64c Cog - a a ß itald: tsublishedeveryWedneaday 41'oorning nt . s 2 per Ye ar, invariably i n advazabe. COBB' &. VAN GELDER'. ' si . II .4303111.) A O7 V2ZIZMIELZISTO• Xi,...!T.M.: , .. • TEN prilito 6 lE:M7Eitoir, OR LXlii,ilAgE. 414 E S4l l Arkt 1 No.4;lB(i'ris. il In. 3 Ins. 1n5.13 Mole Mos. I f t„i,oo $2,00 ---- 1 S ^no 3,00 i • 1 5,00 ,1 1 square.,...]:sl,ools2,oo 2 S ithieeu ' • 2,00 3,00 Half C 01...... , 10,00 1 15,00 Ono Out. : 1 18,001 20.00 \ Special Notional() cents per line; Tditorlit 'or Local 20 c 1, , is per line. MASONIC OSSEA LODGE, No. 31.7, A, Y. M., nientn nt their Hull over Dr. Roy's drug store. on Tuesday evening, oh or before the Full Moon, at 7 o'clock P.M. TYOGAMATTNR, No: 194, Ft. A. M., meets at the 11alli on Thursday evening, on or before tho Pull ]Mon, at 7 o'clock P. M. TYOCIA COUNCIL, N 0.31, If. Ar S. MASTP.tIS, meets at the Hall, on the third Friday of each calendar month, ut 7 o'clock P. M. TYAGAOHTON COMMANDERY. N 0.28, of KNIGUITS TEMPLAR, and the . atpendant orders, meets at the Haiti on the, Brat Friday of each calendar mouth, at 7 o'clock ,P. M. 8. F. WILSON. J. B. NILES. WILSON & NILES, ~TroltgEYS COUNSELOAS AT LAW, (First dciei from , Bigoney's, on tho Avenuo)— Will attend to business ontrusted to their:care in the counting of Tiogalrnd 'Potter. Wollabor°, Jan. 1, 1868. JOHN I. MITCHELL A rTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, 1 - 1 Wellabor°, Tioga Co., Pa. Claim Agent, ,Notary Public, and Insurance Agent: Ite wilt knead promptly to collection of Pensions, Back Pay and Bounty. As Notary Public he takes acknowledgements of deeds, ad ministers ortbs, and will act as Com lissioner to take testimony. //RI -Office over Roy's rug Store; adjoining Agitatoi)Dflice.—Oct. 30. IE7 • John W• Guernsey, ATTO.IO.ttY AND COUNSELOR. AT LAW'. 4avingtreturned to this county with a view of making it his permanent residence, solicits a Aare of publlo patronage. All businespron trusted to his care "will be attended to pith promptness and fidelity. Office 2d door south of E. S. Fares hotel. Tioga, Tioga Co., Pa. Sept. JOflN B. SHAK•SPEAItr., DitA,P,EIVAIsiA) TAILOR. Shop over John R. lloyftWEr..6l,o4re.. Cutting, Fitting, and itepairing.done, promptl ' Est style. Welist:wn 17- CLOP— Shop first door north of L. A. Sears's ,aoe Shop ! Repair :T:4 JOllO promptly ond Wellstieie,..lin.; Jan.' 1,1848.71 y. 301-31 V ETNER, TAILOR AND CUTTER, Las opened a 'shop Orkftop,street, rear of Sears 4k Derby's shoe vii )p, where he is prepared td manufacture gar awitts to order. in the most substantial manner, with dispatch. Particular attention paid to putting and Fitting. March 26, .1868-1 y Dr. C. It. Thompson [WELLSBOROGGII PA.] Wit' ‘Lltund. to Professional calls in the village ; „1 Wellsboro and elsewhere. • mike and Reside cc on State St. 2d door •on the right going E st. Piffle. 24, IS6S. D - it ICON, Lana the 2.1 Pa . Cavalry, after. ne.irly four years of artily servi e, with a large ne,ln field and hospital practice ; has opened an h.r the practice of medicine and surgery,. in all hviaches : Parsons from a distance can find good at the Pennsylvania Hotel when desired.— Will any,part of the State ireaconsnitation, or to iet t*.a surgital operations. No. 4, Union Bloch, up- Wellsboro, Pa., May 2,15136.