MATTERS. 11102i1E- - WEDNESDAY, MAY 5,1869. New Advertieeinnts; Itegiator'o Roticiwv.. la4oanc : Appllostlotio ()use, cooper TO. CopPinVW.tattiiirli. Nifbitg; :hover vs. Gower, Brown ,91.-BrOWiti .411:Bierton bOrton, Bristol rte.-Iteletitt' , t:t. spring no4:l3ninnief n Co. , • r , , Sowing Administitttoeo.Notico:—Ellen Searle' Adwa. Notice to Tax-pavers—Virtn. Roberts, Nteeelv er of Taxei. .1. • . 1‘ Democtat.We - gonufor'Salol—L: C. Bennet. To Lovers.of Good Stock—V. C. Bennet,. Petition foi Charter. _ - . CONCERT AND TABLEAtX 1 -4 (Tuesday) evening theCou4ll6uSe. Lutiiiio no forget it.' 11111 . . . . RAILttO493B.--Thii 'time % table - a. on fourth page, 40010 column; are iloli oorrected up to this ditto according to thesehodttles Sent to this office troin this ofgegi ottho- several ',compl :lie!. . Of cisaric•they can' lie relied oh. bY. travel ers. ita •-, . . - - • - - Ductruss.—Gio. Bubb, Esq.; Collector. of this District, lest Week appointed . P. Bodine, Esq., of Delmar, Deputy Cp)loctot: fot_lliaga Coiinty. Mr. Bodine, we understand, 'declines the ap pointment. 'ln this wo opine he' does wisely and well. , .• PERSONAL. — Mr. P. R. Williams,'one. of our most enterprising business men, has es tablished a Drug Store at, Pushore,,Sullivan county, at which plane be *ill remain Iv , ; potion of the year. Dushore is One of the 'rising 'towns, and we suspect that Mr. , Williams' venture will pay. • TAKE NOTICE.—We have just re ceived a lot of heavy Commercial Note paper ruled for letter heads, and can furnish the same, printed neatly, to order. We ilave": alsci a large lot of fine envelopes, various sizes and qualities, which can be furniihed - Very cheap with business cards printed' thereon, to order.. . ' Having lately purchased the - latest itnproved Gordon, we cart turn out tine work with great rapidity. THE CONCERT.—The Concert by - the Cornet liana last Friday evening was fairly -pat ronized and was fully worth the money paid., The-band was embarrassed byAbe absence of a tenor singer but the 'audience had no reason to complain. Mr. Shakespear stated that there wns yet due, for instruments - 4183.00, and the proceeds of lie Concerts eto . nt tuplated were to be applied in liquidating the'de t. The receipts were about $26. Now that the atter is brought fairly Ibe fore the. üblic we conclude that the debt will be , q)sitl. L tit be paid. • PERSONAL.—We find the following handsome notice in the Troy Gazette: "Our young artist friend, C. 0. Thompson, of ‘Yellsboro, teacher of Drawing and Painting at the State Normal tichool, of Mansfield, showed his pleasant countenance in our office the other day, and brought with hits a fine specimen of his work with the brush—a truly excellent copy of rang's Chromo of. the Magdalena of Correggio. The fineness of tho work, the delicacy with which the outlines aro copied, the correctness and fidel ity of the copy, show that Charley has made great improvement since we last saw any of - Fis work, and give promise of a bright future for our young friend, if ho but works faithfully. The picture hangs at present in Mr. Estell's Roetp."-- WITIOH Coilaing Democrat chronicles the death and burial of a noted cour tesan of that village, and among other things states that the expenses of the 'funeral were paid by a sister of tho ,deceased. Thei• Editor then mks: "Was it the wiokedness_of woman, or dm .goodness of man\that enabled the I sister to do, this? Wits it the wickeddess ofl man or the goodness of woman that made this woman what she was ?" We conclude that it was a little of all. put why there should have been any diffi culty lu tlntllng pall-bearers on that Ogaantioa io much more of a question to us. The men who lot those women down the steeps of moral death might have appeared and performed the inst sad offices of co lemon respect. A dozen yeais ago, those women were innocent girls. Who's to blame SCHOOL CLOSING. —, The District School closed on Friday, and 'will probably not e011:141011100 until September. The closing exer cises were interesting, and evidenced skillful training on the part of the teachers—Mr. Young, 111111 Misses Sturrock and Itedington. The term just closed has been one of marked progress . with the children. They not only learn how to read; write, spell, cipher, etc., but they also learn 'how to - behave. We do not wish to say a word to lend the children to suppose that they, are fully edu cated in manners, but cheerfully bear witness to their general good behavior going to and from the directors will be lucky if they can retain the presenteffloientoorps of tertehers fur the'..fall and winter terni ensuing. But we suspect that 'this win not be done as regards the_ retention of ail. CoV r aIGTON LOCAL.--Mr. Wm. San acrQ (of the firm of Sanders, Nowell dr., Co.) has btxouie sole proprietor of the -Covington Glass Wr.rlts. Mr.. S., is an old glass 'manufacturer, and 1611 run tho works to their fullest capacity. 2 , 1 r. Holman retains the ropnagetnerAt. A little son of S•. F. Richards fell from the fence, forcing a stick into his mouth, severely lacerating it. Dr. Robbins , was called, and dressed the wound, and the child is doing well. Our young friend F. M. Patchin, stalled for the "West" on Wednekday. May fortune attend him wherever s he may j?itch his tent. The. Superintendent of the Union Sabbath S , zionl,larts irrstittited monthly reviews of lessons, usually on the fourth Sunday evening. The first was a complete success. The programme inclu. ded questions and answers, solo, and school closing, with' an illustrated dialogues• . CORRESPONDENT. MANSFIELDLOCAL.—A new Street running from Elmira street through Petersburg over Prospect bill to the Picket hill i Dad, is be ing npened. • The Orphans have been turfing the grounds about the School Building, which adds much to their appearance and the beauty of • our village, and :hews that the education of their - domestic tastes is not being neglected; if any one desires to become acquainted with a school that is thor oughly 'Model,"t let them visit-this school, and be eotiv'•iliced the "Model"' schools, rightly man aged, nrePpractical. Mr. John Murdaugh has set out trees around his lot. The enterprise is.worthy of general im itation. Yet seems as though they would look better with some portion of the top left on. Trees hither much of theirriourishment from the atmos phere. The leaves are the lungs of the troe,_.aud wt,hout them it must die of suffocation. The "CI reeler" bend". may bo fashionable and ":qlisli," but that is no reason why the side•wallt oiLlhe upper end of Academy street should put on "G reetan" airs. ' Dropping into a wagon