The Tioga County agitator. (Wellsboro, Tioga County, Pa.) 1865-1871, May 05, 1869, Image 4
U ME 43;,YitiT'7iinrs TrAIIBTI II ''Elr '4VPIIED Tr,SigYffoS% 0, yet wo trust that somehow good , :Win" be the final goal of ill,. ' Tovings'af n ature , shut of will, • :aefeote et doubt and Lobate of. blood. • ; Tiaat nothing ivitile with etolleie toot; 'That not nnelife shalt' be -destroyed, • 4 00 cat As Tubbleh to the When , 06d lath made the 'ptlonotoplote n'ot'e worni is' cloven in vain; That not a moat 'With - Is shriveled in a fruitcesS tfre . ;, Or hnt inbserves tinothees gain:, _ ; . penpl4 t the )cporr no; 4nyt4i l3 B;- ' I can but trust that goophall fall At last—far off—at-last, to a 11 4 7- - ,And every svintex.change, SO fun's dream but ahi - E? - } • An infant crying ft, r - - n infant crying - And with no language but a.ery. M'AititS;--11:wali IV* tide when we wentpwri - to-Bristoipsuid - the-great gray . rciek6 stand r..trp • barii, ,taid grim, -above the water; but higher up on an sides was a black line that seemed hard ly dry, though_it was far above the wait ter. What makes that biaolt ititirk:nti the rocks:P. I asked my friend. -,r . :` Oh, that is the tide .inark,' she xe plied 1 Every day, when- -.thee; tide edmes in; the water risewaticUrises;.un ,-- ovde - tire - Eicorit until tbe Mark is eat tun:Y.llle ' Oh,' thotight I; 'that is: Well, 'have seen a . great 2 thanY'peeple that carried tide marks on thOir Bight in front of me wat‘p, pretty little girl, with delicate features and pleasant blue eyes. But she had:some queer lit tle marks on her forehead, and I won d6red how they came to be there,-until presentlyher ,mother said :T Shut doWil; the *blind" now, Carrie, thessun shines right in baby's face.' - 'I, want to look out,' said ; Carrie in a vei•ytpeeviSh , ; But her mother' - ingisted; Carri shut the blind, and turned her hea away from the window. 0 dear in • what a face it was ! The blue eyes we full:,efitears•; the pleasant' lips, we e drawn up in an ugly pout, and t queer little marks on the forehead h d deepened' into actual wrinkles. Poor tittle girl,' I thought, ' how bad you Ntrlll feel when you grow up, to have your face marked all over with the tide.:ruarks .of passion ; these -evil tempers leave their marks Just as sure ly as the ocean does,.and I have seen many a faci3 stamped so deeply- with sdif-will and covetousness,' that It must t l carry its marks to - the grave. Take care, little folks! and whenever you, give way to bad teniner, remember :the tide-marks.' TIIE , MYSTERIOUS Eaas.—A laugha ble scene occurred in front of the Court House, on Monday afternoon last. Je rome Blitz, the great wizard, who can practice his wonderful •feats in public as well as private, stopped at one of the huckster stands, and inquired the, price of hard boiled eggs. if, Two for .five cents;" was the an swer. " Dirt cheap," says the little Magi cian, commencing to bread one. By the time he had the shell broken, out pops a ten dollar greonback,lwhich made the honest old huckster open his eyes as big as a saucer. That's'very strange," says be. • So Jerome took up another egg and out pops two five dollar greenbacks. i "There,". .says the 'Wizard, " this is certainly luck—guess I will, take them all." , "N 6 you don't!" says the nuenster, " T don't sell any more .of them: - I might as well have the money as you." Our old friend commenced breaking open the remainder of the eggs, but found no greenbacks. Such 'laughing end jumping was never before seen around the Court House.—Chambers burg .Repository. FOWLS IN ORCHARDS.—TiIe public has yet to learn the-full advAntages of keeping poultry. Few seem to appreci ate what they may do among trees in an orchard. - Let anyone try them in an orchard of a quarter of an acre, where they may. be kept by the picket fence four or five feet high, putting in, say 125 fowls, and observe the result, He will avoid the annoyances in the gar den, of which so many .complain,,while they, will work among the trees, _doing just what is needed and detroying every thing that can injure the fruit trees, in the shape of bugs, worms .or other in sects, and lay a large number of eggs, which are a cash article, to say nothing of, the chickens, which pay • well for raising at the present time: I' have "tried it, s and'know it is so. I have about one hundred foivls, which have worked admirably among my trees, keeping the ground in good cOodition, keeping t ,off the inseets,'"iind - promoting the growth of the orchard. Lam satisfied that we have,yet to learn the full bene fits which may be derived from the proper management of fowls, and it Is quite possible that the method I have suggested may offer the best way of get ting our apple orchards into bearing cohdltion.—Exchange. HoRRIBLE.r-Miss Flora Gushing was by all acknowledged Fashion's Queen, 'and many. a scene of splendor grand was by her subjects seen ; and as she went so • the nobs all went—whateler she did was.well—she joined the-Sara toga ring, and soon became -the belle. Her form and'' face were faultless—her name without a stain—her dress was lo comotive-like, it had, so long a train ; but dire misfortune seized the ,girl; and caused her mournful end,disease it took her off right straight—'twas called - 419.Aryttjut.-,Veißck, A/47-~ d much abuse; and though she neveithitd look ed fast, they said she then looked loose. Her parents were in deepest grief—their hearts with pain wererent.:--yet still the glrl. with Grecian 'Bend, kept fol lowing : her bent. ,At last, vhen she found friends and parents troubled, and that'lierfOrm losthalf its charms, all thought she thought it doubled, , she said henceforth she'd stand erect— which _when She tried "to do, : - -she'd grown so.stlff that, byl:`,fi i iy"word, the damsel broke in' two 1 - - A LONG NAP.