—1 y. .W . m. EL Smith, KSIIX VILLE, Pa. Pension, Bounty, /utl In >%tr Agent. Comtnunieations sent to the ab..~onddrosa will receive prompt attention. 'fermi moderate. Dan 8,1888-1 y) Thos. B.Bryden zqii!vEyOlt R DRAFTSMAN.—Orders Yell a id, I.om, Townsend Hotel, Wellsboro, wil “..:ut with prompt attention. - Jan. 13. 1867.—tf. U. E,t OLNEY I , DEALER in CLOCKS le JEWELIIY, SILVER 1 PLATED WARE, Spectacles, Violin Strings, kte , Mansfield, Pa. Watches and Jew elry neatly repaired. Engraving done in plain English and German, I leopt67 , ly. . Hairdressing & Shaving. Saloon over Willcox Barker's Store, Wells- Iwo, Pa. Particular attention paid to Ladies' flair-cutting, Shampooing, Dyeing, etc. Braids, Pudgy, ewis, and'swlehes on hand and made to or- I sr. 11. IV. DORSEY. J. j-O.IINSOII. r J. G. PUTNAM, - I , [ itt l .;; it ‘ I V II II , E G 1.1 1 T v — A T A f e R n t w f i el E E a 1 1, 1 s the Also best M fJr. Scewarc, Oscillating Movement for Gang and, Muiay Sim,. rioga. Pa., Aug. 7, 1868, ly. C. L. WILCOX, 1),; der in - 1') ItY GOODS of all kinds Hardware .to.l 1." to key Notions. Our assortment is largo and pric'os luw. Storo in Union Block. Call in g •n I tpolau.—Enny 20 1868-Iy. PETROLEUM ROUSE, W ['FIELD, VA., 0 EOllO E ,CLOSE, Propri. bilor. • hotel conducted on the principle of let live, for the accountuudatiott of the public.—Nuv. 14, 1866.-Iy. FARR'S HOTEL, 1'104,, TIOGA COUNTY, PA liuu~l:n.i6ling S l attached, Olean attenttive hoe . . . Proprietor. lIILL'S HOTEL, I• i . Isoret,igh, Tioga Co. Pa., E. U. A new and commodious all the modern improvements. e .Iriies of thebest hunting and th7h lazs .0 Northern Penn'a. Conveyances * r..rmB moderate. as 4 tdd 'WALTON HOUSE, Gaines, Tioga County, Pa. , IORACE C 1111.MILYEA,'Pttor7a. This ie IteA liotoi located Within easy access of the _ bobt imlhunting grounds in North ern i'eiin•ylvaniri. No pains will be spared th o ie , iiiumodation of pleasure seekers and . z.titi traveling public. [Jan .1, 18118.] • 'Bounty and Pengion'Agenev. • , ur-AviN a ~ ~ ,, , , - o , l ,leinnttinstruqim.,s; a repaid to 11 the homily allowed by the, act approved rely 24, .“••1 tutting on hand a large :Aupply of all try ',lank , I am prepared to pro.ccute all pen `t," and imunt3:trims Which may be placed in my teteli rsott , Ai king at a distaneeenu communicate ni,.t y 4,lllmter. And tlt , elr communication r. will he pt 4w,1 . Sllllll . W t.111,t.t. 24..1866 . q,ARKNESS . & 13.ILEY, 800! AND SHOE MAK ERS, °Ctr. V:l4 , Irl 711 n 'ruikcaZ• it r Store,. irt the _I okly ocotpicd by Benj. Seelty, • .. , '4ll irfOES 'of" all k,inds tuade.te' ..I , ler awl it, the best manner: " all kinds done promptly an',h u • a call. JOHN HARKNESS, wm, RILEy. We llaboro,Jan.2,lB6B- Iy. BM 87, 00 12,00 80 ; 80 CD,OO $2 3 60 $5,001 4,00 8,00 17,00 1 '22,00 30,001 40,00 , 12 ut) 19,00 60,00 80,411) 121 . . . ... . ... . _ ' • ,;,. y 1 o'l,'. i• ? . :•-•, • ...1 - ,+ ~ f. •••: :1 1w . )...111 .1 i'. :• ,' 1 •, ! Z. • :!•!. 'iDi '_57!..t : !..:. •) h• ••• 1;1 ;!: .3 g•' f - e- t-: '-.• .- ! -, •• .i . ~ . . , . , .. ,. . 1 • .4, <- • <, , 1 . „., ...• !1.: . ...'.. < „ 1 , x ~.. '..,. 