shop the other day, I noticed a curious box, which the proprietor, Mr. R. I'. tunics, xery kindly pulled to pieces and explaine.l It 4roved to be a "moat" beehive, and no prosperous family of bees ought to be sitliout Dllc to live in. Its use and manufacture is secured by patent granted to Mr. Bottles, who is a skillful mechanic, practical . npiarian, and itmrouk, , llly acquainted with the domestic habits of bees.) With his hive there never need be a swarm of bees lost by flight to the woods, and throughout it is the most prnetioal Beientilic hive I haverer seen. - By ti way—there is no need of going .to "Gotham" to BO a curiosity shop. Mr. B: keeps one on free exhibition. I believe he has a few humircit, more nice tools than any other man in northern Pennsylvania, and what is better, they of qwn.euttnufneture. I believe he intend,s iciuging some of them to the notice of tool toanufaeturers. Upon reflection I think my friend ''Snobb;" is right about - kiting Lawrencevillo blow its own _ "born" cif it line any to blow), and though we did a fine thing for them when we gave them u lawyer, we have continucd'our benevolert o (tho' It COSA us no loss or regrets) and send t mitt our vehicipede. We humbly beg of Mr.—what's-his namei at Covington , tbe privileg of withdrawing -. our challenge to a velocipede ra . We have no ambition to win• laurels of such oubtful reputa tion. Mr. Wesley Pi ts has bought tho grocery store of C. J, Ztlunti,"iin Main street next, door south of tilt: Post (Mee. • The billiard saloon, formerly ran in connection, -is closed, and it is hoped, - never to be opened. - AUOIDENTAL. GossiP.—Our exchanges are descant ing upon the absurdity of an übiquitous boy who has been seen by over a thousand. editors living is as many . different towns„, ton. the ,very pause = 'daY;itild veff "on our Ivay..hopti itea" , 4t7ing• to, lift .heinself : l,iver I - erica - by his tio9o44ps.'` .!;Thilt Alp;nrtli ti!(if la t thing thais l uot strike us 'Bo• forcibly as 'does the , folly of the boy who never tried to get (Aver the fence at all. That,b9y mtly, befound everywhere. Ile wouid go a mile to find it gap sooner than climb a five-rail fence. The boy who has fur nished so much aid to digestion in essaying to lift himself by his boot-straps has the honor of trying to lift himself somehow. 'lois not the only boy who has 4.oled.away his -time upon itnpoit sibilities. —For exaMpliii There - are lots of, young men` who make groat show of getting "up" in the world, yet are hourly striding down hill. They: profess to have an ambition to rise, yet parsec the patti‘hihh leads hdt up. 'to ItWoF 143e fulness. , Th6 , ,seleWthe c0n.40 and vulgai:, 'the, brutal omit - degraded for their associates; and when advised'to so live that their friends may bo proud of them and:grateful for the honor WhiA accrues to a well ordered life, they regard the advice es a riftection upon their present conduct, and make ha te,to - qotaruit the overt act* of defi ance to all friendly restraint. about this class of young men who are trying to .clinib , thn hills of life by eliding downward, We 'hear little said.. It is, the luokless fellow who, tugs at his boot straps as richeap and easy way to .got over a fencq who gets all the notice. Wo aro sorry • fin 4, it. hcro.ono ;l boy essays, :Oat absurdity five hundred boys - ilia' striding down hill as a cheap way of rising. in the world:a ThcrboY who thinks; it manly and smart to swear; the .boy who has no respect for hi; liaperiers; the boy. who mO - all tho conversation in company i?f his elders; the boy who drinks lager and whisky , and forgets to pay for the boots he weara; the * boy who cannot bear reproof; and the ~boy who mistakes infamy for distinction—`these boys ought" ,not to be laughed at,•but - orled over. And were we to choose between a rattlesnake and such a boy, we shonld take the rattlesnake, as a lesser evil.; because one may kill, i and so be rid of .the rattlesnake,huN thankless' child wounds, his parents to death. —As if the Legislature could not do enough to earn the eiirses of the people we notice that one of its measures Was 'for , the• incorporation of a "Society for the prevention of Horsestertling.'l, What becomes orthe'vested rights of the ancient and honorable fraternity of liorso thieves ; after thiirlfas it come to this, that 'hors; thieies have no rights which legislatures are boundl4 respect? Is the man who has given the best years of his life to perfqcting, himself in the noble are of enter ing a stable, and obstructing . therefrom the nit blest equine of the studbvithont so ranch as; dis turbing, the slumber's of the owner, to be robbed of his privileges and immunities ,,- his profits; issues, - remainders t iind•So-forth.,'What we asli, had the l i ennsilvtinia Legislature 6:l:Cre ate a hatelul monopoly of the husinessof preven ting crime? Can you ? or morality ? or decency ? Is a man who can make twice as Intich.bY'stetilinffl horse's as ho can by chopping wood, to be legislated out of , businces . in this reckless style - —Some weeks ago our exchanges biought the news of a tragedy in a Western town: Two men, notorious topers and bad characters, after think ing themselves mad •at a wayside inn, then repaired to the housi,of an old man - who was sup posed to.have money. ' They invited the old man to do something which required him to stoop over, and while in this position the murdei , ers despt tched . him with blows upon the head. They fotind but a few dollars and staggered away. Justice over took these murderers at last, and as the worst one was standing on the drop, he exhorted the spec tators to bewarer of strong drink. Wo do not learn that the man who sold the poor victims the, rum was tried and convicted as an ACOCBS01;y : be fore the fruit. However, should A deceive B in such manner that A should tall down a pitelpice, • and Ws act becomes known, how long would a sober jury be out beforO finding A guilty of caus- ing the death of B 1 It does no harm to think of gwoo tittiv` mrtfAvx;., tr • PEltkpliAL.