—One of our most re spectable citizens called into the estab lislu of a joking druggist, last sum- Mer, and, overcome by sultry weath er,, sat.down in a chair, ;and , was soon _enjoying a sound slumber.. Observing that the sleeper had on a fine new lint; the druggist gently removed -it, substi tuting in its place an old one with a sad ly dilapidated and rusty crown. The citizen at last awoke, and after A few " h-hums," - felt of the hat, which was rather a tight fit. Removing it. from his head, and taking a steady gaze at the battered relic, ho turned to the druggist and inquired : " Did I sleep a long time?" " Yes," replied the joker, "a very i , long time." • • , 1V411," continued the tint, I, should judge I had for when I came in to your store this old hat was bran nevi." • A few, _sears Aince; a young man of twenty-three yOtra, in Massachusetts, went to the drikard's grave. Ills frionds called hi a' cider- ii t dunkard.' Ho formed the ppetite in boyhood, - when ho sucked • sweet cider,' as - T .J called it, through a straw. Cider be come his daily beverage' At 14 and 16 years of age, he would' become beastly drunk on this beverage. All persua- MOIR; .and entreaties failed to reform WM. - At 18 years of age, his fattier offered to buy him a farm if he would give up his cider and sign the pledge.— ' I'd rather hays my eider,' he replied-. stn answer that fearfully proved him to be a .eider-drunkaid. He drank -him- Hely into his grave at twenty-three. = OM RAILWAY ERIE RAILWAY. .' N and alter MONDAY, February 15. ISdt+, Tr.dms w i lli leave Corning, at the follow/ 4; hours, viz: ' Cloma Wtsv. a.m., NIGHT EXP., daily for llutralo,Duukirk, Cleveland, Daytoh and Cincinnati, making direct connection with Wane Of the Or-andiNrunk. Railway at Buffalo, and with the Lake Shore 'Railway at But - . filo, Dunkirk and Cleveland, for all points iVest and North-West, and at Cincinnati with the Ohio and Mississippi Railway for the South and Smith- West. wit; This train makes Q, direct daily connection with all Linos to the West and S.outh•Wlet, and is provided ,with the new and 'improved Drawing -Room Coaches peculiar to the Broad Gang°, - arranged both for d.ty wad night travel, running through to 11,ochester, Buffalo and Cincinnati, and thus forming the ONLY DAII)Y LINE from New York,Cinciunati and the Sonth-West, running through 860 miles without change. 6,50 a. m., NIGHT EXPRESS, Sundays excepted, f"r Rochester and Buffalo, via Avon. 10,09 a. m., MAIL TRAIN, Sundays excepted, for IBlFitio il.nd EarikAr4, • . . 1,45 p.m., BALTIMORE RXPRESS,Suudaysexcept ed, for Rochal3tor and Buffalo, via Avon, . . 7,38 p. m., DAY-EXPRESS, Sundays excepted, for Buffalo, Dunkirk, Cleveland, Dayton, Cincinnati, and the West and South, connects at Buffalo, Dun kirk and Cleveland with the Lake Shore Railway for all points West and -North-West, and ut Ciuclnuatti with the '0 blotto d Afficeii4pp i Railway for the So till) and Sou tit. naping_Coadpes. attacheit HO Train at Ifornellsville, running through to Cleveland with- out change. 7,45 p. on., DAY .EXPRESS, Sundays excepted, for Rochester. 12,35 a. m., EXPRESS MAIL, Sundays excepted, tot Buffalo, Dunkirk and. Cleveland, connecting with trains for the West. A Sleeping Coach is attached to this train at New York, running through to Mead• vino without change.. 4 Sleeping Coach is also et c; taclied untiehanairun 1,30 p• In., WAY PREIOITIYSundays excepted. 5,40 S. in.,-„E3IIOBANT daily,. fur the West. GOING EAST. 624_ la, CINCINNATI EXPRESS, Mondays 4x - uvregb for Ithaca., at Binghamton for syfatfin, - At Great Bend for Scranton, at Lackawaxen for Hones dale at Middletown for Unionville, at Goshen for Montgomery, at Greycourt for Newburg and War wick, and at Jersey City with afternoon and evening trains of New Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia, Dahl. • • more and Washington. 10,50,4, m. ACOMMODATIGN TRAIN, daily, con + Deming at Owego 'for Ithaca. : 4 : ;-, , a. in. 'DATESS, Sifudaki exeetited,' .CC4 connecting - at'Wa for Towanda, at Binghamton for Syracuse, at ea Bend for Scranton. at Lacka waxen for Honesdale, at Middletown for Unionville, and at Jersey City with midnight express train of Now Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia. 2,20 p. m., BALTIMORE EXPRESS. 'Sundays_ ex cepted, 4,30 p.m., NEW TURK AND. BALTIMORE ,MAIL, Su n days excepted, catinecting at Elmira for Canon _ da*g, and at:Waverly Jre Towanda. 8,05 p. m., LIGHTNING EXPRESS, Daily, connect ing at Elmira for Williamsport, Harrisburg and the South, and at Jersy City with morning express train of New Jersey Railroad, for Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. 12,35 p. in., WAY FREIGHT, Sundays excepted &a- A revised and complete "Pocket Time Table" of Passenger Trains on the Frio AOWay and connecting Linea, has recently been published, and can be procur ed ou application to„thoyicket Agent of the Company WM. 11. ItA11.11,; , R IP4LE , Octet Pass. Agent. CieV Sup't. . . Northorn Central R. it. • TRAINS FOR TILE NORTH. Trains for Canandaguia leave Elmira as follows: Accomodation at 020 n to Express (fastest train on road] 12 20 p m biaft 7 10 p Way Freight, [passenger coach attituhed] ..... 800 a m On and after Nov. 24, 1807, trains will arrive:lnd depart from Troy, as follows; • LEAVE NORTHWARD. 9 45 A. (except Sundays) for Elmira, Buffa— lo, Canandaigua, Rochester, Susi). Bridge and the Canadas. 10 55 P. in.—Daily (except Sundays) for Elmira and Buffalo, via Erlo Hallway from Elmira. LEAVE SOUTHWARD. 415 A. m.—Dally (except Sundays) for Baltimore Washington, Philadelphia, &c. • 855 P. m.