4 ,s i i 4 I.: t, 0 A• - ' - 'ate 51 ' • L .i• ,: / P • i a.l • , . i t ^......." i , - .=...i' 1., '',a): 1 , :.• :, t , • - 1 f- . I - --,.:( i i g . 1 -N . - .- - . 5... . . ' , i . - • " i '1 1 ''.-7 - ..., . 1 1.,.: . ',...;..,":,: •I\„. , , • -* I 1 \ Z.''' ~....• 1 • i . Pf ., ; `•'' ft ..-.;- - - .. , - i , ',.. -. • 3 - . '• . . _ . . )'• '' •:. 'i .- ' - 4 •• .- ~ : ~ .. 4.1 .. , ,i • t ,•• ;., . _ _ ... -i "'" ti • ---- - 1 ; 1- i ( II Id Al, I 'Li ,- - -' :1 -.7N' • - ...:' l i . . 7., .' ''' fi.:-: - -, ' ..";•.......;:- , ' '--; ,:l ., ' • 4' - i i _ i - - ; \--,.......,.. ,'_••• • , : , • rft.ii, '\ . ~..., , l ... -, • • - -7-1-4"-, .- • '''\--• - • 1 ' • ..• • . ..- •-•, - , • • f', 4 4 ":. • ' .. : N. , , , • I I - - v I •- _ 000 K 'II Nlik it 8 1 1 Arm ' ' BLINK . 8061.1 - MANUFACTORY, Eial4win, - Sticet, (SIGN Ole TLLL.IIILd 1300 K, 2D PLUD'it,) ELMI.RA, N. Y. \ CITY r -6'71.- GOOD As rur. BEST, CAEAY A$ TDE: ell EA BE,.. 4 -T . - , BLANK. BOOKS Of,erery description ) in all styles of Binding, and as low, for quality of Stock, as any Bindery in the State. Volumes of every description 13 , 0 #4 1 1 OR *0)020f/01bl/ 1 P, ritlY lo or dered. ALL RINGS OF GILT WORK . , Executed' iikbe beSt manner. Old Books re bound and madb good as new. wikagavina'kzu&walg COMPLETE YOUP, SETSI I asa prepared to furnish back'nainluers of all Reviews or Magazines published' in the 'United States or Great Britain, at a low price, - BLANK BOOK & OTHER PAPER, Of all sizos and qualities,on band, ruled or plain, BILL HEAD PAPER, Of any quality , or size, on,hand and out up ready for printing. Also, BILL PAPER, and CARD BOARD of all colors and quality, in boards or cut to any size. STATIONERY, Cap, Letter, Note, Pap - pr, Envelopes, Pens, Pencils, Atc. I am solo agent for ' of. SHEPARD'S NON-CORROSIVE STEEL PENS, OF VARIOUS SIZES, FOR LADIRS AND GENTLEMEN, Which will warrant equal to Gold Pens. The best in se and no mistake. Tho aho , o stook I will sell at the-Lowest Rates \ at all timosi lar -4 1Clunall.,.14iiinee! 44; New York prices, and In Uantitlei to suit purobtiseii. ;All work and stock warranted as represented. I respectfully a licit a share of public patron ago. Orders by,thftd promptly, attended to.— "' '' ' ''AVriliasils ItODISAtIER, . _ Advertiser Building, • Elmira, N. Y. Sept. 28, I . UNION, HOTEL. MINER WATKINS, PROPRIETOR. ETAV ING , fitted up a new hate' building on Old. site of the old Uuiun Hotel, lately destroyed Ly 'fire, I ant now ready to 'receive and entertain guebts. Thu Union Hotel was 'intended for a Temperance House, and the Proprietor believes It enn•be sustained irith,ot grog. Ao Mtehtive hostler In attendance. Welisboro, June 26,1b67. R; liIIMALL, - • GROCERT - AND RESTAURANT, One door above the itTea.LMarket, EL.4,.5130.1t0, PENN'A, lIESPECTPL:LLY announces to the trading public, that ho has a desirable stock of Gro ceries, comprising, Teas ' Coffees, Spices, Sugars, Molasses, Syrups, and all that coaFtitutos a first class stock. Oysters in every style at all sea sonable hours. Wellsbore,.Tan:2, IS67—tf. 13 c:. 