—We have been requested. to copy ho following from a Into number - of,the Brialfbril Reporter Last week we published an article neatening Good Tem - plan against one N. S. Frazier; sup , . posing it to be correct, as it catuo from what wo supposed a reliable source. We now invite the attention of the public to 'the . , Editor Reporter:—ln persuing you paper of the 11th of March, I discovered n very slanderous and untruthful article, concerning:myself r headed "Cautifin." The accusations contained irr it, I denounce as utterly false, and defy the author to prove them. This vile slander was intended for my personal injury; and if the author has any ,more calumnies in store for me, I challenge. him to publish tbenrover his"own signature, and, hot thus anonymously shield his villainy and respon sibility. N. S. FllAZliit. jIST-of Letters remaining. in tim WOlsborisi Post Office May let, 180. Martha Austin, Deborah A. Bacon, Lucy General J. S. Brishin, Mrs. T. •Benhon Lewis Culver, Mary 4Thappell, 2, ' Geo.J3. Belk Ellie Carlow, Chas tDo - nlon,._Simon Davis, Prof.,. Ch'as. Edson I, Alice'Breitn, Dennis Geo,'Julia L i varts, Phinens D. Harrington ' J. E. Henry, Chas. Haines, Clayton P. Kimball 3, E. M.Leary, Eliza hic Cullock 2, J. E. Neily, E. Philips,.E. D. Reynolds, Thos. Stone, Julius Sherwoo, :MrS. llattie €tarkweather, Jennie Sweet, Josiah 'S. Taylor, Mary Washburn, Addio Wilson, Maria Webster, John Wetter, W. •H. Reynolds, Maria Mitchell, Rebeeda Reece. .Enquiring for the above, please say adverthied etters. . • GEO. W.W.II:RICK, P,. M; Jurors drawn for May Term, 1869. ' • - clait,CND JUROia. 'Brookfield—Johii G.'Holmes Chatham—Francis Popo. DelmarL—llenry Palmer," Farmington—Roberl S. Lngg, Jerome Bottom, W. W. Welch. • , • , Fall Brook—Chas L. Pattison, L. C. Shepard. Gaincs—Benkunin Pqrman. Jackson—William Papher, Hid Updike. Mirldlobury—William J. WestbroOk, Abram, Westbrook. Mansfield—Abram Shuart. Richmond—John Ireton, R. B.'Bailoy. Rutland—Geo. W. Van Allen, &ink frost.' Sullivan—Geo Huslander, Samuel It. Long well. Shippen—Nelson Swope. • ' Tioga—James Dewey, William 'Goodrich. Union-Edgar M.-Spencer. . TRAVERSE Junons—lst L week. „ • -; • • Bless =Kafue Farr: ' Brookfield—r Horace 11. Seeley, Andrew J. Sim mons. Chatham--Benjamin VanDusen, Reaben Morse. Charleaton---Jpbn • Kimball, Dime Wheeler, Harvey - Young, John Jennings, Joel Culver. Clymer—Watson :Hush mbre, „James Attcal , Rlfgah 11 Siobbing. - Covington , Gillett. Deerfield- Elk—Lar Farming' Hall. Gainea—Octavius_SEnith. • Jackson—" Jesse Ctirran, .Tororno Varnhart, P Dlv. Knoxville, 7 1,-301in P. Brown. - Lawrence—Allison E Evans. Lawrenceville--Charles L Ford, Lot (iiiinger. Middlebury—John )V nose . , Joel Telmer, Geo D Keeney, Ralph Button, John. Starkey. Morris—Enoch Blackwell. Nelson.-henry Smith. — Oen°la—Russel Crandall. Richmond—Alonzo M Spencer. Sullivan—Northrop Smith ; Isaac Squiree, A Slingerland. Shippen—Uri Tnipson. Union—John E CleveAtud. IVestficld—Joel L. Calkilw, James King 2d, Le' i Skinner. Ward—Tracy 0 Ho • ~ :Wellaboro—Charles M Sears. Andrew Foley. 2D WEEK Bloss—John FitzAcrald. Chatham—Sidney Ranch. • Charlestorif---John Reese; Warren Miller. _ . Clymer—George - M /keltl6l. Covington—Levi Soper. Covington bore—Thomas Putnam. Deortield-Charles.l3lllkloy. • Delmar—Delos V Miller, Charles' Cepestiek, Ephraim Jeffers, `tan Coolidge. • _ Fall Drook.=George Hollands; John McCall., Jackson—Emmett flamers. • „ Lawrence—George L Ryon,Julius E Ii irlcen dall, Horace Roff, Joseph Guies, Robert W Stew art. Liberty—Henry H Sheffer. Morris—Samuel Doane, Job Doane. Middlebury—Thomae Roe.' • T., Richards, Lem - lard 1 Red field, R bodes %V Nolson--Nolson G Ray, A 111 . Loop, Qoo 11 Oceola—Morgan• Seeley. . • Rutland-:-Andrew , J Watkins. - I tlPhiPoßd":"PaPs-V, r, ... ll ub_ b arik , jamas.3l,,Roßo s' . ,•• Veigield,Vbro*-Wiin •T E P,.pItANCTO,I4v , FNT;pN.-.,-The first qunde t ,ly aesstoil of the Tiogakonnty Tomperanee Convention, will boshdM'at COvington, on Friday, May 21st. inst., commencing at 10 o'clock A. M. It is desired that each Lodge in the coeipty,, send -a:full delegation: - Chase: wilt be present during the Coti'renthAt'. ' Roptcsentatian-1 delegate flit. ,pach..2s meta: bets,' and ono forehhh fraetiobni part.' LaWrencovilloi 'May lst.1089: BEIJAMIN, W. S. Troy District Quarterly D';etetinge.—, • Thirdiciparter.4 7, , -'•, • : • 0.1 Weai , er, 15,16. ' •-• • " Wellebaro, Pine Creek, Mansfield, Towanda, It is desiccid thaethe rtigialar hours at every Quarterly Meeting . maintained, eseepS, by special arrangement; Sernion; Saturday, at 2.iP M. followed, by ; quarterly conferpoti, and meeting Inithe evening;: L6vefetist tillinday:•o, 4. M. Sermon 10 1.1 A. M.. followed by, Sacrament. At. these hoiirs'l'lritirbe'expected,ilt, 'the places just named with' each 'date. Where 'no 'supplies arc named the pastors wilt "obtain. if they •destra. where I am net present ,at, the , Quarterly: COO fereneo I design to visit and'preaoh some Sunday or other evening luring the quarter. • ' WESLEY ,C001(1144 Mr et.l' Tioga,l,ta pofa.nivungr opooiy49l64,ot.o7ii!thxpelte.s7;aga.t% and Caps, Boota atidßlides, CrOottai,i'& Wooden ware—ready to NJ inePabtediland void at a fair profit.' Colt and ace.• . HOUSE CLtANING:.- 2 Ugh Young Co.,,are now receiving Choir Spring. St t ock of Wall 'and 'Window PaperB, Chttaina; Curtain piXturee, Cord and Week', which they . areinew Bailin at gory figures. Persons wanting geode in thhir lino will. do well to examine their stock before buying 'elsewhere. Pjo charge fgr chewing. goods.; • , , MATRIti.AGES. BALLARDL—BAILER:.: 7 In ...Mansfield, 'April 29; by... Rev. IS:P. , Watioui, 3O`sio Ballard, Of Sullivan; and 'fiire. Rabedos,, 13aker; of Mitns- TIPPLE—WHITNEY.--April 4 , by p,ovi C. A. Stone', Mr. Abram: A. Tipple ] aud• :Miorii‘fary. Whitney, all of Eaat CharleatonJ DEATES.O - . . VERRILL.—Tri East - Oar nth, Me., Orilla, wife of Prof. Chas. H. Verrill, aged 28 years and 2t days; • Fit • * ; DAILEY.—In Heonoyville, April 10, Mrs'iyi dolia Dailey, aged 56 years. , SPECIAL NOTICES. 0 HALL'S `iciriti3LEIVILIAN 2412WWZ2L , Is the only infalliblo Hair Preparationloi re storing (tray Hair to its original color and pro moting its growth., . It is the cheapest preparation ever offered to the public, as one bottle will :last longer and accOniPliqh molt tha'n:three bottles of any other 2mparation.• Our Renewer is not a Dye. It will not stain the akin as.otbers: ; It••tvilUltiMp• the 'hair from Mir. It cleanses the - :Scalp and makes the hair soft, lustrous ' and,eilken., • Our treatise on the flair sent free by mail. it. P. lIALL Ar. CO., Nashua, N. II: Proirietqrs. For sale by all Druggists. -• [Apr. 14, 1969.:,- IN 'Ann Roast): Ta ce notice, that Carlos itouso,"yOur 'husband, has applied to the Court of Common Pleas of Tipua, county for a divorce from LIM bonds of matri mony, and that. the-'said court ba,s . appointed Monday, May 31, 1889, , for, a. hearmal 3n a,. runty - rz tact vas t -- "act ctatatru - - I , tatatcror -- rrtlictit which time, and place you can , attend} if you think proper. . - J. D. POTTER, May 5, apt)... 6h,riff. TN DIVORCE.