—Daily (except Bundayil) for Baltimore . Waehington and Philadelphia.' J. N. DoBARRY, P.D. S. YOUNG Gen'i Supt. Harrisburg, Gen'i Pass. Ag't Baltimul e, 41d. Elogsburg AL Corning, & Tioga R. R Taaina will run ua followa until furtrier notice Accommodation—Leuven ltiossburg at 7,15 a. m.., Mans• • fold at 8,05, Tina at 8,41, Lawrenceville at 0,32 arrivingat Corning at 10,40 a. in. • • 'Mall—Loaves Itlosaburg ai 2,00 p. m.. Ilansllold at 2,40 ! Tina at 3,18, Lawreneuvillo at 4,oo—arriving .at Corning at C, p. m. Mall—Loaves C,praing at 8,00 a. M.. La wreneovillt at o,o3fPoga at-V-0,45, Mansfield at 10,22—ari lying at Accommodation—Loaves Corning at 2,40 p w., Law - roncovillo at 4,00, Tioga at• 4.50, Mansfield at 5,30 arriving at Blossburg nt 0,15,p. • 1,. SHATTUCK '8111..1 Philadelphia & Erie R. R. On and after Apr. 26, 1869 Trains on Ibis 'toad w run a■ follows :• • WESTWARD Mali Train leaven Philadelphia `• " " " arr. at Erie EritiExprese kayak+ Philadelphia— ,•• t • '`• illiam " `•t arr. at •Erie Elmira Mail leaves -Philadelphia... " " " Williamsport.... arr. at Lock Haven Stati Train leaves Erre 11,15 a in' " " " Williamsport 12.20 ani " " arr. at Philadelphia 0:25 ain Erlo Express leaves Erie 0.25 p " " Williamsport 7.50 a m " " arr. at Philadelphia ' 4.10 p Mall and Express corineertrith Oil Crock and Alit• gheny River hail Rood. Baggage Checked Throligh. ALFRED L. TYLER, Gen'l Supt. Atlantic and - Oro *VTTWARD Boom). Estirwean BOUND, Mail 6.20 Express 6.10 Accommodation 0,36 Mall 6.51 Express , 12.19 Accommodation, 11.45 Express 11.00 Express 6.19 At Cory thorn is a junction with the Philadelphia & Erle, and Cil Creek Rail Roads. At Meadville with the Franklin and Oil City and Plthole Branch. - t At Leavlttebtago the Mahoniuy Branch makes a di rect route to Cleveland. At Ravehna Connects with Cleveland and Plttsbutgh Railroad. Tho Road pas es through Akron, Ashland, Gallon, Marion, Urbana nd Dayton, intersecting variousrail. roads, and tormi ates at Cincinnati. L. D. umum, Goa .Bupt., Meadville, Pa. STOVES, STOVES, STOVES Blain :Streett Wellsboro, j'ennqi HAVING boon appointed agent for all first class Stoves manufactured by Slicer, Pack ard A Co., of Albany, N. Y. I am now ready to furnish thofollowlng named celebrated Stoves COOKING STOVES, AMERICAN, NATIONAL, HOME COMPANION, MONITOR. THE BENEFACTOR, the latter of whieh is the beat stove for common nacievetin market; belitg cheap, well made, and convenient. I have al l , a variety Of- ELEVATED OVENS, PARLOR STOVES, CAST IRON various pattern S;- IRON,-..: SHEET Self Regulatirs. ALSO--Stoves suitable for burning hard or soft coal, will be furnished to order. Customers will d ti o well to examine my stock, which is as full a d well selected as any in Northern Penn. sylva ia. I have also put in a full stock of 1 - lEurtivii;riare of all sorts. Thankful for liberal patronage in the past, I respectfully solicit a centirmance of the same. Sept. 16, 1868 . HARNESS SRUP . W. NAVLE,, would say to his friends cr , e .,,tttat his Mukha's Shop ' is now in full blast, d that bile prepared to tarnish heavy or light .14 .lEXELTllaBfiselBsi, on short notioe, in a good and substantial man ner, and at prices that can't fail to snit. The beat workmen . 11r6 omployod,lind none hut the best material used. Call and Soo. Dec. 9,1868-Iy. • G. W. New Tannery.. . . , I t T HE ndersigned has fitted up the old Fouit dry building, near the Brewery, Wellsboro, ,and is n w prepared to tern out fine cair, kip, cowhide and barness leather in the best than nor. • - Hides tanned on' shares. •Bash yield, for hides. ' N. A. DLIRIF. Wellsboro, Oct. 14, 1868. (lilt]) PRINTING—at New York prioes,in V Colors or plain, and out to suit ordors, at • Tun AevrAton °mon. 'IKE TABLES EASTWARD tiii7ostern R• W A STATION SALAMANC WILLIAM ROBERTS, Agen t for all first. close Stoves, IVA!. lIOBEItTS IMII \ BA .K.IER I established I in this village, next' door to E. R. 'ka f tan's Grocery, is - now prepared to eary on the .4usiiices in all its_ various branches. vitt keep con- I stoutly on - .hand an assortment of Bread, such as toliCe BREAD, BOSTON CRACKER GRAHAM - BREAD, BUTTER CRACKERS, BROW N •'' BA L E AD, ATER -"CRACKERS, SUGAR CRACKERS, WELL . 6I? SHIISCRIBEIt havi; elf in the '- BAKING BusiNk DYSPEPSIA AND SODA 'BISCUITS, OYSTER CRACKERS, CAKES,, PIES AND LUNCH, . at all hours of the day, Sundays afteepted. By strict atteotiou:to business.sball onilaavor to merit the public patronage. - CHAS. STEVENS. -,Wellsburo, June. -24, 1888; NEW WINTER GOODS,, TOLES •& BARKER, , 1_11711.. r irmltiltrinyiturk WOULD oay to their Mende and the übtio generally ) that they are t)ow reeeiVieg a splendid assortment of Wintbr 'DRY GOODS, SHEETINGS, SHIRTINOS, PRINTS CLOTHS,- OASSINERES; • VEST INGS, READY • ,MAD.E CLO THING,. HATS . Bc. CAPS, BOOTS MID SHOES,. , ,; aleto' a t laigot and. 0011 solOct4.stooli of CROCKERY, JIARDWARE, WOODEN WARE, STONE 'WARE,. KERO• SENE OIL, PAINTS & OILS, SUGARS, TEAS, COFFEES; SYRUPS, MOLASSES, : • " We areable to offer our euetoUters the beneft or the LAST DECLINE OF PRICES in the Now York Market, our Stook having boon pnrohaaock ulnae the great,4opiine in Goods. BAIiKER Wellsboro, Nov. 180.8,68. • jr,".):l ; StOVtSEIP a MOVeSI; ; • Tiir R. "OILMAN , , ROTJ wrs. begs to unnonuce to"tho citizens 4 Tigga County, that in addition to hie oacolle • t nook of Stoves, Tin-Ware, Brittniti, and She , t-Iron Ware, he hoe, at a'groat outlay, stocked is atoro on ..1045 p . A. 15 Am .0.30 pm 11.60 'won R&0 p in 10 00 a in . 8 011 a In p 7.4; pm MAIN STREET, NE LSBORO, with a complete assortment,of half Hardware, of which wo enumerate the foll wing articles NAms, , sprito; CROW ARS, X CUT, MILL, HAND AND B SAWS, PUTTS, STRAP H NGES, CARPENTER'S T OLS, PUMPS, AXE , pin -STOOKS, HATCHETS, SHOVELS, SPADES, FORKS, BENCH•SOREWS, WOOD SCREWS, CARRIAGE BOLTS, BURRS, SKEINS, WASHERS, PIPE BOXES, AXLE TREES, ELLIP TIC • SPRINGS, tiORSE SHOES, HOOP, BAR, & BAND IRON, GRINDSTONE HANGINGS, CORN - POPPERS, SAUSAGE ()UTTERS AND STUFFERS COMBINED. Also, PISTOLS, . PISTOL CARTRIDGES, POWDER AND CAPS. PATENT BARNDOOR HANGINGS a now thing, and made for age. These are but a few 'of the many irtioleu. entupoeing ,our stook: of Hardware. . We invite the public to call and examine for inemzetree. Wo aeop tee beet quality ur goods in outline ; rind all wdrk to order done promptly and well. f,l WILLIAM ROB - BIM* Wollebore,Sept.l,lB6B—tf. House and Lot for Sale. MITOUSIII and Lot, and vacant lot for sale; JUL cheap. Location Wellsboro, and desirable. Inquire at the Agitator Office. Oct. 28, ' • IM W ANTED— . . ASH LOGS,. at our Mill. Cash paid for them. We are ready to saw for customers. Bring on your logs. Lath and pickets always on hand. Orgy Ash logs must be 12 or 14 feet long. BOWEN & TRUMAN. Wolliboro, Deo: 10 . , ' 'Lots. of Fresh Ground cky[lGA PLASTER FOR 6,00, nt T. L. BALDWIN & CO. Tioga, 80b.3, 1869. At Woods Gallery 0 Gem Pictures for '75 ets. Styles of 4. 