4::, t rsi - 41 tEi 1:b. ca or, is.. Great Excitetnoittl Johnsoil Impeeohe4 , and Rm. broe's BODOT3 and Shoes triumphant! The subset il,er would say to the people of Westfield and vicinity thAt Leis manufacturing A Patent Boot which he believes t,, pOSSCES the following athautage ever wig °there; yet, there le no crl roping; Id, no Irrin enveasthey'bre.d: to the feet; 3,1, no ripping, in short; they are Just the thing for everybody. Samples on Land and orders solicited. Solo right of , Westtield - t owhshirftrid Bore' sectiehtl. lie has also Aust received a splendid set ni balmorul patterns, 'meet styles. Corne , one, como all l We are bound t °sell chdap fotcashor'ready pay. Shop one door south of Sanders Sr, Colegrove. Westfield hot a', Feb.l3 IStiq. EMBIBEE. WALKER & LaTimor. - • DEALERS /N HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, NAILS, STOVES, TIN-WARE, BELTING, SAW, CETLEKV, WATER LIME, AG RICIMTURAL,.II4PLEMppITS) Carriage) apd Harness Trimmi4's, ITARNESSES,.SADDLES, ' Corning, N. Y., Jnu. 2, 1,07-Iy. HEART, YE 1 HEAR YE! lIEAEJ iBARiI*IS, FIRKINS, CHURN.S, BUTTER TUBS, &c., Kept l con stantly on hand, and furnished to or der, by W. T. MATHERS, at hia•new store, 24;"d00r aboyo.Roy's Build/inn Wollaboro, ; (Soile 10,1868.) Scales! Scales ! Scales ! THE Buffalo Platform Scales, all ordinary sizes, for heavy, and counter use, may be found at the Hardware .s gate of Roberts, Wellsboro.' Thies° Scalas3firo the Fairbanks pat. ent and have no superior anywhere. They are madam n the best style and have taken the premi. : am at all the great exhibitions. I have the solo agency for these Scales in this region. WILLIAM ROBERTS. Wellsboro, Feb. 12, 1911 S. PACIFIC ITCYTEE 170, 172, 174, d 176 GREENWICH ,Sll., Nei° Yol k THEUN,DER§IG NE)), takes pleas ure in announcing to his numerous iriepds and patrons that froto this date, the charge of the Paeltlo will be s2„irper day. . Being. sole Proprietor of tide tiouse, and th.ire fore free from tho—toocommon exaction or no inordinate ,rent,_ he able tp, meet. thh downward tendency of prioofiThlique any falling ' - off of service. It will now, as heraofore, be his aim to main tain undiminished tho favorable reputation• 0 the Pacific, which it has enjoyed for many years, as one of tho best of travelers hotels. The table will be bountifully supplied Will every delicacy of (ho aetteon; The attendaneo bo foutO. otlieieut and obliging. Tho location be found 'eontenient tor those whose business calla thew in the part of tho ciiy, being one' dour north of Qp-i -land Street, and ono Week West or 111 . 0 , 1thu. , ), and of ready aceeei to .111 Rail Rood II i i Steao. boat Lines! Dee. 2,18643-Gm Ntw Tobacco Store ! .subseriber finm fitted op tho i•oorns ad joining D. P. Robert 4 Tin tind for thernanufacture and kale of CIGARS, (all gradeg); _Fancy and Coml;zon SMOKING. TOBACCQ,lllic4igan Fin f, Cut WIETVINO, and all ihals of I PLUG TOBACCO, PIPES, and tit; chai. ce.sl Brand of C10,11?,Q. xi, - Call and sec for yourseho, •; JOHN W. PURSE:f, Wellaboro, New. 11, 18tiS ‘ -- tf: lo FARMERS .•• • :1 - TPLK RUN PLASTER.—:Wei.herebY•-eertity 4 thatwe hGive nsed the ,Plat‘ter,planufaettlred Chnnapney fr , l3ernatier; at thiair tvorks,,on Run; in Gaines townihlp,nnd to he equal if not superior to the Cayugn Plot er. Enivid Smith Sli Coriab 'A' P'Cone M H Cobb H E Simmons. , Bert - inner W Barker Asa Smith r Strait S B Davis .Albort Ring . John 0 Wier. J H Watrous H Watrous Ll. Morph It M Smith 0 A Smith H M Foote J D Staait. P C Van Gelder J J Smith Jarod Davis J F Zimmerman C L King L L Smith. N. B.