—To ,Lyman. Cooper: Take notice, that ltelieeen Coopor,your wife; by her next trioud, Miner Watkins, has thu Cutht,of t.,:ummun Pleas ,of Tioga County for diyoree frout the bonds of matrithony,. and that the said Court has appointed Monthly, May 31, 1869, at .the Court ilouso, Welishoro, for a hearing in Pie said matter, at which time and place you can attend if you ,think proper. J.ll. POTTBIL, May 5, 1860. Sheriff. N DIVOltOll.—To TryphonaTWllito: ' Tnko g notice,, that Daniel A. White, yourlinsband, has applied to the Court' Of Con:molt' Plene of 'Doge County fni. a Aivdiee, frOrn the *rids of matrimony, and Mit the Said Court lias aP pointed Monday. May 31;1869, at the' Court House, Wollsboro, fur . tt hearing . in 'the said matter, at widish thou and illaco you'enin attend "if you think proper.' ' 'J. 13..P0TT111t,, May • • , ',Sheriff.l . T.N 1.).1V QitcYlc. ; ---To -Dan iel groYer : Tqe n 0 - 1. fide, that- ,ypur wife, Henrietta' ,Orover, 'by her next 11 ion il AI3 iel 613%, 'has. applin . d4o the Court of Common. Pleas of Tioga _County , -ft a divoroe from. the bonds_ of matrimony, an that said Court tufa appointed Monday, Ma , .31, I SO:), ai. the Court Louse, W.ellnboro, for a hear ing in the raid matter, at which' time engine() you eon attend if, you thinly. proper..' J. B. POTTER, May 5, lac* . „ .., . . ! . , Sheriff. , TN DIV9RC.E.- I —To Maiy , W.. • Brow n : Take lotiee„that„your•husband. Edwin C. has - applied to the Court of Compion Plefiii of Tiogn Couny for a divorce from, the bends of inetrimuai,end that said. COurth:ie ,appointed • Alonday:, - Mify••:ii,,lBl#9, at rho Court 'W a sp !in Wellsboro, for ii,henringin• said 'enee, atn;hich Limo• and place you_ CAUL_ attend. if you think proper. S. D. POTTER. May 5; Jsop., .„. Margaret*theidodi'Take iletice, that - Thomhs R. Atheiton, your 'dis band has appNed to ttio Court of, Common Pleas of Tioga County Wit a' divorce front 'th'e" bends of matrimony, and that said Court has appointed Monday, May • 31 ) 1809, at the Court z Utilse; Wellsboro, fur ii.hearing in said matter, it which time , and Mae° att*Ml if yod - th ink proper. ~ i '" 4.15. P./TT/1R; ,„. May 5, 1509. Sheriff. DIVORCE.—To John' F.llrietolir Take A. -notice, that" Polly -D.:Bristol; •by her nowt friend' Corollas Iroveland, ,, has applied to the Court of Comtnom ' Pleas of fflOga. County for a divorce from the, - bonds of matrimony; rind thrit said' 'Court , has oppointodsiMimdrtY, , May, 31, 4869, at the Court House., Wellaboro, fOr ri; hear ing in the prernices, - at Whielt , time and • place you can attend if you think proper: ••• • J: B. POTTtit, ' ' Mayo, 1869. • Shotiff. Register's Notice, OT is hereby given thaLtbe. IN Onion: named below.have. filed theirnoL: counts In the Register's Office for Tioga County,' Pa., :Ma that the said accounts will be presented' to GM Orphans' ,Court, for said : County, at &- session of. said. Court, to be held in Wellsboro' od Monday the 3lst day of May.lBB9, at 2 o'clock - A. AT,; for confirmation , and allowance. -, Aceohnt of Jno. L Mete', Adminstrator ,of the Estate of Sarah. A. Num, Into of Tioga Township, deceased.— _ - Acceupt of Roswell, Ackloy and-. Jane Oriffin, Adiniiiistrators' of the 'Estitto ' ofPhila Griffin! Into,of, Middlebury Township, deceased. .11 Account of A-. W. Wilson and Butler- Sinith; 4dminitreturs, of the Estate of Thomas' B. poodeneW late of Covirmten Tw'p:,- deceased. ' `Acenunt -of C. .11..F4Moily; Suiviiing jAd uninistreter'ef. the Beira° of ,11,4a1 Rase, tale of_i\ei Antland -Township, tdecensed, with w a de ~ is j o ined D. 0. Steveris and 11. hi.'lev'ens, Ad. mln itiralpreStevens,of Ezra' I. Stevens deceased, who ' was - al's° on 'Adni i iiiitrii,tik ;of lhe','sqid ,Iloyal _ Ruse, deesaaMl. Account of Islatitan Austin and liiraul Brooks; Administiletvra of the Estato'or'Nelson Austini, lAN or 15 7 10,1sliere •' deddiksetl; - 1); If. , DElligkl,r- ~ Wellsbore, Ea.;,ltlev:s id.. . Ite4ls'teti.: - - To- Lovei; of drooA 7 St6titi. ' 'STILL 7 tfatie to hoop . my Alderney Bull na• int pp- vet Kent of §tock.. Ho will be port of a simeo n in 'liiiddlebnry, and Wane° of. the time at Wollsbaro, f • •-1 ' " 1 aliavo . .Sale", I,..Doyon'l;ull y vit.& blood, r '. Yen ie ,AI tot), ira'de :Aiderh ay ' Tluile, 'Wed, d' year old:, - • . , rit(Aintioik to, iriP Chester Cdtlnt,,y White poors7.4incle Eleirp and'lroifog America. Unc l e, $4 lO w igtiv)in 1 , 1,k Mid:dle!ntry-,-Yontig AmeriO,nt "' ' - -,• • . T t!ol' s i) gto§ii Fleasb give bibla _Ol - 1L , , ,-• :' L, tr4lit.T.. Wellibpitilday'l4 - i• • . , . , Orpbano' Court Sale. BY VIRTUR OF an order issued Out of the Orphans' Court of Tioga county, 1. will expose to pub& sato and wRI sell- to-•ther highest and best bidder, at the - fom svtg ng te r t f -U ndid o rris itip4,r, a t g i on keg Ow! at net.iNnwood in.,tho warrant line,4hence along ,B.torrte bias WOO 9101)eecileil :to a, liimldeV 4lionce:porti of perches dlong lands of William Babb t o a: post, thence f; east six and . a half perches to 'e poet, thence north 60 perches Monk , eald Babb's. kind to a post, thettee r ripeth 03 0 west 21 perches alomp.the publie, cord 'lka Int to Wellihoiti, tri a Poit,thence north 25 0 east 30.5'perehos 'to a:ROl3t; thencethorthitiong 'said Babb's bride 66 perches' ton post; thriceVasti.l.7 patches to a post, thence north along- the tract 06 perches to a hemlock,-thence cast Montt, littlfriztluttda 224 perches ,to It post s theace math along sakA,liabb'e land 126 per, i , oh ee,tO r n puir;ll34ace , wost.:ls ' orcbeioti.a bierh; then • ''south IG4'PcfClies to the !thaw 'd Corriiii, c tliti pitied df beginnim, , --eoritaing 200 nc - r being same land &- scribed in reterd book 23; pa ge ila; toeing and reserv ing therefrom the following 4 et,liegilitiing at the south end. of-the 200 -erre •t ra tiabova detwitibed, and i running from the southeast cog er -therdof,'West 'along %ha south -line, thence tiortli fa eti 'midi' - to 'make; 100 acres and to be taken ofr-theso therid'of th e aforesaid tract, and being the loton • whi h the tavern - stand late owned by Jacob Babb etalids,,,b lug the -premises ~ sold by Paleh , Babb recorded in I.Ourd hook:34, l page 117, r.efereneo to which., will .be found la record , book a 4, page.22:l, , whoa: Caleb .Babb ,sold and conveyed t 0,151 -.Borst and.Wm , Bache the led auce,of the first tlescribco tract rosary/Lig .tho said 100 acres sold to saki James tampbell; -i': - ; ; ~ . -Al4o—(okile,ptinalsee)4.)ot of land In, Welleboro, beginning eta post in Ist Artllllo,llo feet southeaster ly from flu; east corner dr let of 111-61/Convers; on tho south side of a street 60 feet wide intersecting with bit Avonue,thenco by the Avenue Am:10145 0 east 120 feet to a