1 work cheaper than elsewhere. -4 Cal r and H. H. WOO-D. CM! Jan. 20, 1889rtf. • t El. 713.17LICLEIL - WRPLESALE AND, 233 RETAIL DEALER IN Flour, Feed andldeftl, Westfield, Tioga Co, rat Nor. 11;1863-1p A-N - 0 T - E R NEW , AND - 1411GE STOCK OF „ . ALBUMS, Just received by P. R. Williams .fc Co. The greatest and cheapest variety ever brought into. town. Albums from 75 eta. to $2O each. Call and see. P. R. W ILLIAMS k CO. Wellborn Dee. 28,1888, such as AUGERS, BITTS, 100,000 founds of Wool Wanted. =8 MBE subscribers will pay Ousl4 - Cassimeres; Flannels, to., &0., for Wool.— They also ineturfacture as ustjil—, (' . TO 'OIeIYER-,' , 011, ON YSHARES, I 0 to tik resents. t 0 - eatomita --- \ 0 - \ , _ 1 1 I n d I n 'every'reipect. Potion-, tlikhtiou given to . * . . . \ . 1t144:1,.,-0012410 ,\Cr...cer 4.O,,EpsiNG. r , , Twenty years experience \ n the business wat.. rants them 4t, eXpegOng,. a glatrrons patronage. No'hoddy. cloths made. . • \ t ouetoinere. 'All work werratited,,as'rep 4. They invite' particular , attentlon to their Watei Proof' whfah ure itariatik - lar ati DoLano Jr, 00., aregiinte for, be sale of our otiose , • .. JO S'SPIitINGII:4SI 4t ONS. DC.er49 1 4i .2 47- 13 ,18e 4 , 70' '.,S A V I N'G S OTHERWISE GAR ONE'S GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE A ;,.- . ., 4 .014 • 1.0 tip THE- • - : OLD saying that, afenny- saved is_ a penny earnediAitittlea ARIPN/471.1 in naming his establiehmentr a _E3nvi gd_atisq, • Economy te Wealth, said pone old chap whose, namo,.l have forgotten • and' it la ocenotoY te 'where :the • '1 • , of high prices iiiheing proheonted with vigor aid withuat - reitritivn: - 1 - enn - trelliingtaw Tons, - Me. lassoes & 4i141, P,otk,pinciur Cum - Altai, Coffetie, Canfied - Friiitis, - StAcoa;:ind odeiythini; intended for family use -giving the huyor tho benefit , • , ' ''OF THE fall of the markets, an - advantage duly appro. elated by everybody,eicepting only those verdan' - INNOCENTS who prefer-PROWS/5G- TO PAY ono bun dyed per prodts,io thQ .eeller, to PAYING twenty-five :ter- -oent;-eash '-On! delivery of the goons. 1..44.1. offer my ,stook. of goods at fair prices EVERY .MONDAY, EVIt TtESDAY, EVEtitY WEDNESDAY, EVERY THURSDAY, EVERY FRIDAY, . • - EVERY SATURDAY, and fill up as fast as I sell out, Wellal?o - .THE- CHU RCH;'UN ION O TPIs paper Lae been recently eniargea,io mammoth ,Troportlons. . . .IT P 3 TUE LARGEST R iELICI?O,IIoua PAPYN IN 14kalt- MVO' 'clusivetes/ hod. Church - odsto.. faihe tonly paper that publishes Henry - Vi r ard'ltee e llier's Ear' rnes, which It does every week, Just as they are delivered,— ulth , out: qnsliticatiou or „coTrection by him.. St. advocates universal suffrage; a union of christians at the polle ; and-the rights.of labor. It has the beet Agricultural Department of any paper in the i vrorlli. publishes stake for the family, and ( or the destruetion Of eodial evils, Its editorial management le impersonal; its writers am/ ..editof are frAto,-oyary branch of the, church, and fig etY gra4GoPsdelety. It bee been aptly terraddithe eesiorgatrof•tbought In the world. Such a paper, offering premiums of Sewing Ma. chines, Dictionaries, , Appleton's Cyclopedia,Pianos, Organs for Churches, etc , makes one of the beet 'pa -pere:ftivOlkutriimre tp the,efortd; • .• • , -• • • , Every Congregation - may obtain a Communion her, vice,an Organ, a Melodeon, a Bible, or a Life Insurance PoliTy for its Pastor, or almeet any other needful thing, by a club of subscribers. ' Send fop a copy, enclosing 10 cents, to • HENRY B. CHILD, 41 PARK Row, NEW Yong. te..P. 8. Bubscriptione rfiefved at thie office, R. Rrusen. W. J. Rrnson F. D. Pease. R. • KRUSEN & CO., WESTFIELD, PA., WOULD tnnoianoe - to: the• public) that they aro no,n , reqeiying 01 11 1 4 1 i 1 „4,camplete,as-, s,ortment of ' 'DRY . :GOODS Notions, Carpets,. Furs, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes,,Groceries, Provisions, Crockery, Hardware, Stoneware, &c. which they,are prepared, to sell for cash, or ex change for Country PrOdiice, at rates whloh defy competition, , • "Vestfleld Deo 2 1888-tf • - . - • D , EMOREET'S MCiNTILY MAGAZINE universally acknowledged the Model Parlor Magitaine 'of AmmitaCrateflp,Okltilnalattsritilokoalrui, Bkotohbs; Manse s; (I Matters, afittla .littetirry• oisdia . "(Snolutila .•ipecittl departments oir lasi, t41!o aiStflealtb, Mello, Aratusemeats, etc., y the best authors andprotustlyillustrated with costly Enghivings,.'litiefill sitad'relitble Patterns, Em broideries, and a constant succession of artistic novel ties, with othernsecul e i nd pntertaining literature. No person bLtanneueent, ocomlmical housewife, or lady of taste can afford to do without the Model Month ly. Bperlmert copies 16. cente , :;lnutiSit tree. ..Yearly, $3, with b. valiable protaluin; 11 to cep4es, , ss,lsoA ,tbree (sallies, VIM; Eve eopia(l $l2, and' illendid pretaituul for club._ each, wlth ttieErlikpreralumata oath subSeribar: - 153,..A. nett Eattrara ituten, l3ov(ing Ma chlnefor PElubserliair at $3 ' - • Publicatloa Office, 888 Broaetray, New York.' Demorest'a F ming 4merica together $4, with the prettlitme,for tIAC.,M; • V I pkIAXORESTBXquirg 4 i B taeriddOlarge& ‘ftiyi.the beet -Jitrionlin,hiags24o, ,Byery Boy, and piFi t at bees' ft says so ~anll