—Plaster always on hand at the Mill.— Price S 5 per ton. Nov. 4, 1868. MMM:!Mffi .~J ~ .. Aben Ott nit 61141aCi a# • httliny days'their'glierdolif 6 ing taiiii•agai» is young and fair And amorous with musky spring. Tint gotten nureljugs of the Airty t,i4n.spiel - orq,,§treiv tllp. ! ;(,Etiv,glod grpcnii bppa.of tender-pda v typiav, , lihtuu .1:;,, Mark how the rippled currents flow; What lustres on the'meadows lie ! And hark, the songsters come and go And thrill ,betwoon tho earth, and sky. Who NM ua that the yore had fled Or borne afar our blifsful'youth ? Such joys arc all about us spread, • • , alt' e now the. whisper waa .uet trutb,. . : - The birds, that break from gums and grove, Sing every enrol that they sung When first our veins wore rich with love, , And May. her mantle round us flung. freEliq t dawn! Ii 0;41 Ji ‘ le 0 etirth'e 'aittiot 'ard • true, With whose delights our souls are rife And aye their vernal vows renew ! Then, darling; walk with me this morn : Let your Inownitresses diliak its' sheen; These violets, within them worn, Of floral lays shall make you queen. What though there comes a time of pain When autumn winds forbade decay; Tho•days of love are borne again, , That Tabled , time is far "away And never seemed the land so fair IWV , , nor birds atteh notes to sing, Slim.: lust within your shining hair %covc tho,hlossoing of tlic §P l { lB. ' ' N i It was a pri , ate parlor of a hotel in t l he Provinces. Two men sat at a well spiend breakfa.s t table:- The younger had just pushed back from the table with an impatient movement. . ... 'No.' he saidlabruptly, ' I cannot eat, I (-:iiiiiiit. drink . . If I believed in pre-: :=en ti mon Is 1 should say I felt a warn ing t)l- ,, ffoti*t,hiiig Adisameable if i* liorlitae.)''-. Well, then my dear nephew,' saltl the elder, as; you do not believe gri such things, why not make yourself emnfortable and enjoy your breakfast? You aro. not to start.tintil to morrow anyway, .yoli sk now.' - • The young mtin" - arose from his seat and Nk aMed to the window, throwing it open nod looking - out into the frosty, brilliant stuishine, The air was in tenrely cold, and; reddened his cheeks instantly. lie drew in his head, say ing— .. • I shall start:this morning. Therp,'s` going 16 ben stortri,-und must wili you Uccoinliany ine tlit'sgation ? The train start,9 - in an hour.'' . ; "the uncle , Shivered and drew his ~ r,o.4,4ingjg own I tiloen. t • • he - said, leave" the house unless I'm obliged to. I did not leave England to get frozen by a Cana 1/4wintpi.Ti L I diknOt. - know you were so' Wllsh. - Al ice" - will not thank yon'for coming a day sooner. Womeit don't, like a bridgeromn aronikl when the wedding preparations are g - d=" lug on, no 'matter - how much in love they are. Take my advice, and stay here until the time appointed for You to start.' . . Robert Russel, the young man ad dressed, listened_ with grave civility,to his conk pan ions words. •... What •was such advice in comparison tvith the urging of his whole nature?