post s thence 'tooth 46° west 250 feet byla i nds of,Anna Moils 'l4 s ixtzt„thencei by An alley north 4b west 120' Riot to the strait, thenco by the street. , north 45° east 250 foot to placo of beginning--containing % of an acro more or lose—into theentato of Matthew Borst of Wells boro, deed. Terme cusir - on - confirtontion of tho sale. 1 April 28, 1669. - MARX BORST, Adnex. : #ii • te; Ll ' t? vans -eohrt- 4 Y VIRTUE OF an order of the Orphans' B. Court of ,Tioga county to mo.directed, I pill expose to public sale otin the promisee, on Friday the 28th day of May next, at 1 o'clock p. m. the following real estate, Into the property of Philo Griffin, I ifilifidrilebury,4l9;d : A lotpaimd Micidlolitiry - ; beginning' at postein tho south lino of tho Philo Griffin farm, being at tho t3p corner ot a 0-Acre - lot sold nS , Philmarlffin in his /ifetirde Contract o Dwight Cummings, thence north r east ihoutl94,l:per cies to north line of said. Griffin farm to a post in the line separating tho Griffin farm from Rich ttrfl-0R4P16.1. WO) *mice east .aIiOTICO ;Derails and 6 feet to a post and stone Corner, where the Griffin lot corners with thesaid Goodwin lot, therice?south 41-3 Terehod•to 'thVs'• southrireat e'er nor of the Richard Goodwin farm aforesaid, thence.eonth . r.srost-parallol-with the west 'i1f.)1410411416Ca1i0ut4,42,4M. r;difelie'stto 'the S line of the said Griffin farm, thence west to place of beginning—eontaining,abont 30 acres, be the same more or less. • : • •••• :• •• • •• ; - • • R.cisw.uuri A cgLEY, • JANE GRIFFIN, ••••4; , 1% r•-c 7••—•" ••. . _ . . . ' Orphans' CouN Sale. ' , t 13Y virttio' df itn'ol.der of 'the -111?pha '4 Court, ..11i of Ti?'gtk County, I will expose t tale by , pa blic'entbry ni, kite, edtirtllfiusei Wellsbbre ' on Thursday; May, 20tb,.1889ittt '2lo'dlOck P. M., then and there, io tbei highestiand beat bidder, the following described Real Estate, the prop erty._ of Ella R. Hoyt and Evh C: Not, minor children of Tosept Hoyt and Sophia Hoyt, 11(3 7 ceased, tomit : : . -• ••• •- • A•lot of land:.sitnated • in.the' , Bore Of Wells. •boro, !flogs: ()Minty, Pa. Mounded on the North' by lands of A. P. Cone, on the East by lands of U. G. Fisher, on the South by State Street, and on the West by land of Eliza Maxwell, contain. ii3o;ll`of an acte reore; - or' lees-0401A isne, ; itory frame houEil'and some fruit trees thereon. '- . I QUARLES WILLIAMS, April, 28, 1869-Im. _ Guardian. ifilhazis' Courl .Sdle.. „ 1)Y VIRTTIE OF • an order of the Ophanii' ji Court of Tioga'county, I will. offer at pub lic sale at the bourt house in Wollsboro,griday,' the 28th' day o .( May next, at 2 o'elcielip* the following real %State; late the property of Minor Benjamin, of Balmar p dec'd ' lot:of lama in:Morris, suiveYed - Oil warrant Nci. - 4278, James - Wllion warrantee+, ' It being all of said' tract lying 'West of the top of the hill, west of Stony Fork (reek, commencing on tho South line of said tract, at the top `Of said hill, and running a straight line. toA-point on the, North lino, at the. top of said hill. Thd point of said hill to be considered• as the point, at the top of rocks, containing about seven hun and fifty acres. Terms Cash. ' ' ' SARAN BENJAMIN, Apr, 2:3, '69-Im. Adm'x,of N. Benjamin. Mercantile' (!f Tinuu County Glass. Ta.r.i Kelly 14 $7 David McVoy 14 7 John A Alartin . & 0 F Taylor 1 7 II W Holden 14 7 Chas Chapel, billiards,3o AL Run Coal Co. 5 50 J L Belden 14 7 J II Patterson 14 7 James Kelly ; 7 Thomas ' - 14 7' Elijah Plumer - 14 7 James Morgan 14 7 111,A Derow 14 7 Jas Mitchell 14 -7 J clivans • 14 7 James Tralief 14 7 L B Smith 14 7 J L Belden 14 1 , 7 • Jacob Miller 12 ' 12 50 31 L Bacon. 14 7 W Thomas 14 7 „ S E Caldwell 14 7 Moss Mk RR Co S 30 W llockeriberger i ßey S Ilirsch,Ely & Co 14 , Hines If a Itlt Co 8 30. II 0 Bailey sv - Co 13 10 IntOORPIELD- W003,-a Stanbro' 14 - .7 i4,7 ; k 'vlf '.• W 0 Bristol 14 7 R U Stebbing 11 7 ltubhm'ro & Beachl4 Toolc'r a Burns'ael4 7 01 0 -Bristol 314 7 CIIATGAM. W 14 7 John Short 1 14 7 J S )Innry 14: 7 - W A Newcomb 14 T CoVINGTON. Sanders & Newelll4 7 COVINGTON DOROUGH. restßurant , 4, Packard,* Keen3o4 l ., '7 . J 0 Bennett 14 7 P L Clark 14 7 B Byer 14 7 .P 0 Pine 7 - CHARLESTON. Albert Tipple 14 7 T Westbrook 14 7 Cooper &Kolder 14 7 ri3tono .1 14 Holman Morgan 14 RJR Rockwell 14 7 0 S Parsons 14 7 .43EsttrrEtn. • V Purple 14, 7 I 13 Payne 14 . 7 W Wagoner 14" M3l Lee 14 7 DEL3Ltn. Job, Willcox 13 10 Colo ccp . ' 13 10 Wm Colo 14. 7 KIRLAND. TUNA k Crandall 14 7 1 Wm D0n:15451i :J4. 7 - ' A J Tillman 14 7 Dor'neo a Dunb'r 14 7 Ji/Whitaker, bill'ds - 30 J Q Parkhurst 13 10 Etuckbeo & Co. 14 =• 7 - I Reed' • _ 14 7 PALL BROOK, Fall B'k Coal Co. 6 00 00 • PARMINOToN. A. J Doano 14 7 7 .. • S.X Dlllings - 14, 7_ - 'D K 'AMA 14 Goodell, - - 14 7 JACKBON, Vfileme , 7 , 11t 1t Itetrln• 14 7 YlGßryan, 14 7 L Boynton ' 'l4 '7 , 'Caw" ~• • •'•l4' 0110e 1 Shehrs jr 14 • ' 7.., • DORO 011 WOO d:/: Sun 12 1250 1. Case .fit Co 7, A Dearman 14 7 •WDRnox = 14 7 GoOdap'd Sr. Prldol 4 7 Wm 11 Smith 14 7 1 Wm D Knox. . - 30 00 Dcarfnan , 14_ 7 , AI arekkii 1..14 •_ 7 01100 Roberts 14 7 B ReYnOlde 7 Truman,ollbort ,1,4 7 , upto. diiorge ISclOn 14 7 I; koni .• ,14 7 • Joel Adams •:, !,.14 = 7 C P Leonard 14 .. .7 • Joseph A, , hippen 14 . 7 0 S Pttatber 5: Co 11 15 ,001 LIBERTK*; Moses Now - Mari .14 • 7 S Caldo'ell • 14 " ' Norber +lt .51,d0r0.12 1250 David:lL Worlino 14 7 Seltitig . d: Miller 12 12 50, Werlino a Ilartql 12 .12;50 G R Sbeffo'r - t • 14 "7' er V Vail Son' 14• B Saalorunpn. , 14 .7 .4 Contstoqh .11 , 7 14"1 7 , • - • TIORRiS. _ Job iDonne '.• - •14 , '7 ,W Blackwell& C 01.4• ' .17 llenytotta Be.sto 14:.- 7 . . Notice is hereby giVekullant nn.'nppeal . will be held at the Coratblegiontin OffiCo in Wellsboro, on the «d' dly.. , of.,XunCA. D. 1869, between the Itogre, m:.iinkt 10 p. m,, at Whialt time and place all persons aggrieved by the foregoing nii- DrojELemitt.will bo , bjard, awl.buchTabatttents avian nsssbema 0 . 40)i-rind jtigt;' atAl; peranne foiling to appear at, said time and place, will bo abbarital fionrroinking an, t y defence before me. • FtttiST, Mercantile Appraiser for . Tioga Co. M $' We'oro,' AO, 140809.! • • Flowers, hats;-Bonnets,;Ribbons, • - Laces , and latile.ittittcy goo,dei generally., • , 4 Partleubir _ant:piton paitl tq repairing }tots and Bonnets. • Wellsboro, April, 28, 1869-2 m. mr's ppraigement /Jr Me; Year 1869. 1.; MAINSDUAO DODO , ' tra -Ando -14- 7 Fox & Clark - 14 1 nil Dow, . .14-' 7 • MANSFIELD 110 50 . Adarps.iViric - 0ht1.4 ,;*. 