Parente and Teachers confirm it• Do not fall to secure a copy. A good Microscope, with a Glass Cylinder to confine living obiecte, or, a good two-bladed, pearl Docket-knife, end a large num ber of other desirable articles, given, se premiums to each subscriber. Yearly, $1.80,, Publitaticra Oftleo, 888 Broadway, New York. Try It, Boys and Carle, Specfraon copies, ten cent's, mailed free. THE LARGEST STOCK OF ifiI v DCZYNT.IMES tho Cheapest plaoo to Agent for L. BO.LLES & CO'S ROSE, Binghamton, N. E., and ELAW.,/1. _SAT .FACTORIP, N. Y. STOVES SOLD 0.11;77ME. ‘Manaft - eld, Nov. 2i, 1868-Iy. ' -Ya. B. MS - - YES 1 - yEs - 1 - 1 R. WILLIAMS &CO., have got the best, ,E• • largest and cheapest stook of Druge,.med- Iclpes,-PatentMediclnes, flthiry 'Brushes ; Varnishes, Glass, Patty; :Yankee No tions, Perfumery, Toilet Soap Fishing , Tackle, hey - Ace., ever broight "Into ' this county'. They will positively soil everything in their linecheap-• er than eau he bought eistorhere. hought, their geode in large quarititidi-and foi nett cash, and tan and will soli cheaper than any other ei tablishment in this tiSutity. Call and examine stock and prices,.. .' B. WILLIAMS, it. CO, May 0, 1868. ' • No. 3, Union Block. • J; THODIPSON I I BLACKSMITH, ha• two fires, and is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line with prompt. nose, and in a workmanlike manner. Ho aimes at excellence in his trade. Mandela Juno 8, 1868-iy. AND L. A. GARDNER. r. , l(ltat.t mzlilffr ACADEMY .3 , ~ • , 1 • ,;'';„;; • W K • s . t „s 2 l .l. 7,Art*, t-!..mgck , 645 , * 36 T,eaoltorOt mita.; •: •• .1 ••• ; , :4;!ALENDAR FOR 11368-9. • • IVITL, r tapir' CoPiinetitia ltov , gloee.Pebronty 26. Bprluit !ar# to:Da ravages ?gra roh Bth, trod clohea June ;1. • _ IM01 8 ;PAIS TAC#?•!• - = l l f 7; IP4t, ~PAr.Atflorilt••••,,...*--i;•••:•• ionficauollisbok<34.)-44.0.4 1 :47 ,,10? •..R l llo3l4ci . Ag4lllh - v_. ,1 - ovei4t . 44. .f.,•.1 , , i-4—$ZA l UnumtuotimAillTairtrAbobtia.4.. , s44,lX l -L3pottpautgAtiewaku:4o.o,4.4.4.oi.:.4.,..slo.oo Voyarig.,pootivtiol44-04.10t444.4.: , .. , -1511,09 .zacitstrereltdiotititimPaiitthato sied6.7. , Bilis • due, oVtatta/ Rag udei artutddle oftetiTi. .Nodedlicidob exteipt :for"" slcktee/.. Nenetiuiiwt,ihsorihattthareutties aro timid BtUdentl .oirehtering. ciroiequeated -td rogliter their manta tb.. gothor wittv,the atudiaii they wish VI pursue,. dad pay: otio•beitot thole tuition, •.;', • ,-:". •I. •• Bahia priviired at reesoriablec rates in the • 1 '1111:. / • I dly order - of the Board of • TRUSTBSB. 1668. ' ' . . , MORE NEW John R. Bowen, Ts now. reCeiving a lag° and complete assort meat of Pall . Winter• .:‘ Goods, , boughtsincio 014 dpaline ptlces in Now . XoAlci,,couslating of .„ : • • I?x'';!9' C7k.ococigs, , „ tea,: 11eet,5,44 app,,Boats &Shoot', .111WEE-NOTIONS9 - ..o*, - il:i .I,uociEitojilittroopi—Tyi; Portionlatit,tantion to twitted to our Stook ‘rf . : ' '' • `„--; • 1 ILLED11118011:11320 SOUNDS' ,f44.944f, 1 44, 11 , 1 , 13 ,4, a nice OW: 1tr0,411-**,d i if* very li ne-atiehimed .t, :. ... , .. ,:q T. ~. . gIA flop essortmeut , of Ladies FURS, very dotty,: all of which' will be sold at the very. lowest mar kat prioes. : Wel SpootfuUy invite all to ball apd mizamlue my stoo .beforprehaslug elsewhere. :; ,J.:.;;;'_: c...„' -•,., titomemberi. , •.. :. „ iirr; ~. OZC'' ,'. : i • I ' "•. ' Empire Store , i Nol. 1- Union Bloek, Wellsboro b Oot. x 21;1868. . Now is Your Time to Buy! je ilecessary for ■ - this market; rivf9. roll * ply smite stook of WATORES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, 'PLATED' WARE, AND FAN 'Pr' GOODS, AT COST. Clooksat • 421 ii?t,ble , "'" ' ..... .. 8,68. Gotuse'i , 1,70. • . . . Athericart LWatches in Silver 'atin Cases a $l9. Finer Movement ,In heavier Cases, at nor reepondingly low price. Plated Ware at Man afac Wrens' prices. THIS IS NO HUMBUG BtJ'l A VER ITABLE SAL. '1 Wellsboro, April 22, il. Stoves INi-ill Ware FOR THE MILLION Good poo'ploail, both groat and aroall --:1( you rant to keep PEACE IN TUE . you must bavo enough lq §;,% dry ,W 4790, a good Wei, well-behaved children, and to crown all, a TIP-. TOP COOKING STOVE! I= This.lastfand crowning good, I have at my Tin and Stove establishment, oppositegtoy'elTilock;' Weßebore, and its name is the HOME COMPANION ; oriallthande admitted to bo equal teeny in the world. TIN WARE MADE TO ORDER, promptly,and warranted to give satisfaction. REPAIRING executed in the best manner and with , dispatch CULL. AND SEE ME. BEE D. P..11033,T5. WOleb#44gk i i*kiv. • s - . 4••• B r1f...V,P4 0 '' B 10A. NX S , in flit! 1300,10101141, ' VAVIINO DIA - CHINE' 1 • T. Mit= M',..7iyILTr . .IIq,BON, ot OhaOcetenphaiiing it.,'" : Piplifepa.::: i iikii:.rigli; to:make anci yondj the /1. vforinaMaeXiii.g Machine in,Tioga Coun ty. heby giremnotice that the machines are being:, ma eat Varriforn'n.ClibinetVaetort•WCltikork, r f where they tnaybO procured. , —.. . ,Thaler t, Vienpost, and moat senalhiemiobina' bier:invented:, . ..,. : . r 4,, , ,,i ,-, ,::,..... ' Jin 1n418:68-.1f.- - ! ' • , ' • ..• • PAW , fail*lrteri andiOthers, ricupr 4714 .9/41 MINRTLAI;c:PAINT . r f are nowtnanufaCturing the: .11iitif, -Cheapest! an Most Durable Paint in -pie; , - ttio,e444,yrell put 0 1 4 mi*Pit orj.ltPnre Linseed Oil, wig 4410 or 15 'Tears ; 0 100 9:1, , ,a light brown ,ort ;beautiful Choeolate,c4lAKE and can be shagged to green,. load; stone;Airah ; dlivie or creittn;,ta snit the tatita of the couti*er., 'l't is- vainable,ler Houses, .Barns l jences',-cerriage and:Ai:AM:l,km, Pails • n nd Wood.;?kihWare, Agricultural I Implemen ta t " Canal Seatsj t Vessels ,and Ships' Bot,teteS t , can' imp ViotalindiShirigle Roofs, (10eing1110 and Water proofs, ) Cloths, qime'rnafoiific l turethaving wed ?SAO° b,ble. the pastlyear,) and and as a palutter am! PurPoße unsurpassed To? belly, durability; alastiaity and adhesiveness.