— He had left • England three weeks be fore, to claim the woman of his choice; who had been a year . in Montreal; whither she had emigrated Vith'.her parents, carrying with her the love and promise of one whom she beloved with , utter devotion. Russell's uncle and adopted father had accompanied him, and now , sat smiling at the impatience, the whims oF.yontla.' '; . • ; • " There is u §torsi iising "in the air, in spite of the sunlight,' Russel said, still standing by the window, I should not enjoy being blockaded in by snow on my journey.' ' Probably not ; but you might as well expect it in this climate."' ' Wet, I shall take Alice back to England as eopn possible,' Russell said, with his hand on the door. Good bye, uncle, then, good bye.' Russel was soon speeding from the town, his eyes looking eagerly forward oN. , ee the vast stretches of snow'as if he would outstrip even the steam which -bore him. H(..y.as not half through his journey when from•the west, where, it Thad lingered through the sunny morn ing„ rose. tile tiltny [ wbite veil that is the herald - of snow. Weather-wise peo ple looked out of the car windows and shook their heads, sayin g — This" will be a hard one. It's just a year since the terrible storm that block aded in this .looking, felt his ,face grow Pallid in spite of his hopes, his youth ul energy. He did not fear the storm while on he cars; he knew they would get tO their destination before the stortn ;eclutrlll(ilßakeeßil ad Vit)4 16 re-' lard them much. 'But he remembered the twenty miles he must go in a cutter after the last station, for Alice waited him at the residence,of a relative, be yond Montreal. Her aunt had persua ded her to have the wedding there, where wealth could give its glow to the ceremony, and what girl could resist such an invitation. I,f, sliejiyere ) inqliontreaf !' mur mured Russell, and the first few flakes began to drift slowly downward. Soon the air was filled with fine sharp particles. , It ;grew colder instead of war►ncr, .0r: apparently so, , for the wind rose and whirled the snow fiercely. It had snowed two hours when Rus sell alighted at the station in Montreal. JO H rAirTEN It was already Cfal` 4 lt;lll.Ve that the gloom had ruitibtedlT A ,, 1611 moon. , lie was half bentimbed by cold and sitting . so long, but.he could not waizt -11-eason - tilld ,-him that, be was a 'day early, mid Might 'easily stay, in the city until t p-morrow ; but some feverish, morbid haste urged him. on—it was int-, ooidefor hirtyfn rest qpio,t p, ;Tomei) t. .1. !if re`,S . t eli a a. , ,leiw itil.oe,ri/ . s lig the inight, lire in the waiting room. Theo ie de cided to go to the house occupied by 1 Alice's parents. I A rri vc-ti at,tlici lionsp, : ,lie learned with 1 dismay that:Alice had left two or three , hours previous. Oppressed with fearful rforebbtling lie •hurried, on; taltin," the road %% Web - his, ScifVant' stiPpoSed her I driver hall selected. As he emerged in itpl ;lity ope,w;country ; the runners of the cutter sank deep into the snow.