7 ' J W Willi/oink 14 7; 0 Sllngorland 14 7 V Klllott 14 7' J D Webster ,14 7 Ohns,Slingerland S 0 00' C noltlon 1$ 7 N Holden 14 7 N Kingsley 14 7 W Phelps , 14 7 11 KIII" 14 7 W Phelps 30 00 hlurdough & Pitts 11 15 00 It I.loloey 14 • 7' Mart K:tug, ~ 13 10 311DDLESUIlle J T Purvis 14 7I) JlSDlznon s Co 14 7 51 C Potter 14 7 S Staples • 14 7 R. M Keeney 14 7 Ifoliday,tatiug 11 0 00 A J Smith 14 7 D k M 0 White 14 7 NELSON C B Whjted 6eal:414;00611d 14 7 11 & T Oarnbll3 10 Parkes & Bros 14 7 OSCEOLA Skinner 14 7 N Strait &Co 14 7 Henry Seeloy 14 7 Martin & Boalli 14 7 Wzn 1i Taylor 30 00 R Itaintiond AC° 14 7 FIC Ito Worth ' .34 7 Seeley & Crand'l 14 " 7 Crandall & Co 14 7 Levi Skinner 14 7 rticuxioNn T T J 1447 •14 7 • saiieNfi Elmer Backer 12 1250 Watkins &Co 13 10 Minor Mills 14 7 Dliedtler l 4 T bULLIVAN ' 1 V Ilarknues 14 7, suIPP.Ex O,D Lpib . 13 10 - ' TiOGA DORO .1' n Hathaway S C'Alvord 14 7 11 II Borden & Co 14 , ,7 jr Van Osten 'l4' 7 Baldwin & Co 11 15 00 11 E Smith & So n 14 7 J Van Osten, billiards 30 00 Joseph Fish 13 10 Philo Toiler 14 7 1' S Tullio , 1310 Johnson &Lowelll4 . 7 J J Brady ( 14 7 B B Borden 14 7 J Shieffella 14 7 Wlchhitth &'Farr 11 16 00 • TIOGA TOWNSHIP , J II Mitchel 14 7 lIN/O/P BF & D Iryin „14 7 T /4 Grisivold 14' 7 John Irvin 14 1 WESTFIELD TOWNSHIP Edgeomb & II 14' V 7 VESTFXELD 110110' J 11 I. c 8,0 unriFirl4 9 WilcOx 'l4 . 7 ' Ern i en.* Tease 11 :15 00 1 , L coville 1.4" 7 1. Pi Ilk 14' 7 T 1 001;la *Phil's 14 7 ito B.or 8.,& Hunter 14 7 B M., l nghtoit 14 7 K B ill /billiards - 30 00 .1 Swarzenbach, brewer 5 00 Sander . I ( iVCco 14 • 7 ' 111111rilk!ley ' 14 ' i 7 A & N I" Closo • 14 ~- , 7 WELLSItOrtO , Wilson & V4ku V. 13 „10 J B. Bowen .-11. 15 00 0 1111elly ' 13- 10 Converse & Qsg 'l4 7 M it Prinid • • 14 "- 7 . Converse & Osg 12 -12 50 G Mahilnip .. s 14 •.'. 7 , webb 4llastingsl3 ' 10 0 VanNalk'b'g 14, , 7 . E 11.1Iastings -14' ' , 7 J ()Wheeler • '.". -14' '-7 I?eLene4,llache 11 - 15 00 John A. Boy, , . 14 • '4* ' . ars Bunriell ' ',lf . 7 . 1, A Gardiner ' 14 ' . 7 WT suithers' .' 14 " 7 . Toles & Barker' 13 10 1 C L Wilcox .13 10 Bullard & Co , 14 7 B T Van Horn 14 7 1 x Werriner 14 7 i Tbotriaii Harden .1118 00 11-11,11itable . .14 7 I Charles Stevens, E. 11 500 i SCars & Perby. 14 .. 7 ' Win Roberts ''''l4 , 7 IlY6thi6 & Ca - 14 - ` 7 7 , I/ P Roberts : • 14 . 7 A Foley .. ~ -,,,. 14 . . I WTI gh t i'llalay 11 15 00 Geo. Hazlett E II • 5 00 ' ' " '2 billiards; 40 00 0 Shaffer, breweryi - ' 5 00 6 00 VERTISEIITA'NTS: - • IW,ouk.l) re sto o fully, Iriforp ,th o that le, ndiCoVaffiagl a larka!ageortmoili of ; Spring and Summer Millinery wbieb she )ow prices. Her stock comprises ' 4 1 iiNftierY, & Dreßfirlaakiing: fIE underaigned would her old Wanda c4nd.the,publie generally. that ahe haft fitted 'up rpotne, in .her,building (Isedoor,below Van liertt's ware rooms') for,the pl i rposo ofVarrylng on Millinery & Dress-galungl in all its departments. : .Her goods, aro, all wkr . ,apd 91?n00 In part Flowers, Liwes,Riblititze, Strata goods, &c.; and in short,, everythinr pertainin g .tp a Itash liniablo 'establii3anient. Call liaoro - purchasing elsewhere. Prices reasonable. April 21 1 1869-3 m. Mrs. C. SMITII. ''. State'Street Lois. - ' ' . P. CONE having laid. off his land on A ,1 . State SWI t into town lots new offers them fot sale on'r hi:amble toying: ', Wellsboro, Apr' 28, 180 t- .-' " 'Bankiliptcy. THas,*(o 04i0 - iiistroil'oru <>a.At *h. - 22d/day of ;January A7, - D. - 1869, a - warrant in Ronkiiiptcy. was Issued against the estate of Jambs 1 nit tihel of Welliboroi in Ihe'coun ty of Tioga, atd State of Penn's, who has been adjudg ed a Baricrupt•on petition of jijs creditors; that tho payo ent of any debts and delivery of any proporty,bolonging to such Bankrupt, to him, or for his,mo, apd the transfer of any property by him aro forbiddeji by lair': thist is mooting of the Creditors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and: to ohOose ono °outer° Assignees of his 'tiAtate'- will ho- held'at Dui bourt of 'Bankruptcy, to bo bolden st the °Moo of F. E. Sthith, in the Bore of Tioga, Pa., beforo F E Smith, Register, on the .101 day of -May, A D 1869, at 10 o'clock A. iii THOMAS A. ROWLEY, U.'S. garaltal!Western District, Pa. Apr 23,'69. Per DAVID CAmEnon, Dopy. PORTABLE" ENGINE;_ - BIFOLBIMILL, and 'one'run of French Burr Stones fok Peed, for s t ale, very cheap. Par ties can scurthe machines fanning up to the let of May. - NEWHALL do REESE. Bill's Creek, April 21,1869 7 30, , ; Just -. Received PRINCE BACKS miId:SACKINGS; at' . & CO'S. April 14y 1884/ ' *- A NEW lot .of POPLINS, ALPACAS ho., 1}13(1 Satins for Trimmings at DE LANO tc4CO. ril 1 1 4, 1869 'ql.ttwo ' 1T617/3.g's (i ART 'GALLERY Is the place to,gat yoni PIICIToGIiAPIIS. New and Rustle Scenery, The new Cabinet size made in any position'. ' ' ' apr. 14, 1869. ASPLENDID stook of f llidAlovos only $l,OO at ' DE LANO A CO. April 14, 1869. A A LARGE Stook of Spring Clothing at DE LANG ft: CO. April 14, 1869. HALO :PHOTOGRAPHS litadb 41,0LASILI144!S 'Ate 11a11ori,4 at $1.25 par dozen. Also HALO AIIIBROTYPES, large dize tor' ramep; each. apr. 14,,1889. Stoc Lirgest In Tioga Cotint for solo at the lowest prices, a CLAY KING'S • Art .4allerit April 14; 1809 FOll SALE= splonditd etook.of • I Picture Frame 11tOuldings wilioh will be 'anufactured to order at reasooa blo prices, at • CLAY KING'S April 14;186. Art Gallery. EDICAI A.DVIOE Is often quite expensive, 'but this you havo fOr the reading. • If 'by accident, yon get sealdcid, bruised, burned or sprained, then apply J. ; 1.. . Salutifeir .., immediately; for it is quick-to give relief; and powerfiti to cure pain and soreness. ''. , ~ .. _. . _lf :l ow ; ar. :-., qfflieted , faith lameness, or .nuntbness aiu stiffness of the limbs, or with severe pain, or painful swellings like Neu ralgia and In amatory. Rheitinatism, then :• . try • ' , • • • - • ' SiLLUTIFER : • . ‘ byall means. Apply, it quicklySb as, not,to leave it open to I the air'; and use 'it acarding siq,ql oc(ipn on the bottle.,. if youlave , Sore• Throat, or Quinsy; or 'Felons,' f ctr4, or .Pleurisy,Or l ChiAlains, or any of t*zese disorders t hat , regaire an • Oglrrel reniaily, then .SALUTIFER . , IS\ l O hat you.want, far it has proteeda bless; in 4 to thousands. „Although it izv reckoned to be one olithestron:got ,Medicines ;,yet'it is so safe ihatevet a ehildindy handle & use it. • SALUTIFER% -" : Kept cionsiatta .1 on hand for immediate use, will certainly revolt much sifigring, and may save life., If you, are prudent ‘and econostnieal, and desire 10 ,sa:vo;eapense,-• then. remember that AUTIFER' . Is foul - a? tc.,be a saving of, more than ! $l.O a year in: all fcimilia that nse it: Ail - For-sale by. all Druggists—, Wholesale Depot 252 Greenwich St 6, New York. Fresh Goods rt eceiveo . Weekly. Gooiis viiisicca.oceries: CROCKERY: 500 , 11% 4ND 0M3 11 40 -Mats- and *aim , . Be it remembered, trfat . . , !qop . o,cia4antly . on hand a large , stock. of genera BM '''.:R.E.II.,C IILI:N 11:1 Z.Vs.., GOODS 'AS REPRESENTED.:, NOT , TO., BE lINDERSOLD. • Jan. 6,1868,4 y. MOOR, NEW . SPRING. GOODS ..