— Price $3 per barrel of, 300 lbs. wh telt will, supply almoner. for:Oak's' to come. Warranted in all eases as aboie. ,Send for a cirenlarwhich gives fall' particulars,. -None genuine= unless branded in a trade mark, Grauft•M Mineral Paint. PerJ• sons can orde: the Paint and remit the money on receipt of the geode, •Addreet " • t DANIEL BIDWELL, Jat t e 5i..1868,9m ~ • PISA - Pearl St; Now York. CASH 'Paid . 'FOR, • 'to' HIDES , :VireWigtropDp4,o,"iiiitialli. a / 00 h 2QO Buehele pOy _Ape— -IU-13.8 Clovereeed, oiloioesiklikds • WRIGHT tb RATIARY. CASH PAID FOR WOOL, BUTTER . AND CHEESE, by ' 0. L. WILLOOX. June 17,1868. N E W -TU. h',UT-••p- ~ SRT,L IS OUR :Tr.,„tp ergEss 4.7 t t -". ll ,'s Aftbu r' y l ttp)t! market pitoo, he (614iITAr,g,fi;r4elits, , Daft' SKtriti;, -FDRS;I.itIvES, - 77 SKINS, (Pr lthi_01:110 \ei.l) PPYAaisb- • • We will matturegittrelo, order, French or home- Waned CALI? or KIirE,OP,TS, in the beat man- Derl434,Ataraltl•nt4B, ma pay especial attention to REPAIRING. ; ; ' . :W Nava witreitleatoetook of - 4EABY,,MADE '-WORK, • sr ~434,-8 41 , 9, ei ivil tot Ike ,undersold, and from this l i l C) , to keep up the best ;# 0 /s: 9t• - „. GOODS! ~GAITERS, . 41 19 y ty,,whieli we will sell et a lower lirat Usti du tfurtiolea huve ever been offered in nia . % -goal assortmen • of . .1 LADIES' , .1 IaIV;RIS,' LEAT E I AOOTEgK-00gbi*iS AND MM WORK' or ' RIOUS STYLES, apilt!R i stylel MEWS WORK. • . '.4-4 1 4 7 7 .1f.E1? . FINDINGS can be•batighfioi' utaii cheap as any whore this aide Pf„tiovi York ; &afire Shall keep u fall stook ,of .1 SIL El; • • .3:-7 . .r • : • ”"t;:nryd FRENCH OALIN;LEF3IQH KIP, UP PER----SOTS"LININCIS, .16:24D • *NNW:- /Us? atAekok X(ht-AYAIIAiatHSAVADi AWLS, _RASP 5! INSETILOS LA S Ts , "4 7 1 ,_41 via ' 8/1017,3fArER4 r T izzLs ooL 4ri s..p"'nli Ff - NDING . S, will be found the lei grollistAbe taintlrestiftitae,orlf fortavital Orofits. el Weitalklll 2 4 l 4* nu.s . tot; Man bueinese. - We here been in thbtragion)lont, enough - to be won known—let thotfe who knew us try us. Corner of Main and . Grafton' streets, opposite Wtn. Rob erts' Hardware,Slosei ;,;,; , C. W. SEARS, „ . GEO. 0. DERBY. Weiishore, 4ru,24,7.887-tf. F r ARPER'S NEW Iif7THLY MAGAZINI4. CriticatNetice of the Press. Thisi•mostp - opnlii - Mont9y in the world.—/f. 000erFer. -• Wo nitietrcifir In terms of eulogy to the hiplik tone and varied excellences of Harper's Magazine —a Journal with a monthly circulation of about vro,oqg oopies Tr ittmhose -pages urp to helound soma.4iltis Uftdel light..aridgen iitt er . grpading of i figrai t aVr ,otthi,work an,,eitldence People; 'nail the popuUT ifk Wlacquired 3.1 f t iettritod. Each NumWieffal - dir i ltigx 4 . 40,40,04 . of ,reading- InittYMlMMelpilusttated with giiod'vrood clitt-a, I,ft-buis•iit - ittielf The- racy , monthly and the more philosophical quarterly, blended ivith'th6lieirtettletes of the daily journal. It has greatlioVier in the dlisimination of a love of pure literaturo.--Trutmer's °nide to Ameriean Literature, Loudon. Nire cap acooant, -for its slaccees only by tbe eimpta 'feet that it meets precisely the popular 'taste, 'furnishing'k variety of pleasing and in structive reading for all.—Zion's Herald, Boston. "A ;Repository of Fashion, Pleasure, _and Instruction." 1 HARPER'S' ,kzuppleinett containing numerous full-sized .pntt9us.Rfia l sefttl, articles accompante the paper evesy.Xezt7.aad Occasionaly_ an elegant col. grad on ate.. .. • . , . • . IttiiP6 a r ,Or.tir iontains;l6: 'fell° pages of the /lib Of '• - iiiier:ii'Veel4,Y,•;p'rinted on superfine ; oatehdthe piipqr;lind is , published weekly. • 1 ,, criiyea 4,lKOric es z of the Pret . . 'm Thi r iliNl, . , Fti 1figi1. 4 14 42- intOt i tsi t 1 I fina l ig i andsintereet to.the family; articles on health, &tail, and houtiekeeping in all its branches;, its ,editorial matter is specially adapted to the eirele His-intended-to-interest and instruct; and it ias besides, god stories and literary matter of Merit. It is not serprieing that the journal, with such features, lute achieved in a Short time an immerse success; for something of its kind was desired in thobstendeftif families, and its publishers have 01104111 m. datitind.—N. Y. Evening Post. : Whether wo consider its claims as based upon the 'elegance and Superiority of • the paper, i its typegrapbical appearance; the taeto and Judg ment displayed in the engravings, or Pic literary contributions contained in its pages, we unhesi tatingly‘priii. iip,Re f q it to be superior in oaoh and everyortis„ er,to crly.4ithef similar publication here 0r,41?r0 .1. 7 ./1,40, 1 a, .Z4al hitelligencer. ' l ag Ilarper'ii. sauce, one year, $4,00. Harper's CeklY, one your $4,00. ' • Harper's Beier. one year, $4,00. et extra.copy,'Of either the Magazine, Weekly or. Bazar, frill be supplied gratis for every Club of riveliinbacribers at $4;00 each, in one remittance; :or lax copies for $2O. ...:.Subscriptions to Harper's Magazine, Weekly and'Hazstri to' one address for obi) year, '$10; or two of Hst'per's Periodioals,-,to one address for alsolearys7.j • -'' ' . Beek numbete can be supplied at any time. - Thirty.seiten Velumes of the Magazine, in neat oloth binding*,frill be sent by express, freight at -expense of purchaser, f0r,42,25 per volume.- Illingle=vcilunieir;•by mail, postpaid, $3.. Cloth cases4ortibdiniioB cents, by mail, *postpaid, • 'The aiifutil Volumes of Harper's Weekly, tin neaVOloth binding, will ho sent by express, free Of si,rpenSP,lo7 - 17 - each. Eleven ,Velumes,. sent on oeekiipt of baiiftiit the rate of '55,28 per, vel:, ficigh't iit niiienStf"Offittichaser: Vid. - XII I -reedy ~ Jana I 10691, •" •• • • ' ;I,' Postage iiiiiHttper's Magazine , 24 Cents a year, I fartUtin &diet's Yireekly . and . Harper ' s Bazar, 20 f ir Ments'eatik - 1..0 . 'be Atztd . at:the subscriber's post. Übe. - - ':''' i " Is ' - • ' • , , OffilittbsoriPtiotia' sent from British North American 'Pidvinees must be acoompaniod with 20 cents addition, te_prepay United States pot tage. iddteeS, ~ - i - .. .. 