OOO and
$2,000 worth of work have accumulated
already this Spring. Like' most new
undertakings, where a b' siness and
business reputatioh is to be cstablished,
Messrs. Elliott& Clark have eneetinter
ed many obstacles Laud labored under
many disadvantages, notwithstanding -
which, they open upon their second
year with flattering prospects. • ,
Though Mansfield has (inns a respec
table number of men engaged in diff
erent branches of mercantile trade, who
do a fair, and creditable business, yet
we need men here with the capital ; to
compete with the heavy firms at Triiir,
and also modernize the system of doing
business. Butter and cheese never ought
to go through or by Mansfield, to find a
market in Troy at a cost of 10 Mlles
transportation over hilly roads.
We also need a Bank,litui a printing
press, both of which would be paying
investments in theltinde of capital,
talent and enterprise; these . things
must come some time, and Who will be
the lucky men to take, the lead ?
Building lots have been held too high,
and are yet, to promote the growth of
the place, yet our population and: real
estate are increasing the most rapidly
of any town in the county, and our new
buildings are of a more substantial, and
better class than formerly, and I may
add one important fact in.this connec
tion, that we have reached; our present
standing, by indigenous growth, from
the virgin soil; we have no, capitalists
among us, nor have We until the fur
nace passed into the hands of its present
owners, felt the influence of foreign
We need a large foundry and ma
chine-shop; our location offerstempt
ing advantages to make such - an insti
tution successful and profitable. True
we have one small foundry which has
been some two years in Steady opera
tion, but is run without capital, and
only demonstrates the necessity of such
an establishment, a, vaonum. if I may so
express it, which capital and enterprise
alone can fill.
There are other kinds of bUsiness that
ought to be fostered among us, but we
pass again our wants to what we have ;
many things that go to make up the
prosperity of our Boro, must, neeces
sarily be passed for want of room, or
be reserved for some future letter..
The'attendance at the Normal School
Is not as large as usual this Spring; but
this is not the result of any decline in-,
the merits ok popularity'of the &hoot:,
it is due to a chain of circumstances be'-
yOnd the fore-sight or control of the
best or ablest of managers ; a . year ago
the school was deprived of the services
of Prof. Streit, one of its ablest and
most experienced teachers, and during
the present year Prof. Verrill has been
absent much of, the time in a distant
State, with his wife, who now, lies (if
living) near death with cousumption. e
Although other good ud earnest
teachers have been employ d to fill va
cancies, yet it is only in ti e that new
teachers can come to 1111 he place in
the affections and con iiden eof pupils
and patrons, which it has been the
privilege of all the older teachers to
Again, we have been alfiicted with a
series of contagious and epidemic dis
eases, such as is hardly witnessed in a
Lifetime ; but perhaps the greatest cause
for the reduction' in the number of ptV i i
pile, is due to the fact that money is
tight, and without financial lubrication,
there must be'some dry boxes.
Notwithstanding all the disadvanta
ges re tin' upon the institution the
numbbr • the faculty has been increas
ed and t b coming catalogue will show
a clean nd promising 'record. The
Model (Orphans') School, being entire
ly under the control of Prot•Allen as
patron and manager has not suffered so
much from these causes, and is beaomt
ing every day a brighter example of
the great, generous heart of cur noble
Commonwealth. . 1
The manufacture 'of iron from • the
native material forms one of the most
Important enterprises of the place.—
From the time of the building of the
turnace up to the time of its purchase
by the present proprietors, Shaaber &
Johnston of Reading Pa., it was an en
tire failure, partly for want of-sufficient
xorking capital, and partly froni bad
management. In May 18(17, W. G.
Lutz Esq., was engagedlto take the en
tire management of th business, '• and
went to work with a Sed determina
tion to make it successf I, l and could he
have fore-seen the difficulties he has
had tniencounter, I fear his courage,
marked as it is, must ha ,e failed him.
At first delays occurred, involving con
siderable unneccessary expense, through
the peculiarly liberal and ccommodat
ing managers of the Tioga ailroad Co.,
who refused for a long time to give
special freight rates, but finally they
granted what they were pleased to term
low rates, or'a. trifle more than (limbic,
the • rates charged for the same freight
by the N. Y. & Erie Co., thoughmuoh
below what was first offered ; and had
not Mr. Magee taken the lead, the pres- .
ent rates, 2i cents per net ton per mile,.
for freights from the north, and 21 eta.
from the south, could not have been
Another source of trouble was duo to
the coal combination of Elmira
vieinityi a pitiless combination showing
no mercy to any onetinfortuisateenbugh
to come within their grasp. These
things made the prospects of success
assume a rather gloomyl appearance,
and Mr. Lutz resolved - himselfinto a
committee of one on 'Ways and means'.
for . reducing expenses by cutting loose
from the Elmira coal-extorti xi 'Co m
bination, winch he has succe ded in
doing, and now using native c al', and
ore alone. About one-third of he fuel
now used Is coke, made at the o Bless
- burg mines by Man Evans 46 0., and
has heretofore been freighted to Mane
field, a distance of ten miles, for 30 ets.
per ton ; but the rates have recently
been raised, without any previous no
tice to 60 cts. p6r ton, an ii crease of six
ty-six and two-thirds per c ut.—another
singular and flattering en ouragement,
just as the furnace coreparq were con
gratulating themselves 41.p0n the_ pros
pect of realizing a fair living profit and
probably a partial return of the origt-•
ual investment. Tee broad and liberal
policy of the, Tioga Railroad Co., .11s" il
lustrated by the above example, ought
to induce t 4 withdrawal of large am
mounts of 'capital from other sections
of this and adjoining!eounties to be in
vested along the line of this-Railroad,
in such manufactures as, require the
transportation of large quantities Of
heavy:freights. There is a prospect of
another furnace being built iu Mans
field, provi:ling that freights can be
guaranteed over the T. R. R., at . as low
rates as other roads offer for the same
freights._ It is to be hoped that the
[Concluded cm 4 a page.]
P agitata
tesday•Broorzliz' Mooing tpt $2
• [p..o:TANGattaap.-:
a Te.A)r-V*. '
Ai% in= vs* Squats.
:115113.1100.16 Mos. Year
$7,00 $12,00
22,00 18,00
80,801 60,00
80,00 1 ' 90,00
1 4 00 B,oo'
',ON 22,00
‘OOl 40,00
por lino; Editorial or