*. -- *:','",sEi - ii'kiii,ii'' . *: . :stos. We invite your attention to our NeW Stook as . we think you will find it very nttraetive and cheap. We do not, as most in the, trade, claim great advances, Au.; but intend-to give more goods for a dollar, taking the average of our stock Than dearly time for several years, , 'Our Linen Stock is Very Jarge a Drown-Table Linens 48, bs, ss, 8 " " Oa, Ss, 100, , Table, Cloths in ,extra Napkins from Towels from • Towellings • Full lines of .Drapery' Muslim?, Marseilles Quilts, Table Spreads, cheek and striped Nein soek#, Ash ,at eery reasonable prices,, , In Domestic 'Cottons our Stock is very desirable:- - Witbfas many Leaclingpoods at IhO i NV Rates . We" have 'Brown Shootings yd. wide 12i , cts. Bleached muslins . la per yd.- Handschne Prints is yd. Common Prints cents, and all other goods such as Checks, Donims, Tiekings, Stripei, tac.,equally cheap. Cosiniercp„ Kentucky Jeans, & Cotton -ales ." icirger atock , than, usual, and at Aress Goods and - Shaul's. We have a fine Stock of early Spring Goods, il We are keeping a still Large Stook of the same' makes of which 'we sold so. many: last seasons,and aro now soiling thommt about 10 per cent loss than 'last fall. We shill keep all the numbers hating them at 36; 4s, 4a6e, SS, Os, 7s, Bs, 103;12.5, and - wo know' that no one can beat us either Its to, prices, qualities, or as to to the . assortment. BOOTS & SHOES.. Our trade last year was larger in this steck than 'over before, and we desire to increase it this season, and to do so, intend to keep a still better, stock •in tine -work for Ladles and Chil dren. We shall continue to keep up our large assortment of Richardson's Work in Men's and At aboUt the, same prices as ast year. This work is the most reliable . of an • sold, and our large trado enables us to sell it t vary admit profit. In ' Ladies' Serge Con tens, Serge Balmoral:, and Also, Sid and Pebble We shall keep a much large before, and sell it less than reg At a reduction of full 25 por cent. from our regular prices, any one desirous of baying very cheap can now do so. of Frames I . 7 l l •lrß•mmwm'Meirrr.viiimmiumial Atlantic and Great Western CLEVELAND, 'TOLEDO, CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL, OMAHA, • And to all Points in tlio WEST and llotan-West Dayton, Cincinnati, Louis ' VILLE, ST. LOUIS, KANSAS . • • guy; MEMPHIS, NEW ORLEANS, And all points in the Sonth ! 4 Southwest, with No Change of Coaches TO CLEVELAND OR CINCINNATI, From any point On the Erie Railway. An ad 'vantage' and convenience not offered' by any other route. • 3 Tunouan LTOIITNINGL EXPUESS TRAINS DAILY. ' • Baggage Checked Through, and No CLIANCIE from ono car to another, preventing loss or dam age. . Tickets via this popular. routo can be procured at all offices on the line of the Erie Rail way, and or When puychasing ask the Agent for Tickets via the ATLANTIC A. GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. • ' _CONYERS & OSGOOD RACE on hand and aro constantly receiving at their Hardware Store every article noeded in this roOon of country, in the • SHELF HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL NAILS, MIDDLETOWN AND ELMIRA SAWS, ROPE, TIN-WARP, No pains will be spared to meet the 'Wants of our cuatomera. MI Q;tiOities, - , St,• -5!, la, 16e, 18; 2 as ever. still lower prices yory heap. BLACK ALPACAS. Boy's Shoes, Women's & Chil dren's Calf, Kip and Moroc co Shoes. WINTER, GOODS. Wo are selling off the balance of our stock of Winter Shag's,' Saequeings, Dress Good, Furs, &c. J. A. FAR§ONS & CO. THE . -AND- • ' ERIE RAILWAYS, TUB GREAT BROAD . GUAGE -ROUTE Oil BEERS & ABBOTT, oreosiT.i.DEpor Ex.malte• W. B. SHATTIIC, Gen. Ticket and Pass. Ag't, Cleveland, 0 Ti. D. RUCKER, Jan. 6,'69., Gen. Sitpt., Meadville, Pa HARDWARE AND STOVES ! srrov - vAs, Cooking, Self-Regulators and Coa Stoves. Home Companion, and tho justly colebratnd AMMAN COOK STOVE, COWERS St OSGOOD yirellsboro, Jan. 6, 1869; ly. CLLAR THE 'TRACK. AtchiGAN Si TIPPLE, 'Agt!s, A 11.* receiving fresh lots of goods ay: railron every tiny of their Store in - I East Charlestott and hereby give notion that they intend to load one-horse towns like Wellshere and Panned()ld in both . ,PRICES .AND VARIBTY See - if we don't do it %wit 21, 1800-4 w ,Por Sale. i Mason •t, latulin Cabinet Cogan. Five AOctave Sin le'Reed, for cash or en .t t itne.— Inciuire 'of ,J: . 'Shakespeare, over John R. BOwen's Store. 1 ,• April 7, 1860—if. . • , Ne*- floods Tust Received and sojd ()neap, for Cash. U April 7 1 19.4 f... TON a BARKER SHLIANG OFF AT COST 0, per vird: 120, Sizes slid {~ Zi'g Big wszazin§ a ca. 0 t 0 .55,00 doz. sto $6,50 " ic; 250, 2.6, 3s. Vlll seil l from this date their entire stock of „ . i•. _ . ' ' DIES, WHOM Perfumery, Notions, - Dyeip Stulß, Paints, Oils, Varnishes," Glass, Putty, Alcohol, Turpentine, ,Kerosene Oil, Tobacco, Cigars,. Wall. Paper, Curtains, ress 7olish Boots. oat Work Positively no Hum' bugl. stock than over ar prices. 1 We'labor°, March 3, 1869 The .Battle hqs been Fough AND VICTORY WON. OODS hi g h in qyality and frw in price have Calt ICU LUC nay, nun naratrater-wnino zontio ready and wtlling for active and efficient service in behalf of all those who will call and give their I orders at WICKHAM & FARR'S, TIOGA, PA. On the Dry. Goods side we have• a full, and complete and assortment of Fall and Winter 0 - 001)S, Flannels, Sheeting; Prinks, Muslin. De Mines and _Dress Good.;, with a groat variety of YANKEE 'NOTIONS with which to fill in and trim np. We wouli' call epeoial attention to our assortinont of with prices which we know will compare favors bly with prices of the same goods before the war which have boon made to order from perfect stock with warrantee. Work ready to bo shown and fitted to all customers. Tho Grocery stock in cludos, Flour, Pork,4Eish, Salt, Sugars, Teas, Cof fee, Rice, Syrup, Molasses, &e., &c., Then comes the WOODEN WARE, such as Tubs, Pails, West' Boards, Mop Sticks, Sugar Boxes and Pails, together with nutderous other Goods, such as Crockery, Glass-ware, Stone-ware, &0., which we will Wrap, be glad to. show and risk the selling after the goods are soon and ox. amino& • WICKHAM a FA R.l' I Tioga, Oct. 16, 1868. The undersigned would respectfully inform the Citizens of Tiogn and vicinity that he has just opened a establishment in Borden's Drug Store, and is prepared to execute 'all orders: in his fine of business with despatch and in tile best of man. ner. Tioga, Feb. 24, 18139.