1 - I X'P.M /4 "A; ;00ilttitas New York. -,••'-', :: --- r' - 1 7 17 " "A;, , no4ol4o:;gipitorial. History . of the = • Mimes." "Thebesk,eh,eapest, and most success ful.Nanally,Paper in the Union." 1, I'OLEY ILTATPERS WEEKLY.—SPLENDIDLY IL JUL LUSTRATBD. ' * Critical Notisee of the Preee. o • ,4 140.; 419XNAITAPAPOV -of ..pgr country—copa -1 ,tboaintartmeptit,•:of an American T Baml4 - ,l!ape,rlfarpor',e„Weekly has earned for 480 Th view tp,itai "A Journal of eivilis. Ptiog:,i , r,„ikenitsgfPort. AxirEutarP: Historians will enrich themselv,ea put,of, Atirperes • Weekly long after writers, and printers E end pe_blishers are • turned to dust.--N. Y. EcangciAst,,, Theilitijkotikaginvi inlmarioa.—Botton Tra. --Harpees-Weekly-may be unreservedly declar ed the bas NOr_spisplistlt,A . morioa.— The lade. pendent, /11. Y. The artiolestaporr , Publlo geed tient] which . ap. pear inaterper's:-Weekly fron week to week farm azdmsrkiible .brief- 'political essays.— ; Theyiare IdiativiguishedAy•clear and' pointed statqatonfj 4 , :goottbotnmen sense, by indopend ancerlinibtridthlotilew: f They are the express. ion. cif mattit.i tenni/lc/ion, high principle, and strong feeling kidd /take their place among the bostnevisPaper.wiltlitrg of the tiract. : North A. mericon Boston. • • !. • • !: To . o%lorii" or -Horses : and Cattle. ' rroatAiv , DERBY; OONDITION POWDERS ARE I Lt.' , warratited superior to any others, or, no pay, for the : cure: of •Distemper, .Worms, Sots Coughs,-Hide. bonnd4lds,oto, in,Rorses ; and Colde r eoughs, 'Loss ,of 44401e'ArtgUes liorn Distemper, &c., in Cat. 'tle.• They - are pntlectlyi Sete and innocent; no need of stopping the•working 'elyour animals. They increase the appetite; give aline coat, cleanse the stomach and vrlnaryorgans; alsoinCrease the milk of sows. Try thorn, and you will never be without them. Hiram Wnodruff, the celebrated trainer of trotting horses, has died them 'for yeartf; And 'recommends them to his friends. Col. Philo. P. Bush, of the .Terome Race Couise,lordharn ) :N, Y.. would not use them until he was told of What they- are composed, since which ho ispover without them. Ho has over twenty, running horses in hie charge, and for the last three years has tried no other medicine ler them. Ire has kindly per. mated me to refer any one to. him. Over, 1,000 other referariceli can tweeen at the depot. • Sold by Druggiste and Saddlers. Pricet,2s. cents per box. Depot, 66 Cortland t Street, Now York. [Feb. 191 . nE.. Subscriber, boing about -to go west, of.. 'fors for Salo at a groat bargain to the-pur chaser, the following propifitx, to wit : Orie bun #sl.d:aarla,af sitnatealsont 4 'miles S oath- Kll4lWRAtifeld Porb;;on Potter Brook ftbad— seventy4yo .aor4',lMproved,, the balance good 'homrcieleand hard timber, with, good sugar bush, Pad ; 4 1P09 7 at'allard, gbod' frame 'barn and log hoase4lterenn. ' The faint is well adapted to haryinglurpOies,,baring,f4lentY of liviak wa der on all parts. For terlrisj caltbit theittbsoii. baron the premises, or address him at Westfield, Tioga Co., Pa. 1. 7,1.888, TOB-WORE, IN THE BEST STYLE, and wlthilemitoh,e3THE ANTAJTCrBOffico. 'FIRIII.I 4 A4J, § p EOM ISO Farm for Sale 1 WELMBA EMBAR 111 11SALE DRk •STOIIII. (;(.)RN 1N( N. D i l tgi s o 1 A L N ,9, 1) NIEDICMES, PAINT • TIIADDELIS I)AVIDS' INES, KEITIUS CONCENTRATED MEDICINES, ELUII), EX E BURNETT'S 0000AINE, FLAVORING EXTRACTS, 'KEROSENE LAMPS, PATENT •MEAIOINESj ROM ESTER 'PERFbMERY AND FLAVORING EXTRACTS, WALL PAPER; WINDOW GLASS, WHITEWASH LIME & AND DYE' COLORS, AGENTS FOR •MARVIN & CO'S RE Bold at Wholesale Prices. payers aro requested to call and got quotations before going' further East. Corning, Jan. 1,1868--1 y 1869-. FOR , SALE. 1869 * BY ' ' ;-• 8.. • 0. WIOpIAM, A 7T,IIIIS,RUIiSERY OF FRUIT AND OR. A • N,AMENTAL TREES, IN TIOGA :- 600)00 Ailiple 'Mmes. 10,000 .Pear Trees. Ageod supply of PLUM, PEACH, CHERRY, and ORNAMENTAL TREES & SHRUBBERY. The Fruit trees are composed of the choicest varieties, good, healthy, some of them l'arge and in bearing. Any one wishing to' get a supply will do well to call and see my stook before pur chasing elsewhere, ffie',Delivered at the depot free of charge. Tioga, Feb. 28, 1888-Irl ' r V r-'1 z o h v V ':• 5 . , GD ° 5 4 s 4 4 94 -- tg 0P z . 1:,... ~ ~ t2l rfl i • 1 g:i g ^1 ti l l • • - Ida ii" . -•• ti • D' M., . 0 • z ,•J • dm . '4 - ' ••• til MI : f l iag I IS . , 0 ri 0 -, c :,s :5.:, °, r : In g 0 . p 1:r - - .8 . 0 .1 z z. V 1,4 p l w • ,P - 0-0 , • ..10, - 1 , 2 ,„, 0 _., t, .... ,_, - -p- - -1 -, imi sa 6 -4 p .....- ~.., „. 3 x - • CD a tri ,-4 ) - 1 . t4 .4 0 . '... s a il , or, II E.: a ~ t 3, • 0 4 ,51. t* VA iVt:E-A F e tg 1 "1 I . i n a ...ti . I ce ''4 ei ! tt. , i I t 4 . PI Q, Motif e + .......r ,;;;; , :4 Ahi i i V, hi a. . . vv s w t ,,,, c ,, rig i f: : : 0 , ti 4 f r . I €O. ` 3 , . in . . ° i c 2,9 . mr.4 e , W • " I i ;-' ' 4 1 i) CD . 11 $ VI CD l a 0 1 1 1•0 tl r ° 13 ''. $ 1 C i W 1- 1 b 0 0 P 0 41' 6 . C° : ":. ... .. 7.• ri t' L :AI 1 ' ii a a C . •3 ' I I a I 0 • •60 ' - *1 a. ' • _p.,-_--..1p,i ,fs ;, .• ifti •i i : G cr f . .11 a° CI 00 '' oo cA • 1,01 co ' c* ' ••••4 cc) co i i, ~~ Insurance Agency. WYOMING INSURINCE CO. IL . 0. SMITH, Sec's,. W. B. Ross, Pre.. T. READ, Gen't Ag't. L. D. Strozatstuttt, V. P WILKES-BARE, PA. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, 8150,000. • • HO is the company foc which Theodore T Hatfield was lately agent, and policy hold era who wish to renew their Insurance aro re quested to apply to the subscriber. Girard Fire Insurance Co. J. B. ALVOAD, TRORAB CRAVEN, Pregident Secretary. A. S. GILLETT E , V. " Capital $20,0,0000' Surplus Over sleo,ooo. ntinental Ins. 