— ' The horses strUggfett; dt4perately thro' the drifts, while the blinding storm and `beribinbilig , cob:Vali:nest'. _overpowered hitn.' - Tii arouse himself from the leth argy which ho felt was - `the Precursor of death, he stepped mit of the sleigh and plodded on beside it. For hours it seemed to him, li.i travelled, alternate ly walking and riding, the animals he drove being almost exhausted. "T.13.© da..6l,teLticou.., cb.Kk BETROTHED ANEW. DV E. C. STEDMAN ( .Itigitellantolto gtading. A NTG HT IN A STORK. MO IMENIE ICI ESE 8 id OnlY,3vlili'i snort oat su i rt inise or alarr; his hoMes'stopped and throw u . ti! their heads, thel eyes starting in ithear, i l, sockets, at somet fug indistinct in the, gloom ahead.' There is something infecting in th§ atin ro oC4ifillilali4and..lll44elLife4. S-hpstkheeks pale , 'o 14e,pioveft4101v: Yi for -1 •Wrrci, lefMnt; the homes atendingthere., A shudder like the first chill of ttli - linpending doom!, shook•the young man as he eathou pon ja; cutter - overturned in, the now , . Ile Was .close to'it before he l .eotild ,'Make'•Out! ,Whtitj‘ it 'Was.' There . 1416 i • - e. no liorgeS i latttichedFthate-saw , in a glance-but lie tugs Nierectit short off, were fastene there. The snow had, blewnN:way fro one side.of . bv the i sloigh,, one ivhile , Ithe 'others sidb ^Weis' , deep , imr, bedded. Ho leaped upon the runner r h an dhurriedly. pulled. ,the bufralo robes :away; a fear.eauie uponlaluaiisueli as he had never known before. , At last, it seemed,tohitu so long, thOugh it was, hardly a Moment:L-1n that Snowy moon shine ho saw the Pallid face of a wo man lying motionless among her furs. With a suppreSsed cry he lifted that beautiful form to his. shoulder, and sat down on the cutter, bending his lips to the cold ones that could not respond to his caress. And yet she was not dead, —a faint breath Just Sighed across his cheek. • • : ; 1 Was it thus he had thought to greet his promised wit's . ? He could not think —ho knew..uoting but that tie had 4 , found Alice—M *his ,whole being•rose to the resolve th t ho would save her— that neither sow nor ice nor cold should take her from him. She was hls and he claimed her. • - - • But ha couhl not linger there ; he must be moving on, though ever so slowly. He bore his burden to his own i i cutter, taping N ith him the furs that could iii:Pt save her after that fearful sleep had begu . Ms 'horses walked on ' again—they needed no guiding— they could find their own way bettor than matiCould direct.:• ,: .' .; knything but intense love would have despaired i that tempest of snow, with that pitile-s wind freezing across the' earth; raisi Who glow' on the blue white face agait st his own. . be roughly hands and face severer measur: the. lethargy wa. felt - the fierce f and seemed to s, less request to b! Russell had. prgotten the cold for hiniself r the snw swept by him un heeded. Again ho lifted her in his arms and stepped out into the -snow, letting her shinbeside him, then try ing to make ler fight her way on, 11 knowing that if she could once be roused shewas-f3aved. , At first she fetdown helplessly, sank inanimately with no wish tp stir. But in - a moment hs ebasidess• efforts had some eMet, and he could coOlpel her to use her muscles slightly, though her head dropped in an nnknos leg .stupor. Russell tell that he had never suffered tiel