—tf. THE:GRAND; PRIZ at the Paris Exposition) Univerifelle, .CIIICKERING 9 S American Pianos Triumphant OVER ALL THE WORLD. ilea 11. N. TaDD,Agent. Deo. 2:3, 18613. , - We!labor°, Pa 20 5 000 forrlo u w V isc is::f l G w o i n i pßrou,t,tiosr centsw ant ti n tradu at tnytitore..• C. L. WILLCOX. IVollalioro, Nov. 23, 1888. FOR SALE—ono,Pufr of platiure‘Bobs at Doo. 23. 1848. TOLES k. BARBER'S. IiTiCIPS ABDOMINAL • SUPPORT EftS, forsala at Roy'e Drug Store. far hopsyboatqt}a] 0 at Da 00t.12, • • LAMPS. --A new kind of lan:life r Kerosene-- no boakagoof ehigineye—et FOR 6,AgH ,to i 1111 Fixtures, &c., &c., 4r.e., AT 'COST FOR CASH P. R; WILLIAMS .k. CO. Good stock of Hats ,and Caps, Boots and Shoes, A I Vit,„ - ,„1 - ` N \ I-, .A I I ,--\---, if-,..- ; ,c), • if \ : 4V4 _ Z, \< .1, " ' it,,,, , 1 W If 3 Watch and Jewelry ALL WORK WARRANTED. 'S. WILE • For Sate. • The subscriber offers for sale: the followilt property, - situated in Covington township and borough, Tioga county; Pm: 5S mares of . land in Covington'tp, l , on William- Ben Reid leading' to Blossburg, 4 miles there from and 1 mile from' Covington borough, about 20 acres Improved, a good frame house, barn and other outbuildings' thereon. - Also,Sawmill, Bash Factory, and Shingle dill and - water privilege thereon. Also, two apple orchards of f 1.70. trees, mostly choice fruit, and about half. bearing trees —lB plum trees;l2 Cheril, 90 Currant butler, red, white, and black, 4 Crabs, 10 beating'Grape Vines, 12 Pear, and Peach and gull. Mao—a_ Timber lot, 349.8 acres, of a mile from Sash Factory and Sawmill. 'Timber, pine, oak, basswood, chestnut, swill , beech , hireb, maple and hemlock., Alect.,--a lot in the village, adjoin inglli., Glerould's orchard, fronting on Williamson road and railroad, ipntaining abou an acre, a 2-story House, outbuildings; fruit trees and a good well of water thereon. . Also—another village lot, iron tin on William son road, 60 feet front by about - 20 deep; and another lot fronting on Said road, 1 45174 feet. For further particulars inquire o DAVID S. IRELAN, Sr., or 43.. T. IRELAN, Co ngton, Pa. • April 21, 1.58 p-tr. . . NENiTi AND NEAT; Iti rnavelatllmea 10 For $1,7t5, DENTISTRY. .:y---. DR .0.'1 7 : DARTZ i% Co. ii i .„ win Mil continue the business of "Ilea Dentistry in Wellsboro where they respectfully solicit the patronage of all who need, or desire the services de Dentist. Ravingbeen for the past font-teen years engaged in Dentistry ,exclusively, they feel confident of givingperfeot atisfaotion in alt operations intrusted totlaiiircare. -. leii, irre - gutermee,-cre ......w, -...........____, . and inflamation of th gunti, and all other dls- eases to which the tee h and gumii are subject. •f+ First Class Work guaranteed in both me-/ chanieal and operative Dentistry. • i Gas and Ether given for extracting teeth. ,_.OPPIOEI .over Book and Jewelry Store. Wellsboro. Feb. 24,1869.-tf. LIFO INSURANCE COMPANY UNITED STATES OF AMERIOA, 1 • Oh ' teredbq Specil Act of Congress • ' I APPROVED JULY 25,4868. , • Cash Capital, $1.,000,000, • PAID IN FULL. First National Bank Building, Where all Correspondence should he Addressed. CLARENCE H. CLARE ' President - . JAY COOKE, Chairman Finance it Executive Com. HENRY D. COOKE, Vice-President. EMERSON W. PEET, Secretary and Actuary. B. S. Ritssat.r., Manager. • Circulars. pamphlets. and full particulars giv en on uppusiation to the Branch Moo Of the Company, or to R. C. SIMPSON, Wnw.anbnn, Pe., by whom applications will bo receivod and Poli cies procured for Tioga County. . . Deo. 9, 1868-Iy. Great Bargafti Wilson & VanValkenburg's French Merinpes, Empress Cloths, Bea , ver Sackings of all disoript one, Poplins of all 'colors. • DELAINES & PRINTS, ALL STYLES, FACTORY'S, SILEETINGS, BLEACH ED AND UNBLEACHED MUSLINS. HOOP SKIRTS, • of ever description, DRESS TRIMMINGS and BUTTONS of all kinds; also tho largost and cheapest assortment of _ RHADY NADk CLOTHING ever brought into Tioga C.aunty. Remember the place, and call before purchasing. We havea large assortment of -Gents' •Ehrnlsh ing Goods, consisting of Draivers, Under-Shirts, Flannel Shirts, Buck Sleeves, and Mittens, and Clothing of every description • manufactdred to suit. ; I Thankful for past paoonage, and by strict at tentioti to business we hope to Aare a continu ance of the same: =EMMia V 4 4 4 4 4 ?, To viz WORKING CLlss:—.l am now prepared to fur nish all classes with constant..eniployment at their homes, the whole of the time, or for the spare ma meas. Business rievr,light and profitable. Yifty cents to $5 per evening, is either earned by persons of Other hex, and the boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. Great inducements are offered those who will de vote their whole time to the business and, that every person who sees this notice, may send me their address and test the business for themselves, L make the follow ing unparalleled offer: To all those who are not well satisfied with the butilness,l will send $1 to pay for the trouble of_ ain. me. Full particulars, dtrectious, sent free. Samples coot by mall for lOcts. Address E. 0. ALLEN, _ _ - Augusta;4lsl.3. Marph 17. 1819-3 in, Cabine i l l` Card Photographs, and all special sizes, and finest styles of pictures, finished in firbtAclass mannerist Spencer's Art Gallery. Mansfield, Feb. 8, 1869. L ETTERS of Administration• having bees granted upon the Estate of Philena Lan die, late of Wollaboro, deed, all persona indebt. , ed to, or claiming against said estate must set tle with THOMAS ALLEN, Wollsbere, March 31, 1869-6 w. Admr. • .•-4) 0 "' pair largo Team, weight 2,000 lbs:, 2 Utica Wagons, I light two horse Democrat Wagoi, 1 light two horse dovered Wa.. gon, 5 pair Bob Sleds, part new, 2 'sett. koalry Harness, pr. binding Capin'', Ae. Terrniieasy. For further particulars i?quire DlM the store of B. . r lBooztf. • • Niles Valley, March 1 John 0. • orton, ATTORNEY dr, COUNSELOR AT LAW, Law reneovillo, Tioga Cqunty, Pa: Moo over George ItioLotta,e Boot & Shoe Storti. Business attended to .Iv.ith promptness; apr. .4th, '69-17. ity 25 cis perysird 1 ANO A OQ'S, A - VULL Stock of Groceries at old prices at' DE LANO CO. 4px . 11 14;109. de Wood'a_ Gallery. NATIONAL OP TIIR WARRINGTON, D. 0. 811444011 OFFICE PHILADELPHIA, 11. OFFICERS For all who call at No. 2 Union Block. in WILSON & VAN VALKENBURG AdministratoT's Notice. For sale.