'Company, OF THE CITY OF NEW® • Cash C4pital, $500;006,00 Grrs Surplus, Jan. 1, 1808, 1,314,590,31 Ca h Assets, do 1,814,590,31 VirPoligies written at this office. OBOE T. HOPE!, President. ' H. H. LAMPOKT, Vice President., CYRUS PECK,' Secretary, ho subscriber taktis this method of informing !ppbliii' that ho has the agoney'of the above ponies; and will bo found at his office over .'s Drug Store, adjoining Agitator Office. • JNO. I. MITCDELL. ellsboro, Pa., Fob. 26, 1868—tf. To the Farmers ,of Tioga Comity lAM now building at,nri nianufttcrery,td• Lawrence a superior - • , . . FANNING 11Ii L, which ppeseesee.the following ad v: (dap excerallother mills: ' ' 'Lit separates oats, rat litter, and font seeds, and chess and cockle, from wheat. 2. It cleans flax seed,takeiont yellow seed, and all other eeede, perfectly,. , • 11, It cleans tiinethy4ecd:,, , ,• 4. It does all other eaparatlitgreiluired of This mill fe built of the beet and moat durable tlra• her, in good style, and is sold cheap for cash, or pro dace. at a patent Move, for separating oats trt:im wheat,to other male, on reasonable terms. LaWfl44ll,llle,Ottlamrlo i M a 11 MATHER. OW TRAwr•S, FINED OIL W. D. TERBELL & CO. oC?71 G`c G "5 0 ,fogo I . " C. )." co c) c. C) go 4:n P P PS.* -4 0.7 co CO O 0 CA2 0 0 lA. ND PHILADELPHIA AD paid up in Cash a t atm 0a1170v.L.F., - i r 1., I. For kten iind.l343lust. IT WILL Cllltt.kEtttriMATlsm The rernitation of GILA preparattatt_is so well est 6. Gehed, that little need be sald'in this connection. On' MAW/ it MS ;netrce Melted to Caro "PAINITL NERVOUS AFFECTIONS, • PormAariNG m u - s . CLES, STIFFNESS AND PAIN'S IN THE 30lien STITCHES bathe SIDEor EticIi t EFRAINS ; BRUISEs: BURNS, SWELLINGS, CORNS and FROSTED FtP.T, penippo greeted Rhentnatistn Via bck erecttab i and perninnen tly cured by using this woriderful prep,- ration; ifpenetrates to the nerve rind bone inintiviteleir on being applied. , - •, • . - On HORSES It trill etirC SCRATCHES, SIVFE )f, POLL EVIL;' FISTULA; 'OLD RUNNING BORE?, SADDLE or COLLAR; GALLS SF/id/NED . 1 01N15 STIFFNESS OP THE STints o te. itngpreve t i HOLLOW-HORN and WEAK BACK COWS. - - . have met with • great imecess in bringing my 'fixture within the remelt of thit Pablla. /am daily la recelp t °netters front Phyxicieng, Arilite 6 glawrbintt and Fenders, testifying to Its ettrathT Powers. DAVID E,. FOUTZ, Sole Proprid or , . , 4 DALT/110B; Ys. April 7, 11369-Itu. HEARTH and HOME I=l Agricultural and Fireside Journal, SIXTEEN handsome folio .p age% Priattd- from 1 / 41, typo, on ',perdue book paper, wad obetastal, tutted by the best artists. ZDIT3SIa DT DONALD G. NITMEO=. AND EARRITIT .BEIBOELEB 131"01Vt, assisted by a corps of skis editors drod contribntort each department. It is detooted to the or the PATINLEU, PLANTER, • GARDENER, PILDIT-GROWER, and ino FLORIST, ORSAMENTAL GARDENING, RURAL ARGIUTECTURE, PLANS OP 0 4, LI Z earefoliteport ton, Philadelphia, .44111 be farnlab Farmer info 41. I, and MIES 0 4:1 I / It from •f good . - • noted for their at tree t iveneet, Limo to time ; a 9 also Cemeter Greens. / pray Circle 1 uttreat tho household, plah lag and domostio managenatt, sf a 13! pkin and tho 000ltaa; oft a education of chilOott. MS. STOW' 01 whl oontrib written extol mences In Ili THE' _BOYS AND Ger • LS Will find their own inigo always 117htol with and ha In pictures, and fun In stories, as shall make them iorilr;barrAy frior,l',weoir for tb cominr, of IIL'ARTiI AND 11031 E. a rgang 1 RR9. Singlo Copies SI, Invarinta In aivra.7,, a Capin ; 5 Copies $l5. Any nno „45 far a c?:! of 15 Copies (all at one time), trail s cap! iron. No travolltng agents emtployt-i ranntcattons to PETTENGILL, BATZ3 &Oa, UNION ACADEMY KNOXVILLE, TIOGA CO., PA FACULTY: ELIAS HORTON, Principal. Mits. ADA W. MELTON, Preceptreu. ' Miss MIRA HORTON, Assistant. Ittss AMANDA DRAKE, Teacher of Mae', CALENDAR FOR 1.887•8. Fall Term commences Sept. 3d, Winter Term N 20th, Spring Term Feb::lBth, 1868. EXPENSES PER TERM. jPrimary Department t•S Common English • Higher English Languages and Higher Mathematics 8 Instrumental Music, extra • Vocal Music, extra. Drawing, extra • Room Rent Board per week... • Knoxville, Angus t 14,18-67—tf. Planing Sr, Turnii B. T. VAN, HORN, iAVINQgot his now factory in oper is now prepared to fill orders for Ca. • Ware promptly and in tho best style of work ship. Having procured a WOODWORTH PLANER, ho Is ready s to dross hoards or plank with die SCROLL-WORK & BRACKETS furnished to order. His machinesaroofthe oat and most improved patterns. Shop corner of Pearl and Wain Sts, WEL; BORO, PA., ,Oct. 31, 1868-;tf. ; J. STICICLiN, 4 3_ 1 Chairniaker, Turner, Furniture Dealer. SALE ROOM, oppoiße , Dartt's WagonEthtr Main Street..., VACTORY in Soars I, a. V 1 lianas F.e,nndrxi.seionc) i scri,c,y, , td Orders ;tr:ia l arpi i ry. jillpd ' lid ;tititisiactio guort - ' •'',,• ' -..- '-'-• -do o4r --- • 1 16.; l k IK: soap . —..athering qua.. genuine Casle. Try thie splendid by the ALDI N CI EMICAL WORKS, 4S Nor Front Streetj, Philadelphia. sent £,'6B-1c Tiiga Marble Works: mut und:rsigned is now prepared to e 1 ente all orders for Tomb Stones and ?do men 6 or oi,bor ITALIA OR RUTLAND MARBL . of the latest style and approved workmanst , t and with dispatch. ' He koop constantly on hand both kind= 0 Marble and will bo able to suit all who may vor him with their orders, on as reasonable to as.can he obtained in tho country; •Stoni discolored with rust and dirt clew el and tna 010 look as good as new. PORTER 'WILCOX Tfoga, Nov. J, 1887—tf. Valuable Farm for Sale A farm of throo hundred acres, with twtib n. dred and twerdy.five acres improve& :it• tutted two miles north of Tioga Village, on Tipp% River and Railroad. Well watttered, der a good state of cultivation, and good by la. lags.. 'Also four houses and lots fur sale in Ti l , p village. T. L. VALDWIIt. \Timm, Feb. 12, 18d8—tf. CHOICE LOT OF GRAIN BAGS for cheap! at WRIGHT do BAILEY Wellaboro, June 5,1887. II am ow Turk. B and New Grim!, glvfag Itt 0 WHEN TO BUT lONA AJdreu sll t: C? PARR Ttes•-• `1.777c •o 13. T. VAN 11OR I